#kendall roy core
littlebabywille · 1 year
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finance bro after a long day of making deals
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befooremoonrisee · 2 years
stannis baratheon is such an underrated and misunderstood character. he is the literal definition of a middle child, always overlooked and ignored.
since he was a child, he was overshadowed by robert's strenght and renly's charm. he lost his parental figures and his older brother went away to the vale. he had to step out and act like the lord of storm's end.
then, the robert's revolution happened.the storm's end's siege started and he bodied the targaryens. he was barely an adult and he managed to keep the castle during years despite all the adversities and his lack of charisma as a leader. he was like 18 and he fought until the end, never giving up. he was an essencial part of robert's victory.
stannis has daddy issues. he just needs to be reassured by an older male figure, but he never got that. his brother was away, parents dead and then robert came back and he was an asshole. he not only overlooked him as lord's of storm's end, but he humiliated him by having sex in his bed during his wedding. he grew resentful, but he was always loyal to robert until the end.
he was a sad, lonely man whose only true friend was an ex-smuggler, not the type of person you imagine a lord associating with. he was wedded to a woman he did not love nor respect and his only daughter and heir, the only person he loved, was almost killed by a toy he bought. his life was always full of tragedy, resentment and self-pity.
he was the perfect person to be targeted by a cult and so he was. he was completely brainwashed by melisandre and the religion of r'hllor. imagine if all your life you have been the second choice, the one no one likes, that dude who is only kept around because he is useful and then a beautiful woman comes to you and tells you you're the chosen one and your fate is to save the world from complete destruction, who wouldn't have become a religious fanatic? melisandre was giving him the respect and appreciation no one gave him before.
he singlehandedly defeated renly and joffrey with just one death. and that death broke him even more and made him madder. he just killed the brother he practically raised and that was the point of no return. if he wasn't azor ahai renly's death would just be for nothing. the war he was fighting would be for nothing. all the death, all the suffering would just be for nothing.
he was possibly the best strategist and military man in the war of the five kings. tywin is just ruthless polician, not that good in the battlefield, he was constantly beaten by 16-year old robb stark. robb stark was a talented warrior and strategist, but he lacked the experience. renly was just vibes and balon greyjoy was an old man with dellusions of grandeur.
however, by no means is he innocent, he killed people in a horrific way, but he was brainwashed by a cult. he burned people and children alive, but he thought that those deaths had a purpose. what is the life of one person compared to the survival of the human race? he was not the only monarch in westeros to sacrifice people for the greater good. dany uses fire as a means to punishment and she sacrificed a person to give birth to her dragons. aegon v killed half of his family trying to get back the dragons, but we don't see those deaths that badly because we understand the endgame. dragons are needed to defeat white walkers. stannis believes he is needed to defeat white walkers.
i think most of the misunderstanding that comes with stannis comes from two places: he has the charisma of a stick and we are never in his mind. we witness his mistakes and tribulations, but we don't see why he makes that decisions. the character see him as a self-righteous prick and that's how we see him, but ned was also kind of a self-righteous prick, but he had certain middle-aged-dad charm and we were with him, we understood him.
stannis is the only king who says "fuck the iron throne i have more important stuff to deal with", he gets his shit together and he heads north to try to help the night's watch with the white walkers. no one else did that. no one else gave a fuck. just him. and book!daenerys won't be so eagered to help north immediately because she will have her own dance of the dragons to deal with, fighting the only kingdom who has a dragon body count. stannis will probably be the only king who sticks around to help in winds of winter.
stannis' fate in the books will be sad, he will probably have a horrible demise. probably in his death he will realise that all the people he burned alive was for nothing and his conscious will make him feel immense pain. he will die knowing that he lost himself trying to fulfill a prophecy that was never meant to be his. because prophecies in the world of ice and fire only bring pain, misery and death.
disclaimer: i don't condone any of his actions, i just think that he's more complex and interesting than most people give him credit for. and every girl deserves to have her middle aged villainous character she will defend until the end.
another disclaimer: in this house we stan book!stannis, if he kills shireen just for defeating the boltons, he's dead to me. (i think he will burn shireen but like for a battle against the white walkers, like a last resort kind of thing).
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gmaybe666 · 7 months
I think what I did to the guy by abruptly ending our dating was very kendall roy and successioncore of me, walking out with no real rhyme or reason except that I wasn't vibing with it and just fuck it.....leaving confusion and bitterness in my wake.. im proud of me
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shivology · 2 years
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pollenallergie · 3 months
i understand that kendall isn’t the youngest roy sibling and that he was also on drugs for like most of episode 7 (season 1), but his behavior during that episode is so incredibly youngest-sibling-coded. i have genuinely never related to him more than during the latter half of that episode.
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noxdemon · 1 year
Has anyone compared the argument at the end of Austerlitz (s1e7) with the karaoke bar scene in the latest episode? cuz rewatching it is insane, it's basically the same discussion. Shiv is actively arguing with Logan, Kendall is high (in s1 on drugs, in s4 he seems manic) and making jokes about Logan's hypocrisy while never adressing his own trauma, Roman is trying to make himself as small as possible and seems mostly on Logans side, Connor makes a comment about how lonely he is, how he's the odd one out and Logan tells his kids that they're not serious people, that they don't understand the world like he does. The circumstances might have changed, but at their core the dynamics will stay the same.
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regulesbian · 4 months
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tolerateit · 1 year
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i know what you are
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✧ parallels : rue bennet (euphoria) + kendall roy (succession) a very poor set of my fav white lesbian boyfailures
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kendallville · 5 months
Jeremy Strong endorsing Core Response.
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myplasticadversary · 11 months
Also yeah I know that sounds ironic considering the KenLaura post right before lol, but to me that's more them sharing a particular narrative archetype separate from their genders, or rather that are both gendered in complementary ways. Laura being the good girl town icon, Kendall the king of the empire, cracking under the pressure of either expectations.
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shehungthemoon · 4 months
ajdfbjk okay what about ,, kendall/ward for one of the hand-holding prompts ('holding hands under the table' is soooo [chef's kiss] but . all of them are wonderful !!)
gael im kissing you on the mouth and going fucking insane 🖤 x
The bar was blaringly loud and smelled like the sticky sweet sugar of mixed drinks. He breathed it in, catching the whispering trails of cigarette smoke and holding it in the back of his throat. Ward thought he might forget what color his suit was if he stayed in here under the neon strobe lights for much longer.
It was more of a club than anything. He felt all of twenty-one again and all too old at the same time, and he couldn’t bring himself to take another step into the place, nor a step back out the doorway he came from. He felt glued to the spot. That could be the bar tar, though.
He gripped the cell phone in his hand and vaguely considered lowering the brightness so it wouldn’t be shining like a beacon in the dark of the room. He didn't make a move to, though. Didn't make a move to do much of anything.
He was jostled out of his frozen indecision by the sharp heel of a stiletto stabbing the top of his foot. The girl that tumbled into him from the side blinked fast and unfocused up somewhere near his face, and Ward swallowed a swear.
“Whoa!” She slurred, still stumbling against him to get upright. “In the way, man. Sorry! Move, mm-please.”
Ward felt his spine stiffen and his diaphragm spasm as he looked down at her, at the muddled-silver glitter streaking down her throat to the swells of her breasts, at the way her baby hairs were tangled and slicked to her forehead with sweat. He felt all at once heavy and adrift and fucking overwhelmed, and with a jolt he pushed himself away from her and the doorway and through the mess of bodies and high-tops until he hit the back wall, until he saw, thank holy Jesus, who he came here for.
“You don’t really fucking fit in here, do you,” he said, trying to not look like he was collapsing against the bar next to the man. He refused to sit. That implied staying.
Kendall’s chest shrunk in on himself; Ward imagined the sound of him exhaling heavily through his nose, what he couldn’t hear through the pounding bass and loud conversations. “Neither fucking do you, you fucking uh, relic.” He finally turned his head enough to glance at Ward out the corner of his eyes. “How old is that stiff fucking tie.”
Ward thought: Probably older than half the people in here. He didn't deign to respond.
Ward threw his cell onto the bartop a little too forcefully. After a beat Kendall glanced at the screen, still too bright for the dark of the club. Kendall squinted at it, then finished off the shot glass in his hand. Ward wondered if he’d been sipping at it like a fucked-up freak.
Kendall’s face was still infuriatingly blank, reactionless. He kept his dull eyes forward, somehow catching the attention of a bartender despite the way he seemed almost invisible where he sat, dark hair and drab clothing melding down into his chair and into the flickering shadows around him.
“Fucker,” Ward said, lowly. You made me drive halfway around town, it said. You wasted my fucking time, it said. You made me fucking worry, it said.
Kendall responded by sliding a shot glass in front of him, palming his own with his other hand. Ward didn't even see the bartender put them down. He gritted his teeth and grabbed his phone off the bar, clicking the off button as he did and hiding the searing white light of the Find My iPhone screen for good. He glared down at his glass. He couldn't tell the color of its contents, with the club lights throwing offensive pinks and oranges everywhere.
“This is fucking shit,” Ward hissed through the harsh burn running along his tongue and against the back of his throat. “What the fuck Kendall.”
“It’s,” Kendall waved his hand over the bar, voice flat and echoey. “Watermelon flavor.”
Ward couldn’t wrap his mind around that. Refused to, actually. Fucking watermelon.
“It’s worse than vodka straight.”
The muscles of Kendall’s throat moved in a manner that suggested he was attempting a laugh. “A brand issue. Don’t knock the fuckin’ flavor.”
Fucking watermelon.
“If you say you’ve had more than three of these I’m leaving you.”
“Ok, bro. We’re in too fucking deep for that.”
That's not what Ward meant. He meant he’d leave through the door he came in and get back in his fucking car. He only put fifteen minutes on the meter, he’d walked half that to get here.
Ward felt anger and pain and something even worse than all that bubble in his throat. His chest hurt, his head hurt, and the music was too loud against his eardrums.
He sat down in the chair next to Kendall and shoved his front teeth into his tongue until he could catch the eye of the bartender and order a coke.
“Pussy,” Kendall said.
Ward kept his gaze forward, eyes falling over the rainbow of liquids and labels lining the back wall. He reached out a hand, safe and hidden from the searchlights of the club under the darkness of the bar, and found Kendall’s fingers easily. He let the tension bleed out of him, didn't have to force the small smile he gave the bartender when he placed a new glass down in front of him. He curled his fingers around Kendall’s where they rested low on the man’s thigh, and felt the condensation cascade along his other hand’s as he took a sip from his drink. It was syrupy and balmy against the still bitter taste of the vodka in his mouth.
He felt Kendall shift under their hands, and imagined him exhaling again.
They sat in silence for a bit.
Eventually the thought of his ticking meter became urgent enough to move. He explained as much to Kendall with softer tones than he meant to, shifting out of his seat.
Kendall let him go far enough for most of their fingers to drop, but curled his pointer finger around Ward’s thumb at the last moment. He swallowed as Kendall pushed himself out of his own chair, leaving his shot untouched. Ward was glad he’d had his own as Kendall tugged them toward the exit, through the warm bodies and exposing lights, fingers still looped.
The closer they got to the doorway the more the music faded, and the tightness in chest loosened, and the worry slowly seeped from his brain and his spine and his lungs like it was never there.
Kendall tightened his hold when they finally stumbled into the cool night air, and Ward breathed easy.
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befooremoonrisee · 2 years
mitski wrote “i bet on losing dogs” about davos seaworth and stannis baratheon, she told me herself
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stewystew · 10 months
Also Jesse dying his sideburns again right after his whole thing about honesty or whatever. <3
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cartoonpigeon · 4 months
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some Roman rambles from school :3
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iwait4youalexg · 8 months
My mom let me have these slides to wear around the house something about them is giving off celebrity luxury rehab facility vibes…as such I have paired them with my mental hospital socks
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