#kensei x mashiro
Tite Kubo said "here's your middle age man. He has a bad haircut, a creepy smile and you're gonna love him"
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And we Bleach girlies collectively said yes.
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greyskyflowers · 5 months
Ichigo has horrible nightmares, because I refuse to believe that he doesn't, and insomnia.
Most of the time he just gets up for the rest of the night, goes to train or on runs to try to burn off the anxious energy.
If they're bad enough, or he's at the point where if he doesn't sleep then he going to pass out, he develops a habit of goes finding certain people.
The nightmares leave him a little frazzled, mind messy from lack of sleep and fear. They leave him a little more vulnerable, a little less self conscious of getting comfort because he may shake out of his skin if he doesn't settle down. Sometimes he does things without realizing it, fight or flight kicking in along side unsettled hollow instincts, and he's off to find somewhere he feels safe and can sleep.
In the human world, he'll sneak in to find Kisuke. Right, sneak, like anyone in that building doesn't know he's there.
Sometimes Kisuke's in his labs so Ichigo just sits down outside the door, just enough out of the way to not trip anyone, back to the wall and arms crossed over them to rest his head on.
It soothes the vulnerable feeling, the sharp edge of terror in his chest. He trusts Kisuke to sense a threat and respond to it. He also likes the feeling of his reiatsu, cool like river stones and soothing like summer rain.
If Kisuke is busy or out, then he'll find a spot where he feels close enough to Tessai or Yoruichi to grasp at them for comfort.
They're all great about it.
Yoruichi will come and curl up next to him, her reiatsu brushing against his skin like fur, soft and warm. She purrs until the panic doesn't itch under his skin so badly. He's woken up to blankets pulled over him and sometimes a pillow between him and the wall.
The true problems arise whenever he stays in soul society.
No one says anything but he knows they can all tell when he has a nightmare, his reiatsu reacting to his fear and discomfort. Between the nightmares and the fear of waking everyone up, he's too anxious to sleep.
It's the 4th night with no sleep and he's restless, eyes burning and head reeling. It's familiarity that has him walking mindlessly until he finds Shinji's office. He slips in and ignores the sharp gaze immediately on him. This isn't new, he did this a few times while training with them.
He sits down in the far corner, back to the wall and facing the door. He draws his legs and rests his head on them. He already feels better, sleep creeping up on him fast.
All the visored have a eerie quality to their reiatsu but Ichigo likes it, especially like this. The sun warmed and soft sandy feeling of Shinji's reiatsu covering him is enough for him to sleep.
Shinji might be the only one beside Kisuke that Ichigo breaks his distance rule for. It's easier for everyone if they keep acknowledgement to a minimum when Ichigo seeks them out in the night. They've had years, centuries some of them, to make their peace with what they've seen and done. Ichigo has not. It's a topic they all avoid, pretending that not talking about it makes it go away.
He's a little touch starved, he'll admit it. He doesn't get much contact that isn't fighting, or that isn't meant to hurt or teach.
The clawing urge to be safe eats at him, especially at night. It won't let him rest, keeps him awake with anxious thoughts or wakes him up with fear.
Very, very few things would willing take on Kisuke Urahara or Shinji Hirako, even if the prize was Ichigo.
So getting a little more personal is common with them. He sits a little closer, holds on a little tighter, visits them a little more. The pressure of their reiatsu feels like a weighted blanket.
He also find others he trusts for those nights.
He's goes to Kensei and ignores Shuhei's questioning and semi concerned look.
Kensei complains about having too many people in his office, Mashiro sticks her tongue out at him and Shuhei looks genuinely ruffled at the comment, but he doesn't turn Ichigo away.
He won't, wouldn't.
Kensei's reiatsu reminds him of swaying bamboo leaves and splotches of sunlight through tree branches, Mashiro's is tall grass and wildflowers, and Shuhei's is heavy but comforting.
Ichigo wakes up to Mashiro snoring on one shoulder, the side between him and the door, Shuhei is asleep on the other.
He also goes to Rose, who doesn't seem surprised to see him either.
Kira usually sits in the office too, a familiar restlessness and unease to him that Ichigo recognized in himself. They sit next to each other and it's nice to have the warmth of someone next to him.
He relaxes and can almost hear Rose's reiatsu humming, Kira's a gentle rain storm at his side.
There's a simmering fury that burns hot in the Visored everytime Ichigo comes to them, exhausted and anxious, and joins lieutenants already there for the same reasons.
Aizen left a mark on the younger ones, dark circles under their eyes and nightmares a constant battle.
Ichigo does well with them though. He sits quietly with Kira, sometimes they talk in low voice until they end up slumped against each other. He usually ends up between Mashiro and Shuhei, all of them falling asleep in a mess of limbs. He's unsure with Momo, a lot of people are, but she's growing to like him and it won't be long before they start talking. It doesn't hurt that Tōshirō thinks highly of Ichigo.
Tōshirō just waves him to the corner, in the middle of arguing with Rangiku and eventually kicking her out for the night. He's quiet as he goes back to work and the room is almost chilly, but it feels good against Ichigo's flushed skin. Tōshirō pauses a few times like he wants to say something, the words almost spilling out of his mouth, but he doesn't. He resumes working and Ichigo falls asleep to a snowstorm. Rangiku wakes him up in the morning with a smile and the smell of smoke and embers.
The 11th is... unexpected. It's the worst nightmare he's had in a while and stumbling out in a panic had brought him here. Maybe because nothing was stupid enough to come looking for a fight with Kenpachi and his men. That longing for safe eventually made the decision for him and he sat on the far edges of the division, hidden by the shadows. He knows that anyone awake would know he was there and sure enough, Yumichika comes around the corner and raises an eyebrow at him while Ikkaku looks over his shoulder. Ichigo just curls in a little tighter and watches them, waiting for them to kick him out or laugh. They don't do either. Yumichika just sighs and says something to Ikkaku and they sit down further down the walkway. They don't look at him, looking away or even closing their eyes. The tension slowly leaves, and it's hard to stay awake as he relaxes. The reiatsu that rolls over him smells like iron and he can vaguely tell where Kenpachi is, his reiatsu twisting and cracking like lightning.
He wakes up with just enough time to sneak out, hovering in front of Yumichika and Ikkaku hesitantly, only taking off when Kenpachi start howling about a fight.
They're laughing as he runs off.
Byakuya almost doesn't allow it, but Ichigo must look as bad as he feels because he only gets observed for a minute before he's ignored again. It's the only sign he gets that he won't get kicked out and it makes him hesitant at the door before slinking into the far corner and getting comfortable. He falls asleep to flowers and the cool warmth of spring cautiously grazing his skin. He wakes up to the smell of cold steel and the feel of scale and furs. Renji and Rukia sit beside him, waiting for him to wake up.
Do I go back and forth between Ichigo being everyone's secret crush or their collectively adopted, traumatized human? Yes, and everything/anything in between.
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brainbleached · 11 months
Visored help you to move on from a bad break up(sfw, recreational drugs mentioned)
Hirako Shinji:
- drags you to the jazz club
- you sit on the roof and smoke weed
Hiyori Sarugaki
- hands you a baseball bat
- "I know where they parked their car"
Kensei Muguruma
- calculates an exercise routine for you
- puts your ex's photo on a punching bag
Rojuro "Rose" Otoribashi
- "It's an allegorical ballad about beautiful bird who broke it's cage and flew free"
- it's 148 verses
Lisa Yadomaru
- a perfectly curated stack of manga just for you
- a speech how they didn't deserve you in the first place
Hachigen "Hachi" Ushoda
- pours you a cup of tea and gives genuinely good advice
- subtly roasts your ex so subtly but viciously you can't help but laugh
Mashiro Kuna
- ice cream is the best medicine
- and bubble tea
Love Aikawa
- pats you on the back
- "that's rough, buddy"
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Prompt: Mashiro tries to play matchmaker, and Kensei has had enough
“Why don’t you just go talk to her?” Mashiro asked. Spinning around in her chair next to their captain, while her partner did all the work.
“I can’t just do that Mashiro-senpai.” He replied. Calling her by her preferred honorific as, upon meeting him, insisted that he call her ‘senpai’ as she was older and the original 9th lieutenant. Dutiful as ever, Shuhei accepted her request without question; even if she had originally meant it as a joke. “That would be too forward.”
“Saying hello is too forward?” The pixie replied. Seeming genuinely confused before she sighed and slumped down in her chair. “Kenseeeei, we’re never going to get him married off.”
“Drop it, Mashiro. We’re not going over this topic again.” The captain replied. Not looking up from his paperwork.
The topic in question was the new 5th seat that had joined their ranks. With recent losses on the battlefield, there had been a lot of shifting of existing Shinigami and promotion of new ones to fill the ranks. Along with new recruits, [Y/N] had come over from the 12th to fill the open slot when the predecessor had died. Capable, charming, and beautiful, Shuehei had immediately taken notice of their newest member and had become hopelessly smitten. So smitten, in fact, that every time she walked into the room he clammed up. Making the seated officers meeting very complicated these past few months.
“But Kensei! It’s true! If we don’t help then Shuhei’s just going to be this pathetic, lonely, sad-sack for the rest of his life.”
“I’m not helping.”
“I’m not lonely or pathetic!” The men snap back at Mashiro.
She sighed again, this time crossing her arms, and ignoring them both. “Maybe if we sent them on a mission together? Out in the wilderness. That could be romantic…”
“Not. Helping.” Kensei repeated. Stamping the new file with a little more force than needed.
“No. That’ll never work. [Y/N] to clever to get lost in the woods like that. She’d probably find her way back in no time. Maybe we could all go out for drinks? Oh…but you can’t control your liquor….”
“I can drink just fine!” Shuhei insisted. Handing the captain more paperwork, while collected the completed forms, in a practiced choreography. “Just because I don’t power drink like you do, does not mean I can’t drink!”
“Just say you’re a lightweight and we’ll move on.”
“I’m not a lightweight!”
The bickering between the two lieutenants continued over their captain. The vein in his forehead beginning to throb. Until finally Kensei slammed his hands against the desk with a loud boom. “For Gods sakes!!”
He stood up from his desk and stalked over to the door, flinging it open with a wild gate that left many surprised it was still on its hinges. “You!” He shouted as he pointed to the terrified looking 5th seat. Innocently holding papers in the forum. “Go talk to him and figure out if you want to date or not. You!” He pointed at Shuhei with the same intensity he had for [Y/N]. “Get out of my office and don’t come back for 45 minute or your going out that window. Understood!”
“Y-Yes Captain!” Both Shuhei and [Y/N] agree in tandem, before they sprinted off in the same direction to get out of his sight.
Kensei heaved a sigh once they were gone, and went back to his seat to finish paperwork.
“Gee,” Mashiro commented after a pause, “why didn’t I think of that?”
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thetrinketbox · 11 months
Drunk again off another crush (Kensei x Reader)
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I wrote this for Kensei’s birthday and because he looks so hot in the new anime episodes. My man needs more fics about him! Also available on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49015216 "Congratulations!" "Yeah, who'd've thought an idiot like you would figure out bankai?" "Three cheers for lieutenant Hisagi!" The boisterous cheering filled the bar, a crowd of shinigami clustered together like a flock of crows in their black uniforms. They clinked their glasses together for the umpteenth time that night, Hisagi grinning like a schoolboy. "Thanks, guys!" he said, his cheeks somewhat redder than usual and his hair all mussed up from Ikkaku and Renji constantly ruffling it, like you would to a puppy. From your little corner of the bar, you watched all this going on, trying to look happy about it even as your mood sank lower and lower as the noise and celebrating grew louder. It seemed churlish to feel left out. This was Hisagi's moment, not yours, a celebration of a milestone that not many shinigami ever achieve. You were happy for him; you knew how hard he'd been working to master it and improve his relationship with Kazeshini. When you'd first heard that he'd finally done it, there had been no doubt in your mind that he'd always had what it took. But although you'd helped to arrange this little celebration, even hanging up some of the decorations with some people from Ninth (you weren't even part of Hisagi's division), and though he'd thanked you when you congratulated him and even given you a quick hug that made you feel all tingly, that was about all that had been said. His friends had arrived, first Kira, Renji and Kira and then later Ikkaku, Yumichika, Iba and Rangiku and he'd been swept up in a little bubble comprised of lieutenants (or near enough, in Ikkaku and Yumichika's cases) and suddenly it was like you didn't exist anymore. Like you said, it seemed childish to complain that Hisagi wasn't paying attention to you. You understood he'd obviously mostly want to spend time with his closest friends, the ones who had fought alongside him the longest and seen him in action the most. Seeing their happiness at his success truly was an amazing thing.
But...was it unreasonable you felt left out? Envious? Wishing you could even come close to having companions that cared so much about you? You didn't think it was, so you'd turned to the nearest available source of comfort - alcohol. You were several drinks in now and even though you'd tried to look like you were enjoying yourself, you could feel yourself growing more and more distressed and isolated, sitting nursing a drink you'd stopped actually drinking a while ago, which had turned unpleasantly watery now that the ice cubes had melted, and you weren't drunk enough for that not to matter to you. You pushed it aside in faint disgust, but now you didn't even have the excuse of not wanting to spill your drink - now you were just sitting here feeling abandoned and stupid. As Kira poured Hisagi another drink, you caught something flicker in your peripheral vision and turned your head to see a captain's robe, a stark contrast to all the black uniforms. Shit, when had Muguruma gotten here? Or wait, he'd been here before, hadn't he? That's right - Mashiro had gotten her hands on a whole bottle of vodka and mistaken it for something much milder. She'd chugged damn near the whole bottle and passed out, and Kensei had been forced to take her to Fourth Division before she did anything else stupid - apparently she had a nasty habit of abruptly thrashing awake and kicking, and Kensei was one of the only people strong enough to keep her steady and not be winded by her famous legs, so he'd vanished for a good chunk of the evening. You couldn't help but wonder if he'd purposefully taken longer than he needed to, so he didn't have to listen to the racket of his subordinate and other lieutenants getting wasted - Kensei was the only person who looked like he wanted to be here less than you did, and the thought was oddly cheering. Misery loves company, and all that. A vague ghost of a smile flickered at your lips, but it died again like a blinking lightbulb. You admittedly didn't know Kensei all that well, except that Hisagi had been fanboying constantly since the official announcement that the three former captains had agreed to return to their old posts. Time had passed since then, but Hisagi still seemed rather starstruck by Kensei, which was just as well - you'd heard he was a hardass, and if you were being totally honest, he kind of scared you a bit. He was no Zaraki or Kurostsuchi, but something about his size, intimidating aura and I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude was simultaneously scary and a little alluring. You could feel where he was from anywhere in Ninth - his reaitsu was powerful and tinged with an unusual aura, probably thanks to the Hollow that lived inside him. You wondered if Kensei was like that all the time or if he relaxed a little more in his downtime. You were certain you'd never seen him smile. As if he could sense your gaze on him, Kensei suddenly looked in your direction, a scowl on his face. You quickly ducked your head to avoid his gaze, cheeks burning.
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It was time to go home, you decided. There was no point sitting here moping because senpai wouldn't notice you anymore. You knew how your moods were only amplified when you drank, and you couldn't see the night improving from here. You were stuck in a tar pit of self-loathing of your own making, and besides which, though you were friendly with one or two of the lieutenants, approaching all of them was kind of intimidating. They understood each other in a way other seated members didn't, working so closely with their captains and yet not quite being on their level. It was a weird limbo to be in, for sure. Slowly you got up from the table, and immediately nearly fell to your knees as you stood up. Fuck. The booze always hit harder this way, and it took a lot of concentration for you to skirt around the crowd of people towards the exit, weaving back and forth as you walked. Before you reached that glorious, blinding white rectangle of an exit, a hand suddenly grasped your elbow. "Where are you going?" a voice demanded. You turned around and your stomach did some kind of somersault as you found yourself staring dizzily up at Kensei himself. He was scowling down at you, as per usual, but he didn't seem particularly angry per se - he had a very severe resting bitch face, so it seemed. "Sorry?" you said, which was at least slightly better than "Whu?" which was what you'd been about to say. When you realised, he thought you'd gotten confused on your way to the bar/bathroom, you gave a little shake of your head. "Oh, I'm just - I thought I should go home." Behind Kensei came another raucous round of cheering and a facial muscle of Kensei's twitched. Clearly the celebrations were grating on his nerves as well - however fond of Hisagi he was, he was not the partying sort of guy. You didn't know Kensei that well, but you knew enough about him to know that every sound of glasses or bottles clinking and sloshing beer on the ground was no doubt grating terribly. "You're in no fit state to walk home by yourself." Kensei pronounced, but before you could get indignant over this, he sighed. "I'll walk you back to your quarters." What?! "Oh, um, that's kind of you, sir, but it's really not-" you demurred - the thought of walking home with Kensei Muguruma at your side was an alarming one. "It's not up for negotiation." Kensei overrode you bluntly, so much so that you found yourself unable to muster a second stab at refusing. His hand went to your shoulder, and he began steering you towards the door. "Come on. From here on, it's their problem if one of them passes out in a puddle of vomit." You paused and made a face at the idea. "Yessir." ~ You were right - walking with Kensei Muguruma was an intense experience. Granted, it wasn't like he was shouting at you for drinking or asking you tricky questions. Instead, he was surprisingly quiet, keeping an eye on your ungraceful gait out of the corner of his eye, but otherwise he seemed content to walk through the winding streets of the Seireitei - you'd told him where you lived, and it wasn't so far away that either of you felt the need to whip out Shunpo. Anyway, as Kensei had pointed out, the fresh air would help sober you up some. Despite that, though, the silence had a tinge of awkwardness to it. Kensei was doing you a favour, but you got the sense he was regretting having offered. Your mind was in a whirl of confusion and alcohol, and you wanted to find something to say to make the journey feel a little less of a daunting voyage. Kensei's reiatsu washed over you like a heavy wind that hints at a thunderstorm - occasionally your arm would brush his haori and the hairs stood up on your skin when it broke out in goosebumps. Kensei didn't seem to notice. "Why were you sitting by yourself?" he suddenly asked - not looking at you but keeping his eyes straight ahead. You're taken aback by the question and your answer is vague. "Oh, well...I'd said my congrats to Hisagi, so I didn't want to get in the way while he was with his friends. His other friends." you said, lamely. "It felt rude to just leave in the middle of his celebration." "Tch. His friends are spoiling him. Most people don't get a fucking parade thrown for them for achieving a bankai." Kensei muttered, and you shot a surprised glance at him. But though his words were dismissive, his facial expression wasn't disgusted or scornful. Perhaps grumbling was Kensei's idea of speaking fondly of someone. "Why did you come, then?" you asked, seized with a sudden boldness - perhaps Kensei's candidness was infectious. "You don't seem like a... party type of guy, sir." "I'm not," Kensei said, waving a hand impatiently. "But I don't begrudge the kid. I worked him hard, and he gave me the results I was hoping for. That deserves recognition." Huh. You gave a hum of agreement and turned your attention back to the path in front of you. It seemed Kensei was right - you did feel a little more sober. Walking no longer felt like a tricky task that required all conversation, though you didn't regret your decision to leave. You doubted anybody had noticed you were gone. "So that was the only reason?" Kensei pressed, startling you. "You were just too scared to talk to him around his lieutenant friends? Or were you hoping something was gonna happen?" You nearly choked on your own saliva at the blunt phrasing. Kensei really didn't pay much attention to social niceties, did he? You chewed on the inside of your cheek. You'd never examined your feelings regarding Hisagi Shuuhei in detail - you knew he liked Rangiku. Kensei knew he liked Rangiku. Everyone and their mums probably knew it. So having feelings for Hisagi had never really crossed your mind, because they were doomed before they'd even had a chance to take root. But explaining all this to Kensei made you uncomfortable, so instead you simply said: "We're just friends." "Really." Kensei drawled, and was it your imagination, or was he messing with you? It was hard to tell with his deadpan manner of speaking. "Yes, really." you said, a little huffily. "And if you don't mind, I'd rather not discuss it further." "Tch." You both fell silent again, and you could feel heat creeping up your cheeks. It occurred to you that perhaps Kensei had had some alcohol to loosen his tongue a bit himself, it was just nowhere near as obvious with him since he was so big and beefy - it would probably take enough alcohol to knock over a horse before he started to show ill effects. Though you didn't know who in their right mind would give alcohol to a horse. You knew where you were now, and you glanced at Kensei. "I can take it from here if you have somewhere to be." you said, then added belatedly. "Sir." "I don't." Kensei replied, and you snorted. "Why do you care about where I'm going or what I'm doing, anyway?" you suddenly asked him, feeling like you were teetering on the edge of something. "Thought you didn't want to talk about that anymore," Kensei said. "I'm not, I'm talking about you." you replied, bouncing onto the balls of your feet like that might help you reach Kensei better. He scoffed and glanced away, and you took a moment to admit his side profile, that firm jaw and the shape of his nose. The impressive fluff of his mohawk and were those piercings you spied in his ear? Hot. "Just noticed you around, is all." Kensei said, his throat bobbing when he covertly swallowed. "When you come by Ninth." Oh? "Oh?" you asked faintly. Kensei had noticed you? But why? There was nothing special about you and he was a captain, and a Vizard, to boot. Everyone was curious about them, even if the topic of the reason the reinstated Captains had been forced to leave was often skirted around. Was it possible you were hallucinating this and were still at that table, passed out drunk? Now Kensei turned to face you and you weren't able to pull your eyes away from him in time - specifically his bared chest, his firm abdominal muscles and that famous 69 tattoo emblazoned across his skin, the ink still bold and clear even after over a century. He caught you looking, but he didn't seem to mind it. "Yeah," he said, and his eyes slid to your lips, where a faint shimmer of lipstick still sat from when you'd gotten ready hours earlier. It was like it was choreographed. A beat of silence ticked between you, an internal debate that lasted both a moment and a lifetime. Then, before you had time to doubt, to convince yourself it was all in your head, Kensei moved, surprisingly quick for a man his size. You had no time to process before a large, gloved hand curved around the back of your neck and you were being pulled in for a hot, demanding kiss that left you breathless. You could faintly taste rum on his lips, and your back met the wall, Kensei's body shielding you from prying eyes. Your hands moved immediately to comb through his mohawk as he kissed you, and Kensei growled in response, his teeth pinching your bottom lip, enough to make you squeak. His hands roved up and down your body, one of them settling on your waist where you'd donned a brand-new sash for the occasion, his touch hot and firm and making you shiver deliciously. His reiatsu covered you, but this time you relished the staticky feeling of it, the tingling zipping across your skin. Fuck. you thought. No words were exchanged during all this. You'd both passed the need for them - your bodies did the talking plenty. When Kensei finally released you, straightening up to his full height again, you were amused to notice he had a smear of sparkly lipgloss collected on his bottom lip. You felt out of breath. "That was..." you said and broke off with a huff of breathless laughter. "Yeah," Kensei agreed, running a hand through his mohawk in a surprisingly self-conscious gesture that, at present, seemed like the most endearing thing ever. His eyes went back to your lips, but he didn't move to kiss you again. You understood - when you pushed yourself off the wall, the world wobbled a bit before righting itself. Sobering walk or no, you were still on the drunken side. You smiled awkwardly at Kensei, though pleasure squirmed in your stomach when he offered you a very slight one back. He reached out and his thumb brushed just underneath your bottom lip, wiping away some smudged gloss. You stood stock still while he did this, mesmerised by this simple movement. "Should I...?" you said, but you weren't sure how to finish that sentence. Kensei's smile turned into a smirk. "You're going to go home and sober up." he told you. "I think you've had enough excitement for one day." You licked your lips. "And after that?" you dared to ask. Kensei's smirk widened a bit, and his hand rumpled your hair. The next thing he said made your stomach clench and heat rush to your face. "And then you'll come by Ninth and we'll see if we can't find another reason to start celebrating."
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霊圧 + 淫慾. // spiritual pressure + lust. [sashi-ya x twoop]
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Kenpachi Zaraki, Kensei Mugurma, and Shinji Hirako: Getting Caught During Sex Part 2 Created by: The-witch-of-one-piece/WC:800+/Masterlist/Collab w/ @sashi-ya💜
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TW: getting caught, fingering, groping, dirty talk, oral sex, penetration, voyeurism
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“I told you already,  I was going to take care of you tonight but you didn’t want to listen. And now we are here.” Kenpachi spoke in a rough tone.
Legs far apart from one another he practically ripped your bottoms and panties off of you. Your undone top is exposed to the code air. Your back pressed against his chest. His hand groped your breast while his fingers were pushing into your messy cunt. “Is it wrong to want to be touched by my wonderful captain?” you teasingly said. Your hand reaches behind your touching his face. “Wonderful? You mean wanting to be touched like a little slut by someone who can tear you apart. You have one sick mind to think I’m wonderful.” His fingers began to move faster inside you.
The door was open to his office and he didn’t care who saw, you wanted it so badly he didn’t give a flying rat's ass who saw. Ikakku didn’t seem phased by what he saw when he walked into the door because he saw way worse from you both. “Sorry to interrupt the weird thing you're doing to _____  but Catpain they are waiting for you to give the orders...” His eyes were looking at the corner of the wall not wanting to see you exposed. 
You tried to cover up but Kenpachi refused “Don’t be all shy now _____.. You are getting what you wanted right now ….. Ikakku tells them I’m attending to _______ it won’t take me long to finish her off. I will see them in a few.” Once he spoke Ikakku left  “hurry up and cum for me now little slut.” 
“Nghh~~mmmm~~oh god kensei~~” your moans were lingering a bit longer. The mat where you both did your stretches was being used in a different way.  Both of his hands pressed on the back of your thighs as he buried his face deep into your cunt. His lips began to suck on your clit. Your finger gripping the white hair Captain. Pushing his face more into your cunt.
“Those stretching poses of your work and to find out you didn’t wear any panties, you wanted this to happen.”  he was savoring the juices coming from your cunt. He enjoys the health-like style you both hand and he could taste the difference in your cunt juice.
“I wasn’t expecting you to do it now~~~” you arched your back closing your eyes. “Fuck~~~~ “ you began to heave a bit more. “Just like that,” you spoke in a quick tone that has a slightly high pitch to it. “I think that is a no you guys want to eat out…” you heard Mashiro giggling at the entrance. “Well, Captain you're already eating out… HEY GUYS THE CAPTAIN IS ALREADY EATING HIS MAIN COURSE IS ______!” Kensei picked his head up with a bit of a red tint on his face, “GOD DAMMIT MASHIRO!! I’M GONNA KILL YOU THIS TIME.” he shouted from the top of his lungs.
“Don’t drop me, Shinji.” You're held onto his shoulder, your back hitting the cold wall. Feeling your eyes rolling back of your head. Your juices were trickling down his cock as he continued to hold onto your thighs for support. 
“Ssss easy on the digging into my skin _____, I told you I got you,” Shinji spoke in a teasing tone. Her tongue traced your bottom lip before he pressed them against yours. 
Feeling his tempestuous cock slide inside and push through your dripping slit aching to be filled by no one else but him, Shinji let out a low groan as his member sheathed deeper into you.  He was usually more of a person who gradually increased his speed instead of ramming into you like an animal, but not this time. This thrusting motion he had made you a complete mess. The force behind each pound was sending your body over the edge and knocking the air out of your lungs. Shinji could see you were lost for words. Just crying out his name he was turned on by it. “Am I interrupting something?”  Rojuro looked at you both. He didn’t have a bashful look on his face; he was still rather calm.  Shinji looked a bit annoyed. He was still inside of you but stopped his thrusting. “Can I help you with something?”
“Well I was dropping by to see if you wanted to get a drink but I see you have your hands full.” he let out a small chuckle.  “Bit of advice might be to choose a different venue for the fun time and not an empty hallway. It will be empty  for a while till someone passes by.”
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Tagging: @stygianoir @tealcat001 @dumbbitch223 @bookandyarndragon @jin-supremacy01
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dreadsuitsamus · 9 months
5 Times You Meet Kensei +1 Time He Gets Your Number | Kensei Muguruma x Reader |
author's note: this structure is horribly outdated but i give no fucks!! thank you to @yeowangies for the help and support on this!
pairing: kensei muguruma x fem!reader
warnings: buncha meet cutes, alcohol mentions, lotsa flustering kensei
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Speed dating.
What in the fuck is he doing here.
Kensei pinches the bridge of his nose as he sits at a table, waiting for the event to start just so it can end that much sooner. Mashiro forced this damn thing on him, that little shit. She knows just how to annoy him and get her way: why does he keep her around??
"I guess this isn't really your thing, huh?"
Kensei's brown eyes flick up; dammit, he zoned out and made a fool of himself on the very first 'date'. His silver brow twitches involuntarily as he responds. "You got me."
Your laugh twinkles as you slide into the seat across from him, a fruity cocktail in hand. Kensei's struck immediately by your beauty, for sure, and he's suddenly feeling underdressed in his black Henley and jeans while he's up against your, emphasis on little, black dress and golden accessories. "I've done a few of these before; it's not really anybody's thing, honestly. You're not as out of place as you feel."
"Oh, yes the hell I am." An odd laugh accompanies his shaky assertion— and he hates that he's nervous!
"You should have a drink, calm your nerves a little." The black straw from your brightly colored drink settles in the center of your gorgeously painted lips, demonstrating how you can possibly bear such an event without so much as batting an eye while your gaze flicks to the name tag stuck onto his chest.
Kensei rubs the back of his neck, his muscles deliciously hugged by that too-small Henley. "Good idea. But I don't know if I should be taking advice from someone with more sugar than alcohol in her drink."
Your laugh does more to calm his nerves than a drink would, that's for sure.
You continue to chuckle to yourself as he goes to the bar, watching him order his scotch on the rocks from the rather busy bar. The red numbers tick down on the clock, and he's not likely to return before the time is up. It is speed dating after all. Fishing out a pen from your purse, you scribble a little note on the cocktail napkin before moving onto the next table.
Kensei is rather relieved when he returns to an empty table— but only briefly, since your seat is taken damn near immediately by a new stranger. He has a pull from the drink, smirking into the tumbler as he reads your note and tunes out the new 'date' introducing themselves.
Get it with a twist next time, you wimp!
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"This shouldn't have been so controversial." Kensei's arms are crossed and the vein that's famously seen amongst his infuriating friend group is throbbing so hard that they may as well pay for an entire extra seat just for it.
Shinji and Hiyori, as per fucking usual, cannot decide what movie to watch. The group is split entirely, and it's up to his tie breaking vote to get the evening moving along. They're arguing harshly, the two factions, and he has not a care in the world to the actual film. He just wants his popcorn and peanut M&M's that'll cost him a solid thirty dollars and to take a nap.
"Shut up!" He stands tall, brown eyes furious and just a tad crazy as he fishes a coin from his pocket. "Heads or tails, you jackasses!"
He flips the coin easily, not even sure who called what side as he catches it and flips it into the back of his hand. "Tails. I'm getting a snack now."
Hiyori's taunting Shinji as they purchase the tickets, and Kensei tucks his box of candy into one of his pockets (he told Mashiro his cargo shorts are useful!!) so he can better hold his popcorn bucket out of Hiyori's reach as they stand in line to have their tickets scanned. "Hey, you little rat! Knock it off!"
The giggle behind him is familiar, and his eyes widen rather comically upon sight of you and what he presumes is your gaggle of friends. He never saw you again during that disaster of a night, and it was definitely for the best— he was hammered by the end of it and had to be, literally, picked up by Hachi just to make it home.
"Nice to see you again, Ken." You tease, laughing at Hiyori's ability to snatch a handful of his popcorn during his stunned daze.
"K-Ken?" He stumbles on the word— nobody has ever called him that.
"What movie are you seeing?" You breeze on by his confusion, though the gears in his head have come to a complete standstill. Listen closely enough and you'll hear the internet dial up tone.
"Ah…" He shows his ticket to you, ignoring the snickers of his friends behind him. He'll never live this down. Kensei, their resident, stone-faced asshole, is flustered??
"Oh, we saw that last weekend! Not a bad movie; I think you'll like it." You smile and the line moves up, Kensei's group getting their tickets scanned next.
"Not sure if I trust the opinion of someone who agrees with Hiyori's tastes." Kensei grumbles, worried that the heat on his cheeks is visible to you; or worse, his friends.
"Hey!" Hiyori kicks at Kensei's shin, though it hurts her far more than Kensei himself. You scan your ticket, the teen at the stand pointing your theater in the opposite direction of Kensei's movie.
"You'll trust me enough after you see it." You wink and start to head to your movie, glancing over your shoulder to smile at Kensei once more before disappearing into the theater. Ignoring the snickers of his friends, Kensei growls and heads into their own designated theater.
I should've fucking flipped heads.
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The chill of the air is rather inconsequential to Kensei as he runs security at the door of the nightclub, his nice suit and gloves keeping him as warm as he is stylish. He's never been one to say no to extra cash, and though his days as a doorman are far behind him, he's still got it, evidently. He's stopped several fake IDs, weapons, drugs and more, all while making his much-higher hourly rate than he did back when this was his living.
Just after busting a teen with the worst fake ID he's ever seen, Kensei's line finally starts fizzling out. The club is booming, half of the city must be inside by this point, with the other half having been kicked swiftly to the curb. He checks the expensive watch on his wrist; just a few more hours and he's all done, his favor to the club owner fulfilled and his next monthly car note paid off. Huffing out a breath, the cold air lingers for a moment, and as it dissipates, he's met with his next crowd of people.
So much for a moment of peace.
The group is split between himself and the other doorman, and it's the routine pat downs and ID checks as usual. He's gotten through a third of the group before you're before him, smirking with twinkly eyes as you present your ID to him— it's only now that he actually gets your name.
"Funny how we keep meeting." You tease, tucking the ID card back into your wallet and stepping aside for his pat down, rather eager for those strong-looking hands to get a touch of you.
Kensei's brown eyes flick to meet your gaze, and his face warms just at the sight of you. You truly are a stunning woman. "Careful; I might just think you're stalking me."
"You think I like you that much, Ken? Interesting…" Your teeth graze your lower lip, just a little, as you spread your arms and legs.
"Don't call me Ken." He grumbles, appreciating the way your perfume masks the cigarettes those in line have been smoking all night.
"It's cute." You shrug and Kensei pats you down without another word, perking a pierced brow as he snags a small bottle of whiskey concealed in your waistband.
"I don't think you know what 'cute' is if you're talking about me in the same sentence. Better luck next time, princess."
"Guess you're good at your job, huh?" You murmur, gazing up and over your shoulder to better see his handsome face. He's got a pet name for you now, hm? Interesting.
"Shoulda got in the other guy's line." Kensei mutters, tossing and subsequently shattering the glass on the cold sidewalk.
"I like this line." Slowly, your fingertip drags along the length of his sharp jaw and it's then that Kensei's aware of his other hand still holding your hip— how in the hell do you have the ability to make him forget himself so easily? "But since you took my whiskey… Can I go inside now? I could use a drink."
The taller man's Adam's apple bobs and he releases you, practically pushing you into the doors of the booming club and the arms of your giggling friends. His face is pink, and at least he can try to pass it off on the cold temperatures if anyone asks.
He should've saved that damn whiskey for later.
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Kensei's sweating like a whore in church as he finishes his workout, his body glistening with sweat as he pulls off his tank top for a taste of refreshing air. Cardio was a particular killer for him today, though it made the weight training a little bit easier too. He'd been slacking off for a few weeks, and the moment he had just a little difficulty yeeting Mashiro and Lisa (simultaneously, and while dealing with Hiyori doing her best to knock him over) into that pit of foam at the trampoline place was a reminder to get back to the gym.
He's more of a primadonna than he admits.
He takes a long pull from his water bottle, pouring the remainder over his heated face and shoulders and scans the room. It's habit to him, partially as a former special forces commander and also due to the number of times he's caught others incorrectly using equipment and aided them for better workouts. The gym is the only place he's remotely social in, oddly enough.
His brown eyes narrow at the sight of a woman (that can't be who he thinks it is) on a stair stepper. There's a man beside her, one that he noticed following her around before. They could be friends, though Kensei doubts it greatly as the loser continues to stand beside you, talking about gains while you remain the only one actually working out.
The guy's talking with his hands, and Kensei's witnessed this brand of harassment enough to tell where this is going. Wasting a breath no more, he's walking over with a meaner face than usual. It is you, and that makes him just a little more angry at this harassment than he'd normally be. You turn your head away from the man that's been annoying you, eyes lighting up at your savior. "Ken!"
Kensei places himself between you and the strange man, his impressive size and build enough to make the other guy nervous. "You like harassing women at the gym?" He crosses those deliciously thick arms, and you're frankly more concerned with viewing his toned back than dealing with the situation at hand.
"I told you I had a boyfriend." You tease, peeking over Kensei's shoulder at the now very intimidated mark.
Kensei frowns just a tad deeper after that— so many things are wrong with that statement. Namely, you thinking you had to have a boyfriend, real or not, for this guy to leave you alone. Unbeknownst to him, the back of his neck flushes a light, rosy color that makes you snicker.
"If I ever see you harassing a woman again, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. Understood?"
Kensei doesn't waste time hearing any lame excuses or apologies before turning to face you, who smirks proudly in his wake. "I'm here most days a week around this time. If anyone bothers you again, just come find me and I'll take care of it. And don't call me Ken."
"You're more bothered by me calling you Ken than my boyfriend?" You raise a brow, an entertained smirk on your face.
"Like I'd date someone who wears a pink bodysuit to the gym." Kensei grumbles lamely, blushing from the tips of his ears to the center of his chest.
"That's a lot of talk coming from someone that's blushing pinker than a Barbie dream house." You laugh, poking one of his pectorals.
He's red now as he looks away from you, his jaw tight as you tease him. "Stop bothering me and finish your workout." He retreats before you can manage to get under his skin again, though his plan doesn't pan out like he hoped as your voice follows him.
"Nice tattoo, by the way!"
"Get your mind outta the gutter!" He hollers back, practically running to hide in the locker room, all while you grin and wonder if that was the hint of a Long Island accent slipping through.
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"Come on, let's go!" Kensei claps his hands harshly, ushering his friends (and those they brought along that he merely tolerates) towards the stadium. The baseball game is due to start shortly and goddammit he's not gonna miss a thing because of these unorganized fucks. He's still got a hot dog to get!
"Relax, friend." Shinji shakes his head at Kensei's impatience, not that it was unexpected of the hothead.
"No! They might actually win this one!" Kensei's excitement is hard to contain, and he actually smiles at the idea of his favorite team not being losers!
"Oh yeah? Confident enough to put your money on it?"
Kensei snorts, leading the charge into the stadium amongst the throngs of people. "Not a chance."
Half of the group is sent to their seats while the other takes on the responsibility of securing food and drink, Kensei at the ready with the entire order memorized. The lines are dense, the entire area packed and noisy. Under normal circumstances he'd be overstimulated quickly and heavily irritated, but even those ticks of his can be overlooked for a ballgame.
He's next in line and fires off the order with precision, handing off the drinks to Shinji and Ichigo to run to deliver them to the rest of the group, Kensei more than capable of carrying all the food himself. His thick arms full, he steps away and makes for the stands just as the person in the line beside him exits at the same time.
"Woah there!" You steady yourself against Kensei's strong build, gripping his sleeveless jersey tightly to keep yourself standing as the hot dogs and nachos in his arms crash onto the floor.
"Jesus!" He grumbles, grasping your hip with a strong hand now that the food is gone.
"Oh, Kensei, I'm sorry." You glance at the floor before looking back up at the not-so-strange stranger.
""s just food, no worries." He mutters. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah." You wave off his concern easily. "Here, let me buy you your food again."
Kensei snorts, tugging at your own jersey that's for the rival team. "I don't need a Bears fan buying me a hot dog. That's how people choke."
"Ha!" You smile despite your offended scoff. "As if a Panthers fan could do anything but! They learned from the best!"
"You take that back!" Kensei pokes your shoulder.
"You gonna make me?" You smirk in the face of the handsome man, and he smirks right back at you.
"You will by the end of the game, princess."
"Guess we'll see, Ken. That is, if you make it to your seat by the end." Winking slyly, you saunter off and Kensei's left to realize just how much longer the line is now.
"Don't… Don't call me Ken." He grumbles out, heading for the back of the line.
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Hell has frozen over: his friends all have plans on a Friday night, between dates and familial commitments and whatnot, and he's left to do whatever the hell he likes in peace. It's been years since he's had such an opportunity, and there's nowhere else in the world he'd rather be than here at his favorite dive, enjoying a basket of fish and chips with a mug of ice cold beer.
That was the plan, anyhow. And it started off that way easily enough.
But then you walked in with someone else.
Ever since he met you, you've popped up at the most random times and he's never expected not one of them, this time being the absolute furthest from expecting it he could be. Seeing you was one thing… Seeing you with another guy, in Kensei's favorite bar, was… So fucking rage-inducing that he's still contemplating throwing the guy through the window even an hour after seeing you come in.
Lookin' so pretty… For a fuckin' schmuck that took her to the shittiest dive in town.
Who the hell does the guy think he is? With the prettiest woman for miles on his arm, he's at a dive bar for a first date. The disrespect is insane, the lack of thought or care simply ludicrous. Kensei doesn't date anymore because it's just so stupid but damn if he wouldn't do better than this, by a lot.
"Awfully pouty tonight, Ken."
Kensei blinks out of his salty stupor, turning his head. "Don't call me Ken."
You laugh at his offense to the nickname and order two drinks from the bartender before looking back at him. "What's got you so worked up?"
Kensei feels like his brows will forever be stuck frowning, the vein at his temple about to burst. "Did you just order that grown man a drink?"
"Mhm. Is that an issue?"
He snorts, shaking his head at the bitter laugh he can't control. "No, if you like bums who can't show a pretty woman a good time."
Your teeth sink into your lip, tugging while enjoying how this big, tough guy seems to be jealous that you're with someone else. "Well, when you put it like that, I can't help but wanna see how you'd do it better."
And fuck, there it is. Kensei can't turn down such a golden opportunity; he's already a sucker for being challenged, add a beautiful woman into the mix, one that's mischievous and crafty like you, and he's got no choice but to jump in headfirst. "Then I'll show you. You'd do well to learn what a good date is."
Your grin is bright and you dive into your purse for a pen. "Call me anytime."
Kensei holds the napkin with your number carefully as you retreat to your horrible excuse for a date with the drinks, his heart pumping quicker than normal. Now he can access you intentionally, with ease.
A slow smirk spreads on his lips as he types the number into his phone, nearly wearing a shit-eating grin as he holds it to his ear and watches you politely step away from your sleazy date to answer the call.
"I'm ready to show you a better time."
Your laugh echoes across the room, and for once he's not embarrassed to laugh with you.
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rose-riot-johnson · 8 months
Hello my Tumblr Peeps😃I have decided to write a Bleach smut fanfic, however this time this Bleach smut fanfic I will writing about, Shuhei Hisagi😁👍Time for me to drop some ideas for this particular, Shuhei Hisagi, Bleach, Smut, Fanfic😌😇😈
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💌He Wants To Take Good Care Of You💌(Shuhei Hisagi x Female Reader)
Genres: Smut (and sex) and Fluff (Warning +18⚠️: Sexual Contact (including, dildo (sex toy) use, oral (both giving and receiving (pussy eating and cock sucking)), Vaginal penitration, Boob and nipple play, nipple sucking), Nudity, Hair pulling, and Language)
Shuhei knew he needed a vacation. While he is works extremely hard as one of the squad 9 lieutenants, has no problem with paperwork nor fighting hollows, however he has been exhausted and he misses girlfriend (which is you). Kensei has been noticing that he has been overworking himself more than to the point of exhaustion and he knows how much Shuhei misses you, so he decided to makesure Shuhei gets his vacation. When Kensei told Shuhei some vacation news, he was shocked to hear the news, as he said, "Are you sure, Captain Kensei Muguruma? Who's going to take of the journalist stuff, the lieutenant paperwork, fighting the hollows, and stuff?".
Kensei answered, "Look Shuhei... You have been overworking yourself more than you should be. I will take care of everything and I will makesure the other lieutenant Mashiro Kuna helps out, too... And I know you have a girlfriend from "the world of the living", Shuhei... I will keep it a secret for you, if that's what you want... I think it wouldn't hurt to spend your vacation with her and I know how much you miss her...". Shuhei was surprised about everything Kensei said as he replied, "Do you really mean all this captain?". Kensei replied back, "Yes... And that's an order that you spend your vacation with your girlfriend, so you can see her and you don't overwork yourself more than you already had... You deserve a break atleast, once in a while...". Shuhei knew Kensei was right, as Shuhei then did what Kensei told him, as he packed up for his vacation to spend some time with you in the world of the living. What Shuhei has been wondering about was how Kensei knew about his relationship with you.
Hours later, while you were cooking supper, you heard a knock on the door. You went to the door, as you were wondering who's knocking on the door. Once, you opened the door, you were happy and extremely surprised to see your boyfriend, Shuhei Hisagi, as you then hugged him and kissed him on one of his cheeks on his face, which made him happily blush.
Shuhei then smelled the food as then asked, "What delicious food are cooking, beautiful?". You then replied, "Well, Shuhei... I'm cooking up a ramen recipe for supper and I'm glad I cooked up plenty of ramen, after all.", as you then kissed his forehead, to make him blush, even more. When it was supper time, he realized you were right about being glad that you cooked up plenty of ramen noodles (and the ramen recipe, as a whole). You were happy he enjoyed your cooking, as always.
After the both of you finished eating supper, you decided to wash the dishes. While you were washing the dishes, Shuhei hugged you from behind to kiss your forehead, as he said, "The food was delicious and you're so beautiful, as always, my cute cherry blossom...", as he accidentally gropes your breasts. Once you felt his hands on your breasts, you smiled, because you pretty much knew he didn't realize due to the fact that he was tired and overworked just from the accidental grope. You then happily, replied, "Thanks, Shuhei... I'm glad you liked my cooking and I know you always appreciate me... I actually find you cute myself... Maybe when I get some dishes done, I'll have you take a nap in my room, while I take a shower... I can tell you're exhausted... After I get done with my shower, there's something I might be able to help you out with...". Shuhei then panicked once he realized he groped your breasts, however you assured him it's nothing to worry about.
Once you got in the shower, Shuhei decided to take a nap on your bed. He then whispered to himself, "Is it me or is today one of those days that is too good to be true? Should I be worried? Nah... I shouldn't have to worry. I know I'm safe here. Or am I? And why is this pillow lumpier than usual? My head is feeling unusually uncomfortable from that pillow right now... Maybe I should take a look...". He looked underneath your pillow, as he found an unusual object, which got him frightened as he screamed, "(Female Reader Name)!".
Luckily you were about done with your shower, as you ran out of the bathroom to check on your boyfriend Shuhei, as you heard his frightened scream. "What happened my, babe?", you asked once you went inside your room, with nothing on, not even a towel around you. Shuhei then pointed at the object as he asked back, "(Female Reader Name), who's dick did you chop off to make a trophy out of?", as he started to chew on his nails. You were shocked to see that Shuhei found the object, as you replied, "I'm so sorry you were scarred from finding it... I should have explained... It's not someone's cock... I assure you... You see it's a sex toy... This type of sex toy, you found is a dildo, Shuhei...". "A sex toy? A dildo?", he replied back with those questions, as he never seen any sex toys, especially not a dildo, since the soul society hasn't invented these things for some reason.
You then explained more about what a dildo is, how to use a dildo, how all dildos work, etc... You also explained about other sex toys, as well. After you got done explaining about sex toys in general and about dildos, Shuhei then touched your shoulders looking at your bare breasts, as he then asked, "May I have them?". You shook your head yes, as he then moved his hands to your breasts to start playing with them. He could tell that you're enjoying how he's groping you boobs the way he is, as he notices you groans when you touched his face with your right hand. He smiled and said, "I can tell you're enjoying this. Earlier what happened was an accident, however I really wanted to make it up to you, even if you were fine from earlier. Now, may I play with your nipples for a little bit?". You replied in a groan, "Yes, Shuhei...". He began to play with your nipples for a couple minutes, then he decided to pinch and pull on your nipples, which puts more of a smile on his face and he has been blushing just from the sight of your naked body.
From him pinching and pulling you nipples, you groaned alot. You then whispered in his ears as you asked him to start sucking on your nipples, which he did what you asked. While he was sucking on your right nipple, you started petting to let him know he's doing a good job with you and when he started sucking on your left nipple, you lightly gripped his hair, it definitely shows him he's doing amazing job, sucking on your nipples.
Once Shuhei stopped sucking on you nipples, he was going to get on his knees to eat your pussy, then you gently pull on his hair a you cooed, "Now, now, Shuhei... I can't have you go on your knees to have you eat me out... Wouldn't it be easier, if you were to lay down on your bed, as you devour me, while I suck on your cock? You look like you might be starting to get hard... And if you want you could also play with my clit and finger me on and off, as you keep switching back to eating me out...". Shuhei then looked at the bed and your dildo on the bed, as he replied, "Well, (Female Reader Name)... I guess you're right... I'm starting to get hard... And Maybe if you do suck on my cock, then I can play with you and eat you out for a little bit...". Shuhei did what you suggested, as he took his soul reaper uniform off, then laid down on the bed, to let you lay on top of him.
You started to play with Shuhei's cock for about a minute knowing that he was going to play with your pussy, by touching your clit and fingering your pussy. Once he started to eating your pussy, while having both of his hands on your ass cheeks, you decided to try deep throat his cock. This wasn't his first time getting his cock sucked by you, however this was the first time that you had ever deep throat on his cock. He kept eating your pussy to keep groans quiet, from you deep throating his cock.
Shuhei kept his left hand on your ass, while he's still eating you out as he was about to grab something with his right hand. Once he finishes eating you out, you were still sucking on his cock, as you began to feel something else inside of your pussy. Before you could think of asking him, what he's doing, you felt the vibration inside of your pussy.
Shuhei smirked, as he cooed, "Were you curious what I was doing, cutie? Aaawww... So sweet of you to think of asking me... I have been planning on this, after you gave me the idea on having me lay on the bed... Was it a good idea for you to tell me about the dildos? Maybe... Maybe not... I don't usually do this to you, my girly... I just wanted to spice things up a little to make you feel good, beautiful... I just think you always looked, so cute... You still look, so cute, especially like this... Try not to focus on this too much, while sucking on my cock now, my cupcake...", as he kept thrusting your dildo inside you and playing with the vibrations with your dildo. You trying to concentrate on deep throating his cock, as he kept using the vibrator inside your pussy.
After some time, Shuhei had a hard time containing his moans, the more you kept deep throating him, while trying to concentrate on getting you to cum from the dildo he's using in your pussy, as he moaned and praised, "Ah fuck, (Female Reader Name)... You're doing an amazing job with my cock, as you always do... With you deep throating me...". One more thrust from your dildo, he used on you, you have cummed all over your dildo while you still tried deep throating his cock.
Once you got done deep throating Shuhei's cock, you then turned yourself to look into his eyes, while still on top of him. He then asked, "I get when we have sex, I usually prefer you to ride on top of me, however would it be alright, if I try a different position with you, (Female Reader Name)?". You then happily replied, "Sure, Shuhei...". You went on your hands and knees on your bed, as he madesure he had his hands on your hips before putting his cock inside of you, then he started thrusting into you.
After a few minutes of thrusting inside you, he knows you felt good with his cock inside you, however at the same time he also knows something was missing to spice things up while he's thrusting into you. Unbeknownst to you, he was (still) holding your dildo, after he took it out of you, as he somehow holding it, while having both of his hands on your hips. He knew it was a good idea to hold your dildo.
Shuhei then asked, "Hey (Female Reader Name), did you enjoy my cock inside your pussy more or your dildo inside your pussy?". You then replied in a slight moan, "Both felt nice in their own way honestly... Why did you ask me that, Shuhei? What kind of question is that?". Shuhei then smirked, as he kept thrusting, "Well I'm only curious and I wanted you to be satisfied... Not just myself, obviously... I wanted both of us to be pleasured... Well more you getting pleasured, than myself, to be honest... I don't think I'm doing enough to get you a going, so why not try spicing this position up with both...", before keeping his cock inside you, while inserting your dildo inside of your pussy, to ensure your pussy feels snug around both his cock and your dildo.
Shuhei then slowly, moved his left hand to your side, while thrusting his cock inside of you and using his right hand to atleast occasionally thrust your dildo inside of you, considering that both his cock and dildo are still inside of your already, sore, pussy. Your voice became music to his ears as you started whimpering, "Fuck, Shuhei! I wasn't lying when I said both your cock and my dildo felt nice in their own way! I just didn't think about what it would be like to have both of them inside my pussy, at once... You always make me feel satisfied, Shuhei... You always impress me, somehow... I just feel, so warm... You make me feel warmer with your cock and my dildo inside me, like this... Please cum inside me, Shuhei!", as you became more and more of a whimpering mess, the longer he kept both his cock and your dildo inside of you (and the more he thrusts inside of you). After a few more minutes of thrusting with his cock inside you (and using his right hand to have your dildo thrust inside your pussy more), he finally released himself inside of you.
After Shuhei emptied his cum inside of your pussy (especially, covering your dildo), he took the dildo out of your pussy, then he proceeded to move his cock out of you, letting you lay down on the bed, as he whispered, "I'm going to clean the this dildo up for you... I will be back, (Female Reader Name)...", before he kissed your right side of your facial cheeks. You turned over on your back to face him, as you then touched his hair, as you then replied, "Okay, Shuhei...", as you kissed his lips. After he got back from washing your dildo cleaned, he put it on your dresser, then he went on your bed to cuddle with you, as he proceeded to put some hickies on your right side of your neck, while you pet his head and touching his hair, letting him know he did an amazing job with you. While you weren't expecting him to even surprise you with using the dildo on you at all, however you feel that he always satisfied you, when it comes to anything sexual the both of you do together, however you're always satisfied just from the sight of him, his physical touches, his voice, and other qualities you see in him.
Next day, you woke up next to Shuhei. He moved your hair to cup the right side of your facial cheeks, looking into your eyes, as he whispered, "Morning, beautiful... I see you had a good night's sleep...", proceeding to kiss your lips. You then touched the right side of his face, also looking into his eyes, as you replied, "With you, I always do, Shuhei... Anyways... Morning handsome... You seemed to have an amazing night sleep, yourself...", before kissing his lips, back. He replied back, "Well (Female Reader Name), when it comes to you, I always do, my precious, angel...". The both of you, then decided to snuggle with eachother for the rest of the day.
The End
I hope you enjoyed reading this smut fanfic with Shuhei Hisagi😃👍Anyways my Tumblr Peeps, I've only read 1 Bleach fanfic pertaining a dildo, however I don't recall reading any dildo fanfics with Shuhei in it so far, which I honestly ended up having the idea of what would happen, if he was to see a dildo for the first time ever. I will admit I did written him to do more than typical smut fanfics😅I just wanted to come up with other ideas with a Shuhei Hisagi fanfic involving a dildo and stuff. I was going to have a different ending for this Shuhei fanfic than I did, however I have my reasons to save that idea for a different fanfic to write about with him, as the staring character😃👍I still hope this fanfic made your day and/or night my Tumblr Peeps☀️🌕
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕒 𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕦𝕡 𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦?
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Pairing: Shinji Hirako x GN!Human reader
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons.
CW: None
Requested by anon: Can I request a Shinji too? (We need more love for him!) Where he takes the reader on a first date and maybe it doesn’t go as planned but it still ends super sweet?
he planned everything PERFECTLY just for you and him to have a great and fun time together
he put Ichigo to not make any hollows interrupt his date with you and tell everyone in the visored group to not come and be a third wheel at the date
unfortunately the hollows decide to appear a lot that exact date of the both of you
and..one of them fucking break down the cafe that you were both at
Shinji have to ended up fending the hollows off
the date was absolute dog shit and Shinji feel so bad because he almost let you got hurt
he said he'll make up for it and decide to watch a movie with you at home safely instead. but before both of you decide to go home he goes and get a TONS of snacks you like and love just for you and him to watch and eat together in peace. finally. PEACE
he'll give you a lot of kisses to make up for almost letting you get hurt
Mashiro being the third wheel
I decide to do two versions because why not?
someone let Mashiro go on accident. now she comes all the way to the both of you date at the cafe
she was looking through the fucking window until you noticed her. when you notice her she just get right into the shop and sit down with the both of you. she forgot is the both of you date..and decide to come here because she wanted to eat food
Shinji try shooing her away but she won't leave and kept calling him a meanie
Shinji have to ended up deal with all this even though he just wants to have a nice one on one date with you
when the both of you are done with the cafe he'll grab your waist and kiss you "I hope a kiss can make up for Mashiro being the third wheel"
he'll giggles after that and forgetting the fact that Mashiro is behind the both of you. don't worry she took a picture and show it all to the other visored of how the date went. she got bonk on the head by Kensei after that
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shuubaehisagi · 9 months
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@missingkitsune Lisa is prolly VERY GOOD at drawing anatomy :))
Lisa: Here, let me show you these spicy drawings I made of you guys and who I ship you wi-- Male Visoreds: NO! Lisa: Fine. Lisa: how about these Kyōraku x Ukitake art? Male Visoreds: NO!! Lisa: I also have yuri art if you wan-- Male Visoreds: LISA STOP Mashiro: Ooohhhh can I see those ship drawings, Lisa? Male Visoreds: MASHIRO NO Kensei: It's not the ship that you think it is! Mashiro: Oh! OH! I KNOW! I know what it is! Mashiro: A SPACESHIP! Shinji: Don't even think about it, Mashiro. Once you see it, you can no longer unsee it. Mashiro: *confused Mashiro noises* Rose: Quick, save her, Kensei! Don't let Lisa corrupt her! Don't let her fall into the dark side! Lisa: Why are you making it sound like I'm a villain?! Kensei: *sighs and escorts Mashiro out of the room* Also Kensei: * "judging you" look at Lisa* Lisa: Hey, don't judge my kinks, okay?! Lisa: I'm just interested in drawing anatomy!
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If I can request: can I ask for a Kensei x S/O one-shot where S/O is Toshiro's older sister, Kensei and S/O have feelings for one another and Toshiro at first not accepting it but then sees their love is genuine and grows to accept Kensei dating his older sister? I hope this is ok! ^^
I hope this would please you (・∀・)
Genre: One shot, comfort
Rating: T
Character: Muguruma Kensei/Female Character, Hitsugaya Toshirou.
Word count: 488
人´・ω・`*)hαρρy ηeω yeαγ♪
There were sometimes you came back injured after a mission. It pissed off Toshirou, your little brother, a bit. He regretted letting you be assigned to another division. Especially, in the 9th division where there was the toughest man in all the captains. Moreover, by an unknown charisma, the captain dated with his older sister. Toshirou didn’t allow it.
How a man could let his girl jump into missions, which may cost her life. As you said that you wished for.
“I asked him about the missions, which made me stronger. It’s me, who fell for him.”
Toshirou just stopped asking more as the cat, you got his tongue.
After the captains meeting, when he had just left the hall, Kensei started the conversation first. Because Toshirou didn’t allow him to get in the house, and you were off, he just could ask. Everything was fine, Toshirou replied, and not forgetting to add a caution “Not let her do hard missions”
“That she wished for.” Kensei kept his voice calm as he read the expression of the opposite captain “You're angry, I can understand, but I’m more frustrated than you.”
He was the one granted your wish, which was not his interest. The feeling of seeing his beloved one being wounded was uneasy. His forehead had got more wrinkles because of you.
“At least she’s more careful than Mashiro.” He sighed, there was one thing that freed him from worrying “she won’t risk her life for missions.”
“My brother’s waiting for me, so I won’t throw my life away.”
“She laughed and told me that on the day she attended. It’s embarrassing, but I fell for her then.”
In a blink, Toshirou swore that he had seen this muscular man shy. His back hair just stood all up. He turned back and stepped away.
“When you come, bring her some sweets.”
Then, the small figure was out of the 1st division gate.
“That’s hurt, Kensei!”
You screamed at him.
“Blame it on your carelessness.” He stoned his tone, his hand tightened the bandage around your wrist. “Don’t learn Mashiro making that face.”
Your puffer fish face deflated rapidly.
Every time you get injured, he is always the one who changes your bandage. He had no idea about his strength at the first time, but he can control well now. Until you get better, he will not stop nagging you, just like your brother.
“It’s good to see you two getting well together. Maybe, getting injured was not so bad…!”
You screeched out loud as Kensei almost crushed your wrist “Joke, it’s a joke!”
He loosens his hand and glares at you.
“No missions or training in a month. Stay in the barracks and be a good girl, Y/N.”
You: (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
(Toshirou: Nice, Captain Muguruma.)
You have to become stronger to fight by their side, be safe after missions, because there are two important men waiting for you.
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irlkisukeurahara · 9 months
Hey!! I know this is kinda outta the blue but what are your bleach ships? I'm curious to know
Oh I'm a polyamorous multishipper so this will be a long list. I'll probably forget a few so here's just the ones I can think of
Byakuya x Gin!!!!!
Shunsui x Ukitake
Renji x Rukia
Byakuya x Hisana (tho I guess that doesn't exactly count)
Äs Nödt x Giselle
Any combination of Shuuhei x Izuru x Akon x Renji (including all of them together)
Any combination of Ichigo x Uryu x Orihime x Chad (Including all of them together)
Rukia x Orihime
Renji x Ichigo
Gin x Rangiku
Aizen x Shinji (But only as exes. As a past relationship in TBTP.)
Kisuke x Yoruichi x Tessai (All together)
Kisuke x Shinji
Sui-Feng x My Friend's Big Tiddy Wife OC /hj
Toshiro x Momo
Bazz-B x Haschwalth
Furofushi x Unohana (Past relationship, something they had behind Furofushi's husband's (Ginrei) back before she died)
Renji & Bazz-B
Momo & Izuru
Kenpachi & Byakuya
Kensei & Mashiro & Shuuhei
Ukitake & Sojun
Also Ichigo & Rukia (I like them romantically and platonically tho prefer platonically)
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
The Canon Muse List of Of Darkest Desires and Darkest Desires Erotica
So many people have been asking about this...for years now. I specifically don't list the canon characters that I write for because that list is lengthy, and changes with the wind and my personal muse. However, since it is a new year, I suppose it's time we did a full canon character list for this blog. And, as an added note, I will also add at the end of each section notable OC muses that belong to these specific worlds.
Quick key before we get to the list, though: if a character is one of my favorites, they will be bolded and colored. If a character can be written genderswapped, they will be italicized. If a character is written non-canonically, they will be struck-through.
Avatar: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Prince Zuko, Toph Beifong, Suki, Jet, Azula, Mai, Ty-Lee, Princess Yue, Kyoshi, Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami Sato, Kuvira
Bleach: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime Inoue, Yasutora "Chad" Sado, Uryu Ishida, Tatsuki Arisawa, Yoruichi Shihoin, Kisuke Urahara, Kukaku Shiba, Sosuke Aizen, Rangiku Matsumoto, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Sui-Feng, Shunsui Kyoraku, Nanao Ise, Isane Kotetsu, Yachiru Retsu Unohana, Isshin Shiba-Kurosaki, Neliel tu Odelschwanck, Grimmjow Jaegerjacques, Tia Harribel, Francheska Mila Rose, Ulquiorra Cifer, Coyote Starrk, Lisa Yadomaru, Mashiro Kuna, Kensei Muguruma, Kirio Hikifune, Bambietta Basterbine, Meninas McAllon, Candice Catnipp // Ryuko Yorukitai
Critical Role: Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Grog Strongjaw, Percy De Rolo, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Allura Vysoren, Kima, Cassandra De Rolo, Delilah Briarwood, Sylas Briarwood, Caleb Widogast, Nott the (Thicc) Brave, Veth Brenatto, Jester Lavorre, Fjord Stone, Beauregard Lionette, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Kingsley Tealeaf, Yasha Nydoorin, Essek Theylyss, Reini, Queen Leylas Kryn, Imogen Temult, Laudna, Ashton Greymoore, Orym, Dorian Storm, Fearne Calloway // Scourge Maelstrom, Twilight Obsidia, Verdexis Sylvain
DC Comics: Bruce Wayne (Batman), Dick Greyson (Nightwing), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Clark Kent (Superman), Lois Lane, Supergirl, Powergirl, Starfire, Blackfire, Rachel Roth (Raven), Princess Diana (Wonderwoman), Darkseid, Aquaman
Disney: Princess Jasmine, Genie, Jafar, Aladdin, Mulan, Esmeralda, Nani Pelekai, Moana, Maui, Queen Elsa, Pocahontas, Princess Ariel, Ursula, Merida, Princess Kida, Megara, Jessica Rabbit, Kim Possible, Shego, Pacifica Northwest, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Eda Clawthorn, Lilith Clawthorn, Amity Blight, Luz Noceda, Willow, Hunter, Helen Parr, Violet Parr
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell, Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna Straus, Cana Alberona, Juvia Lockster, Gajeel Redfox, Laxus Dreyar, Ultear Milkovich, Jellal Fernades, Minerva Orland, Sting Eucliff, Rogue Cheney, Yukino Agria, Sorano "Angel" Agria, Erik "Cobra", Irene Belserion, Brandish // Nyx Sylvain
Final Fantasy: Tifa Lockhart, Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Barret Wallace, Jessie Raspberry, Yuffie, Scarlet, Sephiroth
Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Cho Chang, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, Bellatrix Lestrange, Nymphadora Tonks, Fleur Delacour, Fred and George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Voldemort // Romulus Antares Lestrange-Black
Marvel Comics: Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Mary-Jane Watson, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Captain America (Steve Rogers), She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), Wolverine (Logan), Wolverine (X-22), Kitty Pride, Thor, Loki, Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), Nebula, Black Panther (T’challa), Black Panther (Shuri), Captain Marvel
My Hero Academia: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Todoroki Shoto, Mina Ashido, Kirishima Ejirou, Tsuyu Asui, Toru Hagakure, Yu Takeyama (Mt Lady), Nemuri Kayama (Midnight), Rumi Usagiyama (Miruko), Mei Hatsume, Itsuka Kendo, Camie Utsushimi, Keigo Takama (Hawks), Nejire Hado, Himiko Toga, Dabi, Nomu // Tetsuga Bushido (Iron Midknight)
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Kurenai Yuhi, Tenten Higurashi, Anko Mitarashi, Tsunade Senju, Gaara no Sabaku, Temari no Sabaku, Kankuro no Sabaku, Tayuya, Orochimaru, Mei Temuri, Raikage Ei, Samui, Mabui, Yugito Nii, Konan, Kushina Uzumaki
Nintendo: Princess Zelda (SS/TP/BotW), Link (BotW), Ganondorf (TP/BotW Rehydrated), Impa (SS/Warriors), Midna, Urbosa, Riju, Mipha, Sidon, Paya, Purah, Robbie, Princess Peach, Bowser, Bowsette, Princess Daisy, Pauline, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Samus Aran
One Piece: Nami, Nico Robin, Yamato, Boa Hancock, Luffy D. Monkey, Portgas D. Ace, Trafalgar Law, Roronoa Zoro
Pokemon: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Misty, Lt. Surge, Sabrina, Lorelei, Bruno, Lance, Giovanni, Gold, Silver, Krystal, Whitney, Jasmine, Clair, Karen, Brenden, May, Roxanne, Brawley, Flannery, Winona, Tate, Liza, Maxie, Archie, Admin Shelly, Admin Courtney, Phoebe, Drake, Steven, Wallace, Lucy, Anabel, Lucas, Dawn, Cheryl, Gardinia, Fantina, Volkner, Commander Mars, Commander Jupiter, Lucian, Cynthia, Hilbert, Hilda, Rosa, Ashley (B/W Mom), Lenora, Cheren, Bianca, Roxie, Elesa (B2W2), Skyla, Brayden, N, Caitlyn, Grimsley, Shauntal, Marshall, Iris, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, Olivia, Guzma, Lusamine, Sonia, Leon, Bede, Marnie, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Oleanna, Klara, Honey, Burgundy (Scar/Vi Mom), Cylene, Adaman, Irida, Arezu, Mai, Ingo, Palina, Gaeric, Lady Cogita, Nemona, Penny, Arvin, Dendra, Saguaro, Raifort, Brassius, Katy, Iono, Tulip, Grusha, Professor Sada, Professor Turo, Mela, Giacomo, Atticus, Eri
RWBY: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao-Long, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren, Glynda Goodwitch, Professor Ozpin, Cardin Winchester, Coco Adel, Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarletina, Yatsuhashi Daichi, Roman Torchwick, Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black, Neopolitan, Hei Xiong, Miltia Malachite, Melanie Malachite, May Zedong, Arslan Atlan, Sun Wukong, Adam Taurus, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Taiyang Xiao-Long, Summer Rose, James Ironwood, Salem, Oscar Pine, Kali Belladonna, Ghira Belladonna, Sienna Khan, Ilia Amiitola, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Terra Cotta-Arc, Winter Schnee, Willow Schnee, Harriett Bree, Elm Ederne // Stark Ryker/Fall, Fenris Silbern, Russet "Rusty" Vulcan, Hozukimaru Wukong, Cherrybomb Alistair, Baelfieyr Zirconia, Zephyr Zirconia-Nikos, Scarlet Zirconia-Nikos, Lupin Zirconia-Nikos, Bast Zirconia-Belladonna, Shrike Zirconia-Branwen, Kyrstal Zirconia-Schnee, Sirius Silbern, Orion Braith, Clay Taurus
Skyrim: Yngvelja Ashkeeper (Dragonborn), Serana Volkihar, Lydia, Aela the Huntress, Mjoll the Lioness, Maven Black-Briar, Astrid, Queen Elisif, Thalmor Ambassador Elenwen
Xenoblade: Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, Dunban, Sharla, Melia, Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Malos, Jin, Nia, Mòrag Ladair, Brighid, Vandham, Eunie, Mio // Gairic Dáraig
Other: Chel Dorado, Ember McClain, Desiree, Danny Phantom, Gwen Tennyson, Charmcaster, Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Gwen (TDI), Courtney (TDI), Bridgette (TDI), Heather (TDI), Bulma Briefs, Android 18, Android 21, Bayonetta, Lara Croft, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Melissandra, Sandor Clegane
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zappobrien · 10 months
13. Kensei x Mashiro
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velvetsins · 3 years
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Well, hello there xD
It’s been a while since my last update for this blog, but I’d like to ler you know I’m alive and back to writing my stories, mainly The Duke’s Lover. You’ll get an update for Remember and PS I’m still not over you as well. But I’d like to tell you today I’ve posted a Kensei x Mashiro story on ffnet.
Set in the universe of Altered Carbon, my story takes place in 2380... so a few centuries in the future.
If you’re interested, here you have the summary, the link, an edit made by me, and also also the trailer.
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Illusion of you
Summary: Edo City, Earth, 2380
One of the possible futures foreseen by Yhwach became a reality: almost 400 years after his dismissal, Kensei wakes up from a coma to discover death no longer plagues humanity. In a world where his very existence doesn't make sense, he turns to the one who've always been by his side: Mashiro. But in this new reality, like everything else, she...their love may just be an illusion.
And the trailer: Illusion of you
Like I said, I’ll be back soon to update my other stories. I didn’t give up on them! See ya!
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dreadsuitsamus · 6 months
Pierce | Kensei Muguruma x Reader |
author's note: this is perhaps the most self-indulgent thing i've ever written, as i have a medusa piercing myself that i longed to get for two whole fucking years, but didn't bc i was stupid and let a man's opinion dictate what i did! don't ever let someone hold power like that over you, my loves <3
pairing: kensei muguruma x fem!reader
warnings: needles, piercing, some typical kensei and mashiro shenanigans, mention of a clit piercing at the end
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The shop is tiny, the storefront so small you missed it twice during your quest to find it. And just as you were about to call it quits and find another piercing studio that would accept walk-ins, the faded sign above the door caught your eye and you were soon swinging into a parking space with a heart pumped full of anxiety and a smile on your face.
Two years. You've wanted this piercing for two years, and now that the man you spent countless nights crying and agonizing over is officially out of your life, there's nothing to hold you back now. You've been freed from the chains of his judgment and his approval means absolutely nothing now, and it's finally time to live for yourself.
Stepping into the shop, the bell above the door jingles and you take a look around. It's not the nicest shop, no, but your excitement bypasses any chance of it bothering you. The sound of a tattoo needle buzzes down the short hallway to your left, and as you peek in you get a glimpse of a blond tattooing a large piece on an equally large man's back. Snooping doesn't last long as, from the hallway directly in front of you, out comes a cheerful woman with bright green hair.
“Hellooooooo, welcome to our shop!” She's loud as she bounces behind the counter, tapping the tablet to life and turning to face you. “What can we do for you today?”
“Ah, I called earlier today, about the philtrum?”
The woman gasps, smacking her palms to her cheeks. “Ohhh, that's gonna be so cuuuuute on youuuuu!” She taps a few things on the tablet before digging into the stash of posts and studs, laying out a few options before you. “Lemme see who's available while you look over these!”
The starter options are simple, and you carefully hold the circular cases they're in to examine them. Voices gradually approach, one belonging to the green-haired woman, and the other much deeper and with a twinge of annoyance. “Mashiro, no more walk-ins today. I mean it!”
“Fiiiine! But you gotta do this one! She's gonna look so cute with a medusa!”
“We'll see.” He rolls his eyes and steps into the room, moving behind the counter and standing before you, looking at the options Mashiro has provided you. “Take my advice and just get the titanium. Nickel is cheap and you're just gonna replace it down the road anyway.”
Nodding, you look up at the man, blinking owlishly at the sight of him. He's tall with a few piercings of his own, though the one on his lip is easily the most distracting. It's a thin, gold piece of jewelry that matches the ones on his ear and eyebrow, and your cheeks warm at the idea of this man being the one to pierce you. “Uh… S-sure.”
“Nervous?” He crosses his thick arms, perking his eyebrow. “Better change your mind now, ‘cause if I get started and you wanna stop, you're still paying for my time.”
“Kensei!” Mashiro scolds, kicking his shin. Kensei grimaces at her powerful kick, elbowing her away from him and pointing to the hallway he first came from.
“Go sweep the floor or something!” He rubs his shin, resting his forearm on the glass case. Mashiro sticks her tongue out, giving Kensei a middle finger before sauntering into what you gather is the tattoo studio, leaving you and the piercer alone.
Shaking his head, Kensei looks back at you, his hands resting on the glass, his fingers tapping a bit as he speaks. “Anyway. The titanium is a better option, even though it's more expensive. It's hypoallergenic, shinier than nickel, doesn't get mixed with other metals… It's durable but lightweight, so the healing process is gonna go smoother because it won't be so much of a strain on your lip, which is a huge positive because philtrum piercings generally take around three months to heal, minimum. This is a long haul type of piercing; I need you to understand that.”
You nod along, eager to just get started already. “I trust what you say. You have a lot of piercings, and you do it for a living, so… Whatever you say goes.”
A handsome smirk spreads over his lips. “Good. Pick a stud. Your choices aren't flashy, but it's just the starter. You'll be able to pick the pretty stuff after it's healed.”
Fighting the urge to make a dad joke, even to yourself, you look down at the options. He's right that they aren't the cutest options in the world, but there's certainly still beauty in simplicity. Kensei rests a curled finger against his lips, resting his elbows against the glass display case while you survey the small range of starters. His amber eyes study you, practically tracing the shape of your lips— Mashiro's right. This piercing will look great on you.
Maybe even cute.
When you've settled on the silver ball stud with a clear gem in the center, Kensei steps over to the tablet and punches in a few numbers. “Military?” He glances over, silver brow raised until you shake your head, his warm-colored eyes looking back at the screen to bring your total up without a discount.
Gazing around the room, a picture stands out amongst the rest. It's Kensei, a handful of years younger than he is now, with Mashiro, the blond you saw in the tattoo studio and plenty more, all wearing military uniforms, though the smiles and way they're grouped up suggests this was an off duty sort of photograph taken. Kensei follows your eyes, a soft curve pulling at the ends of his lips at the picture; the memory of that day is fresh in his mind, as if it was just yesterday they decided to leave the service behind.
“When we left the military, we opened up this shop and the restaurant a few doors down. I'd never recommend friends go into business together, but… We all manage well.” He finishes rather softly, and oh how you ache to hear the stories behind those eyes. Kensei's certainly a rough around the edges guy from what you can see of him, though the inkling that he also loves a long walk on the beach has a little smile pull at your lips.
“Thank you all for your service.” You hum genuinely, tapping your credit card to the reader as excitement buzzes once again. “And thank you for agreeing to do this for me.”
Kensei waves his large hand, gathering your purchased jewelry and leading the way into one of the rooms set up for piercings, patting his hand at the end of the already fully-reclined chair. “Mashiro said you could walk-in, so we're gonna honor that every time. If you ever want a tattoo or another piercing though, I’d recommend making an appointment on our website. You can choose who you want that way too, instead of playing around our availability.”
“Noted, though I think I like having you for my piercer.” You miss the way his cheeks blush a gentle pink as you sit on the chair, setting your purse down beside you. “You’re knowledgeable… Do you do tattoos as well?”
“Eh, I stick to the piercings.” Kensei mutters, unscrewing the case your new jewelry is in, dumping it onto a tray and spraying the bar and stud down with disinfectant. He rips open a package with a needle and forceps, setting the opened pack down before thoroughly washing and drying his hands— the way his biceps flex nearly have you in a daze, the muscles big and rippling… I bet he gives the best hugs. “Latex allergy?”
“Nope.” Your gentle shake of the head has Kensei slipping on a black pair of gloves, the material snapping loudly against his skin before he turns to pull the new, sanitized utensils from the plastic package.
“Alright.” Ken turns back around fully, handing you a small cup of mouthwash. “Swish a few times and then we’re about good to go.”
Following his instructions, you feel the freshness of mint once you’ve rinsed. Your leg bounces a bit, the realization that it’s finally happening hitting you like a freight train, your belly a bundle of nerves as Kensei takes a q-tip wet with rubbing alcohol and dabs at your lip. His gaze is intent, focused and handsome as he maps out the spot your piercing will be in.
“Gotta get in a little closer.” He warns, voice quite low as he fills the space between your knees with his much larger body, a little marker in his hand to mark where the needle will pierce you. “You ready? It’ll be over like this,” He snaps his fingers, and somehow a snap alone tells you what sort of leader he must be— strong and decisive, for starters. Knowing him this shallowly and for only around twenty-minutes, you’re still somehow quite certain of this.
Strangely, you ache to know more about him, this complete stranger that’s standing between your legs without a lick of impropriety about him.
“I’ve waited two, agonizingly long years for this.” Your voice drops to a whisper as tears slowly fill your eyes, and you hope Kensei’s gorgeous, amber eyes can’t see them. “I’ve never been more ready, Kensei.”
Understanding, Kensei nods slowly; he’s quite familiar with the ache of waiting, the cruelty that comes with the already unpleasant anxiety that patience brings. Whatever your reasons for waiting are, you’ve finally come to the end of that journey and it’s with great pleasure that he finds the perfect center of your philtrum, dotting your skin with the black marker and picking up the fresh forceps. “It’s gonna pinch, but it’ll be fast. Open up for me.”
Kensei delicately pulls at your parted lip, pinching it between the forceps as he takes the needle in his free hand. Your chest heaves, each breath of air filling your lungs as quickly as your anxiety dispels the air— the needle moves, and your fingers grip Kensei’s black tank top as the flesh breaks and the needle protrudes from your lip. He was right about how fast it was (and he wasn’t lying about it being a pinch, though it’s certainly a more painful pinch than he described) and before you can even blink he’s setting the bar in place and screwing the piercing ball on. The sensation is odd, but you’ll get used to it soon enough. Finally, your wish has been granted to you.
Your piercer smiles a bit, giving you a mirror and resting his fists on either side of your legs as he admires his work— he’ll never say it to her face, but Mashiro was absolutely right about this being a good piercing for you. It’s cute. “Looks good. Take care of it.”
Your eyes fill with happy tears this time, and you throw your arms around Kensei’s neck in a hug that surprises him— to his credit, he doesn’t push you away but instead carefully pats your back. You’re able to gather yourself after a moment, and Kensei cleans up the station afterwards. “Grab some disinfectant and clean that piercing at least twice a day. And get an alcohol-free mouthwash, and use it after every meal, every smoke… Every kiss too.”
Snorting ungracefully, you hop off the chair and hook your purse over your shoulder. “Don’t have to worry about that one— I haven’t had anyone to kiss in years.”
“Oh my god, what a coincidence!” Mashiro’s back, and she’s got a broom in hand that she certainly hasn’t actually swept anything with. “Kensei hasn’t either!”
“Mashiro!” Kensei’s voice booms again, and your heart blooms alongside your laughter.
His blush is cute, and you’re already thinking about what your next piercing will be. Perhaps an industrial… Or even your clit.
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