shatcey · 6 months
Ieyasu's dramatic ending
Another wonderful scene from Ieyasu's route. This time from the dramatic ending.
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I would love to see that scene))))))
Poor Ieyasu… So many men have fell for Mai's charm, and he needs to shoo them away somehow…
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amenomiko · 4 months
Modern AU
A situation of "I lost my boyfriend at a party", Ikesen MC version
MC: Oh no.. Where did he go...
Definitely at the candy area.
Munching candies while commanding.. Yes, COMMANDING, the HOST to pack it up for him.
Mitsuhide is the accomplice. Duh.
Is... Somehow helping in the kitchen.
Or with the staffs to clean around.
And- "MITSUHIDE!!!! What are you doing encouraging our Boss to eat more unhealthy stuffffff OAO!!!"
Drunk and become a mat (people accidentally stepped on him).
Or if he is not drunk, he become a pole dancer.
And MC will wonder where did all the money came from-
( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) 👈 *Sits at a corner of the room, silently enjoying MC searching for him.*
Until his boss spotted him that easily to become the accomplice of packing the candies.
Continue with the above scene when Hideyoshi spotted him.
The one who choose to pet any pet of the host.
Almost HISS to everyone nearby. Especially Mitsunari.
PANIC silently realizing he got separated from MC
Enters the party normally.
Enjoy it normally.
Until he saw a book on the floor and didn't budge AT ALL making MC think she have lost him.
Enters the party normally +1.
Until his positive side drained, he went away for a while to bar section.
..Then saw Masamune and joins him for pole dancing.
Glaring daggers at almost EVERY MEN in the party.
When he saw the bar section.
Sip sip sip drink drink drink. Another one to pack every good drink.
He is not available to any women to flirt anymore so there he is, at the candy section.
Glaring contest with Nobunaga.
Escapes when Yukimura spotted him.
Awkward dot com + Why I have to be here dot com.
Ehh.. This food and drink is not bad.. Wait isn't that..
"BOSS SHINGEN! WHAT DID I TOLD YOU ABOUT EATING THOSE??" Thus the reason he got separated from MC.
It's easy.
He enters the party normally. Until he saw Kenshin creating a scene at the bar area..
Blend in with the wall no jutsu. I'm sorry MC, I will get back to you soon.
Enters normally + glaring daggers.
About to take a drink for MC when he saw Kenshin creates a scene at the bar area.
Joins him.
Enters normally, eat and drink normally..
A certain decoration caught his interest.
He have been spending hours on admiring the object until MC didn't realize he went missing from her side.
Enters with MC but since he don't fancy this kind of thing..
He is at the balcony area.
Silently watching MC searching for him + grinning to himself.
Enters normally + do his part as romantic partner by serving MC with food and drink before himself.
Was about to get a dessert when he spot a special section : Japanese Snacks.
Was there filling his mouth with endless senbei.
As always the sweet type, getting all the food and drinks to share with MC.
Joins Nobunaga for the fun of it.
And later joins at the entertainment area to sing like an idol. He is a star of the night.
........I will just...sit here.
Oh.. A cat. *Pet pet pet pet* Alright I'm done.. MC?
Ah.. *Another one to PANICC*
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I thought of a HC request, if that's fine by you: the Warlords each receive a letter signed by an anonymous person saying that "The most important person in their lives is being held hostage."
However, it turns that no one was held hostage, and it was all just an experiment done by MC and Sasuke. I saw this in a comic book story years ago.
I apologize if this is confusing.
Hi Anon!  Thank you for stopping into the ol’ ask box. “The most important person in their lives is being held hostage”…? Yikes, even as an experiment that’s cruel (especially as an experiment). So… ok, I’m going to actually acquit Sasuke of this…. Even though he’s not the most emotionally adept, he’s smart enough to know that this kind of note is not the sort of thing you do in Sengoku.
We’ve seen in several event routes, that MC, especially if she is feeling inadequate, or jealous or whatever, WOULD indeed do something like this. In event routes, we’ve seen her try to make her suitor jealous, followed them, tried to give Masamune alcohol, considered giving Mitsuhide an aphrodisiac…
Yeah, if this is an event version of MC, she would do this. The question is… does she send the message and hide, HOPING that her suitor will think she is the hostage, OR does she send the message and then stand next to the warlord as he opens it, to see the reaction?
Let’s just assume she’s hiding.
"The most important person in your life is being held hostage."
Nobunaga – Opens the letter, is momentarily worried, but then he notices the top of MC’s head over the edge of the tenshu balcony. He pitches his voice loudly and announces, “Oh no! My WIFE is being held hostage.” There is a shocked whisper of “wife?” from outside, and then a scared squeak because MC loses her grip and almost falls. Nobunaga rushes out to the balcony and pulls her back to safety. Then he assures her that she is the love of his life, and makes her promise to never do anything that stupid again.
Hideyoshi – Panics. But panics in such complete brain melting gibberish, that MC is unable to tell whether or not he is worried about her…. or Nobunaga.
Mitsuhide – Realizes instantly that MC wrote the letter, and – while creeping carefully toward where MC is hiding – says, “Well… that’s way too much to pay for MC. Guess I’m going to just die a sad, lonely, man.” Then he pulls her out of her hiding place and says, “Dear me, I’ve found a tricky little mouse who apparently wants to play games tonight.” Follows that up with some suggestions about what kind of games they could play.
Masamune – Immediately takes off intending to rescue MC. MC has to chase after him to assure him that she is ok after all.  After his initial relief passes, he promises her she is the most important person in his life, and makes her promise never to do anything that stupid again.
Ieyasu –  “My sourdough starter!” Runs back to his manor to check on it.
Mitsunari – The ransom note gets mixed in with all the loose papers in his room and he never sees it.
Keiji – Plots a daring rescue. Writes a poem about the daring rescue. Puts the poem about the daring rescue to music. Hires a group of travelling players to act out daring rescue. Forgets to actually pull off daring rescue.
Ranmaru – Is doing his secret squirrel spy ninja stuff around the castle when he runs across MC hiding before he even gets the note.
Kennyo – Because everyone is important to Kennyo, he spends the rest of the week checking up on every person he knows to make sure they are ok.
Motonari – Catches MC writing the ransom note and eagerly volunteers to help her carrying the abduction.
Kicho – “And…?”
Kenshin –  If you’ve ever wondered why today, Kasugayama Castle is in ruins… well, wonder no more.
Kanetsugu – “Kenshin!” Then realizes that no force in the world could take Kenshin hostage, and hunts down MC’s hiding place. Takes fifteen minutes to icily explain to her why this was a cruel joke, but as soon as she starts crying and apologizing and vowing never to do such a stupid thing again, he gathers her in his arms and assures her that he loves her very much.
Shingen – Reads note, and recognizes MC’s handwriting. It takes him no time whatsoever to locate her. He then spends the rest of the night assuring her how much he loves her, how much she means to him (granted, he probably didn’t need the entire night, but Shingen is thorough).
Yoshimoto – MC realizes that she cannot do this to Yoshimoto – he’s suffered enough in his route and she doesn’t want to push him over the edge. So instead she sends him on a scavenger hunt, and when he follows all the clues, he finds MC at the end, lying in his bed, wearing only rose petals. She spends the rest of the night convincing him how much she loves him.
Yukimura – Enlists Sasuke’s help. Sasuke reads the note. “Wait, I believe I read this in a comic book somewhere.” He helps Yuki find MC where she is hiding. When the inevitable argument follows Yuki’s, “Dummy! How could you do such a thing. You know I love you, right?”  Sasuke slinks away.
Sasuke – Is pretty sure he read about this in a comic book, but goes to Azuchi to check on Ieyasu just in case.
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elleplaysotome · 1 year
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mysticsmollpotatoad · 2 years
Modern enemy of the warlords
This is just a little headcanon I have in mind. During the sengoku era, every warlords' enemy is the opposing warlords and traitors. But if they went to the modern world...who or what will they considered as their enemy?
He has the same VA as Gintoki and there's also an episode where Gintoki went to dentist so it's easy to imagine him wailing like a kid internally.
You will only get him to the dentist because you work together with Hideyoshi to trap him.
No way he would come voluntarily.
Everything about dentist just unsettle him.
The boring waiting room, the sound of the tools, the distinctive odor, and the idea that someone has to gain access to open and meddle with his mouth (only you can gain free access).
Of course it was Hideyoshi who insists his lord to get a check up because his sweet tooth lord won't give up on eating sweets.
cue glaring
But the sound of terror coming from the tools are stronger than any enemy he had faced.
He will cease the glare and throw pitiful puppy look toward you as last resort.
Nope. Not working. Hideyoshi already gave strict instructions to you.
After the treatment, nobunaga never felt this betrayed before. He even prefer Mitsuhide to betray him for real rather than being dragged to the dentist.
Why? If you combine Mitsuhide's trickery and Masamune's recklessness into one occupation you'll get a magician.
Seriously tho...he will get a heart attack if you bring him to watch a magic show with dangerous stunt as a surprise.
It was a bad surprise idea because...
"wait wait wait!!! That's dangerous! Hey you! Wha-"
You need to silence him down before he interrupted the show and start his lecture about safety.
You'll have to tell him that everything is scripted and safe...most of the time.
"But it's still unacceptable to see people play around with their lives like that."
He also dislike them more when you told him that there are also those who can hipnotize other people.
Even a simple card tricks will annoyed him.
Maybe it's because it gave him the same familiar sensation like being fooled by Mitsuhide.
Sushi terrorist
Have you heard the news?
Lately in Japan there's this group who terrorize sushi restaurants by licking the soy sauce bottles, tea cups, and sushi on conveyor belt (the culprits already got arrested).
Masamune as the chef of the group and the one who appreciates food the most, definitely won't tolerate this act of disrespect toward foods.
If the culprits are still running loose, he will hunt them and whoop their asses.
"so you lads were the naughty nasty kittens who ran around licking things? You should have told me. I have better "catnip" for you lads to lick. Oi Ieyasu, give me your best batch of sauce and pepper."
You better believe the culprits find enlightenment after tasting Masamune's "special" course.
Pesky sales
Whether it's shady neighbors who tried to recruit him to join shady group or average sales who diligently offer their products...all of them annoyed him.
"No, I don't need it. Leave me alone."
You started to wonder why he seem to be attracting the attention of those sales.
There were always several sales flocking on him wherever he goes.
Maybe because he looks soft and an easy target for them?
He became more grumpy and decided to wear a hat, glasses, and mask whenever he goes out.
In addition, there was that one time when someone offer free pack of tissues on the street.
He accepted it but he was curious why there is a phone number on it.
He asked you and you told him that's a phone number to order a "service" from those ladies.
(⁄ ⁄•⁄Д⁄•⁄ ⁄) He was blushing hard and found those sales tactic as unbelievable. He became more cynical and suspicious toward any kind gesture from modern people.
He might also have the same problem as Ieyasu since he also look like an easy target. But he managed to unintentionally blinded them with his angelic smile and steer them away...almost like they are being manipulated. Of course that's also thanks to your help for teaching him what's right or wrong in this era.
But even Mitsunari can found something as unpleasant.
It was during a date. You brought him to a traditional japanese festival.
There were a lot of stands but a particular stand picked his curiosity.
It was like a gambling game with prizes.
He was observing how it works. He noticed that something is off.
He confronted the owner by asking a barrage of questions and ended it by presenting his calculations to prove that the game is rigged.
Winner: Mitsunari.
Yes, it's similar to karma akabane but Mitsunari did it without ill intent.
Ah...he is a hard one.
He is too composed and smart for his own good.
But...even Mitsuhide should have his own fair share of struggle in the modern world.
Fangirls with moe power.
Act suspicious and smug all you want, but you are weak against strong and straight forward affections, right Mitsuhide?
His mysterious allure might attracted fangirls, otaku, and even creepy stalker fans like sasaeng.
He learns that people in this era can be more aggressive in their approach when it comes to forming a relationship or admiring someone.
Poor kitsune.
He can't keep up with the power of moe.
You offered to console your exhausted kitsune.
Like Ieyasu, in the end he decided to disguise himself when he goes out.
Pretty much everyone and everything.
He hates the police for forbidding him from carrying his sword.
He hates those scouts who keep trying to scout him into modelling, host, and even boyband.
He hates those small fry criminals like molesters (if they touch you, they die).
He hates those who keep staring at him with glimmering eyes.
Imagine a scene from ouran high school where there is this yakuza guy who glares at a bunch of girls, but the power of moe is stronger than his glare. It's similar with Kenshin.
He has similar problem like Mitsuhide, but Kenshin is too...rebellious to hide himself. Hiding is not in his nature.
He won't disguise himself unless you ask him.
"How dare you order me around. Are you trying to get in my way?"
Oh yeah..he will also hate rules like limited purchase.
This one is unusual. I can't see him as disliking someone strongly. So...
Low ceiling.
Yep, it's a struggle for all tall people who came to Japan.
Walking in the hallway? He need to bent a bit.
Sometimes his head bonk into hanging direction plates.
Just...don't take him to a capsule hotel if you want a steamy night with him.
Host club
(o/////o " ) blushing intensifies
"h-how can all of them flirt in a room full of people? Don't they have some decency?" *closing his eyes with both his hands*
It's like in a room full of lord Shingen.
Poor boy can't take the heat and wanted to leave immediately.
He is more astounded when you told him that they don't even flirt genuinely.
Seems like a fitting job for his lord. Of course, he won't allow it if his lord really did want to become a host.
Is there any?
He is a modern man.
He is used to it and can handle it.
Along with you, he will help the warlords to get used to life in modern time.
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love and War Prologue- Pt 3
Once we crossed the gates of Azuchi Castle. We were dismounting, our horses being taken by attendants to the stables. Ranmaru was smiling brightly at us. Servants were taking the things we had brought with us to the guest rooms we would be staying in while Ranmaru led us to the audience hall. Once we had reached the city gates, a messenger had already gone ahead to the castle so that Nobunaga and his inner circle could prepare to meet us right away.
I was smiling to myself as we made our way through the halls. I wouldn’t expect someone like Nobunaga to greet us at the gates. Though it would be customary since HE was the one asking ME for an alliance. Not to mention, it would be polite to allow weary travelers to freshen up a bit. Then again from what I remember of history, he bucked tradition in many ways and many times. Not to mention it was a good strategy.
He asked me for an alliance, but we meet on HIS terf and on HIS terms. Though that was fine with me. As far as I could tell, Ranmaru hadn’t been able to communicate that the new Lord Yamada was in fact a woman. That would naturally give me my own element of surprise in these negotiations as well. Two could play in this game. I hadn’t come as far as I had by not playing my cards right.
We were soon standing in front of a set of large ornate sliding doors. Azuchi Castle was definitely grand…and allowing me to see just how grand on my way here, smart move I had to say. An intimidation tactic. One that would work on a lesser warlord…but then again I do come from a world with technological marvels that would make these men’s heads spin. Though I did admire the technological feats that such grandeur is at this point in time…as well as appreciate the beauty of the craftsmanship of everything. There was something hollow about modern designs and recreations with their mass production.
“Alright, just through here.” Ranmaru said as he reached to open the doors.
Jiro, Sato, and I followed Ranmaru inside. The room was definitely beautiful. Of course, the beauty of the room wasn’t the only thing I had noticed. On either side, some of the greatest men in history were lined up, all leading towards the dias where a lone figure sat imperiously above the rest.
By descriptions, I could guess the men who sat in the room. Masamune Date was an easy one to figure out, as he had an eye patch, one of the reasons for his moniker of the One Eyed Dragon. He wore a smile on his face as his one blue eye took in me and my vassals.
I could also recognize the ones who must have been Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Mitsuhide Akechi as they were sitting to the right and left of the dias. Then there was a grumpy looking blond who must have been Ieyasu and a rather beautiful man who must have been Mitsunari.
By the time we reached the end of our walk, we were soon before the man himself, Nobunaga Oda. Ranmaru came into a bow before him. “My Lord, I have brought Lord Yamada as requested.” He announced before moving out of the way.
I stepped forward from my group, bowing politely, though not as low as Jiro and Sato did. “Lord Nobunaga, it is an honor to meet you.” I greeted him, my gaze meeting his carnelian eyes.
Nobunaga looked at me curiously, though he wore a smirk of amusement. “YOU are Lord Yamada?” He asked.
“I am.” I answered. “Lord Ava Yamada. Daughter of Riku Yamada and his wife, Kaede.”
“Now the nickname of Tiny Terror makes sense.” Masamune spoke with a chuckle from his place to the side.
“I had thought I recalled rumors that Riku had adopted a daughter.” Nobunaga said. 
“Indeed he did.” I replied. “Though I am no man, my father did train me well.”
“Clearly he has since you have suddenly taken so much territory after his death.” Nobunaga replied.
“The Ishihara thought eliminating my father would weaken the clan.” I replied. “I had to show them and their allies that they were wrong.”
“Wouldn’t taking the Ishihara out have sufficed if that was all you wished to accomplish?” The man to Nobunaga’s right spoke. He must have been Hideyoshi.
“One would think, but had I stopped there, the surrounding clans would have thought me weak and that I was just out for revenge.” I replied. “I had to make a show of force that I am no weakling. That I will not allow anyone to trample on my land or my people. I will not roll over and show my belly in the face of danger.”
“You are clearly a force to be reckoned with.” Nobunaga said. “Though having allies would be even more beneficial to you…strong allies at that.”
I smiled. “I am aware.” I replied. “And your goal of unification would be easier when someone with as much land as I have would agree to ally with you rather than battle over it. It would be a waste of resources to battle, even if you did win, it wouldn’t be without a great cost.” I knew my words were daring…and impudent, but I had to make sure that Nobunaga knew I wouldn’t just bow down to have strong allies. I had to make sure he respected me.
“How dare you speak to Lord Nobunaga that way…” Hideyoshi began to protest.
Nobunaga lifted his hand and waved Hideyoshi off dismissively. “Hideyoshi, enough.” He scolded before turning back to me. An amused smile graced his lips. “I admire your audacity. Coming into my castle and speaking to me so.”
“YOU invited ME.” I replied. “YOU are the one asking ME for this alliance.”
“This lass doesn’t pull her punches.” Masamune spoke from his place, leaning over to Mitsuhide. “I like her.”
“This is amusing, indeed.” Mitsuhide agreed.
“Very true.” Nobunaga replied. “And you accepted, which means you are considering the alliance.”
“One can never have too many allies.” I replied, wearing my own smug look.
“Does this mean you wish to discuss terms?” Nobunaga asked.
“If we can reach an agreement, I believe it would be acceptable.” I answered.
Nobunaga smiled. “Then let us discuss terms.”
We spent the next several hours hammering out the details of our alliance before signing and making it official. Right or wrong, I was now going to be making history with the Oda forces.
It was decided that we would stay in Azuchi for the next few days to rest up and that the next night we would have a banquet to celebrate the alliance. Masamune declared he would be fixing something special for the occasion, a gleam in his eyes. We were then given leave to head to our guest rooms to freshen up and rest up for the night.
After washing up and slipping into my night robes, I made myself comfortable in the room I had been given. It was a rather luxurious room and decorated with extravagance for certain. I was getting ready to settle in for the night when I heard a knock…but it was coming from my ceiling rather than my door.
I was reaching for my sword and holding it up in a defensive position as I stared up at the ceiling. “Whoever the hell you are, you had better get out of that ceiling right now.”
I watched as a single ceiling tile moved and then a man was soundlessly jumping from my ceiling. He was then looking up at me, a black mask over the lower half of his face and glasses on his eyes…modern glasses. He was holding his hands up in surrender. “I come in peace.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. There was something that seemed familiar about him. “Who are you?” I asked, still holding my sword defensively.
“It has been a long time…and I am sure it will help when I remove the mask.” He said. He was then slowly moving his hands, his eyes on me as he pulled his mask down. “After all this time, I was starting to think I was never going to find you, Ava. I was beginning to think the worst had happened.”
“Wait…Sasuke?” I asked, blinking in surprise, as I slowly lowered my sword.
He gave me a small smile. “I know I must look a lot different than when we last saw each other, considering we were still kids…and you have definitely changed.”
“I can’t believe it’s you.” I replied, smiling at him. It was hard to believe, but one of the few friends I had back in the modern day was Sasuke. We had gone to the same school since elementary school. He had been an odd kid…and well unfortunately odd can make you a target for other kids. I had been a troubled and angry kid…neither of us fit in with the others, but we had managed to stick together in school.
We were soon sitting down on some cushions in the room and sipping some tea I had quickly brewed. “We have a lot to catch up on.” I said.
Sasuke nodded. “After fifteen years, a lot has changed.” He agreed. 
“So…were you…were you looking for me?” I asked him.
Sasuke nodded. “Yes. I knew exactly what had happened when you disappeared that night on the school trip.” He explained. “You know my love of history and of the Sengoku especially…and of science.”
I nodded. “Yes, I remember you talking about all kinds of crazy things that…well they didn’t always make sense to me, but it didn’t annoy me when you talked.”
“Well, I had a theory even back then about wormholes opening up under the right conditions and being able to transport us back in time.” Sasuke explained. “And I knew that when I went to find you at the Hono-ji monument and…well the aftermath of how things looked…I knew one had to have shown up. It took me a long time to figure out the calculations and figure out what the exact conditions were, but I figured it out and managed to find one again…it was actually at Hono-ji once again.”
“Wow…so you’ve really been looking for me all this time?”
Sasuke nodded. “Yes…and furthering my research on wormholes and time travel at the same time.” He answered. “It’s been four years since I arrived. Which is nothing compared to your fifteen years here.”
“That’s still insane that you’ve been here this long…and you’re a ninja now?” I asked, gesturing to his attire.
“Just a useful skill I have picked up here.” Sasuke answered. “Though look at you…you’re a warlord.”
I felt my cheeks reddening a bit. “Well…things happen sometimes…”
Sasuke nodded. “Especially when you get adopted by a warlord.”
“So…you’ve done your research?” I asked.
“You could say my employer has.” Sasuke replied.
I could tell by the way Sasuke said that and averted his eyes…his “employer” must have been an enemy of the Oda forces, which would explain why he was sneaking around in the ceilings. Though I wouldn’t voice that thought. I don’t think it was needed. We both knew, but because of our friendship in the past…we couldn’t acknowledge we were on opposite sides of a conflict now.
“Lots of information nets around here.” I replied with a nod. “So, what are your plans? I mean now that you found me?”
“Well…originally I was going to see if you wanted to return home…to the future…” Sasuke began, “But I can already tell your answer would be no.”
“I have a life here…and people who are counting on me.” I replied. “I have a purpose here i never had back in our time.”
Sasuke gave me one of his signature small smiles. It was barely a twitch of his apparently weak facial muscles, but it was no less sweet than if he had a huge grin. “I am happy that you have found that. I will admit, when you disappeared and I thought about you being here…I was always worried, but it seems you found your way.”
I nodded. “I really have.” I said smiling at my friend. “And what about you? What are your plans for yourself?”
“I’ve made some friends and a life here myself…some people I truly care about.” Sasuke replied.
“So, you’re staying too?” I asked.
Sasuke nodded. “Yes. I hope you don’t mind me dropping by for chats and visits once in a while?” He asked.
“Of course, I don’t mind.” I answered. “You’ll have to come visit me in my home sometime when you have a chance and I’m back there.”
“I would like that.”
We chatted for a while longer before Sasuke was declaring a need to leave. He leapt back up into the ceiling and replaced the tile. It was as if he had never been there. I quickly cleaned up the tea before going to bed. What a truly eventful day I had. An alliance with Nobunaga Oda himself (not to mention meeting the man as well as the other great unifiers of Japan) and reuniting with my friend from the modern day.
It was honestly hard to believe that this was my life now. I mean it was a series of crazy and unbelievable events, yet it was all real. It was MY life…yet I had no idea that it was about to get even crazier.
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limonzu · 1 year
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Beth and alternate families
I could do all of them... I could.......................
But I most certainly will not heeheheheeheh
I have no idea what they'd be named, I just like playing with genetics! It's so fun!
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selenacosmic · 10 months
May I request warlords had a big fight with MC until she cried, and now they have to comfort her because she is locking herself in a room and refused to come out. (She is sulking) What if they are married? Thank you!
Hello! Ohh this one will be sweet! Thank you for the request.
Warlords comfort MC after a big fight.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
Nobunaga is the kind of person who, when faced with problems with his relationship and doesn’t know how to handle it, will call all the warlords for a war council to ask for advice. It wasn’t his intention to make you cry, but now it was too late since you wouldn’t come out of your room.
After taking in all the advice he receives, Nobunaga stays on the other side of the door to your room and begins apologizing, offering to share his favorite candy with you. He will keep doing it until you open the door.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi doesn’t like fights, he tries his best to avoid them. Specially when they can lead you to cry. But on the occasion that it happens, he will try his best to spoil you until you aren’t upset anymore.
If you lock yourself away, he will be making constant visits to try and talk to you and leave a gift for you, all that until you open the door.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide pays attention to not go overboard with fights, precisely because he doesn’t want to argue and hurt you. But if that happens, he will make sure you don’t even have time to lock yourself away.
The moment tears fall from your eyes, he will pull you into a hug and comfort you with sweet gestures.
Mitsunari Ishida.
Fights? What fights? Mitsunari is too sweet of a person to actually make anyone cry, even if a fight does happen.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu can be… harsh with his words, and that’s something he tries to work on as to not upset you. If a fight does occur, he will flinch and freeze once he sees that you are crying.
He will calm down and apologize for his words, feeling guilty that he made you shed tears because of him.
Masamune Date.
Masamune will think a lot about how to ask for forgiveness, and after a lot of thought put into it, he will cook your favorite food to attract you out of the room. The moment you are out, lots of kisses and a tight hug awaits.
He will easily comfort you and melt all your anger away.
Ranmaru Mori.
Again, what fight? This another sweet guy can’t stand the thought of making you upset and wouldn’t start an argument, he wouldn’t want to see you crying.
Keiji is another one who doesn’t pay attention to how harsh he may sound until it’s too late, he will curse himself for hurting you and will think of ways to cheer you up.
The best way for him to apologize would be, ironically, being honest with you and tell you how he feels and that he didn’t want to make you upset.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin would actually think of punishing himself, he is willing to destroy anything that may hurt you, that includes himself. Of course, after the others convince him to focus on making you feel better, he will do his best to comfort you.
Considering that he can be a bit… extra, kenshin will arrange many gifts and have all the bunnies surrounding you to give you comfort.
Shingen Takeda.
Shingen could never forgive himself for making you cry, he really was a full. For starters, he hates arguments and tries to avoid them. But when it happens, he thinks a lot on what to do to apologize and comfort you. Thousands of sweet words, kisses and apologies would come your ways
As well as him calling himself a fool for even making you cry.
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura will panic when he sees you crying, he didn’t mean to but it ended up happening. What will he do? He freaks out and tries desperately to calm you down and comfort you.
Of course, he was scolded by shingen and was given advice on how to apologize to you. Part of the advice he wouldn’t be able to pull it off, mostly because it was Shingen’s idea on how to apologize, but he still managed to be honest without saying something rude.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto is another who avoids fights at all costs, even if an argument is about to start. He is good with words, so if he ends up upsetting you, he will know how to comfort you immediately.
Sasuke is a peaceful guy, he wouldn’t even start an argument. In fact, he is incapable of it.
Kanetsugu can be… another rough and harsh man, so he makes a lot of effort in comforting you. He lowers his voice and holds you before you can lock yourself away in a separate room.
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xxsycamore · 8 months
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🏹💘𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝‼️
—❥ 𝐱𝐱𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
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Hello everyone!! Back in June last year my blog reached 1500 followers, but I only got around to celebrating it now! Thank you so much for your continued support!! This year I want to play Cupid again so prepare for your faves to steal your heart all over again! (´ ε ` )♡
↪ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎: Pick a prompt and a character - one per ask! Please include the fandom as well to avoid confusion. Example: "Can I please have 😘 with William (ikevil)?" ; You'll receive a drabble (~300 words) about the character's reaction to the prompt. Please go wild with those! If you have something specific in mind for the prompts, like a certain hobby for prompt #10 🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together, or maybe for prompt #7 💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you", you thought of playing their favorite song, giving them a warm cup of tea while they work, or maybe hugging them from behind? Don't be afraid to share your idea and unleash your creativity, I'd love to make your vision come true! Of course, that's only if you want to! The limit is three requests per person. This event is sfw and anons are allowed.
For drabble examples: Check out last year's Valentine's Day celebration here!
💌 event masterlist ⊂⊃﹒␥
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↪ 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
🪱 - Ask them if they'd love you if you were a worm
🥺 - Tease by calling them cute
🤲 - Play with their hair
🌸 - Breathe in their soothing scent
💌 - Leave a love note in their pocket
🤭 - Whisper something embarrassing in their ear
💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you"
😈 - Linger in for a kiss, but never kiss them
💅 - Help them unwind with a self-care routine
🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together
🤪 - Crack a joke to make them laugh
🙏 - Warm their hands between yours
🤸‍♀️ - Strike a sexy pose to distract them
👔 - Steal their clothes to cuddle when you miss them
🍰 - Share your sweets with them
💋 - Demand for a kiss, right here, right now
💘 - "Be my Valentine?"
😘 - Keep smooching them until they protest
🥄 - Ask to be their big spoon
😊 - Present your cheek for a goodbye kiss
↪ 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝟷𝟸𝟿):
Ikemen Villains: Wiliam; Harrison; Liam; Elbert; Alfons; Roger; Jude; Ellis; Victor
Ikeseries MCs: Mitsuki (Ikevamp); Alice (Ikerev); Mai (Ikesen); Emma (Ikepri); NEW: Kate (ikevil)
Ikemen Prince: Leon; Chevalier; Yves; Nokto; Licht; Jin; Luke; Clavis; Rio; Sariel; Gilbert; Keith; Silvio NEW: Cyran/Cyril; Kagari; Matthias
Ikemen Vampire: Napoleon(pls); Leonardo; Mozart; Arthur; Vincent; Theo; Isaac; Jean; Dazai; Sebastian; Comte; Shakespeare; Vlad; Faust; Charles; Drake; Galileo
Ikemen Revolution: Lancelot; Ray; Jonah; Fenrir; Edgar; Sirius; Kyle; Luka; Zero; Seth; Blanc; Oliver; Loki; Harr; Mousse; Dalim; Dean; Levie
Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga; Masamune; Shingen; Hideyoshi; Mitsuhide; Kanetsugu; Ieyasu; Mitsunari; Yukimura; Sasuke; Kenshin; Kenyo; Ranmaru; Motonari; Keiji; Kicho; Yoshimoto
Midnight Cinderella: Alyn; Giles; Louis; Leo; Byron; Nico; Albert; Robert; Rayvis; Sid
NEW: Ikemen Genjiden: Minamoto no Yoritomo
Shuuen no Virche/Virche Evermore: Ceres; Scien; Ankou; Yves; Adolphe; Lucas; Mathis; Jean; Capucine; Hugo; Dahut
Piofiore no Banshou/Piofiore Fated Memories: Yang; Dante; Liliana; Gilbert; Nicola; Orlok; Leo; Oliver; Rui; Yuan
Cupid Parasite: Lynette; Claris; Gill; Allan; Ryuki; Shelby; Raul; Owen; Peter
Variable Barricade: Ichiya; Taiga; Hibari; Shion; Nayuta; Kasuga
🎀 Have fun requesting!! I can't wait to see what you put in my askbox!! 🎀
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ikeromantic · 5 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC - All
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune
Kenshin, Shingen, Yoshimoto
Mitsuhide, Keiji, Ieyasu
Sasuke, Yukimura, Kanetsugu
Mitsunari, Ranmaru, Kyubei
Kennyo, Motonari, Kicho
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amenomiko · 2 years
MC: _____! There's a cockroach 😭😭😭😭😭!
Cockroach: *FLIES*
MC: EEEEKKKKK THAT YoSHITaki-look-alike CAN FLY 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
The Assh0le
Nobunaga: *Saves his konpeito jar first*
The normal reaction
Hideyoshi, Masamune, Shingen,
Kennyo: *Laughs and quickly catch it and throw it out*
MC: Wash that hand ಠ_ಠ
Assh0le +1
Mitsuhide & Keiji: *Didn't do anything because watching her running in circles are more interesting*
MC: You will sleep outside tonight (☉д⊙).
The contrary
Ieyasu, Yukimura: Calm down. This thing wont harm you. *Seems calm but deep inside he's SHRIEKING LIKE A GIRL*
MC: ಠ_ಠ...
The "Playing Dart"
Kenshin, Kanetsugu: *Throws their sword like playing a dart and cockroach K.O*
Motonari, Kicho: *Shoots it with his gun, one hit K.O*
MC: MAH HEART +1 😩😩😩😩😩😩--
The one who screams MORE beautiful than MC herself
Ranmaru: Kyaaaaa!! It's coming QAQQQQ
*Most probably MC was lost in the crowd*
The eh..
Sasuke: *Sprays*
Cockroach: *FLIES MORE*
Sasuke: RIP me.
The eh.. +1
Mitsunari: Oh dear oh dear oh dear (´・д・`) *Runs but bonk himself on the wall + faint*
The uhm..
Yoshimoto: I would love to help but I feel conflicted. That thing is not beautiful.. And if I could choose I'd rather catch you myself 🌸🌸🌸
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My Redbubble is officially open!!!
There are only 5 designs on there right now including the Hideyoshi sticker but I plan to add more soon!
✨ Visit Elkz06's shop, for cool artwork on awesome products! https://www.redbubble.com/people/Elkz06/shop?asc=u
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aquagirl1978 · 3 months
R E Q U E S T S - O P E N
For those who haven't noticed or haven't had the pleasure of hearing my complain about this, but I've been dealing with a bit of writer's block (which is why I haven't been posting much writing lately). So I wanted to do something to hopefully help pull me from that.
Under the read more, I have listed 30 one word prompts. Send me a prompt + a character (any suitor or MC in any Ikemen game (sorry, no IkeGen). You may add a trope, such as Modern AU or yandere suitor, but I make no promises to include it. You may ask for your request to be NSFW, but I will not accept any NSFW requests from anons.
I will only be taking one request per prompt and write any suitor only once. I will cross out prompts as I receive requests and list the unavailable suitors below.
Unavailable: Kate (IkeVil MC), Roger Barrel, Theodorus van Gogh, Shingen Takeda, Ellis Twilight, William Rex (thank you anon), Jin Grandet, Jude Jazza, Comte de Saint-Germain, Masamune Date, Kenshin Uesugi, Mitsunari Ishida, Kicho (🦋), Gilbert von Obsidian, Chevalier Michel (thank you!), Papi Leonardo da Vinci, Sasuke Saratobi, Harrison Gray, Isaac Newton, Leon Dompteur, Rio Ortiz, Victor, Arthur Conan Doyle, Faust, Clavis Lelouch, Vlad (finally), Liam Evans, Alfons Sylvatica, Nobunaga Oda
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bmp-slbp-matchup · 5 months
SLBP: Lords' ideal types
Introduction: In Otome, we can obviously dive into the life of a specific MC and while she often differs slightly depending on which love interest we're following, she remains the same character with the same background and overall personality. Most developers make an effort to make her as neutral as possible as to enable self-insertion for the largest group of readers, but needlessly to say, that's an aim that can hardly be attained.
In SLBP, we have cook MC with the "wilder" alternation of ninja MC in the Song of Shadow version. As the Otome universe predicts, each and every character will fall for her: It doesn't matter, if the love interest is bloodthirsty, stoic, funny, naive; she's got them all wrapped around her finger.
Doubtlessly, however, those characters, too, would in fact differ in what they find attractive and seek for in a partner.
A well-informed person. Nobunaga's ideal type is someone who has a general overview on a variety of topics and basically knows what's going on in the world. He doesn't even mind if they have sly tendencies. To him, it's important that he can rely on them during tougher times in his life instead of being a cute extra on the side.
Someone who is similar to himself. People can rarely relate to Mitsuhide's choices, interests or hobbies. Due to his exemplary attitude and embrace of virtues, he even took on the image of being a boring person. Someone who relates to him in regard to not only hobbies, but also moral standards would attract him the most.
A carefree but caring soul. It is most likely that Yukimura falls for a person whom he can share inconsequential moments with, much fun, much love, little drama. This is not to say that there will be no drama in Yukimura's relationships, but it is the softness within a person that makes him potentially fall in love with them.
A light-hearted person. This man doesn't know how healthy human relationships work, so he seeks whatever is easiest for him to deal with. If he can have fun at their expense, that's definitely a plus point. Regardless of if it's actually good for him or not, he's not a fan of being challenged or forced to face certain issues. Saizo prefers a partner who offers him stability in a life of turmoil over someone who acts as a pit stop for further development.
Attentive, patient and serene. Earning Masamune's trust is comparable to approaching a cat - charging right in doesn't work. Rather, it's a better idea to wait, retreat when necessary and retry. Someone who can properly interpret his reactions and doesn't give up on him while still offering him his space would definitely be rewarded with endless loyalty.
Combining ostensible oppositions. There is little more attractive to Kojuro than someone whose personality is solidified enough for them to determine appropriately when to be mature or silly, when to be compassionate or strict, etc. Ideally, they are dominant, headstrong without neglecting being a teamplayer, when the time calls for it.
A free spirit. Someone who does whatever they want, says whatever they want whenever they want not only attracts Shingen's attention, but also gets him going. He likes people that don't care for others' opinions or restrictions of other kinds, but this doesn't mean that this type of personality wouldn't clash with Shingen in a committed relationship, as he can be very possessive.
Someone who is appreciative and perhaps a bit unconventional. Kenshin chooses to see beauty in everything and feels attracted to people who manage to do the same. He prefers optimistic and bubbly personalities that have a positive profundity. Besides, he's quirky and enjoys little peculiarities in people who surround him.
Nurturing and compassionate at heart. It's not the behavior or attitude that matters to him, but the motivation underlying the respective actions. Hideyoshi would see a potential partner in someone, if they care for people, regardless of how they show it. Their values have to, however, be genuine instead of being based on ulterior motives and Hideyoshi will see through them.
The sultry kind. Toshiie feels attracted to whatever is considered conventionally "sexy". His ideal type is someone who is sure of themselves and knows exactly what they want. In that case, they can also afford to be a bit more on the dominant or even arrogant side. However, Toshiie doesn't negotiate when it comes to mentalities that stray too much from his own.
Reminder: "Ideal Type" does not equal what type is actually good for someone, nor does it exclude other types from being someone's potential soul mate. I can totally see Toshiie ending up falling head over heals for a "tomboy" or "wallflower" or Saizo's ideal type impeding his character development etc. etc.
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Hi! Can I have a request please in which MC decides to have le Warlords try the "Period Cramp Simulator"? Just imagine them boasting that they'll be fine, only for them to kneel over in pain. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Again, Anon, I am sorry for taking so long. Hopefully my schedule should clear up soon…? But here is your request!
Oh, this is a fun request. But it involved some serious thinks… these warlords are pretty stoic. In my memory they’ve been shot (arrows and bullets) beaten up, fallen (or jumped) off cliffs, stabbed in battle, stabbed daily by Kenshin and defied a terminal illness without complaint….
So, really, are they going to be defeated by a period simulator? Are they? Let's see....
Upon hearing of such a device there is a great argument over who would be able to last the longest. And so a contest is proposed….
Contest Rules:
One: Mai is not allowed to watch as all agree that none of them will admit to pain in her presence. (She hides in the ceiling and watches anyway).
Two: Yelling, yelping, screaming are grounds for elimation.
Three: Sasuke runs the experiment and controls the simulator. He is the judge as to whether or not a warlord has been eliminated. Why Sasuke? First, because they all trust him enough to run the device equally and not cheating for your lord, Hideyoshi and Kanetsugu. Second, because he is a sensitive new age guy and freely admits that period cramps hurt (he secretly tested the stimulator on himself when he was alone and tapped out at level eight).
Let the games begin! Sasuke places the simulator patches on everyone, and from a master switch, turns the device on so that everyone hits level one simultaneously.
Level One:
All warlords are fine. Ranmaru earns the wrath of the room by noting that it “kind of tickles.”
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Two:
Such serious faces. Everyone is concentrating.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Three:
There are a few deep breaths happening now, but nothing that could be defined as yelling, yelping, or screaming.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Four:
Sasuke walks around the room for a long, slow time, looking at everyone’s faces, until Kenshin tells him to get on with things and start making it hurt. When is the pain going to start? Kanetsugu chimes in, telling Sasuke to move things along, so that Kenshin can have his pain. There are quiet whispers of, ‘yes, hurry, let’s move it along,” and a lot of internal, “let’s get this over with now, kthxbye” thoughts.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Five:
Kicho accuses Nobunaga of wincing. Motonari is quick to agree that Nobunaga winced. Hideyoshi defends Nobunaga, says that he would never wince, it was just a natural blink. After a short discussion, it is decided that Nobunaga did not wince, and further accusations of wincing, or yelling, or thereof will be cause for forfeit.
Nobunaga silently admits to himself that he quite possibly winced, but now that he knows what to expect, he is prepared for the next wave of … oh shit.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Six:
Ranmaru, Keiji and Yoshimoto incur a forfeit by accusing each other of wincing. They escape the room. The fourteen remaining warlords quickly look around, but no other accusations are made.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Seven:
There is a lot of visible sweat, careful breathing, and gritted teeth happening. Internally, there is a lot of very creative swearing, using words in combination rarely spoken out loud.
Kennyo puts himself into a meditative state. Masamune wonders if that would be considered cheating, but Kennyo points out that he’s not preventing anyone else from meditating, he’s just using the skills he has.  No one is willing to discuss the matter further, and Shingen notes that Kennyo is correct, and can they please keep going.
Privately, Shingen vows to give every one of his female spies three days off a month, and a pay raise.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Eight:
Sasuke looks at every face and pauses at Ieyasu’s for a long time. Ieyasu says that while he is not bothered by the cramp simulator, Sasuke is making him very uncomfortable. Sasuke replies that he’s impressed by Ieyasu’s stoicism and by the way when this is over, can he have Ieyasu’s autograph. Ieyasu rips the simulator off and stomps out, deciding that while he can endure the pain, he can’t deal with Sasuke.
Ieyasu goes home and hugs his emotional support sourdough starter for the rest of the day.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Nine:
Kanetsugu looks over at Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi…. “Are you two holding hands?!” Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi look down at their joined hands and instantly let go of each other. “No!” they both yelp.
Some time is lost while it is debated whether or not that counts as period simulator yelping, and after everyone votes (voting signified by slow careful hand raises), they are both allowed to continue in the competition.
Yukimura curls himself into a silent, fetal ball – but he does not yelp or yell, so Sasuke is inclined to let him continue.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Ten:
The warlords sit in silent agony.
Time ticks onward.
No one taps out.
Everyone stares at each other’s faces.
“Perhaps we can consider this a tie,” Shingen suggests.
There is immediate universal assent from the rest of the room, and Sasuke agrees. “Take off your simulators.”
Twelve warlords quickly – but nonchalantly – remove their devices. Then Masamune notices… “Mitsunari, lad, you can take the device off now.”  Hideyoshi rushes over to his vassal, worried that perhaps the young man has passed out.
Mitsunari looks up from the book he has been reading. “I’m sorry, did you say something? He gazes around the room. “Oh, are we starting the contest now? Go ahead, Master Sasuke, I’m ready.”
Mitsunari declared the winner.
There will be a celebratory banquet for him…. next week… when everyone else has recovered.
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