#kept rewriting it
zephyrchama · 4 months
Asmodeus being overly expectant that MC is going to propose to him any day now for no reason.
It’s a quiet evening and the two are lazing around on the bed in Asmodeus’s room. New skin mask pouches have been opened and applied. New issues of each of the Devildom’s most popular fashion magazines lay scattered around.
MC rolls over until they bump into Asmodeus’ thigh and raise their magazine. “Hey, Asmo. What do you think of--” ”Yes.” There is no hesitation. “Yes, I think we should.”
Asmodeus throws down the magazine he was looking at to lean over and pepper MC’s face with kisses. “Let’s get engaged, right now!”
“Oh, okay, cool. I was just wondering what you thought of this top.”
“Oh... It’s kind of tacky. You’re not wearing that to our wedding, right?”
It’s dinnertime and, as usual, everyone is gathered around the large dining room table. MC is across the table and several seats down from Asmodeus, with most of his brothers seated between them.
MC’s plate is almost empty. They give the table a once-over look before deciding on a course of action that requires interrupting the current conversation.
“Pardon me, Asmo, will you-”
Asmodeus squeals and kicks his feet. “Yes! A thousand times, yes! Of course I’ll marry you!”
“Wait, no that’s not what--”
“What!?” Mammon shouts, much to the chagrin of Lucifer next to him.
“In your dreams, maybe,” Belphegor quips.
Leviathan looks like he’s about to start crying.
Satan and Beelzebub, sane enough to not jump to conclusions, seem to piece together the situation. Together they work to pass MC a plate of dinner rolls that had been in front of Asmodeus.
“This what you wanted?” Satan asks.
“Yes, I was just asking for these,” MC sighs. Bread will serve nicely to sop up the remaining sauce on their plate. “Thanks.”
Asmodeus responds, “we can serve them at the reception, I think that’s fine.”
Mammon tells him to “get yer head out of the clouds, Asmo, nobody’s marrying you.”
Their mutual glares practically send sparks across the table.
“Pass them back this way,” Beelzebub requests, wanting three more for himself.
It’s the middle of the school day. MC pops their head into a classroom. This time they've mentally prepared.
“Asmo, do you wanna-”
"Yes? Yes! I’ll marry you.” As predicted, Asmodeus runs over and winds his arms around MC’s waist. He presses his forehead against theirs and leans them back into a dip. Several students clap. “Proposing to me at school? How brazen.”
“Well, maybe this time I’ll actually think about it, but you have to take me out for lunch first. Deal?”
Asmodeus looks somewhat stunned. He parts his lips and thinks over the proposition while staring into MC’s eyes, searching for any hint of a lie.
“Wait… Really?” He pulls MC back up and takes them by the wrist. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go!”
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mo49ko · 7 days
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(fengqing 🏹⚔️)
at first i just wanted to draw mq playing with fx's hair but somehow ended up like this
i love how post-canon fq relies on "forgiveness"... the idea that despite everything they stayed together the whole time, but that if they decided to actively make it a thing they could
also i hope u like the outfits i made up 👍👍👍👍👍
(japanese ver. on poipiku)
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haunted-xander · 6 months
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Vanitas stop projecting it's not making your case any more convincing
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samcats · 2 months
Mike and Wills friendship vs everybody elses
I’m sick of people acting like Mike and Wills friendship is platonic when 1. One literally had a crush on the other and 2. None of the other friendships are treated the same way Mike and Will are throughout the seasons so let’s go over them!
(This is gonna be a long one!)
Season 2 & 1
First off, in season 1, the show focuses on how Will going missing effects Mike the most out of all his friends. Mike is the only one to notice Will isn’t at school the day he goes missing. Mike is the one to come up with the idea to go out looking for him. Mike only keeps El around when he realizes she can help find Will. Mike is the only one that’s focused on after they find Will’s “dead” body. Mike is the only one out of the party members that holds proper hope that Will may still be alive.
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In season 2 he was the only one that went outside of the arcade to check where Will had gone. He was the only one that noticed Will was being extra quiet that day at school. He panicked when he couldn’t find Will, “Will what’s wrong? I couldn’t find you, are you hurt? I’m gonna get you home, okay? I’m gonna get you home”, He purposely volunteered himself to go check on Will and then proceed to stay with Will in the hospital for days afterwards. He was the only one out of his friends that stayed with Will in the shed when he was possessed.
Edit: also wanted to point out how in the crazy together scene when Will told Mike about the mindflayer he said “just please don’t tell the others okay? They wouldn’t understand.” Implying that Will trusts Mike the most and that he thinks only Mike would understand what he’s going through.
& Will only yelled Mike’s name when he was having an episode before the crazy together scene happened. He didn’t yell Lucas’s name or Dustin’s or even Jonathan or his mums, his first instinct was to call Mike for help. Both of these things furthermore prove my point that their friendship is different from the others and they’re much closer
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Again, the show focuses on Will and Mikes friendship the most this season. Not their friendships with Lucas or Dustin or anybody else, just with eachother. None of the other friendships in the show have done anything like this. Hell none of the friendships in the show ever GET as much attention and focus as Mike and Will do throughout the seasons. They are treated so differently. Still don’t believe me?
Season 3
One of the most iconic Byler scenes is the rain fight scene. Now I'm not really gonna talk about how obviously romantic this scene is by itself. But how it contrasts Will and Lucas's apology scene. The contrast between these two scenes is such a huge piece of evidence to me and I'm surpsired I don't see it around more
(Thank you to this video for saving me while I was trying to find the scenes https://youtu.be/u-rLx10eROw?si=vdGoQNtnXU103iZt )
Here’s the two scenes mixed together for reference:
Byler’s fight
In the Byler scene, it has buildup. Will getting mad and then bursting out of the room, Mike follows him while Lucas stays behind. Once they get outside, the lighting is dark and blue. The music playing in the background is somber. The way both characters talk and act makes you know that this is a serious scene. The aftermaths of Will going to his house and crying as he destroys castle Byers. And Mike and Lucas biking out to find him in the rain. You could make the argument that Lucas being there makes this scene bad proof, but it focusing more on Mike then Lucas tells you otherwise.
Lucas’s apology
It’s super rushed, you barely even notice it. It’s super random and isn’t focused on at all, it just starts with Lucas saying he’s sorry and Will saying it doesn’t matter and it’s pretty much over. The lighting is bright, our minds are more focused on trying to get ready to trap Billy then the actual conversation they’re having. Neither Lucas or Will react to it afterwards. You could literally skip this scene and you wouldn’t miss anything.
So why have such a useless scene in the middle of nowhere?
The Byler rain fight is such an important scene to show how Mike and Wills friendship has gone downhill, to show the change between children and teenagers, and also to hint at Will's sexuality. The Lucas and Will scene is just so useless and random and could've been left out, but the way it contrasts the Byler fight scene makes me think that its only purpose was to show the difference between Mike and Wills friendship together vs anybody else's, and nothing else. Because why else have it there? If Mike and Wills scene wasn't meant to have a deeper meaning, then why make it as dramatic as it was? Why build it up the way they did?? If it was platonic the scene would've been more similar to the Lucas scene and/or toned down a LOT.
It's undeniable that the Duffers where trying to show us something with these two scenes
Season 4
You can tell there’s clearly tension between Mike and Will when they reunite in the airport, which is very odd. Mike and Will are best friends, and again, Mike wouldn’t act this way with any of his other friends. He didn’t even act this way with El
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Mike then later admits that he was being an asshole to Will, and we get that beautiful “friends. Best friends.” Scene.
Now, I want you to rewatch that scene and pretend that Will is Max or Lucas or Dustin or Erica or Steve or Jonathan or anybody Mike is friends with. But you can’t. It just feels too wrong and too romantic, doesn’t it? It seems weird as well, because we know full well Mike wouldn’t say something like that to any of his other friends. He’s never had a conversation like that with any of his other friends, either. This is because they’re just that. Friends. So why should it be any different for Will and Mike?
This is the same for any scene with Mike and Will. Season 4 or not
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And if you seriously cannot notice the difference between Mike and Wills friendship vs anybody else’s, you need to do a rewatch
Anyways, there’s probably more stuff I could add but I’m gonna leave it at that for now. If you have anything to add leave it in the comments! Thank you for reading
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poppy5991 · 11 months
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Just like your regular dreams and nightmares, PTSD nightmares are not going to be a straightforward recollection of events. It’s going to be fragments of what your brain is trying to process while you’re asleep.
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ibenology · 11 months
I am not listening to anyone Loki WAS looking at Mobius when he said “it’s about who”
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theyapper0 · 5 months
(AKA a rewrite of Lucifer, Lilith, and Adam's (and Eve's) backstory with the Garden of Eden and stuff (and a slight change to Charlie as well :)
OKAY SO there’s Heaven, angels and God. 
God makes Humanity (I.E Adam and Lilith (both created from the dust/dirt of Earth)) and allows them to stay in The Garden of Eden so long as they do not eat the fruit barred from the Tree of Knowledge (they will die if they do). 
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Lilith, not wanting to SIN but just wanting answers, questions WHY exactly God would even PUT the tree there if they would die if they eat from it.
God explains that in order for them to TRULY have free will and freedom, they must have to have the CHOICE to choose whether or not they eat from the tree, despite knowing it would kill them
Lilith thinks that’s STUPID, why give us a tree with fruit that is poisonous to us? Surely this God is not as omniscient and all-knowing as we believe he is! For what God would knowingly give his creations something to kill them? How foolish! It surely must have been a mistake on his part that he was sloppily trying to cover up!
Lilith decides she doesn’t want to follow, believe or even TRUST a God that would even CONSIDER putting a tree like that in their paradise! She says as much to Adam, he disagrees with her. God had given us the tree to give us the freedom of choice, had we not have it, we would be nothing but mindless robots.
But Lilith disagrees, she wants to leave and Adam refuses to go with her.
She leaves by herself, fleeing to the Red Sea.
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Lilith stomps off. She looks back. Adam stays standing where he is, eyes looking down, sad
She keeps walking
Adam is depressed from her absence, a human with no one is a lonely one, they are meant to be with company. 
God sympathizes with him and creates Eve from his rib, a new companion for him
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Lucifer is God’s best angel. One of the smartest, most beautiful and trusted angels in all of Heaven. 
But also the most arrogant. 
He felt betrayed once God created humans, they were his children and voiced his beliefs on how they are above not only himself, but the angels as well- which included Lucifer. But the angel could not believe it! For, how could such a lowly thing, a human, be above a holy being such as himself? It wasn’t fair!
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Lucifer rebels against God and is banished to Hell! Bitter and scorned, he transforms into a serpent and preys on Eve, egging her to bite from the cursed fruit that the Tree of Knowledge bears.
Eve realizes her mistake too late and tearfully confesses to Adam, who in turn, bites the apple as well. She is his companion and he her’s, they are humans and they love each other, he will always love her, he will love her IN SPITE of her sin, if they will die, then they shall die together. 
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Successful in his mission, Lucifer returns back to Hell to rejoice with his other fallen brethren! Oh how his plan worked! That will show God how imperfect his humans truly are! They could not listen to him, not as dutifully and devoutly as an angel could! (Though, he does not follow God any longer, he cannot as he is no longer a TRUE angel, something that he so claimed was so far removed from a human, how different is he truly from them then?) 
But what Lucifer does not understand is that God does not love humanity because they trust him, because they follow him. No, he loves them because he gave them the freedom to choose, to live, to decide their own fate and their own lives. He loves them for their freewill, not because they are mindless drones.
God forgives Adam and Eve for he sees the love that humanity can hold for each other, how they are willing to die together, to sin and face death, face God’s wrath than to be alone, to be apart. He sentences them to Earth, alive but no longer able to communicate with God, no longer able to hear God’s word. 
One day, Lucifer stumbles upon the true first woman, Lilith, while slithering the Earth, full of humans and breeding ground for sin to which he found he flourishes on now, and they share their stories. He was curious about her rejection of God, about her doubt of his knowledge and power, not because he felt the same, but more so because he doubted his judgment. 
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(Lilith doubts God’s knowledge. Lucifer doubts God’s judgment)
Nevertheless, they both have been, in their eyes, failed by God. 
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Eventually their mutual comradely blossomed into love, though Lucifer would never say he fell in love with a human, Lilith was much more than that. In his eyes, she wasn’t. But whether the Devil viewed her as human or not, she was, undeniably, mortal and eventually died. 
Lucifer was there to greet her in Hell.
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They ruled together but their reasons for even BEING there were rlly diff. Lucifer was doing this to just stick it to God bc he was just super fucking pissy and hurt that God loved humans more than he loved him (while Lillith though God was a stupid doo-doo head)
So after ruling over Hell for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS, Lilith slowly began to take more control of Hell and Lucifer sorta took a back seat, it was a gradual thing. It wasn't like Lillith was like “GIMME THIS, YOU SUCK” No no no, it wasn’t like that all. IT WAS NATURAL!!!!!
(“Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power.”)
The more demons in Hell sorta put a strain on their relationship [CAUSE STILL UNKNOWN]
Hell was getting more and more demons everyday and Heaven, fearful of their growing numbers, issued a means of population control in Hell- yearly cleansing (exterminations).
Lucifer hates humans (and Sinners in Hell), wants to rule like REALLY harshly. Torture and the whole 9 yards.
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But because Lilith was human before and since she only doesn’t like GOD (not humans) she sorta wants to rule the ppl,,,,,  justly and stuff? Like the whole reason she doesn’t like God is because she didn’t think he was a good Lord of his creations, so she wants to make sure she isn’t being this AlL-kNoWiNg asshole.
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**(Lucifer doesn’t hate God, hates humans
**Lillith doesn’t hate humans, hates God)
The Exterminations is the sorta the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of Lucifer and Lilith’s relationship tbh. Bc Lucifer doesn’t care at ALL if Heaven kills the demons or whatever bc he hates their asses, he literally pulls out a lawn chair and just watches haha 
Meanwhile it’s literally the most STRESSFUL day of the year for Lillith bc those are her fucking PEOPLE 
(Not that she cares about them or anything, it’s mainly just a huge embarrassment for HER bc God is ordering this and it basically shows that he STILL has more power over her, despite everything)
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Once Lucifer takes a back seat in ruling, the best thing I can compare it to is like when married couples on the verge of divorce don't sleep in the same bed together anymore
This is reflected in how they raise Charlie and her beliefs.
Charlie was created, not born. She was molded and shaped from the brimstone and ores of Hell. 
Lucifer and Lilith literally MADE a kid. Like a whole ass child-sized doll and brought it to life with satanic magic. (It took a couple tries haha)
Charlie grew up in a very belief clashing household (Lucifer wants her/made her kill and torture demons/humans. Lillith wanted her to rule sorta strictly and BETTER than God like how she does)
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Lilith rules in a VERY specific and orderly way (seriously, it's almost NEUROTIC) and made sure to DRILL this into Charlie’s head growing up so she could rule in the same way but this unintentionally caused Charlie to care about the people of Hell as a result (bc she was constantly considering how her ruling/actions would affect the ppl) 
BUT bc of how Lucifer made her think (w being more powerful/stronger than the humans and demons and killing them and stuff all the time), Charlie does unknowingly see the people of Hell as below her and babies them. Doesn’t even realize she thinks that.
Charlie is like the worst parts of both of them LOL
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(I'm not saying she's a bad person, I just think it'd be better if her flaws addd something more to the plot. I think Charlie unknowingly treating others as less than her not only helps reinforce her position as daughter of the Devil BUT ALSO can fit well with the fact that she would rather try to solve other peoples' problems instead of her own- she wants to help people!!!! But!!!! Goes about it in wrong ways and usually fails but keeps trying!!!!!
Charlie wants to reform Sinners so they can avoid the Exterminations because she cares about them (goes abt helping them in the wrong way tho (ex. Instead of talking out their problems and getting to the root of it, she’d just put them in a time-out haha))
Lucifer will HATE this fucking idea. Not only does Charlie wanna HELP HUMANS, she wants them to get to Heaven, THE PLACE HE IS BANISHED FROM
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In the first season (as I've said before), Lucifer isn't gonna be seen at ALL, he'll be mentioned form time to time but other than that, he's not seen. He doesn't want anything to do with the hotel or with what Charlie is doing regarding it, he does love her and she loves him but their relationship is just.............. super strained, more so after Lilith disappeared
(But dw, they'll rekindle their relationship later on :)
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tkpuke · 7 months
Best Mistake
Pairing - Alastor x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,015
In which you’re a new member in the Hazbin Hotel trying to redeem yourself. Everyone has made you feel welcomed, you’ve warmed up to everyone, everyone except one. It is no secret that you do not trust him, and Alastor seems to take matters into his own hands and change that.
This is a tickle fic. Do not read if that’s not your thing.
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It has only been a month, but you vividly remember how your first day went when entering the doors of Hazbin Hotel. Charlie immediately running up to you with such a tight suffocating hug, asking but almost demanding Angel he takes your bags into your room as she expresses her delight of having you stay.
Staying wasn’t your first option. The idea of a sinner redeeming themself enough to see the pearly white gates of Heaven greet them was almost laughable to you. When you first entered Hell, you thought that you finally reached the end. Made yourself at home and rot yourself away almost like how you did on earth.
One stroll in town is when you saw a commercial advertising Hazbin Hotel. You watched Charlie eagerly tell the purpose of the Hotel as she gives the viewers a thirty second tour, almost losing her breath as she tries to fit in as much information as possible before her timed commercial ends. You weren’t alone watching it, people gathering near you as they whisper to the person next to them their opinions. The majority of the reaction was chuckles here and doubts there. You, admittedly, also had your doubts.
Although, did you really believe you belonged down here? That this was your final ending?
Which brings you back to remembering your first day. Charlie had an iron grip on your hand from her excitement, pulling you to every room in the hotel and showing off its purposes and making sure to not leave any details out. Once an hour went by and she finally finished, she made you meet the staff and other guests individually.
You were a little intimidated by Vaggie, but could tell she will be very sweet once she warms up to you. Angel seemed like the guy that could make you crack out of your shy shell by spending five minutes with him. Husk didn’t say much, but you could tell he likes being here rather than anywhere else. Just don’t call him out on that. Niffty left you guessing if she is twelve or somewhere in her mid 20s, would not be surprised if older than that. Oh and also, her swiftness and pleasure for pain and torturing bugs kept you awake on your first few nights. Sir Pentious looks naturally suspicious, but he was actually very nice when greeting and you asked him a little about his egg minions.
“Aaaannd the last person I want to introduce you to is…!” Charlie sing song, bringing you down the halls in search for her last friend she has yet for you to meet. She opens a door, assuming to yourself that’s their room as she peeks her head in a little. You waited behind her, rubbing your neck a little as sudden goosebumps were felt. Charlie turned around after not having much luck finding him in there, but quickly gasped when she looked behind you.
“Alastor! There you are!”
You froze in place for a few seconds as the name fell upon your ears. Alastor. Alastor. You inhaled deeply, slowly turning around and almost having to crane your neck to make visible of the face smiling down at you, arms behind his back and small radio statics being played. Every hair on your body stood up, forgetting to blink when you two locked eyes for a good solid minute.
Count yourself as scared shitless.
You came back to reality, stepping back to keep a good distance between you two but went for a small tumble. “Woah, I got you!” Charlie giggled, catching you before you could fall. Unaware of the now fear written all over your body, she continues on by gesturing her hand towards the seven foot demon.
“Y/N, this is Alastor. Alastor, this is Y/N. Our new guest!”
He sticks his hand out towards you for a handshake, but all you could do was stare at his red claws that looks like he’s been sharpening them every five minutes. Alastor took your hand, knowing he would be standing there all day if he let you willingly shake it.
“Don’t leave me hanging, dear! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Y/N.” You knew awkward silences went by after that, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his hand interlacing with yours. You just want to get the hell out of here and run far, far away from this hotel and never look back. You knew there would be regrets when you gave this hotel a chance.
Okay, this was actually your first time meeting Alastor, but his stories were no stranger to you. Recalling back when hearing those horrifying, blood-curdling screams being broadcasted on the radio for all to hear as if it was a fair warning, people begin telling you the man responsible behind all of it. You wished later on you’d never asked, The thought of The Radio Demon selecting you as his next victim crawling into your dreams which turned to nightmares. Of course, you know that chance is slim, but is never zero. Down in Hell, you just don’t know what the fuck kind of trouble you’ll find yourself in.
Now having a face to the name, he completely became a new wave of terrifying to you. The red claws you observed earlier sent a shiver down your spine. Those pointy yellow teeth that you swear on Lucifer he’s put to good use. Bonus points for his tall, lanky figure which practically makes him towering over you so easily.
What you did not expect, though, was his strange resemblance to a deer. The antlers and, also, are those ears? Funnily enough, it kind of made him less scary. Almost. Not really.
Ever since your first interaction with him, you weren’t dumb understanding that he right off the bat knows your lack in trust and feeling unsafe around him. You would often walk down the halls being paranoid that eyes were watching you intently, eyes belonging to Alastor but had no further proof it really was him.
At certain times, you were convinced the demon was toying with how you felt by saying things to you that definitely came off creepy, but could never accuse him of doing it purposefully when he smiles like there’s no tomorrow. He always looks at you harmlessly, but you’d be a fool to take that as a sign to let your guard down. Every conversation he picks up with you ends short on your end, pretending you have somewhere else to be.
That somewhere being away from him.
Everyone knew the relationship you stand with him. Some didn’t blame you, especially Vaggie. Others, like Charlie, tried her best to ease your worries.
“Alastor is a great friend, Y/N! Just give him a chance.” She would say to you on most days, but it was gonna take more than believing someone’s word for you.
So, bless her, Charlie decided to come up with a trust activity exercise.
“Charlie, I appreciate you trying but I don’t see how this will make a difference…” You say as she rounds everybody up, some sitting and some standing. Charlie waves a dismissive hand. “Not with that attitude it won’t!” Her confidence is quite admirable, something in which you lack greatly.
She went over the jist of the activity, it being pretty simple. Everyone gets a turn to stand on a table and fall backwards, trusting everyone behind them that they will catch you with no hesitation. It seems easy, but once you are up there doubts will for sure start flooding your mind.
It’s called trust fall. A game you remembered playing when you were in middle school, to test your friends on their trust. However, to put this test on a seven foot demon with a horrifying reputation that all of Hell is aware of? Yeah, you wish you could count yourself out of this one.
One by one, everyone went up on top of the table and fell into the arms of those whose duty was to catch them. Some fell as soon as they climbed on top without letting second thoughts get a chance to swoop in their mind, while others took a little bit of reassurance.
Once it was your turn, you did one last pleading look towards Charlie, but she gave you two thumbs up and gestured for you to go. Sighing, you made your way up and looked down at everyone having their arms up and ready. Your eyes looked over to the middle, there Alastor standing nice and tall with his signature grin. A grin you want to see drop at least once.
As you turned your back, you didn’t hear everyone scoot back and have Alastor the only one standing near the table, in range of catching you easily. You took a couple of seconds to yourself to ease your breathing, because you are embarrassingly afraid of heights, but then you let yourself fall.
Arms slide past under yours, fingers resting on your sides as your back hit against a chest. The first thing that clouded your mind was how it felt like only one person catch you, but the next thing on your mind was how you suddenly felt fingers dig a little in your sides, pulling a small squeal from you as you quickly turn around to view the culprit.
Alastor stared down at you, feigning cluelessness. He clapped his hands together, ignoring your confused yet questionable stare at him. “Now! That wasn’t so hard was it, darling?” Vaggie nodded slightly in agreement, while Charlie ran over and gave you a big hug and excitedly expressing how proud she was of you.
Yet, you are still stuck on the question what just happened right after you fell. Every time you look over at him, he just smiles your way innocently, making you second guess yourself on what you truly felt.
You weren’t crazy. You knew exactly what he did, and he damn well knows it too, but it still feels so unlikely to happen.
Ever since the trust activity happened, which has now been a full week, Alastor seems to be playing a one sided game with you. A game that leaves you frustrated yet confused on what he’s gaining from it.
You’ll find yourself reaching for an item placed high on a shelf. Alastor will come strolling along, offering to give you a helping hand, and in the midst of doing so you’ll feel a ticklish breeze near your ribs. Now, the breeze would feel so similarly like fingers dancing along your ribs, their intent to send a ticklish wave throughout your body. Hence you turning with a glare, but Alastor would simply ignore the face you’d be making and hand you the item you’ve been trying to reach.
Another time you felt the same breeze is when you ultimately made a bad decision thinking you could fit into a hoodie that definitely wasn’t your size. You saw it displayed in a store when you decided to take a walk downtown, immediately calling your name. It was so cute in your eyes, despite realizing it wasn’t your true size you usually get clothes in, you wanted to give it a try.
Now, you noticed it was a grand mistake and a waste of money when the tightness it held around your body was starting to get unbearable. What you weren’t expecting, though, was how it didn’t budge any further when you rolled it up and couldn’t get it over your head, blocking your eyes.
You didn’t know whether to feel blessed or cursed that Alastor was walking down the halls during that time. A blessing, because he saw your poor state and undoubtedly offered to help. A curse, because you felt that damn ticklish breeze along your ribs in the midst of him helping you out, a yelp of surprise leaving your lips.
“There we are!” He exclaimed heartily, tossing the hoodie to the side and watching you fix your ruffled up hair but also eyeing him skeptically. “What was that?” You asked, but it almost sounded like an accusation because you damn well knew what caused it.
“What was what, dear?” He beamed, raising an eyebrow with arms crossed behind. You stared for a couple of seconds, not knowing whether to sound like a lunatic explaining what’s been happening for the last couple of days whenever he’s around, or to let it slide once again. Unfortunately, you were already feeling exhausted and were in the middle of heading to bed, so you waved a dismissive hand.
“Nothing, nothing.”
It kept you on your toes. Always checking your surroundings when walking around outside of your room, it got Angel questioning to Vaggie if someone’s out to get you by how paranoid you look.
You knew how stupid you looked to others, because you haven’t talked about any of what’s happening to you with any of them. You thought they would either laugh and say your imagining things, which you weren’t guilty of also thinking the same, or they would confront the overlord himself. If anything, you were at your wits end. You were considering doing the latter yourself, because it really has you on edge.
And so, you did.
One thing that you like to spend your free time on is painting. Painting anything that’s in front of you or whatever idea you had in mind that day. It could also depend on your mood, and for this particular Tuesday afternoon you felt quite peaceful. Your hands were almost as dirty as your palette, sticking your tongue out a bit whenever you were focused and gently dragging the paintbrush across the paper.
Your peace filled mind abruptly vanished when ears picked up on a familiar humming and distant blue jazz playing on a radio. It didn’t take long for you to put the hum to a name, looking over your shoulder but he was already behind you.
You gasped, his sudden appearance startling you. Standing up a bit too fast caused your easel to tip slightly and send your paper flying down, but luckily Alastor caught it and brought it up high to fully view the painting in front of him.
“You never told me you paint, dearie! I’m certain this will turn out marvelous once you’re finished.” His eyes look up for a response, but you’re standing like it’s a predator vs prey fight. Nervousness written all over you, hands out to defend yourself.
“Don’t you dare.” You say, making him tilt his head and squint his eyes a little. “Don’t I dare what?” His smile tightens, but you swore up and down its a smirk laced with nothing but mischief behind it. He’s being a little shit acting oblivious, and he damn well knows it.
“You know what!” You raised your voice a little, trying to sound intimidating but if he keeps staring down at you like he’s about to pounce, you might shrink in fear. Alastor takes a step forward, and you take a step back.
“Oohh sweetheart, whatever do you mean?” He’s got you backed into a wall, which staggers your confidence. Nonetheless, you gulped away any indication you’re feeling quite rather terrified, as anyone else would, and stand a little taller. “Don’t act dumb, Alastor.” The radio demon hummed as if he was collecting any memory of what could possibly trouble you, which made your eye twitch.
“Ah! Do you mean this?” Bringing his hands forward, Alastor danced his fingers alongside your ribs, instantly having the same vibe as the breeze you’ve been feeling. You barely had any chance to react and defend yourself, immediately grabbing his wrists as tightly as you can to tear them away. It did absolutely nothing, by the way.
Being tickled by an overlord was not on your list of things that could happen down at your time in hell. If anyone were to tickle you at the hotel, Alastor wouldn’t even be one of your top three guesses. Him sending those ticklish breezes your way, knowing how easily it got you to squeal and feel embarrassed. Knowing how it kept you on your toes around him, but still not so sure of yourself if it really was him responsible for it. Knowing how easily it can get under your skin.
He tsked at your hands gripping onto his wrists, his tendrils making an appearance and snatching them away, making your entire torso fully vulnerable. However, he did not continue on with his attack and instead watched you struggle a little, chuckling under his breath.
“Why are yohou doing this?” You say, a nervous giggle tittering out because anyone would be a fool to think his onslaught ends there. Alastor traces his fingers alongside your neck up till it reaches under your chin, which tickles like hell.
“You’ve been far too tensed recently, and there should be none of that.” A calm tone in his voice, acting like he’s not about to bring you into a breathless mess. “And you think what you’ve been doing to me over the last couple of days was making me less tense?” You shot a glare, but it bounced right off of him.
Shrugging his shoulders, Alastor tiptoed his fingers on your tricep all the way down to right on the soft spot of your underarms, causing you to violently jolt. “I thought my little game was helping, with all your delightful short squeals you’ve been giving me. hmm, what does it sound like again?”
His fingers, more like claws, resting on your underarms started scratching, not disappointing him when you squealed just like he predicted. Alastor pressed his fingers in a little deeper, searching for a more boisterous laugh. Your true real laugh that you’ve been choking back lately because of how badly it made you feel insecure.
You did not fail him with his goal. You laughed a little harder and tugged on the restraints on your wrists a little harder, but wherever you move, his hands follow. “I must say Y/N, your laugh is like music to my ears. Shall we have everyone else listen?” He sways his radio stick closer to you, but you shake your head desperately.
“Nohoho! Plehehease!” It was a little humiliating, but you were already getting close to your limit. On earth, friends and family recognized how you were more ticklish than the average person. You were a regular victim to tickle fights with your close loved ones, always yelling truce within five minutes. In this situation, you were a little hesitant that begging would translate to him ‘continue’.
Yet, luck was on your side since Alastor took notice you were already having slight tears mirth your eyes. Regardless, he didn’t plan on doing this for very long from the get-go. The whole thing of him brushing his hands against your sides during the trust fall was a honest mistake, but when Alastor picks up on weaknesses that people have, he puts a pin on it and takes advantage of it later down the road for his own good use. Tickling was something Alastor learned was a common weakness for most people, but the other half people rather enjoyed the feeling and the bond it creates.
For you, he already found out it was the second preference. You will never in a million years admit to it, but this entire thing seemed kind of playful to you. The kind of playful you haven’t experienced in so long. Haven’t laughed genuine in so long, and have all your ticklish spots exploited when the reason behind it is for all in good fun. And oh, to be a teasy asshole. He’s doing great in that field.
“Such a sensitive being you are. Have you always known you were this ticklish?” To be honest, you kind of wished he would stop talking. You can’t explain it, but it made everything tickle ten times worse. He’s aware. Of course he is.
You felt his hands travel to every spot that can be ticklish, quickly catching on he was in search for that one spot that can make you go ballistics. “Alastor, wahahait..” you stopped struggling awhile ago, realizing it brought you no use. He yet again ignored your giggly pleas, fueling him to keep going. The more his hands traveled down almost near your hips, the more you start to get nervous and newfound energy kicking in to pull your body away from him.
He catches on.
His next movement happened so fast, you swear it all went down in a blink. The minute he latched onto your hips, you let out a snort, cheeks forming a tint of pink. The tendrils finally release your wrists, at the same time Alastor switched up the pace and drilled his thumbs in a motioning circle. Your legs didn’t stand a chance to support you up, immediately crashing down but he did not follow.
You laid there for a moment, greedily sucking in sweet air to the point you almost thought you saw Heaven itself. When you felt like you collected yourself, you slowly sat up and moved a couple of strands away from your face to view Alastor, looming over you with his widest grin yet in his books. “Bad spot?” He tilts his head down at you, and in response you huff and roll your eyes. He lends you his hand, looking at it hesitantly before taking it. “Come now, let’s get you on your feet.”
You brushed yourself off, finding your painting propped up neatly back on the easel. Alastor follows your eyes, coming to stand next to you. “If you add a pop of red into the sunset you’re creating, I’d say it would almost look like I’m viewing out from a window. What do you say?” Raising an eyebrow, you look up at him. “Do you know how to paint?”
Alastor beams. “Not at all.”
You chuckle at that, picking up the palette and switching to a new freshly blank paper. Picking up a second paintbrush, you handed it over to the demon. “Here, I’ll teach you.”
Teaching wasn’t your strong suit, or either Alastor was seriously terrible at painting. Either way, you guys shared a couple of laughs, listened to any stories he got reminded of along the way, gladly listening. The finished product was suppose to be anything his heart desires to paint of, and after examining it for a few seconds you felt the need to ask what the hell you were looking at. To him, it’s him and his mother enjoying a warm meal of jambalaya while sitting on their front porch. To you, it’s just a big blob of bright colors, but the more you squint the more you start to see his vision and let out a small smile.
The guilt of judging him way too harshly off the bat started to set in. You tried not to blame yourself too much, because if anyone heard the tales and myths you’ve been hearing about The Radio Demon, anyone would jump at the sight of him. Although, there’s one thing you always believed in people: Second Chances.
If everyone at the hotel did not see a problem with not only having him stay, but having him help out a tremendous amount to have Hazbin live up to its full potential, then that must mean they all put a lot of trust in the guy. Charlie specifically, and although people might say she’s naive, she’s not dumb. If putting full trust in Alastor was a mistake, she would’ve taken care of that a long time ago.
However, trust is a sensitive topic for you. Alastor has a long way of achieving that, but for now the time you’re spending with him is something you’ll smile to yourself later tonight.
Maybe The Hazbin Hotel has already started to redeem some qualities of yourself you thought you would never get to see.
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creamhoodie · 1 year
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊ Trio ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊
synopsis: Nagi finds out you cheated on him with Reo and the three of you end up having a threesome. Tags: aged up, continuation to my other fic comfort
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Nagi knew something had happened between you and Reo the morning he had picked you up. Reo’s call had only confirmed it. 
“Do you ever think about how good the both of us could make her feel?” Reo had asked. 
His best friend had pitched the idea of the two of them fucking his girl, though something told him Reo had already been in you. 
Maybe it had been the way you tasted different or the way Reo had held you a little longer than usual when saying goodbye with your breasts squished cozily into his chest. 
The thought of Reo touching you and making you feel good filled him with a jealousy he didn’t know he could possess. 
“Was that Reo on the phone?” you asked, opening the bathroom door, steam in the air and you were dressed in the bathrobe he had given you for Christmas. 
“Yeah,” he said, noting the worried tone you tried to conceal.
He knew you thought he didn’t notice these finer details because of the way he was captivated  with his video games but the truth is he had every part of you memorized from the way your eyes lit up to how your tears taste when you cried. 
“What’d he want?” you asked, raking your comb through your wet hair. 
Nagi took his time answering, going to hug you from behind and smelling your clean scent, nuzzling your neck. That’s one of the things he loved most about being with you: how your fragrance permeated the hot steamed air after you showered. To Nagi that would always be a comforting smell, the smell of home. 
“Reo suggested that the two of us could make you feel good,” he said, kissing your neck. 
“Oh,” you said, widening your eyes. 
But he knew you better and knew that was your ‘oh how surprising face.’ 
Little slut, had Reo trailed kisses down this very neck last night? 
“Is that something you’d be interested in?” He asked.
He undid your bathrobe and pulled the drape back a little so he could see your bare breasts in the mirror. 
“I’m not sure, Seishiro. Would something like that even be okay with you?” you asked, but he was not oblivious to how the question had made your breath hitch for a moment in anticipation and longing. 
Would he be okay with it? 
He wasn’t entirely sure. Part of him was still filled with jealousy at the thought of Reo touching you but there was another part of him at the corner of his ego that was aroused at the idea of Reo watching him fuck you. 
Sure he had been lazy with the sex lately, letting you ride him and not doing it as frequently but this new element of adding Reo to the mix was stoking flames he hadn’t known existed. 
“Seishiro?” you called his name to get his attention again. 
He turned you around so you were facing him, your hands instinctively placing themselves at his chest. In response, he pulled back the drape of the garment even more so your nipples were fully revealed. He placed his thumb on one and pressed down hard. 
“I think I’d be okay with it, especially if it makes you feel good,” he said as you winced a bit from his touch at both the pain and pleasure. 
“Seishiro, what's gotten into you?” you asked. 
He wasn’t entirely sure himself as he was still discovering this feeling of jealousy and arousal. 
That’s why he couldn’t turn down Reo’s offer, he had to chase down this feeling to the end to find that light at the end of the tunnel. 
Nagi watched as Reo whispered something in your ear causing your face to go red. Though he didn’t know Reo had purred: “I told you, you’d feel me again, doll” into your ear, he had a pretty good idea. 
The three of you were the bed you shared with Nagi. 
From the moment Reo had come over and entered the room, Nagi could tell how you were salivating over him. 
Again that same feeling from before, both jealousy and arousal plagued him. 
You sat in the middle of the two men, each making you feel so small in comparison. 
“Why don’t you kiss her, first?” Nagi prompted Reo.
Besides, you’re practically eye fucking her already, he thought to himself. It was also for his benefit he wanted to see how the act would make him feel. 
Not one to be told twice, Reo kissed you passionately, his tongue intertwining with yours.
Nagi felt his pants tighten watching the two of you. Seeing Reo kiss you with such a familiarity and passion turned him on because it gave him a new point of view of you he wasn’t usually able to see. Yet it also made him jealous because he wanted that passion too.
He broke the two of you’s kisses by pulling you by your hair and making you face him and soon Reo’s tongue was replaced with his. Again you tasted different, a mixture of you and Reo. Now you were creating a new flavor with him added in. 
As the two of you made out, Reo began to leave kisses down your neck and the slope of your shoulder, this time he let himself go and didn’t hold back, gently biting at your skin to leave marks like he had so desperately wanted to last night. 
“You’re so lucky, Nagi. Her skin is so soft,” Reo moaned against your skin. 
His words filled Nagi with both pride and anger. Pride because you were his and belonged to him. Anger because Reo had looted and he knew he had felt your precious soft skin last night. 
“I know I am,” he said between tongue filled kisses. He was ready to take it further, explore this feeling further down the rabbit hole: why did his best friend fucking his girl make him mad and turn him on at the same time? 
He should be angry at the two of you and he was just not in the way he expected. 
“Seishiro please,” you pleaded as you felt your clit beginning to pulsate in yearning. 
“I know,” he cooed but he thought to himself: I know how much of a slut you are and how much you crave to be filled with both of us. 
If that’s what you wanted you’d get it and then some, but this time you wouldn’t feel Reo without feeling him as well. 
Two pairs of hands hurriedly undressed you. It all happened so fast with clothes being discarded. You were positioned on your knees and felt two tips lingering at your entrances: one at your ass and the other at your pussy. 
Nagi was at your ass while your back was turned to him and you faced Reo whose cock lingered before you. 
“Seishiro? What are you gonna do?” you asked apprehensively. 
He kissed your back before replying.
“I’m going to make you feel good, same as Reo. Don’t worry about anything,” he said. 
He knew this was unlike him, usually you would just ride him and he had never fucked your ass before but he intended to show you that he was more than a pillow princess and could make you feel just as good as Reo. 
“You heard him, baby. Don’t worry, we're gonna take really good care of you. Here let me help you,” Reo said to you as he kissed you to relax you. 
Again you were greeted with his soft tongue and his hands were massaging your breasts as he kissed you. You felt yourself pooling in arousal at his embrace and you were just beginning to relax when you felt a sharp pain in your ass. 
You yelped as Nagi attempted to make his way in, the two of you had never done this before and you were extremely sensitive back there. Luckily, Reo understood. 
“Shhh, don’t focus on him. Focus on me,” he whispered so only you could hear. You were next greeted by Nagi’s tongue and spit at your ass as he tried to lubricate you. “I think he needs you a little more wet, angel. Should I show him how wet you can get for me?” Reo asked. 
Not giving you a chance to answer, he stuffed two fingers inside of your pussy, fingers curling while he used his other hand to massage your clit. 
Your breathing hitched, he was just as skilled with his fingers as he had been with his tongue last night. 
All the while, Nagi continued to tongue at your ass, leaving a snail trail of moisture down your crack and at your entrance. Between him and Reo you felt yourself flooding to the point that it was almost embarrassing. The lubrication caused from Reo’s fingering dripping to the back of your pussy as well. 
“She’s ready now, Reo,” Nagi  said as a heads up. The two resumed their positions, tips lingering at entrances. 
You stared into Reo’s amethyst eyes bracing yourself as you simultaneously felt them both sink into you. 
You let out a blood curling moan as you felt Nagi sink himself all the way into your ass. The burning sensation you felt made you feel like he had taken your virginity all over again and you collapsed into Reo’s arms, feeling his cock  warm and familiar in your cunt. 
“Fuck, look at you all filled up,” Reo said astonished as his hands steadied you. 
But you didn’t have eyes for him right now, what you were curious about was the quiet menace that had just sunken his impressive length into your ass. 
You turned your head to meet Nagi’s gray eyes and winced at his expression.
He looked angry and his next words made your blood run cold.
“Did the two of you really think I wouldn’t be able to tell you had fucked last night?” He asked. 
This was it.
His trump card. 
He had intended to let the two of you know when he had you like this because then he intended to fuck you with his full force. If you wanted to be on Reo’s cock how you had been last night by all means go ahead but he’d fuck you so good every time you felt him in your pussy you’d be yearning for his cock in your ass.
“Seishiro I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“ you tried to protest emotionally with tears now but he cut you off.
“Shut up. You wanna act like a whore you’re gonna be fucked like one,” he said. 
The three of you remained positioned like that, not speaking for a few moments. 
You stared at Reo, who gazed back at you with lust. 
He seemed calm, you wondered how he could be so collected when he had been wrong, he had told you Nagi wouldn’t get mad. 
“Go ahead and fuck her, Reo. What are you waiting for? Fuck her like you did last night,” Nagi said. 
Reo began to thrust in and out of you slowly and soon you were overwhelmed with bliss. 
It was then that Nagi decided to thrust as well, keeping in tune with Reo’s pace. 
Again his anger was turning to arousal seeing you on Reo’s cock and hearing the soft smacking sounds of skin on skin. Both of their balls smacked against your ass and pussy, making lewd noises. He used your hair as a handlebar pulling it back to steady himself as he watched his cock enter in and out of your round ass cheeks. 
Looking over your shoulder, he could also see Reo’s cock disappearing and entering your pussy, each time more soaked with your fluids than the last. 
“Fuck, you feel good,” Reo moaned. He didn’t even try to hide how much he enjoyed fucking you and feeling your warmth on his cock. 
Nagi be damned, you felt amazing the only regret he had was not fucking you sooner. The way you were making him feel now he was envisioning all the times he could have fucked you: when he gave you a ride back to Nagi’s, when the two of you had been alone in the locker room, and when the three of you had watched movies at his place, if only he had snuck his hand under your blanket into your warm folds… 
As Nagi watched this all unfold, the light at the end of the tunnel was coming closer, at last he almost understood why he was feeling the way he did.
Pounding into you still, Nagi watched with half lidded eyes as Reo’s cock entered you again, precum on the tip entering this time. 
He pulled your hair back this time to be able to speak right into your ear. 
“You little fucking slut, I bring you around my best friend and what do you? You go fuck him,” he snarled his pace increasing. 
You tried to stammer another apology but you couldn’t form coherent words too busy making animalistic moans. 
“You’re such a whore and you had the nerve to kiss me after sucking his cock,” Nagi continued. 
Tears were falling down your face both from his harsh words and from the combined pleasure the two of them were making you feel. 
You fell forward into Reo for support, wrapping your arms around his neck, tears free falling down from your skin onto his. 
To Nagi it was such an intimate sight it only aroused him more especially when you and Reo bumped noses from the thrusting and began to kiss again slowly without shame.
At last he understood.
Watching the two of you kiss with Reo’s cock sloppily going in and out of you, he understood where this anger and jealousy was coming from.  He had reached the light at the end of the tunnel.
It wasn’t that he was angry at what the two of you did, he was angry because the two of you hadn’t included him. The jealousy he felt was at the exclusion of not being included in this game where you were the trophy. After all, he and Reo were partners on and off the field. 
Understanding this, he was able to channel that anger and jealousy into making you feel good, he thrusted against you faster now not holding back. 
“Seishiro,” you moaned, breaking free of Reo’s mouth and turning back to look at him. His face was red and you looked down to his thick girth going in and out of you. “Seishiro, I’m sorry,” you finally were able to make out. 
Now he kissed you, savoring the new taste the three of you had created. There was a hint of Reo’s dark chocolate, his ocean breeze, and of course your warm scent from this morning’s shower. 
“Don’t be, this is fun,” he replied genuinely. You turned back to look at Reo who was watching the interaction with hungry eyes and a smug expression that said ‘I told you so.’ 
So it turns out he hadn’t been wrong. 
Reo had known all along, the two were voyeurist and egoists at their core, each gaining gratification from watching the other fuck you. Each gaining pleasure from wanting to outdo the other. 
Nagi’s hands went to your waist now, his fingers digging into the meat of your ass as he continued to thrust into you. 
“I think I’m gonna cum soon, angel,” he said softly into your ear. 
Reo seemed awfully close as well still offering you quick strokes but his furrowed brows and moans showed he was on edge. 
They each felt so good inside of you in their own ways. Nagi was ever so big and he could reach deeper than you had ever thought possible, and Reo was thick and his unique curvature hit your sweet spot perfectly. Both of their moans echoed in your ear. Nagi was more of a whimpering moan and Reo was a snarl. 
In sync you felt the two release in you, and the three of you fell like dominos into the other with you collapsing against Reo’s chest, and Nagi collapsing into your back. 
“Fuck, look at what you did, baby,” Reo panted as he looked down at your interconnected bodies. His cock was a mess with your fluids. Your pussy was leaking with his semen that he had shot into you. It was the first time Reo had ever finished inside of you since last night he had made you swallow it. 
You turned your head to meet Nagi’s dazed gaze, and similarly his cock dripped with leftover cum that he had shot into your ass. 
The three of you stayed there catching your breath. Nagi was the first to break the silence.
“That felt so good. I didn’t know it could be that good,” he said, still breathless. 
It was as if Reo was the missing piece the two of you had needed all along to spice up the sexual aspect of your relationship. Having discovered several things about himself during this whole ordeal he was different from the old Nagi who would have just wanted to lay up in bed after one round. 
He wanted more. 
“Reo, don’t you think we should make our little slut taste us?” He suggested. 
There was a twinkle in Reo’s eyes as he responded: “yes we should.” 
Still fucked out, you didn’t protest as they moved positions. Ironically enough, you felt like the soccer ball they often effortlessly maneuvered and passed between them. Soon you found yourself moved from the bed to the carpet on your knees as the two stood in front of you, this made you feel more like a soccer ball at their feet. 
“Suck,” Nagi commanded, pressing his leaking cock to your face. You were quick to obey him, opening your mouth and taking his big pink head in. You were soon greeted by the unique taste of bodily fluids. 
“Fuck, she looks so hot down there,” Reo whispered as he watched, the burning anticipation causing him to fist his own cock again. 
Nagi’s hands went to your head, forcing you closer and to take more of him in. Your head bobbing up and down on his cock as you continued to suck him off was making him feel so weak especially with Reo’s eyes watching.
 For Reo it was a wondrous sight seeing his best friend so completely at your mercy, Nagi’s knees practically shaking and his usually pale white skin flushing pink and red with his snowy hair matted with sweat to his forehead. 
“That’s it angel, suck me good. Give Reo a show,” Nagi said. 
Reo loved watching your mouth take all of Nagi’s big cock in, he couldn’t believe you could handle it and had been handling it this whole time you had been dating Nagi. Images of you riding Nagi filled his head and he was impressed with both what your pussy and mouth could do. 
You paused for a moment to lick Nagi’s tip and kiss it in the way you knew sent him over the edge, not breaking eye contact with him. At this, he forced your head down again and began thrusting his cock into you so it hit the back of your throat making you gag, the sound of making Reo leak.
Again Nagi came, but this time he finished in your mouth, his slickness flooding down your throat as you swallowed. 
No sooner had you wiped your mouth than Reo pushed you on your back so you were laying on the floor. 
“Reo careful with her,” Nagi warned, his protective tone sending a jolt of heat to your inner thighs. 
“You had your turn, now it’s mine,” Reo replied.
He placed his cock in between your breasts and cupped your tits with his hands, moving them up and down, using the massaging movement from the act to thrust his cock in between your tits.
“Reo…” you whispered in astonishment at the lewdness of the act but your eyes were locked with Nagi’s gray predatory ones. Your breasts were his and seeing Reo place his cock between where he had rested his head and sucked at your nipples many times before had him seething with rage. 
“I want you to use your mouth for other things while I do this. Tell him how good I felt last night,” Reo said. 
Your hands, which were gripping his back, slapped at him a little.
“Reo!” you scolded. Reo continued to thrust between your breasts as he mushed them up and down against his cock like pillows. As he did this while on top of you his golden chain dangled back and forth in tune with your breasts. 
“Tell him how you practically begged for me,” he gloated. 
“Reo stop,” you pleaded, scratching along his back now. 
That only made him chuckle. 
“Good girl, leave me marked up so next time I’m in the locker room our team mates ask about it.” 
You remained watching Nagi who had an expression you couldn’t place. These two were a mystery to you. Maybe this was part of Reo’s strategy. Maybe once again he knew something you didn’t about Nagi, he had been right before after all. 
You didn’t have long to contemplate though because within seconds he was finishing onto your mouth, his cock still in between your breasts as he leaked all over your lips. You licked your lips clean and watched the two closely. 
It was almost as if they were trying to outdo the other. 
That’s exactly what they were trying to do. 
They were, after all, competitive to a fault. Even if they were teammates and best friends they each sought to outdo the other, it would often make the other evolve and discover new talents they didn’t know they possessed. 
This was just part of the fun Nagi had been referring to earlier. 
“My turn again,” Nagi said now as Reo moved off you. 
He knew how to win. 
He had something Reo didn’t have, and that was your heart. 
Nagi placed your legs on his shoulders and his tongue tenderly lapped at your vagina for the first time.
“My baby tastes so good,” he praised against your pussy with emphasis on the ‘my.’ 
“Seishiro?” you asked softly, watching him between your parted legs. 
He had never done this before, and the act tugged at your heart, he was being much more interactive than he had ever been before. It was everything you had wanted and everything you had cried to Reo about wanting when you had sought his comfort. 
“So beautiful, tell me how much you love me,” he said, placing kisses in between your thighs while also continuing to tongue at you.
“I love you so much, Seishiro,” you moaned in bliss as his tongue lapped at your clit. 
Though he wasn’t as skilled as Reo was with his tongue, his tenderness and willingness to do something new to bring you pleasure meant much more. It also had been part of his plan all along that he would be the one who made you orgasm last.
“Who does this pussy belong to?” He asked. 
“You,” you replied. 
“Who’s? Reo Mikage’s? Say my name,” he commanded. 
“Seishiro Nagi. This pussy belongs to Seishiro Nagi,” you moaned your eyes closing but you saw him shoot Reo a smug expression. 
You didn’t care now about either of them as you felt yourself reaching your peak. You felt warmth and anticipation then all at once a sweet release. You laid there in euphoric pleasure feeling several pulses in your body at your temple, at your wrist, and at your clit.  Your eyes were still closed and you felt that you could go to sleep right then and there.
“I think we may have broken her,” Reo said, slightly concerned.
“Nah, she’s a strong girl, she'll bounce back,” Nagi replied, and you then felt him kissing your stomach. 
You heard movement then felt a soft towel between your legs, cleaning you up while another towel cleaned the edges of your mouth. 
“I’ll give you this Nagi, that girl of yours is insatiable,” Reo said, “she’s difficult to resist. I hope we’re okay.” 
You were dozing off to sleep but it still felt weird hearing the two of them talk about you like this but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the attention. Reo had been the first to see through you after all you wanted both of them to want you even if you belonged to Nagi. 
You felt Nagi’s familiar hands move your arms up and place an oversized shirt you knew to be his from the scent of it over your head. You then felt him pick you up and place you back in the bed. He then tucked you gently into the sheets.
“We’re fine, man. Honestly I wouldn’t be able to resist her in your position either,” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead before adding, “oh but Reo?” 
“Yeah?” He asked, his voice sounding closer to the door now so you figured Reo was making his leave.
“If you ever touch her while I’m not around again I’ll kill you.”
Tag list:
@wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @ayanies @marilover69 @celestair
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alwayshere195 · 29 days
I wish we got Diego and Five in the timeline subway instead of Lila and Five. The deep desire for us getting the same premise but with a different execution.
Imagine Diego going and asking why Five can't blink only to end up in the subway with him. Five reluctantly, explaining everything he knows. Something Diego isn't fully comprehending but understands.
The silly idea of Diego coming up with the timeline travel and getting stuck in the subway with Five. The possibilities of their interactions.
The idea of Apocalypse Five shooting at them, causing Diego to ask who's that. "Me, of course, who else was in the apocalypses?!" Five responds, heading back down into the subway. Diego follows, "Well, sorrrry! I thought you had better aim than that!" Five shoots him a look.
The idea of when they realized they're trapped, we hear dialog. Diego shouting that this is EXACTLY what Five wanted. Klaus was right! He is a chaos junkie!
Five, throwing his hands up: I don't know why everyone says that! I'm not. This isn't what I wanted.
Diego: You appear in your element!
Five: Of course I do! This is all I know, Diego! I got stuck in an apocalypse at 13! 13! I was trapped for 45 years in it! Besides living in it, need I remind that I witnessed it again and again and again?! But that doesn't mean I want it!
Diego: Then what do you want? Because (mocking) Need I remind, you went off to join the CIA. You barely kept in contact for the past 6 years. You-
Five: I want peace! I want silence! I want to not worry about you idiots! I want... Forget it. Let's keep looking to get out of here.
How it finally pushes these two to talk. Their relationship has been rocky but there's always trust between them. Plus, Five doesn't really open up. So for the day to come where Diego once again pushes Fives buttons but the correct ones this time to get a
Five: I'm tired, ok? I have seen you all die again and again and again. I'm tired. I tried time traveling, I tried talking, I tried murder, I've tried, and it all keeps going to hell. There's only so much before it feels impossible or that I'm the problem. Sure, Viktor caused the first three apocalypse but not those after that. Not all this (refering to the subway). Only I could come here...
Diego, sighing after hearing all this for the first time: Yeah, you are a problem. A problematic piece of shit like the rest of us. And for holding all this in like a secret to take to the grave. But you're not to blame for everything. If anyone's to blame, it's Dad.
How they grow closer and Diego realizes just how tired Five is. He's exhausted and barely holding on. It doesn't help that no one in the family ever truly thanked him. So he does. Gives Five a genuine "Thanks by the way. For spending 45 years and some figuring out how to save us. I appreciate it. I like being alive." And how Five gets quiet as thats all he ever truly wanted. A thank you.
How Diego opens up about his relationship issues and how his rants turn into frustration about it all. Him voicing how he'd LOVE "bookclub" because FUCK MAN he needs a "bookclub" too! He'd be in full support! And he wished she was more vocal about things like he is instead of playing the guessing game. And how it turns into all the things he wants to do when he sees her again. Tell her everything. Open up. Hold her. Kiss her. Be in the same love he always really had for her. Fives there supporting him.
Five finds the journal and ponders it. Keeps the information hidden from Diego for a day or two before he's caught reading it. Diego's rightfully upset but Five brings up points.
Five: I was reading it. Making sure I understood what to do before we had a talk.
Diego: A talk? What is there to talk about?
Five: What if it went to shit out there and everyone's died? What if-
Diego: No, Five. There is no ifs here. We're going back and we're going to see how things are. Worst case scenario, we go back in time and save their lousy asses. Together. Best case scenario, we see our family again. I get to see Lila and my kids again.
Five: Right...
They go back and they find out that Luther and Lila ended up going to the CIA because "My husband always talks about this place, and my brother-in-law works here. So maybe there's information." And it makes Diego's hesrt flutter.
Just... what we could have had.
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chronomally · 7 months
I went to a local production of Romeo & Juliet where all the actors pulled their roles out of a hat two minutes before showtime and my favorite joke was the actor who played Juliet wore a trucker hat that said "GIRL" on it until the scene where Romeo and Juliet imply they've consummated their marriage, when he dramatically threw it to the side and pulled out another hat that said "WOMAN" on it
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purrple-sectors · 2 months
I'm only going to say this once. Idc if you agree with me or not
I love Oscar, for goodness sake he's my favourite driver and IM SO HAPPY HE WON!!!!! But it wasnt Lando's fault what happened, those team orders were shit and what happened on the race will obviously put a bad taste on both of their drivers' mouth
While I do think Oscar deserved the win since he drove very well today, imo after that shitshow that was that second pitstop, Lando also had every right to keep p1. Its fucked to prioritize a driver and then forcing him to swap with his teammate
We cant forget that Lando is atm p2 on the drivers championship, and yes there's a big gap to Max but every point counts. I've been seeing people calling Lando selfish for what happened and yea if he had taken the win he would have been selfish, but then we do admit that past WDC were selfish and praise their doings. Why do we negatively accuse only Lando of being selfish?? Its hypocritical.
Lando could have been really selfish and taken the win and the points for his place in the championship, but he didnt and that shows how much he cares about his teammate. Many drivers, like Max let's be honest, wouldn't have done for their teammate what Lando did today. And maybe Lando took alot of time to do the swap but we need to recognize that he wasnt put in a easy position, he had a decent gap when Oscar left the pitlane and had a chance to get more points, how many drivers would have jumped to that chance?
Its McLaren's fault period. Oscar isnt blaming Lando and Lando isnt blaming Oscar, there's no need to make drama where it doesnt exist. McLaren screwed both drivers and in fact Lando is more disappointed with his race start than with what happened later on.
The radios that were shared between the pitwall and the drivers weren't pretty and shows how much the team was at fault. Lando wasnt made aware that he would undercut Oscar, then he was given a "deal" that he would swap positions when his teammate reached him, ofc he would make a gap like any other racing driver would do, and then he was frankly guilt tripped in live tv to let Oscar pass through. I wouldn't be happy if that happened to me and I dont think anyone else would be.
BOTH drivers were put on a tough position. McLaren did shitty strategy calls and then tried to fix the things on the worst way possible, playing with their drivers' feelings, ofc Lando will be pissed!! This was weird and this shouldn't be what racing is.
Once again I'll say that I'm very happy for Oscar's win, I'm very proud of him and I think he totally deserves it!!! Still I think we all should acknowledge that McLaren screwed both of them and that it's normal they aren't feeling well with how the race ended, we should let them sort everything out at their own pace and not be accusing or talking badly about any of them now.
Now we need to wait and see if this decisions will affect anything in the long term but we'll see.
Proud of Oscar tho 🧡
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northern-passage · 2 months
some of you may have seen over on my kithj blog but i'm currently in the process of editing/rewriting the current chapters of tnp (mainly the prologue & ch1) i'm only on the prologue right now but making steady progress. i'm getting to a lot of edits i've been putting off (like the wraith fight) and updating/revising some of the lore and worldbuilding. i'm hopeful this will improve what's already there and also motivate me to keep going and finally get back in the saddle completely.
i've made the decision to cut out certain choices, the biggest ones being that you can no longer turn Clementine away on the road (it was always a bit of an empty choice and just resulted in the player losing interactions with a main character who is ultimately unavoidable) as well as genderlocking the sibling. congrats, you now have a little sister!
otherwise the only other major changes i'm planning on at the moment is the aforementioned wraith fight, though i don't imagine the fight itself changing too much, mainly the structure and choices, and then i also plan to rewrite Noel's route in ch1. Noel's route has been something that has bothered me since the start, and i'm going to essentially swap xir path in ch1-- rather than going to the isolation district (which ultimately doesn't do much, since you go with him either way the following day in ch2) you'll be going along with him on his house calls. there are a lot of other minor things i'll be editing as well, but those are the only big content changes i'm looking at currently.
the wraith fight will probably take some time, and i want to update with both chapter overhauls completed, so don't expect that any time soon, but i figured i'd share what i'm up to at the moment :-) thank you as always for your patience and support!
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sejanusarchive · 14 days
There’s so many layers to Sejanus being devastated by Marcus’s fate. He hates how the districts are treated by the Capitol, hates the cruelty of the Hunger Games, he feels the same emotional pain he would have felt being a tribute himself, if not even more, having to watch completely safe from afar, unable to do anything to put an end to the senseless slaughter, while guilt gnaws at him for not risking getting picked to participate himself, for having escaped. No innocent child deserves that, and it gets even worse when one of the children picked is someone he personally knows, someone he used to share a routine with, someone he used to spend hours alongside in a classroom.
And that child isn’t just someone, that child is Marcus, the kind boy who, while not even being his friend, went out of his way to help him when he got hurt, completely unprompted, just out of the goodness of his heart. That boy is a testament to what Sejanus already knows, that everyone seems to keep forgetting, which is that humanity at its core is and can be better than how it’s currently behaving. Not to mention how that was probably the last time Sejanus ever experienced an act of such pure, unconditional kindness. And that simple gesture was so impactful on him, it was enough to cement Marcus’s presence in his heart for all those years and then the rest of his life, and it no doubt helped shape Sejanus into the person he became. Someone as good as Marcus shouldn’t be going through all of that, and it drives Sejanus crazy. If the Hunger Games were too much for him to handle before, now that Marcus is involved, they're unbearable.
But there’s more to Marcus. He is also a safe memory to Sejanus, one who undoubtedly often comforted him when he was feeling at his worst. And he’s one of the main things Sejanus thinks about when he thinks of District 2, his home. Home, which despite the fact that he lived there during the war, despite all the suffering he witnessed, despite the reality of the current living conditions there, is still Sejanus’s happy, safe place; it’s the place he belongs to, the place that could fix almost everything for him. But he can never return there. It has to exist only as a memory, kept safely locked away and untouched in his mind and heart.
But when Marcus arrives in the Capitol, he brings his home with him too, he is the physical manifestation of it. Sejanus’s desperation doesn’t just stem from the fact that it’s Marcus, the innocent, kind-hearted boy, undeserving of such cruelty; but also from the fact that that’s his Marcus as well, the one whose existence is synonymous to his home, his sweet boy from his memories, his comfort. Marcus being there doesn’t only mean the pointless, unjust death of a good person, Marcus being there also means the death of Sejanus’s home, its image no longer far away, safe and untouched, kept only in his mind. Now it’s here and crumbling in front of his eyes. He already knew the reality of things, but it was just that: knowledge. Now he’s face to face with it, face to face with the fact that neither Marcus or his home are or will ever be safe. And, worst of all, he has no way to save them, or anyone else, he’s powerless and completely hopeless against the cruelty of the Capitol, against their fate; and now more than ever, since he’ll have to witness the death of the boy whose memory so often brought him hope before.
In the end all that’s left of both of them, for Sejanus, is a small chunk of marble, made from the same material as his District and carved into the shape of a heart, because that’s exactly where Sejanus’s own is: home with Marcus. We learn he has carried it to his new life in Twelve, immediately before we learn the only pictures he’s taken with him are of his family and his classmates in Two, of him, home for one the last times, standing with Marcus right behind him. That heart is the last physical object connected to Two and Marcus that he’ll have with him for the rest of his life, the last symbol of what he lost and will never get back, of what he couldn’t save or help. But it’s also the one object connected to them that he brought with him when he regained faith, when he felt like he could finally make a difference and actually help people in the districts; the last symbol that things could still get better and not all hope is lost.
For Sejanus Marcus is a kind and innocent kid; he’s the good in humanity; he’s a safe memory; he’s the marble heart because he is hope and comfort, and despair and helplessness, and home, and because he is deeply rooted in his own heart
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Escanor: *already has multiple sun and lion motifs*
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Anyway, hello everyone, it's been what feels like an eternity, but I have returned! And with a new redesign! You've probably been waiting for him, but here he is at last: Escanor.
This took an unreasonably long time; I can ran outta steam for a bit while making him, but I think he came out pretty okay. Especially since I've never properly drawn abs before. Pretty important since Escanor seems to hate shirts so much.
Anyway, I've decided to play off one of Escanor's Grand Cross designs with the fur coat reminiscent of a lion's mane, some fancy coattails, sun imagery (via the necklace and belt buckle), and armored bracers. I've also given him the long flowing mane he deserves, as well as beard just because I thought it suited him. And, of course, the thigh-high boots because... well, it's Escanor. He's the baddest bitch out there and he's going to make sure everyone knows it. Additionally, I've also took his original design and made him a bit more proportional. Man was like 60% upper body for some reason with the tiniest pelvis imaginable compared to the side of his thighs, so I decided to fix that.
His night form has a little bit less going on, keeping with the theme of Night Escanor being meeker than his daytime counterpart. Therefore, Night Escanor is also the only one, other than Meliodas, not to have his brand on display most of the time; he can defend himself, but he's not that confident about it, and so would prefer not to be targeted by anyone if he can help it. Honestly, he kind of looks like a discount pimp to me. Good for him.
And why does the coat magically get longer with him? Don't worry about it.
Noticeably, I've also decided to change the placement of Escanor's brand from his back to his solar plexus, both because it's a bit more visible than on his back and I'm not confident I would draw him shirtless very much (or at least shirtless without a cool coat overtop because he deserves it), and because of the symbolism of the solar plexus chakra, the symbol of which most represents a sun and is responsible for confidence, self-esteem, and willpower.
On the topic of his association with the sun, I thought it would be cool to explore just how far we can go with his Sunshine ability and what it could be capable of, hence the bracers/gauntlets made of literal sunlight which Day Escanor can likely form at will; hence why he's the only one we ever see in their full armor. It also probably affects his physical body, with him literally radiating partial sunlight from his skin during the day. Since Merlin is a vampire now, I figured it makes for a very interesting dynamic since he's in love with her but can barely get near her in the daytime when she already has to hide from the sun. Therefore, it gives some merit to his Night form and some inner loathing towards the Day; the Day is confident and powerful, but only the weaker, cowardly Night form can be around the woman he loves. IT'S. ABOUT. THE TRAGIC. LOVE STORY.
Anyway, that's about all I have for Escanor for now. Let me know what you think, if ya'll are so inclined, and I'll see you - hopefully - soon!
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petrichorium · 1 year
pluvi begging you to expand on gojo not wanting what happened to his mother to happen to you 🙏
warnings: it’s all a dream so nothing is real aside from the flashback stuff but pregnancy as horror, (sewing) needles, implied gore/eye trauma, implied child harm, gojo is messed up yo!!! and its bc of his mama!!!
he dreams about her.
it’s an odd thing, really. gojo isn’t much of a dreamer—not much of a sleeper, all things considered, but it’s difficult not to give in when you drag him to bed and curl up in his arms. the soft rise and fall of your chest, the steady thump of your heart, the sound of your breath; it soothes him into slumber.
and he dreams about her. she was always young. he’s older now than she ever got to be. frail, thin; borderline skeletal, robes hanging from her body like webbing. she sits in a chair facing a window, swathed in moonlight, the silver of her embroidery needle glinting with each stab. her face is veiled. her stomach is swollen with child.
she doesn’t turn to him, but she beckons without noise. his feet take him easily to her, and he kneels at her side as she sets aside the embroidery hoop to let him place his head on her knees.
her hand is cold as it threads through his hair. it’s gentle, at first. then harsher a moment later. she grips firm, tugs him up by those electric white threads, stares down at him through all that elaborate lace.
he imagines she’s weeping beneath it. his mother never wept before him, but she was pretty in the aftermath, eyes puffy and pink and shining. they were a cold kind of loving when they regarded him. she must have been beautiful once, elegant and lithe and willowy, cruel like the heartless sea and sharp like a brilliant diamond, but whatever was there is long gone. he thinks all sons must empty their mothers, bleed them dry from within, because his was always a shell.
she trails her hand down the side of his face, and he turns into the palm and closes his eyes, and she is silent as she sets down her embroidery to lift her veil. she is silent and hollow and eidolic as her fingers brush down his jaw and tilt his head up to look at her.
but it’s your face that he sees when he opens his eyes.
it’s your hand against his cheek, your eyes pink and puffy and pretty, your stomach bulging by his own doing. it’s your fingers that pluck up the needle, still attached to a thread of brilliant cerulean, and raise it to his eye.
his mother never was able to pierce him with that needle. she stopped herself, each and every time, dropping it and tugging him close in shame. she never doted, never was kind, but she never did manage to harm him.
you do. he lets you. it’s only fair. whatever thing is in your stomach can’t be human—whether god or demon what does it matter, at the end of the day—and didn’t he put it in you himself? if his mother never got the satisfaction of spilling his blood, shouldn’t you?
but he wakes just as the tip pierces his iris, and you hold him in your lap, eyes wide with concern and not puffy from weeping, and you hold no child within you. your hands thread through his hair and they’re warm, your lips plush when you bend to press a kiss to his brow.
he turns inward to press his face into your (empty, blissfully vacant) abdomen. the wetness he leaves there, falling from his so very coveted eyes, is colorless.
he thinks it ought to be brilliant crimson.
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