cottagecor3whor3 · 8 months
my roman empire is the kerser vs 360 rap battle
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fucktanner · 1 year
here we go, i’m just gonna hope i can make some internet friends.
my name is tanner. i’m a bloke i’m single af and married 😎 i’m based in australia. (and no, homie we cannot tell what happens and who dies because we’re one day ahead of u americans.) i was born on april 2nd , 2008. (omg my birthday is in 11 days .) i’m OBSESSED with olivia rodrigo (if you couldn’t tell already) and jenna ortega. i’m mainly gonna post anything i feel like on here (yes i will do posts abt liv and jenna) anyway, i listen to heaps of music and most of its a combination of rap and pop music. i like to listen to olivia rodrigo, sofaygo, playboi carti, kerser, chillinit, huskii, jack harlow, freewyo, travis scott, don toliver, and heaps more!! i like a few movies. i used to be shyt scared of scary movies and now i can’t get enough of them. like, i watched scream 5 like august/october last year and i loved scary movies after that (and omg scream 6 was amazing) i recently watch scream 6 & scream 1. (the original.) and they’re all really good. i watched scream 6 with my aunty, nan & cousin. when it started i got like, heaps of adrenaline (please don’t think i’m crazy.) i play a few video games. i used to play a whole lot of fortnite. honestly died in me o really can’t get back into that game anymore. i play minecraft. and a lot of car games. i run a jenna page on instagram and soon gonna hopefully start a liv page ♡ my favourite songs rn are: jealousy jealousy by liv, got damn! by faygo, never seen me fall (ft. jean.) by kerser, mama by rudy mancuso, servo by huskii, and kids are growing up by the kid laroi (hopefully he drops wjh soon 😿) i’m currently studying street art, money counts, and forensic science in school. i don’t have many friends anymore, i mean. i talk to some of my old friends from primary school. (which is like 3) i also think thats the main reason i’m antisocial and always in my own world all the time. i’ve always had a small circle of friends. like if i could, i still wouldn’t want a heap of friends. i recently cut someone off (bc they weren’t the most honest and nicest person. they also believed rumours that weren’t true.) which makes my circle even smaller. one of my best friends would be my cousin for the most part. like they’re cool. and i can trust them lol. which it’s usually the opposite with most people. i was in my first relationship from Sunday, October 30th it ended on Saturday 28th if January this year. i won’t lie, i loved her i just personally think i’m better off by myself. that’s all i’ma say, let me know if you have any questions / concerns. :)
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theveronicasdaily · 3 months
And we're moving on. You can't be right if you do me wrong. You knew what I was when our tune just stopped. And you found yourself when the truth was lost. So prove me wrong, got my jewelry on. But the bling on my ring finger's moved along. Lighting spliffs to hide the pain, I'd find it strange if we try again. Uh, got a mugshot, nice. Shoulda stayed away from my bloodshot eyes. Around and around, it's a crazy game. The whole plan was you'd take my name. And now things change, they stay the same. If it makes us stop, I'll take the blame. It must be new 'cause you've had enough of me. Now stuck in the loop 'cause you keep asking me how. How could you be just another savage? Was it love or collateral damage? I could've loved you better, I could've loved you better. I should've loved you better. I should've loved you better. I should've loved you better. I should've loved you better. How could you be just another savage? Leave me lonely, nothing left to salvage. Nobody knows me better, nobody knows me better. Nobody loved me better, nobody loved me better.
Savage (feat. Kerser) by The Veronicas
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Drinking beers watching 2011-2014 kerser music promo tracks. Does that make me a hero? Idk you tell me
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Kerser, Dave & Central Cee Lead Australia’s Charts
“Sprinter” races to a fourth consecutive chart title. Central Cee and Dave Andrew Timms Hip-hop is bouncing on Australia’s charts as homegrown rapper Kerser lifts the albums chart crown for the first time, and Brits Dave and Central Cee retain the singles title. Explore See latest videos, charts and news See latest videos, charts and news Kerser’s A Gift & A Kers (via ABK/ADA) debuts at No.…
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lorahlie · 1 year
bf: I want kerser to bash anyone who doesn’t speak eshay
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444names · 1 year
english surnames BUT excluding "h"
Abellum Agnes Akridley Alber Albott Albutt Alcombs Aldredford Allwells Anner Ansford Apper Asburgis Asburrone Astles Atkington Atney Atting Attledbey Avens Aycockerson Babey Backley Baine Balderder Bannantler Barborn Barman Barneller Barnetten Barrell Baterson Baxton Beace Becrangers Beddixion Beley Belkney Benningley Bewles Bickup Biggett Birdsley Bitton Bizzard Blace Blames Blane Blange Bling Bloomb Blost Bluncefield Bluntin Boardest Bodder Bolingall Borner Boster Boulding Boulsey Boulsife Bowerst Bowrange Bracloseman Bradis Bradison Brants Brell Briddle Brideout Bridgen Briendelle Brigg Brimlett Brimm Brocter Bromes Brounger Browooden Brussexter Bryde Bulmerry Bulmes Burbe Burker Burledgelor Burron Bussett Byfiel Caber Caiford Calfe Calls Cannaford Cannard Caper Cappers Capple Carbee Carlester Casey Caudlows Cauldins Clayne Cleatman Cobby Colbridge Coller Colvers Conson Cookery Copassell Coppers Cordy Corles Corward Cotts Coulden Coverton Cowlkeley Cowlton Cradley Cradwell Cribble Crippin Criss Cristins Critten Crofton Crossart Cruss Culvere Custims Cutton Cyrumple Darwardson Davis Dawayne Deakman Debott Deesons Delknel Deminy Deputman Dexted Dillyard Dittle Dobby Dolbee Dorsley Dowesters Drumley Drump Dunkles Durry Eadawson Earlill Ecklandidge Edgemake Ement Engills Fabing Fairleton Fattennison Faunterman Fenwork Fessett Ffreckford Fieldenford Figgs Fingstanmer Fland Fowlings Frand Frard Freton Frienden Frienderd Fristis Fuggles Fullin Fulling Futreenman Gadden Gaddon Gains Garberton Garley Garman Garrownson Gatleton Genton Gibbots Gidler Gilkin Gillcom Glads Gladwartin Gland Glazel Glead Glide Glidebnam Glidges Gobby Goodbee Goodburkins Goodcock Goodlock Gooks Grance Gread Greets Griston Grizzell Gullington Gumpus Irbank Jackenson Jaqualls Jernaboddy Jerson Jollin Journes Jowell Judgett Justillins Keetman Kenfiell Kerser Killmore Kimbiscoult Kirkin Kitton Knigale Knigall Lackle Lakenn Lames Lasey Lasscofield Leakin Leaton Leavey Ledgoodson Leeverman Lives Longford Longley Lorden Lovinton Loware Lummerry Lunkey Luter Mabell Maddon Mallman Marburner Markeritage Marlison Marly Martince Mastea Maulkley Meles Merfieldo Merson Milley Milson Molds Molyerson Mumfield Musgrosser Mynarden Naverbey Nigannison Nolds Norse Nyers Oakle Olmarcy Orcestbro Orrowney Osbornelley Packson Palmon Palmsteason Parkley Patribble Pearbord Peedlow Pegrove Penix Pettler Pickey Piers Pince Pipper Pittiss Plander Pleby Pockman Polincer Poller Pollins Pomes Pontford Pooling Postick Preton Prett Prinklin Prock Prockman Pryden Puckleston Puckman Pyburnaby Quartson Radsden Raiferne Ransey Ransfield Rasscoe Rater Ratter Raway Rawsomes Ricklands Rides Ridgles Riven Roebuckman Rolford Rollias Roystead Ruggs Rumpuse Ruper Ruton Sabinskelty Sackmon Saller Sampton Sanden Santon Saudley Saway Scages Scouncy Scraft Seaboddard Selps Sendale Sesson Siggett Sildens Simes Simore Sington Skillar Skilling Slace Slades Slyne Slynn Smeas Smedles Soseberman Spars Speacey Spers Spicks Spinn Sprall Sprudge Spruillin Spruitt Stabb Stacress Stalbery Stall Stankin Stann Stantaggs Stiddy Stigan Stillbriggs Stills Stockell Stovers Strail Stratt Strear Sturges Sutten Swell Sworrisp Talberry Talmersby Targins Tauntjoy Tawnes Teelin Tiddle Tillen Tinton Tolme Topes Totterson Towray Traft Trawlin Triples Tripletson Tuney Turges Turgister Tutton Twile Vanton Wagston Walding Wates Watrot Wayze Weates Webstebb Weete Weetwell Wilbridgeon Wilden Wilman Wilmerton Wince Winnell Winnock Worke Worton Yalstone Yarbelton Youndy
same thing but shorter names
Abellor Abey Abrow Ackett Adampson Aine Ainton Akerick Albourse Aldon Alvore Amberly Andagge Annard Apple Appley Artinter Artt Aster Aver Ayre Bage Bagnes Band Bane Bank Bannison Barby Bare Barles Barn Barnall Barriddy Basilcox Bats Bazell Beaman Beazle Beber Beck Becker Beddle Bedge Beding Belf Belster Bennard Bens Berton Bett Bick Bige Bigoody Birce Bircland Blackery Blackman Blancas Blatton Blin Blundley Blunn Blytton Boarden Boldings Bolt Bomaster Bonner Booksey Bosandy Bost Bott Bourley Bowerton Boye Bradle Braiford Bram Brazel Brazenby Bridden Bridder Bridmons Broadles Broomb Brostead Brott Brotton Bryden Buckling Buff Bulkins Bullman Bunt Burdy Burn Burnall Burne Burrett Buse Butt Buttert Cagg Cainer Cale Calfe Calfred Calk Cant Capert Cauton Cland Claypoor Cles Cobbler Cock Cogg Coggs Cold Coles Colley Colmster Comb Cong Conks Cons Cookin Corbell Corleep Corner Counge Cour Cove Covett Crable Crence Crisom Crison Croce Croffin Cruill Cruton Cular Cutt Dall Dard Daver Deputnam Dibblew Dick Digwell Dodrian Doggin Dors Dowlesby Downe Duck Dunker Eaks Edder Eden Eelye Efield Eggett Embler Engilson Farrell Faulter Faulton Feling Fent Ferst Fited Flacey Flee Flington Flipscoe Fosslin Foulter Fowley Fulfield Fulling Gall Garl Gater Genter Gland Glin Glovett Goford Gold Goodfell Gord Gowe Gree Gris Grundale Gunn Idder Imeon Inday Ingfell Ingles Irwickey Jackera Jaker Jann Jarrow Jeffield Jenn Jerrer Joinerd Juling Justigan Kayer Keatman Kelson Kens Kett Kiddy Kill Kimbley Kins Kison Knigan Lackney Lackwell Landy Lardsley Last Layson Layton Lemer Liday Lidge Ling Litt Lobbitt Loome Loomer Loverton Luncey Lunkenn Madger Mage Majord Majorsey Makers Makins Mallin Marges Mart Maxford Mayer Mayne Maynes Mayork Mayson Mean Mers Midge Migg Mill Mins Moble Morell Moreman Mors Mowell Mudges Mull Mung Mynation Myris Nick Nickmore Norcer Nowlings Nunner Nurser Nutton Nyerson Odumbly Olitts Ormwood Orrow Osbors Oveday Ovell Paddon Pain Palman Parkey Partrine Pearison Pendes Perd Pett Pice Pikensir Ping Pipps Plas Ploway Pooleman Popes Prier Profts Pulliffe Purins Quibbell Rail Rangles Rate Raves Redge Rickens Rickerts Ridge Riplett Ripps Riscoe Roll Rollison Rollye Rooke Rosvens Royale Ruffum Sabey Sadden Sale Sary Satte Saver Savera Saway Saye Sayes Scritton Secull Sedgood Seele Segroud Sign Silves Simer Simmer Sings Skipps Smon Sock Soleson Sout Sowe Sparking Spennard Spin Spraley Stabbot Staffin Stalk Stall Stallin Stampter Stanield Stanison Stant Stapling Starkson Starly Staynatt Sted Ster Stilles Stilton Stine Stington Ston Stopps Stravey Stree Stron Stus Summer Sump Swell Table Talls Tard Tartin Templey Tendens Tiffer Tinger Tituster Toberton Tobian Tompton Toot Tovert Townard Trice Trimmon Tringer Trivey Tron Truell Tuckox Tugg Tunker Turbee Turby Twixon Uptilton Vant Varne Vibb Walland Walpote Warry Water Watert Wates Weaton Well Wenby Wentint Wester Wett Widge Wilbert Wilker Wince Wing Wingle Wirton Witted Wittin Wold Woman Wrend Wrent Yearson
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theveronicasdaily · 2 months
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Savage (feat. Kerser) by The Veronicas
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instantgrams · 1 year
▪︎ www.youtube.com/@instant.gramss
▪︎ www.tiktok.com/@instant.gramss
▪︎ www.instagram.com/instant.gramss
▪︎ www.twitter.com/instantgramss
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laplaylistes · 2 years
Kerser - Telem How
Kerser - Telem How https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hqdefault-1406.jpg
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voidic3ntity · 3 years
"hate me but rate me and the exact same time" - kerser
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eshaybruhhhh · 4 years
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just realised how shit those photos were, they got this for chicks too damn. https://www.redbubble.com/i/sweatshirt/Kerser-Nautica-logo-by-feelngevaporatd/17816925.73735 or maybe the mask lmao curser literally the sickest 😂😂
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i really been goin thru it huh
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