#kettle rant
urgentkettle · 7 months
Got actually fighty tonight with a friend of a friend who finally pushed my buttons in the right combo. His whole brand of humor is to be Schrödinger’s Asshole in explicitly sexiest (and frankly dated) joke stories. He is allegedly an amateur stand up comedian. The punchlines are either that he is somehow incapable of not saying anything inappropriate/sexist OR that it’s a bummer that you can’t say sexiest shity anymore. It is literally his brand, because being edgy is funny . He was introduced to me as the ��Inappropriate [Ethnicity]”. After like four jokes back to back about him getting discipled at work for sexist shit and I broke politeness.
I said, “wait. But like, you get why that’s wrong. Right? Why it’s not acceptable to tell that joke at work or tell a woman why she has nice tits. Like this is a bit, right?”
He just laughed. Other people at the table basically said that yea. he was just joking but I just couldn’t let go.
“No. I want to hear it from him directly. You get why these are wrong to say at work. Tell me in your own words.” Actually starting to get angry.
G could tell that I was about get fighty about this and gently told me to deescalate. I let the anger go, but I didn’t laugh. I blew the rest of my masking spell slots keeping it together. I kept having to remember to smile or tone modulate so I didn’t read like a deeply angry bitch.
After, I told him that I wasn’t mad and I didn’t find it funny. That if it was a bit, I get the bit. And it’s not funny. Or it’s not a bit and I do have a fucking problem.
Idk I have a long of undirected feelings about this and just… no one else said anything. Other than to soothe my growing rage. His brand of humor is to be offensive. Well, congrats. It’s offensive. So tell me that you understand why it’s offensive. Your intentions are irrelevant. The ‘joke’ is that he can say horrible things and now that they’re part of his joke they aren’t offensive anymore.
I recognize I had an intense reaction. But I’m not wrong in saying that I don’t find that stuff funny. Not even asking him to stop (because readings this room and what they all said after, they all just ignore it and accept him for who he is. I can’t even prove that yet) just making it clear I don’t like it and find it mean spirited. Me. Personally. Because you are still being gross and misogynist. But for some reason that’s your concept.
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crusherthedoctor · 9 months
"Prime is meant to be for children, Sonic is a children's franchise, why are grown adults getting angry about it on the internet", said the grown adult, on the internet, angrily.
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yourfavepookiebear · 3 months
I am so fucking angry rn
I will bash the fuck out of the fucking whore who stole my birthday gift
Worst thing is, I cried so much when I found out it got stolen 😭 I fucking cried myself to sleep because I was so fucking hurt. And my sister was sad too bc she did all that effort for nothing
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oldpotatoe · 2 years
little life update! 
i’m poor.
like, went to university to get out of abject poverty, poor.
like, grew up with my family struggling to choose between heating our home and filling our bellies, poor.
but i’ve done it! i’ve gone and gotten myself a stable corporate job that can pay my bills and help me and my family not be poor.
unfortunately, if you’ve been keeping up with the news, my country (the UK) is dealing with a shitshow on the horizon in the form of really super-duper inflated energy bills. our bills are expected to more than quadruple this coming winter, and while i may not be POOR poor anymore, i’m still not rich enough to escape that unscathed.
so i’ve been busting my ass, trying to pay my rent and also save and squirrel away enough money for the winter, which leaves me  e x h a u s t e d  for literally any other activity. like exercising or watching tv or writing. and trust me, the words want to EXPLODE out of my brain and through my fingers... i just don’t have enough energy to even think, some days.
it’s a real shitty situation all around, and i’m sorry. flwogb is on accidental hiatus, but soon as i get some room to breathe, i’ll be back.
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racke7 · 6 months
Me vs FF14 part... 2?
It's taken me pretty much three full days of running from cutscene to cutscene. But I've finally reached Heavensward.
And like... on some level? I'm kind of offended?
Like, a part of me genuinely wants to replay the entire game from the start "as something else" (different main-class, different race, different starting-area, whichever), because the dungeon-queuing system is actually really fun when you start to Understand it.
As in, FF14 has somehow made an MMO that has almost eliminated the feeling that it is a level-grind? Partially? It's turned the whole thing into a surprisingly comfortable level of (limited, but genuine) social interaction.
To the point where even someone who isn't obsessively grind-focused like me, can genuinely enjoy themselves. Just queuing up for dungeons, Hunting some bounties, and-...
And then FF14 has so many fucking quests that it literally chokes the life out of the gameplay.
As an example, one of their biggest dungeon-draws (bcs high rewards) is a quest that almost everyone hates playing. Because doing that dungeon means watching literally eighteen minutes of unskippable cutscenes.
And that's with them having reduced the amount of cutscenes in that dungeon, because the players complained so much about them.
Like... I'd be perfectly happy replaying the game from the start with a different character, even knowing that leveling isn't some kind of pain-free thing. But the thought of having to restart the fucking Main-Quest? Of having to spend literal days just running back-and-forth to cutscenes?
I'm currently feeling a bit burned-out as a result of the binge I went on to get here, but I'm pretty damn sure that I wouldn't replay this fucking thing even if you paid me for it.
(And, of course, Heavensward also has a Main-Quest continuation that you have to follow. And now I'm not even allowed to fly everywhere to cut down on the "running back-and-forth"-part of my complaints. Not until they arbitrarily allow me to discover flight for the new areas, by going through even more of the Main-Quest.)
(Not to mention that now I have to go back and do even more Class-quests, with their own cutscenes, in order to unlock a bunch of skills.)
(I'm very fond of the "the church is evil because it doesn't let you fuck dragons"-meme, and I'm very much seeing it. But like... come the fuck on. Why is this MMO a feature-length movie-series? Why can't I just play the game and have fun?)
#and yes. i'm very much aware that ''you can do anything with one character''#bcs everyone gets one (1) race-changing potion. and classes can be switched out super-easily. but that's not the point.#video games#ff14#rants#personal stuff#also like... i'm unemployed and waiting for my classes to begin a few weeks from now. i have INFINITE free-time.#and i still feel like ff14 is actively trying to waste my time by ''telling a story'' that should be in a single-player game.#... actually. that'd explain a lot. did the writers of this game learn to write from single-player games?#is that why there are so many cutscenes and minor characters to constantly juggle? did nobody tell them that they were making an MMO?#(the feeling of going ''all-in'' on the genuineness in the cutscenes even when it's corny as shit? good.)#(being forced to sit through cutscene after cutscene instead of actually playing the game? bad.)#like... even just the dungeon-cutscenes? to some degree it's expected that you SHOULD skip them? bcs you're making others wait?#(and during the Raids. that means outright being left behind. ain't nobody stopping for anyone.)#so you're losing a massive bit of story-telling. bcs it's trying to tell that story in the WORST place.#it's a good story? i guess? but it's so fucking inconvenient to _play the game around_ that it feels more like a chore than an adventure.#and in a single-person game? i think it'd be great. maybe not entirely my kettle of fish. but genuinely good. but as an MMO?#like i get that a lot of it has been added onto it over the span of YEARS and that ppl playing it since launch would've been desperate#for new content. despite how the amount of content seems incredibly overwhelming for new players.#but jesus fuck. at least let people wanting to start a new character to just... skip the fucking thing? they've already seen it once.#* nevermind. they thought of that. they're selling ''story-skip''-potions for 10$. wow. just... wow.
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ratsoh-writes · 10 months
My mom is talking some serious sh*t about my aunt and cousins rn on the phone and man is this good tea
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shadowisles-writes · 1 year
I’ve been trying to get my oven/stove fixed for three months and it’s STILL not working I’m so tired and done of not being able to cook properly
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helianskies · 7 months
going to have some serious issues with my flatmate if she doesnt take my message about maybe not washing up at 4am seriously
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
Anyway electric kettles are a thing here I promise lmfao
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urgentkettle · 9 months
Making myself sick over a thing I procrastinated doing that turned out to be harder and more confusing than i thought it would be and now I’m sick mad that i can’t figure it out
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veritable-trash · 1 year
alright this is just me being annoying and wanting to rant no one will read this and truly that is fine I’m a hit tipsy so the filter is gonneeeeeee
I think many writers on this platform have discussed this but it’s only really hit me today because I don’t truly write that much but the likes to reblogs ratio is truly the worst. I wrote for a character that in the most annoying terms is very “on trend” and I wrote for them in part because honestly I’m obsessed they’re hot and my brain was in a state. But also the movie they were in had just come out and everyone was freaking out about them and I knew there would hopefully be more interaction with my writing because of that. But what sucks is the piece I wrote is probably one of my most liked posts and yet so have no comments no reblogs with any interaction and it really sucks. this platform drew me in because I thought it would be so fun to finally have a space to build some kind of community around fanfiction and all things surrounding that because it’s been such a huge part of my life for so long. And yet now that I’m trying(and if I’m being honest I’m not the best at interacting and reaching out and doing all that stuff) I’m seeing how much this platform has changed and how much people no longer care to build and share and obsess over all things fandom. It’s just been kinda sad to be here and want to build more community and interconnectedness and yet most people on here stay hidden and silent. I will always appreciate the likes. Always. But it doesn’t detract from the fact that I wish I had more people and places to go absolutely feral about the shit that I love. Anyways I probably won’t delete this but mainly because I don’t think anyone will interact with this and that’s ok <3 I just needed to verbal vomit this stuff so i don’t get more sad and frustrated
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masschase · 1 year
Trying to look up the best toasters because obviously I want good toast. And the ones reviews are saying are good are like... 130 quid? Like... mate, what the fuck are you talking about? It's a toaster.
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
hihi I would just like to share my two cents because that anon's ask made me ???
I think the anon should realise it's called real person FICTION for a reason. things in RPF are made up, and by that extent, characters are too. That means even though authors borrow real people's names and sometimes make references to real events, at the end of the day, the character in RPF works are not the actual people themselves. Which is why I'm completely ok with reading fics involving drivers that are not top of my favourites/I don't know that much about if the summary of the work interests me a lot, like I personally do not really care much for Esteban outside of the fact that he, Pierre and Charles did spend quite a lot of time together in karting as they are French/French-adjacent, but I'm okay with trying reading say, Pierresteban fics from time to time. Or perhaps the fics come from a writer whose other works I enjoyed reading and I think, ok this fic's ideas, characterisation etc will most likely be good. Because these drivers in the fics aren't 100% representative of the actual drivers.
That being said, I'd understand if a driver's certain IRL actions disgust you so much that you can't bring yourself to read fics that involve that driver, like for me, I really can't bring myself to read anything involving Mazep*n. BUT that doesn't mean I can, or should, impose my belief onto others. Everyone being free to enjoy and curate their experience both here and on Tumblr is what makes fandom experience healthy.
Anyways, rant over, I hope you have a great weekend ahead (p.s. I always love to read your tags. They are always plentiful and detailed <3)
AMEN!! this, exactly - i agree completely with every word you've said here, omg. real person fiction: exactly! we borrow their names and aspects of their characters and backstories, but it's just that: borrowing. none of it is real.
and YES, i'm exactly in agreement with you again about reading fics for drivers who aren't usually my favourites. if it's by an author i like, or if the summary is intriguing... my thoughts exactly! we are here to have fun in fandom, so why shouldn't we read whatever strikes our fancy?
as for that last paragraph of yours about not imposing one's beliefs onto others, and curating your own experience: i know i've said it a lot in this reply, but EXACTLY. fandom should be about fun, and the second one tries to force things onto other people, it stops being fun. i feel like a lot of this fandom's nastier anons lately are hiding behind the anon button purely to ruin other people's experience, which i find both a completely baffling thing to want to do, firstly, but also incredibly cowardly. it's like they know they're in the wrong, so they're relying on anonymity just to try and ruin someone's day.
and not to bring taylor swift into everything, but like... "this is why we can't have nice things // because you break them // i had to take them away." i can't understand why anyone in their right mind would hate on any content creator!! all you are going to do, eventually, is drive them away. and if all the content creators are driven away, then soon there won't be any fandom!! i don't CARE how wild someone's ship is. even if someone ships something which to me is completely absurd - like... fernando/charles, to choose a wild one - i wouldn't send them hate about it. fernando/charles makes no sense to me personally, but as long as it makes them happy, that's all that matters, and nobody should ever tell them anything different. ship fernando/charles and have a great time if that's what floats your boat!
anyways yes 🙈 a very long, rambly answer all just to say thank you so so much for sending this, and i agree completely ❤️ i do wish i could print this out and have it sent physically to that anon (🤦🏼‍♀️) but yes, i appreciate you so so much for taking the time to come and share this! you are a star <333
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vox-off · 2 years
this is a genuine question, i am ignorant of pretty much all things celebrity unless it's groundbreaking enough to pass tumblr peer review, but why does everybody hate james corden
last time i knew he existed it was for his turn on first we feast's hot ones and he seemed like just a person, decently down to earth for a celebrity, with the anticipated englishman's palate for anything spicier than milk. a bit camp, but is this not the home of 'cringe is dead we enjoy things'? what am i missing
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ryansventbloghehe · 2 days
"you should know how to cook"
if it's such a big deal why don't you teach me...
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keepthekettleon · 4 days
I get to work.
I realize I'm not scheduled to meet the new applicant.
I call the responsible person to get myself on the schedule, and get on the schedule.
I talk to my colleague to make sure he's okay with me not being dialed into the hotline for 15min. He's chill.
The new schedule gets send out.
My boss replies not even a minute later: The applicant is sick, he's not coming.
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