fotographee · 1 year
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yeah i go to shows: trans siberian orchestra edition
key bank center
december 22, 2022 // 7:42 \ 7:43 \ 8:33 \ 9:33 \ 9:53 PM
click for higher resolution ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
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tradedmiami · 6 months
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LOAN IMAGE: Alec Fox, Michael Weinberg & Edmund Aramayo DATE: 12/18/2023 ADDRESS: 7007 Macfarlane Boulevard MARKET: Charlotte, NC ASSET TYPE: Hotel LENDER: KeyBank (@KeyBank) OWNER: Liberty Investment Properties (@LibertyProp) BROKERS: Michael Weinberg (@Weino_Mike), Alec Fox (@AlecFox1) & Edmund Aramayo (@Edgy_A) - Berkadia (@Berkadia) LOAN AMOUNT: $10,000,000 LOAN TYPE: Acquisition LOAN TERMS: five-year, fixed-rate loan with a competitive interest rate and a full-term interest-only period. #Miami #RealEstate #TradedMIA #MIA #TradedPartner #Charlotte #NorthCarolina #Hotel #LibertyInvestmentProperties #KeyBank #MichaelWeinberg #AlecFox #EdmundAramayo #Berkadia
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balmiercrowd947 · 1 year
Game Quest on Mondays 12 26 2022
Game Quest on Mondays 12 26 2022
Raptor AVGN
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bestandfree · 1 year
Keybank mortgage rates 10 tips
Keybank mortgage rates 10 tips
Keybank Mortgage Rates Keybank offers a number of mortgages products, each with different interest rates and terms. The table below outlines key features of each product. 1. What is the best time to get a keybank mortgage? There is no definitive answer to this question since it depends on a variety of factors including your individual situation and financial needs. However, some general…
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rajeshkuofficial · 2 years
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nukenai · 10 months
Scarlet & Violet: we are unfinished games that run like absolute ass and look like shit and barely have content
Also Scarlet & Violet: Hey would you like a story beat about the nuances of parental neglect and how it's not always overt abuse from a cackling cartoon villain but can still damage a child severely, and also it's ok if that child does not forgive their parent but also doesn't completely hate them? And they outwardly state that they are relieved when they die because they can finally live their own life?
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veryveryberry · 5 months
game ready
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three-headed-monster · 10 months
please don't speak to me, i'm mourning the loss of ilya lybushkin on the sabres actually
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anthonybialy · 3 months
Buffalo Sabres Glad to Have a Roof Over Their Heads
You can play under a roof.  Someone should tell the area’s football team.  The Sabres will be looking up at the new top for their home like it’s the standings.  External factors might not seem like the most pressing concern for a club on the verge of again extending their league record for not playing playoff games.  But upkeep is important for property values.  You might not know this rule, but any NHL team that builds a fresh canopy gets 14 bonus points.
If the Sabres don’t want every single one of their fans mocking them for improving the arena and not the roster, they should make the playoffs.  The jokes might be predictable.  But so is missing the postseason.  
Will the giant screens show True Detective during third periods of blowouts?  You’ll never guess which side I envision losing.  The new scoreboard will offer crystal clear replays of missed assignments and shots.  We’ll stop mocking the performance as soon as it’s not worth doing so.
A winning product is the most important aspect in the same sense a pizza is more important for dinner than the box.  The cushy venue can only distract so much from what’s going on on ice.  But it’s at least nice to have a comfortable setting around something unpleasant.  You can drive to the dentist in a Range Rover instead of a Fiat.
The pending cozy ambiance might even temporarily halt incessant booing.  The attendance experience presently feels bland even before the likely disappointment following the initial faceoff.
But a little effort polishing would make it easier to believe they’re striving to shine.  Every stroll through the concourse should feel like you’re spinning inside the Sabres logo riding an animal that shares the city’s name while holding the nickname item.
A 1996 Sabres time capsule should include Ted Nolan smiling as Matthew Barnaby provokes a riot.  Instead, a throwback arena just feels like it’s still back.  Game attendance shouldn’t feel like a Friends episode.  They don’t even sell Sabres sweater vests.
Visiting the erstwhile Marine Midland Center offers a reminder that only the name has been updated.  Fan enjoyment should remain current like names of banks after mergers.
Yes, thrills ultimately come from the product and not packaging.  Yet it’s still worthwhile to be enticed to purchase with soft lighting and pleasing displays.  Wegmans feels fancy even if you’re just patronizing one to replenish personal ketchup chip stockpiles.
Any astute grocer would also replace one of their building’s sides if needed.  The Sabres are heeding the lesson.  Paying their own business expenses is a welcome detail that’s unfortunately novel.  Replacing the tablet and lid should create a precedent for the same owner, who as a reminder is a multibillionaire forcing taxpayers to build a case for his football action figures.
Buffalo is known for who’s watching, not where they’re sitting.  For an area so intertwined with its franchises, the city doesn’t host iconic venues.  The generic glass bowl replacing the utilitarian bleachers surrounding a field deep in the same suburb won’t change that.  
It’s better to be known for teams than arenas.  At present, the Sabres aren’t held in high regard either way.  Terry Pegula has provided a chance for an afflicted fanbase to display loyalty.  Diehards have shown a bit too thoroughly that they’re what makes Buffalo a true sports town.  Now that we’ve confirmed decent people are the truly crucial factor, the team can work on upgrading facilities to close the gap.
A giant television is a desirable start for remaking a game day living room.  Attendees could surely suggest future renovations.  Start with where they’re parking themselves.  Replacing seats would be a good next step.  Bringing back Aud colors would bring vivid character with a sense of history from the classy golds to the character of the oranges.  And display lighting inside and out of the arena in team shades would create immersive moments.  Like hockey enthusiasts who haven’t felt inclined to wear jerseys around town, it presently feels like their hiding allegiance.
An easier repair would consist of buying a few cans of paint to improve the worn look leading from the lobby.  Astute observers found it hard to focus on the Sabres hyping Devon Levi as franchise savior in the welcoming video while distracted by chipped paint on the staircase.  A team with pride wouldn’t let a worn flight be the first thing seen on the trip upward.  Brushing up would constitute a good first step in multiple senses.
Appearance matters even though it doesn’t.  The point total in comparison to others is the only thing that counts.  But presentation is a statement about how one wants to be seen.  An enticing environment is complements like sharp uniforms whose scheme reflects the side’s identity.  A team’s sartorial elements should reflect pride, which the Sabres will hopefully grasp this decade.  It’s easy to see how valuable embellishments are once they’re removed.  Diners think plating doesn’t matter until looking at the unappetizing lump of mashed potatoes scooped on the cafeteria tray.
A club known for not knowing the playoffs of course can’t dress up a semipermanent exile.  The ceiling is not exactly the only thing the Sabres need to mend.  But looking sharp is part of a confident package.  Clyde Frazier and Don Cherry can elaborate on how a bold suit expresses assuredness.
A sweeter perch for watching enhances affiliation.  The professional mentality is a good start as a vague concept.  Next, it’d be agreeable to see a competent team that doesn’t embarrass the faithful under the new cupola.
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tartbedo · 10 months
im 100% certain they debuted crashing here because this was essentially their buffalo show and i think buffalo is a great city to debut it in
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balmiercrowd947 · 1 year
Mo Money Mondays 12 26 2022
Mo Money Mondays 12 26 2022
The major Holiday season is just about over sadly enough, it has come and gone like most years. But with some of us feeling like that time has not yet closed in on us we know that yeah we probably can do just a bit more to enjoy our selves. Having said that New Years is approaching and I have been looking forward to this the whole time. A time when my debauchery and drinking can be excused and…
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hischierdevils · 1 year
From where are you??
The states! More specifically upstate New York :)
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hugheses · 24 days
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3-29-24: jack and luke at keybank center
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sc0tters · 10 months
The Best Favour Yet | Owen Power
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summary: Kent asks Owen to help you settle in when you move to Buffalo, that favour ends up being the reason for some of your favourite memories with the love of your life.
request: yes/no
warnings: some allusions to sex.
word count: 2.1k
authors note: this request made me laugh because it literally said Owen dating Kent’s sister and all the chaos that would entail. Started writing this as a regular oneshot but I hated it so I’ve just made it a 5+1.
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Kent never planned on this.
When he asked Owen to keep an eye on you once you got accepted at Buffalo State University. Kent never once let the thought of you falling for one of his best friends.
1. ❝he’s like totally harmless.❞
to PowPow 🔫: thanks for checking in with y/n I appreciate it
to y/n 👾: remember Owen is like totally harmless!
You were nervous to meet the boy, sure you had spoken to Owen in person before but it was never by yourself. Usually Kent was around for those moments as he didn’t want to let any of the guys think that they could have the chance to make a move on you.
Once they reached sophomore year you were merely just a name to them though as you were going to university in Florida.
A year of that was more than enough and you had transferred to Buffalo for your sophomore year.
But as the cold Buffalo breeze chilled your face as you clutched the sides of your jacket you began to lose hope “y/n!” Owen called out as he recognised your stature from anywhere.
Owen would never admit it but he did have the tiniest of crushes on you that he felt in his freshman year the first time he met you “hi Owen.” You smiled as you spun around to face him.
You looked up at him as he gave you a hug “I’ve got a few different restaurants in mine so whatever you-” the hockey player began to ramble as he didn’t realise that his nerves were showing.
It took you giving his hand a squeeze for him to calm down “you’re the local, I trust you Owen.” You nodded as you sent him a serious look to show that you were down for anything.
And that night you laughed so hard your stomach hurt and you even managed to make eating pizza look good because Owen looked at you like you were the only girl in the world.
2. ❝you’re a sabres fan now,❞
You had to say that you were surprised that it took Owen three weeks before he invited you to a Sabres game. Every time the game was in Buffalo you’d watch from your dorm window as fans lined the road up to the KeyBank Center.
So as you stood in the waiting area with WAGs and other members of the players friends and families you couldn’t help but wish you were back there in the comfort of your dorm.
Sure the people were nice but you weren’t one of them, you were meant to be a simple college kid “you made it!” Owens cheer pulled you out of your thoughts as he wrapped his arms around you.
The older players watched on in amusement as they pieced together why the umich alumni seemed so loved up over the past month “wouldn’t miss this for the world,” you smiled as him still having his skates on meant that you had to tilt your head up further to look at him.
He swore he was on cloud nine when he realised you were wearing the jersey that he had given you just days prior “you like the outfit?” You asked as you did a little spin so he could see your outfit in its whole.
Owen sucked at his teeth as he tried to remain calm seeing Power on your back “you’re a sabres fan now you know that right?” He teased as he had seen all of the Blue Jackets memorabilia from Kent that decorated your side of your dorm.
You shrugged as you ran your fingers through your hair “I’ve been called worse if I’m honest.” You joked causing him to let out a laugh.
A lightbulb seemed to go off above his head “you gotta meet the rest of the boys!” Owen wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he pulled you into the direction of more of his teammates.
3. ❝too good for this world,❞
On Tuesdays if you had late lectures Owen would pick you up and you’d spend the evening at his. Each time you’d take turns being head chef when it came to making meals.
This particular Tuesday it was your turn and you were making spaghetti bolognaise “Power don’t you dare!” You could see the smirk on his face as he leaned against the counter behind him.
Owen laughed as you continued to watch the pasta boil “I’m not doing anything.” He raised his hands in surrender as he pushed himself off of the counter as he walked over to you.
You scoffed as you shook your head “I can see it in your eyes that there is something up there.” You pointed to his head causing him to smile.
His hands landed on either side of you “are they telling you that I think you’re beautiful?” Owen asked letting his voice act like a gentle hum over the sound boiling pasta water.
Warmth spread over your cheeks as you tried to bury your face in his chest “I’m serious!” He laughed as his hands cupped your cheeks so he could continue to look at him.
Your tongue danced over your teeth “why me?” You let the question you had been wondering for weeks finally come out.
Owens cold thumb cooled your face as it softly rubbed circles on your cheek “because you’re perfect y/n,” the hockey player hadn’t told you about how he truly felt before.
He sighed when you shook your head “I wish you’d see that you’re too good for this world sweets.” Owen confessed as he let his head drop so that his lips barely hovered over your own.
The air around you went silent “what about dinner?” You statement had to be pushed out of your lips.
It made Owen smirk “I can be done before that pasta is ready.” He proposed as he turned the heat down a setting.
That seemed to be all you needed to carry on “let’s not waste anytime then.” You shrugged before his hand was on your jaw letting him kiss your lips.
4. ❝I’ll count to three,❞
It had been two months since you started dating Owen. Besides for your close friends nobody else knew and that was because you two didn’t know how to tell Kent.
Your brother knew you had a boyfriend because you had been in the process of soft launching your relationship on Instagram, but all of those questions were met with coy answers.
So when the long awaited day came around when the Blue Jackets were playing in Buffalo you knew you had to tell your brother.
But that morning when your mind was full of clouds as you were still half asleep you didn’t think twice when you opened the door to Owens apartment in nothing more than one of his shirts.
Kent on the other hand was shocked to see his sister stood in his friend’s apartment “where is Owen?” He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.
That was what seemed to wake you up “oh Ken-” you stammered over your words as your eyes widened “babe who is there?” Owen called out from the kitchen.
You couldn’t rack your brain for what to say “it’s Kent!” That seemed to get the right response out of Owen as he came out to the entryway.
The Blue Jackets player really didn’t know what to do “you just called my sister babe?” Kent honestly zoned out once he heard you get that title.
Owen could see the upset look on his friends face “let’s just talk about th-” he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck “I’ll count to three because I like you.” Kent cut him off as he walked into the apartment.
You let your lips swirl in as your eyes went wide “baby?” Owen looked to you for help as Kent got to one “run and lock a door.” You proposed as your brother got to two.
Part of you watched in amusement as Owen ran to the end of the hall when Kent got to three.
5. ❝wrapped around her finger,❞
Kent loved you, truly you were his little sister that he wanted to protect in bubble wrap. So it wasn’t surprising that it took him four months to be okay with the idea of going on holiday with you and Owen.
That was until your brother was reminded of the fact that you were going to be sleeping in a bed with your boyfriend.
Quickly the relaxing holiday turned into one that he didn’t get sleep in “morning baby,” you smiled as you found your boyfriend stood in the kitchen making coffee.
Owen was quick to swipe away from you “I brushed my teeth,” you pointed out as you smelt your breath wondering if that was the problem “what if he sees?” Owen whined as he still seemed to be scared of Kent’s threats “they are both still sleeping.” You grumbled as you pouted your lips not enjoying the fact that your boyfriend was ignoring you.
That was a sight that Owen truly couldn’t say no to so he placed the coffee mug down on the counter causing you to smile “always getting what I want,” you pointed out.
Owen nodded “my baby got me wrapped around her finger for days.” He never did seem to mind admitting that you just how whipped he was.
Your hands wrapped around his waist “think you should show me that then,” you proposed as just as his lips touched yours Kent had to walk in “I do not need to be made an uncle on this trip please?” He begged as he scrunched his face in disgust even once you had pulled away from Owen.
A laugh left your lips “but wouldn’t we be such cute parents daddy?” You let the words fall out of your mouth like butter.
Both Owen and Kent’s eyes went wide. Of course your boyfriend could see the mischievous look on your face and it clearly meant you were doing this to screw with your brother “you’ve got two seconds to get your hands off of-” Kent didn’t even need to finish his sentence before Owen listened and took two steps away from you.
A frown formed on your face “you’re no fun,” you mumbled as you looked at the Sabres player.
“it’s hard to be when you’re trying to get me killed!
+ 1 ❝what’d you say?❞
The last three years had been a whirlwind, whilst you hadn’t made Kent an uncle just yet you and Owen had your fair share of pregnancy scares that you both agreed were secrets you’d take to your grave.
With each day that went by you found yourself falling deeper in love with him. You had the house, the pets, and the love so there was only really two things left on that checklist.
Bless Owen for being clueless but you spent the last three months trying to hint at the wedding ring you liked but that seemed to just fall on deaf ears.
So now you took matters into your own hands as you watched him get ready for boys night “baby,” you sang as you were sat on your bed watching him pick an outfit for tonight.
Owen continued looking through his clothes as he smiled “yes?” He asked wondering what it was that you wanted to ask him “I want to marry you.” You announced as you swung your legs against the frame of your bed.
You had truly never seen him stop what he was doing that fast before “what’d you say?” Owen looked like he had seen a ghost as he walked over to you.
It made you confused “just said I wanted to marry you.” You shrugged as you watched him lean over to his bedside table drawer as he pulled out a velvet box “was gonna ask you this weekend.” He pointed out as he revealed what looked like the ring of your dreams.
A gasp left your lips “you were?” You knew he was taking you on a mini trip to Canada so that you two could go stay in the mountains for a week as it was the start of the off season.
He nodded as he sat next to you “pretty sure I can take this as a yes then?” Owen joked as he placed a kiss to your temple seeing the tears form in your eyes.
You smiled as you let out a sniffle “don’t get it twisted I asked first!”
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intheupside · 8 months
rookie keybank challenge
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fear-of-flyers · 1 year
everywhere, everything
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<<play last current song play next>>
featured lyric(s): [in italics at the end]
after owen signed with buffalo the two of you agreed to try and make long distance work as you finished up your time at umich;it was hard but you were doing it. the last time you had seen him was when he played the red wings at the end of october and it was now december 2nd. You had met a couple of his teammates at that game and used those connections to get in contact with tage thompson and his wife, rachel, so you could surprise owen. the three of you coordinated plans so that rachel would pick you up from the airport that morning and you would spend the day with her before going to the game that evening. tage even managed to get your bag from his car to owen’s without raising suspicion. and the day was great, you quickly became close with rachel and owen was completely unaware of it all. 
that all led to now, waiting in the hallway talking quietly with rachel and holding a half-asleep brooks. the game went well but that was the last thing on your mind knowing you would finally see owen again in a few minutes. finally tage made his way out of the locker room and you handed him his child as he promised that owen was right behind him. when you heard the door open again you turned to see owen walking out with dylan cozens. dylan saw you first and gently nudged owen until he turned to where you were. “what dude?” he asked, but the annoyed look on his face quickly dropped when he saw you. “hey superstar!” you said, walking towards him. owen quickly closed the gap between you and him and pulled you into his arms, your head finding its natural place on his chest.
after a long hug that still felt too short owen pulled back to look at you. “are you really here?” he asked, face covered in awe and his voice cracking a little. “i’ve missed you so much y/n, you don’t even know.” you looked up at him, “i think i can guess,” you said, laughing softly. “i’ve missed you just as much.” owen shook his head, “not possible.” he responded, a few tears slipping down his cheeks. you wiped them away with your thumbs, kissing him gently as you did. “let’s go home love.” you said, grasping his hand in yours; “we’re making a scene.” owen laughed gently through the few tears that remained and allowed you to start pulling him down the hallway as he waved goodbye to his teammates that remained.
eventually you had to stop pulling owen so he could lead you through the unfamiliar halls of keybank center and to the parking lot. by the time you made it out it was raining hard. “i thought it wasn’t supposed to rain until late,” owen commented while looking between the sky and his car from under the small awning at the door. “babe it is late.” you responded, showing him your phone screen, the time displayed 9:57. “oh” he responded, a slight blush rising on his cheeks. “how far is the car?” you asked, attempting to follow where his eyes were pointed. “not too far,” owen started, pointing at a black sedan. “we’ll make it if we run.” he finished, looking down at you with a familiar mischievous glint in his eyes. you laughed, happy to be with him again. “i’m not racing you owen.” he groaned, half wondering how you read his mind. “c’mon please y/n?” he asked, a pout falling on his lips all too easily. “nope!” you responded, “you take races way too seriously.” and owen couldn’t respond to that, knowing you were right. he instead opted to lace his fingers through yours and take off running. 
“owen what the hell?” you asked, half serious. but seeing the pure joy on his face you couldn’t stay mad long. you made it to the car quickly and owen let go of you so you could climb in as he ran around to the driver’s seat. the drive to owen’s apartment was a quick one that you spent catching up on all the little things you each had missed. when you pulled into the parking lot the rain had yet to let up so you started mentally preparing to sprint to the door. but, before you could do anything owen gently pulled you out of the car, closed the door and wrapped you in a hug. you could still hear the music playing from the car as he swayed you gently, taking in everything he missed so much. “i don’t know how i ever survived without you y/n.” he said softly. you looked up at him and pressed kisses to his chin until he bent down to meet your lips. “i mean it.” he continued, “just like the song says, i’m never letting you go ever. i’ll hold your hand until we die if i have to; it’d be worth it.” and as you took his words in you could hear the lyrics float up from the radio
everywhere, everything  i wanna love you / ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat / ‘til our fingers decompose, keep my hands in yours
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