#keyword is kindergarten
x-hotoke · 3 months
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Slight Yandere! Gojo Satoru x M! Reader | platonic
writer's notes: might make a part 2 on this but I'm not really sure. But maybe I will or not. Requests are also open !
synopsis: Y/n gets sent to a mission by their sensei; Gojo Satoru who supervises him.
warnings: Yandere themes, delusional gojo, obsessive themes, degradation. Use of he/him
credits to the owner of the drawings above ↑
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Y/n, a first grade sorcerer from Tokyo Jujutsu High. He was on his way to their home room with Yuji trailing behind him. “Hey — wait up.” Yuji said trying to keep up his pace with the other.
“Oh — sorry.” Y/n mutters, stopping to look over his shoulder. Yuji smiles at him. “No worries, let's go!” He grinned, patting his shoulder.
Y/n nodded, walking behind the energetic pink haired boy. The two of them weren't technically close because of his under the weather personality and yuji is somewhat energetic and vocal but they try their best for their conversations to not be awkward, keyword; try.
The hallways were lit by the light outside as they walked, stopping at a wooden sliding door. Yuji was the first one to enter the classroom with y/n hesitating. He felt his stomach start to churn, it only happens whenever something bad is about to occur. He brushed it off as hunger since he didn't eat earlier this morning.
He went inside seeing his sensei and other friends. Gojo perked up seeing the young sorcerer enter the homeroom, standing up properly and putting his hands inside his pockets. “Since everyone else is here, let's start!” He grins.
Y/n sat down next to Nobara who greeted him. “Good morning, Y/n.” She smiled at the younger male. “Good morning to you too, Nobara.” He returned the smile to her.
“Alright listen up, my students!” Gojo sang the last bit, grinning. Clapping his hands to get their attention like a kindergarten teacher trying to get little kids to pay attention to them and it worked.
“Most of you did absolutely well during your last missions yet..” He trailed off, his eyes that are being covered by a blindfold glances at y/n. “One of you did hm.. how do I say it?” He tapped a finger on his chin, seemingly deep in thought.
The two—nobara and yuji—were nervous except megumi and y/n, they both knew they successfully nailed their missions without any casualties except for megumi, he encounters a bunch of curses at the same time. “Terrible? Disappointing? No no.. bad!” He snickered at how nervous the two were.
“Gojo-Sensei!” Nobara and Yuji cried out, hugging each other with yuji wrapping his arms around her neck, the respectful man that he is, he doesn't want to be called a pervert or anything of sorts by Nobara! “Please — just tell us! Even if the truth hurts” Yuji dramatically said, placing the back of his hand on his forehead as comical tears run down his face.
Gojo smirked, he lifted his hand — pointing towards Y/n who stiffens up, staring at the hand of his sensei. “Y/n-kun! I must say that I'm quite disappointed!” He placed his hands on his hips shaking his head as if he was his parent.
“What!?” Nobara shouted, his mouth agape looking over to the younger sorcerer. “But Gojo-Sensei, Y/n has been doing extremely well-” Yuji butted in but got shot down by Satoru.
“Ah-ah! No buts!” He sighs, the smile plastered on his face on a daily basis, finds its way back. The sorcerer knew that he has been doing fantastic with the missions he's been receiving and it frustrated him because he can't play the hero for his self-proclaimed brother once.
“You’ll be going on a mission, supervised by the one and only — strongest sorcerer, me! To make up for it of course” He cheered, clasping both of his hands together with flowers floating around him, it quickly dispersed when Y/n chimed in.
“Gojo-Sensei — I think there has been a misunderstanding. I successfully exorcised every curse that I encountered during my missions.” He said, looking at the white haired male. He clenches his pants in his hands. “Did I?..” He muttered, questioning himself.
“Technically speaking — ye- no?.. But besides the point, I'll be supervising you to check if you do in fact do well.”
Y/n grumbles, cursung under his breath before looking at the desk in front of him. “And what type of curse will I be fighting against?” He questioned the older male.
“A special grade curse!” Silence overtook the entire room whilst Gojo shifted his eyes looking at every one of them with a grin on his face.
“Oh.. I'm gonna die.” Y/n whispered, tugging on his hair sweating furiously. He slammed his head on the table.
“Isn’t that too much, Gojo-Sensei?” Megumi spoke up, squinting his eyes at their teacher who waved off his concern. “It’s fine! Plus he has me.” Gojo posed, sticking his tongue out. The black haired male knew of his obsession over the sorcerer who was the same age as him yet a higher grade level than him. He knew of satoru's twisted delusional plan yet he didn't interfere knowing the white haired male wouldn't be too happy.
“Still he can't fight— fight a special grade.” Megumi argued.
“I appreciate your concern for - y/n but he's a first grade sorcerer, he can handle it just fine.”
Their glare to each other was intense, not one of them backing down like it was some competition they intend to win — it was like they were communicating through their eyes. A hand patted megumi's shoulder making him look over to y/n who held a nervous smile. “It’s fine — really, gumi’.” He said, taking a deep breath.
“Y/n can't die!”
“He has so much to live for!”
Nobara and yuji cried as they hugged the boy tightly, sniffling. “I’m not dying — I think.” Y/n muttered.
“You think!?”
“Alright that's enough.” Gojo sighs, grabbing the two's collar and lifting them up away from the first grade sorcerer. “Other than that, you're all free to go! Oh and y/n, meet me at 7 pm outside the gates.” He grinned, throwing the two on the floor before skipping towards the door with his hands outstretched, pink flowers surrounding his figure as he giggled away from them.
Y/n deadpanned, shaking his head. “I guess, I need to prepare?..” He stood up, the chair behind him falling backwards as he lazily walked up to the sliding door.
“Y/n! Let's hang out before you die!” Yuji shouted, smiling before getting smacked by the back of his head by megumi who glared at him. “He’s not going to die.” He claimed, looking down at his feet.
“It’s not like Gojo-sensei will let him.” He whispered causing Yuji to look up at him confused. “Did you say something, megumi?” He asked, scratching the back of his head.
The said male shook his head, following the rest to where they are headed.
“Oh! Oh we should go on a shopping spree with gojo-sensei's credit card!” Nobara suggested, stars forming in her eyes as she stared at the sky thinking of how much clothes she can buy with their sensei's card.
“What about we go to a cafe instead?..” Y/n nervous giggled, pulling the two other males. Once they got there, they sat down at the four seater table near the window. “fuwaa! look at those shops.” Nobara pressed her hands in the window, ranting about them.
Megumi stood up. “I’ll go ahead and order our usuals.” He nodded before going to the counter. Y/n was left with Yuji — who was sitting beside nobara — and her. 'this is going to be a long day..' He thought.
A few hours went by and it was time for y/n and satoru to go. “waa! don’t die on us, Y/n!” Yuji cried out, slapping his cheek when a mouth appeared. “Sukuna..” Y/n muttered under his breath, sweatdropping at the pink haired male who was beating his face to get rid of the extra mouth. Sukuna was spewing in about how the h/c haired boy will die in a gruesome and painful way, laughing before Yuji punched the mouth.
“It’s time for us to go now, Y/n." Satoru said passing by the group, opening the back seat door. The young sorcerer got in and he did as well. The car ride made y/n almost pass out but he tried not to fall asleep. Satoru kept his eyes on him the entire ride towards the destination.
“We're here!” Satoru skipped towards the gate of the abandoned school, it made y/n shiver just by looking at it. He was going to find the special grade there?
Nonetheless he followed the blindfolded man, the gates were already open and the conditions of it were bad, rust and mold were on the metal.
The surrounding area was pitch black. It scared y/n but satoru was going with him right?
“Now go inside! I must warn you that this curse is very very strict and that's probably why it chose to be here.” Satoru said, scratching his chin. He was hinting that the curse was a teacher of sorts in this abandoned school.
“Aren’t you coming along, sensei?..” Y/n looks at him desperately.
Satoru pretended to think before giggling. “No but I'll still be able to look after you throughout the entire school.” He grinned, pushing the young sorcerer inside the dark entrance.
“Wait — wait! Sensei!” Y/n breath hitched as he was pushed inside the school. He heard the door shut close and a click, his hand fumbled inside his pocket — pulling out his phone and turning the flash light on. He breathed out heavily, feeling his stomach churn again.
Maybe this was a sign to leave.
Yet Y/n was determined, taking small steps around the hallways. It terrified him to the core, the curse might pop out at any given time. He sighs in relief seeing the hallways with the windows lit up by the two lamp posts outside. He went upstairs, holding back a shout when he stepped on a dead rat, a shiver ran down his body, continuing to go to the second floor hallways.
He began to think about the curse; was it roleplaying as a teacher? If he made enough ruckus in the hallways would it come out considering satoru told him that it was strict. But then again, what he's fighting is a special grade curse. He needs to be extra careful—
Y/n felt a shiver run down his spine as everything felt heavy all of the sudden, he turned around seeing the curse or teacher inhumane face directly in front of his. He screamed in terror, jumping back. He was careful enough to not drop the phone — gojo bought for him.
It shrieked making some of the lockers drop on the floor, y/n gritted his teeth preparing to use his curse technique.
Gojo stood outside the school on a phone call. “I’m going to send the money later, I’m busy supervising my brother on a mission.” He cut the woman off. On the other side of the call, mei mei raised both of her brows hearing the word 'brother'. She didn't know he had one. He hung up the phone before she could reply, twirling it around his fingers.
He heard a loud shriek — that rumbled the ground — coming from inside the school, smirking. He slowly approached the entrance doors.
Meanwhile Y/n got thrown across the hallway, he groans before standing up to see the curse infront of him already. He barely dodged the attack by crouching down and side stepping trying to get away from the angered curse. “Fuck—where's gojo-sensei when you need him!?” he sneered, outstretching his arms in front of him.
Thread manipulation.
A few translucent threads came out of his finger tips as he prepared to use his curse technique. He made the end of the threads sharp, extremely sharp. He reeled his arms back before launching it forward. The threads travelled quickly to the special grade curse, piercing its body.
Y/n breathed heavily, this was consuming his energy and he didn't like that one bit. The curse broke the threads quickly making him panic because it was limited. “Fuck—” that was the last thing he said before staring up to see the leg of the special grade curse, it was going to slam him to the ground. Time seemingly was in slow motion. 'am I going to die here?' He thought.
A small crater was made, the floor was slightly shattered and the ceiling was close to falling, dust particles float around. Y/n felt the air knocked out of him, he was lucky the curse didn't thrust it's foot further into his stomach or else he would've had died.
Y/n rolled over, a rock hitting his side making him wince in pain, dogding another attack from the curse. He hoped that it wouldn't execute its domain too early, knowing his was weaker since he just started to learn a few months ago.
He stumbled into getting up, a few of his threads broke meaning he only has limited use against the special grade. “Curse technique: bindin—” The curse slammed its fist to y/n's stomach — resulting him into being thrown back, making a hole on the wall of the school.
Blood came out of his mouth as he rolled on the cemented ground, the impact made his head spin. He was going to die, tears slowly built up in his eyes. He was breathing hard, looking up at the wall seeing the curse walking up slowly to it, trying to find him.
Y/n tried to stand up, wincing as pain shot up in his shoulder. “fuck— that's fractured for sure.” he whispered, he stood up shakily. Lifting his hands towards the hole in the wall, making a web of barriers — using all of his threads — he sat down.
Y/n perked up, looking up beside him. “Gojo-sensei!” he shouted seeing the white haired man next to him looking ever so relaxed. He lazily waved to him before looking at the barrier he made. “Can't fight anymore?” he hummed.
“That's some cool barrier you did there.” Satoru didn't wait for a reply, seeing the threads get snapped as the curse ripped it one by one. He stepped forward getting in front of y/n. “Only a matter of time before it snaps.” He shrugged.
“You can take a few more hits, right?" Leaning forwards, and tilting his head as if he was mocking him. Y/n shook his head, feeling the pain from his shoulder intensifying. “Ah that's too bad then.” Satoru pouted, standing up properly. He looked over his shoulder. “I'm impressed that the barrier is holding up pretty well. That's just because that stupid curse isn't smart enough to break the wall beside the barrier." He chuckles at his own words.
“You can deal with it right, y/n?”
“Wait—please- help me, I can't- I'm gonna die- you told me that- you'll 'elp me!”
“Nah, you look just fine!” Satory mocked him, analyzing his appearance. His mouth and nose were covered in blood, his uniform ripped in some places. Hair tangled by the mix of blood and rocks. It made his head ache.
“No — gojo-sensei, I'm- I'm gonna pass out at this rate.” He stuttered out, closing his eyes trying to stay conscious for a bit longer. “Too bad, I'm only here to supervise and not intervene.” Gojo grins sinisterly.
Gojo shushed him, kneeling in front of the sorcerer. “I’m kidding, I'm kidding.” He chuckled before continuing. “Now isn't this a sight to see.” He said sarcastically. It was time for him to play the hero. He lifted his hand and caressed his hair. “Did you even manage to get a hit?” He shook his head chuckling.
“Don't worry, Y/n.. I'll take good care of you. I wouldn't be a good brother if I didn't right?” He tilted his head again, he was getting impatient, cupping y/n's face with his hands to make the h/c headed male look at him. Someone can call him a sadist for being happy to see him beaten up and pleading desperately for him to help but he doesn't care. “A weak and pathetic excuse of a sorcerer, you are brother.”
“I- gojo-sensei..” Y/n's ear rang, his eyes unfocused and blurry. “What?..” Then his head plopped forward, passed out. The said male stared at him for a second before standing up from his position and turning around to confront the curse who broke out of the barrier. He grinned. “You sure did rough him up, hm?”
“Don't worry, I’ll make this quick and painful.” Satoru said, stretching his arms out and legs. He stood up, lazily lifting his arm. Pointing a finger at the curse who looked confused, a red void appears on his finger in a circular shape.
“Curse technique reversal: Red.”
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rainystressed247 · 2 months
Keyword being old AU! So the relatively new ones don’t count! I am limiting the choice because I am but one person 😂 with very limited hand.
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noeicrn · 2 months
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(BLL OC) Hanabusa Uiha "if we meet again next time, I'll let you listen to the song I made"
a girl I made to Yume(Ship) with Hiori Yo.
Keywords: Cheerful / First Love Smile / A Songwriter
She is a high school student who dreams of being a songwriter but stops her dream and becomes a kindergarten teacher instead. She fell in love with Hiori but never confessed to him until 10 years later when they met again in their 27 years old.
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minaramen · 2 years
Thanks for the 7th Anniversary - Part 4:  And it’s just the start!
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7  
*Cut to a classroom. Haruka is a kindergarten school student, Tamaki is a superhero and Iori is a doctor*
Iori: Let’s do a final check
Tamaki: Yeah
Haruka: Okay
Iori: Our class’ project is a stamp rally
Iori: Visitors are supposed to find the cosplayers around the school, recite a keyword and get a stamp
Iori: The form they're given comes with both the required keywords and the stamp card itself
Iori: My keyword is “Doctor, my heart is in pain”
Tamaki: Mine is “We’ve met here for the hundredth year!”
Haruka: Mine is…. “Let’s play~”
Haruka:....whose idea was that…
Tamaki: It suits you, Isumin. It’s super cute
Iori: You must be hot in those long sleeves.
Haruka: They will definitely laugh at me!!
Tamaki: Let them laugh, then. It’ll rattle their abdominal muscles
Haruka: Is it a win-win situation, then?
Tamaki: Nyan. Transformation!
Haruka: Ahah, what’s that? What a hilarious pose!
Tamaki: See, that's a gag
Iori: It’s somehow cute…
Haruka: I’ll give them a laugh as well, then. Do you know any funny jokes I could tell?
Tamaki: You could yell “Babu!!” You don’t want to miss the opportunity to say “babubabu!”  with confidence, right?
Haruka: Yes
Iori: Is saying “babubabu” with confidence an essential opportunity in life?
Tamaki: What’s your gag, Iori?
Iori: I don’t have one. Do yours again, Yotsuba san
Tamaki: Nyan. Transformation!
Iori: Fufu
Haruka: Do you like these kinds of things, Izumi?
Iori: Ahem. Let’s do our best with the role we got until the end of our turns. That’s all. Dismissed!
Haruka&Tamaki: Yeah!
*Cut to a street*
Aya: It’s a bit further, Kujo san!
Takamasa: There are posters even on the street. About the Seventh Nanahoshi School Festival
Aya: Tamaki nii chan, Haru chan and Iori san are in the same class. I wonder what they’re planning to do
Takamasa: They didn't tell you?
Aya: Haru chan said it’s embarrassing. He refused to tell me
Aya: Do you have any memories regarding a school festival, Kujo san?
Takamasa: Maybe, that time I sang in an impromptu band. The school’s popular music band asked me to
Aya: Must be on the first page of your teenage memories! I would have loved to see Kujo san singing in an impromptu band!
Takamasa: I was such a bad MC, everybody’s enthusiasm dampened more and more, it was like rolling down a hill
Aya: If I had been there, be sure that I would have started a mosh pit to get everyone excited!
Takamasa: Ahah. If I had found you back then, I would have pulled you on to the stage from the audience
Aya: Wonderful!! It feels like a movie…!!
Takamasa: There are people who have a natural inclination to be players. The power to become a star…
Takamasa: Haruki wanted to stay behind the scenes, and it was the very same for me. People like Tenn, and you….and Haruka. You’re wonderful
Aya: Kujo san…
Takamasa:... Zero too. Zero was also wonderful
Receptionist: I’m sorry, you can’t enter the place without an invitation
Aya: Ah, it seems like there’s a quarrel going on at the reception. Maybe they lost the invitation
Takamasa: …I know that person
Aya: Mh?
Takamasa: Aya, go ahead. We’ll meet back later
Aya: G-got it!
Aya: Mmh…where are Tamaki nii chan and the others?
Aya: The class over there is holding a competition where you can win a handy mixer
Aya: I wanted a new one so…maybe I should challenge myself?
Aya:...yes, I think I will!
*Cut to a classroom*
Riku: I received the stamp rally’s form
Sogo: Me too
Riku: I hope we can find Iori and Tamaki. Do you know what kind of costume they’re supposed to wear?
Sogo: I don’t. Maybe they’re embarrassed…?
Riku: If it’s something embarrassing, I want to see them even more!
Sogo: Me too!
Riku: Ah! That guy looks like Iori, doesn’t he?!
Sogo: Yes! Do you want to try talking to him, Riku kun?
Riku: Greeting him like usual wouldn’t be any fun. Let’s pretend to be classmates!
Riku: Iori kun!
Iori: Yes
Riku: I knew it! It’s you! Did I give you the impression I was a classmate of yours?
Iori: Not at all. You know, Nanase san, I can recognize your voice
Riku: What kind of cosplay…are you a doctor?
Sogo: You look so good, Iori kun! The white coat suits you
Iori: Thank you
Riku: What a cool doctor…! You look so handsome, Iori!
Iori: A-ah..really?
Riku: Yes…
Sogo: It may be because you used to be sick when you were a kid, Riku kun
Sogo: I bet you have a feeling of gratitude toward doctors. So everytime you spot a white coat you naturally trust and esteem who’s wearing it
Riku: Maybe….
Sogo: It’s the same for me everytime I see a rocker. Since I admired my uncle so much, my heart unconditionally starts beating faster and faster
Iori: I’d like to run a test. I’m changing clothes
Riku: What?
*Iori comes back wearing his school uniform*
Iori: Done
Sogo: As expected, you went for an outfit which was easy to put on and take off
Iori: Nanase san, please take good care of yourself
Riku: You don’t need to tell me!
Iori:...I’m changing back
Sogo: I'll help you
*Iori wears his white coat again*
Iori: Done
Iori: Nanase san, please take good care of yourself
Riku: I will!
Iori: Are you for real?! Does your attitude really change that much just because of cosplay?!
Riku: You’re so handsome, Iori! You look very reliable!
Iori: It’s extremely effective, then. I shall always keep a white coat ready…
Sogo: It probably makes him feel comforted, but maybe you should try with a Kujo san costume as well…
Iori: Osaka san, that would be a total defeat for me. I’m afraid I have to refuse
Sogo: I see. That’s too bad
Riku: Tell me to take care of myself
Iori: Take care of yourself
Riku: Waah! He told me to take care of myself!
Sogo: I’m happy for you, Riku kun!
Iori: It even became some kind of pseudo-fanservice!
Riku: Ah, I almost forgot! “Doctor, my heart is in pain”
Sogo: Ah, me too! “Doctor, my heart is in pain”
Iori: You can get your stamps. Here you go
Riku: Hooray!
Sogo: And we got one. Do you know where Tamaki kun is?
Iori: I think you can find him in the school east area
Riku: It’s a hint! Thank you so much, doctor!
Iori: Take good care of yourself
*Cut to a hallway*
Haruka *thinking*: Okay, let’s get into it. If they come, I’ll definitely make them laugh
Student: Waah…! The three guys over there…aren't they Zool??
Student: Oh, you’re right, you’re right! They’re so handsome! I can’t believe it! Zool is in our school as well!!
Minami: Where is Isumi san?
Touma: He should be somewhere around here…
Torao: Ah, over there…?
Haruka:....tsk, they came… okay, then! I’ll give them a good laugh!
Haruka: Babuuuu!! Chu you wanchu your stamp?
Torao: Yo, Haru
Torao: Today’s festival is a success
Minami: Thank you so much for the invitation
Haruka: Ehm…wait, what…? Don’t get over it so quick…
Touma: Have you already had lunch?
Haruka: Instead of talking about lunch, look at my costume…! You don’t have anything to say..?
Torao: Mh? Not really
Haruka: What?! Didn’t you hear me saying “babuuu”??
Minami: It naturally blended in
Haruka: And it makes me a naturally talented artist, right??
Touma: Right, right! We came here, now give us the stamp!
Haruka: Say the keyword, then
Minami&Touma&Torao: Let’s play!
Haruka: One, two, three…here you go 
Minami: Thank you so much
Torao: Ah, the stamps are also very well done
Touma: So good we’re collecting them!
Haruka: You guys are the only ones putting all your effort into collecting stamps without having a single laugh at the costumes…
Touma: Really?
Haruka: Ah, Torao!! Don’t look away! Look at me!
Torao: No, it’s just…The diagonal discontinuance on the right side of the ceiling up there is pretty interesting, isn’t it?
Haruka: Don’t talk rubbish! It’s just that you know you’ll end up laughing if you look at me! Laugh! Babuuuu!
Torao: I can’t, I can’t, I just can’t…! I need to focus on the ceiling…!
Haruka: Hey, look at me! I’ll show you my patch!
Minami: Midou san, run!
Torao:....g-got it…!
*Torao runs away*
Minami: Nice dash
Haruka: Are you guys for real?!
Touma: Speaking of which, you may be wondering where Utsugi san is! I shall explain the whole situation, then…
Haruka: Why are you so descriptive today, Touma? Could it be that you're panicking?
Touma: No, no
Haruka: You’re really suspichus
Touma:...fu…I can’t…hold it…
Minami: Run!
Touma: Got it!
*Touma runs away*
Minami: Nice dash
Haruka: He also ran away! I can’t believe it…!
Minami: Isumi san
Haruka: What?
Minami: I’m the last one
Haruka: Yes, this much I know, thanks! What are you doing, some kind of challenge?!
Music magazine journalist: Ah…! Isumi san, Natsume san!
Minami: You are…
Haruka: The journalist we met at Red Fes! 
*Cut to a stage*
Moderator student: Welcome to the big mimicry competition of Nanahoshi festival!
Students: Woooh!
Moderator student: Let’s get started! Please, come in!
Yamato lookalike student: Entry number one! I mimic Nikaido Yamato from Idolish7!
Students: Wooooh!
Yamato lookalike student: You wanna play some bad games with your favorite onii san?
Students: Wooooh!
Moderator student: You really look like him! Ah, the music suddenly changed? Maybe…!?
Yamato: I’m Nikaido Yamato from Idolish7
Students: Woooh!
Moderator student: The real one just came out!
Yamato lookalike student: T-the real one…! Now I feel kinda sorry…
Yamato: Nah, you did a good job. You got my peculiarities pretty well
Students: Wooooh!
Yamato lookalike student: Wah! I’m happy…! Thank you!
Yamato: Do your best with today’s activities
Yamato lookalike student: Yes! I will!
Moderator student: Thank you! Here’s our next entry…!
Nagi lookalike student: Entry number two! I mimic Rokuya Nagi from Idolish7!
Students: Woooh!
Nagi lookalike student:  Hi, girls! Do you want to be my princesses?
Students: Woooh!
Moderator student: You also look like him! Ah, the music changed again..! Could it be…?
Nagi: Hi! I’m Rokuya Nagi from Idolish7
Students: Woooh!
Moderator student: The real deals keep coming out! 
Nagi lookalike student: Waah, Nagi kun! So cool…! Aah, I really did the mimicking in front of the real one…!
Nagi: Oh! It was a wonderful show! Shall we say goodbye together? 
Nagi lookalike student: Yes! Of course!
Nagi: Ready….?
Nagi and Nagi lookalike student: Bye bye!
Students: Woooooh!
Moderator student: Thank you so much! Let’s go to the next entry!
Iori lookalike student: Entry number three! I mimic Izumi Iori from Idolish7!
Students: Wooooh!
Iori lookalike student: When you talk about a perfect student, you’re obviously referring to me 
Students: Woooh!
Moderator student: Touche! You also did an amazing job! Aah, the music changed again! Is the real person, again…?
Mitsuki: Hello!
Moderator student: It's Izumi’s brother, Mitsuki san!
Students: Woooh!
Iori lookalike student:  Wah, it’s Mikki! What a cute nii san! So cool…!
Mitsuki: I’m not your nii san, tough! Ahah, but thank you!
Students: Woooh!
Iori lookalike student: How was it? Did I look like Izumi? Izumi gave me a D for it!
Mitsuki: Yeah, you looked pretty much like him! However, Iori is cuter
Students: Wooh!
Iori lookalike student: I’m happy to meet you! Can I shake your hand?
Mitsuki: Yeah! Take care of Iori, okay?
Moderator student: Thank you so much! The next person is a last-minute guest!
Aya: Entry number four! I mimic Kokona from Mahou Shoujo Magical Kokona!
Students: Woooh!
Aya: Mahou Shoujo ☆ Magical Kokona! Magical Kokona, lovely Kokona! If you stay close to me, I gain infinite power!
Nagi: Yes!! The opening! That’s amazing! We love Magical Kokona!
Mitsuki: Aya chan is so cute! She really looks like Kokona
Yamato: You’re getting pretty excited, aren’t you?
Aya: Eheh…I aim for victory!
Nagi&Yamato&Mitsuki&Students: Wooooh!
Mr Shimooka: Oh, she ignited the atmosphere…!
Mitsuki: Mister Shimooka san! You’re joining the event as well?
Mr Shimooka: I was asked to come by Tamaki kun and the others. Also, I heard that Matsunaga kun’s son is working hard in the executive committee 
Mr Shimooka: Please, help yourself. Have it together, okay?
Nagi: Oh, this is…?
Mr Shimooka: Dokidoki russian roulette tapioca!
Nagi&Yamato&Mitsuki: Dokidoki russian roulette tapioca?!
Mr Shimooka: Yes! There’s just one odd piece mixed among the colorful tapioca
Yamato: A real fish egg?!
Aya: Amazing! What an ingenious idea! 
Mr Shimooka: I bought a lot of it, so be sure to share it with the others
Mitsuki: Thank you!
Mr Shimooka: Are you going to join today’s competition? The newborn star project?
Yamato: Yes, we will. Our turn has yet to come
Mr. Shimooka: A newborn star….you’re already guests of such an important project, despite being so new in the entertainment world
Mitsuki: It’s also thanks to you, Mister Shimoka. We owe you a lot
Mr. Shimooka: I did nothing. It was your competence that made you stars
Mr. Shimooka: You grew a lot, Idolish7. I look forward to this night’s performance!
Nagi: Thanks, Mister Shimooka! I’ve always been grateful we had the chance to meet you!
Mr. Shimooka: It’s my pleasure. Let’s keep supporting each other forever
Nagi&Yamato&Mitsuki: Yes!
Moderator student: Aah…! We have the voting results! We are ready to announce the winner! And it is…
Moderator student: Kujo Aya san!
Aya: Kyaah, I did it!
Nagi: Wow! Fantastic!
Mitsuki: Amazing! Well done, Aya chan!
Yamato: Good job. And thanks to the guys who mimicked us!
Yamato lookalike student: No, thank you!
Mr. Shimooka: Well done! Congratulations, little lady!
Aya: Thank you so much!
End of part 4
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writersarea · 1 year
Today I realized: I’m a lawyer that was never taught how to write properly
a note: i do know how to write. however, my handwriting has always been NOTABLY atrocious. i’ll get more into this later
so i’m left handed (mostly, I can write with my right hand if you give me a minute) and my teachers struggled to teach me how to write when I was a child. i do in fact mean like really solidly struggled. they spent four years trying to teach me how to hold a pencil properly in a way that would make my handwriting even marginally better
and i mean i went through every pencil grip people could come up with. for this reason, i still hold a pen weird at the age of twenty-seven (i’m not fucking changing it now, thanks). between kindergarten all the way through fourth grade, i distinctly remember teachers trying to teach me how to write better with extra lessons and new techniques and anything they could come up with
and then they just... stopped around fourth grade
that’s not to say my handwriting was magically legible. it wasn’t
and when i say it wasn’t legible, my bio I and II teacher in high school who i had for tenth and twelfth grade straight up admitted to me that she graded my work based on being able to pick out a few keywords and filling in the blanks from there. she wasn’t willing to pick out the whole thing when my standardized test scores were well above where i needed to be, so she just looked for key words
i have a feel other teachers did this too, but she was the one that told me
and, the thing is, my handwriting got a little better with practice cause i handwrite my notes, but not a ton. so my handwriting in college was legible semi consistently
but to this day, my middle school best friend still can’t read my handwriting
and i’m realizing now that i’ve started to accept that i have autism, part of it may be that i lack the fine motor skills to write properly, and since i’ve never been diagnosed or recommended for diagnosis, my teachers didn’t realize that was something that they needed to focus extra on
a year ago this month, i took the bar
nine ish months, i was sworn into my state bar as a lawyer
so. i’m a lawyer that was never really taught to write
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cookiescr · 2 years
do you know roughly what year owwoww is from? or any details the brand might have used to describe him brand new?
Hmm I actually am not sure but I think my parents bought him like around 2008-2010 since i was in kindergarten at the time. I’ve tried to uhh used keywords like beagle or floppy ears and i seem to find more similar looking plushies by typing floppy ears!
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juniordsindia · 29 days
Choosing the best preschool in Delhi for your child is a critical decision that can shape their educational journey. In a city with numerous options, it's essential to understand what makes a preschool stand out. This blog will explore the qualities of the best preschool in Delhi, covering various aspects such as facilities, curriculum, and overall environment. We'll also highlight key keywords to ensure comprehensive coverage of the topic.
Importance of Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education sets the foundation for lifelong learning. Preschools play a crucial role in this phase by providing a structured environment where children can develop essential skills. The best preschool in delhi focuses on nurturing cognitive, social, and emotional development through a well-rounded curriculum.
What Makes the Best Preschool in Delhi?
Holistic Curriculum
The best preschool in Delhi offers a holistic curriculum that balances academic learning with creative and physical activities. This approach ensures that children are not only academically prepared but also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills.
Qualified and Caring Staff
A significant factor that sets the best preschool in Delhi apart is its staff. Qualified and caring teachers who understand the developmental needs of young children create a supportive and nurturing environment. This makes learning enjoyable and effective for the children.
Safe and Stimulating Environment
Safety is paramount when choosing a preschool. The Best Junior School in Delhi ensures that its premises are secure and child-friendly. Additionally, a stimulating environment with age-appropriate toys, books, and learning materials encourages exploration and curiosity.
Features of the Best Junior School in Delhi
Focus on Individual Growth
The best junior school in Delhi emphasizes individual growth and development. Each child is unique, and the school’s approach is tailored to meet their specific needs, helping them reach their full potential.
Strong Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is encouraged and valued. The best junior school in Delhi fosters strong partnerships with parents, keeping them informed and involved in their child’s education and development.
Extracurricular Activities
A variety of extracurricular activities are offered to complement the academic curriculum. These activities provide opportunities for children to explore their interests and develop new skills.
Benefits of Play Schools in Delhi
Socialization Opportunities
Play schools in Delhi provide ample opportunities for children to socialize with their peers. This is crucial for developing social skills, making friends, and learning to work in a group.
Preparation for Formal Schooling
Play schools prepare children for the transition to formal schooling. They introduce structured learning routines and basic academic concepts in a playful and engaging manner.
Development of Motor Skills
Activities in play schools are designed to enhance fine and gross motor skills. From playing with blocks to participating in outdoor games, children develop coordination and physical strength.
Preschools in Delhi: A Comprehensive Overview
Diversity in Curriculum
Preschools in Delhi offer diverse curriculums that cater to different educational philosophies, such as Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and play-based learning. Parents can choose a preschool that aligns with their educational values and their child's learning style.
Focus on Early Literacy and Numeracy
Preschools in Delhi emphasize early literacy and numeracy skills. Through interactive activities and storytelling sessions, children develop a love for reading and basic math skills.
Cultural Awareness
In a multicultural city like Delhi, preschools introduce children to different cultures and traditions. This fosters an appreciation for diversity and helps children become more open-minded and respectful.
Kindergarten in Delhi: Laying a Strong Foundation
Structured Learning Environment
Kindergarten in Delhi provides a structured learning environment that prepares children for primary school. The curriculum is designed to develop reading, writing, and arithmetic skills.
Emphasis on Creativity
Creativity is encouraged through arts and crafts, music, and drama. This helps children express themselves and enhances their imaginative abilities.
Social and Emotional Development
Kindergarten in Delhi focuses on the social and emotional development of children. Activities are designed to teach empathy, cooperation, and self-regulation.
Choosing the Right Play Group in Delhi
Age-Appropriate Programs
Play groups in Delhi offer age-appropriate programs that cater to the developmental stages of children. These programs include sensory activities, storytelling, and interactive play.
Experienced Caregivers
Experienced caregivers who understand child development lead the play groups. They provide a nurturing and supportive environment for young children.
Safe Play Areas
Play groups ensure that play areas are safe and secure. This allows children to explore and play without any risk of injury.
Pre Schools in Delhi NCR: Extending the Reach
Quality Education Across the Region
Pre schools in Delhi NCR provide quality education that extends beyond the city limits. They maintain high standards of teaching and learning, ensuring consistency across the region.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Many pre schools in Delhi NCR are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. These include modern classrooms, outdoor play areas, and technology-integrated learning environments.
Focus on Overall Development
Pre schools in Delhi NCR focus on the overall development of children. They offer a balanced curriculum that includes academics, sports, and extracurricular activities.
Pre Primary Schools in Delhi: Bridging the Gap
Seamless Transition to Primary School
Pre primary schools in Delhi bridge the gap between preschool and primary school. They provide a smooth transition by introducing more structured learning activities.
Comprehensive Skill Development
These schools focus on comprehensive skill development, including language, math, and social skills. This prepares children for the academic challenges of primary school.
Parental Engagement
Pre primary schools in Delhi encourage parental engagement. Regular communication and involvement in school activities strengthen the home-school connection.
Nursery Schools Delhi: The First Step
Nurturing Environment
Nursery schools in Delhi offer a nurturing environment where young children feel safe and loved. This is essential for their emotional well-being and learning.
Play-Based Learning
Play-based learning is a key feature of nursery schools. Children learn through play, which makes education enjoyable and effective.
Focus on Holistic Development
Nursery schools in Delhi focus on the holistic development of children. They provide opportunities for cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth.
Choosing the Junior School in Delhi is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. The best preschools offer a holistic curriculum, qualified staff, and a safe, stimulating environment. Whether you are looking for a junior school, play school, or kindergarten, Delhi has a wide range of options to cater to your child's needs. By understanding the features and benefits of these educational institutions, you can make an informed choice that will set the foundation for your child's successful educational journey.
Get in Touch
Website- https://juniordelhischool.com/ Address - Junior Delhi school, C-59, SVAM Tower, Community Center, Pankha Road, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058 Email ID - [email protected] Phone no - +91 8888889107
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notebooknebula · 6 months
Building Wealth Through Real Estate: Expert Advice from Alex Capozzolo and Jay Conner
In the ever-evolving world of real estate, investors are constantly seeking new avenues for funding and innovative ways to attract sellers and buyers. The Raising Private Money podcast invites industry professionals like Alex Capozzolo to share their insights, providing a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone looking to succeed in the competitive real estate market.
Encouraging Entrepreneurial Beginnings
Alex Capozzolo’s journey into real estate investment began with a pivotal moment of inspiration upon reading ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ at 22. This eye-opening experience set him and his business partner on a path to explore opportunities in real estate investing. Their close-knit partnership, stemming from a friendship since kindergarten, is a testament to the importance of strong alliances in business ventures. The duo’s initial plunge into real estate saw them securing a triplex in Philly, which still stands as their best cash-flowing property. Through the podcast, Alex emphasizes the significance of raising money before hunting for deals—a strategy that has undoubtedly paved the way for their success.
Uplifting Through Private Lending
Alex and his partner have finessed the art of raising private capital. They believe in preempting doubts potential investors might harbor by preparing detailed presentations that not only cover the basics of a hypothetical deal but also delve into local economic trends and future forecasts. This approach highlights the critical role of meticulous preparation and honest communication in securing funds.
One particularly compelling aspect of their method is the consideration of worst-case scenarios. They communicate openly with lenders about options for repayment, showing that protecting their lenders’ investments is a top priority. Here, Alex shares a powerful insight: providing potential lenders with a mortgage or a deed of trust boosts confidence since it offers tangible security against their loan, reinforcing the investor-lender relationship.
The Digital Frontier: SEO and PPC in Real Estate
In a candid discussion with Jay Conner, Alex conveys the intricacies of real estate lead generation. While pay-per-click advertising and purchasing leads have been part of their strategy, they now predominantly rely on search engine optimization (SEO) to attract leads organically. Alex’s particular expertise in SEO has helped them rank at the top in Google searches for relevant real estate keywords—a significant feat that drives their current lead acquisition.
Alex mentioned an important shift in their business model, moving away from paid leads and pay-per-click campaigns toward mastering the art of SEO. As a result, they now enjoy the lion’s share of their leads from organic search results.
Final Wisdom for New Investors
For those embarking on their real estate journey, Alex imparts a nugget of wisdom: capitalizing on personal strengths, recognizing limitations, and engaging in strategic networking are instrumental in cultivating a thriving venture. Understanding what energizes you and partnering with others to cover areas beyond your expertise can accelerate progress and lead to fruitful collaborations.
The discussion in this podcast episode with Alex Capozzolo offers a deep dive into the possibilities of real estate investment. By embracing the power of private lending and exploiting the potential of modern marketing tactics like SEO, Capozzolo and his business partner demonstrate that innovative approaches can significantly impact the industry.
Maximizing Networking in Real Estate:
“Figure out what you’re good at and what you enjoy within maybe a business or a real estate strategy that you’re trying to do, and then identify also where your weaknesses are or what you’re missing to get you to x y z goal. Spell all that out in your head and then network intentionally to try and find those people, and that’ll get you a lot further, a lot faster.” – Alex Capozzolo
10 Lessons Covered on This Episode:
‘Investor Mindset’: Alex Capozzolo attributes his career shift to real estate to a mindset change prompted by “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” 
‘Early Beginnings’: Alex and his partner, annual kindergarteners, became business partners, securing their first investment property at age 24. 
Money Pre-Deals: Underscores the importance of raising investment funds before locating the initial property deal. 
‘Private Funding’: Describes finding their first private lender among family friends using a well-prepared presentation. 
‘Protection Tactics’: Discuss how mortgage deeds and open communication ensure the safety of investments for private lenders. 
‘Marketing Prowess’: Highlights Alex’s strength in online marketing and implementing automated systems that manage real estate leads. 
‘SEO Focused’: Reveals the majority of their leads are generated through search engine optimization strategies.
‘Expanding Reach’: They’ve begun targeting industrial spaces with a new outbound campaign, diversifying from their main SEO-driven approach.
‘Squatting Challenges’: Touches on lingering squatting issues in Philadelphia, a potential topic for in-depth discussion or publication. 
‘Leverage Strengths’: Advises new investors to play to their strengths, delegate, and network purposefully to enhance capabilities.
Fun Facts:
Alex Capozzolo and his business partner, John, have been friends since kindergarten and got into real estate investing after reading ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ at the age of 22. 
They started their first investment endeavor, a buy-and-hold triplex in Philadelphia, at the age of 24, and had raised money before even doing their first deal. 
Alex and John once dealt with squatters in one of their properties in Philadelphia for 12 months, which became a significant learning experience regarding squatter laws.
00:01 – Raising Private Money Without Asking For It
02:35 – Helping people with real estate investment, realtor.
03:33 – True best friends, didn’t talk business.
08:09 – Creating a passive investment opportunity for a friend.
12:10 – Open, transparent meeting to clarify the situation.
14:36 – Private lenders receive added protection through insurance.
18:20 – Buying, cleaning, and selling property quickly.
20:12 – Managing leads, appointments, and automation for business growth.
23:35 –  Switched from expensive PPC to successful SEO.
25:39 – Connect with Alex Capozzolo: https://www.SdHouseGuys.com   and https://www.BrotherlyLoveProperties.com   
28:35 –  Network intentionally, focus on strengths, and delegate weaknesses.
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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
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pawsensedogs · 8 months
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Website: https://www.pawsense.org/
Address: Dallas, Texas, USA
Pawsense is a premier Dog Enrichment Center based in Dallas, Texas, specializing in Fear Free Training, boarding, adoption consultation, and nutrition consultation. Established in 2019, Pawsense is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for pets and their owners, emphasizing the importance of pet safety and security in all services offered. 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pawsensedogs/
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atozprivatetutoring · 10 months
Website : https://www.atozprivatetutoring.com
Address : California, USA
A to Z Private Tutoring specializes in personalized education for Kindergarten to 6th-grade students, focusing on English and Math. Founded by Zachary and Allison Hill, the service emphasizes building a strong academic foundation, offering in-home and online tutoring. They provide tailored lessons and worksheets, addressing individual learning gaps and promoting self-sufficient learning.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/p/A-to-Z-Private-Tutoring-100076159000688
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w523352394 · 11 months
Practice 1: Assignment 3, Concept Art - Nostalgia and Memory
Keywords about past memories: Money box I received an electric money box from my grandparents when I was little. Jumping rope A kind friend taught me how to jump rope in kindergarten. Studying I went to school regularly from the age of 7, and this is one of my favourite memories compared to others. Cartoons I enjoyed watching all kinds of cartoons imported from overseas during my study breaks.
Since studying took up an extremely high proportion of my past life, I decided to start my association with studying. When I think of studying, I think of the repetitive and mandatory nature of the act, which has always made me bitter about studying, but I don't think that the act of studying is bad in itself, but rather that the pattern of teaching at school is very repetitive, and the only evaluation criteria is a single grade. So I would think that school is like a factory or a prison, an assembly line to produce students. Every day is a set schedule, with short breaks, and when you get home there is still a lot of homework to do, and regular tests to keep you distracted all the time. Animation became one of the few ways I could relax under such pressure. At that time, most of the various types of animation introduced were from Japan and the United States, and most of the plots in them were about heroes, which made me wish that I could have the same powers as these animated characters and escape from my repetitive life.
After thinking about this, I decided to use prison, school, and magical girls as my keywords for my concept.
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Unlock Your Earning Potential: Discover the Online Degrees That Pay Off Big
The internet has made it possible for people to earn college degrees from the comfort of their own homes. This has led to a surge in the number of online degree programs available, making it more difficult than ever to choose the right one. If you're considering earning an Online Degree, it's important to choose a program that will pay off in the long run. 
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Here are 10 of the best online degrees that pay off the most.
Computer science
Computer science is one of the most in-demand fields in the job market, and it's only going to become more so in the future. With a computer science degree, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in tech, including software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity.
Business administration
A business administration degree is another great option for those who want to pursue a career in the corporate world. This degree will teach you the fundamentals of business, including accounting, finance, marketing, and operations management.
Nursing is a high-demand field that offers good job prospects and a high salary. With a nursing degree, you can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices.
Degree in Education
If you're passionate about teaching, a degree in education can be a great way to pursue your dream of becoming a teacher. With an education degree, you'll be prepared to teach at all levels, from kindergarten to college.
Engineering is a broad field that encompasses a variety of disciplines, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. With an engineering degree, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure.
Accounting is a field that is always in demand, and with a degree in accounting, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the finance industry. Accounting majors learn how to analyze financial data, prepare financial statements, and audit financial records.
Marketing is a field that is constantly evolving, and with a degree in marketing, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the business world. Marketing majors learn how to develop marketing plans, create advertising campaigns, and manage social media accounts.
Data Science
Data science is a relatively new field that is growing rapidly. With a degree in data science, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the tech industry. Data science majors learn how to collect, analyze, and interpret data to make informed decisions.
Cybersecurity is a critical field that is in high demand. With a degree in cybersecurity, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the tech industry. Cybersecurity majors learn how to protect computer systems from cyberattacks.
Information technology
Information technology is a broad field that encompasses a variety of disciplines, including computer science, networking, and database administration. With an information technology degree, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the tech industry.
Of course, these are just a few of the many online degrees that pay off. The best Online Degree for you will depend on your interests, skills, and career goals. If you're not sure what you want to do with your life, there are a number of online career exploration tools that can help you narrow down your options.
Get a UGC-Entitled Online Degree from a NAAC A+ Accredited university with 45 years of academic excellence. Admissions are open for 2023. Enroll now! https://bit.ly/3niFa3b. Keywords:#onlinedegree, #onlineeducationinindia, #Onlinedegreeadmissions, #onlinegraduationcourses, #onlinedegreecertificates
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/s8iXvnoigUmbQWW5A
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vignanonlinedegree · 1 year
Unlock Your Earning Potential: Discover the Online Degrees That Pay Off Big
The internet has made it possible for people to earn college degrees from the comfort of their own homes. This has led to a surge in the number of online degree programs available, making it more difficult than ever to choose the right one. If you're considering earning an Online Degree, it's important to choose a program that will pay off in the long run. 
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Here are 10 of the best online degrees that pay off the most.
Computer science
Computer science is one of the most in-demand fields in the job market, and it's only going to become more so in the future. With a computer science degree, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in tech, including software engineering, data science, and cybersecurity.
Business administration
A business administration degree is another great option for those who want to pursue a career in the corporate world. This degree will teach you the fundamentals of business, including accounting, finance, marketing, and operations management.
Nursing is a high-demand field that offers good job prospects and a high salary. With a nursing degree, you can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices.
Degree in Education
If you're passionate about teaching, a degree in education can be a great way to pursue your dream of becoming a teacher. With an education degree, you'll be prepared to teach at all levels, from kindergarten to college.
Engineering is a broad field that encompasses a variety of disciplines, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. With an engineering degree, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure.
Accounting is a field that is always in demand, and with a degree in accounting, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the finance industry. Accounting majors learn how to analyze financial data, prepare financial statements, and audit financial records.
Marketing is a field that is constantly evolving, and with a degree in marketing, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the business world. Marketing majors learn how to develop marketing plans, create advertising campaigns, and manage social media accounts.
Data Science
Data science is a relatively new field that is growing rapidly. With a degree in data science, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the tech industry. Data science majors learn how to collect, analyze, and interpret data to make informed decisions.
Cybersecurity is a critical field that is in high demand. With a degree in cybersecurity, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the tech industry. Cybersecurity majors learn how to protect computer systems from cyberattacks.
Information technology
Information technology is a broad field that encompasses a variety of disciplines, including computer science, networking, and database administration. With an information technology degree, you'll be prepared for a variety of careers in the tech industry.
Of course, these are just a few of the many online degrees that pay off. The best Online Degree for you will depend on your interests, skills, and career goals. If you're not sure what you want to do with your life, there are a number of online career exploration tools that can help you narrow down your options.
Get a UGC-Entitled Online Degree from a NAAC A+ Accredited university with 45 years of academic excellence. Admissions are open for 2023. Enroll now! https://bit.ly/3niFa3b. Keywords:#onlinedegree, #onlineeducationinindia, #Onlinedegreeadmissions, #onlinegraduationcourses, #onlinedegreecertificates Location: https://goo.gl/maps/s8iXvnoigUmbQWW5A
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fronteversismo · 1 year
Breaking news : after years of hard work finally is published by Clever Fox Publishing the amazing book 📕 Art and philosophy of peace Fronteversismo https://www.amazon.in/philosophy-peace-Fronteversismo-Giuseppe-Siniscalchi/dp/9356483167/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CCPFI943CL7E&keywords=fronteversismo&qid=1686057648&sprefix=fronteversismo%2Caps%2C591&sr=8-1
For the great success of art and philosophy of peace Fronteversismo tour 2023 also in #japan from #joetsu to #Tokyo and #Nara and around and appreciate lessons workshop in kindergarten school AIZEN of Nara & Yukyunosato Hopital in Joetsu i am happy and glad to announce :
1) you can to found the book in Italian and English also in Google & Amazon Japan 🇯🇵 this the link https://lnkd.in/dTkzs3_b
2) as request of nice fan I decided to open 2 new official Fronteversismo pages in Instagram Fronteversismo_Japan
A) https://lnkd.in/d97UBpVN
B) Fronteversismo_deuschland1
C) Fronteversismo_India1 https://lnkd.in/dF-cMs8R
Thank you at the Publisher and co Authors Annamaria Mauro Charles Alphonse Mimmo Muolo Luciano Mazzocchi Gabriele Guglielmino Gemma Gualdi Marghe Rita Cosentino Tiziana Viggiano Francesco Zecca
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treadmilltreats · 1 year
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Not everyone is coming with you for the whole ride
Recently, I saw Tyler Perry giving a speech. He said not everyone is going to be there for your whole ride. He went on to say some people are like the boosters for a rocket. As soon as the rocket rises into the atmosphere, the boosters fall off the rocket. They can't go as high as you're going. They are only there for part of the ride.
Some people are just there for a season, for a reason, or for a lesson. If you are like me, a friend for life, this lesson is a hard one.
I am one of those people who have had friends from kindergarten, lifelong friends. If I am your friend, I am your friend till the end or until you give me the knife.
I know that during the holidays, everyone gets nostalgic
thinking about those people who are no longer in your life. I think back about the wonderful times, and sometimes I get sad, but then I have to remember that they are no longer in my life for a reason.
We all know that in life, some friendships go by the wayside because you grow and change, and the other person doesn't. Some because others are jealous of you and where you are going. Some friends were just the same mean girls that they were in high school, never changing.
Some friendships were toxic, and you can't allow yourself to stay in that environment any longer. Sometimes, you must even cut off your own family members because sometimes they will cut you the deepest. I know this hurts, but we all must move on. If covid or my life that has been full of losses has taught me one thing, it is that life goes on.
Yes, it may hurt. Yes, there may be a hole in your heart, but still, life goes on.
We learn to deal with that person's absence, and slowly, the pain is less and less.
I am always talking about life lessons. It's not what life is doing to you, but for you. What is the lesson that God, the universe, or whatever you believe in is trying to teach you? Are you listening?
So today my friends remember as hard as it may be, some people will not be there for the whole ride and that's okay. You are going to bigger and better places that are not for everyone. Just remember that these are the lessons that we must learn to move forward with our lives.
"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:
And on Amazon.com
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The Montessori Method Explained: What Makes Cherubs Montessori in Sompura Different
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The Montessori Method of education is a child-centered approach to learning that has been around for over a century. It was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, and educator, who believed that children should be able to learn at their own pace, with guidance from a trained teacher. Today, many preschools and kindergartens around the world use the Montessori Method to provide a unique learning experience for young children. Cherubs Montessori, a preschool in sompura is one such school that follows this approach, but what makes them stand out from the rest?  
The technique is based on the concept that kids have a natural drive to learn and explore their surroundings. Montessori classrooms are meant to promote this interest by furnishing objects and activities that entertain children's senses and encourage hands-on learning. 
This approach emphasizes the necessity of students developing independence, self-direction, and responsibility, as well as the significance of a feeling of community and collaboration among peers.
This approach is carried to the next level. The school is known for its exceptional Montessori program, which accentuates the development of the whole child, not just their academic skills. The school's curriculum is carefully prepared to furnish children with a rich and diverse learning experience, incorporating elements of art, music, language, culture, and practical life skills.
One thing that sets Cherubs Montessori apart from other schools is the way they approach learning. The Montessori Method is based on the idea that children learn best when they are allowed to explore and discover things for themselves. At Cherubs Montessori, teachers act as guides, rather than instructors, permitting children to find their own path of learning. This allows children to take ownership of their education, which in turn fosters a lifelong love of learning.
Another aspect that makes Cherubs Montessori the best preschool in sompura is their multi-age classrooms. Rather than grouping children strictly by age, Cherubs Montessori classrooms are designed to accommodate children of different ages and abilities. This allows children to learn from and teach one another, fostering a sense of community and cooperation among classmates.
It also has a substantial emphasis on art and music education. The school considers that art and music are essential parts of a well-rounded education and that they enable to stimulate creativity and self-expression in children. In addition to regular classroom activities, they furthermore offer music and art classes taught by trained professionals.
Finally, one of the things that set Cherubs Montessori apart is its commitment to parental involvement. The school recognizes that parents are a child's first and most important teacher, and they encourage parents to be actively concerned in their child's education. The school provides regular updates on each child's progress and encourages parents to participate in school activities and events.
Cherubs Montessori is an exceptional preschool in Sompura that provides a unique and enriching learning experience for young children. Their commitment to the Montessori Method, practical life skills, art and music education, multi-age classrooms, and parent involvement all contribute to making them stand out from other schools. 
Keywords: #nursery in sompura, #preschool in sompura, #montessori in sompura
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