judahmaccabees · 4 months
safety in ignorance, you said
Life in death
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uma1ra · 1 month
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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[TUVOKTOBER: Day 12] Casual telepathic conversation. There are some things you can't discuss with non-Vulcans.
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No text!
The lady Tuvok's talking to is a canon, unnamed background character:
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She's ex-Maquis and appears in like two scenes where she doesn't speak.
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mkn314 · 1 month
موج جدید اعدام‌ها در ایران: دوازده زندانی در کرج، یزد، تبریز، شیراز و خواف اعدام شدند
Continue reading موج جدید اعدام‌ها در ایران: دوازده زندانی در کرج، یزد، تبریز، شیراز و خواف اعدام شدند
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sudokuplayerone · 5 months
listening to a song rn, and it's sung by pakistani artists who say some arabic in the refrain, "you're my heart" but for the heart, "qalb" they say the qaf as kaf so it turns into kalb which means dog. hilarious. i'm going to laugh abt this forever.
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spirk-trek · 9 months
some non-canon vulcan terms of endearment i think are neat n cute:
ta'hal - light
vaksurik - beauty/beautiful
veh t' va'es - one belonging to infinity
khaf-spol - heart
t'nash-veh - of myself/mine
ha'kiv - life
taluhk - precious/treasure
wuh'rak - first/favorite
ek'zer - gem/diamond/pearl
ashau veh - loved one
katra's ha-kel - soul's home
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parsabad · 16 days
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Zoozan mosque/ Khaf, Khorasan/ Iran
Photography: Mohsen afshar
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slyandthefamilybook · 5 months
I saw your appreciation post for Jews who change their names to make them pronounceable for goyim, and I was wondering if you have any advice for how to correctly pronounce Hebrew names for people who aren’t used to them?
sure no problem
I guess the first place I would start is the vowels. Hebrew doesn't have all the vowels that English has, and has some that English doesn't. The pronunciation varies by region, but a general Ashkenazi style follows:
Patach (common English transliteration: ah) (IPA: ä)
Kamatz (common English transliteration: uh or o) (IPA: ɔ)
Chirik (common English transliteration: ee) (IPA: i)
Segol (common English transliteration: eh) (IPA: ɛ)
Shva (common English transliteration: ih) (IPA: ɪ)
Tzere (common English transliteration: ey) (IPA: eɪ)
Shuruk (common English transliteration: oo) (IPA: u)
Cholam (common English transliteration: oh) (IPA: oʊ)
(there are more vowels but we don't need to get into them rn)
The other thing is that each vowel is pronounced individually (the only diphthongs are eye (IPA: aɪ) and ooy (IPA: uɪ), but the second is not used commonly in names). So Eliezer is eh-lee-eh-zehr, not eh-lie-zur. Occasionally names will have an apostrophe to separate vowels to make this easier, like Ya'akov (yah-ah-kohv) or Me'ira (meh-ee-rah).
Hebrew also has some consonants that can be hard for goyim, most notably tzaddi and khaf/khet. Tzaddi makes a ts sound like at the end of quartz, but will often come at the beginning of a name like Tzipporah (tzih-poh-rah, not tizz-pour-uh). Khet and khaf make the sound ch as in loch (they're technically two different sounds but I don't want to complicate things). Think of the sound you make when you have a hair stuck in your throat and you're close. I believe the proper way to write this sound in English is kh, but it's usually written ch in names. So Chaim is khah-yim, not chaym or haym, and Yechezkel is yeh-khez-kel, not ye-chez-kul. If you can't make the sound substituting it with an aspirate (the h sound) is okay.
And that should be enough for a basic run-down. I don't want to get too deep in the weeds and if you do want to actually learn Hebrew there are much better resources. But there ya go
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Vulcan Dialogue from Star Trek: The Motion Picture
I recently dug up a PDF file introducing the Vulcan language. Marc Okrand was involved in its construction as he was for Klingon. The dialogue I have been after, from the three movies, was transcribed in it.
Here's how the Kolinahr dialogue from TMP reads:-
Dakh orfikkel aushfamaluhr s haukaush fi'aifa mazhiv Here on these sands, our forebears cast out their animal passions
Sha'koshtri korseivel bai'elkhrul-akteibuhl t'Kolinahr And our race was saved by the fullest attainment of Kolinahr
Kolinahr -- k'kvai'ei ek'zherka t'forti foshuhl Kolinahr: Through which all emotion is finally shed
Zup-tor vu akarshif - Spahkh You have labored long, Spock
I'poprah fasei setebihk t'ovsotuhl-ozhika Now receive from us this symbol of total logic
*Spock stays T'Sai's hand. Somebody plays some big loud bongy thing.*
Nahp - hif-bi tu throks Your thoughts, give them to me
Kashkau - Spahkh - wuhkuh eh teretuhr Our minds, Spock, one and together
Tish hokni'es kwi'shoret -- This consciousness calling to you from space ...
Estuhl terrupik khaf - Spahkh It touches your human blood, Spock ("It stirs your ruby half, Spock.")
Du vravshal srashiv t'Kolinahr You have not achieved Kolinahr
Ti kilko-srashiv kitok-wilat He will not achieve his goal with us
I'tah tehrai k'etwel His answer lies elsewhere Dif-tor heh smusma - Spahkh Live long and prosper, Spock
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The Body in Vulcan - Ak'shem t'Vuhlkansu
Abdomen - Feshek Adenoid - Za-han-pi'nafek Adrenal gland - Abru-kapol-nafek Ankle - Mal-nik Anus - Pekh-razh / Hul'a Areola - Kur-kuv Arm - Kar Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev Auditory canal - Zhu-ur
Back - Pla’dor Ball and Socket Joint - Dukal-guf-iesek Bicuspid - Dah-sfekik Birthmark - Keshtan-kur-vel Bladder - Vazhaf / Vazh-sa'haf (modern/traditional) Blood - Khaf Blood plasma - (bosh-)khaf-masu Blood vessel - Khaf-mev Body - Ak'shem Bone - Hinek / Khim'ip Bone marrow - Hinek-masu Brain - Shad / Shi'nahp Breast - A'dle'ad / Thasek Buttock - Pla'kruslar / Koi'a
Calf - Vaukh Callus - Stein Capillary - Pi'khat-mev Cataract - Bezhun-ripa'shaya Central Nervous System - Nen-wel-torektra Cerebellum - Dvunek-tash-svitan Cerebral cortex - si-tin t'nahp-tash-svitan Cerebrum - Nahp-tash-svitan Cervix - Sudef-talu Cheek - Nak Chest - Tuf / E’ksedj Circulatory System - Da-kuvau-torektra Clavicle - Dol-hinek Clitoris - Ko-lok Coccyx - Harr-hinektra Cochlea - Tvi-sau-torektra Colon - Pekh-mev Cornea - Bezhun-wadi Coronary Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev t'khaf-spol Cranium - Patam-hinektra
Diaphram - Esh-dvunek
Ear - Kaluk Eardrum - Zhu-nalatra-tin Earlobe - Ne-kaluk Elbow - Kar-nef Enzyme - Zalu Esophagus - Yokul-mev Estrogen - Ko-dau-tukh Eustachian tubes - Kaluk-mev Eye - Bezhun / Ak Eyebrow - Ezhun-zehl Eyelash - Bezhun-isach
Face - Limuk Femoral Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev t'abru-mal Femur - Abru-mal-hinek Fibula - Vaukh-hinek Finger - Ozh Index Finger - Kehr-ozh Middle Finger - Rehr-ozh Pinky Finger - Wuhr-ozh Ring Finger - Dahr-ozh Thumb - Kaur-ozh Fingers - Ozhlar Fist - Ozh-dukal Follicle - Pi'haf Foot - Ash’ya Forearm - Ne-kar Forehead - Fa-patam
Gallbladder - Thel'a-zalu-nafek Gastrointestinal (GI) tract - Neik-skaun-ek'ur Gland - Pi'nafek Groin - Neikah Gums - Zud-wadi
Hair - Isach (single hair) Isachya (multiple hairs) Hand - El’ru Head - Patam Heart - Khaf-spol Heart Valve - Khaf-spol-spunek Heel - Timut Hip - Gaf Humerus - Abru-kar-hinek Hypothalamus - Is-lof-svitan
Iliac Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev t'neik-vukhut Immune System - Tefosh-torektra Intestine - Pekh-mev Iris - Kurak
Jaw - Ahs
Knee - Mal-nef
Larynx - Shi'spes Leg - Mal Ligament - Hinek-tersayek Lip - Bru Liver - Nehasamek Lung - Eshaf / Esh-sa'haf (modern/traditional) Lymph node - Yak-kal
Mandible - Neik-ahs(-hinek) Molar - Nal-zud Mouth - Ru’lut Muscle - Dvunek
Nail - Felu Navel - Slakh Neck - Talu Nerve - To'tsu Nipple - Thasek-gonaf Nose - Han Nostrils - Han-sharular
Ovary - Yukal
Palm - Ku Pancreas - Zalu-nafek Patella - Mal-nef-hinek Pelvis - Dafel Penis - Lok Phalanges - Uk-hineklar Pharynx - Drahk Pineal gland - Sofar-pi'nafek Pinna - Si-kaluk Pituitary gland - Dau-tukh-pi'nafek Pore - Wadi-sharu Pupil - Glan-sharu
Radius - Sik ne'kar-hinek Respiratory Tract - Pa'kizh-ek'ur Retina - Glan-nalatra-tin Rib - Bak
Scalp - Patam-ek'wadi Scapula - Tipan-hinek Sciatic Nerve - Nen-mal-wel Sclera - Bezhun-wan Scrotum - Sakal-sa'haf Septum - Temok Shin - Ne-mal Shoulder - Tipan Skeleton - Hinek-teraya Skin - Wadi Skull - Grat Sole (foot) - Lad Spinal cord - Plat-wel-elakh Spine - Plat Spleen - Khaf-nafek Stomach - Skaun-sa’haf
Taste Bud - Zahvek Tear Duct - Bezhun-masu-mev Testes - Sakal Testosterone - Sa-dau-tukh Tendon - Dvunek-tersayek Thalamus - Zhaitra Thigh - Abru-mal Throat - Drahk Thumb - Kaur-ozh Thyroid - Drahk-pi-nafek Tibia - Ne-mal-hinek Toe - Gof Tongue - Lahv Tooth - Zud Trachea - Esh mev Tumor - Gnal
Ulna - Tvik ne-kar-hinek Ureter - Kapol-nafek-mev Urethra - Vazh-mev Uterus - Sudef
Vagina - Keshtan-ur Vertebra - Plat-hinek Vocal Cord - Spesek Vulva - Kotik
Waist - San Wart - Gakh Wrist - Kar-nik
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judahmaccabees · 4 months
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uma1ra · 1 month
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
concept: 1930s bucky going to yiddish theatre on weekends when he has a little money. bucky having favorite yiddish actors instead of hollywood film stars. for every headcanon people post about bucky loving disney films, i will aggressively headcanon bucky having favorite yiddish theatre scene preferences.
I love this so much! Yiddish theatre and radio (and even film) would have been a big part of his life!
For those who don't know, New York City had a vibrant Yiddish theatre scene.
Bucky scraping whatever money he could together during the depression so he could afford to go see plays at The Grand Theatre in Manhattan (dragging Steve and Becca along when he could).
I hc he would have loved the 1937 film adaptions of Der Dybuk (The Dybbuk) and Tkies Khaf (The Vow), which are two very different approaches to the same play, as well as The Cantor's Son among others.
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amrsalehauthor · 2 months
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Khafset of Avaris 🤷🏽‍♂️
This is Khafset of Avaris. One of the two protagonists of my debut novel Treasures of Egypt: The spear & the Scythe. He is often referred to as „The proud thief of Avaris“ (usually by himself). He is also… you know what? Why don’t I let Khafset introduce himself. Hey Khaf! 🎤
Hey there, buddy. Why so hasty? I’m Khafset of Avaris. People call me many things: Lowlife, untouchable, Hyksos, but I prefer the term “the proud thief of Avaris.” My life’s been rough, but it gave me a mission: to secure a free future for my family. When I teamed up with our “lady of law and tradition,” Nefiri Minu, the grand vizier’s apprentice, warden of Avaris, etc., I had no clue our paths would cross in such crazy ways. From stealing a divine weapon to dueling with gods. My life is pretty wild, isn’t it? But I don’t want to reveal too much. You do seem like a person wealthy enough to spare a drink. Come with me. Let’s visit the Tavern of Avaris, and I’ll tell you the craziest story you’d ever hear over a drink and a round of Senet. And who knows? Maybe luck will be on your side tonight.
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adastrafanfic · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 6/18-6/24
State of the Archive
Busy week this week!  We had a bunch of new people coming over and posting, others archiving older stories and a decent amount of very excellent discussion over on Discord.  Folks also seem to be falling in more comfortably with our posting/tagging rules, which is a great thing for archive searchability.  We do still have a Review Hunt going on for the next week, so your chance to win art and/or cash is still on the table, too!  Literally any review you write is eligible, so paste their links into the form as you write them!  Next month I'll be able to somewhat automate that process, but for now, this is what it's gotta take.
Weekly Challenge #10
For this week, write a story between 100 and 700 words about a sensory event or even just a day in the sun or rain. Can be extra-sensory, can be just plain old atmospheric, can involve any of the senses (and then some!) Interpret the prompt as literally as you like or a figuratively as you like, then submit your response to the Weekly Challenge Collection on Ad Astra: https://beta.adastrafanfic.com/collections/weeklychallenges Use the additional (freeform) tag Weekly Challenge: Sensory Processing Challenge closes on June 30th at 11:59P, Eastern.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Discovery
By LizBee a fountain of blood in the shape of a woman - Unrated - Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell, Philippa Georgiou
By TUNiU The Needs of the....oh you know how it goes - T - Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets - 🔒
Star Trek: The Original Series
By Beatrice_Otter Dimension Hopping - T - Buffy Summers/Spock, xover with BtVS Starship Mine - T - Una Chin-Riley, Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel
By Merfilly Cultural Studies - G - Nyota Uhura, Spock Spanning the Years - G - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Spock
By sixbeforelunch The Surface is a Strange and Wonderful Place - G - James T. Kirk, Nyota Uhura, Spock, Original Characters - 🔒 A Brief Study of Vulcan Public Health Concerns - G - Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock - 🔒 Foundations of Affection - T - Spock/T'Pring - 🔒
By SLWalker Torn - G - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott Name and Nature - M - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Spock
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By Beatrice_Otter The Desert Between - T - Nyota Uhura (AOS)/Spock (AOS) Nyota's Choice - G - Nyota Uhura (AOS)/Spock (AOS) House-Building - G - Nyota Uhura (AOS)/Spock (AOS) Children of the Desert - G - Original Vulcan Characters
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By Beatrice_Otter Essential To Your Own - T - Data/Geordi LaForge Little Ship Lost - T - Ensemble Cast open your heart knowing - G - Data/Geordi La Forge Matters of Perspective - G - Guinan/Jean-Luc Picard
By sixbeforelunch All Our Broken Plans - T - Sam Lavelle & Taurik - 🔒 Laid Bare - T - Ensemble Cast - 🔒 The Fixed Point - G - Ian Andrew Troi I/Lwaxana Troi - 🔒 Change of Vector - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 The Leak - G - Ensemble Cast - 🔒
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By baktag Star Trek: Clonrichert - T - Ensemble Cast, xover with Father Ted
By Beatrice_Otter A Space for Faith - G - Original Characters
By TheQuietWings Who was she? - G - Kira Nerys
Star Trek: Voyager
By sixbeforelunch Cultural Nuances - G - Vorik - 🔒 Forward Momentum - T - Kathryn Janeway/Tuvok - 🔒
Expanded Universes
By CeJay Tempus Fugit - T - Ensemble Cast
By DavidFalkayn Shore Leave - M - Ensemble Cast Diplomatic Incidents - M - Ensemble Cast Meet the Press - M - Ensemble Cast Back into the Fray - M - Ensemble Cast Prelude to a Horror - M - Ensemble Cast Corruption in Paradise - M - Ensemble Cast Into the Breach - M - Ensemble Cast
By Gibraltar The Long Road - T - Pava Lar'ragos
By sixbeforelunch Kal'i'farr heh T'naehm - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Let'thieri - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Khaf-spol t'M'aih - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Tel-nel-dath - G - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Masu-kastra - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
THE cross-border railway between Iran and Afghanistan returned to service on July 11 after the completion of work to repair infrastructure damage at Rozanak in Afghanistan, caused during the Taliban takeover in 2021. In December 2022 the governments of Iran and Afghanistan agreed to complete the repairs within six months. [...]
Used by both freight and passengers trains, the Khaf - Herat line will provide Afghanistan with access to sea ports and neighbouring countries, improving trading links with Central Asia, Russia, Turkey and Europe.
14 Jul 23
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