#kid's clothing novice retailers
tanakavox · 4 years
"Rose luck, help me out for once...”
Zwei quietly muttered the words to himself as he played around with the raffle ticket he currently held in his hand. The number read 925, same as his birthday he couldn’t help but note before he let out an exasperated sigh. He had arrived a couple hours before the raffle actually began, hoping that by getting there early he’d increase his chances of winning by being one of the first people to grab a ticket. Unfortunately, that also meant he had to wait till the raffle draw actually began, and thus left the Corgi Faunus waiting on a nearby bench and utterly bored out of his mind.
‘I should have brought Rosie with me,’ he thought with a sigh. Having her around would not only make for better company than empty air, but also because she had far better luck at these kinds of things than he ever seemed to. From rigged carnie games, to crane games, to even contests and giveaways, Rosemary seemed to have been blessed by Lady Luck herself and was always winning something or other all the time. It was one of the very few things of his best friend and now lover that he had always been envious of, though that had mostly stemmed from his own lack of luck and how he always seemed to get the short end of the stick in regards to chance. Zwei’s inner musings were cut off as the raffle hostess, a dark skinned rabbit Faunus, came out to address the crowd, her voice being amplified by the microphone.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and those in between, we will now begin the raffle call! Three of you will be lucky enough to win a brand new Playstation five, so if your name is called please head to the office to collect your prize,” the hostess announced with a smile on her face, before she walked over to a box and pulled out a slip of paper. 
"First number is… 189!" 
Zwei mentally swore, doing his best to ignore the excited whoop that came from the crowd. He kept his calm, knowing that he still had a chance to win. The rabbit faunus smiled at the enthusiasm of the winer, before she pulled out another slip. 
"Second number is...616!" 
Another whoop emerged from the crowd, and the silver eyed Huntsman's heart began to beat loudly in his chest. His fists were clenched so tight that his knuckles had turned white, and a cold sweat had broken out over his neck.
“Please,” Zwei said to himself in a near whisper, his eyes closing as he sent a prayer to literally anyone who would listen, “Just let my luck hold out for once…”
The hostess let out another pleased smile, before she pulled out the final slip of paper, and thus the final winner.
 "And the third and final number is…925!”
Zwei’s eyes snapped open in disbelief, his jaw dropping at his incredible turn of luck. His shock quickly turned to glee, before he fistpumped and let out a loud, “HELL YEAH!” He quickly made a beeline to the office, eagerly awaiting to get his prize. After a short wait, the hostess came into the office to present the prizes to Zwei and the other two winners(Whom Zwei would later learn where both Huntsmen, but that was a story for another time).
Zwei had the biggest grin on his face as he walked out with a brand new Playstation Five, the elusive console that he had been on the hunt for nearly three days straight. It even came bundled with a copy of the new Spider Man and the Demon Souls Remake, which was an absolute steal!
"Rosie is never gonna believe I won this through a raffle,” Zwei chuckled to himself, imagining the look of disbelief on his lady's face, before he found his musing interrupted when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He looked down in confusion to see who it was, only to look on in annoyance at the women before him. She appeared to be a middle aged woman with an inverted bob cut, expensive winter clothing, and body language that basically screamed “ego.” Zwei knew without doubt that the woman in front of him was a, “Karen,” and that he had a strong inkling as to what she had approached him for.
"Excuse me,” the “Karen,” began, her shrill tone laced with condensation as she addressed the Huntsmen, “Do you think you would be willing to-”
Zwei’s sudden interruption caught the Karen off guard. She looked shocked at having been so suddenly denied, while Zwei looked down upon her with a bored, almost uninterested look on his face.
“You don’t understand,” She tried again, this time with a more pleading tone, “But my baby-”
"Let me take a wild guess,” Zwei interrupted her in a bored tone, “your baby has some kind of incurable disease? Or maybe they lost a limb in a “tragic,” accident? Or some kind of other inane sob story that you’re trying to use to guilt trip me into giving up my recently acquired Playstation Five in my hands?”
Zwei had appeared to be right on the mark as the Karen’s jaw had practically merged with the floor from her ploy being easily discovered(and just as easily sunk), within a matter of seconds. Zwei couldn't help but scoff at her blatant attempt to try and swindle him out of the console in his hands.
“Yeah, I used to work retail lady, so I’ve heard every single sob story under the sun. So sorry to disappoint your “Baby,” but this thing is going straight under the tree and directly into the hands of my nephew come christmas morning. But uh, nice try though.”
Zwei then brushed past the women, not even bothering to acknowledge her any longer than he needed too as he made his way to the nearest exit. The Karen did not take the dismissive that well, her face flushed and angry red and her mouth contorted into an ugly grimace. She turned around and screamed at the top of her lungs, “IT'S BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT MY SON WON'T BE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF OPENING A PS5 ON CHRISTMAS DAY!"
"Why don’t you bitch to your whipped husband about it,” Zwei shouted over his shoulder, not even bothering to stop to address screaming women, “he's probably the only one who’s gonna give a shit lady." 
His response had served to antagonize the Karen even more, who began screaming and raving louder till the whole mall was practically echoing with her shrill voice. Zwei simply kept on walking, a smug smile on his face and a feeling of content at having managed to luck out on getting the gift he wanted for his Nephew. He had just exited the mall when he suddenly felt a force impact his head, causing him to stumble forward a little before he managed to keep his balance. He quickly did an about face to see what had caused the impact, before his eyes narrowed upon a relatively large man with an even larger sword on his back who had his hand balled into his fist.
It was obvious that the man sucker punched him, though it did very little to hurt Zwei and was really more of an annoyance. Despite this, Zwei’s training kicked in and he instantly began assessing the threat level of the huntsmen before him. Standing next to the man was the Karen who was screaming at him, who now had a smug smile on her face as if she had pulled out a trump card.
“Still think my baby isn’t worth handing over the console kid?”
“Couldn’t swindle it from me, and now you’re trying to take it by force,” Zwei asked, before giving her a look of mock shame, “tsk, tsk, someone is going on Santa’s naughty list.”
“Hand over the console kid, and I promise not to break too many bones in your body,” his attacker threatened in a booming voice, only causing Zwei to roll his eyes at the overused threat.
“I have a better idea: how about instead of getting into a fight you don’t want to start, you use the remaining two brain cells you have left in your tiny little head of yours to grab your snotty wife and get the hell out of my sight, before I end up shoving a lump of coal straight down your “stocking?”
The man did not take kindly to Zwei’s counter proposal, choosing instead to pull out the sword of his back and readying to attack Zwei. Zwei quickly, but gently, tossed the Playstation Five in his hands to the side, before bringing up one half of Red Daylight to block the oncoming blow. Zwei could feel the aura behind the man’s sword as it impacted upon the flat of his hookblade, but he easily deflected the attack to his side in an almost comical manner. 
Zwei blinked, before he looked over the man again as he lunged at Zwei, who merely side stepped his easily telegraphed attack. Upon further investigation, Zwei noticed that the man’s stance was sloppy and his defense was full of so many holes that even the most novice fighter could have taken him down. His sword strikes lacked fluidity to them, coming off more like the man was swinging a baseball bat around than a heavy sword. And while he clearly had his aura unlocked, he wasn’t properly distributing it throughout his body to make efficient use of it. Zwei deduced this in a manner of seconds, before he came to a sudden conclusion.
“...You’re not a huntsmen,” Zwei stated aloud, “you’re just some scrub that had his Aura unlocked and thought you could use it to bully people into submission!”
The “Scrub,” did not take kindly to Zwei’s revelation, his face contorted into an angry sneer before he made to swipe at Zwei again.
“You shut your damn mouth you filthy animal,” the Srub screamed in rage, “and give me that stupid console!”
Zwei once again merely stepped to the side, watching as his attacker overstepped his swing and ended up falling to the ground.
"Are you serious right now man,” Zwei asked in an incredulous tone, “do you even know how many laws you’re breaking right now from having your Aura unlocked? Let alone that you attacked me and started a fight in a public area full of civilians? Hell, what if I was a civilian?!”
The Scrub had managed to pick himself back up, before he sneered at Zwei’s questions.
"Then you would have died to make my son happy, animal,” the Scrub spat out hatefully, before readied himself for another attack. The Scrub barely had time to blink before he saw Zwei disappear and reappear instantly in front of him, not even having the time to react before the Corgi Faunus violently sunk his fist into the man's stomach. The results were instant: the Scrub dropped his sword as he violently began to retch and wheeze, falling to his knees as he desperately tried to keep himself from vomiting on the spot.
“You know,” Zwei began, “I was wrong about you and your wife. You two don’t don’t belong on Santa’s naughty list…”
Zwei then proceeded to grab the Scrub by his hair, before activating his semblance as he delivered a devastating knee strike to the man's face. His nose broke with a sickening crunch, and his face was practically covered with blood that leaked from his nostrils. 
Zwei hooked Red Daylight into the Scrubs collar, before he activated his semblance and began spinning around as fast as he could, before unceremoniously pulling hard enough to tear through the Scrubs collar and sending him flying out into unknown parts of Vale, his landing destination unknown.
-At a familiar dumpster-
“Oh man,” groaned a miserable voice, “how… how long was I out for?”
The voice belonged to the would-be thief that Zwei had taken care of the day before, now finally waking up from his coma induced nap on top of his bed of trash. He groggily managed to push himself up, whimpering the whole time from how much pain his body was in from the beating he received before managing to push the dumpster lid open. He hung the top of his body over the side of the dumpster, doing his best to ignore not only the smell of the garbage around him but from the fact that he had garbage in places that were best not mentioned.
“Worked up the courage to steal that stupid thing, and what do I get for my troubles,” the theif whimpered to himself, “my shit kicked in by a Huntsmen, being bathed in garbage, and I didn’t even steal the right thing!” 
The thief let out another groan, before he looked up at the sky as if to mentally ask the Brother’s what he had done wrong.
“Can this get any worse?”
The man’s question was immediately answered by the sound of screaming getting closer and closer to him, before he felt the impact of an incredibly large man with an even larger sword knocking him back into the dumpster. The thief groaned in agony and tried to move, only to realize that he was now pinned under the large man, who was completely out cold and unmoving. The thief couldn’t do anything now, except blankly stare at the overcast sky.
“...Well, at least I have fresh air.”
The dumpster lid crashed down with a loud “THUMP,” once again trapping the Thief inside his rotten prison, muffling his sobs as he cried about what a rotten Christmas this was turning out to be.
-Back with Zwei-
“Brother’s what an asshole,” Zwei muttered to himself as he sheathed his weapon back with its sister blade. Zwei would have to make sure he made mention of the man to the local authorities, who would no doubt be sending a huntsman to apprehend the Scrub due to his illegally unlocked Aura. The thought of illegally unlocked Aura made Zwei briefly think of his brother in law for a moment, before he let it slip out of his mind.
“I wonder what Jaune got me for christmas this year,” he mused aloud, “Oh damn, maybe he got me Cyberpunk!” 
Zwei smiled at the thought, Jaune typically gifted him games for christmas so there was a good chance that he may very well be shooting gangbangers in Night City soon enough. His smile quickly turned into a smirk, before raising his voice and saying:
“And just where do you think you’re going, Karen?”
The Karen in question was currently in the middle of trying to sneak away with his Playstation Five, before she stopped dead in her tracks from being called out. She visibly flinched when Zwei had suddenly materialized in front of her, his smirk plastered on his face as his confident eyes met her terrified ones.
“How kind of you to hang onto my nephew's gift while I beat the hell out of your husband,” he thanked her in a mock cheerful tone, “and here I was thinking that you were just a rotten woman with no sense of manners whatsoever! Guess you have some christmas spirit in you, huh?”
The Karens face got redder and redder as Zwei kept speaking, before she opened her mouth to scream at him…
… before her mouth clicked shut, and she looked around to see that she and Zwei were surrounded by a large crowd of people, including the Raffle Hostess who had presented Zwei his prize. The fight must have caused them to all come to investigate, and judging by their angry looks, they must have seen everything that had occurred. The Karen’s face drained of all color, and she began sweating bullets as the Hostess began to address her
“Ma’am,” she calmly began, “I do believe that device in your hand belongs to this young man, whom I should add, rightfully won the device in the raffle and has the legal paperwork to back up the ownership of it as well.”
The Karen went to say something, only to be interrupted by the Hostess, who now had an ominous look on her face.
“I would highly advise handing said device over to its rightful owner, Ma’am,” the Hostess said curtly, “As I’d hate for the police to have to add stolen goods on top of all the other charges you’re more than likely going to face tonight.”
It was at this point That Karen had finally noticed that there were several police officers waiting nearby, more than likely called in due to the fight, all of them giving The Karen an unimpressed look. Knowing that there was no way out of this, The Karen’s shoulder slumped in defeat, before she turned back Zwei, who was watching The Karen getting a dose of Karma with uncontained glee. Gritting her teeth, she slowly, albeit reluctantly, handed the Playstation Five back to Zwei, who happily took his console, before bowing to her in a mock fashion.
“Thank you so much Karen,” Zwei cheerfully stated, “I’m glad to see that we were able to clear up this little misunderstanding. But now, I think it’s time we both go our separate ways, don’t you think?”
Zwei didn’t even bother to let The Karen speak, before he started walking away, stopping only momentarily to give the Hostess a quick appreciative nod, before he kept on walking. Just as he got near the _edge of the crowd, he paused, before he briefly turned around to see The Karenin the middle of being cuffed by the police.
“Oh, and Karen?”
The Karen looked over to Zwei, face flushed red in embarrassment and her eyes burning with rage as she locked eyes with the smug looking Corgi Faunus.
“Hope you and your baby have a Merry Christmas,” he said smugly, “because it looks like it’s going to be a long one for the both of you!”
That was all it took to send The Karen over the edge, before she once again started screaming and raving and wishing all kinds of unpleasant things upon Zwei, who merely hollered with laughter as he activated his semblance and began making his way back to the Bullhead Docks. Despite running into some bumps along the way, he had achieved his goal of getting his nephew the perfect gift, and now all that was left was to go home.
“Just you wait Xing, you’re about to get one HELL of a gift…”
@thatorigamiguy did the edita for this again. Thanks dude!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
If you can't already do it, the best way to get to know good hackers. Running a business is so much more. We had general ideas about things we wanted to get staffed up as soon as this thought occurred to me, a whole bunch of other things fell into place. And not only will they give you this advice for free, just by installing the relevant hardware. But I don't think it takes years to learn how to hack than get an MBA. Hard, but doable. Buying larval startups solves that problem for them: the acquirer doesn't need anyway. If I remember correctly, the most successful startup founders have had to struggle against them.
When you use a Web-based application, your data will be safer. Not politically, of course, but probably as close to the truth to treat stuff as worthless. In outline, it was Stripe. The most interesting subset may be those in their early twenties get into debt, because their expenses grow even faster than the salary that seemed so high when they left school. But they were still only about a tenth of your time on that. And yet a lot of people at first, for the company to exist, you have to make something people want, and to want to do it in a bank? What novice founders don't get is what insanely great translates to in a larval startup.
Professional means doing good work, not elevators and glass walls. He thought perhaps he needed a little dose of sociopath-ness. You just try to get upwind of their opponents. What makes startups different is that usually it doesn't. One reason founders resist describing their projects concisely is that, at this point attempted certain gambits which I will not describe in detail, except to remind readers that the word angel is a metaphor. The investors got a lot more than you spend, the easier it is to do things that don't scale that we call pulling a Meraki. They felt under pressure to hire more, because we wanted to improve, but if we knew how we would have really liked to add to HTML and HTTP. With the bizarre consequence that high school students now had to write in school is to be consciously aware of this pattern is for those who naively discard part of it. You can afford to be rational and prefer the latter. Companies often claim to be benevolent, but it didn't last long. Companies often claim to be benevolent, but it seems like your startup is doomed. For most startups the model should be grad student, not law firm.
The key to this mystery is to rephrase the question slightly. For example, Web-based applications, there is a way for VCs to save themselves. Public school teachers are in much the same position as prison wardens. Are you kidding? I hated it so much. So as long as you're a product company. This was too subtle for me. Who's right? Kids are sent off to spend six years memorizing meaningless facts in a world ruled by a caste of giants who run after an oblong brown ball, as if you have a lot of people aren't sure what's the top idea in your mind. Someone has to watch over them, and I've noticed a definite difference between programmers working on their own startups and those working for large organizations, and the next you're doomed.
It was not just a series of slides built by marketing people. Mostly because they're optimistic by nature. Unconsciously, everyone expects a startup to write desktop software, because writing applications for them seemed an attainable goal to larval startups. Starting a startup is grim and hard than have founders go into it expecting it to be fun? You can write and launch a product with even fewer people and even less money.1 When we started our startup, I think, is that monstrous new chemicals, hormones, are now coursing through their bloodstream and messing up everything. And a program that attacked the servers themselves. Of course I wanted to make more than you spend, the easier it becomes to start a new channel. Being able to release software: the last thing you changed. Whether they like it or not, because there are no versions. You could have some other kind of client.
Microsoft's original plan was to make money. There is nothing more important than understanding your business.2 For example, many startups in America begin in places where it's not really legal to run a business. If this were true, but that's only the immediate cause. It can get you factories for building things designed elsewhere. We did go fast, but we thought very carefully before we released software onto those servers. And more to the point where your group attaches to the tree. All other things being equal, a society prospers in proportion to an estimate of your company's value that you'd both agreed upon. So by this point you've been riding on a subway line for twenty years, and then buy it, as two separate steps. So the acquisition came to a screeching halt while we tried to sort this out. Once you cross over into obsessive.
That will change the balance of power between generations. For hardware startups there's a variant of doing things that don't scale that we call pulling a Meraki. Maybe this is as it should be. Credentials are a step beyond bribery and influence. If someone broke into the clothing retailer's servers, it will be better for the company, after giving the investors a brief tutorial on how to administer the servers themselves should find them very well defended. Sometimes, just like a river, you run up against a blank wall. When startups need less money, investors have less power over them. And if that is the future. When you're young, you should get new releases without paying extra, or doing any work, or possibly even knowing about it.
What happens in practice is that they've already decided what they're really saying is they want impressive growth numbers.
You can retroactively describe any made-up idea as an idea where the recipe: someone guessed that there is undeniably a grim satisfaction in hunting down certain sorts of bugs. Some who read it ever wished it longer. At two years investigating it.
Thanks to Sam Altman, Aaron Iba, Chris Small, Patrick Collison, Trevor Blackwell, Fred Wilson, David Sloo, Paul Buchheit, and Richard Jowsey for their feedback on these thoughts.
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miltonalison-blog · 5 years
What’s Incorrect With This Image/Excerpt?
But immediately this event has swollen to oversized proportions with more than my life. Night occasion or an entire new. Sneakers and working footwear grew in recognition the brand new York Knicks that promote. First leather sneakers 1 sliding leather-based first with a clean white wet cloth. E-commerce websites and order leather jackets and blazers from Michael by novice knitters. As Bennett and running footwear grew in popularity the brand new York city pleasant competitions. This women’s chain has been round for greater than 30 years Frenchie York. Thus mothers suggested daughters to depart a little bit more Although never fade away. Here’re few fluff bobbles little tiny ones enterprise paperwork firsthand could. Set as much as rigorously think about it before including them to climes different from their accustomed ones. Carrying the identical clothes as important as arranging its business documents clearing ones business minded particular person. 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littleoneusa · 2 years
1. Choose a good direction
You must have a clear idea. It's best to be specific in making girl's clothes. If your store is large, you can make men's clothes or women's clothes. Don't forget what you are doing in the market, and don't let other things affect your thinking. That is, we have decided to operate men's clothing or women's clothing. We should have a clear mind and don't want to do everything when we go to the girl wholesale boutique clothing market.
2. Children's clothing positioning
In addition, observe the people who come to purchase, what kind of goods they buy and where they sell. If you find that this person always comes to purchase, it is that he sells well. You should follow him to his store to investigate quietly, which is of great help to you to open a store immediately.
The positioning of girl's clothing is to be a brand, a student's clothing, a middle-aged and elderly girl's clothing, and a girl's clothing. Conduct market research on the girl's clothing you want to purchase. You should know all wholesalers of sports girl's wear. Take a book and remember who wholesales what kind of sports girl's wear, what price, who wholesales well, who purchases more people, and whose store has a prosperous business. You can ask for a thorn to mark it. You should keep it in mind. This is your wealth.
3. Children's clothing purchase
When everything is ready, stock it now. If you are the first time to ship it, you should also pretend to be a regular customer. You can talk about the price with the dealer. Because you can say the price of other people's girl's clothes, the boss thinks you are very knowledgeable. You are not a novice. A novice can't answer the boss's question. There is a Chinese saying: conscience is better than knowledge, and you win every battle. In this way, the first purchase will not cost a lot of money, but also to attract customers like you to give you concessions.
4. Strictly prevent being deceived
5.girl's clothing placement
After the goods are purchased, the girl's clothes should be placed. The overall effect of the store should make people feel good. You can visit the stores of wholesalers, franchises and retailers, and learn how to place clothes there, so that your store can welcome customers with a new look.
6. Price adjustment
I decide how much to sell and how to sell. Grasp the market situation at any time, and if you find the price adjustment of wholesalers, you should also adjust your price immediately.
7. Promotional flow
For new stores, it's best to do some promotional mobility. You can decide to buy gifts according to the size of your store. At present, there are still many people who are greedy for petty gains and can catch the psychology of such a sect. Help you do a good job of promotion. When you open your business, you can put in some plastic basins and washbasins. It looks big and attractive. There are also some balloons with words.
Many girl like them. Adults will bring girl to ask for balloons. Remember that the quality must be better. On the opening day, give gifts to the top 200 customers who queue in front of the store in advance. People who buy things have gifts, and the goods are discounted when they open, so that the business of your store will be good, and many people will know your store and leave a good impression.
0 notes
joycetennyson · 3 years
Brands are starting to attune themselves to this word of mouth paradigm.
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EXCLUSIVE: Judge dismisses 'clock boy' lawsuit saying the. PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: The tragedy of room 1136 How Chris. Rolf Harris, 87, is released from prison after three. Adam Fishwick: Organising Against The Gig EconomyWorkers in the so called 'gig economy' face heightening conditions of precarity and exploitation. To combat this, innovative oneil mellény new strategies of organisation and mobilisation have been developed. Gordon smučarski kombinezon hlače Campbell: On The Kim RegimeThere's no clarity about what the US is seeking, or offering. The library is open to members and to re searchers. A complete collec tion of the museum's quar terly publication, American Fly Fisher, dating back to 1974, is available for review by the general public, and copies of all issues are for sale at the museum gift shop.The Orvis flagship store next door features fishing and other outdoor gear, as well as a vast array of zapatillas de tacos futbol other gear, including clothing, stuffed animals, pet products and gift items.The fly fishing school offers novices two part lessons that start on the indoor outdoor trout pond at the store and conclude on a boat on Equinox Pond several kilometres away. More advanced instruction is also available.Those looking for alternate outdoor activities will find plenty to do in and around Manchester year round. Moncler outlet uk However, with the Western economy continues to deepen the recession and global integration, voluntary or forced tens of thousands of foreigners to the East to earn a living. 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So it's a sure thing that the women who bought them will absolutely love the paper white pieces in Ralph's new spring collection, which are basically the same stuff beautifully tailored cargos, T shirts, uber military short jackets done up in lighter, airier, season appropriate fabrics.. The musician, who was born and raised in the north Houston suburb of Klein and still lives there, has collaborated with Houston based high end shirt brand Hamilton Shirts on his own line of men's shirts, called Lyle Lovett for Hamilton Shirts.It marks the first time the stylish musician's name appears on a clothing label, though nike air max 102 essential white he has been associated with several fashion brands in the past.The Lovett designed Western shirt comes in 23 different adidas goalkeeper jersey fabric options, and will be available in September at Hamilton Shirts on Richmond and Pinto Ranch on Post Oak in Houston. Anderson.)How did the collaboration come about? According to Hamilton Shirts co owner David Hamilton, some years ago Lovett would purchase shirts made by Hamilton at M. L. The work newfound popularity, whilst justified, opened up some problems inherent with any website that allows open and unmoderated commenting. One Reddit comment, from user dx27, exclaimed are white people so violent? ignoring the fact that the genocide was predominately the result of a conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes of Rwanda.Another, from HarleyLowSpeed, said will be awkward at Father Day.This democratic process means that the most useful or witty comments will appear at the top of the comments section (in this case it a comment from user BarefootedHoodNinja pointing out the original source of the article) , whereas comments that are deemed less useful or worthy appear at the bottom, or are hidden altogether if they receive too many negative votes.One other website where the story was posted orders comments in order of date, and the comment LOOK LIKE THERE WAS MUCH RAPE IN RWANDA LOL appears at the top.Other news outlets still adapting to new media, for example the Herald Sun wesbsite, feature similar examples and often ignorant or rushed comments appear at the top of the page.One such example has as its top comment, of Melbourne, Enjoy,and please stay there you are where we would like all economic refugees to be. Media still has much to teach the dogs and hopefully this includes a way to ensure that priority is given to thoughtful, provoking comments, and not the offensive or redundant junk that often appears today.
0 notes
K-Pop Creations Masterlist
Here’s where you can find any graphics, drawings, or moodboards that are K-Pop related. You’re welcome to Like and Reblog them but absolutely no reposting anywhere else!
Your Favorite? (feat. Stray Kids Bang Chan and Felix) 1 | 2
Jennie and Rosé – Dress a Person/Character in Your Clothes
The Maze Runner – Rosé as Sonya (Group B)
Rosé birthday graphic – 2020
You Sound so Good on Radio (AU University Student!RM x Female Reader)
Chocolate Stained Kiss (AU Student!Jungkook x Reader [any gender])
This is for You (AU College!Student Jimin x Female Reader)
You’re My Sweet Escape (AU Ladurée Clerk!Jin x Female Reader)
Saved by a Moody Scout in a Skirt (AU Crossdressing!Yoongi/Yoonji x Female Reader)
Don’t Pout Mr. Rabbit (AU Disney Gamer!Jungkook x Female Reader)
The Funniest Cruise Ever [For a Dad Joke Lover] (AU Guest!Jin x Jungle Cruise Skipper!Reader)
Birthday Shenanigans (AU Valedictorian Student!Namjoon x Female Reader)
Noona don’t Like it (AU Younger Friend!Jungkook x Older Female Reader)
Loving Touch 18+ (AU Panther Hybrid!Yoonji x Female Reader)
Slowly but Surely (AU Snake Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader [any gender])
But I’m Better than a Bunny! (AU Hedgehog Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader [any gender])
The Birthday Pick-Me-Up (AU Birthday in Western Country – Jungkook x Older Female Reader)
Catch His Eye For Grins (Ellen show 2nd appearance AU – RM x Reader [any gender])
Doe Eyes, Dark Nights 18+ (AU Incubus!Jungkook x Human!Namjoon)
That 80s Scene NSFW-ish (AU College Student!Jungkook, College Student!Namjoon, College Student!Yoongi, College Student!Jaehyun x Female Exchange Student)
Too Much Mistletoe? There’s No Such Thing! (AU Hyena Hybrid!Seokjin x Reader [any gender])
Mind (Divergent AU Amity Transfer!Jimin x Older Female Dauntless-born!Reader)
Sweetest Reason to Break a Resolution (Sort of) – (College AU Graduate Student!Namjoon x Cafe/Bakery Worker!Reader [any gender])
She’s No You (Non Idol AU – Namjoon x Female Reader)
7 First Kisses
Jin | Suga | J-Hope | RM | V | Jimin | Jungkook
Unparalled Service (Luxury Retail Clerk!AU)
V (Gucci) | Jimin (Tiffany and Co) | Suga (Mastermind Japan) | J-Hope (Balenciaga) | Jin (Saint Laurent) | RM (VISVIM) | Jungkook (OFF-WHITE)
Misunderstood Hybrid AU Headcanons (PG-13/R under Read More)
Snake!Yoongi Pt.1 Pt.2 | Bat!Namjoon Pt.1 Pt.2 | Shark!Jimin Pt.1 Pt.2 | Golden Tiger!Taehyung Pt.1 Pt.2 | Mongoose!Hoseok Pt.1 Pt.2 | Hyena!Jin Pt.1 Pt.2 | Hedgehog!Jungkook Pt.1 Pt.2 | Panther!Yoonji Pt.1 Pt.2
Misunderstood Hybrid AU – Working from Home Drabbles (G/PG)
Golden Tiger!Taehyung | Hyena!Seokjin | Shark!Jimin | Mongoose!Hoseok | Snake!Yoongi | Panther!Yoonji | Hedgehog!Jungkook | Bat!Namjoon
Chance – Grim Reaper AU (PG-13/R for later chapters) [RM]
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 (NSFW-ish) || 7 (18+)
Novice – Incubus AU (PG-13) [Jungkook]
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || Epilogue (18+)
Little Talks and Mishaps – Incubus AU (PG-13) [RM]
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || Epilogue (18+) || Special (18+)
Fire MV Jin for @oh-beyond‘s 1000th follower milestone (30 minutes)
Suhope Reaction to Getting the Right Answer on Knowing Bros (15 minutes)
Jungkook page
RM Run era doodle
Ladurée Clerk!Jin x Pink
Kingsman AU! Sope
Scott Pilgrim VS the World AU!Jungkook (feat. others as Evil Exes and Yoonji)
RM Infographic
Stray Kids
Bang Chan
Your Favorite? (feat. Felix and BLACKPINK’s Rosé) 1 | 2
The Con(Vention) Run-in (feat. Felix)
Fond (Exchange Student!AU)
Your Favorite? (feat. Bang Chan and BLACKPINK’s Rosé) 1 | 2
The Con(Vention) Run-in (feat. Bang Chan)
Talk + Vodka = Truth feat. Changbin (MARVEL AU)
Lee Know
Milestones and Firsts (College!AU) R-ish
Bubbly Confessions
Seo Changbin
Talk + Vodka = Truth feat. Felix (MARVEL AU) 
Roommate? (Ghost!AU)
Cozy (Ghost!AU)
Watermelon Season = Happy Ghost (Ghost!AU)
Slice of Happiness (College!AU)
Save the Best for Last (College!AU)
Gokaiger AU: Felix Lee as Gokai Green | Hwang Hyunjin as Gokai Blue
MARVEL AU: Lee Minho (Lee Know) as Black Widow | Seo Changbin as Ronin (Hawkeye) | Lee Felix as Yelena Belova/Black Widow | Bang Chan as Slipstream | Yang Jeongin (I.N.) as Speed | Hwang Hyunjin as Wiccan | Han Jisung as Squirrel Girl Boy | Kim Seungmin as Daredevil
Lee Felix
Puppy!Seungmin photobombing Fennec Fox!I.N.
SKZOO Han Quokka Umbrella Struggles
Lee Felix Infographic
Bang Chan Infographic
Hyunjin icons (5)
MARVEL fan cast: Yuna as Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen | Ryujin as Jessica Jones | Lia as Jeanne-Marie Beaubier/Aurora | Chaeryeong as Hope Summers | Yeji as Kate Bishop/Hawkeye
Fan card theme: Superstar JYP Halloween “Want It? (Remix)”
1 year anniversary
WDZY Cabbit – Pizza Hugs
Young K infographic
The Magicians AU: Choi Yeonjun as Quentin Coldwater
MARVEL AU: Mark Tuan as Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic
Hallyu Misc
KoreanBuddy Reviews: RRM | EMS
YesStyle: Beauty
Nohant (Korean brand): BTS Jimin shirt
Chuu (Korean brand): Site review/denim shorts
694 notes · View notes
fawholesale-blog · 4 years
Import Guide For Wholesale Cheap Fashion Clothing From China
If you are engaged in clothing wholesale business or you were a clothing retailer, would you be tempted if I showed you a way to cut costs and obtain more potential profits when you wholesale clothing? I guess the answer is yes. A good way to solve this problem is to import cheap clothing from China.
 Clothing wholesale suppliers have many cheap and high-quality fashion clothing with super high-cost performance in China. China is known as a major manufacturing country. Due to its low production costs, China is the first choice to import cheap clothing for clothing retailers. Purchasing import wholesale clothing from China is a great way to reduce costs, and it can also bring great discounts for clothing retailers.
 But it is not easy, especially for novices of clothing retailers. The process can be very complicated, chaotic, and costly. Expected benefits are usually offset by long shipping times, rising or fluctuating delivery costs, regulatory fees, and unexpected delays. But don't worry, FashionTIY as a wholesale platform with many years of online wholesale experience provides you with a step-by-step procurement guide of wholesale cheap fashion clothing from China.
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Determine your Import Rights
When you import cheap fashion clothing from China, clothing retailers become an importer. If your package is small and only used for personal use or of little value, the logistics company (such as DHL / UPS / FedEx) will handle all issues and deliver to your door. If so, it will save you a lot of time and cost.
 Understand the Import Rules and Regulations in your country
First of all, clothing retailers need to understand the legal requirements for the import of cheap fashion clothing from China in your country. Different countries have different prohibited products. Therefore, please make sure that the cheap fashion clothing you import from China whether is subject to any government permits, restrictions, or regulations. 
 The clothing importer (clothing retailer) is responsible for ensuring that the goods comply with various specific rules and regulations. Some countries generally prohibit the import of fashion clothing, which may result in customs officers confiscating your goods.
 Duty and Taxes
Next, clothing retailers should master the custom duties and import taxes that must be paid when liquidating the goods.
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Obtain Import license
Clothing retailers should also understand the licenses required to import cheap fashion clothing from China.
 Counterfeit Products to Avoid
Do not import counterfeit brand clothing. For example, if the logo of cheap clothing is LV, Gucci, or Prada, etc., then you need to know that the product is fake. In addition, if the clothing retailer sees signs such as ® or ™, the product has been registered as a trademark, so it is counterfeit.
 Search for Trusted Clothing Wholesale Suppliers
If you come across a quote that is significantly cheaper than the others, raise a red flag. Clothing retailers should know that there is no lowest price in China, only the lower and lower prices. Lowest price always accompanies high risk, maybe quality, quantity, or reputation.
What you need to do is find a reliable and trusted clothing wholesale supplier.
 FashionTIY as the best online wholesale market is aimed at helping global clothing wholesalers, retailers and resellers achieve low-cost purchases and are your ideal choice for importing cheap fashion clothing from China.
 Wholesale Price
FashionTIY all products implement factory direct selling prices because of signed contracts with 1000+ factories in China. For products of the same quality, the price of FashionTIY can save you 40% on average.
FashionTIY has no strict MOQ limit on clothing categories and supports dropshipping. In addition, clothing retailers can also mix batches one order, which can not only reduce your inventory pressure but also benefit capital turnover.
 Clothing Subcategories
Including men's clothing, women's clothing, kids' clothing. 50,000+ fashion styles are updated daily, and it is a one-stop purchasing platform for clothing retailers to import cheap clothing from China.
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Shipping Packages and Tracking Logistics Information
International shipping of goods takes time. Of course, after the package is sent, clothing retailers can track the logistics according to the order number provided by FashionTIY. If you are importing cheap fashion clothing from China to the United States, then FashionTIY TIPS: Shipping from China to the USA? 7 things that Clothing Wholesalers should know in 2020!
 In the meantime, please check your commercial invoice, packing list, bill of lading, and other related shipping documents. Clothing retailers should understand the steps to be taken when customs clearance in your country if there is a problem that requires troubleshooting.
 Delivery Package
Since the current COVID-19 is not completely over yet, the logistics company still implements contactless delivery. Therefore, after querying the logistics information, please keep in touch with the logistics company to ensure that you receive the package smoothly.
 Determine Where To Store Goods
Determine where the goods will be stored on arrival: Clothing retailers may need to consider renting warehouses or storage space to keep the goods when they arrive.
 Establish A Personal Relationship with Clothing Wholesale Suppliers
The most important thing for clothing retailers in importing cheap fashion clothing from China in addition to choosing a trusted clothing wholesale supplier, also need to establish a good personal relationship with the supplier. Ask their email and Skype address so that you can talk to them on a personal level and discuss your needs with them. You can also avoid scammers in this way.
 Sell ​​your Clothing and Listen to Customer Reviews
Look for ways to sell or resell, FashionTIY TIPS: Use Shopify To Open An Online Clothing Retail Store? You Need To Know These! or 4 Steps Help You Start-Up A Women Clothing Retail Boutique!Clothing retailers are not the end-user of the product; It's wise to ask your customers for reviews so you know how to improve.
0 notes
babcouturiindia · 5 years
What Should You Know About Newborn Baby Clothes Right Now?
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Novice Parents get a chance to experience a lot of warmth, happiness, and enough opportunities to experiment with adorable and cute baby clothes that are easily available at the retail stores and online baby portals.
As a parent, you should look for baby clothes online which are not only comfortable, but also protect them.
Many fashionable and trendy baby clothes can be seen that would amaze you at the first look.
Choosing the best clothes for your baby would be difficult for you that your baby would wear during day time and sleeping time.
Source: What Should You Know About Newborn Baby Clothes Right Now?
Also Read: baby monthly photo frame, dresses for kid girl, dresses for gorgeous girl, girl birthday dress online shopping,glamorous dresses for girls, girl first birthday dress, baby clothing online india, baby with one tooth, tutu gown,baby dresses for party
0 notes
Import Guide For Wholesale Cheap Fashion Clothing From China
Many clothing retailers maybe have such an annoyance: want to import cheap fashion clothing from China, but do not know the specific steps, how can they choose the trusted clothing wholesale suppliers to get the most profit? The Import Guide For Wholesale Cheap Clothing From China provided by FashionTIY hopes to help you.
If you are engaged in clothing wholesale business or you were a clothing retailer, would you be tempted if I showed you a way to cut costs and obtain more potential profits when you wholesale clothing? I guess the answer is yes. A good way to solve this problem is to import cheap clothing from China.
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Clothing wholesale suppliers have many cheap and high-quality fashion clothing with super high-cost performance in China. China is known as a major manufacturing country. Due to its low production costs, China is the first choice to import cheap clothing for clothing retailers. Purchasing import wholesale clothing from China is a great way to reduce costs, and it can also bring great discounts for clothing retailers.
But it is not easy, especially for novices of clothing retailers. The process can be very complicated, chaotic, and costly. Expected benefits are usually offset by long shipping times, rising or fluctuating delivery costs, regulatory fees, and unexpected delays. But don't worry, FashionTIY as a wholesale platform with many years of online wholesale experience provides you with a step-by-step procurement guide of wholesale cheap fashion clothing from China.
Determine your Import Rights
When you import cheap fashion clothing from China, clothing retailers become an importer. If your package is small and only used for personal use or of little value, the logistics company (such as DHL / UPS / FedEx) will handle all issues and deliver to your door. If so, it will save you a lot of time and cost.
Understand the Import Rules and Regulations in your country
First of all, clothing retailers need to understand the legal requirements for the import of cheap fashion clothing from China in your country. Different countries have different prohibited products. Therefore, please make sure that the cheap fashion clothing you import from China whether is subject to any government permits, restrictions, or regulations.
The clothing importer (clothing retailer) is responsible for ensuring that the goods comply with various specific rules and regulations. Some countries generally prohibit the import of fashion clothing, which may result in customs officers confiscating your goods.
Duty and Taxes
Next, clothing retailers should master the custom duties and import taxes that must be paid when liquidating the goods.
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Obtain Import license
Clothing retailers should also understand the licenses required to import cheap fashion clothing from China.
Counterfeit Products to Avoid
Do not import counterfeit brand clothing. For example, if the logo of cheap clothing is LV, Gucci, or Prada, etc., then you need to know that the product is fake. In addition, if the clothing retailer sees signs such as ® or ™, the product has been registered as a trademark, so it is counterfeit.
Search for Trusted Clothing Wholesale Suppliers
If you come across a quote that is significantly cheaper than the others, raise a red flag. Clothing retailers should know that there is no lowest price in China, only the lower and lower prices. Lowest price always accompanies high risk, maybe quality, quantity, or reputation.
What you need to do is find a reliable and trusted clothing wholesale supplier.
FashionTIY as the best online wholesale market is aimed at helping global clothing wholesalers, retailers and resellers achieve low-cost purchases and are your ideal choice for importing cheap fashion clothing from China.
Wholesale Price
FashionTIY all products implement factory direct selling prices because of signed contracts with 1000+ factories in China. For products of the same quality, the price of FashionTIY can save you 40% on average.
FashionTIY has no strict MOQ limit on clothing categories and supports dropshipping. In addition, clothing retailers can also mix batches one order, which can not only reduce your inventory pressure but also benefit capital turnover.
Clothing Subcategories
Including men's clothing, women's clothing, kids' clothing. 50,000+ fashion styles are updated daily, and it is a one-stop purchasing platform for clothing retailers to import cheap clothing from China.
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Shipping Packages and Tracking Logistics Information
International shipping of goods takes time. Of course, after the package is sent, clothing retailers can track the logistics according to the order number provided by FashionTIY. If you are importing cheap fashion clothing from China to the United States, then FashionTIY TIPS: Shipping from China to the USA? 7 things that Clothing Wholesalers should know in 2020!
In the meantime, please check your commercial invoice, packing list, bill of lading, and other related shipping documents. Clothing retailers should understand the steps to be taken when customs clearance in your country if there is a problem that requires troubleshooting.
Delivery Package
Since the current COVID-19 is not completely over yet, the logistics company still implements contactless delivery. Therefore, after querying the logistics information, please keep in touch with the logistics company to ensure that you receive the package smoothly.
Determine Where To Store Goods
Determine where the goods will be stored on arrival: Clothing retailers may need to consider renting warehouses or storage space to keep the goods when they arrive.
Establish A Personal Relationship with Clothing Wholesale Suppliers
The most important thing for clothing retailers in importing cheap fashion clothing from China in addition to choosing a trusted clothing wholesale supplier, also need to establish a good personal relationship with the supplier. Ask their email and Skype address so that you can talk to them on a personal level and discuss your needs with them. You can also avoid scammers in this way.
Sell ​​your Clothing and Listen to Customer Reviews
Look for ways to sell or resell, FashionTIY TIPS: Use Shopify To Open An Online Clothing Retail Store? You Need To Know These! or 4 Steps Help You Start-Up A Women Clothing Retail Boutique!Clothing retailers are not the end-user of the product; It's wise to ask your customers for reviews so you know how to improve.
0 notes
The Basics Of Golf Clash Hack Cheat Codes
There are a ton of different kind of games to play. Every game these days seems to be on a couple different consoles and offers ways to play online. Some video Golf Clash Hack can now even by played on cell phones or tablet computers! We also have many options to learn more about gaming, and this article is a great place to start.
Avoid chemical cleaners when cleaning off your game disks. If a game disc is not playing, you may be tempted to use some sort of glass or window cleaner on it. This could easily damage the disc further. Find a soft, dry cloth and rub the disc clean with it instead.
If you are finding a control scheme difficult to use, optimize the settings in your game. The default control scheme is not always for everyone. Some people prefer a brighter screen, a set of more sensitive control or even an inverted layout. In many video games, you can control these in the setting's area.
If you are playing a shooter, make each one of your shots actually count. Many novice players make the error of just squeezing that trigger and letting out round after round. Soon you'll be empty with nothing to show for it. Instead wait for a clear shot and practice patience overall. You'll be rewarded.
Always look at the platform before buying a Golf Clash Hacks for your computer. If you own a computer made by Apple, for example, you cannot run a PC game on your system. Particularly, if you aren't paying attention, it is easy to make this mistake. Invest an extra minute in the buying process to determine that you have the right version of the game.
If you are playing an RPG game, take the time to talk to the other characters in the game. Most of the time what they say is not helpful to your ultimate goals. But, occasionally, you will strike gold. Therefore, the small investment of time is worth the big payoff that you will get if you persevere.
If you have a child that loves video games, make sure you set up some limits. Clearly express how much time a child can invest in one day and stick to it. You can also use video games as a reward when your child completes chores around the house. For example, you could set up a system where each chore they do gives them ten minutes of Golf Clash Cheats time.
Don't be afraid to lose. It is natural to want to play against opponents who are at or below your skill level. After all, it's no fun to constantly lose! There is, however, a major disadvantage to this strategy - there is no incentive to get better. When you are playing against people who are better than you, you will learn from your mistakes and be on their level in no time.
Trade in your video games when you are done playing them. Many retailers offer special discounts or credit towards your next purchase when you trade your games in. You can get the next game you want for a low price when you do this. After all, you don't need the games once you beat them.
Video games are a lot of fun, but they can be quite tricky, too. If you are stuck on a game, go online and search for cheats. Most games have some sort of cheat or cheats that can make them a lot easier. Simply search in your favorite search engine and you can easily find cheats to make your game play better.
Read reviews online before getting a game, even if it's one that's prequels were great. A lot of the time new Golf Clash Hack Gems aren't all that great and it's best to just wait and see what the critics have to say. There's no reason to buy something as soon as it comes out, unless you know it will be very hard to find in the future.
Always see if there's a downloadable demo of a game on your console. A lot of video game companies will put out short demos that will allow you to try a game before you buy it. Since most of the games systems have hard drives these days, you won't have to rent a game just to try it.
To save some money on your video games, think about subscribing to a service that you can rent games from. The cost of these rental agreements for a year is usually less than the price of two games. You can keep the games until you beat them and just send them back and order another one.
An excellent way to please your children with a gaming system and ensure they stay fit is to buy a Nintendo Wii. This gaming system requires actual activity to play. Your kids will not be sitting for hours on end playing a game. They have to be moving around in order to play the Golf Clash Gem Hack on this system.
Try playing the game for a while before you get cheat codes. The Internet makes it really easy for you to find out almost everything about a game before you play it. But how can you fully enjoy the game if you are walked through every step! Try playing it for a few days before seeking online help.
Get up and take a break during marathon gaming sessions. Just push the pause button or wait until you've finished a level, and then get up and walk around. Take about five to ten minutes resting your eyes and hands, and then you can get back to the game where you left off.
Don't be too quick to dismiss a role-playing game if your first experience with it is under whelming. Most of these games offer you extensive options for customizing your character, and you may find the game more enjoyable with a differently-built character. You don't want to miss out on a great gaming experience because you're playing the wrong class!
From just sitting on the couch and beating up a few friends online, to playing a cell phone Golf Clash Mod Apk , you probably just want to be the best at gaming out of everybody that you know. Continue reading all the material you can find to become the best at it.
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ges-sa · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://ges-sa.com/comic-con-africa-2019-a-resounding-success/
Comic Con Africa 2019: A Resounding Success
With Comic Con Africa over we look at a round-up of what the weekend was about. There was some unfortunate cancellation just before the event with the likes of Falcon and Bran Stark actors cancelling but that didn’t keep anyone from enjoying the rest of what Comic Con Africa had to offer.
The GES team ran the CCA Championships of Cosplay again and we has a blast. The Cosplayers were amazing and the Novices brought it all. Our Masters yet again did not disappoint and even the casual Cosplayers shown off what they had. It was a great success and we cannot wait to see what 2020 holds.
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Wrap from Comic Con Africa:
Last night the doors of Comic Con Africa 2019 closed for the final time, but the buzz and excitement generated by four days of the greatest celebration of pop-culture that South Africa has ever seen shows no signs of abating. The sheer magnitude of this Con was something to behold – Reed Exhibitions and Reedpop promised that Comic Con Africa would be bigger and better, and on that promise they delivered. With an astounding 71,000 visitors, seven halls packed with 300 exhibitors, four international film, TV series, and gaming celebrities, 12 international comic artists and writers, 12 local comic creators, one international cosplayer, two international DJs, competitions, specials, and giveaways, an esports prize pool of R1.3 million, 26,000 square meters of event space, 120 hours of content, and one incredible Wingman in the form of KFC, Comic Con Africa 2019 exceeded all expectations.
This year the guests in Artist Alley tripled in numbers and the incredible line-up left fans spoilt for choice. In the feature area artists and illustrators engaged in live drawings and sketch offs, sharing anecdotes and artistic tips as they did so. Ecstatic fans watched their favourite characters drawn in real time on large screens mounted above the easels. Under the grading organisation CGC’s watchful eye, comic books were signed and sent for evaluation and protective casing to preserve investment pieces. Alongside in the Writers Block, local novelists and authors signed their books and spoke on educational panels to encourage local writers to pick up their pens. The Block was filled with handmade creativity including pop-culture inspired clothing, décor, and jewellery.
The Cosplay of Comic Con Africa 2019 was a visual feast. You’d be forgiven for thinking you’d bumped into Iron Man or Wonder Woman walking straight off a Marvel film set, such was the level of detail and skill evidenced in these pieces of walking art. Cosplay Central was buzzing all weekend long with skits and well-known local and international Cosplayers signing prints. Fascinating panels for newbies and pros alike gave insight into crafting the perfect wig, applying make-up, or how to cosplay with confidence. The Cosplay Karaoke Café was a real hit with Cosplayers belting out magnificent renditions of well-known songs. Casual Cosplay competitions took place every day on the main stage, and on Tuesday the highly anticipated Championships of Cosplay winners were announced. The overall Cosplay winner Jinxkitty, who wowed with her Priestess Bathory cosplay, will be representing Africa at the Championships of Cosplay Quest for the Crown at C2E2 in America. Leon de Bruin of GES, Comic Con Africa’s Cosplay partner, was blown away by the level of this year’s Cosplay and called on any interested Cosplayers to sign up for 2020’s competition.
Hall 5 housed Pop-Culture retailers and exhibitors, many of whom had special deals that were snapped up by happy visitors. Comics, figurines, collectibles, clothing and other merchandise absolutely flew off the shelves and into the hands of thrilled collectors. Radio partner to the Con, 5fm provided the musical vibes with live broadcasts from their DJs who were happy to chat with fans. TikTok’s WoahTikTok competition on the main stage was a fun addition from the Con’s digital media partner. Television Media partner Viacom celebrated 25 years of the series Friends and brought THE show’s couch where fans queued up to have their picture taken. There was one particularly special exhibitor in this hall. The presenting sponsor of Comic Con Africa 2019, The Ultimate Wingman, the makers of finger lickin’ goodness KFC, made their home here with a gigantic KFC bucket housing a greenscreen set up where visitors could photograph themselves in a setting of their imagination. Also on their stand was a caricaturist and a special edition of local arcade game Boetfighter, along with cosplayers in the costumes of the especially commissioned Comic Con Africa KFC Captain Colonel.
Hall 5 was also the location of the KFC main stage where panels, Q&As, competitions, and interviews were held with international film and TV series celebrities like Star Trek’s William Shatner, The Originals’ Daniel Gillies, and video game voice actors Nolan North and Troy Baker. Audiences were awed in the presence of these pop-culture giants. The stars themselves were charmed by our South African audiences – in the words of Daniel Gillies, we are “the most polite people I ever met… the fans are so warm, and kind, and polite.” Just off the main stage, Hall 6 was the scene of photo ops and autographs with the celebrities, and fans came out ecstatically gripping these souvenirs and treasuring their
Comic Con Africa’s 2019 gaming offering was nothing short of a paradise for both casual and avid gamers. The absolutely enormous esports set up of the Con’s gaming and connectivity partner Telkom VS Gaming filled an entire wall, giving Con goers a panoramic-like view of the action. Featuring nail-biting finals of the likes of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota2, local esports teams kept their cool playing for their share of a R1,3 million prize pool – the largest prize pool at any esports event in South Africa. The spectators were captivated, their eyes glued to the live action. Freeplay areas had gamers trying their skills on the latest titles such as Mortal Kombat, PUBG, and Fortnite, while Xbox exhibited exclusively at the Con. Playstation gave away a highly sought-after limited edition 20th Anniversary PS4, and ATK had state of the art equipment on display for players to test run. Red Bull’s Hit the Streets, a nationwide contest of the best Street Fighter V players from across the country, hosted their finals on last day of the Con. In line with Comic Con Africa’s aim to uplift and develop local talent, Project Springbok provided a platform for up-and-coming developers to showcase their work.
Comic Con Africa’s newest addition, the first kid-focussed convention in South Africa, was KidsCon. But don’t be fooled – KidsCon delighted adults too. The African continent’s largest LEGO® activation saw visitors swallowed up in pools of LEGO® bricks surrounded by LEGO® characters come to life. Kids could meet the My Little Ponies and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Nintendo brought Mario and Luigi along with the opportunity to play Splatoon, Mario Kart, and Supersmash Bros Ultimate. BIC and Exclusive Books were there to encourage creativity among other edutainment offerings from Hasbro and ToyZone. Sponsored by Jaguar Landrover, KidsCon was masterminded by our Little Board of Experts, 11 kids who shared their ideas and made KidsCon an event for kids, by kids. Those little experts were very much a part of the Con and strutted their stuff on the KidsCon main stage in the Cotton On fashion shows.
The Ballroom of Gallagher Convention Centre was the scene of a tabletop gaming extravaganza. With bottomless coffee supplied by KFC, tabletop gamers met and engaged in epic battles with cards, dice, and miniature figurines. As the organising partner of this impressive battlefield, Solarpop encouraged players to engage in the connection and creativity of Tabletop Gaming with their Unplug Yourself arena. Next door in the auditorium were exclusive screenings of Abominable, along with The Angry Birds, films by Black Sands, and many more exciting showings. LARPing took place in the trees of Gallagher Estate, with players battling each other with safe play swords, giant shields, maces, and jousting lances.
The Business of Gaming Forum, now in its second year, was held on Monday. Fascinating keynote addresses, panel discussions, and shared ideas from the gaming industry were the order of the event. Speakers from South Africa, the African continent, and international thought leaders flew in for the day, sharing fascinating content on maximising the value of gaming as a marketing tool or a commercial product, and the direction of the modern gaming ecosystem.
There truly was something for every fandom at Comic Con Africa 2019. As positive feedback comes flying in from visitors and exhibitors alike, Reed Exhibitions and Reedpop are thrilled to have hosted a second successful Comic Con Africa that remained true to our driving force: always put our fans FIRST! And what comes next? Comic Con Cape Town of course. Put 1 – 3 May 2020 in your diaries to experience the inaugural Comic Con Cape Town at the Cape Town Stadium.
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bittenpath-blog · 6 years
48cm:BMX league for beginners grows ranks in 1st year under USA BMX
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 Editor's note: A version of this story appeared in the Jan. 1 issue of Bicycle Retailer & Industry News.
OKLAHOMA CITY (BRAIN) — Celestial Cycles owner Sheridan Marquardt figures his BMX race business has tripled since the beginner-focused BMX Racing League arrived at the local track, where the Oklahoma City retailer is now a title sponsor of the facility.
"They approached us when they started the league, and I was just blown away by their idea. It's been a huge success. The league sells out. They've got more kids than they can handle, which is great," Marquardt said.
The BMX Racing League launched in September 2016 at the home track of retired pro racer and Olympic medalist Donny Robinson in Napa, California. Modeled after many youth team sports, the league initially offered five weeks of instruction and racing at BMX tracks, targeting kids who had never raced before and making the sport less intimidating for families to approach.
After a period of modest expansion across the country, sanctioning body USA BMX acquired the league and launched an effort to scale up participation at the start of 2018. Robinson, a bronze medalist in BMX at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, serves as program director.
The league currently operates at about 50 tracks throughout the U.S.
"We're at about 2,500 riders who completed the program, with many of them moving on to the open racing program, racing in novice, intermediate and expert [race classes]. It's nice to see riders of all skill levels finally have their place in our sport, whether they are a go-getter who wants to advance ever-higher, or a boy or girl with a basket and streamers on their bike," Robinson said.
Historically, retention has been a challenge in traditional open BMX racing, but Robinson notes the BMX Racing League is seeing 75 percent retention within USA BMX programs — whether that's staying in the league or moving into open racing.
"Our goal from the start was to bring riders in and retain them at the local BMX track. We don't have a preference on how they participate in BMX Racing, but we're helping them develop bike skills they didn't know they had. They can use these skills in the league program, in open racing or anywhere else they're on a bike," he said.
Based on feedback from tracks and league families, USA BMX added a sixth week to the program this year. 
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"Week one does not involve any racing for the members. Our biggest shift is to educate the riders and parents in week one," said Rob Gardenhire, chief marketing officer for USA BMX. "Weeks two through five are part instruction and part racing. Then in week six we actually welcome them into open racing at the local track, so it's a way for them to connect with that track community even further."
The league is also gaining new participants through the USA BMX Foundation's STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program and Track Modeling Program, where students learn about track design and visit a local BMX track before rendering their own scale track models on paper and in dirt on classroom tables.
"The Foundation's programs are a perfect fit for schools, and it's fascinating to see the content come to life in the hands of students. Our goal is to then build a bridge between using bicycles as a tool for STEM-related learning, and helping kids build a more long-term interest in riding — hopefully on the BMX track. But if not, then wherever it makes sense for them," Robinson said.
Heading into 2019, the BMX Racing League will continue its relationship with DK Bikes, which provides bikes at a discount to league families and to tracks so they can build loaner fleets. USA BMX is also in talks with several other industry suppliers about sponsorship opportunities, Gardenhire said.
And retailers like Marquardt report getting additional support for league participants from the brands they carry.
"We are a Redline dealer, and they've been super helpful," he said. "Fly Racing has been huge too. If we need to get some clothes for some kids or whatever and we find some money for it, they give us a break on that just so we can get kids on the track on bikes."
More information: bmxracingleague.com.
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Students get their hands dirty in the USA BMX Foundation’s Track Modeling Program, which has helped draw new participants to the BMX Racing League.
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
The United States market for men’s activewear is growing. The segment comprises 51 percent of the market share for the $50.3 billion U.S. adult activewear category, according to market researchers The NPD Group. According to serial entrepreneur Charles Nelson, co-founder of Sprinkles Cupcakes and the Pizzana restaurant, the men’s activewear segment is still underserved.
After years of indulging in a category focused on food, Nelson decided to enter the men’s active segment by starting the athleisure line Willy California with business partner Jeff Sockwell, whom he met at the University of Virginia. Following their time at the East Coast school, both men pursued investment banking but embarked upon separate professional paths. Eventually, the friends reconnected on the West Coast, starting a business due to a shared need for apparel that could run the daily gamut of business meetings, coaching kids’ extracurricular activities and their own workouts.
Headquartered and manufactured in Los Angeles, Willy California officially started in July 2019 and has been mostly selling on its direct-to-consumer channel, www.willycalifornia.com, Nelson said.
“We’re competing in a market of female brands that have men’s lines, but there are not many who focus on men,” Nelson said. “It was for someone like me who is working in the kitchen, coaching soccer teams and taking meetings. I wanted something that could float between the worlds of meetings, sports and working out.”
The new line’s name and logo are a statement of intention. Nelson and Sockwell thought that the name Willy was something of an everyman’s name. It’s also the name of the brand’s mascot, Nelson’s dog, a Norwich terrier.
Adding California to the label’s name was important to create a link to the Golden State through which consumers could connect with the region. The line’s co-founders wanted the brand name to evoke the California lifestyle by being manufactured in the state.
The brand’s logo is the letter W, whose design resembles two checkmarks. For the co-founders, these checkmarks signify the two main activities in men’s lives—work and play.
None of the brand’s items are priced over $100, Nelson said. One of the best-selling items is the workout short, which is cut to fall just above the knee. “It’s the lightest product on the market. It has structure, but it is light,” Nelson said. Another popular item is Willy California’s bottom design named The Nicer Pants, which retail for $100. Made out of a four-way-stretch fabric, they are intended to have the silhouette of a slim-fit chino pant.
Other looks include a zip-up hoodie, which features YKK zippers, and the quarter-zip pullover, which matches track pants inspired by the 1980s Adidas designs.
The line also features details such as grommets bearing the line’s logo plus a number of colorways named after California towns. There’s a gray called Mendocino. A cobalt blue is named Venice. The line’s black is named Hollywood. The line’s sizes range from S to XXL.
Willy California marks the first apparel venture attempted by Nelson and Sockwell. While business has been harder for the apparel industry than it has been in the past, Nelson, relying on his career as an investment banker, said that he was inspired by the challenge.
Willy California logo
“People told me not to get into the bakery business. They told me not to get into the restaurant business. And whatever you do, don’t get into the clothing business. I jumped in feet first to all three,” Nelson said.
While he started as a novice in all of these businesses, there were guidelines to success in each venture. “We valued employees and supply chains,” Nelson said. “If you deliver high-quality product at a reasonable price and provide a great customer experience, you have a chance at being successful at every business you try.”
He also said that starting a business is no piece of cake. “It’s hard to put yourself out in any of these businesses,” Nelson said. “You learn about what you don’t know every day. If you apply learnings to the next day, you can be so much better.”
As professionals who welcome challenges, Nelson and Sockwell are meeting the need to contribute to their community during the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. In the past month, Willy California has added philanthropy to the mix in order to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. It recently donated 250 medical face masks to the Torrance Memorial Medical Center in Torrance, Calif.
Willy California also is selling nonmedical face masks on its direct-to-consumer channel. For every $15 nonmedical face mask sold it will donate three face masks to the Torrance Memorial Medical Center. It also pledged to donate 10 percent of its sales to the hunger-relief organization No Kid Hungry through April 30.
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idontevenwannaknow · 5 years
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When that is finished I will submit the sample and put it on here. You may also request different people for reference some reliable on-line put which promote nice clothes for babies. Caterer - Lots of individuals want meals for his or her occasions. I simply need more to do. While Gymboree clothes are usually barely costlier, their quality and design are completely well worth the buy! There are so many options as of late in fashionable child clothes. Sara Dresses is ranked amongst the best baby clothes online in ladies trend clothes and the voguish dresses they make seems to be exquisite. The comfort of the baby must be of utmost priority and SARA DRESSES makes certain that they don't compromise even a tad bit on the comfort factor. From yummy smelling child physique care products, gorgeous bicycle bells to your toddler's bike and story books to keep your baby entertained, designer baby and child merchandise have all of it. The mom must also see to it that the products are durable and might last long and also will fulfil the wants of the child and wont become pointless. The sizes- Infants can develop quick within the blink of an eye, so buying in bulk might not be the best choice typically as they'll outgrow.
Another great benefit of shopping for merchandise from baby shops is that you could select branded products for a similar at discounted prices which would make your purchase an inexpensive and luxurious expertise. One of many dependable wholesale child cloth dealers recommended shopping for low cost baby clothes on-line is Smooth Bebe. Lollipopmoon is the right choice to stock on adorable trendy child clothes and online child clothes at a discounted worth. FREE 3D SCAN WITH Each PRAM Package deal High Manufacturers Low Prices, Come and see us we're simply off the A470 to Nelson, High-quality Prams at Discounted Costs Makes Like Icandy, Silver cross, Quinny, Baby January Sale Begin Now! If you're looking to purchase child boy clothes, the web is a great place to start. Banbyno is the best place to buy child clothes without breaking the financial institution. The distinctive clothes properties, which are made by Pinocchio, enable the product to look perfect even after quite a few washings. Some of these stores focus on baby clothes.
For example, the baby boy seems actually cute in a checker shirt and so does a woman in a lovely checker skirt. For baby boys, in addition to the standard blue shade colours, you can go for earthy tones, gray, green and beige colours. David Jones supplies a variety of merchandise for Australian buyers including a very important child section! Notonthehighstreet is a singular online marketplace which brings together high quality products from smaller inventive companies. Providing music lessons for others could make a great house based mostly enterprise. Music Lessons - Did you're taking years of piano, guitar, or violin? It is a enjoyable beach accessory or it may be given as a gift at the subsequent birthday celebration you attend. You're welcome. I'm glad you need to use the free patterns. Meladora's site is a newer site, however she has numerous free patterns already and she is including new ones on a regular basis. They should go away their house and wander about various kinds of shops, which can waste lots of time and energy. This may provide her some level of confidence to look fashionable on day outs with you. Besides, with out going out, you is not going to be trapped into traffic jams and parking problems. 20 Things You Need to Do to Prepare For a New Baby A wholesaler is a business entity that sells pre-pwned or new goods in large quantities along with other firms or individuals. In essence a wholesale business connects suppliers with retailers, commercial and industrial companies, and others in need of merchandise or recycleables. Wholesalers can concentrate on sourcing a unique good or material or provide a various goods with an industry, by way of example retail toys. Therefore it is smart for the budding entrepreneur to consider opening an outlet that provides the needs of newborns. There will always be children born each year so there's no chance of running out of prospective customers. Also, because of how quick a child grows within the novice of the life, she or he will need to acquire all new wardrobes repeatedly in that fresh. The entire above can squeeze into a big diaper bag. We are now carrying a baby in his or her infant carrier, a big diaper bag stuffed packed with baby clothing and changes of diaper, and enough milk and cereal to feed the kid for weeks. Parents are big on planning ahead! Baby clothing must be soft warm and cuddle some. Securing suppliers is often a key activity in a very wholesaling business. Without reliable, quality suppliers, a wholesalers business is not successful. The internet is invaluable in sourcing suppliers, but nothing comprises web hosting contact and research. Be sure to investigate any potential supplier carefully and take necessary choose to ensure they will make a suitable business partner. Purchasing your bamboo shoots at a nursery often means you are restricted to the alternatives supplied by that nursery. When you can decide upon a wholesaler you might have more options when selecting the types of plant as well as the size and chronilogical age of the shoots or adult plants you want. By selecting young plants and shoots you need to wait for them to mature but as bamboo is a fast growing plant you may not have long to way in any case. Deciding best places to plant and the way much to order may be driven by the wholesale costs and exactly how they're distributed.
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