#kids are going to their dads tonight
Lol my pipes are frozen even though I did what the old mean man landlord said and he’s gonna lose his shit 💀🥺 I don’t have the capacity to deal with angry men in my life anymore. I just do not. Sob
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hanaasbananas · 1 month
on arranged marriages
it's funny. mums been in the whatsapp rishta groups for years looking for someone i might marry. she'll send me a profile once in a while and ask what i think, if she should contact his parents or not and most of the time i say yeah, alright. nothing ever comes of it though, so when my dad calls me after work and says mum spoke to him about a rishta she's thinking of moving forward with i'm intrigued, but not particularly invested.
mum's really picky, i tell him. this probably won't go anywhere but we may as well see it through, right? dad is hesitant, but agrees when i say that i do want an arranged marriage.
but then things do move forward and the next thing i know, he is going to visit us with his parents. on the day, my uncle picks me up from work so i don't have to walk. you don't have to make a decision today, he tells me. this is just a first visit. my cousin helps me get ready and i am reminded of the similar scene in the movie vivah. nothing has to happen today, she tells me you guys are just meeting today. the thought does nothing to settle the nerves roiling in my stomach and i try to go back to my room three times instead of going downstairs until my cousin practically shoves me down them.
i enjoy meeting his mum, even though she immediately clocks my nervous clasping and unclasping of my bracelet. she hugs me as if i'm her own daughter and is so happy to see me that my heart lightens. eventually, we go to the other sitting room where the men are sitting-where he is. my nerves flare up again but he doesn't look up from his hands clasped in his lap when we walk in.
too nervous to speak, i only answer say anything when a question is directed at me and try to sneak quick glances at him across the room instead. his mum catches me more than once and smiles knowingly at me. we meet each others eyes only once for a split second and it makes my heart pound rapidly in my chest. when he speaks, i force myself to look at anyone other than him. he has a nice voice, my brain whispers and i bite my tongue, hard.
they leave, and we say they'll know our decision after a couple months. i know what my answer will be though. later, when they get back home and his mum calls my mum, i stand outside the door to eavesdrop, my heart in my throat but i can't stop my grin when i hear his mum say he's happy to go ahead with this, because there was a part of me that still worried he'd see me in person and go NOPE. she suggests that we get to know each other over the next few months and i silently beg my mum to agree. i know that where she is from, in her tradition, the bride and groom speak once or twice before the wedding if they're lucky, and that things are still done that way back home, but just as im gearing up to argue against that, she agrees. it's a miracle!
of course, chronically shy person that i am, the thought of our first conversation taking place on our mums phones is terrifying so instead i ask to get his number so we can text first. she sends his number but theres no way i'm texting first so i send them my number and thankfully he gets the hint and texts me first. i hope you don't mind me texting, i'm just shy still. i say. that's fine, he reassures me. we have time.
time, as it turns out. flies. it doesn't take long to move from texts to voice notes, to phone calls. he really does have a nice voice, i find out, and its not as awkward as i thought it would be. i didn't actually think that we'd talk that much, maybe once a week at most and yet...
i almost cried last night because we were talking about going to Pakistan together next summer and I remembered how when I was a teenager I used to daydream about going to Pakistan with my spouse and visiting all my family with him.
then over the years I sort of gave up on that idea because I'm not the type to go out and meet someone and in the desi arranged marriage market whose gonna choose me?
and now I'm 26, and we talk multiple times a day and when I catch myself thinking oh he isn't really interested, he's just talking to me because he has to to get to know me, why would anyone actually like me?? I find myself countering with well actually if that was the case why would he start calling you every day? how come you went from one call a day ending with 'i'll talk to you tomorrow' to him calling you on his way home from work and 'i'll call you after dinner' when he gets home to a THIRD call after maghrib right before bed? those are not the actions of a man who is uninterested!!
hanaas insecurities- 0, hanaas logic- 1
anyway idk where this is going except i never thought i'd be this excited and happy when it came time for me to get married but here i am and it is SO SCARY to realise that i am maybe possibly (definitely) falling for him but wow, and like? (literally the other day i was telling him a story from when i was a kid and the story had such a silly ending but it was unexpected and he laughed really hard in surprise and it made my heart almost explode i swear its so fun to make him laugh)
but like there's SO MANY logistics i'm restarting my driving lessons so i can pass before i move and i literally just got my new job in april but i'm gonna have to give my notice lmao and i've already started looking for new jobs but GAH so much stuff is happening and yet at the same time i feel so calm about it all it's wild i'm just vibing trying to enjoy my summer holidays and having the highlights of my day being when he calls lmaooo
#banana speaks 🍌#okay that's enough emosh stuff for tonight i think#time to go to bed and watch his tiktoks and kick my feet and giggle at my phone bc i can't believe this is happening still#idk why i made this post honestly but its just like...it is SO SCARY sometimes#and for ages and ages i didn't feel ready at all#my sister had a love marriage and she's been married 10 years w 4 kids she's rlly happy#but i just knew that wasn't gonna happen for me so i was happy w an arranged marriage#but also#i have really strong faith#(mostly)#and something that really helped me here was#im SUCH a chronic over thinker but literally the moment i saw him in our front room#i felt this deep certainty like 'this is it..this is him' it felt like this beautiful peace in my heart#and that was so so lovely like...there's wedding stuff and other things to prepare for but theres no doubt in my mind ab him and its just??#insane im like#its like all my doubts disappeared#and also it's v interesting bc i think if he'd tried any lines on me or flirted when we talk i would be worried but#hes really respectful and my dad likes him my mum likes him we ALL like him hahaha#inshallah inshallah things will go well#also rishta's will come from unexpected places#we were looking in the uk for AGES and couldn't find anyone#but we found him within a year of him being here because turns out...he only came here from pak to be w his parents last year#jo hai tera lab jayega indeed#once agan#inshallah it all goes smoothly :D
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meowmeowmessi · 2 months
what if i killed myself
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sensitivegoblin · 9 days
Tw: sh, suivide
#i hate that my brain is broken and it makes me fight with my family....#i.wish i could jjst shut my mouth like thsy qant me to.....#it smells like human shit n piss in my room cus im too scared to ask my dad to change it :')✨️💕✌️#i wanna cut so that i get release and attention but last time my dad didnt even notice and my sister didnt take it seriously :(#i feel like cuttong is the only way to let out my Ick and show how not good im doing#mental illnesses are invisible and so fucking crippling......#my family thinks im lazy i just know they do#im such a fuvking failure at 25 i should be taking care of my dad like he did to his..#also my dad always says hes in catholic hell sooooo guess im not real then :')#he spefically says he died as a kid and this is his hell.....🥹✌️💔#i just....hate my life and already dont feel real#he basically vents and says whatever without thinking about the impact on ME the adult child with autism.#i think about my words affect on everybody all the time and it seems like barely anyone thinks the same#....maybe i can s-xually -buse myself instead of cutting#but cumming always brings a biiiiig wave of crying#i shpuldnt cut for the attebtion but FUCK i wanna get a hug or see someone have a soft voice n soft eyes for me#....all i do is annoy my dad#i should just kill myself so i dont annoy him anymore#but im too scared of failing#also im scared of Hell#i need a hug that doesnt start with me asking for a hug......#if i didnt do anything affectionate for a whole day i would go without it#i would trade every present in the world if my family could at least just UNDERSTAND my emotional brain#instead i get “i just dont understand” over n over n over n over again.....#im not trying to be an attention seeker when i say this: logically the only answer i can come up with is to k-ll myself.#its like 2 + 2 = su!cide#my family says that theyd kill themselves if i did....i dont believe that#theyre less broken than me so they would heal and move on.#for clarification#the most violent thing km gonna do is c-t myself im NOT attempting tonight
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bumpscosity · 2 years
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tvrningout · 3 months
sorry to disappear earlier and likely for a good chunk of the rest of today, but apparently my brother and his family are coming over and nobody communicated that until about an hour ago. to say i had a brief, internal meltdown asdfgh i really do not handle last minute plans well, especially when i’ve been goofing off for hours, thinking i had all day to do chores and get myself looking human. i would’ve approached the day very differently had i known that wasn’t the case 😭
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hoppinkiss · 4 months
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been workin on somethin :3c
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justanotherfanartist · 7 months
#back on my super personal posting bs#last basketball game for the band tonight#augh and misery but at least it’s at Cool Big Semi Circle. Two hour drive at least tho. sigh.#if u from my state you know what I mean. actually wtv it’s obvious idfk Tacoma Dome moment lmaooo#man. last thing of band for the whole year kinda sucks ngl#our band is fucked don’t get me wrong but a part of me still loves it with a lot less cynicism than most of my friends n other band kids do#part of me is like yeah there’s stuff that sucks. but also this is where I’m meant to be and I’m having a good time#the reality is that our director sucks our band sucks nobody practices and we don’t really play well#but in my head#I’m doing well#i practice. a lot. because I like it#All my friends are here#I’m doing what my dad did in Highschool and being like him makes me really happy#which is especially why I’m switching to drumline next year to hopefully be on snare#I’m actually gonna kill myself if I get cymbals i fucking HATE cymbals I will fight my Director on this actually so hard#cus I don’t know shit about percussion#but my dad is a drummer and so is one of my senior friends who is sticking around after they graduate this year#and they’ve both agreed to teach me over the summer#so I’m gonna go fucking crazy hard into practicing so I can do percussion ensemble next year and do drumline too#I’m literally gonna dig in my trenches and fight tooth and nail to get what I want#and I’ve never really done that before#It really feels like I’m determined to prove myself worth of being a snare#not cymbals#not bass#snare#I feel like I was kind of always meant for this; I’ve just been putting it off yknow?#I’m the child of two divorced music majors#my dad is a drummer who was in band his whole life#he loves it. he loves it so much.#my parents moved to New York to chase their dreams and become musicians
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harmonizewithechoes · 10 months
#so it’s late and I’m intoxicated and interested in sharing a secret that sober me would prefer I not share#but she needs to be more vulnerable and right now in this time the alcohol helps#just as a precursor- I’m a lightweight so I really haven’t had that much and I’ll be fine in the morning and also#my partner has a weird schedule and once or twice a week we like to have a drink or two and play video games or watch a show together#lately it’s been baldurs gate but tonight it’s coop stardew#anywayyyy~#sober Becca is too shy to say that she’s struggling a lot right now#I’ve been hiding myself away for a LOT of reasons for quite a while now and focusing on being the best mother/partner/homemaker I can be#but this has been detrimental to my friendships and spiritual life#as far as friendships go I feel like since I haven’t had the capability to be a really good friend to anyone since everything happened with#happened with dad*#that I shouldn’t be allowed to have friends at ALL#because if I can’t put 100% effort into my friendships even when I’m struggling I don’t deserve friends at all#but I have 3 very little kids and I’m pouring every last ounce I have into them#so maybe I can kind of have a pass and maybe I can have a friend sometimes?#as a treat?#because I love my family very much but sometimes I don’t feel like I’m a person within the family#especially during the holidays I feel like I’m merely playing the role of ‘mother’#idk…#this is rambly and doesn’t make a ton of sense#basically I’m wondering if I’m allowed to be lonely sometimes because being a mom is hard and lonely#or if I have to suck it up and wait until my kids are older to get to be a full person outside of them again#btw- this has nothing to do with them#my kids are my sunshine on the most cloudy day#they are so beautiful and wonderful and I am so happy I get to know them and guide them in life#it truly is a privilege#apparently I’m too long winded lol I just started talking about each of my children and what I adore about them#but it was too many tags and tumblr said no lol#oh well jsyk I’m crying rn because they are my pride and joy and even if I never have another friend again they are so so worth it
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pussymasterdooku · 1 year
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my-chemical-rot · 1 year
Do you know how unnerving it is to wake up abruptly in the middle of the night finding yourself involuntarily muttering aloud “before it gets better darkness gets bigger the person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger…” or “there’s a room in hotel New York City… shares our fate and deserves… pity…”
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transboykirito · 2 years
i still hold onto the idea that when kirito has bad nights he’ll either sleep in with suguha or, if minetaka is working, midori. sugu gives the best comforting hugs and midori just has Mom Comfort that makes him feel super safe
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silverislander · 1 year
i really fucking hate that at 21 i still have strict rules abt shit i can and can't do but more than that i hate that i don't do anything about i
#my friends are all sleeping over at one of our houses tonight so i asked to go#i am still not fucking allowed to go to sleepovers apparently. and i still dont know why#i spent all week worrying abt when and how it would be best to ask and arguments i could make to convince my mom#and when i finally asked her she immediately shut me down and instead i just fucking. rolled with it and said nothing#so i guess somehow at 21 fucking years old were still doing the 'you can go until midnight then come home' thing that 8yr olds do#levi.txt#vent tw#and theres NEVER going to be a better time than this to let me do it. its my friend of 5+yrs mom knows her parents and trusts them#hell her dad was a police chief. were not going to do Anything that were not allowed to do in his house#but no i still just get 'you know i dont like sleepovers' and 'youre not taking the car overnight'. no explanation no debate#and i didnt say ANYTHING to defend myself bc i let my family say fucking anything and get away w it every time#at this rate ill be 30 w no backbone still living in this fucking house istg#and its not even like ive ever once given her a reason to put restrictions like this on me! ive been well behaved my entire life#i have never once broken a major rule or disobeyed her in any meaningful way ive Always done what she wanted. no matter what#ive literally been almost perfectly behaved other than normal kid stuff i have tried so fucking hard to make them happy#my parents are just insanely fucking overprotective and always have been#not being allowed to do these kinds of things is exactly why i never had friends growing up#bc how are you gonna be friends with someone who never shows up outside of school and cant watch anything with cursing in it
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aloftmelevar · 2 years
this day has been absolute ass
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theearnestonion · 2 years
(warning for christian parents being supremely weird)
me: galumphing around the kitchen at 1 am taking a break from hurriedly assembling a mothman cosplay for my first comic-con tomorrow
my mother, at the top of the staircase in the darkness: "come here to the bottom of the staircase. listen to me. satan is a live and well in this world, and god protects you, but if you let the devil in, he will take advantage of it. I want you to remember this"
me:"... what??"
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muskpunk · 25 days
yooooooooo 5am ptsd flashback gacha pulls just dropped wooooooo yeah lets go gamers!!!!!
#tag traumadump cause my loved ones are all asleep#and I had to cancel therapy this week cause I have covid and my therapist wont be here for what was meant to be my appointment next week so#country boys make do or whatever#and yk what it's exhausting to only ever tell my closest loved ones what my daily symptom shit looks like#if even them#so!#tonight I can't stop thinking about having been a youth service worker. I'm feeling in my body what it felt like to have to restrain someone#to stop them from killing themself#the feeling of using my body as a shield for a kid who used racial slurs as he hospitalized me#against another kid#against oncoming cars#or my hand between his head and the wall#better to break my fingers than to allow the brain damage that could happen in just an instant#I'm also remembering staying with my aunt in high school#and thinking about how when I was kicked out of my house to hers#she would throw parties in the living room where I was given the couch to sleep#I woke up at like 5am for school cause the bussing was stupid long#and she'd do it til past midnight#the only quieter place I could go was the kitchen and the kitchen had little floorspace that wasn't allocated to her dogs cage#so I slept in front of that cage with her dog on the floor. didn't even give me a blanket lol#that dog slept more comfortably than I did those nights running from my dad :')#now I'm a dog too and the thought of sleeping in a cage is comforting#not because or in spite of thst memory... like it wasn't a conscious factor and I've always kinda Been A Dog anyways#but it's funny to think back on.#I've lived with a lot of people who liked their dogs a lot better than me#of course they were gonna be my role models when they were the dependents in my family that got treated the most lovingly lol#anyway my Place to them was made clear and it only took a little over a decade to realize how much I Understood The Assignment lol#woof woof.
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