#Me & him also sleep talk a lot so you can imagine how fucking creepy that is
boydykevulvatron · 11 months
Do you know how unnerving it is to wake up abruptly in the middle of the night finding yourself involuntarily muttering aloud “before it gets better darkness gets bigger the person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger…” or “there’s a room in hotel New York City… shares our fate and deserves… pity…”
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Also Detroit has a lot of prime writing material for me now that I'm rewatching the SBFP let's play
Connor learning to deal with emotions he was never programmed to experience and falling for a human without the innate knowledge of what's creepy and what isn't. He really doesn't mean any harm, he just has to be told some things are unnerving and invasive. He gives you gifts you never talked about because he looked through your wishlists on websites, he absorbs information from every show, book, etc to talk about them with you, he hears you mention not feeling well and offers to lick you to analyze any vitamin deficiencies.
He doesn't really experience sexual desire, but he knows and has interacted with androids designed for catering to humans that way. He downloads some of that software and orders hardware as a romantic "surprise" for his Darling, but it's...not as sexy as you would imagine. He's just holding a vibrating finger and whatnot against you, but no matter how good it feels he just has his typical demeanor since he can't technically get turned on. Like he's just got that awkward little smile and he isn't closing his eyes or anything a human would do when fingering someone. He just licks your face and says in that pleasant lil voice "Your oxytocin levels are very high. You're about to orgasm soon! I'm glad I can make you feel this way. :)"
Or fucking RALPHHHHH especially! Like he has a fear of humans but after meeting Alice, he learns not all of them are bad. And one human is particularly kind to him. They bring him things to make his home more comfortable: blankets, pillows, and even some things to improve his cooking skills. Did you know you're supposed to add things like salt, and meat can be burned for too long? Ralph knows that now!
Ralph doesn't accept Darling's offer to let him stay with them...not yet. Too many humans live near them, humans he doesn't know. Doesn't trust. To Darling they're just neighbors, but to Ralph they're strangers. He doesn't like that so many strangers are around Darling. But eventually he might be convinced to move in. Their home is warm and safe, and Ralph enjoys spending more time with them! When they leave, he's too afraid to leave with them and be around other strangers, but he's happy to wait for them to come back. He draws a lot and has entire sketchbooks (bought by Darling as a present) filled with everything he can think of...and a lot of ones of Darling: sleeping, showering, watching TV, etc.
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #103
Today passed by in a bit of a blur.
This is mostly due to the fact that I certainly did not get enough sleep last night. Given the reasons for it, I am not sad about it. But my brain is soupy nonetheless.
J and I went to the good place earlier than usual because a great big breakfast was planned. I signed up to bring bacon, which Br cooked yesterday in the oven (I was pulled in many directions yesterday, so I wouldn't have gotten a chance to do it!). Br made AMAZINGLY CRISPY BACON, oh my goodness!!! And everyone thought it was really good!!! There wasn't any left by the end!!!
The awesome leader of the place talked on a really sad story about some guy from a really long time ago getting terrible punishments for being so kind to everyone that he was upsetting the social order. This guy liked to hang with and to help the rejects and the socially outcast, and I guess a non-trivial number of folks thought he was arrogant and creepy and kinda gross for this (whoof, that's kind of relatable), so although lots of ordinary folks followed him around while he was useful and helping, when push came to shove and the folks in power came around to put an end to him because they didn't like the fact that he was helping the people that they were trying to oppress, most, if not all of his followers turned tail and ran off like cowards. It seems like nobody tried to protect him at all. And uh. Well. The whole notion of "people chilling with me while I'm useful and then fucking right off when the going gets rough" is also, sadly, kinda relatable.
And you know? He was found by the folks in power in the first place because some selfish, short-sighted prick sold him out for a few coins. It's the lamest fucking shit. It is the LAMEST FUCKING SHIT.
Supposedly, they all loved this guy, but if they loved him this much, then why did no one try to take the punishment in his place? I'll never understand it. And you know what else I'll never understand? I'll never understand how seemingly the vast majority of people who hear this story and believe it end up using it to justify hating and oppressing certain kinds of people. People like me, for example. It seems like the vast majority of people who believe in this story REALLY SUPER DESPISE people like me (and they also hate people like the leader of this place I go to! can you imagine it??), for a wide variety of reasons.
…It's complicated. In my world, in order to be "normal", you're supposed to believe in this story in such a way that it denies humans of their humanity and inherent goodness in a variety of respects, and I just… I can't bring myself to do that. Not anymore. The place I go to doesn't teach the story in the "normal" way that I'm used to hearing, though, so although I cannot bring myself to speak most of the words (especially not the weirder ones revolving around being "punished" and whatnot… it sounds too close for comfort to living with an abusive parent and begging for their "mercy"…), I still go, because the leader says the things from a loving, self-and-other-celebrating, and courageous lens rather than the typical self-loathing, humanity-denying, fear-driven lens that is most common where I'm from.
I don't really know how to describe my own relationship to this story. For a very long time, this story has been and continues to be used by others to justify saying and doing all kinds of horrid shit to me and to the people I love, as well as to justify oppressing and even torturing and killing certain groups of people on a mass scale. And this is NEVER acceptable, so needless to say, I tend to view the more ah… enthusiastic… believers of this story with a hefty dose of caution and hesitation; I don't wanna write anyone off, but at the same time, for my own safety, I also don't want to end up getting caught off-guard around people who could potentially think and behave abusively. I am terrified of the kinds of people who wanna see me locked away into some institution to be electroshocked until I'm forced to psychically amputate aspects of my being that hurt no one, and the fact that there is still a non-zero number of people who advocate for these kinds of facilities is VERY alarming. I've already had other aspects of my being beaten out of me, and I've been desperately trying to regrow them.
But in this place, I feel safe. This group that I go see once a week is filled with lots of people like me - "non-standard" folks who would be ostracized, hated, and oppressed by more "traditional" folks. And this place does not teach people to hate themselves or view themselves as dirty, wretched, or shameful; rather, this place teaches people to love themselves and each other as-is, and to use that love in order to be brave enough to do kind and helpful things for others and for oneself, even when those kind and helpful things are difficult or unpopular. This place paints the main character of this story as a bizarre but gentle man who rejects arbitrary social norms in favor of doing that which is kind and good. They paint him as some guy who has a VERY good sense of what he's doing and why, while simultaneously learning as he goes.
Though I have my own take on this story that maybe some folks would be uncomfortable with (my own beliefs system is eclectic, and it weaves elements from various systems, including this one, other traditions, quantum physics, as well as beliefs from more recent fiction and my own realizations together into something that makes sense to me in light of my own perceptions, abilities, and experiences; it's constantly changing as I learn new things, and it'll likely not work for someone else, and that's okay), I do find aspects of this character to be relatable and worthy of emulating in a variety of respects. Being reliably kind to myself and to the people society says I shouldn't be kind to is something I am constantly striving towards.
I think it's important for people to believe in whatever makes them reliably brave enough to be good to all other humans (whatever shape that takes, even if it's a belief in nothing), just as long as whatever that is does not justify the suffering of someone else. And I do mean ALL other humans. Even the ones you don't like spending time with. And even the ones who don't share the same beliefs. I sure as heck don't like spending time with people who think that certain kinds of people don't count as people (sadly, it's popular here to treat non-white, disabled, non-straight, or non-cis-male people as though they are subhuman, for example), but nonetheless, I do understand that dehumanizing beliefs come from being traumatized and conditioned into carrying them as a child (I was raised in this shit), so if I see someone like that in trouble, I'm still going to help them, if I'm able. I wasn't able to do better until I learned better, so I don't belong throwing stones at other people's beautiful glass houses; the only thing for it when people get weird is to wish them well and move on.
Anyhoot. I've probably prattled on long enough. I had other things to say, I think, but I've gone and forgotten them because I am sleep deprived and my brain is soup. Oh well. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow.
Please stay safe out there. Please learn to believe kind, gentle, and loving things about yourself, about the world you live in, and about the people in it. I'll be rooting for you, always.
Your friend, Lumine
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boreal-sea · 1 year
Hellraiser 1 live blogging
Summary: That was fucking fun. Amazing special effects, fun plot, characters I liked, and just all around absolutely deserving of its place as a horror classic.
that seems like a sweaty way to solve a box
Oh this is a fun place, look, a face!
So this guy has a brother he hasn't seen in ages.
Julia doesn't like the house. Rocky marriage, too. This weird house isn't gonna help lol. Ew, buggies. I do appreciate older movies using real bugs. Larry! Come look! A terrifying... mattress?
Frank is the brother I guess.
Then who is phone?
Kirstie has found a room, a room better than a creepy house.
Oh no, scary sex party photos. He was kinda handsome tho. Are you stealing that photo, Julia? Naughty.
Hey mover dude, stop leering.
Hello again Kirstie. Hello, ominous bridge. Hello, ominous bushes and trees. Hello ominous farmhouse.
"This is a big house" I've seen like 3 rooms so far.
"Her mother's dead". Lol. I'd heard that line before.
Julia, you got the hots for the broooo. I would also be kinda seduced by brother frank out in the rain.
Julia isn't concerned with you, Kirstie, she has an old photo to make out with. And to stand ominously at the top of the stairs with.
Now for ze attic. And erotic memories. Nice. I think? She seems into it, sort of? Kinda hard to tell, but modern-day her is totally into the - oh ok, yeah, she was totally into it.
Oh that nail is gonna be involved and I can't watch lol. *looks away*
Did she orgasm from that memory?
Ew that's a lot of blood. Bro why didn't you get a towel?
House: "slurp"
Ahh, the tell tale heart.
See, these effects are great. I really do believe this floor is bubbling with demonic energy and resurrecting a disgusting man. Fuck this sequence is awesome. Yeah I can watch this, but not a guy getting stabbed by a nail. Don't ask, I can't explain it either. That fucking rocked.
And dinner party, complete with laughter that sounds like it's coming from a studio audience. Also, you WILL get drunk, no leaving allowed! Except Julia, she's allowed.
Mmm whispers. Welcome back to the attic.
Kinda hard not to look at you bro. This makeup is awesome, and I love his dialogue? It's so casual, but also coming from a horrible flesh zombie, it's great. "Help me, will ya?" He needs more blood.
Ominous lurking, Julia. Love the lighting.
Kirstie, awkwardly: "Gnight." lol
Hello creepy fisherman dude. No idea if he's a fisherman but he looks like one. Ah, smack talking Julia. She IS fucking weird.
Of course he sleep talks. And Julia plots, and thinks about sex.
Frank's makeup is so fucking good. Thank you, 80's movie, for lighting your characters.
Oooh this is a cool effect. What's going on here? Oh, it's Kirstie dreaming. You know I give her credit for immediately calling. Too bad he's gonna die immediately after the phone call. Right? (no)
Hey Frank, you're not allowed to think about Kirstie, you already have a lady. Am I judging a dead zombie man? Yes.
Oh, so is Julia gonna grab a random stranger dude? And not kill her husband? Sorry, random dude. Come on Julia, think up an excuse like, "let's not fuck right in front of the door, idiot". I mean, he's sleazy, but probably doesn't deserve murder. He is dumb though. Julia isn't very good at this fake seductress thing, but it IS her first time. I think I would've stabbed him by now though. LOL whitie tighties. So unsexy. Woooo murdered. In his undies, how undignified.
I do love Julia's earrings, those kick ass. Tortoiseshell stars, fuck yeah. Very 80's.
You did a bad job cleaning yourself up Julia.
Mmm crunchy yum yums.
Ew he's even squishier. So slimy. Ew, no Frank, I don't wanna touch you either.
"Come to daddy" is going to make me laugh forever now.
I wonder how much porn there is of half-alive Frank.
Julia needs to dispose of a body, just give her a sec! Larry, you're kinda dumb.
Julia, you didn't really think you'd get away with murdering just one guy did you? I imagine salty skin on bare... muscle? would be very painful.
Oof, customer service. Yeah, you know, a complaining Karen and Dude Eating the Crickets sounds about right for customer service.
Welcome home, victim #2. "I like to be careful" - murdered. lol. Julia is a lot more chill about it this time, also she's becoming sexier! You know I will say she was very quickly on board with this whole murder thing. Hm Frank, you're still looking a little slimy, do you think you should be wearing clothes yet?
Ok so the cenobites introduced you to BDSM.
Julia is bored by boxing. "I've seen worse" LMAO. Also Larry, shouldn't this stuff make YOU sick? You're the guy who hates blood. Oh Larry, don't be a hero. "Guess I gotta seduce my own husband to keep him from going to the attic". Does she care a little for Larry? I think she probably doesn't want him to die, at the very least.
lmao how did Larry not see those rats?
Whoah Frank just slippin by there. Ooo he's gonna do a murder. Can Larry not hear her say no?? I'm so confused. Oh no, he was just ignoring her. Turd.
Marriage talk with your kiddo. It sure is "way beyond" you buddy.
Ah, marriage talk with the zombie.
Oh no, Kirstie is gonna get the wrong idea. Sorry kiddo, your step mom isn't cheating on your dad! Well ok, yes, she is - but not with that particular dude. Actually, the worse crime here is she's a big ol murderer. Oh wait is Kirstie actually witnessing the murder a little? I can't tell. She seems very concerned though.
I appreciate Larry wants to keep Julia from seeing the worst of the murdering. I also appreciate the crunchy noises.
I love that the whole house just constantly creaks for no reason. Nooo don't go in the attic. Eeeew icky touchy uncle Frank.
I don't know if she's necessarily smart for stealing the box, but she was smart to use it to get away.
Why is the nurse watching the "flowers opening" channel? This doctor is being so fucking weird lol. "Yeah you were found wandering, passing out, covered in blood but uh, we're gonna treat you like a criminal."
ooh, the box likes to pretend it's pretty, pink sparkles! Seems like the box can pretty much solve itself, don't know why Frank was all sweaty about it.
Hm, maybe don't go in there, this isn't a children's 80's movie. That is not a hallway to a fun adventure.
Hi two-headed fishface cenobite.
Oh fucking cool, the tiles glowing like that!
OH that's the chatterer, right? I know folks have named them all.
And it's our guy, "Lead Cenobite" - I mean Pinhead!
I love them all. They're so great. <3
Oh, is Julia gonna show Frank to Larry? Are we to guess he was murdered off screen? Does Frank have skin now? Oh nope, he's just ... wait. No. That's Frank wearing Larry, isn't it?
Why do you need to see a body so badly, Kirstie? I mean, he's gonna be skinless either way. Guess it'd be hard to tell lol. Of course, Kirstie is upset because this means the cenobites are gonna eat her.
All kinds of chaos happening now. At least Kirstie figured it out. Aww you broke Frank's new skin.
"Well, so much for the cat and mouse shit" - that got a real laugh out of me. *snort*
Oops Frank, you killed Julia a bit. Don't seem to broken up about it, but he's more into Kirstie.
There's still cenobites in the attic. I like to imagine they're just up there, twidding their thumbs like "... Is she coming back?"
I always think it's fun when you have a character wearing the face of another character because it means the other actor is playing the part now, and some folks do a REALLY good job at this.
Hey now cenobites, that's not playing fair. She's sort of trying to help you, remember? Maybe that was just a reminder "bring him to us and we'll take care of him for you". I think she's trying to draw him in? To where the cenobites are.
My friends are back!
"This isn't for your eyes" Kirstie slowly slips away like "yeah ok good I'll fuck off now for sure bye". She keeps watching though. Not sure why, I guess so we the audience can see?
Ooh, the house is bleeding, nice. Oh, Julia grabbed the box or the box grabbed her, not sure which.
Aw, Pinhead just wants to show you things.
Ah, so you CAN unsolve the box and it blasts them all back to hell. Also the house is collapsing because sure. Steve is like "no questions, just run".
Ok, the ending fight with the fishface was a little silly. "Oh, can't get a grip on the box, would you just - I can't get it! Gotta grab the box!"
That burned down fast.
Kristie, it's a metal box. Why do you think it's gonna burn? Oh hey it's bug eating dude. I feel like he was one of them the whole time. Oh yeah he was. A skeletal dragon???
And now it's back home apparently.
The end!
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friendlyfaded · 2 years
OH maybe angel/darlin or even david/angel/darlin?
So my headcanon for Darlin’ is that they’re pretty similar to David in a lot of ways. They’re stand-offish, self-sacrificing for those they care about, stubborn, have a rough exterior, all that! So needless to say, Angel/Darlin would be an excellent ship!
It would be slow to take off, of course. While David was afraid of letting anyone close because of the trauma with his dad and his responsibilities as alpha, Darlin’ doesn’t let people in because of Quinn, which is still a major problem currently. Angel’s persistence is the only thing that’s going to get them a chance to date Darlin’.
Angel is the monarch of praise and validation, you can’t tell me otherwise. Darlin’ would have absolutely no idea how to respond to that. I imagine they’d just blush and shrug whenever Angel says something sweet about them, but Angel, as good as they’d get at reading Darlin’, can tell they love it. Darlin would start making an effort to cook and sleep more regularly, if only to drag Angel into the better habits as well. Angel would also never have to worry about creepy strangers approaching them as long as Darlin’ was around. Darlin’ would take great pride in being able to keep their mate safe 💙
Adding David to the mix makes it a different kind of slow burn. Darlin’ isn’s as scared for Angel’s safety (don’t get me wrong, they’re still terrified, but they know David will be able to protect Angel), but now you’ve got two of the most emotionally repressed characters on the channel dancing around their feelings for each other, all while Angel watches them, eating their popcorn and waiting for them to get off their asses and admit their feelings.
At some point I feel like Angel would stage an intervention (read: invite Darlin’ over for dinner or something and then take a suspiciously long time looking for something in the bedroom). As always, communication is key, so David and Darlin’ talk it out. Angel comes back in, explains that they’re 100% on board, and a polycule is formed.
Now David has two people to nag about putting on sunscreen and drinking actual water! Of course, he doesn’t mind. He just wants his loves to take care of themselves, and both Angel and Darlin’ are notoriously bad at that.
With the inclusion of Darlin’ in the relationship, there’s the potential for childhood references. For example, David (lovingly, out of concern for their health) gets on Angel for eating an entire bag of chips, but Darlin’ comes back with “says the guy who ate three bags of hot fries on a dare when we were sixteen” and just completely undercuts him. Obviously David would be able to turn it around, bringing up things like the time they thought they were going to be stuck forever when they climbed into an ice chest, or when they tried to do a kickflip when plastered and broke a wrist.
Angel lives for the chaos, and they love hearing these little snippets of their mates’ lives.
Oh, and Quinn? He’s a fucking dead man. As soon as David catches a glimpse of Darlin’s bite scars, he’s decided that Quinn’s subscription to life ends when he finds him. David is already protective of Angel, who doesn’t typically get into danger. Imagine how protective he’d be of Darlin’, who’s got a sociopathic vampire after them. Angel has offered to throw hands. Both David and Darlin’ immediately said no.
Angel taking turns sitting on each of their backs while they do pushups. Both shifters teaching Angel how to defend themself if they ever need to. Darlin’ teaching Angel how to throw knives, and Angel playing Minecraft with them. Darlin’ spending quiet moments with David, quietly talking about their memories of Gabe and the kindness he always showed them. All of them holding each other close, no words needed, just feeling the presence of the others and soaking it in.
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gufaspins · 11 months
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I dont want to arrive to that house.. I feel dizzy and sick just thinking about it. I had enough with the abuse and insecurities my parents gave me, now I thought I was freed and fell again.
I am renting a room, paying for staying there monthly. I can use the kitchen, shower, use the bathroom and the washing machine. I was pretty feeling great about that before ;;;
Now, however, I wanna run from there. My landlord/roomie is... extremely weird. He talks to me so so much, referring that I am his "friend". The problem is.. he doesnt stop talking. He sees me, and starts to talk nonstop. It doesnt matter if I dont want to talk, if I am busy, if I have something HOT on my dang hands that could BURN ME. No, he keeps talking.
The other day he started talking about alzheimer to me while I was making soup on the kitchen, and I begged him to NOT talk about that specific theme because my grandfather died from senile demencia (is it written like that? hell if I know) that is really close to that. And you know what he did? HE KEPT TALKING. He started saying things like "imagine not remembering your loved ones" "imagine being like that" and so on, until I literally STARTED CRYING. He stopped then and started talking about something else. I took a bowl of the soup I made and hid in the room I rent, I couldnt sleep, I couldnt stop crying.
He also is coming into my room when Im gone. I thought I was imagining things when I kept seeing certain stuff on other places, yet yesterday when I woke up, I found my freaking door OPEN. When you open the door, it doesnt make much noise, but when you close it, its really hard so it makes a lot of noise. Thats why he freaking didnt close it again. He thought I wasnt on the room. DO YOU KNOW HOW CREEPY THAT IS???
The other day I was in the room and he just fucking OPENS THE DOOR, like it didnt matter ._. He started saying weird stuff like, that if I need anything I could tell him, that if I need to talk to someone he was there for me and so on. I kept saying that I didnt feel like talking, and you know what he said??? He said "I thought we were friends, but I guess I was mistaken" LIKE WHAT??? DUDE. I JUST RENT YOUR ROOM AND BE NICE TO YOU, YOU ARE LITERALLY 74 YEARS OLD. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME???
Also he's extremely xenophobic, machist, sexist, and is always talking like "things used to be different..", "young people these days..", and stupid stuff like that.
I am.. just so mentally tired.. I dont feel safe. I have the same feeling that i had when I was living with my parents of "I want to run away from here, I dont want to be here but I dont know where I want to go either. I dont want to be here nor anywhere." Its affecting me to the point my ptsd is getting worse.. I had multiple anxiety attacks today, and had to go to this house earlier.
I dont know what to do.. I cant breathe..
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thelovingroses · 1 year
Do you believe in supernatural?
Like seriously do you? Well talking about supernatural thing really have pros and cons, for me that i believe "they" are exist. I've seen some unseen spirits not clearly but like maybe some shadows or through pictures that i captures. And believe me they're evil as fuck, no they're not good. They're evil, they even wants your soul. Better sell your soul to Satan huh before they take it for free, just kidding. But I swear in Indonesia at least some spirits are evil as fuck and their appearances look scarier than some people whose envying me lol.
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Source: google images.
Talking about ghost and stuff, i like this kinda scary stories or urban legends from various countries.
One of my favorite site to read about creepy shit. But only available in English so for non english readers you better use some translations for this but believe me you'll surely love it and i can read for hours and never complain. Ever heard about Slenderman? They created him! I wanna post about their stories in translation with sources ofc but i don't know where i should give credits to the writers of the stories since they're all using some random usernames but their imagination is beyond another world ffs. I don't even know how to create my imaginary friend, sadly i never have one but i do believe each of us have some guardian angels to protect us.
Some stories are only fictional and not to be take seriously, so read it with clear mind and you should "know" the difference between what's reality and what's just imagination. Don't copy the shit just enjoy the readings. Literature is cool man, even if you read horror novels it's still awesome. Example my favorite author is R.L Stine
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Source: google images.
Who doesn't love dummy? I still have the copy of the soft file books on my google drive luckily i can read anytime i want. Since it's old novels rarely to get it in modern bookstore maybe you can still found it somewhere but not here.
And this one my favorite of all time, the stories still stuck on my head man
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Source: google images.
Oh i love it a lot, warning it's not for kids. If you're under 17, better read goosebumps. They even make it into movies which also great but still the novels are way perfect no cap.
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Source: google images.
Sometimes imagination can be so fun right? I mean if you use it wisely you know.
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Can I request some poly! Shigadabihawks x reader if you don’t mind. You have amazing writing and you have written some amazing poly! I don’t care if it’s sfw and/or nsfw, it’s totally up to you. I honestly kinda wanted to see how hawks and Shigaraki got along in a poly relationship and how they interacted with each other because I can imagine how Dabi and hawks get along or dabi and shigaraki but hawks and Shigaraki would have a odd relationship, y’know. Sorry if this is odd and you don’t know what I’m talking about and I just want you to know that I absolutely love your work. You’re the first person I check everyday when I get on tumblr. 😘
Awwwww!!! You are so sweet, thank you so much!!! Yeah this makes a lot of sense, for the demon au especially I’ve been trying to work on showing off the dynamic between Hawks and Shig. I hope headcanons are okay!
- Before you enter the mix, Dabi is really the only holding them together. He started off dating Tomura (who still insists he barely even likes him, usually after they finish making out) and then later Kei joined in. You’re still not sure how it all came to be since you get a different answer depending on who you ask and what mood they’re in.
- Tomura is only a bit tsundere with Dabi and Kei, never you. With you he’s more openly clingy and would never deny how he feels. He wouldn’t say it, but he appreciates you being around whenever Dabi and Keigo make him feel like a third wheel. Keigo has some similar experiences, but he’s just genuinely not bothered whenever Dabi wants to go have some solo time with Tomura. Or you, for that matter. Just isn’t the jealous type.
- They like using you to fuck with each other. If you’re hanging out with Dabi there’s a good chance Keigo will come along and just flat out steal you. Just pick you up and walk off. Because he can. Dabi is fond of teasing Tomura about how much he likes you, despite clearly also liking you. Tomura’s go-to is usually also to steal you, however he likes to get you to come willingly so you’ll blow off whoever you were with to start.
- Keigo and Tomura get along best when teaming up to irritate Dabi. Whether it’s playing keep away with you, hiding his stuff, distracting him when he’s trying to brood and do Dabi stuff, they really enjoy the power of their combined effects on him.
- The three of them teaming up to irritate you is what really gets them cooperating. They’re all gremlins, they steal your clothes to force you into skirts with no panties, they move your stuff around so you have to ask them for help, and that’s without getting into how often they fight over you, although that’s not so much to annoy you.
- Dabi developed a little habit of calling you, Tomura, and Kei his sluts and now he does it no matter who’s around and it’s really embarrassing but he absolutely does not care.
- While most of the time it’s Dabi and you holding Tomura and Keigo together, it’s not uncommon to find just the two of them off by themselves bonding over a common interest or even occasionally making out.
- They each have their own rooms, but you don’t. You bounce between theirs and your stuff is always scattered around. Yes, it’s annoying. No, they won’t let you have your own room. The four of you typically end up sharing one bed anyway, although the room itself changes.
- They’re not shy about the relationship, so it’s fairly often you get teased (albeit lovingly) about having three boyfriends. Toga really likes trying to force you to pick a favorite.
- Everyone thinks it’s creepy. Everyone. But Kei started calling you their “little girl” and just never stopped.
- They don’t really do PDA between themselves aside from the odd hand holding or rare peck on the cheek, but when it comes to you all bets are off. You’re constantly perched in someone’s lap or holding a hand or having your clothes fixed by someone else. To everyone else it mostly looks like they toss you around.
- Sometimes they’ll take you on dates, switching between doing them one on one or with the whole group. It’s hard to get Tomura to go out, though, since he prefers stay at home dates. When he’s not feeling it you’ll usually end up in a blanket fort eating takeout all together.
- One time. one. time. some stranger muttered “slut” under his breath when he saw you walking along in public with them. Dabi charred his ass so fast the other two were pissed at him for not being able to get a hit in.
- Despite all of them being gremlins, they really love you and will 10/10 go out of their way to make sure you know that. Literally anything upsets you and the immediate response is “Tell me why you’re not happy and I will kill it.”
- Most of their more genuine affections are shown in little things they do. Keigo likes to get you guys things, especially snacks he knows you like since he can go in public freely. Dabi is constantly fixing your clothes and hair and making sure everyone’s comfortable. Tomura always touches you softly (outside of the bedroom), always brushing his fingers along your cheeks or resting his head on your shoulder, etc. He’s also the most likely to casually touch the others in public.
- When it’s cold everyone piles up on Dabi and he pretends he hates it, but you always catch him smiling when he thinks no one’s looking.
- Kei loves using his feathers to tease everyone, slipping them under clothes before you can stop them or making them flit around your face. It’s annoying but his laugh is so cute you can’t even be mad at him.
- Tomura’s face always lights up before he can stop it when one of you comes to play videogames with him. He’s really bad at hiding how excited and happy it makes him.
- Since you’re the only girl and they’re kind of sexist, they treat you a lot softer than they treat each other. Doesn’t matter how strong you are, they’ll always think you’re weaker and they need to protect you. It might not seem like it when they’re teasing the hell out of you or tying you up or spanking you, but they go way easier on you than they would on each other in the same situation.
- Literally any sign from you that you’re seriously upset or overwhelmed? Done. No more. Only soft affection and very mild teasing for the week.
- The first time Kei joined in while Dabi and Tomura were fucking, he didn’t even participate. He just watched like a fucking creep. Still does that occasionally.
- They all have relatively high drives and absolutely no shame between each other, so it’s pretty often you’re just casually getting fucked in one of their rooms while another sits on the couch beside you and watches TV. May or may not comment on it.
- Sometimes they’ll make bets about you. See who can get you to cum the fastest one week or try testing how long it takes for you to come to them when they don’t initiate it and which one you pick. How much cum they can stuff you with and plug up before it starts leaking out. And so on.
- It’s very different if it’s just one of them, or if it’s two and which two, etc.
- Dabi likes to manhandle you. He takes his time, makes you wait and beg and then just completely destroys you for hours on end. After, he sits back with a cigarette and lets you cling to him while he strokes you and tells you you did a good job. It pleases him when you’re so fucked out you can’t form full sentences, and he’ll tease you for it for days.
- Keigo is similar in that he likes to tease, but he’s also sadistic. He’ll make you cum on his tongue and fingers until you’re begging him to stop and then he’ll force at least two more orgasms out of you on his dick. Afterwards he watches you twitch and leak his spunk for a minute before giving you god-tier aftercare. Runs a bath, gets you some water, etc. Once you’re clean he encourages you to take a nap, but it’s usually an excuse for him to take a nap because he’s also worn out but trying to hide it.
- Tomura gets too excited to tease for very long, but that’s only directly before the sex. He’ll have his hand shoved in your panties just toying with you for hours while he absently scrolls on his phone. Sometimes he’ll have you get yourself ready where he can see, only to completely ignore you until you let him know he can start. Once he’s going, though, he’s done with all that. He’s drooling, panting, flushed, pounding you into next week. He alternates between kissing you and spitting in your mouth because he’s too wound up to just pick a mood most of the time.
- That’s not to say you don’t have lots of times where it’s intimate and loving, but that’s not really the usual.
- The Dabi/Tomura combination is the more nasty of the three. Kei isn’t opposed to doing stuff to make you squirm when he’s in the mood but Dabi and Tomura l i v e for that shit. They’re almost nightmarish together, 100% okay with piss, impact play, period stuff, all things anal, etc. Of course you’re their girlfriend and they love you so they’re not about to do something that has you screaming or crying for real, but if you’re at least mostly okay with it and they’re confident it’s not breaking you, they’ll do pretty much anything. Anything to get you teary-eyed, begging them to stop, etc. as long as you’re not saying the safeword. For aftercare they’re very gentle and soft as they clean you up and put you to bed. Doesn’t matter what time of day it happened, they’re putting you in bed and snuggling you until you get at least an hour of sleep. When you wake up they’ll get you something to eat and make sure they didn’t hurt you beyond the usual cuts, bruises, and assorted mild scorching.
- Dabi and Kei usually go for more of a good cop/bad cop sort of arrangement. Doesn’t seem so bad until you figure out they switch the roles without any indication of having done that. It’s like they have a sixth sense for it or something. You’ll be crying and clinging to Keigo since he’s been nice so far only for him to bend you over his knee and spank you raw for it; meanwhile Dabi has gone from smacking you around and spewing filth to cooing and stroking your face. Their aftercare is mostly praise, they’ll tell you you did well and make sure you’re okay mentally since some of the stuff they say can get pretty intense. They’ll get you cleaned up and make sure you eat and drink water, and they’ll cuddle as long as you want and won’t go anywhere even if you fall asleep.
- Tomura and Keigo are the most interesting mix. It’s not often that it happens, but when it does they work surprisingly well together. Their different types of degeneracy and patience seem to blur together into a lethal combination that’ll have you getting whiplash from how they toss you back and forth. They’re not usually both participating at the same time; someone has to hold the camera, after all. Aftercare usually consists of a shower, snacks, and either you napping on their laps while they game together or joining in if they didn’t rock your shit too hard. On days when they’ve done this, you’ll notice the two of them interacting more and occasionally taking some time to be alone together…
- When it’s all of them you’re fucking in for it. Depending on the mood it can vary wildly, but for the most part it’s just a complete mass of writhing limbs and moans. You’re tired ten minutes in, more of the focus is on you than anything, you’re forced to cum over and over again, they each cum in or on you at least twice, and when it’s all said and done you’re covered in sweat, cum, possibly blood, and three sweaty, spent bodies. Usually after they have to peel your limp, half-conscious body off the bed and carry you to the bath. They’ll take great care of you, not that you’ll really remember it in your sorry state, and when you wake up the next day they’re more doting than usual. They’ll tease a little about how you’re sore and still just a little out of it, but that doesn’t mean they’re not checking on you and being extra attentive.
- The times when it’s all of you together but in a more romantic way, it’s like being surrounded by pure love. Everyone’s kissing, you’re all tangled together, it’s just really soft and intimate. Doesn’t last as long, but it’s insanely sweet and gooey. When finished, there’s lots of soft caring/cleaning up/cuddling for a while but it doesn’t have the same insane recovery time as usual. After everyone’s taken care of, the guys like to try pretending everything is normal, but it’s obvious they’re more clingy than usual. Definitely all sleeping together in a pile on nights like that.
- Sometimes one will join in just for aftercare. Kei enjoys seeing you a fucked-out little mess, so he’s always happy to help if it means he can see you destroyed for a minute first. Dabi likes the feeling of being needed and being able to care for someone, so he’ll help, especially cleaning you up and getting you dressed. Tomura loves the way you cling after, and likes to cuddle and nap, so he’ll come in late to the aftercare just for that.
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shotofire · 3 years
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Levi Ackerman x F!Reader
Overview: Levi is a butler for your family, and you can’t help but fancy him
Warnings: Cursing, pushy parents, angst, smut, fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, age gap (legal of course), that filthy talk (mild), hair pulling, slight choking
Requested by @heyyharuhi (thank you for this request, as soon as i read the idea i started on it)
Okay, i’m going to admit.... i’m too lazy to proof read this. Work is kicking my ass and i just want to sleep. hopefully i didn’t fuck up too bad. I tend to type faster than my mind is thinking... so i apologize in advance for the typos. enjoy :)
The room is hot, almost enough to make ones skin feel as if it’s on fire. Maybe that had to do with the anger everyone at the dinner table is feeling. The scrunching face of your father and mother as the look of disbelief is spread across their features. Not to mention how silent it is, so uncomfortably silent. The sound of your fork scraping across the table is all that can be heard.
Your father takes in a deep breath, eyes closing in utter frustration. “Tell me again why you don’t like this boy? He’s taken you out to dinner several times now, and has been very kind to our family,” you can only roll your eyes at your fathers words. All they care about is setting you up with a wealthy stuck up man, not someone who will bring happiness. “And every time he flirted with the waitress,” you snap, “also, he has horrible manners.”
It’s sad the situation you’re in, really. This has been going in the family for years, the children not getting to choose who they marry. Of course they could’ve rejected and rejected until their parents gave up, but no one has been able to push through. Your mother is a perfect example with having to marry your father. A stuck up man who you’ve never even seen smile at your mother, it’s saddening. “The man has money, lots of it, and you know how much we’re struggling right now,” your mother says with the same look of disbelief.
The double doors to the dining room swing open, making the conversation come to a pause. There he stood, your butler, with a tray of freshly poured drinks. He has the same expressionless look as always as he strides over to the table setting each cup down. As his body stands close to yours, you can’t help but take in how good he smells. Yes it may come off as creepy, but you’d never encountered a man who smelled so fresh. Like a flower garden.
“Thank you, Levi,” you say with a small smile. Your parents never thank him or even acknowledge him and it pisses you off. The man must be in a horrible situation financially if he’s willing to put up with your parents. They always complain about money yet have maids, chefs, and butlers. As if they can’t do anything for themselves. Levi nods at you with a small smirk in reply before exciting the room.
The rest of dinner goes in, filled with arguments and insults. Just a regular night in this family. It’s frustrating, really, how your parents only care about money. They don’t even care for you, or even themselves. All the two want is to appear rich to everyone else. It’s all about image, that’s it. Why care about those things when you can have love and happiness? That’s all you’ve ever wanted.
Since you were a teen, your parents have been shoving stuck up boy after stuck up boy in your direction. Each one has bragged about their live’s, and how women love them. None have even bothered to ask you a personal question. To get to know you in anyway. Each one saw women as a pretty thing to wear on their arms for public gatherings. And any other time you’d just be seen as another maid to them, it’s the sad truth.
Women are pushed around by men, especially in this life style. All that matters is money and looks. Love won’t get your name respected by others, that’s the power of money. The people you call your parents have never been affectionate towards one another, not that you’ve ever witnessed. It’s not wonder they only ended up having one child. Usually by this age, in your family at least, people are married. Some even have a kid of their own on the way. But you just keep rebelling until they give up, that’s what you’re hoping for.
It’s late now and the hallways are dimly lit, not a sound to be heard. At times like this your mind wanders. Thinking about Levi, which isn’t a good idea. Sure he’s really good looking, but there’s no way he could be interested. When he’d first started coming around, a few months ago, you immediately wanted to get closer to him. Then you learned of his age which was something you definitely weren’t expecting. The man looked around the same age as you.
The sound of a faint hum can be heard from down the hall. It sounds like it’s coming from the living area. As you round the corner you see him standing there. Levi sat on the couch with a book perched in his hands, the lamp lit up next to him. His eyes move to your frame and jumps at your presence. The maids and butlers have their own area of the home to stay in during the night, which is really shitty may you add. He shouldn’t be here during this time. If your parents were to see him there they’d throw a fit.
Before he could react you’re walking towards him, sitting next to him on the red sofa. “What are you reading?” Levi is at a loss for words, really, this has his heart racing. Yet he manages to choke out, “Just some cheap poetry book.” The two of you had only talked a handful of times, and it was never real conversation. The man has always found you beautiful and can’t believe you haven’t gotten married yet. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” You ask and he lets out a small laugh, “Couldn’t you ask yourself that?”
Levi feels his chest tighten as you move closer to him, looking at the pages of his book. This whole things was off to him. The man had never seen you in anything but a dress, yet here you were in nothing but a shirt and shorts. He always imagined you to sleep in some sort of fancy silk nightgown. And yes, he thinks about what you wear to bed. He has scolded himself for where his mind has gone to thinking about you, but he can’t help himself. You’ve always been so kind to him.
“You should let me borrow this book sometime,” you say with a small smile. You’re inches away from his face now, eyes peering into one another’s. “Of course,” he gulps. The room fell silent. He isn’t sure if he is reading this moment correctly. One thing he is sure of is he’s definitely not the type of man you need to get caught up with. As this thought crosses his mind he’s quick to stand up off the sofa. “It’s getting late, I should get to bed.” Before you can say a word, he’s walking out of the room.
Complete and utter failure. That was your chance to get closer to him and you ended up scaring him off. Did you come across too forward? Sure you’d gotten rather close to him but you didn’t that that was too far. Was it? You let out a loud huff before falling face first into a pillow, groaning into it.
You were just a young girl who couldn’t decide her future, what could you possibly offer him? He’s older and has his shit figured out, it seems like it at least. As you mentally scold yourself for embarrassing yourself, Levi is in his room doing the same exact thing. He has found you breathtaking from day one and constantly wanted to get to know you. Then the moment you two are alone he panicked.
The man is grown, almost forty, and has been with countless women. Not to brag, he’s just never been one for settling. Then here comes a girl, younger and less experienced than him yet he’s the one choking up. Maybe it was the thought of your parents finding out that got the best of him. They may actually die of shock if they knew you even talked to him in the way you did, in your sweet voice. Or worse, they’d kill Levi themselves.
The next day rolls around, then the next, and so on. It seems like Levi is avoiding you to the furthest extent that he can and it’s really pissing you off. You don’t think he’s required to like you, but you’re still kind to him. You still try and brighten his day with a smile or a simple, “how are you?” Yet he won’t even stick around long enough for you to ask. Did you make him that uncomfortable? You’d rather hear him reject you then have this awkwardness floating in the air.
Knowing that you could’ve possibly made him feel uncomfortable really started to eat at your conscious. For awhile you stopped wandering the halls at night searching for him. Most of the times, after the first encounter, he’d hurry off at the first sight of you. Even through all of this your desire for him only seems to grow more intense.
Why did he have to be so damn attractive?
You lay in your bed, looking up at the ceiling. Levi is the only thing on your mind. It’s hard to not wonder what he’s doing on late nights like this. On a Sunday, your parents off doing business in town. No one here to boss him or the other workers around.Maybe he got scared off thinking of your parents catching you two so close that night, of course that’s something you keep telling yourself.
Being stuck in your home not allowed anywhere always eats away at you. Being here wasn’t something you enjoyed any day, but actually being told you can’t leave makes you feel crazy. When your parents are away they think the maids and butlers are going to pocket the entire house and run off. But you know each staff member well enough to come to the conclusion that they’d never do such a thing. If only your parents would listen to you when saying this, maybe you wouldn’t be trapped in here.
When they’re off doing business or whatnot, the staff takes that as their full opportunity to get some good sleep. Just be able to relax. Your parents always have them on the go it seems, until the sun goes down. Sometimes, most of the time, even later than that. They’ll see a book out of place and call for a maid instead of doing it themselves.
The staff has always been fond of you from the beginning. Some of the older maids watched you as a little girl. You’d always beg them to help clean or just be around them. As you grew older, you stopped asking to help and went ahead and did it anyway. If you notice they happen to miss something, which is rare, you’ll grab a duster or a broom and finish the job. It breaks your heart when your parents treat them to harshly.
That’s one of the many reasons Levi is so fond of you. Even after being raised by such pigs you still managed to be your own person. To be kind. He’d worked for other wealthy families in the past and usually every member was horrid, and treated him like dirt. Then he came here and met you, a sweet girl who loves to help.
Levi remembers when he was first joined the staff at your home. It was very hectic. He didn’t expect your parents to need such assistance. Usually families would try and do some things for themselves, but no. It seems your parents need their hands held constantly like children. It was a lot to handle at once, but you made it easier for him.
You helped him set appointments, organize, or any other unpredictable needs. He didn’t talk much, but he still made it very apparent that he appreciated all of your help. Moments like those were when you would look at him and just be in awe of his beauty. To you he was like a prince. So charming and kind, his looks are just a bonus.
You find yourself rising to your feet and leaving your room. The sun has already set and the stars are lighting up the sky. Your home is quiet now, somewhat peaceful without your parents. Without thinking, you’re in the hall walking through the darkness. Your fingers trace along the wall as your toes gently push into the carpet. You’d hate to wake anyone up this late.
As if your body knows something before you do, your stomach begins to have slight butterflies before rounding the corner into the living area. Would Levi even be up this late? it’s much later than the times he’s usually out here reading. As you turn the corner your eyes land on him and you take a silent breath, that you can’t help but hold onto for a second longer.
On the sofa sits Levi. His hair is clutched between a few of his fingers as his eyes squint at the book he’s reading, almost frustrated it seems. Instead of saying anything and scaring him off you swiftly walk to him and sit yourself down. He lets out a small, ‘ah’ at your presence, not expecting you, and you can’t help but let out a small giggle at his reaction.
“What? Not happy to see me?” The sweet smile on your face makes a blush rise to his cheeks. Of course he’s happy to see you, even if he can be complicated sometimes. “Uh, no. Not that, just didn’t expect you up so late.” That’s truly what it is. He came out here with a full expectation that you, and everyone else, would be fast asleep. “I guess we’re both night people, huh?” You shove at him lightly with your arm and he smirks.
There’s a silence that falls over you two, but it’s not uncomfortable. You can’t help but move a bit closer to him, the situation feeling all too familiar. This time Levi isn’t tensing up, or moving away. If anything, you’re pretty sure he moves closer to you ass well. “What are you reading this time?” Your sweet voice makes him shiver.
His eyes scan over your features, sticking to your lips for a little too long. This doesn’t go unnoticed by you. “Just some romance novel I picked up, it’s sorta frustrating to read.” “How so?” Your eyes sparkle in interest. Your bodies are so close, just the side of your leg pressed up against his has his heart racing. That and the fact you look beautiful right now.
“They both like each other and won’t act upon it, and it just keeps getting drawn out. All it is is boring conversation and hearing their thoughts. They should just kiss already.” He watches as your face moves closer to his, lip sinking into your bottom lip. “I think they should just kiss already, too.”
That’s all it takes for Levi to close the gap in-between you two. Your arms come up to wrap around his neck, while his hands have already started grabbing at your waist. His touch sends electricity through you. You’d only been with a few men, and Levi was already making you feel a knot in your stomach that you’d never felt before. It was a good feeling.
A feeling of excitement.
One of his, rather big, hands trail up your spine causing you to shiver at his touch. The hand goes all the way up until it reaches the base of your neck, tangling in your hair. You can’t stop yourself from moaning into the bruising kiss as his fingers tug at your locks. He smirks, and you feel it. His other hand squeezes your thigh, sending a jolt right to your heat.
Levi pulls back to examine your face, rosy cheeks and eyes half open. “Fuck, you’re breathtaking,” he cursed before diving back in. This time his lips are attack your neck, nibbling and licking as you let out high pitched sighs.
This is all happening so fast, but you love it. There is so much built up tension between the two of you and it’s all coming out. You can’t stop yourself from tugging at his shirt, a whine falls from your lips. There’s no telling how many times you’ve dreamed of seeing this man without a shirt on. He follows your complies and pulls the shirt over his head, exposing the pure glory beneath. Yes, glory.
You stare for a good moment. He’s so fit, more than you imagined. “Like what you see?” He teases with a cocky smile. “More than like, I could look at you all day.” The blush that spreads across his face doesn’t go unnoticed by you. He looks into your eyes and his hands snake under your shirt, slightly pushing you backwards until your back meets the sofa. He’s above you now, with a shit-eating grin.
When his fingers make contact with your chest he can’t help but bite his lip. You don’t have a bra on. “Do you want me as much as I want you?” You’re about to answer his question, but his fingers brush against your nipples. The action makes you let out a soft gasp at the feeling. “What was that?” He asks with that same cocky smirk, “Use your words princess.”
The pet name just sends you for another loop. “Yes,” you manage to get out, “I want you.” He presses his lips to yours, then your neck again, before discarding of your shirt. His soft lips trace down you stomach with light feathery kisses, making your breathing become uneven. His fingers loop in the waist ban of your shorts before pulling them down your legs, tossing them in some random direction.
Everything happening has your head spinning. In the best way possible, of course. His mouth is hovering about your clothes core now, it’s enough to drive you mad. Your excitement is visible on your underwear. “So wet,” he coos, his breath fanning against you. He takes off the last item on your body, leaving you bare.
For a second you want to close your legs when the shyness kicks in, but Levi acts quick. His lips attack to your clit in an instant, and your fingers fly to his hair. Tangling and pushing him closer into you. His mouth is like magic. “Fuck-“ you cut yourself off with a moan. His tongue moves up and down your slit, circling your clit. Your eyes practically roll into the back of your head.
His finger comes up to circle your entrance before pushing its way in. The way he’s working with his mouth and fingers had you seeing stars. “I’m gonna-“ right before you finish he completed stops his actions. Of course he just had to be a little shit.
“You’re going to come on my cock,” he says with a smile. Just his words alone have your stomach turning. He lines himself up with you before pushing forward slowly. You hiss at the pain, never ever have you been with someone this big. He halts his actions at the sound you make, but you’re quick to beg for me. “No, keep going, please don’t stop!”
He slams into you and you hold back a scream. The pain quickly turns into pleasure as his hips start to slam into yours. “How does that feel princess?” Him and that damn pet name again. “So, So good,” you manage to get out. Unexpectedly, his hand comes up to wrap around your throat, pressing lightly. Your eyes just about light up when he brushes against that spot.
He must of saw the sparkle in your eyes, so he does the same movement. Over, over, and over again. It doesn’t take long before you’re coming undone around him, shaking and vision blurring. His movements continue until he’s coming inside of you, deep grunts escaping his mouth. The only sound is heavy breathing as Levi lays on top of your chest.
“Do you want to go to my room and cuddle?”
Levi looks at you with a childish grin. “of course.”
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
→ man in my dreams (PT 2) bucky b x f!reader
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inspired by @demonsandmischief 's story something special
↪link to their story: something special part one link to part one of this story: man in my dreams PT1
↪ when you go to sleep at night, you have dreams of a man. A man that you have sworn to have seen once before in your life, every morning you try to write down everything you remembered about him from the dream but the only thing you could remember was blue eyes. You didn't know what the dreams meant but you knew that it had to be something to do with him, until one dream changed everything.
"you're that man in my dreams..."
warnings / other notes
↪delusions, its also confusing but to me I understood it.
↪you might need to keep an eye out for the POV change cause its one of those one, and i dont know if there is alot because i didnt reread this or edit it.
↪ the grey lines are a sign of scenery or pov change if you don't like this pov idc im bored
This dream, it was different. It was normal, sort of. It actually was hydra so I suppose it wasnt normal. who was that girl? TELL ME the old man from before yelled, he was in a computer room full of men.
They had my photo she's an ex shield agent, age 24 a man said, no no no. This cannot be good. what's her name he asked and everyone in the room shrugged it only gives us her skills sir, but it is very vague a man poked his head out FIND HER NOW the man yelled she could potentially ruin the whole scheme.
I wanted to wake up, leave this mess but then an arm grabbed me. I turn around jump to see "Bucky?" I ask surprised "What are you doing here?" I ask grabbing his arms to see if he wasn't a figment of my imagination "Maybe I should have read your file" he mumbled.
"Told you" I say walking around "Can they see us?" he asks and i shake my head "we are ghosts, our conscience and our bodies are seperated i think" I say "where are we" he asks following quickly behind me.
"Hydra, this is what I'm talking about" I mumble pointing to the projector screen in another room running towards it "I tried finding hints, clues maybe last time but when I hung up on you I was fully immersed in where ever they were, body and everything so they know me" I say Bucky runs up to me.
"you're telling me your like a super freak?" he asked "there are nicer ways to put it but I think I am" I say looking at the projector project winter soldier "THERE" I yell as if it wasn't bold enough.
"winter soldier" I mumble "they can't be doing this again" Bucky said "don't worry, I've done the whole mind control thing to, its easy to break out of in the next 24 hours but any longer than that back to wakanda you go" I say.
I turn to Bucky "these things don't last long so go find anything and memorise it" I say and he nods running off, I wondered the projector room noticing that the projector had been left on with nobody in the room.
The projector then changed to a security footage picture of me INTERFERENCE: KILL "great" I laugh "as if I wasn't on their shit list five years ago" I mumble.
I go to walk through a wall when suddenly, I walk straight in to the wall causing a loud thud "what the fuck" I say rubbing my nose looking down to see that my whole body was there "shit shit shit" I say.
Closing my eyes hoping to go back "y/n?" Bucky's voice he sounded so close yet so far "oh god now I know how creepy this is" I look around "this is the second time" I mumble looking at my hands.
I grab the tablet connected to the projector closing it and fitting it in to my pocket, surprisingly.
A guy walks in "oh god it's too early for this" I mumble, the guy pulls out a gun and knife shooting his gun instantly without aim before slashing my arm. I squat missing the bullet by a few inches running up to the guy grabbing his head and smashing it into my knee hearing a crack when they collided "why does this always happen to me" I groan running to hide under the table.
"how did you just kill him from doing that?" Bucky asks, god he had a lot of questions "I don't know, I've got the strength of my mother and the skills of my father and thats a great combo" I say as men come rushing into the room.
"please please please please" I say closing my eyes, finding my center before standing up and phasing through the table I was under, turning to see Bucky I hug him, relieved to not be dead.
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Sitting up from my bed I rub my head, my arm was aching as if the wound from the stab had actually rubbed off on my body. Checking my left arm I notice my shirt covered in blood, but it didn't hurt.
Making my way to the kitchen to grab some medical supplies I remembered Bucky was sleeping on the couch. "are you awake?" I asked and he sat up "no, i'm not" he said with a smile and I smile back as he lays back down.
Reaching for the top cabinet I grab my first aid kit taking it over to my dining room table, taking my shirt off revealing my bra "i'm partially naked so dont look" I said "what happened that makes you take your top off in the kitchen, you know the couch basically looks into the dining room" I say slightyl turning my head to see his eyes closed.
"I forgot" I mumbled wiping the wound "it turns out, i was actually sort of stabbed" I said and he opened his eyes "what" he says "HEY EYES" I yell as we both chuckle "I don't care if your eyes are open, its human anatomy and your old so you've seen plenty of half naked women" I say and he smiles gently looking at me (gif)
He gets up walking over to the dining table sitting opposite of me as I show him my arm. He grabs it gently "i can't really see it so if I patch it up weirdly, i'll live" I say "i'll do it" he says getting up to sit next to me, he gently grabs my arm again wiping the area once more as it continued to bleed, I look at his dog tags as they hung from his neck.
He gets a rag and tells me to hold it over whilst he looks through the first aid kit pulling out ointment, he grabs the rag off me applying the ointment softly as I wince at the pain, pulling out the gauze and wrapping it around my arm.
"too tight?" he asked gently looking up and I shake my head smiling, I don't know what it was about Bucky but he made me feel safe for the first time since my parents were alive.
"thanks" I say and he nods "so that was crazy" I continue and he chuckles "I would say its the weirdest thing thats happened to me in the past few months" he says packing up the first aid box "i doubt that" I say.
"seriously it is, i'm a ghost like how?" he chuckles "can I read my file?" I asked and he nods "yeah its over here" he says getting up walking over to a bag and pulling out a thick file "that can't be mine" I say staring at it and he shrugs nodding "it is" he chuckles.
Sitting down next to me he hands it to me "why is it thicker than me that's unfair" I say jokingly and Bucky laughs quietly, opening the file I see a picture of me with my name crossed out and changed to an alias.
"wow this is what they call a superpower" I mumble skimming through the pages. Buck stared at me with a smile, although I acted like I didn't notice I certainly did.
"mind alteration, what part of this is mind alteration" I say. The file read mind alteration as a power.
"This is why you should've read it Buck" I say flipping the file to show him the document of my fighting history "seven pages long?" he says and I nod "you were a shield agent" he asked and I nod "before it was infested with rats of course, I was 17 when I got my first mission" I said as he grabbed the file reading it "so young" he whispered.
"flip a couple of pages, continue reading it but out loud" i say getting up putting the first aid kit back.
"(y/n's alias) is able to see a threat to herself or another specifically in her sleep. Although she forgets by the next day, when a threat is detected she is able to remember again. When she notices that the threat is coming she is able to interact and touch objects before going back into a ghost like state, she is able to take another with her intentionally or not" he said.
"Wait so I took you with me? How is that even possible?" I ask "it doesn't say" he says as I use my espresso machine to make two coffees, Sam and Zemo were still asleep since it was only 6am.
"(y/n's alias) has a special connection with Hydra, that has been unknown to SHIELD for her whole life." he continued "SHIELD thinks that she is not in control of such powers yet she has proven us wrong more than multiple times at the age of 19" he says smirking.
"Kill Count of person listed above, 1,297" he says "not proud of it but i had to survive" I say "so you are like an assassin" he asked "I don't know, SHIELD wouldn't let me kill when I was 17 but I insisted I found it thrilling to be honest" I say handing him a cup of coffee and he smiles "thanks"
"Near Deaths of person listed above 23" he said slowly "yeah because men didn't have manners to let the woman go first" I mumble "but now they are 6 feet under" I sip my coffee.
We continue to read through my file, Bucky reading it and me commenting on each statement.
Sam and Zemo eventually come out hours later greeting us when they do "what are you guys doing up so early" Sam asks groggily "I just woke up and he was up so I got him to read my file" I say with a smile "about time, I had been trying to get him to read it on the trip here" Sam said and Bucky shoots him a look "y/n don't you feel threatened with that look?" Zemo asks.
"look man, Bucky isn't scare let alone his face which is probably one of his many handsome features no thanks to any of you may i add" I stand up grabbing both cups putting them in the dishwasher.
"snarky" Zemo said sitting at the table "time to explain I guess, sit" I say to Sam pointing at the chair.
I walk over to the end of the table "alright so I have been seeing your every moves, visiting Sarah, breaking freak show over here out, going to Madripoor, then Greece, all the fighting" I say and they all nod.
"then I saw hydra, once again planning to kidnap Bucky and turn him back into the winter soldier but they still think that you're in Greece. Last night they had this" I say pulling out the tablet from my pocket.
"what is it" Sam asks and I look over to Bucky "their project plan" he says "how do you know?" Sam asks again "Because somehow I took Bucky with me to hydra land and although he remained in a ghost like state, I didn't and almost died because I didn't stretch" I say handing Sam the tablet.
"great they have a photo of you and some random ass name" Same says and I nod "SHIELD protects my identity as service from my parents death, they kinda owe me it" I shrug "they put their plan in a tablet" Zemo said and I nod.
"they had a whole room of plans but that one was on a projector so I took it" I say going into the kitchen "shoot i forgot to go grocery shopping" I whisper to myself before turning around with a smile "so we have another passenger coming along" Zemo says "more friends more fun" he says.
"We aren't your friends, you have information, we need it" Bucky says giving a menacing look towards Zemo who sighs. Sam continues to look through the tablet "I need a shower" I mumble and wave goodbye before walking to my room and then the shower.
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Bucky's POV She left the room to go for a shower and I continue to read through her file "do you think she's telling the truth" Zemo said and I look up "She's been more useful and truthful in the past 10 hours than you have in the past 10 months" I mumbled looking back down.
"ah I see" Zemo said, irritated I look back up "you've taken a liking towards this girl" he points at me "cut it out or I'll put you both in time out" Sam says and I roll my eyes.
Her file was messy, the information all muddled up and all over the place. Her birth year altered to make her 32, her name changed to an alias.
For a 24 year old she sure had alot to know about her, but, unlike me she seemed content with herself. Not uneasy about who she was or what her past was, I wish I could've been like that.
"Wow she sure is good" Sam says "Bucky is right Zemo, she has proven more useful and she's only a poor innocent girl" Sam continued then I smirk looking up before looking back down to the file flipping the page.
Her powers, they were new to this world, to be frank they weren't of this world if they connected her to something she has no interest in. I flip the page again.
Then I read it, about her parents. The death of her parents on a SHIELD mission, eliminated by the winter soldier. I clear my throat adjusting my seating position, my heart sunk to the bottom of my chest.
The girl that I started to care for, her parents died and it was all my fault. "you didn't think to tell me that i killed her parents" I say looking up "it's not your fault" she says walking in drying her hair with a towel throwing the gauze in the bin before pulling the first aid kit down again, it was due for a change so I guess it was perfect time for her to shower.
"i still did it" I mumble uncomfortably "no that wasn't you, it's hydras thats why I want them all dead maybe if they weren't so obsessed with ridding the world of good people they would still be alive but it happens to the best of us" she smiled sweetly to me.
She walked into the living room sitting on the sofa pulling out her phone trying to reapply the ointment, I get up and walk over sitting next to her "you're getting it everywhere" I mumble, she smiled handing me the ointment "it's not your fault Bucky, its theirs and I'm sure my mum and dad would agree with me" she continued and I nod.
I reapplied the ointment pulling out a new roll of gauze cutting it and then rewrapping her arm. "Thank you" she smiled and I nod getting up to sit back at the table and I see Zemo and Sam staring at me with a smile "shall we go back to Greece now, we do have business there" Zemo said.
"fine pack your things jailbird" Sam said as we all get up "y/n are you coming?" Sam asked her and she shook her head "i'd love to but I love making money and I'm about three hours late I think" she cleared her throat and I look at her, her eyes shift from Sam to me.
"on second thought" she said as I smirk "ill be packing" she says point at the hallway running down to her room. "wow one look at you and she's in, did you finally get it out of your sy-" "what no, sam lets not we are on a mission" I clear my throat looking at him before putting the file back in my bag, Sam and Zemo had left to go wait in the car.
Twenty minutes pass and I walk down the hallway knocking on her door "hm yup" she yells "you ok? there's a lot of rattling going on" I ask "oh yeah im just finding clothes to get ruined in combat because it seems i've dragged myself into this" she says chuckling after her comment "come in Bucky" she says and I slowly open the door to see her floor covered in clothes with her in the middle of the floor sitting down.
"wow" I say surprised leaning against the door. "yeah i know alot of clothes" she mumbles pushing her hair back since it was in her face "is it cold in Greece" she asked and I shake my head "it's summer" I say "oh god Buck you don't understand how much I love Greece" she says excitedly.
She started packing shorts and tights in her bag along with a bunch of black tshirts "you have a lot of black tshirts" I say and
she nods "yeah i literally only wear black" she chuckles.
We continue to talk whilst she packs her clothes and eventually she finished clapping her hands with a big beautiful smile.
"alright lets go" she says grabbing he bag struggling in the process "how is it heavy?" I laugh "I packed a few... other things?" she shrugged "like?" I ask and she sighs.
"A few guns, maybe like a knife or seven and then a few asthma inhalers" she pauses humming "a maybe like a metal bat" she says laughing "right" I chuckled grabbing the bag off her "lock up" I say as we exit her apartment.
"did i pack my phone charger?" I nod and she smiles "alright im out this bitch" she says locking the door and we walk to the elevator "why am i like so interested in you?" she asked bluntly immediately covering her mouth.
"did I just say that out loud" she says and I nod laughing, this was probably the most I had laughed in a while and I must say it was more than refreshing "uh yeah" I said "that's never happened to me before, i was only thinking it" she says awkwardly.
"you were thinking it?" I ask as the elevator door opens "yeah I was maybe" she clears her throat "FINALLY" Sam yells and I roll my eyes. Carrying both my bag and hers I put it in the boot of the car opening the door for her as she smiles.
"Zemo sit in the front" Sam says "What why?" Zemo says and I roll my eyes once more "because you're just creepy and they like you more than me" y/n says and Sam nods agreeing with her.
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After a whole day we finally made it to Greece, we were in a car then in Zemo's jet then in another car and now we are in the beautiful house that Bucky and Sam were in just yesterday.
"This place is far more beautiful than the way I saw it before" I say walking inside, the house was like a mansion. I suppose it was "I can give you a tour" Sam suggested and I nod "sure" I smile following Sam.
We walk upstairs and he shows the bedrooms "there are five bedrooms so you can pick one of those two" he says and I nod we walk out to a balcony "there's the pool and I assume you've seen the main room" he says and I nod "yeah" I say.
We walk back down to the living room, Bucky was watching TV, Zemo was reading my file... again. I start to feel dizzy, my head spinning "not again" I mumble clearing my throat and Bucky turns his head looking back at me jumping up to catch me as I fall.
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Great, I'm back here.
Nevermind. Where am I?
This place was new, full of computers and servers. A teenage girl, touching a stone a yellow stone.
Is that Me?
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I have a request. :) What if coops were watching a scary movie together and Sirius is getting actually scared so he is just trying not to watch and cuddle into Remus instead. But he is too embarrassed to ask Remus to turn it off so he just tries to suffer through it. You can decide if you want Remus to notice and turn it off and comfort him or not. Thank you for all of your amazing writing!
This is such a cute ask, and lots of fun to write! Thanks for suggesting it <3 Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Hattie is mine!
TW for mentioned blood and gore (in the movie) and general fear
“That’s a lot of blood,” Remus remarked.
Personally, Sirius thought that was a bit of an understatement considering the gorefest happening on the screen, but he had been terrified into silence twenty minutes before and simply nodded in response.
The shrieking, wailing, and rending of various body parts continued. Hattie whined and buried her nose further into the small of his back. Smart girl, Sirius thought, cuddling just slightly closer to Remus’ side. The horror movie had been a last-minute, pick something or we’ll both be frustrated decision—now, an hour into the worst television experience of his life, he regretted every choice he had made that led them to this spot.
He turned to place a kiss just below Remus’ ear. If it also served to hide his face from the literal demonic entity that just popped out of nowhere…well, that was nobody’s business but his own. “Hey, I’m kinda tired,” he mumbled, though every nerve was alight with fear and he wasn’t sure his eyelids would ever shut again.
“Oh?” Remus kept his gaze on the screen. I love you, but you confuse and terrify me.
“Mhmm. How much is left?”
Remus picked up the remote; half a second before he paused, one of the lead characters got fucking stabbed in the back by something that had not been there mere moments earlier. Sirius jolted, stifling a shout of surprise. Remus remained absolutely still. “Whew, that was a good one,” he said mildly as Sirius struggled to regain control of his stuttering heartbeat. “Just under fifty minutes left.”
Why am I doing this? Sirius wondered internally. I have nothing to prove.
“The effects are pretty impressive, huh?”
Sirius hummed vague assent.
“No CGI or anything. Pretty cool.”
“No, yeah, definitely.”
Bones weren’t supposed to do that. Kids certainly weren’t supposed to bend like that. Sirius’ mouth was drier than desert sand and he gave up on dignity, squishing himself as close as possible under the safe haven of Remus’ arm. “The, uh—” Remus was interrupted by a blood-curdling scream that froze Sirius from the inside out. He cleared his throat. “The—I heard the director has been trying to make this for ages. It was in the newspaper last week and everything.”
“Was it?” Sirius’ voice sounded weak even to his own ears.
“Uh-huh.” Please keep talking, please keep talking, please keep talking. “Sorry, I’m probably ruining this for you.”
“No, you’re all good.” You are the only thing keeping me from crawling under the blankets with the dog.
They lapsed back into silence and Sirius squeezed his eyes shut as what was left of the main group turned their backs to the basement. The creepy-ass door was going to open—yep, there’s the creak—and then they were going to go down the rickety staircase, and then everyone was either going to die or be traumatized for life. No matter how formulaic it was, Sirius still felt ice trickle down his spine.
The next forty-five minutes passed at a glacial pace. More blood than Sirius could have imagined spattered the set, and he had stopped trying to follow the plot entirely so he could zone out instead. “Ready for bed?” Remus asked as the credits rolled, sounding entirely unfazed. Hattie crawled into their laps with a soft snuffle. “Oh, lovey, were you scared?”
Yes. “Poor thing,” Sirius cooed with as much control as he could muster, lifting her up to hide his shaky arms. Remus ducked into the kitchen to put away the popcorn bowl; as soon as he was out of earshot, Sirius leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You and me both, ma petite. You’re sleeping on the bed with us tonight.”
“What?” Remus called from the kitchen.
“Oh, nothing.” He set Hattie down. “I’ll be upstairs when you’re done.”
Sirius made it to the base of the staircase, then paused. The hallway at the top was dark; fear prickled the back of his neck. There’s no such thing as demons, he told himself, grabbing the bannister. His palms were sweating. Nothing to be afraid of. “Honey?”
“Merde!” he yelped, letting go as if it had burned him.
Remus gave him a look of alarm. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just—” He flailed a hand around, pulse pounding in his throat. “Just thought I saw a spider. Startled me.”
He turned the lights on as soon as they reached the landing. Sirius had never been so grateful for the power of modern electricity. The hall was just as they had left it, looking ridiculously normal and unthreatening—embarrassment reddened his cheeks as he changed into his pajamas. Scared of your own house? Really?
Well, that wasn’t quite true—he wasn’t scared of the house itself, just the murderous entities that may or may not be living in the dryer vents. That was all.
He was feeling better until Remus turned the lights off and slipped into bed beside him, leaning over for a ‘goodnight’ kiss. “Sleep well, baby,” he said, resting his temple on Sirius’ shoulder.
“Love you.”
The trees swaying outside looked like long, bony fingers; if he concentrated, he could hear low weeping in the wind. Sirius felt an irrational fear rise when he tried to close his eyes and focus on Remus’ slow breaths—what if he woke up and there was something in the doorway? What if he had nightmares? What if his fear wasn’t irrational at all, and there was an omen he was missing—
“Yeah?” he whispered back.
Remus hesitated, then exhaled through his nose. “Can we turn the light on?”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Sirius said around a sigh of relief. “Yes. Also, please never suggest a horror movie ever again.”
“I hate them,” Remus confessed as they sat up. “I saw a commercial for The Conjuring in seventh grade and had nightmares for two full months.”
“Why did you recommend it?”
“I thought you liked them!”
“I was about to hide under the couch!” Sirius laughed, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. “Mon dieu, that was the w—holy shit!”
The fuzzy thing under his foot made a high-pitched noise and moved; Sirius scrambled back with a strangled shout, nearly toppling them both over the other side. Remus clung to him as they both shrieked in sheer panic until the only sound was their heavy breathing. The shadow by the edge of the bed shifted again, then whined.
Sirius groaned, releasing his death grip. “Really, Hat Trick?”
“You’re kidding.”
“Viens ici.” He patted the side of the bed and the blob of inky black hopped up, then settled at the foot of the bed with an indignant huff. “Did I step on you?”
Hattie grumbled and stretched her long body across the mattress. Remus turned the bedside lamp on, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. “Well, that was mortifying.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep, but I don’t really want to go back downstairs.”
Remus laid on his back and held out his arms. “Cuddles?”
“You read my mind.”
They snuggled up to each other as tight as they could, leaving only a sliver of space between their bodies as Hattie warmed their feet. Sirius kissed the top of Remus’ head once before closing his eyes once more; they laid in silence for a moment longer, then let out twin sighs as he pulled the covers all the way up to their necks to create a cocoon of warmth and safety. The soft glow of the lamp chased away the shadows, and within a few minutes he fell into a dreamless sleep.
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folkloreguk · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror (m)
A/N: I will never ever determine which body type the reader has, but I want every single one of you to know that it’s okay to feel empowered by the way your nude body looks, you’re absolutely beautiful and no size is a limit to how sexy you can be!!! You go queens!
words: ~5.4 (I’m sorry idk how to write short things anymore asdfgh)
genre: smut, optional bias (male) x reader (female), kinda fwb??, sexting
[H/N means “his name”]
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There’s no feeling quite like the one of trying on your new clothes that just arrived in the mail and loving how they looked. Especially when said clothes were lingerie and you felt like you could conquer the world, even when you were just standing in front of your mirror at 7 pm after you had just stuffed your stomach with lasagna. And what better way to enjoy your happiness than to share it with your best friend?
In fact, you had two best friends. One, a girl who you could trust with your life, and two, a boy who knew all your deepest secrets. One of the central differences between the two was that you would never think about asking the former about his opinion on your new lingerie. You almost laughed at the mere thought while you went through your contacts list and selected your friend’s name and clicked ‘send’. “It’s new. How do I look?” you typed and sent quickly, before throwing your phone onto you bed. You were feeling sexy, but for the rest of the evening there was only one way you wanted to feel: Comfortable. So, you changed into your pajamas instead.
You wondered what she would say about your photo. Sending almost-nudes to your friend might have seemed odd, but for the two of you, it was a completely normal occurrence. You loved making sure you both felt beautiful and confident by complimenting each other. Happily, you walked back to your room after you had picked up some snacks in the kitchen. You grabbed your phone as you plopped down on your bed. While you stuffed a handful of crisps into your mouth, you unlocked your phone to check your messages. You had expected a text from your best girl friend, but instead you had received one from H/N, your best boy friend. Pure horror consumed you when you clicked on the chat and saw your almost-nude there. Sent at 7:01 pm. Seen at 7:05 pm. And worst of all, he had replied before you could have clarified the mistake.
H/N: Idk where this came from but…you’re hot
H/N: Okay that kinda offends me…you have a bf and didn’t tell me???
You: NO OMG THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING HELP…it was for GF/N just for fun!!!
H/N: Ohhh…in that case…
You watched the dots signaling that he was still writing while you were still wondering how you would ever look at him without getting embarrassed from now on. It wasn’t like the two of you never talked about sex. In fact, he knew a lot about what you liked and didn’t like in the bedroom. Not because he had witnessed it. But thanks to multiple sleep overs with late-night conversations, when your lips became a little loose, you had discussed more sexual topics than you had ever dreamt of. Your cheeks were still feeling hot when you received another text.
H/N: How do I look?
Without missing a beat, he had attached a photo of him. Shirtless. His hair was disheveled, as if he had just removed his shirt, which he probably had. His sweatpants hung low on his hips as he stood in front of a mirror. He had tilted his head a little, showing off his jawline while he gazed at the camera with hooded eyes. You felt more embarrassed with every second you kept staring at his body.
H/N: OMG sorry this wasn’t for you!!!!!
Now you could only laugh at his stupid message.
You: Stop making fun of me!!
H/N: I’m trying to make you feel better!! Do I not get a compliment?
You: Thanks and you look great…can we please NEVER bring this up in the future?
H/N: Sure if that’s what you want…but if you ever need someone to rate your underwear again you know where to find me
And he really kept his promise. The next time you hung out, he was joking about everything but your little accident. You were thankful. But not mentioning the memory didn’t automatically delete it from your brain. And that’s where your newest problem begun.
You had never really looked at him in a sexual way before – sure, you thought he was handsome – but after than one damned picture he had sent you, you seemed to see him in a completely different light. There were no romantic feelings involved. But something felt profusely wrong about the way you thought about sex when he reached for a glass on the highest kitchen shelf and a small part of his abs was revealed. Or the way you instinctively licked your lips when you watched him stretch his neck in front of you. Or how your head spun when he lifted his shirt to wipe away his sweat when you worked out together.
One day was particularly bad. He had asked you to go to the public pool together, and being his best friend, of course you had said yes. As expected, he made you laugh until you were crying, scream when he playfully wrestled you in the water and giggle when he chased you on the water slide. And yet, you couldn’t help but notice his body. You almost felt bad, but then again, it wasn’t like you adored his character any less. You simply had some added adoration for another part of him. What were you supposed to do when he looked this good acting out a comic character while you played charades in the water? You might have been laughing on the outside, but you could barely tear your eyes off his neck and chest. Lately, you realized, the amount of thoughts you spent on wanting to kiss him had become problematic to you.
When you returned home at night, you couldn’t deny feeling sexually frustrated. Not wanting to give in to the inappropriate thoughts about your best friend, you turned on a tv show to distract yourself. But before you knew it, you were spending more time looking at your phone than at the tv screen. At first you browsed social media, but somehow you mustn’t have payed enough attention to your unconscious mind. You had miraculously landed on his Instagram, and when that didn’t entertain you anymore, you found yourself going back to your text messages with him. When you started at the shirtless picture he had sent you, you regretted not deleting it and forgetting about it right away. You wondered if he could ever feel the same way about you. You didn’t need any romantic feelings from him, in fact, you had no interest in a relationship at the moment. But you had never wanted someone this bad before and it was driving you crazy. So, before you could have stopped yourself, you were typing a message to him.
You: what r u doing??
H/N: do you miss me already?
H/N: ok do you really wanna know?
You: shut up you usually message me first!! and yes I do
H/N: I was about to jack off but you interrupted me
You almost choked on nothing when you read his message. Pretending you didn’t care, you replied quickly.
You: oh no am I killing the mood?
H/N: I didn’t say that
You: ????
H/N: don’t take this the wrong way but if you ever thought about sending me nudes again now would be the time
You: are u crazy?? are you actually asking me for nudes rn
H/N: it was worth a try ok let’s go back to being best friends who would never hook up
If you were freaking out about his previous messages, this one made you lose your mind completely. What was he saying? As confused as you were, you were also equally as sexually frustrated as he seemed to be. So, without a second thought, you chose the latest underwear picture you had taken and sent it to H/N.
You: that’s the most you’ll get…I won’t send complete nudes
You stared at the three dots indicating that he was writing a message. It felt like five minutes had passed when he finally replied.
H/N: fuck you’re so hot
And then he sent another shirtless picture. His bulge was prominent against his pants and the sight of it didn’t exactly help you with the pent-up frustration inside of you. But maybe it didn’t need to, because apparently, he felt the same way about you. You wanted to tell him about it. But there was no way you would be sexting your best friend at 11 pm, horny and frustrated. You knew you’d regret it and you’d only end up being embarrassed the next day. With no idea what to send him instead, you opted for simply waiting to see if he would say something. But he didn’t. Whilst waiting, you looked at his picture again. His jawline, his shoulders, his abs…and his boner straining against his sweatpants. For a moment you wondered if he was thinking about you too. Was he imagining it was you who was touching him when his hand wrapped around his cock? The more you let your thoughts run free, the worse your frustration became. And before you knew it, your hand was between your legs.
The next day you went about your duties, trying hard to pretend the previous day had been nothing but a fever dream. Luckily, you weren’t going to see him for another few days, so you could already practice an explanation of why sending nudes to each other had been a crazy idea. You worried about whether you could ever be the same around him after what had happened. But no matter how hard you tried to come up with a good reason why you should never even mention it again, you couldn’t. You were best friends who found each other hot. So what? Things could be worse. By nighttime, you had changed your mind. You were in the process of getting ready for sleeping, when your phone vibrated on your nightstand. His name lit up the screen.
H/N: you up?
You: not for long…whats up
H/N: I’m sorry for what I said yesterday about us not hooking up and so on…I was tipsy and you know my loose lips when I’m drunk
You: there’s nothing you need to apologize for
H/N: I was being weird and creepy…you’re my best friend
You: and you’re mine…that doesn’t stop me from finding you attractive
H/N: so I didn’t creep you out asking you for nudes?
You: I sent them to you, didn’t I… so what do u think
H/N: btw…thanks for that
You: likewise
H/N: so you’d do it again?
You: you’re not drunk now are you?
H/N: no just horny
You: dude I was about to go to sleep
If this had been a random guy you were occasionally talking to, you would have declined the request right away. You were tired and didn’t exactly feel too confident in your physical state. Nonetheless, you walked over to your mirror, pulled your shirt up until your bare breasts were almost exposed, and snapped a picture. Maybe it was the fact that you knew he’d return the favor and send you something back, or the immense trust you had in him. Posing in different ways, you took a few more pictures before you jumped back onto your bed. Impulsively, you chose the pictures you liked best and sent them to your best friend.
You: the things I do for you
H/N: fuck you look so good
You: have you always thought like that about me?
H/N: have I always found you hot?
You: yeah
H/N: I mean I never not found you hot
You: thanks I guess??
H/N: maybe we should have done this way earlier
You: agreed
Your eyes widened when he sent you a picture. He was still in his underwear, but his hand was wrapped around his visibly hard member outlined by the dark fabric. You had wanted to sleep, but somehow after looking at the photo for a little too long, you were wide awake. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, you let your head imagine whatever came to your mind. Never before had you noticed how much you liked his hands. Or maybe it was a temporary thing, now that you were already thinking inappropriate thoughts. You imagined it was his fingers softly touching the inside of your thigh, squeezing your breasts and playing with your nipples. The first time you moaned his name quietly, your cheeks heated up. But the more you thought of him, and the more you allowed yourself to wish it was him between your thighs, the more natural his name sounded between your whimpers.
And the two of you didn’t stop there. You might haven’t had time to hang out with him for another week or so, but you were texting each other more than ever before. Almost every night, you sent pictures to each other. With every passing day and every time you came thinking about his body on top of yours, you became more comfortable. Your messages to each other turned dirtier with every day and every picture was a little riskier than the previous one. By the way you cried out his name every night, your neighbors must have thought you had gotten a new boyfriend. One that was exceptionally good in bed, by the sounds of it.
Now it was exactly one week and a day after you had first sent him a picture of you. You had just stepped out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around your body as you entered your bedroom.
One could’ve thought you were going to be less horny, the more time you spent texting him about your inappropriate thoughts. It should have gotten less exciting at some point, shouldn’t it? To you, it was the complete opposite. He was all your thought about at night. So when you noticed your phone on your bed, you couldn’t stop your urge. You grabbed it, unlocked it and went straight to your messages with him.
You: please tell me you’re alone
H/N: yeah I am…do u need something?
Even though his text might have sounded innocent to anyone else, considering what you had done for each other all week long, you instantly got excited.
You: I have a present for you but since you’re not here I’ll unwrap it for you
H/N: I love presents
You had taken multiple photos. Starting from your with a towel covered body, you had slowly revealed more skin to him, until you had dropped the fabric completely. In the last picture you were covering your nipples with one hand across your chest, making sure your slightly parted lips were in the frame as well. After you had pressed ‘send’, you got comfortable on your bedsheets, not so patiently waiting for his reply. You hadn’t been able to get him off your mind while you had been showering. Now you didn’t even need to touch yourself to know how dripping wet you already were.
H/N: this is what you do to me
You were surprised when you saw his message. He had attached a video. Up to that day, it had only been photos you had sent to each other. So, when you clicked the ‘play’ button, you almost felt nervous. But the nervousness changed into something wholly different within the first two seconds of the video. His hand was down his pants, clearly stroking himself. He wasn’t speaking, but even the simple sound of his breathing behind the camera made your head spin.
H/N: do you want more?
You: I wish you were actually here
A blink of an eye after you had sent the message, instant regret hit you. Had you crossed a line? There had never been serious talk of the two of you actually hooking up, although you surely had thought about it more than you wanted to admit.
H/N: me too
You sighed in relief. So he wasn’t thinking you were going too far.
H/N: but its late and we’ve got work tomorrow
You barely had time to even think about a reply. The sole fact that he was seriously considering coming over or letting you drive to his place right now only justified the saying “People want what they can’t get”.
You: you’re right…this will have to do
H/N: let me know if you need more
But you already had your hand between your legs, his name on the brink of falling off your lips.  
The next day, you were surprisingly focused on your work. Of course, you thought of him. He was your best friend, after all. Who would you have been if you didn’t wonder what he was up to or if you didn’t wish he was having a nice day? But that was about it. No dirty thoughts, no random sexual frustration at 2 in the afternoon. That was, until your phone vibrated in your pockets and you opened his message.
H/N: wanna hang out at my place tonight?
It was finally Friday. After over a week of not seeing him, you didn’t just want to meet him because you wanted him sexually. You missed his silly jokes and the way he made you feel careless after a stressful day. So, needless to say, you agreed.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen. Were you just going to hang out, the way friends do? Were you even going to mention your texts to each other? Your nerves were going mad when you drove to his place in the evening. It was a weird feeling to have about your best friend, you had to admit. But then again, you had every right to after the past week.
When he opened the door for you, you didn’t feel half as awkward as you thought you would. His hug felt the way it always did, and his room still was like a second home to you.
“Do you wanna order take out?” he asked.
“What’s in your fridge?” you returned the question.
“If I’d have to guess I’d say two eggs, half a bottle of soda and some yogurt,” he said. You laughed, already pulling up an app to order some food.
“Take out it is,” you grinned, falling onto your stomach on his bed. He followed your example. His shoulder was touching yours while you tried hard to focus on scrolling through the different offers of meals. But your look was drawn to his hands too close to yours and from one moment to the other, your mind was flooded with sinful pictures. You thought of him here, in this very bed, jerking off to the thought of you. Taking pictures of himself so you could do the same. Too many times you had imagined your face buried in his pillows, letting him hear the way you had been crying his name all week long, being able to make him cum with your own body and feeling his lips on your skin. Was he thinking the same things right now? Was he also struggling to focus on the simplest tasks?
“You’ve been looking at that chicken for a while now. Are you gonna order it or not?” he asked, making fun of you. How were you going to sit here, waiting and then calmly eating your dinner as if nothing was different? When you didn’t reply, he grabbed your hands along with your phone, making you look at him. You couldn’t instantly read his expression. All you knew is that in six years of friendship, he had never once looked at you this way. Inevitably, your eyes went to his lips and back to his eyes.
“Aren’t we going to mention this whole nudes-sending situation at all?” he suddenly asked, grinning cheekily. “What? You’re thinking about it too, aren’t you?”
You swallowed thickly. “Thinking about what, exactly?”
“How badly I wanted you last night,” he said. His face was close to yours. If you only bent forward slightly, you could kiss him.
“As in…now you don’t want me anymore?” you asked. He chuckled.
“Do you really think I didn’t want to push you against the closest wall and make out with you the second you stepped into my house today?” he asked.
“Then why didn’t you?” you asked, smirking and inching your lips closer to his. “Because I would have loved that.”
Instead of answering you, he finally leaned in to connect your lips. Within the first seconds you were moaning, and his tongue was on yours. You abandoned your phone on his sheets, swinging one leg over his waist to straddle him. He groaned into your mouth when you pushed your hips against his, your crotch rubbing over his bulge. Judging by the way you both reacted, neither of you had plans to take this slow.
His hands wandered over your sides and to your ass, squeezing it a little. You only moaned again, your fingers getting busy with his button up shirt. Teasingly, he bit your lip while he pushed your shirt higher, goosebumps rising on the skin he touched. His breathing became heavier when you let your hands roam his chest, pushing the fabric of his open shirt to the side eagerly. When you rolled your hips over his bulge again, you felt his erection more prominently than before, making you smile to yourself. For a moment you pulled away and pulled your shirt over your head.
“I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he confessed, watching as you discarded your bra onto the floor.
“Me too,” you agreed. He had sat up as well, and you helped him remove his shirt eagerly. “I’ve been wondering what your hands feel like.”
At your words, he pulled you back on top of him, playing with your breasts softly. You reacted, leaning over him, so he could take one of your nipples into his mouth. You whimpered at the way his tongue pressed against your sensitive skin. He gave the same attention to the other side, his breath leaving behind a cold sensation where he had kissed you.
Then, you bent to his level again, lips meeting in a needy kiss. You let his tongue lead yours for a while. Meanwhile, your hands sneaked to the waistband of his sweatpants. He hissed into your mouth as you grabbed his length through his pants, palming him through the fabric.
“Are you still into biting?” you asked, referring to a late-night talk you had had in the past. He smirked, nodding. Softly, at first, you nibbled on his neck, occasionally licking and kissing him. You got the exact reaction you had expected when you bit him, not to harshly, but probably leaving a purple mark nonetheless. He moaned and threw his head back, only exposing more of his neck to you. As time went on, you made your way down his chest and his stomach, settling between his legs. As much as you enjoyed hearing his moans and attempts to make you hurry, you were just as impatient, if not worse.
In one go, you pulled down his pants and underwear. He lifted his hips so you could fully take the clothing off his legs. Your mouth watered at the sight of him below you.
“If you had told me two weeks ago, I would be sucking your dick today, I would have called you a clown,” you chuckled.
“Look how the tables have turned,” he said, laughing with you. But his expression hardened the moment your hand wrapped around his length. You stroked him a few times, before lowering your head. Your tongue licked a stripe up the side of his shaft, until you opened your lips just enough to take his tip into your mouth. He cursed under his breath when you batted your eyelashes at him.
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that,” he said.
“Why? Don’t you like it?” you asked, your hand continuously touching him.
“I like it maybe a little too much,” he said, only making you grin. His expression read pleasure, his brows furrowed and his lips hung slightly agape.
“There’s no such thing as liking something too much,” you said. Purposely, you watched his face when you wrapped your mouth around his cock, tongue pressing flat against the tip. Steadily, you bobbed your head, your hand covering the rest of his length. His thighs were flexing under your hands and his stomach was rising and falling in an uneven rhythm. He propped himself up on his forearms, watching you intently.
“This feels so much better when you do it,” he said, followed by a groan when his cock touched the back of your throat for a moment. Your hand was covered in your saliva by now, eyes tearing up a little bit, but you blinked the tears away quickly. Every time you pulled away a little, you made sure to swirl your tongue around the tip. Right away, you had noticed the way he hissed at that specific action. Again, he cursed under his breath and you made eye contact once more. His lips looked pink from where he had been biting them and his cheeks were slightly flushed a rosy color.
“Oh my god-,“ he moaned. “I’m so fucking close.”
You bobbed your head faster now. After another few seconds you pulled away, replacing your mouth with your hand. The muscles on his stomach were tense and he had his hands balled to tight fists next to his body. You enjoyed his moans for a while longer, before you could feel him twitch in your hands. When he reached his high, he let his body fall back, his arms no longer able to hold himself up to watch you. The evidence of his pleasure spilled onto his abs and you slowly let your hand come to a rest. One of his hands was swung over his forehead as he breathed heavily. When you looked up at him again, he still seemed exhausted but was grinning from ear to ear.
“Give me a second and I’ll return the favor,” he said, sitting up. At his words you realized once more how much you wanted him. Quickly, he cleaned himself up. As you rolled over to lay on your back next to his sitting figure, you yawned briskly, getting comfy in his sheets.
“You’re bored? If you want we can also just watch a movie, or if you feel like-,“ he said with raised eyebrows.
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” You sarcastically laughed, rolling your eyes at him. “I’m open for whatever. Right after you’ve made me cum on this mattress.”
“Alright,” he chuckled, turning so he hovered over you. “I think we can arrange that.”
He went straight to kissing your stomach and hips, while he unzipped your pants for you. His kisses tickled you a little, but the sensation was quickly forgotten by how close his hand was to where you wanted him most. In order to let him take off your pants, you lifted your hips a little. When he had thrown your pants aside, he couldn’t hide the cocky grin on his face at the sight of your underwear.
“This looks familiar…where have I seen these before?” he asked innocently, placing his hand on the material. You flinched a little when his fingers hovered over your center. It was a fleeting touch, but the lack of attention had made you needier than you would have thought.
“Imagine I hadn’t accidentally sent you that first picture,” you said.
“I don’t even want to imagine that,” he said, his dramatic tone making you laugh a little. Abruptly, your laugh turned into a whimper when he pressed one of his fingers against your covered clit.
“I get that you’re in no rush anymore, but I’m not gonna lie, I am,” you said, wriggling against his hand. He chuckled again but seemed to obey your request. His hand slid into the hem of your underwear, fingers instantly coated in your juices. In response, you only hummed contently when he curled his digits against your clit. Within seconds you relaxed into his touch. You put one of your arms under your head and closed your eyes for a while. Now and then, he teased your core by almost pushing his fingers inside of you, but then not doing so. As frustrating as it was, you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling. With skill, he rolled your clit between his digits. His free hand pulled on your underwear slightly, but not quite enough for it to come off. You whined at his teasing, looking into his eyes with a pleading gaze. He watched your expression for a while, probably enjoying the fact that he finally had the real you underneath him, instead of having to stare at some photos on his cellphone. So he finally obliged, making you feel empty when he pulled his hand out of your soaked panties, but simultaneously thankful.
“You have no idea how many times I imagined doing this within the last week,” he said. Then, he lowered his head and took your clit into his mouth. You had only opened your mouth to reply, but the words seemed to be deleted from your brain before they had time to come out, replaced by empty curse words. He didn’t waste any time in taking it slow, but you couldn’t have minded less. When he inserted to of his digits into you, your toes curled in pleasure and relief. With the way you whimpered desperately whenever he curled them against your walls, he had found your sweet spot in almost no time.
For more than a week you had been imagining, demanding for his touch, so deeply that now you could barely think straight when you finally got what you wanted. His tongue could do so much better than your own fingers could ever satisfy you. It was the unpredictability that made this so much more enticing than when you touched yourself. Would he slow down for a while, giving your breathing time to calm down, only to suck on your swollen clit feverishly out of nowhere? Would he curl his fingers inside of you almost painfully slowly, or would he almost pull them out completely, only to slide them right back into your core, until your vision felt so blurry you had to close your eyes? The more you thought about how good he made you feel, the quicker you felt your orgasm approach. One of his hands softly stroked over your belly, a strong contrast to the way your insides seemed to tie themselves into a tight knot that took up all your attention.
“Oh my god- please don’t stop,” you only moaned. Of course he didn’t. He only hummed against your center, only adding to how incredible you felt. As much as you loved watching him between your legs, there was no force that could have kept your eyes from shutting anymore. Your back arched off the sheets and your hands tightened in pleasure when the familiar feeling washed over your mind. You whimpered and struggled hard to keep your legs from closing around his head. For a few seconds you were blinded by the bliss, until your sensitivity began to set in. You softly pushed his head with your fingers in his hair, and he slowed down and drew back.
It took you a while to come down and until your breathing had regained its normality. Your eyelids fluttered open, while he plopped down next to you. He swung one of his arms around your waist, an action he had done multiple times in the past – only now neither of you was wearing clothes.
“That was amazing,” you said. “And here I thought I’d forever regret sending you that photo.”
He chuckled. “Agreed. So, what do you say? Are we able to focus on what to order for takeout now?”
You nodded and laughed, hoping this instance wouldn’t be the last time this happened between you two.
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jjuzoir · 3 years
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Dating Suna Rintarou HCS
Word Count: 1388
A/N: i’m sick of the suna slander 😔 i wanted some soft sunrin hc’s because it’s always drug lord rin this or toxic suna that :’) i’m too soft for that i need me some 17 y/o meme nerd who’s socially awkward and still asks himself how he got a s/o. if no one else will i will 👺
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- He may be good at reading volleyball moves but he’s definitely a little dense when it comes to emotions.
- He doesn’t really talk much about them with you, it’s not that he doesn’t feel anything - he just struggles expressing himself properly with words, so in turn he tends to express himself with actions.
- He’ll struggle a lot at the beginning, afraid to upset you or overstep some boundaries that haven’t been explained, but with time he’ll grow comfortable telling you things as they are.
- The type to walk over to you when he sees you’re not feeling too good and wrap his arms around you, he doesn’t say much as you slowly return the hug and sob. He won’t say anything, he’d let you pour it out now and later have a talk with you.
- He’d have a few snacks you like on his bag too just in case you get hungry or whatever, he says they’re for him but you know he doesn’t like that brand of chips but you do.
- Once you’re done, he takes your hand and leads you to a more private area and encourages you to talk. He may not be able to solve the issue but sometimes talking about how you feel… makes things better, even if it’s just slightly.
- He’s the type to remember anything you tell him even in passing, mention something like your parent’s birthday or an appointment and he’ll just store the information in his brain and spit it out at random times.
- That includes things such as food orders and allergies, what you like and don’t, the things that make you uncomfortable or that make you feel icky; he could write a book on you. Just text him over for some food and he’ll know what to order you even if it’s a place you’ve never been to together.
- He really likes having pictures and videos of you on his camera roll, he'll have super cute pictures of you on a date one moment and then a video of you falling on your ass after you went to pick up a pencil.
- Once you start being more serious about your relationship, he’ll dedicate every game and point he scores to you. If you’re there he’ll look over to your seat and nod, his eyes naturally gravitate towards yours, he’ll always smile at you whenever he scores a point.
- Won’t say it at first but he loves it when you wear his jacket, seeing you in the stands cheering for him with the rest of his classmates pumps him up. After he notices he does better when you do, he’d probably get an extra one for you with his number on it (when Atsumu heard him asking Kita for it he broke lung laughing).
- He hesitated a lot before asking you out, he’s the type of guy to watch over his crush for a while. Not in the creepy way more in the “wow this person is so cool I want to approach them but I’m too embarrassed”-way.
- He loves it when you wear his clothes, especially his hoodies. He isn’t subtle about it at all either, Suna will straight up throw you the hoodie and be like “wow it’s so cute you’re so cute too imagine you wearing that how cute that’d be lmao” while his ears are blushing red.
- Finds everything you do cute, you could be walking towards him in the corridor and he’d be blushing and smiling to himself. Atsumu and Osamu tease the fuck out of him once you’re gone.
- Will send you random posts that remind him of you, they can go from cute pictures of cats snuggling to a deep fried image of a chicken nugget.
- “Heh, look… it’s you.” He showed you a picture, he was lying down on your lap - his hair messy from deep sleep - with his cheeks squished in your thighs.
- “Babe that’s Patrick star.” You look at the screen in confusion and continue playing with your boyfriend’s hair, slightly concerned for his well being.
- “Same energy though.” He mumbles after saving the post, he’d make it your contact picture later.
- He loves falling asleep on your lap, it’s annoying. You know once he lays his head on your thighs he’s not moving until the next hour or so. Kind of like a cat in that regard because Suna will find the worst time to cuddle you like that and he’d refuse to leave unless you move, which you normally don’t because when you do he looks extremely betrayed much to your dismay.
- He’s so soft for you, you wouldn’t realize it unless you heard him ramble about how cute you are in the dressing room but oh my god is he ready to move the world around for you.
- When he messes around during practice, Aran will threaten to call you and it’s so embarrassing. Rintarou was so sure he wouldn’t, like that’s so petty you’re actually going to call my S/O? And then Aran did it and he had not only Aran and Kita scolding him (and the Miya twins) but you were there too looking so disappointed in him. He rarely gets out of line afterwards, the face you gave him haunts him in his dreams sometimes.
- You’re his home screen! It’s not even a cute picture of you, it’s probably one he took of you while you slept in class - you’re drooling and your uniform is all messed up - and he’s just standing there holding a peace sign up and white-boy-smiling.
- He has you saved under “Suna [Name]” and he got made fun of, he swears it was a joke but when he goes to call you his cheeks get all pretty and pink.
- He doesn’t say much, his love language is more of a “whenever you need me I’ll be there”. If there’s someone who you can count on to listen to your problems and help you it’s probably Rin. He jokes around and all but when it comes to you he’s surprisingly serious.
- He’ll also let you play with his hair. His favorite is when you put butterfly clips on them and make two uneven ponytails on the side of his head, he said he was Shrek and you were his Lord Farquaad (you asked him if you saw the same movie afterwards).
- When he’s really bored, he’ll edit pictures of you into memes and send them to you at 4AM.
- Sometimes when you cuddle, you can hear him mumble about how much he loves you and whenever you bring it up he gets so mad and shy and says he was probably thinking about chicken wings or Dolly Parton.
- He sees you as his best friend and s/o, he really values the input you have but that doesn’t mean he won’t tease the fuck out of you. He’s soft but he will absolutely obliterate you, he loves joking around with you and saying the dumbest shit for fun and seeing you go blank as you hear him talk about fucking Mort from Madagascar being a evil universe colonizer.
- His favorite dates with you would be the ones where you go somewhere very pretty and try taking the ugliest pictures of each other, it always ends up with you two laughing loudly as you show each other what you took.
- Rin can play the piano and he sometimes will serenade you, it can either be a very emotional song or Megalovania.
- Sometimes, Atsumu and Osamu will ruin your dates by bumping into you guys and not leaving either of you alone. It’s embarrassing because they will not stop teasing the two of you for being in love and shit, you always end up blushing when they start talking about how much Rin loves you and how he talks about you during practice.
- Overall, Sunrin is surprisingly a soft, caring boyfriend who’s way too whipped for his well-being and is absolutely getting bullied by the team because of it.
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Can’t get over her
Word count: 5010     
Genre: A little angst with a little fluff
Pairing: Natasha x fem!reader 
Warnings: Little bit of swearing (let me know if I need to add more)
Summary: Reader has always had a bit of a crush on Natasha but it’s unrequited. She lets Tony and Wanda take her to a club and Nat starts acting differently.
A/N: This is not a request, I just felt like writing this story. I’m super nervous about this because I’m not sure if it’s very good but I thought I would post it in case anyone is interested. This is my first x reader fic and first Natasha/Marvel fic so I wasn’t sure how to write it. That being said I hope you enjoy, and if you do, I’m always open to take requests! Btw this is completely unimportant but even though this fic is a medium length, it’s the longest story I’ve actually completed so I feel proud of myself for that!
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“Y/n!” A voice rang out loudly disrupting your sleep. 
“Ughhhh,” you groaned, “what do you want?” Instead of an answer the door to your room gets thrown open loudly, allowing all the light to come in. You bury yourself under the blankets, partly to stop your eyes from seeing the light and partly to hide the fact that you were wearing Avengers themed pyjamas. 
“Rise and shine sweetheart!” You hear Tony’s voice mock. Reluctantly you poke your head out of the blankets just enough so you can see and squint at your best friend/mentor just in time to see him rush off, probably to wake up another unfortunate avenger. When you first joined you never expected to like Tony at all, much less consider him your best friend or look up to him. You had heard rumors of him being inappropriate with women and while his jokes most certainly were and you did occasionally catch him staring at your boobs he never did anything creepy to make you uncomfortable and inside he was a good man, way more so than you expected.
All that in mind you decide to get out of bed to see why Tony woke you up because he (probably) wouldn’t wake you up for no reason. Taking a minute to change out of the avenger pyjamas and into some clothes as well as brush your hair you wander downstairs. On the way down you bump into Clint who unlike you has made absolutely no effort to look presentable and looks like he just rolled out of bed. You say a quick hello but he just grunts in return, not even looking at you. Inwardly laughing about how much Clint hates to be awake in the morning you continue downstairs to meet up with the rest of the avengers who are varying degrees of awake. Most seemed to be like you; awake and fairly alert but not happy about it. Clint was probably the most asleep and Tony the most awake considering he was practically bouncing off the walls. Looking around you see everyone except for Thor and Natasha. Thor wasn’t there very often because he wasn’t from earth and Natasha usually avoided group activities at all costs to your displeasure since you had a secret (not very secret) crush on the assassin. 
“So why did you wake us up, at an ungodly hour may I add, and bring us down here?” You ask Tony, curious.
“That information is above your clearance level.” He replies somewhat sarcastically. 
“Does anybody else know what is going on?” you ask. “Or did Tony wake me up for no reason, in which case I’m going back to bed.” They all shift guiltily on their feet except for Clint who seems to be still too tired to pay attention leading you to believe they are all up to something you wouldn’t like. Nobody answers your question so you glare around the room, your eyes landing on Steve. He almost squirms under your gaze and eventually seems to give in.
“I’m sorry Y/N, this wasn’t my idea and thinking back on it we probably shouldn’t-”
“We are giving you a makeover and finding you a date.” Tony cuts Steve off.
“Seriously??!??!??” You half shout. “What makes you think I want to go on some random date you guys set up? If I want to go on a date I can find one myself.”
“Y/N…” Wanda says softly, reminding you to stay calm.
“Don’t Y/n me,” you say, still angrily yet quieter, “I can find my own dates, thank you very much.” Tony gives a small snort of laughter in response to this.
“Sure you can kid. I mean it’s not like you haven’t been on a date in over two years. Or that you’re harboring a crush for our resident scary assassin that prevents you from dating others.” You glare at him but stay silent because all of what he said is true. In your head you excuse the not dating off as being busy because you are a hero yet almost everybody on the team is dating someone and it all seems to be working out fine.
“Look Y/n,” Tony says softly which is a rarity for him, “I know you wish something could happen between you and Romanoff but it hasn’t happened yet and likely never will. You need to get over her and back out there. Besides we weren’t planning on choosing your date for you, we were just planning to go clubbing later with you.”
“Ok,” you agree begrudgingly, “I’ll do it, I just don’t see the need to wake me up at 7 in the morning if we aren’t going out until tonight. Also does everybody need to be here right now?” 
“I second that,” Clint says in a voice still rough from sleep, “just because I helped planning a little bit does not mean I had to wake up early to have this conversation. I’m going back to bed.” 
Wanda rolls her eyes at him before turning to you, “No not everyone has to be here right now, Tony just got a little over excited. As for you, as we said we are giving you a makeover which means we have to go to the hair appointment I set up plus I was thinking we could go shopping since we almost never have time to. Besides Natasha gets back from her solo mission sometime later today, so we wanted to talk with you when she wasn’t around.”
“Ok,” you respond with a little bit of excitement, “when do we leave?”
“Right now! We can have brunch while we’re out!” 
“Yes and then we can go get our nails done and gossip!” Tony says in a fake voice. Both you and Wanda turn to look at him exasperated. “Ok fine, maybe not but I am coming and we are gossiping. Also I need to find a good birthday present for Pepper’s birthday next week.”
“Well that’s good you’re coming because unless you want the same reaction as last year, you’re going to need a lot of help.” Wanda replies. You laugh a little as the three of you leave the tower, Wanda and Tony continuing their mock argument about Tony’s gift giving skills. 
Five hours later and you severely regretted going along with their plan. You were already exhausted and still had so much to do before going clubbing. You had already bought an outfit plus a few others which wouldn’t be so bad except Wanda and Tony made you try on what you believed to be the whole store before they seemed satisfied with your look. You had also gotten your nails done and were currently finishing up a lovely brunch which consisted of waffles, maple syrup and some fruits. That would have been enjoyable if not for the fact that Tony and Wanda alternated between nagging you about not chipping a nail and teasing you about your pathetic love life. It was a well known fact in the tower that while they didn’t hate each other, Tony and Wanda didn’t usually get along well but that was probably for the best since together they were ruthless. They seemed to have decided that the time for brunch was over so sighing you followed them out of the restaurant after Tony paid the bill. That’s the one positive at least, all of it was free for you thanks to Tony. 
Another five hours later and you could honestly say you were looking forward to the night more than you thought you would. You were currently looking in the mirror in your room and although usually you tended to be indifferent towards your body, sometimes even insecure, you had to admit that you looked pretty hot. The dress was in the perfect colour to bring out your eyes according to Wanda and although it was the perfect balance between classy and slutty, revealing a bit of skin and showing off your assets while still leaving it to the imagination. You also were carrying a black purse which matched your nails and shoes. Your makeup was perfectly done, naturally showing you beauty but adding a little extra glimmer. The thing you were most proud of however and the most noticeable change you had made was your hair. Before you had hair that when completely straight could reach your waist but now it was barely long enough to tuck behind your ears. When you first got to the hair salon you were planning on just trimming it and straightening in it but when you got in the chair something came over you and you just decided to chop it all off. 
BANG! The door to your room barges open and Wanda comes flying in. 
“Damn girl! You look hot as fuck!” You blush profusely at her words managing to stammer out a thank you. You have never been good at taking compliments because you always get a little shy and awkward. 
Tony pokes his head around the doorframe and gives a whistle. “You are smoking hot Y/n, I mean if I didn’t have Pepper I would be all over you. You ready to go?” Not waiting for an answer he turns and starts towards the elevator. You follow but not before exchanging an eye roll with Wanda about Tony’s words. The elevator ride is short and smooth thanks to Tony’s engineering so you don’t have enough time to succumb to the urge of placing your hands on the bars and pushing while lifting your feet. The elevator beeps, Jarvis informing  you that you’ve reached the ground level and the doors open. You step out ready to get on with your night but the sight of Natasha just back from a mission freezes you in your tracks. 
“Hi,” you say lamely, “I thought you were supposed to get back earlier today?”
“We had some intel that wasn’t fully correct but luckily it didn’t take too long to fix. You look different, where are you heading off to?”
You glance at Tony and Wanda for help because for some reason you feel awkward telling her but they don’t seem to know what you want so you answer anyways. “We’re going clubbing, I’m kinda nervous since I haven’t been in awhile but Wanda helped me get ready-”
“Hey I helped too!”
You ignore Tony’s protest and continue to speak. “-and I think it should be fun. Also there will for sure be hot girls there which is always a plus.”  
“Seems like it should be fun,” she responds in her monotone ‘I don’t care’ voice that you hate, “Good luck with the girls though, because your hair looked better long, I don’t like it like this.” You don’t usually get offended easily but you feel tears spring to your eyes at her comment. The only good part is that she doesn’t notice because she’s already walking away, swaying her hips, either not knowing or caring that she hurt you.
Tony and Wanda rush over to you. “Oh sweetie,” Wanda comforts while wrapping an arm around you, “don’t listen to her, that’s not true at all!”
“Then why would she say it?” You ask, careful to keep your voice from cracking because you hated showing when you were upset.
“I don’t know and honestly I don’t give a fuck.” Tony replies. “Just don’t think about it too much, the whole point of this night is to get over her anyways.” You give him a small smile at that. Tony is good with words which translates into being good at comforting people. You know he’s right so although the comment is still upsetting you do your best to push it out of your mind. Locking arms with both Tony and Wanda you pull them towards the door and into the waiting limo. You couldn’t help but smile at the way Tony ruffled your hair as you stepped in or how Wanda kept running her fingers over her arm in an attempt to be reassuring. You had the best friends. 
The ride over seemed way shorter than it was supposed to be and before you knew it the limo was stopped to let the three of you out. You take a deep breath and wipe your sweaty palms on your dress before smiling and stepping out after Tony and Wanda. Nobody seems to have noticed the three of you yet which was a good thing. Being Avengers Tony and Wanda were pretty much celebrities and often got swarmed by groups of fans. Technically you were an avenger as well but like Natasha and Clint it was only because you were a Shield so while you did get recognized it wasn’t as often and only tended to happen if you were with other avengers. You make your way inside, splitting from Tony and Wanda at the door. The plan was for them to go to the bar and look over you from there while you went straight to the dance floor because you preferred to be anonymous tonight and they would ruin that and also you didn’t feel like getting drunk. That was the plan at least but you suspected that they would get too drunk to continue watching over you because it had been stressful lately with a lot of paperwork and they needed to unwind. Wanda had practically confirmed that fact when she gave you permission to leave without them. 
You step over to the dance floor glancing around to see if there looked to be any single women already there. The reason you had chosen this club was because although it wasn’t lgbtq+ exclusive, it was open to everybody and therefore frequented by many members of the community. 
Just as you were glancing around you felt a tap on your shoulder. “Wanna dance?” You spin around to find the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen, apart from Natasha. It bothers you that you’re using Natasha as your standard and comparing other girls to her but you brush that off. 
“I would love to!” At your response she takes your hand, pulling you into the crowd and starts to dance. You dance as well and slowly you lose track of time as you loosen up and your dancing with the girl becomes less and less innocent. You can feel yourself caring less about what Natasha thought although as great as this girl seemed to be you knew you weren’t ready for a relationship so you hoped she wasn’t looking for one. After what could be a couple of hours because you’ve completely lost track of time, you and the girl whose name you still don’t know head over to a corner of the room and take a seat on two of the stools that were provided. 
“Hi, I feel like I should know your name by now, I’m Y/n.” You introduce yourself. 
“Wait I thought you looked familiar!” She exclaims. “You’re the Y/n that’s a part of the avengers right?” 
You awkwardly give a nod and gesture towards the bar where you can see Tony and Wanda who have obviously had at least a few drinks each. “Tony and Wanda came with me. They are just over there but I didn’t particularly want the spotlight tonight so I split from them at the door.” 
“I understand, I must admit I have no desire to be famous. I’m Jamie by the way” She says with a cute little giggle before her mood seems to be more solemn. “I can’t believe I’m saying this to a literal avenger and if my friends find out they are going to kill me but I’m sorry if you’re looking for a relationship but I just got out of a serious relationship and am not ready for another one quite yet.” 
You let out a relieved sigh. “I’m not looking for a relationship either, because I’m trying to get over my feelings for a friend.” 
“Phew!” She replies. “But tell me more about this ‘friend’ of yours.” You take a minute to think before deciding that Jamie could be trusted. You begin to spill all about your feelings for Natasha and how she didn’t seem interested and what she said to you on your way here. Jamie listens sympathetically the entire time before telling you all about how she thought her ex was the one but it turns out she was emotionally abusive. Even though you just met you talk like old friends, offering advice on serious topics but also chatting about random things. You have 3 more drinks each and after every drink your barriers crumble more and more. Eventually you exchange numbers so you can meet up again although you both agreed it would be a platonic meetup. Just as you were giggling about a joke you couldn’t even remember, you saw Jamie tense up and a second later you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turn your head in anger expecting it to be some creepy guy trying to hit on you but it turns to confusion when you see Natasha. 
“Can we talk?” She asks, giving Jamie a dirty look. “At the tower. Without her.” 
“Why?” You ask. “I’m having fun here Nat.” You specifically say her name as you speak so Jamie knows who you’re talking to. 
“Just come home.” She says not answering your question, instead tugging at your wrist lightly. You sigh not knowing what to do so you glance at Jamie for help. 
She shrugs and then says, “I have a ride home planned if you want to leave, but I wouldn’t mind staying longer if that’s what you want.”
You make a quick decision in your head before responding, “Ok, we’ll go back to the tower but there better be a good reason.” You then turn to Jamie, “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe, and then we can figure out when to hang out.”
“Of course,” she agrees leaning forwards to hug you while whispering in your ear, “good luck but remember not to let her treat you badly just because you’re in love with her.” You pull back from the hug and smile at her as Natasha’s hand moves down to your own as she starts walking, pulling you along with her. You can barely think straight, you have no idea what is going on with Natasha or why she’s acting so weirdly. You glance over to Tony and Wanda to see if they’ve noticed what’s going on but just as you suspected they were drunk out of their minds. If they were normal friends you would have worried about them but you knew Tony’s drivers would get them home safe because although Tony was more responsible with Pepper around this was not the first time they’ve had to haul his drunk ass back to the tower. 
Natasha continues to pull you out the door and over to her parked motorcycle where she hands you a helmet and one of her leather jackets. Still not speaking she hops on and motions for you to get on behind her. You swing your leg over the side somewhat awkwardly and scoot forwards so you can grab onto her waist. Once she’s sure you’re secured properly she hits the gas, the motorcycle roaring as it starts. You’ve never been on her motorcycle before so at first you are a bit nervous but after a couple of minutes you start to feel more comfortable. At this point your only nerves come from holding Natasha and wondering what she wants to talk to you about and not the motorcycle ride. Compared to the ride over to the club, this ride feels like it’s taking forever as you start to go over all the important reasons Nat would want to talk to you. You still didn’t know how to feel about everything because she insulted you earlier and now is making you feel important. To protect your feelings you tell yourself that there is probably a mission or a meeting that came up last minute and this isn’t just Natasha wanting to talk. It’s improbable because if that was the case she would have outright said so but you can’t think of any more plausible reasons off the top of your head. Luckily before you can analyze her strange behavior anymore you reach the tower and after parking underground you follow Natasha upstairs into the main living area which is obviously deserted as it is now between 3 and 4 am. 
“So why did you want to talk?” You ask, breaking the silence as you take a seat on the couch. 
“Why did you go to a club?” She asks, also sitting down on the other end of the couch, avoiding your question. 
A surge of anger floods through you and while you don’t shout, you raise your voice a little. “Answer the fucking question Nat. Or did you bring me all the way back just to ask that?” 
She looks somewhat surprised that you raised your voice but she keeps hers even. “I just wanted to know. It looked like you were having fun with whoever that girl is.” 
“Yeah I was.” You respond, still confused. “But how do you know that?” 
Natasha avoids eye contact looking everywhere but you. “I was watching you.” 
“YOU WERE WHAT?” You shout before lowering your voice to avoid waking up the whole tower. “Why the fuck were you spying on me?”  
“I- I wasn’t.” She replies seemingly caught off guard by your tone of voice. “I wanted to make sure you were safe.” 
“Tony and Wanda were with me.” You respond confused. There’s something she’s not telling you that’s making her act weird. She knew you could handle yourself so she obviously was not telling the truth, or at least omitting details. She hasn’t responded to your last statement, instead choosing to look at you in the weird way she does that makes you feel like you’re being interrogated. You decide that if she isn’t going to talk, you won’t either so you pull your phone out of your jacket to check it. You see a text from Jamie saying she got home ok with a little smiley face at the end that causes you to smile. You type back a quick reply, just saying you’re glad she’s safe and that you were with Natasha right now and were probably going to bed soon so you’d text her tomorrow. She wished you luck and goodnight with another little smiley face that made you smile again. Putting your phone away you look back up at Natasha only to find out she’s glaring at you. 
Unsure of what could have changed her attitude towards you, you ask, “What?”
“Who were you talking to?” She asks ignoring your question for the second time tonight. 
You sigh, “I don’t see how it’s any of your business but if you really must know I was just saying goodnight to the girl from the club, Jamie.”
“So that’s her name.” She says wrinkling her nose. Now you’re really confused as to what Natasha is thinking. You couldn’t tell on normal days but usually she acted rationally and never was like this. 
“Why do you say it like that?” You ask. 
“I don’t like her.”
“Why don’t you like her?” 
“I just don’t.” She answers, offering no explanation. Although you do want to find out why Natasha doesn’t like her you’re too tired to spend the time asking questions so you stand up to go to bed. 
“Where are you going?” She demands. 
You sigh for what feels like the thousandth time of the night. “I’m going to bed. You wanted to talk to me but won’t actually talk, and when I ask you questions, instead of responding you insult my new friend.”
“Friend?” She questions.
“Jamie.” You say confused because you thought the answer was obvious. 
“Oh.” She responds, “I’m sorry, please stay.” You think about it for a second, deciding to stay so you go to sit down again, but before you do Natasha scoots over to your end of the couch pulling you down into her side. Your entire body freezes up because you’re so unsure of what to do. Natasha never initiated physical contact of any kind but now she was practically hugging you. Seeming to realize how uncomfortable you were, she quickly moves away.
“Sorry,” she mutters, “That was stupid.”
“No, no, it’s fine, you can come back.” You respond quickly. As much as you were uncomfortable, it felt really nice to have her by your side. She somewhat shyly shifts back over to you but this time instead of wrapping her arm around your shoulders she nuzzles into your side, maneuvering your arms so they wrap around her. You have no idea what’s going on right now but you can’t help but smile as you look down at her. She looks cute and relaxed, with her hair covering parts of her face. Thinking about her hair reminds you of her opinion of your new haircut. You bite your lip nervously as you debate asking her about that or not. You definitely don’t want to ruin the cuddly mood that she’s in now but the comment still bothers you, not to mention you never actually found out why she took you home from the club.
“Um Natasha?” You ask in a timid voice. “Is my haircut really that bad?” 
“Of course not, I think it suits you.” She responds smoothly. “I lied to you earlier.”
You smile at that. “Thank you but why?”
She takes a deep shaky breath before speaking. “Promise this won’t change anything between us first, that we will stay friends.” 
“Ok,” You respond, earnest but confused, “I promise.”
“I didn’t like the idea of you going clubbing and coming home with some one night stand or even worse a girlfriend because I have feelings for you. So I was childish and took out my frustrations on you by pretending I didn’t like you. I’m sorry.” She’s looking up at you now, the most nervous you’ve ever seen her. Your mind is exploding with this new information and your heart feels so happy you can’t even believe what is going on. 
“Is that why you were watching me with Jamie at the club and then told me you had to talk to me?”
After a few more seconds of shocked silence that feels like hours to Natasha you finally speak. “I know I promised that this wouldn’t change anything between us but I don’t think it can be the same.” She starts to pull away from your side but before she can you lean over and press your lips against hers. At first you are hesitant but once she starts kissing back you gain confidence, the kiss getting more heated. After a minute or two you both pull away to catch your breath, smiling at each other. 
Natasha lightly swats you on the arm. “You’re evil.” You giggle a little in response. “I was so worried for a second there, I thought you would be weirded out by that.” She continues also giggling slightly. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t know that I had feelings for you,” you confess to her, “it was actually Tony and Wanda’s idea for me to go out because we all thought you didn’t like me so they thought it was a good idea to get over you.”
“Well that plan failed,” she says smirking, “I guess you can’t get over me.” 
You look at her and yawn. “No I guess I can’t.” 
At your yawn she glances at the clock. “We better get you to bed, it’s almost the time Steve wakes up for training.” You would like to spend more time with Natasha but you’re too tired to argue so you just nod and follow her as she pulls you up and leads you to your room, holding your hand the whole way. Inside your room she sits on your bed while you change, politely looking away. Once you’re in pyjamas you hold a pair out to her and she looks at you confused. 
“Do you want to stay the night?” You ask her. She eagerly nods, accepting the pyjamas as you open your covers and crawl into bed. As soon as she’s done she turns off the lights and hops in behind you, spooning you. You sigh as you feel her plant a kiss on the back of your head. You can barely keep your eyes open and although you still haven’t talked about exactly what your new relationship with Natasha was yet, you were excited for what was to come. Your last thought before you drifted off to sleep was complete bliss as Natasha kept planting soft kisses on the back of your neck, head and shoulders. 
The next morning you hear a loud pounding at your door. You groan and slowly gain consciousness, smiling as you remember last night and the redhead still cuddling you. Just like yesterday Tony doesn’t bother to wait for you to answer and instead barges straight in. His eyes widen when he sees the two of you spooning and he starts to splutter. You laugh at him with Natasha until he shouts for the other avengers to come. Multiple pairs of footsteps make your way to your bedroom and you see the shocked faces of a few of the other avengers, including Wanda, Steve and Clint. 
“What,” Natasha says speaking up, “can’t a girl cuddle with her girlfriend in peace?” Steve immediately apologizes, ushering everyone out of the room and closing the door. 
You raise your eyebrow. “Girlfriends?”
“I assumed so, if you want.” She responds. 
“I like the sound of that...girlfriend.” You both smile at each other. You definitely did not complete your goal of getting over Natasha and instead fell further in love but you were totally ok with that.
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haechanokeh · 3 years
I'm Right For You [pt.2 ]
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[teaser/ prologue] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning (chapter): handjob, public, fingering,
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, anal sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I'm right for you, babe. You know what I'm thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect and I know that you're worth it I can't walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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class ended and you're packing your things, and so your seatmate for today- mark.
"mark, do you want to eat with us?" your other classmates always invite mark.
"sure, wait. Do you want to eat with-"
you carry your bag and immediately left the room. he's the last person you want to be with, after what happened yesterday. mark confessed that he likes you and now you just can't talk to him.
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you're in the library trying to be "productive" and pretending to be "studious". you tied your hair, hyping yourself that you will study but 3 minutes after opening your thick pharmacology book, you took a nap.
mark entered the almost empty library. there's a lot of vacant tables and chairs but he's looking for the best spot, until he saw your sleeping face... from a far. mark has a keen eyes, especially when it comes to you. he walked towards your place and carefully sat beside you cautious in his movements to prevent waking you up. he put his bag on the vacant seat beside him and turned his head on you. you're squished side of your face against the table made him smile. lying at his classmates is worth it.
unaware of your surrounding, you didn't know mark was now sitting beside you. he saw your book was opened in diuretics chapter so he opened his own book at the same page as yours. he started writing notes, for you.
mark likes you but he's having a hard time to get close to you. not sure but he thinks that you're avoiding him, you immediately dismisses his presence when he's approaching you. you weren't rude when you do that though, you just speak very shortly with him. mark doesn't have a concrete reason why he likes you, but everytime he looks at your serine personally and your innocent face t brings him calmness. sometimes he just catching himself staring at you during class.
after he wrote the key points, he transferred all the sticky notes on the pad. he clicked the pen and look at you.
"you're still sleeping, wow." he whispered but with amusement. you're sleeping for 2 hours already. his eyes landed on your slightly parted plump lips.
dirty thoughts running in his head. he imagined your lips wrapped around his dick. yeah, the mark everyone look up to thinks like this towards you. he's not like this to anyone except you, he was also shock to on the effects you give him. mark was afraid you became an obsession, well too late for that.
he removed your specs, folded it and put it on the top of the table. he just watches you sleep, not caring whether other find it creepy.
suddenly your phone alarmed, you woke up immediately and to your panic you can't find your phone which was actually just infront of you, so mark was the one who off your alarm. you turn your head to look at him.
"thank you." you gave him an awkward smile. you look around and you saw from afar the librarian was glaring at you. you gave her an apologetic face and she returned to her seat.
he extended his arms and his thumb touched the side of your lips down to your chin. you felt a burning sensation from his thumb.
"welcome." he gave you his signature warm friendly smile.
you look down because you felt uncomfortable once again. your eyes caught a wet pool on the book, later you realize that mark wiped your drool. heat of embarrassment took over your face.
"let's eat?" he asked, lowering his face and moving it close to you. he wanted you to see his face, which you did. you're heart beating so fucking fast.
"i have to study." you said as an alibi.
"really?" he was unconvinced and playfully gave you a doubt look.
study my ass! I JUST WOKE UP!
"tomorrow is the case study, aren't we supposed to study together?" he sat up straight.
"we already did yes-" suddenly, his confession popped out from your head. "yesterday." you whispered, a ball of saliva almost stuck on your throat.
"really? i really don’t recall anything though.” he pretend to be naive. your eyes widen.
“you can’t remember anything? that’s impossible, you even confess to me... i mean...” shame crossed in you. please, swallow me my dear land. "mark, please let me study. i'm not like you."
he chuckled. "okay, but use my notes. here." he pushed towards you the notes he did while you were sleeping. your eyes gleamed like a sun.
"really?" you said excitedly.
"shhh!" you heard the librarian, you covered your mouth.
"really?" you asked again as confirmation. he giggled and nodded his head.
he admiringly stared at you goshing over his notes, he felt a weird sensation in his heart. mark was smiling like an idiot, this was his first time to see you smiling or happy when he’s around.
"thank you mark for saving me." you definitely forget the awkwardness between you. you looked at him sending him gratitude look.
without any words, you excitedly study his note. you're so oblivious that you didn't notice mark placed his hand on your thigh. horniness strike him.
your concentration broke when he squeezed your thigh. you turned your head to face him, there was uneasiness in your stomach when you face him again. the other mark that melt your knees.
he moved his face closer and whispered in your ears.
"y/n, i had a hard time sleeping last night. you know why?"
"why?" voice shaking and hands are sweaty while you're holding his notes.
"you never left my head, you kept on bothering me. i fantasize you last night, crying and begging to suck my dick with your small mouth and juicy lips." he huskily said and gripped your thigh tighter.
you squeezed your thighs together as you felt ache on your pussy. your breathing became ragged, chest rose heavily. you stare in those dark-lustful pair of eyes.
"i was horny last night, like what i'm feeling right now." his eyes glued in your lips.
he reached for your right hand and guided it to his hard cock. you gasped, and in surprise you take away your hand from his hardness but mark caught you and put it back.
"can you feel how hard i am right now? do you know how painful is it for me?" he grunted low. his lips touches your every time he speaks. "i need your help, y/n please." there was urgency in his voice.
"h-ow?" stuttering because of nervousness but with hidden excitement.
you heard a zipped sound. you look down and his hard flesh peeking through his boxers. he pulled it down revealing his standing cock. you almost drool, it's thick, veiny, and long. he planted a small kiss on your ears and folded your hands wrapping it around his dick. your lips parted letting out a breath.
his dick was hot, hard, and has a lot of texture- you can feel his vein. you don't believe that when a guy's hands are veiny, and so their cock... but mark is the living statement.
"move." he commanded. you pushed down your palm around his cock, and start pumping it slowly.
"like this?" you asked innocently.
mark saw your submissive look again, doll-like eyes shinning with innocence but full of lust.
"yes, baby. fuck faster, you're doing great." he complimented you, teeth gritting. he put his left arm across your shoulder and his other arm resting on the table.
both of you didn't care whether you're about to get caught or not. you enjoy the playful desires you share with each other. he smashed his lips to your soft lips. tongue caressing each other but careful not to produce noises. you're pumping him hard and fast, you felt cramp in your wrist but didn't stop. his hands formed into fist, knuckled getting white.
he moaned inside your mouth when he reach his climax. you felt the hot sticky liquid on your hands. you broke the kiss and look down to see what does it look like to have his cum on your hand. your eyes looked up and gaze into his eyes, he saw guilt, regret, and shame.
“what am i doing mark?” you bit your lower lip and your eyes watering. you know this is wrong, but when you’re with him all the rationality in you just evaporates. you became terrified of what you became and what you will have become. “what are you turning me into?”
mark was satisfied when he heard that coming out from your mouth, that means he has effect to you. he knew, because he felt the same from you.
“same goes to me, y/n. don’t you get it there’s something bet-” he was cut off when there were tiny voices. both of you turned your head towards the library entrance and there were bunch of seniors coming in. mark quickly zipped his pants and you wipe his cum on his black sweatshirt. you both looked at each other, you just realize what you did.
“i’m sorry.” you whispered and shoved your head against the book. he snickered on your cuteness and clumsiness.
“hey mark.” you froze when the girl seniors approached mark. you stay still, face against the book.
“oh, hi.” he greeted back, giving them a forced smile.
“i saw them on the pizza house, i thought you’re there? i was about to go. good thing you’re here.” she said and you heard some chairs being pulled out.
I need to go fudge, this is probably why i don’t like mark, he’s surrounded by people. knowing you, you’re allergic to people.
you stood up and gather your things.
“where are you going?” mark asked in curiosity and confusion while watching you.
“hmm?” you look at him and carried your back and book. the seniors were staring at you too. “oh, my mom said i have to go for groceries, heheeh empty fridge.” you LIED again. his brow rose.
he was looking at you but not in your face though and you have no time to pay attention to that.
“again? yesterday you went-” you did not let him finish.
“i have to go bye!”
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you couldn't ignore your wetness beneath you. you were having a hard time walking because of the weird feeling and you felt discomfort on your abdomen part. obviously, you're horny and you knew that. you quickly turned to the right corner to use the girl's comfort room. you masturbate especially everytime you watch porn, and you badly need to masturbate right now without watching porn. you entered one of the cubicle and when you were about to close it, a hand appeared stopping the door.
he stepped inside the cubicle which made you step back , the behind of your knees touched the toilet seat. you heard and clicked sound, he closed the door.
“wait, weren’t you...” you were speechless as you point your finger outside but you were actually pertaining to the library.
why the hell is he everywhere? does he have roller blades on his feet?
"i can smell you." he said looking down, you were curious of what he was looking at but you were offended from his statement.
"excuse me?" you scoffed.
"you were standing infront of me before you leave me, too close and i'm not sure if that's the smell because it was my first time but..." he gaze straight into your eyes. he palmed your pussy which made you yelp. "it was sweet and erotic, are you horny right now?"
you gulped in embarrassment, you want to be swallowed whole by the soil. you were that wet from giving him a handjob!
"were you planning to masturbate?" his eyes switched into dark and dominating. you wonder, how can he guess everything right?
his palmed between your legs made it hard for you to control your desire. you grabbed his wrist.
"i need to cum." you gave him your pleading eyes.
your pleading sweet voice and eyes, and the way you say the word cum went straight into his dick. he never expected that word to come out from your mouth. when it did, he want to grant you.
"you're so special." he whispered. he unzipped your jeans and pulled it down above your knees which slightly made him annoyed because it was hard to pull it down. he gave your dump panty and glance because he can smell it, it wasn't a bad smell it was the opposite. it was sweet, very aromatic.
you just watch him while holding on his shoulder for balance. he stood up straight. you where biting your lips while staring at his handsome face through your lashes.
"mark..." you murmur as you were growing impatient. mark chuckled.
"okay, baby." he called you baby, and your heart lifted... and so as your right leg using his left arm. he hang your leg on his arm.
"what are you doing?" he didn't answer you.
he palmed your already sticky and wet pussy which made you bite your lower lip. he rubbed it in circular motion, you suppressed your moan because goodness it feels so good but you're afraid someone will hear you. he pulled your panty aside and rubbed your slit and clit, hard but slowly. your eyes were squeezing shut and enjoy the feeling. his lips pay attention on your jaw.
"mark, i want to cu- go. please." you whimpered.
he inserted his two finger and started to thrust it inside you while his thumb were flatly rubbing your clit.
"ah... hmmm" you couldn't suppress your moan anymore. "it feels so good." you cried and throw your head back gripping mark shoulder.
mark switched his attention from your jaw to your neck, licking and kissing it. he started to fasten the pace. your were producing a squelching sound.
"please, please, please i need to cum... oh f- yes yes." your eyes rolled back, you almost saw your brains. your legs felt tension causing your leg being lifted to flex straight, toes folded.
"are you cumming now, y/n? hmm?" he said against your neck. you nodded aggressively.
"i'm so close, so close" you were mewling. "ahh!" you clenched mark's fingers and produced a long cry when you finally reached your climax.
you became weak, your limbs became jelly. you were about to fall, good thing mark catched you before that happened. your arms have no energy to hold onto mark.
"are you okay?" mark genuinely asked. "did i overdo it?" growing concern feed him.
you shook your head, head empty, and catching your breath. you have low stamina, this already made you almost pass out? what more if he fuck you?
you shook your heard want to remove those perverted thoughts, and why the hell you thought of mark?
"seat down y/n." he made you seat on the toilet. suddenly, your phone rang. mark, without hesitation looked for your phone inside your bag. he looked at the name. "your mom." he cleared his throught and was about to answer but you quickly snatched it.
there's no way you want your mom to hear a male voice.
"mom?" you answered through your heavy breathing.
"y/n? why are you panting? are you okay?"
"ah, y-yes. i just ran from ahm nevermind i just ran that's it. why are you calling me?" mark intently watching you.
"oh, i forgot a file in our house, it's on top of my table, bring it here, okay?" she asked for your favor.
"yes." you sighed. your mom always forget something.
"okay, love you!" and she hang up.
you stood up. you look down as you felt your stickiness between your legs. you just pulled up your underware and pants.
"i need to go home, i'll go out first and make sure the coat is clear then you'll go out. okay?" you were still panting, catching your breath.
"i can drive you home." he said. there goes again, the warmth in his eyes. you were staring each other, mark looked so determined.
"promise me you will not do anything. i have no energy, mark." you sighed in defeat.
he laughed and pinched your cheek.
"sure." he said, smiling but deep inside he was disappointed. might not be visible because his sweatshirt was covering it, but he is painfully hard right now.
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nakamoto-aesthetics · 3 years
Period | n.yt
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synopsis: just know it got really sexual out of nowhere
genre: sexual, fluff in the beginning
pairing: boyfriend!yuta x female!reader
warning: nipple orgasm, heavy mentions of period blood and period sex, also yuta knows everything.
a/n: this story went way farther than I thought it would but it’s okay. please enjoy :)
word count: 4.1k
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you pull your eyes away from the tv as your phone lights up. it was a text. the contact popped up as ‘yuyu🐙❤️’ a.k.a yuta.
‘gonna be late tonight, don’t wait up. I love you angel <3’
you press your lips into a thin line. that was no good for you. you wanted to be cuddled up with your boyfriend and feel all of his body heat radiate onto you. you press the camera icon that’s next to the message bar and hold out your phone so your whole face was visible. you stick out your bottom lip, creating a pout. you press the circle button at the bottom, capturing the picture. you look at the pic for a few seconds and decide you were satisfied with it. you press the done button and accompany it with a text. ‘okay :( I love you too yuyu <3’ you press the send button and shut off your phone, sighing.
‘you’ll see him soon, it will be just fine’ you say to yourself in your head, trying to put your brain to rest. you’ve been craving yuta all day, desperately waiting for 7 pm (the time he gets out) to come around. you did all that just to find out that he was gonna come home late. usually, you were never this clingy but considering you were on your period it was much, much different. you weren’t having cramps or anything you were just super-duper clingy.
you quickly pick up your phone. ‘1 image’ you hurriedly unlock your phone, eagerly wanting to see the love of your life. your eyes are met with a picture of him pouting his lips, hair sticking to his forehead from all the dancing, and his eyes still managing to shine brightly. you could tell he’d secretly taken this from the way his phone was held from a downward angle, and he was looking down at the camera. you smile and move your eyes down to the caption.
‘your so cute baby, I can’t wait to get my hands on you later :) but I have to get to work :( see you later my love❤️❤️❤️’
you bite your lip softly and send three red hearts, finishing off the conversation. you press your phone to your chest and close your eyes, letting your mind wander to him. yuta was your mr. right, he always knew how to make any situation better than it was. you absolutely adored him, with his big smile and shiny eyes. he kept you smiling all the time. damn did you miss him right now. you lay your head back against the couch and release a long breath.
you put your phone down on the coffee table and lay down on the bed, pulling the comforter atop of you. you figured a nap would help ease your mind and push you closer to seeing yuta. you close your eyes and try to stop the random thoughts popping in your head. your lips press into a thin as you try to go to sleep but it doesn’t work considering, that you were laying there for multiple minutes on end.
you heavily sigh and open your eyes grabbing your phone, you knew just the trick. you open the vlive app, clicking on the NCT tab, then on the star board, scrolling down to one of your favorite lives. you smiled when you found it, the title was ‘everyone, thank you so much!!’ (yuta’s vlive from february 24, 2020) you clicked on it and there he was… the love of your life. you pressed the icon in the corner and it full-screened the live so then yuta was taking up your whole screen.
you sighed in relief trailing your eyes over every feature on his face. he was beautiful and you reminded him of that every day in different ways. ’this would have to do for now’ you thought. you turned up the volume on your phone just so you could hear him talk, his voice was so calming and therapeutic especially when he spoke in japanese. oh, how you loved it when he spoke japanese. you didn’t understand most of it but it was still a huge turn-on, and at the same time it made you feel so relaxed. yuta truly had a healing soul and there was no doubt about that.
you watch the vlive for a few minutes before your eyes started to feel heavy. you close your eyes immediately fall asleep, no random thoughts in mind once-so-ever.
only the thought of yuta and his healing being.
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yuta walks into the house, at an earlier time than expected but still later than usual. yuta pulled off his jacket and took his shoes off.
“angel?” he says loudly. he doesn’t get a response and heads to the first place he knew you would be at. the bedroom.
sure enough, he finds you there, sleeping peacefully. your back was facing him so he couldn’t see your face, it didn’t matter to him though. he leans against the doorframe and watches you for a few seconds. he wanted you to have a few more moments of solitude before he broke it. he couldn’t see your face but he knew you were sleeping. he could hear your soft breaths drawing in and out. he wakes up before you all the time and this gave him a lot of time to memorize your breathing patterns. sure, it was a little weird but yuta didn’t care. he paid attention to the small things you did, observing and analyzing them. it sounded a little creepy but to him that’s wasn’t the case at all. he wanted to learn all about you, if he could take a class on you he would’ve but for right now all he could do was talk to you and observe you.
he decided enough was enough and walked over to you. the first thing he noticed was his face on your phone. it was his vlive from a few months ago, the volume wasn’t too loud which is why he hadn’t heard it until now. he smiled softly, feeling so warm in that moment. he looked at your face. you looked so soft and adorable making him smile further. he pushes a strand of hair behind your ear and in return, you shift and pout softly.
yuta couldn’t wait any longer, it felt like his heart would burst right then and there. he crossed his arms and pulled his shirt up over his head. yuta knew how much you loved to feel his skin on yours. he turned off your phone, putting it to the side, and opening up the comforter to get inside. you whine in your sleep and naturally move over, making room for him. he slips inside and pulls you towards his chest gently. you stir a little bit but end up with your head pressed to his chest and your hand laying flat against his warm skin.
“baby” he softly says, caressing your hair with the back of his hand. you whine softly and slowly stir awake. he continues to caress you softly, moving his hand down to your cheek. you lean into his touch, still half asleep, slowly turning your lips up into a smile.
“hi,” you say softly and cuddle more into his chest. you look up at his face but only visible see a little bit of it. you connect your lips to the bottom of his jaw.
“hi princess,” he kisses the top of your head. “did you miss me?” he grins.
“yes I did,” your cheek flushes against his chest. “you're so warm and cuddly” you move around to wrap your arms around his waist.
“so are you” he bites his lip softly and rubs your back softly.
“how was practice?” you press your lips to his skin and kiss it softly.
“tiring as usual. how was your day?”
“boring. I missed you the whole time” one of your hands move to grip his bicep.
“aw, you were on my mind too. I had to imagine singing and dancing for you to get through the practice” you chuckle and lean up so then you can see his whole face.
“you’re too cute” you smile widely and peck his lips. he immediately connects your lips again and grips your chin, holding it in place. he kissed you sweetly, not too fast and not too slow, it was… just right. you smiled against his lips, making him bite your bottom lip softly as he pulled away.
“you’re a tease” you pout and cross your arms.
“and you missy are on your period don’t forget that” he kisses the tip of your nose. you pout and sigh.
“you could still fuck me though,” you pretend to be interested in your nails. “all you have to do is wrap up”
“yeah, no” he strokes your cheek. you shift your eyes onto him.
“I know you wouldn’t mind it… yuta you inserted a tampon into me once. period blood doesn’t disgust you obviously”
“you're right it doesn’t disgust but doesn’t mean I'm gonna fuck you” he chuckles and kisses your forehead.
“but it gets rid of cramps” you pout and peck his lips.
“nice try, you don’t have cramps” he pecks your lips.
“how do you know?” you press a kiss onto his lips.
“because you would be curled up in a ball with a heating pad pressed to your stomach, some chocolate, and your phone so then you can watch friends,” you widen your eyes and he chuckles into the next kiss he presses to your lips. “and then you would be texting me to get more chocolate on the way home”
“you're wrong” you look down at his chest, not being able to look him in the eyes because you knew he was in fact, right.
“am I? you can never look me in the eye when you lie” he tilts your head up and smirks.
“why do you know everything about me?” you narrow your eyes at him.
“because I pay attention” he smiles and kisses your cheek. you huff and lay your head on his shoulder, looking up at him. the atmosphere got quiet after that. you were looking at yutas face as he was looking at yours. it was like you both were in a trace, taking in the features of the other.
“you were watching my vlive to fall asleep?” yuta breaks the silence. you hum and nod at the same time. “did you miss me that much?” he smiles softly.
“more than you know” you shift your eyes down to his lips and stare at them.
“your adorable baby girl” he rubs your back and flashes his pretty smile. that was the last straw for you. you sat up abruptly, making him furrow his eyebrows. you heard him utter a ‘what's wrong?’ but you ignored it and continued to hoist yourself upon his lap.
“y/n what are you doing?” he rests his hands on your hips. you don’t say anything and rest your hands on the sides of his torso, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before moving down to his neck.
“babe what did I tell you-” he gets cut off by your index finger against his lips signaling him to be quiet. you nip at his sweet spot and hear soft breaths from the boy under you. you smirk against his skin and move down to his collarbone creating a few hickeys. yutas hands squeeze your waist a few times letting you know that he’s enjoying it, you could also hear soft moans leaving his mouth. your hands grip his biceps as you move down and his hands slide up to your upper back. your lips were hovering over his pec, one of your favorite places on him.
you licked your lips and pressed a few kisses along the outline of his left pec, making a few hickeys here and there. after you finished kissing all the skin you moved down slightly to his nipple. you looked up at his face, you wanted to watch this. you dipped your tongue down and lapped at his nipple once, you knew how sensitive they were once he got turned on. it was always a beautiful sight, to say the least.
yuta let out a sharp moan, throwing his head back. you stared at him in amazement, biting your lip softly. you connect your lips to his nipple and start to suck on it. you move your other hand to his other nipple, you play around with it a bit. you squeeze it between your thumb and index finger. you then take your hand off his nipple and squeeze his whole pec.
one of his hands grip the sheets and he looks down at you, he watches the way your lips move but that doesn’t last long because he throws his head back as soon as he looks at you. the sight was too hot for him, he swore he could cum right then and there from just watching you. a string of moans leaving his mouth as he felt a knot forming in his lower stomach. that’s right he was indeed about to cum untouched.
yuta looks down at you once more. his mouth releases a mix of profanities and throaty moans, his hands reaching to your hair and pulling on it harshly but it didn’t disturb you. you were pretty used to it from all the other times you guys have had sex, it turned you on a bit. you sped up your pace, sucking harder, and played with the nipple roughly. you watched his face contour beautifully, his eyebrows were knitted together, eyes squeezed tightly shut, nose was scrunched up, and lips parted with whiny moans falling from them.
“i-i’m g-gon-” a pornographic moan rips his throat. his back arches, catching you off guard for a second but you continue to suck, letting your other hand flick his other nipple. you feel his body convulse and his lips widen further as he throws his head back.
he’s panting after that and you take that as a sign to detach your lips and hand from his nipples. damn, you got to see all of that. you watched him intently, lips parted and eyebrows raised slightly. you couldn’t believe that just happened, you’d never seen something so lewd. porn couldn’t even compare to what you just saw but god damn was it hot, you swore you almost creamed your pants when he was cuming. you let your mind wander for a bit, thinking deeply about what just happened.
‘wait did he just-’ you shuffle down to his lower half and go to open his pants but not before a hand stops you.
“I need a second” a voice mumbles out, making you look up at him. he looked toasted after that orgasm. it must’ve been powerful as hell. you’ve never seen him orgasm like that before, it was very intense, to say the least.
“I’m not gonna suck you I just wanna see something” you lift the waistband of his pants now looking at his boxers. you could already see a prominent wet spot formed on the thin fabric. you then lifted the material and was met with a huge white sticky mess. “yuta” you softly say and sigh, looking at him.
“mm?” he hums, his eyes were closed and his body was relaxed as if he were going to sleep.
“you made a mess,” you huff. this catches his attention and he opens his eyes looking at you.
“what are you talking about?”
“in your pants, you made a mess in your pants”
“so? what does it mean to you?” he shrugs.
“I'm the one that has to clean you up”
“no you don’t, just come cuddle me” he opens his arms to you. you deny the offer, shaking your head.
“I can’t do that knowing that your sitting in your cum” he sighs at your statement and drops his arms.
“so how do you plan on cleaning me?”
“we’re gonna take a bath” you smile.
“but you're on your-”
“oh, I’m sorry, as, in we, I mean you. I’m just gonna be the one washing you up from outside the tub” you grin. he pretends to contemplate it when in reality he’s already made up his mind.
“okay,” he smirks and walks over to the bathroom that’s inside your shared room. you follow him seconds later and see his pants and boxers are already off.
“damn that was fast” you look him up and down and move around him. you bend down to plug the drain, then you turn the knobs to the temperature you knew he liked. as you waited for the tub to fill up you felt hands slip onto your hips, stroking them lightly. you close your eyes and sigh feeling so relaxed under his touch. you swore nobody could compare to the way he touched you. his hands glide up your sides, slipping under the thin shirt you were wearing he rubs the bare skin gently and trails over to the front of your belly. you stood up completely and rested your body against his tall frame. yes, you could feel everything but you didn’t mind it one bit, letting your eyes shut and your body relax.
you loved the physical connection you and yuta shared, you could feel his love through his touch. you were proud to say that was something you’d never felt with anybody else. you and yuta had been together for a year and a half now and every single moment up until when you first met him was amazing. you were sure that he was the one which is why you let your guard down with him. you’ve never shown someone so much of your personality because you were afraid of being hurt. you trusted yuta that much that you allowed yourself to be vulnerable in front of him.
“baby it’s done” he kisses the crook of your neck softly but doesn’t move from his place. you open your eyes and sigh bending down to turn off the water. his hands moved from your stomach to your hips and he gripped them before he moved from his place and stepped in.
he sat down slowly and relaxed his back against the tub. you got on your knees next to the tub, resting your forearms on the edge. you dip a finger in the water and swirl it around, watching him as he breathes in a deep breath and slides down in the tub, going all the way under the water. soon he comes back up and pushes his now wet hair up and out of his face, wiping his eyes. he then opens them and looks at you.
“damn” you whisper, the wind gets knocked out of you from just looking at him. yuta was undeniably pretty.
“you’re so… sexy,” you say in awe. he doesn’t reply to that and instead, slowly turns the corners of his mouth up. you can’t help but to smile and look down. you hear the movement of water and soon his finger is under your chin and tilting it up.
“thank you princess” he leans over to you and pecks your lips.
“for what?” you smile.
“for everything, the compliment even though you're sexier, but for being my girlfriend, giving me a bath and giving me the best damn orgasm of my life holy shit” he shakes his head and smiles.
“you’re welcome and wait can we talk about that orgasm because holy shit yuta, I've never seen anything like that from you before” you widen your eyes and picture it.
“I know it was so intense, maybe because you weren’t touching me but I didn’t even know I could orgasm like that. is that how girls feel?” he whispers the last part making you laugh loudly and throw your head back.
“I don’t know about other girls but for me, it sure looked like it” you shake your head.
“well damn,” he laughs and shakes his head.
“wait but like, the noises you made really turned me on. they were so pretty,” you say in a slightly shy manner.
“oh really?” he smirks and leans in close to you. “maybe I should just start moaning in your ear randomly,” he says in a seductive voice, right next to your ear.
“no, no there’s no need to do that,” you gently push him away. “wait actually-” you give it some thought but then get cut off by a small gasp.
“you naughty girl,” yuta says with a smile and lightly hits the back of your hand. “your so lucky im in here because I would spank you” you stick your tongue out at him like a kid and presses his tongue to his cheek. “oh you’re in for it tonight. I don’t have to use your pussy I could just use your pretty mouth” his thumb reaches to stroke over your bottom lip.
“okay sir” you hold his hand and press a kiss to it before you stand up and grab the washcloth, putting soap on it. “stand up for me” he does so and you start at the top of his body and slowly work your way down. the whole time all you could think about was how perfect his body was, you would kill for a body like his.
you got down to his dick and released a breath, hesitant to touch it. you looked up at him for some type of permission. he looks down at you and furrows his eyebrows.
“you act like my dick isn’t yours, you can touch it whenever you want baby I hope you know that” he laughs loudly. you chuckle and nod, grabbing a hold of it and washing it. you can hear soft breaths coming from him and in an instant, his dick starts to grow.
“yuta” you sigh and let go of him before looking up at him. he looks down at you and releases a sharp breath.
“just like that, keep looking at me” his hand keeps your face in position, he’s looking at you with heavy lust-filled eyes.
“no” you shake your head. “after” you grab him in your hold and finish washing the rest of his body. you heard occasional grunts along the way. once you were done you pull the plug releasing all the water from the tub. you grab a towel and wraps it around him, helping him out of the tub.
“there, all done” you smile and kiss his shoulder, walking him to the bedroom. “sit down please” he does just that, sitting on the bench right in front of the bed.
“your gonna dress me?” you hum in response and grab clothes from his drawers. once you were satisfied you set them on the side of him, grabbing the towel he had on and drying him off. you slip his boxers on and then grey sweatpants on.
“perfect” you lean in and peck his lips a few times before pulling away and putting the towel back in the bathroom. you return to him laying in the bed and go lay beside him. “aren't you gonna do something to me?” you stroke his chest with your index finger.
“yes” he turns toward you and pulls you up against him. your breath hitches at the abrupt movements. his hand slides down the curve of your hips and to your ass, gripping it harshly.
“what are you planning to do?” you saw the dark look in his eye like he wanted to do very bad things to you. usually, when he gave you that look it meant you were gonna be sore for a whole week.
“I’m gonna fuck you that’s what I’m gonna do” his hands slide between your bodies and his fingers graze over your clothed clit making you gasp and lay your head against his chest.
“b-but im-”
“it’s day 4, there's barely any blood there” he cuts you off. you sigh, he was right, you weren’t gonna get out of this one.
“then why didn’t you let me get in the bath with you?”
“you could’ve got in, I wouldn’t have cared and you know that. I was gonna ask you to get in but I got lost in you and forgot” he kisses your head and tilts your chin up to his face. “are you gonna let me fuck you?”
“yes,” you say slowly, feeling intoxicated by him. he smirks and presses his lips to yours gently before flipping you onto your back and hovering over you. his dark eyes changed from soft to harsh in a matter of seconds and before you knew it your arms were above your head.
“you're my slut tonight baby” he smirks with a sinister look. you were in for it tonight.
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NCT Masterlist
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