#kind of got tired of feeling like skys unique traits were over looked
luna-lovegreat · 4 months
So I'm totally normal about this (<- bold faced lie) but
Whenever someone falls, and is injured or overwhelmed in battle, Sky is always the first one to notice and get there to help
He repeats these phrases:
"Oh no!" When he notices someone's in trouble and needs his help.
And "I've/We've got you!" When he's coming to help.
Here's 19,928 examples
Literally the first battle we see them fight together
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Everyone else went after the moblin, and Sky went to help who got stabbed (revenge vs rescue, Skys got his priorities right)
When Wild got injured jumping in front of a sword for Wind
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When Twilight got injured (he and wars got there asap)
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When they were getting Twilight out and Lizards followed
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When Legend was surrounded while the others were debating (again, priorities people)
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We talk about how he's there emotionally for the others, but in battle? Sky will drop everything and go to who needs help. And he's truly the most reliable in tense battle because of that. He's teased for being slow/ low stamina/ sleepy, but the truth is he's the fastest swordsman, and if someone needs him? He's there. Instantly, he's there to help.
And I think that's pretty cool :)
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
I was going to actually post this before asks closed (didn’t get the chance), but Teddy Bear Anon, you are one of my favorite people and a magnificent creature. You get my vibe. 
About Bad canonically being Sapnap’s dad I feel like that has so much extra angst potential when we consider the rest of the found family. Like. Sapnap, Tommy, and Fundy all have dads who started with the best of intentions but for one reason or another ended up slowly becoming a danger to them. I imagine Tommy and Fundy one day showing up with a cake and telling Sapnap “We regretfully welcome you to the shit dad club” and Sapnap is torn between being upset still and laughing over the absurdity of the situation.
Bonus points if Tommy made the cake using a recipe book that Niki gave him, the last gift Niki ever gave to Tommy. Tommy was originally a really bad cook/baker but after the egg really started to take over he went full survivalist. Leaning to cook was necessary but learning to bake was something he did as a way to raise everyone’s spirits. He’s never gotten the flavor quite to match with Niki’s perfectly but everyone agrees he’s gotten pretty decent in terms of skills. He and Fundy in particular will sometimes just spend an entire day in silence baking and then quietly eat their creations while reflecting on the friends they’ve made and lost over the course of L'manberg’s lifetime. When the group got back to the past and Niki made cookies for Tommy and Fundy the pair very nearly started crying.
Tommy is in an interesting position as a character since he did commit a lot of minor crimes and acted as a general nuisance but he was also still a child. (A very traumatized one considering I canonize SMP Earth with its unlimited lives but even more wars. Including against God. Tommy fought God just let me have this.) He acknowledges the moments when he went over the line and has tried to apologize. In particular at some point before the egg fully takes over he pulls aside Jack and tells him that he’s sorry for the way he acted when he was still in exile, taking one of Jack’s lives and all. Jack and Niki in particular are an interesting subject to address and a painful one for immune!Tommy to think about when he sees younger Niki because the three never fully tossed out the hatchet but it was obvious in the eyes of someone like Sam that both of them were growing more and more hesitant to hurt Tommy. It was made worse by the fact neither were even marginally immune, and it didn’t take long for the egg to get to them.
He never stopped being chaotic. Tommy at his core is just that kind of person. He did, however, grow up enough to act in a more mature manner. Started to recognize what’s too much. In particular he became a lot less violent and willing to lash out after Sam Nook in essence reparented him. He’s still an absolute wild card of a person, which in the eyes of Sam and Sapnap is a good thing. For this au I think we should actually address Tommy having severe ptsd and during the building of his hotel/the early days of the egg before it becomes a noticeable threat it shows. He’s a lot more subdued. Shows of aggression all carry a kind of desperation and his typical jokes feel flat. Lashing out at people slowly becomes more of a defense mechanism to see if someone’s going to leave or betray him, to test the limits of how nice they’re willing to be. After all, nice people have only ever been nice to Tommy when they wanted something from him. His eyes, especially after L'manberg is blow sky high, are well and truly gray. The first time Tommy genuinely laughs after filling Sapnap’s room with chickens is considered celebration worthy to them. His pranks take on a more hermitcraft-esque feel to them which honestly makes them more funny.
By the time they get to the past Tommy has recovered, but he still carries the kind of maturity that like Teddy Bear mentioned is reminiscent of age swap Tommy. When he gets especially stressed though, Immune!Tommy will slip into moments where he acts as tired and done with the world as age swap Tommy. With that said, most of the time he just acts like a more mature Tommy. Nothing could ever completely erase his unique vibe which Ranboo has gone on record as describing “Willing to fight God deaf, blind, and backwards just to prove a point." 
Immune Fundy and Tommy get on really well once Fundy manages to catch up with the rest of the group. It gets to the point where everyone from the past is kinda shocked since smp Fundy and Tommy do not get along. At all. Literally the first night Fundy’s back someone goes to wake them up and they find Fundy asleep on top of Tommy which is a wild experience since this Tommy is a goliath who often refuses to take off his full Netherite max enchant armor. He really becomes a "looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll” kinda mans.
Also, yeah, this is Dream’s retirement arc. He is literally just sitting in the corner watching Tommy dote on his younger self and Tubbo before completely pile driving two of the most powerful people on the server straight into the dirt. At some point Tommy sits down with past Punz. He tells this Punz that their Punz died protecting him and Tubbo and that Tommy never got to properly thank their Punz so he’s going to thank this Punz. Tommy then gives Punz an entire stack of Netherite. If we’re gonna go ahead and agree on Phoenix Tommy then Tommy is fire proof, meaning he probably spent a large amount of time in the nether to avoid the egg crew and get rare supplies. Meaning he also probably did a lot of mining just to distract himself and it resulted in him being loaded. Tommy used to have a fear of tnt and explosives but he seems like the type of mad lad to say “exposure therapy” and make a massive cavern in the underbelly of the nether.
I think it would also be really interesting to dedicate like, a couple of chapters to other people’s perspectives. I kind of want to set the time they arrive in the past partway through the Pogtopia arc since I like mildly unhinged but not completely gone Wilbur. Plus then it also makes more sense for Techno to be there. Just prefer the aesthetic really. I want to have Wilbur see this version of Tommy and come to a sudden “oh” moment. I want to have a moment where Tubbo looks between his Tommy and this new Tommy, seeing himself nowhere to be found, and has enough what the fuck moments to become aggressively protective of his own Tommy. Especially if immune!Tommy ever admits to the past Tubbo why he is the way he is, what he faced under the thumb of the people he trusted. Which, out of everyone on the server, Tubbo would be the first one from the past to actively learn. 
I am fully on board with Tommy knowing how to sew. That should just automatically be canon in literally ever AU. Tommy for all intents and purposes is still Phil’s child for me. Survival runs in the family the same way that chaos does, so he’s got a ton of basic survival skills that he just doesn’t show off because it’s still Tommy. He would have been completely fine in exile if it wasn’t for Dream. Whenever someone ruins their clothes in the Immune group they automatically go to Tommy and at first the past versions are very confused (except for past Tommy and Tubbo obviously) and then Tommy’s just “Sapnap this is beyond ruined it can’t be saved, let me make you something new” and within a couple days he makes Sapnap a completely new outfit. Like maybe Sapnap fell into a lava pool because Blaze Sapnap Supremacy and his clothes are beyond saving and everyone is beyond baffled when Tommy just acts like this is a weekly occurrence. He’s memorized Sapnap’s measurements and style tastes and already had a new outfit in the works for him that Sapnap immediately adores upon it being presented to him. It takes about a week for past Eret to learn that Tommy stress sews new clothing and he cannot think of a better model. Eret has never had such a full closet. Eret has everything from three piece suits to ball gowns now. Eret lives in terror of the days where Tommy disappears god knows where with Fundy and the two reappear with a new wardrobe for the entire god damn server. 
Speaking of disappearing I really like the idea of part phoenix and part tanuki Tommy for a couple reasons. Being a Tanuki he’d have access to enough magic to hide his hybrid traits, which if they’ve been present for long enough would be a necessity to him. Additionally think about Fundy and Tommy building a den under Church Prime that slowly turns into a maze. Think about it. It starts off simple and then they both start digging more and it gets deeper and deeper and more complicate and the two just refer to it as their den and the only ones who are fully aware of the connotations of that word are Sam, Sapnap, and Ranboo who remember the absolute hell that was trying to navigate the original. Just Fundy and Tommy bonding over the fact they are literally the only creatures on this server that have this catacomb memorized and at the end of the catacomb is their saferoom which connects to rail way that the two spent a month straight on. It goes at least 25k blocks from spawn and it’s a final emergency resort in case they can’t stop the egg and the Immunes needs to regroup and essentially try again (if they keep bringing their younger selves with them then hopefully they’ll finally get an army large enough to stop this, but everyone really hopes it doesn’t come to that.)
I’m working on the first chapter of my fic right now actually if I’m gonna be honest and phoenix Tommy is absolutely without question canon to it but I’ve still been going back and forth on if I want him to be part tanuki as well or just blessed/favored by one like Teddy Bear mentioned. I’m also tucking away the whole thing about the magma blood for later use. Phoenix Tommy just makes sense. They used to call him Zombie Kid for a reason back on SMP Earth, he just literally does not die ever unless he decides he does.
~Snapdragon & Firefly
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lumau · 4 years
Yay! Finally more Juprafel content! Here is a fanfic for you that I’ve written for the Mogtober 2020 prompt for day 5 (favorite side character).
Notes: I’m still pre-Hollowpox, so some things might not line up anymore later on. I wanted to write down one (of my many) ideas on how Jupiter met Israfel for the first time. What I enjoyed was to specifically not focus on Israfel's addictive singing, but on what else might connect him to Jupiter, what his personality could be and his background. I have (many) theories about him and the “not-actually-angels”, as a lot is still left in the air (pun intended) after Wundersmith. I made up quite a few things about them, which will very likely be inaccurate. I realise the angels from Grave Importance influenced me and especially the story around Amitiel and Zophiel. I just really got something for corrupted angels, I guess. :D
There will be some flirty stuff (it’s Jupiter North after all!), but you can totally read this as the beginning of a special friendship if you’re not into shipping.
And if you are, though, I already plan to write a follow up story for Mogtober day 9 which will likely have more of a romancy note to it. And there will be the matching illustration I made, so stay tuned for that!
Oh, and a shout out to those who were there for the first posts on this blog – there will be a moment of recognition for you if you make it to the end! :)
When he received the Stealth’s request to join forces with them on a special mission that would involve the visit of a very fancy and exclusive soirée, it all sounded exciting and like the perfect job for him. Three hours in though, Jupiter felt the nagging of a headache and, even worse, extremely bored. It turned out he had not been recruited because of his impeccable looks, his charisma or his ability to turn every party into a roaring success, but because of him being a Witness.
To his outrage, they had not even let him wear his famously snazzy pastel mint coloured evening suit. However, no one could stop him from giving the all black stealth uniform at least a small personal touch by adding a floral pink pocket square and his favourite lavender dress shoes. They had to agree to this mildly rebellious act begrudgingly. His ginger mane and beard already made it impossible for Jupiter to be actually stealthy anyways, and their human and wunimal resources (HWR) for this job were so limited, they couldn‘t risk losing his cooperation.
As he was supposed to, Jupiter let his gaze slowly wander over the crowd from the outskirts of the dim lounge. Once again, he could not detect any sign of disturbances in the general atmosphere of the party. Most of those attending were slightly on edge and rather wished they were somewhere else, as he could clearly see in their auras and the web of Gossamer threads, but that was nothing unusual at a political event and what he had expected due to the delicate nature of the gathering.
Scattered across the room was a small number of extremely posh diplomats and their guests. The intention of WunSoc in inviting the COG (Celestial Observation Group) was to stay on good terms with them, an urgent necessity after the recent issues they had gotten into when both groups were faced with being involved in those interspecies murder cases.
Jupiter had never before been in a room with several Celestial Beings at once, and he could do without that experience. Part of the preparation for the job had been a thorough briefing about their kind, and only a few chosen senior Stealth officers with special mental training had been found suitable. Watching the interactions in the room through his lens had been captivating at first, but now it started to tire Jupiter out. Humans were already so complicated on their own, but the unique trait of the Celestials, absorbing and influencing the emotions of those around them, turned the whole room into a blurry melting pot. As Jupiter curiously observed, the clowd-like puffs of emotions were drawn towards the winged folks, but sometimes their own state of mind also seemed to drift over to their opponents, engulfing and influencing them.
Fascinating, but clearly highly dangerous and for Jupiter, who’s visual filters were lowered on his watch post, quite exhausting. He had been instructed to notify the chief officer immediately, should the atmosphere in the lounge take a risky turn or should he detect any hostile intentions. So far everyone was peacefully engaging in small talk though.
Mentally turning his filters back up, Jupiter closed his eyes for a second and stifled a yawn. He checked his fob watch – 15 minutes till the end of his shift, finally. A smile crossed his face. Through the eyes of a ‘normal’, the sight of the room was actually outrageously beautiful. The dim light made the Celestials‘ skin, wings and gowns shimmer in varying metallic shades, and their faces wore mild, austere looks as if nothing could ever disturb their composed aloofness. The briefing had warned about their ethereal beauty and mental influence, but seeing it in person was something else. Jupiter could feel a little pinch of longing in his stomach. The worst part of the job was that he had to keep at the sidelines of the party – not a particularly fun party, but still.
Something caught his attention in the corner of his eye, something sparkly in the shadows of an alcove. He focused and could make out the shape of a person surrounded by a sizzling cloud of gloomy energy. Tensing he tried to see what was going on. He did need light to make full use of his knack, but it was bright enough for him to tell that someone was not having a good time over there. Were they hostile though? There was some anger, for sure, but diffused with other emotions like anxiety and sadness, and a very strong sense of being out of place. Definitely not someone planning to overthrow the Wundrous Society or cause a civil war between sky and ground.
Pushing away from the wall he had been leaning against, Jupiter started to stroll over to where he had seen the golden shimmer in the darkness. Jupiter’s curiosity was piqued. His face lit up. For the sake of the safety of the Free State, he had to investigate, right?
“Excuse me, is everything okay?” he addressed the stranger, approaching, but before he could take another step, their head shot up and without warning Jupiter was hit by such a sudden wave of anger, it felt like a fist to his stomach. He gasped and stopped dead in his tracks. There was a cloud of chaos emanating from the Celestial, speckled with hundreds of tiny flame-like shards that were swarming towards him like angry wasps. Jupiter felt the irresistible urge to turn around and get out of there immediately. Then he remembered to breathe. One slow, deep breath. And another. Like he had been taught when he had first learned to control his vision. And another. And he could see past the darting flames and feel his body again. Nothing was physically attacking him. He just needed to focus.
Taking one more deep breath, he concentrated and said in a calm and measured voice, sporting his warmest smile, as if nothing had just happened: “I saw you sitting here alone and was wondering if you needed anything.”
It took the Celestial a moment to find their composure, but the storm-like cloud around them was calming down. Jupiter suddenly felt a desire to go to the bar and get them a strong drink. Blinking, he could see that this prompt had not appeared out of nowhere, but it was actually drifting over to him from inside the alcove. “Sneaky!” he thought slightly amused, “This should get interesting.”
“Look,” he said, “I’ll get you a drink, if you stop glowering. Just give me a minute, alright?” He winked and was about to turn away, when a low, deeply melodic voice spoke. “We have been warned about you, Captain North.”
Jupiter’s heart made a little jump and he could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up. That voice… it was the most perfect sound in the universe. He could see it sending little rippling waves through the Gossamer. Someone with a voice like that shouldn’t even be able to exist in this realm. It seemed somehow… indecent.
Jupiter noticed that he was staring at the Celestial open-mouthed and shook himself out of it by running a hand through his hair. “I’m flattered! What have you been warned about? My sharp wits? My gingerness? Or about me being very handsome?”
To his own surprise, the hint of a smile crept across the dark face. Jupiter noticed once again a golden shimmer. “All of those might have been mentioned,” the Celestial replied, standing up, “but we were mainly told to not engage with you due to your special ability of seeing the truth.”
“Yep, that’s me!”, Jupiter smiled, obviously pleased. “As you already know so much about me, may I ask for your name?” There was a stirring and a soft rustle of feathers, as the Celestial stepped smoothly out of the dark corner. Now Jupiter could see where the reflections came from. The dark skin was rippled in tiny rivers of gold, and the folded wings were speckled with what looked like a million golden stars. It was difficult to not feel awed by such otherworldly beauty.
“Pleased to meet you, Captain North. My name is Israfel.” “Israfel, it’s my pleasure. And please call me Jupiter, I’m currently not working.” “Are you not? I thought you were on watch duty? That’s what I was told, at least.” Jupiter made a mental note about an alarming lack of secrecy in the preparation of this mission. “My shift has ended”, he checked his fob watch, “one minute ago exactly. My replacement is just taking her place over there.” He had spotted Barren, the Bulldogwun that was taking over for him across the room and gave her a little wave, that she answered with a grim nod. While she didn’t have his vision, her sense of smell was so finely tuned that she could perceive a lot of what he saw. He felt sympathy for her. It was hard work for either of them to use their senses in a room full of people.
“So, Israfel. Will you be having that drink with me regardless of those warnings?” Jupiter tilted his head with his most inviting smile. There was a short silence. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for either of us to be seen together. Let’s meet outside on the balcony in a minute. I’ll have a double-shot of Whiskey.” Without waiting for a reply, Israfel moved towards the balcony and left Jupiter standing, a slightly sheepish grin on his face, feeling utterly pleased at this exciting turn of events.
Jupiter had to work his magic on the bartender, as this was in fact an alcohol free event. They couldn‘t risk anyone letting their guards down tonight. Shortly afterwards he stepped out onto the wide balcony, in one hand a flute of pink champagne and the Whiskey in the other.
Israfel stood at the balustrade overlooking the nightly Nevermoor, wings mantled as if to stretch them after having them tucked for too long. A light breeze ruffled the feathers that reflected the light of the lanterns and they seemed to glow warmly. Jupiter urged himself to continue moving, as he’d also happily just stood there, observing this almost surreal scene, forever.
“One Whiskey for the gentle--- erm...” Jupiter stopped, his mind running into a dead end. Israfel took the glass from his hand and drank. “It’s okay, you can say gentleman. Although my kind does not abide by your human roles of gender, your masculine forms would be most suitable for me.” He downed the rest of the glass and set it down onto the balustrade.
They stood in silence for a moment, taking in the view of the sleeping city. “It must not be easy for you to live around all of this.” Israfel gestured towards the dim lights below. “Hmm?” “As you probably know, my kind absorbs others' emotions. Living amongst all these people... I just couldn’t. And I suppose it must be similar for you, seeing everything, always.” He gave Jupiter a quizzing look, “How do you do it?” “I see you’re not into small talk, are you?” Jupiter chuckled amused, “Tell me more about this emotions thingy then. How does it work?”
Israfel looked a little annoyed by his evasiveness, but still answered. “It’s fairly simple. We take in others’ emotions and they become part of us. Good emotions nurture and heal us, while negative emotions pull us down and can be quite a pain. We depend on the emotions of others, but too much of them or especially bad ones can even cause harm. Human emotions are complicated. Amongst ourselves, we can control what we take in. That’s why we always live in pairs or groups and rather stay away from humans.”
“Wait,” Jupiter interrupted, “what you’re saying is you’re practically feeding on emotions? And you would die if you were left alone?” “Not quite, no. Our bodies need food and drink, and we can survive without others’ emotions. But our spirit would wither, and after some time, we would be left empty.” “Fascinating!” Jupiter proclaimed, “But also quite dreadful, the thought of dying internally.”
Now it made somewhat more sense to him, Jupiter thought. The Celestial Beings were all utterly beautiful and could charm and manipulate people with their voices, and although they were rarely ever seen in Nevermoor, practically everyone admired the angels of legends which they resembled. It was quite a refined hunting technique, coming to think of it, for a being that thrived of affection to reflect the fond dreams and wishes of their prey. But Jupiter wasn’t judging.
“So back in there earlier, at that dull party”, he motioned towards the lounge, “were you just a little hangry then?” Israfel startled, and burst into a snorting laugh, that Jupiter hadn’t thought he’d be capable of, as it seemed way too profane. “Maybe. Now I’m better though.”
Jupiter could see that. The dark cloud had not vanished, but there were other things in the Celestial’s aura. The alcohol, silver shimmer of excitement, little flashes of curiosity and a string of… affection? Focusing closely for a moment, Jupiter could see a very faint, thin rosy ribbon wafting in the air and connecting the two of them underneath their rib cages. ‘Huh!’ he thought, ‘Makes sense. Not hangry anymore.’
Israfel’s voice made him look up again. “Actually, I was kind of stood up. I’m not part of the COG. Cassiel brought me along as his companion. I didn’t want to come, it’s always such a pain being cooped up in a room on the ground, no space to stretch my wings without knocking anything over… Those boring conversations and not even a proper drink to be had.”
Jupiter could see some of the tiny flames reappear and the cloud around Israfel’s head grew darker again as he talked himself back into a rage. ‘Quite an intense one, he is’ Jupiter thought somewhat approvingly. “And as soon as we get here, Cassiel immediately disappears for a special meeting or something that he wouldn’t tell me about, leaving me all by myself in a room full of strangers. Not as if he hadn’t been depriving me all those last weeks anyways.” Israfel slapped his hand on the balustrade and left it there curled into a fist, staring down sulkily at the empty street below.
“Sounds like you’ve had quite a night,” Jupiter remarked compassionately, wilfully blocking the raging flames from his vision. “Are you and Cassiel… close?” “Yes. No. Well, not in the sense that your kind speaks of it. We don’t form such emotionally entangled bonds as you humans do. We provide for each other. It’s a form of communal organisation.” Jupiter tried to imagine what that could look like and wasn’t sure he understood. An organised relationship to provide for each other's needs of affection? 9 a.m., 5 minute hug before work; 6 p.m., make 3 compliments each? When he looked at Israfel’s aura though, what he saw resembled pretty much what he’d expect to see in someone who had been hurt by a loved one. He stopped his inner monologue to turn back to the grim looking Celestial. His wings were drooping now and he seemed so utterly miserable, Jupiter could only just stop himself from giving him a big squeezing hug, once again, a wish that was not just of his own making.
“Hah!”, Jupiter suddenly burst out, “Gentlewings!” “What?” Israfel looked up at him in bewilderment. “Oops, did I say that out loud? I just realised, earlier I should have said ‘One Whiskey for the gentlewings’, cause… well, you…” he trailed off. Israfel shook his head in disbelief, but was unable to help a smile creeping onto his face. “I can’t even.” “But thanks, anyways.” “What for?” “That you’re trying to cheer me up. I appreciate it.”
“Captain North!” a voice rang across the balcony, making both of them startle and turn. “Inspector Lamar?” Jupiter started walking over to the stealth officer standing in the doorway. “We have been looking for you, the guests are leaving and Inspector Barren would like a word with you before we wrap up.” Inspector Lamar saw past Jupiter where Israfel was still standing at the balustrade and cast him a questioning look, “Is everything alright, Captain?” “Right as rain, Inspector, right as rain. I was just checking in on one of our guests who felt a little queasy. You know, not much room for wing stretching and so on in there, got a little claustrophobic, poor chap.” He gave Inspector Lamar a conspiratorial smile. “I’ll find Barren in a minute, I’m just going to make sure that Celestial is feeling better before he finds his way back to the others.” The Inspector didn’t seem fully convinced by his words, but nodded and turned to re-enter the lounge.
Israfel strolled over to Jupiter, a worried look on his face. Jupiter gave him a reassuring smile. “No need to frown, they just informed me that I’m wanted by my colleague and that the party is finally ending. The guests are leaving, so you should probably go and find Cassiel as well.” “Oh, right,” Israfel sighed and nodded, “thanks for helping me out earlier. You made that evening a lot more bearable.” Jupiter beamed at him and couldn’t help but feel very pleased with himself. If he didn’t know his knack was being a Witness, he’d have sworn it was picking the most interesting people in every crowd, finding the odd one out, those who wouldn’t conform, and befriending them. He knew right away that Israfel was different from the other Celestials, and was convinced he’d only merely scratched the surface of his personality. He could feel the promise of unexpected adventures in the air.
Leaning casually against the door frame of the lounge, Jupiter ran a hand through his long ginger hair. “If you’d like something better than a just bearable evening… You know I run the Hotel Deucalion, and Frank, my party planner, who is a vampire dwarf by the way, only one in Nevermoor, he’s always coming up with something brilliant for our weekly party night. Should you want to join this Saturday… you might even have some fun?” Israfel’s face showed surprise, as if him having fun at a party seemed quite an abstract idea. He considered the thought for a moment, and Jupiter was pleased to see the shimmer of excitement intensifying around him. But then something crossed his mind, his face fell and the silver glow subsided. “Listen, thanks for asking, but your kind and my kind can't ever become closely acquainted. We become dependent on your emotions, and our ways of influencing you mentally would mean you could never truly trust me. It's an impossible endeavour, really."
Jupiter smirked. He was Captain Jupiter Amantius North, member of the Wundrous Society and League of Explorers, first to climb Mt Ridiculous, discoverer of 17 previously undiscovered realms, to just name a few of his many (partially self-given) titles, and for a good reason – he could never resist an impossible challenge.
"Shall we say Saturday, 8 p.m. then? I will meet you in the Deucalion lobby. Unless, of course, you’d rather come via the rooftop terrace? Oh, and don’t worry – all of my staff and my esteemed guests are very discreet. No need to fear a public political scandal should we get utterly drunk and end up dancing together on the buffet tables." He winked and turned to move away quickly, leaving Israfel standing dumbstruck, before he had the chance to say anything in return.
Jupiter could feel his heart pounding with excitement and glee, a wide smile drawn on his face, as he briskly walked through the now almost dark lounge, ignoring the shadows of the events of this past evening that were emanating all around him. He could still see a hint of the rosy ribbon that connected him to Israfel when he looked down. What an intensely fascinating person he met tonight! He was hooked.
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thinkingagain · 4 years
Unseen and unheard, a lone figure in black commando gear appeared on the Demesne. He had seen the portal coordinate trick before, several times, in non-animal situations. He scoffed at the inexperienced commando team taken in by it.
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Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest (A Novel of the Revolution) Book Three: The Be Attitudes Chapter 21
Lucky Blue took off his headphones and looked at Jack. “It worked. Easily and effectively.” Beside him, the Demesne underground technology was humming along.
“And maybe not for the last time,” Jack rubbed one of his long legs in the dust to clean it. “Movie sets have lots of uses. Abandoned ones too.”
“I see how they come in handy,” Lucky said. “Just a quick intercept and alteration of portal coordinates removes a whole assault force with no effort at all.”
“The likeness is pretty exact,” Jack said. “Green Bear spared no expense on the recreation. Not that the land and landscaping cost more than a tiny bit of the resources he has.”
“I’d like to go up there some time,” Lucky said. “Walk around, really check it out.”
“You could hike up in about two days. It’s a pleasant walk.”
“Maybe I will,” Lucky said. “I haven’t taken any long walks in a while.”
Jack nodded. “It’s a nice night here, isn’t it?” He sighed. “Seems so anyway. I’m off to sleep in a moment.” His rabbit limbs drew themselves up more anxiously. “Think the Sir is going to be okay?”
Lucky shook his head. “I don’t know. Nobody does.”
Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest lay, asleep, on the grounds of the Demesne that he loved so well. His breathing came harshly at moments, in strained gasps, then would calm. He was obviously in pain. As far as anyone around him could tell though, he didn’t seem to be dying. It was good that he was able to sleep.
After having done his best to help him survive, Love Frog had gone off for his own long sleep in one of his favorite nearby muddy ponds, throwing mud over himself like a healing ointment. Madam, with Busterella beside her and Sir Henry patrolling nearby, had insisted on being first to watch the Sir. She had stayed by his side for a few hours until she got too tired. Now Matilda was sitting there, providing her power, serenity, and healing nature. Young Mountain Goat, necessary for quickness in case of attack, was sleeping close by. Macalister and Smoochie, both obviously used to night frog duty, had taken over guarding the nearby terrain.
The Sir breathed on, unevenly, oblivious to all who cared for him.
Unseen and unheard, a lone figure in black commando gear appeared on the Demesne. He had seen the portal coordinate trick before, several times, in non-animal situations. He scoffed at the inexperienced commando team taken in by it. He could work better without them. Those who had been decoyed would be his decoys. He headed where he had to go, avoiding straight lines that would make him easier to follow. No one had ever followed him successfully. Finding him accidentally had several times been deadly to others.
Ling Ling, Leo, and Maximillian were talking quietly on a patch of ground behind some stones. ‘I can’t read him right now at all.” Ling Ling shook her head sadly. “His mind is far away.”
“Perhaps it has to be.” Leo stretched his legs along the ground. “The animal mind often seeks a larger vista when removed from immediate practical concerns. Or when it is struggling to recover or seeking a reason to live.”
“The news has gotten out fast.” Maximillian was standing at rest the way penguins do. “Good wishes for the Sir are pouring in from many points of contact.”
“Good animal wishes always help.” Ling Ling nodded cautiously. “The air is full with them. But do they help enough?”
“We’ll find out,” Leo said.
“You’re really able to remain philosophical about it.” Ling Ling said, no sassiness in her voice. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or annoyed.”
“Thinking can’t be all that important if you can’t use it during a bad time,” Leo said. “It should never come without feeling, of course. I’m worried too.”
Maximillian shook tension from his flippers. “All these animals we know, all over the world, and sometimes not one of us can do anything. I guess there are limits even to our magic powers.”
“More of them than we realize,” Leo said.
There was much consternation in the technology control room at Animal Unlimited. “Nothing?” the Nephew was saying to the other Beasts in the room huddled tightly by their monitors. “Abandoned? How can that be?” He looked around the room, waiting. No answers came. “And what about…?” He stopped, but the others seemed to know what he was referring to.
In the air vents, three cats were listening. They heard the hanging question and waited for some Beast in the control room to answer it. No answer came.
With the Sir gravely hurt, there was no one to watch the Demesne Beast except Muffin.
The Beast’s behavior had been notable since shortly after the wounded Sir had been brought back to the Demesne. Muttering to itself, occasionally sighing then emitting long groans: that was hardly exceptional. Still its quivering and discomfort seemed different. It kept looking around as if asking if it could be of help. Muffin tried to calm it, patting its back, scratching its head, rapping it on the nose if it seemed tempted to howl. Even late into the night the Beast still rolled on the ground, agitated in its sleep.
“Is it possible,” Muffin said to it softly, “that you are concerned about the Sir?”
In its sleep the Beast rolled over and mumbled, “Nobody loves me.”
“Lampy can’t sleep,” Koala Lampur said to Little Sy. “Looks like you can’t either.” Nearby, the shadow of a few high rocks was slightly darker than the night sky.
“I dropped off for a few hours.” Sy’s expression was bleary. “So much to organize tomorrow. But it’s not that. I just feel uneasy.”
“I understand.” Koala Lampur gave Sy a soothing scratch. “I don’t know if our hoping helps him. But it may help us, and not hoping can’t help anyone.”
“But ma, there’s something else.” Little Lampur spoke up adamantly. “I saw it. Or no, I didn’t see it. Felt it.”
Koala Lampur went taut with alertness. “You did?” She looked at Sy. “Lampy’s very sensitive. He saved us on our travels more than once.”
Sy considered Little Lampur’s adamant stance. “What do you feel now?”
“Nothing,” Little Lampur said. “But I did.”
He had managed to achieve a kind of anti-fame that had helped him become indispensable in many conflicts either with animals or with others of his kind. Almost no one knew of him. Some knew of his efforts without knowing who had performed them. Some attributed his actions to various sources, some to one unknown source. The few who knew of him knew no name for him. They invented names for him, but none of their names were his. No one knew his history.
He could hear animals at least as well as they could hear him as long as the range wasn’t too great. And he had much more experience than many of them. He listened to the sounds of those who were guarding nearby in the night. Whenever they came near to sensing him, he slipped away.
Madam startled awake. She was holding Busterella tightly. That brave koala had helped her go to sleep and was sleeping soundly herself but woke the instant after Madam did. Sir Henry the Valiant, standing in his sleep nearby, rustled also. “Something is terrible,” Madam said, then she was fully awake, remembering. “Can we go sit with him again?” she asked her two friends.
“You understand,” Leo said to Ling Ling and Maximillian, “that it’s not the quality of leadership that can never be replaced. It’s the unique individual animal, the whole bundle of traits by which each of us is marked as like no other before us and none after.
“It is, I think, proof of the magic of the universe. Qualities may be interchangeable, but the combination of them is, for each, unique over the whole vastness of space and time. None of us, as wise as we might think ourselves, could have imagined the Sir. He can only imagine himself. And much of who he is, like all of us, lies beyond even his own imagination.”
“They’ve all returned and reported,” a Beast in the technology control room said to the Nephew, who had just walked in. “Except the one.”
“And what have you heard from him?”
“Still nothing.”
“We’ll hear from him,” the Nephew said, “if he succeeds and wants to be paid. And if he doesn’t succeed, who cares whether we hear from him?”
The three cats in the air vents looked at each other. Clearly at least one Beast was still operating in the field. One of the cats rushed off towards the outside, hoping to reach a spot where Ling Ling could be contacted.
Madam, with Busterella and Henry beside her, walked up to the Sir. She scratched Matilda’s back and said, “I’d like to watch some more.” Matilda grunted sympathetically and walked over to where Young Mountain Goat was sleeping and lay down next to him. Madam waved at Macalister and Smoochie. They waved back. Smoochie came up and gave her a quick frog kiss. She found a soft spot in the grass and sat there, her totem friends beside her, watching the Sir breathe.
Through the woods, he came to the final set of trees that opened onto the field where his target lay under blankets, asleep and struggling to breathe. Next to his target sat an actual human woman; he startled, only for a moment. His heat-seeking goggles showed her outline clearly. He sensed the frogs on lookout, noting their alertness, and felt their senses kick in. He moved just beyond their range, preparing to come in at another angle.
Macalister saw Smoochie snap alert before he himself noticed anything. He felt the other vibration a moment later. Was a Beast lurking somewhere? An instant short of certainty, the impression vanished. If it was a Beast, it had made the smallest impression of itself that Macalister had ever encountered. Still, a small impression was not no impression. Macalister signaled that he would investigate and that Smoochie should stay by the Sir and alert those nearby.
They knew he might be there on the Demesne, he could tell. They didn’t know for sure. They certainly didn’t know where exactly on the grounds he was. His rifle, which he had assembled soon after arriving on the Demesne grounds, was ready. He knew what spot he had to reach in order to make his final preparations.
Jack and Lucky walked out of the Magic Animal Underground Bunker. Jack’s long jackrabbit ears jumped out fully and his nose went alert. “Know what I’m thinking?”
Lucky, whose physical senses had been dulled by his work and had never been as acute as other rabbits, saw Jack’s alertness. “Maybe.”
“We got rid of them too easily.”
“Yes,” Lucky said, instantly sure.
“And also,” Jack said, “there ought to be at least something lumbering around out here. It’s too quiet.”
He put himself in the spot he needed. He set his balance, both with his body and with the rifle. He could be in this spot for maybe, at most, two minutes, before one of the animals would sense him. When he moved again, to the shooting spot, they would know; there was no way to do that unnoticed. There would be only the few seconds between when he arrived at the shooting spot and when they did. That was more than he needed.
Young Mountain Goat heard the rustling and knew instantly, even from sleep, what kind of creature it was. Then he was fully awake and on his feet.
Busterella, whose only concern had been the Madam, saw her goat friend and followed him.
Searching a bit farther out in the woods, Macalister and Smoochie heard the others get in motion and turned in the direction their friends were running. At that instant, they both noted the presence of the Beast they had thought might be there.
Farther away, Jack, with Lucky Blue beside him, sensed sudden animal desperation from many spots. “We’re already too late. Hurry.”
“Wait,” Ling Ling said to Leo. “Message coming through.” Leo paused, questioning. Ling Ling listened inside herself, then she looked outward. “News from the cats at Animal Love Unlimited. There may be a Beast here.”
“And none of us has noticed?”
“I guess not yet. Let me check.”
Animals were charging him from multiple directions, only instants away.
The green point of light moved for a moment over the blanket, then settled directly onto the target’s forehead. The mechanism locked in.
His finger found the trigger at the same moment that he felt right next to him, without hearing it, a tiny animal. He hadn’t detected it under the comparative roar of the others. The same small animal thudded lightly against the side of the barrel just as his finger touched the trigger. It was impossible to know which happened first. He saw the shot tear through the blanket inches beside the target.
He rolled all the way over, once, setting up for another clear shot. A somewhat bigger animal, hardly large, kicked the barrel a few inches to the right.
He let go of the rifle and got to his feet just as other animals, a half dozen or more, surrounded his spot in the leaves.
“Lampy!” Koala Lampur shouted, the discarded rifle at her feet. “Where are you?”
“Right here, Ma. I told you, didn’t I? I stopped the shot, didn’t I? I’m sorry I didn’t let you know before I ran. I hoped you’d realize. I hoped you’d follow me. There was no extra time at all.”
“I didn’t know, not for sure. But I followed you.”
“Was it you who kicked the gun away? I got covered in leaves.”
“It was,” she said.
Young Mountain Goat slammed his head into the Beast’s shoulder, knocking it to the ground. It was already rolling before the hit happened. It spun quickly to its feet and darted behind a tree.
Busterella spun around behind the tree, punching furiously. Only one punch landed as the Beast darted away.
Smoochie jumped in behind the Beast’s knees. Macalister pushed it backwards. Just before the Beast started to fall, it managed an awkward backflip and landed on its feet. There was a pistol in its hand. It raised the pistol. Covering the last yards in nearly no time, Jack took a long jump into the air and kicked the pistol from the Beast’s hand. Jack landed, turned, steadied himself for another jump, this one to go for the jugular.
The Beast dived behind a tree, rolled, jumped up, disappeared behind several trees.
All the animals converged on the spot, nearly at once.
The Beast was gone.
The animals saw several sets of Beast boot prints. The prints showed no clear direction for the Beast’s escape.
Through the commotion, the Sir slept on, his breathing coming more easily for longer stretches of time, and the gasping ending more quickly.
Within minutes, all the animals had gathered to talk about what had happened.
“I never saw a Beast move like that,” Jack said. “As quick as any of us.”
“Not quite quick enough to outsmart Little Lampy,” Koala Lampur said.
The other animals heartily agreed. Little Lampur’s sensitivity and response time had saved the Sir.
“Still,” Sy held out a paw of thanks to Little Lampur, who grasped it happily, “a Beast quick enough to elude us all? Not a good development.”
“Our own magic has gotten stronger,” Leo said cryptically.
“Meaning?” Sy asked.
“Meaning,” Leo said, “that it’s inevitable that some of the counter-magic will get stronger too. We don’t know, right now, where this Beast, with its clear sensory-superiority to other Beasts, has come from. But we haven’t seen it for the last time. And others like it may be coming.”
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awakenedrp · 4 years
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+ resourceful, hygienic, observant - temperamental, stubborn, paranoid
she’s no stranger to his kind, because after all, batuu is practically a second home to those with mysterious, and in most cases, questionable backgrounds. at some point it becomes clear that his stay is more than just a temporary one, though by then she’d already allowed herself to get close. the back of her mind chants ‘too close’ when he finally reveals that questionable past to her.
she told it like it was a fairy tale to young savadian, under the same sky she sat beneath when it was just her and the girl’s father. a story about how a young woman met an equally young man, and how from the first moment she laid her eyes upon him from her parent’s trading stall she was advised against fraternizing with him. he’d arrived with some of the shadiest creatures they’d seen yet ( and trust me, they saw a lot ), and based on the hushed whispers of those around her, the assumption was nothing short of the truth. something about him was different, though. those he had arrived with walked with an air of cruelty, almost. a sense of belonging that seemed to be non-existent in this one particular boy. while the others walked proudly in the sun, he seemed to want to stick close to the shadows that the surrounding forests provided. as time went on, and the crew left the planet, he had not gone with them.
that is how she was different from him. curiousity had her by the throat with it’s deadly grip, and she liked it. casting aside all the warnings she’d been given, she purposefully made it a point to put herself in his path, and weasel her way in to his life. he was a man who seemingly had no one and nothing, and when days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, he soon found himself not only with her, but a daughter shared between the two of them as well. it wouldn’t be until savadian, now savvy, was much older that she realized she was the daughter in the story, and the main characters were her parents. it was her father’s secrets that brought them together, and his secrets that took them both from her when she was no older than eight years old.
they came in the middle of the night, when nothing was heard save for the whistling of the wind through the trees, and the sounds of various nocturnal animals that called out. savadian knew something was wrong– she could feel it solely based on her father’s disposition, and the way he seemed to be much more overprotective of her than usual. but when she made further inquiries, she was met with a sharp and commanding tone that demanded her silence. most times she would fight it, but the way he snapped at her, and the way her mother did not rush to her defense and chastise him told her something was amiss. she folded in on herself, much like most young children do upon being scolded, and didn’t utter another word, let alone hardly breathe. the tense air that settled over their home like a heavy blanket was only intensified when a loud clanging was heard from outside– as if something, or someone, had ran directly into the chimes they had used to decorate the outside of their home with. the little girl could feel it suffocating her, and she freezes like a deer in the headlights, only to be whisked up by her parents and carried off to another room, with nothing other than the strict orders to hide and make not a sound, followed by soft declarations of love as they disappeared back into the other room.
she sees nothing, but in some ways, hearing the cries of her parents as they were both slaughtered by whoever it was that invaded their home was almost worse.
it takes days for savadian to leave her hiding place, and only then is it hunger and thirst that pushes her out. it’s a miracle that she wasn’t found just moments after her parent’s lives were taken. the truth was, they just hadn’t bothered to look thoroughly. in some ways, she’d wished they had. but they left only seconds before they would have found her. the days that come are filled with endless questions from those in the market from nearby stalls. the excuses she’d provided everyone with was that her parents were sick, and trusted her to look after everything. but she was only eight, and she could only use said excuse for so long. eventually, people would come looking, but it’s just not the ones she would have expected.
the child would have recognized the smell anywhere. it’s stench lingered inches away from her while her parents laid murdered in the other room, belonging to the feet of one of the invaders. bounty hunters, apparently. for reasons unbeknownst to her, they were after her father. and they got what they wanted and then some. only now they’d come back for her, for apparently she was part of the job all along. the fight that had seemingly disappeared from her the first time around reappeared tenfold, especially when the one with the putrid body odor grabs her by her shirt and pulls her up. Savadian is kicking and screaming, a true reflection of her usual self. Her captor begins to speak, to which she has no other response than to spit directly in his face. the move was intended to piss him off, but instead it only makes him laugh– a sound that makes her sick to her stomach. she would have heaved the contents of it up if there were much of any to begin with. he decides he likes her spirit, though, and instead of sending her to meet the same fate as her parents, he decides to take her with them and return home– to their home– Ord Mantell. A planet known for having it’s own unique brand of shady. He tells her she will be of use to him one way or another, and it all just depended on her attitude, and that it wouldn’t take long for him to grow tired of her rebellious nature. Eventually she gives up and accepts her fate, and the closer she gets to her new home planet, the more she can feel herself shutting herself down from the inside out.
Savvy starts off as something like a servant to the bounty hunters. ‘Until she could be trusted’ is what was said of her. And eventually, she was. A good acting job on her part, obviously. She just want to train enough, and work enough alongside them on countless bounties to be able to escape from their clutches. They may have trusted her eventually, but she did not trust them, not one bit. Finally, her chance comes. While finishing up a bounty and restocking on supplies for the flight home, Savvy made up an excuse to go off on her own to get a few things. Instead, she stows away on the nearest ship she can find. The girl, now a woman hides, but not nearly well enough to go undetected. She’s found shortly like she wanted to be, and in exchange for what is essentially a new life, she offered her aim. And she’s has yet to miss.
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cherokeegal1975 · 5 years
Unexpected Cargo, Ch. 2
Refuge       Little Girl landed tiredly next to him on the steep sandy grade a few yards away from the cave entrance.  Goldie leapt off of her withers and onto Johnny's back as he lay prone with his forehead pressed against his left forearm, trying not to vomit as the cramp subsided.       "Get up!" Goldie squeaked urgently in his ear as Little Girl pushed him with her wet muzzle, dampened with tears of fear and worry, soaking the cloth of his robes as she started to cry again.  "They are too far away to see us, but I can still hear their noisy engines coming our way."       Johnny shifted and Goldie jumped off his back.  He tried to breathe as slowly and deeply as he could.  He had already retched up everything in his stomach several miles back.  The next time, a couple of miles later, he only got the dry heaves.  As his queasy stomach began to settle, he made it to his hands and knees when he felt a warm and sensual ball of electric heat formed in his lower abdomen.  It spread rapidly in a matter of seconds to every part of his being, causing him to shudder uncontrollably while it held him in its thrall.  Just as abruptly the sensation had come, it vanished and he felt better.  No upset stomach and no bad cramps.       The whole experience lasted only a moment and Johnny was finally able to stagger to his feet unassisted.  Somehow he knew the sudden attacks were over and that he would be fine now. Little Girl shape shifted back into her human child form so she could fit more easily through the cave's opening and swung the satchel over one bare slender shoulder.  As it was often her custom, she went nude (since clothes could not change with her), finding clothes unnatural, impractical and confining.  Generally, the only time she put on clothes was when they went to town, which Johnny insisted on for her own safety.       Goldie went into the cave ahead of them, eager to be inside before the sandstorm she knew was coming in about an hour's time.  It was another survival adaptation that made desert rats such useful companions to those who had them.  Johnny entered the cave himself behind Little Girl's slight frame.  He had to duck and squeeze through the crack in the rock, snagging his robes and his loose pants before he could make it through.       Once inside, the passage opened up immediately to a spacious room with a small crack in the ceiling that let in daylight and could serve as a smoke hole should anyone need to build a fire.       He paused only a moment to let his eyes adjust to the dimness of the cave, then walked straight back to where Little Girl and Goldie crouched at the edge of a small spring in the stone floor.  With a sigh of relief, he knelt between them, pulled back his sleeves and reached out with his hands to the gently rippling surface of the life sustaining water.       He glimpsed his dim wavering reflection in the pool before he cupped his hands to fill them with water and drank, reliving his parched throat.  He resisted the urge to gulp it down as a precaution against upsetting his stomach again.  The stubble on his face was prickling his hands as he drank and he thought he needed a shave.  He hadn't managed one since the day before yesterday.       Johnny was dusky skinned with fine and sharp angles in his features, high cheekbones, fine black brows, high arched nose, big liquid black eyes with long black eyelashes and full masculine lips.  He was handsome, even charming when he tried.  His hair was covered with head dress made of a reddish brown cloth that was held in place with a woven black head band.  Under it his shining black hair was long enough to fall all the way to his feet.  He kept it bound in a tight bun at the base of his skull most of the time to keep it out of the way.  It was considered to be a sign of strength and masculinity for a man to never cut his hair, a tradition he had adopted soon after joining his tribe as a boy.       His body was long, lean and hard muscled.  His long fingered hands were strong and callused from years of rough work.  He could never get fat, what he didn't work off, the desert sun seemed to sear away.       Little Girl in her human form was similarly lean and hard muscled.  Her skin was golden brown and her nearly waist length wavy and curly auburn hair glistened with golden highlights.  Her eyes were large with chocolate brown irises, fine brows, full pinkish lips and the general cast of her facial features was rounded, angelically perfect and amazingly gorgeous.       In her dragon form she was also quite beautiful.  Elongated triangular head with powerful jaws, almost raptor beak shaped lips and dog like teeth with the upper canine elongated just enough for the tips to protrude slightly.  Powerfully muscled all over, with a horse like neck, lizard ears, large cat eyes the color of topaz with hints of light emerald green in the centers.  Each eye was protected by a single thick and smooth bony brow ridge.  Her hard scales, smooth as a serpent's, were a deep goldenrod color that blended well with the hues of the desert.  Most dragons have snake-scoot like armor plates that run from just under their chin all the way down to just past the base of their tails.  However, Little Girl's kind didn't have that particular feature; she was just smooth scales all over.       An unusual feature of her species is that the females have a marsupial like pouch to carry their eggs and young.  Her powerful hind limbs were slightly longer than her forelimbs, the better to jump into the sky.  Another feature unique to her species was the reddish brown feathered eagle wings and soft fur like feather mane that ran all the way from the top of her head to her withers that stood straight up.  Along the top of her tail she had a similar strip of feathers from the base to its tip.  Both were the same color as her hair in human form, only in her true form, the golden highlights were iridescent metallic gold colored patterns.       Little Girl's feet closely resembled monkey paws with sharp curved dark brown claws with rough scales on the bottoms that gave her better grip for climbing.  Her forepaws were every bit as nimble as a human's hands.  Her head, wings and feet looked slightly too big for her.  Her head was just a bit more rounded and softer in appearance than the adult dragon's.  As she aged to maturity her features would harden into a fiercer countenance and her body parts would look less ill proportioned.       And Goldie?  Well, she just looked like a big healthy and slightly plump rat the size of a small domestic cat.  Her shining fur was her most unusual feature, even for her kind.  It was a golden, streaked here and there with copper and bronze without being metallic in hue.  The bare skin on her tail, slightly enlarged ears, feet and nose were brownish with pink undertones.  She had another unusual feature for a rat, her forepaws were actually hands.  She was quite lovely in her own way.       Her black beady eyes, the way she moved and interacted with her environment, belied her high intelligence.  Desert rats were magical creatures with talents for food and water detection, weather sense, teleportation and human speech, though not all bothered to learn to speak a human language of any kind, preferring their own rat language.  The exception to this was the companion rats living with some of the nomadic tribes of the deep Red Sands Desert.  Constant close contact with humans, who treated them with kindness, respect and spoiled them rotten made them want to be more helpful and communicative with their human friends.       They were tough and well adapted to their desert environment.  They could go for days without water just by getting moisture from the plants and animals they ate.  They were amazingly good swimmers and had a special magic that prevented them from drowning.  They could remain immersed in water for days by using their magic to form an air bubble over their noses and mouths that constantly replenished itself from the oxygen in the water.  This saved them from drowning in the lowlands when it sometimes flooded during the rainy season, as they could accidently be swept away in the torrential waters that nearly always originated in the distant mountains to the east.  This magical talent also enabled them to hunt for small aquatic cave creatures like blind fish, small cave shrimp and salamanders.       Another odd trait of her kind was their extreme longevity.  Normal mundane rats averaged about two years in their life span, desert rats could live eighty or more years.  They were not as prolific since they didn't need to be.  They mated as often as they wished any time of the year, but females only became fertile once every three years.  When they did have litters, they often did it in a big way, having as many as fifteen pups at a time.       The odd family trio took their time drinking from the spring until they finally got their fill.       "Ahhh," Johnny sighed after dabbing his hands and mouth dry on his sleeves.  He sat back on his heels as his two family members finished drinking.       They were all exhausted and in need of food and rest.  Johnny wondered what was in the satchel Little Girl had been carrying for so long through the sky.  He hoped she had at least managed to steal some food from the camp because he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning.  He was pleased to note that his current gastric discomfort was mere hunger and not the bad cramps and nausea head been enduring the past week.  He was feeling better and better by the moment in spite of being so tired.       "What's in the bag?" Johnny asked Little Girl as she too sat back on her heels, facing him as she did so.       She wrapped her small arms around her legs and leaned her chin onto her knees.  She looked up at him with those big liquid eyes and answered with a regretful sigh, "Not much.  Just the royal seal in its box, a few ration bars and some tubers I managed to dig up a few miles back.  I was looking for the charmed mirror grandmother gave you,  but I think I found it smashed with the other things the guards broke.  One of the men almost saw me and Goldie wanted me to hurry up.  So I hid and started singing so she could help you."       Johnny smiled at Little Girl's thoughtfulness and practicality.  "You and Goldie did alright, baby girl.  Though I would not have been upset if you left the royal seal behind.  Just this once I wouldn't have minded not being able to fulfill my contract with Princess Elena.  That seal is more trouble than it's worth."       "You're not mad?" Little Girl said as she stared at him with wide eyes.  She looked surprised and half pleading for him not to be angry with her.       "No, not this time," Johnny said affectionately as he reached out and tucked a loose strand of her silken hair behind her right ear.  Then he waved an admonishing finger at both of them and added with a gentle smile, "Just don't make disobeying me a habit.  I would rather you two stayed safe."       "It was my idea to come back after dark," Goldie said stubbornly.  "If she hadn't come with me I would have done what I could alone."       Johnny smiled and stroked Goldie's head with love and gratitude.  "Thanks both of you, I don't know when I could have escaped if you had not come back for me."       Johnny stood and retrieved the dark brown satchel and passed out the sweet potato like tubers the purple berry thorn bushes grew and the three ration bars between them.  As they ate, Johnny tried to think of what to do next through the increasing sleepiness that was slowly dragging him down.  After a few moments he could think of nothing else but to go back home to his family.  He'd been putting it off, fearing the royal guards would follow him even there, but now he saw no better option.       Johnny could hear the increasingly strong wind howling outside through the cave entrance and the small crack in the ceiling.  He looked up and saw the flying sand that was rapidly dimming what little of the morning light that managed to filter its way through the crack.  Good, their pursuers won't be able to hunt them in this weather.       "Goldie, I need to get a message to Mom," Johnny asked, as his rat nibbled on a piece of ration bar.  He didn't have much hope that Goldie would make it to his mother's tent just now.  Storms could interfere with certain spells, especially when a big electrical charge was built up in the atmosphere.  Teleportation was just one of those spells that were affected negatively by fouled weather.       Goldie regarded him thoughtfully over her piece of ration bar with her beady black eyes.  Then she tilted her head back and stood up on her hind legs, looking up and through the crack in the ceiling.   Long whiskers twitching, she tested the air with all her senses, detecting things only she could with her magic.         Then she dropped back down to her heels and looked at him.  "Can't do it.  I promise to go when the storm passes.  It will blow itself out in a few hours.  What is your message?"       "I need you to bring us home.  My sand ship has been captured and vandalized by Prince Richard's guards and they are still hunting us.  We are hiding in the Crack in the Rock Spring Cave."  Johnny paused to think of anything else to tell his mother.  Then he thought better of it, best to keep the message short and tell her everything when she found them.  "That should do for now."       "I can remember that," Goldie nodded and then resumed nibbling on her bit of ration bar.       They tried to make themselves comfortable as possible on the cool and uneven cave floor to get some sleep and wait out the storm.  Little Girl stretched out next to him in her full dragon form, hugging him and flipping a huge wing over him like a blanket.  Goldie snuggled under Little Girl's wing and made herself comfortable on Johnny's belly.       Little Girl and Goldie were soon fast asleep, but in spite of his exhaustion he found it difficult to fall asleep himself.  His mind refused to stop working.  How has his life turned out so right and so wrong at the same time? 
(This book can be bought on Amazon either as a paper back book or as a Kindle.  Just type in Unexpected Cargo by Meriah Smith and it will pop right up.)
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golddaggers · 7 years
Reader x Stiles Stilinski
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Imagine: being in love with Stiles for ages but he never notices, until one day, after a run away from a party, he tells you how he feels about you and things get heated.
Warnings: SMUTTY (oh yeah) SIN, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, swearing and sex. Little bits of fluff.
Word Count: 3336
A dose of neat whiskey lied half empty in front of me as I tapped carelessly at the wooden table, observing the crowd dancing in front of me like there was no tomorrow. This whole thing was so not me! I had no idea why I let Lydia convince me it was going to be good to leave my beloved bed and the Star Wars marathon I was about to start to go to a party.
Oh, damn, who was I trying to fool? I knew why I had come. My dear best friend used the two magic words that could get me anywhere she wanted: Stiles Stilinski. Martin had said he would be there, meaning there was no slight hesitation on the loud yes I gave as a response.
Although it was embarrassing to admit, the pale, clumsy boy had been my crush, and one of my best friends, ever since we met, a few years back. It was not actually my fault that he had mesmerising honey brown eyes that seemed capable of burning my entire soul to the ground. Or that his weird personality matched mine somehow. However, despite my tiring attempts, Stiles just could not see how much I wanted to be more than his friend. Ultimately, that made me despise the feelings I had inside, hiding them away.
“Y/N?” A deep, masculine voice snapped me out of the trance I was in. Then, right after it, Stiles’ hand brushed my left shoulder, which made me look back, partially scared, partially confused. Seeing my sudden messy state, he gave me a cheeky smile and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t.” I shrugged, looking away from him as I finally gulped down the rest of my drink. It was my very subtle way to disguise the nervousness he caused on me. “What are you doing here, Stiles?”
“Uh, you had this awful boredom on your eyes and I thought I might be your saviour tonight.” His warm laugh made my heart skip a beat. Fuck. Definitely not a fair game, Stilinski. “Are you going to keep staring or are you going to say something? Because it’s kind of creepy. Not that I mind, though, I’m into creepy stuff, so-”
“For God’s sake, can’t you shut up?” The brown haired boy gazed at me in disbelief, his eyes wide whilst his bottom lip puckered up and formed an adorable pout. I was not able to hold the genuine smile that slipped at such sight. “That’s much better.”
“I was just trying to be helpful!”
“Okay, if you really, really, want to help me, then I guess you could give me a ride home? I’m done with this party.”
“Tell you what, I have a better idea.”
“I don’t trust your ideas, Stiles.” He scrunched his brows together, earning a soft chuckle from me. “They always lead straight to trouble.”
“I’m truly hurt by your lack of trust in me.” Both of us shared a giggle. “Come. Let me take you to my favourite place.”
“Can’t say I’m not scared.”
“Don’t be such a wuss, Y/N/N.” Stilinski muttered while I went back to my feet, feeling more ready than ever to leave that sweaty, filled with inconvenient people, room. “I promise you there won’t be any regrets.”
“I’m betting on it.”
Without any further words, he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, and dragged me out of that dreadful celebration. While running to escape, we bumped into a whole bunch of people who were making out at the dance floor, which got us several angry yells. Not that we cared, though.
Outside, the night seemed to be outstandingly beautiful. A shy, pale moon cut through the greyish clouds, shining dots scattered across the sky, the tall trees swung lightly to the cold breeze, crickets cricked happily… Simply the perfect scenario for the ending of a romantic film.
“Don’t you love this?” The question crawled out of my lips as I contemplated the complexity standing before me. “I mean… It’s so astonishing! So beautiful!”
“You are so cheesy!” Stiles joked, squeezing my hand, that still lied on his tepid one, and giving me a playful wink. “But I have to admit, it is indeed a gorgeous view.”
We stayed there for a minute, maybe two, just enjoying each other’s presence and the landscape. Our entire friendship was based on these moments, where he and I could just shut up and feel comfortable in the silence. It’s those times you just know you found someone special.
Clamping my bottom lip between my teeth, I dared to direct my eyesight to him, catching his blissful state. The eyes I loved so much seemed to be lost in thoughts, whilst his mouth hung open, somewhat curled into a smirk. I knew that face very well: his mind was working on something. A mischief.
“Oh no, Stiles.”
“What?” Now the naughty smile was wide on his face. That man could not disguise anything even if he wanted to. “Come on, we’ve stayed here for too long already. I want to show you something.”
That said, he walked towards his old blue jeep. Considering I moved in a much slower pace than him, Stiles got there before me and calmly leant against the passenger’s door, waiting patiently. Man, is it weird that I found it incredibly sexy? Because I did. All I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and hump his brains out against that bloody car of his until we both had lost our voices.
“Where are we going?” I quizzed, a while later, glancing over the window. The cold wind stung my cheeks, which should be, by now, red as a pair of tomatoes. “If you’re taking me to the woods, forget it. I want to go home.”
“Chill.” Stilinski laughed, his right hand landing sneaky on my thigh. “I sensed you needed a romantic date, so I’m taking you to a special place.”
“A date? Are you insane?” Stifling a chuckle, I pierced my eyes on him, investigating if this was some sort of joke. “And since when do you do romantic dates?”
“OK, this was Lydia’s idea.” He exhaled, his eyes never leaving the road ahead. “She said you were sad because some guy had blown you off.”
“She did?”
“Yep.” Nodding, Stiles glanced at you, his irises carrying a hint of anger. “I was stunned when she told me. I mean, how could a guy do that? It’s you, for fuck’s sake.”
“If you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly a big deal, Stiles.”
“What are you talking about? You are beautiful! No sane guy would be able to resist you.”
“Really?” My chest was suddenly heavy with hope for what was to come. “So, in that subject, can I ask you a question?”
“Are you one of those guys? The ones who wouldn’t be able to resist me?”
“Yes.” The brown haired boy stated, fiercely, stopping the car and locking his gaze on me, eating me alive with it. “Even I wouldn’t be able to fight against you. Especially me, actually.”
In a second, he shortened the space between us, crashing his soft pink lips on mine in a loving kiss without thinking twice. And if I were to be honest, I did not want him to.
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Moving carefully through the solid rocks, we found a spot that permitted us to observe the entire city, a remarkable sight. Stiles was not wrong when he said it was going to be a memorable night; the place was completely perfect, so was the declaration Stilinski performed earlier. 
I sat down, my legs bouncing back and forth, and watched him take a seat by my side, a goofy grin etched to his face. Surely I had the same one enlightening my traits, for I still could not bring myself to believe he had actually confessed to have feelings for me. Shoot, I would never forget this moment. Not ever.
“This is what you call a romantic date, Stiles? Bringing me to an old, dead end place?”
“Come on, Y/N, you have to admit it is unique! And lovely as well.”
“I’m just kidding.” The younger Stilinski snaked an arm around my shoulders, pulling me towards his chest, which I did happily. “This is wonderful. Just what I needed.”
“You should have told me sooner.” He whispered, a little later, stroking my hair smoothly.
“That I liked you? Yeah, I know. I should’ve, but I was so scared I was going to lose your friendship…”
“Listen to me: there’s no chance in hell you’re going to lose me. I’m the one who might not handle such a powerful woman like yourself.”
“My ego is skyrocketing right now.” A soft giggle fell from my lips as he squeezed me even tighter. It felt good to feel his skin’s warmth on mine. “I’m still surprised, though. I never saw this coming.”
“You didn’t? Come on! The signs were all over the place.”
“I was always with Lydia, so I thought it was because of her. Not me.”
Stiles, out the blue, pushed me away from him. Afterwards, he swiftly grasped my chin, raising it so we could look at each other properly. I was not going to deny: I did not stand a chance against the sinful brown that was staring at me soaked in tenderness. It broke down my every defense, leaving me completely vulnerable to him. However, there was no need for hiding any more: our feelings were a hundred percent mutual.
“Lydia was a huge part of my life, that’s true, but everything changed when I met you, this Y/E/C eyed beauty who came out nowhere and won me over.”
“Damn.” I muttered, wetting my lips as they curved into a shy grin. “I don’t know what to say, really.”
“Why don’t you just kiss me?” Stilinski had a naughty beam enlightening his traits once he placed both of his hands on each side of my neck, bringing us closer together. “The whisky taste on your mouth was incredibly delicious earlier.”
“That’s such a cheesy line!”
“Oh yeah?” Hesitantly chewing my bottom lip, I confirmed what I had said and his eyes darkened. “I’m going to show you who’s cheesy.”
Not bothering to reply, Stiles abruptly picked me up, put me on his shoulder and took me back to where he had parked his car. Once there, I was placed on the car hood, my legs wide so he could stand in between them. His mint scented breath fanned over my face, making me gasp, curling my toes. It was a mix of sensations I had barely experimented before.
“Ever since I met you” Stiles’ murmured hoarsely close to my ear. His digits slided down my belly until they reached the waist of my trousers, popping the button open, which provoked a surprised pant to escape from me. “I’ve been imagining what would you taste like. I bet you’re sweet.”
I groaned, blindingly trying to grasp any inch of his body and pull him to me. He chuckled at my attempts, pinning my hands up against the cold metal while stealing a quick peck. Thereafter warning me to stay still, Stilinski went back to my pants, getting them off alongside my panties in one pull.
“Look at that!” His fingers slithered through my inner thigh, dangerously near to my core. “Such a nice pussy you have.”
“Yes?” He hummed, now bent over me. It was hard to concentrate with fucking Stiles Stilinski’s face only inches away from the centre of my legs. Urgh, I wanted him to dive in on me once and for all so badly. “So wet, gorgeous.”
With those words floating in the air, a thumb glided across my entrance, earning a mellow moan from me due to the intimate contact. I never would have imagined that Stiles was this huge teaser, but there he was, licking his fingers clean from my arousal. Glueing my thighs together, I tried to create friction in order for me to ease the ache on my core.
“Easy, kitten. I don’t want us to rush things.”
“Are you trying to torture me?” I blurted out and, probably as way to punish me, he savoured a patch of bare skin awfully close to where I wanted his God damned mouth to be. “Because that’s exactly what you’re doing.”
“Fine.” Exhaling loudly, the boy shrugged and agreed. “If you want it so desperately, I guess I can give you a treat.”
“I do want it!”
Giggling, Stiles clutched my hips, bringing them towards his face and finally consumed the act, skilfully swirling his tongue on my throbbing clit, gaining a surprised heave. As the man worked his magic, I could not help the series of girlish groans that broke the established silence. Yet, he appeared to be enjoying them, for I could literally feel the smile against my slit as he pounded in and out of me.
A tension started to form on my lower stomach, making me gasp desperately. Without thinking straight, I gave my breasts, which were still covered by the black shirt I was wearing, rough squeezes, increasing considerably the blissful sensation. Everything was pushing me towards an intoxicating release. However, forbidding me to archive it, the boy simply stopped moving and I whined, thwarted.
“You see, gorgeous, I want you to cum around my cock, not my tongue.”
“Shit.” I cursed, gazing at him whilst wetting my lips; he grunted at the sight and I smirked, satisfied. “What are you waiting for?”
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so beautiful! So delicious. I wish I would have done this sooner.”
“It’s lovely. It really is, but I need your precious dick buried deep in my pussy.” Upon hearing my request, Stiles choked on his breath. “Uh, did I make the big bad teaser nervous?”
“Not at all, beautiful.”
“Then come on, do it already!”
Sighing, he pushed down his khakis, allowing me to finally see how excited he was. His length was hard underneath his black briefs, which got my mouth watering to have a taste. Although, by the looks of it, I would not have that chance. Not now at least. Ultimately, my beloved friend got rid of the last clothe piece keeping us from giving into the desire we both had within. A second later, Stilinski yanked my ankles, bringing my bottom half towards him, causing my back to fall on the cold hood. This sent jitters across my whole form.
“Excuse me?”
“I want you to beg for it, my dear.”
“Haven’t I begged enough, Stiles?”
“No.” A smug grin ghosted on his face and I grunted, sexually frustrated. To have my orgasm denied was a plainly awful feeling, because it made me crave his touch even more. “I decide when you have done it enough.”
“Pretty please? Urgh, I don’t know. Just fuck me. Hard. The kind of way it will leave me unable to walk for days.”  
“Is it what you want?” He stirred, sucking a purple mark on my Y/S/C neck.
“Yes, I do. Make me yours!”
“And that’s what I wanted to hear.”
Incapable of holding it back any further minute, he pushed his shaft inside of me and we groaned together at the raw contact. It was even more pleasurable than I had imagined; Stiles completed me. Fulfilled me. He was the very thing I lacked this entire time.
Considering the boy did not move, I had to take the first step, so I buckled my hips forwards, trying to get his attention and create a slight movement. In reality, moving was not that hard, taking into account that my pussy was slick from my arousal. The fidgety Stilinski grunted, pinning me down and starting to pound in a quick stride.
I wounded my legs around his waist, deepening the penetration and eliciting a mix of throaty moans. Never interrupting his bruising pace, his hands started to wander throughout my frame, stopping at my covered breasts and giving them a gentle clasp. At last, he, all of a sudden, ripped open my shirt, the small buttons flying everywhere, and revealed the pink mesh bra I had on. Albeit the destruction of my favourite top should have made me mad, the only effect it had was to leave me even honier.
Stiles tittered, lowering the pink piece and pinching your left peak, which, by the time, was already turgid. The pleasure was so fervent, I reached a point that I was not be sure if this was a blossom of my dreams or indeed reality; nevertheless, I did not care.
I guided my fervorous digits to my throbbing clit, swiftly uniting the unbelievable high tempo to the circling of figure eights on my bundle of nerves. Things started to get blurry as my body began to shake. It was getting harder and harder to control the spasms.
“F-fuck, babe.” I slurred, my voice hoarse and shaky. “I’m almost there.”
“Cum to me, gorgeous. I wanna’ see you come undone because of me.”
His raspy voice, alongside a deep thrust, had done it for me, urging me straight to an overwhelming orgasm. My toes curled while I arched my back, crying out his name over and over, the blissful sensation invading me in constant waves. I could not control the shaking nor the noises, the climax had won me over and all I could do was enjoy it.
“Such a nice little girl.” The brown haired Stilinski murmured, pulling my fingers into his mouth and sucking on them whilst he banged my brains out, not even offering me a chance to recover from my high. I yelled at the overstimulation and he smiled, circling the tiny bundle of nerves in between my legs. “Cum one more time for me?”
“S-Stiles, oh my God, please! I-It’s, shit, I’m going to…”
The man kept his wet hand working on me as he pulled out, breaking down and spilling his warm seed all across my belly and breasts. Despite the fact he was still grunting heavily from his ambrosial frenzy, he managed to get me off one last time. However, the second peak brought with it a pleasant surprise: a transparent liquid flow out of me, dripping frenetically down my thighs, dirtying him, his car… Everything close to me!
“Fuck, Y/N/N, did you just… Squirt?”
“I think I did.” My response fell from my lips breathlessly. “Shit.”
“Who’s cheesy now, huh? I made you fucking squirt!”
“Shut up! This has never happened before to me.”
“I’m glad I was your first, then.” Stiles laughed while helping me to stand up on my feet again, even though it was completely useless: my legs seemed to have turned into jelly. “Want me to pick you up?”
“I’d be happy if you did.”
In the meantime the honey brown eyed man collected my limp body, carefully placing me inside the car on the passenger’s seat, a phone rang at its fullest, startling both of us. He picked it up and I used the time to clean myself, using the shreds of my long lost shirt.
“Uh, yes, she’s with me. Alright, we’re on our way. Five minutes, tops. OK, bye.”
“Let me guess: Scott? Pack trouble related?”
“Yeah, he apparently discovered some clue on who the benefactor is, so…”
“I know, we have to go.”
“Tonight was wonderful, Y/N. I want you to know that.”
“It was for me too, Stiles. Luckily for us, we can have plenty of those.”
“I hope so.”
“I promise you so.”
With a goofy grin plastered on his face, Stiles ignited his car, ready to drive us back to reality. I could not help but think that, no matter what happened from now on, we would still have each other and, for me, that was more than enough.
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smilecake · 7 years
Point-Blank | Pt. 2
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Genre: Mafia AU, Angst, Romance, Smut
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
Word Count: 6039
Summary: Sequel to Killer. I might recommend reading Killer first, before starting this one. Jungkook is not the only one hiding a past, once he comes to know that Aurora’s fear for rain is not just a innocent trait. One by one, he unravels her past, which all started with a pair of sneakers and her disappearance during her teenage years. In the meanwhile, Aurora struggles with her loss and emotions that comes back to haunt her, causing her to seek comfort in power. Old faces return and it chains Jungkook, Aurora and Rap Monster into a dog-eat-dog world.
Prequel: Killer Pt. 1
Point-blank: Prologue | 1 | 2
A/N: It’s finally here!!! I have to admit that these happenings have been in my head all the time and it was only recently that I came around to write and edit it until I am satisfied. Hope you enjoy this angsty chapter <3
It would be an understatement to say that Jungkook was heartbroken. His silence and blank expression emphasized it all, as he laid in his bed every night thinking about where all the things had gone wrong. He did expect Aurora to be capable of betraying him, but he didn't know she would do it. Because in the months they had been together, Aurora showed him a side that made him believe that she was not that lost in her own world. She could show him so many things, surprise him and  convince him that Aurora was a rough diamond, like a neglected girl who had a lot of potentials but was shied away from the world, and many of the raw things that made her so special was her fear for rain, her likings for sweets, her excessive talking during a movie marathon, and foremost, her capability to be unique in Jungkook’s eyes. She was an interesting persona, one Jungkook hadn’t met before and probably would never meet again.
He found her sick, in a good way, in which she managed to draw out all the clichés in their relationship, undress the little details and bring back the odd and quirky things that people learned to love, and that's how Jungkook had grown to love her.
He had to admit. His first impression of her at the bridge was neither fascinating or annoying. To him, she looked like an ordinary person, one that could pass him by unnoticed. She had nothing special on the outside and for once, he could even let her jump off the bridge if he were to have a tiring day. But the way how he saw her legs trembling when she stood on the edge, peering down at the dark swirling waters, he wanted to taunt her on the fact that committing suicide was not something to think lightly about. If she were really going to end her life, she should have stood there confidently, not trembling and debating if her life would become better if she did not commit, and if she were to just live on, she shouldn’t have thought about jumping in the first place. It was always one of the two, not both, because being both was someone who wanted to escape temporarily and return, expecting that everything would be fine. Life wasn’t that easy. Life wasn’t about going with the flow. Living life was a way of fighting, keep the best of oneself, and protect the burning passion from going out.
He remembered that he hung over the rails and peered at her, taking in her posture when she was too impressed with the height above the waters, when she was too focused on the flaws of thinking to notice him. He noticed how indecisive she was with strands of hair sticking against her wet cheeks. Through the rain, he could notice that it was not only the raindrops that faked her tears, but the originals that mingled with the cold dirty drops of the sky.
Her eyes momentarily flashed to his face, only now seeming to have noticed his existence. He followed her eyes trailing down to his hand that had the gun dangling over the rails. And it was then, that Jungkook saw a chance to be cynical. A chance to make her see that living was a blessing, a quick reminder that her life was so much better than Jungkook’s in every way. But that was all depending on Jungkook’s impression, unbeknown that the girl in front of him was anything than just regular. But now he knew.
His ears were blocked by the thundering of his pulse and he opened his eyes and stared into the room. A smaller room than he was used to, but he was lucky that Jimin had offered him a place to hide with Mariah. He knew how precarious his situation was and dragging Mariah into this all was his mistake. He shouldn’t have taken her with him. He shouldn’t have, but knowing that Namjoon was prepared to shoot her, he couldn’t just leave her unprotected. She saved him, indirectly, and it was now only fair that she needed his protection.
He turned himself around in bed, his arm supporting his head and he stared at the person lying next to him, blankets only covering up to her shoulders. The night was cold and it got him shivering seeing the slender nape of her neck exposed to the night. She was snoring softly on her side, unknown of when Jungkook had returned and joined her in bed. It was too quick for them to share a bed, but since Jimin's hidout was too small for two people, Mariah insisted on sleeping on the couch if he didn't join her in bed. Jungkook knew what kind of tricks she was playing and all Jungkook wanted was to have was a place to sleep, so he just agreed. It was too tiring to go up against her, as he knew that Mariah hadn't changed one bit with arguing.  For a second, thinking about their past relationship had him chuckling, now that the pain of Mariah breaking up with him couldn't even top the pain he was feeling now with Aurora. It only had a mere existence as a memory, no strong feelings attached. 
Was this called a rebound?
But Jungkook wasn't being intimate with her. He just liked to be by her side, because she was familiar. After being betrayed by Aurora, he had the urge to be near someone that was familiar. Someone he had known for a long time and gave him the assurance that she wouldn't be unpredictable like Aurora. In short, Jungkook felt he had lost control over his own situation. His own environment he thought he had tamed and mastered, and that scared him from time to time.
Softly and quiet, his hands traced down her shoulders to graze the blanket, before pulling it up to her neck, giving her the warmth she needed to spent the night with. He could feel her twitching from the sudden touch, before she nuzzled her nose deeper into the blankets and went back to sleep again. He watched her back for a while, until his eyes had started to fall close. The night was long and tiring, a pointless night in Jungkook's opinion, because his hungry curiosity wasn't satisfied and he couldn't venture into the deepest secrets that were hold back from him, leaving him empty and restless.
And slowly, he shifted himself closer against the radiating warmth from Mariah and placed an arm over her waist on the blanket, hoping that it would be Aurora he was sleeping next to. Hoping that this was just all a nightmare. Hoping that he was not the one hurting this bad. 
Slow footsteps echoed through the hallway. There was no sign of anyone. There was no sign of living. Everything looked dead in her eyes.
A empty room.
A empty chair.
Coughing, she fished out the key when her feet stopped in front of the door "509". She unlocked the door and looked around into the dark room. It smelled stuffy and old, probably from the way how it was always kept vacate, until it was given to Aurora. She didn't even know if Namjoon ever used it. He had it, but he never set one foot inside. Aurora turned on the lights and the room was enlightened, showing furniture wrapped into plastics. The kitchen on her left side was clean and only a few plates were lost on the table, showing a bit sign that there was atleast one person before her in this place.
She closed the door and shrugged off her wet coat. Dropping the grocery store bag on the ground, she threw the keys on the table, before kicking off her shoes and collecting her wet hair into a high ponytail.
She went on to pull off the plastics from the furniture, before checking every room if it was like how Namjoon had promised her. Even though this place was bigger than the appartment she used to live in, the way how everything looked clean and untouched felt comforting and cozy. There were no longer drugs addicts, alcoholics or any of Namjoon's servant lying around, provoking her to smash their teeth out.
The rain pattering on the big wide window in the living room could be heard throughout the whole place and for the first time, it didn't matter for Aurora that it was rain.
Maybe, it was time she had overcome her fear?
No, not at all. It was because Aurora was occupied with every aspect of the room that had her momentarily snap out of her strings of traumas. A distraction.
The pain in her right hand soared through her nerves like a nag, haunting her up til her sleep that had forced her to take on painkillers, and the pressure on her chest from the lung infection she had received for staying out in the cold and neglecting her medicines, threatened her to cut off her breath if she didn't find her oxygen mask soon. And all the time on top of everything, she would feel weak and tired. Lifeless. Emotionless. Guilty.
She settled herself on the couch, leaning over with one elbow supporting on her knee and her left hand supporting her chin. Her eyes darted towards the low table in front of her. With the remote controller on the side, she noticed the white envelope that looked odd and out of place. It wasn't meant to be there, Aurora thought to herself. She cocked her head, before leaning over and stretching out to grab it. It felt thick and tight, and it immediately made Aurora smirk.
He kept his promise after all.
With the envelope clenched inbetween her thighs, her fingers curled under the top flap and pulled off the adhesive. Her eyes scanned the content, before she pressed the side folds in to reveal how many it contained. Dollar, Korean, Chinese and Euro bills were all neatly stacked and kept together with another bill that was folded around them.
Aurora twitched the corner of her lip, before turning the envelope upside down and emptied it above the table. After that, she took out her lighter and clenched the paper in between her teeth, letting the hot flame lick against its corners and burn into ashes on the ground. Then she flickered her eyes up to the clock on the wall. Cocking her head, she smiled again, before grabbing the stack of Dollar bills from the pile. She quickly pulled back on her coat and dangled her keys, before shutting the door and heading her way out.
Jungkook hated the weather at the moment. Although he didn't hold any strong emotional feelings to it like Aurora did, the way how it prevented him from seeing in the dark had him annoyed. After telling Mariah that he was out again, like every day, he found himself shrugging off his coat when he entered a night club. He was welcomed by a man offering to take his coat, as multiple girls passed him by with a giggle. He flashed them a weak smile, intending not to be more than just friendly. However, his handsome looks and tall appearance had already caught multiple woman's eyes upon his entrance, and it wouldn't surprise himself to see a familiar girl walking up to him, holding her glasses up with a smug smile.
"Well, well... If it's not our handsome Jungkook." she teased, before shoving up the glass in his hand. "Long time no see."
Jungkook cocked his head and took her drink in one gulp, before leaning down and give her a kiss on the cheek. "It's been a while, indeed."
The girl grinned and whipped her hair over her shoulder, giving Jungkook a sexy look. It has really been a long time since they have seen each other, although Jungkook has been visiting this club for some time every night, but tonight was the first time he spotted her around. 
"What brings you here?" she raised an eyebrow and waited for his answer. The heat in the club was overwhelming, the music loudly booming through the speakers, but her husky voice was noticeable above the party people. Jungkook gave her a smug smile, before grabbing her wrist and pull her closer towards him. She earned multiple jealous glares, as the heat rushed through her body.
"Like the good old times," he whispered seductively in her ears, before licking the place in her neck, "Nayeon."
Nayeon lightly pushed him away with an amused smile and stared up at him. "My room upstairs or your house?" she giggled, and Jungkook smiled, flickering his eyes up to ceiling. Nayeon nodded and soon, walked in front of him, leading him up the stairs, abandoning the loud noise of the club, until it was only a mere low bass booming through the hallway. Jungkook watched her hips sway in front of him with every step she took, and it never hit him how beautiful and sexy she was. In the past, she was his favourite to hang out with, to have sex with and to play with. Everything about her was amazing, and especially because of her connections. She knew about everything, from how to please men to the very depths of how dangerous this world could be, but nonetheless, she wasn't that powerful as people made her to be. Jungkook, to put it in cruel way, needed her because she was sufficient.  He too cared for her, but there were no strong feelings attached to it, in which Nayeon shares the same opinion. Even though, if he were to force himself to love another person, he wouldn't be able to. Aurora was still constantly on his mind and occupying him so much that even the slight mention of her name could send him to his deepest and darkest thoughts. 
Jungkook stared at the tattoo on her back, before she turned her around and stopped him in front of her room. She unlocked the door with her hand behind her back and then crashed her lips on his. Willingly, Jungkook smirked and bent down to let his tongue lick over her sweet plump lips and explore her mouth. Her hands grabbed the hem of his black shirt and she slowly stepped back into her room, leading Jungkook on. It took not long, before they both were stripped down and laid in bed in just their underwear. Heavy pants could be heard and it had sent Jungkook into a nostalgic trance, where he didn't give a fuck about the world and could just do whatever he wanted.
With one finger, he hooked her panties aside and leant down to take a long stroke with his tongue across her heat. It made Nayeon choke on her breath and send out a loud moan. His tongue skillfully lavished every little bit of her wetness as she let out another loud cry.
"Fuck, Jungkook!"
He smirked and watched her from under his hooded eyes. Another moan escaped her lips when she felt his tongue press against her entrance, before finally entering her and it had her in a crying mess. Her hands grabbed onto his black strands of hair and forced him lightly closer to feel him deeper.
"Ah, f-fuck! Jungkook ugh!" she moaned. With his hands, he pushed his legs wider apart and shove his tongue deeper. Judging from the wetness that was now dripping, he could sense that she was close.
"Ah, come on! Fuck, Jungkook, fuck!"
Hearing her moan was arousing for Jungkook, even in his state of mind. There was electricity running through his veins whenever he heard her moan and blood rushed down to his hard member forming a hard bulge through his boxers. While continuing to pleasure her, Jungkook pulled down his boxers and revealed his hard member. Taking it into his hands, he slowly pumped his hand up and down.
An exciting feeling rushed through him and he quickly repositioned himself. Taking his tongue out of her heat, he moved up to her and kissed her neck. Nayeon buried her face in his shoulder as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer, already feeling his hard member poking her entrance.
"Fuck me, Jungkook." She muttered, before pressing small kisses on his shoulder. Without any warning, Jungkook slid his cock deeply inside of her. They both let out a moan and Jungkook felt Nayeon's walls clenching around his member to adjust to his size. Slowly, he moved himself in and out, while feeling her nails dig into the skin of his back.
"Annnghhh... Ah...ummm..."
"Nayeon..." Jungkook brought out as the pleasure became too much for him. "You are so tight," 
"Unnnnghh... Yes... ah... I almost forgot how good you were... fuck..." she said, "please, fuck me harder..."
Jungkook didn't have to be told twice, because he soon thrusted himself deeply inside of her, making her shoulders hit the headboard, earning multiple loud grunts from her.  "Yes, ah fuck!!"
As skin slapping and rough panting and moans were the only thing that could be heard, they both came at the same time with Jungkook spilling inside of her, before Jungkook rode it out and had it leak out with her cum in between her legs. 
"That was good," she sighed, when Jungkook removed himself and laid down beside her. "I haven't had such a good sex in a long time."
"What?" Jungkook smirked, before he moved his finger down and swiped the cum mixed with his seed from in between her legs. She let out a soft moan from overstimulation, before she let out a soft chuckle, knowing that Jungkook was always a tease. She saw him lick off his finger and she lightly grabbed his finger to lick from it too.
"Hmm... So, do you want to tell me why I deserved such a good fuck session from you?" she smirked, looking from under her eyelashes at him. Jungkook laughed and supported his head with his hand that had his elbow pressed into the pillow. Nayeon pulled up the blankets and covered them both, but Jungkook wasn't planning on staying over.
"Weren't you actually dating a girl?" she continued, and the words stung his heart a little, but not enough against the oxytocines that had him basking in the post-orgasm pleasure.
"Things went a bit complex." he explained with a little smile, before he ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Nayeon nodded and clutched the blankets against her chest to sit up against the headboard. His eyes followed her and he noticed the glint in her eyes.
"So the rumors were true." she smiled, not even hiding the excitement in her voice. Jungkook frowned and rolled his eyes. "Why does everyone talk about my love life behind my back?"
"Because it was remarkeable. So, you have been together with Aurora?"
"She betrayed me." Jungkook bitterly snapped, before he bit his lip and sighed. Nayeon stayed silent for a bit, before continuing after taking in his anger. She didn't seem to be intimitaded by him, only to understand that he was hurt by it and his reaction was normal.
"You know, you could have seen it coming. It's Aurora." Nayeon uttered, cocking her head to the side to stare into Jungkook's hazy brown eyes. There was no remorse or pity in her eyes, only the look of stating a mere fact that Jungkook knew all too well in the back of his head but chose to ignore.
"Well, I am not in the mood to get scolded again about not listening to others." Jungkook said, before he rolled on his side and stared through the room. "I have acknowledged my mistakes and promised to listen to them in the future."
"What?" Nayeon asked, stretching her hand out to touch his shoulder. Jungkook turned back around and raised an eyebrow.
"What, noona?" He chuckled with sarcasm, hoping she wasn't that stupid. Her eyes widened for a second, before narrowing.
"Why? That's unlike you."
"I don't know. Maybe, I am blind to certain people and Jimin is the one who knows who's best for me."
Nayeon stayed silent for a moment. She bent over to her drawer and grabbed a package of cigarettes out. Putting one between her lips, she lighted it up and blew out the smoke slowly.
"Well, Jimin can be wrong." Nayeon stated softly, before staring in front of her. Jungkook looked at her in confusement. She was the first one to state otherwise. For the past three weeks, people has been filling him up with statements about Aurora being the bad person, in which Jungkook had started to believe, but somewhere deep down, he didn't feel comfortable with doing so. There was always a small part of him that wanted someone to say otherwise. That it was not his weakness that had grown fond of Aurora for who she was. That even though she betrayed him, not all of the moments they had spent together was a lie, like everyone has been trying to tell him. But before he is getting his hopes up, he slowly tested his water on what kind of thoughts Nayeon had from Aurora. Did she knew about her as much as Jungkook did?
"It doesn't take away the fact that she threw me away like I was nothing and sided with Rap Monster." He then said, the hurt obvious in his voice and Nayeon noticed it. She turned her head slowly to look at him in the eyes and she noticed the broken soul he had tried to hide. Known that Aurora had broken him, in which she did feel mad, but her betrayal didn't quite do the fond memories she had of Aurora justice. "Besides, why don't you hate her like everyone does?"
Nayeon blinked, before she answered him with a soothing voice. "It's because we both know better, especially you. Aurora is different. You can't compare her to other people, like Mariah or Jimin. She has her own world and her own way of thinking, and right now, from what I have heard recently, Aurora seems to be mentally ill."
"You can't blame her betrayal and association with Rap Monster on illness. Aurora has never had good intentions with me. I bet she was already planning to kill me from the start. The love we had was probably a joke to her."
Nayeon sighed upon hearing the younger speak. Her heart started to lurch after hearing the sad tone in his voice. Knowing Jungkook as much as Jimin did, she knew he didn't deserve this kind of treatment. But Nayeon couldn't hate Aurora for that, since she too harbored a fondness for the little girl she first met during her teenage years. So, Nayeon took out her cigarette and passed it to Jungkook in order for him to relieve some stress. He accepted it without any hesitation and took a long drag from it, before blowing out the stress he had within him.
"You know you can't give up on Aurora, right? Even though people tell you to, you know Aurora needs protection." Nayeon mentioned, before looking at him when he didn't say anything. There was a slight scowl on his face and she immediately knew that she had hit the right string in him. The cigarette in between his fingers left ashes on the bed, as he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. "You know her. You know how Ji Eun really is or you wouldn't have stayed with her."
Her words echoed through his mind, with his heart clenching painfully. He could feel his throat becoming dry, as he remembered how scared Aurora was when she was wounded. He noticed how scared Ji Eun was, how helpless she felt and he couldn't protect her. But that did not take away the fact that he was betrayed by her. She was not forced by Rap Monster, which means that Jungkook might not be that important to her like he thought he was. They weren't on the same page and that stung him badly. At times like these, Jungkook did consider letting go of Aurora, so she would suffer the pain of losing him, like how much she affected him after choosing his enemy over him, after everything he had done for her. There was anger lingering inside of him, and one of the forces that had convinced him to side with Jimin.
To him, Ji Eun is the girl he has a strong fondness for, but the mask she is wearing under the name Aurora made him detest her. And it was now, that he came to realize he never knew how Ji Eun had become Aurora. He always thought it was her English name given to her when she was studying abroad, but now it seemed more obvious that Aurora was her alter persona trying to surpress Ji Eun as much as she could. Surpressing everything that Jungkook loved about her, because Aurora was Ji Eun's punishment and sin, and it was no doubt that Rap Monster and Nayeon played a big part in it.
He rolled his head to the side and watched Nayeon look at the ashes from the cigarette on her bed. She too looked absent. There was a dull look in her eyes that seemed to be contemplating about the things she just told Jungkook. Whether it was a good choice or not, and it was then that Jungkook realized he has come to the right person. Raising his hand, he stroke her hair and inched closer, their faces only inches away.
"Tell me, how do you know so much about Aurora?" He muttered, slowly kissing down her neck. Nayeon chuckled shortly, before she shoved him back to look at him, eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Because, Aurora is very charming."
Aurora's footsteps were hearable through the empty hallways as she made her way through the stairs. The outside was still raining, like every day, causing her clothes to stick to her body.
It was during my young teenage years when I first met her. I was her senior at school, along with Namjoon, and I was owning the night club at that time. One day, Ji Eun entered my place looking for a job. She wanted to be a part-time bartender, but since she was still underage, I couldn't let her take care of alcoholic drinks in which my club was famous for, but she persisted and looked as if she was in deep need of money, so I pitied her and took her in illegally.
"Miss Aurora, you have arrived." A man dressed in black bowed at her, before he looked at the other men and they followed him. Aurora flickered her eyes up to the ceiling, before she grabbed a cigarette and stuck it between her lips. The man bent down, as he searched for something in his pocket, before uncapping it and igniting the fire. "Allow me, Aurora." He formally asked, in which Aurora let him lit the cigarette.
She was a very vibrant and naive girl. Easygoing and very charming. I loved her guts, because she was simply someone who listens well and is extremely kind. At times, really cute as she was really innocent.
Aurora blew out after taking a long drag from her cigarette and she watched the smoke dissipate into thin air. The room was too muff for her liking and all she wanted was to get it over with as soon as possible. She detested the way how she had the lead over them. She absolutely hated them all.
But when Namjoon dropped out of highschool to join his underground gang, Ji Eun followed him right after. I still don't know what had triggered her to join him. She was almost a perfect student, never skipping classes, her grades always above the average, and it was not because she had a liking for Namjoon, it was so bizarre.
"Open the door." Aurora told them coldly, and they quickly did so. The door swung open, revealing the awful weather from outside. The wind blew through her hair as she stepped onto the rooftop and ignored the rain pouring down on her, but she didn't feel the cold. She narrowed her eyes and watched the building across them. The light was on and it showed a family. A mother, father and a young daughter. Upon seeing the clear view they had, she clenched her hand and threw away the cigarette. One of the men, ran up to her and held an umbrella above her. She turned her head slightly when the man passed her a gun. She cocked it slowly, before sticking out her hand and aiming the gun at the family. Her right hand hurt a lot and it made her impossible to place her finger on the trigger. She couldn't force herself, she couldn't put any power into her right hand. Her skills were fading.
On top of that, she was really talkative. I got along with her very well, but after she dropped out of school, she barely showed up to work and when she did, she became really quiet. She was so silent and away from the world with that same sad expression she has now. You must have noticed that there is something bothering her. Something in her is screaming to be helped, but at the same time, she won't allow anyone to help her.
"Shoot them, like this. Each on their heads. Clean up their mess, like how you have always done under Rap Monster's lead." Aurora told them, curtly, not even bothering to look at him. She handed him back the gun and turned her around. The man raised his gun towards the appartment and aimed just as she told him towards the family.
I wanted to help her, I really wanted to, but Namjoon took a liking on her and became very protective of her. He was so fond of her mysterious personality that he forbid everyone to lay a finger on her. I think the reason why Ji Eun is so loyal to Namjoon is because he protected her and made whatever was bothering her seem less painful. But at the same time, Namjoon was never a great person to start with. He was deadly and toxic, and it no doubt had started to rub off on her. He was starting to stain her and then a few months later, Ji Eun didn't show up to work anymore. She disappeared.
The rain colored red when Aurora stopped in her tracks and looked up to the sky. The gun was fired and loud screams from panic could be heard throughout the building. Loud police sirens echoed through the streets and the gun fired a few more times. Raindrops fell down on her cheeks and slid down to her chin, before dripping down along with a single tear from her eye. It wasn't sadness that she was feeling. It wasn't empathy she was suffering, but the guilt that kept lingering. "Let's go now." Aurora muttered, only audible for them to hear. The men nodded and retreated, following Aurora through the hallways and stairs. Her shoes made wet footprints on the ground and she stopped. Pulling her shoes off, she opened the door to the janitor room and looked at the state her shoes were in. Filthy and wet. Without much hesitation, she threw it inside, before shutting the door and disappearing into the dark with a smirk. 
I ordered my gang to find her and all they could find were her shoes in a dumpster. It was believed that she was killed by someone, which Namjoon was quite vague about considering that he was really fond of her. Namjoon was never someone who would just let anyone steal his treasures, and it was that rainy day that I overheard what Namjoon had planned with Ji Eun, which was selling her out as a prostitute. He was the one behind her disappearance, along with his right hand, Agust D.
The rain kept pouring down. Her heart clenched painfully as she slowly walked through the streets. Her body urged her to slow down as her oxygen intake was minimal. Suffocating. Oh, how suffocated Aurora felt. The rain made her feel a lot of things. A lot that she couldn't really give a place. It was suffocating. Badly and intoxicating. She wished for it to go away but nothing really went her way ever since that night. Maybe this was karma. Maybe this was her punishment.
Apparently, I was too late when I discovered about their plan. Ji Eun's mental state deteriorated the very next moment I saw her again. She wouldn't even look at me, respond whenever I called for her. It was like I never existed. And it was then that Ji Eun had started to associate fear with rain. That night when our gang went up against them, I was trying to save Ji Eun, but she surprised us. She turned against us, betrayed us all by shooting me right in my lungs.
The mud under Aurora's feet was cold, as she walked into the cemetery. The night was extremely cold, eery cold that had her shivering but it didn't affect her that badly. Because, she was already numb. Extremely numb from all the emotions that had rushed through her mind. And all that's left right now was vague hatred and anger. A grudge she had held when she was fooled by Namjoon. The few man that had followed her had brought shovels with them. It was when Aurora passed an old grave that she stopped her track.  It was time that she should know the truth. That her fear was not something delusional. That her life wasn't as safe as Namjoon assumed it would be. With two fingers, she motioned towards the soft soil and the men started to dig. The mud and sand removed from the grave, as the rain kept falling. What a nostalgia, Aurora thought to herself.
As I was slowly dying in the room, I thought Ji Eun was going to kill me, but she didn't. I saw her eyes that potrayed utter sadness and helplessnes. I never understood how she could be so skilled with weapons, but Namjoon must have taught her. Ji Eun is a smart girl. She is able to catch up on things very easily just by being observant. But I thought she would be wise enough to not join him in his sins, especially if she showed reluctance with shooting. Until, Namjoon forced her to kill Agust D. That moment, I felt like I lost Ji Eun to Namjoon. His evil and sadistic attempts on Ji Eun had her broken and drawn back. It had caused her to be feared of rain, feared for everything, causing the sweet and kind Ji Eun to be blocked away inside of her.  Namjoon encouraged her despair and tricked her into killing. He tricked her into becoming his right hand, named Aurora.
The shovel hit something hard and the wood underneath broke from the force the shovel was pushed with. Aurora's eyes looked down at the coffin in front of them they had digged up. A smirk played on her lips, as she jumped down on the coffin and pushed the sand on his name aside with her feet. Her hair dripped wet from the rain and she looked at the men who stared down at the coffin. "Open it." Aurora told them, and they did as asked. Soon, the wood creaked from underneath their feet and revealed the inside much to Aurora's horror. The coffin was empty. After all we have been through, Namjoon and I parted ways as I couldn't stand working with him anymore. I offered Aurora a place to stay with me, but she rejected it without any hesitation by agreeing to stay with Namjoon. That was... the last time I saw Aurora.
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