#kinda wish the school nurse had pain killers but we don’t have them
fregget-frou · 2 years
Minor vent today was just really bad :p
Ok I don’t know if this is dumb to ask but is it embarrassing to need to go home because of period cramps?? I think I made a big deal but I mean I did pass out but also I’ve heard people do deal with it??? I’m pissing off my parents because I’ve been sick so often and having to make them leave work because of it. It hurt alot but like. Idk.! I’m not even sure if I should’ve even gone home????? I just oh my god I feel really dumb and weak for some reason but also I get it because I passed out from the pain and this just does not happen but also I was told to ask my doctor which I know he’ll just say it’s my weight but. I don’t fucking know. I feel like I’m gaslighting myself and having a meltdown over a scratch but it’s not a scratch to me but aLSO I know that even if it wasn’t I should react and cause problems I’m being a burden. I mean they said it themselves I’m disrupting their work more often and I don’t want to do that but the last time I tried to tough it out I had to go to the ER which made an even bigger disruption and I just don’t wanna do that again.
Ok I don’t know if this is dumb to ask but is it embarrassing to need to go home because of period cramps?? I think I made a big deal but I mean I did pass out but also I’ve heard people do deal with it??? I’m pissing off my parents because I’ve been sick so often and having to make them leave work because of it. It hurt alot but like. Idk.! I’m not even sure if I should’ve even gone home????? I just oh my god I feel really dumb and weak for some reason but also I get it because I passed out from the pain and this just does not happen but also I was told to ask my doctor which I know he’ll just say it’s my weight but. I don’t fucking know. I feel like I’m gaslighting myself and having a meltdown over a scratch but it’s not a scratch to me but aLSO I know that even if it wasn’t I should react and cause problems I’m being a burden. I mean they said it themselves I’m disrupting their work more often and I don’t want to do that but the last time I tried to tough it out I had to go to the ER which made an even bigger disruption and I just don’t wanna do that again.
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wonkystank · 4 years
Bad Decisions, Good Moments
By @wonkystank for @joyful-soul-collector as part of the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange
WC: 3k
Rating: Everyone (no swearing, tw for some discussion of anxiety, a character forgets to eat for a while)
Relationships: Tony Stark & Peter Parker, a bit of Tony Stark & May Parker
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, May Parker, and a few Midtown staff
Summary/Prompt: Peter forgets to eat breakfast and faints from hunger at school. Tony takes care of him, bringing him home to give him something to eat.
Notes: huuuge shout out to Marko for being there on a bad night when I barely knew them. I was really happy when I saw I was assigned to create for them and able to give back!!
Tony was idly fiddling on the newest StarkPhone model in his lab. He was in a concentrated daze when his phone suddenly rang, startling him out of his chair and onto the ground.
He cursed and rubbed his sore backside as he sat on the floor, somewhat frantically patting the desk to find his phone, which was out of sight. He located it on the fifth ring, right before it went to voicemail and spoke without looking at the caller.
"Stark. Who is this?" He panted, out of breath.
There was a long pause on the other side before, "Uh, Tony Stark? This is Midtown High, calling in regards to Peter Parker," the voice said, in a distinctly Southern accent. The voice then, continuing off to the side in a loud whisper, obviously not meant to be heard but failing spectacularly, "Tony Stark! I'm talking to Iron Man! I did not think this number would work."
Choosing to ignore that and spare the secretary some dignity, Tony asked, "Peter? What happened with him?"
"Oh, uh, of course. Peter was in gym class and fainted. He's currently in the nurse's office, and he's perfectly fine, but we recommend he go home for the last three periods of the day and rest. We called his primary contact with no answer so you were next on the list. Are you able to pick him up?"
Tony rolls his eyes at the kid's stupidity. Peter had probably forgotten to eat that morning and his metabolism screwed him over. He replied smoothly, "Should be no problem. I can make it there in 15, 20 minutes?"
"That would be excellent, sir, thank you."
"Great, see you soon."
Tony stood up off the floor, grumbling. He grabbed a suit jacket that was thrown over the back of a nearby chair, attempting to class up the t-shirt and jeans he was wearing.
"Friday? Shut down the lab for the night, I think the kid and I will just stick to my apartment."
Tony Stark lightly jogged up the front steps of Midtown High. He thought the security was a little lacking, and considered dropping by some other time and visiting the principal with his checkbook on him. But not today - he didn't want to bore Peter.
He strolled through the doors with a certain degree of the patented Tony Stark flair and glanced around, finding the office easily, continuing on his way.
The receptionist was on the phone when he walked in, and from her voice, she seemed to be the same one he had talked to. Not wanting to distract her, he lagged back a little from her desk as he waited.
When she set the phone down and looked up, he approached her and said, "Hi, Tony Stark, here to pick up Peter Parker?"
Her eyes widened and she said "Oh, uh, he's in the nurse's office right now - that's a little ways down the hall, first door on your left." Obviously having run through the whole spiel many times before, it seemed she forgot that it was Tony Stark in front of her and slipped into a monotone drone. She continued, "It's in the guidance office, the man at the desk there will help you. You'll need ID so he can make sure you aren't a kidnapper and that you're actually picking up the right kid."
Tony smiled, "Well, we wouldn't want that. Thank you for your time, Miss..?"
She startled, not expecting him to care about who she actually was, and replied slightly belatedly, "Miss Hodge. Pleasure meeting you, Mister Stark."
Tony turned and walked out the door, heading down the hall according to her instructions.
For a few moments, he idly wonders why the nurse's office is in Guidance. What kind of person would put the nurse's office there instead of the main office? He settled on the idea there was no explanation, but that it was decidedly stupid. As he walked, he fished out his wallet and pulled out his driver's license, just in case someone thought he wasn't Tony Stark. If that wasn't obvious.
He reached the doorway and wandered in.
Directing his request to the man at the desk, he asked, "Hi, Tony Stark, here to pick up Peter Parker?"
"ID please," the man droned.
He passed it over. The secretary glanced at it for half a second, handed it back with a form, and said in a bored tone, "The door behind you is the nurse's office, he'll be in there. Please sign this sheet to sign him out."
Honestly, the man not knowing him or not caring was kinda refreshing. At least Tony knew he wasn't a total bootlicker for nothing. He signed the paper a little less boldly than normal, because even though this guy didn't care, anyone who took a look at it after might, whether that was another secretary, a parent, or whoever, and he didn't really want to deal with that. It could end up putting a target on Peter's back if people realized they had a connection and that was the last thing Tony wanted. He already was in enough danger as Spider-Man.
Doing his best to shove all his fears and anxieties into a back corner of his brain, Tony slid the page back to the secretary and turned to the door behind him to get Peter.
He knocked twice and opened the door, stepping in. His attention turned to the brown-haired kid laying on the cot, and he smiled widely at the sight.
Peter was dozing away peacefully on the rubber-coated mattress. His hair was gelled back, but some of his curls had escaped and were flying away. He looked about three years younger than usual, carefree in a way that the teenager typically lacked.
Tony took in the sight for a few moments more and then plopped down on the cot beside him. He set a reassuring hand on the boy's ankle, then started, "Wakey-wakey, Mister Parker."
Peter slowly blinked awake, getting his bearings, but winced at the light.
"M'sser- Mister Stark? What are you doing here?"
"Hmm, well, I'll give you three guesses as to why," Tony replied, in a fake indifferent tone.
Much more aware then, Peter complained, "Don't try and be funny, your personal intern fainted today. Isn't that an emergency that deserves all your serious attention?"
"One hundred percent. On that note, how are you feeling?"
Peter tried to push himself upward and fell back, stifling a groan. On his second try, he fared better and managed to stay upright.
"Mmmph. Yeah, the nurse gave me an Advil, some water, and a pack of saltines before she went to go do a Sex Ed presentation or something. But you know me, that much doesn't really stick. Headache is still kinda killer."
Tony cupped Peter's jaw and rubbed his thumb over his cheek. His brow furrowed.
"Yeah, we really need to find a painkiller that actually works for you. And get some more food. Have you actually eaten in the past 24 hours?"
"Who can really say? Time is relative."
"Adult," came the response, just as dry.
"Y'know, I don't have to stand for this. I can just leave you here, bored and in pain. But I won't, because I enjoy you most of the time you aren't like this." Tony said, waving a hand dramatically. He continued, "Alright, let's break you out of here because there's no sense in staying in this broom closet."
"Agreed," Peter said firmly.
Tony offered him a hand up, steadying the kid when he started to tip. The mentor secured an arm around his shoulders just in case, and then they were off.
Tony tapped impatiently on the steering wheel as they waited at a red light. It had been silent for a few minutes, and Tony was thinking hard.
He broke the silence as the light turned green, asking tentatively, "Peter? Are you… okay? Because you need to eat, and you need to sleep, and if you aren't taking care of yourself, that's something we should talk about."
Peter visibly stiffened, and his voice was unusually hard when he scoffed back, "You're one to talk about taking care of yourself."
Tony blew out a breath slowly. In a calm voice, he said, "Peter."
The boy crumpled in on himself suddenly, wiping at his eyes and sniffling. His voice cracked and the dam inside him that kept all his feelings bottled up broke. The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them, and said, "I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. That- that wasn't fair of me. It's… I dunno, it's been kinda hard lately. All my teachers are getting us freaked out about exams, and I'm still trying to keep up with patrolling, and MJ and I got into an argument and it's really, really just been a lot. And- and everything just swirls around in my brain at night and so I hardly sleep, and then I run out the door for school without grabbing any food. And the cycle just keeps going. May's been away for a work thing the past few days so she hasn't really been able to keep me in check. Today just sorta was my unlucky day, with the fainting thing. I just want to stop hurting. Is that not too much to ask?"
Tony wished he wasn't driving then, that he could devote 100% of himself to Peter in that moment. But keeping him alive by driving safely was also very important, so he made do with what he had and set a gentle hand on the kid's knee.
He glanced over for a second, making eye contact briefly before redirecting his attention to the road. "Pete, being completely honest with you, I can't help you all the way here. I can be here, listen, support you. And I'll be there, every time you need me. But I can't help you rewire your brain, in the way I think you know it needs. I think seeing a therapist would help you a lot, help you deal with your normal and night life stresses. I was where you were once, and I suffered alone like that for a really long time. It wasn't worth it. There's no shame in going to therapy. I go to therapy. If you're not ready yet, that's okay. But I swear to you, no matter what, it gets better. It always gets better."
Peter sniffed a few times, then cracked a small grin.
"Y'know, I'd hug you right now, but I'm pretty sure that'd be a really bad idea."
"Well, I think I can fit a hug into my schedule in a few minutes. But just a quick one, I have other stuff to do."
"Also, wow, when did you get so good at making impromptu motivational speeches? Has all that time with Captain America been rubbing off on you?" Peter wondered aloud.
"Kid, when you grow up famous, you learn a trick or two. Cap was very much in the ice when I learned all this sort of stuff."
"If that's what you say," the kid mocked.
"You're killing me, kid."
Back at the Tower, Peter stretched out on the couch closest to the kitchen.
"What are you making anyway? I thought you couldn't cook."
As Tony buttered a piece of bread, he replied, "Oh, a few years back, Pepper insisted on me becoming a sensible, capable adult, so she signed me up for cooking lessons. I'm no chef like Happy is, but I can hold my own."
Without looking over, Peter said, "So you're making me grilled cheese."
"Wh- yes, but how did you figure out that?"
"Well, I can hear you buttering bread because of my enhancement, but Tony Stark would not simply make a sandwich, ergo, you're about to turn on the pan and make grilled cheese. Easy, delicious, quick, and a step above average."
"What are you, a mentalist now?"
Peter popped his head up and stared eerily at Tony. He whispered, in a tone meant to be creepy but just reaching moderately weird, "I can read your mind."
"Sure kid. So, what happened at school today before your little episode?
"Well…" Peter trailed on about the exceptionally boring English class that morning, then moved on to telling him about Ned's latest obsession with some tech YouTuber. By the time he was finished talking about some idiot client May had at work, the grilled cheese was ready.
With an air of elegance, Tony waltzed over to Peter, plate balanced on one hand, and announced, "Apologies for the interruption, Mister Parker, but your food is ready. Bon appetit."
"Uh, merci, monsieur."
Tony lost the groomed facade and ordered, "Alright, now move your feet because I have to sit here too."
Peter scooched his feet back by one couch cushion. Through a mouthful of sandwich, he responded, "Wow, someone's bossy."
"I am going to ignore that and take the higher path - what are we going to watch?"
"Star Wars."
"You really didn't have to think about it at all, did you?"
Peter grinned, "You know how I said I could read minds? Well, your next question is going to be what episode. To that, I say, A New Hope, because it's the OG and that's what I feel like right now."
"You set me up for that one by purposely not saying which episode first."
"Still got it right, though didn't I?"
Pretending not to hear, Tony turned up to the ceiling. "FRIDAY? You heard the kid. Queue it up."
The opening music began and the text started scrolling across the screen. Peter shifted his legs again so that they were on Tony's lap.
Tony rolled his eyes, "Oh, you think I'm the bossy one? What do you call this."
Peter simply replied by shushing him loudly.
And who could say if Tony enjoyed the contact? (Well, FRIDAY probably could). He settled a hand on Peter's ankle and sat back to watch the show.
Halfway through, long after Peter's exhaustion had overcame him and made him fall asleep, Tony's cell rang. He did his best to slip out unnoticeably from under Peter's legs and went out into the hallway to answer the call.
"Hey May, I guess you heard?"
"Uh-huh. Fainted, right in the middle of class."
"Yeah, as it turns out, he hadn't eaten in a while, especially bad for his metabolism."
In a wry tone, May said, "The next time I go away, you're keeping our idiot kid at your place and taking care of him."
"Yeah, definitely don't want repeats on this episode," Tony replied.
"On second thought, I should make sure Pepper’s around, because we both know that you're almost as bad as Peter about that."
Tony let out a groan and whined, "I resent that. Why didn't I try harder to keep you two apart? I knew you'd swap stories and become more powerful."
May laughed. "You think you could've ever kept us away from each other? We're just trying to keep you in constant terror so you never step out of line."
"Y'know, I'm pretty sure that qualifies as abuse."
May smiles, then shakes her head, and her voice turns more serious. "Thank you, though, for being there for Peter when I couldn't. I'm glad he has someone else looking out for him again."
The unimaginable losses Peter had faced were woven into that sentence. First his parents, then Ben. It had only been May for far too long. But now, there was someone else to shoulder that weight again.
"Always, May. I'm always here." Tony says, in an equally somber tone.
Lightening the mood a little, May adds, "Hey, how about you come over to our place Sunday night? I'd say for dinner, but I'm sure Peter has told you stories about my cooking, so pizza? And a movie? As part of my thanks. I'm sure Pete would enjoy it."
"I think I can swing that," Tony said, "And hey, um, I was talking to Peter, and he seems to be struggling a lot right now. I can set him up with a therapist, get all the paperwork good for the secret superhero stuff. I'll take care of the money too, that's not something you should worry about."
There's a pause, and May's voice is low when she replies, "You're doing right by our kid, in case you ever doubt that. I'd really appreciate that, and I agree, I think he needs it."
"Of course. Uh, I should probably get back to the kid sleeping in the other room. Take care, May."
"See you soon, Tony."
Tony walked back to the couch. He stopped, for a moment, taking a long look at the kid who turned his life around.
"I love you," he whispered. Peter wasn't awake to hear it, but Tony hoped he already knew. He'd say it some other time, when the moment was right and he had barely enough courage. He made a silent promise to himself to do that.
He sat back down, smiled, and basked in the rare peaceful moment he had. Life was good for Tony Stark because he had Peter Parker in his life.
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mintdrop · 4 years
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@windup-dragoon​ this ended up becoming spearmint school au sdkfjbdsfs
“C’mon, Estinien! I can’t get caught skipping again, the principal’s gonna talk my ear off.” Mint whined as she looked through the closed gates that led to the entrance of the school, hiding behind the brick pillar that served as their starting point.
“Have you thought about maybe.... not skipping? Just eat lunch in school like the rest of us.” Estinien sighed as he rubbed his eyes with one hand. He, unfortunately, had to squat behind the brick wall just to avoid giving away the fact that they had skipped, at the behest of his tiny girlfriend. “Get down, you’ll give us away!!” she had said. Now his legs hurt for how long he’d had them bent. To his right, Mint let out a dramatically fake gasp as she turned to look at him.
“Us? You’re here with me too! You’re my partner in this crime! Besides, are you saying you didn’t enjoy our date?” The look on her face could only be described as a puppy who’d just been yelled at for the first time. Damn her cute face and ability to pluck at his heartstrings like a bloody harp. 
“I didn’t say that.” He sighed again, letting his head lean back onto the wall with dull thud. He couldn’t admit he enjoyed it far more than he showed - that would make her far too happy for their current situation. “Alright then. What’s your plan?”
Mint grinned, a grin that only ever showed when she had an awful idea. “Here’s the plan. We go around back and you boost me over the wall, and then hop it yourself since you’re so tall. And then,” she puffed out her chest and put her hands on her hips, casually ignoring the look of disappointment growing on Estinien’s face. “you boost me into the window, and then I’ll pull you up! It’ll be easy. We’ll act like those sneaky spies in that book series you like.”
Ignoring the dig at his literature of choice, he stared at the 106 centimeter tall menace he was unfortunately head-over-heels for. “You. The girl with arms as flimsy as melted pudding - you’ll pull me up into the windows?” He watched as she gave several full nods, clearly confident in her ability to not instantly drop him.
“I have the arm strength of all the Twelve combined.” Mint flexed, giving her bicep a good slap. If it weren’t for her cardigan, you’d be able to watch her arm jiggle as it started to instantly turn red. “We’ll be fine! Unless you have a better idea?”
“Walk in through the fron--”
“ABSOLUTELY NOT. Let’s go!” She grabbed at Estinien’s hand as she jumped over him, pulling him in the direction of the side of the school. He attempted to stand up straight, which earned him a hushed “no! they’ll see you walking around!,” forcing him into a weird hunch as he walked. He wasn’t sure why she had to whisper that when they’d been talking at a normal volume not even seconds ago, but then again he wasn’t sure about a lot of things - like why he was going along with this. 
At the back of the school, Mint looked up at the top of the wall; it wasn’t exactly high, but she wasn’t exactly tall. “Alright.” She spun on her heel to face Estinien, who was now allowed to be standing up straight. “Lift me, tall man!” She stood with her arms glued to her hips, watching him with a gleam in her eye. In return, he looked at her with half-lidded eyes of disbelief. If you could read his mind through his eyes, you’d hear nothing but “I really wish I weren’t here right now!”
With a sigh, he lifted her from the ground, pausing only when she said “wait!” in a tone that made it seem like she’d realized this probably wasn’t the best idea. Instead, she gave him a quick kiss on the nose, causing him to flush a pale pink as he finished boosting her above the wall. 
“You’re a hazard to everyone around you.”
“Thanks! I love you, too.” She gave him a toothy grin as he lifted himself up and over the wall, deliberately turning his head so she couldn’t see his face, as if she hadn’t already. Jumping down to meet him, she ran towards the school, gesturing for him to come over. The windows were taller than Estinien, the edge of one just barely out of his grasp even after his best jumps. “Okay, lift me up! If I stand on your hands I’ll be able to reach the windowsill and check to see if anyone’s in the halls before we pull you up.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” He replied, cupping his hands and leaning down so that she could get her balance before being hoisted.
“When have I ever not? Don’t answer that.” She held onto his arm as he began to lift her, letting go only when it was below her. She just barely made it to the windowsill, grabbing on and scrambling up the wall as best as she could. Making sure she was far enough in, she slid the window open and peeked her head in, confirming that the hall was empty. She could hear the bustling of voices inside the nearby classroom, which meant that lunch hadn’t ended yet. She turned around, laying flat on her stomach as she reached down with both arms. “Now you!”
The majority of his brain said no. This can only end poorly. Estinien ignored the warnings as the few empty brain cells that made poor decisions decided to take the reigns of his motor functions. He jumped up, grabbing on to her tiny hands as his feet planted themselves against the wall. The two looked at each other, hanging there as Mint’s face lit up.
“See! I told you we could do it. Now we just lift-” She began to pull her arms up using only her upper body strength, his weight clearly more than she could handle. After only a few seconds, she heard a dull “pop” from each of her arms. The smallest “ah” fell from her lips as her arms went numb, and within moments she was sliding down at a rapid pace, crashing into Estinien as they both fell to the ground below.
For the most part, Estinien was fine - his shoulder was probably bruised from how he’d hit the floor, with the added weight of Mint landing there, but otherwise he was just a little sore. He sat up as soon as her weight had disappeared, quickly looking over her. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt? I told you this was a bad idea-” He quickly scanned over her, looking for anything that might’ve been bent the wrong way.
“Well, it doesn’t hurt, but...” She looked up at him with a sheepish grin, her head no longer hiding that her arms were slumped in front of her. “My arms won’t listen to me. I can still feel them! But they’re just kinda.. here.” She attempted to lift one, but the only part that moved was her hand. “Hm.”
Estinien sighed, scooping her up in one arm as he stood up himself. “I’m adding another tally mark to the “Bad Ideas” column.” Hearing nothing but a dejected “noooooo!”, he began walking towards the front of the school. 
“Wait! They’ll know we skipped!” she cried, but his ears had turned off. At the front entrance to the school, he bumped into the teacher in charge of making sure people didn’t leave.
“You! What are you doing out here? Class is about to start again!” His eyes zeroed in on Mint, who seemed to shrink into herself.
“We were taking care of the plants out back. She filled the water bucket too much and it was too heavy for her to carry. I think she dislocated her arms.” Estinien explained without skipping a beat or stumbling over his words, leaving Mint to stare at him in awe for a second before realizing that she probably needed to corroborate this.
“Y-yeah! I thought it’d be fine but, uh.. the distance was longer than I thought from the faucet to the flower patches..” She looked at the teacher, who stared at her with nothing but doubt on his face. He only let them through after watching that she could only move her hands, escorting them to the nurses’ office.
Roughly half an hour later, the two sat side by side on one of the beds within the room, both of Mint’s arms in slings - she had dislocated her shoulders and bruised her forearms in the fall, requiring her to keep her arms bound for three weeks and a regiment of daily shoulder massages; the latter had been aimed directly at Estinien. She looked down at her hands. “I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“You’re mad at me.”
“I’m not.”
“You definitely are.”
Estinien sighed yet again - he was going for a new record, it seemed. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad that we didn’t just go through the front.”
“But they would’ve yelled! We didn’t have any excuse!” She looked up at him, her mouth pulled into a deep frown. “I just didn’t want you- well, I didn’t want either of us to get into trouble!”
“I had an excuse planned. It was the same one we used before, except the back door was locked instead of you dropping a water bucket.” His explanation made Mint gasp.
“Well, why didn’t you tell me? It would’ve been fine!”
“I tried to, but you cut me off. Would you have budged off your plan if I’d said it?”
“Ah-” she looked down again, dejected. “P-probably not. Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Estinien moved his hand to rustle her hair. “You can make it up to me with a dinner date when your arms can move.” Before she could reply, the nurse walked back into the room.
“Alright, I’ve informed your parents about your injury, Totomi.” The nurse attempted to hand Mint a paper, realizing that she couldn’t exactly reach up and grab it. Instead, she folded the paper in half, sliding it between the sling straps and her body. “That’s just the treatment on paper, along with some recommended pain killers if anything starts to hurt. I need to deal with Estinien’s back now, so you can go to class.”
Mint nodded, hopping off the bed. “I--” she cut herself off for a moment, thinking, before turning around to face Estinien again. “I’m sorry! I’ll make it up to you. And I’ll tell Illya and Kiri all about how cool you were!” She dashed to exit of the room, a loud bonk echoing as her head collided with the sliding door. Right. She had to open it. Dropping her head to hide her face, she spun around and used her back to slide the door open an inch before using her foot to open it fully and close it.
The nurse looked down at Estinien, arms crossed. “She dropped a water bucket, huh?” 
“You’re a fool.”
“I know.”
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 10
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count:  6.6k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Back on the day of Mikkel’s disappearance, Peter walked down into his father’s bunker to compose himself. He was once again thinking of cheating on Charlotte. He couldn’t do that to her. He couldn’t at all. He slapped himself as he just sat there trying to compose himself. Slowly a bright light over came the bunker. It seemed as if the fabric of reality was ripping itself apart. Then a dead Mads dropped to the ground. After trying to give the boy CPR, Peter grabbed the ID off the boy’s chest. When he saw it was Mads, he called Tronte immediately.
Tronte drove down to the bunker to find that Peter was indeed telling the truth. There on the ground lay a perfect angel-like boy dead. Tronte couldn’t believe what he was seeing. There was no way his son could be here after 33 years of having gone missing exactly as he once was. He started to cry over the small boy knowing in his heart that it was true.
The older Claudia walked down into the bunker and said, “Tronte. Peter. There’s a lot I have to explain. But first we need to take Mads to the place where he is to be found. We don’t have much time left.”
November 12, 2019, Jonas lay in his bed asleep. A small hand reached over his shoulder to make him turn to look at him. Instead of Annalise, there staring at him was Mikkel with a knowing smile.
A dream, Jonas shot up panicked. He turned his head to the side where Mikkel was to see Annalise’s back towards him. She was fully asleep. Her soft breaths mimicked almost like a sleeping cat’s content noise. He slowly uncovered himself and tucked Annalise back in. The sleeping girl turned in her sleep now to face him. She was curled up as if wanting to find comfort with anyone. She pulled the blankets up to her face in her sleep as if trying to cling to the boy that had just gotten out of bed. He brushed some stray hair out of her face then turned to grab his pill bottle. He sat there debating it before putting the pill he had taken out back in and tossing it into the trash. He panted as he looked at the supplies on his desk. He walked over to his desk and scribbled a quick note to Annalise about where he went, placed it on the nightstand for her to see right when she woke up, and left.
Martha paced around chewing on her nails not knowing really how her boyfriend was reacting to the news. She was crying. She didn’t know what to do. “I’m sorry,” the girl told Bartosz, “I really fucked up. Since Mikkel disappeared… I don’t recognize myself anymore.” She sobbed. She knew she was only going to him because Jonas and Annalise rejected her, but what else was she supposed to do in this situation. Her best friend was gone with the boy that held both of their hearts in his hands. It was so fucked up.
Bartosz stoically walked over to Martha and held her. He could feel her pain. He knew she didn’t love him, this was just all to try and have someone love her back and to go back to things before Jonas came back. The boy held her close knowing exactly how it felt to love someone who would never love him back. He pitied Martha. He too wished for everything she was, yet he could never let her know why his heart yearned for that simpler time. That it was also him that was suffering in all of this madness of teenaged love and feelings. “It doesn’t matter, okay,” he comforted her. He rubbed her back, “Everything’s okay. Everything’s okay.” He questioned to himself if he was actually comforting Martha or really more himself about this fucked up situation they all had landed in.
The nurse showed Charlotte into Helge’s room explaining that he’s never been gone this long and how normally he was back in just a couple of hours. They chatted about if Ulrich was there and the nurse explained that he was there on that Saturday, but no time since that she knew of. 
Helge slept in the deer scare in 1986. He slowly woke up knowing exactly what he had to do.
In 2019, Jonas stared at his grandmother as he asked, “Did you know?”
“Did I know what,” Ines asked the boy.
Jonas replied, “The boy from the future.” When Ines sighed, he knew. He then told her, “you knew.” He nodded a bit to himself then looked back at her.
Ines walked to a small box on her selves and sat back down. She opened it and handed Jonas back the letter that he had burned. This letter looked more pristine. She commented, “This is for you.” 
Jonas grabbed it and scanned through it. It was indeed the same exact letter. Just cleaner, more preserved. “That’s impossible,” the boy commented.
“What,” his grandmother asked him.
Jonas looked up at her and explained, “I burned it.” He stared down at it, then looked back up at his grandmother, “How long have you known?”
Ines looked down and shook her head, “I’ve always known, really.” Seeing Jonas just stare blankly at him, she explained, “When your father came to me, he was a disturbed little boy. I just thought he had an overactive imagination. That something bad must have happened to him, something that he couldn’t bear. He told me… he came from the future.” She started to weep, “I didn’t believe him.”
Jonas’s anger started to burn inside of him, “If you knew… Why didn’t you stop it?”
Ines shook her head at him, “I didn’t know he was going to take his own life.”
“But you could have saved Mikkel,” Jonas screamed as tears filled his eyes. He was so angry. He was angry at Ines, the world, but most of all himself for allowing all of this to continue to happen as well. “Now I have another grandma and she’s the principal of my school,” he started to angrily process through his emotions that he was hiding from himself, “Her husband, who’s fucking my mom, is looking for his son, who’s my father!” He huffed and finally growled out, “A few days ago, I kissed my aunt.” Jonas shook his head, “And the crazy thing is… there’s nothing wrong with any of them. They’re okay. I’m what’s wrong.” His tears finally started to fall.
Ines tried to comfort him, “I think things… no matter how abnormal or strange they seem to us, happen for a reason. Who are we to play God? What’s past is past. But you… live in the here and now. Who knows what the future will bring?”
Jonas looked at her and said, “I just want everything back to normal.”
This reminded Ines of Jonas’s father in 1986. Mikkel was sitting there explaining, “As a kid, all that Houdini dreamed of was becoming a magician.” He did his magic trick of moving an object from one cup to the other.
Nurse Ines, at the time, asked, “Do you have the same dream?”
“Yes,” Mikkel admitted, “But the magic I want to do is impossible.”
Ines asked, “Which is what?”
Mikkel sighed, “I just want to finally wake up.” He missed his home, his family, his Annalise. He missed Jonas. He missed everyone and his normal life. He just wanted to wake up from this living nightmare to find him cuddled up to the American girl he had come to love. With Martha snoring just a few feet from them. Annalise touching her lips and sneaking downstairs with him to go get him some candy that Katharina had stashed away from him so that he wouldn’t eat it all or eat it at inappropriate times. Magnus’s loud music abetting them in their heist of candy in the wee morning hours. Only to get caught by Ulrich… Who would then chuckle with a finger to his lips handing them both what they had sought. Mikkel just wanted that life back.
“Have you heard of Master Zhuang’s paradox,” Ines asked the boy. When Mikkel shook his head, Ines explained, “I dreamt I was a butterfly. Now I’ve woken up and no longer know if I’m a person who dreamed he’s a butterfly, or if I’m a butterfly who’s dreaming it’s a person.” Ines smiled and asked, “What are you? A person or a butterfly?”
Mikkel thought for a second then said, “Maybe I’m both.”
In 1953, they were taking Ulrich’s lineup photos. Egon introduced himself to the stange killer before him, “My name is Egon Tiedemann. Maybe we can just start with you telling me your name.”
Ulrich stared up at the man, “Tiedemann? Egon, yes… Of course.” Ulrich started to laugh. He shook his head and said in English, “My only aim is to take many lives. The more, the better I feel.”
“Are you a Satanist,” Egon asked, not breaking.
“A Satanist,” Ulrich asked. He shook his head, “No, I’m a cop.”
Egon’s eyebrow raised then lowered in humor, “a cop?”
Ulrich smiled, “It’s a song from the 80s. I can tell you now, you won’t like it.”
Egon instructed him, “Look into the camera.” When Ulrich did so, Egon asked, “Why did you kill the children?”
Ulrich shook his head, “I didn’t kill them. I tried to save them.”
“What did you do to Helge,” Egon asked.
Ulrich’s breath became uneven, “He’s still alive. He must be. Or the children wouldn’t be dead.”
“Where is Helge now,” Egon pressed Ulrich for answers, “Where is he?”
Ulrich shook his head, “I can change it all. I can change everything that’s going to happen, but you have to let me go.”
Egon commanded once more, “look into the camera.” When Ulrich tried to plead with him, Egon just repeated himself. Then asked, “You know what we do to child murdered here?”
“You stupid asshole,” Ulrich growled, “You’re just as small-minded as everyone else in this shitty town. Are you already drinking or will you start after your wife leaves you and you realize how pathetic and pitiful you are?”
Back in 2019, Jonas and Annalise finally made their way through the rain to school. Annalise removed her hand from his as they got closer and spotted Bartosz standing outside. She slowed down seeing Bartosz was upset. Her heart started to race. Oh no, Annalise thought as she saw Jonas just walking to go inside with no care.
Bartosz intersected Jonas’s route and said, “I waited for you. On Thursday.” He nodded towards Annalise letting the girl know he knew she was there.
“Yeah, fuck…” Jonas tried to cover for himself.
Bartosz shook his head, “What do you mean ‘fuck’? I didn’t tell anyone you were in the nuthouse. I lied for you. France, baguettes…Blah, blah, blah… Turns out you lie pretty well for yourself. You don’t even need me.” He motioned to Annalise then focused his attention back to Jonas, “Martha told me everything.”
Jonas shook his head, “It just happened. I really didn’t…”
“What didn’t you want,” Bartosz yelled, getting angry and shoving Jonas back. Was Jonas really going to just focus on kissing Martha? He wasn’t going to even at all think about the poor girl behind him that was now starting to try to get between them? Bartosz’s heart shattered on the pavement seeing Annalise trying to get into the middle of them to protect Jonas. He yelled, “To blow me off? To lie to me? To make out with my girlfriend? To lie to her best friend?” He shoved Jonas completely down this time, “You’re a sick piece of shit!”
Annalise, at this point, stood between him and Jonas. “Bartosz,” she yelled at him, “He fucked up, but leave him alone.”
Bartosz just pushed her out of the way into a wall to make sure she was safe from the two of them fighting, “He’s just like his dad Anna.”
Jonas couldn’t let the boy just insult his father like that. He stood and tried to tackle Bartosz only causing Bartosz to toss him back to the ground and start to wrestle him trying to make Jonas stop fighting back.
Annalise kept trying to yell at them to stop causing enough noise for Martha to come out of the school and yell at them as well, “What are you doing?!”
Jonas got up and pushed Bartosz down. He backed up closer to Annalise trying to keep himself out of this as much as possible now.
“Have you lost it,” Martha yelled.
Annalise yelled at Martha, “Tell your damned guard dog to back the fuck down.”
Martha looked at her shocked that Annalise suddenly had a fight in her and the first thing she had said to her ex best friend was a slew of curses and insults. Bartosz turned to Annalise, “Oh yeah! Of course! He lied to you too! Don’t you see that?!” He started to go up to the girl again. His heart pounding from trying to fight Jonas, “You know who really fucking found you drunk off your ass?!”
Annalise started to cry. She could smell his familiar cologne. He didn’t need to tell her, She knew he was going to yell it at her anyway though. She backed up towards the wall. Annalise shook her head. She whispered, “Bartosz, please.”
“Yeah! Me,” He yelled at her, “When will you get it through your thick head that he doesn’t give a shit about you?!” He poked at her head hard. 
Jonas and Martha’s eyes widened. They started to slowly realize there was more to this that the two of them had kept as well. Everyone had secrets in this town. Martha started to slowly try to intervene. She gently walked up to Annalise and asked, “You got drunk?” Martha’s eyes started to release tears as well.
Annalise nodded, turned to Bartosz, and yelled, “But he kissed me! I was just trying to go home. I hated Winden and everyone in this shithole!” She tried to push the taller boy away from her. 
Bartosz sneered and pushed her towards Jonas, “Well you didn’t try to fucking stop me. You made out with me!” He pushed her away from the wall knowing she wanted to be free. Even while angry and fighting, he was still looking out for the girl’s wants.
Jonas looked at Annalise. Suddenly this made a lot more sense. She must have not remembered who it was just some of the general events that happened. Annalise must have thought that he had kissed her that night and that’s why she had forgiven him so quickly. She thought… Jonas snapped himself away from his thoughts. He started to get in between Martha and Annalise trying to keep the other girl away from the one looking terrified.
“You kissed my boyfriend,” Martha roared, trying to rage at the girl only to get intervened by Jonas.
Annalise sobbed, “I was drunk. I forgot who it was.” She looked down. She started to let her anger take back over, “But you cheated on him first anyway! Why do you give a shit?! You are just like your bastard murderous father!” Bartosz started to get in between the two girls as well, but he kept Annalise from getting closer towards Martha and Jonas. Bartosz actually lifted the girl up and placed her down a bit farther away again to put distance between them.
She tried to fight against Jonas to get to Annalise. “At least, I’m not the reason my father’s fucking dead,” Martha yelled at the girl. 
Everything stopped. Everyone froze and looked at Annalise. It even seemed like for a moment that the rain itself had stopped. Martha clasped her hands over her mouth knowing she had gone too far. Her hands shook in front of her mouth. Annalise started to tremble. Her face contorted more into agony. The former track star turned and bolted into the forest again. The rain wasn’t helping her stay out of her thoughts. Her mind just kept flashing to the memories and she just wanted everything to stop.
“Annalise,” the three yelled after her. Everyone suddenly unfrozen at the same time. Bartosz tried to grab her, but she was too quick for his reflexes. Everything was also too wet so even if he could grab on, she could have slipped away from him anyway. 
Bartosz watched her go. His breathing unsteady. He turned to Jonas and roared, “This is all your fucking fault!” He punched Jonas this time, “Don’t ever come back here. Get the hell out of here!”
Jonas stood there for a second looking at Martha who was sobbing. He touched his lip to feel the warm blood drip onto his fingertips and down his chin. He turned and started to walk away hoping that Annalise was just going to run home or just hide out in the woods again until she was ready. He knew he wasn’t going to catch up and if anything all he could do was to go back. He needed to go back, get Mikkel, and bring him back. Bartosz was right, this was all his fault so now he needed to fix it.
Bartosz watched Jonas walk away calmly and growled. Bartosz turned and took off after Annalise trying hard to try and get to her before anyone else did. Somewhere in his heart, he knew this was his fault too. If he were just honest himself, she wouldn’t have had to have her heart dropped on the cement and crushed like that in front of all of them. She could have just been in his arms, safe and sound. “Annalise,” He screamed trying to have her hear him. He panted and called, “Annalise, please! Come back! Martha didn’t mean it!” Annalise could have just been in his arms, huddled up in his jacket, with her giant radiate smile on her face instead of running through the trees and woods, alone, scared, and crying.
The door to the 1986 Tannhaus shop opened and closed. There stood the older Jonas. He knew he didn’t have that much time left to try to get to the girl before any of the other options did. He knew that if she were with him, she would be safe and maybe actually prevent her fate that he accidentally had caused again. He kicked himself for being so weak to her doe eye charms and buying her alcohol that night. The Stranger Jonas had tried to keep a hold of her, but she slipped away from him and disappeared before he could catch her again. He shook his head at that memory and walked over to the man. He looked at the machine and commented, “You repaired it.”
Tannhaus looked up at the man and pointed to one of them, “That one’s yours.” He pointed at the one in front of himself and said, “And this one’s mine. I built it many years ago. It’s the same device, but in different condition. You see. It’s as if one could look at the beginning and end of something at the same time. Wait a moment.” Tannhaus squeezed past him to go grab the cellphone he had been holding onto. “This thing here,” Tannhaus explained, “it sends a kind of signal. An electromagnetic impulse. As if it were trying to communicate with something. And look at this.” Tannhaus turned on his machine to demonstrate, “this part has never moved. It was included in the blueprint, but I never knew what it was for. This thing communicates with the device. It’s not just the past that influences the future. The future also influences the past. You see. If you hadn’t shown me what the device looks like in the future, I wouldn’t have been able to build it. A paradox. These openings… didn’t exist either. I have no idea what their purpose is.”
Jonas opened up a small vial and put in a small tube into the machine, “It’s Cs-137. A radioactive isotope of Cesium.” Then started to pack it up so that way he could then use it to get back to try and get her. He knew where she was hiding so that gave him a bit of edge, but that also gave someone else the edge as well. He needed to protect her from her fate. All would be for nothing if he couldn’t stop this at least.
Tannhaus looked up, “The device generates a Higgs field. It increases the mass of the Cesium. An electromagnetic impulse causes it to implode into a black hole. The same thing must have happened during the nuclear power plant incident.”
Jonas looked up and asked, “Why did you decide to help me after all?”
“Why,” Tannhaus repeated back at Jonas, “That’s a big word.” The man sat back down in his chair to continue his work, “Why do we decide for one thing and against another?” Tannhaus continued not seeing Jonas nearly crying over that set of words, “But does it matter whether the decision is based upon the consequence of a series of casual links? Or whether it stems from an undefined feeling deep inside me? That perhaps everything in my life boils down to this one moment. That I’m part of a puzzle. One that I can neither understand nor influence. Will you tell me… what the future’s like?”
Jonas stared at the man and explained, “I’m hoping that by tomorrow, it’ll already be different from today.” He turned and walked out the door leaving Tannhaus there.
In 2019, Charlotte called Peter. When he answered, she asked, “Your father was kidnapped as a kid, right? Do you remember when exactly?”
Peter blanked. He wondered if he even knew that information to begin with. He asked her, “Can we talk? I…I have to tell you something.”
Charlotte then asked, “When exactly? ‘53? ‘54?”
Peter shook his head, “Fall of ‘53.”
Charlotte nodded to herself, “1953, exactly 66 years ago. Two times 33. It’s all connected.” 
Peter tried to interrupt, “Listen, Charlotte, I… I have to talk to you.”
Charlotte put on her seatbelt, “Later, okay? I’ve got to go.” Charlotte then hung up.
In 1986, the middle aged Helge drove up to his cabin. When he walked up, he saw an old man sitting there. “Can I help you,” he asked, “Were you looking for me?”
The older Helge looked at his younger self. “You have to stop,” he said.
“What do I have to stop,” asked Helge.
The older and wiser Helge replied, “He’s using you. All of his promises are lies. You will never meet David again.”
The younger Helge shook his head, “I think you’re mistaking me for someone else.”
The older one repeated the phrase back at him while taking off his beanie to reveal his scar, “I’ve said that before.” He laughed and shook his head, “Everything Noah says is a lie. He’s not the chosen one. You’re not the chosen one. He doesn’t want to save the world from evil. He is evil. He probably killed David when David didn’t want to go through with this.” The older Helge held his younger self, “Today is the day. The beginning and the end. Don’t make the same mistakes I made. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”
The younger Helge pulled away and ran while the older one called after him begging for him to stop. He then realized what he had to do. The old Helge walked away.
2019, Jonas walked into his dad’s studio. He looked around first for Annalise. She was still not home yet. Jonas looked up at the support beam contemplating for a moment before walking downstairs one more.
Hannah looked up at her son and saw his wound. Worried she asked, “What happened to you?” She was surprised that Annalise wasn’t with him. Normally if they skipped school, the two would be together as if held by glue. Hannah stood up and rushed to Jonas.
“I got into a fight,” Jonas explained.
Hannah’s face scrunched, “what?” Her son had never done this before in his life. This was so unlike her Jonas. “With whom,” She asked, caressing his face. Part of her wandered if that’s why Annalise wasn’t with him.
Jonas stared at her, “It doesn’t matter.”
Hannah took her hand away and asked, “What do you mean, it doesn’t matter?”
Jonas walked over to her and held his mother. He closed his eyes as his arms wrapped around her. He tried to imagine him hugging all of the people he cared about in his arms at that moment. Bartosz, Martha, Mikkel, Annalise… They all deserved to hear this. He whispered to his mother, “Everything will be fine.” He soon pulled away and said, “I left something at school and I still need to find Annalise. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine, Mom.” He forced a small smile before leaving Hannah standing there confused and worried.
Down in the bunker, Peter and Tronte talked. They spoke of Claudia and if they believed her. They could feel everything was going to start happening very soon. Peter was worried because half of the book's pages were missing. He wondered if Claudia was hiding this from them.
In 1986, Helge confronted Noah about what happened. Noah calmly told Helge a story, “Years ago, I was still a little boy. A stranger came to us. He looked as if he’s been in a war. Didn’t talk much. There was this sadness in his eyes. The kind you see sometimes in those who want to die, but life wouldn’t let him.” At this same time, Jonas crossed the police line to go to the cavern that would lead to 1986. Noah continued, “He took a room in our house. The bedroom right next to mine. And… Sometimes I heard him talk in his sleep. Confused words. But one night, he was suddenly very clear. He stood in the hallway, his eyes wide open and said, ‘Nothing is in vain. Not a single breath. Not a single step, not a single word. Not pain. An eternal miracle of the One.’ I didn’t understand any of his words. Only years later, when I felt the pain, did I understand what he meant. That none of the horrible things that befall us should be in vain. That they make us what we are. That they give us our strength. Your pain made you who you are, Helge. But it no longer has power over you.”
Helge nodded in understanding then asked, “Who is next?”
Noah opened his book and instructed Helge on to where to find their next target, Jonas Kahnwald.
Jonas walked out the tunnel and started to walk to the hospital. His plan was simple. Grab Mikkel, set time on the correct path, done. 
The social worker turned to Ines and comforted her, “He’ll be fine. Don’t worry. You can always come and visit him.” She turned to Mikkel and said, “I’m taking you to your new home. There are lots of other children there.”
Mikkel didn’t respond and Ines walked her out. Ines looked at the social worker and said, “You know, I’ve made the decision. I want to adopt him and to take provisional custody of him during the adoption procedure... ”
“I’m afraid it’s not that easy,” the worker tried to argue.
Ines shook her head, “I have references. I own a home. I know it may seem rash, but it’s not. The boy likes me. He trusts me. I’m the only person he lets close to him, and… And I like him too.”
Charlotte sat in the forest with her dead bird investigating it. A strange boy in a yellow coat approached and asked what day it was. “The 12th,” She shook her head. When he asked for the year, Charlotte looked at him more confused, “1986.” He then just paced forward as if on a mission. She turned and asked, “Are you from here?” The boy turned and shook his head. Charlotte then asked, “What are you doing here?”
Jonas answered, “Bringing someone back from the dead.”
“How does that work,” she asked him curious.
Jonas sighed, “It’s hard to explain.” He smiled.
Charlotte looked down at the birds, “Can you bring these back?”
Jonas shook his head, “No, you have to find them when they're younger.”
Charlotte looked up at him and said, “But then they’re not dead yet.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that they will die,” he explained.
She looked down at the birds then back at him, “You’re crazy.”
Jonas slightly smiled before turning away to get back to his original plan, “Maybe.”
In 2019, Charlotte was investigating Helge. There on page five in the records, she saw Ulrich staring straight at her. 
Ulrich, still stuck in 1953, was having a rough time while in prison. They kept asking him about Helge and beating him when he wouldn’t tell them.
Our yellow coat wearing Jonas, in 1986, roamed through the halls of the hospital trying to get to Mikkel’s room.
Annalise, in 2019, curled up in the church. Something she had learned from her grandfather that was a pretty safe place not to be found. She tried to think back to how he told her to get to a special hiding place. She slowly followed his instructions to find a burnt to a crisp office. The girl could feel it’s raw energy and safety. She curled up in the corner and kept herself there. Annalise shivered from the cold. She spotted a fireplace. She looked around trying to find something to light it.
When Jonas finally got to Mikkel’s room, there sat Noah reading to the boy. Mikkel was fast asleep. Noah looked up at him. “Who are you,” Jonas asked. Noah held a finger up to his mouth and shushed him before Helge popped out from behind the door and started to smother him with a cloth covered in chloroform.
Jonas slowly woke up in a blue room with foxes and hedgehogs. There was a large chair in the middle of the room. He heard a noise from outside the door and the slot opened. A familiar face looked through and tried to comfort him, “There’s no need to be afraid.”
“Hey,” Jonas cried at him. He slammed himself against the door, “What’s this supposed to be? What is this? Why did you lock me in here?”
The older Jonas looked at his younger self, “It wasn’t me. It was Noah.”
“Who’s Noah,” our Jonas asked, “Where am I? What is this?”
The older Jonas explained, “This is a kind of prototype of a time machine. You’re the guinea pig. The passage in the cave lies directly under this bunker. If opened, the energy flows through this room. But it needs to be increased. No DeLorean. No hissing or steam. The first time machine is a bunker with four walls. But it still doesn’t quite work.”
“Let me out,” Jonas plead.
The Stranger Jonas shook his head, “I can’t. It’s the only way for things to be normal again.”
Jonas asked, “Who are you?”
“You don’t know,” he asked. He started at him, “The letter, you burned it. Yet it still exists. You’ll carry that letter for almost 33 years before you pass it on. To yourself.”
The younger Jonas started to cry realizing that he was indeed bigger in this than he could have ever imagined at first. He started to understand that there was no easy fix for his life. 
“I am you,” The Stranger Jonas told his younger self, “My name is Jonas Kahnwald. I sent the letter to you. Or should I say, to me. Everything you’re experiencing, I’ve already experienced.” He backed away from the door and from his younger self starting to break down, “I burned the letter, just like you. I got it back from our grandmother. I’ve already had this conversation. But I was on the other side then. We think we’re free, but we’re not. We follow the same old path. Again and Again.”
The younger Jonas slammed against the door, “That’s crazy! It doesn’t make any sense! You can decide to let me go now. Come on, let me out!”
The older self stared at him. His heart broke again watching himself throw himself against the wall, “I thought it was crazy for a long time. That I’m crazy. But I can’t let you out because then you won’t become what I am today. If I now change my past, I will change who I am right now. And I won’t be able to destroy the hole once and for all.” He stared at his younger self, “Why did you kiss Martha? Why didn’t you run after Annalise? We are not free in what we do, because we are not free in what we want. We can’t overcome what’s deep within us.”
Our Jonas sobbed, “Stop it.” He hated being faced with this. He knew in his heart that it was true. That all of what the older him was saying had to be true, “Stop.” He thought of the two girls in agony. “Please stop,” he begged, “I have to bring Mikkel back.” The older Jonas sighed at his younger self’s ignorance. But the younger continued, “I want everything to go back to normal. I want all this sick shit to stop!”
“You still do,” The Stranger Jonas tried to comfort himself, “33 years later. I still want that. But Mikkel… Our father is just a small part of the sprawling sickness. I’ve seen things that n one should ever see. I’m sorry.” He closed the slot and left.
The younger Jonas started to panic again.
Helge drove through the dark and rainy night back home only to be hit by a car. The younger Helge exited his vehicle having magically survived. He limped to the other car to see the dead limp body of his older self sitting there.
Charlotte was in her office in 2019 right on the cusp of everything. She looked down at the phone to see that her husband had texted her talking about meeting him in the bunker.
Noah sat in his car. “Everything is about to begin,” He told Bartosz, “The older Jonas will destroy the hole, but… he doesn’t realize that he will be the one to trigger its existence. A paradox. The cesium in his useless machine won’t destroy the hole forever. It’s what creates it in the first place. He thinks he’s the savior.” He turned to the boy once more, “But Claudia lied to him. Most people are nothing but pawns on a chessboard. Led by an unknown hand. Their lives exist only to be sacrificed for a higher goal. Jonas, Mikkel, the children, they’re nothing but unfortunate yet necessary chess moves in an eternal war between good and evil. There are two groups out there fighting over control of time travel. Light and Shadow. We belong to the light. Don’t forget that.” Bartosz shrunk in his seat as Noah explained, “Even though some of what we do is of a dark nature. But no victory is ever won without sacrifice. As long as we’re in this time loop we who know have to make sure that every step is repeated exactly as it was before. No matter how inhumane it seems to us. No matter what sacrifices it demands of us. But believe me, the others are the ones who are truly inhumane. They have lost all humanity. They belong to the shadow. Your grandmother, Claudia, belongs to the shadow. Never trust her. No matter what she says. Jonas trusted her before and he will trust her again. Jonas thinks he will change everything… but he’s just her puppet. He doesn’t deserve any better.” Noah chuckled looking down at his book and handing it to Bartosz. “Time is an infinite field. Millions and millions of interlocking wheels. We have to be patient to be victorious. But our time will come. We will free humanity from its immaturity. From its pain. But you must be strong. Can you do that?”
Bartosz looked out the window knowing exactly what he wanted, “Yes.”
Noah checked his watch. “It’s time.”
The older Jonas crawled through the tunnels with his time machine under his arm. He sat inside and activated the machine. He looked next to him to see his father covered in the black goop next to him. 
Mikkel smiled at his new home and Ines lifted him up to bring her new son inside of his house. The boy clinged onto his new mother. Charlotte walked down into the bunker to be greeted by her husband. While Katharina stared at her phone and tried to call her husband not knowing it was all in vain because he was getting beat up in a prison 66 years away from home. The middle aged Tannhaus and Claudia just starting to work on their new knowledge of time travel. Both sets of the Doppler families held onto each other as they felt Winden start to shake. Hannah stared at the gun on her table as Doris and Agnes shared a glass of whiskey. Tronte and Janna held onto each other. Magnus and Franziska sat up from the movie they were watching while cuddled on the couch together seeing an old 1986 candy commercial. Aleksander and Regina hopped out of their car to look at the giant black dome starting to encase the forest. Hannah lifted the gun and pointed it towards the wall as the older Nielsen couple held onto each other. The older Claudia held out her hands and felt the snow start to fall once more. 
Helge and Jonas both felt the shaking. Then a bright light over took both of them. There in the middle of the room, almost like a mirror looking in to see the other one in a different place in time. Slowly they approached and touched fingers suddenly changing positions. Now Helge was in the blue room and Jonas was in the dark bunker. But something seemed off. This didn’t look to be the same from where Helge left. He stared at the pictures on the wall all linked together. He then ran out of the bunker to investigate.
It was snowing. He looked around and saw all the destruction. There before him was the aftermath of the Apocalypse. It wasn’t long before he ran into a band of people on a military styled truck. They called to him to put his hands up, which Jonas quickly complied scared of what was going to happen. He then was forced onto the ground. He started to ask questions wondering what was going on. Then a drone flew overhead. When he looked back to the girl with a scar, she simply told him, “Welcome to the future.” Then hit him with the butt of her rifle.
Annalise felt the ground shake. She curled up in her corner until she heard a strange noise. She looked up as a shining light illuminated her and the old room. She started to shake, “Jonas?” Whenever she asked she seemed to calm. Then slowly her face changed from one of confusion and terror to one of overwhelming joy and fondness. As if she was seeing a long lost friend, she started to cry happily, “Oh, Adam. You’re finally here.” She reached towards the light only to be sucked in.
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spacereadinglesbian · 6 years
Dear TJ
Summary: Cyrus writes TJ a letter while he’s in the hospital for a suicide attempt.
Trigger warnings ⚠️ Metion of suicide attempt (nothing heavy)
Word count: 1806
Dear TJ,
While you’re reading this your head is probably laying down on a rough hospital pillow and your body is covered by the fuzzy blankets I brought to you three days ago. You’re probably wondering why I’m writing you a letter instead of a phone call, well the answers simple. The hospital monitors phone calls and this is more personable. I don’t really know how start this, that might be why I’m rambling on, I don’t want to say the wrong thing, well write the wrong thing.
Do you remember when we were 14, and going into our freshmen year of high school? We were treading on the line of friends and more than friends. God, I never thought that I would actually being dating THE Theodore James Kippen. Do you remember that night when I was sleeping over at your house and you said “let’s sneak out.” I was so nervous, but at the same time I wanted to impress you. You packed a blanket and an extra hoodie in your bag and we climbed out the window, we headed to the beach. We held hands the whole 37 minute walk there, the only time we let go was when you talked with your hands. I hated it when you talked with your hands that night because I missed the feel of your soft skin on mine. We talked about everything and nothing all in one. I told you about my schedule that the school sent me and you told me about that book you just read. I was still in shock that you were a huge ass nerd. When we finally got to the beach we laid out the blanket you packed and sat on the sand. I laid my head down on your chest and both our hearts were beating abnormally fast. I’ll never forget the cheesiest words that you ever said to me “my heart only beats like this for you.” I knew at the moment that I was falling in love. I decided to take a leap faith and start leaning in to kiss you but, you had the same idea. This wasn’t our first kiss and it sure wasn’t going to be our last but it was special. It said everything we were scared to say and more. We stayed like that, exchanging kisses with the stars in the sky for a while, I felt safe, damn I never felt that safe before. When we pulled apart your eyes were sparkling and your smile was even more gorgeous than the night sky. You took my hand and said “Cy, let’s go skinny dipping.” I thought you were crazy. The only thing going through my mind was “I’m going to get hypothermia and die” but I was drunk on love and decided to go anyway. It was 1’ o’clock in the morning and we were running into the ocean, we were the only two people in the world at that moment. I wanted to stay in that one moment forever. Once we got out of the ocean we put out clothes back on and cuddled under the blanket. You whispered in my ear “Cyrus Joshua Goodman, I’m falling in love with you. Please don’t break my heart.” My reply is still the same today “I don’t plan on it.”
I guess I’m just going down memory lane because all I can think about right now is our freshmen homecoming dance. Do you remember how you asked me? You pulled a Troy Bolton and got the whole basketball team together. Every single player had a tshirt with a different letter and colour on it representing a rainbow, in spelt out “HOMECOMING?” I jumped into your arms with an excited yes.
That Saturday couldn’t come fast enough. We were so excited. You told me the seniors on the basketball team said “Kippen, you don’t wear tuxes, you wear dress pants and a dress shirt. Got it?” We went out and both bought black dress pants, you bought a grey button down with a yellow tie, I got a yellow button down with a grey tie. Your mom wouldn’t stop taking pictures of us. At one point you yelled “MOM! I KNOW WE’RE THE CUTEST COUPLE AT GRANT BUT YOU GOTTA TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH.” I kinda wish you took your own advice because you went haywire when we didn’t win homecoming court. When Melissa Jacobs and Josiah Grant won, you yelled “THIS IS HOMOPHOBIA!” Then we left. We went to Denny’s and shared the all you can eat pancakes and bottomless coffee. We were there until 12 am. I think that was one of my favourite nights.
Christmas vacation our sophomore year. We’ve been together for a little over a year and I wanted this to be absolutely perfect for you. You told me that your Christmas will be perfect if you had me by your side. I went shopping for weeks having no clue what to get you until I saw it. It was a key chain that said “drive safe, I need you home. Love Cyrus.” I also got you a sugar cookie candle with our picture on it. We begged your mom for weeks to let me spend the night, and on the 22nd and she actually let me. We spent that whole night in a blanket fort watching Christmas movies (even though I’m Jewish) and stealing kisses. You snuck down to the basement and stole a bottle of wine out of your moms wine cabinet. We knew we could get caught but we didn’t care. We finished the whole bottle and by the end we were a laughing mess, I can’t believe we didn’t wake your parents. That night I fell asleep with my head on your chest and your arm around my body, the next morning I woke up with a hangover. I wouldn’t trade it for a thing.
The summer going into our junior year of high school was magical. We went camping and hiking, we stayed up to see the sun rise. We picked flowers in flower fields and you taught me how to surf. I never thought I could fall more in love with you than I already was, but that summer proved me wrong.
I’ll never forget that night when there was a knock on my window at 1:37 am. I got out of my bed wearing your oversized gym shorts and that’s when I saw you. You were wearing your glasses but, your eyes were still puffy from crying. I slowly tried to help you get into my bedroom, once you hit the floor the tears started rolling out of you. We sat there on the floor for what felt like centuries. You laid your head on my lap while I played with your hair and whispered calming things into your ear. Once your tears subsided I asked what was going on. Your answer was “I have no clue.” We spent the rest of the night cuddled in my bed watching re-runs of friends and eating cookie dough ice cream. The next day you went to the doctors and got on antidepressants.
The few months following your doctors appointment were rough, but babe we got through them, and we learned to love each other even more.
Then last week happened. You texted me and told me that you were staying home from school because “you weren’t feeling it” I understood. I went through the whole day knowing I was going to surprise you at home after school, but then I got a text message. The text said “I love you.” I knew I shouldn’t be worried about it, but I was. I left the school as soon as I read it and hurried to your house. It was only a 5 minute drive. The door was locked but luckily I knew where the spare key was kept, it was under the flower pot. I stepped into your yellow house calling out your name. I got no response. I went into your room and that’s where I saw you. I was so thankful, I thought you were just taking a nap so I thought I’d join you. That’s when I got closer and realised that was all a fantasy. You had pill bottles littering your floor. Your anti-depressant, sleeping pills, and some of your moms prescribed pain killers. I froze at the moment, I had no clue how bad it was. I called 9-1-1 and that’s when the words suicide attempt exited my mouth. The ambulance came fast, and I called your mom, she said she’d meet us at the hospital. The ambulance wouldn’t let me drive with them, I followed them in my car. I waited in the waiting room for 6 hours, on edge, we didn’t know if you were alive. The doctors finally came out and told us we could see you. When I saw you, tears fell out of both of our eyes. The only words coming out of your mouth was the repetition of “I’m sorry.” I said it then, and dammit I’ll say it again, TJ you have nothing to be sorry about. That night I spent the night in your hospital room, the next morning you were being transported to a hospital for teenagers with mental health issues. Your nurse told me that I shouldn’t see you everyday. It might make your recovery harder, and you need to find the strength to wake up in the morning. If you think I haven’t seen you in three days because I fell out of love with you, it’s the exact opposite. I haven’t seen you because I love you. I need you to get better Teej. The amount of times I’ve been in that parking lot a drove away is crazy, I’m hoping they don’t have security cameras because they probably think I’m stalking a patient. I need you to know that I love you.
Theodore, I know these few months are going to be rough, but you can’t get rid of me that easily. I’m going to be here for you through your highs and lows, ups and downs. I’ll be there when you can’t sleep or when you feel like you can’t wake up. You are worth more than the stars in the sky, and I can’t imagine a life without you. You’re strong and brave and beautiful and miraculous. You’re going to get through this. And I’m going to love you through it all.
I’ll see you tomorrow with some sweatshirts, sweatpants, pens and notebooks, I might even bring a coffee if they allow it. Then I won’t see you until you get out.
Theodore James Kippen, I am so utterly in love with you. Hold on for me please.
Love always,
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“Run,baby, run” (Eobard Thawne x reader)
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Hello my little wings!
Here you have a sequel to this (x) one-shot!
Requested by: @bartallenisbae
Request: Hey I was wondering if you could kinda maybe write a sequel to Give her back about the reader ending up pregnant and tells eobard and he goes major protective mode and maybe 6 months or something barry finds them and is not sure if he should take thawne to jail or let him be with his growing family. Ps love your writing
@bartallenisbae i hope you like it!
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19
It’s been 3 years since you and Eobard fled to Europe, he had started working in a high school and you in a (f/j). You two had been happily married for a year now, and you had wonderful news for Eobard.
“Darling, I’m back!” He said as he came in, kissing your lips sweetly. “Had a good day?”
“A wonderful one indeed.” You smiled and kissed him sweetly.
“Aw babe, that’s great. I bought supper in the way here. I knew you would be tired.” He let a bag on the kitchen table from the (f/r) near your house. You kissed him passionately.
He smirked and bought you closer, hugging you from the waist.
“You know what day it is?” He smirked.
“Our four-year anniversary” You smiled at him, your hand caressing his cheek.
“Have a present for you.”
“Oh? And what is it??” You smiled and he let a little box in your hand. You opened it and found a little pendant. “It’s beautiful…thank you Eo.” You kissed him. “I got one for you too.” You let a bigger box in his arms.
“Aw babe…you didn’t have to.” He opened the box and his mouth opened.
Inside was a little black and yellow onesie and a pregnancy test.
“A-it’s-you’re pregnant??!” He smiled at you nod and hugged you tightly, showering your face with kisses. “Thank you!! Thank you!!”
“Eo” You laughed as his lips kissed you over and over again. “I love you”
“I love you too!!” He kissed you passionately and hugged you tight. “I’ll be a good dad for him, I promise.” He smiled and you kissed his nose.
He laid you down on the bed and cuddled you until you feel asleep.
Months passed and your belly had grown, Eobard was in a “papa mood”
And god, was he cute.
“Hello, love! I got your (f/f)!!! how are my favorite persons on earth???” He smiled as he laid your food in front of you.
“We are doing fin, how was work.” You smiled as he kissed your belly and then your lips.
“Miserable.” He looked at your eyes. “Because you weren’t with me.” You snorted and started eating. He got up and kissed your head. “I’m going to shower, be back in reverse flash.”
“Oh, god. Eo that one was so bad.” You snorted again.
“But you love it.” He smirked and winked, while walking to the bathroom.
You smiled as you finished your food, setting the trail in the table next to you.
Eobard came five minutes later, dressed in a pair of comfortable pants and a t-shirt.
“Hello babe, baby.” He laid himself in between your legs, his hands around your waist as he kissed your belly. “Hey baby, I can’t wait until I can meet you. I’m sure you’ll be as cute and pretty as your mommy. And, you’ll be safe…so very safe. I love you.” He kissed your belly as you smiled warmly at him, then suddenly, the baby kicked where his dad’s mouth was.
“Was-was that?” Eobard mouth was agape looking at your belly.
“The baby just kicked for the first time.” You smiled as tear clouded your eyes. Eobard smiled and kissed you lovingly, his hands wiped the happy tears of your eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you two, too” He smiled and hugged you. You cuddled in his chest and feel asleep.
“Seriously Barry it’s been 3 years. Let it go.” Cisco said.
“No! (Y/n) can be in trouble! Thawne is a murderer! She’s in danger!” Barry yelled.
“We didn’t receive any metal human activity! He’s laying low! (y/n) makes him better! They are in love, bro let it go! Unless…no.”
Barry glared at him. “no.”
“You’re jealous ... oh my god you are jealous! You liked (y/n)!!”
“Shut up Cisco!” Barry blushed. “I’m just worried she disappear for 3 years with a criminal!” Cisco looked at Barry with a sad look.
“Just..find them..so I can save (y/n). “Barry changed into his suit and ran off to stop a heist in the bank.
Cisco sighed sadly and started typing down.
“Where are you (y/n)...”
A few months passed like seconds, Eobard and you went out to buy baby clothes, a crib and diapers, towels etc.
“Maybe it should be yellow…” Eo mumbled.
“No, the yellow is a very strong color for a baby. I thin pastel blue or green will be great.” You said as you pulled the paint inside your cart.
“Okay baby… When is your new appointment? “He asked as he pulled the cart.
“hum…. Tomorrow. We’ll finally know the babies sex…” you smiled and Eobard hugged your waists.
“Love you.” He smiled.
“I love you more.” You smiled back.
You two paid for the things and Eo drive back home.
The next day, Eobard asked for a day free to go to your appointment with you.
Eobard made breakfast for you and helped you getting ready. Then he held your hand and smiled, leading you to the car.
Once in the doctor, he was chewing his lips in nervousness while waiting for the doctor to call you.
“MISS THAWNE?” The doctor called and Eobard’s hold on your hand tightened.
“Ready?” You smiled at him.
“Yes.” He kissed your lips chastely and the two walked inside the doc’s dispatch.
“Hello, miss. You’re ready to cheek on your baby?” The doctor smiled gently.
“Yes, we are,” You smiled back at her.
“Okay, sit on the chair please.” The doctor smiled as Eobard helped you sit. She raised your shirt over your belly and applied the cold gel. “It’s cold, eh?”
“Yes” You hissed, Eobard hold your hand between his.
“Okay, let’s see…” The doctor started looking for your baby, you smiled at the screen where your baby was going to show. Eobard’s eyes couldn’t tear from it, his hold in your hand tightened when the doctor smiled and you two could see your baby clearly.
“That is your little baby. Do you wish to finally know the sex of the baby?”
“Yes.” You two said, without looking away from the screen.
“…Congratulations it’s a girl.” The doctor smiled at you two, you couldn’t hold back and happy tears fell from your eyes. Eobard smiled big and hugged you, kissing your lips over and over again. “Do you wish to have a photo of the baby?”
“Yes, please.” Eo said, kissing your tears. The doctor nodded and let the two of you alone. Eobard helped you stand and kissed you hard.
“God, I love you so much.” He said, and weld your belly.
“I love you so much too.” You smiled in the kiss.
When the doctor came back, you two were sitting together and smiling at each other. The doctor smiled and gave you the photo.
“We’ll see again next month okay? If you have any troubles come here immediately.”
“We will.” He smiled.
“See you soon, doctor.”
“Be safe Miss Thawne.” She smiled.
The two of your left the clinic holding hands and smiling.
Since then, he never leaves you alone.
He feared someone was going to swipe you away.
He didn’t know yet what was coming.
You were already 8 months pregnant, and while Eo was making dinner you stand in front of the mirror on your room, naked.
Eobard after calling you several times got worried and enetered the room.
“Love what-“
“Am I fat?”
“No, love you’re beautiful.”
“I am fat, you don’t love me anymore.”
“Nonsense! (Y/N) You’re the most beautiful girl on earth! I love you. I love you so much I rather stay here than go back to the future. I’ll love you always, I don’t care for your physical look. I always will love you and this baby” He put his hands above yours in your belly and looked at your reflexes. “This baby, will be the most beautiful, amazing, loved, cherished, perfect baby. Just like her mom.” He kissed you. “I love you, I cherish you, I adore you, you’re perfect, talented, I’ve loved you since I first saw you.”
“Eo…” You smiled and started crying. “I love you too.” She smiled at the image of your hands joined together in your belly. He kissed your naked shoulders and helped you dress in your comfortable yoga pants and his t-shirt.
He holds your hands to the dining room, where your favorite food was ready. Eobard helped you sit in the table and looked at you dreamily as you eat.
“I love you.”
“Me too.”
Everything came undone when you were 9 months pregnant.
You asked Eobard to bring you new baby towels as the first one you had bought got ruined. He smiled and drove to the store to find it closed, the nearest open store was pretty far, he decided he was going to run there, thinking nobody would notice.
He was, oh so very wrong.
“My radar picked a trail of a speedster!!” Cisco said.
“ In-“ Barry looked at the location and ran away more quickly than usual, leaving Cisco mid-sentence. “Aaand he’s gone…huh, I guess this is how Commissioner Gordon feels”
You were sitting in the couch when a red blob whisked you away.
“B-Barry?!” You yelled.
“I’m saving you (y/n)!” He said
“Barry you’re hurting me!!” You yelled- “My baby!!!”
Barry stopped dead in his tacks. “P-pregnant?!”
“Barry why!? Get me to my house right this instant! My husband is about to come!!”
“H-husband?! You married that monster!!!?”
“I love him!!!!”
“Hes a killer!!!!!!!”
“LET HER GO ALLEN!” Zoom materialized himself in front of you.
“Barry, no!! Please! Go back to Central! Let us be!!” You pleaded.
“Sorry, (n/n) but he is coming with me, he’s staying in prison for good”
“Never!, im not leaving my wife alone!”
The two started fighting when suddenly you feel something dripping down your legs and a strong pain in your stomach.
“E-Eobard..my water..” The two stopped fighting when they saw you face. “My water..broke.” Eo’s face froze.
“MY BABY IS COMING!!!!!!!!!” He yelled and a nurse came with a wheelchair wheeling you inside, with Eobard hot in her trail. They put you inside a room and helped you lay with your legs wide open.
A nurse didn’t let Eobard pass inside, but he in the end glared and made his way in. He sat next to you and held your hand tight and kissed your sweaty forehead.
“Miss Thawne, now I’m going to ask you to breath evenly and push, okay?” The doctor said as she put her rubber gloves, she sat in front of your legs and said. “Push! I can see her head.”
You were in labor for a few hours until the final push came.
“Miss, you have it! One final push!!”
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Your scream came followed by two other screams.
“BUAAHHHHHHHHH!” The babies obviously.
Eobard kissed your front as you breathed heavily meanwhile the nurses took the baby girl away to clean her up.
“Wait, where are you taking my baby! They’re stealing my baby!!1” Eo screamed. You put your hand on his face and smiled.
“They are just going to clean her.” You kissed him and he smiled.
“okay, but if they hurt her I’m hunting them down.” The nurses ran to clean her and after a few minutes they came back with your baby girl roped in a soft blanked, they laid her on your arms and she soon clenched her little hand around your gown.
“She’s beautiful…” Eo said, with tears in his eyes, “Hello little one, I’m your daddy...” He smiled softly as her baby hand grabbed his finger. You smiled at him and he kissed you softly. “Thank you.”
“Why?” You smiled.
“For loving me, for being my everything, for giving me this chance, for this precious little girl…. just, thank you. I love you. “He kissed you again as Barry came inside. He saw you face glowing in happiness and Thawne’s loving smile. You smiled at him and signal him closer, he smiled and came closer and looked at the baby, who grabbed his finger and blabbed and suddenly felt like he was the monster.
He’s trying to destroy a family.
He’s trying to let a baby so young fatherless.
He’s going to wreak a family.
Eobard sighs sadly. “I’ll go with you Allen, just let my wife and daughter alone.”
“No, eo..please Barry..” You implored.
Barry sighed. “No. You can stay.”
“What-for real?” Eobard said, confused.
“Yes. Just-If you do something bad again I will throw you in prison forever!” You held his hand and smiled.
“Thank you, Barry.” He blushed a bit and smiled back.
“Now, I’ll go and tell the others you’re safe. Bye (n/n)” He kissed your forehead and left.
You smiled at your baby as she made a sound, Eobard kissed her little forehead and your lips.
“I love you both.” He smiled
“We love you too.” You smiled back.
And you two fond in a sweet kiss.
The end.
“HELLOOOOO (Y/N)!!! “ Cisco said as he stomped in your home.
“Cisco!” You said as you were getting (b/n) asleep. “The baby is sleeping.”
“buaahhhhh!!” She cried
“Guess not anymore.” Caitlin said, entering with Iris and a teddy bear half their size.
“Hello, Iris, Cait. Gigant teddy bear.” You smiled.
“It’s for the baby!” They let the beat in the ground and kissed your cheeks.
“Its my present too!” Cisco said.
“Oh my gosh! She’s so cute!!!” Iris said, looking at the baby girl.
“She’s the cutes baby!” Caitlin smiled. “Congrats (y/n).”
“Thanks, Cait.”
“Hey, (y/n) “Barry kissed your forehead. “I couldn’t stop them, they obliged me to tell them.”
“No problem, I missed them.” You smiled.
“Here, I hope this little (f/a) plushie can compare to their beast of a plushie.” Barry smiled as you took the plushie and gave it to (b/n) who clutched it close.
“She likes it” You smiled.
Bonus! X2
Eobard came home after grocery shopping and freeze in the door.
“Hey love.” You smiled while feeding your baby girl.
“What the hell is doing a real size bear in or living room.”
“It’s our new roommate.”
“Let me guess, Iris Caitlin and Cisco.”
The end
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askthenewhopespeak · 8 years
An intresting talk coming from shared intrests AKA the one where Sora still can't keep a secret
Sora: *She enters the room* Oh, knife training! Cool!
Karma: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *this continues*
Sora: *She take kingdom key out* May I join?
Karma: You’re like… 12.
Sora: I’ll be 13 in March! And I know how to use that knife.
Karma: Prove it then.
Sora: *She attacks the training doll, stabbing it in the heart* I can’t throw, though. But I can stab things. Karma: Hm. How are you at dodging? Sora: I have no Idea. I always get the feeling dad goes easy on me, and he is one of the two people I can train with. The other…. Travels most year, so I can’t train with them usually. Karma: Who’s your dad? Sora: *freaking out a bit.* He is, um… Not here or very known. You won’t know him. *thinking: three lies in one sentence. Wow.* Karma: *they lean in close to the child’s face* You’re lying. Sora: W-why would I lie? *Karma staring at her for close scares her even more* Karma: I don’t know why. I just know you are. The direction you were looking. They way your hands are placed. Your time of voice. Sora: S-so what? Yes, I lied. I had my own reasons. *She tries to put a mask of confidence. It doesn’t work so well* Karma: *They pout* You’ve only just met me and you’ve already decided you can’t trust me. Why? I’m cool. I’m fun. I even let you attack my dummy. Sora: That’s not it! *She trusts Karma, but after what happened with Monaca… * I promised not to tell, and I already Broke it, so I try to not break it again until I know the consequences of the first time. Karma: *they dramatically collapse to the floor* And I thought we could have been friends. Sora: I-I want to be your friend. If that’s okay. I don’t have many friends besides kids I consider cousins. Karma: But friend’s don’t keep secreeeeeeeets. Sora: I-I promised Mitsi and Shuuichi and Kaede, though. And besides… You won’t believe me anyway. Karma: You said you’ve already told someone though. Go big or go home. And who can’t say that. I may believe you if you can prove it. Sora: I can’t prove it. That’s the entire freaking issue! *Out of frustration, she starts using Kingdom Key to stab the doll multiple times in different locations.* Karma: You can say fucking you know. Sora: Old habit. I used to have to pay for a kind of a curse jar if I said Fucking. Or did stupid things that ended up hurting me. This was a big jar. Karma: *they sigh* Kid where are your parents? This school isn’t exactly safe. A few people nearly died a few days ago. Sora: Not anywhere I can reach. *She sighs.* I wish I could, but mom and dad aren’t here and I need to live with it. Karma: What’s your name? Your real name. Sora: My name is Sora. That all that matters. Karma: Why are you hiding your last name? Sora: Because it’s part of the lie. I can’t tell you who my dad is, and I can’t tell you his last name. You can call me Sora Momento, if you wish. That’s the name I go by here, Karma. Karma: …how do you know my name? Sora: I know many things, Karma Graves. *She picks up her knife.* But not enough, apparently. Karma: *They instinctively reach for their gun, only to remember it has no bullets* Shit. Sora: Haa? What’s the problem? Is your name a secret and I didn’t know? Karma: No. It’s just that I haven’t met most people here yet. And no one would mention me to some kid. And even then you would know that name belonged to me. (All my knives are in the dummy. I have to have something…) *they pull out a dart* Who are you with? Sora: Mostly with myself. Chaotic Natural for the win! I’m not aligned with Maverick Storm or despair, if that’s what you ask. Karma: ALRIGHT HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MAVERICK?! Sora: History always was my best subject. *She puts one finger on her lips in shhh symbol* Have you figured it out yet? I’ll tell you everything if you can figure my last name. Karma: History…? You don’t mean… I mean… That would explain how you know all this stuff… *the look at Sora* What I’m getting is that you’re hinting at being a time traveler. Which it seems you may have somewhat proven. I have no idea how I’m supposed to guess your last name though. Sora: Can’t make it too easy, can I? You know both of my parents, and I have dad’s last name. That’s all the hints you’ll get. Karma: *they lean in close to the child, taking in every feature. After a few minutes, they figure it out* Hijirihara. Sora: Yes. That’s my name. I’ll answer any question you have. *She stops* Please don’t ask much. I don’t want to destroy the future by accident. Karma: What I was the world like when you left? *they’re skeptical* Sora: You travelled a lot, coming back to the school few times a year. Sending us kids postcards and such- I have… had a pretty big collection in my room. You are the only person besides my dad I can train with. I like you a lot. Karma: I… What? I travelled? The world is fine? You didn’t come here to stop anything? Sora: No. We just played with a thing we shouldn’t and found ourselves here. Trust me, if I had a choice, I’d be in 2034 right now. Karma: I don’t understand… The world is okay? I’m just traveling? Sora: The world is pretty much fine, yeah. It is defiantly not worse than how it was in 2015, but most pepole agree it’s even a bit better. And as for you? *She pulls her shoulders* I have no idea. Karma: How much do you know about the tragedy that Junko Enoshima caused? Sora: I thought I knew everything. Facts, names, what people I care about did… But apparently I don’t. Karma: *they sigh and pull out a couple of chairs* Alright, therapy session time. Sit down kid. Sora: Okay. *She sits down* I feel like I got to warn you I’m snarky and not that nice? Karma: And I’m childish and sadistic. Sorry if you didn’t know that. Sora: No one ever said it like that, but I kind of guessed? I mean bi-Monaca explained to me once why she didn’t like you. Karma: *they smile darkly* Monaca eh? Heheh. What did that bitch tell you? Sora: Don’t call her that! She told me that you chased her, planning to hurt her until she died in pain. I refused to ask more. Karma: Jeez kid calm down! It’s almost like you’re defending her… Sora: I really wonder why? Maybe because she used to be my third favorite person in the world. Karma: Why on earth would you like her…? Sora: Because she is my big sister! *She tries to calm herself, more or less suceeding.* And she is the bestest big sister in the world. Karma: …you just recently figured things out about Monaca that were hidden from you. Am I correct? Sora: Pretty much, yes. *She stares to the floor* She started saying she did all this horrible things…Why didn’t anyone tell me? Karma: *they snicker* Fuck if I know, kid. Your parents probably wanted to give her another chance at having a good life. But second chances always have a shitty price. I got my second chance. It’s not much better than what I had before. Sora: Your second chance? Do you mean this school? Why isn’t it better? Karma: I don’t exactly mean this school per-say. I’m talking about my entire life after being rescued… Sora: Rescued? From where? *thinking: All the more things no one bothered telling me. Yay.* Karma: *they’re quiet for a few moments* I haven’t told anyone this. But you seem chill with being disturbed so why don’t I tell you some shit. Not everything of course. Let’s start with the fact that I’m a natural born killer. I even killed before I was born. For the longest time, I thought I was intersex. Turns out, I actually absorbed my own twin in the womb. Not sure which of us was the girl and which of us was the boy. Then, my mom died giving birth to me. I’m not quite sure what my dad’s deal was. But he kept me locked in a small basement. I had newspaper to do my business on. No windows. Only a small lantern. I got fed once everyday. Not very nutritional food mind you. I only had a television with one channel. A channel that would show 90’s cartoons and sitcoms. I was abused. My dad would let people down into the basement sometimes, do do what they wanted with me. If that’s too vague for you I’m surprised. I’m talking about having sex with me against my will. I was hurt mentally and psychically. *they lift up their hair to reveal scars and burn marks, as well as a missing eyeball* Sometimes my dad would bring home a kitten. I’d grow so attached to them. And then at night, my dad would sneak in and take them away, only to feed them to me later. I don’t want to scar you too much so I’m leaving the basement shit at that. After I was rescued, I was forced into the life of an agent. I kill, I torture, I abuse, I steal, I destroy, I torment, etcetera. I’m still trapped in a life I don’t want. Sora: *She gasps, holding her tears, before hugging the older teen.* No one will ever tell you to kill anymore. I can assure you that. This is just not them. Karma: *They’re taken aback by the hug. They awkwardly pat Sora on the head* Sora: That feels nice. It feels like mom’s hugs. She always pats me on the head. Karma: *after a few moments* Hey… Kid. I’m fine with killing alright…? It’s my job now. *They then mutter to themselves* It’s also kinda entertaining. Sora: But no you have the choice. Isn’t that what really matters? Karma: …sure. *they pull away* …are you stuck here? Sora: We know the device to bring us back is *somewhere* in this time period, because my friends took it with them, but it didn’t show up where they did. We hope it’s still in the school. Karma: What does it look like? Sora: Like a box you could enter a date too. It’s really simple. Karma: …do you want my honest opinion? Sora: If you’d like sharing it, yes. Karma: I think you have no chance of getting home unless you tell your parents who you really are. I’m sure there’s some nurses here who could do a DNA test to prove it. They’d be much more willing to help you. They’d keep an eye out for the box too. I mean you’ve already told me, so what’s the harm in telling others? Sora: Mitsi and Shuuichi are worried because they read too many time travel books where everything went wrong. I’m just… really bad at keeping secrets, I guess. I don’t think I want to tell them. What if they decide they don’t like things about me and change things about how I was raised, or decide to never have me? Karma: Hold up hold up hold up hold up. There’s more of you?! Sora: I thought you understood it when I said my friends lost the time machine. We are four. Karma: That must have gone over my head… Who are their parents? Sora: Kaede and Shuuichi are Naegi’s. Mitsi *She corrects herself* Mitsuru is Nakamura. Karma: The princi- headmaster. And I’m not sure I’ve met the other yet. Think I’ve heard of him though. Sora: That makes sense. He cured a lot of diseases. I think it was at least 100 by 2019. Karma: Really? Huh. Listen, about the other thing you said. I’m sure your parents would love you. I mean, even I think you’re really cool. Sora: *She blushes a bit. It’s not everyday someone you adore tells you he thinks you’re cool.* I know my parents love me. But they aren’t my parents yet, and I’m afraid that they’ll decide not to teach me to use the knife, for example. Karma: Well I’m afraid I can’t make you change your mind. But know that if you and your friends need anything, I’m here for all of you. I’ll do my best to help you out. Sora: *She hugs Karma again* Thank you very much. *She smiled* Can you help me train with my knife a bit more, please? Karma: Of course!
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