#king alfor vld
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mushed-kid · 3 months
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voltron as textposts etc. 43
i think i might’ve made the missionary one before idk.
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snackleggg · 2 months
Thinking about the Red & Black paladins and history repeating itself.
Thinking about how Alfor & Zarkon were best friends, like brothers, just like Keith & Shiro.
Thinking about the fight between Keith & Clone!Shiro and how it paralleled the battle between Alfor & Zarkon.
Thinking about how Clone!Shiro represented the terrifying what-if of Shiro being corrupted by quintessence like Zarkon had been.
Thinking about the pivotal role the Red Paladin holds, not only as the right hand to the Black Paladin but as the one responsible to step up and stop the Black Paladin if they were to ever veer off the right path & betray Voltron's mission.
Thinking about Keith (a half-Galra) becoming the Paladin of the Black Lion. Thinking about Lance (who gains Altean markings at the end of the show) becoming the Paladin of the Red Lion to be Keith's right hand.
Thinking about history repeating itself.
Thinking about how it didn't, barely.
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Hello, hello! I have come to ask for another fanfiction, but I am most certain that this will either recieve No answers.
The Fandom is Voltron Legendary Defender. The fanfiction is about if Keith fell through a rift in space (somehow) and met the previous paladins. He meets Alfor and Zarkon while they are on a mission, and there was a lot of things about Galra culture I believe.
If you have any idea of what I'm talking about, please let me know. I am most likely wrong, but I think I read it in..2019?? And it was like..uncompleted????? I think the title had something to do with "_____ memories".
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jiveyuncle · 1 year
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For a fic that only exists in my head ✨
Galtean Klance AU that leads to the rise of the Galra Empire
Alteans are wary. The Galrans first arrive as refugees, learning and studying under the Alteans after they drained their own home planet dry. A generation has settled and integrated in with Altean society, and Galrans find themselves being accepted into positions of power.
Keith trains to become a part of the royal guard, butting heads with another loud, charming Altean trainee - Lance - who eventually becomes Allura’s personal guard. When a marriage is arranged between the princess and Lotor, Keith is assigned to protect Lotor, becoming the first Galran to achieve royal guard status.
While experimenting with Quintessence, Honerva glimpses a future in which the Galrans nearly wipe out the Alteans. Lotor brings this to Princess Allura’s and King Alfor’s attention, but they refuse to send the Galra away. "To do so would be a death sentence for them." "To keep them is a death sentence for us." "Based on what? Things that haven't happened? A people that have hurt us none?" Lotor decides that, in order to save his people, a sacrifice must be made.
Lotor arranges a private meeting with King Alfor regarding the marriage arrangement between Allura and himself. Before Keith can excuse himself from the room, Lotor snatches the blade from Keith’s hip and kills the king. Keith turns on Lotor.
Allura and Lance arrive to find the King dead via blade wound and Keith about to kill Lotor - the man he was assigned to protect - with the very same bloody blade. Keith is successfully set up. The Galra are not to be trusted. Tensions and mistrust between Alteans and Galrans sky rocket, and war breaks out a few days later, setting into motion the future that Honerva warned against. A very messy rivals to lovers to enemies to lovers
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galraluver · 1 month
Alfor x reader? I hope I'm doing this right, scenario where alfor is introduced to earth cats by the reader? Which may lead you to a kitty adoption :>?
Hey, don't worry about it, I've got you covered 😊
Honestly, out of all the original paladins I see Alfor as the type of person who would love hanging out at a cat café and spend the entire visit surrounded by most, if not all of the kitties 😽
(Whether Cheeto and Blinky are two boys, two girls or one of each is left to the imagination of you, my dear readers)
Alfor loved living on Earth with (Y/n), and even though he would eventually take her home to Altea with him, he wanted to spend as much time with her on her homeworld until then. There were so many interesting things to do and see on Earth, and (Y/n) was always happy to take him out to do and see those things. Before Alfor went out in public he had to disguise himself as a human since aliens weren't welcome on Earth, even if they meant no harm, and he didn't want to start a mass panic or get his girlfriend in trouble. There was one thing (Y/n) really wanted to take Alfor out to do, but first she needed to save up enough money before she could do it; there was a cat café in their area and she wanted to take him there since she knew he liked cats, then once she had enough money she brought it up with him one evening during dinner. Alfor kind of knew what Earth cats were, although he'd never spent time with one before and he couldn't wait to go to the cat café with his girlfriend.
The best part was that the cat café (Y/n) was taking Alfor to was it was partnered up with a few animal shelters and adopted cats out to new homes, so if there was a cat they really liked then they would adopt him or her. On the day of their trip they would be going to eat lunch together at the café; Alfor was excited to see the cats, he really hoped that he and (Y/n) would be able to adopt one or two and bring them home with them. After arriving at their destination (Y/n) and Alfor signed in, ordered some food and drinks and selected a table to sit at. There were about fifteen cats lounging around, most of which stared at them when they sat down. Alfor noticed how the cats in the café looked somewhat similar to the cats on Altea, but at the same time they were different; none of them had bold blue, red, purple or orange markings on their coats, although a short-haired calico caught his attention.
“Well, what do you think?” (Y/n) quietly asked Alfor with curiosity, noticing how he was looking at a medium sized calico cat with short fur.
“I wasn't expecting to see so many cats in one place. That cat over there; the black, white and tan one, is very unique.” Alfor answered, looking at (Y/n) again before he told her that he liked the calico cat who sat on a cat bed nearby.
“Yeah, that one's pretty cute.” (Y/n) acknowledged, smiling when she got a better look at the calico cat her boyfriend had his eyes on.
Alfor wondered what would happen if he called the cats over, so that's exactly what he did; (Y/n) was surprised that the whole ‘here kitty kitty’ call was universal, and worked on every cat from pretty much all over the universe. Almost all of the cats perked up and came running when Alfor called them over, including the calico who jumped up onto his lap prior to meowing sweetly. (Y/n) was in awe when the cats flocked around her boyfriend after he called them to him, each of them wanting attention from him. Two of the cats went to sniff (Y/n) when she offered her hands-on them, one black and the other a tuxedo, but then the black cat joined the others over by Alfor. If it were anyone else they would have been jealous of all the attention Alfor received from the cats, but (Y/n) was even more in love with her significant other than before because he was a cat magnet.
“They're all so soft and affectionate, and I believe this multi-colored one likes me. You said that we can take one or two home-” Alfor said while he pet as many cats as he could, hesitantly bringing up their earlier conversation about adopting a cat or two; he didn't want to seem too demanding, although he really liked the calico cat and the tuxedo cat appeared to like (Y/n).
“I did say that, but we can only adopt two. I really like this tuxedo cat, and the calico loves you.” (Y/n) replied thoughtfully; she wasn't expecting to find two cats that they liked so easily, although with her boyfriend being a total cat magnet finding the two kitties that liked them had been simple.
“So we can bring them home with us?” Alfor queried enthusiastically.
“As long as no one else has signed any paperwork for them, then yes.” (Y/n) answered; she really hoped that the calico and the tuxedo cats weren't spoken for, because it would break her and Alfor's hearts if they were.
“Thank you, darling. I can't wait to bring them home with us.” Alfor expressed gleefully, excited to possibly bring the two cats home with them.
Alfor pet the calico cat on his lap and smiled, but at some point he reached for his strawberry shake so he could drink it. The cats with the longer fur were really soft and fluffy, although as much as he liked them as individuals he understood that keeping them thoroughly groomed would be difficult due to their fur length. The other cats eventually walked away to either do their own thing or visit the other people at the other tables; however, the tuxedo cat stayed on (Y/n's) lap and the calico remained with Alfor, both cats having chosen their favorite people. The food and drinks were delicious and there were various cat toys spread throughout the entire café, Alfor couldn't help but grab one of the feather wands so he could play with some of the cats in between eating and drinking. He could hardly wait to bring the two cats home with him and (Y/n), he hoped they would like their new home.
(Y/n) finished eating before she grabbed another toy and played with one of the cats who passed by her, causing the adorable white cat to roll onto her back playfully. Playing with some of the cats was a lot of fun, she was glad that she brought Alfor to the cat café. After she and Alfor finished eating, drinking and playing with the other cats they went to the office to see if they could adopt the calico and tuxedo cats; they were both perfectly adoptable and their names were Cheeto and Blinky, once (Y/n) paid the two adoption fees the lady at the desk finalized everything and provided two carriers for the two cats who had chosen them. (Y/n) wasn't expecting to adopt two cats that day; she and Alfor didn't even have the proper supplies, so they had to stop by the nearest pet store to pick up some basic supplies. Cheeto and Blinky would need some time before they adjusted to their new home, but until then their safe space would be Alfor and (Y/n's) bedroom.
(Y/n) smiled in her sleep when she felt an arm wrapped around her midsection; at some point during the morning Alfor always snuggled up to her, even though he was usually asleep when he did it. Life was absolute bliss with him and things got even better after they adopted Blinky and Cheeto. After they paid the adoption fees they had to go pick up some basic supplies at the nearest pet store; toys, a scratching post, a litter box, food and other such things, then (Y/n) and Alfor picked up any small objects before they let their two new kitties out of their carriers once they had everything set up. A week had passed since then and even though the two cats weren't fully adjusted to their new home yet, they weren't quite as frightened of being somewhere new. When (Y/n) woke up she looked at the foot of the bed after she noticed a slight weight near her feet, smiling when she saw Cheeto and Blinky curled up and fast asleep.
“Alfor, wake up. Look who's sleeping near our feet.” (Y/n) whispered to her sleeping boyfriend, slowly sitting up a little prior to gently shaking his right shoulder; she glanced at the clock and saw that it was eight o’ five, just in time for them to wake up.
Alfor had been sleeping peacefully, although after he heard what (Y/n) whispered to him he began to wake up. Ever since they brought Cheeto and Blinky home, they slept in their cat beds that were on the floor near the dresser. After opening his eyes and letting out a yawn, Alfor sat up, blinked a couple of times and looked at the foot of their bed; he smiled softly when he saw Cheeto and Blinky curled up between their feet, both cats still fast asleep.
“They appear quite comfortable this morning. I never thought they would ever come to sleep in bed with us.” Alfor spoke quietly so that he wouldn't accidentally wake their cats up.
“I know; it really feels like we're a family now.” (Y/n) replied with an equally quiet tone, turning to face her boyfriend.
Alfor couldn't have agreed more; they were becoming a little family, and he could hardly wait to make it official when he and (Y/n) eventually got married. He slowly leaned towards his lover and gave her a good morning kiss; neither of them cared that they had morning breath, plus their kiss didn't last for very long. (Y/n) and Alfor decided to cuddle in bed together for a while, then they would eventually get out of bed and prepare breakfast for them and their cats. They made sure Blinky and Cheeto were spoiled; after the lives the two cats had before they were rescued, they deserved to be spoiled and loved. Having two adorable cats living with them made Alfor and (Y/n's) lives a lot more interesting, (Y/n) was glad that she'd taken her significant other to the cat café when she did.
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themagicmerci · 1 year
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Did I post these twos here, already? No…good.
Yet another item of my AU for these two,
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visionaryinsomniac · 1 year
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...Crossover anyone? ??
/ Plagg as the leader of Blades of Marmora, Adrien as the Galran Prince and Tikki as the Altean Princess.
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chibi-pix · 2 years
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Sam reflects on the fateful day on Daibazaal when everything began to change.
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yes-my-paladin · 4 months
Next on the drawing list:
- more Aruna ofc
- Lotor and Allura as children
- VERY unhappy family portrait of Allura with Alfor and her bff-turned-stepfather Lotor (hotd au ifykyk)
- All of Alfor and Lotor's children from said hotd au (I say Alfor sires 5 children on Lotor)
- pregnant Lotor
- idk what else tbh I forgor
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Open starter__
《《NON-AU■open starter for anyone
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Alfor was making some rounds on Altea, focused on the days upcoming events and activities of the Juniberry festival. One, if not, his favorite events of the deca-phoeb. The Juniberries were always so beautiful and held the richest scent known to any altean and those visiting.
Before anyone could have any fun at said event, several things have yet to be achieved. For one; deliveries of the baked goods and set up for said goods and vendors, the paths to be marked down and properly taken care of before and after the festivities, and figuring out where the location for children's activities would be set, though that was only...the start of it all.
So far, everything has been playing out in their favor. Set up on time, paths taken care of, and an area marked down for those looking to take a brief rest. More items marked off and less to worry about, the only thing to be of concern had been somewhat dealt with.
A beast was only content with its meal until it grew hungry again, but until that occurred, things would be under control and fall into place.
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mushed-kid · 8 hours
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voltron as textposts etc. 53
(hate putting myself in these because stfu. but it was hilarious to me so.)
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ang-900 · 7 months
The Original Voltron Adaptations Vs Their Original Japanese Counterparts.
Beast King Go-Lion:
Go-Lion/Voltron's backstory is that he got split due to his hubris after thinking he could take on the space goddess.
Voltron is a sentient being who lived long before time.
Voltron's title is king of the beasts.
All the pilots, save Fala/Allura, are from Earth.
All the boys are effectively in the same boat as VLD Shiro and have the gladiator backstory.
Earth is dead and gone, consumed by World War 3 by the start of the show.
Allura is canonically 16.
Raible/Coran's a strategist.
Altea/Arus's people were assumed to all be destroyed (especially the royal family), but they're all hiding out.
Allura's parents and siblings are executed by Daibazaal/Zarkon's hand while she was a year old baby. Zarkon didn't know she existed.
Hiroshi Suzuishi/Pidge is descended from Ninja.
There's so much blood and gore. People get cut in half vertically and horizontally. We get the privilege of watching people drop dead on screen with these horrifying faces and screams. Zarkon and Sincline/Lotor drink blood, too.
Honerva/Haggar has this bs called occult science.
Akira Kogane/Keith and Allura are so slowburn to the point it might not exist between them.
King Raimon/Alfor's ghost comes back from the grave to tell the paladins how much they suck.
Pidge threatens to eat the space mice twice.
Shirogane Takashi/Sven dies and and a later episode introduces his younger brother, Ryou/Sven, who was captured as a slave among others before Earth was fully destroyed.
A tragic side character commits suicide at the end of an episode
Amue/Romelle's older brother is willingly turned into a robeast. Her older brother and father are both murdered by the Galra during a battle with Voltron.
Earth is completely destroyed and uninhabitable. The boys become honorary citizens of Arus.
A scene depicting Pidge's mother shows her seeing him off his mission. It's the last time he sees her.
Lotor has a dream about his mother where it suggests Zarkon had a hand in her disappearance. A flashback occurs showing us she was a good person and was killed for moral differences.
Coran's son, Saint/Garret, died as an infant while he and his mother were escaping from the castle. They are buried by a local group of people. The Galra dig up this grave to clone him.
Hys/Nanny is shot by Garret and dies.
A father-daughter bond is implied between Coran and Allura when the latter comforts the former after the Garret incident.
The Galran foot soldiers are living beings.
Romelle almost died via firing squad.
One notable robeast involved a snake like being who survived a civil massacre amongst her people and was introduced burying her deceased child. She adopts Pidge within the same episode. She dies at the end from blood loss.
Another notable side character was a sand person. Allura befriends this one by giving it her bracelet. The sand person is turned into a robeast. It's implied the sand person dies at the end, though it is unclear why.
During the final battle, Lotor sends out trapped prisoners in bubbles as bombs so Voltron can't move without killing them. Lotor also shoots them as missles. Haggar also shoots at the prisoners so Voltron can move and end Lotor's career.
Haggar's motive in helping Voltron lies in that Lotor killed Zarkon.
Haggar is Zarkon's mother.
Ryou dies fighting Lotor.
Honerva dies. Zarkon dies. Lotor dies.
Voltron: Defender of the Universe:
"We don't need clothes." Keith, 1984.
Arus is still alive, they just get attacked.
Voltron's backstory is that Haggar disguised herself as said space goddess and wrecked Voltron into five pieces.
Coran's a diplomat.
Voltron's title is King of the Robots
Galaxy Garrison exists here.
Allura grew up an only child and seldom saw her parents because they were busy.
Sven is severely injured and is, instead, sent to another planet to recuperate, but gets captured as a slave on planet Doom and thinks he's crazy.
Zarkon disrespects Haggar likes it's nobody's business.
King Alfor built Voltron.
Zarkon has a nephew
Pidge has a sister who's stated to be training as a pilot.
That same tragic side character is said to have returned to her home planet offscreen
Romelle's older brother is willingly turned into a robeast. He swims out to see in the middle of a battle with Voltron. Romelle's father in consequence goes mad and is implied to have died as a result.
Balto is ravaged by Lotor's forces. Pidge becomes an honourary citizen of Arus.
Pidge is an orphan and the scene of his mother depicts his adoption
Lotor has a dream about Allura instead. Allura's nightmare shows us she's afraid of Zarkon.
"Lotor, my beloved son, you're a nitwit." -Zarkon, 1984
Doom/Drule council.
Coran's son, Garret, and his wife are said to be alive in another dimension they were beamed to when the Galra attacked them. The clone is robotic like.
Allura when comforting Coran after the Garret incident, calls him a good man.
Lance is a country boy.
The Doom foot soldiers are robots.
Romelle was sentenced to be shot by a firing squad with stun guns.
Lotor and Haggar look for a new robeast victim among the Medusans. Audibly noting that they're all in a deep rest. That Medusan lady chooses to adopt Pidge. She also gets hurt, but it's implied she lives.
The episode about the sand people goes relatively the same way. However, the sand person is stated to be exhausted, but alive.
Sven is injured and sent back to planet Pollux to heal.
During the final battle, Lotor sends out robots in bubbles to trap Voltron. Keith can't move him because the bombs would blow up in their face. Lotor shoots them as missiles. Haggar shoots them down so Voltron can end Lotor's career.
Zarkon lives. Haggar lives. Lotor lives.
Pidge has a brother, Chip.
The same:
The Robeasts sometimes have unique tits (long, metallic, and spiky).
Lotor has three different kinds of chins and noses he alternates between.
Allura's only living relative is her aunt.
Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV:
The show begins with a strong theme linked to the lifestyle and aspirations of young sailors staking their life on the sea.
The Galaxy Alliance's goal is to create a star map of the universe, explore planets, and potentially colonize one.
Shinji Ise/Commander Hawkins is unsure if there are any lifeforms other than the three species in the Galaxy Alliance.
There are three planets in the Galaxy Alliance: Earth, Mira, and Sala.
Miranda Keats/Krik has telepathy.
Barros Karateya/Zandee is possibly from New York.
The cook can sing and cook.
Krik and Moya Kirigas/Cinda are Mirans.
Shota Kreutz/Wolo and Saruka Katz/Tangor are Salans.
The main fleet has spent 7 months in space.
Manabu Aki/Jeff hates spicy food.
Tatsuo Izumo/Shannon has no deeper reason to hate the Galveston/Drule other than they've been fighting one another recently.
Sim/Sandu dies as a pilot with his ship.
Wolo's brother dies.
Haruka Kaga/Lisa's singing when the force is stalled on the weather planet.
Captain Barataria/Brak kills himself.
Walter Jack/Cliff's brother's name is Jimmy.
Cliff has a magic hobby. He wants to be a member of the Magic Castle in Hollywood.
The Dairugger crew/Vehicle force sing the theme song when sending off Captain Dick Asimov/Stanley.
The planet Hawkins saw blow up was a consequence of the Galra not wanting a base to be built on that planet - Planet Apollo.
Krik on his shift as commander simply orders the teams to head to their vehicles.
The Vehicle Force are observing the artifact they collected in a previous episode with hopes and doubts the civilization survived.
Commander Hagi/Kernel Klaus dies.
Director Wakasa/Marshal Graham is peeved the people aren't taking Drule threat seriously.
Drake/Mongo dies. Teles/Hazar has a devastating reaction to it.
Krik is implied to be a prince.
Sirk/Dorma has no biological relation to Hazar and instead is his adjutant.
Hazar's father is a Homeworld secretary socrat and he's immediately dismissed from this position when Hazar returns to Galveston.
Planet Mira has flowers similar to purple orange-spotted flowers.
The Vehicle team learned space combat at the space fortress.
The queen of Eldora states the Galran frontline base is east of the planet Eldora, in the area where the blue light shines.
Earth gets attacked, and are fending off the Galra.
Yasuo Mutsu/Chip trained really hard at the space fortress' juvenile school in terms of science.
The pendant Lisa gives Jeff is what her mother gave her before Dairugger's departure from Earth. Lisa considers this a souvenir.
Commander Date/Kernel Kerbert* and crew die due to how damaged the ship is.
Patty Ellington/Ginger planted a seed she found in her room. She compares the growth of the plant to their perseverance.
A sunset reminds Cliff of his hometown.
Hazar gets promoted to commander of the attack fleet.
Pidge dreams of driving his mother to Mt. Fuji. We see her physically in the back seat.
Krik's letter is from his father who states harvest is good on Mira. Cliff's letter's from his father who sends his greetings to Ginger.
The photo of the baby is Jeff's newborn nephew. He has at least one sibling.
Chip is a lonely single child.
Lisa and Chip are childhood friends. They were in the same class in juvenile school, and they trained together at the space fortress.
Kazuto Nagato/Hutch and Tasuku Izu/Marvin insult the three girls. They're mad because Kai Shinobu/Rocky previously talked about Emma/Twyla continuously, whilst Hutch says he grows tired of the three. Ginger trips Hutch and he cries.
Commander Twyla dies.
The crew of the Space Explorer play rugby with a squad of Galra soldiers. They all die.
Both the buck and the fawn die.
The two dolphins die. One was a calf. The mother swims head on to a bomb.
Ginger is grievously injured, and is piloting her machine while fighting off sleep medication. She is dedicated to fighting by her team.
Hazar hesitates to land a killing blow and his gun is shot from his hand. Dorma shoots the body guard and in pain he shoots about wildly, accidentally striking Emperor Corsair/Zeppo - who dies.
The date by the time of the Drule evacuation is Feb 9 in the space year 2203.
Commander Newley agrees the Drules should have the third planet of the 26 system as they have nowhere to go.
Commander Hazar is assassinated by three Galveston soldiers. One of whom is Sandu's younger brother.
Jeff gives Lisa's necklace to Hazar's corpse.
Voltron: Defender of The Universe - Vehicle:
The Galaxy Garrison's motive is to find a second planet because Earth is suffering overpopulation.
It's implied the Vehicle Team and crew already encountered Hazar. He is described as a pirate.
The Vehicle Force call themselves the Voltron Force.
The Vehicle Force can only stay combined for five minutes.
Lisa is implied go be an alien.
Wolo's planet has seven moons.
There is a spy aboard the Galaxy Cruiser for the Drules. This is never touched upon again.
The food is crap.
Krik's from a water planet and it was at one point saved by Voltron.
Krik has ESP abilities.
The Drule have a confirmed child soldier among their ranks.
Shannon's brother was taken prisoner and is currently being held on Planet Doom.
Commander Hawkins pours hot chocolate from kettles.
Wolo's brother is implied to have survived the encounter with the beast.
Lisa talks about past African civilization when the Force is stalled on the weather planet.
Commander Brak says he'll move to another planet if the Galra choose to be peaceful.
Cliff is a country boy. Has a confirmed younger brother named Ginny* and two other brothers.
The Voltron Force are singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" for Captain Newley's farewell party.
Commander Hawkins saw a planet, Orus*, get blown up. The reason for its destruction is unknown.
Krik on his round as commander gives orders with great enthusiasm which is noted by his teammates.
The chef paints as a hobby and the Vehicle Force spend an entire scene roasting his painting.
Kernel Klaus lives and wants to continue building bases.
Marshal Graham is down in the dumps when people joke about him and other high ranking personnel.
Mongo took an experimental time travel ship 😭 and left the empire for good because he no longer wanted to be a part of war.
Hazar drops the photo of him and Mongo because he's clumsy. He looks at it and wishes the latter luck.
The Drule are searching for a new planet due to a transient sun while the Galaxy Garrison are searching due to overpopulation.
Commander Hawkins and Jeff's relationship is funnier than it needs to be.
Ginger got run over twice by joggers.
Lisa invented a carrot and cabbage cocktail she calls 'C & C'.
Pidge and Chip are twins.
Jeff's favourite food is spaghetti.
Jeff has been intentionally skipping Professor Page's plant seminars.
We see Krik's family photo.
Hazar and Dorma are brother sister and he has a good relationship with her.
Commander Nerok escapes in an escape shuttle.
The crew drinks hot chocolate in their downtime.
Earth gets attacked and wins against the Drule.
Ginger brought an unknown plant seed aboard ship and is growing a small plant.
Jeff explains a learned philosophical viewpoint to Commander Hawkins, and the latter's answer is that Jeff would make a great politician.
Lisa bought a good luck charm from a wizard on Planet Korb*. Jeff doesn't believe in that, but he wears the necklace the following episode.
"There is a good chance the lieutenant could be damaged." & "You're a brave fool." -Krik, 1985
Pidge and Chip studied solar energy as a hobby.
Kernel Kerbert* and his crew survive by fleeing in escape ships.
Jeff has a dog named Rover. He named a planet after said dog, an idea Commander Hawkins shoots down.
Krik's father bought another hydro bionic farm that he will inherit one day.
It's implied Cliff writes about Ginger to his brother as they want to meet 'that smashing Ginger'.
Jeff's family sent his baby photo. He thinks he's still cute.
Lisa and Chip are close enough she recognizes his hand writing.
Chip dreams about Pidge. He worries greatly about his brother after the lack of a letter.
Hutch insults the three girls based on their looks implying Twyla is hotter. Ginger trips Hutch after he, Marvin, and Rocky insult all three female members of the Voltron Force and he cries.
Commander Twyla escapes in an escape shuttle.
The Voltron Force play football with the Drule. Jeff finds Lieutenant Antor seriously hurt under rubble, but they heal him and he lives.
The buck dies but the fawn lives.
The dolphin is a single dolphin who somehow managed to disable a missile and survive.
"We just signed an important peace treaty right at this table. I've agreed to let Ginger slurp up her spaghetti, and she's agreed to let me slurp up my soup." -Cliff to Jeff, (Ginger present).
"Well I didn't sign and I want my own table away from you." -Krik to Cliff and possibly Jeff, (Ginger present).
Episode 45. Episode 45 is way too funny. Krik and Cinda crave coconuts out of the blue, ask Commander Hawkins if they can stop at a planet for some, and Krik salutes to his commander that it was a 'dumb idea'.
Ginger has PTSD from an experience as a child where she survived a ship blowing up.
The Drule home-world had destructive material buried under the surface.
Hazar spares Zeppo, but the latter's body is slumped on the throne.
Captain Newley relocates the Drule to a planet in the fourth quadrant in the far galaxy.
Hazar lives.
Krik is passive-aggressive.
The Drule blow up perfectly good planets they can't have.
The Same:
Krik has ESP abilities.
Krik can possibly play an instrument. He holds it the entire time, however.
Jeff, when he takes the first shift as Commander, is disgusted and reluctant to sit beside Commander Hawkins much to the amusement of the man.
Commander Hawkins is passive aggressive.
The Drule homeworld is getting hotter. All the residents have moved below ground, and starvation is prominent.
Krik pilots Voltron when Jeff is out of commission.
Krik shoves a whole gun into Jeff's pants.
The Sky Team ft. Krik drive a tank/enemy patrol car.
Dorma is kidnapped and asked to join the resistance which she steadily accepts.
Original Japanese:
All the foot soldiers are organic.
Consequences. Consequences everywhere.
A good portion of one note characters die.
Adapted Shows:
Stun guns. Stun guns everywhere.
All the foot soldiers are robots.
Bonus Voltron season 3:
King Alfor's ghost can bend the fabric of space. He can also shoot lasers without a gun.
Nanny lives.
Pidge has formed murderous intent towards the castle mice.
Fifth castle mouse.
Commander Cossack a.k.a. Cossack the Terrible.
Lotor drinks something called a mean potion that increases his meanness.
Queen Merla.
King Deus Ex Machina Alfor.
Lotor gets put in jail and has his allowance revoked.
"You don't know Zarkon like I do." -Lance, 1985.
Bonus Bonus Fleet of Doom:
Chip is taller than Pidge.
Hunk is buddies with Modac.
Wolo and Lance used to lightly "bully" Cliff.
Keith and Jeff are competitive with each other.
6 year-old Keith got lost in a forest.
Haggar has two wolves within her (not literal wolves).
*Not sure what the confirmed spelling is but I did my best to spell it like it sounds.
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ditzydisaster13 · 7 months
Voltron (VLD) Lion theories.
The Blue lion is adapable and friendly. Supportive as the right leg of voltron. Putting others before it. Her element is water. Guardian of the water. She swims well, and shoots ice. She was the best for lance while he gained some self confidence. But its also why she took in allura and kept her.
The yellow lion is similar. Heavy and kind, courageous and simple. Slow moving, but mighty. He is the guardian of the land. Of stone and rock and things reliable. Left leg of voltron, serves as a crutch, leverage, balance. Which is why hunk stayed
The green lion is of intelligence and energy. Energy in tech. And in life. Quick to make changes and adjust. Also one of the faster lions. Because energy. Pidge is the youngest, still growing into her body and her smarts. She’s learning and becoming better. Temper smoothing out like removing thorns. Piece by piece her puzzle becomes whole again.
The black lion. Guardian of the sky. Constant and yet ever changing. Always something new. Ready to make adjustments and go with whatever. Strong and powerful. It’s why she has wings. Sky. Stars, and planets blinking. She is as large as the universe is vast. Reaching out just as far. Which is why the astral plane works. As for Shiro, keith, and clone shiro? Well, Zarkon. Zarkon corrupted. Which is probably why Black felt that clone shiro was shiro. He was following a similar path. But one was more gradual than the other. Easier to trick her. (Imma assume she didn’t already know..) then for keith? Galra blood is apart of him. Hes getting stronger and better at learning with the changes. Leading himself and others.
-> -> -> as for red? The red lion? King alfor, and Keith? Eventually Lance? Well that started this whole thing!!
King Alfor was kind, and friendly. A little spontaneous. But generous and good natured. With a fun loving side that mixes all of these ideals. He knew how to rule, and how to be a family man. How to be a friend.
Keith, started out very stubborn and hot headed. Lover of family like Alfor, but untrusting of others like the former king was. He had his moments and his grace. His responsibility and respectablities too. Hes growing. Which is why he eventually became the black paladin. Not just shiro. But his worthyness. Hes a fighter. A survivor. A mess. But hes strong.
Lance has qualities of both. Flirty and charming. Generous and a family lover. Fun loving, but knows when to be serious. Hes strong and witted. Intelligent beyond what others think of him. Responsible inna way that shows hes growing. Young, and afraid. Afraid and fearful of it all. But willing to do what is best for the team.
The red lion is tempermental and seeks out paladins that he feels will be able to trust. It take ssome time because he himself has some self doubt, which is something he can bond over and work on with Lance. The two bonded quickly. After what happened with Alfor. He fet he was doing things wrong and wants his paladins to trust him. Thsi means reaching out for a better bond, and faster.
The red lion is guardian of the fire. Fire its hot and dangerous and scary. But it also brings light and warmth, helps make food, and it gives signs of life (fire needs oxygen, so do humans, and then also the fact that fires are used as signals to show that there are people there in like getting lost situations and whatnot) and is important in not only humanities past, but very lonely to be symbolic in many different cultures of many different species.
Oh and this is also why the Red Lion is so fast!! Heat particles move the fastest! Its just a science thing lol.
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Lotura Week 2023 Day 4: Free Day
(1718) The Pirate Princess and the Water Demigod
A VLD AU drabble
It was said that in the late 17th century, humans bound a chaotic ocean goddess to a mortal form through dark magic. In the legends, kings and paupers, pirates and governors, had joined forces to defeat her, having discovered her secret name to use against her.
Lotor shut the book, his calloused hand sweeping across the soft leather front. “The legends are not quite correct,” he murmured, glancing up at his audience. He stood in the grand navy and silver coat of his father’s fleet, his white hair pulled back in a low ponytail. “The goddess tricked humanity with a false name and even later walked among them, delighting in the trinkets of the human world.”
His audience was a lone woman who sat within the captain’s chair of the great ship. She wore an ornate tailcoat jacket of blue and purple, her legs crossed to reveal sleek, thigh-high boots. She tapped a feather quill in her hand as she tilted her head, her curls cascading down her shoulder.
Her hair was white as well—a sign of being touched by the gods.
“But it was not she who saved me all those months ago,” she said, voice wavering. “I felt the ocean carry me to warmer waters, to this abandoned ship with which I could collect a remnant of my people.”
Survivors of the land-based invasions had scattered far and wide after their great king, Alfor, had fallen in the same targeted shipwreck that had left Princess Allura an orphan.
She stood up and continued, setting down her quill. “No, I’m certain it was not this old goddess. And in fact, the more I gaze upon your face, good sir, the more deeply unsettled I am.” She swallowed, a vulnerability breaking the determination that had hardened her face. “You came here to negotiate terms for the country that grew rich from plundering my father’s ships and lands, and which now complains when I take back what they stole. But I feel as though we’ve met before.”
Lotor held her gaze. “I promise you that we have, Captain Allura.” He cleared his throat, looking slightly wry. “But I had last called you princess, for that was your title as you drowned in your heavy skirts. You had worn pink—the color of mourning to your people—for you were on your way to marry a man you did not love, all in the name of expanding your father’s coffers for war.”
The silence between them thickened.
Captain Allura’s eyes brightened with fearful tears. She reached for the sword at her side on instinct. “You are not human to know such details.”
“Not entirely,” he said, tilting his head. He raised his chin, allowing his human visage to slip, holding out his palms. In doing so, his white hair lifted from his shoulders, as if swirling within water, and his blue eyes glowed with the burning light of godhood, as if his form struggled to contain him. His voice carried multiple tones—calming and rushing like the cresting of waves. “The great goddess of calamity is my mother, and it was I who reordered the ocean on that fateful day you were lost at seat.”
Her fingers trembled against the hilt of her sword. “You are a god yourself, then.”
“Demigod,” he said, voice dry, his lips tilting up with a crooked smile. “My father, the Pirate King who established the lands accosting your own, did manage to ensnare the goddess in his own way. And so part of her is yet truly tied to human form, through me.”
The princess’s breath hitched as she blinked rapidly. In that moment, she raised her sword, daring to level it at his throat.
Lotor did not move, neither afraid nor angered as his hair resettled. “Mortal weapons do not work on me,” he warned.
Her face screwed up as the sword’s sharp blade wavered. “You wear their colors. You say you are the son of the man who destroyed my life, and the son of the goddess whose storms battered our coasts and ruined our crops.” Her voice hitched up. “I’ve spent nearly a year attempting to regather the worth of simply my own dowry lost on that wreck.”
He leaned forward, pressing his cheek against the flat of the blade, eyes narrowed in worry. “You’ve spent the last year wreaking havoc, Captain Allura. You’ve grown cold in ways I did not expect—decimating naval fleets and pillaging villages. My mother thinks it all a delightful game, as is her way. In some regard, she even likes you as the fallen princess, but I come to you as an invested ally seeking peace.”
Allura pulled the sword away. “You have come to undo your work, no doubt. To kill me and be done with the ghost you allowed to live.”
“No,” he said, voice softening. “I should like you to live, Princess Allura. Or Captain Allura, or whatever you wish to be called nowadays.” He straightened his spine and raised his chin as he dug into his coat pocket. His long fingers pulled out a golden chain, with a large blue gem. “You had worn this necklace on the day your ship was attacked. It had snapped from your neck in your thrashing as you nearly drowned, and I watched it slip to the bottom of the ocean in interest of saving your life.”
Allura’s full lips dropped open as she stared at the necklace, which had been a gift from her mother and father. “How did you find it?”
Lotor offered the necklace to her. “I can retrieve for you all the riches you lost to the ocean, in exchange for peace against the coastal villages.” His expression carried a terrible humanity to it—a vulnerable edge of hope. “They’re simply fishermen and merchants and the children of pirates who had nearly starved on the seas, Princess Allura. Do not exact your grief upon them, for they are not the ones who killed your father or invaded your lands.”
She grabbed for the necklace, her form seeming to grow small as she brushed her fingers against the gemstone. Tears slipped from her eyes in awe at having the jewelry returned to her, pristine as if it had never been gone. “And you would so freely offer to help me, when I know your father’s edicts call for my death?”
Lotor leaned in as he walked around her, his voice a soft and steady murmur. “I can keep you safe from him and my mother, for as long as I search for your jewelry and inheritance across the ocean floor. But after that, princess, I may require compensation for my efforts.”
Her eyes flickered up and then narrowed in fear. “What sort of compensation? Take care, sir, I’m a Captain, not a strumpet.”
He managed a smile. “Oh, I very much know what you are, and that is why I like you. But there are certain…relics in in this world that decrease my power. Humanity still seeks to have full dominion over the ocean, and their wielding of magic grows more sophisticated. I need someone who can play both the demure princess and the wicked pirate captain, to obtain and destroy these relics.”
Allura’s ship, the Oriande, rocked under weaves, as if to jolt her into a decision.
Her lips trembled. “My father said never to make deals with gods.”
Lotor slicked his hair back and gave her a handsome smile—one that caused her heart to skip a beat. “Well, princess, I am only half, if you recall.” His glow dampened, and he stood before her as a man, save for his white hair that people assumed meant he’d only encountered the gods. “What say you? Your dowry for safety. And if you still desire to pillage and plunder with that dark heart of gold, then an ongoing partnership to protect each other from our respective dangers.”
Allura eyed him hesitantly. “And you would trust me to handle relics that disrupt your power as a demigod?”
“You have a heart blinded by pain,” he said, eyes narrowed with knowledge, “but you are still an honorable princess, and you dislike debts. A part of you has longed to know who saved you from drowning, so that you could repay them.”
She swallowed hard. “And…and given that you are born of a chaos goddess and the Pirate King, how do I know you are trustworthy? Or that I am not a pawn in some much larger scheme?”
Lotor brushed dust from his velvet sleeves. “I do have my visions for a more peaceful future. As a demigod born of the ocean goddess, it is our shared sacred duty to ferry souls lost at sea to the afterlife.” His expression broke. “And I tire of the death and the wrecks and all the pointless war. As I watched you struggle to swim in those heavy skirts of yours, I realized you were like me. Trapped.”
In the silence, he stepped closer to her. She did not flinch or move away.
“I will tell you my true name, in the language of the gods,” he murmured, “and with it, you may call upon me or even control me. I am willing to offer this to you as a sign of good faith, that one day you and I will explore the world of the living, free from all this madness.” His voice broke on the last word.
The fallen princess turned the gem of the necklace in her hands, her eyes watering with tears. “Did you ferry my father’s soul to the afterlife, then?”
“Yes, princess. He knows no pain and resides in bliss now, knowing that you are safe and alive.”
Her voice wavered. “And what is your true name? You introduced yourself as Prince Sincline.”
He glanced each way before leaning in. His lips nearly touched the sensitive edge of her ears as he whispered, “You may call me Lotor. Do use it when you need me.”
And between them, a raw power shifted, and she gasped, feeling hot and cold and unsteady and entirely in control all at once.
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