#haggar voltron legendary defender
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mushed-kid · 3 months
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voltron as textposts etc. 42
(zarkon x haggar my otp. yes i included my own post idc also raz i saw u reblogging that twenty times)
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earthravenclaw · 5 months
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torveiglyart · 3 months
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I debated a long time on whether his right or left leg should go, but I thought losing his left leg would be ‘symbolic’ of him slowly being distanced from the rest of the team in seasons 5 and 6. The exact opposite limb as shiro, the left side motif for Hunk and Pidge, and the lack of change on his right for Keith. During the later seasons, it kinda hurt to see him only every confiding in Allura, who’s attention was split from Lotor, and the mice, who are known snitches. I didn’t want to cut the right, as that would symbolize his loss of Blue and… his loss of Blue. It felt redundant to the red bayard. Actually, let’s talk about the red bayard for a moment.
As I see it, there are two pivotal reasons as to why Lance got a new form for his bayard: The Altean Broadsword.
The first reason is his character growth. Lance is the ‘class clown’ character of the paladins, but that persona is not as viable in a war as it is in a classroom. Lance has had to mature very quickly due to the circumstances surrounding his requirements as a paladin. The Altean Broadsword is a symbol of both his maturity as a person and his maturity into the solider role. Zarkon was the only other paladin known to have more than one form for his bayard, and held a strong connection to the Black Lion. Lance’s ability to have not just the basic rifle, but a sniper rifle and a sword shows his connection to Red, and possibly his nature as a blue paladin: flexibility. His bayard forms allow short to mid to long range that the other paladins don’t have. His ability to listen, adapt, connect, and support is reflected in his bayard.
The second is less happy. The Altean Broadsword could be a reflection of Shiro/Kuron’s need for Keith as the right hand of Voltron, and how Lance has been Keith’s ‘replacement’ multiple times. Lance was Keith’s red paladin before he was Shiro’s, and the two of them had to adjust how they view each other in Lance’s new role. Since Shiro was the clone, there could have definitely been great reluctance to treat Lance as the red paladin and right hand, but rather as another subordinate. This reluctance would have stemmed from how the Empire, and specifically Haggar, views the roles of each paladin, and how the other paladins were ‘subordinate’ to Black Paladin Zarkon. With Allura’s bayard being a whip, Lance’s original semi-long to mid range of combat was covered for the season 1-2 team set up in Blue. With Lance being in Red, a swordsman was missing on the team, and that role defaulted to Lance. He once again was a replacement for Keith, like back in the Galaxy Garrison. Keith leaves, and Lance fills in. This reasoning definitely does not help Lance’s declining mental strength when it comes to being respected by the team and feeling like a seventh wheel.
Overall, I do not think that these reasons are mutually exclusive to one another. I think both are true to varying degrees. Lance had a very complicated character growth arc that was overshadowed by Lotor, Shiro’s return, and the mess that is season 8. That’s not to say the other things weren’t important, and there were others (Hunk) that DEFINITELY deserved more attention, but there were things that could have been worked on. Lance manages, throughout the show, to be a parallel character to, well, everyone. A competitive pilot like Keith, caring and trusting like Hunk, inquisitive and quick thinking like Pidge, supportive and motivational like Shiro, and opinionated and just like Allura. But what does that leave him as?
I really went on a rant there but would love to hear other people’s thoughts about this. Yes, both the leg and what I wrote. You can also request art! I mainly do Voltron art but I do have experience with other fandoms (The Owl House, My Hero Academia, Star Wars, She-Ra, etc.), and would love to fulfill some asks.
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keithkog · 6 months
Made some memes again
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You all have no idea how obsessed i am with "Quintessence can turn humans into eldritch horrors" yall have no idea
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dailyvoltroncharacter · 6 months
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Todays second Voltron character is … HONERVA, aka, HAGGAR!!!
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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where is your home, vagabond?
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characters as things friends + family have said
*haggar and lotor arguing*
haggar: don’t hit me. i know i taught you to be a woman beater, just not right now.
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meggo-my-eggo · 1 year
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Is it wrong to still have a voltron oc in the year 2023?
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toasternuggets · 6 months
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“Hello there!”
“Hello, Bob.”
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@maya-matlin, I know your message was a single character's name, but I'll go ahead and respond for the show, instead, if that's all right.
❤ Favorite character: Takashi Shirogane, my beloved.
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👿Least favorite character: Sendak. As awful as Zarkon is, Sendak inspires a visceral hatred in me that only Haggar comes close to. Maybe it's his smug sense of superiority, or the fact that he's Shiro's personal tormentor who not only gets off on torturing Shiro,
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but is implied to have sexually violated him, as well.
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Regardless, I derive immense satisfaction from the- tragically brief- moment of Shiro getting to overpower Sendak and using the ugly hulking bastard's momentum against him to piledrive him into the ground.
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It's not nearly enough, but it's something.
Though, I still think Shiro should have got to kill him. As a treat.
💐Comfort character: Shiro.
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And, Hunk.
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The sweetest boys. ❤
😍Character you have the biggest crush on: I don't know if I would call it a "crush", but...
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I most certainly appreciate Shiro aesthetically.
🤝 Character you relate to the most: Shiro, for his experiences as a trauma survivor grappling with symptoms of self-loathing and PTSD, his fear of being a "broken" "monster", and drive to prove that he's so much more than what he was forced to be, and Hunk, for his anxiety, love of cute things, and desire to bring happiness and comfort to others.
🔥Character you think is overrated:
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🧨Character you love to hate: I don't enjoy hating anyone, but I would bring a bag of popcorn to watch Sendak and Haggar duke it out in a fight to the death.
🙈 Character you always forget exists: Any character exclusive to seasons three through six, which I still haven't been able to convince myself to watch because of the clone. I'm sorry, but I cannot take that haircut seriously.
The fact that "Kuron" is so blatantly not Shiro, and gets several seasons of both bonding with Shiro's found family, and driving wedges between them, while the real Shiro, whom I spent two seasons getting to know and love deeply, is dead and languishing on the Astral Plane sits so wrongly with me.
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These two men are not the same person. I could go on and on about the differences in confidence levels, how the clone comes across as younger and having a harsher edge, while Shiro seems older, worn, and is much, much softer and gentler. How the clone seems to be wearing eyeliner while Shiro simply has long eyelashes. That Shiro's essence being transferred into the clone's body caused the clone's fringe to magically change shape and grow out, which is unintentionally hilarious--
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-- and proves that Shiro would never wear his hair that way...
I beg you, fandom, please stop referring to the clone as Shiro. He's an entirely separate person with a different temperament and his own unique personal struggles; not Actual Shiro with a different (terrible) haircut.
(It's also aggravating that "Kuron" got to reunite with Matt, who Shiro saved, while Post-Resurrection Shiro and Matt have no interaction onscreen. And, if the image I've seen floating around of "Kuron" in a group hug with Team Voltron is something that legitimately happened in the show, and not part of a character's fantasy, it's even more galling that the only people Post-Resurrection Shiro receives hugs from are Keith, right after his revival, and Allura, when she's bidding him farewell before she kills herself.
This man died, and he's only hugged by two people once he's brought back to life. Disgraceful.)
🐰Favorite non-human character: Since so much of the cast is comprised of non-human aliens, I'll reword this prompt a little bit.
My favorite non-human, in the sense that she doesn't have any somewhat human features other than two forward-facing eyes, two hands with fingers and thumbs, two feet, and a mouth located on her face, is Shay.
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I love how gentle, sweet, and soft-spoken she is. Precious rock girl.
My favorite non-humanoid character is a three-way tie between Bae Bae,
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and the mice.
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Bonus shout out to Kova for having an interesting design and being a space cat.
❤️‍🩹 Character who deserved better: Just one? I'll have to go with the only character who was treated worse than Shiro by the hack brain trusts in charge of the train wreck this show became, and that is, of course, Allura. One could write entire essays covering all of the ways she was heinously wronged by the writers, from never getting the chance to heal from her grief over losing her parents and entire home world and culture, to having her trust exploited and betrayed by Lotor, to bearing the weight of her guilt over that betrayal all the way up to the moment she sacrifices herself, to the utterly needless and cruel sacrifice, itself.
The fact that I've seen fanfiction tags and comments referring to her as a "bitch", and fics where the author warps her character, emphasizing her flaws to a ridiculous degree for the purpose of bashing her, usually complemented by a nice side of Shiro warping and bashing, with the two of them uniting to be great big bullies to Lance, Keith, or both, is absurd and detestable. But, unfortunately, it's the sort of behavior one comes to expect from a fandom populated by majority young, somewhat overzealous fans.
Spite has always been a powerful motivator for me, however, so every encounter with a fic, comment, or post of this nature only makes me like Allura and her vastly under-appreciated friendship with Shiro all the more. The price of being noble, self-sacrificing, hyper-competent, beautiful, and hated by your writers because of it is immature fans who can't or are unwilling to appreciate you, I guess.
Their loss.
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Thank you so much for the submission! ❤
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mushed-kid · 1 month
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voltron as textposts etc. 50
(fifty wow thats a lot. get a hobby)
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xochitai · 2 years
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I am my mother’s child
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torveiglyart · 2 months
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Okay! So!
Part one of my MHA VoltronLD thing uhhhh yeah.
Life Force: Allura is able to use the surrounding energy of life to heal, shield, and attack, usually in the form of a light-whip or spear (her bayard form and staff). The life energy can be hot if too concentrated, causing burns. Excessive usage causes regular quirk drawbacks like exhaustion and headaches.
Likes: Organization, Pink, and her uncle Coran
Dislikes: The current hero system, mutation quirks, and excessive flirting
Allura’s father, Alfor, used to be the HPSC President before Zarkon took over. Allura still got her position, but is suspicious of Zarkon’s plans for the HPSC. She is especially worried about Honerva’s “Young Heroes Program” and what that could be. Coran, bless his soul, has backed Allura for every decision, but things are getting tense. Allura fears her uncle could get fired if he continues to speak out in her name. That’s not even to mention the secretive work of Lotor…
The markings on her face, wrists, collar, and ankles are from her quirk. Her father had similar marks, but only on his face as he did not have nearly as powerful a quirk as her. Her ears are a small mutation from her mother’s side. Mutations are complicated to her, as she has a few herself, but her coworkers (Zarkon, Honerva, Lotor, etc.) are all rather… dismissive, snide, and rude with her, making it difficult to see that not all mutant quirked people are so short coming.
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fictionsthings · 11 months
Zarkon: You reek of weakness. You have Altean blood running through your veins! Finally, my greatest shame shall be wiped from the universe.
Me: "Ooo, look at me~ I'm Zarkon. I'm a speciest asshole who just called my Altean wife and mixed-race son my greatest shame. Ooo I'm the Emperor of the Universe, and I'm a little bitch."
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