#nix plays games
thenixkat · 11 months
At some point I’m gonna restart my pokemon Y and Alpha Sapphire games to do a playthrough where I dont use mega evolution.
Idk it just kinda seems unethical.
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n--n · 1 year
One last touchstarved theory thingy bc I’ve almost purged my brief obsession!! It’s mentioned by both Leander and Vere that the one running the Senobium- and thus its shady policies- is someone called The Abbess. An Abbess is a nun in charge of the nunnery, so I can only assume she is gonna have some sort of religious symbolism related to her like Kuras and Mhin do. Unfortunately the literal one-sentence blink and you’ll miss it lines are all we have to go off for her, but I’m excited to see what she’s really like in game! (From the attitude both Vere and Leander have in those one-off lines, it’s clear she’s almost certainly a villain).
Some misc, tinfoil-hat theories:
- Elyon, as a powerful noble, likely works with but opposes the Abbess. He owns most of the brothels in Lowtown apparently so he has incentive to keep the divide between hightown and lowtown, but as someone with power he probably chafes at the control the Senobium has over hightown
- Sen, from her one-sentence descriptor, is a revived warden seeking her own death. Almost certainly one of the Senobium’s experiments, not sure what a warden in the context of the touchstarved universe is but probably a Fancy Jailer for the Senobium like the word usually implies. Maybe the experiments left her with such a painful condition she’d rather die? Or it could be more supernatural, in that she can not Rest until her unfinished business in Eridia is Taken Care Of.
-The Abbess could be the one that initiated the changes at the Senobium in the first place a generation ago, since immortality is confirmed to exist in-universe (see Vere being chained “Centuries Ago”)
-I think Leander is meant as the sort of “starter LI”, since the demo and supplementary info give us the most info about him while at the same time holding back just enough as to be intriguing (see: the countless Leander-specific theory posts that started this post lmao) I imagine his route will tell us the most about lowtown, fogfall and Eridia at large, whereas Vere/Mhin/Kuras will tell us most about the Senobium, and Ais will tell us most about the overall world, magic (fogfall again), monsters (like the soulless), and of course Ais’s boss/“friend” Ocudeus and the Seaspring
Other thots:
- I’m most excited for Leander’s route for obvious reasons (hot + will get to meat of story + I want to see What’s Really Wrong With Him so bad) but also know that will make me more disappointed if he turns out to be Just Some Asshole. I want him to be a monster bc he commits atrocities like the rest of them, not because he’s a reminder of the shittier guys I’ve met. That being said I know I’ll probably still really like the character if they do go that route, since the overall writing from the demo is super engaging and solid in quality- which bodes well for the final product
-Speaking of writing, I’m loving that different backstories actually have weight in the narrative. I love when the player is actually rewarded with info for making a choice, instead of it just being one or two flavor text things. Choosing different backstories affects your red dialogue options (the romance-y choices) and gives you different attitudes towards events in the story, making replay ability high
-I’m worried by how successful the kickstarter is since I Have Been Burned last times I backed videogame Kickstarters (Blue Omen Operation, Homestuck Game) 😭 The team seems experienced and competent, since most seem to have come from Nix Hydra/other successful otome games that got killed by poor management. But like, still really worries me since it’s their first game and all. The demo was so good but so was Blue Omen Operations and look where that landed me ($15 less in my pocket from backing years ago 🥲)
-On a lighter note, this game is clearly a passion project and I’ve loved what I’ve seen so far- if I have enough money to spare before the Kickstarter is over, maybe I’ll get it just to support the devs
-getting so obsessed w the demo even if only for a week or so has reminded me Oh Yeah, I Forgot I Love Gothic Horror. If by some miracle you’re still reading this drop a recommendation pls
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nixotinix · 10 months
soso! about 8 months ago i got really really into the game Ponytown. Don't play it as much anymore, but you bet your sweet ass I made Monster High ponies!! Here they are in the order I made them, but they all have the same cursed face.
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Gen 3 Frankie!! this one in particular is based on Coffin Bean Frankie, aka the best g3 frankie doll.
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Holt Hyde v1! Can you tell I wasn't super familiar with the character creator? (At least i knew how to do custom outlines,,,,)
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CA Cupid! Made this one for Valentine's Day, ofc.
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Made Kieran for Valentine's Day too! I couldn't not.
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Gen 1 Frankie! I still like this one a lot. shes so girlboss.
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And finally, Holt Hyde v2! He's easily my favourite. Just looking at the differences side by side with my two holts is night and day, i absolutely adore this one.
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badass-at-fandoming · 2 years
Nix the Hydra: Where to go from here
I wrote this out in the comments on another post, but I think it's worth posting on its own. One of the nice aspects of the Arcana and Fictif was they were USA-based companies, and their stories had Western feminist sensibilities. No judgement on East Asian media, but there are some super common tropes which irk me personally. If you're wondering where to go for USA-based mobile game novels that have queer characters, here are recs:
Chapters - romance novels adapted into VNs. Both mlm and wlw!
Choices - original VNs with scattered mlm and wlw options
Lovelink - chatroom/messenger app with VN sections. The MC's gender is never revealed. Male, Female, Enby LIs
Heart's Choice - interactive romance novels. All the genders: mlm, wlw, nblm, nblw, nblnb!
Hosted Games - CYOA novels with a variety of genres. Sometimes have romance, sometimes not. My sapphic werewolf game Moonrise is on there! ;D
Choice of Games - ditto!
Infinite Blue (upcoming) - an otome chatroom/messenger app with VN sections. MC can have she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns. All LIs are men
All links go to Google Play except for Infinite Blue, which goes to the developer's website.
If you want recommendations for specific titles, my inbox is open! Tell me what you like to read, and I'll have a VN for you!
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phobos-labs · 1 year
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Working on an Androgen Assault default weapons run tonight. Went from a 1.53 down to this, pretty good progress but fuck me does it feel like good luck only. I'm aiming for a 1.30 time.
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spoondoodles · 6 days
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So I recently got a hold of a copy of Pokemon Legends Arceus AND been playing the ttg Pokemon Legends of Sinnoh on Tabletop Simulator and needless to say I have some outfit design thoughts about the two games...
I'm just saying if Arceus speaks like some kind of fake Old English their 'chosen one' might as well look the part. Although I do like the diamond clan's little hoodies.
(first outfit inspired by the Diamond Clan of Legends Arceus but with Dialga colours, second outfit was me looking at Volo's handmade Arceus outfit and saying "I could do better".)
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azatas · 8 months
thinking of having tasi take 2 paladin levels after the temple of bhaal but gameplay wise i feel like it might be a waste 😞
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boyslit · 10 months
also woopsie-doopsie I don't remember anything at all about Julian's route bc i just remembered that Glass was the one reading it and who knows when we last heard from them :/ Dal had memories of visiting their little pocket universe inside headspace but that was. years ago now
he seems like a fun guy anyway. Julian.
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artyrambles · 2 years
Which CC bundle will you get from twitch drops
None because I don't watch streamers so I'm not getting drops coins from those lmao
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thenixkat · 2 years
Imagine if fucking pokemon PETA were trying this shit in a pokemon Ranger region where people don't fucking own pokemon and pokemon still choose to live with fuckers
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angryaurikhori · 1 year
Villain's Mark: Rassjan Horas
So, I was tagged by @mxkelsifer to do this and after a bit of thinking, I thought I'd subject my poor viera to it and give a sneaky peek at Rassjan's mental state after Endwalker.
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(( BOLD always or almost always applies  | |   italics are situational or occasional ))
aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold | cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
As for tags if you see it and want to do it, feel free!
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ulforcev-dramon · 2 years
Now we just have to wait for the Primal video game to fix this bullshit like we did with Samurai Jack.
i actually had no idea they retconned the samjack ending with the game, so I just watched it and have pretty mixed feelings about it
don’t get me wrong, it’s nice the samjack end was fixed regarding Ashi! absolutely better than what we got at the end of s5
buuuuut wrt Primal specifically, I think I’d rather he just leave it alone, personally. he had the chance for a satisfying ending and he blew it. i don’t think a retcon can undo the special form of bizarre disappointment S2 Ep10 gave, there’s no element of surprise or shock left even for the story elements that could have been done well. i’ll be going into it with bitterness, basically, so a retcon will only have everything going against it from the getgo.
#idk might be an unpopular response but the game looks. Bad. so having the better end walled off behind it just feels like#somehow even worse/more bitter on some level#u know?#like primal’s ending was bungled bad enough—unless the game looks and plays monumentally better than samjack’s then i think i’d rather#he just Not#neologisms#(THAT SAID if the game looked felt and played well? hell yea! but if we are talking samjack game quality for a fixed ending I’m Out)#(i do feel like he’d have to also completely change the ending… make it something New (if even possible by now) in order to surprise again)#primal#primal spoilers#who knows tho maybe in 6 months or a year i’ll feel different#what i really wish had happened was ep 5 was nixed and all the current eps were brought forward by 1#break the final ep into 2 parts: first part spear’s flashback and his integration into Mira’s home#part 2 great big episode-long fight that’s more climactic than the Mad Sauropod ep#i won’t say one way or another what spear’s fate should or shouldn’t be because i feel that alone wasn’t the damning part of ep10#just… (gestures vaguely to the whole episode) everything else#actually what i had totally expected was at least 3 seasons ill be totally real with you#the fact i didnt expect a series finale also threw me off and compounded all the bizarre pacing issues and story choices#im just baffled that every single other fight in the series felt higher-stakes and more cinematic than the Series’ Final Fight.
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therisingphoenixden · 2 years
Name the time and the place and I will happily join you on this quest! You've got my sword.
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bucketfrog · 2 years
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Anyway not to be cringe on main for one of my out of left field interests but hi this is a gender-bent Julian Devorak and also we don’t talk about the bench or the poorly drawn eyepatch
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godzexperiment · 4 months
Conversation smooth, they were quite attentive about what they were talking about. So Nix got an idea; theory to test and mischief that would entertain him if it worked out. "Syrupnts." Making sure his tone didn't give away his purposeful mispronunciation.
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prettyallfriends · 5 months
llsif2 is closing already⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ good lord... like it was definitely worse than sif in every way, the new currency and lack of play bonuses meant u really could never use the gacha, and there was no unlock path so ranking up didnt even mean anything, and the stody unlocks are so arbitrary. but. its pretty much the best idol rhythm game out there?? sif is so fun to play, and since sonolus isnt on apple devices yet (unless i give up my manga app slot 😡😡😡) theres gna be no way for a lot of ppl to play this game on a large screen anymore. truly an awful decision to shut it down, but they have been managing it terriby (nijigaku has what, 4 master songs?? the recent event with random songs forces you to pay a shitload of gold to reroll for the chance to play master too) so it does kind of make sense too :(
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