#king peppy and queen rose
imholtorf · 7 months
JD tells Branch about their parents
During a camping trip as Branch asked John Dory about their parents that John Dory had waited for years.
John Dory is sitting on a log as he is looking at book which is a family photo album. He looks at the photos of him and his brothers, and keeps turning the page every time until he stops at one with a photo of him, his brothers, and two trolls. The male troll had light cyan skin, John Dory's teal hair, and yellow eyes. The female troll had cyan skin, Branch's blue hair, and blue eyes.
The troll couple were his parents, Rowan Basil and Rose Willow. They were everything to him and his brothers, John Dory sadly sighs as he misses them. He hears a twig snap as he turns his attention to the source and saw his brothers, Poppy, and Viva "Hi, JD" Viva said "Are you alright, John Dory?" Bruce asked.
"I'm fine, I'm just...looking at our family photos" John Dory replied as his brothers come to look at photos and Branch's eyes widen at the sight of the troll couple "Is that...Mom and Dad?" he asked "Yes, it is" Clay replied as Poppy and Viva joined them. "Your parents look familiar as if I've seen them before" Viva said.
"Our mother, Rose Willow is friends with Queen Sunny, Poppy and Viva's mother. And our father, Rowan Basil is King Peppy's right-hand troll" John Dory explained "Now, I remember: Rose Willow was my babysitter when Mom and Dad go off on a date or something" Viva explained.
Branch glances at a photo of his parents, brothers, and him as an egg then something struck him "Hey, John Dory...I have a question that I wanted to be answered for all these years...What happened to Mom and Dad?" Branch asked. John Dory became hesitant before replying "When it was last time you asked that question?"
"To Grandma when I was little and she told me that to wait until I'm older" Branch said "Well, it's a good thing, she did because you were too young to understand what happened to Mom and Dad" Bruce added. As John Dory began "Years ago, when you were just a baby, just six months old..."
Young John Dory was practicing his band song and choreography as he is unaware of a bergen approaching "I was so busy with by practice, I didn't hear my parents trying to warn me" John Dory said as Rowan and Rose Willow saw the bergen approaching their oldest son "John Dory! Watch out!" Rowan shouted as he and his wife rushed towards him, but the young JD didn't listen to him and the bergen is getting closer "Watch out, son!" Rose Willow shouted.
John Dory turns around as he saw his parents then the bergen as was about to grab him until his father shoved him out of the way as he and his wife were grabbed instead "Mom! Dad!" young JD shouted as he extends his hair for his parents to grab on as they did.
"Hold on, I got you" young JD said "John Dory..." Rose Willow said "Don't worry, I'll get you out!" young John Dory exclaimed "John Dory" Rowan said "What?" young JD replied "Just let go" Rowan said. "What? But, I need you guys, so do my brothers, and so does Branch" young JD protested "Your grandma will take care of you and your brothers" Rowan replied.
"John Dory...take of your brothers, do you promise?" Rose Willow asked as the young John Dory is bursting tears "I promise" he replied "Here's something to remember me" Rowan said as he removes his face goggles and tossed it to John Dory as he catches it "Tell your brothers that we love them so much" Rose Willow said "I will" young JD said as his parents let go of his hair. John Dory watches the bergen walk away with his parents as he glances his father's face goggles then he began walk back to the pod.
At the pod...
John Dory arrived at the pod as Grandma Rosiepuff and his brothers saw him, they were happy to see him until they saw his sad expression "What's wrong?" Grandma Rosiepuff asked "Are those Dad's goggles?" Spruce asked "Where's Mom and Dad?" Clay asked. John Dory answered as he explained what happened and his brothers became heartbroken as Grandma Rosiepuff comforts her grandsons despite being heartbroken.
The brothers were asleep in their beds as they are woke up by Branch's cry. John Dory got out of his bed and pulls Branch out of his crib "You miss Mom and Dad, don't you?" JD said as Branch continued crying which he takes it as a yes. "I miss them too...I wanted to save them" he explained as Branch stopped crying and listen to his oldest brother "but they told me take care of my brothers especially you" JD said as he bursts into tears and Branch placed his baby hands on JD's face then JD brings Branch closer to him and snuggles him "And I will keep their promise, Grandma and the four of you are what I have left, and I will make our parents proud, Baby Brother" JD said as Branch smiles and goes to sleep.
(Flashback ends)
"Then that day when Brozone broke up, I felt like that I had failed our parents' promise and blamed myself for all of this. A failure as a band leader, a brother, a son, and a grandson. For years, I've been living with that guilt, and I let Mom, and Dad, even Grandma down as all of this is my fault" John Dory explained as he bursts into tears and sniffs then wiped his tears away. His three younger brothers comfort him as Branch stood there in shock from everything that John Dory told him before replying.
"I can relate to that, John Dory" he said as everyone looked at him and Poppy knew what Branch is going to say "I know what is like to lose someone you love and blame yourself for this...When I was a little kid, I was in the song, I didn't hear my grandma trying to warn me. She saved me from being taken away from the bergen chef and gets taken instead. I was heartbroken when she was took away that I lost my true colors and became gray. For 20 years, I lived with trauma and believing it was my fault for Grandma's death" Branch explained as he wipes his tears.
His brothers were surprised by this, Branch had already told them what happened to her, but they didn't knew he was responsible for her death. John Dory placed his hand on Branch's shoulder "No it's not...It's not your fault grandma died" he said as Branch listens to John Dory "Grandma sacrificed herself to save you so you can live. And, I now realized that our parents' death is not my fault either, they sacrificed themselves so I can live too, if weren't for them you and I wouldn't be here today" he explained as Branch smiles then hugs John Dory and John Dory is touched by this gesture as he hugs him back then Bruce, Clay, and Floyd joined in.
Poppy and Viva were bursting into tears and trying to hold their sobbing "This is the most beautiful family moment, I've ever seen" Poppy said "Me too" Viva added. "Let's take a photo to remember this" Bruce suggested as everyone gather around to get ready for photo. Viva readies the camera then she quickly runs to the group as the camera took their photo.
John Dory steps out of the group and approaches the camera, the photo prints out as he pulls it out to examine it "Is it good?" Viva asked as John Dory gave her a thumbs-up "It's perfect" he replied.
As he looks at the description of the photo: he, Branch, and Poppy were sitting on the ground. Viva, Clay, Bruce, and Floyd were behind them. The photo reminds him of another like this, he picks up the family album and founds the photo he is looking for. It was him, his brothers, and his parents.
He, his mom, and Bruce/Spruce were on the floor. Clay, Floyd, and his dad were sitting on the couch as he was holding Branch. "I'm made you very proud, Mom and Dad, and we are now looking out for each other, I wished you met Bruce's kids, you would be more than excited to become grandparents" John Dory said.
Rowan Basil and Rose Willow (c) @rootsbe4branches-trolls
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artstar1997 · 6 months
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The main characters of my fairy AU, which is the adaptation of the Hidden AU and its collaboration story, Journey to Harmony are made by me and @georgi-girl. Each of the seven fairy tribes and subtribes has wings and antennae based on different insects or the wings are based on their elements (the country tribe as earth fairies have leaf or flower petal or fruit slice-shaped wings, the techno tribe as water fairies have fin-like wings, etc.) and the pop trolls as fairies are more of butterfly fairies while Cooper is a moth fairy, just like his parents and his tribe and Queen Rose and her tribe, the platinum trolls are dragonfly fairies. Their outfits are based on the fashion from the Middle Ages, though the fairies' clothes are made out of natural materials, such as leaves and flower petals.
The new Platinum leader and the fairy queen of the fairy kingdom, Queen Rosetta a.k.a Rose has dragonfly wings and antennae just like the members of her court, which is known for the use of light magic. She wears roses and rose petals in her outfits because the flowers match her personality and the rose symbolizes royalty, romance, love, beauty, and courage.
Queen Poppy, the older twin of King Peppy's twin daughters and one of Queen Celestia's wards has the antennae that she, Queen Celestia, and the members of the Snack Pack share because they came from the same court. During the group's search for the Pop court, Poppy acts as a trusted best friend for Queen Rose to rely on in lending a helping hand or wing because they have been inseparable at most times, especially during lessons. She shares with her boyfriend, Branch. Her wings are based on the king swallowtail and her outfits have camellias and their petals as skirts because the flower symbolizes beauty, grace, elegance, love, longevity, happiness, and good fortune,
Branch, on the other hand, is still the cautious and protective but talented butterfly. His skills in survival and protectiveness towards his friends allowed him to join the knights and earn his title as a sir. He and his brothers have the same monarch butterfly wings and his outfits were made of Mexican sage petals and leaves. The sage plant symbolizes bravery, esteem, domestic virtue, longevity, thoughtfulness, good health, and wisdom.
DJ Suki is a music-savvy fairy herself since fairies are known to be musically inclined and she was trained to be a troubadour ever since Queen Celestia took in the Snack Pack after they were separated from the pop fairies during their escape from the giants (the bergens). Sporting red lacewing butterfly wings and wearing clothes with lotus petals, I kinda match her with lotus flowers because they symbolize transcendence, purity, rebirth, and strength.
Cooper is the only moth fairy in the group and is known to work in the castle bakery with Legsly. He was aware that he had a different antennae shape and that his wings were based on a rosy maple moth but what he didn't know was that he was born a fairy prince. His outfits are made of morning glories, which match him perfectly because the flowers symbolize eternal love, rebirth, resilience, life, and unyielding love.
Smidge is a skilled flyer and fighter in her group and she is one of the transgender members. She is the strongest because she trained with the knights alongside Branch but, she tends to be more of a berserker. Her wings are based on an orange sulphur butterfly and her outfits are made out of red dahlias, which symbolize strength, power, perseverance, and prosperity.
Biggie is a big butterfly with a heart of gold. As an animal tamer and the caretaker of the Snack Pack, he takes care of them and keeps them safe with his bow and arrows but he owns a pet fox, whom he names Mr. Dinkles. He has blue morpho butterfly wings and his outfit is made out of pansy flower petals and leaves because it matches his gentle personality and the pansy symbolizes love, loyalty, honesty, devotion, sympathy, and care.
Guy Diamond is a transgender male but he is considered the most beautiful fairy. Sporting glitter on his pink-tipped satyr butterfly wings, he can emit fairy dust from his wake when flying. Queen Rose uses it for potions while Fuzzbert uses the dust for healing. As a new dad to the newborn baby Tiny Diamond, he tries his best to be a good example to his son. His outfits are made out of amaryllis lily petals, which match him because the flower symbolizes pride, strength, determination, beauty, and love.
Satin and Chenille, the fashion twins still love fashion designing and making clothes but their outfits are known among the younger generation of the nobility, the elite, and the wealthy class. They have matching purple emperor wings, cherry blossom outfits, and ponytails that face each other like a mirror, but the sleeves, personalities, and colors set them apart. Cherry blossoms match them because of their traits and the flower symbolizes beauty, passion, love, courage, rebirth, renewal, new beginnings, and the start of spring.
Fuzzbert, though mute, is a skilled healer among his teammates, which comes in handy because of the difficulty of their quest. Using his knowledge of potions and spells to cure his fellow fairies and help anyone in need. His wings are based on a species of a swallowtail butterfly and his outfits are made of sweet pea leaves, which symbolize blissful pleasure, good wishes, kindness, gratitude, and friendship.
Legsly works at the castle bakery with Cooper but she is mainly the most outgoing among the teammates. As a baker, she has a "happy-go-lucky" attitude with a liking for any "good things" and her cooking talent impresses both her friends and guests alike. Her dress is made out of the leaves and the flower of the daffodil, which symbolizes rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck.
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puka-puff · 9 months
Okay, I've seen so many big-brained artists and writers come up with AUs where we swap a troll with Velvet and Veneer, or another troll with Floyd, etc., etc.
But what if the swap was somewhere way back in the beginning of the story?
Picture this:
It's finally time. The plan is risky, and even a little rocky, but all the preparations have been made. All the pieces put in place to put said plan in motion. The Pop Trolls were finally going to escape from Bergen-Town.
Viva was scared. Tomorrow was Trollstice. Anything could go wrong. She headed into the nursery, Poppy fast asleep.
King Peppy watched over her crib, exhausted from his renewed responsibilities as a father to a newborn. He cracked a weak smile to his eldest. “You alright?”
She shrugged. “I'm worried. For tomorrow."
Her father sighed. "You're not alone. But after your mother..."
Viva shut her eyes. They lost her mother just last year. After the Queen's death, King Peppy couldn't stand to lose either of his daughters. The day after that Trollstice, the plan to escape was hatched.
"I know," she said quietly. "But you're right, we can't let Poppy grow up here."
She glanced at her sister's small body, sound asleep. Poppy hadn't faced the terrors that the Pop Trolls had suffered yet. Viva was determined to make sure she would never have to.
Morning rose, and Viva’s eyes fluttered open to the sight of an empty crib. She bolted upright, running out of the pod to bump into her father.
“Viva,” he panted. His hand gripped hers, tugging without haste. “We have to leave, now.”
“Dad? What's going on? I thought we were leaving at noon—”
“There’s been a change in plans. With today being the Bergen Prince's first Trollstice, they're coming to the tree at sunrise. We haven't much time left."
Viva halted her confusion and nodded. It was time.
After the last of the villagers entered the tunnels, soon following behind was King Peppy and the princesses. His majesty charged ahead, leading his people. Viva stalled to make sure every troll was up and going. No troll left behind.
The rumbles and roars of Bergens could be heard above. They'd been found out.
Soon enough, the tips of pickaxes struck the ground, blasting pieces of rubble all around the target area. Large hands dug through the terrain, leaving the trolls to dodge and weave through every obstacle.
The cries of few trolls could be heard ahead of Viva, a straggler here and there. Her father grabbed whomever he could, and she grabbed the rest.
"Don't let go!" She called to the trolls alongside her. "Grab whoever you can and hold on tight. We are making it out of here--"
A hand burst from the tunnel ceiling directly above Viva, it's coarse fingers wriggling around, trying to grab whoever it could find. Viva tensed, but before it could grab her she ducked and rolled, lassoing the trolls behind her. That was close.
It felt like forever, but she and the others could see the light of a single torch. They were close to the group, her father was just ahead. But to Viva's shock, it wasn't as pleasant a sight as she would've hoped.
King Peppy was ensnared by one of the Bergen's pickaxes, and he had just thrown a cluster of trolls along the path to safety.
"Keep running! And don't stop," she told the others. She turned to his majesty. "Dad, just hold on, we can figure out how to get you loose."
"Viva, there's no time. You need to get to safety." He reached into his hair and pulled out Poppy. "Take your sister. Run."
"Dad? What are you doing?"
"I'll be right behind you. Take your sister to safety."
"What? No, I'm not leaving you!"
"If we all stay here to long, there's a chance one of us could get caught." He embraced his daughter before him. "I... I can't lose you too."
"But..." Tears welled up in Viva's eyes. She clasped her father's hand on her cheek, clutching tightly. "What about no troll left behind?"
His hand patted her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Viva."
With a great amount of force, he pushed her back right as a hand emerged from above. It plucked King Peppy up and away, as Viva screamed for her Dad. He was gone.
The bundle of trolls that were rolling down the tunnel finally stopped, collapsing just outside the exit in a plume of dust.
One of them limp towards it, turning to the others in despair. "I don't think... King Peppy made it."
A shadowed figure could be seen through the clouds of dust, eventually turning out to be... Princess Viva.
"Your highness," the village clamored in confusion and disbelief. "Where's His Majesty?"
Viva turned her head towards the crowd as her knees gave out, legs folding from physical and emotional exhaustion. "He's... he's gone."
She cried, sobbing to herself quietly as she looked down to her sister in her arms. "Our dad is gone."
So... Viva becomes queen. 🤪
I call it the Ascension AU. HUGE credit of inspiration to neonross_ on tiktok for their change of course trolls au!! Never would have dreamt this up without their genius. It's where brozone never broke up, and parts of it are still being revealed, so head over there and check it out!!
Might elaborate on how the plot of the first movie's plot would've developed with this change, so let me know if you guys would be interested in that! More writing and art coming soon!
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Class of Villainy - Villainous Dorm Rooms
When the new students arrived at DuPont, they knew that the old dorm rooms were too boring and shabby for villains such as themselves. They gave the staff an ultimatum. Change the rooms, or incur their wrath. Wanting to avoid more trouble, magic was used to give the dorms an upgrade.
Marinette & Alya: These two eccentric young villainesses quickly formed a bond over their love of tormenting others, becoming the best of friends as they conjured up cruel tricks and traps. They're also each other's wicked wingwomen in the dating scene.
Marinette's Side: A room with a black and white motif. The place where Marinette stores her favorite outfits and accessories. There's a huge fur closet for all of her coats. Alya's Side: A huge lab with all kinds of potions and chemicals. There are a few transformed objects and transformed people that she has captured as her pets.
Adrien & Nino: Bonding over their love of deception and manipulating the weak minded, these tricksters quickly became the vilest of best bros, sharing a laugh over their best cons and scams. Adrien's Side: A small lair which has a similar vibe to the palace of Agrabah. There's a snake motif to the place, and a little birdcage for Wayhem. Nino's Side: A mix between a circus tent and a fox hole.
Juleka & Rose: A devoted pair of villainous lovers, the Candy Queen and the Mistress of Evil couldn't be happier to share their space, placing aspects of themselves in the other's half as they rule side-by-side. Rose's Side: A bright and peppy room, pink serving as the main color, with a candy motif to everything along with a touch of sci-fi. Rose has her own mini racing track that she can drive around in. There's a light pink throne. Juleka's Side: A room very similar to her own castle. A gothic vibe, bats swarming the place, stone floors, and a black throne, everything lit by green flames.
Nathaniel & Marc: These two were paired up because the staff was threatened with decapitation if any other arrangement was made. Devoted to the bitter end, they rule over the school from their matching thrones. Marc's Side: A huge throneroom, lavish furniture, everything is dark and ominous. He has his magic mirror as well as his lab for poisons and potions. Nathaniel's Side: Similar to his throneroom in Wonderland. There's croquet mallets, axes, tarts, all fit for the Mad King.
Ismael & Alix: The King of the Savannah and the Queen of the Jungle plot out how to control their lands from the comfort of their room. One of their favorite pastimes is to pounce on each other when they least expect it. They also have various strings and other cat toys. Ismael's Side: A dark cave filled with furniture made of animal bones. Alix's Side: A jungle vibe, filled with the fur and bones of her enemies.
Kim & Max: Your classic bully-and-nerd pairing... sort of. Kim never seems to learn that trying to threaten and strong-arm Max into doing his homework always ends with him at the business end of some robotic weapon or another. Kim's Side: A room filled with workout equipment and body parts from all of the animals he's killed. Max's side: It's pretty much a mini supervillain lair, filled with gadgets and robots. Max gets very annoyed with people touching his things, so he's got a very hi-tech security system.
Chloe & Sabrina: Haughty and imperious, these aristocrats quickly found common ground in their love of looking down on others. They spend their time planning new ways to make people they dislike feel like dirt. Chloe's Side: A huge and lavish room, yet with a dark and shadowy vibe. Her bed is absolutely enormous. Sabrina's Side: A mix between a pawn shop and a cave full of diamonds.
Jean & Reshma: With their shared love of all things golden and shiny, you'd think these two would be a perfect match. However, territorial feelings over their respective hoards has led them to clash more than once! Jean's Side: Modeled after an underwater cave, filled with his treasure that they have collected over the years. Reshma's Side: Looks simlar to her cabin in Captain Anarka's pirate ship. Also filled with various riches that she plundered.
Ivan & Denise: Quickly forming a bond over their mutual love of the dark and macabre, these two have a longstanding game of sorts, trying to frighten the other. (Ivan finds Denise's shadows to be fine company!) Denise's Side: Modeled after their families shop, but with their own dark twist. Ancient masks, bones, and talismans are everywhere. Ivan's Side: Looks like a haunted casino. Skulls, a huge roulette wheel, a cooking pot, and the walls are covered with bugs. There's also various instruments of torture hung up on the walls.
Simon & Aurore: A match made in the pits of hell. Aurore's endless amount of energy and lack of any sort of order causes Simon to think about committing the most vile sin of all... killing one of his friends. Aurore just thinks they don't know how to have fun! Simon's Side: They have an incredibly religious room. Crosses and prayer books everywhere. There's a painting of Virgin Mary on the wall and a huge fireplace. Aurore's Side: Messy as all hell. Potions and spell ingredients everywhere, an absolute pigsty of a shack.
Mylene & Mireille: One brings fire and the other brings water from the depths of the sea. You'd think these two would despise each other, but they actually get along quite well... when Mylene isn't dousing Mireille's flaming hair, that is. (The sea witch finds Tikki and Plagg to be adorable and enjoys messing with them.) Mylene's Side: A coral reef design, looks like an aquatic lair. Filled with various trinkets and potions. Has a magical mirror where she can view the poor unfortunate souls that failed to complete her contracts, trapped in the depths of the sea. Also has a small house for her electric eels. Mireille's Side: A cavernous room fit for the young Goddess of Death. There's a portal inside where they can travel to the Underworld and fill out her duties. Her side of the room is flameproof, allowing them to safely rage out when things aren't going her way.
Zoe & Kagami: A pair of ruthless militants with an urge to overthrow their parents. These two quickly bonded over a shared love of swordplay, and running their enemies into the ground. They frequently duel for fun, and plan to unite their nations after graduation. Kagami's Side: Set up in a similar manner to the Huns war camp. The room is decorated with the armor and weapons from her fallen enemies. Zoe's Side: A well-furnished and lavish room, styled after her room from the Palace of the Southern Isles. It's elegant, but there's a cold feeling in the air.
Cosette & Lacey: A pair of treacherous snakes, these two quickly found that they couldn't pull the wool over the other's eyes, and grew to respect each other for it. They often trade methods of manipulation and gaslighting. Lacey's Side: Styled after the top of a medieval tower. A dark and sinister room, filled with weapons and disguises. Cosette's Side: A room very similar to an office. Very tidy, with desks and mugs.
Ondine & Luka: The two sidekicks actually get along quite well, sharing an overall relaxed vibe. Luka will even flirt with the redhead at times, just to anger Kim. (The tantrum that Kim had when he found out she had a male roommate is LEGENDARY). Ondine's Side: A relatively ordinary dorm room, since she was already going here as a student. Well, everything’s normal except for the huge amount of pictures and memorbilia belonging to Kim. She even has a huge painting of him above her fireplace. Luka's Side: A dark and ominous musical vibe. There's a huge pipe organ, and a grand piano that activates a trap door.
And that’s who’s rooming together at DuPont! Thank you to @msweebyness for writing the parts about the character dynamics (which I edited a tiny bit, but it’s mostly her!). Lemme know if you have any opinions or ideas in replies, reblogs, and asks. @artzychic27 and @msweebyness 
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georgi-girl · 1 year
Babble: Track Six
Try not to get worried 
Try not turn onto 
Problems that upset you 
Don’t you know 
Everything’s Alright
Yes Everything’s Fine 
And we want you to sleep well tonight
Let the world turn without you tonight
Joy blinked. She was in the giant meadow again. Last she remembered; Riley was hanging out with Renee. Renee let Bridget hug her. They went to Riley’s room. Did they fall asleep together? 
She heard singing and went towards the sound. A group of trolls were dancing in a clearing, singing something that sounded like Die Young.
Joy heard Renee speak to her. “This is the communal memory of the day before the Trolls were fused with me. They’re excited about an upcoming anniversary tomorrow.”  
Joy watched them dance, sensing her namesake emotion radiate through their music. 
A voice spoke behind her.
“What are you doing?”  
Joy squeaked and turned around. An angry, grey-skinned Troll man was glaring at her. One hand holding a basket of leaves, the other fisted on his hip. 
“I, I, well I....” Joy stammered under his gaze. Renee spoke to her again. 
“He thinks you’re part of the memory. Play along.” 
Joy extended her hand. “Helloooo.”
An orange troll wearing a leaf crown came over. 
“What’s going on Branch?” He looked at Joy. “Oh My!” 
A pink troll woman in a blue dress came from behind him. She beamed at Joy. “Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Princess Poppy! I love your hair!” 
Joy beamed back at her. “Hi yourself! I’m Joy! I love your hair!” 
“Don’t talk to her!” the grey troll snapped at Princess Poppy. “She could be a spy for the Bergens!” 
“Yeah right! Like a Bergen spy would look like that!” Poppy gestured to Joys’ overall look. Joy looked at her arms. She probably did look like a fellow troll to them.  
“Can we stop with the yelling?” On the other side of the clearing, spoke a lilac troll with blue/aqua hair standing on one leg with the other balanced on his knee in the tree pose. “Bad for one’s chakras.” 
“Fine then! Your funerals!” The grey troll huffed, then stomped away. The crowd parted for him. 
“He seems... nice.” Joy tried to be polite. 
“You can say it.” the orange troll said. “Branch is a grump. But he’s a grump who’s a good lookout.” extended his arm and introduced himself as King Peppy. Joy shook his hand, and felt an excited spark go up her arm. 
Poppy showed her around the tiny, beautiful village. The people were so funny, and zany, and colorful, and cheerful. 
During her eighth introduction, Joy glanced at a hill. Branch the grey troll was there, silently judging them from a distance.
“Is grey a normal color for trolls?” She asked.
“Nope.” Poppy looked over at Branch too. He walked of when he noticed her looking at him. “It’s something that you become sometimes.”
“So much negativity,” said the lilac troll, still in his yoga pose, “Bad for one’s Reiki.”
“Poor guy looks so gloomy compared to everyone else.”
Poppy sighed; “Nothing makes him happy. Not my best songs, not a big party, as future queen it’s my job to cheer everyone up. But he’s the only one I can’t cheer up.” 
Joy watched her as she talked. She seemed totally different from earlier. 
“Princess Poppy, if I may ask, why is he so important to you?” 
Everyone looked around, even the lilac man. 
“Is it because he’s so different from the others? Or... is it because he’s... someone... important...to” 
In her assigned bedroom, Riley, rolled over in her sleep. Renee slept peacefully beside her. 
Sadness looked around. She was outside the mind. In the desert. The sun shone overhead. The ground looked like a patchwork quilt. Sad banjo music came from a grove of cacti in the distance. 
It was a dream of a memory. In the physics of a dream, she floated over to the cacti, which were actually houses. Between the houses, horse-hoofed trolls were singing a ballad about roses and thorns. 
The Mayors’ brother-in-law died this morning. They’re having his funeral. 
In the center was a coffin with holes cut in the front for the legs to stick out. Next to the coffin was a red-haired troll woman playing a banjo. And next to her was a green-haired troll woman holding a crying baby. 
“They don’t like it when people try to cheer them up. They prefer to muddle through their pain by themselves.” 
Sadness walked closer to the crowd, which now seemed to form a square dance. The people were so sad, their own tears came to life and cried. Sadness couldn’t help herself from going “Awww.”
Instantly, everyone noticed her. The mayor screamed and held out her banjo like a weapon, while her family members clung to her. everyone in the crowd backed away several paces. Sadness held up a hand in greeting. “Uh... Sorry for your loss.” 
A small wind-down later... 
“So where’d you tumble in from?” 
“I’m, uh, traveling. I’m sorry I interrupted your funeral.”
Sadness and the Mayor sat on a porch together. Country trolls watched them with suspicion. 
“Eh. Don’t worry about it. We’re used to things getting rough.
Sadness asked; “Is there anyone you can ask for help?”  
“HA!” The mayor laughed. “Like anyone would wanna help us. We take care of our own out here.” 
Sadness looked around at the nodding faces. In the window of a cactus inn, she saw two yellow faces looking out at her. Then a window being drawn.  
“Well,” she spoke polite as ever. “if you ever DO want help... you could… always… maybe...” 
Renee woke up, stretched her arms, and fell back asleep. 
Anger looked around. The ground was literally lava. And the sounds of a fight were everywhere. Funny green scaley people were storming a volcano like it was a castle. And a bunch of dark colored trolls in leather were driving them off. 
Anger grinned; “Nice.” 
A troll with a red mohawk saw him from an upper ledge. She called down to him; “Yo! What’s with the tie?” that tie is not rock and roll!”
“Sorry. I’m... new around here.” 
She leapt down and landed next to him. “Here,” she spoke as she loosened the tie and set it on him as a headband. “Much cooler.” 
“Thanks!” Anger told her. 
A green invader came running at them, screaming like crazy. The troll woman took the guitar strapped to her back and played a reel. Red flashes of light blasted the invader way way away. The woman was blown backwards. Anger ran to her and helped her up. “You okay?” 
“Ugh,” she cracked her back. “I’ll live.” 
“You did pretty good.” 
“No I didn’t! But I will one day. My dad and I have a plan. We’re building all kinds of weapons. Soon we’ll make it so that nobody messes with us ever again!” 
Another troll called down from a window. “Princess Barb! Come quick! Your father needs you!” 
Barb instantly ran off. “DAD!” Anger ran after her. They ran through a tunnel that lead up to an ash-coated room. An old, black troll man was on the floor trembling all over like he was having a seizure. A blue troll and a purple troll stood by him. 
“His shakes are getting worse,” said the purple troll, “He can’t play like this!” 
Barb knelt in front of the shaking king. “Dad...”  She tried to take his hand. 
“You have to go on Barbara...” he spoke in a heavy gravel voice. 
Barb steeled herself, then picked up a guitar from the floor. Anger looked around. There were all sorts of equipment for making instruments, just like in the YouTube videos Riley watched. At the far end of the room was a guitar-in-progress with a stylized skull attached to it. 
Barb went to the window, holding the guitar and lifting up a guitar pick. 
Anger walked towards her. “That plan you mentioned... what exactly...” 
Barb played a riff that sent shockwaves everywhere, blasting her backwards right into Anger!
The door to Riley’s room cracked open. Bridget glanced at the two girls sleeping together. She smiled and closed the door.
Fear clung to the metal pipe in terror. Where was he? How did he get here? Why wasn’t Riley there? All around him were shiny lights and weird machines.
Out of the blue, he heard Renee’s voice cooing in his ear. Don’t worry. The trolls here are kind. They won’t hurt you.
Fear looked around, trying to find where the voice came from, when a freaking hover disk swooped into view!
“Hey Dude!” The pink llama creature greeted him. Fear yelped and let go of the pipe. He plummeted down, down, to certain death!… for about four seconds. The pink llama man swooped down and caught him, taking him safely to the metallic floor of wherever he was.
“You okay little guy?” The llama asked.
“Yeah yeah yeah. Cool cool cool.” Fear shivered as he stepped off the disk.
“How’d you get here?”
“I have no idea.”
The llama troll smiled, his gold-clipped dreadlocks shimmered slightly. “You must have gotten sucked into the vents. No worries. We can drop you off at your home. In the meantime…” he gestured to the grand mechanical city around them. “Please enjoy the sights of Vibe City: traveling sky ship. Courtesy of me,” he gestured to himself, “Prince Darnell.”
“Prince!” Fear fumbled with his arms, not sure what to do, until finally settling on saluting. “Sir!”
Prince Darnell laughed. “You can call me D.”
Hanging out with Prince D was like being on a romantic date. He showed Fear all around his home. He even flew him by the royal quarters where the King and Queen lived.
“I’m sure they’d love to meet you,” Prince D told Fear, “but they don’t like going outside very much.”
“Aww! Why’s that?”
“It’s a long story. I didn’t know myself until a few years ago.”
“If they’re scared, it might help to talk about it. I’m great at giving safety tips.”
“You’re very kind. But it’ll take more than tips to make it in this world. That’s why we never leave the ship. There’s a lot of sketchy folks out there.”
Fear tilted his head. “Sketchy? Like who?”
“Well…” Prince D’s whole being glitched, like a bad streaming experience. His face pixelated and his voice distorted to the point where Fear couldn’t understand him.
Something is happening. I think I’m…
Miguel threw the door open and turned on the light. “You girls have to get up! NOW!”
Riley and Renee sat up in shock, shreds of sleep still clinging to them.
Miguel ran to the bed. “Chef is coming!” I don’t know how but she knows everything! Where is the harp?”
Renee held up the harp, strung around her neck like a necklace.
Loud stomping came closer to the doorway. Renee plucked a string at random.
When the guards came in, they saw a shining, yellow-skinned man standing next to the bed, wearing a black tailcoat. He strode in front of the interns. Manifesting a spear, he pointed it at the guards. “May I have this dance?” He asked them with a smile.
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lafflanes · 2 years
i decided to write down all the names on the name generator in Toontown Rewritten for convenience sake (since the TTR wiki doesnt seem to have it, and TTR has more names in the name generator than TTO did), and i thought itd be useful for other people as well!!
the list is under the cut, theres a looooot of names so i just grouped them by letter
please let me know if i left out or misspelled anything!
Title: Aunt Baron, Big Cap'n, Captain, Chef, Chief, Coach, Colonel, Cool, Count, Crazy Daring, Deputy, Dippy, Doctor, Dr., Duke Fancy, Fat Good ol', Grand ol', Granny, Grumpy Judge King Lady, Little, Loopy, Loud, Lucky Madame, Master, Miss, Mister, Mr., Mrs. Noisy Prince, Princess, Prof. Queen Sergeant, Sheriff, Silly, Sir, Skinny, Super Ugly Weird
First: Abigail, Albert, Alice, Alvin, Angel, April, Arnold, Astrid, Astro, Aurora B.D., Banjo, Barbara, Barney, Bart, Batty, Beany, Beatrix, Bebop, Becky, Bella, Bentley, Beppo, Bert, Billy, Bingo, Binky, Biscuit, Bizzy, Blinky, Bob, Bonbon, Bongo, Bonkers, Bonnie, Bonzo, Boo Boo, Boots, Bouncey, Bridget, Bruce, Bubbles, Bud, Buford, Bumpy, Bunky, Buster, Butch, Buzz C.J., C.W., Candy, Carol, Casper, Cecil, Chester, Chewy, Chip, Chipper, Chirpy, Chunky, Claire, Clancy, Clara, Clarence, Cliff, Clover, Clyde, Coconut, Comet, Cookie, Corky, Corny, Cranky, Crazy, Cricket, Crumbly, Cuckoo, Cuddles, Curly, Curt Daffodil, Daffy, Daphne, Darla, Dave, Davey, David, Dee Dee, Dinky, Dizzy, Domino, Dot, Dottie, Drippy, Droopy, Duchess, Dudley, Duke, Dusty, Dynamite Elmer, Ernie Fancy, Fangs, Felix, Finn, Fireball, Flapjack, Flappy, Fleabag, Flint, Flip, Flora, Fluffy, Freckles, Fritz, Frizzy, Funky, Furball Gale, Garfield, Gary, Giggles, Ginger, Graham, Grouchy, Gulliver, Gus, Gwen Hans, Harry, Harvey, Hazel, Hector, Holly, Hoppy, Huddles, Huey J.C., J.J., Jack, Jackie, Jacques, Jade, Jake, Jay, Jazzy, Jellyroll, Jenny, Jester, Jimmy, Johnny, Jonah, Joyce Kiki, Kippy, Kit, Knuckles Ladybug, Lancelot, Leo, Leonardo, Leroy, Lily, Lionel, Lloyd, Lollipop, Loony, Loopy, Louie, Lucky, Lucy, Lulu Mabel, Mac, Maggie, Marigold, Mary, Max, Maxie, Maxwell, Melody, Midge, Midnight, Mildew, Miles, Milton, Mitzi, Mo Mo, Moe, Molly, Monty, Murky Nathan, Ned, Nelly, Nutmeg, Nutty Octavia, Olaf, Olive, Olivia, Orville, Oscar, Oswald, Ozzie P.J., Pancake, Patsy, Patty, Peaches, Peanut, Pearl, Pebbles, Penelope, Penny, Pepper, Peppy, Petunia, Phil, Pickles, Pierre, Pinky, Pippy, Poe, Popcorn, Poppy, Presto, Punchy Rainbow, Raven, Reggie, Rhubarb, Ricky, Robin, Rocco, Rodney, Roger, Rollie, Romeo, Rory, Roscoe, Rose, Rosey, Rosie, Rover, Roxy, Ruby, Rusty Sadie, Sally, Salty, Sammie, Sandy, Sassy, Scooter, Skids, Skip, Skipper, Skippy, Slippy, Slumpy, Smirky, Smudge, Snappy, Sneezy, Sniffy, Snuffy, Soupy, Spiffy, Spike, Spotty, Spunky, Squeaky, Star, Stinky, Stripey, Stubby, Sunny, Sunshine, Susan, Sylvia Taffy, Tammy, Teddy, Tegan, Tex, Tom, Tricky, Trixie, Truffles, Tubby, Tutu, Twister Ursula Valentine, Velma, Veronica, Vicky, Violet, von Wacko, Wacky, Waldo, Wally, Wendy, Wesley, Whiskers, Whitney, Wilbur, William, Willow, Winnie Yappy, Yippie Z.Z., Zach, Zachary, Zany, Ziggy, Zilly, Zippety, Zippy, Zoinks, Zowie
Last (first part): Bagel, Banana, Barnacle, Bean, Beanie, Biggen, Bizzen, Blubber, Boingen, Bumber, Bumble, Bumpen Cheezy, Crinkle, Crumble, Crunchen, Crunchy, Cuddle Dandy, Dizzen, Dizzy, Doggen, Dyno Electro Feather, Fiddle, Fizzle, Flippen, Flipper, Flower, Fluffen, Frazzle, Frinkel, Fumble, Funny, Fuzzy Giggle, Glitter, Google, Grumble, Gumdrop Honey, Huckle, Hula Jabber, Jeeper, Jelly, Jiffy, Jiggle, Jingle, Jinx, Jumble Kooky Laffen, Lemon, Loopen Mac, Mc, Mega, Mizzen Nickel Octo Paddle, Pale, Pedal, Pepper, Petal, Pickle, Pillow, Pinker, Poodle, Poppen, Precious, Pumpkin, Purple Razzle, Rhino, Riddle, Robo, Rocken, Ruffle Slimey, Smarty, Snaggle, Sniffle, Snorkel, Sour, Spackle, Sparkle, Squiggle, Super, Swinkle Thunder, Tinker, Toppen, Tricky, Tweedle, Twiddle, Twinkle Wacky, Weasel, Whisker, Whistle, Wild, Witty, Wonder, Wrinkle Ziller, Zippen, Zooble
Last (second part): batch, bee, beep, berry, blabber, bocker, boing, boom, bop, bounce, bouncer, brains, bubble, bumble, bump, bumper, burger, butter chomp, corn, crash, crumbs, crump, crunch dazzle, doodle, dorf face, fidget, fink, fish, flap, flapper, flinger, flip, flipper, fluff, fuddy, fussen gabber, gadget, gloop, glop, glow, goober, goose, grin, grooven, grump hoffer, hopper jinks klunk, knees loop, loose marble, mash, masher, melon, mew, monkey, mooch, muddle, muffin, mush nerd, noodle, nose, nugget paws, phew, phooey, pocket, poof, pop, pounce, pow, pretzel quack roni scooter, screech, smirk, snooker, snoop, snout, socks, son, song, sparkles, speed, spinner, splat, sprinkles, sprocket, squeak, sticks, stink, swirl tail, teeth, thud, toes, ton, toon, tooth, twist whatsit, whip, whirl, wicket, wig, wiggle, wire, woof zaner, zap, zapper, zilla, zoom, zoop
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Inseparable - Chapter 10
Tags: Broppy, not rated, slow burn fluff, Trolls Mythology Au
Ao3 is here
Notes: This chapter is a little less fluffy xD I have the plot to do, it's not some random fluff scenes I dreamed xd Ok, maybe, but anyway, this has a plot and I think this fanfic will be 22 chapters long... I count it at this moment like that. I hope it isn't overwhelming or sth for ya... Well, if you arrive here and read this then I guess you enjoy it so no, it's not xd Anyway! New chapter! 2256 words, if someone asks. Enjoy :D
- So - Poppy grins with the whole of her sunny pink face. - How was your sleeping?
Branch rubs his eye with one hand, cause he’s holding the Staff of Light in another one. 
- Well, I just realized that I hadn't slept since… - He yawns loudly. - I don't know, never?
- But how was it? - The goddess tilts her head on a side like a puppy.
He takes a very long and deep breath.
- Boring - He breathes out.
- Ha! I told ya!
- Yeah, yeah - He waves his hand. - I hope the surprise will be worth it.
- I swear It'll be! - She beams with her twinkling freckles on her pink cheeks. - Just wait for the sunrise!
He makes this face she likes so much. He frowns, smiles, and slightly chuckles, looking with his calm sight into her vivid eyes like into two sparkling diamonds. The goddess of the Day smiles at him, melting a bit inside.
The god of the Night corrects his grip on the Staff and offers the goddess his arm to hold. 
While they are walking for the rest of the Night, doing nothing interesting for me or you, my reader, just walking and talking and taking care of the Night, I'll let you into the story about the Gold Sphere. Or, like Immortals like to call it: the story of Rose.
This is the longest and the saddest tale Immortals know. The whole known world got started from Chaos. No one knows what Chaos is and Chaos never gives answers. All it does is create what the world needs - at least Immortals believe that. No one knows who creates the Chaos and who controls it. Was there anything before? Will it be the end of it one day? All they know is what the oldest ones remember - King Peppy and Queen Rose. 
When the Chaos created them, It left them on the Earth without a word of explanation. The White Sky and the empty Land already existed, but there was nothing else than that. Peppy looked at the world and then at Rose. They both felt really lonely. They discovered their power quite quickly - it was the power similar to Chaos, the power of creation. Peppy immediately came up with an idea. He asked Rose if she wanted to work together to fill the Earth with life. She agreed, and that's how Peppy became the god of Friendship.
The first thing they created was the little creatures, looking quite similar to them, but much smaller, and with a different matter. They named them ‘trolls’ and taking care of them quickly became their only goal and desire.
They made them as similar to Immortals as it was possible, but giving them all they had wasn’t enough. Trolls didn’t have free will, feelings, awareness, and eternal life. The essence of immortality was indivisible and uncreatable, its only source was Chaos. But trolls had dual nature, their physical bodies were filled with life-giving souls, the bounty from The Queen and the King. And the physical nature of trolls had needs. Trolls needed to eat and drink. Well, that's when Meadow, the goddess of plants, and Milton, the god of critters, came and created flora and fauna on the Land. Then Trollex, the god of the Ocean and Seas, came from the Chaos and he and his squires made pools, lakes, and rivers filled with fresh and clear water.
Soon, Gods cottoned on that even if trolls had food to eat and water to drink, their physical bodies still died, and the souls didn’t have a place to come. That's when Barb and Riff came on the Earth and created the land under land, calling it Underworld.
The world got filled with life. One by one Immortals came from the Chaos and brought necessary things to the Earth. King Peppy took care of the gods' teamwork and Queen Rose guarded the world order, as she became the goddess of Harmony. She was Immortals' inspiration, she gave them many ideas on how to make the Land more and more beautiful for trolls to be happy. The Peace was on the Earth and among trolls, but Immortals still felt that there was a lack of something.
A few days after Peppy's and Rose's egg was born and gods were celebrating happily the first Immortals' child, a different kind of god came from the Chaos. He went to the Palace of Harmony and bowed in front of King Peppy and Queen Rose. He had a gold instrument in his hands, playing unknown kinds of music. They asked him about his name and his auspice, and he introduced himself as Chaz, the god of Falsehood and Betrayal. He explained that those were really necessary things, something special for trolls and Immortals. Peppy and Rose let him walk among trolls until they noticed he created the untidiness. Trolls were divided and fought with each other. That's how War and Hate appeared in the world. Peppy and Rose saw it was bad, and they exiled Chaz, throwing him back into the Chaos.
After that, Peppy became wary. He didn't want something wrong to happen with his and Rose's child. Restoring las and order after Chaz lasted for so long and cost Immortals much effort. He took a scared look at Chaos from time to time, fearing what would come from it next.
And sooner than they expected, the new god came from the Chaos and stood in front of the Queen and the King. He bowed politely, holding a long dried branch as a staff in his hand. His long grey capote covered his whole body and the hoodie on his head didn't let anybody see his face. Rose asked him about his auspice and he humble introduced himself as the god of the Silence and Darkness. This time Peppy ordered him to explain and show what those things were. The stranger described, with his sound, soft voice, that Darkness was lack of Light and the Silence was the lack of Music. He showed them both things and Peppy got scared. He wanted to exile him to the Chaos immediately, which made the unnamed god freeze. But Rose stopped the King with the argument that the stranger did nothing wrong yet. He didn't deserve to be exiled for no reason. Peppy cooled down and agreed to not throw him back to the Chaos. But he banned him from doing anything on the Earth, even walking. He pointed at the forlorn cave as a place to stay for him. The god without a name left the Palace with no word. Rose was mad at Peppy, that he broke the friendship promise between them and made an order without her agreement, but she couldn't do anything, it was too late. She could just watch as the stranger in a hoodie walked away.
A few days later, a new god appeared. His slinky gait was boldly echoing in the Palace of Harmony. He stood in front of the King's and Queen's thrones and took a look into their eyes. He announced his name was Creek and he's the god of Greed and Vainglory. He judged them for taking thrones without others' agreement. He ordered them to step down and let the Immortals decide who is the king or he would force them to leave their thrones. Peppy chuckled, being sure about his and Rose's power and right. But then suddenly, the god in the hoodie appeared between Queen and Creek. He fell unconscious almost at the same moment. A sharp knife was in his chest and the gold blood screamed slowly from the wound. Creek had one more knife in his hand and threw it at Rose once again. But this time the goddess was aware of the danger. She caught the knife in the air and attacked. Peppy quickly joined in. The fight was long, two powerful Immortals against one, but Rose and Peppy couldn't throw Creek back to the Chaos. He was too strong. They could only keep him in one place, stalling the endless fight where no one could die.
The essence of immortality was a huge power and only the same force was strong enough to destroy it. Rose knew about it. Without speaking to Peppy, the goddess cumulated whole her immortality essence and attacked Creek with all of its might. The god of Vainglory shivered and with the big light explosion his immortality, and Rose's, were destroyed. With Peppy's last hit Creek fell dead on the Palace's floor. 
Queen cumulated her power into the Gold Sphere, knowing that her mortal body couldn't hold it. Peppy was looking at her helplessly and hopelessly. He knew what the dead body of Creek meant for Rose. The Queen would also die, soon or later.
But Rose didn't say anything to him. She walked through the throne hall with a glowing Sphere in her hand. The unnamed god still was there on the floor. He took the knife from his chest, and the wound started to heal. Moonbloom, the goddess of Health, was drying his chest from gold blood, but when she saw Rose, she stepped back.
The Queen got down to the god and asked:
- What is your name?
He hesitated a bit, but then he breathed out:
- I don't have any.
The goddess looked at his staff lying next to him.
- What about 'Branch'?
He looked up at her. 
- If you say so, my Queen, I would be honored to take this name.
She smiled at him. 
- You are a really good person, Branch. Thank you. You wanted to lay down your own life for me. I want to give you twice more in return. - With that saying, she showed him the Gold Sphere. She handed it to him. - Branch, I need a rest. Can you hold this for me?
The god was ruffled, but he grabbed the Sphere with both of his hands. His touch changed the light of it from gold to blue and all known light of the Day faded. But nobody protested. 
- I trust you, Branch - Rose announced gazing at him with a friendly smile.
The god said nothing. He was shivering. He took his staff and put the Sphere on the top of it. The little vines grew from it and tightly embraced the Sphere. That's how the Staff of the Light was created and that's when the first Night happened. It was a long, sad time of Darkness and Silence, Immortals were in the mourning because of Rose. Peppy cried. But Rose was calm. She had been aware of what she had done. She was glad everyone was safe.
The Queen lived to see her daughter's sweet pink smile. She was bringing her up with Peppy for a few years until she died. Riff led her soul to the Underworld, but she faded until they arrived. He stared at the Chaos for so long this Night, the very same Chaos where he had thrown the dead body of Creek. 
Branch remembers this Night much better than others, even than King Peppy. He remembers finding Riff crying on the edge of the world. It was the darkest Night also for the god of the Silence.
He looks at the Staff of the Light in his hand, glowing slightly in blue. He glances at Poppy, playing with a lightning bug on her finger. The insect is walking through her hand when she's moving it to keep the bug always on the top. Branch tilts his head down and blows into it and the bug flies from her pink hand and lands on her nose. She squints. The god chuckles what makes the goddess smile. 
- Do you remember your mother? - He asks after a moment of Silence.
Poppy blinks at the sudden question.
- Umm... I have a few memories of her - She starts slowly. - But... Why are you asking?
Branch looks at the Gold Sphere. 
- I'm just... She was the bravest person I've known - He whispers. - I'm sad that she's not here anymore.
Poppy gazes at him silently. She feels it too. She misses her mother, how wouldn’t she? But on the other hand, the feeling that everyone knows her mum much better than her, makes her... a bit jealous. Especially that nobody wants to tell her, why her mum was mortal, but she isn't. All she knows about her mum was her name is Rose, she created the Gold Sphere and she died. She asked her dad many times, but he avoided the topic. Other Immortals got sad as she asked. She doesn't know. But maybe... Maybe Branch would tell her?
- She said she wanted to give me twice more than my own life - Branch adds quietly, interrupting her thoughts. - I still can’t believe… She really did it
The goddess frowns at his words.
- As I understand, one is the Staff - She points at the Sphere. - And the second?
Branch turns to her and smiles gently. She doesn't get why. He offers her his arm to walk and only then she realizes what he means. Her cheeks turn red of course. Her heart beats faster of course. And she can't get enough of it.
The goddess sighs. Well, maybe she will ask him about her mum, but not now. The questions can wait a bit. She grins at him but pushes his arm. 
- Let's stay here a bit longer - Poppy says. - Here is a really good view of the meadow. You can make a dew from here.
- You're right - He chuckles and gets down to take a bit of water from the nearest pond.
The goddess watches him with a smile. "Oh, just you wait until the morning - She thinks. - I'll show you. I'll make your pretty face purple, I'll make your heart rush. Just you wait, my dear. Just you wait."
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callunavulgari · 3 years
Tumblr media
“Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds.”
Heather’s Top 50 Songs of 2021
start a war — klergy // ily — surf mesa & emilee // in the blood — darren korb & ashley barrett // think about us — little mix // kings & queens — ava max // real boy — lola blanc // the search — nf // experience — ludovico ienaudi & starkey // moonlight densetsu — patrick moon bird // howl's the wolf — kila // inferno — hiroyuki sawano // demons — hayley kiyoko // voidfish — rachel rose mitchell // will you follow me into the dark — klergy & mindy jones // providence — eternal eclipse // unicorn wizard — ninja sex party // me too — meghan trainor // umbrella — rihanna // colors flying high — lollia // progress — dear hunter // montero — lil nas x // underworld — cypress // midas — skott // tell me — johnny jewel // story — nf // levitating — dua lipa // error — niki, kradness // runaway lvl 2 — aurora // follow you — imagine dragons // shum — go_a // farewell wanderlust — the amazing devil // from the edge — fictionjunction // fire — saint mesa // touch it clean — dj raulito // the devil you know — x ambassadors // grand escape — radwimps // good 4 u — olivia rodrigo //  the killing kind — marianas trench // transparent soul — willow // devil i know — allie x // thunderous — stray kids // your ex-lover is dead — stars // holly holy — neil diamond // the village bride — kevin penkin // money — lisa // enemy — imagine dragons // dirty little animals — bones uk // inkpot gods — the amazing devil // eleanor rigby — cody fry // louder than words — andrew garfield
short version | long version | spotify wrapped
short version is the link to what you see here, my helpfully abridged version. long version will lead you to the 381 song, 23 hour and 42 minute supercut playlist which i’ve been slowly cultivating since early january. spotify wrapped will lead you to a mixture of the long and the short version, which is honestly pretty accurate but does not helpfully represent my ear worms of the week.
under the cut is me ranting about music, like usual. enjoy!
i. start a war || klergy if history is dead and gone then how did we get here, my god?
So, back in January I was driving home from work one day and this song came on as I was hitting the roundabout on Hamilton Rd, and I was immediately seized by the notion to write a role reversal wangxian AU. This eventually became the echo, as wide as the equator, which I didn't get around to publishing until March, but I wrote the second scene in the fic where Lan Wangji is thrown into the Burial Mounds that night. ii. ily || surf mesa & emilee i love you, baby and if it's quite all right i need you, baby
If I'm remembering right, this is another song that came on as I was driving home from work one day and immediately sunk it's claws into me. Pretty sure I found it in one of the spotify discovery weekly playlists. It's a little more repetitive than I typically like my earworms, but I just could not get it out of my brain. iii. in the blood || darren korb & ashley barrett home is not where you live but who cares when you're gone
Hades! It is a thing that happened to me. Very grand, had a great time. Played it for like two months straight and still whip it out every once in a while. Great game, 100/10. Highly recommend! iv. think about us || little mix oh, you put your hand on my waist and then you pull me close It's a bop. I love Little Mix's music, and this is the first I've heard of theirs since I found Salute in my Allison Argent phase back in... 2015? Ish? v. kings & queens || ava max and you might think i'm weak without a sword but if i had one, it'd be bigger than yours I cannot for the life of me remember if I just heard this on the radio or if it came to me through some kind of fandom playlist, but either way, it's just peppy enough that it got me through the last leg of winter. vi. real boy || lola blanc i can give you life with just a single whisper show you what the meaning of a heartbeat is
I wrote gonna make you feel, boy on my phone near the end of January all in one sitting. I had literally just woken up and it is one of the horniest things I wrote all damn year. Anyway, I made a couple playlists for Hades and this was on both of them. vii. the search || nf "hey, nate, how's life?" i don't know, it's alright i've been dealin' with some things like every human being and really didn't sleep much last night
This is another one where I'm not 100% sure where I found it, but I am so glad I did. My gut reaction is that it was another of the Discover Weekly mixes, but either way, I listened to this song every day for two to three weeks before I finally ventured out and listened to the whole album. Some really fantastic lyrics. viii. experience -remix- || ludovico einaudi & starkey *instrumental* I have loved this song since I watched the Sense8 finale back in 2016/2017. Despite the fact that the ending scene of the finale was basically a giant orgy, the song gave it such a depth of feeling that I ended up crying. Ever since then, this has been my go-to for background music whenever I'm writing something emotional. One of the Discover Weekly mixes threw me this remix and I immediately fell in love. ix. moonlight densetsu -remix- || patrick moon bird *instrumental*
I experienced this tiktok sometime in early March, and it is actually the motivation that finally made me download the damn app. Something about the vibe to it was just so weird and perfect. It had this dreamy quality to it while also somehow giving me flashbacks to the Happy Mask Salesman in Majora's Mask. Anyway, found the remix and saved it to my 2021 playlist, then a couple months down the line I'd end up heavily associating the song with Taako from The Adventure Zone. x. howl's the wolf || kila the wolf will run 'til rising sun the wolf will guide you in your dreams, run free
I ended up doing a trial of Apple TV for the sole purpose of watching Wolfwalkers when it came out. I loved the movie so much, which wasn't too much of a surprise since I think I've loved every single thing that studio has come out with since I first watched Song of the Sea back in 2016. xi. inferno || hiroyuki sawano though you can't see the sun a new day has begun I technically watched Promare back in 2020, but I ended up rewatching it in spring of this year because it just makes me so incandescently happy. I don't know what it is about it, but every time I watch it I end up getting teary by the end and a lot of it is this song, which just crawled into my ribcage and set up shop there. I'm so glad they added it to spotify. xii. demons || hayley kiroko please, forgive me, i've got demons in my head tryna eat me, tryna feed me lies until I'm dead
I did end up discovering this song long before it tethered itself to me as a Loki song (thanks to the beginning of episode three), which is why it shows up so early on this list. Anyway, I don't care what the lyrics say because I have definitely heard "he's fucking me, i've got demons in my head" literally all year. xiii. voidfish || rachel rose mitchell *instrumental* First things first, spoilers for the end of TAZ Balance if you click on the link that I'm about to link to. ANYWAY, I finally experienced The Adventure Zone this year! I read the first two TAZ comics at the beginning of the year and ended up finding this amazing animatic for a scene near the end of the series, and long story short, the combination of those two things finally ended up getting me past the first arc of the podcast, which is apparently all it took to hook me. Anyway, I have basically listened to Voidfish on repeat since I watched this animatic. The SHIVERS that I got at the line "there's magic in a bard song." God. Fantastic. xiv. will you follow me into the dark || klergy no trying to pretend we know where the story ends
Since I listened to a lot of Klergy in January, spotify ended up suggesting this one to me at some point in late spring and I just love the dreamy, melancholy thing that her voice does. This one hit me straight in my wangxian feels, like most of her songs do. xv. providence || eternal eclipse *instrumental*
There is a 95% chance that I found this song through SOME kind of fanvid, but I really don't remember which one. All I know is that Eternal Eclipse pumps out some absolute bangers and they're on a good portion of my writing playlists. xvi. unicorn wizard || ninja sex party sometimes i wish i was even more awesome than i already am. what would my life be like if i turned this shit up to eleven (out of a possible five)? I made a Taako playlist shortly after I finished The Adventure Zone and then uh, didn't actually publish it anywhere? Apparently? ANYWAY. There are 89 songs on the mix, including that remix of Moonlight Densetsu I was talking about earlier. Incidentally, the next few songs on this list are ALSO on the playlist. xvii. me too || meghan trainor who's that sexy thing I see over there? oh, that's me, standin' in the mirror
The most Taako of songs. I sort of love it. xviii. umbrella || rihanna now that it's raining more than ever know that we'll still have each other you can stand under my umbrella
Also on the Taako playlist. You know. Because of the... umbrella. And everything. Look, I thought it was hilarious. xix. colors flying high || lollia so choose a color to live by your goal, your faith, your virtue give it all be the best cause nothing less will do
I have been attempting to finish Persona 5 Royal since September of 2020. We ended up losing our cat, Mal, on September 20th and since I was playing Persona when it happened it has been REALLY hard to get through it. I am still technically on the last dungeon (third semester) but I've made progress. And yes, I know that I can just not play it, but I do love the game and really would like to know how it ends. xx. progress || the dear hunter with every ounce of passion i speak till my lungs both billow out i'll give you something to hope for. The Magnus Archives ended in March this year and I made the mistake of listening to the final episode on the way to work that day and basically crying in the parking lot before I went in. I spent my morning meeting combing through the tag on tumblr and found this artwork (spoilers obvs) which made a mention of this song in their tags. So obviously I went and listened to the song, then KEPT listening to it until lunchtime, when I wrote til my lungs both billow out on my break. Anyway, this song makes me have emotions. xxi. montero || lil nas x i'm not fazed, only here to sin if eve ain't in your garden, you know that you can Montero dropped at some point in the spring and put Lil Nas X on the map for me in a way that Old Town Road never did. It was great, it was catchy, the music video was genius, and I just love that man. I hope he goes far. xxii. underworld || cypress i've been searching for a home but i'm lost inside my mind, i'm trapped in the underworld
I think this was part of a Hades playlist. Very catchy. xxiii. midas || skott midas, you've got me thinking 'bout the story you've everything you ever wanted but will you ever get to hold me?
A spotify discover weekly discovery! Loved her voice, loved the lyrics. xxiv. tell me || johnny jewel ft saoirse ronan be mine for always
Her voice is just so sweet. Possibly another discover weekly find. As you can tell, I listened to a lot of them this year. xxv. story || nf too early to tell, but at this rate i'm thinkin' this might be a bad day
when listening to his album after finding the search earlier in the year, this one really was the first one that resonated. xxvi. levitating || dua lipa i got you, moonlight, you're my starlight i need you all night, come on, dance with me I still REALLY like Dua Lipa's music. xxvii. -error || niki, kradness 壊れているの? 壊れているよ
This is apparently a vocaloid song? I don't know. Somebody was talking about it on twitter and it just stuck with me. xxviii. runaway || aurora i was dancing in the rain i felt alive, and i can't complain This did catch on to tiktok for awhile, but I've been following Aurora's work for the last few years, so seeing her music really pop up there was an absolute delight. I adore her voice. xxix. follow you || imagine dragons i will follow you way down wherever you may go i'll follow you way down to your deepest low
I love Imagine Dragons. I don't care. Every song I've listened to of theirs has been amazing, and I think they have featured on these lists for the last five years. Pretty sure they sold their souls to consistently put out such bops. xxx. shum || go_a Весняночко, весняночко Де ти зимувала?
This was my first year actually paying attention to Eurovision, and holy hell, this song was AMAZING. I ended up looking through the rest of their work and finding other pieces I loved (which are in the longer version of this playlist) and anyway, I don't know, this song will forever make me think of 2021. xxxi. farewell wanderlust || the amazing devil i promise you i'm not broken i promise you there's more more to come, more to reach for, more to hurl at the door
I will forever be thankful for The Witcher because it led me to Joey Batey. I love him so much, and finding The Amazing Devil was a breakthrough for my whole year. Ruin coming out near the end of it was just as perfect! xxxii. from the edge || fictionjunction, lisa 今君はその刃を 何処へ振り下ろす? We watched Demon Hunter at some point in I think maybe late summer? It exceeded my expectations, which was great, even if it did fall into the same trap that I feel like a lot of animes do. The opening went hard. xxxiii. fire || saint mesa burn the broken road hear drums thunder shake in the smoke Not sure where I found it. 90% sure it was another discover weekly playlist. Love it, though. xxxiv. touch it clean -remix- || dj raulito touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it turn it, leave it, start - format it
I do entirely blame Tiktok for this one. xxxv. the devil you know || x ambassadors it's better to know the devil you know the devil you don't 'cause wherever you go, wherever you go with the devil you know your never alone
I think I discovered this one around the time I was mainlining every single season of Lucifer. I'd forgotten how much I loved X Ambassadors' music. xxxvi. grand escape || radwimps 夏風邪に焦る心が 夏をさらに早送るよ めまぐるしい景色の中 君だけが止まって見えた
Man, Weathering With You was amazing. Maybe not QUITE as amazing as Kimi No Na Wa, but it was really beautiful in its own right. This song actually made me cry in the car a few weeks ago. xxxvii. good 4 u — olivia rodrigo maybe i'm too emotional your apathy is like a wound in salt I really like her music. I don't care how similar it is to Paramore's. xxxviii. the killing kind || marianas trench if madness overtakes us both then nobody would be alone the ghost of us can linger here forever not to disappear
I actually found this song on a Magnus Archives fanvideo. The fanvideo was absolutely amazing! However, because I was watching Loki at the time, I then spent the next six to seven weeks in a feverish haze listening to it on repeat because it had solidified itself in my brain as the song that I thought of when I wrote Sylkius. According to my Spotify Wrapped, it is my most listened to song of 2021, which I listened to a very reasonable 137 times. And that isn't including the times I stopped it halfway through to play it again. xxxix. t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l || willow ft travis barker i knew a boy just like you he's a snake, just like you such a fake, just like you I actually ended up messaging one of my friend's asking if this was the same person who did the music for Ruby and he basically just texted me back with, lol Willow Smith??? And then I googled and realized that Willow was... Willow Smith. They do have very similar styles though, and I love her pipes! xl. devil i know || allie x i could pretend that i'm just praying now but i'm only on my knees
Also from the Lucifer phase. Unsurprisingly. They have a LOT of devil-themed songs in that show. xli. thunderous || stray kids bang bang bang boom man, i'm not sorry, i'm dirty I actually ended up finding out that season three of mo dao zu shi was out because @pingvi dropped this vid and I immediately lost my shit and went to go marathon the five episodes that I'd missed. This song is GREAT to listen to in the car and has bass that goes for days. Also, pingvi's videos are just as amazing as they've always been. xlii. your ex-lover is dead || stars there's one thing i want to say so i'll be brave you were what i wanted, i gave what i gave i'm not sorry i met you i'm not sorry it's over i'm not sorry there's nothing to save
This song has been on and off of my radar for years, largely because Life 2: The Unhappy Ending is still my favorite song in all of existence. This song ended up showing up on my discover weekly right as I was trying to write an Akira/Akechi fic for one of my Dark Month prompts - your ex-lover is dead, which I obviously named after the song, because that's how I roll with titles nowadays. Anyway. Good song. Sad feels. It was perfect. xliii. holly holy || neil diamond call the sun in the dead of the night and the sun's gonna rise in the sky
Watched Midnight Mass in October. May have fallen in love with the show itself and the few Neil Diamond songs that were featured. I loved it so much I ended up writing a Sylkius AU for the show. xliv. the village bride || kevin penkin & emi evans *instrumental*
I also watched Star Wars Visions during I day that I had off from food poisoning. I think this episode was my favorite, and this song followed me for weeks. xlv. money || lisa dun, da, la, la, dun-dun, dun, da-la-la, dun-dun dun, da, la, la, dun-dun, dropping on you Another song that I ended up discovering because @pingvi dropped an amazing fanvid. I cannot get over how they utilize sound and have ranted about it to more than one person. This is also a song that's fantastic to listen to in the car, particularly if you're on the highway and can really crank the bass. xlvi. enemy || imagine dragons i'm searching to behold the stories that are told when my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned Full disclosure: the long version of this playlist has basically the entirety of the Arcane soundtrack on it. Arcane was SO AMAZING. I loved it to pieces. This song is probably my favorite that Imagine Dragons has dropped in years and gives me incredibly intense Wei Wuxian feels. xlvii. dirty little animals || bones uk slide, shake your bones out if you wanna ride throw your head back, make you feel alive the kind of bad that make you feel good, good
Seriously, every song on the Arcane soundtrack is a gem, but this one is my favorite. If I remember right, it's the song that Jinx is listening to as she's tinkering. It just has so much energy. I LOVE it. xlviii. inkpot gods || the amazing devil and what you hear is not silence it's just the trees waiting to hear what next you'll hum and what you see is not the dark it's just the gods upturning ink pots 'cause they know what you'll become
Ruin coming out last month was amazing. I listened to the entire album twice through one Sunday morning after a friend tweeted about it and made me realize that it had finally dropped. Inkpot Gods was my favorite track and has made me cry at least two or three times since I started listening. I love it. I love this band. I love their music. It's so perfect. xlix. eleanor rigby || cody fry all the lonely people where do they all come from?
Tiktok lead me to this fantastic cover of The Beatles' Eleanor Rigby - specifically - this Tiktok - which made me flash back to at least six different anime phases. Anyway, the song is great and I get to sing it to my cat, whose name is Rigby. l. louder than words || tick, tick... boom cast if we don't wake up and shake up the nation we'll eat the dust of the world
Tick, Tick... Boom! did such a resounding number on my heart. This one hit harder than most. What does it take to wake up a generation, indeed.
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starbrightotaku · 4 years
New AU idea for Trolls, Trolls World Tour, and Trollstopia.
Princess Poppy has a huge secret. She has magic and a lot of it. On the day that the Bergen Chef finds them, she discovers the one she thought was her father King Peppy was his brother Parker a sorcerer who fell to the sway of the darkest of magic. Poppy gathers her courage and saves her people, exposing Parker's right hand woman Guffin as a traitor, and creating a peace treaty between the Trolls and the Bergen.
Flash forward five months to World Tour. Princess Poppy is making progress in the search for her parents and her poly relationship with Branch, Satin, Chanelle, Cooper, and Creek. Though she knows how much it will hurt them she has Biggie, and Guy Diamond evacuate their people to a sacred temple her paternal grandmother protected. While Creek, Satin, and Chanelle protect the remaining Trolls inside the Troll Tree. As after the events of the first movie King Gristle Junior tore down the building on one side of the tree and removed the cobblestones to create Troll Grove. While a part of the Pop Troll Kingdom is a place for the Troll leader and Bergen king to meet up to discuss their kingdoms. Poppy in the place of sharpened sticks presents Branch with a sword that had been passed down for generations in her mother's family. She declares him her loyal General and Knight Sir Branch the Valiant. First of the new order of the Storming Rose named for his firecracker of a grandma who attempted many escapes. Princess Poppy discovers her father had two wives. One her mother Queen Kari, the other Queen Percosia of the Techno Trolls. Kari cast a spell to ensure the children held an even mix of their DNA. While Poppy looked like a Pop Troll, her twin brother Trollex was a Techno Troll to the core. To keep their son and beloved safe, they had the two flee in the night back to Techno Reef. After the events of the World Tour, Barb says she wants to speak to the King of Pop to apologize for what she did. Poppy comments, she can when the Pop Trolls find him and the Queen. Delta, Quincy, Essence, and Trollzart are shocked. She as Princess ruled and protected her people alone?! Trollex feels ashamed because his newly discovered twin sister was alone in caring for a kingdom he felt responsible for too.
Several months later, Trollstopia is flourishing. Trollex and the other Tribe Leaders visit often. Trollex so he can get to know his sister. Then one day while Hickory, Tresillo, and Branch are on patrol with their unit find Parker's prisoners. To Branch's shock, it's not just Poppy's father and mother's who were held captive. His grandmother and his parents along with a little brother and little sister alive. Many other Trolls who were thought dead were found alive.
Peppy, Kari, and Percosia are shocked to say the least at what Poppy accomplished while they were imprisoned. The trio alternate embarrassing Poppy and Trollex. Trollex is constantly blushing due to his parents causing the embarrassment while Poppy just seems amused and laughs. Branch at first struggles living with his parents, little siblings, and grandma. But slowly learns to handle it.
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witcher-ot3 · 4 years
More Character Designs: (Im)Perfect Strangers
@void--punk​ introduced me to https://www.heroforge.com/ and I... may have gone a little crazy. But hey, figure someone might care and I like sharing things.
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Iorveth is the Commander of the Scoia’tael and is best known for uniting the disparate Scoia’tael units and leading them to Vergen’s aid to achieve victory during the Siege of Vergen. While many would easily believe that the elven commander would sooner die than stand alongside humanity in peace, Iorveth swore his service to Saskia of the Free Pontar Valley eagerly and has dedicatedly served at her side ever since.
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Ciaran served as Iorveth’s second in command for many years, but when the Scoia’tael Commander swore allegiance to Saskia of the Free Pontar Valley, Ciaran decided to lead a group of disgruntled Scoia’tael to form an elf (and a single dwarf)-only city. 
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Maeral is one of the most respected commanders to ever serve in the Scoia’tael. As the lead strike force, Maeral’s elite all-woman unit faces the highest odds of death. And yet, since Maeral’s unit rose to prominence, their death rate has been extraordinarily low.
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Kythaela is best known for her bright and peppy demeanor. It takes a great deal to dampen her spirits and she has often been known to smash through human guards with a laugh. Kythaela considers her biggest pride to be her inclusion in the elite woman-only strike force in the Scoia’tael.
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Rinn is the best spy in the Scoia’tael, and no one is entirely certain how she manages to get where she does. However, no one can deny, she gets results. She is the only spy to ever manage to follow the Blue Stripes Commander Vernon Roche without getting caught. This duty just so happened to lead to her meeting the most incredible woman she’d ever seen: Priestess Adda of the Temple of Melitele.  It has been theorized that only those with superhuman senses can tell when Rinn enters a room. 
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Imadia is old, even for an elf. She remembers a time before humanity drove the Aen Seidhe to resort to guerilla warfare to survive. At heart, Imadia believes that life should be bright and happy - and she lives this out in her work as a healer and her loud fashion choices. 
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Sylvar is a fierce warrior, despite the burn scars covering the majority of his body that limits his range of motion. He has fought for the Scoia’tael since the day a human mob burned down the house he and his mother lived in. Only the advanced abilities of elven healing saved his life, though unfortunately his mother was not so fortunate. 
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Taredd is considered the best tracker in the Scoia’tael. He reads the ground as easily as he reads a battlefield - which is to say, if you are attempting to outrun the Scoia’tael, you better hope you don’t have him on your tail. Taredd is also exceptionally short for an elf, measuring no more than 4 feet tall.
Blue Stripes
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Vernon Roche commands Temeria’s elite Blue Stripes special forces unit. Tasked with hunting down the nonhuman terrorists known as the Scoia’tael, he has proven himself an effective commander as the one special forces leader in the North that the Scoia’tael Commander Iorveth has never managed to defeat. If one looks closely, they might spot something around his throat that indicates there’s more to this Temerian loyalist than meets the eye.
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Ves is the first woman to ever serve in the Temerian Army. As second in command of the elite Blue Stripes unit, Ves eagerly proves that any woman can fight as hard as a man. According to Ves, the best thing a woman can do is cut down an elf or kill a Nilfgaardian. 
Other (Im)Perfect Strangers Characters
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Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a monster hunter created by mutating a human child. For several years, Geralt of Rivia was considered dead, but he reappeared recently in the Court of King Foltest of Temeria. It is rumored that the Witcher and the Court Mage are involved.
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Triss Merigold is best known for her work as a political advisor to various Northern Kingdoms throughout the past several centuries. Most recently, she has served as Court Mage for King Foltest of Temeria and Queen Saskia of the Free Pontar Valley. Triss is not the most powerful mage, but long, long practice means that while the power she draws may be small, it is steady and longlasting. As a mage, Triss has always found the nature easy to call upon and indeed, if one is so unfortunate as to piss her off, they will discover just how eager the natural world is to answer her call. Fortunately, Triss’s passion is in healing and politics, not in warfare.
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Saskia the Dragonslayer - who also happens to be a dragon - rules the Free Pontar Valley. While she is a fierce warrior, Saskia believes in offering a hand to those in need. It is said that dragons have hoards. If so, one might expect that Saskia hoards gold or gems. And indeed, the mines of Vergen produce these things. But the truth is, Saskia’s hoards her people, and a dragon does not suffer harm to their hoard.
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Adda’s life started as a horror story - cursed into a striga before she was even born, she spent the first 8 years of her life living as a monster. Geralt of Rivia was able to lift the curse, but even so, some monstrous attributes remain. She’s rather come to like them though - especially when it meant that she could sense the elven spy that followed her Uncle around. Adda trained as a healer at the Temple of Melitele, but sadly politics interfered with her dream and Adda was forced to marry King Radovid of Redania, from whom she determinedly hides her more monstrous traits.
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Luka is the librarian for the grand library in Vergen. She has dedicatedly cared for the books and scrolls for centuries and intends to spend many more doing the same.
Set Way In The Future
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Anais is practiced at both melee and ranged fighting and her weapon of choice is anything that can be swung hard enough to ruin someone’s day. She loves fighting and glories in it, just like her mentors taught her.
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Boussy is a lover, not a fighter. But, on the strangely common occasion that a flock of baby birds needs rescuing, his aim is good enough that he can fight off whatever is hunting them. He also lost his right arm at some point, but he’s pretty happy with his magic prosthetic. 
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Mysterioustale’s Design Board + Character Info
Although it’s mostly for a self-reminder on how to do the chara’s designs, you can use it as well if you wanna make fanart! ^v^
Just credit me for the Mysterioustale AU with a @. Fair warning, though, there’s spoilers abound.
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8th (and last) fallen human, bearer of the SOUL of Determination.
Weapon: Stick (supposed to be the same one she uses in the beginning of the movie for water witching). Armor: Dragonfly Hairclip.
Has the same backstory as in canon; used to live in Michigan, until her and her parents moved to the Pink Palace because of her parent’s gardening catalog.
Decided to explore Mt. Falls because of the boredom of lacking her parent’s attention, and the curiosity sparked by her neighbors telling her the tale about it. After falling, her goal is initially to escape and go back home, but she gradually tries to do it in a way she won’t kill anyone.
Initially starts as the snotty, attention-seeking jerk she is at the beginning of her movie, but just like in her movie, the circumstances she finds herself in molds her into a more patient, kind girl that feels sympathy for the magic beings trapped in the mountain. Is still snarky all the way through, though.
Dipper and Mabel
The first fallen humans, bearers of the SOUL of Determination.
Have the rare phenomenon of sharing one SOUL since birth (it has a higher chance of happening for twins, but it is lower on fraternal twins like they are). They can be separated from each other without ill consequences, but their SOUL tends to be stronger when they are together.
Weapon: Mystery Book and Grappling Hook. Armor: Friendship Rings.
Their shirt/sweater’s color is cyan because it’s the negative of this one long-sleeved shirt of Coraline. Their designs are also intentionally, slightly invocative of the ‘60s.
Dipper is still the socially anxious, snarky smart guy, and Mabel is still the wild, fun-loving and goofy girl. However, both have low self-esteem and self-love because of a rough life in the Surface, and a dislike for humanity in general. This is why both were wiling to die for Tails to obtain their and six other SOULs.
Ran to Mt. Falls to escape their village.
Layed dormant in their grave in the Hidden Palace until Coraline fell; her Determination woke both of them up and they weren’t aware of their adoptive father’s plans until they heard about it through Coraline’s journey.
Mabel was closer to Amy, and Dipper closer to Sonic. Both equally loved Tails, and miss him so much.
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Amy Rose
Guardian/Caretaker of the Hidden Palace, ex-Queen of the Underground and ex-wife of Sonic.
Still has the Piko Piko Hammer, and uses it on the battle at the end of the Hidden Palace. She also has wind powers she shares with Sonic, and uses them both for offensive and supportive purposes.
She’s a sweet and cherry mother figure... Until you present a threat to a nearby kid, or piss her off. Ask Bill Cipher and Sonic. She also loves puns, but not to the exact extent of a certain toony demon.
Despite seeming so cherry and carefree, she’s actually very hurt over the death of the children she treated as her own and couldn’t prevent.
Bakes a vanilla-mint pie, since both were some of the most liked flavors of the three kids she formely raised as her own (vanilla for Dipper and Mabel, mint for Tails).
Sonic the Hedgehog
The King of the Underground, ex-husband of Amy Rose.
Uses in combat a sword similar to Excalibur in Sonic and the Black Knight, and even has a glove to hold it. Shares the offensive wind powers with Amy.
Definitely used to be more like his canon self in the past, and fit in as the cool father figure. Losing the family he held dear in one night, though, was enough to not only humble him, but break him into a miserable shell of his former self.
He still tries to pass by as the same cool-headed, determined justice bringer he was in the past, but it becomes harder and harder everyday to keep the facade.
Has a thing for gardening. Favorite food is still chilli dogs, though.
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Bendy the Little Devil Darlin’
One of Snowdin’s sentries (in the most loose term of the word), Boris’ best pal and housemate, perhaps the Judge of the Underground, and knows more than his face lets on.
He is made out of ink, and can turn himself into a pile of bubbling ink and sink himself into the ground to teleport, leaivng behind a stain on the ground. He can carry others, even humans, with this if they sink onto his ink pool. He shares the bullet pencils with Boris and might have skulls to blast beams.
He’s a polite, but goofily cheerful fellow that, in a surface-level, seems to take nothing seriously and prefers to hunt for trouble or fun rather than do his sentry duties. However, he has a serious, mature, and secretly creepy side hiding underneath the veil, and hates making promises. He likes to call anyone a pal, and Coraline/Amy Rose as toots.
He somehow always has a J-pipe on toe, just so he can dance out of nowhere. He also somehow finds a bajillion things to do.
He likes to drink ink. Fresh or old, and if necessary, straight out of the pot.
Boris the Wolf
One of Snowdin’s sentries  (in the most loose term of the word), Bendy’ best pal and housemate, painter, and aspirant for capturing a human and becoming a Royal Guard.
He is made out of ink like Bendy, but never figured out a teleporting technique like him. His ink structure does make him apathetic to glass shards, though. He has bullets shaped like pencils stained with ink, and can change a human’s SOUL to yellow.
He’s a bit more blunt, dispassionate, serious and bored than his best pal, but most of it is his dwindling hopes of finding a human, becoming a Royal Guard or making a new friend besides Bendy and Yumi. Once Coraline comes, he displays more cherriness, while still remaining the more level-headed of the rubberhose brothers. He also likes to call people pal, and has a thick Brooklyn accent. His catchphrase is Good Gosh Golly, and his laugh is Wrah Hah Hah.
He’s a painter, but sometimes his art falls on the modern abstract side.
Unlike Bendy, he has a distaste for ink. He prefers normal magic food, mostly sandwiches.
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Yumi Yoshimura
Ex-member of Puffy AmiYumi, but still a good friend of Ami, and Captain of the Royal Guard.
She is strong and physically durable to a fault, and is able to survive drops from high structures. Her main form of attack is blue guitars that are launched like spears, and she can turn a human’s SOUL to dark blue.
She’s sarcastic, rough and cynical, and can appear antagonist, especially to a human, since it’s her job to hunt for their SOULs. However, she has a golden heart, and a sense of loyalty and honor, even if it’s for former targets; she stops hunting Coraline down once she wakes her up from Dreamland’s energy.
Her battle cry is Hiyaaah!
Her in-job outfit’s aesthetic is a cowboy instead of a knight. Her casual outfit is partially inspired on both her pilot outfit and her final outfit.
Ami Onuki
Ex-member of Puffy AmiYumi, but still a good friend of Yumi, and The Royal Scientist.
Unusual for her airheaded preppy girl aesthetic, she’s actually quite smart and tech-savvy, able to hack (aka: program) Dreamland and HEART’s structures and build things (even though she doesn’t compare to a certain someone...). She doesn’t demonstrate much physical power, though.
She seems to be peppy, cheerful and optimistic, even if a bit awkward as well. If one interacts with her long enough, though, one can quickly find out that most of her cherry personality is a forefront to hide a lack of self-esteem, a willingness to lie to gain love, and guilt from a failed experiment.
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skelebonecentral · 4 years
Hothouse rose chapter 1
a reverse harem with the lust boys
first we gotta meet the basic skeles
words under cut
Frisk was your cousin.
They’d run away, a week after their mom passed away. Your aunt, their other mother, was frantic and your whole family had gone out searching, as well as most of the town. You’re so glad it was your dad’s oldest sister who first caught sight of the monsters and not the sheriff or someone not quite as sensible.
Frisk came back from the mountain that loomed above your town with a whole civilization behind them.
Yeah, they tried to hook their mom up with Toriel, the strong, kind, and welcoming goat woman who was the Queen of the monsters, but Frisk was just a very romantic kid in general. They flirted as a hobby, it was hilarious and you were so glad they were back and safe to continue cracking you up with it.
They hugged everyone and apologized for scaring them, that they figured out that just because they were hurting didn’t mean it was okay to hurt other people, when they finally got the chance to exit the monsters’ camp after the police and government and all kinds of things showed up.
Still, you had to admire them for how much they grew up if that was what they wanted to say right away. Well, sign. Frisk was mute, after all.
Having them home was so nice, and their new friends were awesome.
You met Toriel first, of course, and her ex-husband, Asgore. You felt sorry for the big fluffy guy, he looked so hopeless and sad when Toriel would glare at him. And Frisk called him Dad, that was so cute, cause he just lit up. It was weird, though, feeling so pitying toward a ten foot tall goat man with huge horns and a long golden beard who had been alive for centuries longer than you.
Still, you liked both the goat people, and Monster Kid, Frisk’s new bestie who ran around with them. He was…well, he was a monster kid. Lizardish, with a tail and yellow-orange scales, but no arms to speak of. It made him top heavy, since he was humanoid, so he fell over often. Frisk seemed very fond of him, and you were glad. They hadn’t had a lot of luck making friends with other human kids at school before all of this.
But Frisk, being the eternal matchmaker they were, decided YOU needed to get in on this whole monster friend business.
Of course, you didn’t realize it until Gyftmas. It was a monster holiday from Snowdin, a small town Underground, that centered around gift giving and involved Santa for some reason? Anyway, the monster community was holding a carnival inside the local event center (it was mid-September so there weren’t any OTHER holidays to do) and your little cousin, being the ambassador, was of course invited and they brought you as their plus one.
Did you forget to mention that Frisk was the ambassador for monsters? They are. Well, at least in name. That’s their official title, is Ambassador, but they’re more like a figurehead while Toriel and Asgore handle the actual statecraft. The adults do let them cut ribbons and make speeches, but they’re just not ready for something that complicated. They are only six, after all.
But back to the carnival, Frisk brought you, and took you to a particular booth.
The booth was decorated with several action figures from an old 80’s cartoon that you used to love watching reruns of, and the sign above said, “THE GREAT PAPYRUS’ TRIVIA BOOTH!”
Frisk beamed as they dragged you, and looking in the booth, there was a very tall soldier-looking fellow who seemed to be a skeleton.
“HELLO, DEAR FRISK! I SEE YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN WITH YOU!” he called exuberantly, waving with bright red mittens. He had a black something or other on under the white chest piece of…oh that’s not actually armor. As you got closer, you’re now aware its made of fabric and the lines and emblem on the front are felt pieces sewn to it. The big round shoulder pads are attached, too.
Frisk signs eagerly, “Hi Papyrus! This is my cousin, Y/N! I wanted them to try your trivia!” Their hands are going very fast, and they’re bouncing, so they’re very excited about this.
“OH!” the skeleton stands up, showing his very obvious spine in his black whateverthatis and the odd ultra-short shorts that match his chest piece. “HELLO, HUMAN Y/N! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET A RELATIVE OF MY DEAR FRIEND, FRISK!”
He holds out his hand, and you shake it, feeling the long fingerbones underneath and finding yourself grinning like an idiot. Holy heck, an actual skeleton was talking to you. Your inner child was screaming with joy in their Jack-skellington slippers. Frisk had to have known…well, how could they not, your room is covered in Halloween and skeleton themed knickknacks.
“H-hey, Papyrus, I’m super glad to meet you, too!” you didn’t mean to stammer but you’re trying not to freak out as your arm is nearly shaken from its socket. He’s so STRONG!
Frisk giggled and signed something too quick for you to parse, and Papyrus let you go, “OH, ALRIGHT! HAVE A GOOD TIME, FRISK! YOUR COUSIN AND I WILL HAVE A BATTLE OF WITS!”
They scampered away and left you with the skeleton, who pulled out a fold out chair, setting it in front of his booth and then sitting in his own behind the counter, “ALRIGHTIE THEN! HUMAN Y/N, YOUR CHALLENGE SHALL BE TO ANSWER TEN QUESTIONS ABOUT MONSTER CULTURE. THE MORE YOU GET CORRECT, THE BETTER YOUR PRIZE! BEING FRISK’S COUSIN, YOU SHOULD DO VERY WELL!”
“Don’t be so sure, Papyrus. I have some wicked test anxiety,” you joke, and he blinks his sockets at you.
“NO NEED TO BE NERVOUS!” His smile seems set in his long jawed skull, but it actually tilts up a bit more, “SOMEONE WHO LOVES OUR FRISK IS BOUND TO BE A GOOD LISTENER AND KIND SOUL, SO I HAVE FAITH IN YOU. FIRST QUESTION!” he whipped out a set of cards, “WHAT IS KING ASGORE’S FAVORITE DRINK?”
You smile, happy it’s one you know, “Golden Flower Tea. He likes tea in general but that’s his favorite.”
“Ah,” you had to think a moment, then said cautiously, “I think it was the Ruins?”
“YOU’RE RIGHT.” Papyrus then set two further action figures from the same set as his decorations, “THESE WILL MARK YOUR SUCCESSES! ALRIGHT, NEXT!” He shifted his sockets in a comical manner that you had to fight your instinct to laugh at, “HOW MANY MOVIES HAS METTATON, OUR BELOVED STAR, PUT OUT AS OF TODAY?”
You blink…and you have to guess because you honestly don’t care for Mettaton’s version of movies, “28?”
Papyrus’ jaw just falls open, and he sets another figure on the counter, “I THOUGHT FOR SURE THAT WOULD STUMP YOU! I’M FLABBERGASTED. YOU MUST BE A VERY DEDICATED FAN OF METTATON, JUST LIKE MYSELF.”
You blush, “N-not really. His music and dancing are great, but the movies go over my head, I guess. I only watched one because Frisk wanted me to…”
“Oh, yeah, I did notice that. I bet a lot of Broadway plays would love to get his input on that front.”
“Kind of?” you quirk your mouth a bit, not really smiling but thinking about it, “It’s a street in New York City with lots of theaters on it that’s famous for having the best in plays and musicals in the country. It’s really a cool place, from what I hear.”
You were getting excited now, wondering what he could ask.
You frown. That was a serious question, and you think back to Frisk’s descriptions they would give you now and then of their time under the mountain. “Asriel.” You remembered thinking his name sounded angelic.
“ANOTHER FIGURE FOR YOU!” Papyrus plops the next figure on the desk and…
“Is that the villain? I didn’t know they even made a figure for him.” You can’t help yourself, not when you’d loved his antics as a kid. “Lord Verminator, looking good.”
You nod eager, “I know I haven’t been able to see every episode. I only got a few episodes they put on an old cable channel but it was so good. I managed to salvage some merch from antique stores, but it’s never been enough.”
You finally laugh and nod, “You’re so peppy! How did Frisk manage to keep you a secret? I wish we’d met sooner now.”
He takes a notecard and asks, “WHAT IS THE SYMBOL OF OUR KINGDOM CALLED?”
“The one Toriel wears, right? I think…it was the Delta Rune?”
“YES!” the card was set down, a figure was placed, and another card picked up, “WHO IS THE CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD?”
“Undyne.” You sigh, “She tried to suplex me the first time I had to go to Toriel’s to pick up Frisk.”
“OH, THAT WAS YOU?” Papyrus tilts his skull, and you notice his sockets are slightly uneven. You also notice you like hearing him talk, even though he’s very loud. “SHE TOLD ME SOME HUMAN CAME AND MANAGED TO DODGE HER GRAB. SHE’S BEEN TRYING TO GET FASTER AFTER THAT.”
You want to comment, but Papyrus gets another card, “WHO CREATED THE CORE?“ he stops, frowns, then tosses the cards behind him, “THAT ONE WAS ACTUALLY A TRICK QUESTION, BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS WHO DID IT! AND AS MUCH AS I LIKE TRIVIA, I’M MORE EXCITED ABOUT TALKING WITH YOU.”
Smiling, you take his elbow when he offers it, despite him being two feet taller than you, even in his flat bottomed red rain boots, “That’s pretty flattering. What was the prize for the quiz, though? I’m curious.”
Papyrus led you around the event center, pointing at the various booths and explaining them, even sometimes introducing you to the monster manning it. You didn’t see hide nor hair of Frisk for the rest of the evening, but you didn’t really notice. Papyrus’ enthusiastic rambling and genuine glee at showing you around kept you glued to his side gladly.
When the crowds had thinned out considerably, you asked, “Papyrus, this has been the most fun I’ve had at a fair in years. I’d really like to do more cool stuff like this with you, so maybe we could exchange numbers?”
He froze, then turned, big sparkles appearing again, including inside his sockets, “WOWIE, REALLY?! OF COURSE WE CAN! I REALIZE IT IS LATE AND HUMAN BEINGS NEED PLENTY OF SLEEP TO BE HEALTHY, UNLIKE THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SO LET US HURRY!”
He shoved his phone into your hand and you gave him yours, typing in your number and naming yourself with a balloon emoji on the end to remind him of the fun fair you’d shared together. You get your phone back as you hold out his, and it says “THE GREAT PAPYRUS” with a skull emoji and a gold medal one on the end.
“Perfect! Feel free to text me whenever, but I might not answer if I’m busy or sleeping.”
You nod and bid him goodbye, getting a back-cracking hug, before he rushes off into the fair and you head toward your car. Frisk had texted you earlier to say they were going home with Toriel, so you rode back alone, glad for the break so you could process your night with the personification of optimism that was Papyrus.
You got texts from Papyrus every day. Multiple texts in a row, about ten different times a day, and about just about any subject that was on his mind at the time.
That was the general gist of his messages, just little windows into his day and topics that related back to earlier conversations.
You would answer him between classes, since you were a freshman in the local college, and once you were off around noon, you’d head to Smile Mart and see Papyrus in action.
The first time you actually were able to see him at work, he was meticulously arranging the dairy section, making every gallon of milk have the handle facing the same direction in his white button up, black pants, and bright pink apron.
Hearing you approach, he snapped upward and his face lit up, “HUMAN Y/N! HELLO!” Standing to hi full height and brushing himself down, he posed like a soldier at parade rest, “HOW DO YOU LIKE MY DAPPER WORK ATTIRE?”
You smirk a bit, just in an effort not to laugh out loud at that pose and speech combined, but answer honestly, “You make it look good.”
“THANK YOU! I’M AWARE!” he grinned, then got back to his task, “THANK YOU FOR COMING IN. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TODAY?”
That sounded suspiciously like a work script rather than just Papyrus being himself, but you shrug it off, “I don’t need anything in particular at the dorm, so I’m just gonna grab one of those yogurt and fruit smoothie drinks over there when I head out. best breakfast treat.”
He looks at the items you’re pointing at, then nods in approval, “FRUIT AND YOGURT ARE GOOD CHOICES FOR A MORNING BEVERAGE. AND DORMS? ARE YOU PERHAPS A MEMBER OF THE CLERGY?”
You do laugh at that, “No! No, I’m a first semester freshman at the university. You have to spend your first semester on campus if you live more than a certain distance away and unfortunately, my house isn’t in the right range.”
“Is that the brother you told me about at the fair? The one who sleeps?” Papyrus had mentioned he had a brother who was lazy and slept a lot, but not the name.
You grin as he waggles his brows. He had noticed how you didn’t like his wording when he’d said the same line about “napping all night” at the fair, and now he teases you with it. “Still called sleeping, Pap.”
He chuckles good naturedly and shrugs, “WHATEVER IT’S CALLED, THAT’S WHAT SANS DOES. SLEEP, EAT, AND EMIT SLIME.”
“He emits slime?”
The visits become routine after that first one. When you get a break during his shift, you just go to the store and buy some kind of single serving drink. Yeah, you wish they were in cardboard cartons or glass instead, but all your bottles do go into your recycling bucket at your dorm. It’s more an excuse to talk to Papyrus, anyway.
He asks more about the university, and when you ask him what he’d major in if he did attend, he has a very good answer already, “SPORTS MEDICINE! I’M A VERY GOOD HEALER NATURALLY, AND I LOVE ATHLETICS OF ALL SORTS, SO WHY NOT COMBINE MY TWO PROCLIVITIES INTO ONE CAREER PATH? UNDYNE DOESN’T NEED ME ANYONE ELSE IN THE GUARD NOW THAT WE’RE UP HERE, AND I WANT TO BE HELPFUL.” He scratched his chin a bit before adding to the end, “WELL, MORE HELPFUL THAN I AM CURRENTLY ANYWAY.”
That’s a great idea, you think, and you encourage him to go for it. After all, he’s got so much energy, you’re sure any course of study will be a breeze.
It’s kind of surprising when, a few weeks later, he texts you excitedly, “I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER! NEXT SEMESTER WE’RE GOING TO BE CLASSMATES! ONCE IT’S TIME, LET’S CHOOSE OUR SCHEDULES TOGETHER!”
Wow, he really does go for what he wants, doesn’t he?
Great was definitely the least you could say about Papyrus by the time you two were meeting up on the first day of the semester.
He had already invited you over to his house several times, Frisk had dragged you along on lots of outings with the skeleton, and you had braved a meeting with Undyne and her adorable wife, Alphys, as part of a celebration for Papyrus’ acceptance into college.
So when his unique figure came striding up the sidewalks on campus, you immediately ran to meet him and got scooped into a twirling hug with your mutual giggles echoing off the old gothic revival buildings around the ovular clearing.
As you were set down, you beamed up at him, “I’m so glad I didn’t start my gen ed until now. We have all semester together.”
“I KNOW! SURE, I HAVE TO TAKE THAT ONE NUTRITION CLASS WHILE YOU’VE GOT CHEMISTRY, BUT OTHER THAN THAT!” He’s bouncing on his heels and utterly pleased, and noticing his bouncing is what draws your eyes to the shorter figure next to him.
Another skeleton, about your height and blinking at you with white lights in his large, round sockets, stood next to Papyrus and waved lazily at you, “heya.”
“Oh my gosh, you must be Sans!” you were excited to finally meet Papy’s brother. “I dunno how it took this long for us to end up in the same place but I’m so glad to meet you!” You offer your hand and it gets taken with a long “pffffffffffffffffft” sound.
“SANS! I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING THAT TODAY!” Papyrus sounds equal parts furious and embarrassed, as the bright orange glowing on his cheekbones betrays.
“had to, bro. can’t skip the classic gags,” Sans takes his hand back, revealing a small red whoopie cushion in it.
You stare, surprised, “Oh my gosh? I didn’t know anybody even used oldies like that anymore. Or did actual harmless pranks like that. Consider me impressed; you’ve got better taste in humor than most of MeTube.”
That seems to shock the smaller skeleton before you, making him lower his hand slowly. He was wearing a blue hoodie jacket over a white shirt with small stains on the chest, and black basketball shorts with white socks and pink house shoes. “uh. thanks.”
“I thought Undyne was your best friend?” you say as he speeds away from a perplexed looking Sans, who you wave to with a helpless expression.
Classes go smoothly, but you begin to notice….
Well, you see Sans pretty much everywhere.
Leaving your one class you don’t have with Papyrus, you see him snoozing on a bench outside.
While leaving your part time job sorting all the incoming books for the library on campus, there he is again, at one of the computers looking up jokes.
Even while you’re out getting a haircut, you find him running a little hotdog cart. Finally, you have to ask him what he’s doing.
“Heya, Sans,” you go up to the stand, which is currently empty. “Been seeing you around a lot.”
“why didn’t ya say hi, then, kiddo? my brother sings your praises daily, wouldn’t have minded saying hello.” He’s just got a green apron on over his outfit from before, and you smile.
“I don’t wanna intrude. Just thought I’d ask what was up, y’know? Normally it’s just students at the library. How’d you even get in the computer without a student id?” That had been bothering you for a bit.
“oh, easy. I’m faculty.”
Your brain shorted for a moment, “You…are?”
“yep,” he chuckled, waving you to a seat next to his cart. “turns out a monster phd converts pretty well to a human one. Just consulting with the physics department right now, but once the political climate settles some more, who knows?”
Something bubbles up to the front of your mind, “Oh. Oh! Papyrus said you liked physics once. I guess it’s more of a passion for you than he let on.”
“heh, used to be. might be again. dunno yet.” He looks across the street, away from you. “anyhow, frisk and pap both seem to think you’re the bees’ knees.”
You tilt your head a bit, but then see the little buzzing insects around a flowerbox on the other side of the street. “Oh! hahah, good spot. Yeah, I’m pretty lucky two really cool people decided I’m interesting enough to look after.”
Sans hummed as you both watched the bees, “yeah, they’re both kinda neat folks. My bro’s the coolest though. biased, I know, but it’s true.”
“I can’t argue there,” you feel happy thinking about Papyrus, “He’s taken to school like a fish to water. I really love finally having a friend who’s so positive. Not that my roommate’s not cool, but she’s as tired as I am usually.”
“you got a roomie?” he hums, “then why spend time with my bro? surely you’ve got more in common with her?”
“Hah!” you actually laughed. “I’m a linguistics major, Sans. She’s a botanist. Her side of the room is covered in so many plants I have to take sinus medication 24/7. Nah, she’s a good person but we have nothing in common other than living space and shared love for cheesy family-friendly rom-coms.”
You had gotten so involved with watching a particular bee rolling around a tulip that you didn’t notice when Sans faced you again. “so if she decided to get into a fight, you wouldn’t back her up?”
“Oh, no, I’d pull her out and tell her off for fighting. But she’s always in the greenhouses or labs, so I doubt she’d find anybody to fight with even if she wanted to. More likely to squeak like a dog toy and hide, if we’re being totally honest,” you turn to Sans smiling, but his expression makes you freeze.
His lights were out and the haunting blankness of his huge sockets made you shudder.
“kid, you better be telling the truth. My brother’s the best, but people take advantage of his kindness. If you hurt him, you’re gonna have a bad time.”
Nope, you were not going to stand for that. Getting up, you bolted, and as soon as you made it back to your dorm, you texted Papyrus.
You: Papyrus, we need to talk about your brother.
You: We talked today and he threatened me.
It takes more than two seconds for an answer. Clearly you’d managed to rattle Papyrus (heh).
You explain yourself, how you kept seeing Sans around when Papyrus wasn’t there, and the incident after your haircut today.
Papyrus doesn’t answer in text, and after a moment or two you get a call from him.
He’d threatened a child?! Not just any child either, your COUSIN! Who saved his people from captivity! You were about to ask about that when Papyrus continued. “FRISK SAYS IT WAS JUSTIFIED, BUT I’M NOT SURE HOW. BUT YOU? YOU HAVE NEVER HARMED ME, NOR ANYONE ELSE, AND HAVE DONE NOTHING TO DESERVE IT. SO, NOW THAT I’VE SAID MY PIECE, WHAT DO YOU THINK?”
You have to turn your brain back on to think for a moment. Papyrus was very dear to you, he was sweet and lifted your spirits no matter what. Still, with a scary protective brother, you weren’t sure if you wanted to be near him anymore.
“Papyrus, I like you. You’re my best friend. But I can’t feel safe around Sans and I’m kind of scared to come to your house ever again. We still have classes together, but I think if we’re going to be friends still, we can only meet out in public or at my place.” Even saying that makes you nervous. Nobody’s ever done this before, threatening you just out of nowhere.
Tears were starting to leak out of your eyes at this point, your adrenaline leaving you tired and scared, but you smile, “I have faith in you, Papyrus. Just…I’m just scared now. I’m gonna try to calm down and I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
“YES, THAT IS A GOOD PLAN. TRY TO BE KIND TO YOURSELF UNTIL I CAN BE KIND TO YOU INSTEAD…” There was silence, and then a very soft, worried, “I love you.”
That was enough to get you sobbing, “I love you, too. Be safe.” You had to hang up now, and you curled up under your covers to hide from the world.
As soon as he hung up the phone, Papyrus quickly wiped his sockets. He, too, was crying at the thought of his dear friend, who he loved fiercely, being terrified and menaced by HIS BROTHER of all people. But he was going to fix this.
Yes, he’d been far too late to fix what happened with Frisk, and Frisk themselves didn’t seem too upset by it, but YOU certainly were. He could feel it in the way you’d spoken, how very close he’d been to losing his best friend. He still might lose them.
But he’s going to make the effort to try not to.
Taking several deep breaths, Papyrus left his room and went down the stairs. Sans was on the couch as he’d expected, flipping channels on their TV.
“hey bro, what’s up?” Sans had his normal expression, and it made Papyrus furious.
Sitting up, Sans looks confused, “what do you mean?”
Papyrus took another breath, feeling his ribs fill to capacity with the cooling air that helped calm him, “SANS, I JUST GOT SEVERAL VERY FRIGHTENED TEXTS FROM Y/N, AND THEY WERE ABOUT YOU.”
Ah, there, the permanent smile on Sans’ face drooped significantly, “oh.”
“n-no, no that’s…I don’t want you lonely, paps, I just want you to be safe.” Sans’ voice and eyelights were both small and shaky. Good, he realized how serious this was.
Sans was just staring at him, but he finally found his voice, “but paps, they aren’t like other folks. They’re humans, they have a lot more power and-“
Sans just looked at his hands, bones looking ashen as Papyrus tried to hold back his sobs. Had…had he been hurting Papyrus more than helping him all this time? Yeah, Frisk had posed a threat but the kid had made good. Really good, if he had to be honest. And he had seen nothing to really make Y/n any more dangerous than they were. And now Papyrus was crying.
Escaping back up the stairs, Papyrus quickly packed three days’ worth of clothes and essentials, then ran out the door. He just couldn’t believe his older brother had betrayed his trust like this.
It was pretty awkward with you and Papyrus after that.
You tried to talk like normal, but he was sad, and you were scared.
Two months after the incident, you got sick of it. “Papy, let’s go to Bungle Land.”
“OH?” he perked a little, “WE HAVEN’T BEEN FOR A LONG TIME. OKAY.”
Grinning, you took his hand and ran to your car, giving him the option to drive if he wanted. He had his license, but just hadn’t gotten around to buying the perfect car for him. But he refused, wanting to save driving for his own dream car, so you let him move the passenger seat back as far as he liked while you drove to the local theme park.
And you had fun. Papyrus was an adrenaline junkie and took you on every ride, while you were a game shark, trying your hand at the carnival games and loving the useless and low quality plushies you won from them. You both had a lovely collection of little birds, though Papyrus had exchanged five of his for a larger plush of a super hero, more to his tastes, from this trip alone. Thank stars for your yearly pass, and the lovely guest vouchers that came with it.
Finally, as the sun was going down and you were hungry, Papyrus guided you toward one of the stands before a familiar voice made your heart freeze, “hey you two. Pretzels and lemonade?”
Papyrus’ expression soured, “SANS, DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS THE TIME FOR ONE OF YOUR ODD JOBS? WE WERE HAVING FUN.” He’d gotten an apology from Sans a while back now, and a Promise not to repeat his blunder, but he still wasn’t sure of Sans’ intentions for Y/n.
“I really didn’t think you’d be here today, pap, swear on my bones,” Sans looked exhausted and held up his hands. “but tell me what you want and I’ll make it while I do something I’ve been meaning to.”
You just say you want a pepperoni pretzel and a cherry lemonade, and Papyrus goes for a normal pretzel with a blue raspberry lemonade, but you’re nervous. The skeleton had threatened you, after all, even if your fear of him had mostly shifted to annoyance at his cheek in doing so.
Getting your food, Sans said softly, “I know I’m nobody’s favorite person right now, so I’ll make it short. I realized I’ve been overbearing, stepped over a lot of lines, and need to work on myself. I’m really sorry, y/n, for acting like you were going to hurt papyrus when I don’t even know you. it was wrong, and I’m going to try and see a therapist to get a hold on my…paranoia.”
That…was honestly one of the best and most sincere apologies you’d ever had. You can’t help smiling, and you can almost feel the pride radiating off Papyrus for his brother. “Okay, Sans. That was a proper apology, and you haven’t done any stalking that I’ve noticed so…apology accepted. I hope your therapy goes well.”
He looks so relieved, shoulders sagging noticeably, but his smile turns more genuine and he nods, “okie dokie. Go have fun, and I’ll see you at home, paps.”
“YES YOU WILL! YOU’RE GETTING THE IMPROVED VERSION OF SPAGHETTI TONIGHT FOR THAT!” It’s heartwarming to hear the excitement in his voice, and the brighter smile on his face, “YOU DID A GOOD THING! BYE, SANS!”
“Bye, Sans,” you add, and he waves you both off. Even if he was the one who finally apologized, you felt a weight off of yourself as well, and his gaze no longer made you feel like demons were on your back.
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ardenttheories · 4 years
What determines what moon a character dreams on? I know we have those weird scenarios w Vriska and Nepeta so idk how to pick which one to use for an OC
Though I can’t find the post right now (which is incredibly frustrating and I will be trying to find it again later), I did write on this some time ago. From my very vague recollection of how I think it worked best…
It’s entirely dependent, I think, on what will benefit the Player most: to be nourished by the welcoming, gentle nature of Prospit, or to be challenged by the harsh, cutthroat nature of Derse. 
Think, for instance, if Jade would have thrived on Derse. While she probably would have made friends with the Dersites, the Black King and Queen, the Agents, and needless to say the Horrorterrors might have been too much for her. She’s terrified of the Horrorterrors; what if her only source of information had been them from the start? Would she have been able to commune with them in order to learn the truth of their session, to keep paradoxes stable, as she does in Homestuck? Or would she have rejected them entirely, tried to stop herself from sleeping as much as possible, etc, etc. 
Conversely, what if she tried to start a rebellion on Derse? Jade is incredibly strong-willed, and tends to stick to her guns; if she thought the Dersites were under tyranic rule, would she really just sit there and let it happen, especially if she’s quite literally left in the dark? Would that be beneficial for the session, knowing that if she did this, either the Black Queen would try to take out Jade and John on Derse or the King and Queen would be prematurely defeated? What does that teach her as a Witch of Space?
In the same vein, if Rose had been a Prospitian, it… would have been much too easy for her. She’s a Seer of Light. If she was sleeping on the Moon that just threw prophetic clouds at her, what would she learn? She’d never have to seek out Light, never have to Learn from benefactors, because it’d all just be right there. It’d put her at a significant disadvantage, because then she’d never need a reason to - for instance - create the cue ball. Why bother doing that, thereby activating her powers as a Seer of Light, when she can more easily fall asleep?
Additionally, would Rose spend more of her time asleep if she were to wake up on Prospit and see the clouds? Would that actually benefit her, or the session, if she ended up spending more time staring at the clouds than putting her plans into motion, actively seeking out her information, when that’s such a significant part of her journey as a Seer?
You can see this pattern a lot in all of the characters throughout Homestuck. Why is Vriska a Prospit Dreamer? Because if she’d woken up earlier the kinder nature of Prospit would have encouraged her to be a much softer Player, and being on the same Moon as Terezi and Tavros might have likewise encouraged her to face past mistakes (and thereby go down the same growth path as (Vriska) did as a ghost). Meanwhile, Derse… might have made her worse. Encouraged her bad behaviours and the ideology that she needs to be violent and vicious and abrasive to survive, that it’s her against the world and she can’t reveal weakness. 
Why is Eridan a Derse Dreamer? Because he needs to see the negative effects of the societal structure that he’s trying to convince himself he holds so dear in a non-Alternian context. He needs to be in a position where he can Destroy Hope and benefit his team - not by Destroying the Hope of the Prospitians, who are so Hopeful and need to stay that way, but by Destroying the Hope of the Dersites to weaken them in the war. He needs to see that this is something he can do, that he’ll be treated positively for it.
I think, in some ways, it might also be a subconscious reflection of the Player’s general personality (think John or Jade, both sweet and peppy characters who definitely fit more in with the general vibe of Prospit), or of who they want to be - their Ideal Self (think Jane, who maybe needs to learn some of the positive Prospitial attributes to combat some of the negativities of Life). Sometimes, it’s what they think they deserve, and then becomes something that subverts their expectations (e.g. Dirk, who seems to fit well in Derse’s cutthroat environment, but who instead rises up with the people).
So in my mind there’s a lot more to which Moon a Player ends up on than just “Active vs Passive”, and admittedly I think a lot of this is because Hussie never really planned things out in advance. We know, for instance, that the trolls were an on-the-fly addition, as were the Classpects that came with them. It’s not far to assume, therefore, that when Hussie first introduced Prospit and Derse, they were centred more heavily around the HarleyBerts (positive, bright, happy, outgoing, naive) and Strilondes (darker, mysterious, more underhanded, reserved) than anything else - their family traits. 
Having to then shove 12 more characters into something he hadn’t fully fleshed out at first, and which was focused so exclusively on the four characters he’d actually planned for, can’t have been easy. Trying to then explain what the reasoning for these decisions were a decade later just makes things messy. 
To bring this back to the actual question about your OC - you essentially have to think about which Moon would most benefit your Player. Which are they going to thrive on, or will most positively affect them? Which will make them grow into a better person? Will the brightness of Prospit encourage or disillusion them? Will the severity of Derse challenge or terrify them? Which motives them more? Which will make them a better Player? 
You can also think about the other stuff I mentioned - which Moon most vibes with their personality or who they want to be, or what they think they deserve but ultimately subverts those expectations - but I recognise that can be very complicated, too, so you can skip that part. 
There’s no 100% way to determine if you’re going to end up on Derse or Prospit, unfortunately. It’s just going to take a lot of thinking to come to that decision. It’s predominantly about individual needs.
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Spending the Nights with You, At Last
Thank you so much for the support, anon! I’m,,, LOVE DIMITRI FIRE EMBLEM...
Summary: It was not as though Dimitri’s worries and fears had disappeared with the end of the war or with his marriage. No. He was a happier man than he was a decade ago, yes, but he was a scarred one all the same... But now, he had Byleth by his side, to wake up during the night with him and lull him back to sleep.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
The smell of burning flesh. The icy grip of fear, helplessness and guilt amidst the chaos all around him. He cannot see any faces, nor can he remember them -- their screams blending into the fire, mixing with their own blood; their colors unable to discern.
However, he could not seem to forget this bottomless pit filled to the brim with fear and guilt, the murky darkness always plunging him deeper and deeper into it, no matter how well he seemed to have been during the day.
At night, he was not allowed to forget. He was not allowed to overcome. The dreams would not allow it.
The stillness of the night was cut sharply with the sound of a muffled scream as Dimitri sat up with the shock of tearing himself away from the nightmare.
"Hah... hahh..." He breathed heavily, his good eye wide while the hollowed scar panged with a phantom pain he knew all too well. Digging his face into both of his hands, it took the King a few moments to regain his breath, his entire body lumping in defeat. "I am so... terribly sorry." His voice sounded muffled.
Lying down beside him, Byleth stretched herself, well used to handling her husband's nightmares by then. "Why are you sorry?" She patted the spot he had been previously, silently asking him to come back.
Defeated and ashamed, Dimitri let his weight fall down on the bed with a loud thud. "I had resigned myself to being haunted by these nightmares for the rest of my life, but you -- you needn't sacrifice your sleep over my own sleeplessness."
"Nonsense," Byleth snuck an arm under Dimitri's head, wrapping it around his neck as she brought his face to her almost bare chest -- she wore a V-cut camisole, see. "There's nothing to forgive, love."
Suddenly and quite literally wrapped in her warmth and soft skin, Dimitri closed his eye to enjoy the constant of his beloved's heartbeat. Slowly did he reciprocate the hug, gently grasping her waist and back within his arms.
He took a moment to breathe, to take in his wife's welcoming embrace and to simply allow his own anguish to melt under her touch before he opened his mouth to speak again, his lips brushing against her skin. "Resigned I say I am, yet I cannot help but think that I should not be plagued by these dreams any longer...!" He huffed, a frown deepening over his brow. "It's been over a decade... I should be- yet I cannot hope to-"
"Shh," Byleth combed Dimitri's hair with one hand, graceful and softly, her breath disheveling a bit of his fringe. "You've only just started to heal, my love... The dreams happen with less frequency than they did ten years ago, do they not?" She asked, but didn't truly wait for an answer, although he did nod. "Soon they'll happen less and less until they're a thing of the past."
Dimitri's frown melted as Byleth spoke, his shoulders sagging as his body deflated. "Mhm," he nodded once again, bringing his wife even closer so he could feel her breasts on either side of his face.
"And I will be honored to be with you every step of the way -- it's something I've wanted to do since a long time ago."
"Oh?" Since Dimitri's mouth was too close to her skin, his voice barely came out at all, only the rumbling of his throat let it be heard by his wife.
Giggling, Byleth never stopped caressing her husband's hair, carefully taking any knots she found along the way. "I wanted to be your strength to help you go through these sleepless nights ever since your academy days, you see." She admitted, squeezing him more into her hold lest he looked up at her and saw her blushing face. "As I saw you wandering around the monastery at night, unable to sleep and plagued by the nightmares I couldn't begin to understand... I only wanted to hug you and tell you it would be alright. Yet, all I could do was simply tell you to go back to sleep."
Heat rose to Dimitri's cheeks so fast it made even Byleth's chest warm up. "Y-you- ever since then?" He stuttered with embarrassment, his heart now beating in a dissonant rhythm out of love instead of anguish as it were mere moments before.
Byleth dug her face into Dimitri's hair, a giddy laughter bubbling out of her chest. "I couldn't very well do this with that boy from back then, could I?"
"Haha!" Dimitri laughed into her chest, strengthening his grip on the hug, making her lose her breath. "I suppose not, however he who lives inside me could not be happier to hear this! Oh, if only you could have said that then... Perhaps it would have given me the strength I needed not to fall into despair."
"Perhaps," Byleth bobbed her head to the side. "Perhaps not. There is no way to tell, now that all this time has passed."
"That is true."
"Still, even if it had helped, it would've only made your focus change towards me, turning me into a crutch that would keep you from walking with your own feet... and then I- the fall from the canyon-"
Dimitri closed his eye once again, breathing her scent from so close. "That is also true as always, my beloved. I needed the words you told me during the war at the time you said them; had I received them too early or too late, I would still be consumed by darkness."
Byleth murmured a "mhm," before resuming her threading through his hair, gently stroking his skin with the other hand.
For a few moments, they stayed that way, enjoying one another's warmth as they caressed their beloved in their own, loving way. Dimitri ran his hand up and down Byleth's back as she breathed into his hair, the rhythm of their combined respiration making both of them sag in one another's embrace.
Once the Queen took a smaller breath to speak, Dimitri snuggled into her chest to hear her voice rumbling through her ribs. "Do you want me to sing you a lullaby?"
Immediately did the King smirk as he took a nip of his beloved's skin, right in the middle of her breasts. "Am I still that same boy, my beloved?"
"Heehee," Byleth giggled, ticklish, as Dimitri dug his face into her skin, making her laugh even more. Squirming inside his rock-solid grip, Byleth struggled to pull his hair up, making him face her amidst his and hers laughter. "Oh, come here, you." She huffed before digging into his lips, surprising him with a deep kiss.
Widening his eye but not about to deny a caress as passionate as that, Dimitri simply opened his mouth to allow his wife's entry, their tongues well used but never tired of interlacing in their kiss. He turned his head to one side as she did the other, her small hands gripping at the tip of his jaw to lift his face to her even more, his own arms wrapped around her waist for support.
Byleth slowly turned the large kiss into countless smaller ones, their lips never wanting to part. "I could never do this to a boy," she scoffed as he bit her lower lip, enjoying how softly it stretched as he pulled away.
"Duly noted," he breathed into hers, the hot air intertwining between them. "Truly, duly noted," he said in a hoarse voice, closing his eye to snuggle his nose into Byleth's neck, making a trail of kisses from it to her cleavage -- to the spot he had been previously.
Shivering with his careful touch, Byleth dug her nails into Dimitri's back, holding her breath. "Perhaps a lullaby isn't what you need right now?" She teased, hearing a hilarious, bubbly sound leave Dimitri's mouth as he kissed her breast. "Haha! What was tha-"
Choking with embarrassment and mirth, Dimitri dug his face into her breast even more. "I thought I was being 'real slick' about it, too," he mumbled, his voice sounding with a pout, though his mouth wearing a smirk.
Byleth raised one eyebrow. "Real slick? Was that something Sylvain told you to say again?" A moment of silence before Byleth felt Dimitri's cheek burn in the middle of her breasts. "No way, I was right? Please don't listen to what he says! He's teasing you!"
"I get that now!" He pouted, his cheeks puffed in embarrassment as his face burned up. Lifting his gaze to meet hers, they both dissolved into laughter as they once again reached in for a peppy kiss, their bodies wide awake and ready to demonstrate their love for one another.
"You are so cute," Byleth teased as they pulled away to breathe. "I love you even more during these times."
"Good to know you love me when I embarrass myself -- at least I will not need to suffer from it long, knowing you will be there, laughing at me whilst still loving me." He grumbled as he shut her growing laughter with his kiss, placing her on her back over the mattress. "Of course I love you as well, despite this teasing, my beloved. For all eternity."
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"I don't care what anyone saids, I'll love and raise you to be a good king." Rose had Peppy at a young age and despite everyone saying to rid of the baby she raise a good king who would soon raise a great queen.
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fairietale · 5 years
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this  is  a  starter  call  for  all  unfinished   /   wip  characters  who  don’t  have  separate  starter  calls  yet:
laena  talila  stone,     elf.  was  cast  out  by  her  family  for  refusing  to  partake  in  a  dangerous  ritual  and  marrying  an  outcast  in  the  elven  kingdom.  sister  to  zinnia. +   generous.  mild  mannered.  stands  up  for  what  she  believes  in.  sweet.  loyal. -   melodramatic.  stubborn.  impulsive.  indecisive.  skeptical. 
fox  lyari  stone,     elf.  daughter  of  laena.  sister  of  kymil  silveril  stone  and  vissera  silvyr  stone.  niece  of  zinnia.  cousin  to  elora  azraiah,  zelphar  axilia,  rathiain  fenain,  ellisar  folen,  tsar  eroan,  and  emalia  jade  storm. +  witty.  dependable.  independent.  compassionate.  ambitious. -   distrusting.  stubborn.  suspicious.  self  -  absorbed.  willful.
vissera  silvyr  stone,     elf.  daughter  of  laena.  sister  of  kymil  siveril  stone  and  fox  lyari  stone.  niece  of  zinnia.  cousin  to  elora  azariah,  zelphar  axilia,  rathiain  fenain,  ellisar  folen,  tsar  eroan,  and  emalia  jade  storm. +   independent.  funny.  caring.  loyal.  adaptable. -   vengeful.  drama  queen.  impatient.  clingy.  spoiled.
emalia  jade  storm,     elf.  went  off  on  her  own  against  her  mother’s  advice  to  reunite  with  her  family.  niece  of  laena  talila  stone.  niece  of  zinnia.  cousin  to  fox  lyari  stone,  kymil  siveril  stone,  and  vissera  silvyr  stone.  cousin  to  elora  azariah,  zelphar  axilia,  rathiain  fenian,  tsar  eroan,  and  ellisar  folen. +   independent.  marches  to  the  beat  of  her  own  drummer.  kind.  loyal.  persistent. -   temperamental.  moody.  uncompromising.  oversensitive.  impatient.
rathiain  fenain,     elf.  was  spared  by  viviana  deluca  in  the  uprising.  son  of  zinnia.  brother  to  elora  azrariah,  zelphar  axilia,  tsar  eroan,  and  ellisar  folen.  nephew  of  laena  talila  stone.  cousin  to  kymil  siveril  stone,  fox  lyari  stone,  vissera  silvry  stone,  and  emalia  jade  storm. +   compassionate.  has  a  heart  of  gold.  helpful.  brilliant.  generous. -   weak  willed.  easily  manipulated.  shy.  quirky.  submissive.
aurelia  arwen,     fae  /  vampire  hybird.  bastard  daughter  of  the  seelie  queen.  true  neutral. +   clever.  quick  -  thinking.  logical.  honest  to  the  point  of  being  blunt.  intuitive.  -   secretive.  untrusting.  obsessive.  withdrawn.  pretentious. 
jason  “jase”  valois,     king  of  france.  married  to  viviana  deluca.  brother  of  maragux  valois,  jenna  valois,  rafael  valois,  lucas  valois,  theodore  valois,  and  martin  valois. +   a  king  of  the  people.  generous.  fair.  kind.  strong. -   easily  manipulated.  willful.  obsessive.  passive.  thoughtless. 
margaux  valois,     french  princess.  more  badass  than  all  her  brothers  put  together.  elder  sister  of  jase  valois,  jenna  valois,  rafael  valois,  theodore  valois,  and  martin  valois. +   strong.  intuitive.  brilliant.  fiesty.  wise. -   stubborn.  paranoid.  nagging.  opinionated.  overly  critical  and  judgemental.
kieran  nox,     death.  the  leader  of  the  four  horsemen  of  the  apocalypse. +   non  judgemental.  willful.  strong.  wise.  confident. -   narcissistic.  arrogant.  stubborn.  willful.  uncompromising
erika  queen,     conquest.  the  victor  of  the  four  horsemen  of  the  apocalypse. +   witty.  adventurous.  passionate.  fearless.  charming. -   always  has  to  be  right.  blunt.  arrogant.  shameless.  sly.
grace  gold,     ice  dragon.  daughter  of  the  earth  and  moon.  sister  to  tara  gold. +   warm.  sweet.  thoughtful.  caring.  loyal. -   passive.  rash.  judgy.  touchy.  sanctimonious.
azriel  eldrin,     elf.  the  queen’s  personal  guard. +   loyal  to  death.  rational.  quick  thinking.  courteous.  brave. -   obsessive.  prim  and  proper.  arrogant.  vain.  rigid.
lana  zenovia,     the  key.  she  is  the  key  that  opens  other  dimensions,  along  with  the  gates  of  hell   /   hades  and  the  pearly  gates  themselves.  constantly  reincarnated. +   hopeful.  optimistic.  generous.  kind.  strong. -   opinionated.  paranoid.  secretive.  nervous.  touchy.
ripley  savage,     princess  and  the  last  daughter  of  the  planet  ragnum.  she  goes  by  the  alias  ghost  or  ghost  slayer.  after  the  death  of  her  planet,  she  became  an  intergalactic  outlaw. +   clever.  witty.  keen.  intuitive.  resourceful. -   uncompromising.  judgemental.  touchy.  thoughtless.  vain.
commander  cleo,     commander  of  caelesti’s  armies.  works  directly  under  a  the  god  malicious.  the  best  of  the  best  of  the  second  dimension’s  soldiers. +   strong.  brave.  unwavering.  heroic.  loyal. -   ruthless.  vengeful.  arrogant.  stubborn.  tactless. 
arden  ignatius,     phoenix.  prometheus  stole  fire  from  mount  olympus  and  gave  it  to  humanity,  and,  from  that  fire,  he  created  the  first  ever  phoenix  to  watch  over  humanity. +   wise.  caring.  strong.  brave.  loyal. -   prim.  lazy.  tactless.  vague.  self  -  indulgent. 
natharia,     kelpie.  travels  through  dimensions. +   wise.  brilliant.  clever.  witty.  funny. -   selfish.  thoughtless.  uncaring.  passive.  sly.
kendall  constance,     newborn  vampire.  after  the  disappearance  of  her  boyfriend,  valentino  xavier  reyes,  kenall  went  searching  for  him  only  to  find  herself  in  trouble  and  a  vampire!  +   loyal.  caring.  blunt.  resourceful.  tough. -   selfish.  arrogant.  temperamental.  judgy.  rash.
joy  “jj”  jenner,     heretic.  part  of  zarya  angelov’s  growing  coven  of  heretics. +   honest.  actual  royalty.  brilliant.  daring.  straight  -  forward. -   narcissistic.  vain.  thoughtless.  spoiled.  petty.    
harlow  reid,     hybird.  the  first  hybrid  that  was  turned  by  niklaus  mikaelson  using  the  blood  of  the  doppelganger  that  came  before  katherine  pierce. +   curious.  loyal.  clever.  quick  -  witted.  warm. -   secretive.  passive.  sly.  guarded.  willful.
fleur  bellerose,     empathic  vampire.  she  was  trying  to  find  a  cure  for  her  dying  mother  when  she  learned  of  viviana  deluca’s  true  identity,  but  viviana  was  too  late  getting  there  to  save  fleur’s  mother,  so  she  offered  to  turn  fleur  instead.  fleur  has  always  been  empathic.  +   caring.  loving.  kind.  positive.  genuine. -   withdrawn.  impatient.  neurotic.  nosy.  obnoxious.
caterina  gabrielle  deluca,     light  made  flesh.  she  was  a  gift  from  the  heavens  for  her  mothers,  vienna  and  briar  deluca.  niece  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  sister  to  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,  avery  mae  deluca,  archer  vincenzo  deluca,  and  lucia  violetta  quintana  -  deluca.  cousin  to  too  many  to  count. +   compassionate.  all  heart.  accepting.  warm.  caring. -   quick  to  judge  sometimes.  assuming.  stubborn.  willful.  extreme  in  everything.
valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,     werewolf.  accidentally  killed  his  best  friend  in  a  car  crash  and  triggered  his  werewolf  gene.  was  found  scared  and  alone  by  vienna  deluca  after  his  first  full  moon,  and  she  brought  him  home.  adoptive  son  of  vienna  and  briar  deluca.  adoptive  brother  to  caterina  gabrielle  deluca,  avery  mae  deluca,  archer  vincenzo  deluca,  and  lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca.  adoptive  nephew  to  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  too  many  adoptive  cousins  to  count. +   sweet.  caring.  compassionate.  generous.  genuine. -   quick  to  temper.  touchy.  hesitant.  nervous.  overly  cautious.
avery  mae  deluca,     angel   /   warlock  hybird.  in  avery’s  warlock  bloodline,  twins  have  to  merge  at  the  age  of  twenty  one,  with  the  stronger  twin  winning.  avery  is  the  twin  to  archer  vincenzo  deluca.  avery  has  a  growing  darkness  in  her  that  will  end  up  in  her  overtaking  her  brother  in  the  merging  and  avery  turning  full  -  demon,  unless  the  merging  is  stopped  by  her  adoptive  sister,  caterina  gabrielle  deluca,  because  caterina  is  made  of  pure  light.  also  the  addoptive  sister  of  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca  and  lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca.  adoptive  niece  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  also  has  too  many  cousins  to  count. +   witty.  resourceful.  rational.  confident.  independent. -   dark.  sly.  secretive.  hot  tempered.  vain.
archer  vincenzo  deluca,     angel   /   warlock  hybrid.  in  archer’s  warlock  bloodline,  twins  have  to  merge  at  the  age  of  twenty  one,  with  the  stronger  twin  winning.  archer  is  the  twin  to  avery  mae,  and  will  end  up  losing  in  the  merge  unless  it  can  be  stopped  by  his  adoptive  sister,  caterina  gabrielle  deluca.  archer  is  being  hunted  by  his  demon  grandfather.  archer  is  the  adoptive  son  of  vienna  and  briar  deluca,  nephew  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  archer’s  other  adoptive  siblings  are  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,  and  lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca.  archer  has  too  many  cousins  to  count. +   sweet.  thoughtful.  quiet.  trustworthy.  polite. -   carries  around  a  dark  secret.  neurotic.  pessimistic.  weak  willed.  depressed.
lucia  violetta  emilia  quintana  -  deluca,     demigod.  lucia  is  the  biological  daughter  of  neptune,  the  god  of  the  sea.  since  lucia’s  mother  was  a  practicing  wiccan  and  dabbled  in  witchcraft,  though  not  a  full  witch,  lucia's  demigod  powers  are  used  in  witch  -  like  ways.  lucia’s  mother  dies,  and  she  ends  up  in  briar  deluca’s  foster  care  system  for  supernatural  children,  and  vienna  and  briar  decide  to  adopt  her.  she  is  the  adoptive  sister  of  caterina  gabrielle  deluca,  valentino  xavier  reyes  -  deluca,  avery  mae  deluca,  and  archer  vincenzo  deluca.  she  is  the  adoptive  niece  of  viviana  deluca,  gabriel  and  jenna  sharp,  and  freya  sharp.  she  has  too  many  adoptive  cousins  to  count. +   peppy.  bright.  brave.  honest.  energetic. -   vain.  vengeful.  insecure.  jealous.  overly  critical. 
guiliano  luther  rose  -  deluca,     elf   /   vampire  hybird.  almost  a  thousand  years  after  having  their  daughters,  rowan  alessia  and  stella  viktoria,  viviana  deluca  and  alyssandra  rose  decide  they  want  one  more  child,  and,  thus,  guilano  is  born. +   kind.  gentle.  thoughtful.  free  -  spirited.  curious. -   quick  to  anger.  stubborn.  willful.  arrogant.  moody.
rosalie  saito,     vampire   /   forest  nymph  hybird.  before  she  turned,  rosalie  was  unaware  that  she  had  any  forest  nymph  in  her  because  it  was  her  great  -  great  grandmother  who  was  the  nymph,  and  her  families  powers  had  dwindled  with  every  generation.  but  when  viviana  deluca  sired  rosalie,  her  nymph  abilities  were  supercharged,  and  now  she  has  the  power  to  control  and  communicate  with  not  only  nature,  but  animals,  as  well. +   witty.  loyal.  logical.  protective.  responsible.  -   withdrawn.  quiet.  depressed.  shy.  vague. 
devyn  zezza,     vampire.  devyn  was  the  cast  out  of  her  village,  as  she  was  tall  and  large  and  manly.  but  viviana  deluca  found  her  fascinating,  and  devyn  became  the  first  vampire  viviana  turned.  ever  since  then,  devyn’s  gone  by  many  aliases,  but  she  keeps  her  last  name,  zezza,  as  it’s  italian,  in  appreciation  of  her  italian  sire  and  mentor. +   deathly  loyal.  protective.  fierce.  strong.  unwavering. -   vengeful.  ruthless.  bloodthirsty.  cruel.  a  real  predator. 
theon  chevalier,     vampire.  theon’s  was  a  french  lord,  but  was  unsuited  for  royal  life,  so  his  mother  sought  out  viviana  deluca  and  paid  her  handsomely  to  kill  her  son.  and  she  was  in  the  middle  of  doing  so  when  theon  awoke,  and,  there  was  something  in  his  eyes  that  made  her  change  her  mind.  he  was  an  awful  man,  a  whore,  a  pig,  but  he  looked  at  her  with  such  understanding  that  he  was  going  to  die,  and  he  told  her  he  knew  it  was  his  mother’s  doing,  and  she  just.  she  couldn’t  kill  him.  so,  she  turned  him  on  a  trial  basis.  and,  ever  since,  he’s  been  blindingly  loyal  to  her,  despite  continuing  with  his  drunken,  whorish  ways. +   loyal.  protective.  courageous.  never  gives  up.  witty. -   weasly.  alcoholic.  man  whore.  melodramatic.  moody.
aria  alleva,     seelie  princess.  in  seelie  custom,  the  twelfth  born  to  the  seelie  queen  and  king  is  the  official  heir  to  the  seelie  throne.  and,  in  this  generation,  aria  is  the  twelfth  born.  and  she  put  up  with  her  royal  duties  for  awhile,  but  she  so  loathed  them,  and  the  idea  of  being  queen  made  her  miserable.  all  she  wanted  to  be  was  free,  so,  one  day,  she  ran  away. +   sweet.  naive.  wise.  compassionate.  free. -   insecure.  cowardly.  moody.  gullible.  easily  manipulated. 
elizabeth,     the  first  witch.  fearing  the  darkness  and  magick  that  filled  the  land,  the  first  people  got  together  and  voted  a  sacrifice.  that  sacrifice  was  elizabeth   (  or  so  she  is  now  known  )   and,  together,  they  gathered  up  all  the  magick  and  darkness  in  the  land  and  sealed  it  in  the  body  of  this  one  girl.  elizabeth  is  the  most  powerful  being  that  walks  the  earth,  but  the  amount  of  power  has  driven  her  completely  insane,  so  she  cannot  use  it  all. +   wise.  thoughtful.  genuine.  blunt.  strong. -   unstable.  speaks  in  riddles.  terrifying.  shy.  unable  to  control  her  magick.
logan  hunter,     hellhound.  logan  was  hailed  the  most  vicious  and  bloodthirsty  hellhound  the  devil  had  ever  trained,  and,  after  five  thousand  years  of  loyal  service,  he  granted  her  a  retirement.  though,  she  sees  it  more  as  a  snub  than  a  gift.  now,  she  works  as  a  supernatural  bounty  hunter,  and  she’s  trying  so  hard  to  return  to  hell  where  she  belongs. +   loyal.  protective.  principled.  strong.  fearless. -   surly.  vain.  ruthless.  cruel.  shoots  first,  asks  questions  later.
griffin  brooks,     hunter.  there  are  many  kinds  of  supernatural  hunters.  griffin’s  line  is  somewhat  supernatural  themselves,  gaining  supernatural  strength,  speed,  reflexes,  ect  when  they  come  of  age  at  sixteen  years  old.  they  also  gain  a  spirit  animal  that  looks  after  and  protects  them  on  hunts,  and  they  take  on  aspects  of  their  animal  depending  on  what  animal  it  is.  since  griffin’s  is  a  fox,  she  is  especially  charming  and  clever.  +   strong.  fiesty.  brave.  true.  noble. -   impatient.  arrogant.  vain.  cunning.  irrational.
cosima  nightly,     spirit  kitsune.  a  mixture  of  teen  wolf  and  japenese  mythology  with  a  little  mythology  of  the  chinese  huli  jing  mixed  in.  very,  very  old.  has  nine  tales. +   wise.  honest.  advisor.  spiritual.  strong  in  body,  mind,  and  soul. -   sly.  secretive.  cunning.  aloof.  patronizing.
garrick,     wrath.  personification  of  one  of  the  seven  deadly  sins. +   protective.  resourceful.  smart.  witty.  resilient. -    filled  with  constant  rage.  arrogant.  temperamental.  judgemental.  ruthless.
nyx,     the  goddess  of  night.  in  this  portrayal,  nyx  is  also  the  mother  of  monsters. +   loyal.  wise.  honest.  profound.  brilliant. -   dark.  mysterious.  easily  angered.  protective  to  a  fault.  cruel.
siena  orlena,     innocence.  she  is  the  previously   human  personification  of  innocence,  and  she  was  a  scottish  princess  in  her  human  life,  but  she's  evolved  to  be  immortal  like  most  personifications.  she  likes  going  back  to  school  every  now  and  again  to  keep  up  with  modern  culture.  very  soft.  very  pure. +   innocent.  pure.  soft  spoken.  kind.  wise. -   prim  and  proper.  pretentious.  pompous.  ignorant.  easily  manipulated. 
chase  cody,     tragedy  in  human  form.  new  york  socialite  and  budding  actress  and  model.  daughter  to  two  of  the  biggest  names  in  hollywood.  at  the  start  of  her  career   (  15  y/o  or  so  )   she  started  getting  creepy  letters  from  a  fan  who  eventually  evolved  into  a  stalker.  he  became  so  obsessed  with  her  that  he  killed  everyone  he  thought  was  standing  in  the  way  of  their  “relationship"  including  both  her  parents,  her  sister,  her  boyfriend,  and  two  of  her  friends.  so  chase  moved  to  try  and  escape  him  because  no  matter  how  hard  the  police  and  fbi  tried,  they  couldn't  capture  him  so  they  put  her  in  protective  custody.   +   generous.  gracious.  compassionate.  animal  lover.  media  darling. -   rebellious.  depressed.  withdrawn.  guarded.  shy.
falcon  arcane,     “genie.”  everyone  is  born  with  a  gene  that  gives  them  what  can  only  be  described  with  superhero  or  supernatural  powers.  some  are  born  with  this  gene  activated  already,  but  most  aren’t.  genies  spent  centuries  and  centuries  in  hiding  until  world  war  two  when  nazi  scientists  started  experimenting  on  some  they  found,  and  they  learned  that  this  gene  can  be  activated  with  brain  alteration.  they  were  shut  down  after  the  war,  and  genies  went  back  into  hiding,  but  falcon’s  mother  picked  the  experiments  back  up  after  her  twins,  falcon  and  vincent,  showed  signs  of  being  genies.  her  experiments  targeted  her  children,  and  how  to  make  them  even  more  powerful.  she  built  an  empire  on  these  experiments  after  being  successful  with  her  children,  and  started  activating  others  genie  genes.  falcon  has  spent  most  of  her  life  rebelling  against  her  mother,  while  her  twin  brother  is  their  mother’s  pride  and  joy.  so,  falcon  is  under  constant  supervision  and  imprisonment,  until  she  agrees  to  work  with  her  mother  and  bring  in  the  “nobodies”  of  the  world  for  the  experiments. +   quick  -  witted.  resourceful.  charming.  compassionate.  tough. -   manipulative.  rebellious.  stubborn.  willful.  paranoid.  cold.
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