#king: thats the entire reason why you got stuck here in the first place but ok
squeiky · 4 years
!!!List of papyrus things!!!
(Update 3! mini update.)
For anyone who needs more info on the guy! Since you usually dont see alot of info about him!
A list of stuff thats just papyrus's tid bits i've collected overtime!
(Disclaimer: some things can be taken off of memory, though I did search most of the stuff up, so you dont have to worry too much. But if your feeling unsure, search it up! And correct me while your at it.)
his room doesn't play/have music.
(If you have reunited playing at enter his room, it'll disappear forever. Untill you go back and let it play again. Even without reunited, a song that plays no matter what room your in, doesn't play any music.)
Never takes off his battle body.
(According to sans, he only takes it off if he has no other choice too. Otherwise he'll just put clothes ontop of it, or just repaints it if needed. He does how ever, change his pants but never takes off the top.)
the minute "royal gaurd " is out of the picture, he's got nothing.
(It was the one thing he worked up for. When the royal gaurd disbands He says he "working hard on doing absolutely nothing". Then again this can be interpreted as papyrus does say he is working on something, despite not being a royal gaurd yet.)
He lies. (And can manipulate)
(Though he is really bad at lying, he seems to manipulate just fine, though its usually not out of malice. He gets undyne to befreind you by mentioning "challenge", which is a weakness of hers, since she never can turn down a challenge. And has lied about floweys name to her to. Has lied to sans or atleast mislead him about the things he knows about. Pretended he didn't know what a lab was during a call in hotland, but if you call him when sans isn't there, papyrus mentions the lab as if it was common knowledge instead of saying "Labrador-y?" As if he had no idea.)
Changes up his attacks
( if you get captured a few times, you see variation in his attacks. If you do it right, you can get him too skip half of his entire attack.)
Calls his own puzzles "Awful"
(This happens after battling papyrus, he says "WHO KNEW THAT ALL I NEEDED TO MAKE PALS... WAS TO GIVE PEOPLE AWFUL PUZZLES AND THEN FIGHT THEM??" This could be interpreted in many ways.)
Spikes, fire, traps, fencless bridges: are all safe for children, according to papyrus.
Has "talked" with asgore before.
(Sadly, asgore and papyrus has crossed paths. Asgore advises him not to but dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. Papyrus wants to put dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. This results in them bickering over saftey laws, with papyrus usually winning.)
Tried to start a flowey fan club
(On multiple occasions calls flowey "his best freind" and shows genuine love for the little guy. He even gave flowey a little red scarf to match his, during the 5th anniversary winter alarm clock.)
Has photo-graphic memory for phone calls.
-call in the room where undyne chased you. He seems nervous, or atleast stressed out during this call. I'll leave any and all interpretation to you.)
(Ps: papyrus has bad memory, but good photographic memory?)
His disliking for grease
(Says this during a call with undyne in grillby's place. Undyne says she loves grease, and he quickly dismisses his opinion in favor of hers. Of course, papyrus HAS visited grillbys before, as the dogamy and doggeressa mention him with sans. )
Calls alphys "great"
(During the first tile puzzle, he praises alphys by calling her "THE GREAT DR. ALPHYS" )
Knows about undynes crush on alphus
(He teases undyne a few times on this, leading to the "hot voice" and "audible wink" papyrus lines. He's not oblivious to the things around him, unless he chooses to be.)
Put limes in his eyes!
(Conversation in hotland! The guy thought limes where cucumbers and stuck them in his eyes. When. He thought it wasn't working he put more limes. It burned like hell but he says it was all to have "mettaton's bishoning eyes")
Knows about mtt's eyes
(Nobody seems to know that mettaton has eyes?! Undyne confirms this fact. Papyrus is the only one who outright mentions it.)
He got mettaton to do the tile puzzle thing
(FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON- mettaton was the tile puzzle robot alphys built. The puzzle robot papyrus had during his own tile puzzle. Infact, during mettaton's tile puzzle in hotland, he says that you'd is this a few hundred rooms ago. If you call papyrus, he starts rambling on all the instructions again. Hehe.)
he likes dinosaur oatmeal
(According to the undertale tumblr, flowey response to "whats papyrus's favorite food?" Is DINOSAUR OATMEAL!! YAY!)
really enjoys mtt's show and mtt in general.
(and mtt even helped him with a tile puzzle)
enjoys cars
Owns a car bed
(Want to drive one)
really freaking artistic!
(Paints a whole bridge, makes a snowpapyrus, made his own costume/battle body, built a okay replica of a sentry station)
The red book on the table in the skelebro's house is infact his!
(For specifics, the quantum mechanics book with infinite books inside of it. It isn't specified who reads it, but both brothers should be capable as jokes and puns are not out of papyrus wardrobe.)
has his own shed and tools.
(Also known as "the punishment shed, doghouse, cpature zone, guest room, a garage" or undyne's pun which was "the coolshed". Ah, to be enriched by shed puns... Wonderful.)
tried to learn the "horoscope"
(Got "stumped" according to sans)
thinks junior jumble is harder than crossword
wants a 6 pairs of hot pants and 6 pairs of legs to wear those pants
has a dream of owning a shop where he just sells flames
(Call near in waterfall, near the turtle man shop.)
He's very influential
(If he's the only one killed in a neutral run, even without undyne, a revolution will still occur. Look into it yourself if need be.)
Called himself a genius
(During the instance, where he talks to you after turning the light on in sans's room.)
Can't really tell when someones mad
(He couldn't tell when undyne was mad at him during a call. He asks us too.)
Doesn't watch anime.
(He thinks its like cartoons for babies. Jokes around with undyne for awhile before taking it all back once he knew she watched anime.-during one of the calls.)
Brutal kind of guy
(He says this himself, i don't exactly know WHY he thinks this of himself, but he does.)
Owns a bookshelf
(He has a book Its where his vast dictionary comes from.
Knows about the time and space manipulation tactics sans uses.
believes you can be a better person, if you just try.
(And he's right. Even if you kill him he still believes this, beacuse well.. Its true. Undyne wont forgive you and try to kill you, sans won't fight you, bht he's still right either way)
Knows about river person
(He asks about how river person is doing. No body seems to know about river person, and its unsure if undyne knows about their prescence.)
The days in his date scene (Monday, Tuesday, weekday, Thursday,e.c.t ) changes depending on your computer. Even though the date in undertale is always Monday.
(River person has a scheduled thing that matches up to your computer date as well, but this is about papyrus, not river person.)
Weird abilities
(Flying and super speedy twirling, flying backwards. He doesn't even hide it.)
He's pretty freaking tough!
(According to undyne, the person who defeated asgore.)
His "absolutely normal attack" is a giant cluster of bones.
(In theory, his attack could be the size of the entire area, including the giant bone at the end.)
Papyrus can lower the giant bone at the end of his "absolutely normal attack"
Has Collection of bones (or was planning to make one.)
(The room behind the sink was made for.. His attacks/bones. Before toby(dog)came in and made a shrine instead.)
Is annoying dog's favorite target.
Has a cannon, spears, fire thingy, and a dog at his disposal.
(Displayed during the bridge scene)
One persistent dude.
Likes to say "NYEHEHE!"
Has alot of MTT items.
Owns makeup!
(Mtt brand of course!)
Never dated anyone before.
(He says it himself.)
owns a dating manual
Not much of a sleeper.
(To the point where he just calls sleeping "naps" which aren't that long. He outright says he's always working, so he doesn't sleep.)
Dislikes hotland
dislikes hotland x2
Dislikes hotlands puzzles
Dislikes hotlands ethics.
Doesnt know much about hotland
(Says he knows it like the back of his hand!)
Says he never taken off his gloves, so he has no idea how his hands look like.
(He wears gloves or mittens on top of his gloves. And refuses to take it off, like his "battle body")
Calls hotland's steam puzzles garbage.
Dislikes hotlands conveyors
Thinks L1 and R2 stand for left and right
( Of course, it takes him awhile. He starts making puns, and tries to compare the words to pasta, and THEN comes to the conclusion that its left and right. Its Trail and error.-)
Knows about death.
(Said he wanted to meet death one time during a waterfall call.)
He pauses when speaking as a lost soul.
("I MUST CAPTURE A HUMAN! THEN EVERYONE WILL. ...." This is unusual as he is the only one that pauses. This can be interpreted, but it is rather interesting nonetheless)
Alright this is a bit more interpretive. Things may not be 100% facts down here.
Disclaimer: i will be putting "Interpretive" in red coloring for things that have may my interpretation or opinions in! Please do be mindful in your search, and take it with a grain of salt. It doesn't make it comepelty wrong, it has facts! Just muddled with oppinions.
self-worth problems.
( can be called interpretive: He always feels very unimportant, as if he doesn't actually matter. During a call in waterfall, with the puddle hallway, papyrus talks about not letting it "get to you" or something along the lines of that. Since undyne speaks from her experience with the puddles, then i'd assume papyrus would too.)
(I think its just a sign of self doubt or insecurity. Someone once said its dysphoria, which is a cool headcannon for paps or something. What ever it is, he has some demons that he doesn't want to let out.)
( according to the genocide description)
( Interpretive: Other than that, he's not even noticable. Though, there are a few people that appreciate him, most dont really acknowledge him. Unless you kill him of course!)
( interpreitive as well:Before the human showed up, sans explains how his brother was feeling quite down lately. We see a.. Happier side of papyrus through out our journey.. He vents out to us, the player/human, about things he dislikes, or troubles he faces. Hes like a froggit. Life is hard for a froggit.)
Smiles through things.
("This is where I tried to capture you! What a bad memory." -quote he says as he smiles through it all. He does have a sad emote, but so far i have only seen it during a call in hotland, where the CORE was shown. As your adventure is coming close.. To an end.)
Uses his playful "OUCH!" emote when you straight up kill him. Instead of his hurting/in pain emote when flowey catches him off guard before absorbing everyonesones souls.
(The reason is unkown, but that emote is normally associated with more of "light taps." Examples are, toriel's fireballs at asgore and flowey. Unless... Cutting off his head was considered a "light tap" then, but flowey wrapping him in painful vines is considered more painful than getting his head chopped off and still having enough consciousness to joke about it.)
He knows his cooking sucks and that nobody likes it.
(He's not naive. He knows. He even says it. "Nobody has like my cooking before!" - QUOTE. This isn't some hidden fact. He's trying his best, "mabye next year, he might even make something edible." -sans quote.)
That was all the stuff i gathered for now.
Feel free to tell me anything i haven't added! :)
yeah, hes a pretty cool dude, ain't he?
(Edit: i've added some new things to the bunch, and fixed/deleted ome opinions or unrelated junk. Please, continue helping me add!)
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2-bdamned · 3 years
in regards to the aoex pride post i made last month, here are my personal headcanons as to why i think those are their sexuality’s! ( also thank you to @johnannepeterric for asking about this as i’ve been waiting to share these for a hot minute!!)
sexuality + gender identity:gay and trans(ftm)
reason: i don’t think he exactly cares for the concept of gender and sexuality but just thinks people should be allowed to like and be whoever they want. he knew he was in the wrong body since he was a little kid but never knew how to phrase it till later on in life. as for on screen reasons, he tends to cover up quite a bit before and after becoming a demon as well as tending to wear baggy clothes to hid his form. not to mention he has very poor posture which most transmasc people (myself included) tend to do when we can’t bind or don’t feel masculine enough. and i think he’s gay mostly due to the fact that he’s never really shown to have any friendships outside of the exwires and tends to get his platonic and romantic affections mixed up quite a bit (as to explain why i still headcanon this after the manga and his confirmed feelings towards shiemi)
sexuality: bisexual
reasoning: he seems to show and equal amount of emotions to his colleagues and to the exwires and im like 90% sure he doesn’t really talk about romantic through the manga/anime at all. i think he’s always known he’s liked both genders since he was young. shiro seems like he was very accepting and i honestly think he would’ve helped both the boys with their sexuality’s and gender since he didn’t get the freedom to express that stuff when he was younger due to you know ‼️‼️(SPOILERS) ‼️‼️ literally being a clone made in a lab. yukio seems the type to not really care about gender when it comes to romance and instead look for traits like personality and motivations. his friendships are most based on him genuinely liking the person rather than keeping up with his appearance as someone who’s quite popular. this could possibly lead to the same being transferred over to his romantic bonds.
sexuality: lesbian
reason: like rin, she tends to get romantic and platonic affection mixed up from not having friends till high school. there’s a bit in the manga where izumo brings over some romance novels to try and help shiemi out with figuring out her feelings. we all know most romance novels don’t exactly have the best explanation for feeling so i think that’s where shiemi got mixed up. she gets her admiration for rin mixed up with romantic feelings when in reality, she’s not into him. we can also use the garden scene from kyoto arc as some reasoning to this headcanon. izumo called shiemi a weed and she surprisingly takes this “insult” very well and even thanks izumo for the interaction. even later in kyoto saga, we see shiemi use even more of her power to save izumo from the miasma. she clearly cared a lot about izumo and basically wore herself down to the the brink of exhaustion trying to dave izumo herself when she could have easily run and got help from another exorcist. sheimi seems to care deeply about her friends but shows more concern to izumo than any other exwire (minus rin and yukio).
sexuality: gay
since he found out about izumo from the illuminati, he never really had a “crush” on her per say, but showed an unromantic interest in her due to her past and just wanted to know more about her. since he had kinzou around him as a kid, i think that played a huge part in him hiding that he was gay (just bc kinzou is a huge perv and probably pushed some of that onto him). that could also lead to the reasoning as to why he’s so pushy with izumo. he’s trying to convince himself he liked women by trying his hardest to like izumo. the kinzou thing is the only thing really leading to me believing this but an alternative reason could also be a fear of changing his personality this late on when both suguro and koneko have known him to be a certain way since he was young. he’s shown to have this perverted personality since he was quite young and it’s even mentioned in an extra concerning why suguro and koneko use his last name and not his first. these two factors lead me to believe his attraction to izumo and subsequently, his attraction to women, is just a lie he’s putting on.
sexuality + gender identity: pansexual and genderfluid
reason: koneko is shown to have a deep love and care for the people around him and i think that not only applies to him with friendship, but with romance as well. like yukio, he tends not to focus on the gender of the person perusing him, but rather their intention, personally, and motivations. he wants to know if his partner is a good person rather than their gender. gender wise, i just don’t think he cares. it’s not explicitly shown but it can be heavily implied when he talks to rin about why he has a hard time trusting him after the “son of satan “ reveil happens. for gender identity, i think i as a kid, he was commonly referred to by most pronouns since he wasn’t exactly the most “boy looking” when he was young. later on he learned he didn’t exactly mind what gender people perceived him as but rather how they perceived him as a person. there’s no canon information for the genderfluid headcanon but again, these are my personal headcanon, they don’t exactly have to make sense.
sexuality + gender identity: gay and trans (ftm)
reason: this one is mostly me projecting onto this man so if it doesn’t exactly make sense, y’all know why! but he’s shown to be quite affectionate to rin in both the manga and the anime. he doesn’t really tend to do that too much to other people, especially the women that are around him. he probably has some sort of crush on rin or at least some form of admiration to him. as for his gender identity, this is literally just me projecting. that’s it. but i think he does show some signs that i tend to show as a trans person ( the one example i can name off the top of my head is that he seems pretty insecure when shima and koneko brought up his body before he started working out and hates mentions of his body in general ). like rin, he tends to have very poor posture and also doesn’t wear form fitting clothes and this is especially prominent in official art.
sexuality: lesbian
reason: she has a very deep relationship with paku and shiemi after the events of the manga take place. she never shows this same connection with any one else throughout the series. she gets severely worried once paku leave cram school and is shown to be quite empty after this happens. ‼️‼️SPOILERS‼️‼️ the same thing happens once shiemi leaves cram school as well and is taken by her family to go train. she seems to be deeply affected by these two events and even goes as far as to show the others her concerns after the thing with shiemi happens. after she ‼️SPOILERS‼️ gets kidnapped by the illuminati and winds up the the hospital, shimei is the first person she lets see her true emotions and feelings and doesn’t once make a comment on her being some kind of hindrance. we also see her show quite a bit of empathy towards shiemi when in kyoto. there’s a scene where they two are gardening and she calls shiemi a weed. she’s very much plays into a tsudere type roll in the beginning but this seems more like a backhanded compliment rather than trying to be a jerk to her. both of the girls receive this interaction in a positive way. we also can use the scene where shiemi saves izumo as a reason for this as well. izumo shows a genuine concern for shiemi both during and after her being stuck in the miasma. even when they go to the hot springs, she seems to have this perpetual blush while looking at shiemi. these all lead me to think she has some sort of feelings toward both paku and shiemi, leading me to headcanon her as a lesbian.
sexuality: lesbian
she was basically born just so she could produce a child to fuel some demons deep desires. her unhealthy attachment to shiro can be explained by this. i think this is the case for all the “attraction” she showed towards him as a young girl. all her life she’s been told she has to have kids with a man and that’s was her purpose for a long time. thus why i think she’s a lesbian. she never shows any real attraction to a man throughout the entire series besides the man who saved her as a child. she never talks about men till after her character arc in the manga and even then, it seems she just wants to live the rest of her life differently than before and doesn’t exactly seem too enthusiastic about finding a husband as it’s never mentioned again after that point. she really only seems to show an “attraction” to men when it’s useful to her. she uses her looks and charm to get what she wants when it comes to men. she has this facade she puts on where she acts innocent and cute and uses her looks to her advantage. she never truly shows an actual attraction to a man.
sexuality + gender identity: gay and genderfluid
reason: i don’t think any of the demon kings are cis. like not even remotely. they all have to take on different forms and have taken on many in the past. as long as it’s a body, they’re basically fine with whatever. mephs past forms are never shown but we can assume he’s taken on many different body’s in the past as well. after all this body hopping and the fact that gender is literally a thing made up by humans, i don’t think meph really cares about the forms he takes and how his gender is perceived. he knows he’s a powerful demon and could easily destroy the knights of the true cross if he wanted too so gender is the last thing he really cares about. as for sexuality, nothing on screen really points to anything but he tends to show more affection to the men on screen than the women. in fact, the only women we see him really interact with (that i can remember) is shura and we all know how they feel about each other. even though those two both “flirt” with one another, these seem to be more so parts of their personality’s rather than them both having an interest in each other. his “flirting” with shura seems to be more taunting her and displaying his absolute discard for human problems.
gender identity: agender
reason: just like meph, amimon had possessed(?) many different forms over the course of their existence. we even see him take on a rather feminine presenting form when they were destroying the earth. but unlike meph, he is less fluid in terms of gender and instead, prefers to not identify with one. she does use all pronouns and doesn’t exactly care on that front but i think there’s certain terms and compliments they don’t exactly like. meph does use gendered terms with amimon, but these two seem to be very close and have probably communicated this before as well. like koneko being genderfluid, there’s no definitive evidence to support this claim other than these are my own headcanons and i can do what i want.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
break the news... (day 14)
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A/N: @obxmermaid​ this is the 14th entry in the lives of Draco and YN as we get closer to christmas they have now been stuck in the school as their classmates have gone elsewhere for the holidays. but a fire message from YN’s parents inviting them to a gathering makes this a whole less boring. 
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Prompt: “come on down for the weekend, the family is gathering and we would be honored to have you both here.”
mentioning: @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the message, ah yes the fire message a way for wizards and witches to communicate  without the use of modern technology. also very good way to be somewhat discreet.
this is how you got a fire message that changed your weekend of a lifetime. 
“dearest daughter, you and Draco are invited to come home for the weekend to enjoy our family gathering. this is the one day a year as you know that the entire family gets together under one roof, grudges and petty judgements go out the window. minus your father who is doing well, but the doctors are getting his magic up to full strength again. please reply and say you both will be in attendance for it would mean the world to us. love mom.”
you turned to draco as you both took one look at the fire message and smiled. 
Draco: i guess we need to pack a weekend bag. we can share a bag right?
YN: yep. but a fair warning this weekend my family will be doing all sorts of magic. its like this every single damn year. its basically one big game of catch up that lasts the entire weekend. 
just as draco was about to speak your fire place went crazy. then a figure resembling your mother appeared.
YN: mom?
Laura: ah daughter thank goodness i found the right one. so did you get the fire message...
YN: yes we were just discussing it. 
Laura: oh come on down for the weekend, the family is gathering and we would be honored to have you both here. please say you will come... you know the family will want to know how you are doing and meet draco...
YN: yes thats what im afraid of, all the grilling and questions and and... oh fine.. but do us all a favor and hide the bourbon from uncle ned, you know how lushy he gets. wait which place is it at this year?
Laura: ive already done that... oh dont worry ive spoken to dumbledore by fire message he will have a port key ready. 
YN: oh so you knew i would say yes. 
laura: i hoped you would. now we will see you both on friday at 3pm or sooner. by the way your father is fine. i know you probably got my update note but to reaffirm he is fine. he woke up. the doctors were able to heal him all up. he wont be at the feast they are keeping him a few more days to make sure he is fully functional with his magic. 
YN: we will have to find time to visit him then... 
Laura: yes. now we will see you both in a few days. remember YN be nice to these people they are family but they are gonna be ruthless to anything they dont understand yet. 
YN: what do you mean?
Laura: i mean some of the family is old school like they dont think open relationship policy is a good idea. 
YN: well this will be a shock for them then. see you on friday mom. 
the fire went back to normal as you flopped back onto the couch your head spinning, you know how your family reacts to the abnormal.
You bringing home a boy, who is not from your own house is like people who don't listen to the law.
The law is hard but it is the law. This was one thing you were desperately prepared to fight for, this was your life you werent gonna let your family determine how you get to live it. 
anyway back to the story, you and draco decided to pack and you both went to dumbledore’s office on friday at noon and went through the port key landing just outside of paris at one of your family country mansions. 
Draco: love, this place is incredible so why would we not come here more often. 
YN: cause i want to be independent so i take only what i need and every month they transfer 10,000 into my bank account and another 10,000 into my gringotts. both of these accounts were of my parents doing, not mine. but its mostly their way of support before we go further we need to figure out how to approach this to my family. 
Draco cups your cheeks and kisses you when he pulled back he spoke calmly. 
Draco: we will handle this with smiles, and friendliness and happy thoughts, we are the only people who matter in this relationship, the people who support us matter as long as they support our union. at the end of it, we are the ones that matter and have final say in this relationship. that and the ministry when we tell fudge. 
YN: yes that, we need to do that soon... maybe sooner than we think if this dinner doesnt go well. 
Draco: well lets go inside, im sure your mom knows we are here... dear we are just prolonging the inevitable. 
YN: your right. lets go... but im surprised that someone isnt here to greet me... 
you let out a sharp whistle, letting your purse sit now on the ground. just as you did that, you heard a screech. 
Draco: what was that love?
YN: that is my griffin... 
Draco: im sorry what... 
just then a griffin with golden feathers with tints of black and brown through it lands in front of you. approaching you as you bow, the griffin nuzzles your face with its own. 
YN: i missed you too girl. Draco, this is Opal. Opal this is Draco my boyfriend. 
Opal turns to draco, Draco bows to Opal who approaches Draco and sniffs him and waits a few seconds and then nuzzles Draco’s head. draco then began petting Opal. 
YN: she likes you, its always polite etiquette to bow to a griffin or a hippogriff before approaching it.  this gesture will show the griffin that you are not a threat. this is a show of good faith. of good will. 
Draco: opal, I think we need a guard to get to the door.
Opal growls lightly before leading the way to the door. You both get to the door and opal nudges you before she bows letting you and Draco go inside. your mother comes round the corner from the kitchen and rushes to hug you. 
Laura: im so glad you both are here... now YN your room is fully prepared for you and Draco. not to worry i pre warned most of the family that someone has a big announcement. no one questioned or said anything. not to worry though, people will begin to arrive in a few hours. go on up and un pack. 
YN: its good to see you too mom. this way love. 
you take draco by the hand as you both walk upstairs down the hall and too the right. into your master suite or as you call it “the tower”. this room complete with your own walk in closet, a king size canopy bed, your own bathroom. decorated in a teal color to combine yours and dracos magic essence. 
YN: this is our room for the weekend. 
Draco: its perfect. i love this bed and the color and you. 
You turned to face him, to meet his eyes with your own. 
YN: careful love thats seduction in your tones. we have 2 years to wait before we can be married. or even consider that possibility. 
Draco: doesnt mean we can lay here for as long as possible and just play wizards chess or something. 
you snap your fingers and you both were laying with a wizards chess board on the bed.
YN: we are gonna play this till we are called several thousand times. by everyone who wants to see me and grill me and... ugh... this is stupid.... my family is so passed screwed that its a long long time between gatherings for the reason of they dont know what they want, against every fibre of better judgement that they have, they dont know how much the world has changed.
Draco: love don't worry too much. Let's just play and not worry about anything else right now. Nothing is gonna ruin our weekend. Nothing at all. i believe white goes first love. 
you have been planning your entire strategy for this game you were 6 moves ahead of draco and you planned to keep it that way. 
YN: pawn to g4
draco: knight to f6
YN: pawn to g5
draco: knight to d5
YN: knight to a3
draco: pawn to e5
to this point you had counted for every angle every move that draco could possibly counter. 
YN: knight to c4
Draco: queen to g5
you now had an opportunity to get rid of his queen if you did it correctly. 
YN: pawn to d3
draco: queen to f6
YN: knight to a5
draco: pawn to b5
YN: knight to f3
draco: your good love, but im slightly better... bishop to b7
YN: only as a slight... but not better enough. Knight to b7
Draco: knight to c6
YN: pawn to e3
Draco: love that wasnt very smart of you... knight to e3
YN: love that also wasnt smart of you. Pawn to e3
draco: clever love, pawn to d5
YN: bishop to d2
draco: pawn to e4
You smile as you begin to make Draco think you are preparing to checkmate his king. 
YN: bishop to B4
Draco: oh my dear you are not gonna win right now... bishop to b4, by the way love, check... 
you were so unsure of what to do, now looking at the board you knew now that you were screwed, you were about to loose. 
you had to attempt to get your king out of check. 
YN: im not gonna go down without a final attempt... king to e2
draco: sorry love, queen to f3... i believe its checkmate!
Yn: how I had this all planned out, I had this all planned out... Omg congrats love you win.
You kissed Draco, his hands pushing the chess board off the bed. That started the make out session of the next 10 min. Before someone came up the stairs and knocked on your door...
You turned toward the door and snapped your fingers...
Yn: come on in
You and Draco sat on the bed in each other's embrace watching as the door opened to reveal Hermione Harry and Ron.
You both got up and embraced them. They were here but how did they know.
Hermione: didn't think I would miss family gathering weekend did you... plus i figured we could use the backup, plus these 3 are the first outsiders at this family weekend. you my dear cousin could use a little bit of extra happiness before the rest of our family arrive. besides did you show Draco the extension of the grounds. all the griffins that you have trained. 
YN: he did meet opal who took to him right away. he did surprisingly well for his first encounter with a griffin. But tomorrow we will go to the griffin sanctuary. Tonight we meet the family. I've been avoiding going down, how many are here yet?
Hermione: too many, more than usually show up first. no one has fought yet so its good and pleasant so far. cuz we should put on the family crest!
though you didnt want to Hermione pulled out a bag from your closet and led you into the washroom. you both put on the knee length black dresses and did a hair check before exiting back to the guys. 
Draco took one look at you, came over and kissed you...
Draco: that dress is absolutely gorgeous on you!
YN: thank you love, this is the family crest, its style takes after our hogwarts crests. but it is our family crest. i however look forward to the day when we can be married where we have the freedom to disappear under new names so we can live our lives in hiding, in peace. 
no one except draco heard you say those words as your ears heard the sound of fencing swords... you and hermione took off down the stairs and watched as your uncles all have fencing swords and are fencing throughout the house/property.
YN: well the fun begins. hermione tell the guys to stay upstairs im gonna stay here and watch this wait for my chance to intervene. 
hermione: i should be by your side for this...
YN: no you should wait with the guys, make sure you give them their anti tracking bracelets. make sure that they understand the rules, make sure that they know what they are and are not allowed to do while here. make the rules abundantly clear.
Hermione gives you a swift nod, realizing that you were right, she went back upstairs to the boys. You let out a ear pi3rcing whistle forcing your family present to stop in their tracks.
Yn: family, family should we not be calm, should we be merry and sheath our swords for it is supposed to be the one weekend out of the year where we gather together as one whole magical family, but today you me, you pessimistic grown ass men are acting like children on this the weekend of peace. So every man in here and on this property shall hence forth not herald another sword as long as we all exist within this property border, for today i tell you all that im the one with the announcement.
You turn to see hermione coming down the stairs, draco following behind her, harry and ron behind him. Draco comes up at your side, proudly sporting his house crest as he places his hand to your own. 
YN: this man beside me is my announcement, this young man is my boyfriend of 2 and a half years, this is Draco Malfoy. yes his parents are followers of you-know-who but Draco is different, i saved him from his parents, i saved him from whatever they wanted for him, more importantly we saved each other. without draco i would not be standing before you all to declare that my parents have blessed this union and we are the start of the open house relationship policy in the wizarding world, which now states “any witch or wizard that so sees fit to love someone not of their own house shall be free to be with whoever their heart desires within or without their house crest. for eternity shall this be!” Draco and i will be the first of a long line of students to follow our hearts. if i earn not even one of your approvals this weekend just know this, my parents support us and these 3 behind us support us, the school and its professors and students support us. we are supported and loved in every single direction. but a week ago Draco gave me this necklace with our couples initials and our anniversary date which pairs perfectly with this ring i gave him, neither of us are leaving this relationship and no one can make us. 
for the room was silent all eyes were on you, and neither you nor draco said anything else, you both just walked over to the kitchen to help mom with some baking and rolling of spring rolls, and mixing of drinks yet still no one said anything, they just all stared at you both. 
by the end of the first day you guys had been among the people, no one said a word to either of you. the night was peaceful, you both stood out on the balcony as opal slept beside where you both stood (yes the balcony is big enough for a griffin to sleep on... odd how story telling can be warped to our standards as authors) you both went inside after an hour and a bit later and went to sleep.
the next morning when you both woke it was to the sound of drills and hammers, something was going down and from the sound of it something was happening. 
you both went to the balcony and discovered that the family was building something in the yard. opal was freaking out but she was also tied to a post in the yard. 
YN: either my family has decided to work together or we are in lots of trouble. 
thats when you received a fire message.
YN: its from my cousin she says that the family locked her ron harry and my mother in the barn with the griffins, tied up opal and insist on crucifying us all insisting we are all under the dark lords influence unless you and draco renounce your relationship and never see each other again.
Draco: what are we going to do... i cant live without you, and im never going to renounce our love. 
YN: i have an idea but im gonna need you to do a fire message as well, send one to hermione in the barn tell her that she needs to comfort my mother, help is on the way... i have 1 message to send myself, to hogwarts. 
you prepared your message as draco did his, you both sent them off, you knew hermione couldnt reply but she could receive, the one going to hogwarts however arrived in the hands of who you addressed it. 
dumbledore received the message, he summoned minerva and snape to his office... 
Dumbledore: im afraid this is not a social call, this is quite urgent in fact, a literal matter of life or death. YN and Draco had left yesterday to YN’s parents place, but i just received an urgent fire message... this reads, “Headmaster, this message is Urgent! we need help my family didnt take the news of me and Draco being together very well, they plan to crucify us, to crucify mine, hermiones, dracos, harrys, rons and my moms magical and physical forms. we need assistance, they have me and draco locked in the tower, and the others in the barn. please bring help, we need to get out of here. but they boarded the room we have a balcony but we wouldnt survive the jump. help us, get us out of here, by any means necessary and headmaster thank you for letting me and Draco live our lives together. help us asap!”
minerva: what do we have to do albus, how do we save the children and YN’s mother...
Dumbledore: quite easily, we 3 are going to YN’s family property where i will tqalk to the courtyard, one of you goes to the barn, the other goes to the tower,  we meet back in the courtyard hopefully with everyone safe and sound. hopefully in that time frame i will have calmed down the courtyard and come up with a plan. now lets go... 
the 3 professors by port key traveled and arrived outside the gate to your family estate. with 3 wands this would surely work better than expected. 
snape, minerva & dumbledore: bombarda maxima
with that the gate, and half the wall on either side of the gate blew up, shattered into a thousand pieces. the explosion was loud enough to shake the entire estate. you and draco stood up slightly knowing that help had arrived. 
your family on the other hand saw snape, minerva and dumbledore walk through the debris and they parted like the red sea, going completely silent, dropping whatever they were holding. for they all knew that this was not gonna be an easy task. 
snape went toward the barn in which he found Harry, Ron, Hermione & of course your mom in the corner tied up like animals. he used his wand to untie them all and then waited for the signal to start emerging from the barn. 
minerva went inside the house and up the stairs, where she found and broke down your tower door. 
Minerva: time to go grab what you need lets go. 
YN: thank you so much professor for coming. 
Minerva: i am just glad im not too late... now lets see what dumbledore is saying to your family. 
Dumbledore was now on a platform speaking to your family. or at least those that were in the courtyard. 
Dumbledore: these children have done no harm, these people have made nothing wrong, why do you all believe they should be crucified, they have done nothing wrong except learn to love. 
one person exclaimed: they are working for the dark lord
another person exclaimed: their relationship is toxic and needs to be purified by crucifixion
another person screamed: cause its not right, this is not how the rules dictate... 
dumbledore was fed up with all the same types of answers...
Dumbledore: i albus dumbledore have seen the love that these 2 children share, ive seen it projected through their school work and through their vocals, its as pure and good as any in house relationships that have happened. ive decreed this to the school and am waiting for my meeting with the ministry to tell them about this. it will be a few weeks for that but i state this to you all: whoever goes from here to another soul and speaks ill of what has happened here shall henceforth no more have the ability to speak anything bad, and further more i decree that as long as there are good people running hogwarts, the houses can be free to love whosoever they desire! this began with Draco and YN, this decree is sealed by the signing of this parchment by me, professor mcgonigal, professor snape, YN and Draco. these 2 and the rest of their friends and family are not to come to any harm... now commence with the signing... YN and Draco first, then minerva and severus, i will sign last. 
you and draco walked up to the parchment, you signed it first then handed the pen to draco who followed in signing the parchment. then minerva and severus signed next, then dumbledore before he spoke again. 
Dumbledore: now all of you clean this yard up, none of you will be able to speak of this day, none of you will remember the horrors that were unleashed today. now go back to cleaning this yard and repairing this wall, YN didnt come back for family weekend and you guys do not remember anything. 
the spoken words echo on the property as your mom gave you, hermione, draco, harry and ron a longing look that seemed to say ill see you soon. like that you all ended up back at hogwarts in dumbledores office. 
Dumbledore: i wonder if i could speak with YN and Draco alone a moment. 
Minerva: of course Albus, i will make sure these children make it back to the dorms. come along children. 
the 5 people left the room leaving you and Draco alone in the office. 
dumbledore: now children lets speak a bit about what happened... 
YN: its my fault headmaster, i was so looking forward to telling my family, i didnt know it would go that wrong... i thought the old laws were no longer in effect, that crucifixions were illegal in the muggle and wizarding worlds. 
Dumbledore: unfortunately the old laws are the laws that were drilled deeply into lots of witches and wizards and mostly in pureblood families such as both of yours. but unfortunatly we can not change their minds or their ways for that matter, the only thing we can do about this is move forward starting with my meeting with the ministry. now i expect you both to take the day, relax, take a load off and just relax its best not to speak of what happened to anyone its better that not very many people know yet. now be off, spend as much time as needed to push this days events from your minds. 
you and draco walk out of the room, down the hall, through the changing stair cases to the shared dorm, where your room was.
He walked through the door with you, you both fell back on the bed. Just exhausted mentally.
Draco: are you OK love?
Yn: no I'm not... My family rejected me, rejected our relationship. for that they will have to learn the hard way with the decree, hopefully they will listen to that and hopefully when and or if fudge decides to make the announcement in the daily prophet. i know every single member of my family makes the effort to read the daily prophet... So we are gonna make sure it's front page worthy...
You turned over to face him and watched his eyes search your own. He was concerned about you, about your feelings, about your well being.
Draco brushed his hand gently against your cheek and smiled.
Draco: just lean into me and close your eyes. Don't dwell on what happened, dwell on our future think about that.. I love you YN, I love you so much! Just relax my love, just relax.
You leaned into the arms of your love, and happily lulled off to a state of peace and relaxation. You were not sure what tomorrow would hold but as long as nothing else bad happened you would be fine.
~to be continued~
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almasidaliano · 4 years
Almasi for President
so in about 12 to 16 years, i am running for president. i do not believe the world will have ended then, though i do believe things will be different. hoping for better, not, not expecting worse. our system is broken. all of the systems are broken. the government is corrupt. the justice system is corrupt. those in charge are turning blind eyes, covering things up, and allowing the fall of our country. i will not be surprised if a civil war commences; although i'm also thinking they are going to really create and push for a purge. we are in real trouble then. that just goes back to what i said, are you standing for something or dying for nothing?
people were excited for biden to win. and i have to say, i was not one of them. biden seems like another puppet to me. obama was a puppet. he was his vp. crazy how biden is president and he has a black female vp now. that sounds like a win huh? wrong, she contributed to the failed prosecution of the officers who murdered Oscar Grant. that went over everyone's head during the election though. trump was just so bad had to get him out. biden is anti LGBTQ+. everyone wanted to put it on trump folks getting rowdy and such however, biden won and nothing changed.
trump's slogan was "make america great again." personally, i think he could have. trump's a businessman and to say the least, entertainment. they gave trump four years, why do you think they didn't renew his contract? because he was playing them. trump is a classist. he doesn't like poor people. personally, i think he just believes hardwork pays off, his did and so he just holds everyone to the standard he held himself. there are circumstances, however i think that's fair. he said all this racist shit everyone got mad. yet, he won by a landslide because the country said they would still rather this "bigoted, racist, sexist, classist asshole" than a woman. then the country complained the whole time. he exposed america and instead of society shining light and doing something they continued to do what we have been doing; pointing blame.
the system has failed us. the system failed us a long time ago. all trump did was present a call to action. the one thing i can give rednecks is they patriotic as fuck. they want the america they invision type shit. i feel like melanated people in general struggle with that because america never felt like home. america never wanted us here. but the fact of the matter is, this all we know. this is home now. there are 3 real options. 1. go back to where your bloodline stems. 2. sit and conform, hope they dont get you. 3. defend your rights, your home, and your people; come out on top or die trying. you have to pick something though. we have to do something because they those set to protect us are out to get us.
we do not have a democratic government not even a representative democracy like we once thought. sorry if you were today years old when you found out. we operate out of a republic; a constitutional federal republic. what's the difference? in a democracy, all that voting that we do, matters.  even if it was a representative democracy. we would have representatives to disclose our decisions. the electoral college makes final decisions on elections.
a constitutional federal republic means that the constitution which is the law of the land governs the land. if this is the law of the land, why do we have sub laws? the constitution needs to be amended. want to fix the race and inequality issues? let me tell you how, real easy fix. call a convention. take out any amendment that gives rights to people AND reword the beginning anyway folks see fit so that women and americans from all ethnic backgrounds get the same level of respect and rights. there will always be an unspoken division until things like that are rectified. before black people got rights we were not even counted as complete people, simply 3/5s of a person. life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. these are unalienable rights. my very existence guarantees me these rights.
the judicial system coupled with the criminal law system are hopeful, and still in need of reform. prisons are privately owned institutions, which are supposed to be forms of rehabilitation. instead, they are condemning people and treating them inhumanely; creating the same environment they were in on the outside, on in the inside conditioning them to be stuck in these ways as means of survival and then continue to place blame on them. officers need to take crimes more seriously. people are people, bias, prejudices, and profiling have no place in the workplace. officers are corrupt, arresting kids for selling, who just are trying to help their mother with the bills, then turning around and selling it back out on the streets. officers are wrongfully convictind and killing predominately (as far as the media is broadcasting) though not only melanated people. on top of that, they are walking free. lives are being lost and they arent even losing their jobs. tax dollars are going towards keeping them safe. however, if a civilian shoots a cop. up the river for them.
lawyers aren't fighting hard enough. especially defense attorneys. it is fairly simple to get a conviction with the right information, proving innocence is always a bit more complicated. the problem is that attorneys get too big eyed. they looking at how to get their clients off, accountability is another taboo in this society. there are a multitude of people who are innocent behind bars, as well as those who received heinous outrageous sentences. that is not right.
people factor more than necessary when trying to make a decision, yet they ignore the things that remind them a person is human. its this art contest over who can paint the best picture of the defendant. which story is easy for a jurors bias to sway? how people look matters. and it shouldn't. our government since the building of america, has created dividing markers.
just like with royal kingdoms, the wife couldn't have things of her own. her role was cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids, and whatever else was asked of her. if there was a divorce, the woman got nothing. they had no rights. imagine being the first born as a female in a royal family and being told you can't have your kingdom, correction you can but you must marry to get it. then if you get married the new king running things not you. what is that? its called patriarchy. our government is run off a patriarchy as well.
so i never really believed there could be like a true separation of church and state because every law and decision made was based on people's morals and beliefs. there is supposed to be a separation of church and state yet, due to people's religious beliefs gay marriage had to get legalized, despite there being no law for heterosexual marriage. would that not make it illegal? since gay marriage had to be legalized though there was not a law for it either? then on top of that, how do you make it a law, and still for religious reasons, ministers and such can refuse? there are always stipulations and hinderances for the rights of those who are not white men.
ABORTION: i really do not know why we are still having this conversation. its literally conversations like this that have me looking at americans like--- seriously? once again there should be a separation of church and state. so religion cannot be a reason to outlaw it. how can you put out a law that dictates what someone can do with their body? all of life, i mean every part of life should be pro-choice. its just that simple. Pro-Choice. i am all for the right to decide for yourself. and men want to feel a way about women making that decision on their own. and while i do stand behind the fact that ultimately it is the womans decision, that does not mean she can't listen to an opinion. it is a part of the woman, literally grows inside of her an entire being. and fathers can just dip out and folks will just look at the mom and suddenly she should just become super woman. the pressure that comes with having a child is enough on its own. like thats a being that is dependent on you. some people are honest with themselves and know they arent ready or dont want it. all they need is support. the mental toll life takes on us is huge as well. still people do not consider that at all.
there is no point of incarcerating people, if they have still lost a chance at a decent life once they get out. jail is for rehabilitation. they go, do their time and then they are supposed to be allowed to try again. our government knows nothing of redemption, that's why all the top leaders go through so much to hide their dirt. they crucify civilians trying to make themselves seem superior, really they are just like you and i. almasi for president. im going to save the world.
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nisaadventures · 4 years
I’m turning 30 in 10 days... yikes.
The last year of my life has sucked... lol. Okay, it wasn’t all bad. I’m exaggerating... but I’m also not. I know there were plenty of nice moments in the last year... but when I think about the last year of my life, its just full of so many firsts... awful firsts... 
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First time celebrating their birthdays without them...
First holiday season without them... anyone else miss mom’s turkey? Most people don’t like traditional thanksgiving dinner because the turkey is more often dry... mom’s was never dry... Okay the key people.. Don’t actually cook your stuffing in the turkey. Its just going to suck all the juice life out of your bird... I mean come on. Trick #1 stuff the turkey with fresh cut oranges and yes, you can leave the skin on... #2 do majority of the oven time in an oven bag to keep the moisture in. #3 cook breasts down. Its the part thats usually most dry, so duh... keep it in the juicy, buttery goodness of the pan. I never made the entire meal, I usually just helped mom with everything. These are just some things I’ve taken away in my observations. 
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Halloween trip to Disneyland without them... Disney is always a good time, but I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t feel heavy in some way... and that is saying something because Disneyland is my happy place lol. 
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Looking forward to 2020... Hoping that it had so much better in store for us. 
Dear lord... what a joke. 
Going to Hawaii for our “family trip” without them...
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A pandemic without them... I mean yes, I’m thankful they aren’t out there with COVID on the rise... I’m glad they’re not stuck at home because COVID. Mom and Michael are both too much of busy bees to be cooped up in the house for too long. 
Not going to lie... picking up where they left has been hard. All of moms plants... The dogs.. Taking care of the backyard, where Michael usually would. Mom would definitely do too much at once. She’d be out in the yard planting something and pulling out something else in her damn UGG boots! wth mom?! Those are expensive! lol. “Oh its fine.. I’ll wash them.” Omg lol. Either that, or she’d be over here trying to move heavy a$$ pots by herself and I’d have to stop her before she hurt her back. Ayiyi. 
Keanu and Aria’s birthdays without them... seeing my babies sad and missing their grandma, grandpa, and aunties has been hard. It will be out of nowhere sometimes... and all the nights of Aria waking up in the middle of the night crying. I feel you baby girl... I get it. I miss them too... Its okay to be sad... Mantras... 
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You were her little rays of sunshine. Grandpa and grandma loved you SOOOO much. 
Mom would babysit the kids on Saturday mornings, while Kuya, Vaness, and I went to workout. They’d go get breakfast, pancakes and eggs, at UJs. She’d take them to Target, the dollar store, Walmart, etc. just so they could look and maybe get something to play with together. She always crafted with them. 
Living in this house... especially with COVID... has been hard. I miss just sitting at the dinner table, eating sho mi, and talking about work. Mom and Michael getting all worked up over some crazy manager, or something going down with the union.. yup, that’s where I get it from... advocacy and leadership skills FTW.  One thing they could always talk about for HOURS was work lol. 
I remember when I was a little girl, Mom would let me play in the bathtub until I was all wrinkled. She would let me bring all my toys into the tub. At one point I even had a care bear doll that she, for some reason, let me take in the bath lol. She’d throw it in the dryer for me after I was done. 
I remember going to the grocery store with mom and leaving with two full a$$ grocery carts because we had a full house at all times. I mean it was Kuya, my cousin Jojo, my brother Derric, my cousin John, Bubba, my cousin Jay, me and whoever else was over the house lol. When Kuya was in high school, it was all of his buddies partying at our house and crashing on the floor in the living room, dining room, and all the couches. She was the #1 host for sure.
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“Are you hungry? Did you eat yet?” 
Thats love. 
All of Kuya’s high school friends called her Mom. My friends called her Mama Fern. She loved that. 
I remember playing hide n go seek in the dark in our tiny town house.. Later in the bigger house on Glenbriar... where mom actually tripped and broke her arm... But she laughed so hard she peed her pants, so she was a good sport? lol. Needless to say, we sort of stopped playing after that.
I remember making dim sum with mom for the first time. Such a hot mess, flour and food everywhere, but so fun. We definitely didn’t do that again until there were more adults around to help lol. Mom knew how to run through a kitchen like a tornado. Hot mess! but the best cook. 
Mom was always careful. She always wanted to make sure we were safe, that I was safe. I couldn’t go outside unless one of the boys was with me. When I would swim she would get nervous, even though I learned how to swim at a young age thanks to Kuya. One day, we were having a bbq, lots of family over, I was playing in the jacuzzi (drawing on the wall of the jacuzzi with a piece of chlorine... don’t play with chemicals kids lol) and she thought I was drowning? So she jumps her a$$ in there fully clothed and yanks my a$$ out. I was shocked as hell, so I naturally started crying hella hard and complaining about the fact that she scratched me when she yanked me up out of the water lol.
Keep in mind that that was not the first time one of the twins jumped into the pool fully clothed to “save” someone hahaha. 
 Speaking of fully clothed in the pool... The time auntie tripped and fell slo-mo style (that questionable, are you going to catch your balance, speed) into the pool LOL. Mom was dead laughing at her. Most hilarious video. 
Those twins lol. 
Jeeze.. speaking of the twins. They had this crazy connection. Tell me why when mom got sick with suspected viral meningitis and had to be hospitalized... Auntie straight up followed her right into the ICU with viral meningitis... 
Who remembers their 50th birthday? Talk about doing it BIG. So much fun. All the performances. Lani was there... KMA performances and kuya and John getting down for Maglalatik. Who doesn’t like seeing some half naked, buff dudes, bang coconuts together? haha. The twins getting down with their hula performance. Cute!
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I remember when Mom and pops were going through their divorce and she would text me after midnight. I was going to Sac State and of course I was team NO sleep at the time. I would be in the AIRC studying. I’d comfort as best as I could from a distance... and then come home on weekends to be there with her when I could. 
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She found her footing again. Started going to the gym with Kuya more... Started running all the time... all of her half marathons and finally she did the Nike Women’s Marathon. 
Hiking Half Dome with her. What.a.badass. 
That is really how I see her. She was so badass. When she was my age she had my 9 year old Kuya and I was on the way... She was working and supporting us and then eventually decided to make a better life for us, and went back to school... NURSING SCHOOL. wth. I can’t even imagine doing that right now, but reminding myself of where she has been and how much she PUT IN WORK... That keeps me grounded in the fact that we are responsible for our lives. If you want something, you have to work for it. You can’t just hope for better... you make better happen. 
I guess its that reminder... her strength... her and Michael’s love and hard work... That keeps me going. 
Being mindful... being thankful... acknowledging my own strength... 
But with that said... August has been increasingly hard. I don’t like to think about my birthday. I don’t even want to plan anything. They’re not here... I can’t celebrate with all my loved ones and friends. Thank you COVID... 
We’re just getting closer and closer to the anniversary? Nah.. lets not call it that... anniversary sounds like something nice... something to celebrate... This is NOT that. The day your loved ones are taken is not something to celebrate... I mean honestly, if I had to pinpoint the worst day of my life, that was it.... When I think about that day I can’t breathe. Terrible memories... so many sleepless nights. I’ve come so far. Its still hard, but I’ve come a long way. 
Anyway... this post is sort of random and nostalgic. Things I hold onto. Things that make me happy cry... Things that weigh heavy on my heart. 
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Here’s my playlist for grief... reminders of them... collected over the last year:
Aloha for now -Kaleo Vai & Passion 
One day at a time -Jennifer Chung
In the end - Gabe Bondoc, Melissa Polinar, Passion
Round and around -Kolohe Kai
Fade Away -Rebelution
Alive -The Green
New Day -Kimie’
Angels above me -Stick Figure
Memories -Maroon 5
Wish you pain -Andy Grammer
100 -Katchafire
Everyday life -Coldplay
Out of the darkness -Isla vista worship, Bre Reed
Amen -Andra Day
Grateful -13 Crowns feat. Poo Bear
Rainbow Connection -Gwen Stefani
Be okay -ZOE worship 
With you -Eryn Allen Kane
Dont worry -Mesto feat. Aloe Blacc
Just livin’ -Sensi trails, Kbong
Remember me -Miguel, Natalia Lafourcade
Even more -Major
Let it be -Xav A.
Give Thanks -Iya terra, Stick figure
Mr. Sun -Sammy Johnson
Rest easy -Thrive, Nico of Tribal Theory
Sunny Days- Allen Stone
Today’s a new day -Common Kings
Mother’s Love -Jonah Jaxon, Micah G
The bones -Maren Morris, Hozier
Give you blue -Allen Stone
And we remain -Johnnyswim
Yellow -Kina Grannis
Streetcar -Daniel Caesar
Meant to be -Bebe Rexha, Florida georgia line
All you need to know -Gryffin, slander, Calle Lehmann
Like I’m gonna lose you -Jasmine Thompson
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ad1thi · 5 years
hey baby (won’t you look my way)
welcome back to my greek gods au! part 1 can be found here, and i hope you enjoy part 2
s/o to: @lovingtony3000, @kimannhart, @oddone92, @sleepyoldchild, @riotfalling and @thefluffyboi who donated enough so that i could reach my goal, and therefore yall are getting this!!
this part is set very slightly ahead of the last part, and bucky and tony are already in Hel
Hel, to Bucky’s surprise, is not the murky and dark place his father always painted it to be 
In fact, its buzzing with life- brimming with possibilities and excitement
It makes Olympus look incredibly dull in comparison
“When Rhodey took over,” Tony explained to him one night over coffee, close enough that Bucky could smell the faint vanilla on his breath but still at the careful distance he’d maintained since that awful day when Bucky had stuffed his foot in his mouth, “he decided he wanted to give them another chance”
“Humans that is,” he elaborates, “you see- Rhodey isn’t like me and you”
Bucky cocked his head, looking at his husband curiously, “what do you mean- not like me and you?”
“Me and you,” Tony said, “we were born Gods. We don’t really know anything else. We’ve always been gods”
Bucky nodded for Tony to continue, “But Rhodey wasn’t. Rhodey was born demi; and after Father killed the first Hades in that massive war that we were still godlings for, he needed a replacement for the king of Hel”
“And so he chose James,” Bucky surmised, and Tony smiled at him
“Exactly. It’s why Rhodey’s skin is so dark too, because he isn’t off the same blood of ours. He’s the offspring of a mistake Mom made when she was visiting Egypt with Alexander, and Father stuffed him in Hel as punishment”
“But really,” Tony leaned in conspiratorially and Bucky valiantly fought the desire to inhale his scent, “making Rhodey the God of Hel is the best thing that ever happened to him?”
Tony had a smug look on his face, “because otherwise he would’ve never met me”
Tony cackled at his own joke, and Bucky wondered how he never realised just how beautiful his husband was
Of course, that didn’t mean he was the only one oblivious to Tony’s looks and charms
Their entire week in Hel, Bucky’s slowly let his health build up as spirits flit in and out of the palace; fluttering their eyes and leaning forward ever so slightly when they talk to Tony
Tony is of course, oblivious to the whole thing- but its clear that he thrives off the attention; basking in it
Not in the pompous way Steve revels in mortal prayers during war time, but in a more subtle way- as if Tony isn’t used to affection and now that its being sent his way he isn’t sure how to react to it
Bucky is spending time with his husband for the first time in 1000 years of marriage, and he’s rapidly realising that ignoring Tony may have been the worst mistake of his life
“Aphrodite,” says a voice behind Bucky, and he turns to face Sam- and his mouth stretches out like a loon, “what brings you to my humble abode?”
“I’ve known you since you had grassy knees birdbrain, there’s no need for this ‘Aphrodite’ bullshit,” and Sam laughs, spreads his arms around to embrace Bucky properly
“I didn’t realise that you’d convinced the King of the Underworld to shackle up with you,” Bucky says, swinging his arm around his old friend, “how’d you manage that?”
“He was the only one who understood me,” Sam says simply, before grinning impishly and turning, “plus my tush is out of this world”
Bucky swats at him, “god you haven’t changed at all,” he nods over at where Rhodey and Tony are involved with each other, “he treating you right?”
Bucky tries to hide the jealousy out of his voice; he really does- but from Sam’s knowing look, he fails
“I took time too,” Sam says, deliberately nonchalantly, because Bucky may not have Steve’s temper but an angry Bucky was a force to be reckoned with, “to get used to their whole thing”
He gestures vaguely to Tony; who is currently sprawled over Rhodey’s lap and flicking his chin intermittently to feed him grapes
Jealousy isn’t an emotion Bucky’s felt in a really long time, but he remembers that it felt just like this
“I was his husband, and Tony was just a friend,” Sam continues, oblivious to Bucky’s turmoil- or maybe aware and uncaring anyway, “but Tony would come over and hang onto him like a limpet. It drove me crazy, because those were privileges reserved for me”
Bucky nods without thinking; flushing when Sam chuckles, “but after some time- I got it. Tony was the first person to treat him normally; like he wasn’t an abomination for being demi- and Rhodey was the first person to treat Tony like a God; instead of a sex toy”
He thinks of all the things he’s heard about his husband over the years; the reason why he chose not to ever consummate their marriage; and he can see why Tony’s so comfortable around the God of Hel
“So him and Rhodey never-” Bucky doesn’t know why he’s asking; it’ll just take a couple of seconds for him to find out himself- but he wants to hear it from someone else
“Oh no they did,” Sam says; and Bucky can feel his guts twisting, “they fucked a lot over the years. But not since me and Rhodey got married. Never since then”
“I think,” Sam says delicately, “that it was a source of comfort for them. The kind of intimacy that only sex can provide”
“There was no shortage of Gods willing to sleep with Tony,” Bucky says before he can stop himself; grimacing at how the words come out
“I just meant -” Bucky backtracks; but Sam lifts a hand to hush him
“I know what you meant Bucky,” Sam says coolly- and Bucky wonders if Rhodey is the only one with a soft stop for his husband, “but there’e something different when you lay with someone you love, with someone who loves you back in equal measure”
“And besides, if Rhodey is to be believed- and he rarely lies about this sort of thing; Tony hasn’t taken a single lover since he married you”
Rhodey lifts his head up to call Sam just as the words sink in; and Bucky runs away before he can be called over too
On the other side of the hall; Rhodey curls an arm around his bestfriend, and pulls him in tight; turning him away from the sight of his husband leaving
“My lord,” Tony turns to see his husband; arm still wrapped in a sling
Tony smiles at him, setting down the gizmo in his hand to give Bucky his full attention
“I thought we already discussed that you can just call me Tony,” he says- and Bucky flushes
“I wasn’t sure if that offer still held true,” Bucky says softly- and Tony absently wonders when he’ll stop hurting
“I’m told that arguments are common in a marriage,” Tony says instead of spilling his heart out, “but you are always free to call me Tony”
He motions at the stump, “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for your hand. If I had some metal and ambrosia on hand maybe- but I’m afraid Rhodey keeps neither handy”
Bucky waves him off, “I’ll be okay, really”
“I’m sure Clint will have something I’m not too worried about it,” his face turns hesitant, “which is what I actually wanted to speak to you about. It’s not that I’m not enjoying Hel- but I was just wondering when we would be leaving back to Olympus?”
Tony feels like he’s been stabbed
He thought he was making progress with Bucky, real, actual progress; but of course Bucky was interested in going back to Olympus; its where the man he wished he’d married was 
Despite everything Steve had done, despite the fact that Steve’s son was responsible for Bucky losing his arm- Bucky still wanted to go back to him
Thats what true love was after all
He schools his face into pleasant features, “there are a couple of upgrades that I have to do for the ship; and then we should be good to go”
There’s a furrow on Bucky’s brow; which Tony has learnt means that he has questions, but Tony doesn’t want to hear them- so he leaves
Bucky watches Tony go, and wanders how ill advised it would be to chase after him
“It’s a bad idea,” someone answers behind him, and Bucky turns to see Rhodey
“James Rhodes,” he says- extending an arm that Bucky shakes, “I don’t think we’ve met yet”
“You kept your mortal name,” Bucky blurts out- instantly biting his tongue, “I mean, its a pleasure to meet you my lord”
Rhodey raises an amused eyebrow, “Rhodey is just fine; you are married to my bestfriend after all- and you’ll find I have his distaste for formality.”
He rubs the back of his neck, “He’s spent most of our time together training my formality out of me too; but it hasn’t quite stuck yet”
“Tell me Aphrodite,” there’s a glint in Rhodey’s eyes that makes Bucky want to take a step back; but he holds his ground anyway, “how is your time with Tony going?”
“He’s...” Bucky searches for the right word, “confusing. I upset him without quite knowing how I’ve upset him; and everytime I think I’m making progress with him,  he shuts down. I’ve never found courting quite this hard”
“Is that what you’re trying to do?” Rhodey asks- but there doesn’t seem to be any malice behind the question, “court him?”
Bucky shrugs helplessly, “I know I’ve wronged him in our marriage, and I have no excuse except that I was in love with another man. But Steve wasn’t the one to come and save me, Tony was- and that means something to me. I’m not cold-hearted, and I’m not flighty.”
“Tony is,” Bucky licks his lips, “Tony isn’t what I expected. And thats my fault because I never tried. I know that. I just hope it counts for something that I’m trying now”
Rhodey hums, “You’re the goddess of love Aphrodite, I don’t have to be the one to tell you that love can be dangerous. But, for your sake, and mine- allow me to remind you that I do have love for Tony; and my love makes me a very dangerous man”
Bucky isn’t sure how to answer that, or even if there is an appropriate answer for that; so he simply nods
It seems to be enough, because Rhodey slings his arm around his shoulder like they’re old buddies and starts walking with him, “so tell me- what’s your favourite thing about Hel?”
Tony he thinks, but what comes out of his mouth is “the hellhounds”
Rhodey throws his head back and laughs, eyes twinkling, “I think you and I will get on just fine”
tagging list (im sorry if i missed anyone): @icarustarks, @wecollectnightmares, @imposter-human, @goldenmoonbeam, @crazy4thewinbros, @error-name-not-in-this-dimension, @slashupmylife, @bonniepacheco, @lionheartwithnoking, @moon6shadow, @mrunaliniraman, @starkwannabe @wintersoldierland, @theavengays, @nightwingingthis, @bonniepacheco, @lionheartwithnoking, @mbakusbae, @invisibleanonymousmonsters, @firebrands, @omg-just-peachy, @starkrogerrs, @spiderrpcrker,  @marvelmalady, @amessoffeels, @afellowstargazingdreamer, @sweet-cherry-boy, @aboreal-elm-ash-oak, @tinystankdefensesquad, @lovelyirony,@s-horne, @sleepyoldchild, @winteriron-trash, @shetlandowl (im sorry if i missed anyone!)
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 6 commentary (Minato)
The final episode of Part 2!
This was originally my favorite of the three episodes we are shown in the theatrical “Part 2″. But it was also the one I was most awake for at the time haha. Nowadays I think Joji’s is probably my favorite of the Part 2 episodes, but this one still has a very, very special place in my heart......... AS BIG AS THE OCEAN.......... 
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And right off the bat we’re referencing the hidden curry subplot in Pride the Hero. Well, maybe it was obvious to some people, but I definitely wouldn’t have fully known about this subplot without reading about it. Basically early on in Pride the Hero there is a scene where Hiro casually refuses to eat Minato’s curry. Minato can be seen working on his recipe during the movie, but in the end it’s Kouji’s honey/apple curry recipe which gets Hiro back on his feet. Minato sees this as a failure on his part. 
If there is ever a scene where anyone is crying (there will be a few more examples of this before the end of SSS) take a look at Leo. If anyone else is crying, it’s basically guaranteed that Leo is also crying too. He doesn’t even know why Minato is crying here!!! LeoooooOOO..............
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Everyone always cheers for Taiga here! Good job.
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Okay, according to the Part 2 pamphlet, from left to right...
Misaki, Nagisa, Gen, Kou, Shiho. 
They all have sort of marine-related names. (cape, shore, broadside of a ship, sailing, saltwater...)
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And these two we already met in Young of Prism. 
(Ushio means tide, Tsubasa means wing....)
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I really love the voice work on Shiho here. She really sounds so natural. So cute. Favorite Minato sibling.
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I know I said Yukinojo’s grandpa was best King of Prism old man, but I’m not sure anymore. Minato’s grandpa is also in the running ahah. I love his intense drama and yet down to typical old man-ness at the same time. HAVE A FISH.
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Okay this one is forgivable because he says their abbreviated name “O-Ba-Re” which I always struggle to translate. Usually I just spell it all out or put OtR.
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It was established in this episode that Minato can taste when something has been made with love. 
This means that Yamada-san’s ramen noodles were clearly MADE WITH LOVE at least.
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I think at one point I posted a shitty out of context spoiler about the DARK HISTORY of Edel Rose. Here you go ahah. 
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The cheering audience loves Yukinojo’s reaction here. Everyone be like.... nu nu nu nu nu nu..............
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This is the only time I know Taiga has been associated with soba except for when they just kind of decided to make it his food item on Prism Rush........ (because I guess pudding a la mode wasn’t a thing back then..............) 
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Minato’s reaction is notably a bit more low key than the other boys during Kakeru’s turn.
Kakeru’s catering WASNT MADE WITH LOVE 
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Every time I see this I think to myself that I have got to figure out where this is and go there. But I haven’t yet. 
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Shizuoka isn’t that far from me and I go there every few months or so for Love Live stuff or to visit Shizuoka Prism Stone, etc. A few days before Part 2 premiered I was actually in Shizuoka and actually spent a good amount of time thinking of things I might see from Shizuoka in Minato’s episode. I was at a tourist attraction (Izu-Mito Sea Paradise) where I went to the snack bar and noticed they had Mishima croquettes. It was the first time I had heard of them. But I decided on something else instead. 
So every time I see this, I think......... should have got the croquette....... 
(and now I must live with the regret.............. forever......................) 
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I talk a lot about how this or that is art in SSS. 
But Minato meeting Kouji REALLY IS ART 
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In the stream someone called this a “prismgasm” and now I can’t get that out of my head thanks.................................
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I love how Minato is not the first, but SECOND Edel Rose boy just entered into Edel Rose against his will by a family member ahaah. (After Taiga by his sister.) 
Okay so, let’s pause for a minute. 
As you can see here this is a senior high school application. So this means Minato was never in the junior high division of Kakyouin Academy and went straight to senior high. 
If we rewind back to Kakeru’s episode, you’ll remember that there was a flashback where Yukinojo met Kakeru back in the heyday of Edel Rose, and they were both wearing junior high uniforms. So this means that a.) The first member of the seven to enter Edel Rose was probably Yukinojo and b.) Kakeru and Yukinojo are the two who have known each other the longest. 
I don’t think you can make an exact timeline of who joined when, but it’s possible to piece together a rough estimate of the order everyone joined by the end of SSS.
So this actually destroys my headcanon that the reason Minato calls Kakeru “Kazuo” is because they have known each other the longest and he knew him before he was Kakeru. So now I don’t know what to think about that anymore ahah. 
Anyway Minato why are you taking the Shinkansen to Tokyo. It’s only like 3 hours from Shizuoka!!! That is insanely close (...... from my perspective...............) what a waste of money haha. 
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Favorite Minato face of all time by far. 
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Oh gosh this scene. This scene. Where do I even begin. I love, LOVED seeing this side of Minato. He’s always everyone’s rock (excuse me harbor) so it’s really mindblowing to actually see him all nervous and flustered and just oh gosh it made me love him so much more. 
And not to mention Kouji just dragging a boy he’s known for three seconds to eat a children’s lunch......
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Everyone goes nuts for this at cheering and agrees they still want to eat this kind of lunch as an adult. I guess I don’t quite understand because I was never a child in Japan haha. But this was the only moment at the mostly quiet 8am showing (when I saw it for the first time) where I could hear people laughing/freaking out.
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I have mentioned this already but I just have to say I really love this line. This moment. This whole concept. Minato can taste love. 
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I didn’t think it was noticeable from Young of Prism, but when we actually met all of Minato’s siblings and saw that Tsubasa is basically the only one who doesn’t have a marine color scheme or a directly marine-related name.... Even before this scene in the back of my head I was like..... hm...... 
The least they could have done was given her a marine-themed name geez
I had to go back and slightly change some wording in my Young of Prism translation because of this reveal.
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Also his face
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It’s not “a” new dorm, he’s probably talking about the new dorm that the new boys still live in (but our seven moved back here by choice in episode 1 remember........)
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This is another scene where I’m kinda wondering if this plot thread seems sudden or out of place to people who don’t know the side materials. 
Minato’s confidence issues have come up on Prism Rush several times before, and I was actually waiting the entire episode for it to come up here. 
This episode in particular really requires a lot of extracurricular homework doesn’t it....
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I believe this is mistranslated. He used ~すら which I think should be “All I could do is watch......” JLPT N1 textbook grammar Minato why......
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The least they could do would be to leave a note that says “Minato” means “harbor” but that’s TOO MUCH TIME I GUESS GOTTA GET THOSE EPISODES OUT IN AN HOUR CHOP CHOP
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I really like this speech. It’s shockingly down to earth and refreshing. Especially compared to Kakeru and Yukinojo’s episodes. 
Like the other members of the old dudes club, Minato’s family has a tradition too. But Minato is not particularly expected to carry on that tradition since his family realizes it’s no longer viable 
Instead they encourage Minato to enjoy his youth, find himself, and if he doesn’t become a star that’s OK.... of course he can come home anytime. 
Nrrrgggghhaaaaaa such good supportive parents ahhhhhhh
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Been waiting a couple months to read this. In the theater all I can ever catch is Shin’s message. (But still the point comes across.) 
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“Well that was fast” - the cheering audience (about the sunrise, ruining this beautiful scene lol)
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THIS.... SHOW.........
So, a while back I casually mentioned that Kakeru and Taiga’s prism shows were in my top three. Nobody ever asked what the third one was. But. It was this one. I LOVE this show.
From the very moment Minato looks up at the camera here I just get goosebumps from head to toe, and it just stays throughout the entire show. No other prism show has ever made me feel quite this way. 
So towards the end of the Prism Rush Main Story, there is a chapter where the boys are talking about what they want to accomplish in the Prism King Cup. (This is before they know who will be in it.) Minato has a line where he talks about wanting to perform a show like warm soup or something, and as soon as I saw this show I just immediately remembered that line and thought THATS IT. 
Even though there are so many cool colors, somehow, it just makes me feel so.... warm. 
Although it didn’t stay for as aggressively long as Joji’s did, this was the first song from Part 2 which got stuck in my head and it’s just... it’s so nice........
Also, even though I have complained about Minato always getting stuck in chef uniforms for his performance outfits I do kinda like this one. It’s the floating jellyfish scarf thing at the back that makes it I think. (I have no idea how else to describe that.) 
I hope he gets a sailor suit next time though eheh. (I like how Minato has a marine theme now too, not just food. Well, he probably always did but it’s more prominent now.)
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So Minato technically lost to Joji, but the individual match-ups mean nothing in the long run. (Except for you know..... the last one...... when it’s down to the wire and each side has put up their strongest member...............if you remember who that match-up is--)
It may not be obvious at first, but Minato’s prism show was pretty low leveled compared to the other boys. 
(He did start doing prism shows later than most of them after all... Um Shin being a special case.) 
He only did two jumps and they weren’t even connected. So that being considered, this score is pretty amazing for him. It makes me think the Shuffle members must only be doing like one jump per show to be scoring in the 7000s geez. 
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And thus the curry plot goes full circle. Minato, good for you. 
Thus ends what I know as the Part 2 episodes, and also the halfway mark of the series. (There are 12 episodes in all.) Ready or not, on to Part 3.
I really like and have been looking forward to the Part 3 episodes. I think they are a little better than Part 2, but maybe not quite as good as Part 1. I also think Part 3 is possibly the most heart-wrenching collection.... Leo’s episode in particular, which is coming up next week, I have a very strong and personal reaction to. That combined with feeling the need to point out all the PriPara references may mean my post for next week may take some extra time and be frighteningly long ahah..... ha....... 
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caps-clever-girl · 5 years
thoughts on endgame.
fair warning, i am not going to be kind. i enjoyed watching this movie, for the most part. it was funny; it had many good jokes and good, pure and well done interactions between multiple characters. but i didnt like it, and here are the reasons why.
unfortunately, this isnt a ‘nitpicky’ post. my main problems are with a lot of the bigger points points of the film, and had quite a few. this is a LONG post.
• “marvels first gay character!!!!!!!!!!!!” shut up. you joined the ‘fad’ late for brownie points and it was a cameo character who got about 3 lines. there are plenty of canon queer and gay characters who could have been introduced, either as cameos or in earlier films. dont even get me started on the fact that tony has more canon bi material than most others and marvel could have taken the time or even the slightest bit of effort to make this. while i enjoyed the jokes about steve being Incredibly Hot and his ass being Gods Gift To America (which honestly??? correct!) that could have been expanded on. several characters made comments about how nice steve’s ass is, and could have been used as actual material for a queer character, instead of sticking a random chharacter in there. i get the whole ‘gay people could be anyone! its normal!’ thing by giving the ‘role’ to a regular person, but you would also prove that by making any one of your 30+ main cast actually queer instead of making gay jokes and hints that could be retconned and explained away by humour.
• slapping someone out of a panic attack, and treating the panic attack like a joke. yeah, i get it, they didnt have a lot of time. still, come on. did iron man 3 teach you nothing? apparently not since tonys ptsd was pretty much never brought up again.
• speaking of thor. now, i am not an expert, but when a person gains weight, they do not keep their abs. certainly not after five entire years - not even asgardians. i also found it odd that thor became the way he did. i understand gaining weight and comfort eating after all the trauma thor went through losing his home and brother and people, i really do, but 1.) do it properly, at least, and 2.) thor is the leader of his people. does he want the task? not particularly. he hasnt wanted to be king since the first thor movie, but hes been forced into the role. even depressed i dont think thor would shy away from it, not completely. hes always wanted to do right by his people and i think that hed stuck to it, especially after The Snap backing him into a corner, if that makes sense. to clarify, i dont have a problem with chubby/fat thor. (IF done right instead of with weird, shitty cgi, that is.) i have a problem with the fact that thor, even though he doesnt want to be king, would abandon the last remanents displaced people to build a new home all on their own and become a hermit gamer boy. ESPECIALLY with valkyrie around. she’s been through a derpressive, alcohol fuelled time in her life and thor pulled her out of it. (mostly anyway, asgardians are party animals and im p sure she still gets trolleyed on the reg) i have bo doubt that after years of wallowing she would do her damned best to try and kick his ass out of it, even if it were just because his people need a leader, instead of letting him drop everything on her and just let him stew while new asgard gets on with it. i also didnt like the fact that all of thors emotional moments were treated as jokes and made to be funny when hes genuinely Fucked Up about eveything thats happening and made his image into a whiny crybaby.
• professor hulk. more of a personal one, this, simply because i just didnt like it. fair enough if y’all disagree on this one, im not going to fight it. i just never saw him wanting to combine himself with the hulk. ever. when he apleared on the screen i was completely blindsided, and his explanation, and the way he interacted with the kids????? i just want to know where all of this confidence suddenly came from. i use the term ‘suddenly’ loosely, since its been five years, but bruce has never been the guy to care about strength or looks or fame. hes always been shy and nerdy. not afraid to stand his ground or make his opinion known. hes bot a catchphrase, posing and flexing ‘hell yeah lets take a selfie’ guy. i get that thats maybe the result of the hulk and bruces combined personality but it just felt WEIRD to me, like, there wasnt a time in the film where i felt comfortable with the character. this was the final avengers film, with all of the original six avengers in it. but it didnt feel like that, it didnt feel like bruce or the hulk was in the film, even though there was a lot of funny and good moments with orofessor hulk, it felt like a stranger with some familiar characteristics. it ruined any feelings of nostalgia for me. i like bruce, and i like the hulk. i like the way their differences add to the story and the way they interact with eachother, and the slow change in their relationship. sorry if its petty but i prefer them seperate, theres just so much more to them for me.
• clint and natasha’s journey for the soul stone. both times, in infinity war and endgame, a male character and a female character went to get the soul stone. both times the male came back and the female died, and we lost possibly two most developed and main-line female characters in the entire mcu. now i understand the reasoning for both, and out of the characters that went there, i agree with the choice. thanos and gamora; it was thanos who was aware of the sacrifice and who chose to make it. gamora didnt get a choice and was unaware until it was too late. thanos was never going to die there. he knew there would be a sacrifice and chose to take gamora, because she would be the most likely sacrifice to actualky sucsesfully yield the soul stone because she was the most loved by him. i get it, but we lost gamora and i dont like it. clint and natasha; looking at it completely objectively, clint has a family, a wife and three children, that he wants to get back. natasha does not have any children, nor any (blood) family. if i had to choose, based on facts like that, id choose her too. but i still hate it, because there goes the only female member of the avengers. also, nebula (and i think maybe rocket?) KNEW that a sacrifice would be made and either accidentaly or deliverately left out the terms of aquiring the soul stone. it would have been easy to tell, if not easy to solve. but nothinb was said, and two best friends had to make a fucking awful and horrible choice when they might not have had to.
• on the ‘feminism’ tangent; the random congragation of women in the end scene??????? i dont????? okay so i am marking myself as a hypocrite here because i did love this scene!!! it made my lil gay heart go boom to see so many good and strong women all in one place - ESPECIALLY rescue - and it also made me realise how many women there actually are across the mcu??? which was really nice?? but it just felt... so forced? the way they ALL suddenly apleared and stood together even though they were all mixed in around the battlefield. it was a wonderful thought and i did enjoy it, but it seemed too Off and Odd to seem as much more than a bid for Feminism Brownie Points.
• captain marvel. i dont know about you, but i was actually looking forward to her being in the film. for a character so hyped to be the saviour of the avengers and the end of thanos, she was barely in the film. ‘i have other planets to save, the earth isnt the only one affected by thanos’ yeah but earth is the only plannet actively attacked by him. its where the people who are rallying to fight him and reverse what he did are. dont you want to stick around and help them? surely it would be a hell of a lot easier with your help, and faster too. yes, she blasted theough the ship at the end, but she did fuck all to help defeat thanos himself, and the help she did give with the ship came at the end. i genuinely think they kept her out of the movie because she was too powerful, and would have made fighting thanos etc too easy to get all the suffering and noble sacrifices in. if she had been a side character i dont think id be as mad, but she got a whole MOVIE in which she is clearly the start of the entire avengers initiative; she is their HISTORY!!!! she is so powerful!!!! and yet she has 5 mins of screen time!! it pisses me off that she was So Strongly implied to be the character the avengers NEEDED, the one that without whom it would be IMPOSSIBLE to defeat thanos; the woman that really tipped the scales in there favour, and yet she did fuck all. (and lets not even get started on the carol/rhodey and carol+tony bromance we COMPLETELY missed out on.)
• (speaking of bonding what the fuck happened to tony and nebula????? after they were rescued it was like they never met)
• the whole entire concept of time what the fuck!!! ‘dont change anything’ okay well for the most part you did okay, and the PLAN and CONCEPT was actually really easy to grasp, at least to me, which is hard when working with paradoxes and wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey stuff. but that went out the water when past!thanos and his army were brought into the future and disintergrated. does this mean they’re dead in the past - since they would have just. Left and not come back and therefore ceased to exist from that point???? or did tonys Snap simply send them back to their point in time, with no memory of what had occured? idk because it aint explained.
• speaking of; loki. again - his past changed; he managed to escape, with the tessarect. this is not explained nor expanded upon. assuming the events of thor 2 came about - which were impossible if he escaped - then his timeline would carry on as normal, and would PERHAPS explain the tessarects wacky timeline. (i dont know for certain, because i cant work it out anyway). but loki disspearing means he wouldnt have gone to trial on asgard, nor would he wouldnt have been in thor 2 - also by extention meaning that frigga is still alive. technically if he went back to get odin off the throne anyway, everything else after thor 2 involving loki/asgard would still come to pass. either way, we dont know. it was a nice way for endgame to give fans what we wanted; the posibility of loki coming back. but it doesnt make a lick of sense, and we have no idea if hes still alive/escaped or not, and why. personally i have no fucking idea and im pretty sure it was a cop out so they could give us what we wanted. which brings to my other point:
• giving the audience what we wanted. we got loki interaction. we got loki ‘escaping’ and ‘surviving’ (????) we FINALLY got rescue, who many fans have been asking for since i think iron man 2, and even more so since The Badass That Was Pepper Potts in im3. we got morgan stark and tony and pepper married, we got jokes about steves ass, and more jokes about male characters admiring how hot other male characters are. and, most importantly, we got tony having the nice relaxing life he wanted out in his cabin in the woods with his wife and kids (even if it was a horrific way of getting there). i dont quite know how to explain it, but to me it seemed like they were shoving as many ‘fan-requests’ into the film as possible - so that when they killed off 2 of the original 6, and removed another by ageing him out of use, they could lessen the backlash and justify the changes by going ‘but you got so mych that you wanted beforehand!!’. a tactic they drenhed us with because one of those 2 was a fan favourite that people were BEGGING not to be killed off because they felt that he hadnt recieved anywhere near the peace or happiness he deserved so far - and now never will. which brings me to:
• tony’s death.
there are two parts to this.
one, i was incredibly pissed off because strange’s Big Plan, the ONLY reason he saved tony in infinity war, was so tony could use the gauntlet and kill himself anyway later. anyone in that film could have used that gauntlet - and many wouldnt have suffered fatal injuries; captain marvel, steve, t’challa, peter quill to name a few possibilities - basically, anyone who is in anyway enhanced would have had a better chance of surviving and would have therefore been the better choice; aka, half the mcu. i think it was a proximity thing; tony was closest. he had the oppertunity and the others didnt. but tony didnt know about the option of using it until strange looked at him and gave him ‘the signal.’ the signal to sacrifice himself. and of course, this is tony stark. when is he ever going to refuse that.
but reason two, and this is the one that stings the most; tony started the mcu.
in my opinion, he is the character who has put the most in during the whole ten years. he, of ALL the characters, deserves his happy ending of marrying the love of his life and having a kid, without constantly fearing that hes foing to have them ripped away from him, that hes going to have to fight to the death to keep them safe.
one of my friends, when i complained about tony dying, said; “it was his time. plus, he had a legacy! with pepper and morgan, and the iron man name. how can you be upset?”
i can be upset because tony got the happiness he wanted after losing exactly 50% of what he held dearest. i can be upset because hawkeye got his family back, but tony only got five years with his wife and less with his kid, instead of getting the oppertunity to grow old with his wife and watch his kid go to collage like clint will. i can be upset because the character that has gone through the most trauma, both physically and mentally, who spent the last ten years trying to better the world and everything in it and protect it, who got the most shit for every decision he made and who ended EVERY SINGLE FILM with a broken limb or his face littered with bruises and cuts while every other film centric character ended the film usually scrape free, didnt get his happy fucking ending. sure, he has a legacy. but i dont give a shit, because that legacy - of iron man, of morgan and pepper and stark industries - would have been there whether tony was alive to see it flourish or not. but he wont be.
this goes beyond being a ‘tony stan’ or tony being my favourite character. out of every single character, from start to finish, anthony edward stark fucking deserved a happy ending and by god he deserved it the most. i will argue that until my end of days.
i watched tony stark on screen for ten years, and i watched him get progressively more scarred and fucked up. his parents. the ten rings. losing yinsen. obie. vanko and hammer. the palladium poisoning. new york; the nuke and the wormhole. the ptsd, the panic attacks. the iron legion and retirement attempt. killian and extremis and the end of that returement attempt. wanda’s vision. jarvis being destroyed. the accords and subsequent civil war. finding out about the winter soldier and his hand in his parents death. finding out that steve knew. siberia. struggling to balence iron man and the accords. losing peter. being stranded on titan, in space for weeks.
tony in that wheelchair, shaking and rail thin and unable to stand for more than a few moments will haunt me forever.
i watched him suffer for ten years - longer, even, in-universe - clawing for his quiet, happy ending while fighting for the happy ending he thought the rest of the world deserved, and instead of getting rewarded he just got beaten down and beaten down. after ten fucking hears of watching the backbone of the entire franchise get nothing but shit piled on him until he struggled to breathe for it, excuse me for thinking he woukd finally get the chance to crawl out from under it and be happy. no strungs attatched, no awful, sacrificial price to be payed, just for a man who had given so. fucking. much. to finally get something for once, and be allowed to keep it.
well i was wrong. and i feel so incredibly fucking stupid for even hoping otherwise.
and thats what i didnt like about avengers endgame.
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rxcusant · 6 years
Lol explain Kingdom hearts to me. Like all of it. Cause I'm confused as fk. Not KH3 tho cause I'm still going through it.
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buckle up lads
so theres a buncha keyblade masters called foretellers and theyre all runnin round like headless chickens cause their master disappeared and nobodys telling each other anything so they all start fightin (except this one guy luxu voiced by max mittleman, he grabbed a box and high tailed it outta there) and then it sparks a keyblade war for all the light in kingdom hearts i think ??? and then i legit forget what happens from here because i hate ux with every fiber of my being but it made this cool place called a keyblade graveyard, its pretty dope.
fast forward 1000 years and we got the cool wayfinder trio all living in land of departure about to take their mark of mastery except terra doesnt pass because Mark Hamil Said Darkness Sucks. also we meet this old guy Xehanort he kinda sucks a lot. theres these enemies called unversed rolling around and mark hamil tells aqua and terra to go stop them but ventus said HEY IM COMING TO and ran after terra so aquas left to be the mom to bring them both home idk and its revealed ventus is made of pure light and xehanort literally split the darkness form his heart and it made vanitas-- hes responsible for all the unversed, he sucks, we dont like him but we love him-- in an effort to forge this thing called the X-Blade (PRONOUNCED LIKE KEY BLADE I HATE THIS SERIES) that will open the door to kingdom hearts, and the x-blade can only be made when pure light and darkness clash, and like... restart the keyblade war and bring about balance?? idk. And xehanort wants to live long enough to see this happen so he literally possesses terras body. Cool! Just what the poor guy needed. Ven and vanitas fight and ven sacrifices himself so he goes to take a Very Long Nap and vanitas just dies like the bitch he is. But ven’s heart finds his way to baby 5yo sora who decides HEY ILL HOARD YOU IN MY HEART FOR THE NEXT 11 YEARS and thats why roxas looks like ventus. Aqua yeets him in the land of departure and then like..locks the world up and it turns into castle oblivion.  meanwhile terra and aqua punch each other and terras about to fall into a darkness pit but aqua sacrifces heself to get him out and so she ends up trapped there for 11 years and terra??is now terranort and has amnesia and this old dude Ansem The Wise finds him and adopts him and an apprentice. yeah. bet he wont regret that decision ; )
10 years later kh1 happens and sora and riku and kairi are chilling on destiny islands until it explodes and riku fucks off to the darkness and kairi fucks off to soras hearts -- i hope she said hi to ventus in there-- and sora ends up in traverse town where he meets donald and goofy. YOU SEE king mickey of disney castle also fucked off because worlds are disappearing to darkness and he left donald and goofy a note to go find The Key cause thatll help. so they do and they journey around with sora and become good buddies i love the trinity trio so much. eventually they meet riku at hollow bastion again and hes been posssessed by this dude Ansem whos not Ansem the Wise but is actually Xehanort’s Heartless (i hate this fucking series) and they find kairis comatose body chillin in the corner and they have a fight scene thats engraved in the memory of Everyone whos ever played PS2 KH1 KAIRI! KAIRI! OPEN YOUR EYES! ITS NO USE. THAT GIRL HAS LOST HER HEART. SHE CANNOT WAKE UP. oh my god why didnt they add a skip scene button. anyway they punch the possession outta riku and sora stabs himself with the keyblade to release kairis heart BUT it also releases his own heart which created his nobody, Roxas, who got vens heart???who thats why he looks like ven?? and it created namine who is kairis nobody because??i honestly forget i hate this goddamn series. anyway soras a heartless for a few minutes but kairi got her heart and life back and wanted to get some sweet sweet screentime and so she saved sora and restored him Thank you kairi. so sora dumps kairi off at traverse town and goes to give Ansem / Xehanort’s Heartless a good ol ass whopping ad they win and restore the worlds but kairi and sora are separated again I’LL COME BACK TO YOU, I PROMISE! I KNOW YOU WILL! WHEN YOU WALK AWAY YOU DONT HEAR ME SAY PLEAAAAAAASE OH BABYYY DONT GO oh also riku and king mickey and sora closed the door to kingdom hearts and trapped riku and mickey in the realm of darkness, that was a thing.
and then chain of memories happened. theyre in castle oblivion!!! whoa!! we meet the organization for the first time! whoa!!! we meet namine!! whoa!!! so like namine has sora-memory powers and can tinker with his memories and the memories of everyone hes connected to (AND HOLY FUCK IS THAT BOY CONNECTED TO A LOTTA PEOPLE NAMINE IS VERY POWERFUL) and the organization is making namine rewrite soras memories as he progresses throuhg castle oblivion to turn him into marluxias pawn so he cna use sora to like..overhtrow the organization, i think?? i hate this seriees. but it all works out in the end except soras memories are so scrambled he decides to sleep for a year to get all the right ones back. MEANWHILE RIKUS IN THE BASEMENT OF CASTLE OBLIVION and hes fighting his own demons i mean darkness i mean ansem i mean xehanorts heartless and he meet up with mickey a few times and then he meets DiZ and he also meets a replica of himself--yeah by the way the organization is making replicas, That Sure Wont Ever Be Referenced Again : )-- and its this game that rikus like YEAH I CAN USE THE DARKNESS AS POWER AND STRENGTH and HES GONNA WALK THE ROAD TO DAWN and then every riku rper put dawn in their url and i got confused trying to keep them all straight lord please help me im a little ol sammi
then we have 358/2 days for the DS which i never replayed cause it was tedious af which is all about the organization and roxas’s time in the organization and meeting his best buds axel and xion and saix standing in the corner being a jealous little binch PLEASE SAIX JUST BE NICE THEYLL GIVE YOU ICE CREAM TOO IF YOU ASK POLITELY Xion is another replica except shes a replica of sora but something got messed up and she got his memories of kairi which is why she looks like her but with black hair for whatever reason, i think nomura just wanted a cool goth girl to add to the series and we all thank him for it, and she and roxas become so close they kinda start influencing that weird memory shit going on and xion keeps trying to leave the organization to set things right but axel always gets stuck with the icky jobs and we got the iconic GO ON YOU JUST KEEP RUNNIN BUT ILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO BRING YOU BACK and i think around this time roxas is also super fed up with the organization and decides FUCK YALL IM DONE and punches saix and leaves. but xion finds him and they have a cool boss battle sequence got i love you xion you are a POWERHOUSE but roxas defeats her and she dies and its the saddest thing in the world AND NOBODY REMEMBERS HER WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT!!!! anyway roxas decides hes gonna punch kingdom hearts next cause it was xions last wish but riku, who is sporting a cool blindfold for edge, is like HEY WE NEED YOU TO WAKE UP SORA and roxas is all SORA THIS SORA THAT I DONT GIVE A FUCK and tey fight! and riku loses cause roxas has two keybladees! OBLIVION IS THE BEST KEYBLADE IT LOOKS SUPER COOL I LOVE IT SO MUCH WOW but riku rips off his blindfold and summons the darkness and he takes on ansems, xehanorts heartless, appearance and he squeezes roxas until he passes out and then they yeeted roxas into a data twilight town for a few days.
so enter kh2 with the 6 hours roxas tutorial in the data twilight town until he goes to find sora and returns to him. SO FINALLY AFTER AN ENTIRE YEAR sora wakes up with all his proper memories and so does donald and goofy and theyre like COOL LETS GO FIND RIKU AND KING MICKEY and they go journeying around the worlds again to stop the organization. meanwhile axels gettin desperate to see his best friend for life roxas again and kidnaps kairi but shes like HEY I AINT HAVING THAT and runs off and ends up in twilight town but axel finds her and kidnaps her anyway but then saix kidnaps her to the world that never was. and so soras like WE GOTTA GO SAVE KAIRI AND RIKU NOW cause by the way earlier like midpoint of the game maybe Mickey was like SAY FELLAS DID SOMEONE MENTION THE DOOR TO DARKNESS and its one of my favorite quotes in this hell franchise, so like THYE KNOW KING MICKEY IS OK that just leaves kairi and riku and stopping the organization. so they find kairi and they find riku and sora cries a bit and im just happy the destiny trio is together again. And DiZ showed up again, hes actually ansem the wise, and he talks about computers and hearts and research and xemnas, the organizations leader, is likeI WAS YOUR APPRENTICE! BUT YOU DIDNT LET ME DO ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENT SON HEARTS SO I KICKED YOU OUT AND RREMOVED MY OWN HEART AND THATS WHY THERES A HEARTLESS AND A NOBODY OF XEHANORT and ansem the wise is like YEAH BITCH and he explodes and riku turns back to normal but he also really needs a haircut. so they go punch xemnas in his zebra coat and riku and sora chill in the realm of darkness for about ten minute son the beach, i guess aqua was hanging out somewhere else, and they get a message form kairi in a bottle and the door to light opens and they go home and it was literally!!!!! a better fucking ending!!!! than kh3!!!!!!!!! thats my tea!!!!!!
so then we have KH3D, dream drop distance, which begins telling us ‘hey when you kill a heartless and a nobody that person is gonna be recompleted so uhhhhh xehanorts coming back Thats Not Good, make sora and riku do their mark of mastery test in the realm of sleep to get the power of waking’ and thats the whole game but its great because flowmotion! dream eaters!  TWEWY TWEWY TWEWY T W E W Y!!!!!! playable riku!!! fun worlds!!! soriku!!! except KH3D’s fatal flaw is THEY INTRODUCED TIME TRAVEL INTO THIS FUCKING COMPLEX HELL HOLE I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR THAT. anyway rikus been doing a great hecking job!!!! except sora ended up in twtnw and kept chasing the dreams into the deepest pit of slumber and the organization broke his heart so they use him as one of xehanorts vessels [gesutres to my blog with will smith arms] yeeah babey. and riku is understandably like HEY GIVE ME MY FRIEND BACK and xehanort is like FUCK OFF TWINK and mickey and donald and goofy and axel, whos been recompleted as lea, arrive and steal comatose sora back form xehanort and xehanort monologues about the X-Blade split into 20 pieces- 7 of light, 13 of darkness- and so hes gonna make 13 vessels of darkness with his heart inside them and the guardians of light gotta gather 7 lights to clash and bringg about the keyblade war or bring about kingdom hearts, i-- i literally hate this series so much Why do you think i went on a year long hiatus??? i needed to calm the fuck down-- either way xehanort yeets off with his darknesses and soras STILL comatose and rikus like I WILL DIVE INTO HIS SLEEP AND SAVE HIM BECAUSE DEARLY BELOVED IS PLAYING AND if i continue this joke someones bound to get mad at me for ‘’’pushign a soriku agenda’’’ BUT YKNOW WHAT, RIKUS A REAL MVP AND PUNCHES A NIGHTMARE VEN AND SAVES SORA AND SORA HUGS HIM AND ITS GREAT AND I LOVE MY SONS SO MUCH and the kh3d ends with them saying ‘hey look kairis gonna do something!’ but Little Did We Know.
and thats your summary of what the fuck happened in kingdom hearts. i hate this game so much.
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erikismybitch · 6 years
This is for the “Ruining Each others life” prompt.
I cant find the original post .
@killmoncoochie​ @killmongersaidheyauntie
“You know I don’t be out here like this”
You didn’t want to be there, back in your old neighborhood. Surrounding yourself with the bad shit and habits you chose to forget. Desi, your good friend sat in the drivers seat of the car. The two of you were posted outside of Lincoln's. A shit-hole club, filled with hoodrats and trouble.
“Well, we here now, so you gotta’ come with me” Desi told you, with so much attitude. You had been complaining the entire car ride, and she was over it. The only reason you agreed to go was for Desi’s brother, it was his birthday. But as soon as you pulled up, you felt that nervous tug in your gut. It was telling you to go back home.
“This is not like one of those dumb hood movies. You know the one where the person leaves the hood and comes back to get caught up. Its just us, girl”  Desi laughed at you, you never used to be like this.
“I know its y’all, but I have a work presentation in the morning. Its at nine” You wined, trying to force some type of sympathy from Desi.
“Its not even midnight yet, we don’t even have to stay long”
The two of you sat in silence, Desi pulled down her car mirror and checked her make-up. You on the other hand, observed your surroundings.
Niggas everywhere.
You could hear the loud trap music from outside, you could smell the potency of the weed too. A group of girls walked by, they were being viciously cat called by all the men. You smiled because you used to be just like them. Dressed to kill, ass hanging out with a head full of bundles. Fortunately, you were no longer that girl, after college you ran away from this place. You never looked back.
“I heard Erik got out, he gon’ be here too”
Erik. That name gave you a brittle feeling. Erik was the main bad habit that you had to break. If trouble was a place, Erik would be the king. You once felt like Erik ruined your life, but truth be told, he never forced you to do anything.
He didn’t force you to fight other women
He didn’t force you to steal for him
He didn’t force you to get drunk and high
He didn’t force you to love him the way you did.
And you loved him hard.
“He- he’s going to be there?” You stuttered
“Yeah, thats what my brother told me, said he been out. Aint shit changed and he back doing the same shit” Desi replied. She applied more of the pink lipstick that you felt was three shades too light for her. But in true hoodrat fashion, nothing was too much for her.
He still robbing the rich and selling to the richer. You thought to yourself. You knew what he was doing because you used to do it with him. “He used to drive me crazy” You mumbled as you reflected on what you once had with him.
“Drove you crazy? I hated being around y’all. It was like Bobby and Whitney” Desi joked.
“Bobby and Whitney though, don’t be dramatic”
You two finally got out of the car, with Desi leading as you walked in. You were greeted with some familiar faces and some new. They were wondering why a girl like you was in a place like this. You were dressed down. High waisted blue jeans, a cropped sweatshirt and trainers.
“Why she dressed like that, she aint finna’ pull no niggas” You heard a girl say. It took a lot for you to ignore her comment. If this had been the Y/N from two years ago, you would have dragged her across the dirty floor.
After what seemed like eternity, the two of you found Desi’s brother. He was surrounded by people in Lincoln’s low budget V.I.P section. You gave him a hug, all while your eyes searched for any trace of Erik.  It was unexplainable, you didn’t want to see him but at the same time you did.
Time went on, and your hope started to fade. You had just let Desi know that you were ready to go.
Something happened.
It was like a magnetic force, it caused you to look over your left shoulder for no reason. Erik was right there next to you. You didn’t say anything to him, but the light in your eyes said it all.
“Aye?” His eyes squinted in confusion, he didn’t expect to see you here at all.
“Hi” you said bashfully, letting out a long breath of satisfaction.
Fuck, I almost forgot how fine he was. You said to yourself. He was still the definition of handsome. Built, brown skinned, dimples and perfect teeth. He had a smile that drove you crazy. He opened his arms to let you know he wanted a hug, you embraced him. Your head found that familiar place on his chest. You took in his smell, he smelled like Tide. Your eyes closed as you rested there for a moment. Erik was in no rush to let you go either.
“I still check up on you sometimes through Desi, I heard you doing good” He said, still holding you.
I’m gonna kill Desi.
“Yeah, I’m doing okay” You said.
“Aye yo, E!” Somebody called out to him, he pulled away from you and walked away. He  went over to some guy, they slapped five and proceeded to talk about something. You didn’t like the guy. You wanted to punch him, he had taken Erik away from you and that was reason enough. You timed the conversation, they talked around six minutes before Erik found his way back. He let everybody know he was leaving. He didn’t single you out, like you felt he should have. No goodbye hug, no “can I call you later and catch up”.
Fuck that, I’m me.
He started to leave the club. You lost control of your pride and weakness took over your feet. And, before you know it, those feet were walking through the club and out on to the street . You looked around frantically. You didn’t see Erik, but he spotted you .
“You looking for me?” He called out. His gold bottoms beaming at you . You didn’t speak, you were stuck . You couldn’t believe that you had actually ran after him. This was not how you imagined your night would go.
“You better go back in there with Desi and them” he warned.
“They good “ You assured him that this is where you’d rather be .
“Come on then” he walked off and like a puppy dog, you followed suit. He led you to his car, a BMW. Not bad for a man that just got out of jail.
“Can I drive it, like old times?” You asked shyly. Erik hated driving when you guys were together, he made you drive everywhere.
“This ain’t old times though”
“Well, if you’re gonna be that way, I can go back inside “ you told him.
“I never asked you to leave”
Your were taken back at his comment, feeling defeated you turned away and began walking back to Lincoln’s. You hadn’t even made it two steps before he reacted .
“Bring yo’ ass back here and get in the car!” He yelled forcefully, even the bystanders looked at him. You smiled coyly .
Bobby and fucking Whitney .
Satisfied ,you took the drivers seat and pulled off . Erik let you know that you were going to his house. He rested his seat back for comfort and pulled a bag of weed out of his pocket. He pulled out a backwood and started to break the weed down on his pant leg. He looked over at you. “You missed me?”
“Yes” you told him without hesitation “I didn’t even know I missed you until I seen you tonight”
He rolled up, then lit the blunt with his lighter. He took a hit and inhaled. He took another, then handed the blunt to you. You took it and did the same.
“Not gon’ lie, I missed you too” he said.
You turned the volume knob up on the stereo. Futures “56 Nights” was played from the bluetooth of Erik’s phone. Hood niggas love future .
His left hand started to creep up your thigh, he gave it a squeeze . You almost crashed the fucking car. Thank god you were almost there.
You pulled into his apartment complex. He got out first and waited for you to pass by. Just so he could wrap his arms around you from behind. You walked together, he hovered over you and kissed your temple.
You know you’re going to let him fuck tonight, right. You told yourself as you guys approached his door. You still had his keys, he told you which one to use and you unlocked it. His apartment didn’t look the same. It lacked that womanly touch it once had when you spent time there. “Go to the room, I’m about to get a bottle” He told you as he walked towards the kitchen.
“It better not be no damn Hennessy” You warned. Hood niggas love Hennessy.
“Oh, I forgot you think you classy, what do you want, wine?” He joked.
“I would love a nice glass of wine” You said, trying to speak extra proper, just to toy with him.
“Henny it is”
He grabbed the sixteen ounce bottle from the freezer and joined you in his bedroom. “You do the honors” He handed you the bottle to open. You took a quick swig, it was strong. Your eyes squinted as you felt the heat travel down your throat. Erik eyed you closely, smiling at your reaction. “Get some more” He egged on.
You turned to him, bug eyed. “I drank at Lincoln’s, I cant be hungover. I have to be at work at nine” you wined.
“Fuck all that, just take one more sip” Erik held the bottle up to your lips, He knew you were a light weight .“Im just tryna’ get you loose” That hand found your thigh again. So, you took one last taste. This time, It didn’t burn as bad.
It was his turn now, he took a huge gulp. It didn’t bother him at all. Erik wasn’t new to this. You weren’t either, so it bothered him that you didn’t want to drink.
That hand that was on your thigh, soon found the neckline of your sweatshirt. Aggressively, he pulled you closer to him. His lips found yours and you didn’t hold back. the two of your tongues danced, his hands toyed with the brim of your jeans. You moved his hand and played coy, that didn’t sit too well with him.
“Get naked, lay down on your stomach like you used to” He commanded. You sat there stunned for a second. “You heard me right” his voice was louder, more demanding this time.  
You did exactly what he told you to do .You laid there, completely bare. Erik observed how your curly kinks fell down your curved back but stopped right at the bubble of your ass. He ran his hands down your spine, his touch made your pussy throb. He wanted to do something for old times, something you loved.  He opened his drawer and fetched a small package of cocaine . He brushed your hair over you shoulder to make space. He trailed a perfect line of coke along your spine.
“I’m about to fuck the shit out of you“ He hissed, you bit your lip in anticipation. In one quick motion, he inhaled the line through his nose.
He slapped your ass hard. Really hard. He could see his handprint welting on your ass cheek.
“Fuck!” you screamed, trying to wiggle away from him.
“You know you love that shit!”  He slapped it again harder, pulling your legs back towards him. He let his weight fall on top of you. You huffed loudly, trying to regain a little composure. His head rested on your shoulder blade, You could feel his hard dick poking you in your back.
He took the rest of the coke and placed it on his finger, then he brought it up to your nose . You told yourself you would never go down this path again, not with him , not with anybody. But Erik was so enticing and you knew how good the sex felt when you both were high. “Come on babe” He almost sounded sincere, like he was begging.
You leaned down and sniffed. Its just a little bit.
“Take another shot too, don’t act like that” That sincere voice wasn’t there anymore, the demanding Erik was back now. He reached over to the floor and grabbed the Hennessy. He handed you the bottle . You quickly took a swig . Slowly his tongue traced down the middle of your back. He kissed it, right when he reached the top of your ass. He clawed and spread your cheeks apart. Erik attacked your ass hole with his tongue . Hungrily he ate you like it was the sweetest thing on earth .
“Fuck! Erik I fucking hate you!” You screamed, throwing your head back in ecstasy. The way he was licking and slurping made you clench your teeth, you didn’t want to let out that scream he was working for. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, yet.
“You love me” he boasted. He bit her your ass cheek and raised himself up “Get on your knees, arch that fucking back”
You slapped your hand on the mattress, partly pissed that you allowed him to take you here. He didn’t force you though, so you did what you were told. You spread your legs a bit, to give him a back view of your aching pussy. He placed the head of his dick right along your anticipating lips . “Put it in” You demanded. You were feeling the effects of the coke and alcohol, you wanted nothing more but to get fucked.
and boy, could Erik fuck.
“You know I like it when you beg for it “ he teased .You ignored him and tried to inch your way back on to him. He gave your ass another hard slap in warning , you let out a scream “Bitch, I told you to beg” he growled.
“Come on baby” Your hand beat impatiently on the bed, as if you were tapping out already. Without warning, he pushed himself inside of you. None of that slow shit, his blood had been pumping ever since he saw you at Lincoln’s. He had been dying to be inside you again, ever since you left him. All those lonely nights he spent without you, all those other women he’d been with that couldn’t compare to you, he wanted to make you pay. His hands carved in to your hips and forced your body to meet his brutal strokes. “Oh god, Erik.... Fuck!”
The bed squeaked to the rhythm of his pounding, his walls were thin, the neighbors could hear you both for sure. “Take that shit!” He brought his hand down and rested it at the small of your back. Slowly he crept his thumb to your ass hole, entering it slowly.  It surprised you, it made you more excited. More wet.
“You like that shit huh, you like when I play with that ass” he said proudly.
“Yes baby!” You yelled, in a pitch so high that he could barely understand you. He slowed his pace, enjoying the euphoric sound of his dick going in and out of your creamy folds. His free hand trailed up to your hair and pushed it all to one side.
“Let me see that pretty face” Erik said lowly, his voice was so deep and raspy. You bit your lip at the sound of it. He let out a moan when you turned around. Your eyes connected with his. Still stroking you slowly. You started to come back down, and you thought about the consequences. You weren't on birth control, but as you stared at his handsome face, a baby didn’t seem that bad.
“Turn over” Erik whispered. You laid on your back. His strong hands ran up your legs and gripped your ankles. Slowly he spread them into a split. “Look at it” He said. You looked down. He quickly pushed himself inside of you and then pulled out. “You see how wet my dick is?” He asked, you hissed in response. He did it again. “You gon be back over here to see me again” He pinned your legs back and gave you hard steady strokes.
“Ohhhhhhh fuck , baby!” You could hardly breathe, he was showing you no mercy as he tried to pound a hole into the bed.
He watched you , eyes glossy unable to catch your breath.  He knew you were on the verge of cuming. He looked away because your face alone was reason enough for him to bust. He shut his eyes, clinching his jaw as his nails pierced into your thighs . “Let that shit out Y/N!”
You were trying to hold on, but you couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m about to c- ohhhh, I’m about to cum!” your hands carved into his broad back as you released a gut wrenching orgasm.
He was still fucking you, trying to milk himself. You pushed back. “I’m not on the pill, you gotta pull out” you panicked frantically.
“Hell naw”
Fuck it.
His face dropped down to your neck, you could feel his warmth releasing inside of you. He bit on to your neck and stayed there. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his forehead. The two of you laid in silence, nothing but the sound of heavy breathing and the ticking of his wall clock. You glanced at .It was nearing 3am. You knew if you left now, you could still give a decent presentation in the morning. But even if you could, now that you’re with Erik, you didn’t even try.
574 notes · View notes
survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 9: “-28... negative. 28. negative. twenty. eight.” - Jason
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i'm fully a psycho, i practiced my acting in the mirror to pretend I accidentally voted Ian. its a mess. a REAL mess. and I might have done it for no reason, they took it super well so maybe I... shouldn't tell Jason...
i literally am why Ian left. I wanted him out since round two, and I made it happen even though nobody wanted it to. I FINALLY ACTUALLY MADE A MOVE IN A GAME. I FINALLY DID SOMETHING I'M SO HAPPY asldfa. I could CRY, I can leave this game happy.
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um da fuck alalkdgh well I aldlkj so alkjdfc;l.
^ decipher thats all I got.
No honestly I don't know what to think right now. Everyone went crazy last tribal and I feel like I need to explain myself a little bit? First off my alliance voted someone oppositely of what they told me they'd do. And secondly, they used me as a total fallback. And what made it me CRACKED asf was that they told me none of it. Like we talked in the morning about how shit was going to go down tonight and decided on Jason. We were all in agreement and it was in motion. Later Tom asked me what the vote was and I was told to tell him Ian. Except Alex told me that he told him Me. Without warning me. At all. Which is like shitty. So I kinda got paranoid and started asking around and seeing what was what, and thats when Tom came up to me and said that there was a big blindside to vote me off led by Alex. Of course, my initial thought was that this could be happening and he made this big plan to vote off Alex and I talked to Ali about it but ULTIMATELY I decided to go with Jason as I promised. My mistake I guess was telling Jones, who I really trusted, saying that they wanted to make a move on Alex but I trusted him and said I voted Jason. I only said so because I was worried that it might fall through and I might need to be saved by her idol. Which I know is hers of course and I don't want to dictate when she can use it but with this insanity going around I just was really nervous. But honestly I can't believe that Alex and them all just decided against voting Jason without telling me. They said it was to save me, which of course is true, but they didn't tell me. And it was SHITTY for Alex to not tell me that he threw my name to Tom, like truly dumb. I know I've said I might want him out soon a lot, but honestly I HAVE NO IDEA what I'm going to be doing with the next tribal. I do wanna say tho that I like him as a person a whole lot! He's sweet and loyal and really kind, I just think he's gonna end up dominating this game if people let him.
PS I don't know if Julia has a problem with me. We were suppose to be voting together for Jason, and while she doesn't owe me anything, she just wouldn't talk to me. Like I think I wouldn't have CRACKED so hard if I could just reach her and get a grip on how she was voting.
She's being chaotic on purpose but only to me? I don't get it.
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okay I'm off the alliance call. I just sent a really like emo paragraph to my hostchat but I'm so happy, which is gross because I just did Ian so dirty but lemme explain.
I have played 7 games before this (3 Survivor, 4 Big Brother) - I've come 2nd in five of those games, and without exception I have never EVER played a game I'm proud of. I always make fun of my game for being crap. Like I'm always a goat, always crap, and always play passively.
I'm so excited about this season and this game because... I'm finally playing the game and a game I am proud of. Like I'm not fussed about winning or making FTC, because lets be real, it fully is not happening, but I wanna leave the season proud of my game. And I already so am, like... I've wanted Ian out since round two, and I've been determined to make it happen.
And I did that. I literally was angling to get him out via a vote switch and then when the vote split came up, I knew exactly what to do. I knew Ian would be less willing to make amends and more able to make connections. I knew Ian was a threat and so urgently needed to be removed because he could keep a grip on the game.
I can't believe that. In a tribe of twelve people, where nobody wanted Ian out (the four votes for him were all just for the sake of a vote split), and I singlehandedly forced it through. I saw a target, knew to make a move and got them out. IM SO HAPPY.
in other news... I am a psycho, I literally went to a mirror, practised how to look shocked and then went on that call and acted my HEART OUT. I think people bought it, but it is. the. most. cracked. thing. I. have. ever. done.
I'm now kinda stuck, because I have two options. Either I tell Jason what I did earning his trust, or I just... try and work with Jason without telling him. One is riskier with more potential long term benefit, and one is a much safer bet. I am gonna think on it and decide tomorrow.
Also I was really mean about Jones, Mo & Alex in my confessionals earlier. I take it back, on calls they are so FUN. I think they just aren't texting people so I don't judge. Doesn't mean I necessarily wanna go too far with them, but I love them as people and feel bad for being mean.
also since this round solidified that much as I'm proud of my game, I'm not making FTC, I'd rank people in the order I'd vote for them as a juror as:
Jules > Alex > Mitch > Tom > Benj > Jones > Julia > Jason > Caeleb > Mo
Jules/Alex/Mitch seem very switched on, Tom making it to the end would be a real underdog journey, Benj is a king and has the right idea with an undercover duo, Jones/Julia savvy queens, Jason actually also has an underdog story we will need to see with that one, Caeleb telling Jones about the Alex plan is a real dumb move imo which lowers his rank for me. Mo is my SON and I love him but would need to see more game from him to be comfortable voting him at FTC in any scenario.
also ian talking about dom not deserving to win switzerland set off kill bill red flags for me. nobody who talks about dom negatively lives to tell the tale, you go BYEBYE. but also ian ilysm, like you were a major threat and had to go, but on a personal level i love you with my whole heart.
okay last confessional for now, the two moods:
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June 30th yeehaw
July 2nd
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Extra notes:
Benj and i are working on the idol hunt together and I’m already on like,, 30 w him so it’s gucci, I’m not gonna tell Alex ab it or anything bc I kinda wanna try and stray away from him a bit?? Like he doesn’t have to know EVERYTHING Ab my advantages yk?
And I’m probs not gonna try and use the vote cover on anyone rn bc every single one of my allies is like,,, up for exposure???? So that’s wacky,,
Also bc Ian was absolutely ROBBED of jury we’re thinking it’s a F2
Bc OF COURSE IT IS which I’m not mad ab but I have to think ab who i’d Really want to sit with,,, best case scenario for me is probs Benj,, maybe Mo? Not too sure,, but um ya barbecue sauce on my thiddies here we go into f11 onward and upward amirite
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this was b4 tribal 
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So I lost Ian... and I'm kinda mad about it! I can't help but feel like I'm on my way to the jury because even the next day people are still acting super weird with me. I don't really understand how I'm a threat to anyone right now though??? Like I guess the Me/Ian power duo thing was valid but Ian's gone now so that argument should be moot.
I have no idea what to do moving forward. Up this point my game has been based on how I interpret conversations with people and how much I thought I could trust them... but I can't do shit if no one wants to talk to me (and I cannot stress ENOUGH how much sense this doesn't make).
The one good thing about me staying in the game I guess is I now have free reign to do whatever the fuck I want with my time left here. If I can blow up as many games as possible and stir the pot as much as I can at least I go out having fun?? Right?? But bottom line is I fully intend on lone-wolfing this game for however long I'm still here for.
My current first steps are to first throw Julia under the bus to Caeleb, and hopefully get something going with Caeleb. If I'm in with Caeleb, it might help with Alex, Jones, and Mo using me as a number.
Next is to pretty much sell my soul to the kingpin of this entire thing right now, Alex. I'm imagining a faux-Phillip Sheppard scenario where I tell Alex he owns my vote, but he doesn't really. I have no clue if he'd bite but it's worth trying because what the fuck else do I have left.
On the topic of Alex, I could also try to shift his attention into targeting someone like Mitch or Benj? I can embellish a little bit and tell Alex that Mitch is spreading a rumor that he has the Dirt People Idol or something along those lines.
Next on the (tentative) agenda is to talk with Jules and try to see where I stand with her. For some reason I feel the most burned by her from last tribal?? I don't trust her at all but as long as she thinks that door is still open I'll hear what she has to say. Maybe I can guilt her into giving me more info as well?
And the last thing I can think of is try making a better connection with Mo and Jones, and hopefully start some sort of game relationship with those two. I don't really see myself getting far with this one considering these two have been hit or miss in the conversations I've had with them, but there isn't anything worth not trying at this point.
Back to a less gamebotty point of view, I've honestly been oscillating between being angry and being upset about how last tribal broke down, mainly because I feel like Ali, Julia, and Mitch could've waited a lot longer to do something like this if they were worried about me and Ian (which I still believe they had very little reason to be worried right now in the first place). But I also feel like I had 9 doors slam in my face and the only person I can still be real with is Tom. I'm back at square one and I'm not happy about it, but I didn't come back to this godforsaken ORG to go down easy so I've gotta keep moving for as long as I can.
(Also I need to be willing to let go of Tom. I'm not gonna go out of my way to burn him, but I'm also beyond the point of wanting to stick my neck out too far for him. My longevity is the only priority right now.)
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okay so... this vote is operation get Caeleb out of here. I really wanted to work with Caeleb, and I think he could have been a really useful number, but like... him telling Jones about the plan to vote Alex really, really rubbed me the wrong way. Like I do not trust him at all after that, I really do not know where we are at now.
So here is the goal. I'm about to call Jason and hopefully get him back on side. Then hopefully between Jules and I, we can convince Space Jam to vote Caeleb (I'm still confused how close he is to Mo/Jones/Alex, could be a good test). With Caeleb, a potential number for them, out of the way, next round its time for a big move, its time for one of Jones/Alex/Mo to go.
The numbers for that move would be (hopefully) Me, Jules, Julia, Tom, Jason, Mitch (6/10) + Benj hopefully, or at worst I'll just keep him in the loop. I really think Caeleb going could be so so good, it really opens up numbers and weakens Jones/Mo/Alex - it also narrows down where the idol is, something that we have to stay conscious of.
At the moment, my closest allies are definitely Jules and Benj. Jules is just.... the best, so woke, so on the ball, I am LOVING playing this season with them. Benj is such a king, my earliest like 'proper' ally even though Julia approached me after like 0.5 seconds in the game ha. I love Benj, and at the moment he also is quite out of the loop, he could also be a workable FTC option. I'm really stuck with Jules and FTC - you would be crazy to take Jules, as articulate and smart as they are, to FTC, but I really don't think I could face writing Jules' name down, I would feel AWFUL.
Also thoughts on Tom? He is too good for this world, he was so sweet about Ian/Jason going and like I really relate to the emotions he feels in games, on a personal level he is the best.
I feel like my plan going forwards is vote off Caeleb, then Alex, then Jones/Mo, and then figure it out from there. I really think if I play it right, I can slowly and calmly continue to have real swing over this game, I'm mc'loving it.
Also, because I keep doing this and its a fun pattern at this point, this is the order in which I would vote for people at FTC, if I go 11th at the moment:
Jules > Jason > Alex > Julia > Mitch > Jones > Tom > Benj > Caeleb > Mo
okay i just called Jason, such a king! i feel like i was VERY awkward, and I like I didn't articulate myself very well, but... he gets that we are going to need to potentially pull some shenanigans. I really want Caeleb then Alex, but if we need to just do Alex first, I can deal with that.
I think ideal situation is Tom wins immunity, Space Jam wants to vote Caeleb - we all go along with it, and then Alex goes next round, but we will see eek!
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Oh wow hi it’s me, Mo.
So here’s the rundown on what’s happened the past couple rounds for my dumbass. First let’s start off with getting to merge, it’s a talent of mine, don’t look at my Italy placement. We’re out of that dumb fucking cave so no more waiting which is great. Another cool thing is I’m actually allies with Julia now which is weird because I’m going to be honest I was terrified of her going into this game. We had a past game experience that made me fearful. But now I’m sitting comfy in a majority alliance with Alex, Ali, Jones, Jules & Julia. By the way this is a first time thing for me, being in a majority alliance during merge. So this at least guarantees me final 7 or 6. It took me four tries to spell guarantees, who’s idea was it to put the u in front of the a it’s fucking stupid. But like here’s the thing, my gameplay is somewhat underwhelming. Basically my game relies on jury management and likability. Because I can’t strategize for shit, I just kinda smile and waddle forward when a door opens. I thought at this part of the game I would be close allies with Tom again but that didn’t happen. Apparently JJ told Tom about an alliance made in old Durmitor with Alex, Jules, Jones & Evan??? Made to like simmer JJ down. So now Tom doesn’t want to work with any of them (Which mind you three of them are my close allies) so he confronted Alex about it and I think he was like butthurt about not being included??? But like bitch I wasn’t included either but I’m not sulking about it. It wasn’t even a serious alliance. Also back to my alliances, sorry I know this is mixed up. MESSY, WHO BROUGHT NAPKINS IM GETTING MESSY. But I was also in an alliance with Alex, Jones & Caeleb after the swap. Called the Durmitor Dominators which is still a thing. But Caeleb wasn’t added to the Space Jam alliance with the group of 6 so I’m like??? What’s going on there??? I should probably talk about it with Alex because I am confusion. Also now there’s this new twist since we got out of the Dua Lipa cave, now we have to adjust to the sunlight with this exposure twist which basically means whoever gets eliminated gets to expose three people and whoever is exposed still by the tribal has to write who they’re voting for in chat. So I love that. But that’s about it for me thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Sooo besides the fact that it took me 5 minutes to find the confessional tab because I havent been doing these im here to update!!! Ian was just voted out and although i'm fine with it for now, I was NOT expecting a split vote. That makes me feel a little bit nervous going further into the game. I did think it was beneficial to split up the Jason/Ian duo but i was expecting Jason to go; not Ian. Anywho im almost positive im in the same predicament this vote. I've mended my relationship with Jason and im working very well with Tom to flip the script on Alex (who I believe to be running the game). Typically I would wait a few more rounds to get Alex out, but if everyone is playing for him to win, I might miss my opportunity like I did in my last season. I'm not blind! I'll do whatever it takes to go far and put myself in people's endgames. RN swapped Durmitor has the power. I dont necessarily like that because although im not on bad terms with them, I'm definitely on the bottom of that totem pole.
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Tom sent seven confessionals in a row to be put at different places throughout this and last episode??? I guess??? But no thank you, so enjoy the thoughts in the order he apparently had them. ~Drew
*1 hour before tribal*
WHY IS ALEX SO CRACKED HONESTLY alex has said ian, caeleb and jason to 3 people i dont understand i am most likely getting played here but i dont want any of them to go, i see very high potential when working with all three of them so i think im going to try to make a big move and take out alex. I'm immune this round but next round im not so its a bit risky. I think Ali and Jules would be on board if there was the numbers there so if me ian jason julia ali and caeleb all voted together that would be majority and alex would be the first blindside of the game....
*10 hours before tribal council*
Everyone is pretty much dead silence i feel like everyone has an idea of who they would like to target but no one is really wanting to be the first person to throw a name out there so like its gonna get so fucking messy whilst im asleep and imma wake up to one big mess i already know it
*1-2 hours before tribal*
Okay so I've just woken up and i just spoke to alex and he seems like he just wants to do anything to get his ass safe this round which is sketch af, he is saying the vote is caeleb to me so thats cool and all but i asked caeleb what he was hearing just to get both sides and caeleb said alex said jason..... so like wtf is alex trying to do.....
ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION sinking ship is near i cba voting for alex now that he has told jones, he did the same thing as evan and i am just ready for his ass to go out the door ugh im so annoyed!
*Tribal just happened*
Oh okay uhm well thats just fucking sad. I would like to say i never cry when a close ally is eliminated but i am a mess, i am crying right now at work and my driver is like "uhm are you okay..." yeah man im okay just crying over an ally that essentially died because i cant even speak to him anymore rip :( I miss ian so much i am so fucking furious that i am blindsided again at merge tho.... also really 9 people were in on that blindside split vote.....WOW! I am so surprised that ali and jules didnt tell me about the plan tbh they can say all they want about how they thought i knew but like if you thought i knew you should've just spoken to me about the vote.... like WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SPLIT UP JIAN when JONEX is still in the game they're much more dangerous and so much harder to get out every round we get closer.
waa waaa waaa call the wambulance! My plan is working so far i think tbh, mitch has been very responsive about this round and i am fairly certain that he has realised how fucked of a position he is in this game without me and jason here so he made an alliance chat which is good because that means he will work with us even just for this round. I think a lot of people now jian is out, have realised the next big big duo in this game is jalex so hopefully the movement on them occurs!
*hour after tribal*
Okay so this is shit me and jason are in minority and will most likely get votes split against us.... time to do something about it, in the past merges ive been too ive been in the bottom, and i was taken out this time it wont be happening as much as alex would like it too i will not let it happen! This cast seems to have fairly emotional sympathetic people in this game so imma express how sad i was at the tribal say i was balling my eyes out when ian left and how i feel so down and out and that i am very lost and sad in this game. Because this will make people feel bad for not including me in the plans and also it will create conversation for them to work with me to build my spirits up again and make me happy.
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Just thinking about this exposure twist. Kinda cool actually. I'm surprised to say it but I think this might be the type of thing that I like to see??? Who am I. Kinda wish the reward challenge was more of a flash game over a typing game, only because I wanna know how hard the winner worked to get that score. Like for typing you kinda either are already good at it prior or you're shit at it, so I can't tell if Alex put in a bunch of time and effort to win. If it was some weird flash game that had a steep learning curve then I would know better and have a better grip on the game Alex is playing. Regardless, kinda excited about Benj having the curse because I think(?) that we can use that to actually do something crazy? Like I'm thinking a 5 vote blindside tie type situation where Benj throws out a red herring type of vote. We'll see, but I think I need to keep a low profile so who knows if that'll come to fruition.
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okay mitch! has! been! elevated! to! king! status!
me and mitch have had a good conversation which I'm super SUPER happy about, he is someone who is in a similar spot to me, so I am SOOO happy we are talking yay. He agrees Alex needs to go soon, like... people are on the same page, maybe its time for it to hap' hap' happen.
since alex won reward, he'll of course save himself, which is fine. it means julia and benj are exposed, and while they're both close allies of mine, they are probably the two who would be in the toughest spot to vote alex, julia since she is like out of nowhere close to him, and benj since he is close to jones.
the plan could be to get alex and co to agree to another split vote or something, which separates numbers that could allow us to strike versus Alex. Maybe if we did like... Alex/Jones/Mo/Caleb on someone, Benj/Julia on another and then Me/Jason/Tom/Jules/Mitch on someone, making a 5-4-2 vote. oh god these merge vote counts have been so so cracked.
we will see. i think my placement this season is going to be like... 8th or something? I am scared of flipping for two votes in a row, BUT I feel like the good news is if I was getting voted out, either Tom or Benj would now hear about it, so I should be able to still play my idol. We will see ahh, but its very scary!
as always with my confessionals:
Bootlist: Alex > Caeleb > Jones > Jason > Mo > Mitch > Julia > Jules > Me/Tom/Benj F3
here is the problem though, I can't vote Jules out. I am such a Jules stan, voting them out would snap my heart it half, I really don't think I could do it. I think I would need others to do it, I'd probably want to be blindsided by it and kept in the dark.
and then the order I would vote people in an FTC:
Jules > Alex > Jason > Mitch > Benj > Julia > Tom > Jones > Caeleb > Mo
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Ok so now I’m getting added to a third alliance chat which is supposedly a final 3 alliance. But like here’s the thing, I’d be sitting next to Jones & Alex. I have a snowballs chance in hell of winning against either of them. Everyone loves Jones and Alex has been kinda running this game so far. I’m just kinda his goat. Don’t get me wrong I wanna start making some moves but it’s too early, right now I want to stay unthreatening and low key. I might just have to ride this coat tail to the end because if we have bitter jurors they’ll end up looking at Alex.
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So Alex says he didnt read the challenge post... yet came 2nd?
I dont buy it, I fully believe if I ask Benj and others what Alex asked to give him, he will say negatives. He is such a fraud.
also this split vote will be his undoing... his ass is about to be grass... mwahahahahha
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-28... negative. 28. negative. twenty. eight. what the FUCK did i do to these people??
I don't even know where to go from here.
...but I mean I kinda do.
I can use this to further push the narrative that I've got no one and hence nowhere near the biggest threat/I'm the easiest target there is and HOPEFULLY people take their eyes off of me.
Aside from that what I WANT to do is vote Alex out (big change from my last confessional, I know). I think I have Tom and Jules on board if I were to pitch it to them, same with Mitch and Ali. I MIGHT have Caeleb but he ran it back to Jones last round so the precedent's already set. So from there to have a five vote majority was I was considering to split the other 6 votes. Julia and Benj are getting their votes exposed so they probably want to vote majority, which I'm anticipating to be someone like myself, Tom, or Caeleb. Ideally, the vote splits one of two ways— NEVERMIND
Tom says via Ali that Alex thinks that the 9 that split their vote on me and Ian are gonna split their vote again on me and Tom, but Ali isn't on board with that (if he's being honest), and I'd have to assume the same goes for Mitch since there's now a chat with myself him and Tom. So the plan from there (which ties into what I was planning anyway) is to get Jules on board (we called the day after tribal, she SOUNDS like she'd be down), and let the rest of them split their vote.
So that means...
FUCK Caeleb
FUCK Julia
FUCK the rest of em bc who??
[but not really it's a game I don't mean it]
But as far as tribal plans right now go... ideally it turns out
5: Me/Tom/Mitch/Ali/Jules for Alex
4-2: Some combination of Alex/Mo/Caeleb/Jones/Julia/Benj for me/Tom
I probably get the 4 again, Tom gets 2... or other way around??? I get the 2 if Mitch/Ali/Jules are meant to vote for me?
But anyways don't be shocked if this is all for nothing and this is my last confessional x
god... negative 28...
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i am so frustrated with julia. okay so tom told me apparently on call she said she has a F3 with Alex/Jones, specifically a F2 with Alex. Now... I fully feel like Tom made this up, BUT I asked Julia about the vote and she says she wants to ride out the Space Jam alliance...
is she nuts. is she NUTS kjlasdfas. Literally I feel like WAY too much of this tribe is drinking the Alex Kool-Aid and I can't describe how frustrating it is lowkey. Like I sided with Alex relying on like... Julia's wokeness that we could then detach ourselves, Alex is now FULLY running this tribe and it terrifies me.
It solidifies to me that Alex needs to go this round. Like....this round. He is running this tribe, he has grips on Jones/Mo/Caeleb/Julia, and potentially Benj through Jones. That is SUCH a large amount of this tribe, so I need to stick my neck out. I'm fully embracing that I'm not making FTC at this rate, so it's just time to shake stuff up.
Here is the plan. I am going to play into the split vote plan, we can get Alex and his minions as they shall henceforth be called to split their votes between Jason and Tom, and then maybe Me/Tom/Jules/Mitch/Jason vote out Alex or any of his minions, I don't care which.
At this rate, I'm going to be going into F10 in a potential 5-5 situation, but honestly... Jones/Mo say about a word and a half of game between them each round so they are not workable allies, Julia who flips at literally the drop of a hat is suddenly misted by Alex and Co., Caeleb is just infuriating for telling Jones about the Alex vote, shows he can't be trusted. That leaves only Benj my king, the only woke one, though I am afraid of his connection to Jones.
I just WISH this TRIBE would use their BRAINS. Specifically Julia at the minute.
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I’m so TIRED I’ve been so quiet maybe that’s why people are thinking about targeting me :)
Ok ok lemme back up a lil,, this is all according to Alex,, which,,,,,,, idk about YALL but he’s giving off a bit of a paranoid energy right now,, and I’m fully aware of the fact that he has the best chance at winning this game out of anyone here, sooooo maybe let him get eaten by the wolves soon? Not necessarily soon but like,, ya soon. Don’t wanna get him to the end skkdkdkdks. I also think separating myself from Alex might take a target off of MY back, I’ve been trying to separate myself like on my own terms but I think I need to start like,,, setting the stage kind of thing. Idk all I know is that I have a better chance sitting with anyone BUT him,, So maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing to push Alex into the fire a little bit.
I have yet to hear a name, though I’d like to get Tom out personally? He can slide utr really easily,, plus we can (or at least I can) confirm he doesn’t have an idol, the only question is does Jason have an idol and is willing to play it on the only person he voted with? Who KNOWS!! We just have to make them feel comfy (assuming we have the majority vote that is KSKSKS)
But ya stay tuned laid ease
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okay so alex is really trying to play me and its very transparent. now, this could just be tom playing which if so, good for him, his mind and his MIST, but here is the deal.
tom tells me him and alex had a conversation about pairs, where Tom threw out Alex/Jones as a pair, and Alex threw out Julia and I. Then in Alex's retelling of that same conversation, side note its funny that I heard the same conversation from both sides in the space of about 10 minutes, Alex conveniently leaves out that he threw out me and Julia as a pair, and he is SO defensive about him and Jones as a pair.
Jones was on my ass immediately when Caeleb told her Alex could be the vote, and Alex also knew super fast. You are really going to try and convince me that you aren't even close when you have spent 23 days on a tribe together, and from the sounds of things, voted together every single time! im not buying it.
for this vote, i want either alex or an alex minion out, i think mo would be the most do-able. jones is close to caeleb, who we will need as a number, so if alex's idol paranoia is too big, maybe we need to remove mo from the equation? we will see.
mo is my org son, and i love him on calls and such, but I am confused by the game he is playing. I'm potentially super underestimating him, which is a definite possibility, but at the moment.... its like... do something charlie. is he just going to hide behind Jones and Alex, because that's not smart.
i would like to see Alex go this vote, but i think he is already too paranoid (i think tom stoked his paranoia WAY too much). I think Mo could end up being the back up vote, which is probably actually okay, because Alex is a definite shield moving forwards, particularly if still paired with Jones.
Updated Jury Vote Rankings:
Jules > Alex > Jason > Tom > Mitch > Benj > Julia > Jones > Caeleb > Mo
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okay I'm like... getting frustrated with Alex. he literally does not know how to be subtle about anything lowkey, like this vote split is literally his 4 OG Durmitors voting 'correctly', leaving all his unsure numbers Me/Jules/Julia/Benj on Jason... like mc'what...
i really want him gone, EVERYONE is drinking the Alex Kool-Aid. Maybe I'm not seeing it, but Jones and Mo particularly are playing SO passively, I fully want to scream.
I need to convince Caeleb to make a move. It's really time to just send Alex, or literally any of his minions out of here. I want to include Julia so badly, but she is so blindly misted by him out of nowhere, I hate it UGH.
I think I want Alex and Mo out as the next two votes, Alex runs the show and Mo is just too passive of a player to be a workable ally. Jones is much more of a threat, but Benj likes her and I want to respect.
I just can't deal with Alex and Co. playing so passively for another round, I'll scream KLASDFA.
Alex aka Gru (because of his minions) unfortunately goes byebye tonight. It took a bit of last minute persuading of Caeleb, but we have GOT THIS ahh.
It looks like its going to be either 6 votes or 5 if Tom self-votes on Alex (Me, Caeleb, Jules, Tom, Jason & Mitch), 3 on Tom (Jones, Mo & Alex) and 2 on Jason (Julia and Benj).
This could definitely backfire, but I don't think I'll go home (famous last words), and if Tom/Jason gets idoled out, next round there is still wiggle room because I still have my KING Benj on the other side. Jones/Mo/Julia are going to be coming for my neck, but I'd rather face the minions than Gru himself NNN,
i might live to regret this if Caeleb turns on me, but I take back everything negative I've EVER said about Caeleb. He is an icon, and so so fun to talk to. I feel like he really trusts me now, so I can't turn on him unless I have to.
New goal final five is Me/Jules/Benj/Tom/Caeleb... and I think its do-able. We get Alex out this vote, then Julia/Mo/Jones/Jason as the next four, followed by Mitch... I'm not sure how exactly, but we will figure it out AHH.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Dual Boss: SSSN Neptune Vasillas + Tex-ism (AKA Epislon Beta)
I must be insane to tackle both a terrorist and the woman who called me an abuser and a pedophile while trying to frame me for suicide at the same time.
But a few hours stuck on a Metal Gear Rising boss while rocking out to a One Punch Man X Revengence remix will do that to a guy so let’s tackle these sons of bitches.
I already tackled the Original here so here’s a link to that whole shibang: 
And now let’s take a look at Tex-isms AKA epislon beta
I’ve tried to stay passive over RWDE since I was harassed by anti-RWDErs but since they know my new URL, who the fuck cares.
And this relates to me...how? Any of my followers can attest it has been a long time since we’ve crossed paths seeing as I have not addressed one of your posts in a matter of months. And not everyone who hates rwde is someone I know: A lot of people hate the tag, it was just the norm to ignore it and I thought that wasn’t for me. It’s entirely possible that the people you’ve encountered just got pissy at you, no doubt for trying to imply something about Miles or something, especially if you tried pulling that crap you did with me and Mage where you called us abusers and pedophiles because we dared to say that Miles liking two cosplayers isn’t disgusting.
I would argue it’s still just as vile, it’s just that no one in the RWDE tag pays attention to them anymore. One of them has literally said he will try to report all of us in the RWDE tag and get us taken off of tumblr if we get him reported for block evasion (Which he has admitted to multiple times).
Yeah, I would. Considering all you have on me is block evasion and I have slander, harassment, suicide baiting and terrorism on my side. Which, considering I blocked your Episoln Beta account and you retailated by using your main account, means I literally have the same shit on all of you and more.
And here’s the thing, switch the words around on that statement and you ahve the RWBY fandom’s opinions on rwde. Except the RWBY fandom hasn’t suicide baited anyone. bullied anyone or harassed anyone. So nice try at the pity party.
And honestly? It’s just going to keep getting more and more vile. A certain anti-RWDE guy continues to just get more and more vile, and the moment the fandom kicks back up again after RTX and RWBY5 stuff is leaked, it’s going to go back to the utter hell it was February-April.
So? The same thing is going to happen to all of you as well:You all go back into finding new stuff to label sexist, racist, ableist or whatever and sue to attack everyone in an attempt to control the show for your own agenda.  Except at the end of the day, I can say I stated the facts as they were, I never lied, I never terrorized anyone, I never threatened anyone, I never willfully misinterpreted shit and I was an all around better person. While also criticizing RWBY, showing you have no excuse for your attitude.
It’s stupid and I hate it. I’m incredibly tired of being harassed by people for not having the same opinions of them on a show, and for not being nice and polite and professional in my critiques and complaints.
Here’s the problem and the reason why even if I leave, you will still get these people: You keep trying to pass off your hate as criticism. I mean, look at what you said “ nice and polite and professional in my critiques and complaints. “ And look at the definition of critique ( a method of disciplined, systematic analysis of a written or oral discourse.) your methods contradict your words and thus people rightfully call you out. You want it to stop? Either stop claiming critique or be professional about it. That;s it.
And back to SSSN
See this was why I was happy as soon as they made the tag, cause their gone and so is their harassment and now kkkob can’t bully people for posting (I literally saw him attack a person who doesn’t post rwde often thinking they were new and his greeting was “allow me to welcome you to this shit tag by tearing apart your post.”)
You mean Riprorude? he does post regularly. And even if he didn’t, it was a segway into my critical dissection. Meaning someting that wasn’t menat to be serious to took as such. Good job there.
And really? My criticism is bullying? Then what do you call attacking Miles and harassing him and threatening because he doesn’t do what you want? If I’m a bully, what does that make you?
Over an opinion! Kob never was a rational person who wanted to “bring criticism back” he’s a menace, a racist, a bully, a child and a tyrant who doesn’t like opinions that don’t host his own.
And really Because last time I covered you, you were the racist, bully,child and tyrant who said that if artists don’t put in diversity they derserve to be harassed and attacked. Over an opinion as well and you were speaking for a group who didn’t want you to, actively pushing back equality and basically being a terrorist. Nice try there, bucko.
More legit criticisms, this tag is free again for everyone.
Unless said person doesn’t think jaune is the devil, Sun isn’t being abusive drunken racist, Taiyang was being the worst parent in the show or that miles should be criticized without trying to get him to hang himself. (Hyperbole) If so, then they’re wrong and you must weed them out just as you did before me and you will do afterward.
And back to Tex:
Kob ain’t done bullying people. I’m like not even joking when I say he’s getting worse. It’s just that we’ve all blocked him.
Really? Because I have never threatened you or terrorized you or called you something you weren’t all because I dared to speak up. That’s all on rwde.
and finally SSSN:
Tbh the more people comment on this and my other posts the more I’m realizing that these people aren’t as quiet as I thought they were, they just moved on to attacking other people
Not really, I tackled the likes of Sokumo, RWBYcriticism and you all before and continue to after I was blocked as I am doing now. You just want to make me out to be this tyrant when all I’m doing is calling you out on your shit.
Now I believe thats everything here. I got done sooner tanI though-
Oh boy, extra bosses. And It’s getting rather late so my energy tank is almost empty.
Oh well, as Friedric Nietzche once said, “ Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell.” So, I’ll take this challenge!
First, Bluepulser!
Kob/mageknight/whatever literally stalked my non-rwby posts with an alt account for like an entire week until I blocked them again and they noticed they could get banned from the site for block evading.
All ofyour posts huh? Mind proving that with an example of two? No? Then i can point to my history of only talking RWBY topics with you and nothing else as proof you are lying and probably trying to incite hate and get me kicked off. Considering your attack did nothing o me, it failed. Hopelessly.
Now for the king pin himself, Sokumotaka
And you know what? Let him. It’ll just keep piling up and he’ll continue to make an ass out of himself then we’ll have all this evidence against him.
People who think we’re overreacting will take one look at his blog and avoid him like the plague, he’ll slip up and we’ll be here living our lives in peace.
Heh, this gives me hope. Not in the words themselves seeing as this guy suicide baited me and tried to slander the crtq tag because I dared to try to move on and make a place where people can choose to be professional about stuff, But that rwde isn’t as bad as I thought seeing as I said something similar (minus the evidence part because he alone is proof). Although he could just be blind to how terrible he’s acting and I’m childishly thinking that the possibility of an absolute wrong is impossible. Still doesn’t do anything for his hypocrisy and blindness to himself.
Wow, that took shorter than I expected. But I tackled 4 of the big rwde posters. Guess I-
Welp, I am really pushing it now. But surpassing my limits is what is needed for me to make my point so let’s battle!
Tex-ism, Final round!
The unfortunate part is, this is very localized to the RWDE tag, and there’s only two groups i nthat tag: People who know about kob and are harassed by him, and people who don’t care and agree w/ how he treats us
Well, maybe if you hadn’t sunk all of your reputations attacking everyone, lying about so much and playing the victim card, people might listen. But even at my worst, you people still deserve it.
Sokumo and pageoflore huh? Let’s go fuckers!
This is KOB’s tone in every single post they make, tbh. Like regardless of intent arguing with them is like beating your head against an extremely dense brick wall. “Rational” and “unbiased” aren’t really words I would use for them.
And rational and unbiased,  considering you laugh off everything I say with “lol salty fanboy” or memes isn’t something I call you either. Especially since I have been reasoned with in the past, you people are just constant failures at this.
And now you, my archnemsis Sokumotaka
Exactly, getting mad at him won’t solve anything especially now, he’s out of our hair for the time being and he’ll get his.
Sorry but it’s too late for that. I’m already here and shown that you have posted hate around me. So how long you wanna beat you terrorize me or threaten me? Because considering Epsilon Beta and Dudeblade, it won’t be long.
And I’ll answer for what I do but the problem here is that I’m not doing anything bad and you all keep pulling some bullshit out of your pants to throw at me, trying to drive me away. Guess what? I faced all of you here and now and won so I think that's a testament to how much it’ll take to beat me.
And that’s a large amount of people, and as rwby possibility grows and such people will learn and people who don’t go to rwde will steal see these and avoid him.
I already have many people whom visited his tag yet never dealt with rwby who think he’s a nuisance. It’ll just keep growing too.
And I have a large number of people who have seen my stuff and agree with me as well, funny thing about followers huh? Especially since you can feed them all the lies, cut off screen shots, manipulated facts and shit all you want and no one will call you out on it as well, especially since tehy never delanwith RWBY and thus don’t know better. Convientant huh?
This is Knight Of Balance, It’s 12:10 Am. I have been up for sixteen hours, cleaned my house, wiped up cat pee three times, been yelled at twice and stuck on a boss for an hour. And I just went through my first boss rush and won
Good Night,
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 4: Like Death Warmed Over (Loki x OFC Pairing)
"Supernatural ended?! What the actual fuck?! Why?!" I exclaimed while catching up on the shows I missed in the five year absence. "That show was supposed to go till I die...again! My life is over!" I curled up on the couch, hugging my knees to my chest and burying my head in my arms.
"It was quite an entertaining show," Loki agreed, having grown curious early on in my catching up what I was bitching about missing so much. "Is any of it true? The monsters and the ways to kill them?"
"I only know about ghosts and spirits and most kinds of salt does act as a ward against them, rock salt especially. As I don't get rid them by force but by coercion if anything, I don't know if burning the bodies or pieces of the body left would send them away. Not about to try either."
"And the other monsters of legends in there, do they exist?"
"Almost every culture has their monsters on this planet, some overlapping between werewolves and vampires, I wouldn't be surprised if they do but I've not personally seen any beyond my area of expertise. Not my problem."
"What about angels and demons?"
"Those two are a bit different as they were primarily created by only one such religion, and a shady one at that, people somehow have different ideas of what those are. There have been cases of demonic possession in the past but its not like in the show where they're black smoke forcing themselves into your mouth, you don't see it happening, it just happens. Angels on the other hand...bit more complicated, ancient literature depicts them as benevolent  guardians of God to carry out his will and guide us lowly humans. Modern media however depicts the majority of them as dicks with an agenda of their own that doesn't involve helping us at all."
"What do you believe then?"
"I have no one religion to believe considering I'm talking to a god right now and was given more power from beings that claim they're gods as well, everyone  wants to be king of the mountain."
"And what do you want?"
"A cottage by the shores of Salem, where death and dark magic is strong but not shunned and the weird are welcomed more than the mundane."
"That place sounds intriguing, tell me more about it."
"Centuries ago when my ancestors first settled, people were even more religious nuts than they are now and they were crazy superstitious. They were also just plain crazy and got the idea of obtaining other people's land and property by accusing the owners of being evil witches after watching their daughters dabble in a bit of voodoo magic with their slaves. That's when the infamous Salem Witch Trials started which was a horrific dark mark in this country's history. Hundreds of innocent lives were ended as women and children and even the occasional man was accused, tortured, and locked away for life or executed horrifically."
"And you wish to live there?" he asked incredulously.
"There might be some unrest still from the victims and I want them to be at peace. Also, while the history of the place was terrible to say the least, it has become a bit more whimsical and touristy which I usually hate but they make it so fun there. You might even like it yourself if you ever wanna visit, assuming Tony lets me off the leash and I'm not stuck living here forever. Nowadays its a place that celebrates and capitalizes on magic."
"What if I were to convince Tony to let us have a day trip to there?"
"You'd do that?"
"Why not?"
I shrugged but smiled at the idea. "I'd say you're living up to the nickname Silvertongue."
"Oh that's not the only reason I'm called that," he purred into my ear.
I'm pretty sure if I could still bring color to my skin, I'd have the slightest blush of excitement from his voice alone let alone the suggestion. "Promises promises."
"Tell me something, you say you're dead inside and only the necromancy itself keeps you going, but do you still feel or are your nerves dead too."
"I don't think I'd wanna be alive if I couldn't feel or taste things so yes intense pain and strong levels of pleasure, kinda like a succubus I guess, pleasure keeps me alive, reminds me I'm still kicking." I paused then, trying to read if he was just gonna dump naughty images in my head or actually follow through. I do something totally impulsive then and rest my head on his lap, reaching up and touching the razorsharp jawbones of a god. Though he's cool to the touch, the second I come in contact with him I feel alive again.
"Do you miss being completely alive?" he asked, seeing the sudden but fleeting change from my touch.
"I'm not sure, the life I had before the change was almost complete hell from what I remember and I'm not one of those protagonists that wishes they could just be normal again, I like being what I am. I'd probably have died for real at Hydra, always finding new methods to get the same result of me not doing anything, I think a normal human would've died from the pain or blood loss then."
"That would make you an immortal, staying alive when you should be long dead, unaffected."
I shrugged. "I am what I am. Doubt I'm immortal though, a blade through the heart might not work but most creatures are killed by beheading including zombies which apparently Stark thinks I am. Jokes on him though, I don't eat brains, that's the least appetizing part of the body."
"You know from experience, do you?" he asked in bemusement. "Is it the heart then?"
I wrinkled my nose at this, recalling a certain show where a horse heart was devoured raw. "Have you ever eaten a muscle? It's like eating a wet squishy piece of leather, your jaw starts to ache after a few bites of a chewy chunk. Everyone assumes its the heart or brains thats best because we think since thats our best quality alive, it should be that in a meal." My hand slid from his face to his heart then though was blocked by his green asgardian leisure robes so the feeling of being alive was a bit lost though I still wanted to feel his heart, so many people seemed to think he didn't have one. I wondered if I could survive pulling his lifeforce from him, not that I'd want to of course when just touching him gave me a taste of life, but an immortal with immense power meant he wouldn't be dead for a while and that meant he was a potential atomic bomb in my hands. I was quiet for once, feeling his heartbeat, his power under my hand, so many different thoughts between naughty and dangerous running through my head then. I could feel him watch me just as quiet as I was, ever the curious god observing his new catch.
"What are you thinking that's stayed your tongue suddenly?" he asked me then.
I smirked. "I'm wondering what true power tastes like."
"Lean up and find out," he challenged smoothly.
Both my eyebrows popped up then, usually when people find out I'm a walking magical corpse they're instantly turned off due to that pesky little thing called necrophilia. I didn't need to be told twice though and did just that, our lips connecting softly. The second it did, my entire body warmed and tingled back to life, causing me to moan into the kiss in the rush of long missed feeling I didn't want to end. What started out as a tasting, testing the waters kiss quickly became one of lust and hunger he was matching just as greedily. I pushed myself up to get even closer to him and his hands snaked around my hips without breaking the kiss. Of course something had to at least give Loki some air to breathe and it was a soft thump coming outside the room followed closely by, "Mr. Stark, are you here?"
We pulled away reluctantly, allowing Loki to catch his breath and me to lose mine returning to my current corpse form. "You'll be the life of me, Loki," I mused. "Did a kid just interrupt this?"
"That must be the Spiderling then," loki replied, waiting for me to get off him before getting off the couch and offering me his hand once more.
I took it curiously and followed him out of the living to where a teenager was looking around wearing a high tech spider themed suit that looked like an offshoot of Deadpool's suit though the mask part was pulled off. He's cute though a bit young. "That has Stark written all over it."
The kid whirled around as his back had been turned to us watching him look for his sugar daddy. "Hi Loki, who are you?"
"Who am I? Who are you?" I countered. "I was here first."
"I'm Spider Parker- I mean Peter Man," he stumbled in answer. "Dammit."
I couldn't hide the laughter at his failed attempt to cover one if not both identities and looked over at Loki who was smirking just the same. "Isn't he just precious?"
"I think you caught him by surprise, not an easy feat as he claims he has a sixth sense for that sort of thing," Loki commented.
I shrugged. "Occupational hazard. Tony's not here right now, but if you'd like to leave a message you can do so elsewhere."
Peter as I guessed his actual name was scowled at me and appeared to get in a defensive stance but once more we were interrupted by something entering the building followed by. "Loki, you guys here?"
"Maybe," I called back.
Tony walked into the room we were all standing in and grinned seeing Peter there as well. "Hey kid, what brings you here?"
"Mr. Stark, I heard rumors theres a horde of zombies at the hydra base and wanted to help," Peter replied quickly.
It was my turn to frown then. "So much for keeping that under wraps, I'm blaming you on this, Stark. You just had to know, didn't you?"
"Me? I'm pretty sure you volunteered as you hate them as much as we do."
"I was hoping you'd handle most of it, you're the Avengers after all, but once more a woman has to clean up a mess made by lousy men."
"You know her, Mr. Stark?" squeaked Peter between the bickering.
"We found her in the second to last base we raided, well Loki did anyway," explained Tony. "I let you into my compound as a guest I know almost nothing about and this is how you thank me."
"You could've just let me go back to where I was before I got caught but noooo, you had to know why I was there."
"She's got a point there, Stark," Loki noted.
"Who's side are you on?" he demanded.
"Hers, clearly. I thought that much was obvious as I'm standing right next to her this whole time."
Tony rolled his eyes but returned his attention to Peter. "Don't worry about it, kid. The zombies don't work for Hydra."
"They don't?" he asked in disbelief.
"They work for me," I chirped. "Well not worked so much as follow since its free of charge and labor."
"You? What are you, the Night Queen?" Peter asked.
Tony chuckled at the reference. My eyes went snow white then and I gave him a look that matched the lead wight walker. "Winter is coming," I told him in a hollow voice.
"M-Mr. Stark, I don't think it's a good idea to have her on the team," Peter told him quietly.
"Are you questioning my judgment, kid?"
"No, sir."
"Good, because she's staying here."
"Actually," I interjected. "I have a request on that note."
Tony turned back to me then with an arched eyebrow. "You're not moving out till I can fully trust you."
"She wants to go on a field trip with me somewhere, just for a day," Loki spoke up.
Tony crossed his arms and looked expectantly at the god. "Where?"
"Only the most magical place in the east coast," I answered.
"Disneyworld?" Peter asked hopefully.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Hell no, that's the most nauseating place in the east coast. So full of families with kids they can't hope to control, and all that noise noise noise. That place ain't magical, it's mechanical and made of money and memories. No, this place isn't in the south and doesn't require commercial airlines to get there."
"Hm, well you proved you can handle yourself on the battlefield and Loki will be with you on this trip but as I still don't trust him completely we'll have someone else with you two to make sure you don't get into too much trouble," Tony stated. "Clint will go with you as he's the only one free at the moment and wasn't fighting off hydra like the rest of us did. Family outting or whatever at his farm."
"Is that a yes?"
"Yup, don't make me regret it either or you'll be on a tighter leash than Loki is."
"Oooh a leash, kinky, what's the safe word?"
"Bananas," he quipped right back, making me cackle before I thanked him for letting have some fun on my own.
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s3venpounds · 5 years
thank you my dewd for giving me something to do! ngl was going kinda insane and i’ll take anything over doing chores tbh also sorry if this is hella late
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
coffee mugs usually because they hold more liquid and i use them for everything lol tea, coffee, alcohol, soda
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
lollipops, i like having something in my mouth for long amounts of time(and yes pun intended)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy oh my god. I have such a sweet tooth its ridiculous. I once bought 7 large bags of cotton candy from K days and ate them for the next 2 months even when they got hard and probably nasty lmao i just love that shit. even cotton candy flavoured stuff ( except vodka. thats a trap. )
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
shy, reserved, well behaved basically i was a wimpy little shit
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I like them in glass cups so i can clean it afterwards and use it again later, waste makes me feel guilty
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
if its applied to me? pastel. I love brighter colors after i stopped wearing blacks greys and whites. they feel so good and look so nice. on someone im interested in? sportswear, formal, grunge, goth, pastel, tomboy. in no particular order. if its sportswear stuff that really highlights muscles and how toned they are just MMMMMMMM. formal is fuckkkkkkking attractive. like if the white collar shirt is unbuttoned halfway and the blazer is rolled up? or no blazer but with suspenders and the sleeves rolled up? OMG i will literally lick their collarbones idgaf
7. earbuds or headphones?
headphones, mostly because its just healthier for your ears, as much as i like earphones and use them more often i just prefer headphones cuz people usually dont bother me, i do dislike the hat hair though and how bulky they are
8. movies or tv shows?
im kind of a weeb so i much prefer tv shows with regular releases so im not waiting 6 years or something for avengers lol i need my fixxxxxxxxxxx
9. favorite smell in the summer?
after rain smell or during rain smell idk. carnival food? the ocean? just water scents i guess
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
dance or volleyball both of which im still doing to this day very happily c:
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
cereal, maybe some nutella, whatevers left over if someone cooked the night prior or just basic bacon eggs and rice. fried rice if im feeling lucky
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Emotions empty. YEET
13. lanyard or key ring?
lanyard. I’ve had the same spidergwen/ghost spider lanyard since like 2015 and i refuse to use another lol. it feels so cool to yank on the lanyard and swing it around
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
rock candy. hands down. that shit makes me nutty. like if i was an earth bender or some shit i’d make a giant club made of the stuff and smack people with it and lick it afterwards
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
the outsiders probably i mean its not like crazy favourite but like its the one i enjoyed the most out of the ones i was forced to read (i really hate being forced to do shit)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? criss cross as im doing right now lmao or sitting on one of my legs
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? ah shit I just threw them out cuz they were old af but i had these nike high tops with the little puffy thing that inflates the sides of the shoes to make it more comfortable and it was so good in the winter and summer. it like breathed enough to let my feet stay nice and cool but it also stayed warm and never let snow get in my shoes cuz they were so high they acted like boots. i wore those for like my entire highschool experience
18. ideal weather?
raining. or breezy day. wind makes me sleepy and rain makes me excited to jump around in puddles and run as if my lifes calling is pulling me towards it
19. sleeping position? 
I always sleep on my stomach. its my most comfortable position and i knock out so easily if i do. apparently its a family thing too lol my siblings all outgrew it but w.e
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? 
on a laptop or in my journal. the tapping of laptop keys makes me feel productive while writing in my journal makes me feel like itll be saved for the rest of my life
21. obsession from childhood?
psychology and the inner workings of the mind. why something thinks lowly of themselves, why someone thinks highly of themselves, how they came to this decision, why they thought to refuse this and that its really interesting to me to see peoples reasoning
22. role model?
not even a physical person but ALL MIGHT from my hero academia or boku no hero academia. yknow that phrase ? “ what would jesus do?” yeah its “what would all might do?” for me luuuuuuuuuuuuul
23. strange habits?
i dont really know any strange habits myself but im sure my friend justin knows a few
24. favorite crystal?
crystal???? uhhh i dont know much about this but i guess i would go with emerald? since its my birth stone?
25. first song you remember hearing?
a barney song. i shit you not.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
I dont really like the heat all that much. summer is just suffering to me tbh lol like what do you do when youve taken off all ur clothes, ur AC is dead and your room is the highest room in the house where all the heat gathers? nothing. you do nothing. you cry and almost get heat stroke.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
I loooooooooooove snowboarding im not good at it though but god damn its fun. specially with friends and learning together it makes me so happy seeing people grow c:
28. five songs to describe you?
fix you cold play(currently listening to this), im still here (treasure planet soundtrack) by john reznik, Good things fall apart Jon bellion, lost stars Adam levine, After Dark Asian Kung Fu Generation. is what i can say so far? i’ve got tons of songs i relate to those are the ones that just popped into mind
29. best way to bond with you?
be physical. touch me, graze me, be comfortable with me and hold up a conversation. As much as i like talking I LOVE hearing about the people im interacting with. hobbies, dreams, goals, nightmares everything. other than that? just spend time with me. any time is fine. i do prefer really deep conversations at like 3 am lol
30. places that you find sacred?
sacred to me? St. Clements park and not much else. a looooooooooot of shit has happened there. my first kiss, my worst break up, my best make up/make out, my best date. 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I got these leather boots that do a clack sound on pavement and i feel powerful as fuck. I got this really high quality black formal shirt from le chateau that breathes really well and highlights my figure. I have these black jeans with zippers above and below the kneecap that make me feel dope. so yeah full black lol. theres also this grey sweater i have that flows in the wing like a cape and i feel like a superhero when wind blows it behind me
32. top five favorite vines?
ok ok theres this one i cannot find again for the life of me but its like this asian guy sittin in a stall taking a dump and it cuts to an ice cream dispenser then some dude knocks on the door and the asian guy gasps and it cuts to the ice cream dispenser but goes backwards so the poop is like going back in and the asian guy goes like “ unnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and shudders and i like fucking collapse a lung everytime i think about it. some of king vaders anime parodies are fucking hilarious, the dude who made that vine where “ if johnny has 23 dish soaps” and he goes “ wait why does johnny have 23 dish soaps” and he goes “ mind your business david” while playing with dishsoap lmao. OH OH and that one where the kid puts random shit on his head to signify its his mom like where he goes “ I like ya accent where ya from?” “ im from liberia” “ *in a whisper* oh my bad I like ya accent where ya from” yeah this is longer than i thought i’ll stop it here i still got like 60 questions left
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“lmao” i’ve now used to as a similar term to lol. sometimes i say it in irl like “ le mao” and i internally cringe everytime
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
pizza 73, sleep country canada “why buy a mattress any where elseee” and some spotify ads cuz theyre fucking everywhere
35. average time you fall asleep?
midnight or 10 at the earliest
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
god... uhhh.. one of those rage comics those old ass black n white memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel bag, i am NOT organized enough for a suitcase plus duffels i can carry across my chest like a backpack
38. lemonade or tea?
oof. lemonade from k days was really gooooooood. but tea is something im always comfortable with.. ill go with tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? cake defnitely. cake tastes more mellow while meringue is like a burst of flavour right away
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
a dude OD’d during school hours or that time a dude had a seisure in class
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
jacket pockets if i wanna look badass, pants pockets if im just being a panda
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
oooof. uhh leather or bomber. leather because i love biker aesthetic too and bomber just looks comfy
44. favorite scent for soap?
i dont particularly have one but i do like old spice or irish spring
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
SUPERHERO. HANDS DOWN. fantasy second and sci fi 3rd.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
.... naked. only on days i cannot sleep at all
47. favorite type of cheese?
uhh fuck dude uhm.. toss up between cream cheese or parmesan
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
durian. I hate durian. its spiky on the outside, smells like burnt asshole but taste is redeeming
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
inside jokes with justin. just hanging out with the dude I had the best gut wrenching laughs of my life. laughs where my jaw hurt from laughing, i lost feeling in my cheeks, my face was red and couldnt stop crying. those laughs.
51. current stresses?
job security, love life, and friends who are currently getting more and more busy and cant hang out as often
52. favorite font?
IDK? Helvetica?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry and typing.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
People are stupid as fuck. and coworkers are dangerous thanks alex for throwing a kitchen knife at me
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk if it counts since disney always makes fairytales but treasure planet?
56. favorite tradition? 
probably christmas because i think its super important who you choose to spend it with and who you DO spend it with is a sign of how much they mean to you
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
dads abuse, my biggest break up, my friends attempted suicide
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
yknow the devil sign you make by closing your hand in a fist except your pinky and pointer finger? i can make my pointer and pinky touch. I also have been told my volleyball spikes have been really good recently. uhh my dancing I guess? singing?
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
My hero academia. hands down.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course! Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes, you'll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of! And... well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day. TREASURE FUCKING PLANET BOIIIIIIIIIIS
62. seven characters you relate to?
jim hawkins, hikigaya hachiman, shoya ishida, natsuki subaru, Hinata Shoyo, Hiccup, roxas.
63. five songs that would play in your club?
oh god. uhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. learn to fly foo fighters? castle on the hill ed sheeran? man idk im not huge on clubs, just shit from like 2000′s rock bands that white person knows the lyrics to and probably screamed in their room when they were mad
64. favorite website from your childhood?
YTV when they first released those side kick things thos games were so cool except that one day where the sidekick turned into a monster i legit got scared lol
65. any permanent scars?
tons actually and i love em! they remind me that things happened and that i wont ever forget them. currently tryna get a scar for volleyball HEHEHE
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont know much about flowers but roses and lavender is nice. and that flower in philippines where if you touch it, it like curls into itself. 
67. good luck charms?
the keychains people i’ve fallen for have given to me. like this one bullet bill keychain AB gave me when we first met in highschool. i still have it. its faded and chipped in places but i feel like it makes me feel stronger yknow?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
birthday cake vodka. hands down. and i’ve literally tasted my own puss from an infected wound on accident
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
in philippines flies are always swarming around peoples food so what i learned was to rip up the napkin to look like that thing people used to dust the house and it keeps them away if you swing it at them
70. left or right handed?
right handed c:
71. least favorite pattern?
pattern? uhh anything disorienting i guess
72. worst subject?
math. 100% math. 
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
meatball marinara sub with like every sauce from subway
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
8. i think i have a high pain tolerance
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i dont remember.. maybe like 6?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
not a big fan of plants....
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
sushi from a grocery store. just cuz im not willing to pay 30 bucks for somewhat fresh stuff from a retaurant
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? school id funny enough
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
...what? i guess jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
console. i have a better understanding of how console plays vs computer. computer is too finicky for me and aiming is a lot harder. console i know how people on console move and how i move and how to aim. 
83. writing or drawing?
writing. if i knew how to draw though thatd be a different answer
84. podcasts or talk radio?
talk radio cuz i like to phone in and talk about my experiences lol i got to be on one actually it was dope
84. barbie or polly pocket?
uhhhhhh barbie?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
death. or atleast what happens afterwards
88. your greatest wish?
to be a hero. 
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
one time in gym class we were playing dodgeball and i slipped trying to run backwards and a dude threw a ball at me but i kicked it in a way it went straight up and i had enough time to catch it
91. boxes or bags?
boxes, much better leverage and storing is like a game of tetris!
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
lamps or overheads. sunlight has glare on my stuff and its hard to play and fairylights arent enough 
93. nicknames?
tin man, AG, metal man, poetry man, silverado, silver city, quick silver anything with silver really.
94. favorite season?
fall and winter. winter being the best
95. favorite app on your phone?
Epic seven
96. desktop background? its a picture of hinata shoyo from HAIKYUU!! doing a spike with wings on his back!
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
only 1. thats my own lmao
98. favorite historical era?
uhhhhhh shit idk. they all seemed pretty shitty tbh..........
0 notes
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Okay, Billy was salty as hell after he got voted out, and for some reason it was towards me? He said my attitude is intolerable or whatever, and that I have no room to talk about him getting pissy when he gets voted out.
1: I know, and therefore I didn't? Like I actually said nothing to him other than the fact that he's going home, which he wanted to hear in the first place (I think).
2: I... don't call out the entire tribe and call everyone cowards when I know I'm going home. Like, when I'm salty, it's because of a blindside, not an obvious vote. He can't really act like he deserved to stay when he did nothing in either of the last two challenges.
On a separate note, we merged now! So that's pretty nifty, I would say. I'm trying to get the merge tribe named Sappho because gay, and I think everyone's on board. thats real fuckin neato
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AAAAAA i got a black lantern ring and idk what it does and i cant tell jordan or lily about it so im stuck lying to them and im bad god i hope this item is good
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So we merged hey hey hey
Toph is pissed at me for choosing Kai over him for reward and I explained the situation to him and I feel bad because I had no intention of picking Toph like if I didn't pick Kai I was gonna pick Logan and then probably Ruthie next tbh jdlkfjlasd like this MESS I feel so bad but I lied to keep him happy. I feel shitty but anyways
I'm getting closer and closer with Jordan and it's both good and bad I think JD is disappointed in me
Madeline hasn't been responding much to my messages and I'm worried she a. hates me b. has better allies than me bc we've been separated for so long c. maybe i'm overreacting and she's just not seeing my messages
Kai is already throwing Jordan's name to RHONE and logan and IM FDKJFKLAS KAI STOP IM TRYING TO SAVE YOU i think i made this harder for him though i kinda went overboard with the distance myself from my closest ally thing so now my "closest" ally does not like my closest ally and wants him out fdjfajslkd I'm making things harder for my friends and I this isn't good
I also think Jordan thinks he has me around his finger and that's not... true? I don't think so at least. I'm thinking about trying to make a thing with Toph, Kai, Logan, Madeline, and Ian? I don't know. That's the ideal squad. And Jordan can give me info from the other side of Lily, Jack, and Nicholas. And then I can blindside him... soonish. I gotta decide when my metaphorical d-day is. Is it bad that I'm comparing Jordan's tribal to d-day? I hope not because I'm Garbo I gotta keep with this WWII metaphor for this persona to work out.
Also our tribe name is Sappho and if that doesn't perfectly describe our tribe then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also update on Madeline and I we're talking more now I don't think she hates me she was just like away from her computer whew we're in the clear bois
Also, Jordan found whatever the fuck was in the bedroom and I know it. I just do. Kai sent me this:
On 11/1/17, at 10:41 PM, Kai . wrote:
> On 11/1/17, at 10:41 PM, LA {Themyscira Host} wrote:
> > You run into the room and look around but there is nothing to be found. You have a nagging suspicion you missed out on something but what? Who knows! Sorry, better luck next time.
And I popped over to Jordan, who claims I am his "closest ally," and said
On 11/1/17, at 10:42 PM, Emily wrote:
> so what was in the room
> lmao
> I’m kidding I’m just sssuming
On 11/1/17, at 10:43 PM, Jordan Pines wrote:
On 11/1/17, at 10:43 PM, Emily wrote:
To quote Jordan: hosts, this is called lying! This boy got an advantage and he wants to keep it a secret from me and thinks that because he's called me his "closest ally" that I won't fall for it. I think the heck not, you trick ass Jordan.
Sorry this is all over the fuckin place but now I'm talking to Logan and Madeline. Logan has told me that he has been open with Jordan and calling with him, like I have been. Which is INCH RESTING. Because Jordan told me he wouldn't call with someone unless he wanted to work with them hella long term. (That's paraphrasing.) OH MY GOOOOOOD I love catching this boy in his lies....... I love comparing notes. I love when people unknowingly give me the info I need. Also Madeline is the sweetest human being on earth look
On 11/1/17, at 11:56 PM, Emily wrote:
> i just wanna find something
> i feel lame
On 11/2/17, at 12:00 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You can find my heart
I love her wtf I want to work with her forever. Honestly why is everyone in this damn game my bff someone make me hate them QUICK!!!
Now I want to work with Lily and Madeline but I'm worried bc Lily is close with Jack and Jordan. Jordan has mentioned many times that he can get Jack and Lily to vote how he wants them to. And so that's major hinting at how he is close with her. And if Lily is close with Jordan and she gets put in an all girls alliance with Madeline and I, she might tell Jordan. And if I don't tell Jordan about the all girls alliance, he won't trust me. And I need him to trust me. I'm breaking my english teacher's heart by starting all those sentences with and but anyways! Merge happened and everything is a little okay. Also I don't proof read my confessionals so like if this is a mess it's a mess I'm sorry nobody's perfect I gotta work it.
Anyways, here are my goals: congradoritos, you made merge, now the goal is to not be merge boot. Maybe try to make it past seventh. Use Kai's idol to your advantage. Vote Jordan out soon. Get in some alliances. Win something good in the auction. Something GOOOOOOOD. Please Survivior gods help me out
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Y'all. This is just a confession with another example of why I love Madeline.
On 11/2/17, at 12:02 AM, Madeline wrote:
> do you choose chest, candy box, or oven
On 11/2/17, at 12:03 AM, Emily wrote:
> im
> i think oven
On 11/2/17, at 12:04 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You open the oven and see two trays of treats the top row has muffins and the bottom row is a tray of sugar cookies
On 11/2/17, at 12:06 AM, Emily wrote:
> oh shit
> i want the muffins
On 11/2/17, at 12:07 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You choose the muffins from the oven be careful they’re still hot! You see there’s several types of muffins to choose from, blueberry, chocolate chip, and banana nut
On 11/2/17, at 12:08 AM, Emily wrote:
On 11/2/17, at 12:10 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You choose the blueberry muffins do you wait to enjoy it in the morning for breakfast or dive right into the warm treat?
On 11/2/17, at 12:12 AM, Emily wrote:
> dive right in
On 11/2/17, at 12:14 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You choose to dive right in because you can’t resist the temptation of having a blueberry muffin crafted by Madeline who not only loves to cook but’s favorite muffin also is blueberry and have thus won her heart.
> (heart)
On 11/2/17, at 12:15 AM, Emily wrote:
> omg
> i did it
On 11/2/17, at 12:15 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You may redeem this idol at any point when you’re feeling sad or lonely or bored OR WANT TO BEAT OUT THESE BOYS RUNNING THIS THING
On 11/2/17, at 12:15 AM, Emily wrote:
> tbh I’m redeeming it now we better vote out these boys
This pure girl I want to be her best friends
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Organizing my thoughts for these merge folk:
Ian: Uneasy about him for some reason. Seems very nice but we haven't talked much game.
Jack: Tbh if I want anyone gone the most, it's him. I really don't vibe with him and it's very obvious he and Jordan are close. If I want to make a move on Jack, I need to do it secretly or in a close vote.
Jordan: My "closest" ally. I'm blindsiding him when I get the chance. I love him as a person, but as a player he's scary as fuck. I don't want that in late merge. And I'm also trying to protect Duncan's record because I love Duncan.
Kai: My closest ally.  I stan him and his idol. Time zones put a damper on things sometimes but we still talk a lot and we are very close. I wouldn't mind taking him to the end based on his social game.
Lily: I really haven't talked to her much but, to quote Rhone, she's a legend. She's really funny and I want to make an ally girls alliance with her so bad wtf but I know she's close with Jordan and so I need to tread lightly.
Logan: I love him so much wtf! He's a great ally and I think Kai and I got closer bc Logan and I were separated but now that we're all back on one tribe it's fucking lit and New Skype Who Dis? can maybe do some damage
Madeline: I literally want to be her best friend I am SUCH stan. She's such a sweet heart and I want to work with her even though she's a little cracked
Nicholas: cracked idol playing king. He's so nice! Like so nice. We had a good convo and I'm happy. I want to work with him but we need to talk more.
Rhone: I LOVE RHONE so much wtf. They're so nice and I just stan so much. And they've been talking to me a good amount which makes me think they still wanna work with me and that makes me happy I love having allies
Toph: cracked messy king. hoping I don't ruin his game but tbh in the other games I've played, people that are closer with me than I are with them always end up ruining their game to my benefit so rip toph probably. But I'm proud of him for making merge love him
Anyways those are my thots for now. It's one am and I have class in eight hours. I also have a stance on this question:
"If your homie sends you a dick pic and you screenshot it, who gay?"
OBVIOUSLY both of them are bi. I just make everyone bi actually u know ignore me but that's my answer
Also, 100 duck sized horses is my answer. I was absent for the tribal so I feel left out not getting to answer the questions.
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WHEW this past round was messy and weird! We had no idea what was really going on w this tribal for us until the actual vote so I was being a lil snake trying to get Andreas out when I didn't even need to bc Hippolyta did it for me. :) But Antiope and Hippolyta are NO MORE because I made the merge!!!!!!!! I'm dumb shook bc I honestly tend to go premerge but I think with the premerge boot order shaking out the way I did I'm in a really good position right now.
Love the tribe name, love lesbians, love women in general, love this season. Lily really is an awesome kid and I want to talk to her more because she's so funny and insightful. And I hate to say it but I do feel like I could beat her at FTC because she's a little less cool under pressure than me so she's someone I'm definitely looking at long-term. Like I think her and Jordan would be my ideal final 3 so I have to get them to trust me the most. I really think having Emily around towards the end would be good too and give me options, and Nicholas is tight with me. So basically I fuck with the swapped Antiope crew + Nicholas, but not really Jack if I can be totally honest. I just don't think he really trusts me and he'll totally beat me at the end.
Kai on the other hand is legit coked out of his head, he came to me right after we merged and started shitting all over Jordan/Lily/Jack to me and I was like...uhhhh take a look at the wiki bruh, I was on that tribe too! So I told Jordan everything because I have a feeling he's nervous that I'm gonna try to blinside him and not gonna lie I considered it, I just think my odds long-term are better with him. Ian and Madeline are also kind of in trouble I think. They're both so social and nice it's a little disturbing and I know from Jordan that they're a pretty tight pair. I accidentally made a deal with Madeline to just never vote her out lmfao so I'm gonna have to maneuver to see if I can keep that deal while still getting Madeline out. To quote strategic god JP of Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers fame, I guess we'll see what happens.
I want to prove myself in this game so bad. I really feel like if I maneuver effectively through this merge I can get to FTC with limited blood on my hands and the respect of the majority of the jury. So often people see me as like a goat or a follower and I need people to realize that I am actively involved in strategy and am paving my own way to the end. I'm the one using people! It's not the other way around!
Last thing -- I suck at finding idols and advantages. WE BEEN KNEW. I'm so shook that there are so many fucking advantages and idols out there in this game and I have none of them. Idols and advantages tend to be the reason I'm voted out in games, too, which is the worst fucking feeling. That's probably the biggest thing scaring me in the game right now. The people are fine, it's these magic sticks or w/e the fuck you weirdos are handing out that are the real threats.
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While walking into school I got smashed in between closing automated doors and I think that’s a good metaphor for me and how I play
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I'm so happy to be back on a tribe with Madeline I just love her. She's the nicest person in the whole wide world and that is a FACT
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[11/3/17, 11:14:12 PM] Toph Estroy: emilys
[11/3/17, 11:14:31 PM] Toph Estroy: what u gonna buy?
[11/3/17, 11:14:45 PM] Emily: i dont even know the items hon
TOPH chill the fuck out
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I HATE THIS GAME. Honestly it's going to be so hard to vote some people out like Emily or Toph or Kai. I don't know how I'm going to do that when the time comes for it. IF THE TIME COMES.
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I also wish Ian would've just given me all his money, like it would've been fishy BUT at least then I could've won us all the good stuff. MAYBE GOOD STUFF? I DON'T KNOW.
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I’m trying to decide who to tell about my advantage. If I tell anyone, I’ll tell Kai. You know, since he told me about his idol and all. But Jordan has been asking me to tell him and I’m just not opening the messages and ignoring them until I can make up a message to send him saying the shield doesn’t do anything. Or maybe it’s just a weak power. And I mean, I’m not sure how to use this shield correctly, so I gotta figure out what to do with it before I even think about telling people. I don’t know what to do so I’m just going to, ya know, avoid it. I’m also 81% sure I won’t be able to do this challenge unless it’s super late tonight when all my actors are asleep. We finished the script just now so my part is basically done for our 24 hour play-a-thon thing. Anyways, I have not been very active recently so let’s hope it doesn’t get me booted! LOL
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Fuck stairway to hell I literally never want to see that fucking challenge again my mood is ruined I am pissed off I'm so bad at it and I just !!!!!!!! FUCK OFF I AM SO FUCKING MAD I just... god. I'm so upset. My social game has been lacking quite a bit lately. I need to #work #on #that. But now I'm going to work on my IRL social game and go play board games with my friends that are still awake at 3 am goodbye
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I’m screaming how did I get third on a challenge I started at 1:30AM mid writing a script for a 24 hour play festival. I didn’t win but I like lily and I’m glad she won. That’s one more guaranteed safety for the girlies! I really want to make this all girls alliance tho fuccc. Also I told Jordan about my power bc he told me about his and it’d be shady and I also don’t know how powerful my power can actually be? I don’t know how to use it properly right now. I’m still thinkin on it. And if I haven’t confessed about this yet, I bought a shield in the auction that basically negates any negative powers that would affect me like a vote steal or something. And Jordan has a vote canceller thing so he knows that I can :-) you know :-) negate whatever thingie he uses against me :-) ya know just a little bit of a push to get him to fear me a bit. I love when men fear me
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I'm still pissed about the results from the music video challenge. WHAT THE FUCK.
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Jack being isolated for 24 hours really doesn’t concern me because I don’t talk to him ever so like ;-) anyways
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ok so i am making this confessional because i really do think that this could be my last one that i make. if i am correct i am pretty sure logan/kai are gunning for me for whatever fucking reason. i'm pretty pissed at how i did in the challenge first of all because i wanted to either flop completely or win it all. of course, i tied for second and continue to make myself out to be a competition threat that i am not. i really don't know how to spin this bc everyone keeps bringing up the fact that i did well and i'm pretty pissed. jp has been telling me that kai has been throwing my name around @ the last vote and now this vote and i didn't believe it bc i thought kai and i were friends from another game and were going to finally work together in this one. then i, LIKE A MATURE ADULT, confronted kai about it with only included minimal detail and he deadass told me he has been throwing my name around and that makes me scared because he must feel like he has the votes and that's really bad tbh because there are enough people that i'm not close to who would probably be willing to vote me out [logan/lily/toph]. i have a bad feeling that the votes are going to flip to jp and he is going to play a power and then somehow i am going to go home in the aftermath. my gut is telling me that something really shitty is going to happen at this tribal and there's not much i can do to stop it so i am just going to make my rounds and hope that people won't want to end my life tonight. yeehaw!
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Okay well i feel like im organizing a pretty amazing blindside but at the same time i could be lying to both you and myself. Im calling this #PineSide... so wish me luck lmao
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You get an alliance chat and you get an alliance chat! Okay well technically I'm only in two, the third one is just Madeline and I with the hosts. If it keeps me safe I'll take it. People have to have guessed by now that Madeline and I are close. Maybe?
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This is very video confession worthy but I'm very very sick so I cannot film anything without blowing my nose ten times throughout the duration of the video. Anyways, I was approached last night with the idea of voting out Kai. I cannot remember who approached me with it, it was either Jordan or Rhone idk tho. So obviously, me being me, I don't want to vote out Kai. Kai has entrusted me with the information that he has an idol. And I want him to use that wisely. But since he name is already on the chopping block tonight, that makes me worried. I think he's going to have to use his idol.
When I started hearing Kai's name, I went to Logan. He said this:
[11/4/17, 10:43:08 PM] Emily: okay so ppl are coming to me saying that kai is the target and idk how I feel about it
[11/4/17, 10:43:17 PM] Emily: and idk how to approach kai with it
[11/4/17, 10:43:23 PM] Emily: or if u think I should at all
[11/4/17, 10:43:27 PM] Logan Bee-Culpepper: um
[11/4/17, 10:43:33 PM] Logan Bee-Culpepper: At ur own risk '
[11/4/17, 10:43:39 PM] Logan Bee-Culpepper: when can u call
Which is ... WEIRD! I thought Kai and Logan were really close and this is making me uneasy. Is this Logan hinting that he does want to vote out Kai? Very interesting if I do say so myself.
So I talked to a few more people today including Nicholas and Madeline who both told me they heard Kai's name and are uneasy about voting Kai. That's good. But it seems like Jordan has been talking to everyone and wanting to call with everyone (something he has told me is something he does with only the people he wants to work with and go far with.). So I think I have an idea of how Jordan is playing: trying to make everyone think that they're his secret pair and that he's going to take them to the end. He's told me this, and I don't believe him. He could be telling the truth, but I think he's a lot closer to Jack and Lily and Rhone than he is to me. My goal though is to make sure that people think after this vote that I'm with them, not Kai. When in reality, that's not the case.
An alliance has been made consisting of Kai, Ian, Madeline, and I. We're called the Dudes n Dames. It's pretty cute. And we're going to call in a little bit and I'm going to talk to them about this plan. Ideally, what I want to happen is:
Votes falling on Kai: Jordan's, Lily's, Rhone's,  Logan's, Nicholas', Toph's, mine
Votes falling on Jordan: Ian's, Kai's, Madeline's
I want to vote against Kai because I want people to think that I'm not with Kai. I think that if I send my vote (including a distinct voting confession) to the people I'm voting with, that'll secure that they know I voted with them. If the votes are not split and Kai plays his idol (which he has told me he is), then Jordan should go home. I trust Ian and Madeline to do what we decide on doing in the call today, I just need to make sure they're okay with me voting how I am so I can continue to be the double agent for them and clue them in on any possible blindsides against us. I think they will be okay and understand this plan? Possibly hopefully fkdjklas! But I'm not sure where Toph's vote is gonna go and I'm not sure where Logan's vote is gonna go. I have to call with Logan today at some point to discuss, so hopefully that'll clear things up. Toph is close with Madeline, we just gotta make sure Madeline doesn't tell Toph about the plan to vote out Jordan, because I think Toph and Jordan are close. But ANYWAYS
Tonight, Kai is not going home because he's playing his idol. It's about to be a #PinesSide, ladies and gentlemen.
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So the auction was fun, I guess!
Not only was it filled with plenty of bourgeoisie memes, but we got away from it with a decent haul. Between the food and the statue that I bet on, I got... nothing. I didn't even get the statue, it ended up with Jack. But hey, he got a challenge advantage and a super idol, so that was alright. Oh, and Jordan got a vote cutter.
I also ended up winning immunity with a strategy which I thought would turn out much better than it did. I had a text-based bot programmed to start sending the messages super quickly (I pre-typed them and entered them into the program), and although I did win, I didn't get up to 25 like I planned. There was, uh... a bit of a glitch. I'll paste that glitch log here for viewer enjoyment.
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Y'all I am so determined to be on the front page of the Athena Wiki saying "Emily has won Themyscira!" LET *clap* ME *clap* TELL *clap* YOU I will be there. I'm so determined to win
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If this was Survivor: Futurama, I would be Leela, Ian would be Fry, Emily would be Amy, and Toph would be my little baby Nibbler.
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So I'm pretty certain I'm not going home on this vote so that's nice! Jordan and Kai are trying to blindside each other and I'm going with Jordan on this one. He and I had a really long talk on call the other night and it's so weird but I like...trust him? I trust Jordan Pines. I've never actually trusted Jordan in a game before lmao so we'll see if this works out or not. We want us and Lily to be the final 3 because all three of us have never won a Tumblr game so that would be a way to ensure one of us finally wins! We're also working with Emily, Logan, Nicholas and Jack. I really think Jack needs to go sooner rather than later so if it gets to a point where he needs to go and Jordan's still protecting him I'm not afraid to mobilize the minority to get him out. He just annoys the fuck out of me tbqh but that's like...basically everyone in this community.
I feel bad about not working with Ian and Madeline because they're both really cool people but I think they're big threats and they're always gonna prioritize each other over me or anyone else they work with. They're really socially strong it's actually kinda scary. I want to be friends with them after the game but in this game I think they need to get out sooner than later, and I'm hoping other people will piss them off more than I do. I already feel like I'm burning Kai's vote by basically orchestrating his blindside but...*Jenny Slate voice* I just like to have fun.
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I... REALLY hope that I'm the one that gets to come back tonight! I somehow don't think I will with so much competition but either way, this has been fun and I'm excited that there was a buyback!
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[11/5/17, 7:14:50 PM] Emily: you think everything will be okay tonight?
[11/5/17, 7:15:38 PM] Jordan Pines: im super paranoid
[11/5/17, 7:15:41 PM] Jordan Pines: i trust our 5
[11/5/17, 7:15:42 PM] Jordan Pines: the issue
[11/5/17, 7:15:46 PM] Jordan Pines: is i don’t trust anyone else
[11/5/17, 7:15:49 PM] Emily: fkdfklas ME
[11/5/17, 7:15:53 PM] Jordan Pines: i don’t think ian has been leaked at all
[11/5/17, 7:15:55 PM] Jordan Pines: im praying
[11/5/17, 7:16:01 PM] Jordan Pines: if this pays off
[11/5/17, 7:16:01 PM] Emily: i dont think so either
[11/5/17, 7:16:04 PM] Jordan Pines: and kai wastes an idol
[11/5/17, 7:16:09 PM] Jordan Pines: like we set for endgame
[11/5/17, 7:16:11 PM] Emily: i haven’t told him anything i swear
[11/5/17, 7:16:16 PM] Jordan Pines: i trust you darling
[11/5/17, 7:16:18 PM] Jordan Pines: dont worry
[11/5/17, 7:16:18 PM] Emily: i trust you guys i want to go with you guys to the end
[11/5/17, 7:16:24 PM] Emily: i just get paranoid
[11/5/17, 7:16:43 PM] Emily: I’m sorry I’m gonna get more and more worried as the night goes on
[11/5/17, 7:17:01 PM] Jordan Pines: youre nervous? I’m the ones whose had my name out there for what 3 days now lol?
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Like I need Jordan to know I love him as a person but this literally feels so great
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God, I've been so impatient about waiting for this day to come. I finally get to battle my way (hopefully) back into the game... a lot is riding on this. I'm really anxious because I don't want to fuck this up.
Realistically, I'll probably just be an easy next boot if I go back into the game so maybe it's best if I save the time and effort put into all of this :/ But... I just don't do that. I've not given up for one second in this game, I'm not going to give up now. If I am defeated, then so be it, and I hope the person who vanquishes me makes the most of their second life. I'll harness my competition beast just for one night, hopefully it'll work. I'm nervous, y'all.
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[11/5/17, 8:19:34 PM] Emily: i really dont want to change my vote
[11/5/17, 8:19:38 PM] Emily: really really really dont want to
[11/5/17, 8:20:12 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): but are you?
[11/5/17, 8:20:19 PM] Emily: I AM
[11/5/17, 8:24:12 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): kk just make sure you lock in whichever vote you’re going with before the votes are read
[11/5/17, 8:24:23 PM] Emily: i will I’m just still thinking
[11/5/17, 8:25:05 PM] Emily: i know we need three but I’m so worried about how this is going to go after the vote
[11/5/17, 8:25:19 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): no worries!
[11/5/17, 8:27:41 PM] Emily: my thing is EVEN IF I DONT CHANGE MY VOTE AND THINGS END UP LIKE 2-2-1 somehow, we can revote!!! and things will be okay right??????
[11/5/17, 8:27:46 PM] Emily: well maybe not
[11/5/17, 8:27:52 PM] Emily: let me work this out in hree
[11/5/17, 8:29:32 PM] Emily: ian: jp, lily, me, rhone, nicholas
kai: logan
toph: toph
jp: madeline, ian
[11/5/17, 8:29:54 PM] Emily: somehow if it goes to a 2-2 vote
[11/5/17, 8:30:30 PM] Emily: jordan: me, madeline, ian
???: lily, rhone, nicholas
where would logan go and can toph even vote in an event of a tie
[11/5/17, 8:30:48 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): top cannot revote
[11/5/17, 8:30:50 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): bc he has a self vote
[11/5/17, 8:30:53 PM] Emily: okay
[11/5/17, 8:31:10 PM] Emily: i dont know where the fuck logan would go
[11/5/17, 8:31:39 PM] Emily: but long story short, i dont think I’m gonna change my vote. we will be okay with 2 votes. i can stay good with everyone
[11/5/17, 8:32:09 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): kk so your vote is staying ian?
[11/5/17, 8:32:13 PM] Emily: yes
[11/5/17, 8:32:21 PM] Emily: at least for now. staying ian
[11/5/17, 8:32:26 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): kk
[11/5/17, 8:32:33 PM] Emily: I’m not going to tell them tho
[11/5/17, 8:32:37 PM] Emily: fdksjakla
[11/5/17, 8:36:59 PM] JD { Themyscira Host }: are you... gonna put this in a confessional? Cus I love stateging
[11/5/17, 8:37:16 PM] Emily: i will
[11/5/17, 8:37:29 PM] Emily: i confessed about a lot but i will just add the quotes to a confession
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Dudes, Dames n a Deutch is the best alliance ever formed and it's all in the memory of Andreas OUR FALLEN MEMBER.
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0 notes