#kingdom hearts revived: redux
ideal-girl · 1 year
Oh dear I think I should clarify; the upcoming questions about Sam’s Story and Another Side is also another “how would you imagine this” questions like the crossover one; so I don’t know if you would be willing to do that considering the burnout from the Mandy/Wonder Woman crossover ask. 
I know you said the crossover is delayed because of personal problems, but out of curiosity could you give a hint on How big will this rewrite be exactly? I figured there would be only some mild changes with 3 of the villains dropping out after Freddy’s arrival, do you plan on going more than that? 
Another thing- is it okay if some days I ask “simple” questions that you probably don’t need to think of too deeply (like say, what would Mandy’s favorite band be?) in the midst of some of the other stuff you’re doing (like the crossover prompt for example). I can accept if you’re not feeling it. 
I don’t mind sharing my thoughts about Sam’s Story: Another Side, but it would be better if I were to answer more simple questions, just so that I can get back in the groove of things. The only reason why I was not able to complete the Kingdom Hearts Revived: Redux (KHR:R) prompt, regarding Mandy and Diana (WW) , is because of the issues I had to tend to in my daily life. Those should be over until June, and so I’m good to write now. 
Kingdom Hearts Revived: Redux (KHR:R) should not be a long-winded response. I’m still piecing the story together and trying to make sure Mandy and Diana’s plot fits in well. However, I have an idea of what I am going to write. It’s similar to what I wrote before, but of course, I’ll be more detailed. 😄
Does this sound right to you? 
Mandy survives the destruction of her college and activates a dormant power as a result. 
Diana (aka “Wonder Woman”) and Mandy will meet and become friends. They will go on many adventures, including trips to Themyscira, where Diana reports information to her mother and the two of them just relax. 
Mandy is also “mentored” by Diana. She has a lot of emotional blockages stemming from present and past experiences. Mandy struggles with her sexual orientation, authenticity, and worthiness, struggles that need to be resolved if she were to truly become powerful. Her friendship with Diana facilitates that growth.
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mewsomniac · 6 years
Down the Hatch
♡ Fandom: Kingdom Hearts ♡ Genre: Romance ♡ Summary:
The Black Pearl's crew celebrates the demise of Lord Cutler Beckett with food, drink, dancing, song, and pleasurable company. But what happens when a curious Sora gets into the rum? [SoRoku pirate fic]
♡ Words: 15,000~ ♡ Ships: Sora/Roxas ♡ Rating: T ♡ FF.net: Link ♡ AO3: Link
[Click Here for Mew’s FF Archive]
Down the Hatch
Drink up me hearties, yo-ho.
Disclaimer: All characters in this fanfiction are 18 years of age or older.
I do not condone underage drinking. Thank you.
          Death and bloodshed had taken the day, as did salt and gunpowder. Somehow, the future was just as clear as the sky, which glittered with the lights of a million worlds. Drinks and merriment rocked the legendary Black Pearl, a revived Captain Jack Sparrow standing at the wheel. His drunken, smug face was turned happily toward the eternally unreachable horizon as the ship bustled with joy. Will was gone, sworn to eternity by the Flying Dutchman as the reaper of souls lost at sea. Elizabeth had already gone to spend one last day on land with him, leaving her pirate companions behind for love.
          “‘Ere, boy,” Barbossa squaked at Sora, double fisting two dusty bottles. “What’d be yer fancy? Per’aps some wine. May’aps some rum, for a true-blooded pirate?” He took a long pull off one of the mouths, then cackled in glee. “Blast it all, take both. Drink up!” He shoved the bottles into the young man’s grasp, then sauntered off into the crowd.
          There was no way he could finish both of these on his own, but Sora knew exactly who could help him. He slipped between the folds of dancing pirates, and over to where Roxas was standing. The blond was draped in bluish-black Singaporean robes that did well to clutch his body in all the right places. He was leaning against a mast, watching the chaos around him in quiet wonder when Sora popped up to hand him a bottle.
          “What’s this?” Roxas asked, examining the dark mystery fluid inside the amber glass.
          “Might be wine, might be rum, I don’t know yet. Let’s find out.”
          Roxas turned a dubious eye to him, “I’ve never had alcohol.”
          Sora shrugged, “Me either. What’s your point?”
          “Why the temptation?”
          Laughing, Sora swung his arms out in a grand gesture to the scene around them. “Look around! The crew, the sky, the sea—free booze! We’ve seen so much death and rebirth and life… and we could die at any second. I could lose you in the blink of an eye.” He saw Roxas’ expression of shock and realized what he’d said. Blushing, he did his best to backpedal, “I just… Barbossa gave these to me, alright? And I figure, why not. Let’s live a little.”
          “Are you sure? It seems a little reckless. Crazy even.” A mischievous look graced Roxas’ face, and it gripped Sora’s heart in tenderest of ways. “Who knows what could happen?”
          He bowed, channeling his inner Captain Jack Sparrow, “Welcome to the Caribbean, love.”
          Rolling his eyes, the blond replied, “Okay. We are official pirates after all.” He was about to bring the bottle to his lips when Sora stopped him.
          “I want to try something,” He locked their arms. “There. Wedding style. Ready?” Roxas gave him a curt nod, and in tandem they go to take a swig from their respective bottles; Sora muttering “Down the hatch.”
          Roxas got the wine. Sora got the rum.
          They both choked on the bitter burn, coughing between laughs. Then, working carefully, they forced themselves to down as much of the acrid liquid as possible.
          The night was a blur. They snuck more drink passed Mr. Gibbs, and shared bottles with one another, wishing it wasn’t secondhand lip-contact. They played games, and gossiped, and laughed, and cried with the crew. When they became separated for a time, Sora lost his coat and hat in strip Fanorona, and was in the midst of unbuttoning his blouse when Riku yanked him away for his own good.
          Then, Sora heard the shanty. It was beautiful like a siren’s song, and he couldn't help but follow the refrain like a fish on a hook. He trailed it through the air, pushing through the drunken crowd to find the source.
          It was Roxas, his voice clear as a bell amongst the gargling masses of drunken sailors. Roxas danced and sang, easily catching onto the melody of whatever song burbled in the air. No amount of rum and wine could stifle it's perfection. Sora was a ship ready to crash headfirst into the rocks. And so he did.
          He zeroed in on his target, and kissed the other man so fiercely that Roxas dropped the bottle he was holding in surprise. The resulting crack of glass hitting deck made no difference to the raucous cadence of the sailors as they crowed away at their pirate song. Soras lips were rough and chapped from the ocean air, yet wet from the drinks and now also from Roxas' own alcohol-drenched lips. Sora led him away to a little shaded portion of the ship beneath a set of stairs by the captains quarters, and kissed Roxas some more.
          Stripping himself away from the brunet’s lips, Roxas leaned in close, lips hot and suddenly flush against Sora's ear "I want you."
          Sora whispered back, "Down. Below the deck."
          In their state of intoxication, they found no need for formality.
          Sora led him down, down the steep stairs that should have killed them upon their clumsy descent. Down into the dark, empty recesses of the ship he only knew glimpses of. They went forth until they found a door with a broken padlock, perfect for hidden escapades. The storage room's floor was swollen with moisture, and a variety of mismatched crates draped with taught tarps glowed ghostly in the moon’s illumination. Sora found a lantern and it's light gave the dank surroundings a unique coziness.
          Sora's shirt was red like the wine they guzzled, yet stained redder still from the day's bloodshed. Their skin smelled like sea salt, blood, gunpowder, and want. Despite all the drink, they were thirstier than ever before. Sora practically ripped away the delicate silken clasps holding Roxas' robe together, and Roxas dazedly struggled with the Keybearer's "godforsaken belt", as he'd labeled it. Amidst kisses, they were barely able to properly undress. Their alcoholic breath hung in the heavy air, bearing into their senses.
          Roxas’ skin was even milkier
          in the moonlight.
          Sora’s skin was even more tan
          in the lamp light.
          They were like two glowing deities
          adrift at sea,
          clinging to one another
          like the day reaches for
          the night.
          The way darkness yearns for
          the light.
          They inhaled cold damp air and exhaled pleasure.
          Roxas was granted plenty of warmth from the lamp glow and the gift of Sora's touch.
          Sora left traces of lust between teeth and skin, left trails of love from lips to veins.
          They were just at the peak of the high, still so far from going down down down.
          The vertigo was setting in, but it wasn't the sickening kind of spin that brings a drunk man to his knees...
          No, it was the kind of spin that made one aware of gravity, of the world tilting on its axis as it barrels through the dark of space. The kind that reminds one of their small connectedness to the universe as a whole.
          Nails sinking into flesh, fingers tousling hair.
          Eyes that were like his but different,
          The same way the sea and sky reflect light.
          Perhaps a thousand beautiful things left their mouths, but it all turned to mist in the groggy air.
          If they’d been listening, they could have heard the shanty  drifting down from the deck above...
          "Down the hatch,
           We'll light the match
           And set the seas ablaze…
           We'll drink till morn,
           And never scorn,
           The things we've done these days…
           So bottoms up,
           We'll fill 'er up,
           The songs we always play…
           Sunset to rise,
           The tides are high,
           So down the hatch, today …"
A/N: The shanty “Down the Hatch” is an original song written by me.
I don’t know why, I laid awake one night thinking about Down the Hatch Classique (can be read in the next chapter) and couldn’t stop imagining ways to rewrite it. I kept writing down little bits and pieces of it on paper at school, or in my phone at work and before bed. Then, the news suddenly broke at E3 that PotC was coming back for KHIII! If you’ve been keeping up with my social media, you’ll know that I had a massive freak-out. What a beautiful and amazing coincidence this is! I decided I’d dive right back in and finish this redux project of mine.
I kept going back and forth between making it a long-form poem and a short story, until I finally settled on a little of both. The first section could still use a little work, but I really love where it is now and I wanted to share it.
I hope you enjoy the new version of one of my favorite pieces of writing from long ago!
Please please PLEASE favorite, follow, review, send kudos, add bookmarks… anything! I’m still happily taking positive constructive criticism, too! I am always looking to improve my writing.
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          RETRO VGM REVIVAL HOUR - STAGE 68: Games Of 2019
Better late than never!
This past 2019 was surprisingly strong for the world of gaming, offering up an incredibly varied mix of interactive experiences to all who played.
This past year had a great variety of games, be it from triple-A titles like Death Stranding to Link’s Awakening to indie successes like Disco Elysium, whatever your game of choice might be, all were there to inspire, comfort, and more importantly: entertain.

 This past year was a defining showcase of the industry’s most talented individuals and how their creations made for some entertaining choices of digital escapism, be in on the go, or at the comfort of your own home.
So as a returning favorite for the retro VGM revival hour, We will be playing some selected tracks from the various games of 2019.
Now unlike the previous STAGES, this years selection will be limited to 3 tracks per game as a way to hopefully include more game titles than the previous episodes covering this said subject.
Now with that out of the way…. let’s get started!
                                          Full track listing:    ===========Game – Composer – Title – Company========
1.)  Astral Chain – Satoshi Igarashi, Hiroyuki Fujino, Naofumi Harada, Hitomi Kurokawa, Masahiro Aoki & Satoshi Setsune – “Savior (w/ vocals by William Aoyama & Beverly), Legion Assault & Jena Anderson”- August 30, 2019 – PlatinumGames/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
2.) A Plague Tale: Innocence – Olivier Deriviere – “Father, Strangers & Escape” – May 14, 2019 – Asobo Studio/Focus Home Interactive – Windows PC, PS4 & Xbox One
3.) Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown – Keiki Kobayashi – “IUN Briefing, Charge Assault & Eastern Wind“ – January 18, 2019 – Bandai Namco Entertainment – PS4, Xbox One & Windows PC
4.) Apex Legends – Stephen Barton – “Preparing The Arena, You Are The Jumpmaster & Victory/Lobby Redux“ – February 4, 2019 – Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts – PS4, Xbox One & Windows PC
5.) Far Cry New Dawn – Tyler Bates & John Swihart – “Breakout, Saw Launcher & No Future“ – February 15, 2019 – Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft – PS4, Xbox One & Windows PC
6.) Wolfenstein: Youngblood – Ross Tregenza & Naren Rauch – “Côte D’azure, Weltraum Surfen (performed by COPILOT) & The House of the Rising Sun (performed by COPILOT)” – July 25, 2019 – MachineGames & Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks – Windows PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch & Google Stadia
7.) Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes – Kazuhiro Abo & DJ 1/2 – “Death Drive Console Beat, Electro Triple Star & Kill Your Artificial Mind“ – January 18, 2019 – Grasshopper Manufacture – Nintendo Switch, PS4 & Windows PC
8.) Days Gone – Nathan Whitehead – “We’ve All Done Things, Holy War & The Broken Road” – April 26, 2019 – Bend Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment – PS4
9.) Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Michiru Yamane – “Luxurious Overture, Silent Howling & Voyage of Promise“ – June 18, 2019 – ArtPlay/505 Games – Xbox One, Windows PC, PS4 & Nintendo Switch
10.) Borderlands 3 – Michael McCann, Jesper Kyd & Finishing Move Inc. (Brian Lee White & Brian Trifon) – “Atlas HQ/Attacked, The Ambush at Jakob’s Estate & The Proving Grounds Final Exam“ – September 13, 2019 – Gearbox Software/2K Games – Mac OS, Windows PC, Google Stadia, PS4 & Xbox One
11.) Shakedown: Hawaii – Matthew Creamer – “Freeway Escape, Obliterator & Maniacal Lunatic“ – May 7, 2019 – Vblank Entertainment – Windows PC, Playstation Vita, PS4, 3DS & Nintendo Switch
12.) The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – Ryo Nagamatsu – “First Search, Ending (Staff Roll) & Tal Tal Heights – September 20, 2019 – Grezzo/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
13.) Ys IX: Monstrum Nox – Hayato Sonoda, Takahiro Unisuga, Yukihiro Jindo, Mitsuo Singa & Natsuno Nakamura – “NORSE WIND, GLESSING WAY! & FEEL FORCE“ – September 26, 2019 (Japan Only) – Nihon Falcom – PS4
14.) Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order – Takahiro Umeda & Masafumi Okubo – “The Raft 2, VS. Red Skull & VS. The Black Order” – July 19, 2019 – Team Ninja/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
15.) The Outer Worlds – Justin E. Bell – “We’re All Counting on You, Journey’s End (End Slides) & Human Resource Violations“ – October 25, 2019 – Obsidian Entertainment/Private Division – Windows PC, Xbox One, PS4 & Nintendo Switch
16.) The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan – Jason Graves – “Where’s the Skipper, No Idle Threat & Redemption“ – August 30, 2019 – Supermassive Games/Bandai Namco Entertaiment – Windows PC, Xbox One & PS4
17.) Mortal Kombat 11 – Wilbert Roget II & Matthias Wolf – “A Matter of Time (Main Theme), Immortal Kombat & Shang Tsung’s Island Ruins“ – April 23, 2019 – NetherRealm Studios/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment – Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One & Google Stadia
18.) Code Vein – Masaru “Go” Shiina – “Extremum Belli, Requiem & Tears of Passion” – September 27, 2019 – Bandai Namco Entertainment – Windows PC, PS4 & Xbox One
19.) Left Alive – Hidenori Iwasaki – “Novo Slava, Enemy Sighted & Do You Like Baseball?“ – February 28, 2019 – Ilinx/Square Enix – Windows PC & PS4
20.) Fire Emblem: Three Houses – Takeru Kanazaki, Hiroki Morishita & Rei Kondoh – “Roar of Dominion, Chasing Daybreak & Three Houses/Main Theme“ – July 26, 2019 – Intelligent Systems & Koei Tecmo/Nintendo – Nintendo Switch
21.) Metro Exodus – Alexei Omelchuk – “Overture, Burning the Bridges & Realm of the Reaper“ – February 15, 2019 – 4A Games/Deep Silver – Windows PC, PS4, Google Stadia & Xbox One
22.) Control – Petri Alanko & Martin Stig Andersen – “Voces Ignotas, Metamophosis & Sankarin Tango (w/ vocals by Martti Suosalo)“ – August 27, 2019 – Remedy Entertainment/505 Games – Windows PC, PS4 & Xbox One
23.) Ion Fury – Jarkko Rotsten – “Maiden, In Your Interface & Broken System“ – August 15, 2019 – Voidpoint/3D Realms – Windows PC & Linux
24.) Daemon X Machina – Rio Hamamoto, Mitsuhiro Kitadani & Akihiko Ishikawa – “DAEMON X MACHINA, Inherit the Stars & Destiny (w/ vocals by Jon Underdown)“ – September 13, 2019 – Marvelous First Studio – Windows PC & Nintendo Switch
25.) Indivisible – Hiroki Kikuta – “Eternal Chaos, Power of the Third Eye & Indivisible (w/ vocals by Rio Okano)“ – October 8, 2019 – Lab Zero Games/505 Games – Linux, MacOS, Windows PC, PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch
26.) Gears 5 – Ramin Djawadi – “Burned Up, Ice Combat & Kraken Combat“ – September 10, 2019 – The Coalition/Xbox Game Studios – Windows PC, Xbox One & Xbox Series X
27.) Katana Zero – Bill Kiley & LudoWic – “Full Confession, Chinatown & You Will Never Know“ – April 18, 2019 – Askiisoft/Devolver Digital – Windows PC, MacOS & Nintendo Switch
28.) Samurai Shodown – Hiroshi Yamazoe (ZOE), Naoki Kita & Masato Horiuchi (Hori_Hori) – “Waltz of Nature (Nakoruru Theme), Fin of Invincibility (Galford Theme) & Way of the Crook (Earthquake Theme)“ – June 25, 2019 – SNK Corporation – Google Stadia, Arcades, PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch
29.) My Friend Pedro – Nounverber, Navie D & Maks SF – “V A P E, Slinky & Look That Kills“ – June 20, 2019 – DeadToast Entertainment/Devolver Digital – Windows PC, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch
30.) The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors – Hiroyuki Iwatsuki – “VS. Phantom Gecko (Stage 3 Boss), Stage 7 (Snow Track: Shelter-Inside) & Stage Final (Shelter-Back: Machine Room)“ – October 15, 2019 – Natsume/ININ Games – PS4 & Nintendo Switch
31.) Kingdom Hearts III – Skrillex & Jason “Poo Bear” Boyd (w/ Vocals by Hikaru Utada) – “Don’t Think Twice (English), Face My Fears (Japanese) & Chikai (Don’t Think Twice/Japanese ver.) – January 25, 2019 – Square Enix – Xbox One & PS4
32.) River City Girls – Megan McDuffee & NateWantsToBattle – “Knock Out, Relentless & We’re the River City Girls (w/ vocals by Cristina Vee)“ – September 5, 2019 – WayForward/Arc System Works – Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One & Microsoft PC
33.) Resident Evil 2 (2019) – Tadayoshi Makino, Masami Ueda & Shusaku Uchiyama – “Accident, R.P.D. Hall & Run, Kathy, Run” – March 8, 2019 – Capcom – PS4, Windows PC & Xbox One
34.) Death Stranding – Ludvig Forssell – “Once, There Was an Explosion, Chiral Carcass Culling & Mules“ – November 8, 2019 – Kojima Productions/Sony Interactive Entertainment – PS4 & Windows PC
35.) Disco Elysium – Jan Scott Wilkinson, Neil Hamilton Wilkinson, Martin Noble, Matthew Wood, Phil Sumner & Abi Fry (British Sea Power) – “Whirling-In-Rags/8 AM, Precinct 41 Major Crime Unit & Off We Go Into The Wild Pale Yonder“ – October 15, 2019 – ZA/UM – Windows PC, Xbox One & PS4
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Edgar Velasco: @MoonSpiderHugs www.patreon.com/nostalgiaroadtrip Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/NostalgiaRoadTripChannel Official Site: nostalgiaroadtrip.com/ FaceBook: www.facebook.com/groups/nostalgiaroadtrip/ Official Twitter: @NRoadTripCast
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yessgame · 7 years
PlayStation Store: i nuovi sconti
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PlayStation Store: i nuovi sconti
Siete a casa mentre tutti i vostri amici sono al mare e non sapete come passare il tempo?
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MXGP – The Official Motocross Videogame COMPACT
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ideal-girl · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts Revived: Redux
So picture this story set in this massive crossover prompt (that sortof rips off Kingdom Hearts, specifically KH1). Either for a video game or a series (ignore the obvious licensing problems). Intentionally vague for you to give your own interpretation (like what the title is for instance). Take your time with this one, especially if you decide to give your thoughts on EVERYTHING, not just the Mandy and Wonder Woman arc.
This would be something like the LOTR movies in that it focuses on multiple groups of protagonists instead of just one, but for here specifically, focus will be drawn to a certain Asian “mean girl” and an Amazonian warrior. 
First, background information to give it extra flavor.
ELSEWHERE (not the title)
In the universe, various evil beings congregate and do their evil plans. The egotistical disgraced billionaire turned supervillain Lex Luthor, the white wizard Saruman, and the shapeshifting red headed blue mutant Mystique all lead their own Legions of Doom from all around the galaxy to uncover some sort of Macguffin that either gives them ultimate power or whatever is their greatest wishes (in Mystique’s case; it’s partly following prophecies by her dearly departed Destiny). They may or may not be warring with each other.
One of said villains picks up a firebender named Azula, formerly the princess of a warmongering nation, with the nation lost and azula herself suffering a mental breakdown as a result. Azula is manipulated by the Villain into becoming their personal underling (why the villain does this, YMMV).
However, several scenes show that Azula is also being influenced by a mysterious orb of red and green light who instructs her to feed on her most damaging tendencies (or, alternatively, sabotage the villains plans).
On the heroes side, a paranormal organization with members Hellboy, Martin and Diana Lombard (from Totally Spies’s sister show), amongst others does some undercover work investigating the threats, superheroes are beginning to form (eventually leading to a team combining Marvel and DC characters) clashing with the Legions, etc. Sarah Connor from Terminator plays either the Nick Fury or Amanda Waller role eventually overseeing everything. 
Eventually all the players come together. After a big battle against Saruman, Luthor, and Mystique; then enters Freddy Krueger, a nightmare demon with a red and green sweater and a funny claw, fueled by the emotions of fear, rage, and pain. Either Freddy simply hijacks all the villains plans, or it’s revealed that Freddy was using all the villains as his puppets all along. Either way, he needed Azula to get the goods (he was the Orb), and once the opportunity presented itself, he either kills Azula or does something to her body and sends her down an abyss (but it’s ambiguous if she survived or not) and then becomes the main villain and moves on to destroy the entire universe (Originally his plan was only to destroy the world but when opportunity presented itself, plans changed.) 
So boom boom, random boss fight with a giant version of the Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth, Freddy becomes a battleship and then boom finale.
(However, either a post credits scene or future installments reveal that since Freddy spread so much terror to the whole universe already, he is able to not only come back, but is no longer confined to Earth. But he’s not trying for another universe destroying plot… so far.)
THE STORY HERE (still not the title) 
Mandy from Totally Spies was just doing her typical schtick in either high school or college when a mysterious storm appeared destroying her school (or maybe her entire hometown). May or may not involve Legion members or monsters. Mandy survived. Somewhere along the way Mandy has to join Wonder Woman, Diana of Themyscira, on an adventure for some reason (maybe it’s to get rid of a curse, a prophecy, dealing with some newfound superpower or another reason) where they encounter said Legions and the leaders. Mandy learns a couple of things about herself in the journey as Diana’s persuasive words touch her heart and soul.
All the while the firebender encounters them at various (but not frequent) points of the story for an unknown personal reason (either the Villain/Orb instructs her to or Azula just focuses on them against her master’s orders). Think of Riku’s scenes in Traverse Town, Agrabah, Monstro, Neverland and Hollow Bastion. In a series, Azula would probably appear in 3 or 4 episodes (but not in a row) of the Mandy-Diana arc leading up to the penultimate event.
Wonder Woman takes cues from her incarnation pre-Infinite Crisis in that she doesn’t have a secret identity like others have, however (as a nod to Perez era) she doesn’t really identify herself as “Wonder Woman” though she’s not offended by the media nickname, but she always makes it a point for others to call her Diana. 
Wonder Woman and Mandy would stay separate from Connor and the rest of the heroes (as Diana has not joined a superhero team yet) at least until either the halfway or penultimate point of the main story, then they are present with them as they defeat Freddy.
Diana keeps her lasso of truth as usual. Sometime, Mandy gains an ornate axe decorated with thorns (will elements of “Goth Mandy” come to play?), either gifted to her or something she draws “from her heart” somehow. It‘s either just a physical weapon or has some “soul power”. 
After the end of the story, either Mandy moves in to Themyscira as an Amazon, or simply Wonder Woman and Mandy just hang out in their world, something else, etc.
So, how do you imagine their story would play out? What would Mandy and Diana of Themyscira’s friendship or something else (but not romance) be like? Any analyses you can draw from this vague concept? 
And if you‘re curious enough to talk about the other parts of the story (heroes and legions, Freddy’s role), again how would the story play in your opinion? (This is optional however). 
Alright for the rewrite of ”Kingdom Hearts Ripoff: Redux”; alongside ideas you said you’d like to develop more, here’s some ideas that were meant but not properly explained in the original prompt:
If memory serves, only Saruman was the evil “White Wizard/Ishtari” and the White Council were the good guys so the White Council wouldn’t really work as bad guys. If anything Gandalf would be part of the good guys.
Sauron is either dead or simply doesn’t exist in this story at all. He’s a Dark Lord far more powerful than all four of the main villains combined.
The “Legions of Doom” were more of a general meaning for villainous crossover teams. The three villains have their own Legions comprising of villains from many franchises (that you can pick) from all around the galaxy. For example say that Luthor’s Legion has Doctor Octopus and The Riddler, Saruman has Captain Barbossa, Dr. Facilier and Snow White’s Wicked Witch, and Mystique has Livewire. (these are not the total members or need to be the legion members LOL) but you can stick with Luthor’s Legion and Mystique’s Brotherhood if you want, though Saruman will need his own Legion.
You can use Saruman as the role of Azula’s “boss”; but he wasn’t really the “manipulator” in LOTR. He had to literally possess a king to gain control of his kingdom (which failed), and beforehand he bribed a slimy servant to corrupt him. Mystique on the other hand is a well known manipulator (and backstabber) and remember JL “Tabula Rasa”?
Azula’s mental breakdown should play a crucial role. didn’t read comics but according to creators, the situation was so bad she got committed to an asylum. This would explain why Azula was more easily susceptible to the manipulation by one of the Villains and Freddy/The Orb (yes remember that both the Villain and Freddy were manipulating her, even if Freddy told her to betray the former). Also of importance should be Freddy’s/The Orb’s corruption of her, playing on her insecurities and specifically instructing her to take those self-destructive tendencies and inner turmoil and embrace it furthermore. It cost Azula her own friends, family and ultimately her own home dearly in the war of the Fire Nation, and again here it plays a role in her death or demise alongside Freddy.
Why does Freddy take the form of an Orb when privately speaking to Azula? Was it of his own choice, or was Azula (and his further corruption of her) more important than one would think?
(Optional) To give an idea of story progression, maybe it first begins with the paranormal organization, and then the rise of the superheroes as probably a response to the Legions. The paranormal organization would probably try to work ”in the dark” as they probably done before, as no one previously really believed in tales like the Jersey Devil and vampires, and they probably needed to keep it a secret. However with the rise of superheroes, the public would realize that these so called “fairy tales” were more logical than they think and the secrets can no longer be contained, and the paranormal organization would have to step up their game.
As superheroes are just beginning to form, Sarah Connor would probably form the team of superheroes close to the beginning point of the story or the halfway mark.
Luthor/Saruman/Mystique and Freddy would play out like Maleficent and Ansem in the first KH in that ultimately those three villains are the “focus” for most of the story, driving most of the plot forward (with Freddy appearing in only brief scenes with Azula as the Orb for the “first two acts” ) and it’s only in like the final third of the story that Freddy steals the show. The “penultimate event” would be a battle against the three villains and Freddy’s arrival (as himself, not the Orb), the real “final act and finale” would be Freddy trying to destroy the universe. TLDR; those three bad guys are the main villains of the beginning and middle, Freddy is the villain for (only) the third act and finale. Inspired by KH1’s ”Hollow Bastion” story.
No offense, but Mystique is incredibly resistant to mind tricks, Saruman is basically a powerful wizard, and Luthor, while narcissistic, is still a genius, so it wouldn’t really make much sense that not one of them could defeat Freddy already when all three of them are still sticking around at the same time. Nor would it make much sense for Freddy to not either kill them or do something horrible to them. But TLDR; once Freddy becomes this story’s main baddie, Saruman, Mystique, and Luthor are either all dead or taken out of commission.
Doesn’t mean that Freddy himself necessarily killed them or beat them however. Perhaps they died or were beaten because of their own failings (again like Maleficent in KH1) and Freddy only took charge after the fact (again like Ansem).
(Optional) Maybe Freddy would ultimately possess Azula’s body and reform it to his own physical image (like Ansem with Riku)? If so, then her soul would be banished into an abyss. Here’s a scene for reference (this is after the main villain takes over said character’s body and banishes his “heart”): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=thwKomyWCBg&list=PLBSaGsHLuQhGIfEeU6b-purevzVSFjISK&index=28
Freddy does not fight the Pale Man. It was a reference to KH1 where the final world had a random Chernabog boss for no real reason. So in here, before the heroes fight Freddy, a giant version of Pan’s Labyrinth Pale Man shows out of nowhere and fights the heroes. Exactly why The Pale Man is here is your interpretation.
Alternate universes are not in this story, too complicated, no offense. Everything takes place in the same universe. Maybe the same world if they don’t have to travel to other planets (which they probably do).
Mandy and Wonder Woman’s arc would not be after Freddy’s arrival. Rather their arc (starting with Mandy’s college destroyed) would play out from either the very beginning or close to the beginning. Maybe as opposed to the other heroes and the paranormal organization (who probably stay “on their own turf” as to speak) their arc would be more of the “adventure” genre where they explore realms and places. And with Freddy only being the main villain for the final third, they probably wouldn’t be “oppressed” by the darkness as much.
(Optional) there would probably be several (but not many) scenes where Diana takes Mandy to see Themyscira. To give an example, maybe Diana takes her there after the college storm, and they go there several times either to rest or to find out from (or tell) Diana’s mother the events that are transpiring in the world and universe.
Azula would in no way (intentionally) help the heroes nor Mandy and Diana. Azula’s personal motivation for antagonizing Mandy and Diana would be more of an emotional one (for a hint, think of how Azula would feel about them, especially the Amazon, as well as Freddy/Orb’s influence). (Riku from KH1 was an inspiration, only without the “former childhood friend” element. If you don’t care about spoilers there’s a video that has all Riku scenes from the first Kingdom Hearts. And yiu probably shouldn’t bother looking it up on the wiki, the story of KH is way to over complicated)
As you said yourself, more development on the Asian girl and Amazon princess as friends pls. Also on how Diana would help Mandy on her own inner problems on their journey, not just the ones currently, but the ones she always had since high school.
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