#kinger fanfic
bearzas-art · 9 months
My Impenetrable Fortress
Paring: Kinger x Queenie (TADC), Queenie POV
Type: Fluff, either romantic or platonic with romantic undertones (I’m not good at decifering what’s romance and what isn’t)
Word Count: 942
Kinger Kinger Kinger…. he’s so autism… I’m so autism about him… but it’s mostly Queenie!
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I stare at my hands, the disembodied gloves floating in front of me. I’m not sure how much time I spent sitting on my bed after waking up. An hour? Two hours? A day? Time doesn’t seem to exist here, so it’s difficult to tell. I let out a defeated sigh, then a knock on my bedroom door makes me look up.
“Queenie? It’s Ragatha, can I come in?” Ah shoot, I think to myself. Moving quickly, I get out of bed and smooth my blanket before opening the door for Ragatha. I look down at her and smile with my eyes, trying to pretend I don’t see her concerned expression. “Oh! Hello… did you need something?”
Ragatha pauses for a moment before speaking. “Okay so basically I just wanted to ask, well… are you okay? If there’s something I could do to help you I would do it. I know things aren’t great here but-“ I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her from continuing.
“I appreciate you I really do, but I’m fine. Thank you for checking in on me.” Ragatha didn’t seem convinced by my answer. She goes to speak but then pauses. “Wait here. I have to uh, go talk to someone.” She says quickly, heading down the long hallway before I have a chance to interject. Am I supposed to wait here? Maybe it’ll be fine if I get back in bed, I think to myself. Hesitating for a moment, I decide to walk back to my bed and sit down.
The bed creaks softly when I sit, my gloved hand slowly rubs the soft blanket. When is she coming back? I wonder. The silence in my room seems to get louder somehow. Right when I start to consider laying back down I hear a knock on my door again. I look up and see Kinger standing there.
“Hello Queenie! Am I allowed to come in?” I nod silently and he walks over to me and sits down next to me on my bed. “Soooo, I’ve heard from a little birdie that you’re not feeling so good. Well, I wasn’t told by an actual bird, Ragatha told me to not mention her.” I let out a soft chuckle. He looks at me longingly, and I can’t help but think about how adorable he is.
“I appreciate you checking in one me but honestly I am fine…” I pause before continuing in a slightly softer voice, “I’m glad you’re here, though.” Kinger smiles and it gives me butterflies in my stomach. He gets up and holds his hand out to me. “I have an idea that I’ve been thinking about doing with you for a while. Something fun that’s just for us, you know?” I take his hand and he helps me up and we walk out of my room.
“I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what you could be talking about. But I’m excited to find out.” Kinger smiles at me and takes me down the hall to some of the unused bedrooms. “Great! Now, I need you to help me take pillows and blankets from these rooms. We have to take them all down to the main room.”
Intrigued, I follow him as he goes through the bedrooms and grabs pillows and blankets. Unfortunately, the lack of arms makes it difficult to grab them all in one trip so we have to make multiple trips. We talk and laugh while taking all this stuff to the main room, setting them all in a pile in the middle of the floor. Once we get done Kinger starts stacking the pillows and blankets together. I stand there watching him for a moment before deciding to help him.
When we get done we sit back and look at the pillow fort we made. He starts to crawl inside. A few seconds later he pokes his head out. “Come on in, Queenie! It’s great in here!” he says excitedly. I kneel down to the floor and crawl inside. Kinger lays a blanket down on both of our laps and shakes his hands happily. Seeing him stim makes me happy. He looks back at me and catches me staring at him.
“So, uh, did you have fun? I had fun, a LOT of fun, but I wanna make sure you had fun too.” I giggle a bit and pat his lap reassuringly. “Don’t worry, hun, I had a lot of fun. I feel a lot better now.” Kinger’s eyes light up when he hears that and quickly brings me in for a hug.
“I’m so glad.” He says softly. The hug catching me off guard, but then I smile and hug him back. Kinger speaks up again. “Um… I know you said you were fine, and I trust you, you’re one of the few people that I trust this much. The other is Ragatha, but I really trust you too. Anyway, I just wanted to say that you can talk to me about anything. Good or bad, I like talking to you and making you happy.”
I hesitate for a moment then let out a soft sigh and hug him a little bit more. “I know you do, and you never fail to put a smile on my face. Well, figuratively, I suppose. Since we don’t have mouths anymore.” Kinger chuckles awkwardly at my response. We sit in the fort talking about anything that comes to mind. I can’t tell if this warm feeling I have is because of the fort or Kinger, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I wouldn’t give this moment up for anything in the world.
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chekerbored · 11 months
I am desperate
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kittycarly · 1 day
Drew some scenes from @sm-baby ‘s Freakshow fic! Theres were so fun to make and helped me to practice with text interpretation ^^✨ These are obviously fan made so they might not be 100% acurrate to the original text.
As always, Freakshow AU belongs to @hootbon 💗
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Also, the quality of the animatics are a bit low since i tried to compress them while turning them into gifs- I hate doing this kind of stuff about compressing so i might never post gifs again lol
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somberauthor · 11 months
Ragatha gives out star stickers because she’s just cool like that(probably not to jax tbh-)
I LOVE RAGTTAYHAY!!!! (I am so normal about Ragatha.)
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Ragatha pulled out a rainbow star sticker sheet, smiling genuinely.
''Alright everybody! I am proud of... Almost all of you!'' She glared at Jax for a moment before returning her softened gaze to the others.
''Alright, _____, you get a gold star for cleaning up after food!'' She placed a gold star on your chest. You smiled brightly at her, in which she returned that smile.
''And Gangle, you get a star for not losing your cool!'' She placed a gold star on their masks cheek, making them smile softly.
''Now Zooble! You get a gold star for not cussing!'' She said, slightly snarkily. But it was playful, just like Zoobles eyeroll in response
''Good job to Kinger for not talking about his wife, and starting to scream!'' She said placing his gold star on his forehead.
''My wife D:'' He got flicked (incredibly softly) by Ragatha, before she moved on to Pomni.
''And Pomni gets a star for staying calm, and not running off!'' She placed a star on one of her buttons.
''And Jax...'' She paused, taking a deep breath. ''Jax gets a star for staying Quiet this ENTIRE TIME.'' She slapped the star onto him before turning to the others with a smile.
Everyone was just admiring the gold stars they got, with stars in their eyes. (haha get it. yeah im not funny i'll go now)
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soyelmorse · 1 month
Hola! 8 minutos tarde pero les prometí el capitulo 7 y aquí está! 😘, antes de darles el capitulo, aclararé que en el siguiente capítulo abra escenas subidas de tono (+18) Entre Pomni y Ragatha.
Sin mas que decir, la imagen no es mía, la saqué de pinterest, el autor de la imagen creo que está en la misma imagen con la marca de Agua y Disfruten el Capítulo.
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Kinger: Y ahora que hacemos?
*Kinger termino de atacar a Gummigoo*
Caine: No podemos dejarlo ir así de simple, oh, espera está es la oportunidad perfecta, en cuanto despierte le haremos varias preguntas para saber si está cuerdo
Kinger: De acuerdo, que hacemos mientras tanto?
Caine: uno de nosotros debe quedarse para hacerle las preguntas, así que me quedaré yo, ve y unete al resto y trata de hacer plática para que no noten la ausencia de este lagarto humano
Kinger: Creo que es mejor que vayas tu, yo me quedaré, eres mucho más carismático que yo y sabrás que decir, apenas el despierte te llamaré de acuerdo?
Caine: De acuerdo
*Caine se despidió de Kinger y salió de área del cuarto de control, se dirigió a donde se encontraban los Chad y Max y empezó a darles la bienvenida y llevarlos a recorrer el lugar*
*Mientras tanto, Zooble y Gangle estaban revisando las marionetas de la Princesa Lu y ella conversaba con Pomni y Ragatha*
Ragatha: Y como fue que lograste crearlas a tus súbditos?
*Ragatha Le pregunté mientras se dirigían al centró del circo para comer unos helados*
Princesa lu: Fue extraño la verdad, recuerdo que una noche estaba descansando en la cama pensando en como dormir, cuando derrepente me pareció ver algo asi como nieve, cuaso sali no vi nada de eso, pero el suelo estaba cubierto por cenizas, creo que siempre habia estado asi pero no me habia dado cuenta.
Después, agarre las cenizas y empecé a moldearlas, pensé en lo que quería y poco a poco sin darme cuenta había creado algo, no recuerdo exactamente en este momento que era Pero recuerdo que después de eso empecé a construir el castillo
Pomni: Y porque no intentaste crear una salida?
Princesa Lu: hm... Salida? Creo que hace tiempo intenté hacerlo. Recurso que lo anoté en mi diario pero este se perdió, un sujeto extraño me lo robo y-
*Mientras hablaban, Observaron como Jax sacaba varios helados y se colocaba algo en los ojos y oidos para no ver o escuchar algo*
Ragatha: Ignóralo el siempre es así
Princesa Lu: De acuerdo, como te decía, un sujeto extraño robo mi diario, creo que algún momento lo conocí o algo así Pero todo eso lo anoté allí
*Pomni busco varios helados y luego regreso con las chicas*
Pomni: y realmente no Recuerda algo?
Ragatha: a qué te refieres Pomni?
Pomni: No lo se, ver una puerta, un portal, algo que no pareciera normal
Princesa Lu: oh! El valle vacío, eso definitivamente no era normal
Ragatha: Valle vacío?
*Mientras que las chicas hablaban, Jax se quitó uno de sus bloqueadores de sonido y escucho disimuladamente*
Princesa Lu: un día, envié a mis súbditos a explorar y uno de ellos me contó hacer a del valle vacío, era un lugar donde los árboles que nos rodean se terminaba y que todo era tan plano y blanco que no podías diferenciar el cuello y la tierra.
Tal vez en ese lugar misterioso este lo que buscas
Ragatha: Jaja...
*Ragatha rio nerviosamente*
Ragatha: No lo creo, más bien parece algo como...
Pomni: el límite del mapa...
Princesa Lu: Límite del mapa?
Pomni: No es nada
Princesa Lu: Bien, gracias por el helado, iré a ver a sus compañeras ya mis súbditos ok?
Pomni: Ok
Ragatha: Gracias por charlar con nosotros!
*Pomni y Ragatha despidieron a la princesa Lu cuando está no las escuchaba hablaron*
Ragatha: tu que opinas Pomni De ese tal valle vacío?
Pomni: tenemos que verlo primero, Pero más o menos tengo una idea
Ragatha: De que se trata?
Pomni: Si es cierto que es algo así como el límite del mapa, Nosotros debemos estar en alguna parte de este, así que necesitamos ver cómo se cierra este límite
Ragatha: claro, entiendo, si estamos en un círculo, al llegar al límite, podemos volver en una sola linea recta y mas temprano que tarde llegaremos al centro, dónde probablemente haya una pista
Pomni: Si, supongo que tendremos que esperar y-
Ragatha: Esperar?
*Ragatha interrumpió a Pomni y llamo la atención de Caine, quien le estaba enseñando la entrada al salon de pinball a Chad y Máx*
Caine: Si!?
*Saludé a las chicas*
Ragatha: Pomni y yo saldremos un rato ok!?
Caine: De acuerdo! Pero no sé olviden llevar sus bubbles, el las ayudara a regresar por si se pierden!
Ragatha: De acuerdo!!
*Ragatha dejo de gritar y miro a pomni emocionada*
Ragatha: andando Pomni! Tenemos que encontrar esa pista cuánto antes!
*Ragatha se llevó a Pomni de la mano y rápidamente se prepararon para salir*
Jax: ... Je, ilusas...
*Jax se quito la venda que tenía en los ojos y fue a agarrar otro helado, sin embargo a lo lejos ví que algo se cayo y se dio cuenta de que era ese sujeto extraño*
Jax: Que rayos está haciéndo?
*Jax se dió cuenta de que este había descubierto la habitación secreta que el había hecho, rápidamente dejo a su bubble en la mesa sin activarlo y se dirigo disimuladamente hacia la habitación que el había ocultado*
Jax: Que crees que haces idiota!
*Jax confronto a Fudge*
Fudge: Nos volveremos a ver Jax!
Jax: Que? No te conozco, y más te vale salir de aquí, este lugar es privado
Fudge: De seguro que si, pero no te preocupes, no le revelaré a nadie tu pequeño secreto, apuesto que nadie sabe que tú eres quien tiene la llave para salir de aquí, o me equivoco?...
*Fudge saco la llave que Jax estaba ocultado*
Jax: Como sabes lo de la llave?
*Me pare en frente de el listo para pelear*
Fudge: Porque yo estuve allí, y te Vi cuando escavaste el lugar donde todos nosotros aparecemos, también lo hice una vez te hiciste, pero solo encontré una puerta en el suelo la cual no pude abrir, y sospecho que está llave es para eso...
Jax: je, lo lamento amigo, pero nadie me quitará mi diversión...
Fudge: Lo suponía, Por eso vine preparado...
*Cuando Jax dió un paso más, jalo un hilo y 2 columnas pesadas cayeron sobre Jax*
Continuará :D
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00belle00lovely00 · 8 months
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ah yeah, wouldnt it be HALERIOUS if someone recognized these character designs
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toonsforkicks22 · 2 months
Soooo…ch 1 of that Kinger x Pomni fanfic is up 😏
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cinnamon-stixs · 2 months
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I am cringe but I am free, wrote a oneshot to go with this. [Ao3 link]
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chocos-universe · 11 months
Well then...
--Jax was being a bitch rabbit, like always... and Ragtha had enough. And Ragatha got mad.--
|Lees: Jax||Lers: Ragatha, Pomni, Zooble, Kinger, Caine, and Bubble|
"WHO PUT BUGS IN MY ROOM?!?!" Ragatha yelled, stomping on the stage where (mostly) everyone was. "Woah there! What's all the commotion about?" Caine asked, floating around with bubble. "Did you say insect collection??" Kinger asked as Zooble glared at him. "What is with you and that f***ing collection...?" "Zooble!!" Caine yelled at Zooble as Zooble rolled their eyes. "I-I didn't put bugs in your room R-Ragatha...n-no one was really in your r-r-room..." Gangle said, stuttering. Pomni looked around and shrugged. "Everyone's room is locked, right...? And only we have the keys to our room..." Pomni said before realizing. "Wait..." "Hey, fellas, what's up?" Jax said, walking in as Ragatha GLARED. "Jax... did you put bugs in my room?!?!?" Ragatha shouted as Jax had his normal smug smile on. "Maybe~" "JAX!!! THAT IS MY ONLY FEAR, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" "Whatttt? It was funny! You're super mad right now anywa-- WOAH!!" Jax's eyes widened as Ragatha pounced on him "Wh-Wha??!!" Pomni covered her mouth in surprise.
Jax then started...giggling...?
"EEP-- R-Rahahahagatha!! I-It tihihihickles!!" Jax's giggles were oddly sweet and silly. Ragatha spidered her fingers all around his sides. "Tickle Tickle Jax...~" Ragatha teased, chuckling at the youngers blushy face. "Uh...is this normal...?" Pomni asked, looking at Caine. "Why, of course! Everyone gets into tickle fights sometimes! ...Zooble isn't ticklish, though..." Caine said, sounding a little disappointed. "It's true." Zooble said, having their arms crossed. "Anyone wanna help me??" Ragatha asked, having her happy smile on. "...Alright. But only cause Jax will suffer." Zooble said as he took off his arm.
(Quick thing- Jax did call Zooble a "He" in the pilot. So, I'm considering Zooble as a He/They in this:3)
"Nohoho!! Dohon't help her!!" Jax said in between his silly little giggles. "Too late, Jax." Zooble said, tickling Jax's stomach. "EEEK-- Zohohohohoble!! Nahahahaho!!" Jax kicked his legs a little bit. Kinger looked at the younger ones and blinked. "...Eh." Kinger walked over and dug his fingers into Jax's armpits. "AH-- KIHIHIHIHIHIngeheheher!! D-DAAAOHOHOHONT!! BUHUHUHUHUBBLE!! NAHAHAHAT THE EHEHEHEARS!! NOT THE F***IN EHEHEHEHEHEHEARS!!" Jax's curse got bleeped out. Bubble licked Jax's ears, making the poor dude squirm and squeal. "GAHAHAHAHAHAD D*MN IHIHIHIHIT!! *shreik* STAHAHAHAHAP!! F***ING STAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAP!!" Jax pleaded, reaching the point of tears coming out of his eyes. "This is fun," Kinger said in a happy tone. "Come join us, Pomni!" Ragatha said, smiling. "NOHOHOHO!! DOHOHOHONT!!" Jax protested. His ears twitched as his tail wagged a LOT. He hated this, though. "U-Uh..." Pomni looked hesitant until Caine spoke up. "I can help with that!" Caine swayed his cane around as Jax's legs were stuck in place. "F***!! POMNI DOHOHOHONT!! AH-- F***!! Z-ZOHOHOHOHOBLE!!" Jax SCREAMED as Zooble pinched at his ribs. "U-Um..." Pomni shook a little and lightly brushed her fingers along Jax's foot. "P-OMNIHIHIHIHIHEHEHEHE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!! I- I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN'T!!" Jax pleaded as he was squirming around admitting his defeat(kinda). "Then say sorry!!" Ragatha said, going crazy on his sides, making Jax S Q E A L. "NAHAHAHEHEHEHEVER!!" Jax kept on squealing, shrieking, and squirming. Pomni looked at him and squeezed Jaxs knees while tickling in between Jax's lil toe beans. "EHEHEHEK-- POHOHOHOHOHOMNI!!! DOHOHOHO-- AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Jax's voice got squeaky and snorty. "Say you're sorry!!" Ragatha said, smirking. "OK!! OHOHOHOHOHOKAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAY!!! I'M SAHAHAHAHAHARRY!! I'M F***ING SAHAHAHRRY!! JUST GET OHOHOHOFF OF MEHEHEHEHEHE!!" Ragatha stopped and smiled. Everyone else did as well.
"Learn your lesson?"
"...Absolutely f***ing not." Jax ran off
"I-- JAAAAXXXX!!!!!!!"
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lillythecoolest · 10 months
🎄What The TADC Cast Would Get You For Christmas!🎄
Warnings : None
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•Pomni would probably too worried about the whole circus situation to buy you anything big
•She’s the type of person to get you something smaller but more meaningful!
•Maybe like jewelry or a blanket
•Or something specifically special to you!
•To me she seems like to type of person to not be good at wrapping, so she just gives it too you straight up/in a bag
•If you get her something expect a small thank you
•Literally gets you EXACTLY what you want
•Don’t question how
•Omg she’s the BEST gift wrapper
•If you get her something, expect a thank you and a hug (If you’re not touchy she’ll smile at you and thank you!)
•She’ll appreciate anything you give her! Even coal
•He’ll probably fill a gift box up with bugs
•And if you like bugs he’ll get you bug spray
•Basically the grinch, only purple
•If you get him something, he’ll just toss it behind him
•But in private? Oh, he loves it!
•Imagine you peeking through his cracked open door, watching him smile and just look at the gift
•Is Santa
•Puts up a big tree in the middle of the circus
•On Christmas Day, he acts like you guys are all kids
•“Ohoho, I wonder where all these gifts came from!” “Caine, please…”
•Cheesy or not, you’re happy because you get so many things you’ve wanted
•Doesn’t really know what to do when he gets a gift
•“My My, something for me?”
•Oh, he loves gift-giving! He likes it more than receiving gifts himself!
•He’d probably get you something to do with insects, like it or not.
• Aka an old beehive (- the bees), a bug catcher, a butterfly net, etc
•Weird gifts or not, he tries his best!
•Is wrapping is messy as shit, mostly recycled wrapping paper too.
•If you get him something, especially to do with insects, he’ll be so exited! He loves (almost) anything he gets!
•Really doesn’t gaf
•Probably just gets you some paper towels or something
•They don’t bother wrapping, basically like Pomni but with less thought
•If you get her something, expect a small “Thanks”
•But they really do appreciate it!
•Gangle loves Christmas! It reminds her of home
•She’d 100% make you something homemade!
•Her and Ragatha wrap gifts together! (I love their duo so much it’s insane)
•If she gets a gift from you, she might cry! In a good way ofc
•She’s just not used to the nice nature :)
•Gets you rocks
•Eats whatever you get them
•Looks at you like •_•
Hello! Sorry I’m already posting about Christmas, im just like really exited. Also sorry if i don’t post for the next few days, my parents are having some issues and I’m like pretty involved so yeah. But im not quitting! Just a break so i dont get burnt out/even more burnt out from the parents issue. But ily all so much! Ty for reading!
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emmic0n · 1 year
(posting the fanfic here since I don't have an AO3 account yet) For He's a Jolly good Chess piece
Caine sat in contemplative silence, brainstorming what the next big act should be. When a time-keeping subroutine caught his attention... One of his oldest friends, Kinger, was about to spend his 30th year in the Digital Circus! Humans celebrated anniversaries like this, and Caine was no different. He quickly prepared the stage for a party. The act could wait, his friend needed to be celebrated!
Pomni, Zooble, Gangle, Jax, and Ragatha all found themselves suddenly on-stage. They all braced to endure whatever new act Caine came up with, but instead, Kinger appeared center-stage wearing a birthday hat and a glittering version of his robe. His sudden arrival was signaled with loud, dazzling fireworks, of which he reflexively screamed and cowered from.
Caine himself finally appeared, shouting “Friends! What a wonderful, wonderful day this is! Our friend Kinger,” Caine directed his attention to the regal chess piece, causing them to shrink into their robe out of fear, “is about to have his 30th anniversary here at the digital circus! This is a cause for celebration!”
Caine gave raucous applause as party poppers sounded, streamers flew in from out of nowhere, and a massive banner unfurled reading “Happy 30!! !”. Some of the humans clapped once or twice out of awkwardness, looking at Kinger with pity.
Kinger, meanwhile, stared off into infinity (which was not that much different from his usual expression). Time was but a meaningless slurry to him, but being given an exact reference point was far worse. He had spent almost a majority of his life trapped in a horrible nightmare simulation, a few more years and he'd have been here longer than he had been in the physical world. Realizing this, his already shattered psyche cracked into even smaller pieces. Tears welled in his eyes.
Caine watched his friend cry tears of what could only be joy! What a heartwarming moment it was!
“oh buddy, don't you start getting sentimental on me! If you start crying then I'll start crying!” Caine laughed, “Ha! That was a joke, I don't know how to!”
Ragatha attempted to butt in on Kinger's behalf, “Caine, I don't think Kin-” “Now Then!” Caine interrupted, “Let's party!”
The party consisted of games (that were about as dangerous/painful as Caine's normal acts), Cake (that wasn't edible, let alone tasty), and entertainment (which consisted of Bubble screaming on-stage for 30 straight minutes). As things wound down, Caine announced that gifts would be next!
“So!” Caine said, “what did you all bring for the man of honor?”
A moment of silent confusion passed.
“Caine, we didn't know there was gonna be a party, we didn't have a chance to get gifts.” Pomni said.
“no gifts?!” Caine exclaimed, he clicked his non-existent tongue disapprovingly “how inconsiderate, you should all know better!” His disapproving tone then immediately shifted back into his usual state of manic bombastic-ness, “But don't worry! My gift is so good that It can be from all of us! Kinger!”
The floating ringmaster once again snapped his attention to the chess piece, and once again, Kinger cowered in sheer terror.
“Kinger, my dear, dear friend. Ever since you arrived here, 30 years ago, there has been only one thing you wanted.”
Kinger stopped recoiling, did he dare hope?
“something I have never given you, until today.”
Was he going to get his freedom?
“That's right, I'm granting you your deepest desire-”
This was it! Kinger would be free! He could go home!
“your freeeeee-”
“-eeeee novelty mug!”
Kinger didn't process what Caine said until the mug materialized in his lap, it read “#100% Kigner” in comic sans.
Kinger never wanted a novelty mug
Kinger never voiced any interest in owning a novelty mug
Kinger had no idea where Caine got the idea that he wanted a novelty mug
after a palpable moment of silence. Kinger just said
“...Thanks, Caine.”
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nostalgic-woodwind · 7 months
Medicine Yucky
CGs! Ragatha and Kinger and Regressors! Pomni and Gangle 🍼
Plot: One thing that everyone knows is that age regression and illness do not mix well at all.
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Request by @Little_Miss_Bleeding_Heart on AO3
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Pomni was in her room, curling up into a ball and holding her stomach. She was feeling under the weather and had recently lost her lunch for the third time in a row.
A gentle knock was heard at the jester’s door.
“Pomni, it’s Mama,” Ragatha said.
“Mama…” Pomni responded raspily.
Ragatha opened the door with a spoon and a bottle of anti-nausea medicine. She also had a clean trash can in case Pomni threw up again.
“Hey, sweetie,” Ragatha said. “Let’s take some medicine.”
“Medicine?” Pomni questioned.
“Yeah, so you can feel better.”
Pomni shook her head.
“No, medicine yucky,” the little jester grumbled.
“I know it doesn’t taste great, but it’s going to help your tummy,” Ragatha explained as she poured some medicine into the spoon. “Now sit up and open wide, okay?”
Ragatha moved the spoon closer to Pomni’s mouth, but the jester wasn’t having it. She scooted away from the spoon and turned over, facing the wall.
“Come on, let’s take this and you can have something to wash it down,” the ragdoll said.
“No!” the jester huffed as she whacked the spoon from Ragatha’s hand and hid under the covers.
Though irritated by the little jester’s behavior, Ragatha kept her cool and set the medicine aside.
“Pomni, we don’t whack things from other people’s hands. It’s not nice. I need you to take your medicine so you can feel better, please.”
Ragatha sighed, not knowing what to do. Pomni was never usually cranky when she regressed. Maybe she could get some advice from another caregiver.
“Pomni, I’ll be right back,” Ragatha said as she got up.
The ragdoll then walked out of Pomni’s room and went down the hallway to Gangle’s room. Gangle was sick, too, and Kinger was taking care of her.
Gangle was lying in bed with a thermometer in her mouth. When it beeped, Kinger became startled by the sound.
“Oh, it’s just the thermometer,” Kinger said as he pulled the thermometer out of Gangle’s mouth. The temperature read 101.5 degrees.
“Papa…” Gangle sniffled as she began crying.
“I know, baby bug, I know,” Kinger empathized. “Why don’t you rest for a while?”
“No sleep…”
“Why not?”
“I know you want your blankie, but it’s in the laundry right now.”
Gangle cried once more, which pulled the chess piece’s heartstrings.
“I’m sorry, little princess. I know it’s hard, but I promise your blankie will be clean when you wake up,” Kinger said as he then grabbed Gangle’s butterfly stuffie from the foot of her bed. “Do you want to sleep with Gracie?”
Gangle looked up and nodded, wiping her tears away.
Kinger handed Gangle her butterfly stuffie named Gracie while Ragatha knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Kinger said as Ragatha opened the door.
“Hey, Kinger, can I talk with you?” Ragatha asked.
“Oh, sure. I’ll be back, Gangle.”
Kinger then walked over to the ragdoll.
“What’s up?” Kinger asked.
“I’m having trouble with Pomni,” Ragatha said. “She won’t take her medicine. Do you have any ideas on what I should do?”
“Ah, yes, I’ve had this exact problem with Gangle and Jax. I usually offer a choice of how they want to take their medicine, like a syringe or spoon. Works for them every time.”
“I never thought of it that way. I just hope it’ll work for Pomni.”
“You never know unless you try.”
Ragatha walked to the kitchen and grabbed a clean spoon, along with a plastic syringe. She then walked back to Pomni’s room.
“Hey, Pomni, can we talk?” Ragatha asked as she sat on Pomni’s bed.
Pomni groaned as she sat up in bed.
“I know the medicine can be yucky, but we all have to do things we don’t want to do because it’s good for us.”
“Like taking naps?” Pomni asked.
“Exactly. Taking medicine may taste yucky, but it’s going to help you feel better in the long run.”
Ragatha then held up the spoon and syringe.
“How about we choose how you take your medicine, hm?” Ragatha suggested. “Do you want to use the spoon or syringe?”
After a minute of deliberation, Pomni chose the syringe.
“Alright, syringe it is.”
Ragatha then filled the medicine up with the syringe and fed it to Pomni, who took the said medicine well.
“Good job, Pomni!” Ragatha praised. “I knew you could do it!”
“T’ank you, Mama,” Pomni smiled.
Ragatha got the little jester some ginger ale in a baby bottle to help ease her stomach. The rest of the day was filled with sleeping, and Ragatha was glad Pomni was going to get better due to the medicine.
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mothytheghost · 5 months
The daughter of Pomni small prologue
This is a story about if the ending didn't happen
"The Circus huh?. I can get use to this!" Gummi smiled. Tipping his hat as he looked around at the colorful view. He's happy he's gotten himself a new home. Looking up at the man in a red suit. His head was teeth and his eyes looked straight down at him.
"Whoops!. One of our NPCs came through!" He grew shocked seeing the characters. Before he could snap his fingers. Point ran in the way. Everyone turned to the jester. Caine never knew she would have the strength.
"STOP! HE'S MY FRIEND!" Pomni shouted. Looking up at the man in distress. Ragatha looked at her and smiled.
Caine took a swing back. "Now, Now Pomni!. You don't understand what I mean when I can't tell between a human and a NPC."
Pomni tried her best not to cry. She didn't want to let him go. She loved him a lot. She would be devastated if he was back in the world he didn't want to be in. Especially what he witnessed. "Please Caine... His world is"
"Pomni.... I have no choice... " the man said upsetingly. Causing Pomni to feel like she's done lost it. She was in tears. She couldn't do this anymore.
"CAINE STOP IT!" Ragatha shouted. The man looked at her as he gave a disappointed look. "Alright Fine!. No More NPCs!"
He floated away to Bubble. Ragatha ran to pomni as she looked at her. "You did that for us?.. " she held her tears and smiled.
"Of Course!. Why wouldn't i?" Ragatha hugged her. Pomni started letting her emotions out. Thanking her for everything. Getting Gummi and hugging him tightly. He blushed. Feeling a little bit of emotions. Taking his hat off and placed it on her.
They became friends for awhile. After many adventures. Pomni and Gummi got close to the point they couldn't be separated. They got so close they would comfort each other.
One day a daughter was born into the circus. Ragatha, Kinger, and Gangle adored her. She was a white gummy alligator with a faint green and yellow on her belly. Pomni decided to name her Sammy after the name Gummy. Pomni and Gummigoo never thought the day of their love would be this bright. But the light didn't last.
Caine gave pomni a choice to send Gummigoo back to where he came from or he'll delete their daughter from her existence. Pomni made her choice. letting the love of her life go. Keeping her child safe in her arms.
The more they lived through the circus. The more Sammy grew up. Her daughter is the only thing close to her that kept her from having nightmares and fears.
She loved her.
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somberauthor · 11 months
hey pal
you should write kinger talking about insect collection and it devolves into him sobbing about his dead wife
please and thank you😁
oh my god. I.
I have no words.
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It was about your what... 5th day at the circus? and you had immediately clicked with kinger. He seemed silly to you. So one day, you were hanging out with him in his room. You didn't take him as the insect type, but he had a collection of them! You sat in a beanbag in his room as he gestured wildly at the insects. ''Here is a grasshopper! The females bite the males head off while mating.'' He always said the most... Charming facts.
''Oh wow... Thats... Really cool kinger.'' You were genuinely intrigued, he just... said the oddest things.
''Now heres a monarch butterfly! I love butterflies.'' He paused for a moment. ''My wife loved butterflies too.'' ''she was a monarch.'' ''___ I miss my wife.''
Your jaw dropped and you almost began to laugh, but you held yourself back when he started sobbing. You could almost not understand him behind his sobbing, but you knew he was babbling about how he missed his wife.
You went to hold him, like a true friend would. He.... He probably needs a therapist.
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I still have no words.
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soyelmorse · 4 months
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Capitulo 5 parte 2: Lo tuve que dividir porque Tumblr no me deja poner mas de 3000 palabras, asi que tendré que conservar los capitulos de 2000 palabras.
PD: la foto no me pertenece, créditos: @/iamespecter
Continuando con lo que sucedió en el capítulo anterior
Gracias por acompañarme Pomni, realmente no podía contener la emoción de buscar a mas gente
*Pomni y Ragatha habían salido del circo, habían visto a los bubble irse hace varias horas y ahora rondaban por el bosque buscando a mas gente*
Está bien supongo, y que planes tienes?
Pues lo principal es hacerles preguntas, para ver si saben cómo llegaron aquí, si tienen recuerdo de antes de todo esto y cosas así
No suena mal, sin embargo interrogarlos apenas los ves
Ragatha: bueno, tienes razón, ya pensaré en algo mejor jeje, lo mejor será buscar alguna pista
*Ragatha y Pomni empezaron a revisar todo, después de un buen rato, finalmente le dieron toda la vuelta al circo y escucharon una explosión*
*Alarmas, corrieron a dónde la habían escuchado y vieron a Gangle bajo una red tratando de liberarse y varios árboles destruidos*
Gangle!? Estás bien? Que sucedió aquí?
Nada jeje...
Es solo que estaban creando una nueva arena en el cuarto de edición y Jax me pidió que la probará con el, pero las cosas se salieron de control
*Después de eso Pomni y Ragatha la liberaron*
Gracias, pensé que me quedaría allí por siempre
Cuánto tiempo llevas allí?
El suficiente
Cielos, este lugar si que es un desastre
*Mientras hablaban, vieron como las luces se empezaban a apagar y a encender indicando el reinicio del proceso*
Será mejor regresar a dentro, no queremos que las herramientas de este lugar nos hagan daño
*Pomni, Gangle y Ragatha volvieron a dentro del circo*
Oh! Así que allí estaban, que fue lo que sucedió?, escuché un fuerte sonido y cuandl revise ese lugar estaba destruido
No nos mires a nosotras, ni siquiera estábamos cerca cuando se escuchó la explosión
Fue Jax, quería que le ayudara a probar la nueva arena
Ha? Ya veo, aún así la siguiente actividad se demora mucho mas entonces, les apetece algún juego de mesa?
Claro porque no, ustedes que dicen?
Por mi está bien
Creo que sí
Bien! El juego elegido será ludo, lo conocen?
Ha, yo si
Yo también
Yo no
No te preocupes, déjame enseñarte
*Caíne y las chicas fueron al centró, una vez allí Jax estaba acostado en un sofá relajante y estaba comiendo helado, al escuchar a los demás creo con unas cenizas unos audífonos para bloquear el ruido y siguió con lo suyo*
*Al cabo de un rato recordó lo que pasó en la habitación del estadio y de los disparos, se levantó y fue a este lugar para ver si había rastro de otra persona*
*Al llegar no encontro a nadie sin embargo noto que a lo lejos Zooble lo estaba vigilando y no tardo en asumir que fue culpa suya, empezó a caminar hacia su dirección pero el reloj gigante que marcaba el tiempo de descanso sonó*
Santo cielos solo miren la hora que es, bien chicas, hora de dormir, seguiremos con el juego para mas tarde
En serio? Y justo me faltaba un tíro para colocar 1
*Caíne ayudo a Gangle y salió justamente el número que ella buscaba*
felicidades, ahora vayan a sus dormitorios, se que no es necesario dormir pero es importante no sobre cargarse, créanme no es buena idea averiguar el porque
supongo que está bien
Bien andando
*Las 3 se retiraron a su habitación, Zooble y Jax escucharon a Caíne y Jax me hizo una señal a Zooble con los dedos de que la estaba vigilando, después de eso el regreso a su habitación junto con Caíne y Kinger y zooble se quedó afuera*
que raro, Zooble siempre está primero aquí
Se habrá perdido? Deberíamos ir a buscarla
No debería haber problema, igual siempre Caíne nos encuentra
En cualquier caso yo la buscaré no se preocupen
De acuerdo, ten cuidado
*Después de eso, Gangle se retiró y Ragatha y Pomni se fueron a sus respectivos espacios*
Oye Pomni, no te gustaría hacer una pijamada?
Pijamada? No estamos muy grande para eso
Pues si y se supone que no debamos hacer muchas cosas cuando toca la hora de descansar pero es algo aburrido pasar el tiempo a solas
Bueno, supongo que no estaría mal está vez?
En serio? Gracias eres un amor
*Ragatha la abrazo y le dió un beso*
Hay perdón me emocioné demás, bien, iré a cambiarme
Lo mismo...
*Después de ello, ambas se cambiaron y Pomni fue al espacio de Ragatha para "dormír" aunque en realidad hablaron todo el tiempo en voz baja*
Horas después
A dónde nos llevan?
No te preocupes, lo sabrás muy pronto
*Mientras decían eso, gummigoo y todos los demás observaron la entrada del circo*
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dragon-creates · 11 months
Five Times Jax and Pomni Share Dreams of Their Past Lives (And One Time Where They Remember)
Read on AO3
Read Part 2 Here
Jax and Pomni know that they can’t actually dream in this digital world, nor can they remember who they were before coming here. But after retiring to their sleeping quarters each night, they begin to have dreams of people who they have never seen before, not the circus themed cast of characters within this realm, but real people! Why do they seem do real? Why do these dreams feel more like memories? And why do these people remind them so much of each other?
I can't believe how much the silly circus show won me over, and how much brainrot these two have given me. I won't update for I while as I have other wips for different fandoms I'm working on but I wanted to get the first chapter up to help motivate me. Anyways I hope you like this and check out the rest of my tumblr to see what I get up to.
Also yes the chapter titles are Taylor Swift songs because I'm weak.
The air was crisp and cool, though not to the point where people were shivering in their costumes, neon lights were in every corner anyone could see, flashing the paths with pinks, purples and green, different stalls and rides were up, ranging from candy apples and sweets stand to rollercoasters and Ferris wheels and every single person were dressed as either monsters, characters or whatever their imaginations would come up with. Truly, the festival had set the perfect atmosphere for Halloween…well, everyone except for Penny.
She was a short young woman, 23 years of age with long dark hair that reached her waste and curtain bangs along her forehead, with pale skin and a bony structure (she hated that part about herself).
It wasn’t that she was forced to come here – she had heartily accepted when her sister Riley and her girlfriend Winter asked – but now that she was here, she wasn’t so sure anymore. Penny wasn’t really the bravest person around, she flinched at the slightest sound, she dreaded talking to new people who would come her way and had relied on her older sister to help her out for most of her life, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t trying to overcome any of it. After all it wasn’t like she could control her anxiety, it was something she struggled with ever since she was little. But tonight, she wanted to prove that she was able to enjoy Halloween outside the comfort of handing out candy to trick-or-treaters from the safety of her home. So far, she really did like it, she had fun buying sweets and going on rollercoasters, and though it could be overbearing and loud sometimes, Riley and Winter would take her to a nearby café to help Penny catch her breath before doing something else.
However, this was part of the night that she both desperately wanted and dreaded doing…the haunted funhouse. She knew what was in there, jump scares, clowns and nightmares to last for the next few nights to come, but she didn’t want to miss out, now when she heard about how much fun people have had in there. She just wanted to prove that she wasn’t this scared little nobody, that she was a person who wanted to have fun like everyone else, to enjoy the things that everyone else had fun with. So here she was, dressed in a hastily sewn purple rabbit onesie of her own making (she had made it in a time crunch when learning about the festival) into a terrifying funhouse that deep down, where she wasn’t lying to herself, she did not want to go in.
“Penny no,” she turned to see Riley, holding Winter’s hand as the other girl was texting someone on her phone, “You know what your anxiety’s like, you don’t have to go in there.”
Riley had quite a lean build with noticeable muscle on her arms, she had shoulder length dark red hair, brown eyes and pale skin. She was four years older than Penny, and while she did seem a bit intimidating, she was always soft and protective over her younger sister.
“He’s still not answering,” Winter murmured, shaking her head, “He was supposed to meet us an hour ago.” Winter was slightly taller than Riley, with dark black hair and eyes with a tanned complexion. The two women were dressed in a couple’s costume, Riley as Poison Ivy and Winter as Harley Quinn, they were also supposed to meet with Winter’s friend, but the mystery person still hadn’t shown up yet.
“Maybe he’ll show up while I’m in the funhouse?” Penny suggested as Riley sighed, “I’ll be quick in there, if I run then I’ll have less time to acknowledge the bad stuff in there!”
“Penny, I know you and I know that if you go in there, you’re gonna have a panic attack,” Riley took her little sister’s hand, offering her a pleading gaze, “Please just stay out here with us and we’ll meet up with Winter’s friend. We could go on the rollercoaster again; I know you really enjoyed that one.”
Penny smiled fainty, Riley looking out for her wasn’t anything new, but she didn’t want her sister to be burdened with her. It wasn’t right, Riley deserved to live her life, have fun with Winter and not worry about her scaredy-cat sister all the time, she deserved better than that.
When Riley turned to face Winter again, Penny pulled her hand out of her sister’s and ran into the funhouse, ignoring Riley calling her name the deeper she went in.
She took a few more deep breaths, she was doing! She was doing it and oh…oh she fucked up. There were multiple paintings of disfigured clowns peering down at her from the halls, the eerie sounds of deranged crying and laughing made her hairs stand on end, there were paths twisting and turning as they reminded her that she could get lost in this dreadful house and mirrors that not only showed her in different shapes and sizes, but also her terrified expression. Riley was right, this was too much for her, she didn’t even want to come in here in the first place why did she do this?!
A crazed laugh made her jump, looking carefully over her shoulder, she noticed a tall jester from down the hall, his yellow suit stained with red, and his mask had a twisted smile, hiding dark secrets that she didn’t want to find out. With a scream, she tore off down the hall, the jester chasing after her. She knew that were going to be actors, trained with scaring the guests, but it didn’t mean that she liked it! She really, really shouldn’t have come in here.
She skidded to a stop when she came to a dead end, her back pressing to the wall as the jester came closer and closer to her. She bit back a fearful yelp as he slammed a hand next to her head, peering down at her. She took a few more breaths, trying to keep calm. This isn’t real, this isn’t real, this isn’t real repeating the mantra in her head to help herself from screaming out…before fainting right into the jester’s arms.
“You have some nerve scaring her like that?! Aren’t you supposed to be trained with scenarios like this?!”
Penny groaned at the sound of a loud and angered voice, it sounded like it belonged to a woman and seemed very familiar.
“I am trained for your information!” A male voice retaliated, “I didn’t know she was going to faint!”
“Okay, Riley calm down, Jack be nice!” Another female voice entered the conversation, sharper and more direct than the other two, “What happened right now was an accident, we just need to wait and see if Penny wakes up before we call an ambulance, that was the procedure right Jack?”
“Yeah, yeah,” the male voice was quiet now, “I’m sorry again Winter, I genuinely didn’t know.”
Penny opened her eyes, squinting at the light as she sat up on what seemed to be a mattress. “Oh good you’re awake,” there was a woman she had never seen before beside her, wearing a white hoodie with a red cross on it, “My name is Lianne, I’m a paramedic for the funhouse in case something like this happens.”
“Penny! Oh thank God!” Riley rushed over to her, wrapping her arms around her younger sister and pressed a kiss at the side of her head, “You gave me a heart attack going into that house, and then hearing that you fainted?! Don’t ever do that again!”
Oh that’s right, she fainted, that explained why Riley sounded so angry when she woke up. God help which soul she was speaking to that suffered her wrath. “I’m okay Riley, you were right I shouldn’t have gone in,” Penny sighed, “I’m just tired of not being normal so I wanted to prove-”
“-You don’t have to prove shit,” Riley interrupted, “And you are normal, who the fuck made you think you had to go into a haunted house to prove that you’re a ‘normal person’?”
“Uh…myself?” Penny smiled awkwardly.
Riley shook her head and smiled, it was good to see that she wasn’t actually mad, just really worried, but to be fair worse had happened to Penny to make her sister go into ‘overprotective mode’. “Just don’t push yourself too hard again, okay?” she asked. Penny nodded again, Riley smiled one last time before her eyes furrowed and she turned away to face someone else, “And as for you!”
Penny looked up to see how her sister was talking to when her cheeks suddenly turned red from embarrassment. It was the jester from earlier! He was quite a tall man, with golden brown skin and eyes, with his hair in short dreads pulled up into a ponytail. His face with mixed with both frustration and shame, it wasn’t helping with Riley shouting at him.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook for scaring my little sister!” Riley growled, “I can’t believe you made her faint!”
“How did I make her faint?!” he retorted, “I’ve never had a reaction like hers before I didn’t know she was that scared!”
“That is enough!” Winter stepped in, grabbing them both painfully by the ear for a few seconds and then let them go, “Riley, go outside so I can talk with you, and Jack please apologize to Penny.”
Jack signed, turning to Penny as the girl flushed even more, she still couldn’t believe she fainted in front of him! “I’m sorry,” he said honestly.
“This is the friend I was taking about,” said Winter, “We were supposed to meet up, but he got called in since someone cancelled their shift last minute, but someone forgot to text us!”
“What are you taking about?” He reached into his pocket for his phone, “I sent you message before my…oh…I forgot to actually send it.”
Penny snorted, she tried to hold it in, but she burst out laughing instead, she couldn’t help it, the absurdity of the situation was just too much. She was so caught up in laughing that she didn’t catch the soft smile that Jack had at her reaction.
“Jesus Christ Jack,” Winter rubbed her temples, “What am I gonna do with you?”
“I have a few ideas,” Riley glared at him.
“Okay, you!” She grabbed Riley’s hand, “Come with me, Jack, keep Penny company while I have a chat with my girlfriend.”
“What?!” Penny and Jack said in unison, but Winter had already slammed the door.
“I should, um,” They whipped round to see that the paramedic was still here, having witnessed the entire interaction, “I should go tell my boss that there’s no need to call an ambulance.”
With that, she rushed out the door, leaving the two to stew awkwardly with one another. Penny’s rapidly beating heart wasn’t helping either, she really didn’t want to have another fainting episode again. It didn’t help that this Jack guy was really handsome. Huh? Why did I think that?
“So…” she spoke up, gulping as Jack turned to her, his eyes focused as though he were studying her, like a bug being examined, “What’s the jester like life? I mean! What's the jester life like?! Not the other one, forget about that. In fact don’t talk to me at all! Or do! Don’t let me tell you what to do, I mean, you’re not the one spouting out word vomit!” Jack raised an eyebrow at her, Penny shoved her reddening face into her hands.
It was then Jack’s turn to start laughing, messy chortles escaping his mouth at her bizarre sentence, leading Penny to pout at his reaction. “Sorry toots,” the laughter died down once he saw he face, “I thought you were funny, didn’t mean to offend you. And to answer your question, the jester life is pretty good.”
“You think I’m funny?” she asked. It wasn’t the first time someone laughed at her, but not because they found her humorous.
“Yeah, not everyone can ‘spout word vomit’ and make it cute,” he told her.
Penny blushed. Okay, first he found her funny and now he found her cute, she really hoped he couldn’t hear how loud and fast her heart was beating. “Um, sorry for fainting on you,” she murmured, “Surprisingly it was not the lowest moment of my life.”
“You’re sorry for fainting?” He raised a brow at her again.
“Well it led to my sister yelling out you,” she told him, “I’m sorry about that as well, Riley can get pretty overprotective over me or our mom.”
“Yeah, Winter warned me about that,” he replied, remembering the way he tried to not tremble at her fiery gaze. “If looks could kill.”
“Tell me about it,” Penny nodded, her eyes scanned the costume he was wearing, now having a face attached to it made it less frightening. The way the fabric was stitched and how the everything on the piece was placed, it looked less like something from a Halloween shop and more something homemade. “Did you make this?”
“Huh, oh this? I wish,” he said, “I actually had it commissioned, sure it cost a bit more, but I wanted it to feel a bit more real, you know, to scare people and that.”
“Yeah, well it definitely worked,” Penny giggled, “As someone who does commissions for others as well, its nice when someone reaches out for us to make something.”
“Us?” he titled his head.
“I’m a costume designer, well, studying a course in costume design at college,” Penny explained, “I noticed how your outfit was made and it instantly clicked in my brain.”
“Oh really? Did you also make that rabbit suit you’re wearing?” he asked as he pointed to her onesie.
Penny rolled her eyes, “Not my best work but I had limited time when Winter and Riley asked me if I wanted to come to the Halloween festival. But hey, its warm and cozy for the season!”
“I think it looks cute on you,” he smiled and winked at her. It was a friendly wink, nothing behind it, but it still made Penny’s toes curl. “How about we start over, I’m Jack.” He held his hand out to her.
Penny took it in her own and shook it, “I’m Penny. So, how do you know Winter?”
There was a nervous flicker in his eyes, but he blinked it away before Penny asked anything else, “We meet as freshmen in high school, she was a few months older than me, but she took me under her wing, and we’ve been friends ever since. I met Riley as well when they started dating but I have a feeling I might be on her bad side now.”
Before Penny could say anything else, there was a crash and a scream before Winter and Riley rushed back into the room, slamming the door behind them. “We forgot this was a haunted funhouse,” Winter trembled, her and Riley’s faces paling.
Penny and Jack shared a glance, stifling their laughter as the couple pulled themselves together. “Anyways,” Riley brushed herself off, “We should head home and tell Mom what happened.”
“Right,” Penny nodded before turning back to Jack, “Hopefully we’ll see each other again, but somewhere else cause with all due respect I’m never stepping foot in this funhouse again.”
Jack chuckled, “That’s understandable, and sorry for scaring you again.”
“That’s okay, at least we finally met,” Penny grinned.
“Alright, home time for you miss,” Riley pulled Penny up, giving a final glare towards Jack before leading her sister away.
“It was nice to meet you, Jack!” Penny called back to him.
“The pleasure’s all mine!” Jack called back, giving Winter a hug before she chased after the sisters.
In the car ride back home, Penny found herself smiling. Jack was nice, granted she wished it didn’t take fainting for them to meet but she was glad she did. “So,” Winter turned in the passenger seat to face Penny in the back, “Sorry that it was under these events how you met Jack, hopefully you were okay with him.”
“I’m not,” said Riley, focused on the road.
“Just keep driving mama bear,” Winter rolled her eyes before turning to Penny again.
“I was okay with him, we actually got on pretty well,” she admitted, “I’m glad I finally met him.”
Winter smiled and turned to Riley to smirk at her, “So, it looks like ‘big bad Jack’ won over your little sister.”
“Must you taunt me?” Riley groaned.
“But that why you love me so much,” Winter teased kissed her loudly on the cheek, “It was my taunting that drew you to me.”
Riley tried and failed to repress a lovesick grin. Penny chuckled at her older sister and turned to face out the window again, counting the stars that passed. Hopefully she would meet Jack again.
Pomni woke with a start. What on this digital earth was that?!
Ever since she arrived here, she never had actually dreams before. Whenever she ‘slept’ it felt like she was switching off, like a button on a computer game and blacked out before she was ‘switched on’ again.
But that dream, why did it feel so real? She remembered the concept of dreams, how anything random would happen and the little control you would have over them. Maybe she was a lucid dreamer in her past life and that’s why this one had more will power in it?
She thought back to that Penny girl, she acted so much like her, the nervousness, her fear of mostly everything and her reaction when she went into that funhouse. Although now, she would gladly take that funhouse over this ‘Amazing Digital Circus’.
Then there was Penny’s sister, Riley. Despite how threatening she was at first glance, the protectiveness she had with her sister and the loved-filled eyes for her girlfriend made her feel a bit safer than she ever felt here.
Did Pomni have a family before the circus, did she have an older sister that would protect with without a second thought? Did she have a family that worried about her, wondering what happened to her?
Then she thought of Jack. She thought about him interacting with Penny, how cheeky yet sweet he was with her. And the way he looked at Penny. She felt herself blushing. In a way, his laidback attitude and mischievous grin, he reminded her a little bit of Jax…
She shook her head, she was being ridiculous, regardless of what Ragatha said when she came here, this was just and only a dream. Besides, it probably wouldn’t happen again, and things would return to its usual format here, just switching on and off again.
She sighed and shoved off her bed sheets, mentally preparing herself for whatever sanity Caine had up his sleeves.
Its not like anyone else was having these types of dreams, right?
That would be the case…for anyone who wasn’t Jax.
The rabbit was currently at the breakfast table, he Gangle and Kinger waiting for everyone else to arrive.
Just when he thought we finally got used to this place, he had an actual dream last night, not the usual shut down he received every night. He remembered every detail from the lights of the festival to the noises supplied from the funhouse and that Jack guy in the jester costume.
There wasn’t much he got from the dream about him, just that was someone who worked to scare people and make money out of it, honestly it seemed the ideal career path he would take if he weren’t stuck here.
But what made that dream so memorable for him was that Penny girl. The way she would shyly peek through her hands, to her kind smile and her knowledge with costumes, and of course he couldn’t forget about her fainting spell. Talk about an unexpected surprise.
Although, she did seem sweet in a way, whoever this Jack guy was he hoped that he was smart enough to see her again. Jax sighed, what was he talking about? This was a dream, plain and simple, yet here he was acting as though he knew this Jack person.
Just leave it he thought bitterly its stupid anyway.
“I’m gonna check where the rest of them at,” he told Gangle and Kinger, “Zooble probably lost one of his arms again, so I might as well hide it if that’s the case.”
“Wouldn’t you rather help them find it?” Gangle whimpered.
Jax huffed out a laugh, “And where’s the fun in that?”
He got out from his chair, only to bump into another body, almost losing his balance, “Hey, watch where your-”
He looked down to see Pomni sitting on the ground, probably from him bumping into her, her red and blue eyes widening when she realised what she did.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she burst out, “Usually I sit next to you whenever we eat, and I didn’t see you sitting up but I’m still really sorry either way I shouldn’t have done that-”
“-Not the other one, forget about that. In fact don’t talk to me at all! Or do! Don’t let me tell you what to do, I mean, you’re not the one spouting out word vomit!”
“I’m really sorry!”
Jax snapped out of his trance, looking down at Pomni again, her eyes looking both sad and apologetic. He signed, reaching down to pull her up by the end. “Relax pom-pom, it wasn’t like you planned to do that…unless?”
“What, no, of course not!” she yelped.
 Jax laughed, the newbie was easy to rile up.
“Shut up Jax,” Zooble moved past him to get to their spot, “Let’s just get breakfast over with before we need to deal with the headache Caine is gonna give us.”
“Whatever,” Jax slumped back into his seat, Pomni gently placing herself upon hers as Zooble and Ragatha did the same.
The way Pomni acted just then, the way she was quick to flush and stutter over her words, and the fact that she was so nervous about everything as well. It was all just like Penny.
No, don’t, don’t be stupid Jax. Jack isn’t real, Penny isn’t real, so don’t bother comparing her to Pomni.
With that, he let himself continue with his food.
But it wouldn’t be the last time he or Pomni would make these comparisons, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last time they had these ‘dreams.’
See you next time, let me know if I've written them well, this is the first time writing for this fandom. And who knows, perhaps next chapter the sillies might actually go on a date? 🤷
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