#kings dont make us wait a year for a comeback.
trashcankatie · 3 years
🕯 Victon comeback soon 🕯 🕯 bald snoo update 🕯
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lionews · 3 years
Guide to GB
hi ;0 sorry it’s me again. I noticed that maybe yesterday or the day before, there was a discussion on how people made GB without buying any, and a lot of people mentioned event stuff. That usually requires a bit of research (if you’re just getting started on lioden) and can be overwhelming. So this post is for anyone who needs it—anyone who is new to event grinding and trying to step up from being a casual player, or just trying to make a few more bucks.
In almost every month, new apps will be released, and typically those will sell well out of season… but there are a few hot items that will always be almost always be on SOMEONE’S radar, and I’ll tell you about them now!
Mod note: You should probably post this on a public blog so it can go into the Lioden tag. We don’t post in there incase people don’t want to see our blog. Or even in the forums.
January - January’s event is mostly filled with decor, but save up your SB a month or so in advance, because when the 3rd tier is unlocked, you can buy some pretty neat stuff that sells well later on! Lion meat can be purchased at T3 in the event shop for 2000SB! If you hold onto it for later, you can make 8-10GB per meat! Prices tend to shoot up during February, so if you wait to get full worth, you could be earning 13-15GB from a 2000GB (about 2GB) investment. As always, branch prices ALWAYS fluctuate, so forgive me if my ranges are a little off. But typically, that’s the general profit you can make from lion meat.
Then, MOD Overgrown Fur can be purchased for 4000SB when Tier 4 is unlocked! Popularity varies among players, but it’s definitely something you can sell… personally, I would invest more in lion meat, but it’s up to you!
In January, there is also the Boneyard! Save up your LB because digging about in the yard or donating skulls can get you a selection of three items, which can be quite useful if you know what you’re looking for.
Vulture eggs, broken drones, giant tortoises, leopard orchids, MOD: Primal, and lion meat may appear! You can then purchase them with event currency!
Vulture eggs and broken drones sell well in bulk. Giant tortoises on average sell really well for about 1-2gb MOD: Primal varies, again, around 10-15gb is what I’ve seen post-January. And lion meat was mentioned above!
Oh! And you’d be surprised… don’t skip out on those leopard orchids! They might seem a little lame, but you can sell them for 1gb! And holy COW they sell fast! Why? Because the normal auto-claim on a lioness in explore is 2gb, so players will jump on those leopard orchids for 1gb each! I’ve sold mine recently in under 5 minutes, it was surprising!
February - February is a special chaos. I’m not kidding, every bit of your event currency will be desired sitewide.
Tier 2 in the flirt shop allows access to honeycombs—which can be sold fast for 1gb… though they have an expiration date, so maybe not the best investment since prices drop in February. You can also find Grains of Paradise (GOP) which guarantee at least 2 cubs in a litter! These will sell out of season for up to 21GB from what I’ve seen, but prices will fluctuate and crawl up and down. Regardless, you’re looking at about a 8-15gb profit on average depending on what the branch prices look like.
Tier 3 in the flirt shop and slap shop, my friends, is where it gets wild. Buffalo balls, which guarantee at least 3 cubs in a litter, will be available along with an item called Yohimbe bark, which chops 1 day off of a lioness’ breeding cooldown! Out of season, yohimbe barks sell for around 12-15gb each! And Buffalo balls, which are always in high demand, can climb from a price of 6gb during February to 16 to 20gb! Later on by summer, buffy balls can reach as much as 25–and I’ve seen as much as 45gb… a big leap! So hold onto them. And again, prices will always fluctuate, so don’t hold me firm on these prices if you don’t see them please ;;;
Apps, again, vary depending on the community opinion on them… once more, all newer apps will sell well. Personally, I find the February apps gorgeous, but if you want to make quick sales after February and make the most of your event grinding, I would invest in breeding items.
In the slap shop, there are lion scrotums when T3 is unlocked! They guarantee a 25% chance of passing a mutation on… though this does not account for hybrids. Dwarves require these in order to pass on their mutation, and double uteruses do as well. DU and dwarf breeders will always be on the lookout for these! But prices on these make me narrow my eyes. Buffy balls can be used for all lions, but lion scrotums are only useful if you’re breeding dwarves or DUs. Thus, buffy balls will almost always sell faster than lion balls from my personal experience—but that doesn’t mean lion scrotums aren’t worth buying! Due to their slightly higher price compared to buffy balls in the event shop, they tend to sell for just a bit more than buffies do! But bewarned that come the May event, I believe, they will become available once more in an event shop.
March - March brings in more decor than it does breeding items, but there are still ways to profit! While you might be tempted to snag the newest apps, hold off and try to gauge the public opinion… for example, recently Hirola was released… and it seems sort of meh, so you won’t see a big demand for it. It’s the base apps that are involved involved in combo-base breeding that are the key!!! The ivory base can be used in two combo bases as a factor: Soul and Madagascar! So pick up that One With Giants app! It can be resold for a fair amount!
April - April is another event heavy on decor, but there are at least a few nice things! Egg yolks in the event shop will be heavily desired by stat breeders, so you can pick up those to sell—beware they also have expiration dates. Personally, I think the real good stuff is in Wenet’s shop! Doing her quests grants you hare points to spend. Stocking up on roasted lambs is a very good idea—these double your energy gained for 8 hours!!! They’ll be floating around during April for 1-3GB on average. And if you hold onto them until February, they shoot up in demand and can go for about 12-16gb each! It’s not difficult to pump out at least 8-9 roasted lambs during April, so that’s a few extra $$ in your pocket if you’re patient enough!
May - In May you can purchase red bulls, which are similar energy boosters like roasted lambs! These sell well, and as mentioned previously, lion scrotums make their return! Also, there is a chance to obtain male groupies, which are heritageless lions like NCLs that can be used to replace your king and essentially make it a G1! These sell for fairly good prices throughout the year due to people changing/replacing kings! Make sure to patrol them or freeze them on your side account (so they don’t age too much), and you can fetch quite the pretty penny depending on the market. I once, out of season, bought a heritageless groupie, one of the only few remaining on TC, for 75GB. Do I regret not waiting? Yes. Is it too late to cry? Totally.
June - June. Lovely June. Side with one of the deities or gods or whatever during the event, and once you finish their story line, you’ll get a base applicator that typically is worth a decent amount of GB out of season depending on which one you’re selling. Let it be noted that anubis, bast, seth, and sha are ALL factors of a combo-base, which is why combo-breeders will be willing to pay a good sum of money for those apps. Check the lowest branch price if you’re looking to sell!
July - Pack your bags and get ready to grind hardcore again, July brings a new base that usually has breeders scrambling to obtain, and there are also GORGEOUS backgrounds and decor to buy. Not only that, but for shards in the event shop, you can buy applicators that ALL sell fairly well. Well… mane apps might be iffy. But let me point out a few things worth snagging: Sunrise markings! Sunset markings! These two are almost ALWAYS going for a jaw dropping sum, I’ve seen 40-70 each, but DONT hold me on that please.
Curse of divine is a combo base factor for Elysian, a fairly popular base. Snag it! Touch of demiurge is a gorgeous base, and it sells pretty well! Grab that if you want!
And of course, whatever new comes out, make sure to gauge the audience… though in July, most everything new is going to be a good investment.
August - August is a pain in my opinion. Grinding DB to buy buffy balls is rough. But let me mention the stuff to invest in! The peddler allows you to buy vulture eggs, broken drones, and lucky feet—all of which sell nicely in big quantities.
I failed to mention this in April, but lucky feet will be in an abundance. SAVE THEM. Lucky feet are used to automatically win battles, and they come in handy for October, which is heavily combat based!
Buffalo scrotums and Grains of Paradise also make their comeback at the peddler, though I can’t give you a good price range on those. I will say that by August, the market for breeding items gets a bit dry, and so prices will be higher—much higher than they were in February.
September - September is good for one thing, and only one thing… actually scratch that—two things, and only two things primarily. GMO cows and ochre gnawrocks. Anyone playing lioden long enough knows that GMO cows are a big item used in mutation breeding, it ups the chance GREATLY of getting a mutated litter—even moreso than lion meats do. These things are WHACK. They sell for 45-60GB out of season, and in February, MANY people will be trying to buy them. Ochre gnawrocks guarantee the passing of a specific marking. Rosettes are very hard-to-breed markings due to their low pass rates, and mottled rosette is a hybrid originating marking. Thus, ochre gnawrocks will go for big bucks out of season, especially during February. 45-60GB is the common price that I’ve seen, although one year it was wild enough to reach 80GB. It all depends, but regardless, both items are good to grind for.
Oh! And in the Harbringer’s shop, there are black stallions, which sell well for 1-4GB all year long. They essentially guarantee that a lioness gets pregnant once for a breeding. This is very helpful to people breeding low fert lionesses like hybrids. Although, angelic blessings do a longer lasting job and sell for more… more on that later, you can’t get those during this month.
October - Then comes October, the battle-oriented event that I mentioned previously is what you should be saving your lucky feet for.
Let me try to get this all down. There is a general shop in which you can buy applicators and decor, and quite a few of the base apps in the shop are factors for combo bases. For example, Unholy is involved in 3 combo bases! And blazing is in another. Fiery is also in one, and I really can’t go into specifics because I’m not a big combo-breeder, but a quick google can give you the idea.
Then, you can side with heaven or hell, in which you’ll collect the respective currencies for whichever one you might go with. In heaven, you can get Angelic blessings, which as mentioned previously, are like black stallions. However, when you equip them to a lioness, they’ll get pregnant no matter what their fertility in one go for as long as they live/are using the blessing. Be warned that removing the blessing, which “acts” like a decor, will cause it to be used up. You won’t get it back, it’s a 1-use item. These sell well for 10-15gb out of season.
Shadows of death are what you can purchase in Hell’s shop. This will shorten your lioness’ life by 1 day—which in turn also removes a breeding cooldown day. These sell fairly well for about 10-14gb out of season! Surprisingly enough, I would say they get used fairly frequently—although the idea of killing your lioness might make it hard to believe.
Then there’s the manticore shop, where you can buy things like fermented marula fruit, medlar fruit (good for cub training to 100% immediately), dove feasts, RMAs, and crunchy worms. Dove feasts can be crafted in February, RMAs can be purchased at any time in the Oasis all year long, and medlar fruit on the market is a bit shakey considering that it’s not hard to train a cub to 100% without items. The real market investment here are the crunchy worms, which give a 25% of producing a clone cub of the mother in a litter. Again, these will sell VERY well out of season, especially during February. I don’t feel confident on giving a good price estimate, but as I’m writing this, the average price appears to be about 30GB, and it is early April.
November - Deep breaths, we’re almost done! November is where you’ll mostly be saving your event currency to buy the newest released base app or decor. I recommend saving your herbs, because I believe November is heavily herb-based. Giant tortoises are also available in the shop!
December Here we go, most all December event apps are HOT HOT HOT! And the jolly pose in the event shop is also fairly desirable! Save for those Jolly poses, and save for that newly released base, marking, whatever. Many of the bases in the event shop here are used in combo-base breeding.
I should note that spicy ice tends to have year-round popularity! It’s a factor for a whopping 4 combo bases! That’s a lot!
Along with that, frostbitten markings seem to have a decent amount of popularity, though things always always fluctuate. Check lowest branch prices, and with newer apps, always scan the community for the general feedback before investing.
And that’s it for event stuff!
Here’s the biggest advice of all…
If you want GB fast, sell the items listed above DURING the events.
If you want to make a profit/get rich, sell the items listed above MONTHS AFTER the events!
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 14, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
KSJ found the real him. Very shocking! So the reason why he dont have the scar is because his counterparts is alive. I loved KKN acting here, he is damn good.
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Actually this scene with Lady Noh visiting cheongjonggo was a bit confusing. She said “how far did you go? Are you headed toward that perilous night?” Actually she said “are back to that night in the past?” Some mistranslation here. Anyway, but how did she knows it? Also the cinematography in her short scene was great
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Luna is actually after the whip! She is definitely another villain in the story that makes a crack on LR plan. Because she has her own decision and not LR minion, therefore LR this time, found the wrong person to mess up with. I loved KGE acting here when Luna says “Nothing here is mine to begin with, so i’ll settle with the whip” the movement in her eyes was amazing. Makes her character breathing. Great!
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Thank god JY came at the right time so Luna cannot get the whip. Gon have been poisoned by Luna and JY took him to hospital. I loved JY expression here and how the camera let us see his regret and sadness seeing Gon blood in his hand. It was never happen before and probably will never happen if this is in Corea.
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JY prevent JTE to visit Gon because he got poisoned by her doppleganger (actually JY here was a bit overreacting) . I loved the camera zoom out placement to JTE here. JTE asking JES to stay in her place and look after his father and tell him about Luna (about TIME! And JTE, you should have told everyone about Luna in the first place!)
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LR is running to bamboo forest and questioning himself on how Gon can comeback to that time and stop him. And at that time we can hear the flute cries both LR and Gon can hear it. Super cool! And i always wanted to know on how they figure out any right time to go back to the past? But then the answer here is the flute, it calls them. Actually they know nothing at this point, but since the flute is calling they follow it. This is also super cool. They really consistent in “follow your destiny, dont fight it” premise since the beginning
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Gon tells JY that the one who saves him was himself. So Gon and LR going to the gate and get inside together. This scene in eps 14 was my fav of all because its time travel time, revelation night, amazing music, great cinematography, i loved how they are in the same place but opposite like a mirror. Amazing!!!!!! And them running towards the exit together!
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Then another amazing explanation from yoyo boy! We know now the rule to time travel to the past. And the rule is make sense. So there will be no complicated timeline, because the flute can only bring you to that point of time. He said “when the manpasikjeok become whole, it takes you to the moment when you wish to safe yourself” and we got a glimpse of JTE pic falling down and the plant is growing inside! My symbol of hope is blooming 🥺 also Yoyo boy said he wants to become whole again, means he is the spirit of the flute! Wahhh, great!
We got many revelation when Gon back to the past. This whole time that stupid uncle already warned that the one who stop him that night is Gon. But just realize it after 25 years. LR is clearly underestimating everything. Arrogance and greed made him stupid, sounds so royal. Anyway, Gon has to saw her father passed away (again 🥺) and closed his eyes (so sad), we got that the one who brings JTE ID was him, little Gon took it, then Gon try to escaping then he stops by... are you ready ... LADY NOH! 🥺🥺 Lady Noh knows all, means she knows all. I really love this scene, Gon saying he is really indebted to Lady Noh and he is able to escape because she let her go 🥺🥺 LMH acting here is very good. You can see his eyes got teary seeing Lady Noh and the camera movement placed it right so we can see that emotion (go rewatch it and see the detail!) Another revelation here was, apparently Prince Buyeong son is a bad guy, he help LR to escape. Therefore the decision to send them all outside Corea is RIGHT!!! whoever initiated it, thank you. Or maybe Prince Buyeong knew it all along? 🤯
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Next we saw KSJ meeting his “father”. I totally hate this jerk (his father), he doesnt even felt guilty, he still hoping that LR will take him! Heartless. While KSJ now was broken, i cried when KSJ saw his “mom” in front of his house 🥺🥺 he grew to love her. After all this time.
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Gon is stuck in the past now. He realize that the halved flute can only took him to move laterally. Therefore he needs roughly 4 months (actually if he count it right, 1 day equals 2 month as per information on eps 9, means its roughly 5 months 😬) inside the space between 1 and 0 to be back to 2020. But still its so painful to see the flute broken, and the fact that he stop by the same place he and JTE visited on eps 8/9 is so heartbreaking. Also he is going in and out the 0 and 1 space to be able to count the time right. He decides to visit little JTE on 1994 and say goodbye, until wee meet again 🥺🥺 his action actually is very important, he need to reach to JTE to inform her his whereabout and the impact of this action was JTE now have a new memory of him. She is now “remembering”, Gon came to visit her in the past. This scene was definitely my fav. JTE realize that Gon on his way to 2020. And this words from JTE definitely painful “how far have you came? Where should i wait for you?” 🥺🥺🥺🥺 amazing writing!
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The police team continue to search for SJH (Gon’s mom doppelganger), because they can found LR if they found her. I think that will be the main reason. But LR team was ahead of time. They knew this and hide SJH first. Even make a scene with blowing up the apartment. Its getting dangerous, and even innocent people lifes were at risk
To be continue..
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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kunalkarankapoor · 3 years
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To: Many more milestones..... 🎉 Kunal Karan Kapoor ji, we admire your hard work and sincerity toward your craft, the passion and intensity in which you perform, the way you step into any character's mind-set by looking beyond the script, the way you add nuances and always makes sure your character becomes multi-dimensional. We are extremely proud of you! All the struggles and everything that comes with being an artist, still you keep that spark and that fire alive.....hats off to you 👏👏We love you ❤️ Digital Art by: @gokul_prathap 😀👌 Thank you @_vaishalibhatia_ @gows_qn078 @duskyhues @priyark31 @sharvarihsathe @laxmirani1982 @muthugomathi_v @kunalkkapoor_forever @thakshan9219 ❣️
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The best surprises are the small unexpected one. When you just want to let someone know, that you here for them. Few fans got together and planned this small surprise for Kunal Karan Kapoor. Big Thanks to @payalrao333 🙏 You are a star ⭐
Choc cupcakes 6pcs Coffee almond tea cake 1 loaf Mixed herb foccacia bread 
Thank you @_vaishalibhatia_ @gows_qn078 @duskyhues @priyark31 @sharvarihsathe @laxmirani1982 @muthugomathi_v @kunalkkapoor_forever @thakshan9219 ❣️ for being part of this surprise 😀 .
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Congratulations🎉 @kunalkarankapoor jhi.. Happy one year of #theraikarcase thriller web series🔥.. Dear Jaan! You are the root of acting! You are touching the highest peak to this day with your acting skills. You are flying with your acting skills !. You are the giver of curiosity and expectation, and you are the giver of it. I am still traveling with your acting with that enthusiasm.. I am still searching for those precious words and greetings in my dictionary today to praise you. Your acting involvement transcends those greetings and words. Mohit is one of the characters of the actor I was amazed to see like that. This is also one of the best in the acting of your different figures. I look forward to seeing more of you like this.. I pray to God to move forward in his endeavors as you do today, to live a long life, to live happily and healthily, and to see many successes. My heartfelt congratulations to my dear #kunalkarankapoor #mohitnaikraikar in #theraikarcase 🔥the character I have always admired !. #kunalkarankapoorweloveyou ❤️ - Gows
9th April 2021. Let's rewind.. n go back to 9th April 2020. There was such happiness, curiosity, impatience in the mind of all your fans. There was a reason why fans were in a state of frenzy.. Well..... our prince was making a comeback in a new web series.. which was a different genre for u. Finally after an excuirating wait... 'The Raikar Case' debuted on voot. Many of yours binged watched the series.. I wanted to see more of ur scenes... but then realizes that ur working with stalwarts @Atul sir and Ashvini bhave..there was so much to learn from them. Finally the moment arrived.. 'mohit naik raikar'made an appreance.. it was like time stood still. After few seconds I realized it was U and it reinforced the fact that you are a fine artist. A man who has been neglected since childhood from both his dad and mom.. dad had made a decision that the baton will be carried forward by etasha (your sis).. you were manipulated by your mother.. my reading of ur character was... that all ppl around u... were milking u for their own selfish needs. You never got the love n affection from ur dad. You craved for it..and I think that was the reason why u turned to hansal mehra.. It was he who filled up the void in ur life. The break down scene....where all ur defences crumbled and hugged ur father.. brought tears in my mind. And ur performance sent shivers down my throat.. And when sakshi (mom) gives u spiked milk.. I got a feeling u know what will happen next ..the ending was a cliffhanger.. We really want a season 2 of #Theraikarcase Dear @kunalkarankapoor u never fail to amaze me by ur brilliant performance.. many of us dont shift their eyes... when ur there on screen.. ur so captivating.. itna sara talent (touchwood).. Happy first anniversary of 'TheRaikarCase'. - Dusky
It's always a pleasure to see @kunalkarankapoor onscreen. He is one of those brilliant actors in the industry who has the ability to connect the audience to the story and the character. You can almost read the character's mind through his eyes. You can feel the character through him. Mohit was a twisted character with a lot of complexities. You can understand from the very first scene that Mohit is carrying some baggage. There's something that is tearing him apart from inside. He is wearing a mask of calmness but his eyes are telling a different story. Infact, The mysteries, pain and gulit suppressed in him making him restless. Mohit's relationship with both his parents is complex. He is ignored by his father and controlled or rather used by his mother. Mohit knew his mother was wrong but still couldn't revolt because she was his weakness and Sakshi took of that. He doesn't want to loose the attention and love of another parent. In front of Etasha he was often seen loosing his patience. The pain and the torment suddenly becomes visible in his eyes in those moments. Very naturally, he also craves the love and attention that Etasha gets from their father and hence he has a feeling of jealousy towards his sister. Parents play a very important role in shaping the relationship of siblings and here Yashwant and Sakshi made their relationship worse. Even though Mohit had a family but still he was lonely. And to make that loneliness even worse guilt and innumerable secrets made his existence even more painful. And in the last episode he broke down in front of his father in the hope of some solace but he was left alone again. All Mohit wanted and needed was acceptance and love which he never got from his family.
Kunal sir portrayed all these complexities and turmoil's in Mohit's life just brilliantly. He didn't have many scenes or dialogues but his eyes were enough to make us empathize with Mohit. - Happy_escapism
Congratulations @kunalkarankapoor for #theraikarcase one-year anniversary You #kunalkarankapoor sir deserve the bestest... Congratulations my super hero @kunalkarankapoor and the whole team for #theraikarcase first year anniversary . It's been an year still I couldn't get out of Mohitnaikraikar ... This character was so much different from the other characters #kunalkarankapoor sir has portrayed ...I totally loved and enjoyed myself watching #kunalasmohit ... It was such a pleasure to watch Mohitnaikraikar .. sir has given so much justification to the character .he breathed life into Mohitnaikraikar ...as a neglected ...manipulated...child also in showing /emoting anger...guiltyness ..hatred...in a same scene without much dialogue ..he is just wowwwww.... Such a talented artist ...he is an artist to be cherished forever ...mark this .... He is so gifted ...taking up the whole show on his shoulders / stealing the complete attention on the whole show - Kunal is the mastero in it ....he himself is just enough to take the show to the next level ..congrats my hero ❤️❤️for being awesome as Mohitnaikraikar ... - Kunalkkapoor_forever
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A post shared by 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒂𝒑𝒖 (@kunalkkapoor_forever)
First of all Heartiest Congratulations @kunalkarankapoor ❤️🎊🎉✨💕..it's 1st year Anniversary of your first Webseries debut #theraikarcase 🔥👏.... honestly "thank you" is a very small word to praise you 😍 🥰 and trust me I am still searching top most pretentious words to express my gratitude for you and your acting skills 💕👏..You are the origin of Acting...You are on that pinnacle of Art where sometimes you don't even needs words or dialogues....your Expressions and Emotions are highly enough to reach that vertex of your portray 🙏❤️... MohitNaikRaikar is such a portray who everytime leaves me awestruck enforcing me to see that character with new angle & my curiosity level rises tremendously high...I admire your layered & complex Mohit Personality by heart ❤️ .I definitely would love to watch more of you working in this gesture 🔥would love to feel you more deeply in every of your portray...In fact I love and will love permanently to travel through your milestone characters you have gifted us till now 💕🌠🌷rather it will be my best journey ever❤️.....I wish you all the success for your bright life achieving what you have dreamt of....you will always be in my prayers and I pray to God 🙏 for your healthy,wealthy,happy Life conquering a huge success like a KING 👑❤️... Once again Many Many Congratulations to Dear @kunalkarankapoor 💗😘 #mohitnaikraikar in the Thriller Webseries #theraikarcase 🔥🙌 with loads of Love ❣️🌈🌟-  sharvarihsathe
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Kunal Karan Kapoor’s instastory 09.04.21
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aharris00britney · 5 years
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haha remember in July when I said I was gonna answer stuff every month... yeah me neither 🙈🙈 anyways lots of stuff under the cut
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Anonymous said: You should get along with other Simblrs and start a new cc group now that PTS is disbanded, your hairs and clothes are always amazing! :D
Firstly thank you! Most of the clothing in AxA is 99% ayoshi with me going in after and cleaning/adding some stuff. So I give him props for the clothes :P As far as a ‘new PTS’ style group idk, there are a lot of amazing creators on simblr but I think the reason PTS was such a special thing is because the bond they all had. I feel that when working on collabs with some of my really close friends (such as the one coming out this month with @dogsill​ and @ayoshi​) because we have known each other for over 2 years now. A group of friends built only for collabing purposes would be more of a hassle than an enjoyment imo. <3
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Anonymous said: HELLLOOOO! just curious bc why not but what is your favorite creation that you have made??
It varies every month to be honest lmao. If you asked me to pick a favorite hair from each month? Easy, always the last release of the month. But favorite hair ever? Awwww shucks 🤠 lmao I would say my Madison Hair is one of my favorite hair releases, I am planning to revamp it soon to work with my Mia ombre accessories and tidy the mesh up some. 
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Anonymous said: hello, when will this collection be free for public download please? /post/186706149526/patreon-08-19
That came out in August luv, go to my downloads page and click AxA 2019
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Anonymous said: Hi! Idk if you do wcif!!!! But if you do, wcif the freckles on the girl with the short hair on the BOP AHOOB collab?? If you know! Thank you much in advance!!!!!
Hey! You’ll need to send Bowl-Of-Plumbobs a message for that WCIF, that was his Sim otherwise I would link you. Sorry hun
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@lumalinrose-sims​ said: Not a question, but you are like so cool I can't even--
thank you lmao I appreciate it, your profile pic it pretty cool :P
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@ang3lba3 said: sarah is so pretty!!! is there a way to download how she looks in its entirety, or no? (sorry if this is a silly question im pretty new to the sims) 
not silly don’t worry :P the Sarah hair is for download on the post, the sim can be downloaded here but she is a bit outdated as I have changed her somewhat since then. 
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Anonymous said: Hihi just stopping by to tell you how much I love your hairs!!
thank you so much! I appreciate the love<3
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Anonymous said: hi! i just wanted to say that i love your cc so much i and always look forward to your posts! you make the cutest cc ever and honestly you're probably my favorite cc maker. you also seem like such a chill and genuine person we truly stan.
fgvhbjn thank you lmao I am literally TOO CHILL irl lmao I let people run over me so much but it’s whatever. Thank you again for the super sweet message. Have a great day if you’re reading this :)
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Anonymous said: Heeeey we have the same name
Austin club :P great name til you’re trying to sign something and it looks awful (at least for me I can’t do my signature for shit)
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Anonymous said: the collab with bop is so boring and dull it’s drier than a cracker it’s a no from me
well not everything is going to be someones cup of tea lmao I’m sure there is someone that enjoys it which counters you’re negative view <3
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Anonymous said: Hi I love your cc! I have almost all of it in my game and I love your tropical punch palette so much I was wondering if you would ever consider releasing the palette.
If I ever make an ombre accessory tutorial video I will release a set of actions for the palette. If you wanna use the palette feel free to grab the hex codes from S4S.
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Anonymous said: How did you become a ea game changer? Was it through Tumblr or youtube?
About a year ago SimGuruKate was the community manager and had applications for Tumblr Game Changers, I applied and got accepted. Follow SimGuruFrost on Twitter to stay up to date on when new applications are open.
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Anonymous said: Are you going to upload the hair you made on your livestream? I literally love your work and am a Patreon subscriber!!!
Hey! The hair will be in my October voting (I think) and if it wins, release will be November. If it doesn’t win I will put it in November voting and so forth til it wins. Also thank you for watching the stream and supporting me on Patreon 
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Anonymous said: hello!! i just wanted to see if knew is there’s anyway i can save my cc and save files somehow where i can download them again if my computer breaks so i don’t have to download it all again.?
zip your Sims 4 folder and upload it to Google Drive/SimsFileShare/OneDrive. Then when you install Sims 4 again you just replace the folder made in Electronic Arts in your Documents.
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Anonymous said: what face do you make when your in love with a bee?
this is an old anon so I doubt they’re gonna check for this, and I can’t find the joke on Google so.... anybody know it?
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Anonymous said: i love these collab sets they are honestly gifts from above
mhmm gifts from above for every collab except those in October... those are from below  👹 😳
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Anonymous said: the pack is sooooo cute i love everything omg!!!! The male stuff is so adorable i can’t wait to download   
Anonymous said: you guys are the only ones i go to for packs i would love to see build buy items in the future we don’t get a lot mm stuff like that
Anonymous said:i just want to say thank you for putting in so much time and hard work and dedication to creating cc for us. i hope there's never a moment when you feel unappreciated, and i want you to know we all love you!
@primadonnaliferiseandfall​ said: all hail you and ayoshi for the cc pack its so pretty omg!!!!
Anonymous said: omg the kings have delivered!!
Anonymous said: since we got axa 2019 and 2018 will there be an axa 2020? 👀
Anonymous said: Great job on the pack! Everyone's items look gorgeous! Thank you for making this, you talented human being.
Anonymous said: ilysm! that’s all 💓💫
Anonymous said: just wanted to let you know that your content is absolutely amazing and i love it all :) sending love from the uk👍
Anonymous said: would you and ayoshi consider sharing the psds for some of the stuff in your collab? please?
thank you guys so much! Me and Ayoshi were super super happy with the AxA 2019 release and we are so happy with how many people have liked it. AxA 2020 will be a thing, yes. Also I have been working on PSDs that are super easy to navigate. I will get those up soon hopefully.
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@graphicpickles​ said: Hey um, I dont know if you were aware of this but your discord link is broken ^^"
hey! this is super late sorry, discord link should be working now. If not: https://discord.gg/CtQR9tb
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Anonymous said: Why would you include a cc hair in a preview for a cas review
because I liked the hair and wanted to use it 😗
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@goddesssimmerina​ said: I just stopped by to tell you how much I LOVE your content. *_* I just went through and downloaded soooo much! xD I actually just switched to using MM hair and i'm so glad I did because I'm finding so many of you amazing creators and I thank you all sm! :*
awe thank you!! I appreciate it. Welcome to MM hair world :P
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@moonbrightsims said: whats ur origin id?
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Anonymous said: how are your photos/screenshots so high quality? seriously, do you use a mod for it or idk editing? or maybe your settings?
Ultra Settings, and I use SRWE for HQ pics. 
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Anonymous said: if you don’t answer this ask you’re straight
It has been answered. I am no longer straight. Was a hard two months not answering this 😔😔😔
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Anonymous said: Hi, would you mind teaching us how you make the LoDs of your hairs? I opened one of them in S4S and found out your LoDs are great looking. I use decimate tool in blender and they look really bad.
I edge split everything before I decimate in Blender, I also delete the hairline and extrude the mesh inside the head before decimating as well. Really confusing to explain in words sorry. Might make a tutorial.
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Anonymous said: omg ur cc finds blog has apink namjoo as icon and header. i'm.. sCREAMING. austin knows royalty
yes ma’am now where is the comeback
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- it was at this point I realized I have caught up with my last asks post and have answered 4 things over again from Asks 15. Well... I guess that’s it folks
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see yall in asks 17 in 2 months.... maybe the end of October idk
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jawnjendes · 5 years
shawn meets... | bella
SUMMARY: in the life of a rockstar, shawn mendes comes across some unique people. sometimes, things stray from the norm. (AU, shawn x every one of my oc’s)
AN: hiiii this is somewhat of a continuation of my last series, goth gf. you dont HAVE to read it to know what's happening here, but there will be references to it every so often. if you've been here since the goth gf days then, hi. i appreciate you. enjoy this shit. let me know ur thots.
****let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
bella's origin story | bella's playlist | masterlist
It felt awfully strange to be in Annalise's hometown, knowing she wouldn't be going home right away. The residential part of North Hollywood where her parents lived still felt like it was a million miles away. The glamorous Lyft Lux was going through the equally glamorous parts of the city, and it was almost mundane despite the fact that she had been away for over a year.
Shawn and his younger sister, Aaliyah, were frequently pointing out the exciting things they had only seen in photos and movies: the Chinese Theater, the Walk of Fame, the Hollywood sign. They were bundles of energy and excitement. Annalise was only jittery because she never fully processed that she lives in the same city as her favorite YouTuber, Bella Santiago.
Over a month ago, Bella discovered the Shawn Mendes profile on Spotify, causing her to give him a shoutout on Twitter. Then, just after the release of his newest EP, In My Blood, Bella messaged Shawn, offering to fly him out to LA, put him in a hotel and make a video with her. Shawn immediately jumped at the chance, but he couldn't go without bringing two of the biggest Bella stans he knew, Annalise and Aaliyah. The only reason why it took until the New Year for this to happen was simple: exams and Christmas.
When the semester ended, Annalise spent the holidays and her 22nd birthday with Shawn's family in Pickering, much to her own family's disdain. It was different, celebrating Christmas on the morning of the 25th, rather than the 24th. It was also different not eating tamales or pozole like she did with her family. It totally wasn't annoying when Shawn blasted that god awful Taylor Swift song on the morning of Annalise's birthday. She totally didn't miss her family either.
She had to promise her parents that she would stay in LA for the duration of the holiday break in return for missing all the important holidays. It wasn't a hard decision to make, but it was going to be hard letting Shawn go. Annalise only hoped that there would be time for him to meet her extended family during this trip. From what she understood, as soon as Bella was done with him, Shawn and Aaliyah were getting on a plane straight back to Toronto.
As it turns out, Bella Santiago is insanely generous. She reserved the three of them a deluxe suite at the Marriott. They had a view of the city, a massive king size bed, and a pull out sofa bed. Everything was spotless, and luxurious.
"She didn't have to go this hard," Aaliyah pointed out as she tossed her suitcase to the side.
"What, would you rather sleep on the floor?" Shawn teased. "And pick that up and move it so it's out of the way!"
She rolled her eyes as she did what he said.
Annalise made herself comfortable on top of the white sheets. While all of this was exciting, she was fucking exhausted. It felt like it was much later in the day, having gotten up at seven. The time change made it feel like it was well in the afternoon, but it was barely eleven.
"How's your tummy?" Shawn asked from the window. He had his phone out and was taking photos of the view.
"Much better," she replied.
Against her better judgment, Annalise had a coffee during the five hour flight, and it did not agree with her. She made good friends with a barf bag… or three. All the caffeine must have left her system if she was feeling better now.
"What time do we meet Bella?" asked Aaliyah, padding over to stand by her brother.
"Three o'clock," Shawn replied. "In the ballroom downstairs."
That prompted all three of them to take a death nap for the time being. It only lasted about three hours, and when their alarms went off, none of them felt any more rested.
Annalise was the first one to actually get up and get ready. For once, she was intimidated by who she was going to be standing in front of today. She had to look her best, even if it was in all black.
It didn't take long for Aaliyah to follow suit. Soon enough, both girls were sitting in front of the window, using the California sun for their light as they did their makeup.
The funny thing is, as much as they cared about looking their best, neither of them were going to be in Bella's video. She only wanted Shawn, who was still lying in bed half an hour before the scheduled meet up.
"What are you gonna wear?" Annalise asked her boyfriend.
"I don't know," he replied, his voice muffled by the pillow. "Will she even care about what I'm wearing?"
"You're gonna be on her channel," Aaliyah said, looking up from her handheld mirror, "which has millions of viewers, including some of my friends who will never let me hear the end of it if they see my brother looking like a clown in front of the queen!"
Shawn grinned and got up. "I'll go like this, what do you think?" He held his arms out, showcasing his plaid pajama bottoms and a Nike hoodie. He also only had one sock on.
"You'll be dead before you step out of the room like that," Ann darkly added.
“Thanks Satan.” He chuckled.
Shawn was only pretending to be calm. Inside, he was shaking and his insides were heavy. He didn't even think about Bella's subscriber count until Aaliyah pointed it out. He really wanted Bella to like him too. She seemed like such a sweetheart from her videos, Shawn hoped that wasn't just a persona.
He had spent most of the flight watching her videos (when Ann wasn’t puking up her caffeine, of course.) He made it through a few tutorials, learning a lot about not only makeup, but Bella herself. She suffers from several anxiety disorders and constantly works to better herself. She left her parents when she came out to them as bisexual, and she hasn't spoke to them or her extended family in years. She recently got out of a relationship with another YouTuber named Ethan Nestor, which was part of the reason why she spent half of 2019 in her hometown of Palm Springs. This woman has some thick skin, there was no denying that.
One of the best things that Shawn learned about Bella was that she had a butterfly tattoo on her left arm. In another video, she talked about how her viewers drew butterflies on their arms in support of her when she was down. She got it tattooed for them, and the colors of the wings were the same as the bisexual pride flag. Shawn looked at his own butterfly tattoo differently now.
The other best thing he learned was how talented of a singer Bella was. She had covers on her channel, and Shawn watched every single one. Bella had such a rich, beautiful voice, and it looked so easy for her to hit any high note. She sang Love on the Brain without any strain on her face. She sang a gayer version of You Belong with Me, and played guitar with it. She sang with Markiplier as the opening act when they were on a comedy show tour in 2018.
Shawn couldn't wait to sing with her, though he was intimidated. He thought he was a good singer, but put him next to someone with Ariana Grande levels of talent? The nerves were never ending.
It was ten til three when everyone was ready. Their only predicament was to go down to the ballroom early or not.
“Did she text you?” Aaliyah asked, clearly antsy. “Is she on her way or anything?”
Shawn shook his head. He had changed into a white tee, black jeans and a denim jacket, which the two girls approved of. “Should I message her? Or… her manager? She’s the one who made all these arrangements.”
“Hey, she might not even be here on time,” Ann said. “YouTubers are like celebrities. They run on their own schedules just because they can.”
“Bella wouldn’t do that, would she?” Aaliyah said in disbelief.
“Only one way to find out.”
And to the ballroom they went. The space was huge, clearly meant for a party. There were sheer white curtains hanging from the huge windows, and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. In the far corner of the room, tables and chairs were folded and leaning against the wall. Shawn, Aaliyah, and Ann looked around the room, all silently nervous and excited. Only a few minutes into it, they heard female voices just outside the room.
“But we’re always early! I knew I should have driven myself!”
“It’s two fifty-nine! Relax, they’re probably not even here yet!”
“Huh, I’ll be damned,” Ann mumbled, looking at her phone to verify the time.
The owners of the other two voices entered the room, carrying expensive-looking camera equipment and studio lights. They were followed by a bellhop, who was carrying a keyboard in a case. One woman was short and curvy, brown and freckled. Her short black hair was curly and glossed down, and she was wearing a bright red pantsuit.
The other woman was long and lean, decked out in a white long sleeve crop top, a black skirt, and knee high boots. Her iconic bright pink hair made a comeback, that wasn’t in her latest video. Her kind face looked airbrushed and flawless, although her brown eyes looked alarmed, like she was caught in headlights.
The first person to break the silence was the woman in red, already establishing her power. “Hello!” She held her hand out to Shawn. “I’m Sonji, I’m Bella’s manager. I believe we spoke on the phone. And on Twitter.”
“Yeah, yeah we did,” he said as they shook hands. “Uh, this Aaliyah and Ann, my sister and my girlfriend.”
“Hi, ladies!” Sonji greeted, shaking their hands as well. “So lovely to meet you! God, you’re all so pretty!”
Both girls mumbled shy thank you’s.
“Okay, so my handsome friend here and myself are going to set things up for the video,” Sonji explained. “In the meantime-” She looked at her silent client. “-Baller, come talk to your little protégé.”
Then, Sonji led the bellhop further into the room, over by the windows.
Bella still had a bag slung over her shoulder and a massive studio light stand in her hands. She was clutching it to her chest, a very performative and awkward smile etched on her bright pink lips.
“Hi!” she said after one very long second. “Uh - lemme -” She set down the giant lights and removed the bag from her shoulder. Then she stood up straight and smoothed out her hair. “Hi! Uh, I said that already!”
“I’ll say it again! Hi!” Shawn greeted, smiling politely.
Bella looked at him and opened her arms for a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
It might be weird to put it this way, but she smelled pretty. Whatever perfume she was wearing was probably more expensive than the flight over here. Shawn hugged her around her shoulders, inadvertently touching her surprisingly soft hair. You could just tell that she didn’t spare a single penny when it came to caring for herself.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to be so tall!” she said, looking up at Shawn. “For once, I’m not the tallest person in the room!”
She couldn’t have been taller than Ann, who was five foot five inches and felt very short most of the time.
“And this is the sister and the girlfriend?” Bella said, turning to the other two girls. She went to hug Aaliyah, who was more than delighted by the gesture.
Bella leaned back and took her hand. “I love your nails! Love the shape and color!” She ran her thumb over the white acrylics. “So cute!”
“Aw, thank you!” Aaliyah was beaming.
Then, Bella turned to hug Ann. It’s important to point out that in most situations, Annalise Flores is stone faced, calm, and collected. Today, however, Ann had wide eyes, like she was face the good Lord herself… like she was going to drop down on one knee and propose to Bella.
Shawn wouldn’t blame her.
“Me encanta su delineador!” Bella told her, gently cupping her face.
“En serio?” Ann softly asked.
“Yes, que linda! Those inner wings are to die for! What do you use?”
“Um.. uh, I think it’s NYX? I don’t know the exact one, but it’s definitely NYX!” Ann chuckled nervously.
“Well, it looks amazing!”
Ann looked like she was going to faint with that euphoric dazed look on her face. Thankfully, she stayed on both feet because Sonji grabbed their attention. She managed to sneak by Bella, take the lights and bag, and set them all up by the window. She also set up the keyboard, camera and two chairs. There were three other chairs behind the camera as well. Sonji was incredibly fast.
“We are all ready to go!” she said to the others.
“Shall we?” Bella gestured for the other three to go first.
Shawn, Ann, and Aaliyah went over to the set up, excitement only increasing from here.
"Were you two going to be in the video too?" Sonji asked the two girls.
They both shook their heads.
"Nervous? Don't blame you, the Internet is brutal."
That didn't help Shawn's bundle of nerves. He took a silent deep breath as he went for his guitar case while Bella sat in front of her keyboard. The Internet is brutal, and Shawn's own minuscule corner of it was safe solely because of the size. The fans he tweeted every so often were seemingly normal, and no one was overly critical about him or his music. More exposure means more space for criticism and plain old hate.
Bella had over five million subscribers, and at least forty thousand of them took an interest in Shawn over the last month and a half. It was a lot of new people to make a good impression to. He took another deep breath and removed the guitar from its case. There's no going back now.
"So, I don't want this to be a structured, planned out video," Bella explained when Shawn took the empty chair next to her. "I just want us to talk so my viewers can get to know you, and we'll sing whatever comes to mind."
"Sounds good," Shawn said, not really hearing himself.
"Now everybody - and I mean everybody - take in a deep breath."
The room was silent except for the sounds of everyone inhaling through their noses. Aaliyah and Ann still looked excited as they followed Bella's instruction. Sonji followed as well, like she had done this a thousand times.
"And exhale," Bella breathed out, and the others repeated. "Good. Get those nerves out, breathe away the anxiety. This is fun, we're having fun."
Shawn felt a little better, knowing she was just as nervous, if not more. Throughout all of Bella's mental health videos that he watched on the plane, none of them seemed to touch on how severe her own case was.
Finally, Bella addressed the camera, her soft voice suddenly projected. "Hey, it's Bella! Welcome back to my channel! Today, I'm here with a very special guest! Some of you saw me tweet a while ago…"
Oh god, what the fuck was Shawn going to say? He looked over at Ann, who smiled reassuringly and silently did the motions for deep breathing. Stay calm. You're a strong guy.
"So how long have you been making music?" Bella asked him as she mindlessly pressed keys on her keyboard.
Shawn recalled as best he could. "Uh, I sang covers when I was fifteen. Didn't make my own music until a few years later."
"Nice! Are you in school, or work or something?"
"Yeah, I'm in college. I'm majoring in music and botany."
"Oh, you like plants?"
Shawn was mildly impressed. Most people had to ask what botany is, and he would have to explain for the thousandth time. Then, he would be told to drop the music major because it's easier to find a job in plant science.
"Flowers," he clarified. "I work in a flower shop."
"That's so cool!"
The conversation got easier as time went on. Sometimes Aaliyah or Ann would chime in if they felt that Shawn was getting too confident. Bella giggled every so often, which made everyone in the room adore her even more.
Shawn was about ready to propose when Bella started playing Mercy on her keyboard and humming the beginning. He stared at her in shock for a few seconds before he played along on guitar. Hopefully that didn't look too embarrassing on camera. He listened to her voice for a moment before singing with her in the chorus.
He had plenty of questions for Bella after they went through that song. "Where did you get a voice like that?"
"I could carry a tune as a kid," she explained, "so I was put into singing classes to hone it. Then I did church choir, school choir… I just never really stopped singing." She paused and then chuckled nervously. "This is gonna sound pretentious, but I think I got this voice for a reason. Meaning, I have this platform and all these followers. I think I'm meant to use my voice for good. Help people in whatever way I can."
Shawn smiled. "That's beautiful. I see that in your videos. I kinda went on a binge on the plane."
Bella grinned.
"One thing that stood out to me…" Shawn hesitated, minding the camera and the future viewers of this video. "You are so unapologetically bisexual. You always make the point to the person you needed as a kid, because there is still so little bi representation in the media. And you decided, if no one's going to do it, then you'll do it yourself, and I think that's incredible."
"Yeah, I didn't have anyone telling me it's okay to feel what I feel, and I don't want anyone to go through what I went through as a teen."
Shawn nodded, glancing over at Ann once. He had talked about touching on this particular topic with her, and he was starting to have his own shred of doubt.
But, he learned from his girlfriend. Fuck it.
"I wish I had someone like you as a teenager," he said to Bella, strumming his guitar. "I mean, when I came out to my family, I was lucky. They were loving and accepting, but I still couldn't find anyone out there who was like me, in real life or in the media. I really wish I had found your videos sooner."
Bella was beaming. "I knew I liked you."
The two of them went back and forth between talking and singing. They compared butterfly tattoos, and then Bella was asking him about his other tats. Shawn learned a couple of Little Mix songs too, which led him to discover where his girlfriend got that fixation from. He was mostly amazed at how Bella was able to belt out song after song like it was nothing. Like she was meant for this. Why did she choose to be a makeup artist?
"Have you ever been offered a record deal?" Shawn asked. "Or thought about making your own music?"
"Mm, yes and yes," she said. "But singing is more of a hobby. I can't see myself delving into the music industry at all. Makeup is where it's at for me. Makeup got me through some of the hardest times in my life."
Shawn wouldn't say no to a record deal. He'd move to Los Angeles tomorrow if he could. He would do just about anything to play music full time. He glanced over at Ann again, who winked with a smile.
next chapter
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @justordinaryjen @chillingbythesea @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsunflower @someoneunimportantxx
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
you’re fuckin (coco)nuts
idek, @suddenly-im-respecsable told me i should become a coconut engineer and then we astral projected for this and somehow it turned into “WRITE A CRACK FIC FOR THIS” and then i did
warnings: dumbassery
ship: platonic sprace, ralbert
editing: nooooo its about FUCKING COCONUTS
word count: 1250 ish
“God this is just what I needed,” Race smiled serenely as he settled onto his towel, handing Spot one of the pina coladas he’d gotten from the small stand by their resort.  
A long year spent working extra hours and saving up money had lead the two boys to Oahu, Hawaii for their Spring Break.  Admittedly, it’d still put a significant dent in their wallets, which wasn’t entirely ideal considering they were graduating college in a few months and probably couldn’t afford to go bankrupt.  But, things had been stressful recently and this was self care.  
“Me fucking too, man,” Spot agreed, sitting up and pushing his sunglasses up his nose as he accepted the drink from Race, “and this weather is fucking sexy.”
Race choked on his pina colada, spluttering for a moment before looking at Spot, “Did you just call the fucking weather sexy?”
Spot shrugged, “You got another word for it?  It’s sunny and warm with that perfect cool breeze.  Sexy.”
Race stared at him for a moment before facing the ocean again, shaking his head, “You’re a fucking idiot.”
Spot laughed, shifting around on his own towel to look at the ocean.  It truly was beautiful.  The ocean was almost impossibly turquoise and the clear water shimmered softly in the sunlight.  Palm trees surrounded them on all sides, giving the area a pleasantly enclosed feeling.  Like they’d found their own little universe, completely separate from everything else.
Race hummed as he became acutely aware of the sun beating down onto his shoulders and he reached around to fish a bottle of sunscreen out of his bag.  He squirted a fair amount onto his hands and began lathering it onto his skin.
“Lil’ bitch,” Spot coughed, clearing his throat.
Race froze in his actions and shot an incredulous glare at Spot, “You think you’re tougher than the sun? The fucking sun?”
Spot pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to make a comeback, but falling short of an intelligent sounding one.
Race sat up straighter and continued to rub the sunscreen into his shoulders, “That’s what I thought.”
The lapsed into silence, drinking in the view and allowing their stresses to slowly drain from their minds.  At one point, Spot pulled out a book and Race found himself dozing.  They stayed like that for what could have been hours until Spot shut his book pointedly, using it to prod Race awake.
Race opened his eyes slowly, raising his eyebrows, “Can I help you?”
Spot stood up, shaking out his towel and successfully spraying Race with sand, “I’m bored, let’s explore.”
Race huffed indignantly, wiping the sand out of his eyes before standing as well.  He rolled up his own towel and shoved it into his beach bag.  He hastily slipped on his sandals before shouldering his bag and jogging to catch up with Spot, who’d already set out towards the main street of the resort.
They made it all the way to the path that led them away from the beach when a war cry sounded above them.  Alarmed, they froze, heads jerking upwards in search of the source of the cry.  Before Race had a chance to see anything, a large object fell out of the palm tree directly above them, nailing Spot in the head.
Spot let out a grunt, careening forwards onto his knees as his hands flew to his head.
“Spottie!” Race exclaimed, rushing forward to kneel next to him, hands hovering over his shoulders.
“Son of a bitch,” Spot bit out, voice gravelly.  He lifted his head slowly, unfocused eyes fixating on the ground in front of him.  
“What the fuck,” Race muttered, picking up the object that had hit Spot.  It was a fucking coconut.
He looked up again, startling as he made eye contact with a guy.  He had red hair and was wearing a grass skirt over a pair of floral swim shorts.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but a large lei was secured around his neck, swaying slightly in the breeze.  If Race squinted, he could see a small twig crown resting on his head.  As weird as he appeared, there was an unconventional attractiveness to him.
“What the fuck,” Race repeated.  He raised his voice slightly, “Hey! Who the fuck are you and why did you throw a coconut at my friend?”
The guy smiled and flipped down from the tree, landing gracefully in front of Race, “The name’s Albert, I’m the coconut engineer here.”
Race blinked, completely bewildered, gaze landing on the pair of weed vans that Albert was wearing, “You’re...you...what!?”
Albert hopped down into a sit, crossing his legs under him and propping his chin on his hand, “Coconut engineer.”
“Yeah but what the fuck is that and why did it include concussing me,” Spot snapped, still sounding pained.
“I make sure coconuts don’t fall out of trees and injure tourists,” Albert said matter-of-factly, “But you had a bad aura, so I threw a coconut at you.”
“I had a- wait what?” Spot looked vaguely like he wanted to strangle Albert and Race wasn’t convinced that he wouldn’t if he were feeling up to it.
“Bad aura,” Albert said, picking up the coconut that he’d thrown at Spot and breaking it open with his bare hands.  He took a long sip of the water inside before continuing, “Looked kinda bruting and I saw you shake sand on Hottie McHottiekins from the spot in my tree.  You deserved it.”
Race choked, “What’d you just call me?”
Albert looked at him innocently, “Hottie McHottiekins.”
Race blushed and Spot groaned, “Oh, no no no, please tell me you’re not considering going out with Mr. Coconuts over here.”
Race ignored him and held out a hand, “The name’s Antonio, but Race is what I go by.”
Albert shook his hand, his grip firm and confident, “Nice to meetcha, Race.  Wanna go get sushi or something later?”
“Sure thing,” Race said, taking out his phone and handing it to Albert, who put his phone number in the contacts, “text me.”
Spot blinked open his eyes, the bright morning sunlight bleeding in through the blinds.  His head still ached from the coconut fiasco of the previous day, but after icing it for a bit and taking some ibuprofen, it was feeling significantly better.
He rolled over and dragged himself out of bed, stumbling down the hallway a few paces to Race’s room.  He knocked once before opening the door.
“Morning, I was thinking we could-” He cut himself off, eyes narrowing when he realized that Race wasn’t in his room.  In fact, Race’s bed didn’t look slept in at all.
He pulled out his phone, hurriedly pulling up Race’s contact.  Had Race even made it home from his date with Albert last night?
He was about to phone Race when the door to their small beach house opened.  Spot whirled around to find Race staring at him, wide eyed with a hand still on the doorknob.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt and a few small hickeys littered his chest.  His hair was sticking up on top and we was wearing a pair of pajama pants that Spot was certain he didn’t own.
Neither of them spoke for a moment, the air thick with anticipation.  Then Spot lowered his phone from his ear, which he belatedly realized he was still holding up.
“Oh my god,” he breathed, “You fucked the crazy coconut guy.”
Race’s face turned bright red.
lmao welp i told myself i’d finish some greaser au shit and chap 10 of fugitives but this happened instead LOL at least im finally on break and can grind some shit out,,, maybe titanium too o.O
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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comments-on-kai · 6 years
[Facebook] EXO Kai’s Viral Tempo fancam became a Hot topic of conversation as it hits 672,000 views+9000 comments on Facebook; Nonfans and Muggles reacts positively as more turned into new fans and awareness of EXO’s new release grew among the GP
Tumblr media
[T/n: As is the usual practice on Facebook most of the comments started with a mention of another Facebook username and the comments are directed to the friend/family/colleague that was tagged]
- So cool...wow I'm not an EXO fan but wow...this is crazy..can't even see his eyes but how are his expressions so varied;; the best seriously...this is the first time I've fallen for a male idol while watching a fancam
- I peed in my pants from  the very start I can only see his lips but he's so fvcking sexy I don't think he's human I can't breath I didn't even realize I was spacing out
- I'm not fan of EXO but this is fvcccccccccking cool
- so it's true that EXO is really cool...I'm going to be a fan beginning today
- that's it I'm stanning Kai
- okay I have zero interest in idols but this is an incredible video...I keep watching this....? i'm going crazyㅠㅠ 
- even someone from another fandom like me thinks he's a definite entertainer a definite Idol his dancing lines are crazy he's wearing the hat and making all these expressions of a dancer it's too sexy and driving me crazy
- so this is the EXO you like? I think I know now why you like him;;; ----->(Reply) Good so now that it has come to this point let's just stan him together alright
- but no who said EXO can't dance..??!! ----->(Reply) seriously who said that,,,,,??
- this was the video you were talking about isnt it?? wow... ----> (Reply) yes yes this was the one! I can't stop watching itㅠㅠ
- I don't even like idols fvck is that even a person isnt this crazy?? I'm rewatching this for the 5th time now,,
-Is this a new song? ---->(Reply)okay this is daebak
- look at Kai ---->(Reply) okay the song is definitely stream-worthy
- he still looks perfect while wearing that saucepan-looking fisherman's hat..the hot body+dancing line is crazy..
- no..seriously...i don't like this kind of thing alright..?but really this is too daebak...can't believe dancing can be something this attractive
- I feel indebted that I watched this for free;;;
- so he was this kind of incredible human being? i don't think he's human
- don't just look at Doh Kyungsoo look at this Kai too... Isn't it crazy? --->(Reply) wow...I think this is the 1st time I fell for someone through his dancing what is this..seriously EXO
- ya doesn't he dance so well it's fvcking sexy the expression is perfect and his body is perfect wow I'm this close to entering the EXO fanclub
- is this the one you were talking about? Tempo this is a good song and Kai is fvcking cool
- babe I think I've fallen for Kai;;
;- Wow..for real I had zero interest in EXO don't even know the kids' faces..but this...seriously I acknowledge this...fvck this is fvcking sexy is he even human..crazy I'm gonna rewatch this like 9999 times
- I feel like I'm gonna turn into an EXO fan ..even Doh Kyungsoo who appeared from time to time looked handsome...this video is crazy
- my feelings for EXO were just so-so and I don't even know their names well but this is crazy he's too sexy
- Do you know this? this time around Tempo is too good I'm watching Kai's fancam three times a day
- From another fandom but I acknowledge Kai's stage...he's too good
- I've only heard of the song but never seen the stage and this is the first time alright? damnn he's goodㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- fvck this is so sexy seriously I'm gonna stan EXO now
- I'm not a fan but his dancing is another level right? they're all dancing the same choreo but the way he danced like his spirit was owned by it and his physique is solid too
- I'm going crazy I think I've fallen for him
- I'm gonna buy the album tomorrow...there's him in here and they have Kyungsoo too
- this is the best I've ever seen I'm not kidding
- is this like the 2nd 'Growl'? This is crazy fvck what do I do?
-  it seems like EXO is really as cool as how people say EXO is huh
- wait I don't like EXO but this is a bit crazy
- the dancing is great but wow his shoulders...so broad
- I said Kai is the best in EXO...also everybody in here is so handsome
- seems like our Oppas made a comeback ---> that's it I need to stan again
- from another fandom but seriously fvck!!! because Kwon Jiyong is in the army right now the best of dancing line kai can do whatever he wants!!!
- for real he's born with it
- his control of strength is amazing i feel like screaming "oppa please be gentle"...me with EXO...what if I start stanning ㅠㅠ
- this was the video I was talking about ..nosebleed
- hey if you watched this you need to watch a fancam called The Eve on youtube he's really sexy there too
- seems like the song this time around is pretty good?
- should I just be an EXO stan...? the other day it was Baekhyun yesterday D.O and now Kai...usually I'd just think oh they're good~ but these days the members are getting my attentionㅠㅠㅠ especially Kai his dancing is daebak..the sexy lines you can't explain with mere words, the moves that are finished right on point, his overflowing confidence, with fashion style that are always over the top but even that he could work out to his advantage..so what do you think? ----> (Repy) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I dont think you "should stan" them, I think you're already stanning themㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -------> Ah what should I doㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ also I kept reminded of D.O's way of speaking in 100DaysMyPrince and there he is a dancing little thing in the background..
- wow Kai this is seriously crazy...just by watching Kai and I know how the song flows..how does he change his facial expressions like word by word and the wave towards the end is something I should watch in secret without my mom's knowledgeㅋㅋㅋ seriously born to be an idol and a naturalborn dancer..also the person who recorded this should be appointed the camera director at inkigayo
- Ah what should I do about myself..I'm this close to stanning I watch this like 4 times a day is this what they call stanning...? Me...EXO...? Seriously I dont know
- I was just saying that the song this time isn't that good but after watching this;;; the concept is killer...this is totally my style
- I think even he knows while he is dancing this like " I am the King of all Dancing Kings" this kind of vibe
-no but EXO is so high-quality..... --->(Reply) I feel like being mesmerized but something,,,
- look at how his expressions kept changing isn't he too cool? wow.... ---> (Reply) this is Kai..the one I told you about
- you know how I'm an A*my, in the past I used to feel weird about skin exposure but recently I can't see anything else but Kai...he's so very sexy it's driving me crazy --->(Reply) It's because it's Kai.. it's okay because he IS sexy
- this time around it's too much...I think I have fallen for him seriously..haa
- if Kai wasn't a singer he would've been a dancer right... or at least a rapper..wow..I'm...he's so cool..I'm from another fandom but this Tempo is really
- Ya I think I'm turning into a stan;;;
- this the first time I'm watching EXO again in so many years after my high  school days... but Kai is still as good as ever wow
- look at that...that's the face of someone who is happy doing what he's doing
- Ah ..I'm drooling
- but truthfully Kai's dancing skills are unrivalled the other members just become so blurry he just stole all my attention
- look at this..the dance and the song isnt it so cool
- why am I reminded of Michael Jackson ...he's so good
- because of this, without realizing it i'm listening to the song a lot
-  can't even see his face properly but he looks handsome even his body is handsome I think everything about him is good looking sobs
-  the latest song is pretty good huh?
- seriously I think he's Korea's top sexy star...I acknowledge this he's ruining my ideal types list ㅜ
- my heart is beating fast after a long time...like that feeling when I went to to TVXQ concert during junior highㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- ???? how could a person even dance this way? the feeling is unrivalled he's so cool I was gaping while watching
- this is the Male Idol one-top..fvck...
- whoa I don't even know who this if but he is too good
- this was the one I talked about look how every moves goes perfectly into place
- I had no interest in Idols but I think I'm smitten
- I've made up my mind he's gonna be my fave in EXO
- this is legendary
- he's such a beast...wow
- I don't know why I hated EXO in the past I'm a fool he's so cool can't believe I'm only seeing their charms nowㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ too good
- I'm a Muggle but he's fvcking handsome...also how does he dance so good,,
- from another fandom but I love how his expression changes all the time
- I don't like Idols but his expressions are so good and he's very sexy and all of them are very good looking... as expected not just anybody can simply hit it big
- Ya this is too good he's like Michael Jackson
- he's too cool that even if my cat at home watched this it would've meowed out "he's cool"
- why is this song so addictive
- I had no interest but at this rate I'm gonna be a stan
- he was born to dance look at how he's enjoying it all by himself
- hey I've actually watched this twice... for the first time in my life I actually watched the whole fancam hehe
- have you seen this? when I watched this for the first time I was so shocked now I've watched it like 5 times
- how should I say this..he danced it coolly?or he danced it in a very hip way?but the one sure thing is the way he danced it differs from the other boys it's like the dance took control over his body
- this was the one I saw on Youtube once you watch this you'll keep wanting to watch it over and over again that's what happened to me
- fvck I'm gonna stan him
- such an amazing dancer...he doesn't even rest for 1 second
- this was the one you said right? Kai is too much he's seriously too good
- this is art??
- his dancing lines...it's crazy
- definitely unrivalled
- I'm not a fan but I want to watch him in concert..and I want to buy the album too is this normal?
- his smiles fluttered me so much
- I think he knows he's very sexy
- I had no idea but his physique is amazing
- so THIS is EXO? ok but he is incredible?
- how can someone dance so carefreely but looks so powerful?>
- when is Kai coming out with a solo?
- I think if Kai dances right in front of me I might just die
- he's so amazing and so sexy..damn I think I'm a stan;;;
- who was the fool who said Kai gained weight was it another Kai they were talking about lmao
- when I said Idols are not sexy,,I need to revise that and exclude Kai from that statement
- wait wait...I didn't like EXO right? right? so what is this I'm blown away ??
- is this the reason why Kai is your fave in EXO? because he's so sexy? but I acknowledge he's really good what are his joints made off,,,
- you know how I'm a bt* fan right and I have no feelings for EXO but I think I'm having some feeling about them; like I KNOW Kai is handsome and all that but he's too sexy his dance is fantastic and his expressions ...I'm going crazy -----> (Reply) and they're so well dressed too!
- Eonni this is time around I think I felt for Kai after watching this --->(Reply) YES our Jongin-ie can be fatal and he does it so prettily too
- fvck I think I'm gonna start stanning him what do I do? ----> (Reply) look at this he's a pictorial master too -------> fvck this charm is different than when he is dancingㅠㅠ
- fvck I've totally fallen for him
---->{Reply) His real name is Kim Jongin
- look how good he is...and so fvckin sexy ------>(Reply) recently I found myself getting so into EXO fcvk
- isnt this the song that Keongjoo is really into nowadays -----> (Reply) is THIS why she's soo into it?? she's got taste tho,,
- his dancing lines...did you see this?? -----> (Reply) you have to admit this kid is beyond an Idol
- this is my first time watching the stage for this song...he's amazing ----->(Reply) Also..his body?,,,
- I think my graveyard is here ----> (Reply) you're late I saw this more than 10 times yesterday
- his facial expressions are so solid ---->{Reply) now THAT is how you do facial acting on stage
- I feel like I should move to EXO (from another group) what do you think? ---->(Reply) nooo you hated EXO didn't you? -------> I'm sorry he's this sexy I cant resist
- Wow fvck I can't stop cussing this is the first time I'm watching the stage for this song ----> (Reply) isn't it amazing...but this the kid who said he missed the fans and even got teary eyed when greeting fans ...you need to watch the music bank and music core stages ------> please find it for me
- I'm not a fan but I'm so into this??
--->(Reply) but he's fvcking good at dancing
- what's this what IS this this is over the top my heart is bursting ---->(Reply) the song and the dance is soo good but seriously he's dancing like he's possessedㅠㅠㅠㅠ -----> wow I'm checking out all the stages right now ..what is this,,,what is this feeling -------->(Reply)ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ that's good just come and join me on the other side
- this keeps appearing randomly on my tl and every single time I keep watching it it's driving me crazy...on that note you need to watch this too ---> (Reply) he's born to be an Idol...how can he do all those detailed facial actings with a look that gave up on eyesight,,,ha..
- we kept watching this together in class seriously an all-girl high school,, --->(Reply) why does my homeroom teacher kept showing us W*nna On*
- EXO have never caught my eyes but this is really Daebak...Kai is amazing his  dancing is incredible
- okay but he is so handsome and from this fancam I think his dancing lines are perfect... ----> (Reply) I think you're already stanning himㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- suddenly I feel like mentioning youㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ya make sure you watch this his dance is so good I had goosebumps..and the facial acting is daebak too --->(Reply) I'm not even an EXO fan suddenly you tagged me..
- I don't even like EXO but his dance is so amazing? damn...who's the one in the white hat it's like watching his solo concert ----- >(Reply) this is Kai isn't it? that's right he's the one who dances really well
- why am I fluttered looking at Kai ---->(Reply)I already saw this and peed in my pants didn't I say when when we were drinking Kai is fvcking good at at dancing
- is this the famous fancam? --->(Reply) yesㅜㅜㅜthis is our Jongin-ieㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
- his visuals are killing me
- what's this...it's such a good song
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ofmanywiles · 5 years
tbh ive been simultaneously distracting myself and trying to gather my thoughts and feelings for the past couple of days
i was already emotional over the fact that sj were finally coming back ~as a whole after their ‘military hiatus’, and idk in a way her death made me appreciate that theyre back and that theyre even still going after 14 years. even though i didnt have like .... ~emotional attachment to her (in that she wasnt exactly a ~bias and ngl i hadnt really been following kpop for the past few years, let alone her career esp after she left f(x)), the fact that f(x) were the first girl group that i followed right from their pre-debut kinda just really hit me. idk how to separate my thoughts. ive just been listening to sj’s album on repeat for the past two days, just enjoying the fact theyre back but at the same time worrying about how theyre coping. im glad they still have each other and theyre as close as they are. but it still worries me esp since teuk has spoken about his depression before, but also his tendency to keep his struggles to himself. but hopefully the members will be able to help each other through this difficult time.
i hope they can still feel the fans support for them. it hurts to hear that teuk had thought this would be their last comeback while preparing for the album because they seemed to be losing fans and people were moving onto younger newer bands and their last couple of releases hadnt been great successes. i guess that’s why there’s all the nostalgic references throughout the album and the whole ~newtro concept. and im glad that his mind was changed after seeing the support at ss8, but it still hurts. i mean, fine, yeah, i hadnt really been into kpop that much since maybe around 2014?? and i didnt keep up to date with their music tbch but they were one of the few groups id actually bother to think about and go back and catch up on every few months.
simply because of the fact that they were the ones who got me into kpop.
and theyre the ones who brought me back.
(well... kyu returning from military to be accurate lmao)
man.... personally its been over a decade. probably around 12 years?? all i can definitely remember is that u was the mv that really introduced me to sj and kpop, that chul in dont don reminded me of reno in ff7:advent children lmfao, but it was defo before sjm debuted, so yeah late 2007-early 2008 was when i got into kpop.
tbh the anticipation this comeback takes me back most clearly to sorry sorry. the first album i really ~waited for, the first album i bought (with multiple versions lmfao rip pocket money). a decade later, i had the same feelings of following all the build up, the teasers. obviously theres a lot More this time round, what w social media and sj returns lmao but just simply the feelings of looking forward to a comeback are the same, with an extra hit of nostalgia, and the thoughts of what ifs, couldve beens ......
actually thinking back to sorry sorry era kinda makes my heart ache. that song and album really pushed them to the forefront of kpop - not my favourite sj song but it is special simply for the success it brought them. but also it was the last time really all of them were together. maybe thats why it is so special. yeah it is overplayed, and it’s not exactly a musical masterpiece, and we mock how it was basically remade into miina and mr simple.
but the memories it holds. of the making of hallyu kings. of ot13.
and ten years later now theyre back as whole as they can be again.
and i hope that, even though the promotions aren’t going smoothly, they can have that feeling of success again, in whatever sense of the word it may be for them. it’s not been easy, these fourteen years. we still believe in u. ur fans are still here. thank you for brightening my days, with your chaos and with your music. thank you for even bringing me into kpop, despite the misgivings i have about the fandom and the industry. maybe ur not perfect, but thank you for being people, idols, a group, for others to look up to. despite all the setbacks and everything that’s been chucked at you, metaphorically, uhh literally, thank you for showing us ur perseverence and loyalty. thank you for giving me the opportunity to be ur fan, whether you are 12, 13, 15, 10, or 9, or less.
thank you for being super junior though maybe not so junior now
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Fic Search #193
1. Suggestion- Just Different by guardianlake but its Baekhyun/ Jongdae not chansoo
181014. Hi! I'm looking for a fic and if you know it i'd really love that. But, what i do remember is that its an abo fic & it might've(?) been a chansoo fic? its similar to "i want you to want me" in that the protagonist didn't expect to be an omega, and i believe it was on ao3 and if it wasnt its on lj. i also remember the alpha was like my parents were surprised by him. i also remember the p's parents to really like the alpha. i remember a scene with the alpha showing up to the omegas house and was waiting outside on his car? and i think there was mention of a leather jacket as well? and i remember the protagonist wasn’t allowed to be on his sports team anymore and his older sibling or maybe fam member was like we’ll fight it, this is discrimination. this is all i remember I’m so so sorry for the long ask, i’ve been searching the past few days but i cant find it! and if you can thank you so so much! 
181028.  hey do you know any fanfic where junmyeon is the sugar daddy and chanyeol is the sugar baby?
3. Unsight by lawlipoppie
181028. Hello! Firstly, thank you so so much for your hard work, I wouldn't be alive without you all ** I was wondering if you could help me find a fic, I've been searching it for two weeks, and I'm going crazy... It was on AO3, I remember it was like twilight except the werewolf and the vampire fell in love. And I remember how the vampire was friends with Taeyeon and saw the werewolf in her mind and fell for the werewolf that way. If you could help me I would forever love you, you have no idea! Thanks~
181031.  hi! please help me find a chanbaek fic i read but forgot to bookmark 😭 it's a "pretty woman" au and it follows the movie closely. it's multi chaptered and I think it was on ao3. chanyeol played edward and baekhyun played vivian. please help me find it!!
5.  Golden Bracelets by AnnieJays
181028.  can you help me find fics where A and B have a slave and master relationship but its more of just a title in the au, but they dont necessarily treat each other that way ? 😂 i hope that makes sense (u_u)♥︎
181101.  kaynoella : Okay so this is kinda long so I hope you'll be able to see them all together. It's a romance (rated M?) krisho ship, I believe I read it on AFF, and I can't find it again T^T So this is the only part I remember from it, the beginning, Kris and Suho didn't know each other and I believe they meet at a bar, they drink, get drunk, and Kris takes Suho to his apartment. One specific scene is when Suho took off his underwear it fell at the end of Kris's bed in between his mattress and the plank (so in the morning Suho couldn’t find his boxers when he was trying to leave so I think Kris found them after) Anyways they do the deed and then it’s morning time. Suho wakes up first and freaks out when he sees Kris so when he tries to leave (ofc his waist hurts) Kris starts to wake up so Suho pretends to sleep. Kris sees Suho in his bed and he freaks out too but keeps quiet. Then Suho thinks that Kris went back to sleep and he turns over to look, they make eye contact. Suho screams and takes all the blankets to cover himself (I think that’s what happens) and Kris starts apologizing and asks if he’s okay. And one specific sentence he says goes along the lines of “I’m so sorry we didn’t use a condom. But I already got myself checked I’m clean” but Suho just stays under the covers and doesn’t say anything. Then Kris feels sorry bc he knows Suho can’t really move atm (if ya know what I mean) and he didn’t have any pain pills around so Kris said he’ll go out to get Suho some stuff so he feels better. When Kris leaves Suho takes a shower and then starts looking for his clothes to leave asap. At this point I can’t really remember what happens next but Kris comes back when Suho has a towel around his waist looking for his clothes and so they’re both embarrassed and all that stuff. Kris gives him the healing stuff for him and Suho tells Kris he can’t find his underwear and I think Kris gives him his own and then at that point I think they just go there ways and further in the story they meet again through their mutual friends (the other exo members) and get together. Again I hope you see the parts before this so you know what I’m talking about and what to find! But anyways I really hope you’ll be able to find this story, it would mean so much. Then I could finally stop thinking about it HAHAA Thanks~!! 
7. Used to Be Snow White but We Drifted by London9Calling and Seokmonsters
181107. Hello!! I’m looking for a fic. It’s a space fic where Xiumin was a prince, but left his planet and Suho is now the King. Xiumin is found and is asked to find his fathers killer and he finds out Suho killed the previous king so that he could become the king. I don’t really remember much else, but I’m hoping someone can help me!
8.  Run For Safety and Under Your Wings by suhossineun
181109. bambaozi. Hay ive been looking for a series of fics and i cant remember who there by but i know the first one is were tao kai and sehun are a small pack by themselves and get chased by kris and lay i think. And the other ones are like chanyeol wants to be part of kris's pack and minseok is a rouge. Sorry if its not very descriptive 😅😅😅
9. we are tonight by happyxings
181112. hi admins! i lost this chanbaek fic on ao3 and i didn't get far enough in the fic to give too many specifics, but what i do remember is that it was a college!au, baek's problem was that he hadn't gotten any in six months, yeol has been trying to get at him for a while, and luhan is baek's best friend. baek and yeol call eachother by their last names, and luhan mentions somewhere early in the fic that yeol mistook baek as a girl at a frat party in their first year. when baek approaches yeol about sleeping together, it’s next to a vending machine, and they end up agreeing to meet at baek’s apartment. that’s pretty much how far i got until i lost the fic rip thank you so much in advance! 
181110. amaniz98. Hello 👋🏻 Do you know any Sekai or Chanbaek fics where they comeback from school and have sex ? 
Thanks to lawlipopie, BOYSBEFREE, DEMUREDEMONS, CHENTLEMEN-FIRST, deliciousobservationbird and anon for your help!
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hyucc · 6 years
Best of 2018
this is literally almost a month late but this tag seemed really fun so i still wanted to do it!!! honestly there was so much more i wanted to include but had to leave out,, still this was really cool maybe check out some of these if you havent heard them!!! (tagged by @haecult @strawberryjenos)
Top 5 albums:
Poet Artist -Jonghyun: this album honestly is so Beautiful and Full of some of my fave jjong songs?? i love every track and i can never get enough of how different and lovely each track is
24 (How to Fine True Love and Happiness) -Hyukoh: the songs on this album are just so fitted to my different tastes they’re fun and upbeat or calming and fill me with a kind of fondness i always love their albums
Zzz -Zion.T: as soon as i heard this whole album i had it on repeat for days Zion never disappoints! i had been waiting for this album ever since Snow was released in 2017 and the wait was really worth it
We Go Up -Nct Dream: of course i had to include this! finally at least a mini album with 7Dream its so special and they sound so wonderful on every track im so proud of my boys
Are You There? -Monsta X: Not gonna lie this is absolutely one of my favorite mx albums and i love it so much more than the connect album these songs are just so much more cohesive 
(Honorable Mention) Face -Kibum: there was no way i couldn’t put this album here it knocked all the wind out of me every song is just breath taking im so glad we finally got this
Top 25 songs:
•Good Morning -Penomeco: if y’all dont know peno please give him a listen!! i fell in love with this song as soon as i heard it and he always puts out bops
•Hocus Pocus -PLT: UH im so glad i found out about plt i dont know how i went on about life without this song playing 50 times a day!
•Run -Lee Jin Ah (ft Gray): Lee Jin Ah’s soft and high singing voice and Gray’s lower but still calmed rapping is so well balanced this is just the best collab
•Something New -Taeyeon: Just really good strong secret agent vibes from the mv and song
•Dally -Hyorin: SHE!!!! This song and dance are addicting to listen to and watch, a Banger a Jam an absolutel Tune!
•Instagram -DEAN: so so pretty and relaxing and grounding to listen to im glad it kinda blew up last year
•Pirate King -Ateez: So like, my boys,, i was absolutely ecstatic for them to finally debut and once they did i was hooked on this one!!!
•Naughty Boy -Pentagon: Just a really really fun and playful tune please listen to and support the boys :(
•Oh my -Seventeen: it makes me!!! feel so fond and happy its so fun and pretty
•Call call call -Seventeen: Have you listened to one of the best japanese debut’s from kpop? No?? It Shows.
•Shine -Pentagon: My first comeback with ptg!! They really had the whole world around their fingers with this song as it should be!
•Baby Dont Stop -NctU: Ten and Taeyong said Sexy Rights this song is absolutely captivating
•Dive -Joo Young: i found JooYoung’s album by accident and fell in love with this track right away! kind of a dreamy state that gets very addicting
•Go -Nct Dream: 7Dream!! Rowdy Boys!!! Jaw Dropping vocals and aesthetics they really Did That!
•Love Me -iKon: my favorite track from their Return Album its so bouncy and lovely despite the kinda sad lyrics sldkfdlk
•VroomVroom -CBX: this ones just really fun and sexy nothin wrong with that lets put it on repeat babey!
•Rosetta -Cacaphony: Oh Please Please if you’re reading this give her a listen i can’t believe i found an artist like this with so little recognition i absolutely love this song and her whole album really is something special
•Dayfly -DEAN: Gracious King put it to tide us over until the album comes out and its so so pretty i love the tune and melody 
•Bad Boy -Red Velvet: Do i even need to explain?? one of the top songs of last year!!! i could listen to it for years and never get bored
•Eclipse -InnerWave: Im so so glad i found this band they really have a whole dreamy vibe and this is one tune i kept coming back to over and over
•All Day All Night -Shinee: WOW this song practically slapped me in the face it like.... GOES you know 
•Lock You Down -Shinee: !!!! The only song in the WORLD i love my 5 shining boys this song ALWAYS puts a smile on my face!!! 
•Paramedic -TDE x SOB: definitely my most played song from the black panther album i just cant stop playing it on repeat no matter how many times ive heard it
•Chain (Japanese vr) -Nct127: this version especially is just expensive and sexy
•OGZ -JoWoochan, ParkHyunjin,Achillo: listen to these kids!!! they’re so talented its crazy man!!!!! i hope they go far they really did somethin with this
Not going to tag anyone since I did do this so late but thank you to the lovelies that tagged me!!! It was very fun!
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3AM Drive - Thru (JJK x You x The8/Minghao) // Chapter 12
“Hey Y/N, want to go grab a bite? I'll buy you your chicken nuggets and fries," he smiles. "Just like the old times..."
She's sad, angry, tired, betrayed, hungry, cold, heart broken... and standing right in front of her is the man who's giving her the oh so familiar bunny smile that sends her a warm feeling.
"Why not Jungkook. Just like the old times,"
Things went smoothly ever since Jungkook and Y/N had mended their friendship. Their relationship almost feels like it was years ago when they were just friends. Jungkook tries hard to control his behavior so that Y/N will feel comfortable with him again. It was the hardest thing for him as all he wants to do is to just grab her and kiss her senseless everytime he sees her smile, her laughing, her breathing. Y/N still refuses to be a part of the production team since Minji is still a part of it. Y/N thinks its best that they dont stir things up as Jungkook had asked Minji for a breakup a few days prior to the dressing room incident.
Despite not being a part of the team, Jungkook makes sure to eat lunch or even breakfast with her whenever he's at the company. Sometimes even Jin, Jimin or Teahyung will join them. He likes how Y/N is able to get his hyung so comfortable with her until to the point where he himself sometimes gets jealous of them.
Jungkook's relationship with Minghao are still fine, eventhough there's still s trace of akwardness left. They still hang out together with the rest of their squad. They never talk about what they discussed to each other again, both understanding each other feelings. Minghao kept true to his word and never commented or do anything whenever Jungkook mentioned Y/N's name.
Until Y/N is sure of her feelings, Minghao won't ever act on it.
"Hey, I got great news!" Minghao turns to Y/N while flipping through the rack of clothes in the shop. Its one of the rare days when he gets a day off and he immediately decide to spend it with Y/N. Minghao receives major backlash from his members who wanted to have a chill member day together, but he just disregard them and skips happily to see Y/N.
He do love spending time with his members. They are, afterall, his brothers. But he feels like he needs a break as they had enough time together due to their tight schedule of non stop practices, recording, making choreograophies and creating music for the comeback and he really misses Y/N.
"Really? What is it? Do you really need me to ask before you will actually tell me? Can't you just straight away tell me after you said 'I have great news'?"
"God, I knew you are savage, but I didnt think you are this savage," Y/N chuckle. "Fine, I will tell you King Hao," still mocking him. "The company is one of the major sponsor for MAMA Awards this year! So I will have to attend the show,"
"That's great! You can finally watch how incredible I am in dancing live," Minghao smirked. Truth is, he's a little excited. The awards is a big deal for most idols and to have someone he loves there at the venue itself cheering him on, its something he used to only wish for.
"Hey, we can go together! Wearing matching stuff and all!" Y/N is all excited. Minghao cleared his throat.
"I would love to... I really do, but I cant do that," Y/N gave him a confuse look. "I'll be going together with the members," Y/N nod in understanding. That's true. Of course he has to attend as Seventeen, how can she forget? "Also, I cant be seen with a girl at the awards,"
"Hey, you understand right Y/N? I mean, if we are officially together I wouldn't mind telling the world about us. Hell, I want to tell everyone about us. But since we are still figuring things out, its better if we dont show it in public," he peeks at Y/N, trying to gauge her reaction.
If it's up to him, he would proudly go to the awards with Y/N on his arms. He would go anywhere with Y/N on his arms. But they are not official yet and the awards is one of the biggest event in K Music industry. If they came together, fans, media and even his company will start asking questions and he doesnt want to answer to things that he himself is not sure about. As long as Y/N is still figuring things out, its better to keep things under wraps. But Y/N's sad face is breaking his heart.
"Hey, dont be sad," he lifted up her chin to make her look at him. "Tell you what, I'll skip the after party and we can go for ice cream and fries instead? How about that? I dont usually like going to the after party anyway," he suggested and Y/N seems to smile again.
"Okay. You promise?" she held out her pinky. He linked his pinky with hers.
The ceremony is beautiful. Everyone who is everyone is there and everyone looks beautiful. But the most beautiful thing that Jungkook and Minghao sees that night is when Y/N glide onto the red carpet.
Everything about her is perfect. Her makeup, her hair, her dress, her smile. They cant take their eyes off her, and it seems so does a few other idols. Both Minghao and Jungkook feels like poking their eyes for looking at what is theirs with such longing and lusts.
Minghao had never been more energetic and giddy on an award night. Y/N was seated right near the stage, with the best view in the venue. He sees her stands up for a standing ovation when BTS finish their performance and how Jungkook keeps making eye contact with her. And is that Taehyung winking at her? She congratulate them when they walked off the stage after their win and he can see Jungkook gave her a hug a little too long than he's liking.
When its time for his group's performance, the only thing he can see is Y/N. She stood up through out the whole performance and sings along which only fired him up even more. She congratulate them and she had never looked more proud when they had won in their category. The whole night pass by in a blur, all he can think about is how the most beautiful girl in the event is waiting and thinking of him. She's mine she's mine she's mine. He just cant wait for the night to end so he can claim what's his, to share his happiness and excitement for the night.
Once the night ended, they were ushered off into the dressing room for for a final touch up and wardrobe change for the after party. Minghao drop a quick text to Y/N before he grab his new outfit and change.
Hey, I just need to give my greetings to some new girl group that manager-nim wants us to meet. Then we can go. Wait for me okay.
Y/N received the text and figured she has time to freshen up. She told her assistants that she's skipping the after party. It's not a good idea to walk up to a McDonalds in an expensive car and a driver, even more with an uprising idol in tow, so she asks her team and driver to go off first.
She waited in the cold night air while cursing herself for forgotting her jacket in the limo. Seconds turns to minutes and turns to hours but Minghao is a no show. Multiple texts and calls has been sent but no reply was received. Did something happen to him? The after party venue is just a couple of block away and the main venue is already empty except for a few staff members.
After contemplating for a while, Y/N decides to walk the few blocks to the after party and checks on Minghao. Its weird that he didnt even text her to say he's running late.
"Hey, is that you Y/N? God, you are shivering!" Y/N turn to the source of the voice and see Jungkook is already taking off his suit jacket and place it on her shoulders.
"Jungkook!" Y/N exclaimed. "What are you doing outside? Are you taking a break from the after party?"
"Oh ya. I'm just here for the group shots and publicity mingling. I'm about to go for a walk and then find manager-nim so I can go home. Did you just arrived here? Why are you walking?" Jungkook just notice the direction Y/N came from.
"Yeah, I just did. I dont plan on going to the party actually. I'm supposed to meet Minghao back at the main venue, but he needs to drop by at the party for a bit but it has been hours since he left. I was worried something happened to him. Did you see him in there?"
"Minghao?" Jungkook looks nervous, biting his lips and avoiding eye contact. "Minghao says he will meet you back at the venue?" Y/N nodded. Jungkook didnt know how to tell Y/N. Yes, he has seen Minghao at the party alright. And he's definitely didnt seem like he's about to leave the party anytime soon.
"Yes," Y/N raised an eyebrow. Weirded out by Jungkook's nervous reaction. "Is he in there Jungkook?" Y/N is still oblivious to what's really going on. Jungkook can only nod before Y/N makes her way into the party. What she sees in there is definitely isnt what she's expecting.
Minghao is full on drunk, dancing with a girl group member, exchanging shots and kisses, his friends all around him , just as drunk, cheering and laughing. She's guessing that's the girl group that he needs to introduce himself to and it seems they were very well introduced indeed.
Y/N was stunned and she really dont know how to react to this. Should she cry? Be angry? Scream? But most importantly, she forced herself not to cry. After all they are not together, there's no reason for her to feel anything after seeing him in that situation.
"Hey, wait up!" Jungkook chase after her when she quickly spun around and race towards the door.
"Is this what you guys usually do at after parties?"
"Urm pretty much yes. That's why i always leave early after the obligatory greetings and photo session. Not really much into parties," Jungkook jogged a little to catched up with Y/N. "Hey Y/N, are you okay?" Jungkook snatched her wrist and turn her to look at him when she didnt answer. "I might not know what's going on but I know you. You dont look okay,"
Y/N angrily swipe her tears away before they could fall. I would not let another boy, especially another idol make me cry. I wont!  "I'm okay,"
"Its because of Minghao isnt it? What happened back there? Every couple has its problems. You guys can wo-"
"We are not together!" Y/N harshly cut him off. "I'm just upset that he made me wait for so long. He could have just told me that he wants to party. I could have gone and get food on my own. I have an early flight tomorrow, I could have just gone home earlier and sleep," she lied. There's no way in hell she's letting Jungkook see her heart break for the second time. Jungkook can obviously tell that there is so much more than Y/N just being stood up and hungry.  But he can also tell that Y/N doesn't want to talk about it. At least not right now. So he did the only thing he knows that can help her calm down.
"Hey Y/N, want to go grab a bite? I'll buy you your chicken nuggets and fries," he smiles. "Just like the old times..."
Y/N ponders for a moment. She's sad, angry, tired, betrayed, hungry, cold, heart broken... and standing right in front of her is the man who's giving her the oh so familiar bunny smile that gives her a warm feeling. She nodded with a tired smile,
"Why not Jungkook. Just like the old times,"
Minghao woke up in his dorms in last night's suit and a major hangover. What the hell happenned?
"Woohooo, there's the life of the party!" some of his members whistle at him.
"You dont remember? Wow, you must be super drunk then,"
"You partied like crazy last night man! We were being introduced to the new girl group for our collab. The next thing we know, you are drunk as hell and dancing like crazy!" Mingyu explains, trying to help his friend remember.
"You dance skills are amazing! Even though you are shit drunk! I'm proud you are on my team," Hoshi chimed in. DK took out his phone and showed him a video of him dancing in a drunk state and to his horror, he starts making out with one of the girls.
"Ohhhh yaaa, the girls are cray cray over you!" DK laughs. "You even went back with one of them!" He went home with one of them? Shit, shit, shit. Did Y/N see this? Where is she when all of this happening?
His memories starts crumbling back to him. He remembered the look on Y/N's face when they won, when they performed, how he cant wait for the night to end so he can spend time with her, how the manager asks them to meet some girl group, and he send a text-  His phone!
"Where's my phone?" Minghao search everywhere in his room.
"Here it is. You left it in the suit jacket of our first outfit. The stylist noona returned it this morning," S.Coups threw the phone to him. He catch it and immediately plug in the charger. He impatiently shakes his legs, waiting for his phone to come alive. Once it did, he grabbed it and see the flood of messages and missed calls, all from Y/N.
[Y/N ♡] : 12.09am Hey I'm ready. I will wait by the back exit okay.
[Y/N ♡] : 12.13am I already asks my driver and team to go back first
[Y/N ♡] : 12.50am I'm hungry. And cold. I left my jacket in the limo :( when are you coming?
[Y/N ♡] : 12.53am Hey, I saw a bunch of Carats coming out. How jealous would they be if they know I'm waiting for The8 right now? :D
[Y/N ♡] : 01.15am Hey Minghao, its been an hour. Where are you? Are you okay?
[Y/N ♡] : 01.40am I'm getting worried now. I really hope you are okay.
[Y/N ♡] : 02.30am Nevermind. I already know why you are not coming.
What does she means by that?
[Y/N ♡] : 02.40am Did you really let me wait in the cold for you because of this? I didnt want to believe it when I saw you at the party...
She saw at the party! Minghao starts to sweat. The next message she sent was early this morning. Minghao imagine her crying herself to sleep after seeing him doing God knows what at the party.
[Y/N ♡] : 07.30am I thought you said you cant be seen with a girl... You could have just told me you know, I would have understand.  Click image.
Minghao clicked the image and saw that's its a recent news article. How did they publish this so fast? It shows a picture of him and one of the girl group member in front of an apartment entrance, tightly clutching each other and looking trashy as hell with sunglasses covering their faces at 4am in the morning . The headlines reads;
He quickly closes the article, his praying the Y/N wont believe all these rumors although the photos makes it looks pretty convincing. He click the next, and last message.
[Y/N ♡] : 07.45am And I guess you wont be coming to the airport to send me off then.
Now he remembers. Y/N was scheduled to go to an abroad business meeting for a few weeks. She had the morning 9 am flight and he had promised to send her to the airport since they wont be seeing each other for a while. He quickly looks at clock,
He's too late.
Chapter 13 Preview
"Jeon Jungkook?" Y/N exclaimed, she cant help but smile so widely. Jungkook chuckled.
"We are halfway around the world away from home, and of all the faces and all the places, we had to meet each other. If this is not fate, then I dont know what this is," Jungkook walked over to Y/N, grinning with his bunny teeth showing.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How To Get Rid Of Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-to-get-rid-of-republicans/
How To Get Rid Of Republicans
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Opinion: Almost Half Of Republicans Admit Theyre Ready To Ditch Democracy
Getting Rid of the GOP RINOs
Almost half of Republicans are now saying the quiet part out loud: Theyd prefer to ditch this whole democracy thing.
So finds CBS News-YouGov polling conducted in mid-May. The survey asked Republicans a series of questions about the required level of fealty to former president Donald Trump, their views of the 2020 election and priorities for the party going forward.
The results were bleak.
Two-thirds said it was important for Republicans to be loyal to Donald Trump now. The same share said they did not believe President Biden was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. recent assertion that I dont think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.)
But the most troubling results came from a question about the partys best strategy for winning in 2022 and 2024. If you were consulting for the party, respondents were asked, would you focus on developing a message and popular policies and ideas to win over more voters? Or would you prioritize changes to the voting rules in states and districts?
A whopping 47 percent chose the latter option. In other words, nearly half of those who still identify as Republicans appear to have given up on a key premise of democracy: that you earn the right to govern by proposing ideas that appeal to a majority of the public. Theyd prefer to short-circuit that process and,instead, make it harder for their opponents to vote.
So much for party of ideas, as the GOP once called itself.
Read more:
Trump Tells Republicans To Get Rid Of Rinos
Former President Donald Trump delivered a fiery speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday. The speech will be seen by many as the first step towards a 2024 comeback, especially given his bold call to action.
Trump called on GOP voters to remove renegade legislators who threaten to split the party.
President Trump vows vengeance on those who betrayed him.
David J Harris Jr
President Trump might have lost the election, but he still enjoys record levels of support among Republican voters and more people turned out to back him than any other GOP candidate in history. On Sunday, he warned the party that RINO lawmakers are threatening to spread division in a party that, at the grassroots level, is united.
The only division is between a handful of Washington, DC, establishment political hacks, Trump said, after naming 17 turncoats who opposed his presidency or voted with the Democrats to impeach him.
Trump ended on an upbeat note, promising to support strong, tough, and smart Republican candidates who can create an effective and united political machine to take on the Democrats.
Thousands Of Voting Rights Advocates Are Rallying Across The Country Saturday To Call For Sweeping Protections Against A Further Erosion Of The Voting Rights Act Of 1965
Article bookmarked
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile
Thousands of voting rights advocates rallied across the country Saturday to call for sweeping federal laws that would wipe out voting restrictions advancing in some Republican-controlled states that could make it harder to cast a ballot.
Many activists view the fight over voting rules as the civil rights issue of the era. But frustrations have mounted for months because two expansive election bills have stalled in the U.S. Senate, which is split evenly between Democrats and Republicans and the measures lack the votes to overcome a GOP blockade.
The rallies, which were held in dozens of cities, were intended to increase pressure on Democrats to rewrite procedural rules that would allow Democrats to muscle the legislation through without Republican votes. But they were also aimed at coaxing President Joe Biden to become a more forceful advocate on the issue.
You said the night you won that Black America had your back, and that you were going to have Black Americans backs, the Rev. Al Sharpton, who helped organize the national demonstrations, said at a rally in Washington Well, Mr. President, theyre stabbing us in the back.
More than a thousand people turned out in sweltering heat on the National Mall on Saturday, the 58th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have Dream speech.
Recommended Reading: Did Trump Call Republicans Stupid In 1998
Homosexuals Do Not Deserve Equal Rights
This comes from their religious beliefs, which form the basis for a lot of policy. Republicans believe that homosexuality is a choice and, as such, gay people should not be acknowledged in the same way as other groups. Therefore, according to a Republican, homosexuals should not be allowed to marry, nor should they be allowed to adopt children.
House Gop Leader Says He Backs Ousting Cheney From No 3 Job
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WASHINGTON Top House Republican Kevin McCarthy on Sunday publicly endorsed Rep. Elise Stefanik for the post of No. 3 leader, cementing party support of the Donald Trump loyalist over Rep. Liz Cheney, an outspoken critic of the former president for promoting discredited claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
House Republicans could vote as early as Wednesday to remove Cheney, the highest-ranking woman in the Republican leadership and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, and replace her with Stefanik, whose ascension has received Trumps backing.
Asked in an interview on Fox News Channels Sunday Morning Futures whether he supported Stefanik, R-N.Y., for the job of Republican Conference chair, McCarthy responded: Yes, I do.
We want to be united in moving forward, and I think that is what will take place, he said in response to a question about whether he had the votes to oust Cheney, R-Wyo.
McCarthy said the leadership post must focus on a message day in and day out on what he said were the problems of the Biden administration.
You May Like: Why Did Democrats And Republicans Switch
American Democracy Is At Risk From Trump And The Republicans What Can Be Done
The Capitol attack was a warning: US democracy is at risk. To fix the system before the 2022 midterms, two steps have to be enacted
Academics rarely agree about the big issues, and generally hesitate to enter the political fray by signing collective public statements. Yet a few days ago, more than 100 leading scholars of democracy endorsed a remarkable Statement of Concern, which I also signed, warning about grave threats to American democracy and the deterioration of US elections.
We urge members of Congress to do whatever is necessary including suspending the filibuster in order to pass national voting and election administration standards that both guarantee the vote to all Americans equally, and prevent state legislatures from manipulating the rules in order to manufacture the result they want. Our democracy is fundamentally at stake. History will judge what we do at this moment.
Why the alarm? Is this warranted?
On 14 December 2020, after courts litigated challenges and all 50 states certified the count, the electoral college formally declared the defeat of Donald Trump. Most assumed that the peaceful and orderly transition in power would follow, following historical traditions for over 200 years. Instead, the world was shocked to witness the violent Capitol insurrection on 6 January, triggering five deaths, 140 people injured and more than 400 arrests.
What is to be done?
The Ridiculous Reasons Some Republicans Want To Get Rid Of Liz Cheney
No one is in a hotter seat in today’s Republican Party than Liz Cheney.
The Wyoming Republican, who is the third-ranking member of House Republican leadership, was not-so-subtly called out by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy earlier this week at a GOP retreat in Orlando, Florida.
“There’s a responsibility, if you’re gonna be in leadership, leaders eat last,” McCarthy said. “And when leaders try to go out, and not work as one team, it creates difficulties.” When asked whether Cheney was still a “good fit” for the leadership team, McCarthy responded, “That’s a question for the conference,” Punchbowl News’ Jake Sherman reported Tuesday.
Hours later, former President Donald Trump sounded off on Cheney. Here’s some of what the 45th president had to say:
“Liz Cheney is polling sooo low in Wyoming, and has sooo little support, even from the Wyoming Republican Party, that she is looking for a way out of her Congressional race. Based on all polling, there is no way she can win. She’ll either be yet another lobbyist or maybe embarrass her family by running for President, in order to save face.”
What, you might ask, has Cheney done to deserve such opprobrium? Well, let’s take a closer look.
Video: What Liz Cheney has figured out about Donald Trump
1. She condemned Trump for inciting a riot at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Whoa boy! Pretty radical! And not at all conservative!
Except, wait.
Read Also: How Many Seats Do Republicans Have In The Senate
These Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump
The Republican fault lines go in every direction: between the grassroots and the establishment, between big donors and aspiring presidential candidates, between House leaders and Senate leaders.
Republican pollster Frank Luntz says he has seen intraparty battles before, “but this one is so deep and so polarizing and people are so passionate about it I don’t know how you heal it. I don’t know how you bring these people together.”
The biggest internal division right now, says Luntz, is between Republicans who voted for impeachment and voters who opposed it. He found in research this week that 43% of Trump voters say they would definitely vote against any lawmaker who supports impeachment.
“That makes it impossible for Republicans to put together a majority by 2022, and in fact, that’s a direct threat to the existence of the Republican Party overall,” Luntz said.
Republicans Wonder How And If They Can Pull The Party Back Together
How Republicans Will Get Rid of Robert Mueller
President Trump speaks to supporters on Jan. 6 before pro-Trump extremists launched a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. Trump’s role in encouraging the siege over false claims of election fraud has hardened divisions in the Republican Party.hide caption
toggle caption
President Trump speaks to supporters on Jan. 6 before pro-Trump extremists launched a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. Trump’s role in encouraging the siege over false claims of election fraud has hardened divisions in the Republican Party.
In a matter of hours on Jan. 6, the Republican Party went from shrugging off its loss of the White House to a party in crisis.
It was becoming clear just before the violent insurrection at the Capitol that the party had lost two Senate runoff elections in Georgia, making President Trump the first president since Herbert Hoover whose party lost the White House, the House and the Senate in one term. And plenty of Republicans blamed Trump for the Democrats’ success in Georgia.
Trump’s own defeat means the GOP has failed to get a majority of votes in seven of the last eight presidential elections.
Now, Trump leaves office as the only president to be impeached twice, and the House vote against Trump over the Capitol insurrection marked the most bipartisan impeachment in U.S. history.
Don’t Miss: How Did Republicans Gain Control Of Southern Governments
Republicans Need To Get Rid Of Mike Lindell
Clueless Mike Lindell caused President Donald John Trump to LOSE Minnesota in a landslide, not win.For the future of the Republican Party, he needs to be ditched. Plus, his own character is quite poor…
Religion And The Belief In God Is Vital To A Strong Nation
Republicans are generally accepting only of the Judeo-Christian belief system. For most Republicans, religion is absolutely vital in their political beliefs and the two cannot be separated. Therefore, separation of church and state is not that important to them. In fact, they believe that much of what is wrong has been caused by too much secularism.
Those are the four basic Republican tenets: small government, local control, the power of free markets, and Christian authority. Below are other things they believe that derive from those four ideas.
Recommended Reading: Why Do Republicans Really Want To Repeal Obamacare
Biden Is An Elusive Target
Republicans have had little success demonizing Biden with independent voters because so many people feel they know him, analysts said.
The president has been a fixture in American politics for more than a half-century. A senator from Delaware for more than three decades, Biden participated in many high-profile hearings and congressional debates. He served eight years as vice president to President Barack Obama.
After winning the Democratic nomination for president last year, Biden;racked up more than 80 million votes to unseat Trump despite Trump and his Republican allies lobbing constant allegations of malfeasance against Biden and his son;Hunter, as well as attacks on Biden’s fitness to hold office.;
Some of those attacks have continued into the Biden presidency;but;to little avail.
An average of polls compiled by Real Clear Politics gives Biden an average job approval rating of 54.2%.
The underlying data in those polls shows a common theme: Republicans tend not to like Biden, and Democrats support him strongly, including those who backed more liberal candidates such as Bernie Sanders in last year’s primaries.;
Americans have a generally positive view of the president who casts himself as the product of a working-class environment in Scranton, Pennsylvania, a practical politician willing to work with Republicans on legislation to help Americans.
What Do Republicans Believe In
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Do all Republicans believe the same things? Of course not. Rarely do members of a single political group agree on all issues. Even among Republicans, there are differences of opinion. As a group, they do not agree on every issue.
Some folks vote Republican because of fiscal concerns. Often, that trumps concerns they may have about social issues. Others are less interested in the fiscal position of the party. They vote they way they do because of religion. They believe Republicans are the party of morality. Some simply want less government. They believe only Republicans can solve the problem of big government. Republicans spend less . They lower taxes: some people vote for that alone.
However, the Republican Party does stand for certain things. So I’m answering with regard to the party as a whole. Call it a platform. Call them core beliefs. The vast majority of Republicans adhere to certain ideas.
So what do Republicans believe? Here are their basic tenets:
Also Check: What Year Did The Democrats And Republicans Switch
‘he’s On His Own’: Some Republicans Begin To Flee From Trump
NEW YORK President Donald Trump’s steadfast grip on Republicans in Washington is beginning to crumble, leaving him more politically isolated than at any other point in his turbulent administration.
After riling up a crowd that later staged a violent siege of the U.S. Capitol, Trump appears to have lost some of his strongest allies, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Two Cabinet members and at least a half dozen aides have resigned. A handful of congressional Republicans are openly considering whether to join a renewed push for impeachment.
One GOP senator who has split with Trump in the past called on him to resign and questioned whether she would stay in the party.
I want him out, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska told The Anchorage Daily News. “He has caused enough damage.
The insurrection on the heels of a bruising election loss in Georgia accomplished what other low points in Trump’s presidency did not: force Republicans to fundamentally reassess their relationship with a leader who has long abandoned tradition and decorum. The result could reshape the party, threatening the influence that Trump craves while creating a divide between those in Washington and activists in swaths of the country where the president is especially popular.
President-elect Joe Biden isn’t putting his weight behind the effort yet, suggesting there’s not enough time between now and his Jan. 20 inauguration to pursue impeachment or any other constitutional remedy.
There Arent Real Forces Within The Gop Leading Change
There is some appetite for change within the GOP. In those 2024 polls, at least a third of Republicans either were supporting a GOP presidential candidate other than Trump or were undecided.;
In YouGov Blues polling, only about 40 percent of Republicans identified themselves as Trump Republicans. A recent survey from Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, a GOP-leaning firm that worked on Trumps presidential campaigns, found that about 40 percent of Republican voters didnt want Trump to continue to be a leader in the party. Those numbers dont necessarily mean that those voters want the GOP to change drastically. But there is a substantial number of Trump-skeptical/ready-to-move-on-from-Trump Republican voters. But that sentiment isnt really showing up in the Republican Partys actions during the last three months basically everything GOP officials in states and in Washington are doing lines up with the Trumpian approach. So what gives?;
related:Why The Recent Violence Against Asian Americans May Solidify Their Support Of Democrats Read more. »
It is hard to see Republicans changing course, even if a meaningful minority of voters in the party wants changes, without some elite institutions and powerful people in the party pushing a new vision. And its hard to see real anti-Trumpism forces emerging in the GOP right now.;
Also Check: How Many Registered Democrats And Republicans Are There
0 notes
statetalks · 3 years
How To Get Rid Of Republicans
Opinion: Almost Half Of Republicans Admit Theyre Ready To Ditch Democracy
Getting Rid of the GOP RINOs
Almost half of Republicans are now saying the quiet part out loud: Theyd prefer to ditch this whole democracy thing.
So finds CBS News-YouGov polling conducted in mid-May. The survey asked Republicans a series of questions about the required level of fealty to former president Donald Trump, their views of the 2020 election and priorities for the party going forward.
The results were bleak.
Two-thirds said it was important for Republicans to be loyal to Donald Trump now. The same share said they did not believe President Biden was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. recent assertion that I dont think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.)
But the most troubling results came from a question about the partys best strategy for winning in 2022 and 2024. If you were consulting for the party, respondents were asked, would you focus on developing a message and popular policies and ideas to win over more voters? Or would you prioritize changes to the voting rules in states and districts?
A whopping 47 percent chose the latter option. In other words, nearly half of those who still identify as Republicans appear to have given up on a key premise of democracy: that you earn the right to govern by proposing ideas that appeal to a majority of the public. Theyd prefer to short-circuit that process and,instead, make it harder for their opponents to vote.
So much for party of ideas, as the GOP once called itself.
Read more:
Trump Tells Republicans To Get Rid Of Rinos
Former President Donald Trump delivered a fiery speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday. The speech will be seen by many as the first step towards a 2024 comeback, especially given his bold call to action.
Trump called on GOP voters to remove renegade legislators who threaten to split the party.
President Trump vows vengeance on those who betrayed him.
David J Harris Jr
President Trump might have lost the election, but he still enjoys record levels of support among Republican voters and more people turned out to back him than any other GOP candidate in history. On Sunday, he warned the party that RINO lawmakers are threatening to spread division in a party that, at the grassroots level, is united.
The only division is between a handful of Washington, DC, establishment political hacks, Trump said, after naming 17 turncoats who opposed his presidency or voted with the Democrats to impeach him.
Trump ended on an upbeat note, promising to support strong, tough, and smart Republican candidates who can create an effective and united political machine to take on the Democrats.
Thousands Of Voting Rights Advocates Are Rallying Across The Country Saturday To Call For Sweeping Protections Against A Further Erosion Of The Voting Rights Act Of 1965
Article bookmarked
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile
Thousands of voting rights advocates rallied across the country Saturday to call for sweeping federal laws that would wipe out voting restrictions advancing in some Republican-controlled states that could make it harder to cast a ballot.
Many activists view the fight over voting rules as the civil rights issue of the era. But frustrations have mounted for months because two expansive election bills have stalled in the U.S. Senate, which is split evenly between Democrats and Republicans and the measures lack the votes to overcome a GOP blockade.
The rallies, which were held in dozens of cities, were intended to increase pressure on Democrats to rewrite procedural rules that would allow Democrats to muscle the legislation through without Republican votes. But they were also aimed at coaxing President Joe Biden to become a more forceful advocate on the issue.
You said the night you won that Black America had your back, and that you were going to have Black Americans backs, the Rev. Al Sharpton, who helped organize the national demonstrations, said at a rally in Washington Well, Mr. President, theyre stabbing us in the back.
More than a thousand people turned out in sweltering heat on the National Mall on Saturday, the 58th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have Dream speech.
Recommended Reading: Did Trump Call Republicans Stupid In 1998
Homosexuals Do Not Deserve Equal Rights
This comes from their religious beliefs, which form the basis for a lot of policy. Republicans believe that homosexuality is a choice and, as such, gay people should not be acknowledged in the same way as other groups. Therefore, according to a Republican, homosexuals should not be allowed to marry, nor should they be allowed to adopt children.
House Gop Leader Says He Backs Ousting Cheney From No 3 Job
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WASHINGTON Top House Republican Kevin McCarthy on Sunday publicly endorsed Rep. Elise Stefanik for the post of No. 3 leader, cementing party support of the Donald Trump loyalist over Rep. Liz Cheney, an outspoken critic of the former president for promoting discredited claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
House Republicans could vote as early as Wednesday to remove Cheney, the highest-ranking woman in the Republican leadership and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, and replace her with Stefanik, whose ascension has received Trumps backing.
Asked in an interview on Fox News Channels Sunday Morning Futures whether he supported Stefanik, R-N.Y., for the job of Republican Conference chair, McCarthy responded: Yes, I do.
We want to be united in moving forward, and I think that is what will take place, he said in response to a question about whether he had the votes to oust Cheney, R-Wyo.
McCarthy said the leadership post must focus on a message day in and day out on what he said were the problems of the Biden administration.
You May Like: Why Did Democrats And Republicans Switch
American Democracy Is At Risk From Trump And The Republicans What Can Be Done
The Capitol attack was a warning: US democracy is at risk. To fix the system before the 2022 midterms, two steps have to be enacted
Academics rarely agree about the big issues, and generally hesitate to enter the political fray by signing collective public statements. Yet a few days ago, more than 100 leading scholars of democracy endorsed a remarkable Statement of Concern, which I also signed, warning about grave threats to American democracy and the deterioration of US elections.
We urge members of Congress to do whatever is necessary including suspending the filibuster in order to pass national voting and election administration standards that both guarantee the vote to all Americans equally, and prevent state legislatures from manipulating the rules in order to manufacture the result they want. Our democracy is fundamentally at stake. History will judge what we do at this moment.
Why the alarm? Is this warranted?
On 14 December 2020, after courts litigated challenges and all 50 states certified the count, the electoral college formally declared the defeat of Donald Trump. Most assumed that the peaceful and orderly transition in power would follow, following historical traditions for over 200 years. Instead, the world was shocked to witness the violent Capitol insurrection on 6 January, triggering five deaths, 140 people injured and more than 400 arrests.
What is to be done?
The Ridiculous Reasons Some Republicans Want To Get Rid Of Liz Cheney
No one is in a hotter seat in today’s Republican Party than Liz Cheney.
The Wyoming Republican, who is the third-ranking member of House Republican leadership, was not-so-subtly called out by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy earlier this week at a GOP retreat in Orlando, Florida.
“There’s a responsibility, if you’re gonna be in leadership, leaders eat last,” McCarthy said. “And when leaders try to go out, and not work as one team, it creates difficulties.” When asked whether Cheney was still a “good fit” for the leadership team, McCarthy responded, “That’s a question for the conference,” Punchbowl News’ Jake Sherman reported Tuesday.
Hours later, former President Donald Trump sounded off on Cheney. Here’s some of what the 45th president had to say:
“Liz Cheney is polling sooo low in Wyoming, and has sooo little support, even from the Wyoming Republican Party, that she is looking for a way out of her Congressional race. Based on all polling, there is no way she can win. She’ll either be yet another lobbyist or maybe embarrass her family by running for President, in order to save face.”
What, you might ask, has Cheney done to deserve such opprobrium? Well, let’s take a closer look.
Video: What Liz Cheney has figured out about Donald Trump
1. She condemned Trump for inciting a riot at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Whoa boy! Pretty radical! And not at all conservative!
Except, wait.
Read Also: How Many Seats Do Republicans Have In The Senate
These Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump
The Republican fault lines go in every direction: between the grassroots and the establishment, between big donors and aspiring presidential candidates, between House leaders and Senate leaders.
Republican pollster Frank Luntz says he has seen intraparty battles before, “but this one is so deep and so polarizing and people are so passionate about it I don’t know how you heal it. I don’t know how you bring these people together.”
The biggest internal division right now, says Luntz, is between Republicans who voted for impeachment and voters who opposed it. He found in research this week that 43% of Trump voters say they would definitely vote against any lawmaker who supports impeachment.
“That makes it impossible for Republicans to put together a majority by 2022, and in fact, that’s a direct threat to the existence of the Republican Party overall,” Luntz said.
Republicans Wonder How And If They Can Pull The Party Back Together
How Republicans Will Get Rid of Robert Mueller
President Trump speaks to supporters on Jan. 6 before pro-Trump extremists launched a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. Trump’s role in encouraging the siege over false claims of election fraud has hardened divisions in the Republican Party.hide caption
toggle caption
President Trump speaks to supporters on Jan. 6 before pro-Trump extremists launched a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. Trump’s role in encouraging the siege over false claims of election fraud has hardened divisions in the Republican Party.
In a matter of hours on Jan. 6, the Republican Party went from shrugging off its loss of the White House to a party in crisis.
It was becoming clear just before the violent insurrection at the Capitol that the party had lost two Senate runoff elections in Georgia, making President Trump the first president since Herbert Hoover whose party lost the White House, the House and the Senate in one term. And plenty of Republicans blamed Trump for the Democrats’ success in Georgia.
Trump’s own defeat means the GOP has failed to get a majority of votes in seven of the last eight presidential elections.
Now, Trump leaves office as the only president to be impeached twice, and the House vote against Trump over the Capitol insurrection marked the most bipartisan impeachment in U.S. history.
Don’t Miss: How Did Republicans Gain Control Of Southern Governments
Republicans Need To Get Rid Of Mike Lindell
Clueless Mike Lindell caused President Donald John Trump to LOSE Minnesota in a landslide, not win.For the future of the Republican Party, he needs to be ditched. Plus, his own character is quite poor…
Religion And The Belief In God Is Vital To A Strong Nation
Republicans are generally accepting only of the Judeo-Christian belief system. For most Republicans, religion is absolutely vital in their political beliefs and the two cannot be separated. Therefore, separation of church and state is not that important to them. In fact, they believe that much of what is wrong has been caused by too much secularism.
Those are the four basic Republican tenets: small government, local control, the power of free markets, and Christian authority. Below are other things they believe that derive from those four ideas.
Recommended Reading: Why Do Republicans Really Want To Repeal Obamacare
Biden Is An Elusive Target
Republicans have had little success demonizing Biden with independent voters because so many people feel they know him, analysts said.
The president has been a fixture in American politics for more than a half-century. A senator from Delaware for more than three decades, Biden participated in many high-profile hearings and congressional debates. He served eight years as vice president to President Barack Obama.
After winning the Democratic nomination for president last year, Biden;racked up more than 80 million votes to unseat Trump despite Trump and his Republican allies lobbing constant allegations of malfeasance against Biden and his son;Hunter, as well as attacks on Biden’s fitness to hold office.;
Some of those attacks have continued into the Biden presidency;but;to little avail.
An average of polls compiled by Real Clear Politics gives Biden an average job approval rating of 54.2%.
The underlying data in those polls shows a common theme: Republicans tend not to like Biden, and Democrats support him strongly, including those who backed more liberal candidates such as Bernie Sanders in last year’s primaries.;
Americans have a generally positive view of the president who casts himself as the product of a working-class environment in Scranton, Pennsylvania, a practical politician willing to work with Republicans on legislation to help Americans.
What Do Republicans Believe In
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Do all Republicans believe the same things? Of course not. Rarely do members of a single political group agree on all issues. Even among Republicans, there are differences of opinion. As a group, they do not agree on every issue.
Some folks vote Republican because of fiscal concerns. Often, that trumps concerns they may have about social issues. Others are less interested in the fiscal position of the party. They vote they way they do because of religion. They believe Republicans are the party of morality. Some simply want less government. They believe only Republicans can solve the problem of big government. Republicans spend less . They lower taxes: some people vote for that alone.
However, the Republican Party does stand for certain things. So I’m answering with regard to the party as a whole. Call it a platform. Call them core beliefs. The vast majority of Republicans adhere to certain ideas.
So what do Republicans believe? Here are their basic tenets:
Also Check: What Year Did The Democrats And Republicans Switch
‘he’s On His Own’: Some Republicans Begin To Flee From Trump
NEW YORK President Donald Trump’s steadfast grip on Republicans in Washington is beginning to crumble, leaving him more politically isolated than at any other point in his turbulent administration.
After riling up a crowd that later staged a violent siege of the U.S. Capitol, Trump appears to have lost some of his strongest allies, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Two Cabinet members and at least a half dozen aides have resigned. A handful of congressional Republicans are openly considering whether to join a renewed push for impeachment.
One GOP senator who has split with Trump in the past called on him to resign and questioned whether she would stay in the party.
I want him out, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska told The Anchorage Daily News. “He has caused enough damage.
The insurrection on the heels of a bruising election loss in Georgia accomplished what other low points in Trump’s presidency did not: force Republicans to fundamentally reassess their relationship with a leader who has long abandoned tradition and decorum. The result could reshape the party, threatening the influence that Trump craves while creating a divide between those in Washington and activists in swaths of the country where the president is especially popular.
President-elect Joe Biden isn’t putting his weight behind the effort yet, suggesting there’s not enough time between now and his Jan. 20 inauguration to pursue impeachment or any other constitutional remedy.
There Arent Real Forces Within The Gop Leading Change
There is some appetite for change within the GOP. In those 2024 polls, at least a third of Republicans either were supporting a GOP presidential candidate other than Trump or were undecided.;
In YouGov Blues polling, only about 40 percent of Republicans identified themselves as Trump Republicans. A recent survey from Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, a GOP-leaning firm that worked on Trumps presidential campaigns, found that about 40 percent of Republican voters didnt want Trump to continue to be a leader in the party. Those numbers dont necessarily mean that those voters want the GOP to change drastically. But there is a substantial number of Trump-skeptical/ready-to-move-on-from-Trump Republican voters. But that sentiment isnt really showing up in the Republican Partys actions during the last three months basically everything GOP officials in states and in Washington are doing lines up with the Trumpian approach. So what gives?;
related:Why The Recent Violence Against Asian Americans May Solidify Their Support Of Democrats Read more. »
It is hard to see Republicans changing course, even if a meaningful minority of voters in the party wants changes, without some elite institutions and powerful people in the party pushing a new vision. And its hard to see real anti-Trumpism forces emerging in the GOP right now.;
Also Check: How Many Registered Democrats And Republicans Are There
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-to-get-rid-of-republicans/
0 notes
neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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