#kira tag 💕
hopecomesbacktolife · 1 year
where’s that one post (maybe a tweet from a few years ago? I’m not sure) that’s like
“women if you ever feel down about yourself or your appearance as you age just remember that somewhere out there a 20-something lesbian is getting heart palpitations at the thought of kissing your hand”
because like my god it’s so true
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cherriegyuu · 2 months
asellus australis | jww | part 1
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pairing: wonwoo x f!reader genre: fluff, romance, idiots to lovers word count: 6k summary: Wonwoo couldn’t possibly be the only person living in Sydney who didn’t know how to swim, so he reluctantly says yes to the lessons his friends signed him up for. When he learns that you are his instructor, he figures learning how to swim as an adult isn’t all that embarrassing after all warnings: fear of water, mentions of drowning a/n: this is part of the @svthub 2024 world tour collab. please head there to check out other fics under this collab. if you enjoyed reading, please reblog and leave a comment, it really does mean the world to me and i would love to know your thoughts. thank you! 💕
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It was the kids' laughter that brought your mind out of its newest daydream. It was hard to keep yourself focused on what was happening right in front of you rather than on what had already happened. It was a new feeling and so completely out of character for you. 
A couple of weeks had gone by since you attended a certain party, one you didn’t want to go to. You were too tired from the week and there was a little hint of emotional exhaustion to put yourself through a situation where everything would eventually turn out to be too much. 
It had been so easy to find a quiet place further in at the back, away from all the people and their noisiness. There was only so much music and chatter you could block out just by standing away though.
You sipped your drink, something sweet and fruity Kira had gotten you before drifting off to wherever she wanted to go. It was somewhat frustrating to have gone there because of her and having her pull away from you the second you got there. But at the same time, you understood why she did it. Whoever her new crush was, he was at the party, which meant that she saw an opportunity. Kira was never one to be at a party by herself, and unfortunately, Nina had a better excuse to not be there than “I’m tired”, so you had to be the one to tag along. Though it wasn’t entirely too bad, it was a little boring. 
And then he showed up. 
You had never seen him before, which considering that you didn’t know a single person at the party wasn’t surprising at all. You knew Kira and maybe a couple of others in passing. You made a mental note to ask her how she found out at that party. 
There was no way for you to look away from him. It was like there was this spotlight on him, just on him, making everyone else around pale. 
Somehow he had ended up by your side, claiming to also be running away from his friends and the noise. 
“This isn’t really my scene,” he said “I don’t even know how they managed to drag me out here, to be honest”
You blushed a little when he looked at you, a smile wide on his face. It was enough to make your heart skip a beat. 
“I’m Wonwoo”, his hand stretched out while his left one adjusted the glasses in his nose. 
You let your hand be wrapped by his. You had never felt quite that shy before while meeting someone. Usually, you were the talkative one. 
“I wasn’t supposed to come out tonight” you admitted “but I’m kind of glad I did”
Was that possibly crossing a line? You weren’t sure, it probably was but early that morning you read that you should be more open to relationships in whichever format they came from, the reason why you didn’t even try to stop Kira from dragging to the party. 
A long time had gone by since you felt anything similar while talking to someone — especially since using the word talking seemed to be a little much considering you had barely exchanged a few words. Wonwoo had your undivided attention from the moment he walked in. 
Wonwoo simply smiled at you again and looked up at the sky. The sun had long set and in its place the most beautiful full moon lit up the sky, accompanied by the countless shining stars. 
“There’s so many stars tonight,” you said and almost kicked yourself for it. 
It was probably the worst way you could have started a conversation with a guy. You half expected him to answer you at all, a nod or a hm, at best. 
“Did you know,” his words were almost shy, his delicious low voice dropping even lower, almost as if he was telling you a secret “that the stars have colors?”
His voice was so quiet while he spoke, his eyes still focused on the sky above. Wonwoo clasped his hands together, his knuckles turning white while he put way too much strength into something that needed none.
“Really?” you looked up for a second before turning your full attention back to his profile “I thought it was just some sort of optical illusion”
He turned to you then, his full attention on you as you waited for him to speak again. It was an odd feeling, for him to have someone interested in whatever he was saying.
“Yeah, there’s a few. Blue, white, yellow, orange, and red” he made a fist between the two of you, raising a finger every time he said a different color “The color depends on the temperature and life cycle”
Maybe you didn’t mean to, or perhaps you did, but you leaned your body a little to the left, your knee touching his.
“I had no idea”
He looked at you, slightly surprised that you were suddenly so close to him but smiled at you all the same.
“You can’t see the colors when you look at the sky?” his eyebrows were slightly raised, lips in a mix of a pout and a smile. 
You pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth in hopes that it could make you stop from inching forward and pressing them against his. If you were in his place you’d probably run away screaming “crazy” at the top of your lungs”
“I mean, I can, I just didn't think the star had actual colors. I guess I just always assumed it was all silver”
Wonwoo laughed, his nose wrinkling in the most adorable way possible. 
You were talking with him for a couple of hours, the most casual kind of conversation and it was probably the most fun you had in a long time at one of those parties. Not that you didn’t have fun. Nina and Kira were always fun to be around and it was something you always said yes to, being around them. But with Wonwoo it was just a different kind of fun. Usually, when guys approach you at parties the conversations always remain the same, and it was always made to make them look larger than life. 
Wonwoo however seemed to be much more interested in talking about the sky and the moon and the stars — “did you know that the moon moves away further from the earth every year? — and while you were aware that some of it was just to prove himself as smart, you found it cute and at times, even endearing. 
He seemed somewhat passionate about what he was talking about to the point where you could just stand there and look at him without ever getting bored. His voice, low when he had first sat by your side, had gone up a few notes, maybe partially because of the music around you, but you had a feeling that it was because he was just getting excited about what he was talking about. 
“I never saw you before at one of these,” you said
Wonwoo took a long sip of his drink, you weren’t sure of what it was but it wasn’t the cheap beer that was in your cup. 
“I don’t come to these often, my friends” he pointed at where the rest of the people were and you had no real way of finding out who his friends were “finally managed to drag me out. I would have stayed at the office if they didn’t”
It was a redo of the conversation you had before but you didn’t mind in the least, not when you could feel his warm breath at the top of your cheeks as he leaned down to talk to you. Slightly, you turn your head to him and for a moment you thought about just typing your head up slightly, just enough to reach his lips. 
“What do you do for a living?”
Wonwoo cleared his throat, his eyes moving from your eyes to your lips. He did that maybe a couple of times before he finally, finally, leaned in. And it was like little bells of you started to play inside your head. It was perfect for all of two seconds, his lips pressed over yours, soft and warm, his hand at the back of your neck pulling your face closer to his before someone screamed your name at the top of their lungs. 
He pulled away from you immediately and you honestly wanted to cry. The kiss had only lasted a brief second but you didn’t want it to end.
Kira was suddenly by your side, a look of complete desperation in her eyes. 
“We have to go
Before she even finished her sentence you were already up. You looked at Wonwoo quickly, hoping that he could see how sorry you were when you ran out. 
Looking back you wished you could have remembered to ask for his number before you left, or for him to ask for yours. But all of it had happened way too quickly that it had never crossed.
Ever since that night had been stuck in your mind, you couldn’t stop thinking about Wonwoo or the kiss. It was like your mind was in this infinite looping playing that one moment.
“The new guy is here,” Jinah said, Laughing a little.
You looked where she was pointing and couldn't help the low laugh that escaped your lips. Three guys were walking towards you. Maybe walking was a bit too strong a word, one of them was being pushed by the other two.
“We're already here,” the shorter one said, exasperated “You just have to go there and learn”
“You know, this is a terrible idea” the one who was being pushed said.
It was as if you had been transported back to that day at the party. It was precisely the voice you wanted to hear but had no real way of hearing.
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Your voice was one that Wonwoo didn't expect to hear any time soon, or maybe ever again. After that day when he left the party in a hurry, without giving the slightest explanation, Wonwoo was sure he would never see you again. Sydney was far from a small town and he wasn't the biggest party-goer who had ever set foot on this earth, he knew that the chances of running into you again were slim to none.
But somehow, you were right there in front of him.
He had thought many times about what he would say if he saw you again if he was that lucky. Everything that had gone through his head had seemed wrong and now that you were in a place where he could see you, nothing came to mind. It was as if he had momentarily forgotten all the words he had learned throughout his life. That all the years he had spent trapped in an educational institution hadn't taught him anything.
Ever since that night, Wonwoo couldn't stop thinking about you. It didn’t matter what he did, however, he tried to think of other things or other people and focus on work. You were always there, in the back of his mind. He had never done anything quite like that before. 
That wasn’t to say that he had never had a girlfriend. He had, a few of them throughout his life but it never happened quite that fast and it was never quite life-altering. Sure, he had met a girl once at one of the many events he attended as part of his job and she had stayed in his mind for a couple of hours, but never days like it happened with you. 
And when he started to babble about the moon and the stars, because he had gotten nervous, you didn’t seem to mind. Instead, you gave him your full attention, seemingly inserted in what he was saying. But then suddenly you were gone and he didn’t even have the chance to ask for your number or anything that he could use to find you again. 
Wonwoo had been certain that you would, somehow, be the one who got away and yet there you were, in shorts and a black swimsuit with the logo he saw outside. 
He hated the word destiny, but maybe there was some of it sprinkled in seeing you again. 
Wonwoo’s voice came out a little louder than usual, making his friends turn to him with furrowed eyebrows. Soonyoung looked utterly confused while Jihoon just did his best to suppress the laugh that was bubbling inside his chest. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you again,” you said, smiling brightly at him. 
Wonwoo was completely caught off guard when you took a step forward and wrapped your arms around his shoulder. It only lasted a second and it wasn’t enough for him to react and hug you back. 
Your cheeks had a light pink on them as you stepped back. He smiled once he noticed that your hand was balled into fists. 
“Sorry, my mom is a hugger so I just sort of hug people sometimes” you were quick to explain, waving your hands in front of yourself. 
You closed your eyes tightly, your cheeks getting even redder. Wonwoo thought that you looked cute that night at the party, but this version in front of him was much cuter. He pressed his lips together, trying not to smile too big. 
“Do I get a hug too?”
Soonyoung took a step forward, arms wide open, smile so big that Wonwoo wasn’t even sure his friend could see anything at all. Thankfully Jihoon was quick enough to pull him back and angry enough to hit him in the back of the head. 
You took another step back and raised your index finger at him. Your reaction alone was enough to pull an honest laugh out of Wonwoo. You seemed horrified by the idea which made him think that your earlier allegation of being a hugger was probably a lie. 
“How dense are you?” Jihoon whispered and shouted at Soonyoung. 
You lightly shook your head, maybe trying to shake off any sort of dizziness, before smiling again. 
“Which one of you is the one taking lessons?”
In the queue, Wonwoo felt two sets of hands at his back, pushing him forward. Both of his friends were holding back giggles. 
He had hated the idea of taking swimming lessons as an adult. His friends were irreducible in his learning though so he eventually just caved and did as they wanted. However, all of the cells in his body that were against it dissolved the second he saw you. Now, learning didn’t seem all that bad or all that weird. 
“Great! I need you to follow me to the back if that’s okay?” you pointed over your shoulder with your thumb “You need to fill out a form before we can get started”
Wonwoo nodded and followed you. He was naive enough to look back at his friends once and he was glad that you didn’t do the same. Jihoon was giving him a thumbs up, a weird-looking smile on his face, while Soonyoung would be screaming if he could, if not for the hand covering his mouth. 
He loved his friends, he really did, they were one of the reasons why Wonwoo even had any kind of social life, and they were there for him whenever he needed them, even if he just wanted to complain about something — Soonyoung was especially good at hating someone he had never met before just because Wonwoo complained once about said, person. 
In silence, he followed you to the back, eyes focused on your back. He had to force his eyes to stay on the back of your neck and not on the way your hips swayed deliciously from side to side while you walked. 
You sat down on one of the tables and smiled sweetly at the receptionist who handed you a sheet and a pen. You slid the paper across to Wonwoo, followed by the pen.  
“While you fill that out, I’m going to ask you a couple of questions”
Wonwoo was never that great at multitasking, so he was sure that he would either write his information down or he would talk with you. If he did do two things at once, most likely both of them would be half-assed. 
“Why are you taking swimming lessons?”
He paused writing and looked at you. It made sense that that was your first question, he would just like it if it wasn’t on the list. 
“I don’t know how to swim, so my friends thought that it was good a idea to sign me up for lessons”
You smiled and nodded at him, not a hint of judgment in your eyes. It was new. When he told people that he didn’t know how to swim people usually looked at him like he had four sets of arms, it was almost like the look one got when one heard that they could ride a bike. 
“Can you float on your back?”
He simply shook his head and kept writing his information down. It didn’t go unnoticed to Wonwoo how you pursed your lips together and tilted your head to the side. 
“Do you feel comfortable in the water at all?” you asked, slightly confused. 
Wonwoo set down the paper and pen, now fully looking at you. He wanted to avoid the conversation, yes, but he knew if there was one place he had to be honest, it was there, with you. 
“I’m not the biggest fan of water,” he said, voice low matching how his eyes were kept on the table the entire time. 
When Wonwoo was a kid, while on a trip to the beach with his parents, he was playing in the water when a wave forcefully took him away. He had tried to scream for help but instead of pushing his voice out, all he did was pull water into his lungs. According to his parents, the moment didn’t last for more than a few seconds but it was enough for him to never want to do anything with the water again.
It wasn’t a problem to be at a pool, like the one he was in, as long as his feet could touch the floor and he had enough space between where the water ended and his head. But he had never been to the beach again. Not that his friends hadn’t tried to convince him to go to the beach, just to feel the sand between his toes, they never even mentioned the idea of getting in the water. But Wonwoo refused every single time. 
Why would he go to a place that only brought him bad memories when he could simply pretend that synch place didn’t even exist in the first place? Of course, living in Sydney posed as a minor problem to that plan, but it had never stopped him before. 
And yet, somehow, he found himself in front of you, asking for swimming lessons. The fact that it was you made him somehow calmer if such a thing was even possible. 
“Can you get into the water or is that something we need to work on?” Wonwoo looked up at you, eyebrows furrowed “Some people come here and they have a rough time getting into the water, so it’s something we have to work slowly on. Is that the case with you?”
“Oh, no” he shook his head “I can get into the water just fine”
You smiled at him while you looked at his information. Wonwoo felt his insides twist a little when your smile slowly dropped. 
“Is everything okay?”
Your eyes left the paper for a second and you smiled again.
“Everything is fine” you put the paper on the table again, now fully ignoring it “Should we get started?”
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“He is a cancer!” you wailed, dropping your head on the back of the couch. 
Of course, it made absolute sense that the most dreamy and perfect guy you had ever met, was a cancer. Of course! 
“What is she on about?” Kira asked, making a weird face. 
Nina simply sighed and nudged you, placing the wine glass into your hands
“It’s the guy from the party,” you said, sipping the wine “He came in today to take lessons and I saw his birthday. He’s a cancer”
Both of them nodded as if understanding what you were saying, but you knew that they couldn’t care less about it. Between the three of you, you were the only one who cared about star signs. You were always one to simply look into it once and let it go. It usually gives you a way to understand someone better. And while it could just be some harmless fun, you know yourself well enough to know that something you let get a little too much into your head. 
And you see, Wonwoo is a cancer, which in itself it’s not a real issue. Cancer men are known to be caring, loyal, and protective, all of which are great treats when you are in a relationship with someone, their groundedness is highly incompatible with Sagittarius women. They usually enjoy their time at home and are more on the introverted side. 
“Are you going to treat that as a problem?”
Nina had her eyebrow raised so high you were sure that if she pushed up a little more she’d be able to touch her hairline. 
“We are incompatible!” you cried, drinking the rest of the wine.
Both of your friends looked at you, knowing that the conversation would probably lead you to drink a little more than you needed, which in return would cause them problems. Truth be told you weren’t the best drinker out of the three of you. You were the worst of your group, to the point you avoided drinking out, but in the comfort of your home — or this case, Kira’s home — all bets were in and you could be as much of a bad drinking as you wanted to be. 
“You can’t let sun signs, moon signs, whatever it’s called, rule your relationship, babe,” Kira said, her voice sounding a lot like the one she usually used on the kids she teaches.
Kira was a kindergarten teacher, a real hero if you knew what one of those looked like
“Remember how you were over the moon after the party? You couldn’t stop talking about him and we all know that if you can’t stop talking, it also means that he was constantly in your mind as well”
Her tone was almost mocking you. The thing is your friends knew you, sometimes, better than you knew yourself.
“Do you remember Ben? He was a cancer” you said trying to prove a point, but knowing fully well that it meant nothing at all. Wonwoo and Ben couldn’t possibly be more different, even just at first glance. 
“Ben stole money from your wallet, used your card to his heart’s content, and then fled, making you pay for everything he ever bought. I’m sure Wonwoo is nothing like that”
You narrowed your eyes at her. She was defending Wonwoo a little too much. You knew Kira’s thoughts on your zodiac obsession and she was always quick to shut it down, but this time around, the way she was defending a man she had maybe seen for 5 seconds was a little suspicious.
“I agree with Kira,” Nina said, eyes still on her phone “Ben was a dick but Wonwoo might not be one. You said he was sweet at the party. Sorry I sort of ruined it for you that night”
Your friend smiled at you, her eyes a little sad. Nina had been the reason why Kira pulled you out of the party that night. She had been traveling for work and was in a car accident on the road on her way back to Sydney. She was fine, with no life-threatening wounds, but she was very nervous, understandably so. She was still insecure about being on the road again, but you were sure that she just needed a little more time. 
“It’s fine” You wrapped her shoulders with your arms, pulling her closer to you “No boy in the world is more important than you”
Your mind went back to the party and the way you felt that night, how you’d have stayed there the entire night with him unless you were pulled away — which eventually happened. Wonwoo talked about the moon and stars and you were that if he ever told you that he was the one responsible for hanging them up in the sky you would have probably believed him. 
“You’re so corny sometimes” She pushed you with her shoulder but made no real attempt to move away from you.
“You love me, so
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“I guess the swimming lessons are much more interesting now, right?” Soonyoung teased Wonwoo.
Wonwoo simply rolled his eyes and kept his focus on the computer in front of him, making Jihoon snort by his side, which in return only made Soonyoung wine as he sat on the couch in the back of the room. Under normal circumstances, Wonwoo would probably already be home at such an hour but there were things that he needed to do if he wanted to have a truly off weekend. One when he could just focus on the lessons he was bound to have on Saturday. 
He was never one to anxiously wait for things, especially when those things had a lot to do with the water and yet there he found himself, wishing that Saturday morning came just a little faster than it usually did. 
For him, Saturdays mostly meant trying to come up with reasons as to why he wouldn’t be able to go somewhere with his friends. That was mostly Soonyoung, to be fair. His friend enjoyed being out and about, going to new places, and having new experiences. From time to time Wonwoo did too, but he liked his time alone time a little too much when it was just him and his stars. 
“It pains me to say this” Jihoon said with a sigh, almost as if he didn’t believe those words were coming out of his mouth “I agree with him. It looks a lot of fun now”
Jihoon and Soonyoung were a weird duo, that was for sure. They spent half of the time bickering like old men who have nothing else to do and the other half they were either in agreement or just pretending that the other didntdidn'tt. Somehow, it worked.
“I mean” Jihoon continued “She’s the girl from the party”
Wonwoo turned around in his chair, giving Jihoon a look with eyes wide. There was a reason why he didn’t mention you to Soonyoung, and it was quite simple: he would never hear the end of it and Soonyoung would, at the very least, contact every single person he knew at the party and ask if they knew you. His friend would stop until he found you and though seeing you again was something that he wanted, Wonwoo didn’t want to come across as someone who was desperate and maybe a little bit of a stalker. 
“What girl?”
He let his body slide down on the chair and closed his eyes. Wonwoo would never hear the end of it now with Soonyoung. 
“The party we managed to drag him to a couple of weeks ago? He met a girl there and she had to leave before he managed to ask for her number”
Another thing about the Soonyoung and Jihoon duo is that they like to gossip like teenagers. It’s the very stereotypical image of highschoolers whispering to each other in the hallways, except for the fact that they gossip about Wonwoo right in front of his face and there is nothing that he can do to just make them stop, and they haven’t been to a high school hallway in years. 
“Why didn’t I know about this?”
“Probably because you were too busy with whatever it is that makes you disappear at parties?”
The two of them exchanged a look and Wonwoo knew that they were talking without ever saying a single word. 
“So” Soonyoung turned to him again “you went to a party and talked to this girl”
“Kissed her, actually,” Jihoon said
Soonyoung’s body almost vibrated at the news and he was clapping his hands, making sounds that no human should ever be able to make. 
What is the closest emergency exit from here? Wonwoo couldn’t help but wonder. 
“This is the greatest day of my life” he laughed hysterically “You went to a party, something that on its own is already very out of character to you, you kissed a girl and now she’s your hot swimming instructor?”
He turned to Jihoon for approval, who simply nodded. 
“You should ask her out, she looked interested earlier  at the pool”
The image of you looking over his information and your smile slowly dropping came across Wonwoo’s mind and he couldn’t help but think that Soonyoung was wrong. Whatever it was that you say written there, which Wonwoo couldn’t possibly even phantom what it was considering that it was his most basic information, was enough to make you rethink something. 
“And she listed to you nerding out and still wanted to kiss you”
His mind drifted back to the night of the party. Wonwoo was certain that if you had stayed for a little longer he would have probably gotten your number and asked you out on the very next day and with some luck you would have said yes and who knew where it would go from there. 
“Oh, this just keeps getting better” Soonyoung clapped his hands.
“Again, this is very painful to say but I agree with Soonyoung, you should ask her out”
Wonwoo rolled his eyes. Jihoon talked a big game about not agreeing with Soonyoung but he always did. They were always in the same frequency of decisions and Wonwoo was usually the one who had a different opinion. 
“And maybe, who knows, she might have thought about you as much as you thought about her these past few weeks?”
Soonyoung grabbed Jihoon’s arm, his eyes wide with uncontrolled excitement.
There was something different about the way Jihoon said it as if he was in some sort of secret that Wonwoo had no idea about. Of course that was the entire purpose of a secret but it felt different. 
“If I promise to think about it, will you” Wonwoo pointed at Soonyoung “stop this weird, whatever it is?”
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Surprisingly enough, the pool was mostly empty during the weekends, hence why they usually closed at noon on Saturdays. Parents usually sent their kids during the afternoons and most adults preferred either early mornings or after hours so the weekends were usually pretty low and you’d rather be anywhere else than at work but Saturdays started to look so much better once Wonwoo’s name was written on the board, right under yours. 
After the initial minor breakdown
You sat down on the edge of the pool, your feet on the water while you waited for him. With each passing second you grew more anxious, your heart beating rapidly inside your chest in anticipation of what would happen. 
A part of you expected it to be just a regular class, with normal small talk. The other part, this one much more hopeful and highly unrealistic, hoped that you could pick up where you left off the night of the party. But the truth was that you had no idea what was about to happen. You were certain that there was a secret third option that you couldn’t see or even think of. 
You turned around when there was the distant sound of a door closing and a few seconds later Wonwoo walked in, in black swim shorts and a black t-shirt, a towel on his shoulder. He smiled at you while pushing his glasses back. 
For a moment it was like you were back at the party that night and he was all that you could see again. There wasn’t anything or anyone else there but even then the space seemed to disappear.
“Hi,” he offered once he stopped next to you. 
You got up and walked to the other side, removing your shorts and folding them over the side of a chair. Wonwoo followed suit, dropping his towel on the chair and then taking off his glasses and shirt. It took everything in you to keep quiet and not just fully ogle him. You almost had to hit your face to make yourself remember how to breathe properly again. 
"You ready?" you said without turning to him. 
The only answer Wonwoo had to give was a small ruff, in exchange for making you chuckle. Though it was funny, it was not the ideal. 
“Listen,” you turned to him, hands on your hips “If you’re uncomfortable we can reschedule or maybe not even do this at all”
Wonwoo looked at you, his eyes going a little soft as he sat down on the edge of the pool, mimicking your early stance. His eyes were focused on the water in front of him, unblinking. 
“I’m tall enough that my head will stay above water, right?” 
“Yes, you’re good until halfway”
He nodded his head, eyes until in the water. If the situation was any different you’d have cracked a joke or anything else that could somehow lighten up the mood but there was no room for that. 
“Let’s just get this over with”
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Most of the hour you spent with Wonwoo in the pool was silent. It was mostly you talking and him listening, trying — and failing — to follow your instructions. You tried to crack the occasional small talk, but he was having none of it. You couldn’t help but wonder if his lack of enthusiasm, or interest, was because he was still uncomfortable or if it was because of how you had acted when he first came by to sign up for lessons. 
It took you a few hours, and three glasses of wine, to realize that you had made a face when you saw his birthday written. And it wasn’t a nice face, you were sure you scowled at the paper. Maybe it was that moment you ruined it all between you and Wonwoo. Or maybe, he was just really unhappy. 
“Are you okay?” you asked him once again, hand on his shoulder. 
You were honestly so worried about him that it was hard to ogle him. 
“Yeah, I’m just not a big fan of water, that’s all”
This time you put both of your hands on his shoulder, turning his body fully to you.  God, he is too handsome. Forget the whole “too worried to ogle” thing. His chest, his very naked chest, was right in front of your eyes. You were only human, a human that had dreamed of the man in front of her a few too many times and none of them had been pg-13. It was fine to appreciate someone’s beauty. 
“Listen to me, you don’t need to do this, okay?”
“This is Sidney,” he said as if that was enough explanation.
The only possible reaction was to roll your eyes at him. 
“Who gives a fuck where we are in the globe? Do you go to the beach? The pool? Boats? Loves to be on airplanes who happen to fly across oceans?” when his answer to all of your questions was no you shook his shoulders a little bit “Then you have no reason to learn how to swim. Right now you’re just torturing yourself”
Wonwoo sighed and nodded, but he still looked sort of weird, if you were one to tell considering how little you knew him. You raised your eyebrows at him, hoping that it was enough to get him to talk. 
“It’s just
” he seemed to struggle to get the words out “I want to see you again”
This time you didn’t even try to suppress your smile or the butterflies in your stomach.
“You could ask for my number and ask me on a date, you know?”
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taglist: @wonwooz1-blog, @ryuwonieebae, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @ho34gojo, @feat-sun , @wonvsmile , @belladaises , @mhlsymlysn, @swinterr , @immabecreepin , @uniq-tastic , @miriamxsworld , @aaniag , @byunparklimchoi , @k-drama-adict, @maiamorrrrrrrrrr, @yeeyoo0206, @tomodachiii, @ignoretheskies , @roguesthetic , @sofix-hc7 , @scarlet789 , @pluviophile-xxx , @moonlightgleric, @r6njunlv, @mixling-blog , @cinnamongirl127, @haowonbins , @valgracia , @slut4donghyuck , @manutuankim , @shuabby1994 , @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan , @sukiscones, @plumings, @shuasdrafts , @aaa-sia , @bouclesdefeu , @dreambloomout, @hyangg11, @maewhore , @blurr3db3rry, @sea-moon-star , @roguesthetic , @writingbarnes , @strawberryroseee , @lovely-ficsfor-me, @lixisoul99, @jjeongddol , @whoa-jo , @poiibbtt , @seokqt , @itsmeaudrieee, @palmsugr , @hyneyedfiz , @babybae-shisui , @wmewtew
again, if you enjoyed reading, please reblog and leave a comment, it really does mean the world to me and i would love to know your thoughts. thank you! 💕
if you want to be tagged in my next fics, please fill out this form
if you no longer wish to tagged in my fics let me know!
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grimalkinmessor · 9 months
Mikalight for the ask game! :D
Hi Moon :D
when i started shipping it: Before I'd even finished my Death Note rewatch honestly—I only binge a max of six episodes a day so I didn't even remember what Mikami looked like when I started reading fics that mentioned him. Deadass I thought he had a moustache, I was so convinced in my old memories before I saw him on screen again 😭 BUT YES I read TrashKing's Composure before I finished the series again and found their dynamic there intriguing :3
my thoughts: They just bring a sort of Riza & Roy, Barty & Tom, Crim & Alessio, Aro & Jane vibe to the table that I really enjoy ✹ The Mastermindℱ and their feral attack dog—Light says "Bark" and Mikami goes "At what tone, pitch, and volume; poodle or rottweiler?" and that's just SO much to play with >:3 IT'S ABOUT THE SERVITUDE đŸ€ŒđŸ€Œ THE IMAGE OF LIGHT SITTING CLEAN AND ARROGANT IN HIS THRONE AND MIKAMI STANDING PROUD BESIDE HIM COVERED IN BLOOD đŸ˜©đŸ™ Mikami is Light's favorite little pet and Light is Mikami's everything.
what makes me happy about them: They are soooo unwell your honor 💕 Two freak ass nerds both thinking they're more righteous than they are. Mikami could probably snap Light in half over his knee (dude is JACKED) but he won't đŸ„° They're what I need when I want Light pampered and spoiled and getting everything he wants.
what makes me sad about them: THEIR DEATHS. DEAR GOD CANON DID THEM SO DIRTY, MIKAMI ESPECIALLY 😭😭 There is no dignity in death INDEED
things done in fanfic that annoy me: Honestly? (Don't hate me for this one Moon (⁠àč‘⁠‹⁠ïčâ â€ą)) I don't like how often L is brought up or mentioned in Mikalight fics. Like Mikami is L's replacement in Light's heart, like he sees L in Mikami—they're literally nothing alike 😭 They both have black hair but if that's the only thing you need to be L's replacement then Matsuda would make the cut. Besides; if I open a Mikalight fic, I want the focus to be on Mikami and Light :') If I wanted Lawlight I'd have gone to the Lawlight tag instead, you know?
things i look for in fic: Mikami being obsessed and Light viscerally enjoying his obsession. That's it :3 I want Mikami to be the devoted pursuer and Light to be the deity deigning to touch him out of amusement and curiosity. I like Light in control and Mikami being super horny about it ✹
who I'd be comfortable with the ending up with: For Light, I like him with pretty much everyone lol (have that man running from his harem 24/7), though L and Ryuk are definitely at the top of the list ;3 For Mikami.... it's harder, because I only like him with other people in situations where Light isn't a factor at all, such as they've never met or Light just doesn't exist. Save for maybe Near, because I think captor/captive is always a fun trope đŸ’« But with Light there (and specifically in Kira Wins AUs) I tend to like him with either Matsuda or Misa, because I can see both of those relationships turning antagonistic >:3 Mikalight is pretty much the only DN ship I have that doesn't have SOME form of chafe to it, so anything else would need to be made interesting for me to ship it.
my happily ever after for them: Kira wins, Mikami uses his eyes and tenacity to become Light's right hand man, and then they spend the rest of time being righteously evil with Light directing and Mikami wielding the scythe—which he is then reward for by Light allowing him to use his mouth and hands and sometimes cock to make his Kami-sama feel good 😌💖
who is big spoon/little spoon: TOUGH QUESTION. Because if it's in a No Death Note AU and they were both,,,normaler, I'd say Mikami. But in any other circumstance I'd say Light, if only because Mikami kneeling between his legs while Light works is practically the same thing as being the little spoon when you think about it :3
what is their favorite nonsexual activity: Not to get super soft all of a sudden, but probably talking. Mikami is canonically very intelligent as well, even if I think his smarts come more from diligent study than any born-in ability like Light's—they've probably read a lot of the same books and I imagine them sitting in comfortable quiet reading together and occasionally looking up to speak their thoughts about the book aloud, which leads them into calm but intriguing discussions. When they're not being murderous psychos, I think they're both actually quite calm and content people, so things like going for a morning run, drinking coffee together, and reading in the same room are definitely their favorite moments otherwise 💗
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archeryqueen95 · 9 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Thank you so much for tagging me @narcobarbies!! đŸ’•đŸ„°đŸ’•đŸ„°đŸ’•đŸ„°
Share 10 Different Favorite Characters from Ten Different Pieces of Media in a particular order, then 10 people *including book characters*
1. Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries)
2. Prudence Blackwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
3. Iris West (The Flash)
4. Kira Yukimura (Teen Wolf)
5. Maggie Vera (Charmed)
6. Toni Topaz (Riverdale)
7. Rochelle Zimmerman (The Craft)
8. Bianca Barclay (Wednesday)
9. Inej Ghafa (Shadow and Bone)
10. Lacey Porter (Twisted) or Ginny Baker (Pitch)
11. Michiko Malandro (Michiko & Hatchin)
12. Eun Dan Oh (Extraordinary You)
I'm going to be tagging (No Pressure!) I Love Y'all!!!: @cmcclain001 @5tar1117 @evilgeniusandcats @untilspringdays   @madeofsaltiness @seungkwan-s @syeiralei @hadesmalum @unica-angel @thenerdybonbon @laymedead @to1gf @stardustspell @atinystraykid @xandis @baekhyunsbambi @siyeona @blackinkedobsession @mars-aria @iamcon-fu-sion @negrowhat @saudadewrites @sweetcantae @cozygurlll @ravensfreckles @six2vii @dreamsxannie @astarkey @youremysputnik @sinpiesinpie @lovwonho @bajablasts @bxrn-thxs-wxy-90five @lonesplendour   @inlove-withfrogs @hydesjackiespuddinpop @soolucky @ijkailm @trashlord-007 @cakeandcloth @lunaintheskyforever @aengustheprizewinninghog @grl-supremacy @dental-jewelry @hohowonho
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dreamers-queen · 7 months
15 questions for 15 friends!
I was tagged by @honeybeelullaby 💕 Thank you!
Yes, the Saint my father is most devoted to.
Last night, but I'm not sure PMS cries count lol.
Not now.
Mostly swimming.
Yes, a lot.
Face and hands.
Dark brown.
Both, depending on the mood.
Reading, watching movies, cooking, listening to music, pretty basic.
Less than 5'.
Literature and Art.
Getting paid for engaging in my hobbies with no pressure.
Tagging @togetherhearted @mssam80 @littlemarie4 @abandoned-as-mustard @technicallycleverdetective @svogliata-mente @fritzllang @gcing-back-to-505 @che-cazzo-ridiridi @makawicja @i-am-whoi-am @emily84 @tiffaluvr @kira-7 @moltobeneallonsy and really anybody who would love to participate
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thegreenmagician · 7 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Thank you @cindle-writes and @moontearpensfic for tagging me!! 💕
These are the fandoms I've gone down the rabbit hole reading fic for or otherwise hyperfixated on đŸ„č Honorary mention to Twilight for being an all-time gem ✹:
Tom Riddle | Voldemort — Harry Potter
Adrien Agreste — Miraculous Ladybug
Loki — Marvel
Jaskier | Dandelion — The Witcher
Angel Dust — Hazbin Hotel
Nick Nelson — Heartstopper
Lestat de Lioncourt — AMC's Interview With The Vampire
Yuri Plisetsky — Yuri on Ice
Light Yagami | Kira — Death Note
Todomatsu Matsuno — Osomatsu-San
Alice Cullen — Twilight
Tagging: @chaoticonmain @applesbasketcaseart @mccromy @sakuraganesan @galafanxy @clarasghosts @odyss007 @saintsenara @latteloves @purplemineralwater
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idontgetanysleep · 1 year
hey h!!! hope you are well đŸ«¶ thanks for always keeping us fed with terrific designs! completely no pressure and no rush but i was wondering if i could pop in a request for banners that could be used in fics? like the standard top: “nsfw content minors DNI” / bottom: “likes and reblogs appreciated”? i don’t want to totally monopolize the request but maybe one set with Wolffe in mind? đŸ„° i really like the dreaminess of your current profile banner, so something light/pastel/moon-y could be nice?? thank you very much!!
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hi kira!!! literally ANYTHING for you my love đŸ«¶
i made quite a few, the wolffe ones are not as wolffe-y as i had hoped but i’m working on some other things to try to encorporate him better :) if i land on something solid i’ll post them and tag you babes (and if you have any ideas shoot me a message)
i hope these are to your liking!
please don’t hesitate to ever request content from me! 💕
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mcl38 · 5 months
hi kira đŸ“đŸ’•đŸ«Ą
hiii!!! i mean first of all toppest tieredest url holder EVER but also ur posts and tags have such a Fun vibe u like brighten my dashboard, im so glad the url made me follow u:))) also loved the paramore polls despite getting unreasonably angry about so many of them, but i think thats part of the game
mutuals send me a 🍓 and i'll give you a compliment
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lutavero · 1 year
I got tagged by the sweet @reyesstrand to share my top tarlos scenes! 💕💕 (how do you even pick sksksk started off to have a top 5 list but I guess a top 10 is still a feat 😅🙈)
1x03 Police Station scene
2x11 The Carlos cow eyes scene
3x04 Welcome Home, TK
3x08 "I love you" *forehead kiss* scene
3x13 TK coming home after his meeting
3x15 "I hate Lou, but I love you and how big your heart is"
3x18 The Engagement party with the 126
4x02/4x16 "probably the day i met you”"shut up" / “hi, you’re tk, i’m carlos, and we’re soulmates”
4x12 Carlos brings home Lou 2
4x18 night scene/the proposal 💕💕💕
Tagging @irispurpurea , @wandering-night19 , @kiras-sunshine , @liminalmemories21 , @maxbegone , @eddiediaaz , @heartstringsduet , @cobbbvanth and @tylerkennedys and anyone who wants to share a top xxx list 💕💕
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limnsaber · 3 months
Thank you for tagging me @ireallyamabear đŸ»đŸ’žđŸ» !!
rules: answer and tag 9 people you want to catch up with get to know better
favorite color: purple!! 💜đŸȘ»â˜”đŸȘđŸŸŁđŸ’œ
last song: Helena by mcr
currently reading: Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton. It’s a sci-fi novel about post-Zombie apocalypse Seattle from the POV of a domesticated crow and a motley cast of characters. Very fun so far!
currently watching: currently recovering from watching The X Files. Waiting for this week’s episode of The Acolyte
currently craving: visitation by the muses
coffee or tea: coffee! With chocolate 💕
no pressure tags: @bisexualwintermoon @raceispunk @engagemythrusters @hinderr @fulcrum-art-fox @salaciouscrumbb @bby-got-books @kyberjelly
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marjansmarwani · 1 year
Inspiration Saturday
tagged by @reyesstrand 💕
I've been sick most of the week so I have not gotten any writing done, but I have been thinking about this one a lot.
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The song is Vincent Lima's "Where You're Coming From" and it has been the inspiration for this entire convoluted thing
no pressure tagging @justaswampdemon @moviegeek03 @kiras-sunshine @sunshinestrand @welcometololaland @liminalmemories21
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eddysocs · 7 months
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Kira Kay x Kim Richards Ship Board
Send me 💕 + a ship and I’ll make a moodboard!
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @ginger-grimm, @bossyladies, @atjsgf, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @kissykissymouth, @blood-moon1234567890
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vivi-scera · 11 months
hey what's up! i wanted to drop in and say ur mellonear fanfic was AMAZING. easily one of the best works in the tag 💕. please please tell me ur going to write more for them. i just can't get over the amount of detail you put into it... if u don't mind talking about it... i just want to know how ur mind works pretty please đŸ€Č
who— can you guys pls come off anon i'm begging and crying!!!
anyway THANKS SO MUCH. here i was bitching and moaning to my friends that that piece didn't turn out as well as i would've liked. can think of 2 or 3 fics off the top of my head that i love way more. but i'm so glad you liked it <333
and sad to say i am, in fact, not writing more for them <\3 i feel like i've said everything i can say about them? i mean they have like 10 lines total together how much more could i possibly extrapolate sdkjflhsf. i'm not a huge au writer tbh i pretty much only like working within canon. but you'll be happy to know i do plan on writing another death note fic (an au one though, surprisingly). just not for meronia. not telling which pairing but. near is in it trust. obvi it'll have meronia subtext.
and thank you thank you for the compliment about the details even though >.< i thought i didn't put in nearly enough. literally read that semi-canon side story in its entirety and only put in 2 things from it. and one of the things i straight up plagiarized <3 but we're gonna say i just referenced it.
i think i mostly just wanted to focus on how like childish yet mysterious they were. imagine you're kira, a functional god, and these 2 kids are running around without your knowledge trying to thwart you. you don't know what they look like, what they know about you, what they are to each other, what their names are, etc. etc. (they also represent the two halves of your would-be lover but we're not gonna go there). at the end of the day, they don't even care that much about YOU, a god (because they already had their own and well. you killed him)!! i guess i wanted to further emphasize that the stakes (for catching/stopping kira), for near & mello, weren't that high. at least,, not as high as beating each other (SO romantic). it was as if it were, as i referenced, just a game to them!! but a game sort of rigged against them, favoring the wammy industrial complex ofc. (the house always wins wink wink). but also,, it's all very tragic in the sense that they really have no other way to look at things. just child soldier things yknow.
idk there was some insane untapped story-telling potential there in the canon. the set-up sort of gave near & mello their own godhood statuses and stripped kira of his own. if i were to rewrite part 2 of death note i'd either keep it all strictly in light's pov or keep it all strictly in theirs. it did a disservice to the story/characters, imo, by attempting to keep the same dynamic/pov going from part 1. i'm not gonna lie and say the 2nd part was as good as the 1st sorryyy. because they were somewhat misutilized i never even considered the (incestuous) implications until someone ;) started posting about them ofc. then i thought about how much their dynamic reflected my personal favorite pairing of all time (knowers know) so i kind of took some preconceived notions and applied them. actually i was originally writing fic for afore-not-mentioned pairing and i'm pretty sure i just used lines from that to get started lmao.
anyway that's all i got atm. if i think of more i wanna talk about i'll write more <3 thx again for the ask!! feel free to ask more ofc ;3
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llilli64 · 1 year
Tagged by @lavinesia . Muchas gracias ^^
1. Are you named after anyone? Kinda? my name was inspired by an acquaintance of my grandma's named Gwendolyn, she (my grandma) suggested it to my dad and he decided Wendy sounded better
2. When was the last time you cried? Last monday during my session with the psychologist xP
3. Do you have kids? No. But I'm open to the idea, not right now obvi, I'm still too young and dumb for that.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only when I talk with my friends or with people I feel comfortable
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? How they approach me. If they seem polite and talk in a friendly way or they show up with a cocky attitude. First impression is important.
6. What's your eye color? Dark brown
7. Scary movie or happy endings? Both! Too many Happy endings can get boring and a lot of horror sure traumatize me xD
8. Any special talents? None
9. Where were you born? ÂĄMĂ©xico!, papĂĄ ;)
10. What are your hobbies? "Writing" "painting" reading and daydreaming xD
11. Do you have any pets? Yeap, our cat Kira AKA La Kirita, La puffels, el cara tontinta, Kirby jr 💕
12. What sports do you play/have you played? Gymnastics, basketball and yoga.
13. How tall are you? 160 cm
14. Favorite subject in school? Spanish, English and arts
15. Dream job? Voice actress. I'm not studying communications just for nothing (I hope ) TwT
Tagging: @frankenjoly @stone-freeh @dongiovannaswife @cherryfudo @hoshizorei @helenana666 As always, no pressure ^^
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anthonyjlockwood · 2 years
Five Songs I've Been Listening To
I was tagged by Kira @fandomscraziness22, and also Irene @thephantomchronicles! 💕
1) ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine
2) We All Fall Down by Radical Face
3) Astronaut by Damien Rice 
4) October Passed Me By by girl in red
5) Amen by Amber Run
And, honorable mentions because I know Kira was probably expecting these... 😂Together Again and Against the World (both from The Bright Sessions podcast, performed by the cast for their musical episode!)
I’m going to tag @ri-jane, @valiantlyweepingdreamer, @legolasghosty, and @caswellseyes! 
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waterloou · 2 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Tagged by ✹💕@ksbbb @thiamsxbitch
Ok so half of these are ideas and others are almost done 😂
-Morey first date
-Scira, Berica, Morey and Thiam types of kisses
-Thiam first date
-Continuation of the chimera series with Tracy, Hayden and Josh
-broken parts later chapters
-of my beautiful li later chapters
-gaze up to the heavens drag me underground later chapters
-the ring later chapters
-unintentional later chapters
-young vernon boyd
-thiam smut that I will be very vague ab if asked and I will never post probably
-loneliness Vernon Boyd
-rewrite s3 a on
-goodbye, hello (scira oneshot where she comes back and heals his eyes đŸ„ș)
-movie rewrite with Kira/Scott/Isaac bc it’s what they deserve
-as the bell tolls
-Hikari history/background
-Hikari and Kira interaction (it’s a VAGUE idea but it would be killer)
-Thiam best men to Morey wedding
-telltale heart future chapters
-Berica Persephone/Hades’ assistant au
-thiam parents reformed villain/hero au
-various Theo character studies
-various Liam character studies
-various mason character studies
-Corey background
-various young Theo
-Brett and Lori background (aka how the Briggs twins, Brett and Lori, and the Hales are all connected bc BORN WOLVES LOSING THEIR FAM IN A FIRE??? HELLO???) (I’ve seen maybe three or four fics do this and there needs to be more)
-connections between those who died and were brought back
-Hikari oc romance
-Kira and Theo talk
I have too many oc projects to name but just send me one of these fandoms
-the last of us
-teen wolf
Tagging @veetlegeuse @bisexualterror @s-s-southsideserpentine @humangrumpycat @chasing-chimeras @theoceanismyinkwell @songbvrd @darth-caillic @carmens-garden @wolfboy88 @sydney-winchester @letthestorieslive
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