#kirako monet
draftingteacups · 2 years
Do you think that after shopping for hours in Lumiose City (and maybe Laverre too bc Valerie lives there and she is canonly a fashion designer) Vil and Crewel would yell at whoever is in charge of the Pokemon Performances bc How dare they not let men perform as well ?
NOTE: This ask got longer than I expected because there's something cool about exploring another world that I like as a concept. As such, this will be considered non canon, but it'll still be a fun read regardless!
idk how they managed to connect the worlds, but the only one that I can remember in recent memory where the two worlds were connected in any way is through the Wish Upon a Star Event ask that I wrote a while back.
Although if the whole NRC crew is going to Kalos, it's going to be a wild ride. They'll go on a tourist-guided run through the city because, in the game, it's so hard to maneuver through the city without knowing where to go.
When the NRC crew and staff got the confirmation that they were going to Soni's world, even her home region of Kalos, there is no small way of saying there was excitement amongst them. Delicious cuisine, vast landscapes, and the world itself was a thing that they were very hyped for.
Of course, there were rules in place.
They couldn't share pictures of Kalos online because people would obviously ask where those pictures were taken. They can still take pictures, but no sharing them, which makes Cater a little sad but he concedes.
Another thing is that they had to be careful to not show their magic or use their magic abilities because magic doesn't exist in her world.
There's also the unwritten rule of looking trainers in the eye means that you'll fight them and everyone's wondering "wtf Soni, you didn't mention this". The thing is, Trainers do this with other Trainers, so in theory, the ones without them should be fine! The others with their Poke Buddies on the other hand... 😅
NRC crew and staff are told to bring minimal belongings like two days' worth of clothes because they were going to go shopping for stuff in her world to blend in better as well as a bag of sorts to carry things in.
Soni will work out the money, but if things like Nuggets, Star Dust, and Comet Shards can be sold to the Poke Mart without a blink of an eye, then those would be easier to deal with than Madols lol
I mean, it's an entirely different world's currency, so it'd be tough to explain that sort of thing. Just the idea of Malleus, Leona, and Kalim dropping a bunch of nuggets, gems, and more at Soni's door ☠️☠️
After getting the necessities, the arrangements for sleeping began and Soni was doing her best to be anonymous with it all, which is extremely difficult to do when you're the Champion and everyone's so damn curious about what the hell she's doing. Eventually, she managed to get everyone into a room accommodation with their respective years, or probably their dorms?
Granted, they were going to stay in Lumiose City for the trip for the most part. When Crewel and Vil got wind of how one of the Gym Leaders was a fashion designer and one that enjoys Soni's company whenever she visits, they demand to go there and see that it would take a good few hours to get there. They ask her to book a bus or figure out a way to do that, but Soni was not having that BS.
Because again, Soni's the Champion and everyone in Kalos is kinda nosey, but Soni uses her connections to the Pokeball Factory because of what happened and gets them a free trip there! Two in one stone!
The First Years often try to get info out of Soni as she's planning the trip, but she's very tired-looking and more pissed off than usual because Crowley foisted most of the stuff onto her and she had her own things on her end to deal with.
When the day finally arrived to go to Kalos, it was an overwhelming experience. Because this was a magicless world that ran with the help of Pokemon. Everywhere they could see, there were Pokemon. Little Skiddo on the sidewalks. People using taxis and motorcycles to move around, the latter interesting Deuce, Epel, and Ortho who managed to drag Idia into visiting as well. There were Pokemon Performances on the big screens, media of the latest news, and all sorts of things.
It was such a contrast to everything that they've ever known that they were stunned until Soni told them to keep moving. They all got onto a bus and they get their introduction to Lumiose City where they learn a whole lot about it.
Malleus is super into the whole thing and is pointing things out to Lilia as they pass by the older-looking buildings. Ace, Deuce, and Grim with Happiny are just looking out the window, asking Soni about certain places
Grim: "Henchman, what's that?"
Soni: "Lumiose Tower, it's the centerpiece to the city and is the home of the fifth Gym Leader. You'd be surprised that the Gym Leader's actually not that much older than me."
Crowley's on a leash as Crewel ensures that he isn't just going to blow their entire cover alkdsfkj
It's a damn good thing that Soni's there and she's lived there since birth because they would've gotten so lost so quickly ☠️☠️☠️ She has to dress down because when you're the Champion who's got a lot of complicated crap with a lot of people (fans, anti-fans, nobles with a penchant for revenge, etc.), you need to be more aware of a lot of things. That's why when they stopped by the Pokemon Labs, Soni was able to relax because the people at the labs would be way less willing to spill information.
Cue everyone roaming into the gardens and such with Professor Sycamore showing them around himself. The Professor has a lot of questions for Soni to answer, but Crowley interjects and says that he hired Miss Monet to show them around. You can see Soni rolling her eyes-
Anyways, the others are quite enthralled with hanging out in the gardens, although Azul gets jumpscared by the more mischievous Pokemon in the garden when he tries to take something from a tree for TWST. That's when Soni says that not all the Pokemon in the garden are hers and if they cause trouble, she wasn't going to bail them out of jail. She also adds that because she was back to her role in Kalos, she's technically obligated to hand over criminals to the police if something happens.
Needless to say, everyone somewhat forgot that oh yeah, Soni's role and stuff oops aldsfkjas ☠️☠️☠️ That doesn't stop general Pokemon hijinks from happening.
By the time they stopped to get dinner and go to their hotel, turns out that there was something weird going on and some jackass took up the room that the boys were supposed to share, namely Riddle, Ace, and Deuce. When Soni starts to leave, the mentioned three wonders where she's sleeping and she's heading back to her mom's condo. Ace bugs her to let them sleepover with Deuce and Riddle looking at him like "Bro, no-" and Soni's really contemplating trying to find a last-minute accommodation for them because like hell she wants her mom to meet them.
That doesn't happen. Needless to say, Soni is very much getting dinner from her mom's favorite place and telling her mom ahead of time that guests were staying over as well as the circumstances behind that.
Lemme just say this: Mama Monet is the best person in the entire world and that is my humble opinion. When Mama Monet comes home from a long day at the school, she's greeted by the sight of Soni hanging out with the three boys, telling them about the stuff on the TV and explaining things with dinner warmed up for her on the table.
The first thing that the boys think when they see Mama Monet is that Soni really looks like her, aside from a few key differences. Mainly the eyes and the personality. Ace greets her normally, Riddle is polite, and Deuce introduces himself as normal before introducing Happiny.
Deuce: "Happiny, this is Soni's mom. She's your Grandma."
Mama Monet understands what's happening immediately (she's handled the same thing from baby Pokemon before) and Happiny gains another grandma! Happiny gets so much love from Mama Monet and the woman never stops smiling aaaa-
When Mama Monet eats her dinner and chats with the boys, they are very curious about Soni when she was younger since the teen doesn't really talk about herself much. Mama Monet just gives them vague answers just like Soni because that was something that was Soni's to tell. When Mama Monet cleans up, Deuce helps out with dishes as does Riddle, she tries to shoo them away because they must've been tired from traveling around the city and the encounters they had throughout the day. Mama Monet lets Riddle dry the dishes while Ace and Deuce set up their sleeping arrangements with Soni supervising them.
I feel like Riddle at this point would just think about his words and the things that he said in the fic, which make him guilty. Mama Monet would catch that reaction and tell him that it was okay to tell adults about troubles. When Riddle tells her of his past behaviors, she's gentle with him and tells him that it was okay to make mistakes and that he needs to learn from them to become a better person. I just want Riddle to get the mom figure that he deserves okay lemme dream-
In the end, Soni gets time alone with her mom for the first time in forever and finally relaxes in her comfort. Just getting the hugs that Soni's missed and just utter softness-
The next day, the door to their condo is knocked on and Mama Monet goes to answer it.
Crowley: "Miss Monet! I've been calling your cellphone for a while now! Huh?"
Mama Monet has no idea how to deal with the random man that's wearing the bird mask, but she's polite: "Sir, who are you?"
Crowley: "Miss Monet, please stop joking around-"
Soni comes into the room and is like, "Oi, don't harass my mother."
Cue confused birdman noises.
Mama Monet makes a simple breakfast for everyone there before she's stopped by Soni who says she'll be eating at the hotel for breakfast and that Mama Monet shouldn't cook for the birdman at the door.
Cue offended birdman noises.
Even with that, Mama Monet gets to cooking a nice breakfast for them and Crowley is won over by Mama Monet's kindness. Of course, he's polite in his questions and Mama Monet mentions how she's a Preschool Teacher. Crowley, sensing that there was another responsible adult, asks Mama Monet to join them in their excursion as a chaperone, which Soni immediately declines because her mom was off for that day and like hell Soni is going to put her through the same BS Soni goes through.
Mama Monet is rather curious about the school that Soni is going to, which makes her take a day off to have some fun with her daughter. Soni makes all sorts of plans because she just knows that it'll be crazy today. She just knows it.
When Mama Monet is introduced as a guide, Soni looks like she's ascending into the sky and just hoping for someone to take pity on her. Amazingly, Mama Monet takes to dealing with the NRC Crew with ease because there isn't much of a difference in terms of handling Preschoolers and these magic-wielding teens.
The second day is them looking around the city and they talk about certain things, but the most predominant one are the Pokemon Performances or Contests. Luckily, there are some that are going on at the moment and they're treated to a show with the guards being told to keep Soni's group anonymous. Vil and Crewel are fascinated by the Contest/Performance while the Savanaclaw Crew, Epel, Ace, and Deuce are more focused on the battles. Depending on the contest type, that's a toss-up.
Crewel and Vil seethe at the fact that men can't join the Performances though.
Meanwhile, Mama Monet is enjoying her time with the others. Some of the people who enjoy her presence include Riddle, who gives her some sweets to take home, Rook who finds her very charming and homely, and Floyd loves Mama Monet because she knows how to handle the chaotic eel twin.
As the others get into all sorts of side missions within the city (basically a scavenger hunt to find stores), Crowley, and Crewel talk to Mama Monet about their time in the region so far. Mostly it's adults having the time to relax with the students handling themselves (for the most part).
Malleus was happy to find some ice cream shops and was in total bliss over it. Deuce was handling Happiny with the cooing from other people that were infatuated with the little bun. Kalim was busy petting the random Skiddo in the streets and was super happy when they were receptive to his pets.
Whoever put Soni, Azul, and Jamil on the same team needs to understand that they are willing to cause the apocalypse. Soni has to stop Azul from outright stealing the recipes from other cafes as he's sampling the famous cafes that they were assigned to visit. Jamil is watching this go down and is wondering if he could take some home to his sister, knowing that she'd complain about it. Grim is eating treats for Pokemon and he can't really talk in public, but he's just having a fun time.
The third day comes and it's a free day before they go back to Twisted Wonderland. They spend it shopping around the city and everyone carries bags of the stuff they want to bring back. Vil and Crewel made anyone who was able to carry their bags. Although, everyone got some new clothing items from the shops and the prices in some shops were just extremely expensive.
When the others went to the Pokeball Factory, they were amazed by the whole place, considering that it was tucked away in a somewhat remote area. Idia and Ortho were intrigued by the Pokeballs that were being made, but for the demonstration of that visit, they were all going to make the earlier forms of Pokeballs with Apricorns and Tumblestones as a fun activity.
Everyone's mostly satisfied with their chosen Apricorn and they are kept with them. Granted, they can be used as Pokeballs, but like normal ones today, Pokemon can break out of them.
When they arrive in Laverre City, Valerie treats Soni and co. to a whole fashion show. Vil and Crewel take to Valerie's insights and fashion like a kindred spirit. Just like the Fairy Gala Event, everyone's put through the wringer and brought to match their dorms aesthetics to the max. I'll leave that up to interpretation!
Soni is subjected to all their of their opinions and even Mama Monet gets to be dressed up. It's very hard for Soni to be annoyed in her mom's presence when she's so happy, so Soni grits her teeth and goes through it.
When all's said and done, the short time that they spend in Kalos comes to an end. Although the others are curious and want to try their hand at battling, they do a whole tournament with Pokemon Battling with rental Pokemon from a nearby establishment.
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pishybowl · 2 years
fluff and scruff
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@draftingteacups​ tiny soni makes a new friend!
honestly the minute i saw tiny soni, i fell in love with her design even more
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Soni and the Ghost Marriage Event
Note: I don't know if I'll ever write anything for the Ghost Marriage Event for the story, so I decided to make this a cool thing for Valentine's Day 👍💖
So yeah, enjoy this What If Scenario everyone! In this What If Scenario, people know that she's the Champion/Grand Duchess and used Mega Evolution already.
The Start
Soni is a heavy sleeper, so she probably wouldn't hear the chaos of her Pokemon fighting against the ghost army until they were right at her bedroom door
Ghost: "We are going to take over this place for her Highness!"
Soni looking very unamused: "Oh really? Do you not know that you're in the presence of a Grand Duchess, the highest authority in her land?"
Ghost: "M-Miss, please don't mess around! We know all the royals here in Twisted Wonderland!"
Soni, her eyes turning sharp at the BS she needs to deal with in the morning: "Ha! I'm not from Twisted Wonderland as I'm from an entirely different world, yet it still applies all the same! If you need to know of my qualifications, let me show you my Pokemon's true strength."
Yeah, she manages to kick out the Ghosts and seal them off using special Ghost balms that Sam had in his store combined with her own Pokémon using their powers to block them off
Soni went back to sleep, calling it a vacation day; she ain't gonna deal with this crap hell no
Needless to say, when the whole school got taken over and the whole Operation begins, everyone headed over to Ramshackle as it was the only place that the Ghosts hadn't taken over if what the Ghosts were saying were real
Ghost: "Stop what you're doing! In the name of her Majesty's happiness-!"
Soni: "Oh, I am a Majesty and you're making me very unhappy right now. Get out of my sight."
Ghost: "WAHHH-!" *POOF*
Ghosts were scrambling to go into Ramshackle, only to get rebuffed and destroyed in an instant
Everyone just going, "Ah yes, the one person who could probably single-handed destroy the school, have a good day- wait, we need your help-!"
Soni is not amused
Meanwhile, Eliza is wondering who the heck has taken over Ramshackle because her guards apparently insulted royalty without realizing it and trespassed
Idia is just relieved by the fact that Soni's a huge Boss Battle that no one can overcome and is stalling out time for him to not get taken to the Ghost World
Crowley does his whole roundabout "Save Idia-kun" speech and gets the others to help out
Soni only helps once Crowley gives her a nice hefty bonus because she's not getting fooled by his tricks again
Everyone's gotten through their ideas and people think just throwing her at the bride to destroy her would solve the problem
Soni's like "Nah, it wouldn't get rid of her permanently" and she wasn't going to spend eternity fighting off this person
Thus Operation: Propose was born
As the guys work together to deal with the Operation, Ace, Deuce, and Grim just cheer on Soni for beating the crap out of the Ghosts
Swanna's helping them out because those Ghosts have been pissing it off
Croagunk's also joining the party
Soni: "You guys are the worst for just sitting there like a bunch of Duckletts."
Ace: "You're the only one with limitless power to handle these guys, teacher's pet!"
Deuce: "I need to take care of Happiny and I don't want her to distract you when you're busy."
Grim: "I tried to fight them off earlier, but you were sleeping a whole bunch, henchman!"
Soni is very not amused
Lunch rolls around and then everyone's treated to Soni's cooking while watching Round 1 of the suitors getting slapped
Deuce gets dragged away by Cater for the operation and Happiny's not happy about it; Uncle Ace takes over with Riddle assisting him
Soni's brain is working overtime at plans because this is almost doomed to fail
Now, Deuce can talk to Soni now, but that was after prolonged exposure to her and being her friend with Happiny in the mix.
If you add his inability to talk with women plus the stressful situation at hand, he's definitely going to freeze up still.
Eliza: "What kind of talent do you have?"
Deuce: "...Ah-"
Eliza: *slaps him* "How dare you ignore my question!"
Cater: "Ahaha, Deuce-chan really can't talk to anyone outside of his family and Assistant-chan, can he?"
Deuce flusters around: "It's different!"
Meanwhile, Happiny is not amused by this lady slapping her daddy; how mean!
Angy Happiny goes to crush the Ghosts with boulders and sends them scrambling back to NRC in a heartbeat wait how does that work with ghosts
Ghost 1: "Your highness, we've encountered another problem at the dorm! A small, pink monster is throwing boulders at us!"
Deuce: !!! "Happiny!"
Cater: "Aw, Happiny-chan really loves her daddy~"
Deuce: "Cater-senpai, please be quiet-!"
Eliza: "The little monster's name is Happiny? And she's your child??"
Eliza's just confused by this information
Then Eliza sees Happiny from a photo from Cater's phone that the guards confiscated and instantly falls in love with the little one; look at how cute she is!
Eliza deems Happiny an ideal Flower Girl and the Ghosts rush off to pick her up; Deuce is not happy at all by this
In the chaos, Soni is doing her best to keep everyone safe, but none of the students can assist her because they need to keep trying for Operation: Propose
Happiny gets taken from Ace and Riddle, even as they're doing their best to protect the little bun
Soni is ready to throw hands with this Princess and Ace has to keep her calm; it's not at all easy because he's pretty pissed off himself at this whole situation now
Meanwhile, Happiny's just crying 🥺🥺🥺
Happiny's white stone from her mom and dad is taken in favor of a bunch of flowers in her pouch and Happiny is incredibly upset because the white stone is important to the little bun
Happiny adamantly refuses to smile and pouts, looking upset and adorable; Eliza plays with Happiny's hair and removes the ribbon that looks like her mom's for something more fitting for the wedding
The little bun is even more upset and wails
Leona's like "Please make her stop crying. It's terrible on my ears."
Cater is guilty because it was his big mouth that got Happiny in this mess
Happiny sits near Deuce and cries while Deuce wishes that he can pick her up and comfort her, but he's stuck in place due to the curse; it's a total nightmare come to life
Swanna gets taken into the Marriage Hall and causes chaos that everyone's happy about this time around, just plain pissed by this Ghost Bride who thinks the Pokemon would be a wonderful symbol for their wedding
Vil says, "Ah yes, chaotic and noisy- very fitting for this marriage."
Everyone watching this sees Soni look like she's gonna storm into NRC, but Crowley distracts her saying that they needed to gather as many people for the Operation
Operation: Propose is on the shoulders of Rook, Epel, Riddle, and Ace in the end
As they're getting dressed up though, Sam guides her to the back to show off a few new items
Soni: "Sam? I thought you showed off what I needed?"
Sam: "Well, little lady, you definitely will need this! It's something that only you can have!"
Soni stares at the items in question: "...You've got to be kidding me."
Soni is highly not amused and will badger Crowley for a pay raise
The boys go into the school being told the Soni will be right behind them
They're so confused by the fact that she's hiding though
Ace: "Eh? She'll be in the shadows, ready to save us if we need it?"
Crowley: "Yes, Miss Monet is the person who's been responsible for holding them back. They'll automatically attack her if they know who she is."
Riddle: "I truly don't understand why she isn't leading the charge, Headmaster."
Crowley smiles: "Well, she has her own weaknesses."
Everyone except Rook: ???
Rook: "Ah, even the strongest of people will have their own fragility. How beautiful!"
Like Soni's in the shadows ready to assist them and they can hear her, but they can't see her
Soni watches Epel coming with a horse and just goes, "Ah yes, Eliza's acting out a stereotypical fairytale princess ending"
She watches everyone do their proposals and commends them for the whole speech
Then Riddle lights the ghosts on fire for his height being mentioned
Soni tells them to get moving with the ghosts coming at them; Ace wonders what's the big deal with her hiding in the shadows
Soni just tells him to get moving don't you dare ask again
Meanwhile, Idia's dressed up and ready; the Bride took to preparing in a spare room in order to get ready
Happiny throws things at the guards that try to put more stuff on her, pouting all the way
Little Happiny distracts the guards that way because little bun can throw things fast and hard
Deuce honestly has been going through the worst hours of his life, so he's full-out supporting Happiny in his state
Eliza tells him to control Happiny, but he refuses, saying that Happiny wants the things that they've taken from her back; Eliza says that would clash with the wedding theme
The wedding goes as expected with Ace running into the room and the guards trying to stop them
Ace: "Honestly, stop trying to find someone who doesn't exist! A marriage partner should be someone who'll you laugh or cry with. Someone who'll stay by your side no matter how hard it is. Honestly, this is such a pain! What kind of talk did you surround her with?!"
Ghosts: "Don't be so unkind to the Princess' dreams! She's been looking for 500 years!"
Eliza: "...Someone who doesn't exist...?"
Ace: "You're honestly a terrible person, just doing whatever you please. I swear I've seen this situation before."
Cater and Trey laugh nervously; Happiny's never been happier to see Uncle Ace and cries louder for him to help Deuce
The rest of the Tuxedo Gang appears and everything seems to be going to plan, but the ghosts keep respawning.
They get held back as the wedding continues; Idia's doing his best to stay away from Eliza and wonders where the heck is Soni please save himmmmm-!
Chubby: "We will ensure that the Princess' dreams come true! She's dealt with too much to have her Ideal Prince snatched away!"
???: "They aren't even dreams. They're nothing more than unfulfilled promises and fantasies by people who enjoy watching this circus. That's why you're on this planet still, right?"
???: "Honestly, you're so delusional. It's making me laugh."
Everyone: ??!
Chubby: "Show yourself, villain!"
???: "Villain...? Me? What a joke!"
???: "I'm pissed off at you for all the crap you've put me through today! Hurting others for the sake of your happiness, putting a literal child through this crap!"
???: "You talk about loving someone, but you're deluding yourself into thinking that forcing that love on someone else is fine when it's absolutely not!"
???: "You call me a villain when you come here and treat people who don't meet your impossible standards like trash! You don't see reality because you're stuck in your own head! Worst of all, you don't even consider the harm you're causing others because you're so fixated on a person so perfect and ideal when such a thing doesn't exist!"
Soni teleports into the room with a flourish of her SSR tier wedding gown ensemble with Dior and Primrose by her side: "People like you should go six feet under and stay there!"
Soni's outfit looks similar to Black Tea's Fragrant Rosebud dress, but with blue accents instead of pink, white gloves, and without the cleavage dip; She's holding out a bouquet of blue roses for sucking up negative energy as well with her hair down for once
Soni tells Primrose to unleash Aromatherapy to release the paralyzed students and they are freed from the curse, shocking Eliza because how in the world had her slap been nullified-?
Happiny is so happy to see her mama and runs over to her side, throwing away the flowers that kept getting stuffed into her pouch
Happiny just gets calmed instantly by the love and concern radiating off of Soni; Eliza's doubly shocked by the appearance of another bride
Eliza: "Wait, are you the royal my guards have been talking about all day?"
Soni smiles angrily with a vein pulsing on her head: "Yes, I'm so glad to finally meet you. Shall I repay your slaps towards my fellow students and utter disregard for Happiny's distress tenfold?"
Happiny: "Happiny!" Go, mommy, go!
Dior and Primrose get to work destroying the ghosts who honestly cannot reform fast enough with everyone finally free from their binds
If they get overwhelmed, then Soni sends out Aegis who terrifies everyone into staying back because Aegis sucks up the ghosts' life energy without hesitation
Leona told her that she should've done this hours ago, but Soni was busy trying to figure out a way to safely get everything done without being a casualty
Vil while he's fighting off the ghosts comments where she found the dress and Soni just says, "Sam had it."
Suddenly Ace and Riddle realize why she never appeared from her hiding spot, no matter how much they asked her why
Chubby goes Gigantimax and Soni releases Mega Evolution for Dior with the Tuxedo Boys helping out massively; Dior's been at the frontlines keeping them safe, so they had to return the favor
In the battle, Eliza gets slapped by Soni multiple times, each one leaving a terrible bruise on her cheeks for each of the guys who got paralyzed as well as Happiny's unhappiness
Chubby tries to stop Soni, but Soni beats him up with her bare hands like "Bitch, you better be joking."
Everyone at NRC is cheering her on, by the way 🤣
Eliza realizes that Chubby is her Prince Charming, but Soni's like "Screw your happy ending, you better give me compensation for all the destruction you caused at Ramshackle as well as Happiny's distress for your tantrums."
During the clean-up to which Soni managed to get paid for since she was not the damned janitor, Soni cleans out Happiny's pouch and fixes her up back to normal
Happiny promptly passes out from crying so much and snores; Deuce is handed Happiny and he's just trying not to feel terrible about what happened
Then the conversation with Ace's Ghost Marriage SSR happens
Soni has varying reactions to the others and their perspective on love
Soni isn't too surprised by Deuce's lack of girls approaching him during his Delinquent stage
She thinks that Jack's dedication to one person is honestly admirable, but she can see how it could be overwhelming to people if they're not up to that sort of thing
She just snickers when Sebek talks about the whole letter thing
When Ace brings up his example about focusing on his studies, Soni's in agreement that saying that it honestly felt way too soon for something like love anyways
Ortho tells them all about how genuine Ace was during his speech and everyone, including Soni, teases him about it
Then Ortho tells them the statistics with Soni's speech
Ortho: "According to my data, Soni-san was concerned about everyone that was involved. There's a guaranteed likelihood that her words on love are genuine!"
Soni: "Forcing someone to love you is just straight-up wrong. It's honestly kind of annoying."
Ace: "Who's the unlucky guy that tried to pull that on you? How hard did you turn him down? Did you punch him?"
Soni looks like she's done with everything for the 1000th time: "It wasn't just one person. I don't remember any of their names because they're not that important."
Turns out Soni has gotten a sizable amount of fan mail and love letters from people since she was 14; that number has only risen in recent years
All of them were rejected in favor of Soni not really being interested in love because doing so would be a pain to deal with on top of her regular duties as Champion
She's also been faced with people who say that she should love them because of their gifts, which makes her really annoyed because love nor affection cannot be bought
In the end, she's fine with not being in a relationship, despite people online saying that she should be interested in it.
Deuce: "W-Wow... I never expected you to be super popular."
Epel: "It's honestly impressive how used to this situation you are."
Soni: "Like I've said in the past, the faster you deal with the source of the problem, the less bullshit you need to deal with in the future. Works very well against dramatic people."
Ortho: "Soni-san, I can tell that you're rather romantic in your own way though! Dealing with your duties first and foremost is pretty cool! But I sensed a bit of longing in your voice too."
Soni: "....That's because I was thinking of my parents. My mom and dad were pretty romantic with one another. They weren't perfect, but nothing really is in the world."
The others are curious and then Soni details how her mom and dad met near one of the most romantic sights in the region, the old Lumiose Tower.
It wasn't love at first sight, but genuine curiosity on her dad's part about her mom's culture and Johto as he'd never talked to someone from there before
Kirako not-yet-Monet was horribly shy and scared due to the cultural stances between men and women in Johto, but Zavier Monet was respectful of her wishes and what she wanted
It wasn't a perfect first meeting, but they were friends far before they ever fell in love
Zavier Monet was a traveling trainer who had 8 Gym Badges from his home region of Galar and was traveling Kalos as it'd been his father's homeland
Kirako not-yet-Monet had little experience in traveling, much less being a Pokemon Trainer, and did so as to be independent of her family who were... less than kind about her departure, to say the least
Zavier met Kirako again, this time on the way out from Lumiose City and they decided to travel to their next point of travel together; and then another; and then another
Ortho: "It really sounds like a true love story of friends falling in love!"
Jack: "It's honestly a nice story."
Soni picks at her white gloves where her marks lay: "... It really is."
Soni: "Well, I'm certainly not as romantic as Ace, that's for sure."
Ace: "Hey!"
Soni doesn't really care if romance never comes for her. She's got all she needs at this very moment.
Happiny: "Happy Hap!" Mommy, you look pretty in the gown!
Soni: "Thank you, Happiny."
There's also a part of me that wonders if any of the boys would try to bridal style carry Soni for fun because hey, why not?
Soni is definitely not amused by it though
Jack can lift her with ease, although he's shy about it and Soni just keeps quiet as to not embarrass him
Epel can lift her up and Soni asks him to be careful to not trip on the dress because it's pretty long
Sebek nearly drops her because he didn't expect her to feel so heavy and she straight up hits him with the bouquet of flowers in retaliation
Both Deuce and Soni turn red for different reasons; Deuce never expected to be doing this sort of thing and Soni can hear Happiny cheering like please stop baby
Deuce did carry Ace before piggyback-style, both in the story and from Croagunk's Poison Jabs
Bridal style with Soni wearing an actual wedding gown- nope, his brain went poof-
Soni can understand Happiny and Happiny's basically going, "Mommy and Daddy are getting married!"
Like it's cute, but it's still embarrassing to hear; worse, only Soni could understand what Happiny was saying, but others could guess what the little bun is saying based on the sheer happiness radiating off of Happiny and the situation
The first thing that Ace said when Soni got lifted was, "Crap, you're heavier than I thought you were."
Soni said, "How is it that I managed to carry you bridal-style and I didn't even complain as much?"
They bicker about it and promptly stop by Othro commenting how the two of them really looked like a proper groom and bride
Like Epel's dressed up like a groom too, but it looked more like a sibling carry; Epel's sulking over it
With Ace, it really looked like two people that trusted one another in carrying them, even if they fought
Soni just wants the day to be over and sleep because running around in heels is exhausting
Ace says that he wouldn't be interested in someone like her because that'd be a weird thing for him to think about.
She's his friend first and foremost
....Well, that's if he's not going to end up in this romantic What-If here.
I wish you guys good vibes today! 💖👍
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draftingteacups · 2 years
I made a mistake and sent an ask to @phoenix-manga instead of you. Ndkdkdkdk I should have double checked who’s blog I was on. so my bad on my part >~<
So I was thinking back on Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
And the question occurred to me: Has Soni ever entered the Pokéathlon?
And idk when or the ask of The NRC boys + staff will visit the Johto region. But what are The NRC boys + staff’s reaction?
Aw, it's alright if it's on accident. Don't worry 👍
Soni did when she visited Johto for personal reasons after her Championship (a few months in). She found the country to be pretty different from Kalos in terms of culture and social norms, but the Pokeathlon was definitely something that she joined, if only for her Pokemon.
Lukas, another one of Soni's Championship Team, and Charlie were on the same team, managing to win first place for the beginner stages. The games themselves were fun and interactive.
Ooo 👀 The NRC Boys and the Staff Visiting Johto? Reminds me of the Kalos ask a while back.
Like that ask, this is non canon because who knows what's going to happen in the next installment in the Main Story in TWST. Can't believe it's happening in a few days ☠️
Random note: I've typed Happiny so much, that whenever I write happy, I almost write out Happiny instead lasdklfajlsdjk ☠️☠️ Granted, it still means the same thing lol
I can imagine the sheer amount of stress that Soni has to go through in teaching the others about the etiquette that's established in Johto because Johto is not fond of foreigners, especially those from other regions like Unova, Galar, Kalos, and some parts of Alola.
Soni doesn't get much attention when she arrives at Johto, but the others do. They have money that Soni exchanged into Pokedollars, some more than others.
When they all get to the Pokeathlon, they get to see the tournament happening right before them.
The whole first-year crew, especially Jack, Sebek, and Epel are super into the contests focused on the competition. The brick game where you needed to chop as many bricks as possible was where they were cheering hard.
Cater was taking pictures, somewhat sad that he couldn't share them because they would've definitely gotten a whole bunch of likes online.
Leona and Ruggie were watching the whole Flag Capture Game and the Soccer game to see the different ways that Pokemon could defend the goal. It was surprisingly intense during those rounds. I can see Leona and Ruggie looking around the Trophy Room, although Ruggie got caught trying to snatch one of the trophies and got scolded by Crewel as a result.
Azul is very interested in the idea of sports drinks made for Pokemon, wondering how they boost Pokemon's skills/abilities. Like in the end of Episode 3, Octavinelle wasn't known for the sports category, so he's not really paying attention to that part. He'll do his best to snag some Apricorns, but it's rather difficult to get any of the locals to talk to him and the locations seem to be somewhat guarded by the locals as well. Floyd and Jade don't help matters in this sort of thing, especially when they scare people off with their height alone.
Kalim thinks it's fun and wants to join the activities, but needs three Pokemon total to do it. I like the idea that the NRC crew don't all have Pokemon buddies, mostly because they've only been just exposed to the idea.
Jamil isn't the same as Kalim in his enthusiasm. He's eyeing the person that has a Bug team and just goes, "Nope, not going down there." He thinks it's cool, but not really his thing.
Vil and Rook would question the athletic attire that the contestants use, although they do look around the shop to get some ideas for possible athletic wear. I can see this happening with Crewel as well with Soni getting dragged into it.
Idia and Ortho are far away from the athletic scene, so it's no surprise that Idia isn't really into Pokeathlon. Ortho thinks the games are fun and can see them being a fun mini-game of sorts.
Malleus is very tempted to join the Pokeathlon and feels a little miffed at the fact that he needs three Pokemon to join, but concedes to that point. I feel like he'd have a fun time running around with his Pokemon friends.
Lilia finds the whole thing to be wonderful. He gets snacks for the others from the stalls. I see him wearing that huge drink hat in pink and blue to match his shoes.
Silver is watching intently at the scene before him but does doze off without meaning to. Soni has to pat his shoulder a few times because he often leans on her as he begins to sleep.
The thing that doesn't surprise Soni is how excited Vargas is at the whole thing. She can already tell he's planning to try and make his own version of the Pokeathlon back in TWST. I can't really describe how hyped he is about this whole thing because the sheer amount of excitement that the crowd has for this sporting event is incredible. Not too far away is a somewhat scheming crow man that she has to stare down from her seat with a Leaning Tower of Silver over her.
Crowley had wanted Mama Monet to come to Johto, especially when the older woman could speak fluent Johtonese like her daughter. Not only that, she was from the region, so it felt fitting. However, she declined, looking more and more distressed over it the more Crowley tried to persuade her.
Crewel had to step in and pull him physically away because Soni looked like she was about to slap some sense into him.
On a side note, Deuce and Happiny were interested in the Pokemon Park that was right beside the Pokeathlon as they got to roam around for a little bit.
Jamil immediately avoided the Park because someone mentioned something about a Bug Catching Contest that takes place in the park- NOPE.
Kalim was all for it and while he couldn't enter the grass, he was super intrigued by the Pokemon Park. He talked to the locals, although they were hesitant to be social with him.
Vil would definitely wander around the Goldenrod Department Store for cosmetic goodies and fruits that he could use for himself. The latter is for make-up that's made from Pokemon Products as they tend to be rather effective. Rook would love to bring souvenirs back to his siblings and show the world of Pokemon in all its beauty.
Imagine if someone found the Berry Shop or the Bike Shop.
People would be able to grow Berries with them as they pleased while they traversed the region, although they wondered about the Watering Can situation. The Bikes were rented out for them to use, although Floyd nearly crashed into people as he did so. A policeman had to stop him from going too fast on the streets and that led to more chaos.
If Soni brought them to Ecruteak though, that's where the real challenge begins because most of the people were looking at their group and wondering who the heck they were. Like Soni mentioned, they were hesitant to interact with them, given the circumstances of how foreigners tended to act in their region and the history behind that.
Needless to say, it was tough.
However, during the festival night, they wore masks and they were able to enjoy themselves more. Games, activities, and other things happened that made for a pleasant evening. I can see Trey trying out the local treats and getting ideas about it. I can see Vil and Crewel being enthralled by the Kimono Girl show as well as Happiny being super happy by the pretty dancing ladies on stage that reminded her of Mama Monet.
There were some comments made about them by the locals of the "scary tourists" and how Soni shouldn't have "worn those colored contacts young people wear nowadays" and that she should be proud of her Johtonian heritage. That sort of thing. If Soni ran into her maternal grandparents along the way though... well, that's an entirely different thing altogether.
But anyway, it's a pleasant day overall!
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draftingteacups · 2 years
This is kind of a what if scenario about what would happen if Soni and Luce can freely travel between the two worlds and Soni take the Twst cast on a tour in Kalos. They arrive at Anistar City where the famous Sundial is located and Luce is waiting there for them along with two older girls and an older gentleman who looked a lot similar to her. As Fiona and Diana (Luce’s two older sisters) greet the cast with Diana (the one training to be a Ghost type Elite Four and taking over Malva in the future) discussing things with the Champion, Jacques (their father) gives Crowley his infamous Death Stare as Lucille had told him everything the crow did to her and Soni. Crowley was damn lucky the ex-nobleman didn’t brought his axe with him that day. His daughters ain’t holding the man back if Crowley says something wrong.
Technically we've done the Kalos route (mostly of Lumiose but still), but at the same time, there's no such thing as repeat trips :D
I can just imagine Soni being taken away from the group of NRC boys as Diana talks about official business, something that Soni does need to accomplish while she's there.
Thankfully, someone has a braincell on the E4. Soni does need to check up on the newest batch of Gym Leaders (the ones who replaced Ramos and Wulfric) and everyone's just roaming around with Mama Monet as a guide to the group, just being her positive influence on these boys.
I can also see Soni being a witness to Crowley's possible "interrogation" and being like "Oh look over there, the Anistar Sundial and I do have Champion duties to fulfill do do do~"
Jacques just looks at Crowley and being like "I got my eye on you birdman".
Crowley just sweats bullets.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Mama Spade and Mama Monet hanging out and cooing over Happiny: *Good vibes radiate off them*
Deuce and Soni: ( ´ ω ` ) (´ ∀ ` *)
Some sleazy guy about to harrass the two Mamas: Hey-
Deuce and Soni behind their moms and Happiny:
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The amount of wholesomeness that the Mamas and Happiny give off is unreal like aaaaa- They're so cute and adorable together 🥺💖💖 Grandmas and the little pink bun just being happy! I can see them all hanging out at a cafe and just enjoying themselves for once after working so hard like 💖💖💖 (^人^)
*charges into the room* WHOST THE BITCH THAT WANTS TO HARASS THE MAMAS (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
The Mama Protection Squad! Ready to smack some sense into the guy who dares to do that to the Mamas! (╬▔皿▔)╯
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draftingteacups · 2 years
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refers to this ask for additional context
I spent almost three hours on this and I think it represents my three art styles.
Deuce is the sketch that's not fully finished, but you can tell by context, Anthony is my chibi forms with Jade and Floyd right behind him, and Soni is just my art style when I have only one brain cell functioning and maximum humor on blast-
Consistency who that don't know her-
Unfortunately, I can't draw food bc anime food just looks too damn pretty to draw on a maximum of one brain cell 🙃
[Don't repost this on another site]
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draftingteacups · 2 years
This is a big What if ? scenario but I can’t stop thinking about how Soni might have had a different childhood if she grew up in Alola instead of Kalos bc canonly the MC in Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon and Ash came from a different region and yet they were treated kindly by the locals and received a whole *ss festival to welcome them (At least the MC in the games did, i don’t remember abt Ash though). Also you can get both Ralts and Charmander in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon and Soni might master Z-moves instead of Mega Evolution
Oh yeah, Soni would've been way happier in Alola. There's no way to get around that she would've been more positive about life.
Like her mom would be a teacher at the Trainer's School, but it would've been leagues above her treatment in Kalos. With Soni, she wouldn't be as harsh and kinder from the positive atmosphere, but as a result, she might not have ended up as motivated to reach the top as a Champion and the way that I made the timeline (or followed it), the Pokemon League wouldn't be established until she was 16.
Although she would master Z-Moves, I do see her not being as frantic about them as she is with Mega Evolution. I can also see her being interested in Champions, mainly because her dad was qualified to become one in Galar due to his skills.
Imagine if she became Champion for a few months before she got thrown to TWST ☠️ Since she's never had to deal with the prickly aspects of hierarchical status or those things, she would've been in for a shock when she goes to other regions.
If that was the case, Soni would've been more similar to the MC in TWST in the carefree nature, although she would definitely get more fed up as time goes on. Alolan!Soni would never be as aggressive as OG!Soni though can be seen as a blessing and a curse. She would've been pretty... shaken up by the events that happen in Sun/Moon/US/UM though like she's pretty much hired by the government to hunt down aliens alksdjfkljkl; otherwise, Alolan!Soni isn't too far from OG! Soni in terms of power and strategy, but less in real-life experiences with people that aren't as forgiving as the Alolan people.
Alolan!Soni probably would've heard of the things that happened in Kalos and other regions, although she wouldn't really care much. Like the Champion Diantha would've been under heavy scrutiny by the public for what happened with Team Flare and the devastation that follows. The one to follow her isn't much better, especially with how the young man was and his lack of care towards the people most heavily effected by the disaster. Kalos, in short, would've been thrown into chaos.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you have maybe a full body reference photo of your trainer oc and a color pallete of the oc
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*slams door open*
I MADE THE THINGY! took my a few hours last night and a little this morning, but here it is alksfjljkd
Hopefully this is an okay reference 😅 I'm not really used to making things like this; full body drawings I am not good at that nope- ☠️
But alongside this, I also drew Mama and Papa Monet! Because why not? I love the both of them so much
Also Soni as a child and Bonus Dior as a Ralts I was so tempted to add eyes, you wouldn't believe
also, this be my birthday present for myself 🎉🎉🎉 I finally have a reference to use for Soni because I've been too busy to finalize designs for a full body ☠️☠️ thanks for asking this!
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Mama Monet, Mama Spade, and Mama Garum: *happily bonding over tea and pastries*
Soni, Deuce, and Anthony: *happy faces, but watches over them*
Any sleazy flirt: hello-
Soni: *holds a bat up*
Deuce: *cracks his knuckles on his face*
Anthony: *preparing his taser and have the tweels on speed dial*
Sleazy Flirt: *slowly steps back*
- bonus
Azul, calling Anthony: care to explain why Floyd and Jade just drop everything and ran out?
Anthony, making a calm face: there was an act of Justice to be served protecting the mother group.
Azul, not skipping a beat: fair enough.
I'm so tempted to make a super simple comic off of this and I just- there would be a minimum effort because I'm tired but hopefully, that could convey the sheer crackhead energy that I sense from this ask
Soni bringing the bat ☠️ Deuce cracking his knuckles ☠️☠️ Anthony with a taser and his phone for the Tweels ☠️☠️☠️
I just love the Mama Protection Squad 🤣
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draftingteacups · 2 years
On a scale of 1 - 10 how well can Soni fist fight someone on her own ? With the OBs happening left and right i’m surprised Soni hasn’t punched someone yet
A solid 7 👍 Can survive on her own in a fight!
She used to get into fights with children and adults when she was younger due to the way they treated her and her mom.
Her dad, Zavier, and Granny Opal told her to always find the answer to her questions, so Soni chose violence 😅 Her dad approved of it because his daughter never started the fight, but she was certainly going to end it 🤣
Mama Monet really appreciated her daughter's care over her, but she did wish her daughter didn't get hurt in the process 😥
Soni's been working on her aggression for the past two years, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to fight. If anything, her Pokemon teach her how to fight for the sake of her safety, most notably Lukas.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Kinda off topic but on a scale of 1-10 how close is Soni’s champion team plus Nimbus, Gene, Mila and Pike with Mama Monet ?
Dior is a solid 10 hands down. Dior's been with Soni for the longest amount of time and as such has been with Mama Monet for a long time as well. Ralts and their evolutions can sense emotions, and Mama Monet radiates a comforting aura that you are instantly soothed by her. She pretty much treats Dior like a family member and the Pokémon is very attached to Mama Monet as a result.
Charlie is the same, probably a high 9 or 10. He's been around for less time, but more than the rest of the team. When he met Mama Monet as a tiny Charmander, he recognized her as his Trainer's mom and went, "This is my human's mom and I will protect her." He is one of the more temperamental of the group to react if someone tries something on either one of his favorite humans. Granted, he doesn't have many other humans that he likes, but those that he does are cherished.
Lukas and Aegis are a solid 8.
Lukas is protective over Mama Monet, mostly because the woman is very accommodating and kind. As Soni's mother, Lukas treats her with respect, but Mama Monet always encourages the Aura Pokémon to drop the courtesies and let him have a break whenever he trains too hard.
Aegis is the same in that regard, although more reserved and makes sure to never touch her with its scarf. Aegis appreciates the cleaning supplies that Mama Monet has for the Royal Sword Pokémon and protects her from people that want to harass the older woman.
The other two are 7, both affectionate with Mama Monet and very happy at the attention.
Now for Nimbus, Gene, and Mila, they are around 7-8 on the closeness scale.
Nimbus always makes sure that Mama Monet is taken care of, brushing the older woman's clothes with her wings. Mama Monet has a special place for bird Pokemon to clean up (basically a birdbath) on the balcony and Nimbus loves it there.
Gene's met Mama Monet when he was a small pup before he was given the name Gene, so he remembers her. He confused her for Soni many times until he learned to tell the difference alkdsfljka He doesn't meet her a whole bunch, but when he does, he's always like, "Can we stay here for another day?"
Mila is appreciative of the older woman's care towards her. Although she does hope that Mama Monet tries to be more assertive, it's not very likely, given the decades wore on the mother and the environment that Mama Monet was raised in before coming to Kalos. Worried care, but caring.
Pike is a solid 6-7, which is "I like you enough to not bite you too hard." Pike affectionately nibbles on Mama Monet's leg, but never bites hard enough to hurt her. They don't know each other very well, but Pike enjoys the care that Mama Monet gives everyone.
Mama Monet loves to learn about Pokemon, mostly because she had very little experience with Pokemon in her past. Her husband helped that curiosity when Mama Monet left Johto as they traveled around. She's very curious about them and it carried well into Soni's own curiosity when Soni was younger.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
“Amazingly, Mama Monet takes to dealing with the NRC Crew with ease because there isn't much of a difference in terms of handling Preschoolers and these magic-wielding teens.” LMAO I’M EFFING DED 😂😂😂
refers to this ask
I'm not wrong tho! 😂😂😂 I see two of the same pictures!
Like in the AU where Mama Monet is transported into TWST, she's way more accustomed to being a teacher (bc she is one duh, brain) and becomes one of the favorites among the staff at NRC. Honestly, that AU is super comedic in some parts with canon sadness and extra backstory because of course, that would happen with me, but yeah, Mama Monet is just the best and I love her.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Ok, I got another ask for Draft: When one of the characters are in charge of watching over some Pokémon but then one of them got into a scuffle in which got others involved and things are started to look bad that each dorm members require Soni to calm them down, what do you think of Soni would pull out a leaf to play a certain melody (Oracion) that she heard from a certain town during her travel in Sinnoh in which has a true story about it soothes 2 legends of Time & Space?
Ooh, she would try and sing old songs for the Pokémon if they ever got into a fight.
Soni has a fondness for folk songs that are sometimes classified as lullabies or song hymns because her Granny and her parents, later falling onto her mother, were the ones to sing them to her as a child.
Granny would tell her songs of the fae and tricks up her sleeves to avoid them. I can imagine the songs having a lilt to them, in a way magical in a world that does not have magic.
I'm not sure if we will ever talk about Kirako, but she was taught to sing the songs of old because of her training in Johto as well as the surrounding regions due to trade and such, thus Soni would have a good collection from there as well as Kanto, Sinnoh, and Hoenn since I've always imagined the regions to be close together.
Just imagine the song of Oracion being sung in a world where such things do not exist, feeling a sense of peace that is truly otherworldly.
I can see the Pokémon just gathering around her, their own rage was forgotten as they listen to the sound of a song that will never be played again until the one singing writes it down. They listen to the one who sings because the show of a Blessed is one should never miss.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
I would die for Bidoof, Happiny, Gene, Mama Monet and other pokemons
Same, titans, same. 🙌
Bidoof is cute in a goofy way and Pokemon Legends: Arceus just makes the cuteness factor soar higher for me. Like you can see clips of them running and it's just so 🥺💖 to the soul
Happiny and Gene are the babies, and I will ensure that they are happy like that is a promise
(Happiny's not born yet in the fic, but we're getting closer as I slowly revise the next chapter huhuh; it's already at 21 K and almost at 22K 🥲)
which be Mama Monet though 👀 Kirako or Soni because they both mamas Kirako to Soni and Soni to Happiny
If it's Kirako, then yes Mama Monet needs to be protected and loved. I thought of an AU where Mama Monet gets thrown into TWST instead of Soni and it's basically everyone getting a mom figure 😂 it's more comical and light-hearted.
Soni finds a quicker way to bring her mom back home and connects the two worlds by like Episode 3. Crowley could never istg.
Mama Monet still stays to take care of Grim for his time at NRC and Soni doesn't want to leave her mom behind in Ramshackle, especially not with Crowley poking around to give her mom chores and stuff asldkjfjlka
It was either that, or the both of them get thrown there.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
On this house we do not accept Mama Monet slander
Absolutely. 10000% True Anon.
Mama Monet does her absolute best to care for her child, worked in a pretty terrible environment for decades, and I lament the fact that I haven't been able to talk about her as much in the story, but that will (hopefully) be remedied in the next chapter. BECAUSE EPISODE 1 IS COMING TO A CLOSE AND THAT MEANS MORE TIME FOR OTHER STUFF YAY
Mama Monet Supremacy! 🎉🎉🎉
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