#kiri is a sunshine
yumimak · 1 year
Fourth Times the Charm - Prolouge
Hey guys! So I had this idea for an angsty Neteyam story that was a mix of like ‘one sided’ enemies to lovers but also grumpy/sunshine without making Neteyam a total butthole. I think this prologue gives a good idea of how I am going to do that, I really hope you enjoy!
Please read the A/N at the end if you are intrested!!
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Finding a mate was something most Na’vi looked forward to. Traditionally, it was the first step that was taken after passing the rites of passage. That special bond was desired and sought out by almost everybody.
I, for one, was never really one of these people.
I was one of the youngest people to pass their Iknimaya and was the youngest to become a warrior in our clan. My father was Olo’eyktan and some day I would be too.
Knowing this, the idea of finding a mate never really interested me past the age of 10. From a young age I’ve been very aware of the possible threats posed against our clan. So from that age I decided that I would put all my energy towards being the best warrior and future leader I could be.
I believe it was a good choice on my part. After all those years I’d become the esteemed warrior I’d always wanted to be. Through it all my clan stayed safe and I’ve always had my family by my side.
What more could I ever want or need? What more fulfillment would a woman give that I had not given myself?
Sadly, my logic did not align with the tradition of being a future leader. Because where there was an Olo’eyktan there would always be a Tsahik. So although I was okay with not finding a mate, the lack of having a future Tsahik was starting to concern much of the clan, especially my parents.
My mother and my father had one of the best love stories I have ever heard in my life. They knew how great the right bond could be and it was evident they wanted me to find my mate so I could be as happy as they are. They saw how hard I worked to be the warrior I am today, there was no doubting my skills or capability of being Olo’eyktan someday. So now all they wanted was for me to settle down and find my Tsahik.
They never forced me though, only making a few comments here and there. They tried to be understanding, telling themselves I was just taking my own path and would eventually find a woman in the clan that I’d want to be with. But on the other hand, it was traditional to be mated by the age of 21 so when I had yet to show interest in finding a mate of my own at 18, they began arranging women for me to court. 
I know that it was their last resort, they had never really liked the idea of forcing mates together since they knew first hand how powerful a bond was when you truly loved the other. I think that’s why they never forced me to actually bond with any of the women permanently. I think the plan was to encourage the idea of how great having a mate could be.
Their plan failed.
In one year I went through three arranged courtships, each possible mate worse than the one before.
There was Tallulah, Lì'ee, and Aìyana.
Tallulah was picked from our clan and our courtship lasted a mere three weeks. She was a year younger than me but I had known her my entire life seeing as she was a good friend of Kiri’s. She was intelligent, beautiful, and a talented forager. They were great traits for a Tsahik to have which is why I think my parents picked her. Although I admired her for all of those things, I could not for the life of me see her as more than my little sister’s friend.
Luckily Tallulah didn’t take me ending the courtship too roughly. She understood and simply hoped the two of us could still stay cordial. There were no hard feelings; her and Kiri remained friends, and Tallulah and I never had any animosity towards each other.
I wish I could say the next two ended the same.
Lì'ee was a young woman from a nearby clan in the forest. She was the oldest child of the Olo’eyktan, and although whoever she mated with would become the next Olo’eyktan, she couldn’t seem to find a mate.
That should have been an instant red flag to my parents.
Lì'ee and I’s courtship lasted three months and it started off great. She was very sweet and caring, raised to be an amazing Tsahik. I could see myself building a future with her, until we hit the three month mark. By then I began to understand why nobody had wanted to court her.
She was atrociously needy and practically demanded all my attention. It didn’t matter if I was with my family or friends, or even out on a hunt. If I was not by her side 24/7 I would come back to her upset or even crying. I had tried to comply with her needs, reducing my personal and even family time to be with her, but it was never enough.
On top of all of that she had absolutely no backbone. Yes, she was sweet as could be and it was lovely, but that was all she was. She couldn’t stand up for herself at all whether in a social setting or out in the wild. I swear Tuk was mentally stronger than Lì'ee even at her young age.
Yet, I put up with all of these flaws hoping one day I would get used to it or she would grow the fuck up. That never happened, and somehow it got worse.
I was never intimate with Lì'ee. Maybe a kiss on the cheek or the back of the hand but that was all. It never felt right to do anything more with her but she could not respect that. She constantly begged for more, to be intimate even when I stated I had not wanted to be. My last straw was when I overheard her speaking to a group of girls about our ‘amazing sex life’ that never was.
I never desired to be rude to the girl at any point, and I in no way wanted to ruin her pure reputation by telling her lies. So I kept her actions a secret from all, even my parents asked why I ended our courtship. To them I was just being picky.
Lastly, and worst of all, there was Aìyana.
When choosing my next possible mate they decided to look further than our clan and other forest clans all together. Aìyana was the daughter of Öyatx, an Olo’eyktan of one of the Ash clans.
The ash people were located high in the mountains where the forest ended far from the Omaticaya. They were mighty, composed of the strongest warriors of Pandora. An impenetrable force for any enemy who even thought of going against them.
Though they were so strong, they were also some of the most peaceful Na’vi to walk our land. They never exerted their strength unless absolutely necessary. When I met Aìyana it had been decades since their clan had seen a war.
My parents knew this which is why I think they were so quick to introduce us and begin our courtship, because if we mated our clan would be forever connected to the ash people. I would find my mate and the clan would have the fiercest warriors of Pandora backing us. 
What could go wrong?
Me not liking her.. that’s what I thought could go wrong. There was no way I could reject the daughter of Öyatx without there being major consequences for our people.
Luckily, not liking her was nearly impossible.
I was star-struck the moment Aìyana stepped foot in our clan. Yes, all the women before were beautiful, but nothing compared to her beauty. Her skin was dark blue, closer to a shade of gray than the more vibrant blue I was used to seeing. Her hair, long and soft, was pure white complimenting her glowing freckles beautifully. And then there were her eyes, a shade deep red that I thought I could never get tired of gazing into.
Her physical beauty only scratched the surface of the many layers of Aìyana. We instantly connected in our first conversation. She was oh so funny, with a beautiful smile that could brighten even the gloomiest of days.
She was the first woman I genuinely desired a courtship with.
As time progressed I never lost feelings for her, they only seemed to grow far past the capacity I believed feelings for people could grow. She was the strong warrior I expected her to be considering where she was from, but she was also so sweet and caring. She knew how to be soft and open up about her emotions, but she also knew how to listen when you spoke. She was one of the most understanding people I thought I could ever meet.
I never opened up about my emotions, as I grew up I only ever felt that it was a burden for whoever I decided to tell. But with Aìyana, it was different. She’d insist on me opening up to her when I was obviously obsessed, ensuring I knew I didn’t have to but also promising it was okay for me to open up to her.
I was so nervous the first time I opened up to her, fidgeting with my hands until she took it upon herself to hold them.  Talking to her was like nothing I had ever felt before. She didn’t make fun when I spoke of my hurts, nor did she laugh when a few tears embarrassingly fell from my eyes. It was so relieving that I almost didn’t know what to do with that empty space where my burdens would normally sit. But when she held me that night, I decided to devote that space to her. 
She was the first person I felt truly saw me, the first person I was ever truly intimate with, and the only person I wanted by my side for the rest of my life. I was totally and irrevocably in love with her.
We courted for six months before we decided we wanted to finally mate with one another. It was traditional in arranged courtships for the soon-to-be mated pair to visit the others clan for a celebration of the clans union before having another celebration in the clan they planned on residing in.
In respect of this tradition, Aìyana, my parents, and I all flew to her clan up in the mountains. It was dark there but very beautiful. Aìyana was quick to show me around and introduce me to all her friends. I was nervous that they would not like me, but they were inviting and I felt as if I fit right in.
A certain part of me was anxious that something would go wrong, but I knew that it was just my nature and that after six months with Aìyana nothing could go wrong.
And nothing did for the first few days, but looking back, I wish I had listened to my gut because things can always go wrong.
- Two years ago -
The night here is so much different than at home. There are much less trees and far more caves up here, it would be much harder to navigate if it wasn’t for the white glow of the moon right now.
Today Aìyana and I did not spend as much time together as usual. It was more of a quality time day for her to be with her family and friends alone before our celebration tomorrow night. 
I spent the day with my family, which was fun, but now since night had fallen I was on my way to Aìyana’s hut where we planned on meeting.
When I arrive though she isn’t there. I brushed it off though, I was early and she hasn’t seen her friends in six months, she wasn’t obliged to rush back to me when after tomorrow she’d be leaving her home to officially become Omaticaya.
Uncomfortable with staying in her hut while she wasn’t there, I decided to take a little walk. Maybe she’d be home by the time I got back. 
My walk is peaceful, by this time most have retired to their huts for the night. I venture into a small bout of trees similar to the forest, exploring more of this foreign area when a laugh catches my attention. It’s a beautiful harmony that I recognize as none other than my Aìyana’s.
I smile, glad to hear she is enjoying her time with her friends, before deciding to continue my walk in the opposing direction. As I turn through another woman's voice stops me in my tracks. “He cried?” she laughs.
“Like a little baby,” Aìyana responds.
My heart sinks, she couldn’t possibly be talking about me.
Another woman speaks next, “So much for mating with a ‘mighty warrior.’ Who would’ve thought Toruk Makto’s son was so soft.”
“Why are you even staying with him?” another asks.
“Well, it would benefit both of our clans. And my dad plans on mating me with someone else anyway, so why not just get it over with instead of wasting a bunch of time picking suitors.”
“Okay but you’ve got to tell us.. how’s he in bed?”
Aìyana sighs deeply, “Amazing in theory, sometimes I’m just not mentally there, it’s whatever. Anyways, speaking of ‘being in bed’ I’ve got to be somewhere before a certain someone comes crying at my doorstep.”
The group laughs bidding Aìyana goodbye, but I can’t help the pang of hurt that I feel in my chest. Especially when one of the girls yells after her, ‘Tell Tavo we said hi!!!’
My heart sinks impossibly deeper in my chest, who the hell was Tavo?
I decided to extend my walk, trying to convince myself that I was making all of this up. But how could I when I’d heard it all with my own two ears.
After prolonging my return to Aìyana’s tent, I decide to finally make my way back. I needed to speak to her about what I had heard. Despite it breaking my heart, another completely delusional part of me believed that we could work past this.
As I arrive at her tent all hope drains from my body though. The sounds from inside the tent burn their way into my ears. The mix of moans between the woman I love and a man that was not me fills me with dread, betrayal, and anger.
A part of me wanted to barge in, embarrass the two and unleash my anger in a way suitable for the Toruk Makto’s son. In a way that would prove to her that I was way too mighty to just sit back and take this.
But the reasonable part of me tells me it’s not worth it. It tells me that although I love her to the moon and back, the extent of her love hardly reached the forest.
-  Present -
That night I went straight to my family hut, holding back the tears that threatened to pour from my eyes as I told my family we were leaving. My parents attempted to argue it but I was persistent so, despite their wishes, we left.
I spent the entirety of the next week sulking alone in my hut. Seeing as nobody had a clue as to why I ended things with Aìyana, everyone was concerned. I just wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.
But when Aìyana’s father became infuriated with my impulsive decision to leave and not mate with his daughter, the threat of war knocked at our clan's door. I could tell my father blamed me for this, he was mad that I had ended things and even more upset that I wouldn’t tell anyone why.
That next week Kiri came to my hut in the night. She’d brought me dinner and sat with me as I ate. She didn’t try to force me to speak or anything, she just wanted to know that was okay and that meant the world to me.
That night when she left she gave me a big hug, my first hug since Aìyana. I did the one thing I’d been trying to do at that moment, I broke down like the crybaby I am. 
It was humiliating, crying in my little sister's embrace, but I knew that if I could trust anyone it would be my dearest sister Kiri. So when she pulled away and asked me to talk to her, I did. I told her every event of that wretched night, leaving her stunned and angry.
Before leaving that night Kiri promised she wouldn’t tell a soul of what happened. She did ask me to at least tell our father that Aìyana was unfaithful, she promised he would understand.
Trusting Kiri, I told my dad that I had overheard Aìyana’s betrayal and that’s why I had decided to leave her. To my surprise my father more than understood, he was infuriated. I asked my father not to expose her though because although she had hurt me, I still felt a deep love for the woman.
He agreed but still with two furious Olo’eyktan’s butting heads, war was inevitable.
The almost two year fight was rough and draining for the clan, but when it did finally end, the Omaticaya came out on top.
Grieving my love for Aìyana was rough, but throughout the first year of the war I learned not to crave her, I learned to be alone again, and I had come to love it once more.
By the end of the war I was completely over the woman and what she’d done to me. I was myself again, strong and mighty all around. In pure spite, I gave up on keeping what Aìyana did a secret. 
With the humiliation of a cheating daughter, and having a war that could have been completely avoided if it wasn’t for her. The ash clan, that I am proud to have no more connections with, surrendered.
Now it had been a little over two years since the war had begun, and six months since it had ended.
Everything had been back to normal these past six months and I couldn’t have been happier.
Well, until today when I was told of my fourth arranged courtship.
I thought that I was past this shit, and that Aìyana was the perfect example that nothing good would come from this and that I was better off by myself.
That didn’t matter though because in one week I will be thrown down the rabbit hole again, but luckily this time I know what to expect. And I’d be damned before I got hurt all over again.
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Hi guys!! Okay so the reader will be intorduced in the next part! I really hope you are enjoying my story idea so far, I've been absolutly obsessing over the plot in my head. I really wanted to write more angst than my other story Anomaly (which I am still working on promise!) To all my current Anomaly readers, I have tagged you from my taglist from that story here so that you would know about the new story, but if you aren't intrested in being tagged on this one just tell me. :)) Okay okay, it's like three am, i'm going to sleep now. Much love to you all!!- Mak
@cleverzonkwombatsludge @peachycrime @jackiehollanderr @fanboyluvr @killua2dot0 @neteyamsbabymomma @lovedbychoi @aihimitsu @ken-zah @ghostmadeofglass @alfie2401 @awow-2
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willowser · 2 years
okay, but hmm. did not consider personal assistant au for kirishima specifically. and i feel like — the things that you would find out about eijirou, beyond red riot, would be so intimate and so surprising.
because maybe you're new, to the assistant thing, hot off the press. his mom has been managing his affairs for a while now but she's getting older and kind of tired and sometimes kiri wants to go to her house and just be a son and not a hero. sometimes he just wants to eat her cooking and wash his clothes in her detergent, because it smells like home, and not talk about what's on his schedule for next week and why he's got to endorse another toothpaste brand on instagram.
all you know about him has been spoon-fed by the media; he's been a friendly face in hero society since he was sixteen — someone people looked up to and knew they could rely on, someone they trusted to get the job done and get it done right, because kirishima is and always has been the shining, beaming face of justice. he's kid friendly, has a tiktok, does a lot publicly with his fans, attends conventions and hugs people even if they didn't pay for it along with their ticket.
he's the good guy, always smiling.
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and the first time you start to question that, he's sitting in his office. alone, after dark. the city below offers a very dim light that creeps up through his half-shuddered windows and he's staring at the hardwood of his desk, completely zoned out, and he's — unhappy. obvious there, in all his cracks and crevices. the width of his eyes and weight of his frown makes him look older, and whatever is going on inside his head has him by the throat, because he doesn't even look up when you linger in the doorway, when you—
"uh, sir?"
and then he blinks, planted back inside his skin before looking up at you. "sorry, what's up?" his voice is raspy, moreso than usual, as if he hasn't used it in hours, and you wonder how long he's just been sitting there. thinking. when he smiles at you, it's soft and warm, like a blanket fresh out of the dryer, and your frigid worry is thawed from how believable it is.
he's very professional with you, albeit friendly; making jokes, going out on very rare occasions with your coworkers, though he only has one drink before leaving early. only calls you by your last name and never instructs you to do different with him, tells you good morning with that same trademarked cheer, never spends too much time with just you, texts your work phone only — and for strictly work related things.
very rarely takes days off, and when he does, he finds himself back in his office anyway. tidying up or going over reports from the last week or checking his emails or figuring out if you ever got ahold of so-and-so.
kirishima is standing at your desk, looking over his to-do's for next week, murmuring to himself when he can fit time in for the gym or for the yearly charity run they do in kamino. and again — you're struck with the reminder of him as a fresh-faced teen and all that he had to endure. if it's warped him, trapped him into whatever he is now. you wonder if he even realizes it, though the haunted look on his face from before hints at a startling truth.
"aren't you tired?" you ask him suddenly, peering up as he looms over you.
he smiles, even chuckles. "what? whaddya mean?"
"it's your off day, you know," you frown and his lips twitch in response, displeased. "you should be at home, like, i don't know, getting some rest or watching die hard or something."
he doesn't say anything at first and your eyes go a little wide, because his silence has you worrying you've crossed a major boundary with him. he's kind and you're not afraid of him; you only hope you aren't being too forward or offensive.
but there's something that lines the creases around his eyes, a bit wry as he studies your face. you get the odd feeling this is the first time he’s ever looked at you. but a soft snort comes out of his nose and then he's grinning again, beaming.
"i'm in more of a predator kind of phase right now, actually." and he makes the odd, alien little noise, mimicking how it opens its madibles with his fingers and you can't help but to laugh at him, all too aware of the gaze he keeps on your face even after you look away.
for the most part, he has very good composure; you've never seen him get mad about — anything, and he hardly swears, which you think is really odd considering which other pro hero is constantly stomping around his office. it has you wondering what attracts them to one another; what of dynamight is in red riot, too, that makes them such good friends, natural partners. a strive to do good, to win, but you think, maybe, it's something deeper than that. darker, even.
red riot is meant to give a speech at a ribbon cutting, after a few commercial buildings are decimated in a villain attack. although he wasn't particularly part of the rescue, it's still him they choose for their front page. for their podium. as their shining star.
it's the first time you see him crack, really.
behind the curtain they've hung up, hiding as some community official drones on and on about the true meaning of heroics — despite not being one — and kirishima is standing beside you as you quietly go over what you've written for him. you don't even notice he's not listening until his breathing is louder than your voice, and when you glance up from your flashcards, he's — somewhere else. zoned out, just like he had been in the dark.
"sir?" you murmur, and he's popping all his fingers and flexing his palms and kind of shuffling in place, oblivious. "hey, sir?" before you can reach out to touch him, he's tugging at the tie around his neck like it's choking him.
and he whispers a harsh "fuck" before squeezing his shut.
it takes you completely by surprise, though a guilt-laden voice in the back of your mind reminds you this isn't new, that this is something you maybe should have addressed earlier, instead of letting him suffer in a masked silence.
"fuck," he says again, leaning his head back to try and steady his rapid breathing. you think he might be hyperventilating. "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,"
"kirishima?" and it's his name from your mouth that has him returning, looking at you for a moment before exhaling, wiping his hands on his slacks as he jostles like his skin is uncomfortable over his bones. "what's wrong?"
"no, nothin', i just—" he swallows, adam's apple bobbing, and you frown as he peeks behind the curtain and back into the crowd and cameras that are set on the stage. waiting. "goddamn it."
he's panicking; the realization has you stunned, but — he is twenty-six and just a man. one that's been built from the ground up, in the shape of something that's become too heavy after so long. even for him.
"hey," the notecards slap against the floor, forgotten, and you step in front of him to tentatively place your hands on his arms. if you're crossing a boundary, he doesn't seem to notice. "hey, hey, we can cancel this."
"what?" he looks at you like you're crazy, swallowing again. for the first time, you see an angry crease develope between his eyebrows. "no, no, i can't—they—i've got nothing to do with this and still, they want red riot to—"
"i don't give a shit about 'red riot' right now, okay?"
you think this is definitely going to get you fired; he rears back from you like you've slapped him — maybe you have, metaphorically — and he goes completely silent. breath evening out. eyebrows raised in stunned offense.
"i'm talking about you, kirishima." you clarify, daring to reach out and touch his elbow with what you hope is comfort. he just stares at the point of contact, open-mouthed. "if you don't want to—"
but then they're calling his name and people are waving him on and he's gone under the weight of his mantle, walking out without worry as he grins and smiles and waves and thanks everyone for coming. your notecards were worthless, because he has the entire thing memorized by heart and he pauses at the right times and laughs his little laugh so that everyone else chuckles, too.
picture perfect: that's what you think when you watch the playback later, on youtube. wouldn't even know what he was hiding, in his shadows.
you wait until you're back at the office and everyone has gone home to talk to him, and when you linger in his doorway, he doesn't notice for a long time. staring blankly at his dark computer monitor, far away.
this time, it's him that moves first, eventually having to a double-take to confirm you're really standing there. you're expecting anger or annoyance or frustration to come pooling out, but — he just smiles, a little more obvious in his insincerity, and says, "hey."
you don't say anything, though you do come further in to stand right across his desk. waiting, for him to reveal himself.
he doesn't. "sorry about earlier, i get a little stage-fright sometimes," sheepishly, he laughs, scratching the back of his head. "i didn't mean for you to see me like that, i just—"
"i am," you sigh, continuing when he quiets and raises his eyebrows at the interruption. "going to go and get some shitty bar food and a beer and go home to sit on my couch and watch all the predator films."
he relaxes, just a little. just enough. "even a.v.p?"
"yes, even a.v.p." you want him to invite himself, but you should know that's a step too far, for him. instead he just tells you "sounds nice" and then eventually, whatever lives in his head begins to eat its way out. "and i would really enjoy some company, kirishima, if you are interested at all."
the rejection is clear on his face and so you look away to spare yourself, trying not to take it personal. this arms-length he keeps you at is — odd, and you can't figure it out. you wonder how long it's been since anyone has breached his walls. how long it's been since he's let them.
"that's okay," you surrender, offering him a timid smile though he frowns. in the smallest moment of sincerity, his eyes flash with something and he stands, hands curled into fists like he would reach out with them, if he didn't glue them to his sides.
"i am tired," he finally says, and his eyes droop and he smiles, waning and weak, a lopsided turn of his lips. one of his little teeth peeking out, like a fang. "you're my employee and i shouldn't but, i am really fucking tired."
you're stunned, again, and he fishes his keys out of a drawer and walks over to you, suit jacket forgotten on the back of his chair. his tie is gone, too, nowhere to be found. you hope he threw it away.
as he's locking up his office behind him, he turns to you, almost shy. "only if we get chicken kaarage, though."
you smile and so does he and it's real, for the both of you. for the first time.
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quiveringdeer · 8 months
Happy Birthday to the most wonderfulest being of sunshine
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Eijirou Kirishima
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dirtbra1n · 3 months
heyo dirtbrain I got two for you for that ship ask game. first is wangxian. second is zhongli & childe bc i know nothing abt genshin impact and also bc the opinions i do have kind of relate to both of these asks which is fun
hello kiri Really tickled by your second selection here. I will try to be brief, (1/137)
literally every single time I think about mdzs I have this constant incessant need to say out loud I DO LIKE WANGXIAN. to my ghost audience. because I really really do. but I’m not Compelled. there are things that compel me and wangxian’s not doing much of any of it. it’s all there already….. which is . where’s the fun in that for me…….. granted though I still haven’t read the properly localized novels yet. started reading the first one the other day but it’s at the bottom of the priority list I guess you could add this one. because there are other more pressing issues at hand. I guess it’s. I’m a terrible marriage (complicated definition) fan and wangxian are so Regular marriage. good for them! but come on guys…..
Also colored in large part probably by the way mdzs fandom was in like 2019/20 and the shredding of lan zhan’s character . different rabbithole different day I hope it’s gotten better in the time I’ve been away . I do still miss my friend wei wuxian though They could never make me hate you king…….
zhongli childe genshin impact though Ha ha. ohhh man.
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boring people yaoi is the worlds most egregious crime to me and I’m NOT kidding. I think I’ve mentioned to you kiri my extensive personal genshin mindpalace. and these two are both in there as two of four major players. probably also mentioned the debaucherous tilt this entire mindpalace has happening.
the point I’m not getting at here but am steering towards anyway is that childe knows that zhongli has the power to crush him and the earth he stands on with a lifted pinky and is so into it because he’s a violence freak. and so he’s constantly trying to push zhongli’s buttons, trying to see if he can move the mountain if he just shoves hard enough, shoves in the right way, at the right time. not that there’s not also like. resentment. some complicated feelings bubbling. I wouldn’t care at all if there wasn’t. mindpalace wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t. another rabbithole for another day.
anyway zhongli feels far too old for this. consciously. he feels too old for this consciously I don’t think the boring yaoi people are wrong on principle when they put that old man in Situations. I do so myself. they’re just wrong because they’re not putting enough struggle into it. because I think that zhongli knows what childe’s after and is determined not to give him anything. and yet simultaneously will see him in the right lighting or covered in gore and think I want to eat him. no quicker way to feel your age. he was a martial god, you know. it’s not that he’s averse to violence or the eroticism of it on principle you can’t be a martial god who is Normal about violence. but if you see this twenty-something human being who is trying to rile you up, trying to get you where he wants you, and you let him… you have to be a much kinder, more feeble minded man than zhongli. work harder, gongzi. try harder.
he’s also just not immune to it is the thing. pride be damned the actual thing stopping him is probably the ‘feeling like a cradle robber’ thing
all that said on this topic I’m citing one of my favorite tweets ever
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albino-pony · 2 years
I'm analysing the dorm rooms for the new chapter to better imagine how Baku's room could be organised and fucking-
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redxriiot · 2 years
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This but it's just Kiri dedicating his way through the Sports fest for Tamaki. Just him being all, "I CAN'T LOSE! I'VE GOTTA WIN...FOR SENPAI!" while poor Tamaki can hear his screeching from the stands and yells back, "CUT THAT OUT. QUIT TALKING LIKE I'M DEAD!"
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Decided to only pick out my top 10 favorites. (Which was hard) And in no particular order.
This is such a fantastic mix!
I've posted this one more than once but it really is an all-time favourite.
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
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twpsyn-who · 2 years
I was thinking a little bit about the Steve, Eddie and Billy dynamic and came to the conclusion that they are literally BakuKiriKami and now I can not unseen it.
#I have no clue how bad Billy is I only know that he's a big jerk (and probably worst than high school Steve)#anyway I visualize him as a angry Pomeranian too so he and Bakugou 👌🏼#also Steve and Kirishima being sunshine boys willing to die for their friends and family (also them being Bakugou/Billy apologists first#and human being last)#and Eddie and Kaminari give me the same fucking vibe they also.play guitar and barely pass any classes absvbsjs at least there's someone#to tutor Kaminari#also Billy and Bakugou are yk#* looking at people who read the manga for BNHA and are at day with Stranger Things *#BLOND ANGRY BOYS WITH MOMMY/DADDY ISSUES#Kami and Eddie being drama queens half of the time too#I actually idk what Kiri and Steve can have in common besides THE FUCKING HAIR AND SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME AND PRODUCTS IN IT AFSJDHSJ#* lowkey thinking at a BNHA AU with the stranger things characters rn *#i'm fucked#I love Katsuki but post high school Katsuki would be a shit big brother and I'm not afraid to say it#MUSIC. STEVE AND KIRISHIMA LISTENING TO THE SAME SHIT AND BEING MADE FUN OFF BY THE OTHERS AHDHIDJD#also Steve and Kiri are chaotic dumbasses no I don't get criticism over it they go in head empty and get yelled at for being idiots after#ok mostly headcanon but yk Steve and Kiri having that one lesbian bff (ik Mina is not lesbian hence why headcanon but yk what I mean man)#STEVE AND KIRI HAVING THAT CHARACTER DEVELOPED like yk Kiri learning to believe in himself and be more confident and stuff and Steve being#a better person#Eddie and Kami are 100% good with kids while Billy and Baku scare the shit out of them#sorry I am rambling rn#i don't even know how to tag this#bakukirikami#tagging only ships cuz I don't have enough tags afshdjej#stranger things#boku no hero academia#bnha#harringroveson#editing this cuz NOW I KNOW THEIR SHIP NAME. but also fuck harringroveson
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mirkoluvs · 2 months
notes: it’s been a minute… heyyy guys 😅
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liked by katskugo, urgirlpinky, manlykiri, ochochko, and others…
y/nstivites: he’s a lover boy the tough guy thing is an act
tagged: katskugo
katskugo: delete that caption
ochochko: AWWW so he really is just a softie 🥹
↳ katskugo: NO
↳ urgirlpinky: bros upset cause people think he’s nice 😭
↳ katskugo: stfu
mightoriya: it took him a while to pick those!! he wanted to make it special 😁
↳ katskugo: SHUT UP IT DIDNT
↳ y/nstivites: you do realize that’s a good thing right
↳ katskugo: it doesn’t sound like one
↳ y/nstivites: …
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liked by katskugo, ochochko, mightoriya, _denking, and others…
y/nstivites: my personal chef 🧑🏼‍🍳
tagged: katskugo
_denking: SO YOU CAN COOK YET LET ME STARVE???? @.katskugo
↳ katskugo: like i’d ever waste ingredients on you
↳ _denking: some friend you are.
↳ y/nstivites: it’s ok denki sneak into my dorm next time and i’ll get you a plate 😋
liked by _denking
↳ _denking: this is why ur my favorite y/n
↳ katskugo: if you’re cheating on me just say that
↳ y/nstivites: KATSUKI
↳ katskugo: yeah you’re right you wouldn’t be able to survive going from me to spark plug you’d die from the downgrade
↳ katskugo: you
satobakes: looks really good!
liked by y/nstivites, katskugo
↳ katskugo: thanks
liked by satobakes
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liked by y/nstivites, manlykiri, urgirlpinky, seroman, and others…
katskugo: 🖤💪🏻
tagged: y/nstivites
y/nstivites: this is misleading he made me add 10 extra reps to my normal workouts
urgirlpinky: you wanna be mysterious SOOO BAD
↳ urgirlpinky: would it kill you to post a happy normal kissy face sunshine rainbows couple picture
katskugo: it would
↳ y/nstivites: 🙁
liked by urgirlpinky
↳ katskugo: …
manlykiri: me when?
↳ katskugo: you never
↳ urgirlpinky: i’m sorry i screamed this is insane
↳ urgirlpinky: he is not your friend kiri this is opp behavior
↳ manlykiri: 😢
↳ _denking: it’s ok i got you bro
↳ seroman: ayo?
↳ katskugo: 😐
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liked by y/nstivites, urgirlpinky, jirouplugin, mightoriya, and others…
katskugo: the best part
tagged: y/nstivites
y/nstivites: KATSUKI NO WAY
liked by katskugo
y/nstivites: IM GONNA CRYYYY
liked by katskugo
y/nstivites: i love you so much 🥹🤍
liked by katskugo
↳ katskugo: i love you more baby
liked by y/nstivites
liked by jirouplugin
↳ katskugo: SHUT UP???
↳ _denking: youre such a lover boy kacchan
↳ katskugo: sleep with one eye open tonight
urgirlpinky: literally the grumpy x sunshine troupe irl
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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fleur-bbyy · 1 year
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✰summary: kiri is staying at bakugo and his girlfriend’s house when he catches them having sex through the crack of their bedroom door. kiri discovers he’s into voyeurism.
✰ warnings: all characters aged up 21+, SEX (minors and ageless blogs dni!!!!), non-con voyeurism (is that a thing?), kink-discoveryish?, spitting, some degrading, creampie, female reader, oral (f receiving), bi panic for kiri, squirting, bkg is bigger than reader, belly bulge
✰wc: 2.5k
heavily inspired by “private affairs” by @lady-lauren (amazing writer and very kind person!!) might continue this, who knows!!
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he knows he shouldn’t be watching.
he’s a guest in his best friend’s house. graciously being able to stay in the guest room while his house is being fumigated. they’ve been nothing but accommodating. feeding him, insisting he not do any household chores, ensuring his comfort during his stay in the house.
how does he repay this kindness?
by watching his bakugo and his loving girlfriend go at it in their bedroom.
eijiro didn’t do it on purpose. he’d never go out of his way to watch his closest friend get to know his girl in the biblical sense. he was simply just trying to go get a glass of water from the kitchen, having to pass their room to do so. he kept his steps quiet, practically tip-toeing down the hall to not wake them if they were asleep. kirishima noticed the door was slightly cracked open as he was about to descend the stairs, but stopped mid-step when he heard the first noise.
he turned his head to look into the room when he heard the slight moans and whimpers that escaped through the crack of the door. it wasn’t opened enough to see everything, but he did see the way your legs were spread and glistened with a light sheen of sweat. your breast were bare, exposed to the gentle glow of the light you always kept on. your head thrown back as more of those sweet moans left your lips. he then noticed the large, calloused hands holding a grip hard enough to bruise on the plush skin of your thighs. strong arms wrapped around them to hold you in place. the blond was between your legs eating you like a man starved and covering your most private of areas with his head. the sight was enough to bring his dick to life and for him to drop his knees to the hardwoods with a soft thud. he hid in the shadows and mentally thanking whatever force compelled them to not fully shut their door.
“fuck kats. i’ve missed you so much. i need you.”
eijiro admired the way you sounded when you were overtaken to the waves of pleasure your boyfriend was drowning you in. he’d never admit it out loud, but he’d always thought you to be beautiful. always gentle, like a ray of sunshine that had fallen to the earth. i’m some ways, you were just like him. a stark contrast to katsuki, eijiro’s other schoolboy crush.
he let his mind drift to wonder about how you’d would taste on his tongue. you’d probably be the sweetest he’s ever had and he’d drink it up with fervor until you’d beg him to stop. he also wonders what’d it be like to have katsuki’s tongue running along the veins of his thick shaft. he accidentally lets a small moan slip, thankfully, it was covered by an even louder one from you as you released on katsuki’s face. thighs clenching and your manicured fingers digging into his blond hair. your hair swished as you threw your head back against the bed in pleasure, mouth forming the classic ‘o’ shape.
he decided to forego the glass of water when katsuki removed his mouth from your pussy to remove his cock from the grey sweats that hung lowly on his hips. he was built beautifully. rippling muscles that covered his entire body and a beautiful adonis belt that led straight to his dick. eijiro wondered if it was weird to call a dick pretty, but it was the only word that could describe katsuki. long and thick, but not as thick as the redhead that was spying in. a beautiful blue vein running along the erect shaft and his tip was a perfect shade of pink.
he pumped himself a few times to prepare to take you. eijiro doing the same. preparing to watch the love-making and passion between two very attractive individuals. just touching himself lightly enough to relieve the ache. ghosting his large fingers over the head and smearing some of his own pre down the length.
he knows it’s wrong
he knows he shouldn’t do it.
but he was too far gone to stop.
he was drawn to the scene unfolding before him like a moth to a flame. watching and admiring bakugo’s cock intently as he toyed with your entrance. rubbing the head up and down your wet slit until you were practically in tears begging him to push in. a loud moan leaving you when he finally does push all the way in. katsuki having to clamp his hand down on your mouth to try and keep you quiet as he began to rut into you. his hands gripping the curve where your waist and hips meet and low groans of his own escaping his mouth.
kirishima kept up with bakugo’s pace. fisting his cock to the rhythm he created as his hips snapped against yours. eijiro wished it was his name rolling off your pink tongue as he fucked you. watching your tits bounce with every thrust given and wishing his could just reach out and touch you.
he also wished to be under katsuki. he wanted to be the person katsuki was sweetly praising and hatefully degrading. wanted to know what it felt like when he wrapped a thick hand around his throat like bakugo had just done to you.
“‘m so fuckin’ addicted to you. pussy’s a drug, baby.”
he shuddered at the sound of katsuki’s voice. stern tone lacing the words that left his lips and made kirishima wish he was on his knees before him. his cock practically jumped in his hand every time bakugo spoke filth down to you.
“‘m gonna fuck you into the shape of my cock.”
“you’re just a desperate fucking slut, so greedy f’me.”
“roll those fuckin’ hips on me, princess.”
having to choke back his own whimpers to remain unnoticed. eijiro relished at the hot tears that ran down your cheeks that katsuki had so kindly wiped away for you before harshly tapping your cheek.
“open up, baby.” you obeyed his every command as a string on spit fell from his tongue and into your mouth. swallowing it without much of a second thought. eijiro’s eyes rolled back as he continued to beat his cock to the sliver of a view he had of the pair of you.
you whined when katsuki abruptly pulled out. he flipped you over and bent you over your shared bed before burying himself back in your wet heat.
“‘s too much baby!” you whined as he pistoned his hips into you at a faster, rougher pace.
“shut the fuck up and take this cock.”
eijiro was getting closer with every stroke of his fist. having to use one of his own hands to help him choke back and muffle the sounds threatening to spill from him. the fire burning in his abdomen only growing every time your ass jiggled from the rough pace katsuki had set. more of his pre leaking out of his slit and quickly being used as lube to keep himself going.
eijiro intently listened as your moans became louder and of a higher pitch. endless strings of slurred and babbling words coming from your mouth as you warned your boyfriend of another incoming release.
“fuck… fuck gonna cum, kats, gonnafuckingcum.”
“that’s it, princess, cum all over my cock. wanna feel you clench around me.”
if kirishima could see your face, he’d bet your eyes would be rolling to the back of your head as bakugo hit that sweet, spongy spot inside of you. he was about to let himself go until katsuki spoke up again.
“i know you’ve got another one in you-“
getting so horny for this was disgusting.
“-so be a good girl for me, yeah?”
but he was willing to be a called-out pervert if that meant he could continue watching.
he slowed the hand that jerked his cock, bound and determined to finish when you cum again. eijiro loved watching you be used as a cocksleeve. loved watching your beautiful cunt grip your boyfriend’s cock and suck it into your body.
and bakugo looked like a dictionary picture of power. he looked so domineering over you. a behemoth compared to your shorter frame. he’s always been strong and just simply better at everything because he wanted to be. nobody ever holding him back from something he wanted. eijiro imagines him to be the best fuck he could ever dream of having, somewhat envying you for being the one that gets to experience it.
“you’re so fucking deep in me.” a another bead of pre-cum rolls out of his slit when he notices the bulge in your belly every time katsuki pushes all the way in. he wishes it was his cock. he wishes it was his stomach. he’s never seen someone look so pretty taking a pounding like this before. bakugo’s hips speeding up as he tries to bring you over the edge before he falls victim to his own release. maneuvering a hand down to toy with your sensitive clit, causing your whines to grow louder and more needy. your cunt squelches with every thrust he gives and you take it all with grace.
“y’gonna come f’me again baby? gonna cum with me?”
he’s so close.
“fuck, kats, please.”
so goddamn close.
your words slur and become airy as if bakugo is knocking all the breath from your lungs. eijiro hopes that his best friend is going to fill your sweet pussy so he can imagine it’s his cum dripping out of you. his balls feel tighter and with every moan or groan he hears spill from your mouths, he finds the coil in his stomach to be twisting tighter. just a few more strokes and he’ll be done for.
“right there, kats! fuck.. please! i’m gonna cum.. i’m cumming! i’m cumming!”
“fuck yes baby, take this shit. cum on my fat cock. cum with me, princess.” eijiro loses himself at the piercing whine that leaves you when you squirt on your boyfriend. watching the clear liquid gush from your tight and stuffed hole sends him and katsuki over the edge at the same time. eijiro biting his hand and drawing blood as he tucks his dick back into his sweats to catch the load of cum that erupts from him. he watched bakugo’s every reaction as he came. head thrown back and brow furrowed as he continued to snap his hips into yours. grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling you towards him. he watched the way the warm glow of light illuminated the sweat on your bodies and it made him feel as if he could jerk off again.
he payed extra close attention when katsuki slowly pulled himself from you. your hole gaping from being stretched by the massive man and dribbles of his white hot cum running out of your pussy. he intently watched once more as bakugo scooped up the cum and pushed it back in to you.
“not wasting a drop, baby.”
he had to close his eyes before he got riled up again, but he couldn’t bask in the post-nut clarity either. as quickly as possible getting off of his knees and trying to quietly walk on wobbly legs down to the kitchen to get himself the water that he actually needs now. somberly thinking of what he’d done.
eijiro kirishima is not a pervert. he didn’t do shit like that, but here he was. standing in the kitchen of his best friend’s house after busting a nut to them having sex with the wet patch on the inside of his sweats to prove it.
he stared at a dust bunny that had gathered where the countertop and wall met. he felt as dirty as that spot as guilt overtook his body. weighing down his muscular shoulders. the air felt thick and almost suffocating as he tried to take a few deep breaths to ease the shame that had settled in.
carefully making his way back up the stairs, he hoped to just walk on by. hoped that this would be a thing to only weigh down on him and him only. hoped he could put the disgusting, perverted, and voyeuristic act behind him.
you can only hope for so much when you’re guilty.
“eijiro.” he heard the booming voice of katsuki right as he passed the doorway. it was quiet enough for him to question if he was dreaming or not. he stopped in his tracks, glass in hand, to try and hear movement in the bedroom and see if anyone was awake.
“i know you’re out there, ei.” shit. he wasn’t dreaming. he felt the weight on his shoulders double as he tried to find his voice to respond back.
“yeah?” it was all he could muster. ashamed, embarrassed. there’s no way they didn’t know about what he did. he’d been caught.
“come here.” the two words were confusing to kiri, but his legs moved to enter the room anyways. was he going to get his ass beat? kicked out? murdered? he wasn’t sure. but he did know his eyes weren’t deceiving at what was laid out before him.
you were still on the bed, but had flipped over on your back and propped up on your elbows, completely naked. he got a good look at your still hardened nipples and glistening cunt from the fuck you’d had 10 minutes prior. katsuki was also still naked. standing at the side of the bed in all his glory, cock still half hard. eijiro’s eyes widened at the sight.
“i know you were watching us.” is all katsuki can say before streams of ‘sorry’s’ and ‘I swear it was a one time thing’ leaving his mouth before he could even think about what he was saying.
“there’s no need to be a fuckin’ baby about it,” bakugo cut his apologies off, “princess here loved it, didn’t you?” the two men look over at you as you smiled and nodded your pretty little head.
“y’know, we’ve both never came so hard before, so we thought we could reward you a bit.” your voice was sickeningly sweet. you could ask eijiro to do anything for you and he’d do it, no questions ask if you continued to lure him in with your seductive voice. your eyes were half-lidded as you looked up at him through your eyelashes. taking in the bashful expression on his face.
“reward.. me?” kirishima felt weak in the knees again as his cock stirred to life once more at the thought of either of you giving him a little something.
“yeah, yeah. you want it?” katsuki spoke, looking unbothered, bored even. eijiro nodded his head without a sliver of hesitation. his excitement resembled a puppy wagging when a treat is held in front of its face. his entire body felt like it was jumping in anticipation and the pressure holding his shoulders down had lifted. it felt like he’d gotten one hundred times lighter. like he was floating
he gasped when bakugo grabbed a fistful of his red hair and pushed him to his knees, facing your pretty pussy. his tongue darted out to lick his lips before katsuki spoke again.
“you want us? eat my fuckin’ cum outta her cunt.”
eijiro didn’t pay any mind to the dull ache that spread across his scalp. nothing would cause him to hesitate at the opportunity to taste the two of you.
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bakubunny · 7 months
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best friend!kiri x praise kink!reader
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts and rotting my brain for months so here you gooo. reader is shy and flustered around pretty sunshine boy when he says nice things.
tags: aged up characters, f!reader, praise kink, pet names, smut
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“c’mon, just three more…” kirishima said. “atta girl, that’s it…. two… three. great job!”
his hand burned hot as he squeezed your shoulder much like the burning that was amplified on your cheeks by his words.
“thanks,” you said, quickly moving on to the next exercise given.
eijiro was your best friend. you’d known him since you were kids, and you finally took him up on the offer to let him help you train at his gym. he was surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) patient and encouraging despite the fact that you were clueless.
“…spread your feet a little more, like this. good girl. now…” he tried to give more instruction, but you cut him off.
“please don’t say that,” you said, almost whispering the words in shame.
eijiro was so kind, but he must have been oblivious to the way your body tensed any time he said a handful of specific things. good girl. that’s it, keep going for me. you’re doing so well. atta girl….
come to think of it, there were a lot of things he said that made your skin run hot that you tried to ignore, and the majority of it started when he’d started bringing you here. but you were at your wits end. you didn’t need to be thinking of the heated ache in your core every time he said something that set you off without knowing.
“huh?” he leaned in slightly to hear you better.
you spoke slightly louder. “please don’t say that.”
“say what? is everything alright?” he had a look of concern in his eyes.
you caught a glance and a stifled laugh swiftly disguised as a cough from the blond at the machine nearby. eijiro’s roommate and your other best friend, denki. your cheeks burned as you stumbled through what to say.
“n-nothing. yes, everything is great,” you replied with a bright smile. “you were saying?”
eijiro’s brows furrowed for a moment, but he took your cue to move on.
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one week later
you sat next to eijiro where you both stared intently at the widescreen tv across the room, game controllers in hand. denki at minimum was normally here for game night, but somehow it wound up being just the two of you. so instead of several people huddled around a board game, you’d decided video games were a better choice.
you managed to secure the final kill needed to win another match.
eijiro exploded with joy. “yeeeaah! good girl, wa-”
“that. please don’t say that,” you said, cutting him off. you swallowed hard, eyes shut tight, hoping he wouldn’t ask questions or press further.
eijiro fell quiet as the kill cam started. “was that what you meant the other day?”
your cheeks grew hot. “yes. i… couldn’t figure out how to ask you to stop without making both of us uncomfortable, so i haven’t said anything. can we just start the next match?”
“we can… but what if i want to know more?” he replied.
your grip tightened on the controller. “there’s not much to it. i like praise. a lot.”
he laughed softly, loosing some of the tension in your body.
“yeah, but… what if i don’t want to stop?” he said.
eijiro’s statement caught you off guard enough that you chanced a look at his face. his cheeks were a little pink, but his bright eyed smile was the same as ever.
“ei, what are you saying?”
his grin got a little wider as he pulled the controller from your hand and set it aside. he leaned in. “i’m saying i want to call you that. would you like that?”
your brain short-circuited for a second. “i-i-i mean, um, i… yes. please?”
eijiro’s voice lowered as he lifted your chin and leaned in. “good girl…. you’re so cute with that look on your face.”
you looked back at him wide eyed and flushed from neck to hairline, his crimson eyes alight with a playfulness that was new to you. “thanks.”
he closed the distance and kissed you, soft and warm and sweet like honey.
.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ .
the sound of wet slapping filled the room. eijiro’s voice rolled down your body as the heat of his breath hit your face, his forehead resting against yours. the thrust of his hips was heavy against your cunt.
“you’re so fucking beautiful, baby. can’t get enough of this pretty face, all fucked out and eyes rolling just for me,” eijiro said.
his thick length had you shaking yet again, your body begging him not to stop as another climax neared.
“eiji, needa cum, fuck-” you slurred.
he kissed you hard and leaned into your ear.
“that’s my good fucking girl, c’mon, cum for me. that’s it princess, give it to me. don’t fucking stop. don’t you dare stop cumming, sweet girl. you’re so pretty when you cum for me, i need all of it….”
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angeljeonjk97 · 7 months
BodyWork || Bell #3
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Jungkook x reader
friends to lovers
18+ (fluff, smut)
warnings: mentions and descriptions of violence, mentions and use of drugs and alcohol
Jeon Jungkook isn't the same 19-year-old boy you used to know. Fame has really matured him, in more ways that one.
"You already know how I like it baby"
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The light shines through your closed eyes, causing your pitch-black vision to turn a shade of orange. Your eyelids slowly separate as you blink to adjust to the bright sunshine emitting through your opened curtains.
'Open curtains?' Your tired face scrunches up in confusion as you think to yourself, eyes still flickering, 'I swear I closed them before I left last night?'
You brush it off, assuming that you just didn't close them after all. Blurry memories corrupt your thoughts when a painstaking throbbing pain arises in your skull. You did what you said you weren't going to do, get drunk.
You huff, sitting up straight in your bed, glancing at the time. It was...
'3 PM?!' you exclaim in your head, your eyes widening. I mean it's a Saturday so you have no classes all day today and tomorrow. Still, you were surprised you slept in this late.
Cutting off your train of thought, your white wooden bedroom door creaks open, revealing a tall, dark-haired man, entering the room cautiously.
You snap your head towards the sound as you live alone and always react to the slightest of noises.
"You're awake!" He exclaims in a hushed tone, knowing not to be too loud as he assumes you have a raging hangover. The tall man, wearing a white oversized t-shirt and black basketball shorts walks towards your propped-up body, carrying a packet of what you guess is painkillers and a bottle of water.
You rub your eyes, not sure if you're seeing this right.
"Why are you here?" You ask, visible confusion plastered on your face as Jungkook chuckles, flashing his bunny-like smile, and crinkling up his eyes and nose.
"You don't remember last night at all do you?" He places himself down on the bed, sitting by your outstretched legs under the sheets.
When you start drinking, it rarely ever stops at just one drink. Most of the time you end up blacked out and wake up in your room, not remembering how you got there until a lot later into the day when it all starts to come back to you.
Jungkook's words make you recall most of the events from the previous night.
You and Kiri were dancing with each other, rejecting every weird dude who tried to get involved the whole night, going back and forth from the bar, back to the dance floor, to the bar, dance floor, bar, dance floor, the same cycle until it hit about 2 am. You and Kiri had been in the club for a good four hours now, all the good effects of the alcohol began wearing off and you were then in the club bathrooms trying not to throw up on your new, red satin dress.
Kiri doesn't get drunk as fast as you do, so she was a little bit more sober than you at the time, even though she was struggling to hold herself up.
"Yeah no we're ok babe, just not feeling amazing" Kiri giggled nervously, her words slightly slurred as she spoke to her boyfriend over the phone, who was on his way to pick the both of you up.
She looked at you and sat up against the toilet cubicle wall, knees up and your head buried into them as you focused on not being sick or passing out.
"Kiriiiiii" You whined, swinging your head back, making it hit the thin barrier behind you, with your eyes closed and eyebrows pinched.
"Girl I know you're fucked up, so am I. Hoseoks on his way" Kiri strokes the back of your head, trying to comfort you.
"I wanna see JKaaaayy" Your muffled, sloppy words made Kiri laugh as she got off the phone with her boyfriend, singing off with an "I love you" before tapping the red hang-up button. She reached for your purse, which rested on your feet in front of you, to pull your phone out.
The next thing you could hear is your phone dialling, causing your head to shoot up and look down at your phone, lying in Kiri's palm.
Jungkook shifted in his sleep, his ringtone bellowed in his lonesome apartment. He reached his arm out lazily, dragging his bright phone screen in front of him. With squinting eyes, your name glowed at the top of his screen.
Your eyes widened at the familiar voice that bounced off the wine-red tiled walls, leaning down at your phone, to take it from Kiri.
"Jungkooooook, I miss you" You pouted, as you spoke into your phone microphone.
He lazily chuckled, already knowing that you were drunk from your voice.
"I miss you too, are you okay?"
You whined again, "No, I wanna go home"
He sighed in defeat, already getting up out of bed.
"What club are you at? Do you want me to pick you up?" Concern laced in his croaky voice.
Jungkook is usually the person you call when you get like this. He doesn't mind it at all though, he likes making sure you get home safe after a night out. He doesn't trust other people, especially knowing how disgusting some men can be.
"Hoseok's coming it's alright Jungkook" Kiri almost shouted so she was heard over the phone.
Jungkook's face frowned, not recognising the sudden voice that was certainly not yours.
"Oh, just checking it was you, I wasn't sure then. You okay as well?" His face relaxed, still plastered with concern for both of them.
"I'm okay, drunk but not as bad as y/n" She nervously chuckled whilst looking up at your squished-up face rested on your left knee, your right hand holding your phone, floating mid-air between the two of you.
Jungkook scoffed, a smirk growing on his face, knowing how you are when you're drunk and what he is about to face.
After a few more words were passed between each other and a mutual agreement (he insisted) that he'd come and pick you up instead, that you were too drunk to focus on, Kiri patted your back telling you to say goodbye to Jungkook, to which you responded with a pouty groan and a small "hurry up please".
"Alright I'm on my way now, I'll see you two in a bit" Jungkook let out a loud sigh once he had hung up the phone and slid it into the pocket of his lazy grey joggers he threw on as they were the first thing he had seen, lying on the floor. After he had tucked his laces into his shoes, in too much of a rush to tie them, he had one last good look at himself in the mirror above his shoe rack. He can't leave the house without looking in the mirror to check if he looks presentable, doesn't matter the situation. After a few seconds of fluffing his hair in the mirror and adjusting his shirt, he set off out the door, jogging to his drive that contained a sleek, black Mercedes Benz parked up and a 2020 Harley Davidson Streetfighter. Unlocking his Mercedes he revved the car, reversing his way out on his way to you.
"Is Hoseok not coming anymore?" You lazily asked, still not lifting your head from its current position.
"He's still coming, but Jungkooks coming to look after you. I'm going home with Hobi."
You sighed in response, trying not to fall asleep.
Jungkook eventually made his way into the club, pulling his mask back over his face and adjusting his cap, making sure he was not recognisable. As he walked towards the bathrooms, he saw Hoseok's colourful hair tips emerge from around the corner, with you being held up by him as Kiri trailed behind you both, making sure you didn't fall backwards or fall on top of Hoseok. He gently guides you to the sofa that sits around the corner from the bathrooms. Jungkook picked up his speed at the scene in front of him.
"I'm here" Jungkook exclaimed, out of breath slightly, from the rush he had just been in to get to you as quickly as possible.
"Kooook" You whined at the familiar, warm voice. You extended your arms out in front of you, as Jungkook leaned down to embrace you in a hug.
You melted into the hug, allowing JK to get a hold of you properly to stand you up.
"You guys gonna be okay?" Hoseok chuckled at the sight as Kiri wrapped herself around his bicep.
" Yeah yeah, she'll be okay once she's home" He answered back, still holding you up by the waist as your arms remained around his neck. That didn't last long though before you removed one arm and swung around next to him, his left arm still around your waist.
"Alright I'll see you around then, drive safe" Hoseok smiled at you both before he and Kiri set off.
"Text me when she's home" Kiri reminds Jungkook before being too far away to hear him, to which he responded with a small "will do."
You close your eyes and sigh in annoyance after the memories all come flooding back.
Jungkook laughs at your current expression before basically shoving the pills and bottle of water in your face, causing the box to make a rattling noise. Your eyes open in reaction to the sudden sound, finding their way to Jungkook's, his face painted with a small smile full of care and adoration. You lazily retrieve the items out of Jungkook's hands, basically clawing your way into the box as your headache begins throbbing even harder than earlier.
You realise for a moment that you're not in the clothes that you left the house in. With scrunched brows, you look up from the box, in Jungkook's direction, and your fingers stop fidgeting, as you see him already with his wide back to you walking out of the room.
"You changed yourself, don't worry" as if he read your mind with his faded response as he was already out of the room by the time the words left his mouth, "I'm making breakfast so get your ass out of bed soon"
a/n: Apologies for this chapter taking a while. I've been caught up in a lot of work recently and haven't really had that much time to write, hope you all enjoy though &lt;;33
Taglist- @yunki-yunki-yunki @hellbornsworld @tatamicc @idkjustlovingbts @00frenchfries00 @yoonbicoolest
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
All For You - Neteyam x Ta'unui ! reader (enemies to lovers) - pt. 1
*Ta'unui is the Eastern Sea water clan that was attacked by Quaritch
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part 2
summary: When Quaritch attacks the Ta’unui water clan looking for Jake Sully, the clan’s Tsahik forces her younger sister, Y/N, to escape and seek refuge from the Metkayina clan. As Y/N deals with the trauma of losing her home, she discovers that she isn’t the only outlander in the village. She develops conflicted feelings for Neteyam but the tensions grow when Y/N finds out that Neteyam is the son of Jake Sully - the man she hates. 
genres/tropes: angst, romance, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, slowburn
other pairings: Loak x Tsireya, Kiri x Ao’nung, platonic relationships (Y/N x Kiri x Tsireya, Y/N x Jake, Y/N x Neytiri)
warnings: war, mentions of blood, PTSD, trauma, survivor guilt, character near-death experience, slightly aged up neteyam, dialogues are supposed to be in na'vi, not english, lots of side eyes, braids swaying, and neteyam appearing out of nowhere like the batman lol
word count: 30,2k (ik this is insane)
a/n: i’m so sorry because this is so long but i spent about two weeks working on it night and day, and i have never been so hyper fixated on a character before. i would love for this not to flop bc otherwise i might feel a little dumb, so if you enjoy it, please spread some love :) i always go through the reblogs to see if anyone said anything in the tags, so… 
the set up is a little slow but bear with me
It all happened in a blur. You always believed that in a time of danger, you would be skilled and strong enough to protect your clan. But as you watched the sky demons, disguised as Na’vi, pointing their weapons at your people and burning your homes, you felt like a useless coward. If it wasn’t for your sister’s, Tsahik’s, quick thinking of causing a distraction and pushing you into the water, you would have been dead by now. She sacrificed herself for you to live.
You can’t make out how much time has passed since you finally made it to the unfamiliar reefs, as you collapsed on the sand, breathless and disoriented. You could only hope that you reached the correct destination: the Awa’atlu village. The distant sounds of horns announced your arrival, and strangers started to surround you in a circle. When the Olo’eyktan approached you, you managed to summon the rest of your strength to stand up and greet him.
You’re weak, and judging by his face, you’re sure that the explanation you give him is too vague. You hope that despite your mumbling, he understands that you were asking for refuge to escape from the sky demons. As the villagers around you start whispering, the only thing that comes to your mind clearly is “Jake Sully.” They killed your people, set your village on fire, shot your ilus... All because of Jake Sully. 
“Jake Sully,” you repeat in a low whisper, your eyelids suddenly feeling heavy. 
“Where is your ilu, child? Did you swim here by yourself?” Olo'eyktan asks, examining you with a hint of worry.
You wince at the mention of your ilu, the painful memory of its death still too fresh. It seemed unfair that you weren’t fast enough to save both of you. You had underestimated the demons, thinking you were too far away when a bullet suddenly pierced through your companion, acute pain reaching you simultaneously through the bond. You ilu did its best to swim through, bringing you to safety before you felt its body sink underneath you with a final shriek. Yet you couldn’t even mourn. 
You were still in the open water, alone, unsure of where to head. You screamed as you pulled yourself together and started to swim, pushing through exhaustion and soreness in your muscles. You couldn’t afford to stop until you reached the unfamiliar land. You owed your sister to survive this.
“They killed my ilu,” a sob escapes your throat, your knees suddenly going weak.
“Easy there,” you hear a low voice beside you, as a pair of warm hands snake around your waist, supporting you to stand on your feet. You glance down at the hands, and realize that they are different. Blue-skinned.
“She needs to rest. She must have been swimming for hours,” Tsahik steps out, “What clan do you belong to, child?”
Your first night in Awa’atlu, you’re too weak to get out of bed. The Tsahik had placed you in a small empty marui, close to hers, so she could easily check on you. In moments of consciousness, you catch glimpses of people and snippets of conversations. When they ask you questions about your arrival, you can only answer by nodding and shaking your head.
Ronal, Tsahik of the Metkayina clan, says that you could have died out in the open water. She thinks it’s a miracle, and whispers prayers to Eywa while massaging your muscles with various balms. You can’t protest really, even when the balms start stinging and making your muscles clench and burn.
Tsireya, the daughter of the Tsahik, always remains by her mother's side, carefully observing her actions, and joining her in prayer. You guess that she is the tsakarem. Watching Tsireya reminds you of the time when your sister was a tsakarem, following your grandmother around to learn from her.
On the second day, you feel better. You gradually regain consciousness and start to move your limbs. Despite the pain and the slowness of your movements, you feel the life return back to your body. Tsireya stays with you even after her mother leaves.
“Are you feeling better, Y/N?” Tsireya perks up at your movement. 
“Yes,” you’re surprised by the hoarseness in your voice.
“Don’t worry, your voice will be back to normal soon,” Tsireya finds your reaction amusing.
You’re not a big talker but Tsireya is a pleasant company. You don’t feel pressured to react or reply, as she talks to you about her village and her clan. You can see how hard she tries to keep you distracted from the pain. 
“You'll be just fine here. There is even a family of forest Na’vi who joined our clan a while ago,” she says, “You can imagine how difficult it was for them to learn everything from scratch! Oh, but they were so determined!”
Your ears involuntarily perk up, as you listen to Tsireya’s story. It’s really the first thing she tells you that intrigues you. Encouraged by your interest, Tsireya continues.
“You will recognize them right away. They are blue,” she giggles, covering her mouth, “But they have been accepted and are a part of the Metkayina now. I am very happy they’re here.”
A faint memory of blue-skinned hands supporting you reappears.
“When I arrived… Was it a forester who caught me?” you ask.
“That’s right! Neteyam,” Tsireya nods, “He is the oldest son. You might have hurt yourself if he didn’t catch you in time.”
“Neteyam” you repeat to yourself. 
Tsireya tells you just a little more about the foresters, until her brother Ao’nung fetches her back home.  
On your third morning of isolation, Tsireya visits you with a girl, who seems to be around her age. It’s not hard to guess that she is a forest Na’vi, her blue skin and yellow eyes giving it away immediately. But there’s something else you notice about her: she has an extra finger on each of her hands. You think back on the demons that had five fingers, and feel a shiver run down your spine. When she notices you staring at her, she hides her hands behind her back.
“This is Kiri, Kiri this is Y/N,” Tsireya introduces you with a smile, “Kiri is from the forest. Remember I told you about the family?”
Kiri doesn’t seem to be as talkative as Tsireya, perhaps even a bit shy. You greet each other but she keeps her distance, clearly still uncomfortable around you. Despite her similarity with the sky demons, you feel like you can trust her. Kiri is strangely beautiful, not like your sister or Tsireya, but there’s something about her that fascinates you. You’ve never really seen a forester up close before, so…
“Is your voice back?” Tsireya grabs your attention, kneeling next to you.
“I think so,” you breathe out, “It’s getting there.”
“Oh, it has gotten much better! I can’t wait to hear it, once you’re fully well. I bet you have a great singing voice,” she beams, and Kiri lets out a chuckle. You can’t help but smile at that. 
It takes some time for Kiri to warm up to you. With the Tsahik’s approval, Tsireya took over today’s checkup on you. She knows the order of the balms by heart and works in confidence, while Kiri watches. From time to time, Kiri gives her a recommendation, and Tsireya gladly engages.
“Were you a tsakarem as well?” you ask Kiri.
“I used to be. My grandmother is the Tsahik of Omatikaya,” Kiri sighs with slight disappointment. 
“And since you moved here, you can’t do that anymore?” you continue logically. She nods.
“My grandmother had to find somebody else to replace me, right before we left.”
You notice how Tsireya throws a sad look at her but Kiri only reacts with a forced smile. She doesn’t like to be pitied. 
“Actually, Kiri’s doing better than all of us,” Tsireya suddenly adds with a proud smile, “Kiri has a special connection with the Great Mother.”
“It’s not a big deal, really,” Kiri protests but Tsireya shakes her head, disagreeing.
“When we were out swimming the other day, we suddenly lost Kiri. We were looking for her for hours and found her asleep at the very bottom. Even the most skilled Metkayina swimmers can’t stay in the water with no air for so long!” Tsireya articulates with her hands to convince you, “And she was completely fine. Oh! And Kiri can also make fish follow her, it’s so funny!” 
Tsireya giggles recalling the memory, and for the first time, Kiri joins her. 
“You have to show me, I’ve never seen anything like that,” you smile.
“We’ll go together this evening. I know you’ll be fully recovered by then,” Tsireya excitedly claps her hands. Kiri only nods.
Tsireya was right. By the evening, you have confirmation from Ronal, and you’re free to explore the village with her daughter as your guide. You find that while Awa’atlu is not similar to your village, it’s also not too different. But the water around the island seems calmer than what you are used to. It makes you slightly anxious.
Tsireya tries very hard to make you feel at home. She introduces you to everyone on your way, including her brother’s friends. Among them, you notice another forester who doesn’t stare at you like the locals do. Even when you catch his gaze, he doesn't seem overly curious. Just like Kiri, keeping his distance.
That’s Lo’ak, Tsireya reminds you, the third forest-child. It takes a fool not to catch on the chemistry between her and Lo’ak. The way she talks to him almost makes your teeth hurt, while he gets shy every time he is caught staring at her. But they seem to pretend to be just friends in a social setting.
Now joined by Ao’nung, his friends and Kiri, you all go swimming together. Tsireya and Kiri walk protectively next to you, with the boys ahead. 
“Let’s see if you can swim faster than Lo’ak,” Ao'nung teases you, his friends laughing. Lo’ak playfully hits him in the arm.
“She’s from a water clan, you skxawng,” Kiri comes to your defense, and you have to suppress a smile. 
“I didn’t mean to anger you, oh daughter of Eywa,” Ao'nung continues to tease, pretending to kneel in front of Kiri, “Please have mercy on me!”
Kiri rolls her eyes, and shoves him, as she walks ahead. You catch Ao'nung watching after her, and exchange a knowing smile with Tsireya. 
Swimming helps you regain strength in your body and in your mind. Just the way you noticed, the water here was calmer than back home, relaxing the soreness out of your muscles. This was going to be your new home. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad.
Surprisingly, the boys’ teasing doesn’t bother you. While Kiri jumps to your defense ever so often, you think it was more of a distraction than anything else to you. As the sun starts setting, you float on your back, watching the sky, the painful memories slipping away. Your moment of peace is interrupted by shouting coming from the shore. Your ears perk up at the sound of your name, and with a hope that it might be someone from your village, coming back for you, you quickly turn to look. But it’s not. Instead, you see a tall blue-skinned Na’vi, waving you over. 
“Y/N! Tonowari wants to see you!” he shouts again.
“It’s Neteyam, come on,” Tsireya passes by you, swimming to the shoreline. You follow her. 
Once closer, you can see Neteyam more clearly. He greets both of you with a warm smile, his intricately braided hair swaying around, as he moves. 
“Father wants to see Y/N?” Tsireya asks, as she gathers her long hair to squeeze out the water.
“I saw him on my way over here,” he says, his soft gaze lingering on you, “He wanted me to get the ‘new girl’ to talk to him.”
Unlike his brother, Neteyam seems to be more intrigued by your presence, his gaze sweeping over your features, one by one, as if trying to memorize them. While it’s not as intrusive as others’ staring, you find his attention to be way too forward. You protectively cross your arms on your chest.
“I’m Neteyam, by the way,” he offers you a formal greeting, that you’re forced to reciprocate.
“I guessed so,” he chuckles, like it’s the most obvious thing you could have said, “Everyone knows about you.”
Tsireya interrupts your exchange by gently pulling you by your wrist.
“Come, Y/N, I’ll walk you to our home,” she smiles, then throws a look over her shoulder, “By the way, Lo’ak is currently getting talked to into sneaking out at night to swim with Payakan.”
You see Neteyam’s face change, as his warm smile gives way to anger, and he turns on his heel, heading towards the water.
“Lo’ak!” you hear him shout before diving in. Tsireya giggles beside you.
When you first sit down in front of Tonowari, you can’t help but feel dwarfed by his intimidating presence. So you’re grateful when Tsireya asks if she can stay in the room with you. Tonowari’s gaze softens, unable to deny his daughter, and Tsireya gives you a reassuring smile before blending into the shadows.
You’re not surprised that he wanted to talk to you. Sure, he was aware of what had happened from your first interaction, and from Ronal, who gathered more information while you were under her care, but he wanted to clarify every detail. You take a deep breath and begin to recount everything. 
Tonowari rarely interrupts you to ask questions but for the most part he simply listens with unwavering attention. You see his expression change from understanding to concerned, the more he hears.
“Was there any warning to their attack?” he frowns.
“Nothing,” you shake your head, trying to get rid of the painful memories, “My theory is… whoever they were looking for, our village was the first one to suffer. We heard nothing from the neighboring clans, so I’m guessing it’s only because we are on the very eastern coast.” 
“You think they’re moving from east to west?” he asks. You nod.
“It’s why I came here, really. I think your village is quite far from ours.”
Tonowari hums, deep in thought. You sit in silence for a while, another reason nagging at you. You’re not sure if you need to tell him this but you do.
“And because I used to hear about your village. My sister and I lost my mother when we were kids but we knew that she wasn’t a local back home,” you hesitate before continuing, “My sister thinks she would have relatives from here.”
“It’s not impossible,” Tonowari nods his head, “We heard many stories of Na’vi from different clans mating and moving across the islands. We might even find someone from your mother’s family.”
You hear Tsireya’s soft gasp, clearly the thought of it appearing more intriguing to her than to you. You nod to express gratitude but you’re not really sure you want to meet anyone. It’s always been just you and your sister, no one can replace her.
“And you said they were looking for him, huh?”
“Jake Sully? Yes, he’s the reason they attacked us,” you answer, feeling your face flush with anger, “They had weapons, and were shooting anyone who resisted or tried to run. Then they started to burn our homes, repeating his name over and over again. There was also a human kid with them who translated.”
Tonowari’s face falls so suddenly, you would have thought that he has been hiding Jake Sully himself this whole time. You hope that wherever that man is, the sky demons find him before they can reach you. Tears begin to well up in your eyes. Tonowari notices and leans in.
“Don’t worry, child. We do not want war, but if they come here, we will be protecting our land and our Na’vi. Including you,” he hesitates before patting your head, “You’re one of us now.”
You lean into his touch, allowing him to slightly mess up your hair.
“For now, let’s keep this to ourselves, so that there is no panic. I have to think.”
You take that as a signal to stand up, and quickly wipe your eyes before Tsireya can see.
That night you can’t seem to fall asleep. It feels lonely in your marui, and you start considering asking to be moved to a more crowded location. You turn on your mat a few times before catching a movement of two shadows on the other side of the wall. You sit up alerted, looking out. Eventually voices catch your ear.
“Lo’ak, if you don’t come back right now, I will wake up dad,” somebody whispers.
“He doesn’t care anyway, he’ll only get mad at his favorite,” you hear Lo’ak, and see one of the two shadows disappear.
The other shadow stands still, still in front of your wall. You don’t have to guess that it’s probably his brother Neteyam, whom you met earlier. 
“Psst,” you hear his voice, his shadow moving.
And again. He moves closer to the entrance of your marui, as you stare in silence. What does he want? 
“Y/N? Are you asleep?” you hear his very apparent accent.
Your glance falls to his figure now leaning against the entrance to your room. He gives you a sheepish smile.
“What do you want?” you squint to make out his features. His eyes and freckles glow in the dark and you notice his ears perk up, as if he’s excited.
“It’s Neteyam,” he gestures to himself.
“I know,” you’re annoyed. You know who he is, does he think you can’t see him?
“Oh, right. I just didn’t want to scare you, so I…”
“Starting with ‘psst” certainly didn’t help,” you bite, “Shouldn’t you be checking on your brother anyway?”
“Technically, I can’t do anything except wait. Then, if it gets suspiciously long, I follow him,” he grins like it’s the funniest thing.
You stare at him quietly, wondering what he's doing in your room, in the middle of the night. Neteyam shifts uncomfortably under your gaze.
“Uh, right. Sorry if we woke you up,” he scratches his head, “I was going to check on you anyway, just didn’t mean to at this hour.”
“Why would you check on me?” you frown.
“I thought you might like someone to talk to you, about moving and stuff.”
“I can talk about it to Tsireya, I’m fine.”
“I know, she’s nice,” Neteyam crouches down, to bring himself on your eye level. He looks embarrassed, “But she thought it would be a good idea for me to talk to you.”
“Because we’re both new here. You see, my family and I moved here a few months ago -”
“I know,” you interrupt him.
“And I get what you’re going through.”
This frustrates you. According to Tsireya, Neteyam is the son of the sixth Toruk Makto. She didn’t tell you much but they left their clan on their own, they wanted a fresh start. As far as you can tell, you and him had nothing in common. You were forced out of your home and had to give up on your life without a choice. How can he get what you’re going through? He has a family. You have no one. 
“Just because we’re both outlanders doesn’t mean that you have to pretend to relate to me, Neteyam. We’re not the same,” it comes out more aggressive than you intended. You notice his ears lower, along with his gaze, “I don’t need a forest boy teaching me the way of water. You’re not my savior.”
Neteyam’s face falls, like you hit a cord with your words. But he didn’t mean to offend you, he only meant good. From the moment he saw you, he thought he recognized something familiar in your expression: longing for home. So when Tsireya suggested one of the foresters befriending you, he thought that you would easily get along. Right now, though, this seemed like a horrible idea.
“Not trying to be a savior, just a friend,” he mumbles, standing up, “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You scoff, as Neteyam walks out without a glance back. 
The morning is disturbed by the loud sounds of horns, announcing something important. You quickly walk out of your marui to find groups of Na’vi heading towards the center of the village. Tsireya told you that it’s where her father calls for meetings. When you spot Kiri, moving along, you join her. She’s holding hands with a kid.
“Hey, Y/N, this is Tuktirey,” Kiri gestures.
“Tuk,” the kid corrects with a smile and greets you.
“Nice to meet you,Tuk,” you smile back. Judging by her skin, you guess that Tuk belongs to the family of foresters.
“So, should I be worried?” you ask Kiri, motioning to the Na’vi in front of you. It’s really a little crowded for your liking.
“Not sure,” she admits, “These announcements confuse me, I can’t tell when it’s good or bad thing. Often it’s nothing bad though, don’t worry.”
Despite Kiri’s reassurance, you approach the center with a feeling of worry. The feeling in your gut is confirmed as soon as you catch a glimpse of Tsireya with a troubled look on her face. You notice her holding someone’s hand. Blue, five fingers. You can’t see him but you’re sure it’s Lo’ak. When she meets your eye, you mouth to her.
“Is it bad?”
She shakes her head in disappointment. It’s very bad, you think.
When Tonowari clears his throat and steps into the center, everyone falls silent. He keeps it brief, retelling about the attack of the demons on your village. Tonowari suspects that it’s only a matter of time before the sky demons attack again, so everyone must be prepared. It is now prohibited to be alone in unsafe areas, going out in the open water, or too deep into the trees. 
You feel knots forming in your stomach, when panicked questions pour on him.
“The Metkayina needs to be prepared for any outcome, even war,” Tonowari raises his voice again, “Start proofing armors, repair your weapons. Always be on the lookout.”
“This is crazy,” Kiri whispers to you, “I can’t believe that we escaped here to live in fear again.”
It confuses you. You knew that her family moved to live with Metkayina but Tsireya didn’t tell you why. It is bizarre now that you remember that Kiri’s father is Toruk Makto. Why would he leave his home? You make a mental note to question her about it once you’re alone. 
“Kiri, are we going to leave again?” Tuk tugs at her sister with a sniff.
“Mawey, Tuk,” a gentle voice replies instead, as a hand slips around Tuk, caressing her cheeks, “Tuk, Tuk, Tuk.”
Your eyes follow. It’s a tall beautiful woman with bright yellow eyes. You can’t shake off the feeling of how familiar she looks.
“My mom,” Kiri says to you, “Neytiri.”
Right. She looks very similar to Neteyam. Neytiri’s eyes flicker to you, and she graces you with a smile. You bow to greet her.
Once dismissed, you and Kiri fall into the same pace. You don’t talk but you instinctively follow her to the beach, where a group was seated, working on their weapons. Tsireya, Lo’ak, Neteyam, Ao'nung, and Ao'nung’s friend Roxto. You and Kiri sit with them, closing the circle. Sensing that the silence is caused by the same reason you’re feeling anxious, you follow their example and take out your knife. You didn’t have a polishing rock like the others, so instead you focus on reattaching the loosened up string to the handle. You feel Neteyam’s watching you but once you catch him, he looks away.
Kiri meddles with her belt, deep in her thoughts, and you can tell she’s just as anxious as you are.
“Okay, I’m going to say what I think,” Kiri breaks the silence, grabbing everyone’s attention, “This is not good, right? There’s something else they’re not telling us.”
Tsireya’s eyes snap to you but both of you remain quiet.
“No shit, Kiri,” Lo’ak mocks her.
“Shut up, skxawng,” she reaches forward to slap him.
“Hey, you two,” Neteyam gently pushes Kiri away from his brother.
You notice how the younger siblings shoot him an annoyed look but calm down anyway. Last night, Neteyam didn’t seem to hold much power over Lo’ak but right now it appeared that he had some sort of authority. It’s like the possibility of danger made the dynamic between them shift. 
“Nothing’s going to happen, they’re probably lying so that the youngsters stop sneaking out to the forest at night,” Roxto breaks the silence with a snort, then looks at you for support, “Come on, if it was that serious we would be probably doing much more right now.”
There’s some truth to his words, you think. Tonowari did not even come close to explaining how dangerous it could get. Taking measures, like staying within the perimeters of the islans, is hardly something that would keep you safe. Deep in your thought, you continue tightening the string. Neteyam shoots you another glance, and when you look back up, he pushes his polishing stone towards you. You nod at him in appreciation, as you take the tool.
“It’s because of your conversation yesterday with my father, right?” Ao'nung suddenly asks, turning to you. Tsireya tsks at her brother but you sense it is too late.
“Y/N? What do you know?” Kiri adds, concerned.
You sigh, feeling their eyes on you, examining your every small movement. You can almost hear Tsireya’s quiet gasp, as you open your mouth to answer.
“Look, I’m not supposed to tell you this, so keep it to yourself… It’s bad. The demons had many powerful weapons, it took them minutes to burn down my whole village. I don’t know how strong the defense can even be to keep them away. It’s going to be an unfair fight.”
“What do they want? The islands?” Ao'nung pushes for more information.
“They’re looking for a man, who they think is hiding in a water clan,” you answer, noticing how everyone’s ears perk up.
“Do you know who he is?” Lo’ak asks.
“Lo’ak, don’t -” Tsireya tries to interrupt him.
“His name is Jake Sully,” your voice turns with anger, “I’m not sure what he did to them but they were set on killing him. And killing anyone who’s protecting him.”
Dead silence hangs over you, and you suspect that there’s something they’re not telling you. The forest-siblings hang their heads, and you notice Tsireya squeezing Lo’ak’s hand. 
“Wait, so they’re looking for your dad,” Roxto turns to Kiri, “They’re looking for you.”
“Your dad?” you turn to Kiri, “Is Jake Sully your dad?”
Kiri nods, almost ashamed. You feel your throat hurt, as realization washes over you. You escaped exactly where Jake Sully was. It was his kids now sitting in front of you, in their new home, enjoying their care-free life, while your village was burned down to the ground.
“It’s your dad!” you feel anger escalating. You stand up, “I’ve lost everything because of him! The demons thought we were hiding him but he was here all this time!” 
“Y/N, it’s the demons’ fault,” Tsireya stands up too, trying to calm you down, “He only wanted to keep his family safe, he doesn’t want war.”
“We didn’t want war either, but here we are,” you throw your hands in the air, feeling your body shake out of resentment. 
“My father has done nothing wrong,” Neteyam stands up as well, his voice low.
“Your father is wrong for hiding here, while the other clans are at risk of being wiped out!” you’re so frustrated, you wish this was a joke they were playing on you.
But why isn’t anyone agreeing with you? You look at their faces for support but no one dares to speak. Lo’ak keeps his head hanging, and Kiri storms off without a word. A chuckle of disbelief escapes from your lips.
“I guess the great Toruk Makto isn’t that great after all,” you throw bitterly. Neteyam clenches his jaw.
“Y/N, don’t say that. He just wants peace,” Tsireya starts again. 
“We all want peace!” you protest.
“You think it’s so easy, huh? You think he’s hiding?” Neteyam raises his voice at you, “He’s not to blame for their vengeance!”
You hiss at him, more angered. How dare he protect the man who caused all of the chaos? How can they ignore the fact that soon enough they will be losing their homes just like you did?  
“It is easy!” you hiss again, “Let him go out there and face them alone, before they burn down this village too!”
“That’s unfair, I’m not losing my dad,” he growls.
“I lost my home!” 
You’re not sure how things escalate this quickly but one second you’re at a distance growling at each other, and in another instance you lunge at him, catching him off guard. Neteyam falls on his back, as you hold him down with your legs but he’s quick enough to catch your arms before you can even touch him. You hear concerned voices in the background but your only focus is punching him.
The two of you snarl, and as you struggle to free your arms from his grip, he flips you over. Your back hits the ground with a sharp pain but it gives you just enough room to kick him in the gut. Neteyam winces in pain, yet quickly regains his composure by pinning you down, this time paying special attention to having your knees locked together.
“Skxawng,” you let out, frustrated. 
He doesn’t hit you back but he does just enough to stop you from moving, his skin feeling hot against yours.
“Dude, dude,” Lo’ak runs up to him, putting his arms over his shoulders, “Get off her.”
“Not unless she calms down,” Neteyam hisses, completely unaware of the group of adults headed towards the two of you. You try to move but he pins you down again.
You catch a glimpse of Roxto and Ao'nung chuckling at the fight, while Tsireya covers her mouth in concern. Then, you spot Neytiri.
“Neteyam!” she shouts. Neteyam pauses at the sound of her voice, ears perking up.
“Shit,” Lo’ak whispers, backing away, “Neteyam, get off.”
“That’s right, get off me, you skxawng,” you say, humiliated by the position he put you in.
Defeated and angry, Neteyam shoots you a quick look, before finally releasing you from his grip. You huff out of frustration, as you sit up, trying to recover your breath. By the time Neytiri approaches the scene, Neteyam’s already standing with his head hanging low. Lo’ak stands a little behind, as if to avoid the confusion of who’s at fault.
Neytiri’s eyes run you up and down, then examine her sons, as if trying to piece together what happened. She remains quiet, before kneeling down in front of you, and taking your hand in hers. You’re all surprised by her gentle demeanor.
“Are you hurt?” she asks you, lifting your arm to examine it. Then moves to get a look at your back.
“I’m good,” you shake your head, freeing yourself from her grasp.
“Neteyam,” Neytiri stands up, now turning to her son, anger evident in her voice, “Apologize. Now.”
“Mom, they were just joking,” Lo’ak tries to tone down the situation but she shuts him up by raising her hand.
Without a second of hesitation, Neteyam nods and meets your eyes, before saying loudly for everyone to hear.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“You didn’t hurt me,” you hiss, annoyed.
“Mother, can we go now?” Lo’ak asks.
Neytiri nods, and three of them walk away. Soon enough, you can hear her scolding her oldest son. Tsireya runs up to you, helping you up to your feet.
“Y/N, are you hurt? You just recovered!” she sounds genuinely upset.
“I’m not hurt, he didn’t do anything.”
“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about that. I didn’t know,” she lowers her eyes to the ground, “Not until the talk you had with my father.”
“I know, I don’t blame you,” you sigh, “But why would you send him to talk to me?”
“I thought he could help,” she explains, hoping you’d understand, “Lo’ak is not talkative, and Kiri’s hasn’t been taking the change very well. Neteyam’s the only one who likes it here. So I thought he’d be the best to talk to.”
You nod. She makes a good point. But his whole attitude, the pretentious novelty, it pisses you off. Acting tough and proper when his mother is around, but in reality, selfish. He doesn’t care that you’ve lost everything because of his father. He has a new home he likes. And siblings, and parents... You feel jealous. 
You are a good hunter. You have a good aim, and you’re fast. You used to think that you would be a good asset in danger but the way you froze, when you were attacked by the demons, makes you hesitant. What if that happens again? What if you come face-to-face with them and freeze? 
The air outside of your room is refreshingly cold. You watch the dark sky hang over the sleepy Awa’atlu. In an attempt to clear your head, you start wandering around the village, eventually stopping at the terrace blending into the beach. Your ears perk up at faint voices, and as your eyes follow, you find two Na’vi by the water, oblivious to your presence. It looks like they are pretending to wrestle each other, letting out occasional laughs. You recall your earlier not-so-pretend fight with Neteyam and sigh out of frustration, taking a seat on the grass. 
As one throws the other one to the ground, you think you recognize Neteyam. He laughs, swaying his hair, then gives a hand to help out his companion to his feet. The other Na’vi is taller than him, with broader shoulder, longer hair. Your breath catches in your throat, as you guess who that might be.
“Yeah, that’s him,” you hear a confirmation, and almost jump up.
Lo’ak is standing next to you, his gaze forward.
“Jake Sully?” 
“My dad,” he confirms again.
You turn your attention back to the two Na’vi wrestling, and you watch them for a moment. Eventually, Lo’ak sits down next to you.
“Neteyam’s his favorite,” he says, “He’s the perfect son. The mighty warrior.”
“The mighty warrior?” you repeat.
“He likes to call himself that,” Lo’ak explains, “To piss me off.”
“Does it work?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “It pisses me off.”
“Why aren’t you pissed off at me?” you turn to face to him.
“Why aren’t you?” he asks in return, “You’re angry at Neteyam but not at me.”
You pause. You’re not really sure why Lo’ak joining you didn’t frustrate you, the way Neteyam’s presence would. Maybe it’s because Lo’ak seemed guilty earlier. He didn’t stand up for his dad, so there must be something both of you agree on.
“He pisses me off too,” you answer, turning your gaze back to Neteyam in the distance, “I don’t like when people pretend to care. Because once something threatens their peace, they really show how they don’t give a crap about you.”
“Neteyam doesn’t pretend about caring,” Lo’ak disagrees, “Sure, he pretends all the time but not when it comes to caring. He cares.”
“Not about me anyway,” you scoff. 
Lo’ak falls silent. You got him there, you had a point. Thoughts race through your mind, as you try to comprehend what to make of this. Perhaps you judged too quickly, not knowing the whole story. What if it was your sister? Would you be willing to put at risk the peace of your village to protect her? No, that would never happen. She would face the enemy herself, not even letting you have a say in the matter. 
“My father is not a bad guy,” Lo’ak interrupts your thoughts, “I’m not saying that he does everything right but… we’re all he got.”
You don’t react. You don’t really want to hear him justify his dad, make him seem vulnerable.
“He turned down his whole life for my mom. Left everything he believed in behind because he wanted to be with her,” Lo’ak continues, “Even became one of us… He is one of us.”
“Is that why…” you instinctively glance at his fingers, and Lo’ak shifts, “Is it true? Tsireya said that Eywa blessed him.”
He nods. You let out a tired sigh. It’s exhausting to think about it. His father was blessed by Eywa, he is the Toruk Makto. Who are you to disagree with the Great Mother? 
“I don’t know anymore,” you admit defeated, “I just don’t think it’s fair… that others get punished. More harm can be avoided.”
“I know,” Lo’ak agrees with you, “But the demons are stronger, they never give up. We woke up to war every day back home.”
You listen to him with curiosity. You don’t know much about their past life but you wonder if the war really was a constant in the forest.
“It’s why we moved, you know?” his voice hitches, “My father knew that they were never going to let us live peacefully, so we tried hiding here instead.” 
You hum. You’re not sure if it’s the tiredness creeping up on you, or genuine empathy, but you feel sorry for Lo’ak. He seems to feel at fault for the consequences of his father’s choices. It’s almost like he speaks more to himself than to you. Justifies things to ease his heart.
“Seems like they’re done,” Lo’ak gets up, “I’m gonna go before dad catches me sneaking out.”
You force a small smile, as you watch Jake and Neteyam dust the sand off their bodies. It takes you a while to move from your spot, but not quickly enough, as Neteyam spots you from a distance. He keeps his eyes on you, and you can almost feel your blood boil.
For the next few days, things change rapidly. You notice that everyone is busy with their chores, rushing, and preparing, the feeling of danger weighing down on them. Tonowari orders for the hunters and skilled fighters to divide into pairs, assigning them to guard the island every night. Divers work on protective armors for their ilus. There is a big shift in the air.
Speaking about these measures to Tsireya gives you an unsettling feeling. You don’t talk about the Sully’s to her, even though they’re constantly on your mind. You just can’t believe that Tonowari agrees to protect them. 
Tsireya’s still hesitant to bring them up when you question her about her father’s plans, even though you’re well aware that Jake Sully actively participates in the matters of protection. She doesn’t know that it’s been keeping you up every night. To trust this man to protect you, when he is the reason for the attacks. His name alone forces painful visions of your sister and her mate, crouched down on the sand, with a weapon pointed at them. 
“Have you talked to Kiri, since the…?” Tsireya starts hesitantly. You haven’t. It upsets you because in a short time, you had begun to see Kiri as a friend. 
“Not really,” you hang your head, “I didn’t want to attack her, it’s just…”
“I’m sure she knows,” Tsireya nods, “She protects her father but she feels guilty too. When she heard about your fight with Neteyam, she kind of scolded him.” 
Tsireya bites down on her lip, hiding a small smile. You can’t really help a smile stretching your lips too. You would have loved to see Neteyam getting scolded. Just the thought of it makes you feel a little better.
“I feel bad, it’s not her fault,” you admit.
“Maybe you two can talk it out?” Tsireya asks hopefully.
“I’ll let her know.”
Unlike the other siblings, you’ve seen plenty of Lo’ak in the past few days. Mostly because you’re only hanging out with Tsireya, and, well, Lo’ak wants to be around her. It’s silly excuses, when they sneak away, leaving you alone. She even got in trouble for wandering with him around the guarded areas.
Lo’ak doesn’t make you feel awkward. The two of you don’t really talk but neither of you feels pressured to. You like to think that you and him reached some sort of understanding the other night. Partially, you feel bad for him for having Jake Sully for his father, and Neteyam, as his older brother. As a younger sister to Tsahik, you can relate to the pressure of always reaching for, yet never getting it all.
But when it comes to seeing Neteyam in the village... The angry looks that you exchange with him when passing each other just make your whole body ache. You barely hold yourself back from hissing at him. It’s bad. You already had not one, but two people you hated.
That evening, when you return to your marui, you’re surprised to find Kiri waiting for you. She stands up, as you approach, and the two of you look at each other for a moment before you pull her into a hug. 
“I didn’t mean to yell at you, the other day,” you admit, pulling away from her, “It’s not your fault.”
“I get it,” she sighs, “If I were you, I’d be mad. I’m kind of mad now.”
While you dreaded this conversation, it goes quite smoothly with Kiri. You don’t feel judgment on her side for disagreeing with her father. You think it’s unfair that the only person who makes you feel less of an outsider has to be the daughter of Jake Sully. 
“I feel angry because I can’t get used to the thought of just sitting here and waiting?” you finish on a higher note, hoping that she can relate, “Because while we’re here, the demons are killing innocent Na’vi. Village by village. It’s terrifying. I just wish I could do something to protect them.”
Kiri nods and stares off into the distance, deep in her thoughts. You can feel the guilt she beares on her shoulders but she fights it to protect her family. Suddenly, she turns her head, yellow eyes glistening, like she has the brightest solution.
“Y/N, how well do you know the islands?” she asks.
“Um, there are about hundreds of them but I know roughly where the settlements."
“So if we wanted to warn them about the intruders, do you think you would be able to map them out and guide us there?”
Now that you think about it, you feel like a fool for not figuring it out earlier. Why didn’t anyone?
Sure, news would travel between neighboring villages but you were forgetting that the Awa’atlu was on the very far ends of the islands. And, by the time the others were warned about the possible attacks, there would be nothing left. 
When you and Kiri propose the idea of swimming to the islands, and first-hand warning their Olo’eyktans, Tonowari hesitates. Not many in his clan are familiar with the other settlements, especially within the Eastern reefs, and underestimating the time frames could cost him lives. 
“We don’t have to warn everyone, just as many as we can,” you plead, “And what if we the close-located clans fight back in unions. Surely, they would respect your advice as the Olo'eyktan.”
“It worked when Toruk Makto did it,” Tonowari hums in agreement, “It would be difficult to unionize all of the islands but there is a better chance of surviving for smaller unions.”
“They at least deserve to know what’s coming, please,” you push further, and eventually gain an approving nod from him.
Quickly, small groups of the best Metkayina swimmers are formed to be assigned for the realization of the plan. While most of them are familiar with the neighboring islands, you’re the one mapping out the Eastern Sea settlements for them. And although Tonowari immediately turns down your offer of joining them, you feel slightly better for at least contributing.
You go over your roughly drawn map on the sand one more time with the final group of three Metkayina swimmers, your goal to ensure that they are aware of the safest paths to approach the villages. The group is gathered around you, listening carefully, and as you talk, you feel someone watching you from afar. It’s Neteyam. You take a moment to refocus before finding the track of your words again.
“Thank you, Y/N, we got it from here,” Sokxot, one of the swimmer says, when you finish up.
You stay to watch as they swim away on their ilus, in your mind, praying to Eywa to guide them safely to their destination. When you think you’re left alone, you’re surprised to find Neteyam here. You frown at him. What does he want? Intimidate you with his staring? You’re taken aback when he decides to approach you.
“Y/N,” his greets you with a calm voice, then points to the map you drew, “This was your idea?”
“Kiri’s,” you correct him.
“Still, you helped a lot,” Neteyam stares at the map, as if trying to memorize it. You roll your eyes at him.
“Guess I don’t like sitting and waiting for danger,”
“I really hope this makes a difference,” he says, sounding almost sincere.
You watch after him as he walks away, and let out a sigh. The two of you were too grown to act like kids. 
On the third day since their departure, two groups of Metkayina swimmers return with updates. Tonowari immediately calls for a meeting, and it's revealed that a significant number of villages have already been warned of the impending danger. The warned clans also started sending out their own swimmers, forming a whole network between the hundreds of villages.
But more importantly, you had the first case of a union between three smaller clans on the Eastern islands that managed to prepare just in time for the attack. Taken aback by the preparedness of Na’vi, the sky demons suffered greatly in numbers. Of course, the clans had casualties, but they managed to force the enemy to back away, and keep their homes safe. 
It's the first good news that the Metkayina have heard in weeks, and you can see the happiness on their faces. You feel a sense of satisfaction with what you've achieved, and even Tonowari can't help but sneak a smile as he urges everyone to remain careful and calm.
To celebrate your little victory, Tsireya invites you to swim with her and the rest of her friends somewhere special. You didn’t mind that the Sully’s, especially Neteyam, were joining. You thought you would ignore him and allow yourself to enjoy being a little carefree. 
Tsireya takes you to a sacred place - the Cove of Ancestors, where you could express your gratitude to Eywa by the Spirit Tree. Mesmerized by the beauty of it all, you can’t stop looking around. And judging by the reaction of the Sully kids, it’s probably their first time here too. Tsireya excitedly watches your faces, when showing you the Spirit Tree from afar. Underneath the surface of water, its roots glow with unique undertones, breathing in and out. 
“Tsireya, this is incredible,” you awe, as she gives you a giddy smile.
“Come,” she waves you over, disappearing under the water. 
With Tsireya, Kiri, Lo’ak, and Ao’nung disappear too. Distracted by the sight around you, you fall a little behind, and find yourself not too far from Neteyam. He is not a bad swimmer but he is definitely slow compared to you. 
You’re not really thinking about it, when you stay back to watch him. It’s almost entertaining how greedily his eyes take in the surroundings, seeming almost golden in this light. A smile tugs at your lips.
Your skin shivers, as a cool wind wraps around your body. Then you notice it. A single woodsprite appears in the air, flying around you and grazing your skin. You feel blessed to witness a sign of the Great Mother, but as you reach out to gently touch it, it moves away. Your smile fades, when the seed starts floating around Neteyam’s head. Is Eywa trying to tell you something? Maybe you were being too harsh with him. 
With another blow of the wind, the woodsprite disappears, leaving Neteyam completely oblivious to what just happened. When he turns around and meets your gaze, your throat tightens. His expression is unreadable. What is he thinking?
“I should probably catch up with the rest,” you clear your throat.
Neteyam only nods, and as you swim past him, it almost seems like you catch a hint of disappointment on his face. You can’t be distracted by the sign right now. 
When you reach the Tree and submerge, you find Tsireya, Lo’ak, and Ao'nung already linking their queues to the roots. Trying not to disturb them, you quietly swim to the opposite side, bringing out your queue. From the corner of your eye, you spot Neteyam but you decide to ignore him.
Words cannot describe how healed you feel, when you open your eyes. As if your inner and outer worlds have finally merged again, making you whole. With a smile, you swim up to the surface to reunite with the rest of the group, ready to share your happiness, when you notice troubled expressions on their faces.
“Did anyone see Kiri before we came here?” Lo’ak asks, and everyone shakes their heads, “Shit, Neteyam.”
“She said she’d swim a bit more before joining us by the Tree,” Tsireya replies.
“Alright, everyone, let’s divide and start looking for her,” Neteyam orders, calling out to his ilu.
It doesn’t take much convincing, as quickly, one by one, all of you get on your ilus and disperse. 
Tsireya’s story about Kiri falling asleep in the water resurfaces in your mind. It happened before, right? Kiri is probably fine, you try to convince yourself, but you can’t help the nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach.
As you swim up for a breath, you take a deep dive again, determined to search for Kiri in the depths of the water. Silent prayers to Eywa express your gratitude, when your gaze is drawn to a small figure hidden between tall leaves. Your heart skips a beat as you realize what you are seeing: Kiri's whole body is glowing with an otherworldly light. In all your years, you have never seen anything quite like it.
Noticing that she has begun to violently shake, you quickly swim to Kiri, and gently pull her queue away, forcing her body to go limp. Desperately, you try to get her out of the leaves, but it seems that the harder you try, the tighter they grip her limbs.
Your mind starts racing, and panic begins to set in, when you suddenly see a pair of hands cutting down the leaves around Kiri's body with a small knife. Right, a knife! You take out yours and start helping. With the last of the leaves cut, Kiri's body begins to float upwards. Neteyam quickly wraps his arm around her middle, and signals for you to follow, as he places her on his ilu and swims to the surface. 
You race after him, your heart pounding in your chest. As you break the surface, Neteyam’s already positioning Kiri’s body on a flat rock, gently shaking her. You join him, noting how calm and collected he seems.
“Neteyam, there’s something wrong. She was still linked and shaking, when I found her,” your voice breaks. 
“Shit,” he curses, and checks for Kiri’s breath.
You watch as he starts performing something strange: Neteyam breathes air into Kiri’s mouth, then starts counting as he presses down on her chest in an unfamiliar rhythm. A wave of fear washes over you, when you notice his hands start shaking.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Neteyam curses again, “Help me, please.”
“I don’t know what to do, Neteyam,” you panic, “She’s not breathing!”
“When I stop pressing, just try to breathe out as much air as you can into her mouth,” he orders, and continues counting.
“Alright, alright,” you try to calm yourself down.
You do your best following his instructions, and it seems to put him back on track too. But as time drags on, and Kiri still doesn't respond, both of you begin to feel a sense of despair. 
Just as you're about to give up hope, Kiri moves weakly beneath you, and finally takes a breath on her own. You let out a sigh of relief, tears streaming down your face.
“It worked,” Neteyam’s eyes glisten, as he checks for her breathing.
"We need to take her to Tsahik, right now," you breathe out, and he nods.
Everything afterwards happens in a blur of confusion. Your heart races, as you nervously pace around Tsahik’s marui, where Kiri is getting examined by a group of strangers: a Na’vi wearing human clothes, and two sky people who arrived on a flying ship. Jake and Neteyam are with them in the room, talking and talking, but you can’t quite understand. 
There is a tension in the air when Neytiri returns with Ronal. She raises her voice at them, and before you can even begin to wonder what's going on, the men exit the marui, leaving the women alone. You catch a glimpse of Jake as he passes by you, and for a moment, you feel struck by his presence. 
He looks tired and scared, like he has been suffering for a long time now. You recall your conversation with Lo’ak. While in your mind you are convinced that he is the bad guy, seeing him in this state makes you feel a twinge of sympathy for him. 
“You don’t have to wait,” Neteyam pulls you out of your thoughts. His words are not necessarily ill-intended, but you still feel out of place.
“I want to make sure she’s alright,” you explain. Neteyam only nods, “What are they saying?”
He falls silent, as if contemplating whether he needs to reveal to you whatever he knows. 
“She’s going to be better, right?” your voice hitches.
“Hey, hey,” he crouches down next to you, “Of course, she will. Kiri is very strong.”
It’s only a second of vulnerability showing on his side, before the usual mask slips back onto his face, and you can’t tell what he’s thinking. At all. Both of your attentions are quickly drawn back to the marui, when Ronal steps out. Jake rushes to her side, with Neteyam and you close on his heels.
“She is weak but the Great Mother granted her another chance,” Ronal answers, “Now, she needs her rest.”
“Thank you,” Jake expresses with sincerity in his voice, before disappearing into the marui. From the inside, you hear soft sobs. Neteyam hesitates to take a step, glancing back at you.
“Go in, see for yourself,” you encourage him, and he complies.
At the risk of interrupting their family moment, you sit down slightly far from the marui, waiting. You’re not sure how much time passes, when Jake walks out. You shift uncomfortably when he approaches you.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he clears his throat, as he crouches in front of you, “You saved my daughter.”
“I only found her,” you admit, “If it wasn’t for Neteyam…”
“You did well, you got to her just in time,” Jake interrupts, “Neteyam said that you even helped him with chest compressions.”
“I don’t know what that even was,” you genuinely chuckle. You only guessed it was something borrowed from the sky people.
“Yet you saved her, thank you,” he insists with a small smile.
You look at him, trying to read his face. There’s something in his eyes that suggests he’s being genuine. He breaks the silence again, this time his tone more careful.
“I know about your fight with Neteyam. He didn’t want to tell me the reason but I guessed it was something serious. There’s really not many things to get him to act like that.”
“I can’t possibly agree or understand your decisions,” you remain calm, despite the rushing heat to your face, “I think it’s unfair.”
“I know, I’m not always making the best decisions,” he shakes his head, “And I get why you don’t like me much but I can’t risk losing my family.”
“You don’t have to,” you interrupt, “If you just go out there alone, they’ll stop hurting everybody else.”
“I wish it had been that easy. I don’t even care about my own death anymore, but I just know it won’t be enough,” he seems defeated, “They will come for my family next. Everything that I care for, and more. They did once already.”
“But aren’t you the one they’re looking for?”
“It’s grown beyond vengeance at this point,” Jake shakes his head, “They caught Lo’ak and Kiri once, and Tuk… they had Tuk. If anything happened to them, I don’t know what I would have done. We barely got them out, it was…”
“Must have been terrifying,” you finish for him. You think back to your sister getting caught, held at a gunpoint, and your chest hurts with sudden empathy for him.
As a father, it must be times more terrifying for him to see his kids in the hands of an enemy. It makes sense now: the great Toruk Makto had a weak spot. 
“I think I get it,” you nod in understanding, “When they captured my sister... I have never been more scared in my life. It still keeps me up every night.”
“I’m sorry,” Jake sighs, “Do you know if she’s…?”
“Alive? I don’t know. She promised to come looking for me, once it’s safe but it’s been weeks now,” your voice hitches, “When they were about to capture me, she pushed me out of the way, which really pissed them off. Especially their chief.”
“I hope you get to see her again,” Jake reaches out, to pat you on your shoulder. You let him, “It is honorable to sacrifice yourself for the other to live. Eywa will bless her for keeping you alive.”
“I feel like I failed her, hiding here,” you look away in an attempt to hide the tears filling up your eyes, “I should have stayed there.”
“It’s not your fault, kid, you did your best,” Jake gently touches your chin to turn your face back to him. When he notices your tears, his eyebrows knit together in worry, “She would be proud of you.”
A small sob escapes your lips, and you feel ashamed to break down in front of him. You’re caught off guard, when Jake pulls you into a hug. It’s strangely comforting how tight it feels in your throat, as you bury your face in his chest, letting yourself silently cry. You feel him pat you on the back, until you can finally slowly recover your breath.
“Dad?” Neteyam’s voice grabs both of your attention. He leans against the entrance of the marui, looking confused between the two of you.
You instantly pull away from Jake, hanging your head in a mix of strange emotions. It’s not every day that you receive comfort from the very person you thought was your enemy. 
“I’ll be right there,” Jake says, standing up, “Do you want to see her, Y/N?”
You nod in gratitude, wiping away your tears before following Jake. As you enter, Neteyam gives you a puzzled look, like he’s trying to figure out what the hell you and his father were talking about. Your eyes land on Neytiri, sat by Kiri’s side, holding her hand in hers. 
“How is she?” Jake asks, sitting down next to his mate and pulling her into his side.
“She is going to be better, once she rests,” Neytiri answers quietly, returning her eyes to Kiri, and stroking her cheek, “My child.”
You feel out of place in the presence of the Sully family. Just a few days ago, you thought you hated Jake, and now you find yourself caring for his family. 
You suddenly realize that if he knows about your fight with Neteyam, then Neytiri surely knows too. You can't help but wonder if she hates you. Standing there, you feel like an intruder, interrupting their vulnerable moment.
“Y/N,” Neytiri's voice pulls you out of your thoughts, “Thank you for saving my child.”
“You did good, kid,” Jake adds, then turns his gaze to Neteyam, “Both of you.”
As you open your mouth to protest, Neytiri cuts you off with a firm tone. 
“Get some rest. You too, Neteyam.”
As much as you want to say something, anything, there's a strange authority in Neytiri's voice that makes it impossible to disobey. It's strange because she reminds you of your mother - strong, stubborn, yet caring. You were never able to disobey your mother.
“It’s okay, kid, you can check on Kiri later,” Jake encourages.
With a grateful nod, you leave the marui. Neteyam silently follows you out.
“Um, I should probably go tell the others now,” he grabs your attention.
“Yes, Lo’ak must be worried,” you agree with him.
Lo’ak wasn’t allowed to be with you in the marui. He was staying with Tuk, until further instructions, whereas Tsireya and Ao'nung got scolded by their mother for not keeping an eye on Kiri, and were sent home right away. Neteyam and you were the only ones who were overlooked in the matter.
“Thank you for helping me back there,” he scratches his head, “If it wasn’t for you, I could’ve lost her.”
“I don’t think I deserve the credit here, ‘Teyam,” you pause.
Did you just call him by his nickname? ‘Teyam? Do you think you’re friends? Shit. 
His eyes widen and you catch just a tiniest hint of a small smile before he bites down on his lip to hide it.
“Neteyam,” you correct yourself, “I froze when I couldn’t get her out of those leaves. I can’t believe I forgot about my knife.”
“Hey, and I panicked. But in the end, we kind of made a good team,” he snorts.
“Right,” you chuckle at the irony.
Because you’re both headed in the same direction, Neteyam and you walk together in silence. After a while, he catches your attention again.
“I saw you talking to my father,” he hesitates before meeting your eyes, “Can I ask you about it?”
“You can ask him if you want.”
“So it went badly?” Neteyam guesses.
“No, not half as bad as I expected,” you stop in your tracks, before admitting, “Actually, I think I kind of get it.”
Neteyam only nods but you’re not sure if he really understands the value behind your words. He hopes that it means a change of your perception but deep down, he still feels a little scared. You don’t talk for the rest of the way but you don’t seem bothered by his presence, your thoughts now occupied with the woodsprite you saw earlier. Maybe Eywa was right and the two of you can mend this after all.
“Y/N,” Tsireya’s soft voice wakes you up. She has a bright smile on her face, “Kiri’s awake! I thought you’d like to see her.”
Together, you make your way towards Tsahik’s marui, already noticing the Sully’s and friends coming and going. Tsireya pulls you along with her, but miscalculates her grip, causing you to bump into someone. It’s Neteyam. You can feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment. 
“Mawey, Y/N,” he grins, as he steadies you by your shoulders. You can hear Ao’nungs low chuckle but ignore him.
“Sorry, Y/N,” Tsireya whispers to you. 
“I’m fine,” you smile at her, then turn back to Neteyam. He still keeps his hands on you, “Neteyam.”
“Good morning to you too,” he says, finally lowering his hands. Still, you’re too close to each other. 
Before things get more awkward, Kiri’s voice breaks the tension. She calls out your name, and you rush to join her by the mat, taking her hands in yours with worry. Kiri weakly smiles in response. 
“I promise, I am doing better,” she reassures you, “And for that I have to thank my saviors! You hear that?” she loudly asks.
“I was worried sick for you, and you’re joking,” you roll your eyes at her, but can’t help a giddy smile. You’re glad she’s back to her normal self. You stay with her for some time, questioning her about her health, as she tries to swat you away.
“Out, out, Kiri has to eat!” Neytiri’s voice interrupts your small exchange, “And rest!”
She walks in with a bowl of cut up fruits in her hands, on her way managing to usher out some of the visitors. 
“Mom,” Kiri whines annoyedly.
That night you’re haunted by a nightmare. You’re swimming in the crystal-clear water, the warm sun rays piercing your eyes with a satisfying itch. From afar, you make out the beach which you would recognize anywhere: you’re back home, in your village. As you dive into the depths, you suddenly feel a hand clasping yours but the feeling is familiar. It’s your sister, swimming alongside you.
You smile. It reminds you of the old times, when you were little, spending your time swimming and holding hands with your sister, so none of you gets lost. Suddenly, the darkness engulfs you, making it hard to see. You look up to find a massive cloud forming in the sky, and you try to pull your sister with you to the surface. But she doesn’t budge, instead letting go of your hand with a small smile. Gasping for air, you break the surface, before diving back in for her, but this time she’s even farther away from you. You try to reach her again again and again, but each time the air in your lungs gets thinner, as she slips further away, eventually hitting the bottom. 
You wake up, with your sister’s name lingering on your lips. It’s still dark outside, and too early for the morning. To clear your head, you head towards the trees, deeper on the island. 
As you push through the dense bushes, you finally reach a small clearing nestled between tall trees. Then bang! All of a sudden someone throws you off your feet, hitting your back against the ground, and you see a familiar face hover above you. He’s so close, you can feel his braids grazing your skin. Neteyam. You growl.
“What the hell?” you slap his chest angrily, but he doesn’t budge, his arms firmly planted by the sides of your face. His knee rests between your thighs, restricting your movement.
“This is a familiar pose,” he smirks, and you roll your eyes at him, “Why aren’t you asleep?”
You notice a headpiece he’s wearing that you’ve never seen on him before. It looks like the ones that guardians assigned by Tonowari wear during their shifts.
“I was trying to clear my head. Why aren’t you?”
“I’m guarding,” he smiles, “This very same area, by the way.”
“You’re a guardian?” you snort.
Neteyam shakes his head amused, swaying his braids over your skin. Almost mocking you.
“Get off me,” you lightly slap his chest again, but he has something else on his mind. To tease you further, he pins your arms, and pushes his knee against you, right between your thighs.
You know that it’s innocent on his side, but your body reacts differently, separate from your mind. You feel blood rush to your face, as your ears, like a pair of wings, suddenly flutter in pleasure. Of course this doesn’t escape his eyes. You can see his pupils dilate, and an unreadable expression covering his face. You want to hide and scream out of embarrassment.
“Please,” you plead, and he pulls away from you so fast, it’s almost like he takes a leap. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he apologizes, keeping a small distance between you.
He’s embarrassed too, you think. He doesn’t meet your eyes, but you can almost see how hundreds of thoughts are rushing through his brain in an attempt to change the subject. You sit up, dusting off your skin in uncomfortable silence, until he finally dares to speak up. 
“Do you want me to walk you back?” he scratches his head, “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“No,” your voice is so low. Shit, “I need to clear my head.”
“Did you have a nightmare?” he asks gently.
You stand up, to dust the remains off your back and knees. You feel Neteyam’s eyes roaming over your body. 
“I saw my sister in my dream,” you finally answer, “It just confused me more.”
“Confused you about what?” 
“The signs. I can’t figure out what Eywa is trying to tell me.”
“Tell me,” Neteyam offers, it’s not an order. 
You hesitate. Opening up to him out of all Na’vi? To be fair, you’d rather tell someone who doesn’t care about you, who would just listen for the sake of curiosity, not pity or empathy. But also he looks so sincere and trustworthy. Is the tiredness suddenly affecting your perception of him?
“Well,” you sigh, “Ever since my parents died, I could feel their presence whenever I talked to Eywa. And the other day, by the Spirit Tree, I thought that if my sister were dead, then I’d feel her too. But I couldn’t.”
“And the nightmare makes you think otherwise?” 
“Yes. In the nightmare, we were swimming but every time I tried pulling her with me to the surface, to get her out, she wouldn’t budge. It’s like she didn’t want to be saved.”
“A nightmare can be just a nightmare, Y/N,” Neteyam pats your shoulder to comfort you.
“This was different,” you shake your head in disagreement, “I can feel it. I just wish I didn’t get my hopes up.”
Faint voices catch your attention. Neteyam’s ears perk up, as he focuses on the sounds in the distance, suddenly very aware of his surroundings.
"What do you hear?" you ask but he brings his thumb to your lips, shushing you. 
“If the other guards hear you, they’ll take me off the duty.”
It feels like an eternity as he keeps his thumb over your lips. He stares off into darkness but all you can do is look at him. You admire how the moonlight highlights his features, his freckles  and eyes glowing in the dark. His breathing is slow, strangely calming. You can’t help but think that the headpiece suits him even though it doesn’t prevent some of his braids escaping and framing his face. It’s almost funny how they seem to have a life on their own, swaying from left to right with every small movement he makes.
There is a flutter in your chest, as you realize how handsome he is. Shit. Maybe you’re just tired. 
You wrap your fingers around his wrist, lowering his hand from your face, and it finally seems to catch his attention. You let your fingers linger on his skin for a little longer before letting go. 
“Your purpose is to get me in trouble, isn’t it?” Neteyam smiles.
“What?” you frown at him.
“First, it was the fighting, now you happen to sneak away to the area I guard, so I get busted?” 
“I didn’t intentionally -” you start justifying yourself but he’s quick to interrupt.
“I know, I’m kidding.”
Kidding. You admit that, given your history, it is a little funny. You can’t help but smile back.
The exhaustion seems to creep up on you, as you let out a yawn.
“I am probably going to regret this,” Neteyam mumbles, as if more to himself, than to you, “You know how Kiri sometimes falls asleep in random places?”
“Since you don’t want to go back to your bed, you can crash here,” he scratches his forehead, slightly embarrassed, as he points to the patch of grass in front of you.
“You want me to sleep here?” you snort.
“I’m just saying, give it a try. I promise I will be on the lookout.”
You consider it for a second. It sounds ridiculous but the lush grass does seem inviting, softer than your bed. Another yawn creeps up on you. Is it bad that you want to stay here for a while?
“I-I’m not sure I can sleep here,” you admit. Not under his gaze anyway.
“Oh, come on, it’s easy,” he suddenly warms up.
Neteyam stretches out on the grass and waves you over with the biggest grin.
“This is what Kiri does. She just lies down, relaxes, and just like that, she’s off to her dream world,” Neteyam imitates his sister, “Come on.”
“Alright,” you give up, as you walk over to him.
You know it’s innocent but you still feel nervous. Neteyam pats the grass next to him, encouraging you to lay down. You comply, and he watches you relax, as he tousles some of the grass beneath your head. This was a bad idea. 
“Feels good, right?” he asks, propping himself up on one elbow so he can look at you.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. It does. 
“I’m starting to understand why Kiri falls asleep so easily,” you say, and hear him chuckle.
“Right? Sleeping outside is way more fun. There is just something about the open sky,” he sighs, “It reminds me of home.”
You keep your eyes closed but you can sense Neteyam’s still watching you.
“What is it?” you ask.
“Oh, nothing,” he sounds flustered, like he got caught, “I just thought you had fallen asleep already.” 
You turn your head to look at him, meeting his curious golden eyes.
“Can you tell me something? I’m not too sleepy yet,” you admit. 
“What would you like to hear?” his voice is soft. So soft, you have to tense your ears to hear him. 
And he talks. It was easy to guess that Neteyam would speak about the things he values the most, about his family. You’re conflicted between hearing him out and discovering this new world you never knew existed, or leaving him here alone to avoid the guilt weighing down on you. 
He tells you about his mother with pride, about her accomplishments and how she stood up for the things she believed in. He mentions that her clan was closely acquainted with the ‘good’ sky people who lived near the rainforest where he was born. These were the ones that tried helping Kiri yesterday. He also tells you about his father, who came from a star, and how he was almost killed by his mother before being saved by Eywa. He speaks fondly of his grandfather, whom he was told to look like, and who was a skilled warrior and protector of his clan, despite never having known him personally. And he tells you about his grandmother, who was strict but deeply loving. He missed her everyday since moving.
As Neteyam talks about the rainforest, his eyes light up with excitement. His descriptions are so vivid and detailed that you can almost see the towering trees, the creatures, and the weapons used by the Omatikaya. At times, he has to articulate with his hands and body to explain it. You feel your tiredness slip away. The more he talks, the more intrigued you get by his life, his stories.
At some point, you overtake the conversation, telling him about your home. You’re rushing through your words because there is so much you want to share. As if its pure existence depends on how much you can recall. At first, Neteyam has a guilty expression that eventually turns into a curious one. Sure, he’s been living with a water clan for months now but the way he reacted to your stories could make you think that he had never even seen water up close. 
Hours pass, as your voices get smaller, and drowsiness completely takes over the two of you.
When you wake up, you feel slightly restrained around your middle. You’re holding onto Neteyam’s arm, wrapped around your middle, and your legs intertwined. Shit.
“Neteyam,” you turn around, slightly shoving him, “”Teyam.”
He slowly opens his eyes, blinking the sleep away. It takes a moment for him to focus on you. So close, you think. Too close.
“Do you mind?” you gesture at his arm.
Neteyam’s a little slow in the morning, you notice. His eyes lazily follow your movement, roam over your body, as if trying to understand what happened, until he finally realizes. You swear, for a second you hear a faint flutter of his ears.
Your eyes snap back at him, and he sheepishly smiles, pulling away.
“Finally,” you mumble, as you get off the grass, “I should…I should go, I promised Tsireya that we’ll do this thing, um, in the morning.” Why can’t you lie? 
“Right, and my shift’s over, so my mom will be looking for me,” Neteyam nods his head.
“Uh, well, I’ll see you around then?” you hesitate.
Is he brushing you off? Slightly embarrassed, you turn around and walk ahead. When you hear his voice call out to you, your heart skips a beat.
You pause for a second, then nod with a smile. His face lightens up. Let’s try. 
Trying is definitely a good word to describe this new friendship you’re developing with Neteyam. Within a group, you still keep your distance. So much, that it almost seems like your friendship is supposed to be a secret. You’re scared of being called a hypocrite if you get too close. But you were on good terms with Lo’ak, and basically best friends with Kiri, so there’s really no reason for anyone to call you that. Ugh, but it’s different. Neteyam is different.
When you’re hanging out with the group, you’re always distracted, keeping an eye on him. He doesn't seem as interested in you though. On the contrary, his attention is divided between disciplining his siblings and breaking apart Ao’nung and Kiri from biting off each other’s heads.
Very rarely, in those quiet moments when you go to swim by yourself, you can catch him watching you from a distance. You find it hard to read his expressions, Neteyam is too good at hiding whatever he’s feeling. You, not so much. 
Ever since your talk with Jake, and the night you spent with Neteyam, you have conflicted feelings. You’re not sure where you stand anymore. Having voiced your opinions loudly on your first days, you almost expect to pick another fight with him. But you also kind of dread it. 
And the tension between you is not anger anymore. He’s still annoying at times but you learned to find it amusing, rather than frustrating. Sometimes, when he looks at you, your heart jumps. And well, it’s not looking good for you.
In those rare moments when you two are left alone, you bicker. It’s strange because you’re almost convinced that he enjoys provoking you on purpose. Neteyam thinks that his responsibility as a guard gives him some sort of control over you. He likes to play the savior.
“Hey, I’m neither Lo’ak, or Kiri, you can’t boss me around!” you frown, after he suggests you don’t go for a swim past the curfew.
“As a guardian, I make sure that everyone’s staying safe,” he raises his eyebrows, like he already won the argument.
“Isn’t your job looking out for the outsiders? Like humans? With weapons, you know? Not terrorizing me for wanting to swim!”
“I sometimes really think you’re doing this on purpose just to see how far you can push me.”
Time really seems to stretch out when you don’t get news from the other islands for a few days. Tonowari doubles the guardians around the village, and sends out a small group of swimmers for updates. It must be bad.
“Do you know anything?” you ask Tsireya.
Tsireya tries to be the best daughter to her parents but hanging out around you, the Sully’s, and her brother even, really challenges her sometimes. She knows she’s not supposed to tell you anything but when you all look at her in anticipation, she gives up eventually. To be a good brother, Ao'nung beats her to it from time to time.
“Tsireya?” Lo’ak pushes, knowing just the tone to use on her.
“You can’t tell anyone, I mean,” she looks at Kiri, “The last time the demons attacked one of the villages was a few days ago. The reason we didn’t get any news was because they wiped it out. Completely.”
You see her eyes glisten with tears, and hang your head in defeat. There really isn’t anything you can do, huh? No matter how hard you try. Nothing at all.
“Tsireya, what else?” Kiri wraps her arm around her shoulders.
“And… our attempts to save these clans are turning out to be more damaging,” she sniffles, “Now that the sky demons know that Na’vi are armed, they have doubled their forces. And they are more brutal. Some of the clans think of running from the islands before they get caught.”
“Shit,” Lo’ak curses, “But your dad must have a plan, right? My parents were with him the whole day yesterday. I can tell they’re hiding something.”
“Lo’ak, I can’t tell you,” Tsireya pleads with him.
“They want to take out their chief,” Ao’nung suddenly speaks, “They suggested luring him out and killing him.”
“But your father said he won’t be attacking first,” Lo’ak frowns.
“That’s right, my father won’t. But your father considers it.”
Ao’nung words send the group into a panic, as everyone starts talking, asking for more information. You gulp down, trying to ignore this anxious feeling in your chest. Once again, painful images of your burning home appear in front of you. 
Knowing that your plan has caused the destruction of another village makes you feel like shit. This can’t be happening. You can feel yourself losing your grip on your breathing as your body begins to shake. The others continue to talk, but their words become muffled and indistinct, drowned out by the noise in your ears.
“Mawey,” Neteyam whispers to you, taking your hand in his, “Just breathe, Y/N.”
You nod but your body won’t comply. The longer you can’t seem to breathe, the shakier you get. Neteyam squeezes your hand, and starts loudly breathing in and out of his mouth.
“Just follow my lead, alright? Breathe in,” he waits for you to repeat after him, “And out. Right, just like that.”
After many attempts of repeating after him, you finally seem to calm down your breathing, and your heartbeat slows into its natural rhythm.
“Good girl,” he gives your hand another squeeze, “Are you alright?”
“I need to get out of here,” you whisper to him.
“Then let’s go,” he says, pulling you to your feet. You don’t protest.
When both of you walk away, still holding hands, you feel everyone’s eyes turn to you. Ugh. You’re definitely going to be questioned to death for this by Kiri and Tsireya, though right now you don’t care. You just want to be somewhere else.
Neteyam leads you towards the trees. When you reach a small stream, he comes to a stop. 
“Hey, you feeling better?” he asks softly, still holding your hand. You nod, looking down at his fingers tightly wrapped around your palm.
“I feel so guilty, for causing more pain,” your eyes start filling up with tears, as you rush through your words, “ I’m scared that we won’t be able to stop them. And I do this thing where I freeze in the most dangerous situations, it’s like my mind takes me to a bad place.”
“Y/N,” Neteyam’s voice is concerned, “I promise, nothing will happen to you.”
“But it’s nightmares every night. I swear, I sometimes can’t tell them apart from the reality,” you admit, looking back at him.
“Mawey, you’ll get through this,” Neteyam comforts you, “I trust you because I know you have a strong heart. But Y/N… what’s happening to you is very familiar.”
“In what way?” Neteyam sighs before opening his mouth. 
“My father has this same response sometimes, like panicking and losing your breath. The nightmares. He says that it can happen when one suffers through something very bad, like war, or losing someone close.”
“Well, how did he stop it?” you frown at him.
“He didn’t. You can’t really stop it,” he shakes his head, with a pained expression on his face, “But my mother helps him.”
“She talks to distract him. Reminds him that it’s in the past.,” Neteyam answers, then gestures at your hands still interlocked, “She holds him.”
You nod, and squeeze his hand in appreciation. A few tears escape from your eyes, as you look away. Neteyam brings his hand to your face, wiping them away. 
“Don’t cry.”
“Am not,” you sniffle.
“Seriously, don’t,” Neteyam grazes your cheek with his thumb, “It upsets me.”
“Why would you care?” you snort.
“Oh, because it’s creepy!” he teases, making you smile, “Seeing you cry is probably going to send the rest of our friends to Eywa.”
“Shut it,” you smack him, but he only laughs. 
Tsireya suggests adding beads into your hair, as she works on your braids. Usually, you would have your hair in small braids, but she convinced you to try out a hairstyle similar to hers: braids at the roots, to prevent hair from falling into your eyes, and letting the rest flow in its natural way. You roll your eyes at the way Tsireya beams at you but you’re secretly happy to be distracted. 
The two of you sit on the grass terrace, with two Elderly Na’vi not too far. They seem to enjoy watching Tsireya’s wonders on your hair, and you feel infinitely thankful to them, when Kiri plops down in front of you. She can’t grill you with her questions in their presence. 
“Kiri, are you next?” Tsireya asks her, a hint of hope in her tone.
“No, my hair’s too short for all of that,” Kiri gestures at Tsireya’s long curls.
“Nonsense, I think it would look very pretty on you.”
Tsireya continues convincing Kiri, while she works on your braids, when suddenly you sense a movement. The Elderly Na’vi, now seemingly disinterested, walk away, leaving the three of you to yourselves. Oh, sweet Eywa, please don’t.
“So…Y/N,” Kiri beats you to your silent prayer, “You and Neteyam.”
“What about me and Neteyam?” you quirk your eyebrow at her. You’re going to play dumb. 
“What’s happening between you?” she squints at you, “And please don’t tell me that you’re in love with him.”
“Oh but I think they would look great together,” Tsireya adds in her dreamy voice. Shit.
“What are you two talking about?” you roll your eyes, heat rushing to your cheeks, “He’s annoying.”
“But like in a cute way?” Kiri tries to crack you. 
“In a way that makes your heart flutter?” Tsireya adds.
“Are you thinking about Lo’ak right now?” you turn to look at Tsireya with a sly smile. If you just get to switch the topic, you will give yourself a small window to flee. She looks taken aback.
“Hey, don’t distract us!” Kiri interrupts, waving at you, “It’s alright, Tsireya, we all know he likes you back.”
Tsireya gulps down in embarrassment but doesn’t say anything. Kiri stares at you expectantly.
“You were holding hands,” she states.
“I hold hands with Tsireya all the time too,” you’re definitely overplaying, “Neteyam and I are just trying to be more…civil.”
“Yet when you were panicking, it was Neteyam, and not Tsireya, holding your hand and taking you to the trees,” Kiri notes.
Is she playing a smartass? Caught off guard, your eyes widen.
“Why did you go into the trees, Y/N? Were you doing something you didn’t want us to see?” Kiri pushes, trying to crack you.
“Stop it,” you hiss at her.
“I just find it disgusting that he would go for my friend, right after Lo’ak already stole Tsireya from me,” Kiri crosses her arms in front of her chest, “All of you are inconsiderate.”
“A brother for a brother,” Tsireya whispers, and you can’t help but laugh.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Kiri raises her voice.
“Come on, Kiri. Ao'nung is always flirting with you,” you explain, then wince in pain, as Tsireya pulls on your hair.
“Sorry!” she apologizes immediately, “I was just agreeing with you, didn’t mean to pull your hair.”
“You two are unbelievable. Ao’nung is terrible. No offense, Tsireya,” Kiri denies, “And don’t switch topics here, Y/N! You and Neteyam were jumping at each other’s throats since you met, now suddenly you consider him a friend? What happened?”
“Well, there was this time when we had to team up to save your ass,” you tease, enjoying Kiri’s escalating anger, “No, but really. I think we were just really scared for you.”
“Ooh,” the two of them awe in unison, “So that’s it?”
“And Eywa,” you mumble under your breath.
“Eywa?” Kiri’s ears perk up, as she leans in. Right away, Tsireya drops your hair, as she quickly positions herself next to Kiri, her attention now fully on you.
“Well… back when we went to the Spirit Tree, he and I fell a little behind. Then I saw a woodsprite floating around us. Neteyam had his back turned, so he didn’t even notice.”
“Do you think Eywa wants you two -” Kiri doesn’t finish.
“No, it was more of a sign for me to stop resenting him,” you shake your head in embarrassment, “So now I’m trying to listen and be nice to him.”
“That makes sense. Eywa wouldn’t bless you as a couple anyway, it’s too soon,” Kiri says.
“No, it’s not,” Tsireya disagrees, “They’re both capable of choosing mates before Eywa.”
Kiri opens her mouth to protest but then decides against it. 
“Doesn’t matter. It’s not the time,” you shake your head, and the girls seem to agree with you, “And Neteyam is not the one. He is my friend. So please stop teasing me for giving him a chance.”
Content with your answer, Kiri drops it. You suspect that Tsireya hasn’t been fully convinced by your words but she is too kind to keep pushing you. You give her a grateful smile for understanding. If anything, she can relate in some way.
Speak of the devil… When you see Neteyam approaching you, you can feel the girls’ eyes on you, looking for a reaction. Neteyam throws a quick look at you, slightly surprised by your hair, but says nothing. He doesn’t like it? You feel a little insecure.
“Hey,” he bows quickly, “Kiri, mother wants you back at home for dinner.”
Kiri rolls her eyes but gets up from the grass. Tsireya follows. 
“My family is probably waiting for me too.” 
“You’re lucky you have no one telling you what to do, Y/N,” Kiri blurts out, then covers her mouth. 
“Kiri!” Tsireya tsks at her, but it’s a little too late.
When it came to dinners, you were mostly having them alone, or sometimes skipping them at all. For your first two weeks, Tsireya would drag you to her house for every single meal but eventually you restarted hunting and actually enjoyed preparing your own meals. 
“Y/N, you coming to our place tonight?” Tsireya encourages.
You prepare yourself to politely decline her invitation but Neteyam beats you to it.
“Actually, what do you think about joining us instead?” he asks softly.
Both Tsireya, Kiri and you look at him in surprise. He had never invited you directly in front of others. Not even Kiri has. And the idea of you spending the evening with his father. Yikes. Sure, you somewhat felt more comfortable seeing Jake in the village but sitting in front of him for dinner is totally different.
“Um, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” you mumble.
“Nonsense, Y/N, now that I think about it, I should have invited you a long time ago,” Kiri suddenly jumps in, “And after you saved my ass. Mom and dad would love to thank you.”
“Especially my mom,” Neteyam adds.
If they think they’re making a good point, they must be completely unaware of how uncomfortable you feel around Neytiri. She is intimidating, you think. You can never even talk to her. 
“Well?” Neteyam nudges you with a warm smile.
You bite your lip, trying to think of an excuse. Any excuse. But your head is empty, as the three of them look at you expectantly. Tsireya nods her head at you with an encouraging smile.
“If you’re sure,” you admit your defeat.
Happily, Kiri swings her arm around you, leading you towards their marui.
Sully's marui is bigger than yours, it’s not surprising. They are a family of six after all, you are a single child. Still, you think that you could never live with so many people: losing your parents at a young age made you well acquainted with sharing a room with only one person at a time. Now you share it with no one.
When you shyly walk in, you think your heart is going to jump out of your chest. Kiri pulls you by your hand.
“Mom, dad,” Neteyam grabs their attention, “We invited Y/N to share today’s meal with us.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Jake’s ears perk up, as he stands up with a small smile. You bow. Little Tuk copies her father as she runs up to you, curiously examining you. 
“I hope it���s okay,” you smile sheepishly.
“It’s good that you came. You need to eat well,” Neytiri walks up to you with a bowl of food in her hands.
“Mom,” Kiri rolls her eyes, “Y/N eats fine, stop.”
“Not fine enough for a hunter,” Neytiri turns to you, “A good hunter must look after themselves. So eat.”
You nod your head with a small chuckle escaping your lips, as you take the bowl from her. Neteyam gives you a proud smile. 
When all of you are seated to eat, Lo’ak rushes into the marui, barely catching his breath.
“Sorry I’m late,” he throws, quickly sitting down next to you, “Oh, hi, Y/N.”
You greet him back, then notice a non-verbal exchange between the siblings. They seem to be doing this way too often. Lo’ak shoots a questioning look at Neteyam, but Neteyam just rolls his eyes at him, and returns to his food. Lo’ak tries again with Kiri. Kiri shrugs her shoulders, then smiles pointing at Neteyam with her eyes. Lo’ak snorts.
“Lo’ak,” Jake grumbles.
“Sorry,” Lo’ak gets back to his bowl without being able to retrieve his smile.
At first, you feel awkward. While they exchange some news with each other, you don’t participate, simply observing them from underneath your lashes. Tuk excitedly tells about her new friendship with a young ilu. Lo’ak shares that he was swimming with Payakan. Jake gives him a displeased look but doesn’t say anything. You think that the food is very good. It’s a shame that you can’t enjoy it because you feel uncomfortable. Why did you have to agree? 
“Y/N,” Neytiri turns to you, “I’ve seen you hunt near the trees. Do you prefer it to the water?”
“It depends,” you feel like she is testing you but you don’t want to lie, “I feel most comfortable in the water. But sometimes it gets boring, so I look for the prey in the green. It’s more challenging.”
Neytiri nods, and you notice Jake’s and Neteyam’s approving smiles on you, which makes you feel like you passed the test. Whatever the test was.
“Mom is an excellent hunter,” Kiri adds, “You should join her sometime.”
“I will only be a distraction,” you try to disagree, as you hear Lo’ak chuckle next to you. Is he enjoying how much more uncomfortable his family can make you?
“Lo’ak,” Neytiri slaps the back of his head, “Have you tried hunting on an ikran, Y/N?”
“No, I’ve never even flown,” you give her a sheepish smile, as her eyes widen in surprise. You suppose it’s pretty common, since you grew up around the water.
“You’ve never flown!” Tuk exclaims, as if you are missing out.
“Then it’s decided,” Jake announces, exchanging a knowing look with Neytiri. Oh no.
“Next time I go flying, I will take you with me. You will enjoy it more than swimming,” she smiles.
You and Neytiri. Going to fly. You can’t even speak looking into her eyes, are you sure you will be able to fly with her in the air? At a height? While she hunts? 
“Don’t worry, Y/N, you have nothing to be scared of,” Neteyam encourages you with a smile, “I’m sure you will love flying.”
Tuk nods in agreement, clapping her hands together. Neteyam finds his sister’s reaction amusing and lovingly pats her on the head. You enjoy this side of him a little too much, as you watch the interaction with a small smile.
“Like what you see?” Lo’ak whispers to you with a grin.
“What?” it’s hard for you to play cool when he just caught you.
“Nothing,” Lo’ak acts disinterested, biting down on the piece of fish, “Just warning that you’re being too obvious.”
“Just like you’re obvious with the chief’s daughter,” you whisper back, and watch as Lo’ak chokes on his food.
“Eat slower, Lo’ak,” Neytiri scolds him.
As the evening goes on, you feel slightly more at ease. Although the thought of you dying while flying with Neytiri nags at you, you try to push it to the back of your mind for the time being. You and Kiri eventually find a thread of your own conversation, and you occasionally catch Neteyam’s gracing you with his proud smiles.
When you’re finished with thanking them for having you over, Kiri stands up instinctively to walk you out. You’re both confused when Neteyam jumps to his feet, gently pushing his sister out of his way.
“It’s too late for you to be out, Kiri,” he says, his accent thick, “I will walk Y/N home.”
“Since when am I not to be out at this hour?” Kiri is baffled, as she turns to Jake with an expectant look, “Dad?”
“Since you started falling asleep underwater, Kiri,” Jake throws her a knowing look.
When you exit the marui with Neteyam close on your heels, you’re caught by surprise, feeling his arm snake around your shoulder. As you’re about to react, you almost stumble in the dark, and Neteyam helps you keep your balance.
“It’s a bit uneven here, especially in the dark, many stumble,” he explains, as he lets go of you. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, looking at him, “Why did you have to invite me?”
“Did you have other plans?” Neteyam quirks at you. You shake your head.
“Still, after everything I said and did, I feel like you all must hate me.”
“You gave me a second chance, right?” Neteyam smiles, “Why wouldn’t I give one to you?”
You shrug your shoulders. 
“And just so you know, no one hated you.”
“Not even you?” you tease.
“Especially not me,” Neteyam’s voice is serious. You shy away from his gaze.
As if being unseen in the darkness is equivalent to being unheard, the two of you walk slowly, quietly. You notice how the last bit of sun sets down behind the horizon, and watch in admiration. 
“I love it here,” Neteyam admits, following your gaze, “I miss home, and the sky in the forest. But there’s something about the water…”
“What is it that you like about the water?” you ask him curiously.
“I don’t know, it just makes my heart race,” he whispers, looking back at you.
“I would love to see the forest. But I think I like it already,” you whisper back, meeting his golden eyes.
There’s a moment when you think something is going to happen. You’re both terrified and impatient for him to do anything. When did he become so different? Were you just blind before?
Neteyam’s eyes jump all over your face and your hair, like he’s trying to take it in. You hope that you’re not giving away how much you think you’re growing to like him at this moment.
“Your hair looks pretty like this,” he says, reaching for one of the locks draping over your shoulders.
Your heart skips a beat when he twirls a strand of your hair, watching it curl around his long fingers.
“Very pretty,” he smiles, looking back at you.
“Tsireya talked me into it,” you smile sheepishly, as you gently pull your hair back from his grasp.
He turns his head to the side, braids swaying with him. You have to force yourself not to reach your hand to tug them. 
“Well, we’re here.” It takes you a second to realize that you’re in front of your marui.
“Right,” you gulp down, “Thanks again for inviting me, it was surprisingly delightful.”
“Wait till you fly with my mother,” Neteyam chuckles, noticing your terrified face.
“Oh, sweet Eywa,” you bite your lip.
“Don’t worry, she won’t let you get hurt,” Neteyam backs away, ready to leave, “I can be there to look after you.”
“I’ll take you up on that offer.” 
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.”
In a long time, since you had arrived, this is the first time you see Metkayina so overjoyed. From afar, you were all watching as their soul-sisters and soul-brothers, the Tulkuns, were returning home. The Sully’s were looking at the water mesmerized. Being foresters, they probably never even seen Tulkuns before.
You think back to your soul-sister whom you had seen many years ago. You were still a little girl back then but the memories you had with her kept your heart warm all this time. Sadness graces your face when you imagine her returning home and finding your village destroyed, with you nowhere to be found. 
And although your soul-sister wasn’t among the Tulkuns, you still enjoy watching their interactions with the Metkayina clan. You swim in between them with a giddy smile, catching glimpses of silent conversations and excited exchanges, especially between the younger Na’vi. Not too far, Neteyam catches your eye. He is unlinked from his ilu, which swims around him with a delighted noise.
“Y/N, this is incredible!” he gestures.
“It is,” you agree, returning his smile.
You spend more time swimming and taking in the scenes unraveling in front of you. What’s even more entertaining is watching Neteyam and Kiri admiring the Tulkuns, and trying their best to understand what they’re saying. Of course, for foresters who had never seen Tulkuns, it was difficult to differentiate the subtle changes of tones and sounds they made. Lo’ak seems more comfortable, and you guess that it’s due to his bond with Payakan.
That evening, the Metkayina celebrate. While there were no new attacks from the sky people in the past week, you can’t help but feel uneasy, suspecting that something worse is going to happen soon. Like this short moment of happiness is just the calm before the storm begins.
The celebration of the return of Tulkuns is similar to the one you used to have back home. The clan gathers at the beach in big and small circles, around fire. They cook and share food and drinks together, while singing and dancing to the songs of Eywa. Many wear festive patterns on their faces and bodies. It didn’t take Tsireya long to convince both Kiri and you to get your faces and arms painted with beautiful shapes and colors. 
As the evening goes on, Kiri tells you that back home their celebrations were almost the same. You sense that she’s truly enjoying it, feeling the familiarity. When she is pulled into a dance, you watch her with a big smile, clapping your hands. The rest of her family looks just as happy, especially Neytiri. Almost relaxed. You feel a little jealous that you had no one to share this moment with.
With everyone distracted, you slip away to the far end of the beach to be by yourself. Feeling the warmth of the sand, you enjoy the waves washing over your feet in a calming rhythm. You watch the horizon, and spot some movement from the Tulkuns performing their own celebratory dance, as they swim around each other. Occasionally, their tails resurface and disappear under the water with big splashes. 
“Why aren’t you dancing with the rest?” you hear Neteyam’s voice, as he sits down next to you.
“Why aren’t you?” 
“Let’s just say that dancing is not my strongest suit,” Neteyam smiles.
“Is the mighty warrior finally admitting to being bad at something?” you tease him, “Lo’ak would be delighted when I tell him.”
“Lo’ak is a worse dancer than I am,” Neteyam laughs, pointing at his younger brother in the distance.
You look over to find Lo’ak awkwardly circling around Tsireya. It seems like he is going to fall into the fire any second now. They’re holding hands, as she tries to guide him to move his feet like her but Lo’ak seems so out of place, it makes you laugh too. It’s kind of cute, you think. He tries for Tsireya because there is no way he would ever do this in front of so many Na’vi. 
“He’s a lost cause,” you shake your head at the sight.
“Anything for love,” Neteyam turns his gaze back to you with a small smile.
You almost get a deja vu of how similar this moment is to the one you shared among the trees. There is something unspoken between Neteyam and you. He holds your gaze, slowly moving closer. You gulp down nervously, when he raises his hand to your cheek. Neteyam pauses for your approval before making contact. His fingers trace a pattern of paint on your face, before he cups your cheek.
“Neteyam,” you whisper, “If anyone sees…”
If anyone sees, you will definitely gain at least several suspicious questions tomorrow morning. You can only imagine how this looks from afar, and you wonder if he wants it to look that way. Is it bad that you hope he does?
“I don’t care,” Neteyam whispers back, his face now closer to yours, “Can I ask you something, Y/N?”
You feel too nervous to talk. Instinctively you raise your fingers, wrapping them around his wrist, then nod your head. Neteyam takes a deep breath.
“Are you promised to someone?” his eyes jump all over your face, trying to read your thoughts. 
“No,” your voice hitches, as you hold his gaze, “Are you?”
Neteyam softly shakes his head, one of his braids falling on his face. You find that makes him look more handsome. 
“Y/N,” his voice is hypnotic, pulling you closer to him, “I know we didn’t see eye to eye when we met but now I think it’s because both of us felt something. Y/N, I -”
“Neteyam,” you interrupt him with a firm tone, “Don’t say anything.”
You avoid his gaze, lowering his hand from your face. You still keep your fingers around his wrist but you don’t dare to look at him.
“Why?” Neteyam sounds so confused, you feel an ache in your stomach, “Am I wrong? Don’t you feel it too?”
“Neteyam, this is not the time,” you sigh, avoiding his question, “I can’t. Please.”
He pulls his hand from yours, instantly putting a small distance between you. You feel like you’re going to scream. He doesn’t deserve this. 
“I don’t understand,” he whispers, shaking his head.
“I can’t promise you anything, Neteyam. I don’t even know if my sister is alive. What if I go back home? What if the demons attack us tomorrow, and I die?” you start rushing through the hundreds of reasons, “I can’t risk this. Having a friend like you is more than I deserve already, ‘Teyam. I don’t want you to get stuck with me. I am not reliable like you. I will mess it up.”
“Y/N -” he looks so confused, trying to follow the line of your words, “I disagree -”
Your intimate moment is disrupted with loud noises of Roxto and Ao’nung running past you into the water. The rest of the group, with Lo’ak and Tsireya, are close on their heels with accompanying shouts. You guess they’re headed to swim with the Tulkuns before Tonowari declares an end to the celebration.
“Neteyam, come join us!” Lo’ak shouts, interrupting his brother. 
“Please, let’s just pretend that everything’s back to normal. Whatever ‘normal’ means anyway,” you sigh, standing up. Neteyam’s pained eyes follow your movement, as you leave him there, sitting alone.
part 2
tumblr won't let me post the rest of the fic in the same post, so go to part 2. if you have any thoughts or comments and you haven't finished reading yet, i would still appreciate you sharing them with me. i'm so impatient for feedback, although i know it will take a lot of time to read this whole thing, anyways
taglist (also tagging some blogs that i think might enjoy it, and some of the authors, whose works i’ve been reading non-stop to keep myself motivated): @fucksnow ; @heaven1oo4 ; @fanboyluvr ; @ngayawneluoer ; @aquila-de-l-ocean ; @aoteyam ; @moonpetrichors-blog ; @vinnieswife ; @eywascall ; @lxvvvllyy ; @iloveavatar ; @neteyamdarling ; @gloryy-vs ; @girasollake ; @mayhemories ; @suuuupernovaaa ; @love-chx ; @the-demon-soul ; @cosmictheo ; @victoirey ; @your-averagewriter ; @starkeysmoon ; @openpandorabox ; @urlocalfeiner ; @neteyams-tsahik ; @angelltheninth ; @sweetsbfreex ; @forever--darling ; @arachine ; @nyctophicbtch ; @jeojake ; @isabellapaul37 ; @melbee ; @loaksky ; @luvsellie ; @loakism ; @lizziesfirstwife ; @jakesullysbabygirl ; @theseuscmander ; @love13tter
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
Okay but how did MHA end up having the wholesome adorable episode of the two?!?!?! wow
the bath scene was hilarious! and stain giving that lil speech to Toshi --with the love letters! lmao and of course America's no.1 hero would say fuck the rules. but just once I'd like to see a character design that didn't feature the flag....buuuut I guess if we being honest, wrapping the hero in the flag in such an ostentatious way is so in character for the US. smdh
welp, now to impatiently wait for season 7
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wiltedkyinn · 1 year
I was never there.
2.9k words woozwes, might b a little rushed my bad.
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sully family x son/brother (m) reader
Being the middle child, the third oldest of the Toruk Makto and the neytiri, the great warrior. While neteyam carried the burden of being the responsible one, lo’aks burden was trying to live up to his brother's name, kiris was being an outcast and yours? No one seemed to remember you. neteyam’s least reckless sibling, lo’aks quiet voiced brother, kiri’s tag along brother, tuk’s babysitter. A no one in a family of great, a shame really, you couldn't do much. Was pretty average in everything, not standing out. If there was a crowd your own father couldn't find you. Being left out in everything, the family went on a picnic? Oh, you were sleeping. The siblings had support from neytiri and jake. You? They were too busy, you had to tame an ikran by yourself. You had taught yourself to braid your hair. You were all alone, alone in such a big family, the family of the tribe. You weren't sad when you were told that the family had to leave and find a new home. Your kind of happy, you could rebrand yourself. Maybe, and just maybe, make a name for yourself. 
You were behind your family on your way to the reef clan, the metkayinan tribe. You head looking down letting your father do the convincing, suddenly your hand was being lifted in the air, showcasing to the clan members. Ronal the tsahìk yelled “they aren't even true na’vi! They have demon blood!” you looked at her at surprise then looked at tonowari, the leader. Your father quickly intervened, “look, look” he brought up his hands showing the same hands as y/n. 5 fingers, instead of 4. She let go of your hand and went to talk to her mate. After being settled in and setting up where you would sleep. Far from where your family was, the closest bed to you was neteyams. You quickly laid down and brought your knees as close as they would go to your head, fetal position. Wishing your hardest that if you took up less space that you could just disappear completely.  You woke up early and a few rays of sunshine hitted the island, you prepared breakfast for your family. Before anyone could wake you swiftly were curled up back into a ball. Your family normally thought you were sleeping so they didn't want to burden you, or that's what you hoped that was the case.
The first to wake was lo’ak he mindlessly poured some food onto a clam shell and ate two plates. Jake and tuk wake up, following neytiri and neteyam. All laughing and eating. “Who warmed this up?” Neytiri's voice was a little raspy from just waking up. “n/n did! I saw!” tuk’s bubbly voice awoke you from sleeping-but-not-really-asleep. She crawled up by y/n and hugged him, “wake up y/n~” her voice sang your name. Quickly waking up and sitting up, careful not to drop tuk. “What?” you were trying to wipe away his sleeplessness. “Thanks for breakfast.” your mother yelled, y/n slowly nodded to her. “Come one tuk let's eat” tuk yanked the boy up from his bead and ran by the family. But before you could even serve yourself something to eat, tsireya came to gather the kids to start lessons. 
Soon meeting with Aonung and Roxto by the shore. They didn't seem happy to see your sibling but neither the sullys were. After a couple silent moments they reef na’vi dived in with everyone quickly following. While your brothers and baby sister, neteyam, lo’ak and tuk needed to resurface for air, you and kiri easily got the hang of it. While she was busy looking at the animals, you ventured trying to look for a place to hide from the others. You found an underwater cave, it had an air pocket inside of it, the roof of the cave being covered in crystals, the water reflected the light of the beautiful gems. You were awestruck with its beauty. You laid down and for some reason went into a deep slumber. The sea provides soothing background noises. 
Waking up slowly, you got up and started to stretch, some popping noises coming from your bones. You dived into the ocean, swimming back by the shore you saw kiri. You kept swimming, you took notice of some of Aonung and Roxto's friends circle around her. You weren't sure what was happening until lo’ak and neteyam were there defending kiri. You hurried to make sure they were okay before you heard roxto call your siblings freaks. You were behind roxto, pulling his hair you blew a quick punch to his face. One of his friends grabbed your tail and dragged you off of him. You older brother, lo’ak, quickly grabbed your assailant's ear. You kicked someone who was trying to grab your foot, you were too busy with whoever you were punching to notice neteyam joining the fight. After what seemed like 30 minutes, both sides got tired, the reef na’vi were the first to retreat.  You were worse than neteyam and lo’ak, scratches by your ankles and littered around your back,  a black eye on your left eye, you had a long scratch that started by the base of your tail and stopped halfway down your tail. It was bleeding more than the other ones. 
While walking back to your marui, you were in the back, as always. Jake instantly took notice of your older brothers, you walked by, he didn't notice you at all. You sat down and asked your mom to give you some aloe and some leaf wraps. She thought you were going to bandage your brothers up, well until she saw your black eye. “y/n! You got into the fight?!” your mother shouted at you. You nodded, Your father quickly laid onto neteyam. “You even got y/n into the fight? What the hell neteyam!” “im sorry sir-” neteyam was cut off by y/n own voice. “For the love of eywa! I threw the first punch. It was my fault.” you seethed through your teeth, trying to not wince when putting the gel onto your tail. “I'll apologize tomorrow.” your voice was more relaxed, after putting on a leaf wrap. “Yeah I'll go with him too!” lo’ak was trying to save face for himself. “First Thing. Tomorrow.” Jake basically growling towards y/n and lo’ak. When lo’ak and neteyam looked at y/n. He put his hand to his chest and widened his eyes. The brother silently laughed at his antics. 
Me and lo’ak had to go apologize to roxto and whoever. The brother slowly stopped by Aonung, Roxto and his friends. “We are sorry.” y/n looked at roxto, specifically at the bruise on his jaw. “So sorry, that i hitted you.. So many times” i chuckled at lo’ak’s “apology” They all looked at each other before grinning at one another. “I forgive you, wanna go hunting outside of the reef?” Aonung asked, mainly towards  lo’ak. After the bickered I noticed that lo’ak was going. I followed mindlessly, not really paying attention. Until I noticed they were leaving us. I tapped and signed to lo’ak ‘they left i think it was a prank” he seemed scared, scared? I looked where he was looking, noticing a gigantic black fish come towards us. I quickly got back on my ilu. Trying to hint at lo’ak to do the same. He was frozen, almost entranced by the unknown fish. Y/n grabbed his wrist and wrapped lo’aks arm around him. Trying to get him to hold on. Once he did, the ilu went as fast as it could, barely missing a few close calls. Soon the ilu didn't miss the shark like fish, and it attacked the ilus fin. Following the fin was a streak of crimson blood. 
Y/n gabbed lo’aks wrist and swam as fast and hard as he could, hiding in some coral reef holding him behind him, even if he was younger. Before the fish was barely able to snatch and eat us. A gray colored version of the thing attacking us. Slammed him into a wall of reefs. Before y/n could notice, lo’ak was slipping from his hands. Looking behind himself, he couldn't find him. Freaking out, he started panicking. Since he couldn't hold his breath any more. y/n passed out. 
Floating in the ocean y/n opened his eyes. Nothing in miles near him. Just pure ocean. y/n started swimming towards the front of him, seeing a small rock. He perked himself there. Finally taking a deep breath to help calm him down. Trying to pinpoint where he was. He was taken out of his thoughts when he felt a sharp pain on his back, touching where it was throbbing. He pulled back his hands, realizing he was bleeding. A few tears seeped through his closed eyes, he felt pure fear. He was in the middle of nowhere, bleeding, wondering if lo’ak was okay. He tried to call for an ilu, hoping he was at least somewhat close to the island. Thankfully an ilu appeared, he took in a deep breath preparing himself for the salt water to sting his bleeding wound. He made the bond, and rode. After a half day he finally found the island. 
The island seemed gloomy, he approached with caution. He walked towards what he thought was the shared marui between him and his family. He peeked through hearing sniffles between the youngest sister. He was relieved to see his family. He was painfully aware of his cut even after a while it was still oozing out some blood. He whimpered out his pain, “mom my back” his voice was barely above a whisper but to the rest of the family, they could hear him planets away. They gasped, tuk running with her tail in between her legs and immediately clinged onto the elder one's leg. Kiri followed after. Jake released a breath that sounded as if he was holding it in for weeks. Neytiri started crying and smiled. Holding y/n as tight as she could. You winced underneath her grip. 
“Show you your back,” her voice only held happiness in her voice. You tried to turn around, before black spots had entered your vision. Your body went limp, the rest of the men in the sully family ran to turn you over, kiri ran to fetch ronal. The cut started at your shoulder blade and went down to your hip. You had a bruise along your right thigh. To put it simply, it looked like you went through hell and back. Ronal was quick, she was there along with tsireya. You were quickly bandaged, Ronal quickly went and prayed for your safety, tsrireya and neytiri joined her. You slowly opened your eyes, you had a killer headache, and your back was like someone was actively clawing at you again and again. You fully opened your eyes and were met with an empty marui. You nearly died and they left you? Bro was flabbergasted. He pushed the lump building up in the back of throat. Hecrwled out of the marui. He winced at the image of fire, coming from a human boat. He called out for his ilu, the one who safely brought him back home. He saw tsireya swimming. ‘What is going on?’ he signed to the seemling distressed girl. ‘They have tuk and kiri come on!’ She sat behind you and led you to where your sister was. 
Before you were on the boat you spotted your oldest brother on a rock with lo’ak, you quickly swam by them. Neteyam breathing was uneven. y/n took off his bandages and cut them in half with his hunting knife. He put one on the front of neteyams chest and one on his back where a hole was gushing out blood. “Get him to ronal! She's on the island!” you yelled at lo’ak, you gave him your ilu. Tsireya was leading the way to the boat. 
You were met with the back of an army dressed as na'vi, holding kiri. Neytiri had a knife to your formerly human friend, spider. Jake holding tuk. “Go” your voice was barely a whisper so only the girl by you could hear. Your tail went back and forth studying the unknown na’vi. After a second you jumped, kicking your sister out of his grasp. You bit as hard as you could on his neck. He groaned, flipping his back over, dropping his gun with y/n. You quickly picked it up, pointing at him. “Kid, you don't even know how to use that” he chuckled, taunting y/n. y/n hissed, his first time honestly hissing. He points at a human coming his way. He shoots the gun, right at the human head, never leaving the glare from the unknown na’vi. “Mom! Neteyam is with Ronal, I don't think he is gonna die!” y/n knew why she slit spider's throat. Somehow, miles had gotten another gun. Y/n noticed a little late, the much bigger na’vi shot y/n in the thigh. y/n noticed the pain before even realizing he was shot. He ran behind miles, cutting off miles' kuru, sending him with waves of pain to the colonel. After letting miles float in pain, y/n slit his throat. Blood spraying onto y/n's face. y/n had kneeled, his adrenaline rush finally running off. The boat started going upside down. Uh-oh. y/n quickly held his breath swimming as fast as he could, he ran into lo’ak. ‘Dad, i dont where dad is, go save him’ the signs were becoming messy, making them harder to read. Lo’ak still had the gist of it and nodded. y/n swam back to the island waiting for the rest of his family to return. He checked on neteyam, he was unconscious but had a steady heartbeat. y/n smiled knowing he would pull out. He is the great son of Jake Sully after all. After waiting a bit, y/n was drowsy. He was suffocating in pain; with his back and thigh, he would believe you if you said he was gonna die.
He tried his hardest to stay awake, he closed his eyes, body going limp for the second time this day. He opened his eyes, seeing a beautiful sanctuary, filled with na’vi laughing while walking, some holding hands, some crying. He felt at peace, no throbbing back, no blood-colored thighs, no war.  An old man with wise eyes and a small smile came up towards y/n, y/n wasn't frightened, he felt an instant connection, like he was the man he was missing in his life. “Oh, dear one, it's great to finally meet you. But you belong with neytiri, not me, no. far too early." His crow's feet were noticeable, he had wise eyes, and a strong facial structure. “I'm sorry to ask but uhm but where are we?” Y/n was looking around at the beautiful scenery. “We are with ewya dear one” his smile faltered for a second. “What? I-im dead? No. no, my family,” y/n was quickly panicking, he can't be dead. What about Neteyam having kids? Lo’ak finally mating with tsireya? Kiri becoming a beautiful young healer? Tuk finding her ikran? “If you want to be with your family, you’ll need to step back, it will be painful,” y/n put two and two together figuring out who this man was, “eytukan, my grandfather?” he gave a cheerful nod and slightly pushed the younger na’vi back, “tell your mother i miss her.” he smiled before your vision was black. It was cold, very cold. After the cold surrounded him, he felt the most excruciating pain ever. He felt a very bone crack out of place. He saw his limp body, his father slightly crying, holding his son's hand, caressing it. His mother screaming at eywa praying for him to come back, his oldest brother was awake looking at y/n with guilty eyes, lo’ak with shameful ones, tuk crying the loudest out of all the, y/n was tuk’s rock, always clinging onto him when her parents were busy. Kiri tried confronting but she wouldn't do anything since it wasn't you. Spider was a couple feet away; he wasn't crying, instead angry at himself for trusting his “father.” y/n was screaming, crying as the pain was becoming worse. His soul went back into his body; since his soul was set free, he had to be molded back to his body. 
His eyes opened softly, “you guys thought you would get rid of me that easily?’’ his voice was groggy, all eyes on him. Once again, his oldest brothers embraced him tightly. Kiri clinging onto his right side, tuk cuddled on his arm. After they cleared off of him, expect tuk. He felt his father's tears on his forehead, “why are you crying i'm not dead right?" he held onto his father's forearm. To try and sit up, his mother hastily pushed him down. “Don't move, it'll only cause you pain” her voice breaking on every other word. “Grandpa said he missed you, i was with ewya, one with her. It was very peaceful. Many families were there.” y/n was ranting reassuring everyone that he is indeed still alive, neytiri was looking at the body of her middle child, happy. He had met her father, one of her wishes. For her children to meet her father. “My leg hurts,” he was yearning for some type of relief from the pain. Ronal was there within seconds, wrapping his thigh, his back again. “How do you feel neteyam?” Even after his actual death experience, he still wondered about his sibling. “Alive.” he said, both him and y/n chuckled.
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nilsavatar · 9 months
Parings: Ao'nung x Fem!human
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Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI, no use of Y/N, SMUT in the end, fingering, praising, size difference, soft-dom Ao'nung, fluff Ao'nung, oral (f receiving), slow-burn, ANGST, mention of KirixSpider. All characters are AGED-UP.
Summary: After Kiri's seizure, against all odds Jake convinces Ronal and Tonowari to agree to the temporary setup of a human camp at Awa'atlu. Ao'nung is against it, but meeting Spider's twin sister will change his mind about the aliens. Or at least about her.
Word Count: 6,6k
Masterlist - Request a fic
In the eyes of any Na'vi, human beings knew nothing but destruction. They killed, they plundered, they looted, they stole.
Ao'nung was no exception, despite never having had a chance to meet one. His opinions were based on tales — far from flattering —, testimonies from the not-too-distant past, and the tulkun carcasses moored offshore. A single precise hole pierced their palate to the brain. Too precise to be an accidental wound. Therefore, when his parents agreed for a temporary lab to be set up near Awa'atlu following Kiri's seizure, Ao'nung fiercely opposed it. Never had he leveraged his title as he did that day.
"I appreciate your stance, ma‘itan (son), but you are not yet olo'eyktan. Until then, you will do as you are told."
He might have done as he was ordered, but that did not imply that he would become familiar with the ketuwong (aliens). Or so he believed. One thing about humans still eluded him. Something that would systematically dismantle all his beliefs.
Their immense complexity. Capable of atrocious cruelties, harbored in them also an incredible goodness. A combination of oxymorons made up the intricate human nature. Malice and kindness. Destructiveness and creativity. Cowardice and tenacity. Ignorance and intelligence.
Hatred and love.
Even the lowliest creature, as that who’d usurped and appropriated his world as if they had the authority, had beauty. He saw it in how they dealt with Kiri and the kind smiles they looked at Lo’ak from afar. They seemed to empathize with his discomfort and the feeling of being different, as they were just as out of place as he was on Eywa'eveng (Pandora). Even in the sympathetic or unaffected strains with which they accepted the coldness and suspicion of the natives. Neytiri included.
When contemplating the woman, the boy frequently pondered the reason for the intense hostility; after all, her husband was formally one of them. He knew their story though, as everyone on Pandora. His father himself was a constant reminder of it by the almost inexplicable condescension he reserved for the Sullys.  The legendary Toruk Makto and Palulukan Makto. The chosen ones who led the clans to victory against the Sky People. The same ones who now walked among the reef people with their tails between their legs. Quite literally.
He experienced firsthand the feeling of being a letdown and living in the constant shadow of a flawless sibling.
Tsireya. His sweet little sister, the family's ray of sunshine, was both loved and hated by him. At times, he found comfort in the idea that, if she did not exist, perhaps their parents would be less strict with him.
Na'vi and Terrestrials weren’t so different after all. The same conflicting feelings coexisted in their hearts. The same inconsistency. Like loving an alien in an artificial body, but abhorring his origins. And now that he had a way to deal with them every day, even if from a distance, he realized more and more how much they had in common. At first glance, they might have seemed absolutely diverse. Humans were so small in comparison, so vulnerable. A simple, well-aimed kick could have shattered their fragile bones. They looked delicate, their skin velvety soft. Women at least, from what little he had deduced observing the only human girl on the island. 
Celeste Socorro.
Besides her small size and complete unsuitability to survive on the satellite, her colors were all wrong and seemed to lack uniformity with other specimens of her species. A commonality, it appeared. Their hair varied between disparate shades, their complexions tended to be warm and earthy, and there was no trace of blue excluding the irises of some of them. Celeste wasn’t one of those, though. Her eyes were black; a sun-dried bark brown color made it challenging to distinguish the pupil unless carefully scrutinized. Straw-blond strands, often gathered in a loose ponytail, ran halfway down her back. A few unruly wisps fell to the edges of her mask. Like other humans, she had a sense of modesty that he couldn’t get. Her body was almost entirely veiled by clothing, which didn’t compliment her frame.
Another reason for calling her odd was he couldn't explain why he was interested in her. He should have felt disgust, or at least indifference, but instead, none of this seemed to shake him when his eyes rested on her petite figure. Indeed, he had even found himself looking for her in the crowd. It usually took place at times of maximum distraction. When none of his duties could occupy his day and he loitered around the village. Thoughts wandered, confused until they took the form of the girl. He was frequently bombarded by reality itself. As if to shout in his face that he could not elude her.
Today was no exception. Irritated as never by Celeste's visage intruding on his mind to pay attention to where his heavy legs were taking him, her voice infiltrated his ears. Looking around, Ao'nung realized he was right near the Sullys’ marui. Inside, Kiri was styling Celeste’s hair, while the girl held in her small hands a monitor depicting a scan of Kiri's brain — something he had learned in that brief time in contact with the aliens. From the way the halfbreed rolled her eyes, she was familiar with her friend’s rather authoritative recommendations. 
He had a certain fascination with tawtute (human) contraptions, despite having a fictional feel to native eyes. They were the preserve of a technological development aimed at minimizing the fate of their physical weakness.  He somehow admired their perseverance, their intellectual flare, their nearly utopian idea of progress, but at the expense of what? They had lost any kind of attachment to their intimate and spiritual sphere, chasing answers that did nothing but create new questions and new quests. That same progress that had been born with good intentions to improve their conditions, to help, to save, had repeatedly set them against each other. Because, apparently, the instinct of prevarication and the lure of power were stronger than anything else. Devoid of unified purpose, they were nothing more than a dull shell of flesh.
An incredibly cute wrapper if they had asked his opinion about the human girl without an avatar.
“Even though I know he isn’t our father, he has his memory. He’s built on his genetic code. I can’t help but wonder if a side of him loves us. If he loved our mother.” The silence that had fallen was suffocating when she spoke again. “It seemed like it when he recognized us. The way he looked at us. He wasn’t just surprised; his eyes were the same Jake has for you. He had the eyes of a father, even if it lasted only for a moment. Spider and his mouth,” she mumbled in a bitter laugh. “That’s the only way I can keep my wits, knowing that my brother is in his hands.” 
Brother, he didn’t know she had a brother. But thinking about it, he made a brief connection to the human boy the Sully siblings often mentioned, and everything became tremendously obvious. Ao'nung wondered about the number of others who shared their situation. Terrestrial children born on Pandora. Normally, that would have made his skin crawl, but not today. Not as he eyed Celeste.
“We'll set him free," Kiri said with the sweetest of smiles adorning her face in a purple blush. Her gaze lost in emptiness as expert fingers danced over the fragile scalp of the girl sitting in front of her, intent on sorting the top section of her hair into soft braids and joining them in a single one. The remaining locks fell in graceful waves over her shoulders and around the small of her waist. Celeste snorted sourly, "When? When will your father decide to stop burying his head in the sand?" Her friend’s hands froze as she winced at the viciousness of those words, at the suffering that flowed from the rigidity of her posture. Her expression, once infused with tender hopefulness, now radiated immense sadness. Kiri knew deep in her heart that her parents would do nothing to take Spider back. Neytiri despised them as humans and Jake… Well, Jake felt pity for the Socorro twins, he saw himself in them. Having them around was like reliving the half-life he had before he became Omatikaya. A feeling for which he would give anything to never have to face it again, to bury it along with his past. Because, in a way, he felt like he had stolen the serenity he now had. From Tsu'tey. From Grace.
From Tommy.
They’d all lost their life for him to gain something instead. He’d gained a home, a mate, a family. Enough for him to no longer be invulnerable. If once he had nothing to lose, now he had everything to lose. He would do anything, make any gesture to safeguard what was his greatest strength, but above all, his greatest weakness.
Even sacrifice an innocent kid.
"Cel-" “No, don’t make up excuses for them. Don't insult me by saying they're waiting for the perfect moment to rescue him. They ain't gonna do that. As long as Quaritch doesn’t pull enough strings to force your parents out, no one will do anything.” Celeste’s eyes burned like glowing embers as she stared into Kiri’s liquid amber ones. Sorry to bring this up. I hoped our reunion would be better. The joy of seeing you again, my BFF, my sis, lingered with me. But… you bailed on us and left us to face the RDA alone.  The Omatikaya are standing up to defend the rainforest. The Timpani are their allies now, and the Tawkami are helping with the injured. All this while you were here checking out the sights, learning the way of a new clan. But, as soon as you needed us, you remembered the ones you left to die.” Kiri knew her friend was right to be resentful, to feel wronged, that her heart was bleeding in terror over her brother’s plight, but now she was being unfair. ”Did you think we asked for this? Hiding among strangers? We lost everything. Our home, our people, our status. We don’t belong anywhere, we just have ourselves.”
However distorted by the mask, Celeste’s expression was all too eloquent. She knew way too well what it felt like to be at the extremes of a stray cat. “It’s always about you, huh? But we're talking about Spider here. Quit whining about how much you miss him, moony-eyed whenever you talk about him. When Neytiri decided to leave him behind, you didn’t fight back. You didn't protest when Jake said it was too risky to go back for him.” “Why did you?” “With Neteyam holding me back! A fully grown male Na’vi clutching a small human girl as if I were a viperwolf puppy? What could I have done? Tell me.” Kiri couldn’t answer. “Exactly. Nothing. I am powerless before you.” The tawtute woman stood up toward the entrance furiously, but just as she was about to cross the threshold, she turned one last time to implant her shining, weeping eyes on her dear friend. It's scary to think what they're doing to him. They’re probably brainwashing him with nonsense. The more he stays with them, the more they drive him away from us. Spider's heart is tough, but we Sky People can be corrupted in a jiffy. Especially when they know how to get under our skin and give us a sense of belonging. When on the other side, they have our father.” “Nash and Mary are your parents. Norm, Max. We are your family!” “This is right if you leverage on logic. But let's be real, when has logic ever worked?” A heavy sigh lightened her lungs. “Sorry if I’m dumping it all on you. You have nothin’ to do with it, you have no fault except lovin’ him as much as I do.”
Maybe even more.
“It’s just—.” The tremor in her voice prevented her from finishing the sentence, but the meaning was painfully clear. Celeste was worried about Spider. She was terrified. “We lost him. Even if he manages to come back to us, he will never be what he used to be.”
Perhaps following her hadn't been the smartest choice. They hardly knew each other, and this sudden concern of his was undoubtedly misplaced. Why would she, a human, want to open up to him, of all people? The Metkayina prince, who had never had the courtesy to hide his dislike for her people. Who had never reserved a kind word for the Sullys, let alone for an abandoned little human girl like her.
There was the risk she would misinterpret his intentions — Lo’ak had warned her about him. At worst, she would take him for a creep. But he just couldn't help himself. The way she had come out of the marui, the scowl on her face, plain to see despite the stark reflection of the sun on her mask, and her hunched shoulders. Everything about her, whether it was her warm smile as she played with Tuk, the dedication with which she analyzed every new thing that came her way. Even the misery that filled those intense dark eyes, now flickering with tears, drew him in.
Celeste sat on the seashore. The heavy combat boots, which seemed to have seen better days, had been tossed to her right side as now the waves' soothing motion caressed her feet. Her toes fiddled with the sand while her gaze wandered to the horizon. The gentle breeze from the ocean tousled her half-leaved braids, dragging with it the distant calls of animals.
Ao’nung stood dumbfounded behind a palm tree, trying to gather the courage to approach her. What could he have said to her? It’s not like he could just show up and sit next to her, engaging in who knows what sort of conversation. Up to that point, they had hardly spoken to each other, leaving out forms of convenience. The guy wasn’t Lo’ak or Neteyam. He wasn’t someone familiar enough to even just sit beside her in silence, for his presence would be comforting to her. Nor did he own that innate coolness and likability Rotxo had. Maybe it would be the girl herself who would come to him.
“Don't bother taunting me now that there's no audience. I'm not in the mood for your immaturity.”
Well, roughly. At least it could be considered an icebreaker.
“I don’t plan on messing with you.” "Stalking must be a habit of yours, then.” That had taken him by surprise. He was convinced she hadn't noticed, but the girl had read right through him. She was more receptive and aware of her surroundings than he imagined. And to say that Ao'nung had even been careful to cover his tracks. “I remind you I grew up in the middle of the forest. It’s called mere survival,” she stated as if she had read his mind. “You’re just an open book,” confusion painted on his face (he didn’t know what a book was), “You’re very expressive, it’s easy to catch what you’re thinking.”  “Is that so?” commented in a whisper as he took a seat to her left. “It explains a lot of things.” “If you’re not here to torment me, what brings you here?”. “We started off on the wrong foot.” “That’s an understatement.” “I expected Lo’ak to tell you about how I behaved when they arrived. About the incident at Three Brother Rocks.” “Another euphemism. Anyway, I didn’t need to be updated on the hard time he had here with all of you. I was prepared for what was going to happen. I don’t blame you, you know? Probably if the roles were reversed, we humans would have done the same thing. It’s only natural to fear the difference, especially when they have done little to show their good side. But if you’re trying to apologize, it’s not me you have to ask.” “If it’s all right with you, I would simply like to sit here. We don’t have to talk.” She sketched a smile. “Something tells me that even if I told you I’d rather be alone, you’d still stay.” Ao’nung seemed to weigh his next words, although an eloquent smirk was making its way onto his lips already. “This is still my island. No one can tell me to leave.” “The island of your clan.” “Indeed.” “The Metkayina have so many islands, I’m sure the next chief can go wherever he wishes.” “I suppose so, but this future chief wishes to be here,” he deftly twisted her words, a hint of sarcasm dirtying his voice. “Of all the territories of my people, this beach is my favorite. It’s secluded, hardly anyone ever comes here. It’s not a suitable spot for fishing, perfect if you’re looking for solitude and a place to empty your mind.” “It’s your safe haven, then. My bad if I took it from you, I didn’t mean to.” She made to leave, but Ao’nung stopped her. The grip on her hand was incredibly light, cautious, almost caring. “I don’t mind sharing it with you.”
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“Despite growing up among you, I am always surprised how different the concept of personal space is between humans and Na’vi.” “Are we intrusive?” he chuckled. “You touch quite a bit! Especially the hair,” she gave him an elusive smile. “To braid each other’s hair is a way of strengthening bonds. We take care of one other.” “On Earth, we call it grooming. it’s a socialization technique.” “What I said.” Celeste was careful to add that specialists used this term to describe behaviors observed in the animal kingdom. Although they also fall under it, people dislike to be compared to animals, and the Na’vi were no exception.
Styling her hair had become a routine since they had established that uncanny friendship. If it could be called that. Celeste wouldn’t have been sure where to place it, really. So many were the unspoken things between them. Talks that couldn’t be addressed without prodding the touchy attitude of one or the other. She felt a strange sensation in her stomach from the occasional intense glances. As if her insides were all of a sudden twisting around, tearing her breath away.
Although they had not put up posters, it was pretty obvious that Celeste was getting close to someone local. People began asking questions. 
As if catching them together frequently wasn’t already a blatant response.
So many minor details that make up a bigger picture. Starting with the very braids and nacre pearls that adorned the girl’s hair, in a style that differed altogether from Omatikaya customs. And ending with the perpetual jubilation that seemed to have taken the place of severity over Ao’nung’s face. This one aspect clearly demonstrated that something was happening between them.  The attitudinal shift was way too remarkable. He was no longer so grumpy or difficult to deal with. He now seemed to have grown accustomed to the human presence in the village, even paying daily visits to the lab, driven by curiosity and eagerness to learn. His interactions with Sky People were nearly quotidian, so much so that he had adopted some English terms into his linguistic repertoire. A language he was picking up incredibly fast and had become common ground with the Sully siblings. They had yet to reach a point where they could call each other friends, but it was a step in the right direction. Who knew it would take the influence of a tawtute girl for them to establish a truce.
In any case, this had not been enough for Neteyam and Lo’ak to stop keeping an eye on her, still weirded out by that unexpected connection with such an asshole — somebody who seemed to show his genuine side only to her. They didn’t trust him fully, although he had shown he respected her and was the sole one able to bring a sincere smile back to her beautiful face.
They were her brothers after all. Their duty was to protect her.
As the man traced an intricate weave of braids starting at the crown of her head and extending a little further back anchored by bright blue beads from Nom’s Delight, Celeste didn’t miss the opportunity to tease him. “You’re better than I thought at this,” she said, observing the effort he was putting into it through a hand mirror. “When you have a sister, you are forced to learn.” “You’re the one who makes her look so fabulous with those hairstyles. I thought was your mother doing.” “She would like to, but she’s got no time. So...” “You act like it bugs you, but deep down you love doing it for her.” No response other than a resounding snort and an eye roll that did not escape the mirror. “it’s nice. It’s your way of showing her your love.” “I guess we all end up succumbing to our sisters in one way or another.” She chuckled, “I assume so.” A sudden veil of sadness darkened her eyes, although the shadow of an affectionate smile lingered on her rosy lips.
“And... how are things? Got used to the reef yet? You have met no one like us before.” The sudden change of subject served as a clear distraction from thinking about Spider. But, however poorly, it succeeded as an attempt, Celeste was still grateful to him. “To be honest, I saw pictures of you. I already had an idea of what you looked like. Yet seeing you in person is a whole other thing.” She was staring at him. “May I?” she asked, extending her hand toward the stake on his arm. Celeste was surprised at the hard but flexible texture. She had imagined it cartilaginous, but there was clearly a muscular structure underneath the fin-like membrane. She traced the entire outline of the excrescence. From the elbow to the wrist and then along the back of the hand where the pinky finger started, which appeared far more robust than the Na’vi of the forests. Like the rest of their frame. Taking advantage of her own petite figure, the girl wedged herself under his arm so she could analyze his back muscles. Defined and prominent, they followed the line of a chunkier ribcage.  If the Omatikaya sternum had always seemed pronounced, the Metkayina’s was bulky.
Ao’nung trembled under the imperceptible touch of her fingers as they came down to graze the base of his solid tail, and he blushed. A violet-pinkish tint colored his nose and cheekbones, making the azure of his eyes even more vivid. He had to hold his breath as he turned just enough to hide his face.  In vain. “I’m sorry. I went too far. It’s a susceptible spot, isn’t it?” "It's all good," he shrugged and shook his head. "Hey, fun fact, humans used to have tails," she said with a chuckle and a hint of guilt. As if it were an attempt to make it up to him. “Well, it wasn’t really a “tail” per se. It was more of an appendage. 25 million years ago, this mutation happened. It left only a handful of caudal vertebrae to form the coccyx.” Ao’nung stared at her raptly. Although he didn’t understand a significant part of what she said (too many specific English terms were mixed in with the Na’vi), it fascinated him to hear her talk about such distant and complicated topics. “Believe it or not, we have a small tail when we're embryos that eventually merges with our spine.” “I can’t picture you with a tail.” ”Me neither. A human with a tail,” she laughed. “I’ve heard of rare cases of babies being born with a tiny stump, but it is removed.” The boy scratched his throat, another slight blush clouding his cheeks. “Which one do you like best?” “Hmm?” The way she tilted her head doubtfully was tremendously adorable. “Which kind of tail do you prefer? Ours or the forest people’s?” The girl took her chin between her teeny tiny fingers. “Actually, never crossed my mind. I didn’t really consider how it looks, just how well it adapts to the environment. You Na’vi are built differently than us humans, with a physical differentiation that we do not have. Nor do other species that lived on Earth, as far as I know, with rare exceptions.”
Like dogs, she restrained herself from saying that. Celeste supposed he wouldn’t like being compared to a pet, in scientific terms or not. "But if I had to pick, I guess yours is more unique. To the forest natives I am used to, though, so…” The answer he received did not meet his expectations, yet it sufficed for Ao'nung's pride. In its own way, it was equivalent to being told he was better looking than Lo’ak or Neteyam. Or whatever other male there was in the Omatikaya clan.
“Want to check out anything else? Dunno, the stripes or the nictitating membrane. But I gotta submerge my head for that one or it won’t come out.” He said the last sentence in a pensive tone. “There is one thing I would like to look at. That's not really a physical trait, it's more of a cultural thing.” “What is it?” “Your tattoo.”  Not waiting for an answer, she took his arm between both hands, running her gaze over the elaborate tribal pattern that dyed much of his arm black. From the wrist to the deltoid, and a small portion of the trapezius and pectoral. Segments, waves, and stick figures that showed achievement, status, and social position. Each addition was a rite of passage, a goal attained, and his role in the clan. The art of tattooing was a widespread practice. All tattoos were considered a gift from both Eywa and the clan. They were unique and told the story of the individual’s life. In particular, arm tattoos represented the more exposed protective shield of the seawall, meant to protect the Metkayina from dangerous wildlife lurking within their oceans. Thus a hunter, a warrior, somebody strong who could provide for the clan. "This one's more pigmented," Celeste noted. “It’s recent. It symbolizes the secure embrace of the central island. Someday, I'm gonna be the olo'eyktan. I'll be responsible for looking after my people, both inside and out, keeping them safe and leading them.” Absentmindedly, she traced the outlines of the design imprinted at hip level and outlining the pelvis, causing him a shiver that she pretended to ignore.
“You know, how I learned about Metkayina is kinda funny.” The sentence sounded totally random, but it still aroused his interest. The Socorro twins weren’t the sole human children born on Pandora; others had preceded them during the first colonization attempt. They were the fruit of unlikely loves and irrepressible passions that took place on sleepless nights at headquarters. Where the risk of accidental death and the fear that they had not really lived took over, silencing all appropriate doubts. All those children were grown up enough to survive cryo, unlike Spider and Celeste. But although they had left Pandora, a trace of them remained.; a legacy from when the base still communicated regularly with planet Earth. Cartoons. Of them all, the little girl’s favorite was the Little Mermaid. A veritable obsession, Spider and Lo’ak would complain, earning a tugged smile from Neteyam and a frown from the child herself, for, from that moment on, legends about mermaids became her main interest.
“It is uncertain they exist, but here on Pandora there is a sea folk who are close to them.”
"As foolish as it may sounds, when I was growing up I wanted to find one.” Ao'nung let out an amused snort. “Silly, isn't it? They are an Earth legend, it's impossible to find them here on Pandora. Yet, the thing I wanted most in the world was to see one. Even if only from a distance. When Jake would take us to play near the coast, I would always stare out to sea, hoping to catch a glint of the sun bouncing off the scales. After all, what could have been more extraordinary than a fish-tailed human who could breathe underwater. It gave me an inexplicable sense of freedom, hope. I guess I wanted to be one of them to escape the reality of being born in the most inhospitable place possible for my species. A child who belonged to nothing and no one, confined behind a mask. You know, it was right around that time that I first heard about you. From Norm." "Norm?" "The scientist I came here with." The boy's lips drew a silent O. "Norm showed me documents about you, explaining your communion with the sea. How your bodies had adapted to swimming and apnea.”
"Like mermaids!" She commented ecstatically, with childlike wonder in her big brown eyes. Norm laughed, "Something like that.”
"I think you are the closest thing to a siren. Or a sea monster." He attempted with a sly expression to which the man replied with a smile and a quick shake of his head."From the way you describe them, there are female specimens." "On no, there are also tritons, their male counterparts. They just aren't mentioned often in fairy tales. In the past on Earth, role diversification was very pronounced between men and women. The latter were discriminated against to the point that they weren’t allowed so many things, including traveling by sea. Women aboard ships were said to bring bad luck." Ao'nung's disgusted expression said a lot about his opinion on the subject, Humans really are that stupid. Yet, he didn’t utter a word, preferring to keep listening. "Since legend has it that the people of the sea feed on human flesh-and the only seafaring people at that time were men-they were described as women of rare beauty and a bewitching voice. By singing they hypnotized sailors who, dragged underwater, drowned."
"You tawtute have interesting stories," he said dangerously close to her face in a melodious voice. "Sorry to disappoint you, but my legs do not turn into fishtails in the water, and my voice has no such power," he smiled cunningly, and Celeste was tempted to deny that last statement. "I do confirm, though, that I have a taste for human flesh. I could eat you in one mouthful."
Her heart lost a beat. The allussiveness at the bottom of his eyes made them a very dark shade, of the usual vibrant blue there was hardly a trace left. Ao'nung wanted her. Here and now. On that same beach that 
had been more often than she could count witness to their growing closeness. More than she wanted to admit. She would be lying if she claimed not to have noticed how the Na'vi looked at her, with a fondeness she was not used to. How his hands rested that extra moment on her. Perfect reflections of the behavior she also displayed toward him, unable to restrain herself. That candor was disarming though, totally unsuspected.
They weren’t just friends, that was evident by now.
But as she searched for something to say that was not unintelligible babble, he did something even more surprising. Gently he pulled Celeste onto his lap, with one hand encircling her back, and the other tilting her neck back just enough to bring her face close to his. And slowly, without ever looking away, he rested his forehead against the glass of the mask. He closed his eyes, inhaled and finally placed his lips against the surface. Parochial in the face, at first the girl did not know what to do, yet a little encouragement — Ao'nung's fingers pressing a little more on the nape of her neck — was enough to induce her to approach the glass. It was weird to describe what she felt. Despite the barrier, on the other side she felt the pressure of Ao'nung's kiss, his lips molding against the smooth surface.
Their first kiss. Just as strange as them.
She sensed him smiling against her lips as he returned the kiss. He sank his face into her neck and, for a long moment, the two just breathed, reveling in each other's warmth. After the gentle start, her fingers slid over his ankle and up his calf, then over the knee that brushed against his pelvis. Certain that no one would find them there, what was left of Celeste's clothes scattered across the sand. Believe it or not, Ao’nung was the sweetest man in the world in bed, cuddling her by whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Their bodies rocked together as they listened to the creaking of palm trees and the rustle of the sea sliding against the shoreline. And she melted in his strong arms, malleable as clay. There was something indescribable in the mischief that shone through his eyes, soon replaced by impatience as he laid her on the ground. Celeste shivered as he positioned himself between her legs. The coils of her stomach tensed as he brought her shins to the sides of his head and anchored himself to her thighs. It was very tender and affectionate the way he caressed her, "Don't hide from me." Slowly she opened her legs, allowing a glimpse of the folds, wet and glistening. She yearned so much for him to touch her, but even without speaking Ao'nung had already noticed, staring at her through impossibly black eyelashes. He slipped two fingers into his mouth, smeared them with saliva, and brought them back down to slide over her clitoris. Without warning he peeled back the fabric and pushed them inside, swirling them upward, and she gasped. He removed his fingers only to put them back in her mouth and swirled his tongue around to taste some of her flavors. He kept his eyes on her as he emitted a little mumbling around his phalanges, his 
smile was salacious, "Tasty." She was about to say his name when he lifted that last flap of fiber between them and purred. A small smile pressed against his knee pleased by such surrender. He kissed him softly, languidly, but when he dragged. his lips over her inner thigh, his voice was dangerously excited, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this." She was breathing heavily, absolutely humiliated to be there, with her legs spread apart and her vulva squished in the face of the raven-haired man who seemed so eager to have that perfect face splattered with her. On the beach to boot. Ao'nung leaned forward, arms firmly hooked at her knees to block her movements, "Let me know when you're about to come," for a handful of fleeting seconds she let her heavenly smile return. He watched her features, savoring every single expression as she turned into a disaster of sobs and gasps, "I want to eat you.” Jaws teasing the elastic skin, tongue titillating her clitoris, phalanges rhythmically violating her, reveling in the way her heels tapped on his massive shoulders, how her back arched in unnatural poses. As his fingers churned in circular motions to stimulate that much sought-after spongy pad, she felt mounting inside her the nagging sensation of having to go to the bathroom, just at that crucial moment. She tightened her pelvic muscles. "A-ao'nung... s-stop… I have to p—" "It's squirt," quivered the man's voice, one corner of his mouth lifted higher than the other, staring at her so haughtily, so victoriously, "Relax, let go," he hissed.
"N-no, please, I'm not comfortable." "Making people uncomfortable is what I do best." He wanted a show. That sentence seemed to cast a spell on her, because with another hit, she felt something thicken in her pit, she clung to the boy's hair, "I can't hold it anymore!" The man lifted his fingers and, before she could lament the loss, replaced them with the tip of his tongue. His wet fingertips held her widened opening, diving between her thighs to devour her in a way that made her gasp and tug at her dark locks, "God, Nung... I'm going to...," escaped her by closing her knees around his head. Ao'nung growled upon hearing that new nickname as he lapped at every crevice between her walls. The tip of his nose brushed against her spongy nub continually, but only when he moaned did he decide to gather it between his lips, sucking it greedily; the same with which he moistened them when the spray hit him. The final stimulation he needed to climax. "At last," he exclaimed panting as he ravenously cleansed her. She felt the viscosity of her own arousal sticking in her inner-thigh where Ao'nung's moist cheeks brushed against her. She was stunned, breathless and exhausted as he rolled onto his back and laid Celeste on his chest. A proud smile colored his face. He stroked her chin, relieved to look him straight in the eye, those sharp, criminal eyes, and haphazardly dusted the grains of sand from her hair and later from her body.
Blissing in the warmth of the sun, the tenderness of his embrace, and the comfort of his heart, Celeste snuggled against his chest, closed her eyelids, and dozed off. A soft smile adorned her lips.
In Ao'nung's arms, she was finally home.
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For the tattoo description I took inspiration from this AMAZING picture, created by the indescribably talented @cinetrix
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Special thanks to @pandoraslxna for the prompt!
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