#kit x cinderella
hiloedits · 2 years
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— cinderella (2015) headers
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
May i request Yandere love letter of Prince Kit (part 2), where reader ran away from him after midnight at the ball
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As the last chime echoed through the empty hall, my heart was filled with sadness as I saw you disappear into the shadows of the night. The radiant beauty that lit my path all night has now been lost, leaving only the memory of your enchanting presence.
Your escape has left an emptiness in my chest, a feeling of loss that I can't bear. Every moment with you was like a fairy tale, and now, in the solitude of this empty hall, I realize how deeply I fell in love with you.
If only I could find words to express how I feel, maybe I could bring you back into my arms. I promise to search for you tirelessly, riding through dark forests and deep valleys, until our destinies intertwine again.
The night was just beginning for us, but cruel fate separated us. Since then, I have been counting the minutes, hours and days, waiting for the moment when we can meet again. Every second away from you is an eternity of pain and longing. If only I could go back in time and prolong that magical moment we were together, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Please believe in my sincere love and my determination to win your heart once again. You are my lost princess, my light in the darkness, and I will do everything in my power to have you back by my side. Just wait for me because I am coming for you.
With all my love and longing,
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accidental-spice · 4 months
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@monthly-challenge 2024 | Day #15: Dancing
Some of my favorite dance scenes in fiction
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miasmultifandomdump · 9 months
"Cinderella is weak"
Remaining kind and loving when you're repeatedly put through abuse and trauma is one of the bravest and strongest things you can do actually, but go off I guess
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omniavincitamor · 1 year
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Kit & Ella in Cinderella (2015)
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arctickat2400 · 10 months
Celebration ∞ Prince Kit
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Prince Kit x Reader
A/N: This is my first Richard Madden fanfic/imagine. I thought of this the other day and I'm now just getting to writing it. I didn't have any notes like I usually have for my stories so I'm not really sure if it came out how I wanted it to or not. But either way, hope y'all enjoy it and please request more if you're into Richard and his characters, or you can request other people/characters as well.
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Being queen had its advantages - your closest friends were royalty from around the world and you could throw galas and balls whenever you want to, among other things. More specifically, being the wife of your husband Kit came with many advantages, too. For your birthday, Kit would throw a huge gala in your honor. He knew you weren’t big on parties and huge crowds, but how could he not throw such a party to celebrate the love of his life? This also allowed all your friends from all the kingdoms to come and celebrate with you. This allowed you to see the joy it caused all the people invited as they danced and talked to people they don’t get to see often because they have their own kingdoms to rule. And it made you so happy to see them all so happy, having a carefree night to enjoy themselves and have fun. You also got to dress up, which you loved, and seeing how everyone dressed up in their respective kingdoms piqued your interest. 
However, being queen and attending such events had their disadvantages. You were not big on parties, as was stated previously. Although you loved your friends and loved seeing everyone having a good time in your kingdom, crowds made you anxious, and being in the company of so many people for so long made you tired and drained. And no matter how much you loved your dress and loved dressing up, your mind seemed just a bit more hyperaware than usual of how tight your corset felt. 
After your dance with Kit to celebrate your birthday, you’d been chatting with some of your friends, talking about the things going on in your different kingdoms, laughing about random things. Every now and then, a king, queen, prince, or princess would come up to you and wish you a Happy Birthday, to which you would respond graciously with “thank you” or something alike. Another friend or two would join your previous conversation, but after a while, you started to feel lightheaded.
You excused yourself from your friends, telling them simply that you needed a break and for them to enjoy the night before you make your way up to the balcony to overlook the gala. On your way, you passed by Kit to see him conversing with some of his own friends, kings from neighboring kingdoms, and some princes who haven’t ranked up just yet. Kit let out a joyous laugh and it made you smile, the way his smile reached his sparkling eyes. It’s already been a year since you married Kit, and yet, you still couldn’t get enough of your husband. 
Balling up your dress in your fists to lift the hem of your dress, you ascended the stairs up to your balcony, sighing as you were finally able to sit down. The night was hardly over and you were already getting close to being done, you were so tired. Of course, no one would mind if you left early, but you wanted to be there for everyone, to relish in the festivities. Plus, Kit had done so well with the whole celebration and worked so hard to create a night in honor of you, you didn’t want to miss a thing.
As you people watched from your throne above the ballroom, you spotted Kit, speaking with a different group of people. He laughed once more. It seemed he was hardly without a smile on his face, which made you so much happier that you were married to him. Before him, you’d been in a rough place, but after him, everything seemed so much brighter. He made all the bad days good again. He could put a smile on your face with just a simple hug or kiss on your forehead. Everything was just so simple with Kit.
Just then, Kit’s eyes locked with yours, his ocean eyes swimming with such love and adoration, it was almost overwhelming. You offered him a sweet smile in return of his before the Grand Duke came up behind him and whispered something in his ear. Kit nodded and the Duke walked off. Kit met your eyes once again before turning back to his friends. Your eyes wandered off around the room, then.
“Is everything alright, my queen?” The Captain inquired beside you as you rubbed at your forehead, willing away the on-coming headache and lightheadedness. 
“Oh, yes, just feeling a little out of it is all,” You answered him, trying to give him a reassuring smile.
“Can I get you anything? Something to drink?” He insisted.
“No, thank you, Captain. I was thinking about going to get some fresh air here soon, actually. I’ll probably get something on the way out.” You responded, and he nodded, keeping guard next to you while looking out over the crowd. He knew you’d ask if you needed anything.
Just as you were about to stand to go outside, Kit made his way up the stairs and was by your side in what seemed like seconds. You offered him a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes as your headache had gotten progressively worse and your corset seemed to have gotten tighter. 
“Hello, darling. Are you alright?” Kit asked as he knelt down in front of you, taking your hand in his. He hated standing over you, looking down at you, so if you were sitting, he would get down to your level, to be able to look you in the eye.
“Yes, I’m fine, my love. Just needed a break, is all. You know how I am,” You squeezed his hand reassuringly. Kit let out a slight chuckle. “How are you? Having a good time?” You requested.
“Of course. I just hope you are as well. I would hate for something to be wrong during your own celebration,” Kit acknowledged. You assured him that you were having a great time, steering away from the fact that you were not feeling quite yourself. You didn’t want him to worry, because you know he would.
“But, I was just about to head out for some air,” You mentioned. “I should be back shortly.” You added.
“Would you like some company, princess?” Before you were married, Kit had come up with many nicknames for you. Although you were now queen, he continues to call you princess sometimes. 
As much as you would love some alone time with Kit, maybe a nice walk through your garden on such a beautiful night with him, you declined. You needed some alone time, despite hating spending even a second away from him. You knew the longer you spent with him, the more he would notice something might be wrong. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Go entertain our guests. I shouldn’t be long,” You stated. Kit left it at that, not wanting to pressure you.
Instead, he stood up, leaning over to the Captain, asking him to keep an eye on you, although you could hardly hear over the music and voices. The moment Kit married you, he assigned the Captain as your personal guard. He didn’t trust anyone more than he trusted the Captain, so who better to look after his love than his right-hand man? Kit took both your hands in his to help you stand before you wrapped your arm around his. He began guiding you down the stairs to the main floor, the Captain following close behind. 
At the end of the stairs, Kit pulled you in close and placed a kiss on your forehead before he went back into the ballroom and you made your way outside. You walked down the path towards the garden. You wished you had taken Kit up on his offer to accompany you. Of course, you loved being alone, but you loved being alone with him even more. 
Suddenly, despite your still closeness to the palace, the sounds of the music started to fade away, and your vision began to blur, stars that were not from the night sky obstructing your sight. You stopped in your tracks as your head pounded and your stomach swirled with unease. 
You bent forward, your hands on your knees despite all the fabric of your dress, and the Captain was by your side instantly. 
“Are you okay, Your Majesty?” Captain exclaimed, one hand on your back, the other around your arm. You breathed heavily, you couldn’t see, your legs became weak, and you collapsed to the ground. The Captain knelt behind you and you leaned back against him, your eyes squeezed shut.
“We need to get you inside, my queen,” Captain insisted. You opened your eyes once more when you felt the Captain lift you into his arms, then everything went dark.
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Kits POV
I should have gone with her. She didn’t seem like herself. But, I know she likes her alone time, so I granted her that. Shouldn’t she be back by now? As I spoke to a close friend of mine, I was about to go find Y/N but one of the guards came up to me before I could.
“My King, you need to come right away,” The guard insisted, and my mind thought of the worst.
“What’s happened?” I questioned, my brows furrowed as I turned to him and he began leading me out of the room. 
“It’s the queen, Your Majesty,” He didn’t have to finish his answer before I came to a run towards our bedroom. Once I was in sight, the guards stationed outside our room opened the doors and I rushed inside. My eyes immediately drifted to the bed to see my love, her eyes closed, her face pale. She was changed from her dress to more comfortable clothes, her hands placed on her stomach. I rush to her side, sitting close to her on the bed, taking one of her hands in mine. I caress her cheek, hoping to coax her eyes open, but they remain closed. I look up to see the Captain standing beside the bed and then to the doctor on the other side who had just finished looking over Y/N. 
“What happened? Is she alright?” I demanded, looking between the two men before landing on the Captain who answered first.
“She’s okay. She fainted while on her walk outside. But, she’s going to be just fine, Mr. Kit,” Ever since I first met Y/N, that was when I had the Captain start calling me Kit and he continues to do so to this day. Since my father, only two people call me by my first name - Y/N and the Captain. 
“Thank you, for staying with her. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if she’d been alone,” I worried as I looked back to Y/N, lifting her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles. 
“Sir, I believe I have some information that may be of importance to you,” The doctor’s voice brought my gaze to him, silently telling him to continue. “Her Majesty will need lots of care as she is with child,” My eyes grew wide. Oh, how I wish Y/N were awake so I could relish this magnificent moment with her. I guide my gaze back to my queen, a smile coming to my lips and a single tear sliding down my cheek. 
“We’ll leave you two alone,” I barely heard the Captain comment as he gestured for the doctor to follow him out of the room. My sole focus was on Y/N.
I leaned toward her, pressing my forehead to hers. “My baby girl,” I sighed as I brushed my thumb over her cheek. There were no words that could tell just how much I love this woman, no actions that could show just how amazing she is. From the moment I saw her, I knew she was the one. And now, she’s growing such a great gift. 
Y/N needed to rest, but there was no way I could leave her. I removed my jacket before moving to lay beside her, propping up against the headboard. Just then, she moved to lay her head on my chest, her hand against my stomach. “Hello, my precious girl,” I whispered to her. I let her get comfortable, my adoration for her becoming tenfold as she nuzzled her nose against my chest. I brushed the back of my hand against her cheek, soothing her. 
Slowly, Y/N’s eyes opened. She took a deep breath before guiding her head up to look at me, my never-ending love for her the only emotion she could find. 
“I’m guessing you know,” Y/N stuttered, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. I only hoped they were tears of joy and not sadness or fear. 
“I do, my sweet girl, and can I just tell you I am over the moon with delight, my love!” I marveled. She stared up at me, stunned. “You’re not mad?” A tear slipped from her eye.
“Of course not, darling. How could I possibly be mad about something as wonderful as having a child with the love of my life? This is absolutely amazing and I can’t tell you how much I love you, baby.” I finished, my eyes filling with their own tears. I shift down to lie beside Y/N as she positions herself on her back. I hold myself above her, looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She places her hand against my cheek, “I love you so much, my Kit,” She beams, and I can’t hold back a smile before I lean down and press my lips to hers. The kiss is passionate, every emotion I feel for her in a single kiss.
Shifting down, I cup her waist in my hands and press my lips to her belly. My whole face brightens at the sound of her laugh. Oh, what this woman does to me. Laying beside her, I hold Y/N in my arms, her head laying against my shoulder, my hand placed over her tummy, rubbing the smooth skin there. “I love you, my sweet girl,” She hums in response as I take pure delight in the feeling of my queen in my arms.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Y/N was excited to meet Eric's cousin from the mainland. He talked such wonderful tales of his cousin who was now king of his kingdom. Y/N was a bit nervous about meeting him. He didn't want to embarrass himself or Eric when meeting him, but it couldn't be helped.
They stood at the gates of the palace and waited as the horse and carriage appeared in the distance. Beautiful white horses pulled a white and golden carriage as Y/N held his breath as a young man with dark hair and sparkling blue eyes looked at Eric.
"Cousin, Eric. So good to see you after so long."
"You as well." Eric smiles."
"And who is this handsome young man?" The man looked at Y/N.
Eric smiled. "Prince–I mean–King Kit. This is Y/N. Y/N, this is my cousin, King Kit Charming."
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Love them 😍💙
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my-lady-galadriel · 6 months
No offence, but at the present moment Disney isn't capable of telling love stories like these 👇
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mockscreens · 9 months
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please like/reblog if you save!
more cinderella lockscreens here!
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ladywatereton · 2 months
🎥 Cinderella (1950).
🎶 L'Amore Dice Ciao, Armando Trovaioli.
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kylowanderer · 4 months
People always ask, so.. yes the dress is heavy, it weighs about 12 kg altogether! 😄
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Please, dear, can you write a love letter of Prince Kit from Cinderella? Pretty please
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Dear (Y/N),
From the moment our eyes met for the first time, my heart knew that you were mine, the owner of my deepest dreams. Every time our fingers touch, I feel a connection that transcends any rational explanation. Your smile brightens not only my day but also my entire world.
You are the reason I believe in fairy tales, happy endings and true love. Your kindness, your sweetness and your strength inspire me to be a better man every day. In your eyes, I find a home where I want to spend the rest of my days, protecting and loving you with all my being.
I love you in a way I never thought possible. My love for you is intense, burning, and sometimes even frightening. I would do anything for you, my love. Anything to protect you, to keep you safe by my side.
I can't get you out of my mind, not even for a second. Every thought, every breath, is dedicated to you. My love for you is eternal, unwavering and unconditional. Please never doubt that. I love you more than words can express.
I promise to walk alongside you, facing the challenges that life brings us, and celebrating the joys we will share together. You are my everything, my beloved, my reason for living. And I, Prince Kit, am deeply in love with you.
With all my love,
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darklinaforever · 5 months
Bonus of my favorites couples / Ships disney (which are not really classics but still belong to Disney) :
Maleficent and Diaval.
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Ella and Kit.
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Giselle and Robert.
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Kiara and Kovu.
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Alice and Tarrant.
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Nick and Elizabeth.
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miasmultifandomdump · 9 months
"Can you take me as I am? A good honest country who loves you?"
"Of course! If you'll take me as I am. An apprentice still learning his trade."
I love this dialogue. I love it so much. Because it shows that not only is he completely willing to accept her for who she is, he just truly sees her as his equal. His crown and her lack of wealth literally changes nothing at all. He loves her regardless of whether she's a princess or a good honest country girl. To him there is no difference.
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velvet4510 · 3 months
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