#kit x ty fic
steamworksfairy · 6 months
Thinking about how the silence between Kit and Ty has to be the loudest thing Ty has ever heard. He can handle crowds and the heat of battle because he has his headphones helping to filter the noise out. But they can't help him with Kit. Not when all there is is silence and waiting for the day that Kit forgives him...
(And Kit wishing he could 😭😭😭😭😭)
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queenie-blackthorn · 8 months
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must. reread.
i read this like last april and i NEED a second dose
link here
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staticzz · 5 months
I just realised I never made an intro post, so here we go!!
Hello!! My name's Wylan and I use they/them pronouns. Not giving out my age but I am old enough to be here! My special interest is books, specifically the Shadowhunter books!!
Some of my favourite books are Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Miktua, Six of crows, and Clockwork angel by Cassandra Clare!! I'm in too many fandoms to list, but some of the mains rn are Supernatural, TSC, Omori, Gearbreakers and Merlin!!
I have a fic I'm working on called spearmint gum! https://archiveofourown.org/works/47692804/chapters/120216919#main Please heed the tags!! I may post some pretty disturbing prompts for little tid-bits I'm working on, just a heads up!
(and I may ask for advice with writing but we may never know)
I honestly don't really know how Tumblr works, but I hope this is a good intro!!!
Cya y'all!
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livsoulsecrets · 1 year
When Julian and Emma's engagement reunites Ty and Kit, a combination of jealousy and misunderstandings brings back to the surface feelings they spent years hiding from each other.
"But that’s impossible, Ty… Lori can’t replace you. No one can.” Ty’s eyes widened at the statement, some long subdued hope blooming inside his heart once again. “Trust me, I’ve tried. I’ve looked for you in every person I met ever since I left.”
Kit shook his head, none of his previous amusement present on his face now.
“I have failed, every damn time.”
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sandersgrey · 2 years
If you support Kit talking to ghosts, making absolutely idiotic decisions based on the deep-seated belief that he can trust no one but himself to have his best interests in mind, and Kit rights but- most importantly- Kit wrongs... you might want to check this out.
Also, kitty. I guess.
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xnicowritesx · 1 year
Stars Upon the Night Sea
Fandom(s): The Dark Artifices Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types
Relationship(s): Tiberius Blackthorn/Kit Rook
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Series: Nico's February Ficlet Challenge 2023
Summary: After an excursion to the Shadow Market, Ty brings Kit to the beach.
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Tessa realises she hasn't seen Kit all day and decides to go and check on him. What she finds is not what she expects.
It's the anniversary of his mom's passing and Kit is processing it in his own way.
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tscsunlover · 2 years
everyone go read this rn
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steamworksfairy · 6 months
So I have a fanfic idea for KitTy, right? And I was thinking it wasn't the most original. That so many people must have written something like this, right?
And I was like, "This is going to need me to go through the timeline. I might even have to read tda again to make sure I have as many details as I can right." Which is why I looked through ao3. Because that would be a lot of work. I'm insane enough for it, but I didn't want to write this particular idea if a lot of people were already writing it.
Imagine my surprise when I looked through ao3 and saw that no one seemed to have thought of it. I'm insane enough for this, so I'm writing it. Especially since I need to hype myself up even further for twp, and this will most definitely help. So yeah, it's time for me to do a great deal of reading. Gotta feed my fellow KitTy shippers as we wait for more twp news to come out.
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sports-on-sundays · 7 days
hello hello, saw you were a bit bored apparently and had open requests soo…😛
how about a fic where gavi meets the reader during media day for the new kit launch, and as gavi doesn’t really like these events where cameras are, he’s a bit nervous hihi
the reader is the photographer or videographer and she’s shy too, but something between them sparkles🤭 they’re both too shy to talk but in the end gavi makes a move and he takes her on a date or something? just some cutesy fluff:) ty!💞
camera-shy / Pablo Gavi
Summary: Pablo x photographer!female!reader - Two shy people are drawn to each other.
Requested?: Yes!! Thank you lovely!
Author's Note: WHAT A CUTE IDEA! LOVE IT! 💞
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"Gavi- Can you look at the camera, please?" the young Spanish man is asked for about the millionth time.
"Hm?" he asks, and looks up once more at the camera.
You snap a few pictures as the PR person who had spoken before says, "Come on; relax your face a bit. Smile. Yes, good. But brighten your eyes, please-"
"How am I supposed to 'brighten my eyes'?" Pablo Gavi asks in confusion and slight exasperation.
It's been a long media day for everyone, but especially Gavi, you can tell. He's not the type that likes the being filmed.
In photography, one of the biggest obstacles are people who are just simply, naturally camera-shy.
And you can tell this footballer, with his big brown eyes, is one of those people. The way he's averting his eyes, getting distracted. His stiff smiles and awkward laughs.
He's a nightmare.
But you, unlike a lot of people with your trade you know, don't get as upset about it.
Because you're one hundred percent more camera shy than him.
Besides the fact that you love the art of it, that's why you became a photographer.
You always get to be the one behind the camera.
A famous footballer being camera shy, though? That doesn't work out as well.
Suddenly, the PR guys taps your shoulder, and asks you, "Don't you have any methods of making his... you know... Appearance, better?"
"S- Sorry?!" you ask softly. Yeah, you're not only camera-shy. You're just shy-shy.
"You know, making him smile bigger, or angles for him to look-"
Suddenly, he's interrupted by Pablo Gavi saying, "Stop bothering the photographer."
You look up in surprise, but quickly look away when your eyes meet Gavi's. You silently thank him, though, as the footballer continues, "There's nothing she can do." He clears his throat, taking a deep breath, and nods, opening his eyes, looking at the camera. "Better?"
"Oh, God, perfect," you murmur as he looks at the camera with a certain playful yet thoroughly serious glint in his eyes. You quick snap some photos.
Pablo will admit he hates PR, and he hates being on camera. As his career has progressed, it's gotten better, for sure. But some days? Some days, he just isn't in the mood to do it.
It's unfortunate that today is one of those days, and it's a whole day completely dedicated to media.
His brain is spinning with the dark room, screen behind him, flashing cameras, rambling managers, and-
And, well, with the pretty photographer.
She's cute, he thinks with a small, shy smile at the girl.
She thinks he's looking right at the camera, and snaps a picture of the little smile. Right after, the PR manager snaps, "Good smile, but put a bit more strength into it!"
What the hell is a 'strong' smile?!
Then, finally, after over two hours of snapping pictures, he's done. He sighs a huge sigh of relief. Apparently, 'that will have to be good enough,' as the PR manager says.
Right, then.
But suddenly, as Pablo is about to leave, a slight disappointment in his chest stops him.
The cute girl. That photographer, I might not see her again...
He looks back over his shoulder, watching as you pack up your camera carefully.
Oh, get over it, he thinks, shaking his head.
You're too awkward to actually talk to her anyway. Just leave it. She's so beautiful, she's probably taken already anyway.
You'll just make a fool of yourself, Pablo.
Suddenly, though, from across the room, you look up.
And your eyes meet.
Pablo can't look away. It's like there's a magnetic force, a spark, holding your gazes together in the air, across the room.
Pablo, it's no use, his anxious brain screams as his legs begin walking over to you. Give it up.
Too late now.
"H- Hey," he smiles when he reaches you.
You gulp. "Uh... Yes... What can I do for you, Gavi?"
Aw. Her voice is so soft, he thinks as he says, "I... I just wanted to thank you for being so patient with me today..."
"Oh," she smiles shyly. "Of course. It's my job."
He lingers, and says, swallowing, "What's your name?"
"Y/n Y/l/n," you smile softly, scratching the back of your neck nervously.
"Oh," he smiles. "Nice to meet you... Uh... so..." he gulps, before sort of blurting, "I was wondering... if, uh, I could have your number...? Maybe, if you're free tonight..."
Your eyes widen as your face flares up pink at the handsome football player's suggestion. "Are you- asking me out?" you breathe.
"I- uh, I mean, if- you know, if-"
"Yeah!" you giggle. "I mean, sure!" You, without thinking, grab a pen and his hand, before scribbling your number on his hand. "That- That way you won't forget it."
"Oh," he nods, loving the fleeting feeling of his hand in your softer, smaller one, for just a moment. "Yeah, sounds good!" he laughs. "We can text the details!"
"Uh, yeah, right!" you laugh awkwardly.
Your head spins as he walks off.
You sit across from Pablo Gavi, over dinner. "So, uh, Gavi-"
"You can call me Pablo," he says right away with a little smile.
"Oh... Okay... So... I'm, uh, sorry... I know I'm kind of awkward..."
He smiles, hastily resting his hand on top of yours. "No, it's fine. I am, too. I was almost too nervous to talk to you."
"Oh?" you laugh a bit. "And don't worry about the filming thing today... I'm actually pretty camera-shy myself, so I get how it is..."
"Oh, you are? That's funny, for a photographer."
You grin with a little giggle, "I always get to be the one behind the camera."
He smiles warmly, his eyes almost shining in a strangely dreamy way, for a girl he just met today, as he says, "You're really cute."
You flush pink. "Oh- Uh- Thank you. You, too..."
He gives a little adorable crooked smile. "Thanks, I guess."
Throughout the dinner, as you continue talking, your fingers slowly entwine with each other. Once you're both finished eating, you're tightly holding one another's hands.
"Thanks for... talking to me, even though we're both a bit hopelessly shy..."
He smiles. "It was worth it... So, would you maybe like to go out again...? I've had... a really nice time with you."
"For sure," you giggle as you stand up together. "I've had a great time, too."
Just as you're about to slip your hand away from his, he uses it to pull you to him, into a hug. You gasp a little by the sudden touch, but immediately lean into it, hugging him back.
You stand there together, for a few moments, arms wrapped around each other, before he whispers, "Thank God I got over my nervousness and just asked you today, because I have a feeling this little date is going to go places beyond what either of us can imagine."
And in that moment, you know, deep down inside, that he is completely correct.
And you smile big, because you can't wait!
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desideriumwriter · 26 days
heyyyy i wanted to request a peter x fem!reader fic! where peter shows up at readers window and he’s cut or something and needs reader to stitch him up and reader is scared to but she eventually does and peters all calm and encouraging reader while she’s freaking out and screaming on the inside
i loveeeee your writing and i can’t wait for more ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
ty for the request!! i love this idea so much lmaoo
cw: talks of blood, being stabbed, stitches, nothing too graphic i think! poorly proofread, works with any spiderman version! | wc: 1.0k | navi
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It’s a late Sunday night and you’re hunched over your desk, your small desk lamp and the moonlight peeking through your translucent curtains being the only light in your room.
There’s a few papers scattered across the wooden desk with your laptop in front of you, several tabs open on a topic for the project that’s due tomorrow.
Your room is mostly quiet, the only sound being your fingers clicking against the keyboard or your pencil on paper and the soft music playing from your radio.
A loud thud against your window made you jolt up from your slouched position, you turned in the direction of the noise.
You saw Peter in his suit, his hand holding down on his abdomen. His voice was muffled through the suit and the window as he asked you to open the window.
Immediately, you got up and unlocked the window, sliding the glass panel up, you couldn’t get a word in before he started crawling through, slightly stumbling once inside.
He yanked off his mask, dropping it onto your desk.
The single lamp on your desk didn’t give you the best sight of him, but you could tell his chest was heaving as he held onto your wall.
“Peter?” Your face was covered with worry at his weak posture.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you, I usually fix myself up but your place was closer than mine.”
“Peter, what the hell happened?”
“I got in the middle of a mugging and I may have gotten...” He trailed off as he removed his hand from his stomach, revealing a nasty gash, blood staining his skin and suit around the injury.
“Oh my god, we need to get you to a hospital.” You gasped at the sight.
“No, no hospitals.” He strained. “It’s just a flesh wound.” He pressed his suited hand back onto the injury.
“You've been stabbed!” You cried out, looking at him with disbelief.
“Cut.” He corrected as you helped him sit down in your desk chair, he peeled his suit off until his abdomen was bare.
“Peter, this looks bad,” You looked at him with pure worry, “We seriously need to get you-“
“Your moms a nurse, right?” His head perked up as he cut off your sentence.
“Yeah, but she's at the one place you don’t want to go!” It was true, your mom had the night shift at the hospital tonight, your mother had no idea the sweet boy from your english class was Spider Man either. You had no idea where he was going with this.
“Well she’s gotta have a first aid kit here, right?”
“Yeah, she’s got like a giant bag under the sink but-“ Your voice was starting to become more panicked than his was originally
“She’s taught you a few tricks, I remember-“ He shifted in seat and winced a bit, “ I remember you telling that to me.” Your heart fluttered for a second, he remembered, then it went straight back to panicking.
“I mean I know the basics but I’m not a nurse!”
“You know the basics.” He placed his hand gently under your chin, softly moving your head to look at him.
“Peter.” You sighed, knowing he would be stubborn no matter what.
“Go get the first aid kit, please.” His plea came a few seconds after the rest of the sentence, and it was full of desperation.
You gave him a silent answer, running to the bathroom, grabbing a hand towel and the bag of supplies your mother kept.
When you came back you dropped the bag onto the floor, before moving the hand that was over his wound and replacing it with the towel.
Peter kept the pressure on it while you zipped open and shuffled through the bag. You soon were able to find a small suture kit.
“I’ll check and fix up whatever you think you’ve gotten wrong, okay?” Peter assured you.
“Okay. Okay.” Your voice came out in a whisper, he watched as you readied all the supplies, it felt like a miracle when you were finally able to get the thread through the hole.
When everything was ready to go, you held the wound together with your non-dominant hand, the other clutching the needle.
Peter noticed how your hand hovered hesitantly, your eyes darting all around the injury.
He laid his bloodied and somehow steady hands over your shaky ones.
“Come on, you’re a smart girl, you’ve got this.” He spoke softly, hooking a finger underneath your chin and lifting it to meet your gaze.
You took a deep breath and nodded. As you worked you silently repeated the steps you were taught.
It felt like you could finally breathe once you finished covering the spot with bandages and gauze.
“All done. That should be good right?” You sat back, Peter gave you a sweet smile and nod, whispering a ‘thanks’ before giving you a kiss on the forehead.
You went off to clean the blood off your hands and get a moment to calm your racing heart.
Peter had already put his suit back on and grabbed his mask from where he dropped it by the time you’d gotten out the bathroom.
“What’re you doing?” You crossed your arms over your chest as you watched him open the window, he stopped immediately, staring at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
“I-I’m just going back out.” He said sheepishly, you sighed.
“You’re not going anywhere. You’re staying.” You scoffed, dropping your arms to your sides and walking over.
“But I have to-“
“You are in no condition to be swinging around the city.” You interrupted, moving his hands and closing the window shut.
Peter groaned out your name like an impatient child.
“What if-“ He began, you rolled your eyes and held the sides of his face gently.
“Peter, you need some rest. Stay. Please.” The way your voice whispered the last word was enough to melt away his stubbornness.
“I’ll let Aunt May know I'm staying the night.” He mumbled, dropping his mask once again, earning a smile from you.
“Good.” You gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Take off that dirty suit. I’ll grab you some pajamas.”
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tell me what you thought! <3
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livsoulsecrets · 2 years
Kit/Ty Fic - These hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me
As a war on Janus and the Seelie Queen approaches, Kit and Ty share a decisive moment on the New York Institute before parting ways for their own fights.
“He wanted to do this again. He wanted to talk about the hard things with Kit as he held on to him, feeling the comfort of his warmth radiating through Ty’s skin.”
It was late into the afternoon and Ty had watched attentively as the sun went down through one of the Institute’s many windows, Alec’s voice still echoing on his ears despite the fact their latest emergency meeting had ended fifteen minutes ago.
His call for an urgent assembly had been enough to unite Shadowhunters from all across the globe under the New York Institute, but Ty was already there since yesterday’s attack. A troop of about twenty soldiers, leaded by Janus himself, had attempted to ambush Kit while he followed a clue on the man’s location alongside Jace, Clary, Ty himself and a couple of other Shadowhunters. They had barely escaped it, Clary’s power to open Portals being the only reason they managed to run away fast enough.
The occurrence had alarmed the entire Clave, that was already in high tension since it learned of Janus’ existence, his connection to the Seelie Queen and the true nature of Kit weeks ago. Even Ty himself was still trying to digest all the discoveries that had been unfolded lately. He had been called to the Institute by Alec to help with the hunt for Janus, his experience at Scholomance deeming himself a valuable asset.
The man had tried to convey calm and resolution as time went by, but, today, Alec had said, in no uncertain terms, that every attempt the Clave had made to contact the Seelie Kingdom for a diplomatic resolution of the Janus question had fallen flat. Instead, more and more reports of movements of Seelie troops and Janus’ appearances had spread across the Shadow World. Alec had declared that there was no choice left other than preparing for battle.
The news were still tormenting Ty deeply, but, more than anything else, what truly frightened him was the interest Janus had showed towards Kit. Their relationship was still complicated and tense, but being forced to work together again had eased the tensions between the two of them and Ty found himself relying on Kit’s presence again. If something happened to him... If Ty lost Kit just when he started to see a chance of getting him back...
Such thoughts didn’t get a chance to form properly when Ty’s eyes caught Kit’s as he rushed down the hallway where Ty had retrieved to think through the latest events. Kit came to a stop in front of Ty, nodding his way to acknowledge his presence, but remaining quiet. His blue eyes shone in the poor-lit hallway, but Ty could see the dark half-moon marks under them, signs of how much the whole situation was weighting on Kit’s shoulders.
“So, there will be war,” Ty managed to say, his voice trembling with fear.
Kit smiled, radiant as ever, but Ty could see right through his act, “Isn’t there always?”
Ty heard Kit chuckling, shoulders trembling as he shrunk into himself. It was clear that, beneath his appearance of nonchalance, laid an overwhelming sense of terror. Suddenly, Ty couldn’t stay quiet anymore.
“Stay.” Ty spit out, cursing himself even as the words left his lips. “Stay here, where it is safe. We can-”
Kit was already shaking his head though, “You know I can’t do that.”
“Are you sure you can’t? Or do you just not want to?” Ty’s voice rose, anger and concern battling inside his heart, anger dominating for the time being. He closed his hands in fists as he tried to force air through his lungs.
This time, Kit’s smile faltered and there was a hint of sadness behind his eyes when he talked again. “I can’t and I don’t want to. Don’t get me wrong here, Ty, I’m scared. More than that, I’m fucking terrified, but this is my fight and you know it. Janus and the Seelie Queen are coming for me because they believe I’m a threat to Ash.”
“That is exactly why you should stay here, there will be an army guarding the Institute, willing to guard you!” Ty exclaims, his voice raising despite his efforts to calm down.
Kit was close enough that Ty could watch as he swallowed nervously, his eyes closing briefly. He was exhausted, hours of endless meeting and strategies plotting catching up to him, but his disheveled golden hair and angular face remained a sight to behold, one that took Ty’s breath away.
“I know that. I know they would protect me with their lives, but it is not me I’m worried about. Janus and the Queen will kill anyone that tries to stand on their way,” Kit pronounced the words on a ruffled tone, “and I may be scared to death, but I’m no coward. I won’t let others take the fall for me.”
Ty knew this was an argument he couldn’t win. There was no logic or solution he could apply to the situation that would be sufficient to assure Kit‘s safety. It didn’t make the idea of letting him run straight into danger any easier, though.
“Then, I’m coming with you,” Ty declared, ignoring the way Kit’s eyes goggled and his entire face contorted in disagreement, “You will need help and we have always made a good team.”
“I can’t allow that,” Kit answered.
“Why not? This is my fight too. They may be coming for you, but they are also coming for the rest of us, my family included.” Ty retorted, not convinced.
“I understand that, I really do, but that is not my point,” Kit stated, stepping closer to Ty, that registered the motion only a mere second before the other boy spoke again, “If you want me to live, you can’t come with me, Ty.”
His words sent a shiver through Ty’s spine that made his vision spin for a second. What could Kit possibly mean by that? Did he trust Ty so little now, after three years of barely any contact? Did the last few weeks mean nothing to him? Because they had been Ty’s silver-lining amidst this hell.
Kit seemed to sense Ty’s confusion and apparent resentment over his statement, since he rushed to add: “It is not that I don’t trust you, or that you wouldn’t be helpful,” he quickly explained, “you’re brilliant, skilled and a great fighter.”
“So, why can’t I go with you?”
Kit sighed, taking a deep breath. What he was about to say appeared to take a toll on him, his shoulders slumping down as he spoke again, “I can’t go to war alongside you, Ty… Because I wouldn’t be fighting for myself, I would be fighting for you. I would be hellbent on bringing you back home unharmed. And if something happened to you... If you were hurt, by the Angel, if you were gone? I would never forgive myself.”
Any words Ty meant to say out loud died on his lips as Kit’s chest heaved with each hurried breath he took in, “I need you to be safe. That is the only way I can have a chance against Janus. Do you understand?”
There was so much meaning hidden beneath that three-word question. Did Ty understand, truly? It was more than Kit stating he needed Ty to be protected, that he would blame himself if something happened to him. It was an admission, too big to be put into words, but that was enough to send Ty’s heart racing violently against his ribs.
“I think I do.” He admitted, his voice low and fragile. Ty himself felt small and vulnerable as his mind raced through Kit’s words again and again.
He faced Kit once more, taking in the fierceness of his glare, the tiredness of his posture. In a stroke of courage, Ty lifted his right hand across the space that separated the two of them, palm up.
Slowly, almost as if he was scared Ty would vanish right in front of his eyes if he moved too fast, Kit met Ty’s hand with his own, their palms resting against each other for long seconds as they remained silent.
Kit stepped forward and there was less than a foot left between them, “I don’t want you to go,” Ty whispered.
“I don’t want to go either,” Kit complied, interlocking their fingers now, tightly pressing them together. Ty enjoyed the anchoring pressure that kept his mind off all the dangers that surrounded them at the moment. “Do you promise you will stay safe?”
“I do,” Ty compromised, “but I’m no coward either. I will not try to stop you from fighting, but you should know I won’t run away either. There will be plenty of battles to face in here as well.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything different.” Kit remarked, “Thank you for understanding why I have to do this.”
“You won’t be totally alone, though, right?” Ty questioned.
“No, Jace and Clary are going to be with me, as you know, they are a package deal with Alec and Simon, which means-”
“Izzy and Magnus are coming too,” Ty completed his sentence and Kit smiled a bit wearily now, nodding his agreement.
Their talk died down and Ty was once again focusing on their entangled hands, that seemed to fit perfectly together.
He wanted to do this again. He wanted to talk about the hard things with Kit as he held on to him, feeling the comfort of his warmth radiating through Ty’s skin.
He simply wanted more of Kit Herondale and the thought should terrify him, but it didn’t.
“I really should go,” Kit uttered, but made no motion to leave. “Jace is waiting for me.”
“I know,” Ty responded, but his fingers had wrapped themselves even tighter around Kit’s and he heard the other boy’s breath catching, “You will come back.” Ty stated, matter-of-factly, no space for doubts allowed.
Kit nodded, mesmerized. “I will.”
“Good,” Ty muttered, enjoying how determined Kit had sounded, “Come find me when you do.”
“That will be the first thing I do once I manage to scape my parents’ iron grip,” Kit joked, but his vow was sincere.
Ty said nothing else, fearing his voice would have betrayed his feelings if he did. Kit slowly bent his head forward and Ty watched, breathless, as he raised Ty’s hand to his face’s level. He remained still as his eyes, attentive and bold, searched Ty’s.
There was a silent question hanging on the air, as Kit’s breath warmed the skin of Ty’s hand and goosebumps spread all over his arm. Ty nodded firmly and waited. With great anticipation, Ty followed Kit’s movements as the boy’s lips met the back of his hand, pressing a soft kiss to the skin there, his eyes shut.
His head was spinning as Kit pulled back, the place where his mouth was a mere second ago still tingling. Ty’s cheeks were scarlet red, his legs might as well have been reduced to jelly, but he smiled at Kit when he met his gaze again, blue eyes sparkling, glued to Ty’s equally glittering ones. Ty didn’t say a thing, afraid he would start panting and make a fool of himself.
He realized, with a pang of affection taking over his chest, that Kit was blushing too, still holding his hand. It was the most marvelous thing Ty had ever witnessed. He had once told Kit he was an extraordinary conductor of light and now such words seemed to be led astray. Kit was light in itself, Ty realized now, so much that his light had infiltrated Ty’s whole being and made a living on his heart.
Of course, there was no way he could possibly explain that, this was hardly the time or the place. Yet, he didn’t feel regretful as Kit stepped back and dropped his hand. That kiss stated a promise: there would be better times and better places. It was a risk and an offer and so much more than either one of them could fully comprehend at the moment.
Yet, it would have to do for the time being. Ty followed Kit with his eyes as he disappeared through the hallway, his heart no longer heavy inside his chest. The boy now carried something of Ty with himself, even as they prepared for war: the memory of Ty’s warm skin against his lips, his scent, his taste, his trust.
Ty could only hope that it would be enough to bring Kit back to him.
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Can i req for a fic where miguel is wounded and reader has to patch him up? idrc if its smut or fluff either way im eating it
IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR PATCHING UP FICS AHHHH ty anon i’m writing this to be a very soft and fluffy fic, a bit short and a bit of angst sprinkled here but just nice stuff for our big softie Miguel <3
The Wounded
Tags: Miguel O’hara xM!Reader, Miguel O’hara x gn!reader, Spidey!Reader, Lyla, Spider Society, No Smut, Kissing , Fluff, Reader is a sunshine, Soft!Miguel, Established relationship, patching up, healing fic, non-graphic description of wounds, mentions of blood and cuts 
Another day of being Spiderman leads to another wound that's a bit too hard for the healing factor to take care of. Luckily, Miguel lets you take care of his wounds
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Being Spiderman requires an understanding of basic procedures. Including knowing what to do when you run out of web fluids and are falling between buildings, or when you're healing factor just doesn't work fast enough.
You were looking into improving your web shooters, deep in your part of the lab, stacks of books and tech strewn about, when your wrist suddenly beeps. The sound snaps you out of your focus trance and you quickly pull it up to display the hologram. 
Lyla pops up, you can see anxiety behind her tinted glasses. “Hey cutie, sorry to interrupt your work hours but uh…” She glitches. “I think you might wanna check on Miguel,” 
“What? What's wrong with him?” You were already clicking back the shooter you were examining and standing from your seat, making your way to the exit doors. 
“Today’s mission went a bit… Messy. Infirmary is packed full right now and he’s resisting the help-” 
“Can you send him to our room instead?”
“Already on it,” She nods, and a screen appears in front of her. “He’s stable right now, but he’d appreciate the help, especially on the stomach wound,”
“Shit…” You muttered before flicking your wrist which makes the Lyla disappears. You quickly leap off of the walkway, swinging above the other Spider-people. As you shoot out another web, you swing past the doors to the infirmary, seeing Spider-people going in and out of the room. Your stomach drops. Knowing Miguel, he would've sent the others to treat their injuries there while he excuses himself, always with his excuses. His own ego doesn't let him be seen as weak in front of others, and you're the only exception.
After swinging past more walkways, you finally made your way to Miguel's office, quickly running into the side room where you and Miguel rest. 
“Miguel?” You knocked twice on the door, hearing a low groan from him. “I’m coming in,”
You push the door to Miguel on the floor, supporting his upper body on the edge of the bed. Your eyes widen, quickly moving to his side, dropping to the floor next to him. Your hands cup his jaws, turning him towards you. “Miguel? Hey, it’s me, hey,” 
His breath is labored, eyes flashing as he blinks rapidly before he finally registers your appearance when he glances at you. Miguel growls, holding one side while his other arm claws at the sheets. “You dont… need to help…”
“Yes I fucking do.” You stare him down before slowly bringing your hands to remove the one holding at his side. It reveals a long cut, from his hip to his middle, dangerously close to his stomach. If whoever attacked him angled their weapon just right, it would’ve struck his- “Okay, alright let’s get you on the bed,”
With your super strength, moving Miguel to lie down on the bed wasn't a hassle. Miguel grunts as he’s set on the bed, still holding at the gaping wound. You quickly run into the ensuite bathroom, grab the emergency kit from the cabinet and run right back, dropping down beside you’re groaning boyfriend. Opening the case, it has the necessary supplies you need. You swiftly pull off your mask and gloves, coaxing Miguel to remove his hands.
“Lyla disable the top part of Miguel’s suit.” The suit glitches away. The cut doesn't seem too deep to penetrate fat, therefore it won't need stitches, but a hand full of butterfly plasters and a good wrap of bandages. You pull and bundle up the blanket, pushing it beneath Miguel's hand. 
“Hold this babe, I’m going to get a wet towel,” Miguel nods.
You quickly run into the bathroom again, grabbing the two towels that were hung and running them under the tap, making sure they're soaked. You twist them, enough to get excess water out and run straight back to your boyfriend. Carefully, you remove the blanket and his hand, before beginning to clean the cut, patting around it with the damp towel. Miguel hisses, biting down on his fist, which worries you. 
“Here, don't hurt yourself,” You try a small smile, relief to see Miguel’s eye roll as a response. You hand him one of the pillows so he doesn't inject himself with his paralyzing venom. Once you are he’s safe, you continue your cleaning. The towel has been successfully covered in blood, but the cut is now clean and oozing fresh blood instead. You quickly grab a pair of tweezers and a ball of cotton, putting enough Betadine to coat the ball before pressing it against the edges of the wound. 
Miguel growls on top of you, arching his back which pushes him to recline his head, his claws dig into the mattress, no doubt his fangs have punctured the pillow. You deflate, knowing how much it’s hurting him. “I know, I’m sorry, but it’ll be done soon Miguel,”
You can already see the sweat forming on his temple when you're finally done addressing the cut with betadine. You throw the cotton balls away, looking into the box for butterfly bandaids. Spotting them, you pull enough out and also a couple of rolls of bandages. You place the bandaids in a row, making sure they're secured around the wound, closing the gaps before it could make a larger gash. Once the band-aids are placed, you sit back on your haunches, satisfied with your work. You dab the blood that escaped before you closed the wound with a clean part of the towel, happy now that the wound is finally clean and closed.
“Okay, it’s done. I’m going to wrap it up now babe, sit up,” You help Miguel to lean against you, his head on your shoulder so your hands are free to wrap the bandages around his middle. He groans, burying himself in the crook of your neck, the pillow thrown somewhere in the room. 
Steadily, you begin wrapping the bandage around him, making sure it isn't too tight or too loose. The first few layers were stained with blood residue until the bandage was wrapped thick enough to show nothing. Cutting the end of the bandage with the scissors provided, you tie it up snugly before carefully moving Miguel to lean on the headboard, a propped-up pillow to support his back. 
“There. Not too tight right?” He shakes his head, winching a bit. Your brows crease. You stand, grabbing the stray mug on the nightstand before heading to the bathroom, and filling the mug with water. You come back and hand the cup to Miguel, before popping a couple pills of painkillers on your palm and pushing it to your boyfriend. He eyes them skeptically. “I know the super healing will take care of most of it, but that’ll help. Drink.” 
Miguel huffs, taking the pills and gulping them down with water. He set the mug aside, refusing to meet your eyes. You sigh, slowly taking his hand to entwine with yours, brushing his bruised knuckles. “Can I see the other ones, Miguel?”
“I’ll be fine, the others will heal,”
You sigh, tracing circles on his knuckles. His eyes are far away, staring out into Nueva York from the room's large windows. The sun has started to set, flooding the room with a hue of orange and hints of violet. Miguel refuses to meet you, knowing your eyes will be filled with worry and guilt, knowing you weren't there for Miguel in his mission. Miguel was the one who insisted that for you to stay in the HC, working on your latest upgrade, but he knew how dangerous today's mission was supposed to be, and he couldn't see you get hurt the way he did. 
Miguel softly grasps your hand, tightening your loose hold. Your eyes widen, raising your head to meet his eyes, gleaming in the burning sky. His usual stoic profile fades into something softer, something more sincere. He brings your hand towards him, effectively pulling you up to sit on the edge of the bed, and places a soft kiss on the back of your hand. 
“Thank you,” He manages, shakily. “For patching me up,”
You smile, and a relieved sigh follows as you scoot closer to him. Your free hand cups his jaw slowly as you lean closer. His lips brush yours. Miguel sighs, tilting his head to kiss you deeper, and you obliged. Your hand brushes the curls behind his head, smiling at the feeling of your boyfriend surviving another day of being Spiderman. When you two pull back, you stay closer by pressing your crown against his, panting from the kiss, but relief nonetheless. You grin, feeling your boyfriend's warm breath, before stealing another short peck. “I’m going to get you food,”
With that, Miguel sighs but nods, letting your hand go. You smile fondly, getting up to leave the room and get your boyfriend something to help his healing factor. 
Requests are opened!
reblogs appreciated!!
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evanpfics · 11 months
Hi! Can I request a smut to fluff fic with Kit Walker x female reader where Kit comforts the reader when she feels bad about suddenly wanting to stop mid-sex because she is inexperienced and felt pain? Thank you!
First Time Hold-Up - Kit Walker (smut2fluff)
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Summary: You and kit end up getting closer and decide to get intimate. You never really had any experience and ended up wanting to stop mid-way from the pain. Kit understands and comforts you instead. (ty for request!)
W A R N I N G S: PinV, pain for a bit, loss of virginity, oral ( f recieving ), smut to fluff, stopping mid-intimacy, sub!reader, dom!kit. If i missed any let me know.
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Kit leaned in to kiss you softly. You kissed back. He gently pushed you onto the bed without breaking the kiss. He loved you and wanted to be as close as possible in such an intimate moment.
You placed your hands behind his head and neck to push him closer into the kiss as it began to become more passionate yet sloppy. He started to unbutton your shirt revealing your chest that now only has a laced bra covering it.
You guys finally managed to break the kiss to catch your breath as he laid you down on your back gently. He slowly started to remove your shorts while looking at you making sure he doesn’t make you uncomfortable in any way.
He was fully aware of you being a virgin and didn’t want you to be uncomfortable in any sort of way. You guys were always intimate just never in this way. He was always so patient with you and you loved that about him.
You had your doubts about continuing and didn’t know if you can go on. You really wanted this, but didn’t know if you were fully ready yet.
As he removed your shorts he slowly placed his hands on your thighs admiring your now half nude body. He smiled at you with the most loving smile and gentle eyes. You knew he didn’t want to cause you any sort of uncomfortable or distress and he tried really hard to prevent it.
He slowly removed your panties still staring up at you watching your face to look out for any reason for him to stop.
“Is this fine?” He asked still pulling down your panties. You nodded. You can tell he was worried about you.
He swallowed doubtfully but nodded. He removed your panties still admiring your physique and your beauty. He continued to rub you try before going lower.
He separated your legs above his shoulders resting himself between them. You can feel his breath against your core causing a slight shiver up your spine.
He planted a trail of gentle kisses along your thighs lightly nipping after each kiss making you let out soft moans until he reached your cunt.
He looked up at you for a signal to keep going. You nodded as you lightly but your bottom lip.
He shuffled a bit to get more comfortable as his hands held onto your waist. You can feel his tongue flatten between your folds. You inhaled sharply before biting your lip a bit harder this time.
You felt his tongue trail up between your folds before reaching your clit. He kitten licked at it before drawing circles with his tongue on it causing you to squirm slightly as his tongue hit your sensitive spots. Your legs lightly shook.
He lightly groaned and chuckled at your reaction causing a vibration to add into the mix making you draw closer and closer to your finish.
Your head leaned back as lewd sounds from your overly-wet pussy started to lightly grind on his tongue. You placed your hands on his head pushing him closer. His locs now in between your fingers.
He removed his tongue from your clit before trailing it lower, now at your cunt. Your anticipation grew. His tongue slowly entered your cunt. Your legs shook more.
His tongue thrusted in and out of you as you felt the tip of his nose create friction on your clit. Your moans grew louder as your hips grinded more and more. You can feel a slight grin appear on his face as his tongue thrusts grew faster.
You felt yourself start to feel dizzy from pleasure. This being your first time only made the pleasure seem 2x more intense.
His tongue thrusts grew faster and sloppier as you felt yourself coming closer to your finish. You shut your eyes before your orgasm finally came.
He cleaned up your aftermath with his tongue before letting go of your waist and kissing you. Your mouth was already opened from your orgasm which allowed his tongue to roam around your mouth.
Both of your guy’s light groans filled each others mouths before he broke the kiss and started to unbuckle his belt.
You heard the metals of his belt create familiar clinking before he finally slid his pants off leaving him in only boxers now.
You couldn’t help but stare at his hardened cock through his boxers.
He looked into your eyes before kissing you then your forehead.
“I love you y/n.” He smiled.
“I love you too kit.” You said still sounding somewhat out of breath. His eyes stared at you softly before finally removing his boxers. A light thump sound hitting the floor as his boxers were thrown.
His hands pumped himself slightly before looking up at you again.
“This.. will most likely hurt a bit, baby.” He said sounding worried. “Are you sure?” You hesitated. You nodded slightly.
“Okay.” He kissed you on the forehead before staring down at his cock now having his tip rub against your overstimulated clit causing you to exhale softly.
“Tell me when to stop whenever you feel uncomfortable, okay?” He stared back up at you with doubt in his eyes. You gripped your hands on his shoulders lightly tugging on his shirt as you nodded.
You must admit, the idea of the pain and everything made you more scared and worried than anything.
He lightly licked his lips before his tip reached the entrance of your cunt. You felt your stomach drop. Your mouth lightly hanged open as you watched his tip enter your cunt.
The wetness from his tongue and previous orgasm made it easy for him to enter you. His length and girth was the only thing that made you unsure if you can really handle it.
He slowly entered his cock into you looking at it enter you then back up at you making sure your okay. You wanted this more than anything, but it just didn’t feel right. Not yet.
His cock slowly exited you then thrusted back into you. You felt pain in each thrust making you feel unbearable discomfort.
You weren’t ready for this after all.
You felt tears form and rub down your cheek. He instantly noticed and pulled out.
“I can’t do this kit, not yet. I’m so sorry.” You cried.
His hand ran through your hair before kissing you on the forehead. He placed his hand on your cheek wiping away the tears with his thumb.
“Don’t be sorry baby. Its okay, it’s okay. You don’t need to be sorry for anything.” He frantically tried to comfort you.
“I love you so much. I’m willing to wait however long you need.“ He understood your uncomfort and didn’t want you to feel as if you needed to go through with this.
He cleaned you up completely before dressing you making sure to be gentle. As he put your panties and shorts back onto you he kissed your stomach reassuringly before putting your shirt on for you as-well.
He grabbed his boxers off the floor before putting them on and getting you some water and a few snacks for some reason.
He placed the snacks on the nightstand as he handed the water to you.
“Let’s make this a movie night instead, yeah? We can just cuddle for tonight, how does that sound?”
He made sure his voice was gentle and soft making sure he gave you no reason to overthink the situation completely calming you. You nodded smiling up at him.
He turned on a movie he knew you would enjoy before laying himself next to you. You handed him the water so he set it on the nightstand grabbing a few snacks and handing them to you while doing so. He covered you both up with a blanket.
His arms then wrapped around you making you feel warm and safe. He gently played with your hair lightly giving you scratches while you laid on his chest. You felt yourself slowly dozing off.
Once you were finally asleep he carefully removed you off his chest and laid your head onto a pillow.
“I love you so much.” He exclaimed in a whisper.
He kissed your cheek smiling at you softly before going into the bathroom to finish himself off.
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Thank you for reading and the recommendation! This was slightly rushed since my break was cut short today so I apologize for any mistakes or rushed plot.
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onlyangle1 · 1 year
Stitching Him Up.
Hiya!! This is my first fic so bare with me- Also it's really short so sorry about that! when i was writing it i was expecting it to be longer than it was- Anyway I don't really know what else to say so...Enjoy!
P.S: Remember you can give requests whenever you want, im sure i will get round to them!
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Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are sitting in the academy with a nice book when five walks in obviously hurt, you help him get cleaned up and he confesses to you after thanking you for helping him
Warnings: blood, needles, injury, my writing
You were sitting in the living room of the academy, quietly reading a book when Five stumbled in, clutching his side. “Are you okay?” you asked, looking up at him with a concerned stare, squinting your eyes a little when he waved you off, hobbling over to you.
“I’m fine, what were you reading?” he asked. You knew there was something wrong, but you told yourself to leave it. If Five didn’t want you to know, then you weren’t going to pry, if he needed help he would come to you, you thought.
You looked at him wearily but answered his question none the less. “oh! its just this book ben was talking to me about, he said I would like it and let me borrow it! How nice is that?” you smile, holding out the book to Five.
Five took the book out of your hands, taking a look at both covers and flicking through the first few pages, nodding along to what you were saying. “Hm, that is nice of him.”, he said, thinking to himself and wincing as he sat down on the sofa opposite you clutching his side.
“Okay, are you hurt or something? I can tell there’s something wrong!”
“I’ll live, it’s fine.” he grunted, but you could see the pain etched on his face. You got up off the sofa and moved to his before you gently lifted up his shirt to see what was wrong. A nasty cut ran across his side, and you could tell it was deep. “I need to stitch this up,” you said, looking at it while softly running your fingers across his skin, getting a hiss from Five. “Sorry! Sorry, one sec’ I’ll get the first aid kit.” you said, standing up and walking into the kitchen to get the kit from under the sink.
When you get back to the sitting room, you find five with his head back against the sofa, clearly in pain. You wished he would tell you when he was hurt, but you knew he never would. It would hurt his ego. “you ready? This might hurt a little.” you, told him, with the reply of a nod yes.
You set to work, carefully cleaning and sterilizing the wound before threading a needle. Five hissed in pain as you started to stitch, but he didn’t complain. You worked quickly and efficiently, making sure to close the wound tight. “There,” you said, tying off the last knot. “All done.”
“Thanks,” Five said, breathing a little easier now that the wound was closed. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
You smiled at him, feeling a little warmth in your chest. Despite his gruff exterior, Five had a vulnerable side that only a select few were allowed to see. You were grateful to be one of those people. “Anytime,” you said, packing up the first aid kit. “Just don’t make a habit of getting hurt, okay?”
Five chuckled, wincing a little at the pain. “I’ll try not to,” he said, leaning back on the couch. “But you know how it is.”
You nodded, knowing all too well the dangers of their world. You had stopped the apocalypse three times now, and you were relieved to have a bit of a break for a while. But with each passing day, you were glad to have the Hargreeves by your side. And you were especially grateful for Five. He could be a dick sometimes, but he would always look out for you and his family.
“So, what happened? Not another apocalypse, I hope.” You joked before shaking your head and muttering “sorry, that wasn’t funny.” Five looked over at you as you packed away the first aid equipment. “I ran into a few men from the commission. Guess they had a sort of problem with me. Anyway, one of them had a knife i didn’t know about and cut me. I got them back for it though.” Five stated, sounding pretty proud of himself despite getting hurt in the process.
“Just..be carful, okay? I don’t know what I- we would do if something happened to you” you told him quickly correcting yourself hoping he wasn’t listening and didn’t catch it but oh of course he did, he always listened when you talked, it was like your the only person in the world and he just had to listen to you.
“i will.” he said. He seemed to be thinking of something before he finally spoke up. “I really care about you, you know. More than most people and I know it’s not just because of how much we’ve been through together, though that does help.” Five nodded along with himself almost like he was agreeing to what he was saying.
You look up at him, feeling yourself freeze as his eyes meet yours, feeling your heart start to race. Was he really saying what you think he was saying? What you had been wanting him to say for years now?
He took a deep breath, his hand reaching out to touch yours. “Well, what I’m trying to say is that I love you. That I’ve loved you for a long time, ever since we got partnered up together in the commission, but I was too afraid to tell you. And I don’t want to keep it a secret anymore.”
You didn’t know what to say. You had always suspected that there was something more between you two, but to hear him say it out loud was almost too much to handle. “I love you too, Five,” you said, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you could stop them.
He smiled, a genuine smile that lit up his face. “Good,” he said, leaning in to kiss you. It was a soft, gentle kiss, full of all the love and tenderness that had been building between you two for so long.
As you broke apart, you knew that this was just the beginning. There would be more missions, more battles to fight, but you were ready for them all as long as you had Five by your side. Together, you were unstoppable. You always had been.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
sex is better when it's messy ˖⁺。˚⋆˙♡︎
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🐷🐰: pairing: Changbin x F!Reader
🐷🐰: genre: smut, 18- DNI
🐷🐰: synopsis: Changbin got into a fight. after cleaning his wound, he offered to smoke a little. but is smoking all you got up to?
🐷🐰: warnings: Alt!Changbin, Dom!Changbin, smut, unprotected sex, rough sex, messy sex, violence [no descriptions, just mentioned], blood [no descriptions, just mentioned], weed smoking, pet names [doll , baby girl , pretty thing], dirty talk, explicate language, oral fixation [ f ], grinding, fingering, clit play, pussy eating, sloppy blowjob, degrading names [whore , slut] multiple squirting orgasms, creampie, cum on body, cum eating, overstimulation, choking, throat-fucking, biting, spit kink, pain kink [ ? ] , bulge kink, size kink, nipple play, photos and videos taken during sex, spanking – there's a lot of warnings, i apologise ;-; lmk if i missed any!
🐷🐰: words: 7.5k
🐷🐰: a/n: i have no words. this may be the smuttiest fic ive written so far 😳 my inspiration. i saw this beautiful art and got inspired to write this. idk, something about alt changbin tickles my fancy.
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated as they help get my fics/blog out there. please let me know what you think, ty for the support and love as of lately! i hope y'all enjoy!
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It was supposed to be a calm and collected night for you. It was 9 at night and you were ready to bunker down for the night – you just wanted to watch the last 10 minutes of your favourite show.
Your feet propped up beside you on the couch, your comfy nightwear on your body as you sipped your warm beverage that helped you to sleep. Something about feeling warm inside made it easier for you to drift off – it was one of those feelings that you had to experience to know.
You put your cup down on the side table, stretching your stale muscles from being in the same position when a pounding on your door shocked you. You turned your TV off, heart pounding at the sudden noise.
You slowly stood up from the couch, walking to the door slowly whilst grabbing a baseball bat. Who the hell could be banging against your door at 9pm?!
You peeked through the peephole, sighing in relief as your heart rate resumed its normal pace. You unlocked your door, opening it. Changbin looked up at you, smiling sheepishly.
"Hi, baby." you scanned his features, eyes coming into contact with his cut lip and blood on his temple and lips.
"What the fuck happened to you?" 
"Uh, can I come in? it's cold out here, baby girl." You rolled your eyes, stepping to the side to let him in. You closed the door as changbin noticed the bat you was holding
"I hope that's not for me." He said, jokingly
"It's to protect myself. You were banging on my door late at night, god knows who knows who it could've been!" 
Changbin held his hands up in defeat. You placed the bat down as you walked to the kitchen, turning on the light.
"Sit." you instructed, pointing to the high stool at the breakfast bar. Changbin sat as you grabbed the first aid kit. You soaked a cotton ball in antiseptic liquid, moving his hair from his forehead as you stood between his legs.
"This will sting, baby." You spoke softly. Changbin nodded, preparing himself for impact. You pressed the cotton ball against his cuts, changbin hissing at the sting
"Sorry, my love." 
"It's okay." Changbin spoke, holding your waist gently as you focused on cleaning him up. No words were spoken during the time – Changbin knew you would ask once you were done and, of course, he would tell you everything. You threw away the used cotton balls, grabbing a plaster from the kit.
"So." You began, leaning against the breakfast bar "What happened this time?"
"Oh, y'know. just joining in on some 'friendly' banter" You sighed deeply
"And why did you have banter, binnie?"
"Because this dude was being a creep towards another woman! He was so pushy and desperate, it made me sick." You ran your fingers through your hair
"Binnie, you can't keep doing this."
"Hey! it wasn't my idea to begin with. Lix started it." you cocked your eyebrow in disbelief, short puffs of air leaving your nose
"Lix? As in sunshine Felix? Nah Binnie. Lix isn't like that, he's too pure and innocent to start something off like this."
"Then you don't know him as well as I do. He started it. He said it made him feel uncomfortable so he punched first. We tried to get lix off him but then seungmin and i.n joined in and yeah, it turned into a brawl." Changbin laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Binnie, you can't keep doing this!" You repeated. You stood in between his legs again, his face in your hands.
"As a woman, I admire you all for what you have done, for keeping that woman safe. I understand, more than anyone, that the streets are not as safe as they used to be, that police don't take certain topics seriously. But this has to stop! You're not some modern day batman because, unlike the movies, the police won't be on your side."
Changbin swallowed, looking avoiding eye contact with you  as he held your hips softly. "I know, baby girl. I know."
"But do you? Binnie, it doesn't matter whether the guy was in the wrong or not. One look at you and your friends and that's it for you all. they will judge you and assume the worst of you all because you have body modifications, you're different and you don't fit in with society norms – that scares people." 
"You don't have to worry about me, baby girl. I can take care of myself."
"I know you can, I have no doubt about that. But I don't want a knock at my door to be told that you're either in jail and are awaiting bail or you got involved with the wrong person and you're in hospital or–" 
You stopped yourself from talking, not wanting your biggest fear to be spoken off. Changbin understood you, stroking your waist gently and soothingly as you hung your head low, hair hiding your face.
"Hey, baby girl. Look at me." Changbin spoke softly. You looked up as he tucked away your hair behind your ears. "That won't happen, okay? so don't think like that. I would never leave you, not when I've found the right person for me who can keep up with my crazy antics." You laughed softly at his words
"Plus, we have such good chemistry between us and I'm madly in love with you, gorgeous. So don't you worry, I will never leave you. Okay?" You nodded slowly, feeling somewhat reassured.
You placed the band aid on one of his cuts, laughing when you saw what you picked up – pink hello kitty
"Pink looks good on you, Binnie. You should wear it more often." Changbin laughed.
"Maybe I will." He kissed your lips softly before pulling away. "Soooo, wanna get high?"
"Do you even have to ask, binnie?" you chuckled.
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Sitting on the bedroom floor you both shared, bits of paper, weed and tobacco scattered as you rolled up a joint for you and Changbin to share. You licked the glue of the paper, pressing it together before placing it in between your lips, resting it against your bottom lip
You reached for the lighter, lighting it up and taking a deep drag before blowing out the smoke in a cloud above you. You passed it to Changbin, who was leaning against your bed. You listened to changbin's antics of the event that he got caught up in, laughing and making jokes about it all.
You shared the joint between you both, slowly feeling yourself getting high. The bedroom was hot – which isn't surprising considering what you were doing. It didn't matter to you both because you both loved to relax in nothing but boxers and panties – it only felt natural to you both.
Changbin is your lover, he has seen it all before but he also respects you as a person. Despite the fact he adores your breasts and would love to bury his face between them, he doesn't touch them unless you say so – Like now. Seeing your lover in just boxer shorts, muscles and tattoos on display, made your mouth water and core throb.
You crawled over to changbin on all fours, straddling his waist as you took the joint  from his mouth
"Hey!" He protested. You laughed innocently taking a long drag. Changbin wrapped his arm around your waist, taking the joint off you and resting it in the ashtray. 
"Binnie." You mewled, pressing your bare chest against his own. 
"Talk to me, binnie." You whispered in his ear seductively. You slowly grinded down against his clothed member, a low growl running straight to your core.
"Are you horny, pretty thing? Want Binnie to take care of you?" He held your hips, guiding them in your movements. You felt his flaccid cock slowly becoming hard against your clothed core, your wetness spreading against your black, lacy panties.
"Mhm. tell me how you would care for me, Binnie." 
"I'd finger your greedy cunt, feeling it pulsate and clench around my digits. I'd eat you out like a starved man, watch you squirm under me and struggle to keep your legs open as I watch you squirt out your juices all over me. Then, id fuck you nice and hard just the way my spoilt brat likes it."
You whimpered at his words. You planted soft kisses along his shoulder blade and neck, hips grinding against him. Changbin was also moving his hips against you, matching your movements. 
"Where would you cum, binnie?"
"Where would you like me to cum?"
"Inside and all over me. I like messy binnie. I like having your cum over my body and inside. It makes me feel warm." Changbin let out a low growl, your hips moving in a figure of 8.
Changbin grabbed the back of your head by your hair, pulling your head back roughly. You groaned as changbin cupped your chin in his hand, his thumb grazing across your bottom lip
"I know you like messy, doll. I also know you like to have your cute little mouth stuffed full of my fingers or cock – isn't that right?" You nodded fast. Changbin's thumb inserted itself into your mouth, soft moans leaving your lips as you closed your eyes.
Your hips coming to a halt as Changbin pressed his thumb flat against your tongue. You closed your eyes as you closed your lips around his thumb, tongue swirling around it slowly. Your body shook with pleasure, soft whimpers and moans erupting at the back of your throat 
Your mouth felt good, so good, it sent waves of pleasure through your body and to your core. You gripped onto changbin's wrists, feeling your panties becoming soaked with your essence. It was embarrassing how wet you quickly became when it came to your mouth, but you couldn't help it.
Changbin removed his thumb, replacing it with two of his painted fingers instructing you to suck them. You gladly did, sucking and swirling your tongue around them, coating them in your saliva.
"Such a filthy girl. I love how sensitive your mouth is. How turned on it gets you. It's so lewd!" You hummed against his fingers. Changbin's free hand came down to cup your clothed pussy. You bucked your hips into his hand, grinding down on it. 
The wet patch could be felt through your panties. Changbin cooed as he felt your hot cunt, two fingers tracing the wet pace slowly. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your mouth filling up with excess drool, spilling from the corners of your mouth.
Slipping your panties to the side, Changbin got a good feel at how wet you truly became. Two fingers slid up and down your slit, coating them in your essence. You moaned softly, your grip on his wrist tightening.
His fingers came into contact with your sensitive clit. He circled around it before rubbing it slowly, using your slick as lubricant. The pleasure mixed in with how sensitive you felt, sent shockwaves up and down your spine.
"My filthy yet pretty girl." Changbin groaned softly. You moaned softly, feeling his fingers travel down to your entrance. He rubbed around it slowly before slipping in two of his fingers.
You grinded desperately against his fingers, a small chuckle coming from changbin.
"So impatient, pretty girl. Don't worry, I will treat you real good, like I always do." His fingers curled up against your walls as he thrusted them in and out. His fingers coating in more of your slick with each thrust. Your chest rising up and down rapidly as you closed your eyes slowly, moaning the best you could.
Your walls felt soft and wet aginst changbin's fingers, encouraging him to move them at a pace that he knows drives you insane. Just as expected, your chest arched into him, incoherent moans coming from your mouth. The tips of his fingers hitting your sweet spot over and over again, sending you into overdrive. 
your eyes slowly opened to be greeted with a deadly smirk from changbin. You cunt clenching around Changbin's fingers, your walls tightening around them as he rubbed and hit your walls and soft spot. Your legs shook beneath changbin's sides, your stomach clenching as your orgasm approached 
"Good girl, (Y/N) Cum all over my fingers, I know you can. Make me proud." Changbin growled. You kicked your head back, moaning loudly against changbin's fingers as your orgasm hit you
Your juices squirted out and onto changbin. You coated his fingers, arms, lap and part of his stomach with your juices, your walls clamping down around him as your legs shook uncontrollably. Changbin hummed at the sight, slowly releasing his fingers from your mouth.
You grinded against Changbin's fingers, panting uncontrollably. You needed more, so much more. You weren't satisfied with just his fingers.
"Binnie." You panted, licking his neck slowly "More, I need more." 
Changbin groaned, feeling your soft lips plant kisses along his neck. You bit into his flesh, harshly, feeling changbin's cock twitch against your folds. You hummed as you felt Changbin's free hand squeeze the soft flesh of your ass before his palm collided with your skin. A harsh slap caused your body to jolt, soft whimpers muffled against changbin's skin.
You sucked on the skin in various places before pulling away. You licked your lips slowly, your fingertips tracing along the bite and deep purple marks that decorated his neck.
"Proud of yourself, doll?" Changbin raised a brow. You nodded, feign innocent. Changbin rolled his eyes before grabbing your cheeks roughly in his hands, his fingers squeezing your cheeks together to form a pout.
You hummed, feeling yourself getting wetter around Changbin's fingers. You was forced to look into changbins dark eyes, a slow smirk form on his lips 
"Don't act so innocent with me, pretty thing. We both know how much of a whore you are for me. For starters, I'm already covered in your mess because you're such a sensitive brat." His words sent shivers down your spine, your cunt clenching around Changbin's fingers, which were now shallowly thrusting inside you.
"You'd do anything for my cock, wouldn't you doll? To have all your holes stuffed to the brim because you're a greedy girl." Changbin pulled his soaked fingers out of your cunt, you whined at the loss, feeling empty and more needy. He brung his fingers up to your lips, your slick glistening the light.
"Suck, slut." You grabbed his wrist bringing his fingers closer to your mouth. You wrapped your lips around his digits, sucking them dry. His free hand that was holding your cheeks was now cupping your breasts. He squeezed the flesh roughly, pinching and flicking your nipples. Shockwaves of pleasure and pain ran throughout your body and straight to your core.
You whimpered loudly, hips rutting and grinding against Changbin's length. Your slick making his boxer shorts even more dirty. Your body feels hot with want and need. You couldn't help yourself. Changbin drove you insane. His scent, the way he looks, the way he sounds and the way he treats you makes you want to be devoured by him all day everyday.
Changbin removed his fingers from your mouth, drool coated your chin. Eyes hooded with your body and mind desperate for Changbin, you felt his hand wrap around your throat. He carefully rested your back against the wooden floor, his fingers squeezing the sides of your neck.
You smiled, humming at the pressure and feeling. Your legs parted wide for Changbin to lean over you. He scoffed at your fucked out face, his fingers pinching and flicking your nipple.
"Look at you. You're so fucked out and I haven't even scratched the surface with you yet, pretty thing. I'm going to have so much fun with you." 
"Please, Binnie. Use me all you want. I'm nothing more than a toy to you. Just someone who has holes for you to fill with your seed."
Changbin hummed at your words, physically shivering. "Oh don't worry, dear. I plan on using you till I am satisfied, but first, we need to get rid of these." In one swift movement, your lacy underwear was ripped off you, discarded to the side.
"Hey! They were my favourite." you protested, pouting.
"Don't worry, baby girl. If you behave and be good, I will treat you to new ones. Okay?"
"Okay Binnie. I'll be good for you." You mewled. 
Changbin removed his boxer shorts, throwing them to the side before leaning in, his fingers around your neck loosing. He kissed your lips in a sloppy and desperate manner. Tongue and teeth collided with each other as you wrapped your arms around Changbin's neck, keeping him close to you.
You thrust your hips upwards, your cunt colliding with Changbin's erection. He groaned into the kiss, pressing his crotch against yours. The heat radiation off one another. Changbin grinding against you, his cock sliding up and down your slit, tip bumping against your clit making you shiver.
His cock soon became coated in your slick. One hand was planted on the floor by your head to support his weight, whilst his other was holding onto your waist, keeping it still as he grinded and rubbed against you
Changbin panted against your lips, sweat slowly appearing on his gorgeous body. Changbin pushed your tongue back into your mouth, his own exploring the inside, leaving no space untouched. You whimpered in the kiss, the sensation of changbin's tongue violating your mouth sending shivers down your spine and core.
Changbin pulled away enough to spit in your mouth, saliva pooling on your tongue slowly mixing together with your own saliva. You stuck your tongue out, maintaining your gaze on changbin
You showed him his and your saliva coming together, smirking once he grunted. You put your tongue back in your mouth, swallowing the saliva before licking your lips and humming 
"Mhm, yummy." You said, innocently
"I have something much more yummy than my saliva, baby girl." You giggled, clawing your fingernails down his back leaving red welts. Changbin hissed at the pain, his chest arching into yours.
"I'm sure you do, baby. You know I love the way you taste against my tongue." You mewled, leaning up and using your forearms to support your weight. You grabbed the joint out off the ashtray, taking a long drag before blowing out the smoke slowly
You placed the joint between Changbin's lips, watching him take a long drag and blowing the smoke out. The smoke mixes together to form a cloud above your head. You hummed softly, watching him smoke some more.
You licked your lips, eyes fixated on his lips. The way his lips wrapped around the paper, how they created the perfect shape whilst blowing out the smoke. The way his tongue darted out to lick his lips to moisten them, it only made you think about when he would eat you out.
You swallowed, an audible whimper caused changbin to look at you, resting the joint back in the ashtray. 
"What's up, pretty thing?" 
"You looked so hot. Your lips and tongue. It reminded me of when you would eat my pussy."
"Oh really now?" Changbin cocked up one eyebrow, shuffling down so his face was level with your pussy. You hummed in response, biting your lip softly as you watched and waited.
With his pointer and index finger, he parted your lips to give him a better view of your entrance. It visibly pulsated for him, your slick shining in the dim light. He licked his lips hungrily.
"Baby girl, you look so delicious. Good enough for me to eat."
"Then eat me, Binnie. I'm all yours for the taking, remember." You mewled
Changbin hummed at your word before spitting on your clit. You grunted at the contact, his fingers coming into contact with your clit. He smeared his saliva around your clit slowly, applying enough pressure to send pleasurable shivers across your body.
"M-Mhm."  Changbin rubbed circles on your clit as he dove into your cunt. His tongue makes contact with your entrance. The tip of his tongue licking around your entrance before it dove into it. You groaned at the feeling, kicking your head back gently
Changbin's tongue darted in and out of you, your essence collecting on his tongue. He spat on your clit again, using it the same way as before, before going back to licking inside your entrance.
He rubbed your clit side to side fast, your thighs trembling at the sensation. Due to your earlier orgasm, you were sensitive and the more changbin rubbed, the more sensitive you became.
Changbin removed his fingers and tongue, switching their positions. His tongue lay flat against your sensitive bud, the wet and warm muscle licking and flicking it whilst his fingers dove deep inside of you again. You moaned his name loudly, cunt clenching around his fingers.
He thrusted his fingers in time with his flicks. Your body shifts and jolts slightly at the intensity. Your breasts bouncing a little. You struggled to keep yourself upright, your body slowly feeling limp as it was slowly being consumed by pleasure 
"Oh fuck. Oh g-god Binnie!" Changbin hummed against your clit, sucking and nibbling it. He pulled away, pulling his fingers out leaving you feeling empty – but only for a short while. He held onto your thighs gently, keeping them apart. His tongue licked down your clit to your entrance, alternating between them both.
With one hand, you grabbed changbin by the hair, tugging at the strands by his scalp. Your head tilting to the side as whorish moans left your lips. You grinded against changbin's face, his nose bumping against your sensible clit
"Binnie, It's not enough!" You exclaimed. You could feel another orgasm approaching but it needed that little extra push. Changbin looked at you through his lashes, his chin getting coated in your slick.
Changbin is a messy eater. He loves spitting on your sensitive bud, getting himself coated in your slick and juices. So when you tell him it's not enough, he knows exactly what to do.
Removing his tongue from your entrance and placing it back on our clit, he inserted his two fingers back inside you, thrusting them fast and hard. You panted at the feeling, his fingers and tongue doing work on you.
"Y-Yes. That's good, right there Binnie!" He found your sweet spot instantly, hitting it over and over again. Your thighs and stomach clenched, toes curling as your body was slick with sweat.
"Fuck, Binnie. I'm so close.." 
"Do it, pretty thing. Squirt your juices all over me. You know how much I love it!." You whimpered at his words, the pleasure becoming too much to bear. Soon, your orgasm hits you hard again, silent moans leaving your lips and your juices squirting over Changbin's fingers and chin.
You panted hard, coming down from your high as changbin knelt up, licking his fingers clean and wiping his face.
"You're such a good girl. I love you so much."
"And I love you too, Binnie." 
You positioned yourself on all fours, crawling over to a knelt changbin. You positioned yourself so you were facing his hard and throbbing cock. Changbin hummed, looking down at you as he stroked your sweaty hair softly 
"You going to take care of me, doll?" You nodded, humming in response. You grabbed the base of his cock, his skin feeling hot against your hand.
His cock is average in length but he has girth. You love that changbin is thick in size, you love the feeling of being stuffed whether it be in your mouth or pussy. You loved the sting as he penetrated you, the dull ache in your jaw from blowing him.
His tip was red and leaking, pre-cum coating his tip. His veins protrude around the sides, fading at the tip. You panted, licking your lips as you gazed. Changbin raised his brow.
"Are you just going to look or?" He questioned. You blushed softly, looking up at him
"I'm just admiring, Binnie. That's all."
"Yeah? well, how about you stop admiring and put your sensitive mouth to work, mhm?" 
You nodded slowly, stroking his thick length. You grazed your fingernails across his slit, tapping against his tip with the pad of your thumb. His pre-cum coating your finger as a string of it occasionally connected your thumb to his tip.
Changbin let out a low growl. A growl that made your skin erupt with goosebumps. A growl that asserted dominance. You whimpered, tucking your hair behind your ear. You lent down, ass sticking up in the air slightly as you pressed your wet tongue against his tip.
You gave small kitten licks across his tip, lapping up his pre-cum. You hummed at the salty flavor. You spat on his cock, watching it fall down the sides. You moved your hand up and down, rotating your wrist as you used your drool as lubricant. 
Changbin admired how tiny your hands looked around his thick cock. He loved how your fingers could barely wrap around his length. But what he loved the most, is how he could watch you for hours sucking his cock.
Of course, penetrating you is blissful for him, feeling and watching you squirm as his cock reaches places deep inside you – but he loved how you struggled to take him in your small mouth, complaining about how your jaw is aching, how your cheeks puffed out from being full of him. It drove his feral instincts insane.
You stuck your tongue out, peering at Changbin through your lashes. Once you caught his attention, you tapped his length against your tongue. Wet, sinful slapping sounds echoing in the bedroom. Shivers running down Changbin's spine as he watched you, his cock twitching in your hand.
You giggled innocently, licking along his protruding veins before going back to kitten licking his tip again. Changbin buried one hand in your hair, tugging it at the scalp making you groan at the pain. You spat on his cock again, smearing it along his tip with your thumb, applying pressure.
Changbin groaned above you, watching your every move. you soon wrapped your lips around changbin's tip, the warmth of your mouth making his cock twitch and pre-cum to spill from his slit. You swirl your tongue around his tip, collecting the spilt pre-cum.
"Mhm. Just like that baby." You looked up at Changbin through your lashes, your core clenching. His head tilting to the side, ends of his hair wet from sticking to his sweaty forehead. His body glistened in the dim light from the sweat that coated him.
You groaned a little, lowering your head further down. You stopped halfway, your mouth feeling full to the brim, the corners of your mouth feeling stretched out, your cheeks puffing out a little – the way changbin likes it.
He sighed in content, stroking your hair slowly as he watched you. You gently grabbed his balls, fondling and massaging them as you worked on sucking him. Your head bobbing up and down at a slow and steady pace. You closed your eyes slowly, focusing on pleasuring changbin with your mouth the best you could.
You picked up the pace once you heard his delicious grunts and moans. You wiggled your ass a little causing changbin to lean over you, his hand coming into contact with your soft skin. He watched your ass cheek jiggle with the force, the harsh sound ringing in your ears as you whimpered at the pain. Changbin slapped your ass a few more times, harshly, tears pooling and falling down your cheeks slowly.
Your movements faltered as changbin continued to slap your ass. A red handprint slowly forming on the curve of your ass. Once satisfied, changbin leant back into his original position.
"Why did you stop? Did I tell you to stop?" He growled. Your eyes widened slightly, whimpered before going back to your task at hand. Your hand stroking what your mouth failed to reach. A sigh of content leaving the man's lips as he reached over for the joint. He leant back, placing the joint between his lip and relighting it.
He looked down at you as he took a drag, inhaling the smoke. He smirked, resting the joint on his bottom lip again and reaching for his phone.
He opened up the camera, moving your hair away from your face before snapping a photo of you. He grunted, snapping another one but making sure his joint was in the frame.
After one more drag of his joint, he rested it again in the ashtray. He planted his hand firmly on the back of your head, your eyes fluttering open and looking at him through your lashes. You whimpered when you saw his phone, knowing exactly what he was doing as you two have taken pictures and videos of each during sex numerous of times – homemade porn, you call it.
"I'm sorry baby girl, but you're going too slow for my liking. You should know how I like my blowjobs. Sloppy." Changbin pushed your head down on his cock, his hips thrusting upwards.
Your eyes widen as his cock tip hits the back of your throat, the ability to breath becoming a struggle. You gripped onto his thighs, closing your eyes tightly as changbin thrusted down your throat, harshly. Sinful moans and grunts left his lips, pressing record on his phone and pointing it at you.
He filmed you taking his cock down your throat, groaning at the feeling of your small mouth devouring him so well. Saliva started to overfill your mouth, spilling from the corners of your mouth, landing on the wooden floor and coating your chin.
You dug your fingernails into his thighs harshly, your jaw starting to achy and throat feeling raw. Changbins thrusts were relentless, his thick cock stroking the insides of your throat and mouth. You felt your cunt getting wetter and wetter that you were so sure you were dripping by now.
You loved being used by changbin. It was your favourite thing. Of course, you and Changbin do have the occasional love making, slow and passionate sex, which you also love. But this side of changbin, the messy rough side of him, is what you love the most
Being used by him, having all your holes available for him, makes you weak at the knees. Your mind filling with fuzz and nothing but thoughts of what hole changbin was going to fill next and how he was going to fill it.
Your eyes slowly rolled to the back of your head, tears cascading down your cheeks and mixing with your saliva. Drool was spilling out of your mouth, making its way down changbins cock and balls. He pulled your hair harshly, pulling you away from his cock.
You spluttered, gasping for air. Drool coated your chin, tear stained cheeks with a tint of pink. Changbin aimed the phone at your face, his hand still firmly holding your hair. 
Changbin groaned at the way you looked. You looked so – lewd. His feral instincts slowly kicked in as he stopped the video, saving it in his private folder before throwing his phone to the side.
"Such a pretty girl. You always take me so well in whatever greedy hole I so wish to stuff." His thumb grazed over your drool coated chin, collecting it before bringing it to his mouth and sucking it clean
"Only for you, Binnie. I know how much you love to use my holes so I always aim to please." You mewled between panting breaths. Your throat felt sore and raw but you loved it because you knew you did a good job.
Changbin slapped his spit covered cock against your lips. You parted them slowly, allowing him to thrust back into your mouth and down your throat. 
"Shit. It feels so good. I love it so much. Fuck, I love you so much, baby girl." Changbin kicked his head back as he spoke, getting lost in the feeling of your mouth. His abs and thighs burning from contracting, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he struggled to not cum down your throat – he wanted to save his load for the main event.
Changbin pulled your head away, his cock bouncing free from your mouth. You spluttered, coughing a little as you swallowed your accumulated saliva. Changbin stroked your hair soothingly, grabbing a bottle of water from the mini fridge.
"Here baby. Drink this." You took the bottle from him, opening it and downing the water. The coldness soothed your sore throat
"You okay, love?" Changbin asked, his demeanor softening. His eyes scanned your body for any signs of discomfort.
"I'm okay, Binnie."
"You sure?" Think you can carry on."
"Binnie –" You rose on your knees to his height, wrapping your arms around his neck loosely "– I am more than okay to carry on. We have the traffic light system and I am green across the board. soooo.."
"Sooo..?" Changbin rested his hands on your hips, his brow raising slowly as he smirked 
"So, fuck me like you mean it Binnie. I won't be satisfied until I am full of your cum and my pussy is sore and swollen. I want you to fuck me so hard, that I won't be able to walk tomorrow." You mewled, your tongue gliding across his neck and bruises.
"Then, I suggest you turn around and get on all fours for me, pretty thing." Changbin growled.
You hummed, turning your back to him and getting on all fours, your hands planting firmly against the wooden floor. You wiggled your ass, getting impatient as changbin was currently checking out your curves 
"What's taking you so long, Binnie?" You whined. Changbin laughed softly, holding your hips and pushing them towards his cock.
"Sorry, baby girl. I was just admiring how pretty you look." You blushed.
"Shut up. I look like a mess." You mumbled 
"But I find it beautiful because I created this mess." Changbin tapped his cock against your entrance. You whined, getting more and more impatient 
"Binnie! Stick it i–" Your eyes widen as a loud moan erupted from the back of your throat. Changbin thrusted his cock deep inside you, stretching you out. You hissed and moaned at the sting, loving the pain and pleasure mixing together.
Changbin gave you no time for you to adjust. His thrusts powerful, fast and relentless. His cock rubbing against your soft and squishy walls as his tip hit your sweet spot, deep inside you. His hips slamming against your ass, causing them to ripple slightly at the impact, his balls slapping against your clit.
"F-Fuck, Binnie!" You moaned out loud
"Ah, fuck baby girl. Your cunt feels so warm and wet. No matter how many times I fuck you like this, I can never get use to the feeling of your greedy cunt. It's so inviting." His words broken between pants and moans as he ruthlessly fucks you.
Your body jolted with the impact. Your arms slowly gave up in supporting your weight. Your head fell to the floor softly, arms limp by your sides as your ass rose higher up in the air.
"That's my girl." Changbin stated. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, silent moans leaving your lips. Changbin's hand collided with your ass cheek, harsh slapping sounds mixed in with the sinful moans and sounds of your wet pussy being fucked. 
The pain of changbin's spanks mixed in with the pleasure from his cock was sending you into overdrive. His tip continued to hit your soft spot, your cunt clenching around his cock. You panted fast, mind fuzzy. Changbin groaned, reaching over you and grabbing a handful of your hair.
He pulled you upright, your sweaty back against his chest. He bit into the valley that connects your neck and shoulder together. You whimpered at the pain, feeling his teeth sink deeper into your flesh before he sucked on your skin.
It felt like you could feel the bruises forming, the skin where he bit and sucked stinging. No doubt there would be teeth marks and deep purple marks on your neck. Changbin held your jaw gently, his painted nails brushing along your jawline. His breath fanned against your ear as your head flopped to the side, against his shoulder.
"My sweet, sweet angel. Your hole is taking me so fucking well. The way your cunt is clenching around my cock is so delicious and so sinful. You're driving me insane, baby girl."
You mewled at his words, soft pants leaving your lips. Your mind foggy, not being able to fully concentrate on changbins words, your surroundings becoming a blur. All you could think and feel was changbin's cock buried deep inside you, pummeling your welcoming cunt.
The knot in the pit of your stomach was fast approaching, Changbin felt this with the way your cunt had a vice grip on his cock.
"You close baby girl? You going to squirt all your delicious juices on my cock, mhm?" You nodded fast, gripping onto Changbin's wrist. Changbin tilted your head towards him, your lips meeting in a messy and sloppy kiss, no coordination at all. 
Changbin was too focused on helping you chase you high whilst holding back his own orgasm. He wanted it to last even longer, to feel your juices over his cock. To feel your cunt pulsate and to hear your loud moans in the form of his name. He wanted the neighbors to hear you, to know who you belong to – he thrived off it.
"B-Binnie, I'm go–"
"Do it, baby girl. I want to feel your juices spill out." You panted fast and hard, your orgasm washing over you. Your juices squirted out over changbin's cock and down your thighs, forming a puddle beneath you. Your thighs shook threatening to give up.
Changbin grunted. In one swift motion, he flipped you onto your back, inserting his cock deep inside you again. He grabbed your legs, spreading them wide and using them for leverage. You gripped onto his wrists, the overstimulation taking control
"I know baby girl, but you can do it. I know you can!" One hand releasing your thigh from his grip, his fingers coming into contact with your overly sensitive bud. He rubbed fast circles on it, your body jolting at the sensation. You know you can do it, you know that the burning sensation will pass the more times changbin fucks your cunt.
You groaned, head rolling to the side. Your mouth hanging wide open in an O shape as your eyes closed and silent moans and pants left your mouth. Your thighs involuntarily shaking as your stomach tensed. Changbin's hips moving at speed and power, skin slapping on skin as his balls slapped against your ass. 
He pressed his hand flat against the pit of your stomach, feeling his cock bulging against his hand with each thrust, causing him to groan loudly at the feeling.
"Shit. I can feel how deep my cock is inside you, baby girl. Can you feel it? Can you feel my cock engraving your insides, claiming what is mine."
Changbin was slowly losing himself in the pleasure, getting drunk on the feeling of your pussy. Your sticky juices coated the lower half of his body but your cunt took him in so well time and time again, no matter how many times you came.
It's a dangerous feeling to him because he could easily get lost in the pleasure – he has before, hence the traffic light system coming into place.
It burned, it burned so much but you felt so good. It was a feeling you couldn't describe. It was a feeling where you had to feel it to know. Because you were so sensitive, you felt the knot again, this time, it was fast approaching.
"Already, baby girl?" 
You hummed, unable to form words. Your body was hot to touch, sweat coating your body. You felt your juices slowly spilling out and down the curve of your ass, forming a puddle below you.
"Me too. Me too, baby girl." Changbin spluttered. His movements become sloppy and lacking in power and speed. His hair drenched with sweat, beads of sweat rolling down his temples. His abs were visible clenching as his bottom lip was caught between his teeth. His veins protrude along his hands and arms.
He slapped your clit a few times, each slap sending shockwaves through your body. Your body jolted with each slap. An ache creeping its way along your lower body and back from changbin's powerful thrusting.
"I-I.. Binnie. I can't.. i'm going to –" Your sentences broken, making no sense to you but changbin understood you completely.
"Do it." A loud moan in the form of changbin's name erupted from your mouth. Your body shook uncontrollably as you gripped onto Changbin's wrist tightly. Your juices spilt out of you again, coating his cock, lower half and the wood floor. 
Changbin watched you, licking his lips as he watched you squirt. If his phone wasn't so far away, he would have a hundred percent taken a video. However, the scene that unfolded in front of him, was forever burnt in his mind.
Sobs escaped your lips, your breathing irregular. You looked at Changbin with glossy eyes as he reached over and stroked your hair softly, soothing you and helping you calm down. Your body still shaking as you whimpered, toes curling 
"Sh, sh baby. You're okay, I'm here. Deep breaths, you can do it." Changbin spoke softly, his eyes looking into yours with love and admiration. You nodded, taking deep breaths in and out. Changbin kissed your sweaty forehead before resuming back to his original position.
"Just, bear with me a bit longer, baby girl." You nodded slowly, resting on your forearms for support as you watched Changbin.
He grabbed your waist harshly, squeezing the flesh as you opened your legs wider for him. His thrusts resumed back to their powerful state, except there was desperation behind them. He was desperately chasing his high, wanting to coat your insides with cum.
His head hung low as he bit his bottom lip, hard. You hummed at the sight of your lover slowly losing himself. Your pussy felt tender so each thrust burnt and was more painful than pleasurable – but you knew changbin wouldn't last long. He has been holding on since the blowjob.
As expected, a loud grunt and moan came from his lips, his hips coming to a stop as he buried his cock deep inside you. His cock twitched, emptying himself and coating your walls white with his seed. Your pussy throbbed and clenched around him, encouraging him to milk himself inside you.
He looked up and smirked at you, quickly pulling out. He stroked himself slowly as he emptied the rest of his seed onto your body. Hot ropes of cum landing on your stomach and the top of your pussy.
You mewled at the sight and feeling, licking your lips. Changbin's hips bucked as he slowly stroked himself, abs and thighs tensing. You reached forward, pressing the pad of your thumb against his tip. He whimpered loudly, body jolting at the sensitivity.
You laughed softly as changbin gave you a playful glare. His cock softened in his hand. You felt his cum slowly trickling out of you and mixing in with your juices. You looked down at the cum on your body before glancing at Changbin, smirking.
He cocked his eyebrow, groaning as you scooped up his cum off your stomach onto your finger. You put your finger in your mouth, licking off his cum as you hummed at the salty flavour.
"Fuck. You're such a tease, baby girl. Does it taste good?"
"It tastes so good, Binnie. You taste so good!"
"That's my girl." Changbin cooed at you. You grinned, feeling loved and adored by his words. "I'll be right back." 
You nodded, watching Changbin disappear into the bathroom. You heard the taps running before changbin came rushing back to you.
He knelt between your legs, holding a damp cloth. "I'm sorry baby. I know how uncomfortable this is for you but it's important."
You nodded, pouting and preparing yourself for the uncomfortable contact. Changbin gently wiped away your cum and his own with a warm cloth, dabbing away gently at your sensitive and swollen pussy. Your body jolted as you whimpered at the contact. 
"Can you stand baby? I've ran us a nice bubble bath." You looked to the side sheepishly, your muscles screaming at you. Changbin laughed, picking you up bridal style.
"I'm sorry, doll." You shook your head no as he walked to the bathroom.
"Don't apologize for something I wanted just as much as you Binnie." Changbin placed you in the bath gently, the warm water soothing your muscles. You relaxed instantly, feeling Changbin get in behind you. You rested against his chest, closing your eyes slowly
Changbin kissed your cheek tenderly, watching you slowly drift in his arms.
"You did so well, baby girl. I fucking love you so much!" Your heart swelled at his words, your lips forming into a big grin
"and I fucking love you too, Binnie!"
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