#kittten play
princessarcavia2005 · 2 years
Cute 🤍
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glittergravegirl · 11 months
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rawrrrr :333 :ppp
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mahi1313 · 1 year
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satoriberry · 1 year
reo is literally the embodiment of a wet kittten stuck in the rain watching its owner, who locked it outside by accident, play with the family dog and it's gazing with its paw placed against the glass door he's so pathetic while mourning nagi and he's seriously conspiring ways of getting back at isagi he's so insane someone put him down he needs help
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beebascloset · 11 months
They played Fever Pitch by Rainbow Kittten Surprise in the Rainforest Café. Not hating just think it wasn't mainstream enough to be played there
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simgerale · 5 years
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here have a photo of my kitten while i continue to lay beside her instead of doing anything productive [[[:
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honeypirate · 3 years
Can I have a request where the reader is Daichi ex and they moved to Date tech high.
And a year after they moved schools Daichi sees them one day while at a tournament with Aone and the team and see them genuinely smiling. And holding hands with our sweet polar bear Aone 🥺✨
Hey! Thank you for the request!! I love Daichi and Aone and I’m not very good at angst so I made the break up nice and not bad haha I hope you like it.
Aone x reader who is daichi’s ex
The breakup was a long time coming, the move was just the last straw. You loved Daichi, he was an amazing boyfriend and an amazing guy, you just couldn’t make each other as happy as you both deserved. You ended things the day you learned your family was moving away, he agreed that your relationship just isn't working and knew it would be harder to work on it with the distance. He knew he’d always have love for you in his heart, which made the breakup harder, the fact that you never stopped loving each other.
And so you started your second year at Date Tech, new school, new uniform, and now new you. Your goal was to grow and move on. But now that you weren’t dating the captain you found that you missed volleyball. You decided to see if you could be the manager of your new team and you were unsurprisingly added to the team, becoming fast friends with the current manager and the team.
When winter break comes around you find yourself being dragged around by the team to do different winter activities, you tried to come up with an excuse for most but you were actually excited to try your hand at snowboarding.
Excitement turned to nerves as you waited for the seat to come around so you could be carried to the top of the bunny hill, smiling nervously up at Aone who waits beside you. Yelping in surprise when the chair hits your butt, gripping the handles hard under your gloved hand. “Are you okay?” Aone asks and you laugh nervously “I’m okay. Just nervous. I’ve ever done this before” he nods and moves carefully so he can be ready to catch you if you fall. “Have you? done this before I mean” he nods again “are you good at it?” He blushes “I guess”
The bunny hill looked much larger from the top, kids younger than you were laughing as they easily went down, Aone looked like a polar bear in his white coat and black beanie, he stood next to you waiting for you to head down the hill, watching to make sure you’ll be okay.
You take a deep breath and then look up at him, his worried eyes made you relax a little “is it possible you can hold my hand?” You reach out to him and he grabs your hand, firmly holding your gloved hand in his and he smiles warmly at you, nodding encouragingly. You nod back and then lean forward together, tipping your board to carry you down the (not even steep) hill.
You spent the entire Saturday basically falling on your ass every thirty seconds, but it was one of your favorite days because you spent it with Aone the whole time. Even tho he was good at snowboarding he still stayed with you, making sure you were having fun. Holding your hand the whole time he basically made every fall with you and picked you back up every time, even kept you from falling like ten times. He tried to teach you some tricks which was helpful but not until you figured it out almost at the end.
At the end of the day you walked back to the bus hand in hand, and when he walked you back to your house, you asked if you could kiss him and he about died and went to heaven. From that day on you were inseparable, it was easy and comfortable and you understood each other, he sometimes knew you so well you could swear he was reading your mind.
He was a shy and timid guy, but you made him feel so comfortable, gave him space to be whoever he wanted and you always knew how to make him smile. He surprised you by how goofy he was and how funny he could be. You made him laugh once at school, making an inside joke with him that brought an easy laugh and made his eyes shine, which made the team think you were a witch. now they call you Glinda because you’re a good witch, just like the wizard of oz.
Of course you knew they were coming to the tournament, you’ve seen the game lineup, and to be honest you were so excited to see them. They were and are still important friends to you, but you didn’t expect to round the corner and see your teams squaring off.
You saw Aone do his lock on and you chuckle before running down the hall, squeezing past the other guys and standing on your tiptoes, whispering quietly just to Aone as you gently pull his hand down “you’re so cute” his ears turn pink but that’s the only change in his appearance. you smile and say to the rest of the boys “go do your stretches guys. Warm up” they all walk around except for Aone who looks down at you with furrowed brows “go on big guy. I’ll be fine” you squeeze his hand and he nods, leaning down to kiss the side of your head before heading around everyone. You chuckle when he turns back after a few steps to wait for you and you make eye contact with him and wink before looking back to the boys in front of you.
“Don’t mind him. He likes to single out the Ace” you look over the Karasuno team with a smile “it’s good to see you y/n” Suga says and he hugs you “it’s been a long time! I’m so happy to see you guys” you say as you part. Asahi turns to Suga “you knew they’d be here?” He shrugs “what? We talk on the phone every Sunday. They are the manager” “wow Asahi, seems like you’re not happy to see me” you stand with your hands on your hips and he laughs “Im sorry y/n. I missed you and I’m extremely happy” he says and hugs you with a laugh.
Your gaze finally meets his, “hey Daichi” you say with a warm smile “hey y/n” he says “you look good” you smile “thank you! So do you! I’m excited to see you guys play” a small bouncing tangerine haired boy catches your attention “you’re Daichi’s ex and the manager for Date Tech?!” You laugh “I guess so! Y/n. Nice to meet you” he beams “I’m Hinata!” “Glinda! We need your magic abilities!” Futakuchi yells from the gym and you laugh “he means me. I’ll see you later okay?” You run off towards the gym, the third years watching as you whisper something to Aone that makes him smile as you lace your fingers together and walk into the gym to see what Futakuchi needs.
“They look happy. No offense Daichi, but, I’ve never seen them that happy before” Suga says and Daichi laughs “no offense taken. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them that happy before either. I’m proud of them” he sighs, he still has love for you and is proud of how much you’ve grown in the last year. He shakes his head and sighs, his heart finally getting the closure he needed, he smiles and says “come on team. Let’s go break through the iron wall!” The rest of the boys, who this whole time have been whispering to each other about their confusion in the background, cheer and start to get back into the zone.
Back in the gym you pull Aone aside and smile up at him “you know I love you and I’ll be proud of you no matter what, just do your best, aaaaand for good luck” you press your lips to his quickly and when you pull back he has a smile and a determined look in his eyes “thank you kittten” he says and then heads out to his position. You watch them win the game, and a part of you feels bad for how loud you cheer and how Aone picks you up and spins, but not so much you stopped cheering for them, they were your team.
You send a look towards Suga and he shakes his head and mouths ‘don’t worry, call you Sunday!’ You nod to him and mouth back ‘love you guys!’ Before Aone gets your attention by throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you out to the hallway with him, making you giggle the whole time.
“Hey handsome, come here often?” You whisper when you’re finally alone and he sets you down. he shakes his head “first time actually, maybe you could show me around?” He says and you laugh, leaning into him and standing on your tiptoes, your hands wrapping around his neck “well there isn’t much to gawk at, other than me, but I can show you what you get for winning” his cheeks flush as he wraps his arms around your lower back, leaning down closer “what do I get?” He whispers, his lips almost brush yours before you pull back and look up into his confused eyes “I don’t want you to think that my love is conditional on you winning. You’d get as many kiss and hugs even if you lost. I love you okay? Like I don’t want you to— “ he laughs and kisses your nose, cutting you off “I know kitten. I love you. Can I kiss you now?” You laugh “okay. I was just making sure. I love you. You’re such an amazing player. Yes please can we kiss now?” He nods and your lips finally meet, hundreds of kisses over the last year and it still feels like the first time, your heart fluttering and your stomach flips with butterflies. You feel electricity go down your spine from your head to your toes. Sure, you’ll always care for Daichi, but it was nothing compared to how happy you feel with Aone or how much you love him.
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kireii-writes · 4 years
Everybody says s/o who plays volleyball, basketball or soccer— But how about hockey? How would yandere Shinsou like an s/o who has won many school awards for playing hockey but gets shunned a lot for not being ladylike and won't get a boyfriend? I'm a bisexual, Adam. I can get a girlfriend-
teeny update! 
note: all characters are 18 +
- shinso wouldn’t mind if you’re ladylike or not. to him, he loves every part of you- the good and the bad. 
- he’s also going to be extremely proud of you. winning so many awards and having such a good stamina? to shinso, nobody else can ever compare to you.
- shinso’s going to go to every single one of your game, silently cheering you on from the stands as his eyes notes how graceful with every twist and turn you make. 
- if he catches anyone badmouthing you or talking about you in general, shinso’s going to be mad, to say the least. 
- nobody is allowed to criticize you or even compliment you. of course, shinso’s heart would swell with pride when he hears someone talking about how cool you are, but ultimately, he’s the only one that is allowed to praise you- you’re a prize that’s meant for his eyes only.  
- after every game, shinso is going to patiently wait for you. once he sees you, he’s going to shower you with praises and affection. 
- “you were so awesome out there, my love.” shinso purrs as he strokes your head. 
- “all those other players wished they were as talented and amazing as you.” 
- if he has to, shinso would go all out of his way to make you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
- it doesn’t matter to shinso if you’re being shunned. he even secretly enjoys people shunning you, just so he can spend more time with you and keep an eye on whatever you’re doing. 
- “it doesn’t matter, so long as you have me.”
- but if you’re upset about it? shinso would do what he can to make sure you aren’t being ignored, even if it means forcing people to acknowledge you. 
- on some days, shinso’s going to leave cute little notes everywhere all over the house, telling you how stunning you are and how much he loves you. 
- for you, shinso would do anything, even if it means having to use his quirk. whenever someone made you upset, shinso would make sure to hunt that person down and make them apologize to you. if they don’t? they’ll have to face shinso’s wrath and suffer at the hands of his quirk. 
- shinso secretly hates the idea of having your attention on someone else rather than him, and would do anything to keep you away from others. you want to hang out with somebody else? too bad. you’re going to stay home with shinso and watch a movie as he cuddles you. other than going to school and your hockey activities, shinso would not allow you to hang out with anyone else except for him. 
- want to buy something? shinso’s going to get it for you, so you don’t have to get out of the house where other people can look at you. 
- shinso rarely gets angry, but if you argue with him over his possessiveness, he would first try to reason with you.
- if it doesn’t work, he’ll be forced to threaten to take away you last strand of freedom- playing hockey. if you’re still stubborn and insist your own way, shinso would use his quirk on you to make you apologize to him. 
- afterwards, he’s going to scoop you into his arms and stroke your head while whispering how much he loves you. he knows that you’re mad at him for using his quirk on you, but he also knows how to sweet talk and get out of this position. 
- “you know i did it for your own good, my adorable kittten.” shinso coos. “everything i do, i do to protect you.” 
- with shinso as your s/o, you wouldn’t need to worry if you’re being shunned by people. shinso loves you for who you are, and would shower you with so much love and affection everyday that you won’t feel alone.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 17)
"Love, sex, fights & international flights"
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After Luna and Colson pull into Ashley's driveway, he shuts off the engine. The car ride wasn't much different from any other so this concerns Luna. She turns to him. "You feel alright?" She asks. This makes him smile as he lights a joint.
"I didn't wanna say anything in front of the guys..." He begins, hitting the joint long and hard. "Probably because it didn't really sink in yet and because you had such control but you scared the fuck outta me tonight, Loons." He says, looking at her while passing her the joint.
As she hits it she asks why.
"When those 2 dudes stood up, we all jumped up because it was about to be on. But, like I said." He takes the joint from her. Inhaling and exhaling deeply. "You controlled that situation, like a sexy Boss Ass Bitch, but...." He looks at her with concerned eyes "I don't know what I would've done if one of them had touched you before I could get to you." He hits the joint again before passing it to her.
Luna's silent. It makes Colson nervous.
"Look, I don't even know what I'm trying to say, because I love you for exactly who you are. But, it made me realize that I don't know what I'd do if ANYTHING happened to you, Kitten."
She hits the joint slowly before speaking. "I get where you're coming from. Buuuut..." She says with a soft smile lifting her right arm towards him, forearm side up. Trying to make light of the conversation, she asks "Do you know why I have this?" Pointing to the tattoo of a cockroach that she has just above the words 'Don't look back in anger, Live like it's the style." right above the crook of her elbow.
He can't help but chuckle "No, but I have wondered." Taking the joint.
"Shoulda asked." She smiles up at him. "It's a reminder, that there are 2 things in this motherfucking world you can't kill. Cockroaches and Luna Smith." He laughs out loudly to her pleasure. She continues "I am who I am, Bunny. I have no fear, am violent as fuck and fiercely loyal." She says, blue eyes burning into his soul, with a shrug. She then says to him sincerely. "I'm am sorry I scared you. I knew I had it though. I've been living my life for a long time. If I hadn't KNOWN that I could handle it myself, I'd have brought you or Benny with me, like I did at the strip club.... I don't know if that makes you feel any better..." She finishes.
He sighs. "It does... And I know you have. And I know why. AND I really can't say shit because I would've acted the same way too, no questions asked. It's just, I'm a 6'4 dude and you're..."
She interrupts him. "Careful what you say next, Bunny." With a knowing eye and cocked smile.
He gives her a side eye. "You know what I'm trying to say." Pulling on the joint.
"I do." She says getting serious. "And I love you for it. But....." She trails off. Taking the joint from him.
"Just....." He interrupts her "I don't even know, I just..... I know I can't lose you."
His words soften her eyes, making her put out the joint and climb across the seat so that she can straddle him. Wiggling in, so that his cock rest between her legs, against her pussy. Where it belongs. She looks deep into his eyes before kissing him firmly, pushing her hips down, pulling him by his shoulders towards her. "Only YOU can make you lose me." She lifts her arm "Cockroach, remember?" She says with a huge grin.
"YOU are a fucking idiot." He laughs pulling her in for a kiss.
"Your idiot." She replies, pulling away laughing at their joke, for only a moment, before easily submitting.
Their kiss is passionate. Creating a roaring fire between them. She feels his dick grow larger against her pussy. "Yeah, you are." He says as she leans back against the steering wheel, beaming as she moves her hips against him to the beat of the music on the radio.
"Unh Hunh." She says as he pulls her back into his mouth. They kiss heavily, she lifts up, unbuckling him, he helps her slide his pants down. His dick is raging. A simple peice of cotton separating them. He slides inside of her as she lifts up high enough for his large cock to enter her.
She still has to take him in slowly, he's so big. Shifting her hips, swirling her pussy around his dick, "Colllllllllson...." she moans loudly, feeling him fully fill her. They start off slowly but as always passion and need take over. It's not long before she's propped up against the steering wheel, riding him like an experienced jockey at the most famous derby. He slides the straps of her dress down, exposing her full breast. His hands grip them. Thumbs playing with her piercings. The view of her naked upper body splayed in front of him makes him harder. She can feel him grow, sending bolts of electricity through her. This kicks her into overdrive. She lifts off the steering wheel, causing him to groan in pleasure in her shift. Hearing his groan tickle her ears, she grabs the top of his hair and bucks against him like a Texan owning their first rodeo. Feeling him deep and hard inside of her, it doesn't take much for her to see stars.
Just as he cries out "KITTTEN!!!!" in sheer pleasure, her walls grip his thick cock. Throwing her head back, shoving her breast in his face, they cum together.
'FUUUUCKKKKKK......" Colson says.
"Mmmmmm.." She purrs into his neck still grinding her hips slightly. They sit together in pleasure.
He lifts her up from his chest. "No double standards." He looks into her eyes. "Just bring me. You have a man for a reason."
"Fucking SERIOUSLY??? She's in mental disbelief. Trying not to explode.
Fighting her urge to argue the sexism of his last statement, she shrugs "Always bring your Bitch. You gotta a Bitch for a reason." She says with a cocky look and shrug.
"You're such a fucking asshole." He laughs kissing her hard on the mouth.
"Yeah, but a Right Asshole." Her head snakes before pushing her mouth back onto his.
They tease each other a bit more before she slides him out of her and herself back to the passenger seat. He promises to hit her up once he's home so she knows he's safe. She asks how long Casie is in town. He tells her she's on SpringBreak, that he'll take her home Saturday. They kiss a thousand more times before she finally slides out with a goodnight kiss.
"He's so fucking different...." She thinks happily walking inside.
"FUCK. She don't need me. She just wants ME. Nobody JUST wants me. Not without SOME-fucking-thing. Fuck, she doesn't even need me to protect her. Or want it..... I'll fucking kill somebody though...... Fuck. I can't believe she did that tonight...." A million thoughts race through Colson's mind after he watches Luna enter the house.
Inside Luna is greeted by a happy Jagger. Petting him she calls out "Heeeeeyyy!!"
"I'm upstairs, grab us beers and come up!!" Ashley shouts. Luna obliges. Upon entering Ashley's bedroom she sees destruction. Ashley comes bouncing out of the bathroom. "Hey!" She says excitedly "Guess where I'm going...." Before Luna can answer she screams "SEOUL!!!!!!" Jumping onto her bed. "Remember that over seas project I was working on....." Before Luna can answer again, she continues "It's finished... You know what that means!!!!" She's jumping on the bed "FREE FUCKING TRIP!!!!!!!!"
Luna laughs. Ashley is her ABSOLUTE bestfriend in the WHOLE fucking world. "Soooooo......" She says with a grin.
"So pack your fucking bags, Bitch, because we going to Seoul!!!"
Luna laughs happily, lighting a joint before she heads to pack and call Colson.
"We're gonna miss you." Colson says as they try to work out Casie's spring break and the 2, 12 hour flights Luna needs to embark on to go and return. It's not gonna work. She won't get back until at least Sunday, they think, while Casie goes home Saturday.
"I feel like an asshole." Luna says.
"Why?" He asks.
"I haven't spoken to her. I don't know if she wanted to see me again before she heads home." Emma's words about disappointing the little girl lingering with her.
"You didn't make any promises to break, Kitten." Colson reassures her.
"Still...." She sighs. "Would it be wild if you made sure to FaceTime me tomorrow so I can talk to her?"
"No." He laughs. "That's actually great." He says giving her a small comfort.
They talk a bit more as Luna packs. Acknowledging that in the 6 days they've been together, that they're about to spend the next 5 apart. "I'll miss you." Luna says sadly.
"But you'll come home to me." He feels the same but tries to reassure her. "And Casie has a whole lifetime with you." He finishes, making her heart throb.
They exchange love and he promises to FaceTime her with Casie before she boards as they hang up.
"FUUCK. I'm missing her springbreak. We should be doing fun things if she's here....." Luna thinks. "Uuuugh. And 5 days without Buuuunny." She whines to herself.
"Damn........ I'm gonna fucking miss her." He thinks sadly about Luna leaving.
The morning is INSANE. Although they had packed the night before, Luna is not a morning person. Ashley is up and raring to go while Luna is still trying to open her eyes. Years have turned them into a well oiled machine. Having a system for gettting themselves dressed, burnt and functional. Ashley handles coffee as Luna procures the bud. Getting dressed and high before an intentional flight together as bestfriends do. "You got any edibles?" Ashley asks as their uber pulls up.
Luna pulls a bag of gummies from her pocket. "For the ride!" She grins at Ashley as they head out the door.
"What do you want to do today? An excited Casie asks Luna on FaceTime. Her heart sinks as she explains that she's at the airport.
"You're leaving?" Are the first words a disappointed Casie utters next. Breaking Luna's heart even more.
"I'll be back, just not before spring break..." Luna hates putting on a fake face. Making her even more pissed that Casie's father didn't tell her. "You're gonna hang out with your dad and have TONS of fun!!" Luna tries to reassure her.
"I will." Casi says, matter of fact. "I'll still miss you though." She says, making Luna second guess herself immediately.
"I already miss you TONS, Sugar!!! But, I'll see you soon." She reassures the little girl.
"Ok..." Casie says. "Here's Daddy!" She passes the phone to Colson.
"Hey Kitten..." He starts
"Is she outta the room?" Luna sternly asks.
Colson looks around confused "Yeah...?"
"You didn't fucking tell her? She thought she was seeing me today??" Luna snaps on Colson. Glaring at him through the screen.
He's silent. Shocked.
"You're a fucking ASSHOLE!!!" She says with venom before banging on him.
Luna and Ashley settle in for a long flight. They talk about Luna's discontent with Colson regarding Casie, laugh a lot as friends do, talk shit on the other passengers and eat while enjoying in flight libations. Both high as fuck. They sleep a bit before waking to catch the sight of the beautiful city overhead they're landing in.
"I can't fucking believe him...." Luna is still fuming. Thinking about Casie's disappointment.
To be continued.......
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ember-da-toon · 4 years
So I have three little kittens right? Theres a white one, a ginger and a black one with some brown on it. My sisster brouught the ginger one inside and we were just watching it. Kiwi is the name of the ginger kittten. Vox is the name of the black kitten and the wite one is anonymous because one of my friends will be adopting and i’m letting them name it.
So anyways, as I was watching some videos on Youtube I was just holding out my index finger to let the ginger play.
The little thing just chomped on it and now i kinda bleeding. I didn’t know their teeth would be that sharp. I just went ‘REEEEEE!!” as it let go. 
I’m just dyingggggggggg
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
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"Natural Attraction" Nick Jakoby (from Bright) Imagine/Story Nick Jakoby x plus size reader
Nick had lived across from you for four months now.
He'd barely spoken to you at all...but my god, did he want to.
The most he'd ever said to you was hello as you passed each other on the walkway.
Your homes were right across from each other so he could see right into your window on most nights.
Because god forbid, you ever draw the curtains or anything.
He hated to admit that it worried him.
You were kind of a free spirit with a kind hearted nature.
He thought that you trusted too easily...but he also thought it was one of your sweetest traits.  
However, Nick seemed to think everything about you was great...even your obvious flaws.
It was easy to forget flaws when you didn't really know someone.
It was an endearing quality of his though.
You were a larger girl- always had been and he often wondered what it would be like to feel you.
It didn't even have to be in a sexual way- well, he wouldn't lie and say that he hadn't THOUGHT about that but he just wondered how soft you were.
What it would be like to hold you, to hug you and to have you in his arms.
You liked to bellydance...which was just about the death of him.
The poor man could barely even tend to the vegetables in his garden because of you sometimes.
You liked to try new things and tended to have new hobbies and activities like you changed your underwear.
So there was no telling what he might come home to at any given moment and see you doing in our backyard.
Like right then...when he was convinced that God had either blessed or damned him.
Either way...he was good with it because at that particular moment you were hanging from silks attatched to the rather large tree in your backyard.
From what he had heard of your conversations with your friends, you'd recently taken up aerial silks.
Yes, he eavesdropped.
It wasn't necessarily intention.
He just had really good hearing.
And he didn't try too hard NOT to hear things that pertained to you.
But there you were, dangling in the air, soft skin EVERY WHERE ....just begging to be touched.
He'd never do it of course.
Nick wasn't like that.
However, apparently he'd been staring too long because you smiled at him.
"Hey, Nick!"
God, you had the loveliest smile.
He jumped a bit before waving at you.
"Hey." he said simply.
'Hey... really, Jakoby?' he thought to himself. 'What a scholar....'
He opened his mouth to say something else when you turned and went plummeting towards the ground.
He jumped into action and leapt over the side of the fence to catch you.
You landed into his muscular arms with a surprised look on your face.
Eyebrow quirked over sparkling eyes and chubby cheeks pulled in an amused smile.
"Um, not that I'm not appreciating the position of anything but...what are you doing?" you asked him as he sat you down on your bare feet.
"You were falling." he said with those wide golden eyes of his.
You chuckled, "Oh, Nick, honey.   I'm ok.  That's just a spin out.   I was just getting down.  However, I gotta say I'm impressed. You were wicked fast and you didn't even budge when I hit you.  I know I'm heavy."
The way he fidgeted at your praise was ADORABLE.
"You felt just fine to me." he said softly.  "And I was just doing my job."
"Are you one of those cops that's on duty all the time?" you teased him, not able to bring yourself to the point of actually stepping away from the close proximity you'd acquired.
"Kinda." he shrugged with a sweet, nervous little laugh.
"Well, Officer Jakoby." you said, playing it up.  "Wanna come inside for some supper? I'm making pasta." you smiled before it faltered. "Well, I was.  Damn it, I need to go to the store.  I'm out of tomatoes."
He grinned at you, "I can fix that."
He made his way back over to his home and into his garden.
He came back, basket it hand and presented you with several delicious looking tomotoes from his garden.
"Aw, Nick! You're a godsend!" you gushed, rocketing towards him and hugging him fiercely.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't melt into right then.
You had the best hugs.
The kind of hugs that made his brain go all fuzzy in his head.
He never wanted to let you go?
Part Two
Like this?  Want more?  Want more Nick? Let me know in the comments? Got a request? Flood my ask box!  They're open!  
@my-body-is-not-a-temple  @makeup-wonder-woman @have-fun-storming-the-kastle @hehearduslaughing @notaliteraltoad @brunachii @theleaguewhoalwayslocked @homra-the-red-clan @becrazy--beyou  @wereworldsurvivor @fanoutoftheoffice @ @weirdopurps @emmybee11 @frost-wolf214 @uyimisan @imagine-1980 @alanlizzingtonshore  @madhatterforlife @lyssa-howlett-barnes @briana4129  @this1is1ok @starblack1997 @theqwest @denkodelatoile @duke-thomass @stradivariuspk4 @charlottexrp @yesterdaybicycle @needy--kittten @snuggle-kitten-bear @freakoftheweekakame @tubbypeachwriting @snow-leopardfetishist @unsung-knight @aphnxrising @robotic-loser
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andyoucallmeupagain · 7 years
I’m gonna do an insta live playing with my kittten annie_seton
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lunarfae714 · 7 years
more poems, a few seasons past
how lucky to have breath
stop & ask why we live
question our structures
question human history & wor ship
find out we know nothing.
just be.
an open container
for Spirit.
twenty Worn tetherballs
in the plain view of
concrete charade
people in heavy metal boxes
on wheels shrugging off
piss-stained balls
in unmarked yards
i wonder if you
saw the roads,
high ways
concrete carplays
in the colors of the mental play
of each driver
would they be
colorful, or still grey?
grateful or stray?
what strain of gasoline
fuels the minds
of mindless drivers
what excites us
while our earth decays
who makes our day
when the culture is so far away
from deep roots,
holding neighbors' hands
what can we plant
& grow too?
return to our mother
to our tribe.
without divide.
possession at the rainbow gathering.
sacred fire
not so sacred afterfall
as the village dissects the chip
from the backside of her ear
she stops talking to rosemary-
who haunts her waking,
green eyes that travel
like a bouncy ball,
in a void.
let these hands transform
to portals to open doors
from playing the piano of dirt,
sparking fruitful dance of the earth
Gaia feeds us when we feed her
when we pour out love, it comes back in
we let another cosmic spiral begin~
to serve our creations of the now~
for our hearts, our ears, our old souls
in strange flresh want to be stirred, not shut down
conduct our hands & our throats
as intruments of Light, sailing the eternal boat
help us let go of illusions of fear,
discomfort, darkness we know
help us let Go
the light comes in nothingness
it comes in silence
our shared dream
our family
our energy
recycled & renewed
cleansed with intention
our energy reflects
pictures for what
at the sevensacredpools
high rockpiles
tourists drenched in neon
not stopping to be
but to get a photograph.
as the water that freefalls
with the wind, the breath
of the Sea & i came
by foot, naked under a raincoat
to watch the sky sitcom,
color show,
highfive cows
on the silent jungle road.
the sole palm on the mountain
anal, how we can be selfish
not giving all we can like the
monkeypods give the wind,
the rain gives the stream,
we plant the seeds for our earth
or ourselves
what is really greater
and yet
we destroy it
but the pictures are pretty
what moment is worth capturing
when memory distracts us
from growth?
glorify the photo
the still
eternal film
how can we be fre
from our memory?
newyearseve at the potfarm
when we broke the wood splitter
after sunsets 
cum & dirty animals
on the trail
fingering a carcass
shoegaze & bodyshots
on couches that aren't ours.
& the girl on the phone
asks what i'm doing with
my poetry degere
when i am blind
i can really see
how the sun reflects the rocks on the shore
a million suns line the sea
& mother moon takes up half the sky
the light is grand when i can see.
plate lunch
found bliss in darkness
you are the white light in my dream
when our chests align
runs through our body line
nightlightning strike on
these cages of flesh
these brains
of judgment &
fear, weight
with the light
when i am only
white light
the game creatures of the system
fully charged
to give the white light to
next emotional vagabond
the sleeping dream is
the waking dream
and we are the fingers to turn the switch
kitttens in the palm of my hand
detachment meditation
the ever-moving train within
we become the beauty
of earths afternoon rainsong
bamboo creaks of delight
aesthetic throatsing
sweet simplicity of hot water
and ginger.
the bowl sings
when the wind moves
over our head.
remove the mask
and truly see everything.
above the monkeypods,
touched by south-blown aire,
the breath of old-man Saturn
we wait among
nebulas of cyberlit selfiesticks-
modern self-sacrifice--
wait for the moon to rise--
to wait
a lost practice
in the fast-paced
culture without gratitude.
on layers & layers
of sacred stone.
with the knowledge
inside these bodies
we were once the hands
that carried the stone,
the bled freely,
that knew the reflections
of the planetary drama:
the sky-show on Earth
the sacred Nature
& geometry of it all-
even the rocks wait with us
in our collective breath
in this cloud of illusion
brought by the family
of dragonflies.
the darkness inbetween
flashes of consciousness
like drowning air
the hidden woodpecker
or the muted tree
the distant shotgun
melody, off-key
or how the cobweb tangoes
from the liquid gold
coasulates 5pm power of afternoon sun
a never quiet forest
forever beckoning yet
i forgot the magic
down the tree talk
leave the thumbprint acrons
speared dry pine tears
the worms and the thorns
the rhythmic bubbles
of breath like the hotsprings
synsthesia woodspell
mesmerizing & dulled
with my blank stare in the pan
my body that will tremble no more
to reel in the
brother & sister shepherd
until the bites swell
my skin once again.
i take a baby pinecone
& wait to exhale.
neruda aftertastes of lovepoems
i come in your nothingness
like a passing rainffall
thoughts lost before
the sun's descent
i come in your mayan silence
like a bite of garden candy
in the middle of a fast
you come to me in dreams--
even in dreams, you lift me
with wonder, divine light
two nude chests perfectly align
sorrows dissipate like dew
the other eve, you were the water
of my illusion. you sobbed
shoulders hunched & heaving
for you, for me, for
the static of our living movie.
why did i leave neverland
for another open hand?
i will be the Bliss you bring me.
a late february migration
not spending a dmie
bicycles where the cars pass
down the volcano,
in a musty trailer with bellyaches
distracted from the new colors
of flora 
i still feel it-
in the folks who lift us up
in the backs of their trucks
in the washed-up tortoise
& freefalling passionfruit,
mellow music & polynesian words 
like medicine of
slow-moving people
on a slow-moving island.
cream-colored fairies before noon
wave after wave, stretched & bird-like
transforming into waterfowl
flowed with breasts & freckles,
whiskey shadow gods explain
narratives of the dead kings
and holy mothers from Spain,
december sweat
underbelly portal
left open too long
can the body forget to breathe?
can the chicken be born again
to walk out of your potroast?
the belly rolls of dead madron
the rolls in the way
between a clear mind
and the state of distraction
don't linger on loves lost,
the lack of drive
december sweat
from my armpits
to the hole under the madron
to water the earth
as i burrow my bones.
santa cruz
twenty-two days to reach enlightenemnet
crowded redwood trails
this morning made our
separation a scene
to be by the sea
the water that mirrors the wild in me
light colors here hide the darkness
the oversized pastel homes
the white skin that reigns
worriless over white sand
when you cook close
sun reflects the glass, for grains, charcoal bark
in the dark solitude of the mountain
i went a little mad.
winter solstice
black panther spirit in an abandoned field
when we slept in the church van
Bast, or an old Indian
reminding us of the white man torture.
with my spirit guide beside
desert trips where there used to be forest
california is dead.
christmas tamales inspired by the border
my season of depression.
my dance teacher once told me
making the bed each day just makes the whole house look nice
instructing the direction of my hips.
music is in every moment
music already abundnat
frequencies & fractals
geometry of movement
death is stealing new cycles
the animals of our bed
change with the temperature of our tears
the cycle of our mothers
we communicate here
travel through the galaxies
warm tears of sorrow & joy
faces in everything
trees remind you of the people you miss in yourself.
counterclock spirals
in the half-lit cabin
we watch fire like a television,
the sound of fallen wood tongues
we roll the dice in the manifesting mind
read wet eyes of my lover
always surprise me
candelit rest
in the pyramid home.
-fluid static-
lullyabing nightmares
the appetizers we dream in the mid-afternoon
bells of bedridden in our sacred triangle
madron, smoke & mirrors,
high-hung hiding termites and antlers,
a dome to sky pines.
spirits flash in to watch
the dark shadows of grace float ---the creatures.
what are street drugs?
laying on the bench outside the coffeshop,
run by a wealthy church.
overheard conversation
"not much to talk about=not too bad"
they hold their books from the Free Bible room
"have my bed its not weird, its not weird"
so removed in my head on narcos & weeping
in public from the way we treat each other & our pathwhere
i lost it
"it is easy not to look"
suburban sidewalk study
they look at me & look away
i needed a break from the noise
the orchestra of voices
loud women constant concerns &
biology notes & lost boots left
the churchgoers car
nice drums or jazz
monster of control & demand
well dressed church leaders
the church folk always look happier 
the safety in identity,
acceptance in anonymity
Which do you prefer?
the anonymity of white privelge
smiles from passing men or children
or the constant attention of a white girl
in central america
smiles from passing men
both kind and undressing
to fade or melt in fake empires?
new mexico first
midnight coyote call & elk herds
push shower & chocolate oatmeal on a campstove
cacti spruce & mesquite
empty roads & desert
adobe & forests
dry heat, redwillow, aspen and mullen.
crescent waxing
in the Sky's midnight cloud paintings
leaving Pueblo into the Rockies
in the valley by river end
sunset moonrise
folk music & free firewood
grandfather faces in a redrock mountain
the most constellations under
the clear sky with lightning storms afar.
befriending bibcycle junkies
outside the donut shop
in the town where i dont belong
sunshine cupo'joe to calm
a long night of meth.
hidden hundreds
in a fake locked book,
jerry garcia
eases the sneeze & aches
roadhead to ease the fights
bald cop with traveling advice
sleeping & sneezing in reststops
free food and kind strangers in memphis
latenight roadsodas 
stovestop cooking
cement lots with new friends
for naked boatrides,
on a manmade lake
until the elder tells us to come back
the universe always provides to the Lovers
friends, meals to eat, where to rest,
water to bathe, towns that like a little color,
soul music, spoken word and dancing hips.
self-titled pais of
corporate stores of things that no one needs
restaurants with deadly ingredients
people stay in their boxes
drive in their cars
cops lurking hyjenas to cuff
those whose feet
graze, tease the edge of the boxes
the white-dotted lines
so the animals can return to boxes,
and the president
in his great white box
declares war and shows us
to spend money we dont have
perpetual enslavement
taxes to start another
generation of animals.
train emergencies
when they can really know
the nature of themselves
in disappearing grass.
lumberjack love
of foreign lands
stinkbugs & cicadas
orbit my lobes
in red kitchens
while houseflies
frolick on treasure island
and our bubblegum mattress on wheels-
the birds of paradise
to the insects of now.
my lover
who moves & speaks through the sea & moonlight
has human hands again.
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glasskit · 2 years
cats are so cute when they...
use things as pillows (like how humans do - with only their heads maybe arms on the object)
curl up like cute lil cinnamon rolls
lay all splayed out like long worms
shed all over the place
groom other kittens
cuddle with other kittens
lay down in your dresser drawers
interact with their siblings (whether it's playfighting or cuddling)
sit in odd positions
are really big
are really tiny
are nice to each other in general
kill a small animal for the first time and you're partially disgusted (bc there's a dead animal in your home) but also really proud of your cat for growing up
eat their food like good kittens (unless they're fighting over food or stealing from other pets) (bc that isn't good kitten behavior)
lay on your chest
get up in your face and tickle you with their whiskers
do things they aren't supposed to and then look at you with those innocent kittten eyes
bother you early in the morning (even when they're annoying)
make cute lil noises
play with cat toys
scratch your sofa
drink their water like good kittens
try and drink your water like mischievous kittens
hang out in the bathtub
play with q-tips
play fetch with straws and/or plastic silverware
are super clingy and sweet
are standoffish and moody
exist as they are because I love them sm
this is not a full list ofc (and all cats are different) so feel free to add your own additions to this if ya want to -w-
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riptidezzzz · 6 years
Ok I just woke up and it’s super early but last night I had a dream that a had a cat and it was the best darn cat in the world. He was black with a little white spot on his chest. I remember thinking I had lost him when it turned not got but he was just sitting down in my living room. He was super clumsy and kept falling off of my bed. I remember I had heard mewling and when to see what it was. There was a basket with three kitttens and him in it. There was some more but I don’t remember it. But at the last part we were just playing together then I woke up. I miss that lil funky cowboy. :(
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juliadgaddis · 7 years
Normal, Then Not.
 When they first moved in with us, nothing seemed out of the ordinary with Annabel, Rosalita, and Chip. They came to us with a touch of diarrhea -- but that's completely typical for kittens transitioning from liquids to solids. Things are always a little rocky during this stage of kittenhood. Every time I entered their room, they raced to the cage door, climbed the bars, and screamed their baby cries. "HOORAY! IT'S YOU! We've been waiting for YOU!" they sang until I opened the door, plucked them off, and put them in my arms.  It was always a warm welcome with this crew -- they were very good at making you feel loved. Each meal they were served a plate of "kitten gruel" -- a mix of KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement) and wet food. They would eat a little on their own but didn't take in enough by themselves to fill their bellies, so they required a little hand-feeding by syringe to top things off.  They weren't gaining weight, but they weren't losing weight, which was good. Their activity level was great -- they scampered and chased each other like kittens of that age should. They played with furry mice and mylar balls. They discovered the joy of scratching cardboard.  They made biscuits on their fuzzy blankets and each other.  They were a little wobbly at times, but I don't think that was due to weakness, rather, the absence of tails. For those first few days, everything felt completely fine.  There were no worries -- we were just enjoying getting to know these three delights. But come Monday, things started to shift. Their diarrhea got much worse. Their interest in food became noticeably less -- they would investigate what was served, but only took a bite or two, if that. I began feeding them all of their meals by syringe, but what was going in, just raced through their bodies and none of the calories seemed to be sticking.  I made an appointment with the Foster Department for the next morning and gave everyone a round of Sub-Q fluids that night. Annabel provided a fresh fecal sample on the blanket in the carrier once we arrived at the shelter Tuesday morning, which tested negative for parasites. We returned with probiotics, more fluids, a nutritional supplement, and a prescription food for GI issues. We continued with the hand-feeding and fluids, but come Wednesday, everyone was dropping weight, losing energy, feeling frail, and sleeping much more than normal, so we made another appointment and returned to the shelter early Thursday. We came home with a new prescription food, a broad-spectrum dewormer, antibiotics, and instructions to continue with all of the supportive care we've been giving them. So, we did all of that and worried and waited and hoped for things to get better, but they didn't. Annabel started slipping severely that afternoon. Her breathing was labored, her tiny 8-oz body was limp, so we raced to the shelter before Doc left for the day.  There was nothing to be done to save her, so we said our goodbyes. Because of the symptoms, their age, and the rapid rate of her decline, it was suspected that Panleukopenia might have been the cause of her death, so she was tested for the virus, and an hour later I got a call confirming that she did have it. Of course, we had been through all of this once before with Wylla's brother, so we knew what our course of action was: clean like crazy and hope the others don't have the virus too. We put Chip and Rosalita into a carrier while we bleached their cage, removed their linens, toys, dishes, and litter box and replaced them with fresh ones.  Once everything was clean, we returned them to their cage, then bleached the floor of the room and all surrounding surfaces. We fed them, gave them their meds and fluids, then called it a night, though technically, I think it was already morning. Come Friday, Lita was much weaker, and it was clear by the speed of her decline that the virus had its grip on her.  That afternoon we took her to the shelter and said goodbye. Chip actually seemed to have a little more energy on Friday, and things were looking up for him. With Panleuk, there usually are no ups and downs, just downs and downs, so any sign that things were going up could mean that he didn't have the virus, so I was feeling a little hopeful for him. I watched him closely. Mostly he slept and would wake up on occasion to toddle over to the litter box, return to bed, then sit, blink a few times, then nap again.  He ate his lunch under protest and with clenched jaws, but I did manage to get some food in.  But as the day progressed he became weaker, struggled more,  and my hope faded. Around 5:00 PM, I wrapped my favorite kitten blanket around him -- a pale yellow flannel from my own childhood with a print of white, bright-eyed kittens with bows covering it.   We had a little conversation and I let him know how special he was, how much he was loved, and how grateful I was to have met him and his sisters. When I was done talking, he let out the few dry sounds that sounded like weak "I'm hungry" cries, so I unwrapped him, set him down, and ran to get a can of kitten food.  I offered him a plate of gravy and he ate it on his own --- something I hadn't seen since Monday.  When he was through he walked, though a little wobbly, to the cage door,  over the edge, up my arm, and onto my shoulder.  In his weakened state, I could hardly believe he could manage such a feat. I called to Craig, and together we marveled at this recent rally. I spent the evening cuddling Chip, then fed him again, gave him fluids, warmed his bed, changed the linens in his cage, scooped the box, and tucked him in at 1:00 AM. We went to bed feeling hope-filled and had a peaceful night's sleep --- the best sleep I had all week. I got up at 6:00 AM, opened the door to the kitten room and called his name, fully expecting to hear a bright kitten rustling, then racing to the cage door. Nothing. Silence. I walked over to the cage, pulled back the sheet I had wrapping the sides, and saw that dear little Chip had left us. His cage was undisturbed -- not a grain of litter moved in the box, no signs he got up in the night. Everything was as tidy as it was when I put him to bed.  I think he just went to sleep then drifted away peacefully. As crushing as it was to find him gone, I am so grateful he gave me that last night.  My last memories of him on Earth are good ones. Here's a video I took during his little "rally" at the end.  The photo above was taken right after I put him to bed on his last night.
We've spent the last week doing some very deep cleaning. The kitten room has been scoured, and we bagged up and took a load of contaminated kittten gear to the dump.  Though the kittens were in quarantine, traces of the virus could have been tracked out, so all floors have been scrubbed and bleached in our house. We're not worried about the girls'  -- they are fully vaccinated and healthy.  Panleuk gets the vulnerable ones, like our Waddells, who were no longer receiving antibodies from mom's milk and too tiny for their first round of vaccines. All of this has been a lot to process. It happened very fast -- we lost three kittens in less than 36 hours.  It had been a hard week leading up to that too, so I was feeling pretty raw, stressed, and sleep-deprived --- which isn't the best state to start wading through something like this. Craig has been amazingly understanding and sweet. The girls, though I don't think they understand what happened, know something is askew and have been extra-loving and are always close by. I'm still sorting through a lot of stuff in my head and figuring out what's to come, so I'm not holding myself to any blogging or social media schedule right now.  My plan, for now, is to just post when I feel like sharing. I know this blog is normally a bright spot and escape for you. I'm sorry, especially during these really hard times that our country is going through,  that I can't offer that place for you right now. I appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.  I also appreciate your love, support,  sweet notes, many comments, and kind words. I know this is your loss too and we all have some grieving to do.  We'll get through this. XOXO Laurie
from The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee http://www.theittybittykittycommittee.com/2017/09/normal-then-not.html
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