#klance mini fic
k1ance-a-lot · 11 months
My art for Dani’s amazing fic “Take On Me” for the Klance mini-bang 2023 event!
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The first chapter is out now:
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lvrboylnyx · 11 months
“Lance has grown up with bloodied knuckles and black eyes. It isn’t until he meets Keith, that it all starts making sense.”
— 26k words
— soulmates au
— canon divergence
— friends to lovers
— klance mini bang 2023
read it here;
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"You're Not Allowed To Get Married Till You're 30." - a very tired, very proud dad-brother.
word count: 809
Keith & Shiro, Mentioned Klance, Mentioned Past Adashi.
Broganes, Fluff, Keith wants to spend the rest of his life with Lance, and Shiro just doesn't want his kid to get married yet.
"Shiro '' Keith said, the seriousness in his voice underlined with a sort of gleeful terror that made the aforementioned man tense immediately, and whip around to ask what was wrong.
Before he could turn on worried dad mode, his boy interrupted him. "I think Lance is it." There was shock still wide in his eyes as if he'd had the realization and immediately ran to tell his brother.
That same shock Shiro was sure was reflected in his own eyes as his mouth fell slightly open. They'd talked about it before, finding 'the one', someone you clicked with, that just felt right, the way he and Adam did (had? Shiro was still so in love with him it hurt, but when he'd left the planet the love of his life wouldn't even look him in the eye).
Shiro had always hoped that Keith would find that same love, that happiness. (hopefully without the crashing and burning.)
Of course hope and belief are two very different things and Shiro had spent many years reflecting on how rare a love like his and Adams was, he knew it wasn't incredibly likely but he'd still hoped.
Shiro swallowed down the lump of emotions in his throat (he was so goddamn proud of his little boy).
 "You're sure?" he asked, happy tears already springing to his eyes.
Keith just nodded and Shiro noticed he was teary eyed as well. 
Shiro stepped forward to wrap him in a hug smiling at how quickly it was returned. 
"He's my forever Shiro." the younger spoke, slightly muffled, into his chest. As they pulled apart, Shiro was absolutely beaming with pride.
Keith giggled at the expresion before schooling his face into something much more serious. 
"I wanna spend the rest of my life with him" his voice was awestruck as if he couldn't believe he'd truly fallen that deeply in love.
Shiro knew the feeling.
The words caught up to him just a second later. He knew that train of thought. He knew that train of thought very well. Too well. That very same train of thought had led to him proposing at 18 even if Adam didn't actually agree to marry him till they were 26. they'd never regretted marrying young but he now firmly believes they should have waited longer. He wondered if Adam regretted marrying him, regretted loving the one who wouldn't choose his lover over his job.
"You're not allowed to get married till you're 30." he said, voice stern in the way it often had to be when Keith wanted to do something impulsive that he wouldn't regret until very many years in the future.
As his Older Brother it was his responsibility to keep Keith from doing those things at all.
The outrage was evident on Keith's face immediately. "What!? That is such bullshit! You got married at 20 something!"
Shiro sighed, he really should have expected an argument, lord knows that if his father had told him he wasn't allowed to marry Adam he would have had a conniption fit.
"I know you love him but you're both too young." he said hoping his brother would see reason.
"You're a fuckin hypocrite." Keith muttered pouting and glaring like a toddler.
Shiro rolled his eyes before turning around to get them both glasses of water.
Leaning back against the kitchen counter after handing Keith a glass he asked "Do you how many times I proposed to Adam before he actually agreed to marry me?" Shiro knew he'd never mentioned it so unless Adam had at some point brought it up Keith shouldn't know.
Keith’s eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he processed the question. 
"What do you mean how many times you proposed? You proposed to him more than once?"
Shiro chuckled "I probably proposed to him a hundred times before he said yes"
"But.. why? Weren't you guys in love?"
Shrugging Shiro answered "He didn't want to marry young, I accepted that. I did ask him once every year though, just in case he changed his mind."
"Huh" Keith looked as though his whole world had been flipped on its head.
"So.. how many times exactly did you propose?" Keith asked, finally taking a sip of his water.
He very quickly spit out that water.
Shiro shrugged again nonchalantly "Yeah, once a year, he didn't say yes till we we're 25, and we didn't actually get married till 26."
Keith continued to stare at him, dumbfounded. 
"Are you telling me." he paused "Are you seriously telling me you started proposing at eighteen?"
Chuckling he grabbed Keith's glass and set it on the counter before pulling him into a hug. 
"That is a story for another time kiddo." Shiro sighed contentedly "you do know how proud of you I am right?"
Keith laughed at him, “Yeah Dad, I know.”
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awhoreintheory · 2 years
Snowball's Chance in Hell
Lance had grown complacent with his situation. It had been around for so long it's no wonder, honestly. 
Middle school with bright orange braces? Yep, present. Highschool, without the braces, but instead constant growing pains? Also a resounding yes. 
If you hadn't guessed what he was talking about by now, it was his all-consuming crush on the one, the only, Keith Kogane. (which was 100% Keith’s fault. If he didn’t want people to fall soul-crushingly in love with him, why was he just so damn lovable?) 
Point was, it had finally become an issue. Lance has almost blurted out a confession at least three times today, and at least seventeen times this week alone. And Lance? He is ok with being the butt of a joke, if anything, he's accustomed to it. But being the butt of the joke, “Oh, ha ha, Lance fell in love with his best friend and rival!" didn't sound very appealing, and neither did the chance that it might make Keith uncomfortable. 
Sure, Keith was, without a doubt, gay. That man was no straighter than Allura’s parallel parking. But Keith? In love— no, even fucking liking Lance of all people? Not a snowball's chance in hell.
Lance sighed. Gosh. It was so hard loving someone so much. Seriously! The amount of calories Lance probably burns thinking (fantasizing, one might even say) was truly ridiculous. How no one had picked up on his dreamy sighs and swooning eyes and called him on his bullshit was surprising. Or, maybe, the fact Lance actively flirted with anything that could give consent— his heart belonging to another or not— because, be honest, who would think you have a crush on one of the many people you flirt with on a daily basis? 
But here Lance is. Stuck on the back of Keith's motorcycle, (that he built himself, how freaking cool is that?) getting ready to leave their college campus. Was Lance possibly, maybe, tipsy? It’s a possibility, that’s for sure! A possibility that was not his fault! Some douchebag slipped something into the orange juice in the cafeteria, and Lance loved his orange juice. Best thing on this earth. And— yeah you get it, Lance drank a lot of it and was less than sober. 
"Keeeiiiithhhh…" Lance whined nuzzling into the back of Keith’s neck, wiggling and shifting where he sat. It was just so hot and uncomfortable. 
“‘M waaaarmmmm… An’ you’re hoooot …” Keith snorted, revving up his engine and turning around to fight Lance’s helmet on. 
“Thanks Lance, didn’t know you thought that way about me— put the damn helmet on, you twat!” Keith’s sly (but not incorrect) statement set something off in Lance’s tipsy mind from where he wrestled the motorcycle helmet away. 
“I don’ wanna wear it!” Lance whined, pushing the helmet away. 
“Lance, you have to wear it! I have to wear one too!” Keith pushed back, and honestly it was sad how he was losing a wrestling match against someone who was tipsy and slighter than him. 
Lance suddenly leaned in really close, so close in fact their noses’ brushed. “I wanna wear you.” 
There was a long and heated pause, Keith physically unable to breath, feeling as though the air was punched out of him. Lance’s eyes darted down, and Keith felt his own eyes to the same. Lance’s lips looked soft, if not a little red from where he was chewing on them. Keith’s own lips felt as dry as his mouth did right now. Lance leaned forward, eyes glued to Keith’s lips, getting closer… and closer… and just a bit closer, and their lips—
Lance let out a surprised shout as the helmet was shoved on, pouting as Keith turned back around swiftly. 
“Keep the helmet on.” Were Keith’s last words before he took off, forcing Lance to latch on so he didn’t go flying. Not that Lance was complaining, but Keith’s heart certainly was. 
The damn thing was just about ready to beat out of his chest. Because— that was flirting, right? Lance was flirting with Keith? Well, Lance is always flirting, but never like that. It’s usually akin to playful banter, but this time— it was different. Keith knows Lance, ok, they’ve been friends since middle school, and that was not normal for him. 
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badsongpetey · 11 months
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my art for @sucrosette 's wonderful "not meet cute" story for the klance mini-bang event! I don't draw very much galtean klance, so this was a treat. Even faced with fierce galra Keith, Lance is like "do not put your pointy stick in my face mullet" xD the fic is rated explicit for the content of chapt 3 -- so as always MIND THE TAGS!
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alkaemyy · 11 months
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YEIIII i can finally post my piece for sanbika's fic The Devil Between Us for the #klance mini-bang go follow the amazing author on twitter (@san_bika)
link for the fic on ao3 -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/51346204/chapters/129743791
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reiverart · 11 months
Hi! It's been a while since i got into here posting and whatnot. But i wanted to share my part of the klance mini-bang @klanceminibang these were for @Sachiela fic, My Lion, on Ao3 wich you should go read cuz its GOOD 💖✨️🌹💜
(there is a nsfw one, but you can see that one on my twitter @/keithkoganesass or instagram @/reiverart )
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I’ve been getting Klance on my fyp page again and every time it makes me want to search up fanfics but one thing that always confuses me but also makes me laugh when reading them is how different Shiro is made to be in fics.
He’s either a massive dick to Lance just because he’s dating Keith and is overprotective or he’s highly amused by whatever situation the fic has Lance and Keith in there’s really no in-between
Personally I’d love it if I found fics that really show what it’s like to have an older sibling and make Shiro tease Keith constantly and take Lance’s side in any of their mini arguments just to annoy Keith. Shiro deserves the chance to relax and be an annoying older brother.
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 11 months
I understand you don't like Zukka, but as someone who's been a mild of it since 2014, I can guarantee its not just Klance shippers? Sure, some people in the renaissance were, but fun fact Sokka and Zuko are DIFFERENT characters to the voltron ones, and people can appreciate the bond, platonic and romantic without just projecting it to another show, something which people use to call us all fetishisers which being mlm, is really damn weird. You can dislike a ship without making up bullshit from 2020 and early 2021, because honestly I'd much rather be around zukka shippers than zvtaras who have flooded askboxes with racism and homophobia just for shipping a ship they don't like because apparently "Zukkas are the evil". And anyone who has made a live action comment, its honestly probably just a joke made by some kid
Buddy, I get that kind of "old" Zukka harrassment on my asks, in both my blogs, to this day. It died down from the unbearable level it used to be, thank God, but it has NOT disappeared completely. Not even close. And like I repeatedly mentioned, Zukka fans have ALSO said plenty of racist, sexist, and, ironically enough, homophobic things to others, and people are well within their rights of complaining about that.
I never said "ALL zukka fans are just Klance fans that jumped to a different show and keep forcing it down everyone's throats", just like I never said "ALL zutara fans harrass peopel and send them death threats." There's not a single "mini-group" of this fandom that doesn't have it's bad apples, and if I point out that some have more than others, that doesn't mean I'm poiting the finger at you specifically and calling you a bad person for stuff someone you merely share a ship with did.
Yeah, I know people joke about "our crack-ship is totally gonna have it's glory day now" when there's new content coming up or when there's some ship-bait moments because the creators decided to throw shippers a bone. That's not what me and others are talking about when we mention Zukkas claiming the ship absolutely WILL be canon in some way soon. Once again, we are talking about people that literally harrass others about it and snap at us when we say either "I don't think Netflix will make Zukka happen" or "I, personally, wouldn't want Zukka to happen."
Just because you and your friends don't do that kind of stuff, doesn't mean nobody does. Don't take and others complaining about THEM as an attack against YOU.
No, I don't like Zukka. I USED to read some of the fics some of friends wrote for the pairings though, even if I never really shipped them, because Sokka and Zuko was a dynamic we barely saw in the show and that I always felt could have led to more comical moments AND I always liked both characters - and back then there wasn't all the blatantly out of character shit. But I don't do that anymore because a bunch of dickheads just had to completely ruin everyone's fun.
Basically what I'm saying is:
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klance fic fragment masterlist
small pieces of fics without names or updates, that are not parts of longer works, just tiny little pieces of mini stories, but all of them are klance focused. all of these are on ao3.
flirty fighting pt 1
flirty fighting pt 2
lance the cuddler
klance banter
over a fish?!
cure for homesickness
aftermath of the blades
let’s go for a ride
do not let a brogane in the kitchen
autistic lance and artist keith
i’d know him in death and at the end of the world
soft klance in the starlight
soft mornings
knight and nurse
lanceandkeith, together
secrets (of the embarrassing kind)
gift giver lance
in sickness and health 
love is hearing him humming in the kitchen
you are my comfort
you are my home
ice cream conundrum 
cool grizzled older brother
klance soft, quiet, tired
he knows.
hey keith (you need a boyfriend)
his lance
i heard your key turn in the door down the hallway (is that your key in the door?)
these have yet to be posted on ao3:
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k1ance-a-lot · 11 months
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“Over the years Lance has become disenchanted with finding his soulmate - that is, until he goes to space and wakes up in a body that is, quite literally, alien.”
Character references for Klance in Dani’s (@/infinitesongbird1 on instagram) amazing fic “Take On Me” for the @klanceminibang !
Check out Dani’s instagram for updates on chapter releases 💙❤️
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trivial-writing · 5 months
Ever since watching voltron, my bf and I have been having our little neurodivergent rants about it. Like, for example, the queer baiting. Shiro was gay. What do you mean? Give us sustenance people. Give us food. Shiro married a blank slate. How about you don’t kill off Adam. Hm? How about you don’t make Shiro marry a blank ass slate. Like, seriously, who was Curtis? Making Shiro gay isn’t representation to me. That’s lying to your audience and virtue signaling. You make Adam such a big deal, but he dies thirty seconds after. That’s terrible representation..
My boyfriend and I both agree that Shieo should’ve been asexual instead. I mean the black lion uses purple. So much so that I call it the purple lion instead. And, as aces ourselves, we think that would be excellent lgbtq+ representation.
I’m not done with my lgbtq+ representation thoguh. We, as the audience, got baited into Klance. I’m pretty sure there were some tweets talking about how they, the creators, knew Klance would be popular. They give us gay-coded scenes, but they aren’t gay enough. That’s the problem. The creators play it too safe. They shouldn’t care about what other people think. Pushing against stupid “criticism” is the first step to being a good writer. (Also, they give us two dead lesbians. Why?)
We also talked about the lions. The lions don’t show how the Paladins fit them. Allura just says, “oh, you fit because pfft.” Awakening Blue was amazing because of the setup. The rest weren’t given the same amount of gravitas Blue had. Pidge literally jumped in the vines, and that’s it. She pilots the Green Lion now. Hunk gets sort of the same gravitas as Lance, but still, it kinda sucks. Why doesn’t Blue go to the other Lions, then go to the other Lions? Why am I the only one who thought of this? Oh wait, my boyfriend made a fanfic about it nvm.
My boyfriend had a fanfic idea that was just a fix-it fic. If he wants to, I’ll post it. I think his ideas were really good. If you want to read some of his ideas, let me know.
My bf really liked the setup for Lotor, and I did too. He liked the fact that Lotor wanted a different way to expand the Galra Empire. He was like Azula and Zuko mixed together. If you look at one of my older posts, you’ll see my little mini rant about Lotor’s redemption arc. I want Lotor to be a Zuko-like. He’s an interesting character who deserves a redemption arc. Btw, my boyfriend wanted the fem!Keith member of Lotor’s group to be Krolia’s(am I spelling her name right?) daughter. We both wanted Lotor’s team to be redeemed too. More me because I actually watched Avatar, and I want an Azula redemption arc badly.
So… I didn’t know where season three ended and season four started. I just watched. The whole switching the Lions was weird. If the Lions choose certain characteristics for their pilots, then how come Lance got the Red Lion? Lance didn’t develop into a Keith-like person. If Red is stubborn and hard to tame (or something like that), how come Red doesn’t show that. You can’t say something and do nothing to affirm what was just said. SHOW Keith having trouble controlling Red, and Red disagreeing with him. SHOW Hunk being reliable. SHOW Pidge’s requirements for Green.
I felt the introduction to Zarkon was weird. I like how Avatar set up Ozai. Avatar showed Zuko being a bad person. Zuko was just the Banished Prince. Then Azula showed up. My boyfriend exclaimed, “This is Azula!? She’s only his daughter?! Wtf, Zhing?” Give us two or three seasons with Zendak, then have Shiro die, then fight Zarkon, then fight Lotor, then fight Zarkon again. This way better. How come no one thought about this? Oh, wait, my bf wrote a fix it fic.
Anyways, that’s enough writing for me. This is a long post. I’m gonna sleep.
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jalapenobee · 2 years
I would love to see Klance on a fall walk, eating Halloween candy
Extra candy
“Lance, no.”
“Lance, yes.”
“You’re not allowed to have any more candy! You passed out from a sugar rush yesterday!”
It was the first day of November, and because Lance treasures all the first-day-of-the-months, he dragged Keith along with him for an evening walk.
Unfortunately, the Lambrechts down the street always buy too much candy for Halloween, and end up not knowing what to do with it. That leads to them leaving a bowl of it on their doorstep with a note that says “Extra candy. Free to take!”
Lance saw that. And ran to it.
The second Lance turned and bolted for the Lambrecht’s door, Keith knew why he was running. He had to stop him, because, well, no one wants to deal with a Lance that was at least three times more energetic than usual.
So Keith ran after him. But by the time he was there, Lance had already unwrapped a mini snickers bar. Keith sighed.
“Lance, don’t you dare take a bite.”
“What are you gonna do? Eat it yourself?”
“Well, I, um, maybe! Hey!”
And the snickers bar was gone. Lance turned to grab another handful of candy and shoved it in his pocket. “I’ll share if you let me have it.”
Keith groaned. “Fine. Did you get any M&M’s?”
I chose M&M’s for a specific reason that will be revealed in a fic that’s coming farther down the road hehe…
Lance nodded and handed him a package. “Here you go.”
Eating their candy, they took their time walking away from the Lambrecht’s house and onto the sidewalk. By now, the sun was setting, washing everything in a golden glow. It had definitely gotten colder, but being the unprepared person he was, Lance hadn’t brought a scarf. He shivered.
“Keith, I’m cold. Can I have your scarf?”
Keith rolled his eyes and stuffed the half-eaten bag of M&M’s in his jacket pocket. “Fine. But next time, bring your own.” He wrapped his scarf, which was red and had the word “mullet” on it (no, Shiro didn’t make it for him! Why would you think that, haha…), around Lance’s neck.
“Thank you Keith. You’re a very sweet boyfriend.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Keith kinda wished he had his scarf back to hide his blush.
“Sweeter than all this candy.”
385 words
Three requests already? Wow, thanks!
Im gonna apologize for this one though, I was super unmotivated and had a headache and it’s really, really short.
I’m sorry? Is that how you do it?
I’m making up for it next Tuesday (I’m 99% sure I said that already) with a super long one I’m editing rn
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demonwolf1720 · 11 months
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Hey! I recently joined a mini klance bang and made this art for the amazing fic Whispers On My Skin (Baby Let Me In) by the amazing falsechaos! Please go check it out and give them and there fic some love!
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brokenolivejar · 7 months
Sometimes I feel bad bc a lot of my Voltron followers are klance shippers and I don’t plan on drawing or doing ANYTHING klance related I’m not a fan of klance (ignoring how the klance shippers scare me to death) but I just genuinely don’t find their dynamic appealing
Now I get it I have a pidge alter but the issue is
She’s a Kidge shipper (Keith x pidge) she ships herself/source with Keith but a very specific Keith where she imagines I’ll eventually have an alter of?? And it’s intersex bigender bisexual Keith it’s fucking wild
BUT I’ll try not to post as much shipping art for Voltron bc that’s a very sticky subject but be warned it’s a high chance if I do it’ll be Kidge art I’m sorry guys :(
Another issue is that I may start doing mini comics of my alter pidge’s fan fic now and then and it’s most definitely Kidge related so once again I am so sorry vld followers
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astralscrivener · 10 months
For the Ao3 Wrapped Ask Meme: #19, #29, #30 :D <33333
No pressure to answer all of these love, I just wanted to give you some choice <3 I love you so much e, have fun! <33
WAHHHH thank you sweetheart i love you too 🥺🥺❤❤❤
19. what's one pairing you want to explore next year?
god there are so many. there are a lot of old pairings (romantic and platonic) i used to write a lot of that i really didn't have time to touch this last year. i would LOVE to finally finish s7 of the fix-it fic and get into s8 and adashi's broken-ass marriage. i want to lean more into romellura bc i miss them a LOT i had a very brief hyperfixation in like 2020? early 2021??? but i miss them
i also miss writing keith & pidge. i still think about the oneshot i did for them back in 2017 (or early 2018? i don't remember) a LOT. like they both had their brothers go missing !!! they're both lonely little nerd losers!!! i think they should hang out together about it !!!!
29. favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
i genuinely think that this line from bad luck charm (twist the knife again) ruined my mental health for a solid three months
He was a walking negative, dark matter. And the universe would try and try and try ceaselessly to get rid of him until it succeeded.
30. biggest surprise while writing this year?
i had a huge wave of inspiration between july and october. i got so much vld / keith writing done. i think it's bc there was some kind of mini klance renaissance going on but good god. the rush. i hadn't felt that since maybe early 2019. i missed it so bad and now i miss 2017 again.
also surprised i haven't written like. as much tender ship content?? it was a lot of keith-centric instead of like. klance. which was weird. i'm not opposed to it!! it was just more hurt and less comfort than i expected. we will not be unpacking this statement
ao3 wrapped: writers' edition!
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