#klaus baudelaire fluff
number-onekidqueen · 2 years
𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚎𝚝 - 𝚔𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊
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Klaus Baudelaire x Isadora Quagmire
Warnings: forced confession of feelings
"And today, we awaken you with an excerpt of poetry, from the one and only Isadora Quagmire!" Quigley's cheery voice echoed into every room aboard the SSHAMH.
Isadora roused, a sleepy smile spreading across her face as she processed her triplet's words.
It was probably very self-centred, but she enjoyed it very much when her poetry was read aloud. It made her feel one step closer to her dream of becoming a poet.
"This particular poem is surprisingly not a couplet, unlike much of our Isadora's works. It is probably to do with the fact that she couldn't reduce this subject to only two sentences, as she is particularly fond of it, looking at her other poems on-"
Isadora's face paled to the colour of paper.
Couplets were her forte. She adored them.
She only wrote poems or sonnets on one subject.
Or rather, person.
"-without further ado, here it is."
Isadora burst out of her bedroom, eyes alight with desperation, her ankle length nightdress billowing as she sprinted towards the sound of Quigley's voice, ignoring Hector's exclamations of protest and warning.
"Oh, Klaus so fair-"
"SHUT UP QUI-" Isadora screamed, before a hand clamped across her mouth.
"Your chestnut hair, your eyes great pools of cocoa true. When I see you I am not blue, instead great joy engulfs me, as you see, you are greater than anything I've ever had, your presence erases all the bad, my heart becomes a pure white dove, and you only, only you will be my one true love."
As soon as Quigley finished, the hand removed itself from Isadora's mouth.
She whirled around to face the person behind her, her eyes welling in tears of embarrassment and anxiety.
Duncan stood smirking behind her, but blanched when he saw her face.
"Is, what's wrong?"
"What do you think's wrong, Duncan?! You and Quigley just read my private poems and announced my feelings to someone who doesn't like me back!
"And now everything will be changed, and it'll all feel different, and he won't be friends with me, and he won't like me and- Duncan, everything's completely ruined!" Isadora sobbed, sprinting out of the room and back to her bedroom.
She slammed the door and flopped onto her bed, hyperventilating there for a few minutes before a timid knock sounded at the door.
"Yes? Come in," Isadora croaked, hurriedly wiping her tears away and neatening her hair.
Usually she wouldn't care that her brothers would see her cry, but she wanted to reassure them that it was just a prank to her, and she didn't care and to apologise for her antics.
The panic and pain would probably be something she wouldn't live down easily. But the first thing she could do to quicken the process would be to appear unemotional and apologetic.
She was ready for them.
As Klaus walked in and softly closed the door behind him, Isadora's eyes bulged out of her head, and her panic rate began to race once more.
She had to make something up quickly.
"Klaus, the poem you heard-"
"What poem?" Klaus queried confusedly.
Isadora almost died from relief. Thank the heavens, thank the stars, thank fate, thank God. Klaus hadn't heard her poem.
"You didn't hear it?!" She burst, before she could refrain from it.
"No, I did," Klaus said nervously, "I came in to check if you didn't. I just got distracted and said that, which was stupid, I'm sorry."
She had not a clue what to say. Words, her best friends, the only thing she could always rely on to aid her had evaporated from her mind, like puddles on a summer's day.
"Did you m-mean what you said?" Klaus stammered.
There was a pause, and the tension in the air became thicker.
And then she decided.
"Yes, I did," she said boldly.
"I like you too Isadora," Klaus breathed, so soft she almost didn't catch it. "I couldn't have put it into words and phrases as pretty and syncopated as you did just then, you are quite the poet, but I do very much like you. As more than a friend."
They both gazed at each other, wide beams spreading across their faces.
"I'll talk to you tonight, then," Klaus said, withdrawing himself to her door, his grin still wide and strong, "meet you on the veranda at quarter to twelve."
"See you then," Isadora said, and flopped on her bed, once more when the door was closed, but this time in joy.
For once, her brother's pranks had worked in her favour, even though she'd had the fright and embarrassment of her life before this wondrous event.
And finally, finally, finally Isadora had hope she could be happy.
She and her family were safe.
Everything was going to be just fine.
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
You’re so Pretty (Klaus Baudelaire x GN!Reader)
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Summary: With a peaceful and quiet moment of studying with Klaus, you notice some features on him that you admire. So, you tell him. Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 1.2k A/N: This was requested but Tumblr ate the request </3, this one is short and sweet, in my opinion anyways.
Quiet moments are extremely rare in the Baudelaire children's case ever since their parents died. They were constantly on the run, fighting away from Count Olaf and his group of associates, wondering who they could trust and who they couldn’t.
They finally had some sort of quiet at Prufrock Preparatory School, a gloomy boarding school that they were sent to since there were no other guardians to watch over them. They could ignore the nasty comments from Carmelita, the short and pink covered girl who had made it her mission to make everyone feel inadequate to her. They could ignore them because at this school they at least had multiple people defending them and sticking by their sides. Those people were Duncan Quagmire, Isadora Quagmire, and you.
Isadora and Duncan were currently pretending to be Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire (a sack of flour) for gym class so the two eldest could study, Sunny staying with her siblings. Since there were only three Baudelaire siblings, you went with them to study instead of going with the Quagmires.
Violet had taken Sunny to the library, expressing a need for some English textbooks that were closer to date than the dust covered and ripped pages of the ones she was provided by her teacher earlier that day. Sunny babbled her preference for a change of scenery, something different than the orphan shack they had been shoved into.
Klaus had stayed in the leaky orphan shack, he had all he needed to study. You would have followed Violet to give him a bit of peace but he grasped your wrist gently, asking you to stay so he wouldn’t be alone. You nodded and returned to your seat, asking him a few pop quiz questions to which he answered correctly with no hesitation.
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you. Sounds of pages flipping, pencil scribbling on paper, and the occasional shift in the seat had filled the room. Klaus had been muttering a few facts under his breath as he tried to connect them to the almost useless textbook in front of him.
Your gaze had shifted up from your writings, landing on Klaus’s concentrated expression. A small smile grazed your features before you looked back down, eyes flickering up once more then right back down. You hummed a bit, inhaling a quiet breath, “You’re so pretty Klaus.” You spoke into the room, not even looking up to see his reaction.
It was a simple comment, small compliment. You weren’t embarrassed or nervous to say it, the words actually spilled from your lips rather easily. That’s why you just went back to your work, jotting a few notes, skimming the book. Silence had enveloped the two of you once more and you didn’t mind it, it was a simple comment.
You looked back up to see what page Klaus was on and he was looking right at you, your reflection slightly in his glasses. His face was filled with shock? Confusion? A small blush had formed on his face, so wide that it went from his cheek and inflamed his ears. His eyes were slightly wide, the light from the makeshift light source that Violet made was glossing over them. His mouth was only slightly open, he wasn’t gaping like a fish, but he did look like he was trying to find words. All that came out was a quiet, “What?”
You had blinked at him, already forgetting what you had said until it filled your mind once more. You shrugged, “I said you’re pretty.” You repeated, now making eye contact with him, studies long forgotten. He furrowed his brows, putting his pencil down, “What prompted you to say that?” He asked you.
No one had ever called him…pretty before, so it felt foreign for him to hear it. He hadn’t been doing anything that could gain a compliment of such from anyone, nonetheless you.
You thought about it, tilting your head with a twist of your face as you thought. “Nothing necessarily,” You began, now softening your expression, arms crossing to lay on the table in front of you, “I just looked up and wanted to tell you.” You told him simply, shrugging once more. Klaus pursed his lips, deeply sighing, “You think that I'm…”
“Why?” You asked with a raised brow, unsure of what to make of the question.
He nodded, hands now messing with his glasses, “Yes, I did ask why.” He spoke, slightly avoiding your gaze.
You puffed air into your cheeks, shifting your arms on the table for a more comfortable position. You chuckled a bit, “Um, well.” You began, not expecting him to ask such a question. You found his gaze once more, his more hesitant than yours. Your eyes were gentle, welcoming, and kind. “Your glasses are big and they frame your face kind of awkwardly,” You observed to which he shifted and adjusted them, “and it's cute when you have to adjust them.” You giggled out when he did just that.
He had realized he had been caught doing exactly what you described, he playfully rolled his eyes, “Okay, I do not-”
“But they make it easier to see the shine in your eyes.” You interrupted him, the comment caused him to look at you surprised. You cleared your throat, “Your eyes are brown but it's like gold is glittered over them.” You explained, your words met with silence so you decided to continue. You took a deep breath, “You have freckles and they’re prominent when you’re focused.” You continued on, eyes unintentionally scanning over his face where his freckles stare back at you. You turned to face him completely instead of it just being your head, biting the inside of your cheek. “When moonlight or sunlight hits you” You spoke quietly, your own eyes shining, “you kind of glow.” You informed him.
You remembered every time the two of you were outside together, how the sun would shine on him, making him look like some sort of scene from a book. When you walked back to the shack at night, the moon high and bright, his skin would glow like it was absorbing the light, an ethereal look he seemed to never notice about himself.
Klaus listened to your words carefully, following every phrase until you were silent, eyes glistening as they looked into his. It was only then he realized you had finished your explanation. He sputtered a bit trying to find words, moving his hands to awkwardly move his glasses and move hair out of his face. He inhaled deeply, exhaling just the same, “Thank you.” He expressed his gratitude to you quietly, reaching his hand out over the table slowly, nervously.
You noticed this action and moved your hand to move to his. He turned his hand so his palm would be upward and you interlock your fingers with his.
The two of you went back to studying, scribbling on paper and turning pages, fingers still interlaced above the table.
Klaus continued to look through his studies before mumbling a small, “You’re pretty too.” He wasn’t sure if you heard it, so he decided to not repeat it due to him being quite flustered from the past few moments. You did hear it, you smiled and held his hand a little tighter, writing down the boring information from the textbook.
Quiet moments are extremely rare in the Baudelaire children's case. Klaus Baudelaire wished to relive this specific peaceful moment everyday, because he didn’t think about anything else other than you. He would like to keep life that way.
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics i've read]
♡ - smut
Mostly fluff
The letter room [richard alonzo muñoz]
MPHFPC [Alma peregrine][Enoch O'Connor]
encanto [the madrigals][camilo madrigal]
a series of unfortunate events [klaus baudelaire][violet baudelaire]
harry potter [weasley twins][neville longbottom][luna lovegoods]
narnia [Edmund pevensie]
triple frontier [santiago garcia]
richard alonzo muñoz
@marvel-and-mischief - matching pyjamas
@dapperappleton - imagine being an ymbryne and having your own loop
- imagine taking care of clair and olive
Alma peregrine
@vostokovasmelina - sleeping next to alma lefay perigine would include
@multifandomfix - imagine alma loving it when you paint her and the children
@zafirosreverie - an special case
Enoch O'Connor
@she-writes-with-kisses - quiet
- space jump
@dapperappleton - imagine being able to create death and dating enoch
@clean-bands-dirty-stories - shirtsleeves
@klineinie - blanketed
@imaginefan - story time
@y2fandom - sending him cute things
@frost-queen - no pain
@maeby-bby - you fluster me
@pink-princess-pussy-pop - dating enoch would include
————— ENCANTO ——————
@cloud-9ine - madrigal reacting to being called their full name
@camilosnovia - there's two of them
- Madrigal Adults reacting to child!reader giving them gifts
Camilo madrigal
@sesamestreet47 - camilo w/ a tall s/o
- Camilo with a shy, sweet girlfriend
- friends
@nixthewolf - camilo simping over reader
@radiorenjun - shape-shifting frolics
@madrihoes - camilo nickname
@cloud-9ine - with or without you
@magicalencanto - camilo's s/o having power like pepa
@multificsworld - ___
- Tu Alma Tan Hermosa, Como La Luna
@caramellahoney - future daughter-in-law
- wait no wait-
@luvrcami - camilo headcannon
@bumblesimagines - being friends with camilo
@mihlo - camilo with fem s/o who wears glasses
@dos-oroguitas - angelita
- ay mamacita
klaus Baudelaire
@strangerdangerwrites - incompatible
@a-second-hand-sorrow - goodnight
- Not a problem
@ssadumba55 - not that easy
violet Baudelaire
@trustsalvatorewriting - dating violet Baudelaire would include
@archivesofthevoid - Pulling their hair while making out
- The boys (+ Percy) stealing a kiss on the way to class hc
@lithiumfae - sexy habits they have (marauders)
weasley twins
@therandomficwriter - The Weasley Twins Having A Crush On You
@lilahisntsadanymore - Slytherin sunshine (fred)
@moonlit-imagines - ___
@therandomficwriter - weasley twins with a non ticklish s/o
neville longbottom
@hogwartseighthyear - crush
@very-unsirius - blurb
luna lovegoods
@iamthemain-character - Falling in Love with Luna Lovegood
@fromforeigntofamiliarity - taming cowardly lions
@sublimecatgalaxy - ___
Edmund pevensie
@pink-princess-pussy-pop - dating edmund would include
@wrenwreads - she's enough
- wardrobe malfunctions
@witchthewriter - being king edmund's wife would include
@pariahsparadise - warm pt.2
@violentdelightsandviolentends - tethered ♡
santiago garcia
@stormkobra-5 - ___♡
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svttingz · 2 years
forehead kisses and kisses kisses
request from @bubbly0bookworm​ !!
pairing: Klaus Baudelaire x F!reader
summary: after escaping count Olaf’s with the Baudelaire's, you guys find yourselves at the home of Dr. Montgomery, when a series of unfortunate events follow you.
warning: described nightmares ( not really described but yk) and just pure fluff !!
A/n : i imagine this to be like a prequel to ‘Thunderstorms and books” so i might write a prequel to this one too that way it makes more sense! and imma be honest this is my first request and when i tell you i am so excited its crazy, i was in the middle of school work and i was like AHHHHHHHH, im not really a romantic person but we will see how this goes ! im sorry if this is bad i had no ideas whatsoever lol
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“its a brand new episode in your lives, children,” Mr. Poe says with a bright smile on his face, “in a few minutes you will be meeting your new guardian Dr. Montgomery. hes your closest living relative, and apparently should have been your guardian all along, according to your deceased parents’ will.” he says as he continues to drive
“Now Y/N, i have no clue where your parents wanted you but im just gonna send you with the Baudelaire children, if that’s what you want.” he says turning his head a bit to look at you.
“fine with me.” you say shrugging your shoulders. You were sitting in the middle of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny so your shoulders rubbed against them a little, it was a little crowded in the back seat so you wasn't sure if you felt anxious about being so close to Klaus or anxious about meeting Dr. Montgomery. 
as Mr. Poe continued to talk, you turn to look at Klaus, “what if Dr. Montgomery don’t like me?” you ask fidgeting with your fingers a little, “i’m sure everything will be fine, Y/N.” he says while grabbing your hand. you two sit there and stare at each other with light smiles on your face’s, until that moment was ruined because a loud cough was heard from Mr. Poe
you and Klaus obviously had feelings for each other, the way he comforted you the whole time you were at count Olaf's, the way he hugged you, it was obvious more then friendship was there. one night you were asleep on the floor at count Olaf’s, and you had a terrible nightmare.
a scream escaped your lips as you sat up as quickly as possible. your heart was racing, and tears began to fall you had a nightmare. it was about your parents, they were burning in your house. “Y/N!” your mom screamed. when you woke up you expected your parents to be there. to hold you. but it was real. you were living a nightmare.
“Y/N! What happened?” a voice said as their arms wrapped around you. you couldn't make out who it was until you looked up. it was Klaus. you tried to speak but all you could get out was sobs. “shh its okay.” he said wrapping his arms around you tighter. as your sobs continued you felt a pair of soft lips on your forehead. after you kept your head buried in his chest till you calmed down a bit.
“my parents. it was about my parents” you say looking up at Klaus. “its like i was there, i watched.” you say as the tears just kept falling. you were a stuttering mess, and before you knew it you were staring into Klaus’  eyes and before you knew it he gave you another kiss on the forehead. “its gonna be OK” he says
- time skip to Dr. Montgomery’s house-
“so how exactly is Dr. Montgomery related to you guys?” you ask, “Dr. Montgomery is, let me see, their late father’s cousin’s wife’s brother” Mr. Poe responds 
“oh” you say, “what do we call him i mean he’s not exactly our uncle” Violet says. “Well, you can call him Dr. Montgomery, unless of course he asks you to call him by his first name, in which case you'll call him Montgomery.” Mr. Poe says “his name is Montgomery, Montgomery?” you ask, you look down for a seconds as you walk up to the short staircase in front of the house and you see that you and Klaus are still holding hands.
you two turn to look at each other red in the face and immediately pull your hands away from each other. “Yes, yes. And I'm sure he's very sensitive about that, so please don't ridicule him. "Ridicule" means "tease." Mr. Poe says. “we know what ridicule means” Klaus says. a loud cough can be heard from Mr. Poe once again. 
“what if Dr. Montgomery is just like count Olaf?” You ask Klaus. “he probably is nothing like count Olaf, i hope” Klaus says but mumbles the last part.
“Hello, Hello, hello, you must be the Violet, Klaus and sunny” Dr. Montgomery says bending down to our height holding 3 slices of cake. “Well, this is perfect timing because I have just finished frosting this delicious coconut cream cake. Take a fork, take a fork, take a fork.“ Dr. Montgomery says.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Montgomery” Violet says. “Please, call me Monty. I don't like fancy titles unless they get me a discount at the movies. Ah, do you like going to the movies?“ Monty asks, “Very much. But our parents didn't take us very often.“ Violet says. that’s when Monty looks over to you, “and who might you be?” he says
“L/N, Y/N L/N” you say while holding out your hand out for him to shake, “hello Y/N, will you be staying with us as well?” he asks with a smile on his face. “yes.” you say with a smile. “Oh how wonderful!” he says excitedly.
- later that night -
you were just getting settled in your room when a knock was heard, “Y/N, its me” the voice said, you knew immediately it was Klaus, you open the door and say “hey, whats up?” Klaus looks up at you and says “U-um i just wanted to check and make sure everything was alright,” he says while fidgeting with his fingers. “and that you were settled in.” He says
“everything is fine, its very nice here” you say with a smile forming on your face. “good” Klaus says with a smile. the silence after that was very intense, you would almost say crazy intense. “listen, uh, if you have a nightmare again, wake me up OK? i don’t want you to go through that alone.” he says. “i will. thank you Klaus” you say, he walks out and closes the door.
you woke up in a cold sweat, screaming, and the visions from your “dream” kept replaying in your head. screams from your parents were heard, fire was everywhere, and it was like you were there. watching. just like last time. you were pulled from your thoughts when the door slammed open, 
“Y/N!” Klaus yells as he ran toward you, his arms immediately wrapped around you, “shh its OK,” he says while rubbing your head with his hand, “Another nightmare?” he asks while looking down at you. all you could make out was sobs, you were having a major feeling of deja vu, it took you back to the night Klaus first did this. 
“i-it happened again, Klaus, i seen them again.” you sobbed out, “Im so sorry, i wish i could stop it. take all your pain and suffering away” he says, you lean in closer to him and wrap your arms around him. “Im sorry, im bothering you. you should go back to bed” you say pulling away, wiping the rest of your tears away with the sleeve of your nightgown
“I dont want to leave you here alone.” Klaus says while looking into your eyes. you look back at him, and before you knew it you were leaning in, a quick peck was placed on your lips, “Crap, Y/N im so sorry, i didnt mean to-” Klaus started but was interrupted by you placing another peck to his lips, “dont be sorry, its fine. i enjoyed it.” You say with a smile, Klaus gives you a sweet smile back, “i did too.” He says.
“so what does this mean?” you ask. “what do you mean?” Klaus asks, you both look at each other then the realization hits Klaus with a small ‘oh’ , “Well considering the circumstances i would love it if you would be my girlfriend.” Klaus says with a soft smile. “i would love that as well” you say.
- the next day -
“woe is me” the broken hearted crocodile says, “Woe is you? We're the ones whose parents perished in a fire and now we're being passed around like hot potatoes.” Klaus says “Look, Klaus. It can't understand you.” Violet says. you look at the Baudelaire siblings with a look of confusion. “I know that!” Klaus says rolling the mad out in front of him.
then suddenly the doorbell rang.
Monty had just left to take the iguana on a walk and you, Violet, Klaus and Sunny, were alone. and then you guys make your way to the door. you open the door to see
“Hello, I am Stephano Dr. Montgomery Montgomery’s new assistant” count Olaf says.
im sorry this is so short, and i didnt include alot of parts cause well copyright, i hope you enjoyed this lmk what you think, and requests are open !!
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agaypanic · 1 year
hi can i req a quigley quagmire x fem reader fic?? maybe has something to do with him being jealous + lots of fluff <33
Jealousy Gets You Nowhere (Quigley Quagmire X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Quigley doesn’t like the fact that Y/n and Klaus are friends.
A/N: AU where the Baudelaires and Quagmires aren’t orphans lol
Quigley Quagmire, like his siblings, always tried to stay optimistic. He believed that looking for a light would prevent you from getting lost in darkness. He was very trusting, quick to make new friends.
So it surprised you when your boyfriend didn’t seem to like one of your new friends, Klaus Baudelaire, that much.
You thought they would’ve gotten along perfectly. They were both interested in learning, especially about niche subjects. They were highly intelligent. Duncan and Isadora seemed to take a liking to Klaus, and usually the Quagmire triplets made pretty similar decisions when it came to who to befriend and trust.
Luckily, Klaus didn’t seem to notice. He didn’t notice how quickly Quigley disguised his displeasure when you introduced them to each other. He didn’t mind when Quigley gave a curt nod instead of shaking Klaus’ hand that was reaching out to him. He didn’t voice his confusion when Quigley’s eyes started darting between him and you with anger and accusation.
But you did. You saw it all, but had no idea why he was acting like this. He was just fine before you opened the door for Klaus. It’s not like Klaus was rude to Quigley in any way. But you had to hold back your questions until the Baudelaire boy had left, not wanting to make him feel unwelcome by pointing out Quigley’s behavior.
“Are you okay?” You asked your boyfriend as soon as the front door closed behind Klaus. You turned to see his expression was noticeably brighter.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, acting like his entire encounter (or lack thereof) with Klaus hadn’t happened. “Come on, Mom’s making lunch.” He held his hand out for you to take. You sighed before smiling at him. Maybe Quigley was just having an off day and didn’t want to be around a new person. So you decided to let it go.
“Okay.” You took his hand and made your way to the kitchen to see what Mrs. Quagmire was making.
If Quigley was having an off day, then he must have been having an off month. Whenever you as much as mentioned Klaus, sourness overtook him, and you had no idea why. But you had a plan to fix it. Klaus had invited you to the library for the afternoon and, with his permission, you dragged Quigley along. You had a feeling that if he knew Klaus would be there, he would make up some excuse to keep the both of you from going. So you decided to just “forget” that little detail.
“Hey, Klaus!” You whispered excitedly to your friend when you spotted him at a table, a small pile of books on it with one open in front of him. He lifted his head to smile at you and your boyfriend.
“Y/n, Quigley! Glad you could make it.” He responded in the same hushed but delighted tone. Quigley pulled out a chair for you to sit in and sat between you and Klaus. Your boyfriend looked at you, irritated that you neglected to tell him that this wasn’t a date to the library but a group hangout with someone he couldn’t seem to stand.
“Sorry we took so long. Quigley needed some convincing to get out of the house.” You said. Klaus waved you off.
“I get that. If I’m being honest, I’m really only here because I’ve read every book in our library.” It amazed you how big of a reader Klaus was. He soaked up every piece of information like a sponge that never stopped expanding.
“Every book?” Quigley asked, arms crossed. He seemed just interested in how Klaus could manage to read so much, but you could tell that he was in disbelief that he could do such a thing. As if it was impossible and Klaus only said it to be impressive.
“It took a while, but yes, every book.” Klaus smiled at your boyfriend, before looking at you. “Speaking of books, I found that one you recommended to me. It’s very interesting so far.”
“I knew you’d like it!” You grinned, seeing that the book you had suggested to Klaus was the one he was reading now. You stood from your seat. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna grab a book I’ve been looking for.”
“I’ll come with you.” Quigley said eagerly. He stood up and pulled you away from the table and towards the maze of bookcases, despite not knowing what book you were looking for. You started leading the way when he was about to pass the section you knew the book was in. “Why didn’t you tell me he would be here?” Your boyfriend asked with annoyance as he watched you search the shelves.
“You wouldn’t have come if I told you.” You shrugged. “What’s your problem with Klaus, Quigley? He’s been nothing but friendly to you since the start.”
“Oh, and I bet he’s been just friendly to you as well.” Although your back was turned to him, you could feel his eyes roll. You turned around.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t tell me you’re blind, Y/n.” Quigley huffed. When you didn’t budge, he started to do an impression of your friend. “Look at me, I’m so smart. I’ve read every book in my library. I’m such a genius. Oh, Y/n, I love your book recommendations. I’d read every book under the sun if you suggested it because I love words!” You had to hold back a laugh. Sure, it was funny, but this was your friend that Quigley was making fun of.
“He doesn’t sound like that.” You said as you turned back around, trying to find the book you wanted.
“I don’t know. I think I was spot on.” 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous.” Quigley didn’t respond. Finally spotting the book on a higher shelf, you looked around for a stool to drag over. You set one up and looked at him. “Oh my god, Quigley, you are jealous.”
“No, I’m not.” He rolled his eyes, but he moved to stand beside you when you stood up on the stool. Even though you were balanced, he put a hand on your hip, just in case. 
“I think you are.”
“I’m not.” He said with finality. He glanced up to see you pull out a book. “Did he recommend that to you?” You smiled, taking his hand as you stepped down to the floor.
“Nope.” You turned the book cover to him. “You did.” He looked at the title and it was indeed the book that he was talking to you about earlier that week. He didn’t technically suggest it for you to read, but he knew that you liked trying to show an interest in the things he was interested. 
“Oh…” He didn’t really know what to say now. You squeezed his hand.
“Klaus and I are just friends, Quigley. I only have eyes for you. I’m dating you, after all.”
“I’m sorry.” He said sheepishly.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. Klaus has been nothing but kind, and your jealousy made you a bit of a jerk.” You started to walk back to the table, pulling him with you. “Come on. Time to say sorry.” 
Quigley tugged you back before the two of you could get too far. Wrapping his arm around you, he kissed your forehead before resting his head on yours.
“I’m sorry, N/n. I just don’t like sharing you, I guess.” You smiled.
“It’s okay. You just have to get used to it.” He nodded and the two of you broke apart, hands still interlocked. “And get used to it fast, because I’m having lunch with his sisters tomorrow.” Quigley groaned behind you as you two walked towards the table.
“There’s more of them?”
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
The Hero of Eve was a scholar. While the whole group bore a higher education (they were Kings, of course, they would), the man prided himself on being one of the most knowledgeable- while the others grew a fondness for the study of the blade or the politics of the people, you had found out Eve had spent his many decades with his nose in a book, learning one new thing after the other just because he could.
He reminded you of Klaus Baudelaire, with a twitch of the fingers and a narrow of the eyes he knew exactly what to do, you wandered, similar to the movie if in his mind the spines of the books popped into his head, the titles flashing and suddenly he was an encyclopedia- filled to the brim with knowledge and waiting to spill pages upon pages of facts right into your eager brain.
“Not those.” Looking upon the assortment of berries dotted about the very pretty shrubbery, you caught the eyes of Eve standing over you, his wicker basket resting against his hip almost filled to the brim compared to your own basket, near empty save for the odd blueberry or raspberry that you had managed to find. “They’re poisonous, and the worse kind.”
“But…Pastuzo is eating them?”
Glancing at the bear, you both watched the great beast carefully nibble away at a branch that he had ripped off, the bush being the one currently sitting in front of your crouched self. The furry beast had decided to stick with you lot after the incident with Nature, the instance hanging over his head as very useful blackmail that had gotten you the best part of his meals which he would usually save for himself, his eyes like a sad puppy’s as you happily munched away with a malicious grin that almost had him crying.
You digress, your new companion refused to part after the scene almost a week ago, following you around the dense forest of Hyrule and leaving many wary. Not a pet in any way, more a friend, allowing you to pet his ears and cuddle into his fluff during colder nights- you had called him Pastuzo because Paddington didn’t quite suit him.
“Your…friend,” The man had started, turning back to you. “Has a stomach of iron, he also isn’t affected by the key ingredients like we are.”
A pout crawled onto your face and you sighed, lending your hands to the bear to sniff the berries then hover them gently from your palms, ridding his saliva on your already dirty leggings.
You felt useless, even worse than you had before back with the Chain. Sure, you were adjusting to a new way of living with the Ganons but that didn’t mean you couldn’t help out as much as you could- you’d jumped on the opportunity to forage, memories of doing such with Hyrule and Wild hurting your heart before you pushed it down for the sake of your new chore, grabbing the basket Tide had handed you gently then venturing off with the Scholar to gather what you needed.
Now here you were, with nothing to show for it but a bunch of random fruit.
Eve sighed, crouching down to your heart (even then still towering over you) and digging into one of his pouches to pull out the smallest of books, handing it over to you while you studied it curiously.
“What’s this?”
It bore no name, nor designs, just a simple leather-bound book with a clasp that you gently pulled away.
“A journal of my findings.” You carefully skipped through the pages, eyes running through the walls of texts with accompanied neat sketches- bugs, animals, flora and fauna- anything he had seen was jotted down on the handmade paper. “You may use it, it will tell you which is dangerous and which is not-”
The man grunted when you hugged him, tightly with a grateful squeeze as you sung his praises and your thanks before scrolling through the book once again. You ran off with your basket to continue your foraging, book ready at the ready while you studied the plants and the smallest of smiles bloomed on Eve’s face.
You both returned with baskets full.
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Hi! I saw your comment, and I will definitely be checking out your blog!! :))) Are there any fics you would reccomend starting with? (They can be about anything haha)
Also omg a fellow Loveless and Radio Silence fan yayyy :D
Hi! Thanks for the ask!! :) (it’s good finding another fan!) Here are some of the fics I’ve read that I recommend starting with! :)
This entire series is amazing!! Very in-character and hilarious! It follows the Baudelaires and the Quagmires living together post-canon! :)
Word Count of entire series: 17k
Word Count of fic linked: 5k
🗣️Main characters: Violet Baudelaire🔧, Klaus Baudelaire📖,Sunny Baudelaire🍳, Beatrice II👶, Isadora Quagmire🖋️, Duncan Quagmire📰 and Quigley Quagmire🗺️.
Fic Type:
Found Family
Multichapter 📚
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Rating: Gen ✅
‘AIIWY’ is one of my personal favourites 💜! It’s brought actual tears to my eyes. No joke, have had to put my phone down to process/pos
Word Count: 18k (Still updates)
🗣️Main Characters: Olivia Caliban, Jacquelin Scieszka and the Quagmire triplets
💘Main Ship: Olivia/Jacquelin
Fic Type:
Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Fluff and Angst
Multichapter 📚
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Summary: "Olivia?"
She looks up in surprise, "Sorry, is everything alright?"
"Yes, better than alright! But... are you okay?"
"I'm okay," she smiles fondly, "Promise,"
She is okay. Her wounds have healed, and without them, she might never have escaped that organization with her fiancée, never met these children, her children, never to be snatched away again. They had been burned down to their lowest, until they built each other back up from the ground. And she would do it all over again, if it meant to be where she was now.
Jacquelyn, Olivia, and the Quagmires get the home that they deserve.
Book!Quagmires and Netflix!Quagmires are siblings. It’s hilarious. It’s queer. It’s more chaotic than you can imagine. It’s more that what any of us can ask for.
Word Count: 57k (Completed✅)
🗣️Main Characters: Book!Quagmire triplets and Netflix!Quagmire triplets (named Regina, Lewis and Carroll)
💘Main ships: Violet/Isadora 💜🖤, Klaus/Duncan 💙💚, Violet/Quigley💜💜, Regina/Carmelita💛🩷
Fic Type: Multichapter 📚
Set: During canon 🕰️
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: ‘It's not often you see an asoue AU in the perspective of the Quagmires story. It's not often either you see the Quagmires as sixtuplets. This, my friends, is going to be very fucking chaotic.’
[The author who wrote the sixtuplets au also wrote a fic ‘The Quagmire-Baudelaire’ switch which I already made a post about+HIGHLY recommend!] [Word Count: 95k]{Completed✅} The author is @weirdthoughtsandideas
A unique and haunting oneshot
Word count: 3k
🗣️Main Character: Friday Caliban
Fic type:
Angst with a happy ending and Found Family
🖤+🙂 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
One-shot 📕
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Also by this author is the Runaway Baudelaire AU which I’ve already made a post about. It’s an exciting, dramatic and emotional fic!!
Word Count: 138k Fic Type: Canon- divergence, angst, hurt/comfort and Found Family
(By @unfortunate-stranger-losers )
Violet and Quigley reunite unexpectedly (with a twist)
Word Count: 2k
🗣️Main Character: Violet Baudelaire
Fic Type:
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
AU where Klaus dies after ‘ The End’ and time-travels back to ‘ The Austere Academy’! It’s really interesting and vivid! Also the characterisation is perfect!
Word Count: 12k (Still updates)
🗣️Main character: Klaus Baudelaire
💘Main ship: Klaus/ Duncan
Fic Type:
Fix-it, Canon-divergence, Time-travel, Falling in love, angst
Multichapter 📚
Set: During canon🕰️
(By @cygninae )
Enjoy reading!! Feel free to ask for more recs as there are a lot of amazing fics I haven’t mentioned yet! :)
Also, if anyone wants to add to this list you can via reblogging with links or by commenting! :)
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acacia-may · 1 year
Good Things Find Their Way Back (Wicked Way Exchange Fic 2023)
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Story Summary: Violet Baudelaire knew better than probably anyone that some stories simply had no happy endings, and though it would be easy to believe that her own life and that of her siblings was one such story, a cloudy, quiet day at Briny Beach and an unexpected reunion has her questioning if perhaps they had a chance at a happy ending after all. Maybe, just maybe, no matter how much they had lost, good things could still find their way back to them in the end.
Fandom: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Genre: Friendship and Family Fluff, Quiglet Fluff, Tearful Reunions, and Much Deserved Warm and Fuzzies
Relationships: Baudelaire Siblings & Quagmire Siblings Friendship, The Baudelaire Siblings & Beatrice II, Quigley Quagmire/Violet Baudelaire Pairing [Quiglet]
Characters: Violet Baudelaire (POV Character), Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Beatrice Baudelaire II, Quigley Quagmire, Isadora Quagmire, and Duncan Quagmire.
Rating: G
Warnings: Very brief and generally vague mentions of the unfortunate events that had befallen the Baudelaires and Quagmires in the past. A short sequence of worry when Violet briefly loses sight of Little Bea in the fog. But really this is pretty much all fluff and happy reunions.
Word Count: 2057
Link to original posts on AO3. Please do not repost to another site.
Written for @junowritesstuff as part of the Wicked Way Exchange hosted by @asouefanworkevent
A/N: Hi Juno! I absolutely loved both of your prompts for the Wicked Way Exchange so I combined them into one story. I completely understand what you meant about how'd you give almost anything for a solid Baudelaires and Quagmires reunion. I absolutely feel the same way, and I really hope you will like what I've come up with for that. (I also loved your Quiglet fluff prompt so I tried to incorporate some of that into this story as well). Here's to much deserved happiness for the children! Cheers!!
Beatrice Baudelaire II giggled and laughed as Sunny chased her around the shallow waters of Briny Beach—splashing her short, sandy legs and the already damp skirt of her dress. Watching them play brought a certain, almost bittersweet ache to Violet’s chest. Sunny had rarely been given the chance to play, the chance to have these happy childhood experiences that they were determined to give Little Bea. Since returning to the City, Violet and Klaus had worked hard to give Little Bea as happy a life as they could manage, and a smile tugged at Violet’s mouth seeing her now, smiling and laughing like a normal toddler who had never experienced the kinds of misery, despair, and misfortune that had followed the Baudelaire siblings since they had learned of that terrible fire on a day quite like this one—cloudy, foggy, and overcast, spent together on an otherwise empty beach.
Klaus soon intervened in Sunny and Bea’s splash fight—his already patched-up suit getting appropriately soaked in the process. The girls laughed as Klaus sighed and wiped the dripping water off of his glasses, but a slight smile twitched in the corners of his mouth as he splashed Sunny right back and lifted a giggly Bea up on his shoulders. Violet had missed her younger brother’s smile and was glad to see he was learning to be happy again, slowly but surely. They all were, and Violet knew they had Beatrice to thank for that. Without her, as Klaus had once said, they would likely have given in to despair long ago. She saved them, and for that they wanted to give their littlest sister the world and did everything in their power to make sure she never experienced the kinds of hardships and tragedies they had.
As Klaus carried Bea over to show her some of the tide pools he had loved to watch as a young boy, a sopping Sunny came running over to excitedly to unload the picnic basket she had packed for lunch.
“Are you ready to eat?” she asked with a wide smile, and Violet shrugged.
“Whenever you are.”
Sunny laughed. “Well, I’m always up for eating.”
Nodding, Violet chuckled lightly and turned to help Sunny unpack the contents of the picnic basket—a delicious meal she had spent the morning preparing.
“Violet! Violet!” called Bea running across the beach with a somewhat weary Klaus following after her barefooted, with the damp legs of his pants rolled up over his ankles. “Klaus says you can skip rocks. Can you show me how?” Her eyes widened as she practically begged her. “Can you, please?”
Klaus sighed apologetically as Violet turned to him then back to Bea with a smile. “Alright.”
Violet reached out to take her tiny hand as she began tugging her along the beach. She turned back to her brother. “Help Sunny set up the picnic, please.” Klaus nodded and began unpacking the picnic basket.
Violet stopped on the waters’ edge with Bea and told her to start looking for smooth stones they could use for skipping rocks. Bea nodded excitedly as she began her collection—though like any young child she tended to get a bit distracted by seashells and hermit crabs.
“Ah!” she cried, and Violet startled—whipping around to face her. She sighed in relief when she discovered that she was okay. “My hat!” Bea continued before taking off and running across the beach after her tumbling sunhat which was being blown about by the wind into a thick patch of fog.
“Beatrice! Beatrice, come back!” exclaimed Violet taking off after her.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she lost sight of Little Beatrice in all the mist, but she took a few deep breaths as she heard her giggling and a kind voice asking, “Little Miss, have you lost your hat?”
Through the thick cloud of mist, Violet could see the hazy figure of a young man bending down to return Beatrice’s hat to her as she said, “Thank you” with a bit of a curtsy.
“You’re welcome. Now you should hold on to that hat while it’s so windy out.” Something about his good-natured chuckle was so familiar somehow that Violet’s legs seemed to move on their own propelling through the mist at rapid speed. The man must have seen the outline of Violet as well because he added politely, “And go back to your mother since she’s probably worried about you.”
Violet made it through a clearing of fog just as Bea laughed and explained, “That’s not my mother. That’s my big sister Violet.”
The figures of Little Beatrice and the young man suddenly began to come into focus as they both turned to look at her. Bea was giggling clutching her hat in both hands as the man rose to his full height. He was tall with dark hair and kind eyes which widened as soon as he saw her. Violet froze in her tracks unable to believe her eyes.
“Violet…” he repeated in a soft, gentle voice as she met his gaze. “That’s a beautiful name.”
Still, Violet couldn’t bring herself to believe it. It couldn’t be…
She blinked at him and at Bea in disbelief as Bea tugged on the sleeve of his sweater. “My name is Beatrice, but you can call me Bea. What’s your name?”
The young man turned back to Bea with a kind smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Bea. My name is Quigley—”
“Quagmire,” Violet interrupted unable to stop herself now that she had irrefutable evidence.
 Quigley’s smile widened and there was such kindness, such tenderness in his eyes as he replied, “Hello Violet.”
Her feet began to move on their own, and she ran a few feet forward throwing her arms around Quigley’s shoulders with misty-eyes. She squeezed him tightly—afraid that if she loosened her grip for just a moment he would disappear once again in the fog.
Quigley, however, didn’t seem to mind, and she could hear the light, breathy laugh reverberating in his chest as he said, “I was beginning to think you had forgotten me.”
“Never. I just…” She pulled back to look at him. He was older now as she was, but she would recognize his thoughtful smile and gentle eyes anywhere. She sniffled. “I just can’t believe it’s you.”
Quigley nodded in agreement as he gently pressed his palm to her cheek. “I know. I’m having trouble believing the same thing.”
“I never thought I’d see you again.” Violet’s voice hitched—choking on the emotion of those words.
Quigley nodded understandingly, but his mouth twitched in the corners. “I was worried too, but I always wanted to believe that we’d find each other again.” He gently pushed a long piece of dark hair out of her face. “I like to think that good things always have a way of finding their way back to you in the end.” He paused and chuckled rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. “Though I’ll admit, I never expected to meet again on Briny Beach of all places. We’re not even supposed to be here. Hector has a cold so we were just trying to get out of the house to give him some peace and quiet, and we were mostly just driving around until Isadora suggested we stop at the beach for a while.”
Violet’s eyes widened and she gasped. “Isadora? Hector? We?” she began tripping over her words in incoherent disbelief. “You mean…?”
A bright beaming smile spread across Quigley’s face followed by a somewhat apologetic, concerned look of realization. “Oh right, um…”
 Before he could finish that thought, however, another figure appeared in the mist calling, “Quigley? Quigley, where did you go?”
“Duncan,” Quigley called back excitedly. “You’ll never believe—”  
It seemed Quigley did not need to finish that thought, however, as Duncan appeared in the clearing and stopped in his tracks exclaiming, “Violet?” He immediately dropped the basket he was holding and ran down the beach and hugged her tightly, calling almost immediately for his sister. “Isadora! Isadora, come quickly!”
“What’s going on? Is everything okay?” called a faraway voice as the figure of a young woman began to stumble through the mist. As soon as she reached the clearing however she practically squealed with excitement and joy as she flung her arms around Violet and her brother joining their hug.
Realizing, somewhat guiltily, that Violet herself hadn’t called for her siblings yet in the all the excitement, she turned her head to yell for Klaus and Sunny but found she didn’t have to as she watched the tiny figure of Little Beatrice dragging Klaus by the arm through the fog with Sunny in concerned pursuit.
“Come on. Come on. Violet’s acting strange…” said Bea.
Klaus chuckled lightly as he reassured her, “Okay. Okay. I’m coming.”
Duncan and Isadora Quagmire both perked up at the sound of Klaus’s voice and took off after him, calling his name. They practically collided into him and pulled him into a tight hug the minute he appeared in the clearing.
“What…? How…?” he stumbled in disbelief as his eyes began to grow misty. Even Sunny who Violet worried might not remember the Quagmires shrieked excitedly and ran up to hug Quigley.
Soon the entire group, save a rather confused Bea, was hugging and crying and laughing. After the long, painful, and arduous series of unfortunate events that had marred their lives, the Baudealires and the Quagmires could not describe their joy at having been reunited once again with their dear friends.
“What’s going on?” asked a perplexed Bea, and Klaus scooped her up in his arms with a bright smile.
“These are our friends, the Quagmires, we told you about,” he explained.
Isadora laughed. “You told her about us?”
“I hope it’s mostly good things,” quipped Quigley, and Violet’s smile widened.
“Only good things.”
They all laughed.
“Are they going to come to our picnic?” asked Bea curiously, and the Quagmire triplets looked amongst themselves.
“Well…I did kind of drop our dinner in all the excitement,” said Duncan with a sheepish chuckle as he scratched the nape of his neck. He tilted his head towards the Quagmire’s picnic basket which had been spilled on the sand and forgotten in all the excitement.
Quigley gave his brother a pat on the back. “I don’t know,” he teased good-naturedly with an affectionate smile. “I tend to like a little bit of sand with my sandwich.”
Sunny chuckled, but reassured everyone, “Don’t worry. You can join us. We have plenty of food.”
And so, I am happy to say, the reunited friends settled in for a lovely picnic together on Briny Beach. Though it felt like it had been a lifetime since they had last seen each other, they picked up as if they had never left off—talking, laughing, and catching up for hours as they ate the delicious meal Sunny had prepared for them. They shared a little about what they had been doing since they had been parted and about some of their many failed attempts to find each other again, but many questions were left unanswered. There would be a time and a place for them on a much less joyous occasion, Violet thought, or perhaps they simply didn’t matter anymore.
As the sun began to set that evening, Duncan, Klaus and Isadora finished up the sandcastle they had been building with Sunny and Little Bea, and Quigley took a seat next to Violet on the picnic blanket.
“This is a very lovely view,” he said with a smile gazing out over the water and the bright orange sun disappearing on the misty horizon.
A knowing smile twitched in Violet’s mouth.
Many things had been taken from the Baudelaire siblings: their home, their parents, many of their previous guardians, their privacy, their sense of safety and security, and their friends. But now, sitting on Briny Beach and watching the sunset through the mist with her head resting on Quigley’s shoulder, Violet Baudelaire felt for the first time in a long time that maybe Quigley was right. Maybe no matter how much they had lost, good things could still find their way back to them in the end.
“Very lovely indeed,” she replied though she wasn’t looking at the sunset.
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drowninginredink · 6 months
10 and 22 for the fic ask game [asoue]? :)
For 22? If I'm writing it, there is always going to be more angst than fluff. Especially in ASOUE. I mean, I've vaguely learned how to be fluffy in my adventures writing smosh fic (although I eventually got super sick of that fluff and my smosh WIPs have mostly gotten angsty again), but in ASOUE? No, if I'm writing for the "no happy endings" series, that's an excuse to go all in on the angst.
As for 10? Fuck it, let's share a whole 650 word scene from the Klaus/Lemony fic that I really like and should really go back to working on. God, talk about angst.
Klaus waited until they moved to a hotel room with a balcony to bring it up. By now, he knew that when Lemony was at his most melancholic, he smoked. Klaus wanted to save this particular observation for when Lemony was in one of his gloomier moods, and he didn't want to leave the hotel room to do so. It felt intrusive to follow Lemony all the way out the hotel doors. When Lemony was on the balcony, on the other hand, he’d never truly left. Klaus let Lemony get halfway through his cigarette before he stepped out onto the balcony. He tried to hide that he was checking Lemony’s progress, but knowing Lemony, he had probably still sensed that he was being watched.  It was a tiny balcony. There were no chairs or table, just a few feet of space and a railing for Lemony to lean over. Klaus didn’t bother to close the door behind him. He knew he should to prevent the smoke from tainting the hotel room. But closing the door was admitting to starting a conversation. Klaus didn’t want a conversation, not really. He just wanted to get the thought out of his head.  “We should have gone with you. That night, at the Hotel Denouement.”It was the first time Klaus admitted that he knew Lemony had been the taxi driver that night. Klaus hadn’t been able to see him, then, but the voice had stuck in his mind. It was calm, quiet, and gentle, the opposite of what one would expect from a man offering to spirit away wanted criminals. Maybe that was why the Baudelaires hadn’t gone with them. Its peace was too foreign. Their worlds hadn’t been calm or gentle for a long time.  Lemony didn’t answer with words, instead turning to face Klaus. He simply stared at him. There was no furrow of his brow, no facial expression to indicate agreement or disagreement. Just the turn of his head, to prompt Klaus to continue. But what was there to say, except the obvious? “If we had gone with you, Violet and Sunny would be here. And Beatrice would be with Kit. They’d all be alive.” “Or we would all be dead.” This time, it was Klaus who stayed silent, waiting for his partner to continue.  “I cannot know for sure what would have happened. I do know one thing, however; it is much easier to hide your identity when living alone. A large group is easier to track. Especially a group where one of the members is young and needs to attend school. We would not have been able to move and switch aliases frequently. I could have homeschooled Sunny, but even then, law enforcement take much more notice of children who move around frequently than of adult men. It would be difficult. I am not sure I would have succeeded.” Lemony finally broke eye contact with Klaus. He had to be finding the right thing to say, as if there were any words that could be comforting after such an admission. All Klaus’ weeks of waiting to broach the subject, and Lemony had already put it to rest. Klaus shouldn’t have been surprised.  Klaus slipped back through the balcony door, and closed it behind him. He returned to his seat, though not to his novel. He needed a moment to think. Klaus had gotten what he wanted. Lemony made sure that thought would leave his head. As was Lemony’s nature, he replaced Klaus’ speculation with the grim truth. Somehow, the life Klaus was living was the best way things could have gone, with his siblings turned to ash, and himself little more than a ghost. This existence of wandering from place to place, attached to Lemony's side, was the greatest life he could have hoped for.
GOD I just. Them. The codependence. The way they are both shells of themselves, living ghosts haunted by everything they've lost. They have no one left but each other, so even though Lemony is old enough to be Klaus' father, they cling in this relationship that isn't really romantic or platonic, just sexual and codependent and there.
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frost-queen · 2 years
Hello ! I know the fandom is almost dead but I would like to request ASoUE fic. I have got back into it lately and stumbled upon your profile. I know you have done so many of these already but I would love another Klaus Baudelaire x Feminine Reader. Especially if it has lots of fluff and some emotional moments from both characters. No rush , or necessary just a fun idea if you’re bored. My favorites from you are Dark Paradise and When Words Are Not Needed. Even if you don’t take up this request thank you for putting your writing out there ! <3
Aww thank you so much, the fandom has indeed been dried out for a bit, but sure I still do reqs for them when asked so I'd love to do a Klaus one. Anything specific you like to see happen or is what you asked here enough?
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yourtypicalslvt · 1 year
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❁-Angst ❦ -Fluff ✰-Smau
Klaus Baudelaire
no work yet
Violet Baudelaire
no work yet
Duncan Quagmire
no work yet
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
〔𝘒𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘢𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦〕
Started: February 18th, 2024 Updated: Marrch 6th, 2024
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All my writings for Klaus Baudelaire - A Series of Unfortunate Events
I. You're So Pretty || Romantic | Fluff
∙ One shot | Rating: General Audiences | Pairing: Klaus Baudelaire x GN!Reader With a peaceful and quiet moment of studying with Klaus, you notice some features on him that you admire. So, you tell him.
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number-onekidqueen · 2 years
𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 - 𝙺𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚊
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Isadora Quagmire x Klaus Baudelaire
Warnings: none, let me know if you think there are though.
I inhaled a gust of stale air as I surveyed my surroundings and began walking, my footsteps bouncing off walls.
I was back in the V.F.D tunnels, where everything had started. For my parents, my brother, everyone. It felt so, well, intruding to be somewhere so silent.
Even as a V.F.D member, using the tunnels so frequently, every time I entered them, I was still surprised by the smell and the sheer silence of the atmosphere. It was like something I could never adjust to.
Perhaps it was because I hated the tunnels.
My literary mind thrives on motivation, and down in the tunnels I can't get any ideas or jabs of imagination to begin a poem.
All there is is darkness, and it is highly frustrating. Everything seemed so straightforward and ordinary, like nothing could be added to make it more interesting or nothing remarkable could happen in these dusty walls.
But my thoughts proved to be incredibly wrong.
To distract myself from my growing lack of comfort from the dim, flickering lights and dark, ominous stains on walls, I reminded myself of my task. 
I had to sneak into Prufrock Prep and steal the files of the detailed history of V.F.D, for V.F.D itself to gain a better understanding.
Well when I say V.F.D, I specify Quigley, Duncan and I as we are the last known and active field agents. The rest are uncertain, missing or dead. 
I spotted the sign marked Prufrock Prep and began ascending the rust-stained ladder, brainstorming how I could hide and smuggle the files out of Nero's office, or whoever is the Vice-Principal at present. 
As the trapdoor opened with a quiet creak, I rolled back the rug, and after a cautionary scan of the room, I crawled out onto the hard, scratchy carpet. I got to my feet and began walking to the filing cabinet. Rummaging through files, I found the folder I was searching for.
"Bingo." I muttered to myself.
"Of all people, I didn't think I would see you here, Isadora."
I nearly dropped the file, then stood, frozen on the spot, my heart pounding. 
It wasn't the nasal voice of Nero, the voice I expected. It was much different. 
It was a voice that pronounced every syllable correctly, a much softer voice, with a much more familiar tone to it.
The voice of Klaus Baudelaire.
"Klaus?" I said hopefully, turning on my heel.
And there he was, with his knitted sweater, collared shirt, ruffled brown hair, crooked glasses and heartfelt smile.
Just as he always looked. My heart sparkled a bit.
I beamed at him with the entirety of my world of euphoria upon seeing him.
"Klaus!" I yelled, dropping the file and charging for him, tackling him in a tight embrace.
"Issy! Oh, it's been a millennia!" He exclaimed returning the embrace, just as fiercely.
"I agree." I replied.
Finally we parted, and our foreheads creased together. 
"Where have you been?!" We cried at each other in unison.
We both reddened. 
"I was escaping the Great Unknown, then sorting out a few secret missions for V.F.D." I recounted.
"We were getting off the island where the possible creator of V.F.D, Ishmael, dwelled. Then we were completing missions for V.F.D, too. Though, why wouldn't we have crossed paths earlier? Odd." Klaus mused. 
I pondered the thought, frowning.
"That is rather strange." I replied.
Klaus brushed the thought off.
"Are you all safe though? How are Quigley and Duncan?" Klaus asked.
I rolled my eyes at the thought.
"Oh, well, Duncan was partnered with a certain auburn haired girl, we know as Miss Carmelita Spats for a mission. If she even deserves the title miss," I began.
Klaus scoffed.
"How's he coping with that?"
"Brilliantly actually. Last report I heard, Duncan is intent on changing her title to Mrs. Carmelita Quagmire." I said in light disgust.
Klaus spluttered repeatedly.
"What? What?! Carmelita? Carmelita?! The girl who sings her name at the end of every irritating and non-rhyming song?! Are you sure?! Really?! My goodness, what has this world come too?" Klaus exclaimed indignantly.
"My response was the same. Only Quigley remained unaffected because he believes everyone deserves a second chance. Utter nonsense. He's never met her." I replied grimly.
Klaus blinked the disbelief and horror out of his face, before changing the subject.
"Shh!" I whispered wheeling around at the sound of footsteps. They were headed towards us. I picked up the file and ran to the rug in the centre of the room.
Tossing the corner up, I unlatched the trap door and scurried down the ladder.
"Come on Klaus!" I whisper-screamed at his awkwardly-positioned silhouette hovering above me.
Quickly he hurried down the ladder, and rolled the rug back over the trap door. The trap door clicked shut just as footsteps began to pound above us.
Panting, we looked at each other and smiled.
"So, how's-"
I don't know what fuelled me to do it. Maybe, being in danger stirred my old feelings. Maybe the way he looked at me with admiration and happiness, just kickstarted my heart. Who knows, maybe I was just being a pubescent teenager. Whatever the reason, something inside me clicked. 
"I've missed you Klaus." I whispered, nearing him.
"Me too." 
Before I knew it, I instinctively threw my arms around him and kissed him. 
As our lips met, static electricity coursed through my veins, making me giddy. I felt starbursts of golden elation, flickers of surprise and tingles of excitement.
When we finally pulled apart I don't know what happened to me either.
Maybe I was confused with my numerous, overwhelming emotions. Maybe my first kiss provided me with weird side affects. Perhaps I just wanted to be humorous.
I guess I'll never find out. Anyway, the moment our lips parted I burst into laughter, alongside Klaus.
We laughed the merriment out of our souls, the joyous sound echoing along the tunnel walls.
It seemed a foreign sound to me at first, but slowly the sound became familiar, until I was only focused on the shaking of my lips and the warm tears of mirth, slipping down my cheeks.
After what seemed a euphoric eternity, our laughter ceased.
I beamed again at Klaus.
Then I felt cold panic rise through me.
Was this the end? Were we going to have to split ways again? Was I going to lose him? I couldn't!
"Oh Klaus, come with me." I whispered longingly to him.
"How could I refuse?" He teased, before he grinned, "I was about to suggest the same."
I beamed as our warm fingers tangled, and we began to walk back to V.F.D headquarters and begin a conversation of all the things we had done since we parted.
 As the lights flickered, we held each other, laughing at jokes we made and smiling and blushing at descriptive compliments we voiced.
And as I enjoyed this moment, I realised something.
How good it was to be "we" again.
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics that I've read for the past years]
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
Latest update: 07/01/23
Edited: 01/10/24
PT.1 (edited)
richard alonzo muñoz
Alma peregrine • Enoch O'Connor
the madrigals • camilo madrigal
klaus baudelaire • violet baudelaire
weasley twins • neville longbottom • luna lovegood
Edmund pevensie
santiago garcia
Pt.2 (edited)
newt scamander • wolfstar • remus lupin • regulus black • james potter
vance hopper
sherlock holmes
glenn rhee
peter pan • felix
newt • gally
duke leto atreides
jack frost • bunnymund
tadashi hamada • hiro hamada
Pt.3 on going (edited)
camilo madrigal
vance hopper
eleventh doctor • twelve doctor
dan torrance
miguel diaz • eli "hawk" moskowitz
wayne mccullough
on going (edited)
Sam(Trick r' treat)
micheal myers
polite leader
jennifer check
art the clown
brahms heelshire
PT.1 (edited)
peter ballard • robin buckley • dustin henderson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.2 (edited)
robin buckley • dustin henderson • alexei smirnoff • steve harrington • billy hargrove • eddie munson
PT.3 (edited)
steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.4 (edited)
peter ballard • chrissy cunningham • max mayfield • billy hargrove • gareth emerson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.5 (edited)
chrissy cunningham • gareth emerson • eddie munson
PT.1 (edited)
Ranboo • technoblade • tommyinnit • quackity • sapnap • jschaltt
Pt.2 (edited)
Corpse husband • Tommyinnit • technoblade
Pt.3 on going (edited)
Technoblade • wilbur soot • quackity • ranboo
PT.1 (edited)
peter(pietro) maximoff • erik lehnsherr • warren worthington • alex summers • scott summers • kurt wagner • jean grey
druig • loki laufeyson • bucky barnes • peter parker
Moon knight • kate bishop • stephen strange • Peter parker • Miles morales
alex summers • Warren Worthington •Sean cassidy • peter(pietro) maximoff
PT 3
Peter(pietro) maximoff • miles morales • moon knight • khonshu • stephen strange • wade wilson • eddie brock (venom) • kate bishop
Wanda maximoff • Warren Worthington • Moon knight
stephen strange • Loki laufeyson • wade wilson • peter parker • moon knight
kurt wagner • warren worthington • peter(pietro) maximoff
pavitr prabhakar • miles morales • peter parker • eddie 'venom' brock • tony stark • druig • kate bishop • moon knight • frank castle
obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Anakin Skywalker • obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Link soon...
on going
ben hargreeves • five hargreeves
montgomery gator • sunnydrop/moondrop
poppy playtime
ellie williams • joel miller
task force 141 • alejandro vargas • simon 'ghost' riley
joel miller
simon riley • könig
batmom • batfam • batsis • Bruce wayne • Tim drake • Dick Grayson • Jason todd • Damian wayne
Garfield logan • Rachel roth
batmom • batfam • batsis • bruce wayne • garfield logan • Jason todd • alfred pennyworth
on going
jervis tetch • the valeska twins • roman sionis
Link soon...
On going
Pedro pascal • timothee chalamet • harry style
marc spector • peter parker • bruce wayne • damian wayne
stray kids
timothee chalamet • ryan reynolds • bella ramsey • oscar issac • pedro pascal • justin h. min • joseph quinn • harry styles • tom holland
Pt.2 on going
Chris evans • Sebastian Stan • Paul raud
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svttingz · 2 years
thunderstorms and books
Pairing: Klaus Baudelaire x reader
summary: you're scared of thunderstorms so Klaus reads to you
warnings: none pure fluff and very very short story
no authors note :)
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a flash of lightning made you squirm a bit closer to your boyfriend. he wrapped a protective arm around you and said
“you okay?” you nodded against his shoulders
“yeah im fine” you say. ever since you were a little one, you have been terrified of thunderstorms. and since you and the Baudelaire's got stuck on this island, you found that fear growing, which caused you to loose sleep.
“are you sure?” Klaus asked, you nodded again and cuddled into his embrace as you tried to fall asleep. your muscles were tense and your breath was choppy which as you can tell that aint very relaxing. 
“its the storm isnt it?” you looked up at your boyfriend’s worried look.
“no..” another lightning flash made you flinch
“aw, shh its okay” Klaus cooed as he kissed your head.”im here to protect you”  you nodded against his chest. “i promise” he tipped your head up gently and gave you a chaste kiss.
“Im sorry, Klaus. you can go to sleep i will be fine” you say
“dont apologize Y/N, im not going to sleep until you go to sleep” Klaus says while sitting up from the couch bringing you with him
“why dont i read to you?” he asks
“that would be lovely, i would like that a lot” you say as a smile began to grow on your face
Klaus smiled back as he grabbed “the incomplete history” (in the books the book is called a series of unfortunate events soooo im just referring to it as the incomplete history cause thats what it is in the series-)
he wrapped his arm around you as you snuggled closer into him as he began to read from the beginning
“page one,” Klaus began
“we are embarking on a new voyage, and Bertrand insisted we document it in this book we know no book can contain every story in the world, even if the book is long and the world grows smaller everyday. but perhaps many years from now, another set of voyagers will discover this book, and read about the people who came before them, the stories they left behind and this entire series of unfortunate events.” 
as Klaus read each of the words, i felt my eyelids begin to grow heavier as he brought me closer to him as he read and soon enough i would fall asleep without any worries.
that is until Beatrice woke up.
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lesbianjackies · 3 years
Don't Say Anything At All
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Klaus Baudelaire x ADHD!Reader
Request: I've never done this before but can I request a Klaus Baudelaire x Reader who has ADHD? Like their mind works faster than their mouth and they can be loud and obnoxious but also feel insecure about it? You can ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable or anything :)
Gender: Not specified
Warnings: None, this is pure fluff :)
Word Count: 969
A/N: Y'all I am so sorry. Stuff's been really rough for me this past few months so I have just not been able to write :(( I know I say this every time I post and every time I disappear into the void without another fic, but I really do want to start writing more regularly. I love writing and I think it'll be good for my mental health, and I just wanna give you guys more content! I'm trying to get around to the requests I have right now even though they're months old and the requesters have probably longgg forgotten about them (sorry again), but my requests are still open so if you got something feel free to send it in. I'd prefer you not send it anonymously - this hasn't been a requirement before and I will still write anon requests, but since I cannot be trusted to get around to requests in a reasonable amount of time, I'd prefer to have your username so I can tag you in the fic. (This is so if it takes me months to get around to your request, you can still see it when I eventually do write it.) I really do love you all, and I hope you enjoy this fic!!
You knock on the door, bouncing slightly on your heels. You bite your lip anxiously as you skim over the paper you wrote. The content is good, you think, but Klaus will have to look over it to check for any distraction-induced mistakes. You feel like a nuisance bothering him over things like this, but you’ve learned time and time again that if he doesn’t check your work you’ll miss some tiny mistake that’s a little more than tiny to your professor and take your grade down a letter or two.
It takes only a moment for Klaus to answer your knocking, a small smile on his face when he sees you outside his house. “(Y/N)!” he says, glancing at the papers in your hand. “You need me to check, I assume?”
You nod nervously, hoping he’s not too bothered by the request. You know it’s silly; Klaus is always happy to help you with whatever you need, but everyone else seems to be annoyed by the trouble you have with what they consider to be simple tasks, and you can’t help being afraid Klaus will someday start to agree with them.
“All right,” he says kindly, taking the papers from you and leading you to his room. He flicks the light on and takes a seat at his desk, grabbing a red pen to make revisions with. He tilts his head over to his bed. “You can have a seat, if you want. There’s no need to stand awkwardly by the door.” His tone is teasing, not judgmental, and you grin before sitting in a cross-legged position.
“Thanks.” You bite your lip and crane your neck in an attempt to catch a glimpse of your paper, but you can’t see from behind Klaus, so you give up and draw your attention to his bookshelves. “Have you read all of these?” you wonder aloud.
“Mhm,” he hums in response, still focused on your paper. “I’ve read a few of them more than once.”
“Wow,” you breathe. “I mean, I read a lot, too - I’ve read most of the books I own, as well as some I’ve only borrowed, but I don’t own nearly as many as you do, and I don’t think my taste is as broad as yours. I mean, I see fantasy, historical fiction, realistic fiction, non-fiction - you have everything on your shelves! I usually stick to fantasy or science fiction - I just get bored with the realistic stuff, you know? I’ve already got enough of reality in reality - I don’t need to read about it. Not that it’s bad that you read other stuff! It’s good, really, you’re doing better than me, to be honest; I wish I could read those other things. I just - “ You stop, realizing you’ve been rambling. “Sorry,” you say, lowering your voice. “I should shut up.”
“No, no,” Klaus says, getting up from his spot at his desk and sitting beside you. “Don’t shut up, I like when you talk.” He nudges you with a smile. “And there’s nothing wrong with having a specific taste in books.”
You look at him, a blush covering your face that you hope he doesn’t notice. Most people hate hearing you talk; they say they can never get a word in and all you do is ramble. For someone - especially Klaus - to not only enjoy your rambling, but care enough to respond to what you were rambling about, is something you don’t think you’ll ever get used to. “Th- thank you.”
He looks a little confused at the expression of gratitude. “Of course. Oh, and I finished looking over your paper,” he says, getting up to grab it before sitting back down. “It’s really good - all of your points are excellent and cohesive, and I really like the wording of all of it. There are just a few spots with some minor grammar and spelling mistakes, nothing too hard to revise.”
You nod. You know you should feel proud of what you did well, but all you can feel is failure making a home out of your stomach. “Sorry. I know they’re silly mistakes to make, I just get really caught up in what I’m writing about and forget stuff like that. I’m trying to do better about it. I just wish I wasn’t such an idiot.” You look at your lap, fiddling with your fingers as you avoid Klaus’s gaze.
Klaus frowns and tilts your head up gently so you’re forced to look at him. “Hey, don’t apologize. Having trouble with grammar and spelling doesn’t make you an idiot. You’re actually really smart, and this paper you wrote is a prime example of that. Don’t beat yourself up over small things. This paper is really, really good, and I know you’re gonna get an amazing grade on it.” He looks at you nervously before placing a hasty kiss on your lips.
You blink, mouth slightly open in surprise.
He turns red and looks away, stuttering. “I- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. Please- please don’t let this change anything between us, it was an impulsive thing to do, and I shouldn’t have - “
You cut him off by placing a hand on his cheek and kissing him back. “It’s okay. I liked it.”
Now it’s Klaus’s turn to gape. “I- I… really like you, (Y/N)” he confesses, voice hushed.
A smile stretches across your face. “I really like you, too, Klaus,” you respond with a giggle.
Klaus returns the smile. “A- all right, then. Nice. Cool.” He gives you a pained expression. “Can you tell that I don’t know what to say?”
You laugh and cup his face with both hands. “Then don’t say anything at all, dummy.” And you kiss him again.
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