#klayley drabbles
doyelikehaggis · 10 months
I’m not sure if this counts as rarepair rowboat but what about a drabble of Klayley with three daughters? (maybe Hayley’s pregnant again and this time it’ll be a boy) I just love the little family of Hayley, Klaus, and Hope and I think it would be so nice if they choose to have more kids.
As an apology for how dreadfully long this has taken me to answer, I have done my absolute best to write something worthy of this beautiful concept. Klayley with more kids, building a family, is just my bread and butter, so thank you for gracing me with such an idea <3
The sound of feet moving so swiftly, almost silently, around his home would usually unnerve Klaus. It used to, in the past. It meant danger. Trespassers, people who were stepping where they did not belong, trying to catch him unawares.
Especially when he can hear the quick beats of their hearts. Growing closer to him. Sneaking up on him, his back turned to them. It would be very reasonable for him to act on instinct.
He closes his eyes. A smile curves his lips as the wolves pounce.
"Got you!" two voices scream at the top of their lungs as tiny arms wrap around his neck and legs, entangling him in a trap of limbs. They break out into laughter as they use all their might to wrestle him to the ground.
Once he's on the floor, growling, defeated, the two little wolves celebrate their victory whilst sitting on top of him. It's then that he breaks character and laughs along with them.
"Daddy!" Rikki scolds him, giving him a kick in the ribs. "You're not supposed to laugh! We've taken you prisoner, remember?"
He quickly tries to rearrange his features into something more sullen and angry as he nods swiftly, clearing his throat. "You're right, love, I'm sorry. I'm a prisoner."
At that, Astrid groans loudly and flops to the floor. "Dad!"
"What? What did I do?" he asks, eyes darting between the two of them.
"You know, prisoners don't usually call their captors 'love,'" another voice chimes in, almost sing-song-like in her smugness. He cranes his neck back and looks at her upside down as she walks towards them, arms folded and a smile on her face. "But then, you never were very good at playing prisoner, were you?"
He grins up at Hayley. "Just not my nature, love, you know that."
"Well, you have to be the prisoner," Rikki says stubbornly, still sitting on his chest. "It's the only way we can play the game, and you and Mom said we're not allowed to do any magic unless Hope's here, so there's nothing else we can play."
"Aside from the millions of toys you have upstairs in your rooms," he says, raising his eyebrows at her.
She glowers back at him. It's a familiar expression, strikingly like the one occasionally worn on her mother. Right now, though, Hayley can't do anything but laugh at the situation he's gotten himself into.
To his luck, Astrid has already grown tired of the game and his lack of cooperation, unlike her big sister. She gets off the floor and climbs into Hayley's arms, her attention turned, as usual, to the constantly growing bump. As the youngest, she's fascinated by the soon-to-be baby, though has taken to scolding it when it causes her mother any kind of discomfort.
"Does it feel weird?" she asks, moving her foot along it and looking up at Hayley with big brown eyes. "Like, a worm wriggling around in your stomach?"
Hayley smiles and tucks a piece of her auburn hair behind her ear with a nod. "A bit like that, yeah. But it's good. It means he's healthy."
Rikki and Klaus' heads both snap up. Klaus sits up, wrapping an arm wound Rikki as he rearranges to sit her in his lap as he stares up at Hayley.
"He?" Rikki repeats, taking the word right out of his mouth. "It's a boy? So, we're gonna have a little brother?"
Hayley glances from her to Klaus, her eyes lingering on his as her smile grows to bursting point. He can feel it in his chest, ready to explode, until, finally, she nods once more.
"A boy," he breathes out. Then he hugs Rikki, pressing a kiss to her head as a grin splits his face in half. "Hear that, sweetheart? A little brother for you and your sister. How does that sound?"
It isn't only Hayley's features he sees in his daughter, as her smile creeps into his heart much like his dear little sister's did when they only had each other. Her dark blonde hair only makes it more striking.
"I like that," she says.
Astrid, however, makes a face and prods Hayley's stomach lightly with a toe like it suddenly contains a flesh-eating beast. "Will he be weird and gross like the boys at my school?"
The three of them laugh, and Hayley strokes her cheek. "No, sweetheart, he'll be kind and sweet, and he'll adore his big sisters."
"Like Uncle Kol," Klaus chimes in.
That lights Astrid up like a Christmas tree. It's a little annoying how Kol has managed to worm his way in as the favourite despite living halfway across the world, but Klaus supposes he cannot begrudge him the love one niece as Rebekah firmly remains Rikki's favourite.
"Oh, come on, don't lie to her." They look across the room to find Hope standing by the door, back slung over her shoulder and a smile on her face. "He's part of this family. It would be impossible for him not to be a total freak like the rest of us."
The kids are uproarious with joy. Rikki is gone in a blur, colliding with Hope and nearly sending her crashing, and Astrid has never looked more like a tiny wolf as she loses her footing halfway out of Hayley's arms in her haste to join her sisters.
Hope laughs as she crouches down to hug them both. "Oh, my god, can you two stop growing? You're going to be taller than me soon."
"Wouldn't be hard, love," Klaus says, getting to his feet. She tilts her head, her mouth falling open to gape at him, and he grins. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you're a short-arse. I truly don't know whose side of the family you got that from, maybe Rebekah."
"Wow, Dad, thanks a lot," Hope says through laughter as Hayley swats him lightly for swearing in front of the kids. She walks over to them and into their open arms, hugging them both tightly. Muffled, she quietly says, "I missed you."
Klaus plants a kiss on top of her head and Hayley strokes her hair, softly saying, "We missed you, too, sweetheart. But, hey, you're here now and you can tell us all about school. Anything exciting happen?"
Pulling back, Hope makes a face. "You could say that."
"Caroline might have mentioned something about, what was it... a dragon?" Klaus says uncertainly, as if he doesn't already know every dangerous detail his daughter seems to have miraculously forgotten to mention recently. "And, I swear, there was something about a boy. What was his name again...?"
She laughs nervously now, realizing just that. To her great fortune, Rikki and Astrid hear the word "dragon" and take control of the conversation with a bombardment of questions. Hayley catches Klaus' arms and motions to the side. They step away from the girls as Hope is dragged to the couch.
"Let her settle in, at least, before we start grilling her about a possible boyfriend, alright?" she says quietly.
Klaus sighs. "Fine. But if that's Landon she mentioned last year, I will not be held responsible for what happens to him."
"You are terrible," she tells him, smiling. "Can you please just try to be happy that our daughter is living her life?"
Deep down, the words hit him with an almighty force. His eyes dart back over to where their three little girls sit together, laughing away. The truth is, he couldn't be happier. Seeing them all. Seeing Hope so grown up. God, she's changed so much since he saw her last, it actually almost breaks him, how quickly time seems to be moving. But it's also a feeling of relief, one that forces him to take a deep breathe as he realizes that Hope is no longer that tiny, helpless little creature in constant danger. Perhaps the last part hasn't changed, but the rest has.
And it's a good thing. How strong, how independent she has become. She looks up and catches his eyes, and she sticks her tongue out at him just like Astrid does. A glimpse of his little girl in this new, wonderful form.
Hayley touches his chest and his eyes are drawn back to her. "Alright," he says softly, "I suppose I can... live with that."
"And not kill her boyfriend."
"And not... kill her boyfriend," he repeats through gritted teeth.
Hayley rolls her eyes at him, but she still kisses him like he's deserving of it. Like she somehow loves him all the more for it, the stubbornness, the wolf inside of him despite its sometimes animalistic nature. It makes him ache in some way, wanting to be able to do more, do better by her somehow. All he can do is kiss her with everything he has and hope it's enough. Somehow, impossibly, it always seems to be.
She pulls back with a smile, caressing his face gently. In turn, his hands and gaze fall between them, both softening upon her stomach.
"So, we're having a boy," he says again.
"Mhm. Poor kid's going to be severely outnumbered, but I suppose it was about time to start evening the numbers out a little." She turns stern as he lifts his gaze back to her. "But I swear, Klaus Mikaelson, if you even dare try to suggest we name him after you, I will kill you."
He laughs at that but tries to look offended. "Well, frankly, I think it would only be fair considering our oldest daughter is named after you."
"Oh, it's her middle name and you chose it," Hayley retorts, poking a finger into his chest. "You're not getting away with that. No way."
"Then what do you suggest?" he asks, knowing that he was never actually going to burden the poor little thing with his own atrocious name.
Hayley looks away. "Well, actually, I was thinking... Henrik."
His heart seems to stop as the last of the air in his lungs escapes in a quiet gasp of shock. She looks up at him, a smile as gentle as her fingers flitting across her lips as she raises a shoulder.
"Henrik?" he repeats faintly. It makes him dizzy just to utter the name, his heart and mind bombarded by everything attached to it, and yet also oddly soothed by letting it be heard. Just, he imagines, as Hayley might have felt when he revealed the piece of her own self forever tied with Hope in the form of her middle name.
"It just feels... I don't know, right, I guess?" she says, shaking her head. "But if that's too much for you, then we can..."
"No," he interrupts. He presses his lips together, composing himself. "That's... No. It's perfect."
He stares at her, sighing softly, and he pulls her close, a hand on the back of her head as he presses his lips to her temple. "Thank you, Little Wolf." He pulls back, cradling her face between his hands lovingly, and looking deep into her eyes as he makes up his mind. "Our son's name will be Henrik. But, if I may, I want to give him his middle name."
Hayley nods. "Yeah. That's fine."
"Then our son will be called Henrik Jackson Mikaelson."
For the two names open messy, unhealed wounds in both their hearts, and Klaus knows that Hayley feels that same burst of emotion, followed by the odd relief at hearing the names said aloud. Never to be forgotten, even though they never could be for they live on in their heads.
Eyes glassy, Hayley takes a shuddering breath and nods. "It's perfect," she agrees.
"Just as he will be absolutely perfect," he says. "Just like his big sisters, and their strong, beautiful, amazing mother." He shifts her hair out of her face with a finger as she leans into his hand against her cheek. "You, Little Wolf, are the best thing to have ever walked into my life. Thank you"
"For what?" she breathes out, and jokingly says, "For getting just drunk enough not to ask myself if it was a bad idea to sleep with you?"
He swallows thickly. "For everything. For this." He glances back at the girls, then returns his gaze to her with full sincerity. "This family. Our family. For allowing me to be a part of it. Thank you, Little Wolf, for giving me a reason to never run again. You are my home."
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vampnerd23 · 1 year
Fanfic/WIP list
I had this on my last blog, and it had a super long introduction, but since that blog is gone....this will probably be short. I was just glad I had the list on a google doc. Some fics are started, some are not. Some fics are already posted, some are not. A choice few are finished, but most of them are not. Links to come later as I get time. For now, here's my archive of our own link and my fanfiction.net link.... List is below the 'keep reading line' for convenience.
Agents of SHIELD
Untitled Daisy/Sousa post s7 drabble
The Flash
Untitled seasons 1-6 AU w/ original child
Snowbarry Week 2019
Unravel Me
Our Souls They Blend
But We Still, Hold On
Some Dumb Stubborn Martyr Hero Sacrifice Thing
SB Valentine 2020 - We’ll Be Counting Stars
SB Week 2021
Your Faith Walks on Broken Glass
SB April Minibang 2020 - Sat by the River and It Made Me Complete
SB April Minibang 2021 - The Hardest Part of Ending (Is Starting Again)
SB April Minibang 2022 - Tiny Boxes For Memories
SB April Minibang 2023 - Still Believe in Fairytales
Untitled Season 2 WIP
A Promise Made
Snowells Week 2020
Open Mind For A Different View
For Your Love, All You Are
I’ll Take You To The Dark Side
Keeping Up With The Wells’s 
The Stars in the Sky Illuminate Below
Want You To Stay
Snowells Week 2021
how can I stand here with you (and not be moved by you)?
You should stay away from the cheese curds - they’re addicting
Days Dark as Ebony Nights
Snowells Week 2023
Things We’re All Too Young To Know 
Untitled Sherloque/Cailtin season 5 WIP
Untitled Harry/Caitlin season 4 WIP
Untitled EoWells/Caitlin season1/season5 timetravel WIP
Killervibe Week 2020 - Celebrate Me Home
Arrowverse Quarantine Fic Exchange - Yes It’s True (Happy to Be Stuck With You)
Gen/Character Fics
Between the Lines - Caitlin and Frost season 6 conversation
Caught in the Riptide
In this Grief
Once Upon A Time
Outlaw Queen
OQ Prompt Weeks:
Yours, Mine, & Ours
Home Sweet Home
A Glimmer of Hope
A New Beginning
Rose Petals
Leap of Faith
Operation Lupin
Shot Through the Heart
Operation New Adventure
Knight in Shining Dimples
OQ Fix It Week 2017:
Feather Light
Family Reunion
Of Arrows and other Remnants
Tea for Milady
A Bond in Time
The Heart of the Matter
Safe & Sound
Right Here With You
Vampire Diaries/The Originals
So Far Away
On the Corner of First and Amistad
Tell Me What You Want Me To Say
Holding On And Letting Go
Untitled season 1 Delena/Steferine WIP
Untitled season 4 DE WIP
Untitled AU DE WIP
Soul Bound
On Another Love
What Are You Prepared To Do
Rebuilding Blocks - single parent/therapist AU
Bonds Unbroken
Future AU
August Rush AU
Blended AU
Cure AU
Friends with kids AU
Family AU
Untitled future season 4 AU
The Devil Inside AU
Life as We Know It AU
Untitled season 1 warped WIP
Where’d You Go
Fading Light
Need You Now
Back to Humanity
Apart No More
Lights Will Guide You Home
Together Again - season 1 reincarnation 
TVD Season 4 AU
Only For Her
Starting Over
Together in Normalcy
Diabolical Sacrifices
Untitled Klaroline/Kalijah in NOLA WIP
Untitled WIP
Darkness I Became
Untitled AU
Spiraling Out of Control
Untitled AU
Gen/Character/multicouple works
Miss Mastermind - Katherine fic
Raising Jenna - Raising Helen AU 
TVD/Originals foster fic - Katherine was Hayley’s foster parent
Katherine season 2 fic
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Divine Interference
Waking Up
Redemption Fulfilled
Untitled season 5/6 WIP
Gilmore Girls
One Tree Hill
Once Upon a December
Remembering Forever
Untitled Polivia WIP
TVD Katherine Pierce/The Flash Killer Frost WIP
TVD Katherine Pierce/Angel Angel - Wait For You
TVD/Charmed WIP - Prophecy Girls
Buffyverse Spike/ One Tree Hill Brooke - 
Original works
TVD Fanfic conversion to original short story
Original guardian angels novel
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Would you write something where Hayley and Klaus are some kind of MMA fighters who support each other's fights?
a/n: I have to admit, I don’t know anything about MMA - but I took the main idea of them being fighters and made a fic based on klayley being some kind of underground fighters in a post apocalyptic world? Hope you still like it?
i found the devil, i found him in a lover -
She’s in the ring again.
(Hayley Marshall - the scrappy werewolf girl who doesn’t take anyone’s shit. She grew up in the woods, raised by animals and clawed her way into the city when Klaus Mikaelson first placed his eyes on her.
He was on the hunt, you see. For a new protege, someone to carry his infamy and name, someone to be his ultimate pupil. The notorious half-vampire, half-wolf and full on champion of underground fights. He needed someone who was as angry as he was, who needed to seek out her revenge because the world was unfair and cruel. Someone who wanted violence and bloodshed.
And Hayley Marshall was just that).
So she’s in the ring again, taking down the baby vampire who’s up against her. This one’s too easy - a tiny, blonde, red-lipped young monster who had just learned about her powers perhaps a few days ago.
That’s how they all start - if they can’t hide forever like she did, the ring takes them young and naive.
Easy to beat.
(So she wins the match with just a few punches, catching Klaus gazing towards her at the end - she sees him offering her a proud and supportive smile, which leaves her heart filling up with warmth).
After her match, Klaus always treats her to live dinner.
Her favorite is wild things - like lion’s blood. She loves to be back in her hunting element, like she did with the wolves. Her family - the only family she has ever known.
But now, she has someone else, a teacher to show her the ropes, to look after her and keep her steady.
“You’ve got something in your teeth,” he says, after each meal, smearing away the blood in her mouth. Animal skin still sticking in the cracks of her lips as he laughs at her inability to notice how cruel she truly looked. How heartless.
She doesn’t understand most of it.
This world - destroyed civilization, he calls it. Before, there was a time where he lived as a wealthy artist and then suddenly, world war III happened and it was all over.
Now he fights to survive, to live as a wealthy fighter.
And she’s lucky, she thinks - that he chose her. To save her, in a way, instead of destroying her.
He could’ve been her downfall, and yet -
“Does it ever get lonely at the top?” Hayley suddenly asks him.
He looks puzzled, stirring his food with an unusual method of almost playing with it - which is something Klaus never did. “Sometimes,” he admits, looking away from her. “That’s when you take a student, someone you see yourself in - just like I did with you,” he offers, smirking.
She can tell, however, that he’s not telling her the whole truth.
“Is that enough?” she wonders, thinking of the wolves again - of how they got together, mated and had small pups. Families upon families falling into each other so perfectly. She wonders if he ever thinks of stuff like that. “Don’t you ever want…something more?” Hayley asks.
“In this mess of a world?” he shrugs. “There is no hope, for more, my dear,” His fingers precariously grasp her fragile chin and caress her skin as if she is his kin. She nuzzles into his warm touch, shifting from chin to cheek. Eyes closed and long lashes pattering against his hand, like a fan-brush.
“I see,” she murmurs quietly. “It’s a nice thought though, isn’t it?” Hayley hums.
He curls another hand in to her hair - showing her affection was one of his many ways of devoting himself to her. That, at least, at the end of the world, he still had her. And that was enough. She was enough.
“A nice thought indeed, my little wolf,” he hums back, softly pressing his lips against her forehead.
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dark-hearted-wolves · 5 years
If you are still requesting drabbles, can you do something like Klayley mates or something like that?
(a/n: I assume you meant soulmates? Unless I’m wrong? Anyway this is kinda au/or what if Mystic Falls has a soulmates curse put on it and Hayley gets paired up with the last person she expects).
Her love is a waterlily resting in a pond - calm, tranquil and quiet.
She watches from the sidelines: a girl who hides behind words and a blue eyed boy. He’d been introduced to her as a teacher of the fine arts who spent his summers in Paris, in Venice, in New York City. He was a wealthy man with a large family. Four brothers, two sisters. He lived a full life - of adventure, love, loss.
Hayley took note of all of this before she walks into their new home.
“Hello,” he says, in a smooth voice, “I’m Klaus Mikaelson, your soulmate,” he holds his hand our for her to take.
She watches him carefully, and hesitates to slip her fingers into his palm.
She doesn’t talk to Klaus for three days.
Hayley hates him for not crawling after her - like a lost boy. That’s what your soulmate is supposed to do, love you unconditionally. Tyler Lockwood was supposed to be hers, she was sure of it. That’s what the wolves had told her, that’s why she came all the way to dreary old Mystic Falls.
But, this blasted curse and then - Tyler committed the ultimate act of betrayal as a wolf.
He fell in love with a vampire.
And that was that.
Hayley chooses Kol’s old bedroom because it has a fireplace. 
Klaus’ mansion becomes a house full of ghosts to her. She learns that they are haunted by siblings he once daggered and others who ran off because of his crazy antics. She hates it here - where everything is so sad and gone. This home is so empty, she thinks.
“Hayley,” he whispers, walking in as her door remains open. Klaus was strangely kind to her, she doesn’t question it. After all, he could just be lonely, all cooped up in this giant house, all by himself.
As his soulmate, she’s forced to be with him, so now, at least he has someone to talk to.
“What do you want?” She quips, sounding on edge.
“Come with me,” he orders, and it doesn’t surprise him that she refuses to comply. Hayley pulls the covers closer, all cooped up in Kol’s old bed.
“Why?” The she-wolf asks instead.
Klaus clears his throat, adjusting his tone to fit her fragility. He supposes that he could try and be softer towards her. “Please,” he whispers quietly. “I want to show you something,” he says, leading her out the door.
She walks after him and he brings her to the left wing of his mansion - where she was forbidden to venture out to. Klaus hadn’t told her the reason for it was that it was under-construction. She had just assumed he was hiding the worst of things back there.
But instead, he brings her to a large chamber.
The room is crafted beautifully - with old werewolf symbols and statues carved into the wood. The walls are covered in books about old folklore, histories of numerous packs and traditions. There are ancient werewolf heirlooms trapped in glass boxes, like exhibit pieces in a museum, with scripts about them written on plaques.
“I made this for you,” Klaus finally tells her. “I hope you like it,” he says, as he leaves her alone to enjoy the place.
She spends all her days cooped up in that same room.
Klaus slides in a few additions every now and then - pictures of his siblings, a portrait of Hayley he had done while she was sleeping, old scrolls about werewolf birthmarks to help her find out more about her family.
Each and every day, she got more and more comfortable.
And she realizes that maybe, this could be her home after all.
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*whispers* what if.... i wrote a series of klaus-centric drabbles..... one of which was the klayley parent trap au...............
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crazychicke · 4 years
Carpool Karaoke
Disclaimer: Not mine as much as I wish it, borrowed and nurtured. A/N: A thought which crossed my mind and wouldn’t go away.
Caroline didn’t mean for things to go the way they did.
Things hadn’t gone to plan all day.
She had taken to losing shotgun quite well, Stefan thought, eyeing his girlfriend.
It just meant she had to try harder to reach the radio controls.
Twice he’d been sacrificed, or so Klaus joked –
(an elbow to the face and a knee to the groin).
Caroline wasn’t in the mood for Justin Bieber.
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I Surrender To You
Hey guys! This is my late Christmas gift to all of you! Sorry for yhe delay but Santa got pulled over by the cops when he was due to bring this 😂 anyway, I hope everyone had a great holiday and enjoy!!! This oneshot was inspired by Surrender by Natalie Taylor, and I seriously suggest you listen to it when reading this because it is amazing! Moving his head side to side as he woke up, the blonde opened his eyes only to see a flow of brunette hair cascading down a woman's neck. Klaus smiled as he noticed the woman's presence, the arm he had wrapped around her tightened out of instinct, as he remembered the last few hours. He and Hayley had been playing a drinking game, Everyone had retired to bed, Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, kol and hope. He and Hayley offered to clear up after Christmas Day was over. After they were finished Hayley pulled out the vintage bottle of whisky on the shelf and smirked at him, asking "wanna play a game?" And of course, he did not refuse. The game consisted of taking a shot whenever a character on the TV was stood in the corner and looked as if they were wearing the christmas hat they had placed on the TV. The results of the game were lied right in his bed, although it was not foreign to either of them. They'd been doing it for months, but not the drinking game, no. The other part. Waking up next to each other, both nude from the actions they had made. The blonde and the brunette decided months ago that they should make whatever they were doing strictly business, friends with benefits. He lied there, watching her, how her beautiful brown hair cascaded down her back onto his bed, How her ear slightly twitches as she is asleep. How even in sleep she seems powerful and strong. How she is the gorgeous mother of his beautiful child, how she to him is literal perfection in his eyes. How the love he feels for her is the most consuming thing he has ever felt in his entire life. Sliding his arm from around her waist he moves his hand toward her neck, and gently grabs a lock of hair that was covering her skin and moved it back to the rest of her silky hair. The skin on her neck glows in the light, making it almost irresistible to resist placing his lips against it , and breathing in her scent. The sudden tickle Hayley feels on her neck causes her to wake from slumber. As she feels the familiar sensation she begins to smile. Which klaus takes note of, sliding his arm slowing down the curves of her body until their hands meet so he then entangles them together tightly. Continuing to kiss Hayley's neck, klaus patterns the kisses up and up, reaching over to kiss her lips as she turns over on her back making her more accessible to him. Now towering over the brunette, the blonde pulls Hayley's lips into his own with the most passionate kiss either of them have ever given or received. It was gentle, kind, soft, full of care, and compassion and love. Hayley runs out of breath soon as she's overwhelmed with the feeling of love from the kiss. Pulling back from her as she catches her breath, klaus stares at her, sweeping his eyes over her features, remembering the little details of her face. The slight freckles, on her nose, the small trace of a scar on her forehead, probably from her childhood before the werewolf curse was activated. The green dotted and wrapped around the pupil of her eye. His breath hitched in his throat, oh how helplessly in love with her he was. As he hovers, the blonde holds himself up with one arms as the other reaches forward to cup her cheek. "I surrender" he whispers Furrowing her perfect eyebrows with a confused smile on her face Hayley asks "What?" "I'm surrendering, I can't do it anymore" Her confused smile diffuses, now replaced with a slight look of worry. "I can't pretend do be fine with this" "Can't pretend to be Fine with what klaus?" She asks seriously confused by now. "I can't pretend to be fine with being together so intimately with you. I can't pretend to be fine with not wanting you every single second of the day, I can't pretend anymore Hayley. I surrender," he breathes hard. "I surrender to you, I surrender my self, my feeling, my love for you. " Hayley's mouth open in shock, her eyes widening as she sees the truth in klaus's blue eyes. Moving her hand to cup klaus's cheek, her eyes flicker to his lips, the slowest and smallest of movements showing her care for him. Pulling his face in, his body falls onto hers, eliminating the space between them as Hayley links their lips together in a slow, passionate kiss. As she kisses him, she flips them over so she's sat straddling his lap, he firmly grabs her hips holding her in place. Pulling away from the kiss she smirks at him and says, "do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to hear that?" Matching her smirk, klaus pulls himself up to her, and wraps his arm around her so she doesn't fall backwards, and another one cradling her head as he places it against his own as he look into her eyes with desperation. "A long time I'm sure, but I promise on my life, that not another day of your immortal life will go buy without you hearing me tell you, I love you." Almost immediately he pulls her into a deep kiss, giving her no chance to answer to answer but only through her lips. Her warm plump lips preform as his does straight away, showing him without words her love for him but it wasn't enough for her. Pulling away breathlessly she whispers ""I love you too" He kisses her again, more slow this time as he gently lays back down with her still on top of him, both pull away, klaus rests his head on his pillow whilst Hayley lays hers upon his chest, sliding slightly down the side of him, feeling at home with the warmth of his muscular arms wrapped around her keeping her close to him, never wanting to let go. They talked and laughed, and shared kisses for hours, until they eventually fell asleep again, letting dreams of their future consume them.
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alltid-og-for-evig · 2 years
Every TVDU AU I wrote for august
Muse AU: Hope can’t draw unless Lizzie’s around https://archiveofourown.org/works/40746324
Ancient Gods AU: Continuation, final chapter completed, Hope and Lizzie are gods in “mortal” bodies https://archiveofourown.org/works/32961397
Steampunk AU: Continuation, final chapter + Epilogue, Hope dreams of Lizzie, but cant recall ever knowing her https://archiveofourown.org/works/25906372
Psychological Thriller AU: Teaser, a monster at the school is making Lizzie see things https://archiveofourown.org/works/41080494
Spies & Assassins AU: Lizzie and Landon are spies on a mission, Hope is an assassin sent to stop them  https://archiveofourown.org/works/41142342
Ghost AU: Hope and Lizzie haunt the Salvatore House https://archiveofourown.org/works/41192241
Where It All Went Wrong: Lizzie comes out to Hope, Hope asks her out on a date https://archiveofourown.org/works/41360187
The Good End: (handizzie) Landon reconnects with his phoenix side, Hope gets her humanity back, Lizzie admits her feelings to Hope https://archiveofourown.org/works/41385501
Literal Hell AU: Hayley goes to hell to rescue Klaus https://archiveofourown.org/works/40900158
Coffee Shop AU: Klaus meets Hayley at his favorite coffee house https://archiveofourown.org/works/40922367
Fresh Start/Reboot AU: Klaus and Hayley don’t die. Post s5 fix-it https://archiveofourown.org/works/41012034
Childhood Friends AU: Drabble https://archiveofourown.org/works/41244687
Theater AU: Good old fashioned smut set in the 1800s https://archiveofourown.org/works/41322138
Twisted Fairy-Tale AU: Finch makes a deal with the dark queen to save Princess Josie’s life https://archiveofourown.org/works/33226933
Choir AU: Drabble, Finch has a crush on the new girl in her class https://archiveofourown.org/works/41127942
Crossover AU: Skyrim AU, MG and Kaleb continue their adventure across skyrim and meet some unlikely allies https://archiveofourown.org/works/33438658
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ofwoodsandwaves · 7 years
Could you, please, write an AU where Hayley divorces Jackson and Klaus is a college friend with whom she reconnects and who helps her go through that situation while they restart their old romance? Extra points if you add smut 😊
hey anon, I hope you like this ficlet, sorry I didn’t manage to fit in the smut, maybe another time ;) 
FFnet // AO3
we should ask Lady Fate
“You really love doing the whole artistic posing shtick, don’t you?” She said as she walked in the living room, finding him looking out the window, leaning on the frame, as if he was waiting for a photographer to stop by, she thought.
“You know us painters, we do love our dramatics,” he chuckled. “Good sleep?” he asked, turning towards her. He snorted and didn’t let her answer, “Are you really one to criticize me when you’re wearing my t-shirt and nothing else? What are we, an american rom-com?”
She giggled and dropped a kiss on his cheek, continuing her barefooted walk to the kitchen, where she remembered dropping her panties.
“Now, that’s not fair because someone threw my clothes all over the place and I couldn’t even find my bra. But I supposed we do fit the rom-com clichés, I’m recently divorced—” she spoke louder so her voice was heard from the next room over while he followed her, his eyes glued to where his henley barely covered her ass.
“You’re my ex boyfriend from college that I met by chance last night at a bar while drowning my sorrow. I’d say we fit the bill, don’t we?” The t-shirt revealed her naked ass and the bite marks he had left at the top of her thighs when she stooped down to pick up her bra.
“You forget one thing,” he said as he caught up to her, his hands sneaking under the t-shirt to caress her waist, “we were college sweethearts, the almost that never happened because Fate decided to push us apart.”
“Fate?” she sighed as his mouth wandered to her neck, the soft brush of his lips drove her mad but she clung to his shoulders and to his words. “Do you think Fate brought us back together then?”
He kissed her softly, once, twice, thrice, blue staring into green. “I think if it wasn’t Fate then we’d better not mess it up, I don’t want to have to find you again, Little Wolf.” His thumb stroked the small wolf tattoo on the underside of her breast, the one that he’d latched on during that first night, when neither had stopped to ask the other’s name.
“I think I’d find you again, even without Fate’s help.” She kissed him urgently, once, twice, thrice. Held his hand and dragged him back to the bedroom.
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ofcamerasflashing · 2 years
GIF SET REQUESTS ARE OPEN  &  ONE SHOT / DRABBLE REQUESTS  ;    I’m taking suggestions for things to gif.  The more clear you are on what you are wanting in type of the scenes / interviews the better.   I will not take any drabble requests that are hating on another character / ship,  anything writing real people, has a taboo subject matter, nor anything that is of the smut nature.  Everything else is up for grabs.
Characters ;  lizzie saltzman,  josie saltzman,  hope mikaelson,  landon kirby,  caroline forbes,  hayley marshall,  freya mikaelson
Ships ;  hizzie,  hosie,  handon,  handizzie,  handosie,  carolena,  freelin,  klayley
Actors ;  aria shahghasemi, danielle rose russell, kaylee bryant,  jenny boyd
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reserveyourchaos · 7 years
are you taking stydia prompts right now? Because I'm obsessed with your stydia fics
Tumblr media
Hey Anon,
Yes. Currently I’m taking drabble/shorts prompts for Stydia, Klayley, and Bellarke
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battlestarbean · 7 years
Klayley Drabble
Klaus and Hayley were on my spirit today, so I thought I'd babble about them a little bit. Totally unbetaed.
 It makes absolutely no sense. She knows this, but when has making sense ever really mattered when dealing with the Mikaelson family? Her family. She watches Klaus with Hope in the garden from the front porch of their safe house, now transformed into their permanent home after their timely departure from New Orleans, and marvels at they way they are with each other, freely and happily conversing about everything and nothing, just content to be in each others’ presence. Klaus takes Hope so seriously, absorbs everything she says, taking it in like each word is precious jewel that must be kept away and treasured. They are each other’s favorite people, and nothing brings Hayley more joy and happiness than seeing it reflected so clearly on their faces. There is no jealousy, only peace and contentedness and knowledge that even in the little world they have built between each other, she is equally adored between the two of them. 
And isn’t that the surprise? Loved. Adored. By both of them. Klaus still doesn’t smile very regularly, but the fact of the matter is that maybe none of them do. Maybe all of them have seen too much and been through to much for smiles to come easily. The point is, when they do come, they are quicksilver-fast, but light up every corner of a room and the darkest parts of  Hayley’s soul. They are flashes of light, potassium-bright, that settle into a warm sweet ache that settles in the center of her. There are more directed at her these days, followed by a gentle uncertainty that moves across his face, so unlike the Klaus of old, the Klaus of megawatt-murder smiles and cavalier cruelty. These smiles, when directed at her seem to say, ‘is this okay?’ in the smallest of voices. She wishes she could tell him how she aches to see those smiles go, how a part of her foolishly wants to devote time to making them last longer. ‘It’s okay’ she wants to say. ‘It’s more than okay’. 
She turns away from them so they won’t notice what they do to her, what seeing them together without the violence and the blood surrounding them in New Orleans makes her feel. She wouldn’t be able to articulate it and she doesn’t want them to worry. She steps back inside and catches her breath. 
She used to think it was simply the novelty of seeing Klaus as no more than a parent, as a wonderfully kind and thoughtful parent -- she’d seen so much more and such evil things that of course it would knock someone back to see this side of him. She knows this is not the case now. It is the steady presence of him at her side when facing both enemies and other parents at playdates and birthday parties, it is seeing the darkest parts of herself mirrored in him, but thriving in light and happiness despite it. It is the warmth her little family brings her, origins as broken and mangled as they could be, and the fact that despite it all they have managed to make this for themselves. What they always thought and were told they could never have. They are partners, matched sets, friends. Equals. 
It’s not that she doesn’t doubt herself. Of course she does. She ultimately threw in with the biggest monster in the supernatural world and decided to make a home with him. He has shown her his cruelty and his malice and his insecurities and paranoia and somehow, after all of it, he still never managed to convince her that that was who he was.  Cami knew, she knew who he was truly capable of being, and that what he did wasn’t who he was in his center. Cami, God rest her soul, had had all their numbers. Hayley wonders if Cami had seen who Elijah really was, if she had always known what kind of person he was and what he was capable of. She loved him, she truly did. But she was smart enough now to know that that wasn’t always enough, and that she had to think and take care because it wasn’t just about her anymore. She had her baby to think about. 
In the end it was the right thing to go their separate ways. She doesn’t regret it. There were nights when she thought she’d shrivel up and blow away because the pain was so bad, but she didn’t. And that sacrifice has given her this. Whatever this is. Firecracker smiles that dash up her spine and settle in her chest, contentedness like she’s never known, brushed hands and warm, uncertain glances and fond ‘little wolfs’ and ‘love’. She watched him paint the other night and he’d actually blushed. She had found her own face warming in response and Hope shot a knowing glance between the two of them when she walked into the room. Little girl is too canny for her own good. She doesn’t know what will happen now, all that she knows is that she has everything she needs or could ever want, and that it has come from the most unexpected of places. 
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and all the magic we made (3/?)
a/n: Sorry this one took so long - been losing a bit of passion for writing and going through some rough and busy times. Hope this chapter is to your liking :)
She’s a bit of a hurricane, at times. Her anger and rage is enough to sweep away and destroy everything in her path - a weather storm of a woman, carrying the name of her ancestors with vengeance on her mind.
That is what Hayley Marshall is - a disaster in the making.
For the passed week and a half, Klaus hasn’t bothered her. He’s kept his distance, giving her space and she hates him for it. She might even hate it more than she hates him for leaving.
Because this way, he’s still on her mind - relentlessly. 
And maybe, that’s worse than the amount of time she spent not thinking about him at all. It took her years to forget him - to not think of his lips every time she closed her eyes, to not think of his hand and how perfectly in fit around hers, to not think of his smile -
It took everything to leave it all behind.
But now, here she is, sitting at her laptop at five in the morning on a Tuesday, Googling his name.
She had to see what he had been up to, all these years.
He spends his week moping around his hotel room - he felt as tired as the sea at night. After battling with all his tides, after carrying all his creatures back to shore, after all his passed lives rode his waves, he was done.
Exhausted, over.
Klaus couldn’t keep feeling this torn up - it was like there was a bomb inside of him, ticking away.
So, it comes as the largest surprise to him when he sees a Messenger notification from no one other than Hayley Marshall herself.
He quickly grabs his phone and stares at it for a long ten seconds.
It takes him a moment to realize that this is real and not just wishful thinking.
“What should I do? Do I answer her?” He finds himself questioning his reflection, as he paces around the room.
“Well if I do, I might say the wrong thing! But if I don’t, I would’ve come all this way for nothing - and I’ll never know anything about that little girl who might or might not be my child -” 
He stops himself, mid-ramble, mostly because he almost walks into a lamp but also because his could-be daughter pops in to his mind.
If he couldn’t do it for himself, he at least had to do it for her.
So, with every fiber of courage in his being, Klaus brings himself to open the message that Hayley had sent him.
Her stare is fixated on his pictures - mostly because he had not changed at all.
Maybe a few more wrinkles around the eyes and neck but, everything else was still the same. His smirk was still amusing but sinister at the same time. He still had paint on at least one if not more articles of clothing that he wore. And he still had that same expression in his eyes - just a glimmer of sadness in every picture.
She stops browsing his photos only to see how quickly he had messaged her back. She had sent him a simple ‘hey’ as a way to initiate conversation. She blames her cat-like curiosity, her brain that runs on impulsive decision making and her heart that never does whats best for her.
Hi, he starts with, how are you? 
Her first thought is to fight him - to argue with him but, that’s not why she contacted him. That wouldn’t change anything. Confrontation is not what she wants.
So instead, Hayley sends him this: Why are you back?
He’s not sure what to say - so he decides to stick to the truth.
For you, he types out, like it’s so easy for him.
Hayley bites her lip, holding back tears as she reads his reply. Why now? She asks him.
I’m not sure - I just...I couldn’t get you out of my mind, He quickly sends.
She takes a deep breath, preparing herself to write out her next few words.
What would you say if I told you to leave?
He doesn’t even hesitate with his answer.
I would leave.
She blinks twice - wondering about his honesty.
And, if I told you to stay? Hayley asks, again. 
He feels sweat running down his forehead, I would stay, he simply says, following her lead.
She’s in disbelief, so much so, that she starts laughing.
You know, you never listened this much back when we were together, Hayley types out, with a smile on her face.
Unexpectedly, he releases a chuckle - remembering all the good times they had together. He would always cherish his memories with her. 
I know - I was foolish, back then. He types back, now feeling a mix of emotions. Sadness combined with relief that she was at least talking to him.
It wasn’t much, but it was a start. 
You were. She goes offline after that, feeling a bit better about her recent progress with him.
She was doing this for Hope - for her kid who never got a father. Not for herself.
She has to remember that. That’s her only goal with all of this.
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dark-hearted-wolves · 6 years
okay but here me out, there are literally no fics dedicated to this one subject and tbh i trust in your ability to deliver the best every time. all a sis wants is some kind of smut between klaus/hayley/jackson akksksks
and it was like slow motion
The wolves have a ritual.
Everyone mates with the alphas.
It’s tradition, after all - they were all supposed to go through it in order to be part of the pack. That’s what made them so close, so bonded, so intimate. The wolves in Louisiana weren’t just a bunch of animals hounded together, they were familiar with each other’s bodies, with what made each other tick, and squirm, and moan―
After all, that’s the best way to know one’s weaknesses, to know one’s soft spots.
So when it’s Jackson’s turn, he knows he’s in for quite the sexual experience.
Oliver had bragged about the way Hayley lets out the wildest of screams when she bent over, legs fallen apart, howling while his arms are fixed around her neck. God, that woman liked things rough - liked things primal.
Aidan loved to speak about the way Klaus fucked the life out of anyone - how he’d grab his preys by their arms and legs, pinning them down with his knees, hard cock burying into them slowly. Carefully. With the precise calculation of heavy hounded lover who knew nothing else but blood, but sweat, but tears―
But pleasure.
Jackson’s never been too wild - he’s been with a few women here and there, but nothing as intense as what he was about to experience tonight.
He looks down at the scriptures their ancestors had left for them, reading them out loud, drinking from the cup where every wolf had poured in a drop of their blood, and finally, made his way towards the alphas bedroom.
Jackson knocks once, and at the sound of Hayley’s sweet voice, he’s almost immediately entranced.
The room is red - crimson drapes and sheets, rose scented candles lit all around, flower petals adorning the floor, making a path towards the bed, where both wolves lied, intertwined, waiting for him.
Klaus is first, as per usual.
“Don’t be nervous, love,” he whispers, cold dead hands cupping his cheek. The young wolf flinched, stepping back and stumbling into the bed. The original hybrid crawled on top of him. “We’re very experienced, we’ll take good care of you,” he smiles, leaning in to touch his arm.
“Believe me,” Jackson chuckles, “I’m painfully aware of that fact,” he shrugs - feeling the slight tickle of fingers crawling up his back.
“Then,” Hayley shows up behind him, grinning from ear to ear, “What’s the matter?” she wonders, nails digging into his skin, leaving deep deep marks, almost as if to make him her territory.
He hisses at the slight pain, at the slight action of dominance. “I might not be super good, at anything really, compared to what you two have done anyway,” he nervously releases, even though the ritual itself isn’t about being good or bad, it’s just a right of passage really.
That’s all it was.
“Jack,” the she-wolf takes on a calmer tone, fingers now on his face, worshiping the exquisite line of his jaw, following every inch of his gaze. “Every wolf is unique,” she tells him.
“In smell, in sight,” Klaus follows through, grabbing him by the hips. “In taste,” he growls in his ear, making him sweat with anticipation. 
Finally, Hayley crawls closer - and softly kisses Jackson’s lips. And suddenly, he’s all relaxed. He falls limp in Klaus’ arms and leans against his chest.
“We don’t like to presume things,” she says. “We just like to have fun, don’t we Klaus?” Hayley sings, biting on her bottom lip.
The original hybrid takes the bait, as per usual, and nods. “Yes sweetheart,” he tells her. “That we do,” Klaus repeats, grabbing her by the back of her hair.
Jackson had never been fucked by a man before - but, in wolf folklore, gender fades in to meaninglessness. It’s not about that, it’s about how he mates with his alphas, how he shows them intimacy, love and respect. 
It’s about how Klaus isn’t just the aggressive sex freak Francesca drools about, or how Hayley isn’t just the slutty fuck whore that Keelin lusts about―
It’s about when Klaus kisses him - it’s slow. It’s like he’s creating a work of art, a masterpiece, each time he makes love. He takes his time, learning every part of his lover’s body - and then, he strikes when the time is right. When Jackson’s hard cock just can’t take any more of the teasing, of the taunting.
And with Hayley; things are so much more than he could ever imagine. Of course, he had a crush the queen of wolves. Almost all the other wolves did. She was kind, generous, brave - so being with her, like this, was like something out of his dreams.
She was royalty, through and through, from the creaminess of her thighs to her swollen lips, her tousled dark locks. 
Jackson wants to kiss them both raw, until he leaves stains of color on their pales lips - marking them as his instead of him as theirs. 
It the pale morning light, Jackson almost forgets that he’d be waking up in the middle of wolves. In the middle of Klaus’ lips pressed against his ear, and Hayley’s hair in his face.
It was nice - mating rituals and weird blood pacts aside - this was a good experience for him.
Definitely a night well spent.
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burnedhybrid · 7 years
fanfics, drabbles, and lots more...
Hey my lovelies, 
As promised, I have a bunch of feelsy lovely writing on the way for you. I wanted to give you my AO3 link, though, I’ve changed it around and have deleted all other things I had once written (it was a lot of Dr. Who, lmao). I have a few things I’m working on, some Jondrea, some Haylijah, some Andrelijah, some Klayley, some Klaylope, some Talijah- most of the drabbles/fanfics I upload will be a spin on or inspired by threads I have on here, based on some starters I’ve made, or plots I’m already doing or want to do, etc, etc, I’m thinking of posting in bulk, not quite sure yet, BUT I wanted to ask, if y’all have any requests send them my way! I have a few in my inbox I’m working on, but totally open to more!
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crazychicke · 5 years
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