doingitforbokuto · 1 month
The White Knight - Chapter Ten
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Summary: Both you and Kita have a painful past that you need to face - for better or for worse.
Words: 2,005
Warnings: brief mentions of death
Your Point Of View 
You blinked at your brother, trying to process what he had said.
“Talk about Garret?” You repeated his words. “What..” You swallowed, “what exactly is there to talk about?” 
“What is there to talk about?!” Ethan's eyes almost bulged out of his head. “What is there to talk about? You almost got killed! You almost got killed by one of my best friends and you're asking me what there is to talk about!” He threw his hands in the air. 
You couldn't tell if it was anger or frustration that got him so agitated but it was clear that something was weighing heavily on his heart, something he cared about deeply. And there you were, thinking he did not even spare you a thought, only because he had not come to visit you. Perhaps he had not visited you because he cared too much, because he needed to calm down. If this was how agitated he got over this weeks after it had happened, how did he act the days after? You had only seen him for a quick moment when he had come to check on your wound shortly after he had heard about the incident and you truly were not in a state to worry about anyone but yourself then. He must have been upset. And then he started sorting through every knight in the castle, making sure that no one else could become a threat to you. He did care about you. Too much so. But that had not been a thought that crossed your mind up until this moment. 
He took two big steps now, easily closing the distance between you two and took your hands into his. You hadn't even noticed you had reached out to him - but you had. You needed him, you needed your big brother who always kept you safe. 
The rims of his eyes glistened with tears and pain painted his features. His voice was a whisper when he spoke, his face closer to you than he had been in a long, long time.
“I am so, so sorry.” He swallowed. “I am so sorry I did not see it coming. I should have noticed, I should have kept him away from you, I should have protected you better, I - I should have done something -” 
“Ethan,” you interrupted his rambling. “This is not your fault-” 
“Isn't it?” Now he was the one interrupting you. “I am the reason he even had the opportunity to do this. I am the reason he was here, at court. I am the reason he had access to the part of the castle that houses the royal quarters. I am the reason you have to deal with this..” His fingertips came up to graze over the bandages that still covered your wound. “I was his friend. I should have seen it coming.” 
“Did you?” 
“No. And I'll always hate myself for it.” 
You squeezed your brother's hands. He was blaming himself for someone else's actions and it hurt you to see him like this. What Garret did was horrible but it did not have anything to do with Ethan, you were sure. He thought he should have seen it coming, but how could he have? What are the signs of someone planning to break into your sister's bedroom to threaten her into marrying them and then taking her hostage, trying to kill her when everything goes wrong? Who could have ever imagined that someone as close to the family as Garret would do something like that? You certainly did not and you doubted that Ethan ever had a chance to see it coming, either.
“I do not hate you for it. I could never hat you.” 
He looked at you with hopeful eyes. “Never?” he asked. “Not even when I was being an asshole to you?” 
“Ethan!” You rolled your eyes, unable to stay serious - despite the situation, you could not help but feel at ease with your brother. Yes, your relationship had been strained as of late, but there was no one in the world that would speak this freely with you. Not your father, not your servants, not even your friends. He was still your brother. 
“Sorry,” he shot you a gentle smile. “But I am serious. I did behave horribly towards you. Especially ever since.. I mean - these last years I..” He broke off, unsure of what to say. Or perhaps he knew what he wanted to say, but just could not bring himself to say it. You felt like you had an idea what words were stuck in his throat. 
“It is hard to behave normally when your mother dies,” you said, hoping to ease his burden at least a little. A burden that both of you had to carry, though you two had never truly shared it with each other. Each one of you had been too overwhelmed by carrying your own package that you did not have the time or energy to check on the other one. But perhaps that would have eased the weight. Perhaps it was what you needed to be doing now.
“I know I haven't been very pleasant to be around after she left us,” you continued. “And it was probably even harder for you, having to step up as father's most trusted advisor since he lost her. You had so many duties to the kingdom and you were still so young then. You were almost a boy, beingforcedacinto the duties of a man. I don't know how you managed to get through all of that. You must have suffered so much.” 
Now the words were getting stuck in your throat. You had been so wrapped up in your own suffering that you had been almost blind to the things your brother had to go through. The death of your mother. Replacing her as the person your father always asked for advice. Fighting in an uprising trying to take advantage of the weakened king. Now, losing one of his closest friends. And you thought you had it hard. 
Suddenly, two strong arms pulled you into a tight hug. 
“I would have suffered less if I had just talked to you,” your brother whispered. His voice was muffled as he pressed his face into your shoulder. “I've missed you so much.” He was crying now, sobbing into your gown. “I abandoned you.” 
“No, no -” Why was he talking like this now? Why was he crying? Panic started to rise up your spine. Did you just make everything worse when you were trying to make him feel better? 
“Yes, I did!” He sobbed. “I was so angry because I had to run around and do everything father wanted, I thought - I seriously thought you had it easier. I thought you didn't appreciate how easy your life was. I am so sorry. I shut you out and turned a blind eye to every hardship you were facing.” 
He pulled back to look at you. Both of your cheeks were wet from your tears. When was the last time you had seen your brother cry? And when was the last time you two had been this close? 
“You were so alone, weren't you?” Ethan asked you. His voice was quivering from his previous sobs, but quiet, gentle. He was the big brother you looked up to again. The one that blew onto your scraped knees when you were children. The one that scared away boys that played tricks on you. The one that taught you how to make a slingshot. 
You nodded, fresh tears running down your cheeks, your neck. 
“I'm sorry,” he whispered. “I was, too. I would have saved both of us a lot of pain had I not been such a selfish asshole.”
“It's not just your fault.” You pulled out a handkerchief from your dress-pocket to wipe our running nose. “I was pretty much doing the same thing.” 
Ethan smiled at that. “We are two idiots, aren't we?” 
And then, finally, for the first time in God knows how long, your brother's laughter filled your room again. 
Kita's Point Of View 
The sun was still warming his face when he took a walk through the streets near the training ground. He had been dismissed from his duties earlier than usual when you and your brother decided to go for a walk in the royal gardens. 
Since your brother was with you, a knight was not needed for your protection and Kita could have some rare time to himself.
As he strolled through the streets, he found himself looking for things you might enjoy: A flower. A group of friends, laughing. A bird singing. A cat chasing that bird. A rock shimmering in the sun. It wasn't that he planned on showing you these things - he knew how constricted you were in where you were allowed to go - but it made him happy to know that you would find some happiness in these things as well. The way that you were starting to look at the world now was what he had wished for the entire time. You weren't as happy as you should be just yet, but he was sure that in due time, all would be well. 
As he kept on walking through the streets, he rounded a corner and saw a stray dog was rolling around in the dirt, warming up his belly in the sunlight. Kita paused to look at him for a moment. That was what he wished for you. To just be able to go out, into the sun, and be happy. Not needing anything else, not having to worry about anything else. Just being able to enjoy the simple pleasures that the world offered to you.
He lifted his face up to the sun, closing his eyes. It was what he wished for himself, too. If you could be happy, then he would be happy too. Then he wouldn't have to worry about anything else. Perhaps that goal was not so unreachable now. Just when you left with your brother, you were smiling, holding onto his arm and walking out into the sunlight. The glimmer of hope Kita had had for your future was slowly growing into fire that warmed his heart.
Kita allowed himself another moment to enjoy the warmth on his face and the one in his heart. Without even meaning to, his mind wandered to memories of your smile, of a leaf getting tangled up in your hair, of your skirt moving as you walked through the gardens, of your hands skillfully sorting the herbs you had picked. They were images that Kita found himself returning to almost every day. He had told you to find beauty in the small things, because he knew what it was like. 
When he was younger, it was hard. There were always ups and downs in his life, times when it was easier to see the good and times when he had to really search for it. Before he had met you, it was a tedious task he had to master day in, day out. But not long after he entered your service, it dawned on him that it did not have to be tedious. It could be swift, easy and light if only he was around you. His happiness was not far from where you were. 
“What the hell are you smiling about?” 
Kita opened his eyes just in time to see the man step towards him, making the dog jump to his feet and run away. He never thought that he would come face to face with the man in front of him ever again and, truth be told, he had wished to never see him again. But of course, fortune was not so kind. 
“You're living the life, huh?” Michael huffed as he came to a stop in front of Kita, arms folding over his broad chest. “I wonder how you can even sleep at night after killing Ediva.”
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pupkou · 2 months
thinking heavily about kita mouthing at the packer in my shorts <3 he’s moaning n praising how big it is <33 he eats me out and cries cause my tdick is so big ….. goodnight i’m so horny rn
minors dni
the thing about kita is that he knows that half of the power he has over you is mental. sure, he can overpower you-- he could hold you down, wrestle your arms behind your back, and make you do anything he wanted. but he doesn't have to.
all he has to do is look a little long at the bulge in your jeans before meeting your eyes. and not saying anything. repeatedly. all he's gotta do is look at your cock to get you going, and he knows that. but he likes to let you initiate because it's more fun that way.
you usually catch him in the kitchen, pressing him up against the counter and hugging him tight around his waist.
"what's going on, baby?" shinsuke asks, softly speaking into your ear.
you cuddle your face into his soft cotton shirt, saying, "I'm just.. horny. since I did my shot yesterday, you know." he smiles, but you can't see his change in expression from where you're holding him.
"d'you want me to help with that, peach?" he asks. you're throbbing in your shorts already and being asked that in combination with his sweet petname for you made you twitch, so you say yes and lead him to the bedroom.
he lays you down on the edge of the bed, stopping you when you start to get undressed.
"let me do that for you, baby," shinsuke purrs, smoothing a hand over your cheek and chin before giving you a soft, but deep kiss. he helps you take your shirt off and carefully folds it before setting it on the chair in your shared bedroom. you're left in your shorts and crew socks, just the kind of cozy, home outfit that he finds you irresistible in, especially with the outline of your packer showing through the fabric's form.
"s'so big," he says, rubbing his nose against your clothed bulge, feeling your warmth on his face. "you just get bigger every time I see your cock, baby."
shinsuke usually doesn't tease, but this time he starts to kiss your packer through the fabric of your shorts, worshipping the cock sitting on top of your hard tdick. he always worships you, but you can't help but get shy this time with the way he shamelessly kisses your packer with an open, drooling mouth.
once he's had his fill of teasing you (meaning: you've begged hard enough,) he pulls your shorts down and rubs his middle and ring finger on the wet spot you've created on your underwear, sticking his nose into it and taking a nice huff of your pussy. he lifts his head to meet your gaze and grabs your bulge with one hand, rubbing it up and down as he stares at your expression with unashamed eyes.
"are ya ready for me to take care of this for you?" he asks, kissing the tip through your underwear. "I can see you're real excited for me. and smell it."
"please," you whimper. "please take care of me."
and as always, he does. he wastes no more time with teasing, pulling your underwear off and tossing them gently onto the floor where he's sitting before making himself comfortable by laying between your legs. he spreads you open, exposing your wetness just for him, and gently runs his tongue along the underside of your cock before softly taking it into his mouth. he sucks lightly and laughs into your cunt when your thighs twitch from the movement, since you're just so sensitive.
your hand finds its way into his bicolored hair, holding on as his mouth makes filthier and filthier noises that would thoroughly embarrass you if his mouth didn't feel so fucking good. shinsuke worships your cock as always, open mouthed kissing the tip and sucking the length of you into his mouth in combination, the warm, wet heat of his tongue and lips unlike anything else.
your thighs and hips shake in his broad, strong hands, and he begins to bob his head on your cock as his tongue flicks and rubs on the underside, and he hums in praise and agreement when your thighs start to close around his head. his sounds of "mm, hmmm" are encouragements of your pleasure, and the vibrations only add to it.
when you open your eyes to enjoy the view, you see shinsuke's eyes closed as he eats you out, his hair a mess in your hand that holds his head close to your cunt and his forehead sweaty and determined to please you. he's also fully clothed still in his white t shirt and comfortable navy blue pants, which you hadn't noticed before now. the sight of him pussydrunk while fully clothed, fully focused on your pleasure, is too much to handle-- and you cum hard into his mouth, which doesn't stop its motions against your cock.
you plead, "shinsuke, slower-- fuck," and he listens, slowing his kisses before resting his face happily on your inner thigh, kissing you there once for good measure and lifting his head to see you once your hand releases its grip on his hair.
"you did such a good job," he praises, rubbing his cheek into your soft, hairy thigh. shinsuke continues, "and you're just so big, I could choke on ya if you get any bigger."
you laugh at his lovedrunk praise, but say, "don't give me any ideas, I'll go crazy if I think about you choking on me like that."
"that's how I feel when you suck my strap, baby. plus you're so pretty when you do that, it's like I can really feel it," he says, his dick throbbing just thinking about it.
"you can't compliment me like that right after you just made me cum! I can't cum again for a couple minutes!!" you complain playfully, hips a little sore from being held open.
he looks at the clock sitting on your bedside table and smiles softly, mentally giving you 5 minutes before you're asking him to put the strap on and give it to you like you deserve (but knowing he'll make you ask for it nicely first.)
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rainbowdonkee · 1 year
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More 6th Anniversary illustrations!
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kitausuret · 1 year
Top three Venom panels, go.
Oooooohhhh this is so mean. Like, come on, making me pick only three? BUT. For the sake of "I'm a Venom blog (mostly) and I probably use the same dozen panels over and over" I am going to try and be a liiiiiiittle bit unique this time, and maybe pick out a few moments that I don't normally talk about. These may not be my favorite moments of all all ALL time but I'm using this ask as an excuse to talk about them. I'm also going to behave and limit myself to one panel for each example, instead of like, a page.
Venom: The Madness #3 (W: Anne Nocenti, A: Kelley Jones)
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SO. "The Madness" is probably the closest I get to a guilty pleasure with Venom comics. Is it very good? Probably not! Did I enjoy it? Yes I did! I mostly know Nocenti for her fantastic work on Daredevil, but she also was the first writer to REALLY be like, "Hey, could not just Eddie Brock, but Venom have a significant other?" And as someone who's kind of made my whole fic-writing thing about Venom being in relationships, I really enjoyed that. I was very sad that Beck Underwood broke up with Eddie at the end of this comic, but she's a delightful character and I'm nothing if not a fan of exes to friends.
Thunderbolts #118 (W: Warren Ellis, A: Mike Deodato, Jr.)
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So, let me preface this by saying that, for reasons you can investigate very easily, I don't like Warren Ellis, and this isn't even really my favorite Thunderbolts series. But. I love an exploration of the symbiote's fall from grace, and how even with Mac Gargan it wasn't so... shall we say... symbiotic. I think there's always going to be a little bit of Mac that's a little bit scared, and a little bit just wants to be protected, but he also wants to FEEL like he's tough and respectable. He's really a rather tortured man, and he and the symbiote found each other at really awful times in their lives. But also, the symbiote being gross is funny, and I like the colors in this panel a lot. It's also worth mentioning that there was some Psychic Manipulation™ happening during this arc, so... take that as you will, as far as how the symbiote's acting.
Venom (2016) #4 (W: Mike Costa, A: Juanan Ramirez)
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You thought I was going to close this out with a Flash panel, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU? Well, joke's on you, because this panel with Lee Price literally lives in my brain rent free and has for the past six freakin' years. It's just hysterical to me. The little symbiote manifestations on his shoulders. The symbiote literally pleading with Lee to make the right decision. The knowledge that his little shoulder angel/demons are just in his brain because Black Cat is sitting like four feet away. Hilarious. I love it.
So yes! I hope I had a couple unexpected surprises for you here, because occasionally I do like to showcase just how many Venom comics I've read. For the record, I can't really recommend any of these comics (except for maybe the last one, because Lee Price is an interesting twist on the host-symbiote power dynamics) but I will happily cherry-pick them for my favorite moments.
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nostalgicwrestlingrd · 3 months
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soulsbetrayed · 2 years
tag dump: fate
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doingitforbokuto · 14 days
The White Knight - Chapter Eleven
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Summary: The past is something you cannot outrun - especially if it is a man chasing you for revenge.
Words: 2,089
Warnings: descriptions of blood and death
Kita's Point Of View 
The other man was still standing tall, unmoved in front of him. His large frame seemed to fill out almost all of the space in between the houses that framed each side of the street. It was impossible, but in Kita's mind he grew bigger and bigger every second that he looked at him until he was taller than any man he had ever seen. He was a giant and he had come to crush Kita under his foot. 
“So? What do you have to say for yourself?” Michael hissed. “Is there anything you can say to pretend like what you did was right?” 
“I didn't do anything,” Kita replied. 
“That's the problem!” Michael leapt at him, catching Kita completely off-guard. He didn't see him coming. Not when he appeared on the street, not when he jumped him, not when he pushed him into the wall next to him, not when he grabbed Kita's collar so tight the fabric started cutting into his skin. He didn't remember the last time he felt this frozen in place, this scared and numb at the same time. His limbs were heavy and useless, dangling by his side while his brain was still trying to comprehend what was going on. Why was Michael here? Was he going to take revenge for what happened to Ediva? Was he going to kill Kita now? Did he deserve it?
“What are you here for?” Kita asked, still dumbfounded.
“When I heard that you had entered the service of the very family you hurt, I couldn't believe it at first. I obviously don't have a very.. high opinion of you.” He looked like he was about to spit in Kita's face. “It is obvious that you enjoy taking advantage of people that can better your standing. But I thought you had at least this much honor left in you.” 
“It is my honor that made me come here.” 
“Oh, is it?” If looks could kill, Kita would have dropped dead right then and there. But Michael couldn't kill him like this - and he probably did not want to kill him in plain sight. Instead, his grip on his collar tightened, his knuckles pressed deeper into Kita’s flesh, pushing him against the stone wall. “Do you think your little princess would find it very honorable of you to come here after you've killed her cousin? Are you trying to make her life more miserable now, too?”
“I did not kill Ediva -” 
“Oh, did you not?” Kita could see how every muscle in Michaels’s face seemed to tighten up, contorting his face into a frightening mask of wrath and fury. “Did you not abandon her when it was your duty to protect her? Did you not let her run into the enemies’ arms when you should have held her back? While I was trying to save her?” 
Yew, he did abandon her. Kita could remember everything that happened that day. Some people forget the horrible things that happened to them and the people they care about if it is too horrible to bear. Not Kita. Kita's mind was filled with pictures of that day. 
The castle, almost overrun by enemies. Ediva's knight searching desperately for the lost lady. Ediva, running hand in hand with a man she shouldn't be with. Kita, finding her after her knight had been slain. Him trying to urge her back into her chambers, where she would hopefully be safe. Her eyes looking up at Kita with that pleading look. “Please,” she had said. “Please, let me go. I want to be with him. Please.” So he let her go. He saw her run away. He saw her be with the man she loved. Then, he saw her dead body. He saw her gown sticking to her frame, covered in blood, next to a man with rough hands and soft eyes that stayed open as if to look at her, even after a sword was stuck through his chest. He saw Michael next to the bodies of enemies. He saw Michael cry next to Ediva's cooling body. He heard Michael tell him how he tried to fend the enemy off before they killed her. How he had failed. 
And then he heard himself confessing everything to Michael. How she wanted to leave because she was in love with a peasant. How she wanted to use the cover of the battle to hide away. How he had let her go. How he had told her to go this way, because there would be less fighting there. How he came down here to check if she had made it. The words spilled out of his mouth, he could not stop them, but he knew he should have. He knew it back then, too, that they would be of no comfort to any one. Least of all Lord Michael.
It hard to accept that the woman you love is dead, even when she is laying right in front of you, covered in blood. It is even harder to accept that she is dead because she was in love with someone else. So in love in fact, that she is willing to leave her family, her friends, her wealth, her everything behind just to be with him. So much so that she would run with him through a battlefield, just to have the smallest chance of making it out alive with him by her side. Just so she does not have to stay by your side. 
It is hard to accept. And as it seemed, Michael had not the strength to accept it, even now.
“You should have protected her,” Michael's voice was as hard as steel and it cut as deep as a sword. “If you had done what you were supposed to do, she would still be here. She would be alive, she would be with-” He swallowed.
She would not be with him. They both knew it. She could have been with him, she could have stayed with the man she was set to marry - but she didn't. Because she didn't love him. And even if she would still be alive, even if she would be by his side now, that would not change her feelings for him. 
“I am sorry I did not protect her.” Kita did not know what else to say. “And I am only here to try and make up for my mistakes. I am not trying to take advantage of the princess. I am here to keep her safe.”
“Oh, are you?” The mockery in Michael's voice was honey sweet and venomous at the same time. “How has that been going for you?”
He knew. He knew about Garret. He knew about Kita's failure to keep you from danger. He knew Kita was a knight that could not keep his protégé from harm. He knew Kita was selfish when he entered your service. But what was he supposed to do?! He needed to make up for his past mistakes, to fix what he had done. 
“You can't keep her safe and you know it.” 
Michael's words froze Kita's blood in his veins. “Are you threatening me?” If he dared even think about hurting you - 
“Oh, no. I want to see our princess safe. I just know that with you by her side, she won't be. So I think it would be best if you left. Don't you?” 
“Only death will take me from my lady's side.” Yes, he was selfish. But he swore an oath. He swore to protect you - and he would. 
“We will see about that.” With a huff, Michael released his grip on him and just as quickly as he had appeared, he disappeared again. What was he going to do now?
Ethan's Point Of View 
Things were not easy since Garret's attack on you. But then again, when were things ever easy for a royal? At least the two of you reconciled. Ethan had not even imagined that you would forgive him so easily - that you would think there was nothing to forgive in the first place. 
The guilt was not yet lifted off of his shoulders but it seemed so much lighter now. For the first time in weeks, he could go on about his day without feeling like the world was about to crumble around him if he did not perform his duties perfectly. He had sorted through all of the royal guards by now, making sure that none of them had ever acted in a way that made them suspicious in any way. So, the castle seemed a safer place for now, even with the arrival of Lord Michael. It calmed his nerves to know that Kita was by your side, too. 
Ethan had not known much about your knight and before, he had to confess that he did not care about him much. Since the king had decided that the search for a suitor for you was to be put on hold, Ethan had not thought that you would be in danger any longer. And even if so, if Kita had managed to work his way this high up, he had to be a good knight, skilled in combat. 
Yes, he had teased you at first when he heard about how ‘cowardly’ Kita had behaved when you first chose him, but there was never any real fear in Ethan's mind. 
But now that you two had spoken for a bit, he could see just how much you trusted your knight. When you recalled how calmly he faced the danger of Garret's attack, how he took care of you afterwards, how he had been the one to keep you calm, to look after the wound, Ethan felt reassured that you had picked the right man. He even felt a little guilty for how he had teased you back when you chose Kita. It was obvious how highly you thought of him. 
So, it was a welcome opportunity to be able to talk about Kita with Lord Michael, who had seen him in combat.
The king had ordered Ethan to give the Lord some company after he arrived at the castle. For some time had he wished to come and visit the royal court, but the king had always refused to invite him. Too much did it pain him to think of having to talk to someone who was so close to his late wife’s family. 
Lord Michael's family had always had good relations with the Queen's family, and many marriages had been formed over the years. The last one that was supposed to come together was the one between the Lord Michael himself and your cousin Ediva. 
For some time had the lord longed for the lady's favor and it was well known how happy he had been after the engagement had been formed. It was a shame that the war had taken her life, along with so many other honorable people. 
Ethan wished he had known her better, but he could not remember her clearly. Though his mother often mentioned letters she had received from her young friend and relative, he had only met her once. His mother always spoke of her as a girl who would grow into a smart, kind hearted woman with time. Maybe she would even come and stay at the court for a while after her marriage. But that idea was lost due to the death of both the Queen and the Lady Ediva herself.
It would have been nice to have known someone who he could speak to about his mother every now and then. His father was still too grieved by her untimely death to speak much about her and until just now he would not have dared bring her up around you in fear of receiving the same harsh words from you as he often did from his father for mentioning her. 
Ethan imagined that Lord Michael would react somewhat the same if he asked him about Lady Ediva. Though they had not been wed, it was obvious how much He had cared for her. So instead, Ethan wanted to ask him about Sir Kita. They had both served in a battle together and since Ethan had not seen how Kita acted in the face of danger himself just yet, he was interested to see if your high opinion of him was founded - or if it was just an infatuation. What did Lord Michael have to say about your favored knight? 
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epilary · 1 month
after school activities w/ inarizaki | headcanons
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masterlist | requests are open
shinsuke kita
- he tends to spend time at home after practice - he would join another club but doesn’t have the time - between volleyball and helping his grandma - so to get in some time with you.. you’ll walk home together - you’ll go to your club and then the two of you will head out - sometimes grabbing a snack on the way - he’ll have hand sanitizer so that you won’t get sick - usually you’ll take some of his food - which he finds unsanitary (not that he’d say that to you though) - for both of you it’s a short walk - but it gives you a chance to catch up - ‘thanks for walking me home, see you tomorrow’ [you] - ‘yeah.. see you tomorrow’ [kita]
aran ojiro
- dude is pretty focused on his academics outside of volleyball - so you’ll spend your time together in a library - working on homework or studying for a test - he likes to share his earbuds with you - but then you’ll fight over what type of music to play - ‘we’re not playing mitski while studying for math’ [aran] - ‘well we’re not playing imagine dragons’ [you] - you’ll settle with lofi and just chat - you become a terrible influence on him - making him study separately as well…
atsumu miya
- the only way you get him to do anything is by passing a volleyball - ‘tsumu we’re not passing it while walking to the store’ [you] - but somehow he always convinced you - even if you’re trying to study you’ll just kick it back to him - cause it’s his passion - even if some of it is rooted in ego and fame - so you indulge him occasionally - ‘what’s the square root of 256? atsumu? miya?!’ [you] - ‘what- oh sorry, trying to get my spike down pat’ [atsumu] 
rintarō suna
- ‘rin…’ [you] - ‘y/n.. i see your pawn and take it with my knight’ [suna] - you two try to play a board game almost every night - after practice you’ll meet up with some two player game you can find - even if he’s not the biggest fan, he knows you like it - so he’ll take the time to learn - and he’ll be so ridiculously good at it - like no training at all and he’s acing it - suna is also really humble about it - he can jab at the twins but he can’t do it to you
osamu miya
- he takes a cooking class!! - he doesn’t tell anyone else - but he joined a cooking class that he drags you to every other day - and it’s so clear that he loves it - cooking is his element - of course he’s good at volleyball - but his seared salmon dish?? delicious - it’s something that he likes to share wholeheartedly with you - and no one else - ‘so it’s half a cup right?’ [you] - ‘yeah, let me grab the measuring cup for you’ [osamu] - sweetest guy in the kitchen - and he likes sharing that with you
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loveephia · 1 year
:¨ ·.· ¨: ハイキュー!! some of the inarizaki boys seeing you in a . . .
`· . ꔫ . . . princess dress for their school festival's play. (atsumu, osamu, suna, and kita.)
⚠ warning/s: none.
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- you were in the dressing room getting ready while atsumu was pacing around outside
- the door FINALLY opened, and there you were
- atsumu literally gasped
- you were radiant
- "hey princess, you in need of a knight in shinin' armor?" he gives you his infamous smirk
- that's funny because he got the role of the knight
- "don't even start with me, 'tsumu." you reply
- during the entire play, he had to improvise most of his lines because they kept slipping out of his mind every time his eyes fell on you
- literally, no matter how many times he's looked at you, HE STILL FORGETS
- you look and felt just like an actual princess
- osamu also felt intimidated by your elegance LOL
- "y/n, is that really you?" he jokes, trying desperately to hide his disbelief
- you punch his side.
- unlike his twin, he wasn't cast in the play (because he didn't audition), so he was working on the backstage effects instead
- and it just so happens that he was in control of the lights
- so, you know, the spotlight was on YOU the entire play.
- he eventually got scolded by his schoolmates backstage for the unwanted favoritism, but hey, could you really blame him??
- when he saw you, he audibly said a cute & small "woah"
- he has candid pictures. a lot of them.
- even sets his favorite one as his background (it's of you looking flustered with a rose in one hand)
- "tarō, did you really have to take so many pictures?" you ask
- he only shrugs, "who knows when i'll be able to see you like this again."
- he doesn't know if it's just him or the lighting, but your eyes looked twice as sparkly than it did a while ago
- you were just glowing
- of course, we can't forget the actual prince to the princess
- his reaction was the most low-key from all of the boys
- though his round cheeks were tinted a nice shade of red
- "..how do i look, shin?" you ask, worried
- and every single adjective had run through kita's mind like sonic on multiple power-ups
- he settles on, "ethereal." feeling breathless
- "you're on in a few minutes, you two." the backstage manager says, leaving you alone with kita
- kita raises your palm to place a soft kiss on the back of your hand, "let's go."
- man, if the makeup team had forgotten to add your blush, then they definitely wouldn't need to worry now
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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tsukkiibaby · 7 months
feat: miya osamu
genre/warnings: sfw, fluff, royal!au (i'm trying here so don't judge), guard!osamu x princess!reader, one character looking down reader's dress
wc: 2900+
. 。˚others may not be able to tell the difference between the miya twins, especially with their helmets on, but you can˚。 .
osamu knows this is a bad idea. 
he’s at atsumu’s post, standing still at the top of steps that lead to the gardens looking straight ahead at them, atsumu himself on the other end of the lavish fields, the two watching intently for intruders, or anyone who could pose as a potential threat. if any of the palace’s staff were to walk by, they would barely spare osamu another glance - with his helmet on, no one can see his tufts of gray hair underneath, their only other determining physical feature being their eyes, and he’s sure that none of the staff would even be able to recognize the that difference between himself and his brother. 
except you.
currently out in the gardens with one of the princes from a neighboring kingdom, nohebi, he thinks, a grim expression painting your face from the moment your father whisked you towards the front entrance of the palace to greet him. osamu didn’t particularly like the smug smile plastered across the black-haired prince’s face as he exited his carriage, nor did he miss the way the man’s snake-like eyes stared down the top of your dress as you greeted him with a curtsy. from his position at the top of the steps to the palace, osamu could only watch in disgust as he sauntered by him and his twin to follow you and your parents into the palace.
while osamu still would have been able to see you from his original post that atsumu is occupying, his current spot on the outskirts of the palace gives him a higher, better view of you and the sly prince. he can see you clearly as you move throughout the gardens a few paces ahead of nohebi’s crown prince, gaining traction as you lead the man further towards osamu’s normal post. should things go wrong and someone spots them, he supposes he could just blame it on atsumu. they are twins, after all. and it was his idea, his brother jabbing at his bicep with his elbow as they watched you and the prince retreat towards the doors that led to the garden. “ya wanna take my spot on the steps?” he had whispered, leaning into his brother’s body. “might be a little easier for ya ta keep an eye on her.” 
but he knows you wouldn’t fall for the “atsumu started it!” excuse. they’ve been your guards since the age of 13, hand selected by your parents, the king and queen, to watch over you as you begin to age into your teens, wanting extra protection for their youngest daughter. their only princess.
you didn’t have any objections to it, not when both of your brothers had been assigned personal guards when they first reached double digits. you couldn’t imagine seeing your brothers without aran and kita a few paces behind them, their protective eyes always ensuring you were also safe within their line of sight. just as they protected your brothers, they protected you as you grew, right up until you reached the same age and were to be granted your own protection. enter the twins.
hailing from a small village in the vast kingdom of inarizaki, the same village that aran and kita grew up in, it seemed as though the twins were raised for the job from the second they arrived at the palace. you remember seeing them hang around with the two older boys from a young age, tirelessly training with the other guards and knights from sunrise to sunset; neither twin faltering under the intense pressure they were faced with. surely they never knew who or what they would be tasked with protecting until their assignment when they became of age, but the two were dedicated to their craft, hell bent on proving their worth to the royal family. luckily (and unbeknownst) for them, they proved their worth from the first time you saw them. 
“i hope i’m not assigned to guard the princess.” one boy groans.
someone else chuckles. “yeah, me and you both.”
from your hiding spot behind one of the many large columns lining the outskirts of the palace near the training grounds, you feel your heart drop, and you sink back to fully hide behind the massive beam. you try not to let the words of some silly guards - some silly boys, that is, bother you. it always seemed to be like this - no matter how many guards your family brings in to train as personal protection, they never seemed to have any interest in protecting you, instead choosing to help protect your brothers, parents, or simply going off to serve in the kingdom’s military. 
“why not?” another voice pipes up, his tone almost accusing? when you peer back around the column, you see one of the group of boys standing with his arms crossed, a stark contrast to the rest of them, scattered and sitting on the steps. though not facing you directly, you were able to catch a glimpse of his blonde hair before he stepped in front of one of his fellow guards in training. “ya don’t wanna be around the princess?”
another boy, sitting on the bottom step, huffs. “it’s not like she even needs the extra protection,” he laughs wryly. “at least the princes get to practice sparring and fighting! all she does is sit in the palace, attend her lessons, and play in the garden. it’s boring.” he puts emphasis on the word boring, almost spits it. 
gripping on to the ridges of the column, you push your head a bit further out to see more of the boys and their conversation, a scowl on your face. another stands quietly, moving to stand next to the blonde and mimics his actions, crossing his arms over his chest. he turns to face the the other boys who were sitting, cocking his head to the side. “it’d be an honor to protect the princess,” he says pointedly. “ya don’t know how lucky ya’d be.”
with a sharp turn, the boy begins to walk off, in your direction no less, ignoring the frantic shouts of what you assume must be his name. “samu!” the blonde boy calls, but it does him no good. the gray-haired boy ignores him, stalking past you without so much of a glance, his matching gray eyes staring straight ahead. the blonde, who looks eerily similar to the one he was calling after, comes running after him.
if only you knew that in just a few short hours, the two boys who came to your defense would soon be tasked with protecting you daily.
from his spot at the top of the steps, osamu can just quite make out the top of your head as you stroll through the gardens, a few paces ahead of the black-haired prince. no matter how quickly the man walks, he can’t seem to catch up to you, not when you spin around and speed up through the lush fields to evade his ever present hands reaching out to grasp your arm. though quite far away, osamu can see how frustrated prince daishou is getting, pausing briefly to take a deep breath before following after you. osamu chuckles to himself.
as you and the prince disappear further into the tall hedges, osamu hopes that at least atsumu or one of the other guards patrolling the lawn has an eye on you. these meetings tend to go the same way every time - your parents arrange for a prince, or duke, or nobleman from a neighboring territory to come to the palace and get to know you, to escort you through the gardens, and pitch themselves as to why they would make a suitable husband and possible future king. to secure some sort of political alliance. however it always ends with you giving your parents an indifferent smile and a shrug, much to their chagrin. too tall, talks too much, bad breath, it doesn’t matter. your excuses are endless.
osamu can’t wait to hear what you have to say about this one.
though tasked with ensuring your safety, the twins eventually found a way to weasel themselves into a more casual relationship with you. with atsumu’s overbearing and childish nature and osamu’s calm and collected one, you had almost no choice but to allow the informalities, finding yourself more and more lax in their presence. always quick to defend your status or position to outsiders, ready to help at the lift of a finger, and even popping their heads in and out of obligations that you dread, ready to whisk you away with a claim of someone important needing you, the princess, right away. and who are your guests to deny your excusal? you are the princess, after all. ever perceptive, the two seem to know exactly what you’re thinking at all times. 
almost always. 
osamu didn’t realize how much he must’ve been daydreaming. not until he feels a rush of air and the sounds of heels clicking down the marble floor of the palace invade his senses, snapping his attention back to the scene unfolding before him. his eyes fly into the palace to follow the sound of the heels, the back of your long, lavender dress swaying behind as you angrily stomp down the halls. 
“lady l/n!” 
prince suguru is quick, but osamu is quicker, stepping in front of the swift man to stop him from following after you. it’s not like you to rush out of something with no say, not without himself or his brother pulling something out of their asses. the prince sneers down at him, snake-like eyes narrowing at him. he moves to step around osamu, but he’s right there, blocking his path again. “will you get out of the way?” the prince spits.
osamu opens his mouth to speak, but atsumu is quick to beat him to it. “as the princess’s personal guards, i’m afraid we can’t do that,” he says from behind the prince, who scoffs at him. atsumu flashes them a sly grin, jutting his chin down the halls you had just passed through, eyes drifting to his twin. “you go find lady l/n and make sure she’s okay.”
the words are barely out of atsumu’s mouth before osamu is all but running down the hallway in the direction of your clicking heels, eyes darting around the palace quickly. it’s not long before he catches up with you, slowing to match your pace a few steps behind you and stands up straight, gently clearing his throat. “my lady-”
“i do not feel very well, my lord.” the words are rushed coming out of your mouth at the same time that osamu speaks, a stark contrast to your normal speech patterns, always so eloquent and concise. you stick your right hand out a bit behind you, not quite far enough to reach osamu, and your voice is shaky as you speak again. “i must ask that you allow me to retire to my room at once to rest.”
osamu’s steps quicken until he’s walking backwards in front of you, arms reaching out gently in your direction. “it is only me, princess,” he says, louder than before, letting out a soft breath when your steps slow until they stop completely. you glance up, allowing your eyes to meet for a brief moment before they dart back down to your shoes. 
“osamu,” you whisper, your eyes avoidant. you pause, your chest rising and falling at a faster rate than normal. “i need to rest.” 
you begin to walk again, passing him, and he lets you get a few steps down the hall before he’s turning and following you slowly. “i understand, my lady. but one of us must accompany you at all times.”
huffing, you glance over your shoulder with a slight pout as the two of you approach the door to your room. “at all times,” you mutter softly, before turning to the guard at your door with a blank smile. “i’m not feeling too well, so i must ask that you allow me some privacy while i rest.”
osamu smiles wryly at the guard as he passes, allowing you a few moments in your room before he steps inside. “is everything alright, my lady?” his gray eyes follow you as you pace around the room, fiddling with the decorative clip that pins up your hair. your back to him, you don’t turn, other hand reaching up to play with the strap of your day dress. he steps in further, shutting the wooden door behind him, and you whip to face him immediately, taking a tentative back. “princess, are you alright?” he repeats. “did something happen with prince suguru?”
your eyes meet his when he says the prince’s name, and osamu slowly reaches up to remove his helmet, not breaking eye contact. now given full view of his face, you glance down at your shaky hands. “one of us must accompany me at all times, huh?” you ask, repeating what you had said under your breath just outside your room. “why weren’t you at your normal post?”
he pauses, eyebrows furrowing. “what do you mean?”
you exhale through your nose, meeting his gaze once again. “my parents and the others may not be able to, but i can tell your voices apart,” you mumble, crossing your arms and looking back down at your feet. “that creep of a prince was looking down the top of my dress the whole day and the second he figured he was out of your sights he thought he’d try to stick a hand down it.” your voice increases as you speak, throwing your arms out at the end. “and when i loudly asked him to step back, it wasn’t your voice that called out to me asking if i needed assistance, it was atsumu’s.” 
osamu is frozen in front of you. sure, his normal post is stationed at the first fork in the gardens, much closer to you in proximity than atsumu’s, but he was sure that the higher ground of his twin’s post gave him a better way to keep an eye on you as you moved further into the gardens. now, he feels like a fool for going through with such a silly thought.
“i was only trying to have a clearer view on you, princess,” osamu takes a hesitant step closer to you, and another when you do not flinch or back away. with a deep breath, he continues. “i’d like to think i have better eyesight than my brother.” falling back to sit on the chaise situated at the foot of your bed, you exhale sharply through your nose, and osamu can’t tell if it’s to express amusement or distaste. though, with the way you’re still avoiding his watchful eye is having him lean towards the latter. he takes another step forward, then another, until he’s but a large stride away from your seated figure. “can i ask why you were so disheartened to hear atsumu’s voice instead of mine, princess?” he asks, not missing the way your fingers, currently lightly rubbing at your temples, freeze in their actions. “surely, he is just as capable of protecting you.”
your hands find refuge in your lap, fingers fiddling with each other as you straighten your posture. “o-of course he is.” you rebuke, turning your head slightly so that you’re staring out the window. “i was simply asking a question. you’re lucky no one noticed that you two were at different posts. you both could have gotten into trouble.”
osamu chuckles softly, taking another step towards you, finally drawing your attention back to him. your lips part slightly as you slowly glance up at him, and the corners of osamu’s perk up at the sight of your soft gaze. “well, it’s just like you said princess,” he coos, and your eyebrows furrow, cocking your head to the side. “you’re the only one who can tell us apart by just our voices.” osamu’s voice drops as the words leave his lips, stepping back towards the door as your eyes shoot back towards him.
your mouth drops fully open as if to speak, but no words come out. osamu can’t help but feel warm at the sight of your reddening cheeks, struggling to find the words “w-well, of course i c-can!” you sputter. “i’ve known you both for years! i, um, didn’t want you to get into trouble with anyone.”
the warmth in his chest spreads, and osamu hums softly to himself. “i appreciate the concern, my lady. allow me to go find atsumu and ensure that prince suguru is dealt with accordingly.” you nod quickly, eyes trained on your hands in your lap. “you should rest, princess.” you nod, but make no effort to move. “i will return once he is dealt with.”
and after personally escorting prince daishou suguru of nohebi to his carriage with atsumu, osamu does return, only to find you asleep in the same lavender dress, hair sprawled across the array of decorative pillows that you hadn’t even bothered to move before making yourself comfortable on top of your fully made bed. osamu chuckles to himself, gently pulling at the blanket that sits at the end of your bed, far enough away from your feet that it lays untouched. he drapes it over your sleeping figure, ensuring that your arms, legs, and feet are covered before a soft smile spreads across his face. hesitantly, his fingers reach out towards your face, slowly brushing away a piece of hair splayed across your cheek, breath catching in his throat when you let out a soft whine. however, you don’t move, nor do you say anything, your chest continuing to rise and fall with your even breaths, and osamu lets out a sigh of relief, a smile poking at his lips. 
“sleep well, princess.”
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elluia · 5 months
Choose Your Legends 8 ended with lots of surprises, and it's time to celebrate!
I've seen concerning amounts of salt and bashing on the games involved or not, so this will be a positive post! I'm tired of the fandom's dumb takes and toxicity so let's praise everyone for the amazing scores and stories that unfolded during this vote!
First let's start with the link to all the official CYL art since Year 1 of FEH, enjoy the trip down memory lane!
(I nabbed that chibi Soren right away, bless Kita Senri)
CYL 8 Male winners:
🥇1: Alfonse | A beautifully deserved win for our well-written OC lord who keeps the story of Heroes entertaining with his crazy one-liners and unhinged plans, with more tender moments with his family and friends to soften him. I hope we get to see him grown-up like Legendary Veronica.
🥈2: Felix | I love seeing non-lord characters emerge from the voting. His voters have shown their supports 4 years in a row and it paid off! Especially nice win because Felix has been shafted by IS with a silly seasonal and an ok god-sword pre-TS unit.
CYL 8 Female winners:
🥇1: Bernadetta | Just like Felix, her voters lost to circumstances (aka the surprise Gullveig sweep), so I'm glad for them! Plus her post-TS personality should force the writers to tone down the moe nervous trait that flanderizes her character.
🥈2: Female Robin | She's finally free to be in the common summoning pool as herself, not Grima! She has too few alts to her name, and she marks the first time both genders of an avatar have won CYL, so good job!
About the Engage non-sweep, don't get disheartened! The votes for Engage were equal to Three Houses, but they were split between A LOT of fan favourites for both genders, while the FE3H fans rallied one last time for 1 male and 1 female representation, without competition from their lords. It's a respectable result, and the bashing on Engage is disingenuous and undeserved.
I've seen the top 5 from each game and I'm happy to see Finn up there for Thracia and Mae for Echoes. I hope to see Linoan soon, and other alts for Berkut and Rinea. People rallied for Athos to get in the game already, for Lloyd to have new art, for Seth and Titania to get the stats they deserve...
Fan favourites like Lyon or the Black Knight still score high. Azura received love. Even Elincia who's already been very lucky in 2023 got in the top for PoR and RD! I love to see people rally for a Sentinel Nephenee too.
We continue to see Leo and Takumi side by side, chilling in the male top 20 like BFFs. It's adorable.
This CYL8 follows in the steps of CYL7 with no main lords, only favourites and avatars.
Next year I hope to see Jugdral and Elyos win, but for now I'm happy with the 4 we have 🥰
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
♥︎ inarizaki
back to masterlist
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Akagi Michinari
Sharing a home
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Kita Shinsuke
Sly foxes
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Miya Atsumu
Knight in a borrowed suit
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Miya Osamu
Two jobs, part 2
Break up with your bf
I’d say it’s destiny
Cookies and cream
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Suna Rintaro
Grandma's neighbour
The job description
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lunaevangeline · 2 years
to devote
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{knight!Kita Shinsuke x princess!reader} (sequel)
Written for Laura @ohtokki ♡
Summary: for him, to be with you is a prohibition, but he's determined enough to cross the line (cw: smut (mdni), unprotected sex, breeding, mention of blood and alcohol)
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Never in your life have you seen Kita Shinsuke in this state. He tried to keep his stoic facade, his lips pursed tightly to keep the words from falling.
The eyes are the windows to the soul. You see in your beloved's eyes his heart falls to the ground, breaking apart slowly. His eyebrows furrowed, eyes blinking frequently to avoid mourning.
He gulped in disbelief, "What do you mean, Your Highness?"
"As I said before."
You sweep your gaze across the hall, making sure no one is watching over you.
"I'm going to get married soon. The King, His Majesty, has given His words."
You pause, biting the inside of your lower lips.
"We should end this-"
Your eyes are burning but with all your might, you try to look into your lover's eyes with all determination left in the corner of your heart. This should be the right time to break your secret relationship with the knight commander.
Your heart aches. Your feet are cuffed by the heavy weight of the crown, a price you have to pay as a part of royals. You live a sumptuous life, get the best education and all the magnificent gems, but your circle and social life are merely a political party.
Kita Shinsuke, the commander of the royal knights, never broke the rules once. Always chivalrous and honorable, with gallant manners and speech. Firm as a rock but kind as a dove, virtue shown in his actions. His comrades were loyal to him as he served the kingdom.
Kita is your father's favorite. He appointed him to be your personal guardian for some important ceremonial events, where you got closer to each other for the first time. Not only for his notable skill across the country. He had shown his loyalty during the revolt.
Cold eyes pierced the remains of his opponents, his hands and sword were stained with someone else's blood. The entire kingdom spoke of a ruthless knight commander, with fox eyes that would frighten every member of the forest. The rumor has it, never been a witness on how they turned warm to his closest one, and tender, especially to you.
It must be a major sin for you, the princess of the kingdom, His Majesty's one and only precious daughter, to grow such emotions in him, to intoxicate him with a strange infatuation. He had tasted alcohol all over the country but was never drunk. It wasn't like your smile that made him falter, not like your voice which melodiously and politely asked him.
You bear a forbidden fruit, the moment you caressed his face and innocently planted a kiss on his cheek when he was kneeling before you to devote his life unto you. When instead of taking his sword and ordaining the sacrament, you asked him to stand up and said you wanted to claim his heart with the sweetest smile poured like honey.
His heart and life have been bestowed on you. A respectful kiss on the back of your hand turned into a passionate kiss on your untouched lips under the moonlight. His hands rested casually on your side during the rendezvous on a starry night with his lips ghosted over your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "May I?" was all the words that you remembered clearly, resonated before they became hazy and you lost in the night.
Kita was the one who always been courteous, asking for your consent before he touched you. With eyes darkened and lingered a little too long beyond your eyes. He gestured whether it was okay to untie your corset, for his lips to explore your mounds, or to fill your inside with his secretion.
But you always burned for his touch, wanting him to call you by your name, instead of addressing Your Highness. The moment 'Shin' escaped from your mouth was when he knew he would do anything for you to call his name all over again, both in the softest or in the most sinful tone. You have him wrapped around your fingers.
That night you let all your emotions free. Kita benevolently helped you to undo the corset, unraveling the layers before sliding down your undergarments. He was in awe the moment you shied away with your hand trying to cover your intimate part as much as you can. He whispered with the softest mellifluous voice, telling you're the most beautiful girl in this land.
You eased, encouraging him by tugging his silver black hair when his lips were on your mounds, nipping your sensitive buds. Your mind was on cloud nine, with his fingers sliding into your fold. Your downside was drenched already by the stimulation. You muffled your whimper with the satin-covered pillow, whispering your secret about how much you love the man before you.
Your name slipped out his mouth the moment he thrust into you. Brown eyes locked with yours, his heavy breath tickled your skin when he nestled his head on your clavicle. The man became undone and vulnerable under your touch. You traced his toned torso and reached up to leave featherlight kisses on his scar, letting him know he was just as beautiful. Making love to him was fireworks of emotions.
You gasped the moment he pushed his full length unto you, kissing your cervix deliciously. The view of you stammering and chanting his name repetitively was heavenly. He stifled your cries with a kiss on your velvety lips. He went feral, aiming for the part that sent you to see the stars. His low moans and grunts dissipated into the cold night air. The thrust became slower and deeper before the knot within you untangled.
Oh, how glorious it is to see you in such a state under the chandelier. The king would certainly execute him right away if he discovered, with his head hanging at the entrance of the palace - the very idea caused him to shudder. But your sweetness was too dreamy that his mind went blank. He can't think anything more than to let you cum all over again and fills you up, his stamina was more than enough to rail you the entire night. He soothes your figure, reassuringly tracing your spine and kissing you goodnight. You were sleeping soundly in his arm before he left the room.
What if your father found out? You questioned. The night of passion left you both with fluttery feelings and fear. As much as you longed for him there would never be a chance for you to obtain his blessings. The knight won't get the right to marry the princess.
You know beyond his reserved facade, Kita really loves his job. If someone learned about your secret relationship, he will be despised. Not only expelled from his rank but he will also be banished from the kingdom. He might be accused of seducing the princess.
"May I have your assurance that you will be happy, Your Highness?"
He asks with concern. Even if it crushes him, he'll let you be as your happiness is his priority.
You avoid his soft gaze with teary eyes, clenching your fist.
"I have to-," your voice croaked, not really answering the question. 'I want to be with you' is what the heart really whispers.
He takes your cold hand delicately, brushing his lips against your knuckle. Kneeling before you, he still held your hand with grace.
"I would do anything for you. All my lines and rules. They mean nothing when it comes to you. It’d cross and break them all just to make you happy."
Kita is a man of his word and he never failed to show his devotion.
Your happiness is being with him, on how your eyes gleam in his sight. When you talk about mundane things like the sound of the bird in the morning or share the part of the poet you really love. Or when you trace an imaginary line across the stars telling him about the asterism. He will protect them at all costs.
You see the determination in his eyes.
"I fear not of anything. Say again, would you stay in this royal palace or run away with me, my love?"
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daphnefisherofficial · 9 months
bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Jake/Steven) x Avatar Fem!Reader
masterlist | previous | next chapter
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As you stepped into the threshold of your manor house, the chill of the evening air clung to your skin. The soft glow of lamplight greeted you, casting warm shadows across the hallway. You cannot help but let out a huge smile on your face, still on high from the wonderful dinner night you’ve spent with Steven Grant. He was a very easy pick from the pool of candidates you’ve had for the tour guide position, and you look forward to letting him know that he will start working with you from next week.
“Good evening, Lady Carter”, Bill greeted you at the doorway, taking the liberty of taking your coat. “How is your evening?”
“It went pretty well, Bill”, you smiled serenely before your phone suddenly chimed from your bag. You got it and slid the lock screen open, immediately reading the text message you’ve received from an unknown number as it lit up your screen. 
Hey, Marc Spector here. I’m really sorry to do this, but something urgent came up for me and Steven tomorrow. Rain check on our coffee lunch?
You frowned, your heart sinking as you read the text. But you did not allow that feeling to consume you, trying to focus on the fact that it might be a real, personal emergency that he needed to attend to. Your thumbs moved deftly over the screen as you tapped out a reply, the disappointment hiding behind your understanding words.
Of course, Marc, I hope it’s nothing too serious. We can definitely reschedule, just let me know. It's no problem at all.
You tossed your phone back to your bag and sighed, feeling a twinge of disappointment. But before you have the chance to dwell on it further, a familiar voice echoed in your head, a gentle, ethereal whisper that pulled you from your thoughts.
"Mira, aking tapat na lingkod" the echo of a haunting voice reverberated in your mind - the voice of your patron goddess, Mayari. “Sinasamo kita”
Mira, my faithful servant. I summon you.
“Bill”, you called, prompting your trusted companion to stand at attention. “I’m being summoned by my patron goddess. Please advise the staff and tell them I am not to be disturbed at the third floor”
“As you wish, Lady Carter”, Bill nodded, well-aware of your nightly duties as the avatar of Mayari. He knew the drill well and would ensure your privacy while you attended to your divine obligations.
With a sense of duty and curiosity, you excused yourself from the entryway and made your way up the staircase, your steps echoing through the dimly lit corridor. The study awaited on the third floor of your grand ancestral home, with its balcony overlooking the moonlit garden. You pushed open the ornate wooden door, entering the room as your surroundings were bathed in a soft, silvery light.
The room itself is a repository of ancient knowledge, lined with shelves filled with dusty tomes, relics, and artifacts from generations long past. It serves as your tranquil sanctum, a harmonious bridge between the ancient traditions of Filipino indigenous spirituality and contemporary living. In one corner, an altar stands adorned with images and statues of your ancestral spirits and indigenous deities, where flickering candles and offerings of fruits and incense create a tangible link to the spiritual realm. Throughout the room, an array of healing tools, from crystals to rattles, bear witness to your transformative practices. 
With a deep breath, you close your eyes and summon your powers. A warm, soothing energy envelops you, as if the very essence of the moonlight seeps into your being. You can feel the presence of Mayari, the ancient moon goddess who has chosen you as her vessel. It's a connection that transcends time and space, and you revel in the privilege of being her earthly conduit.
You open your eyes, and the transformation begins. Your ordinary attire fades away, replaced by the ceremonial robes of your past life as a punong babaylan (head priestess). Intricate patterns of maroon and silver thread adorn the black fabric, glinting like stars in the night sky. A headdress of woven fabric and moonstone crowns your head, a symbol of your divine lineage.
Kneeling on the floor, you turn your gaze toward the balcony as you await her arrival, the night air cool against your skin. You can hear the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets, all harmonizing with the symphony of the universe. It's a moment of profound tranquility, a connection between the mortal and the divine.
“Diwatang Mayari”, you begin to utter the sacred words, the incantation passed down through generations. “Tinatanggap ko ang iyong pagsamo bilang isang tapat na lingkod”
Goddess Mayari, I accept your summons as your faithful servant.
And then, as if the heavens themselves have heard your call, Mayari descends from her celestial abode. She appears as a luminous figure bathed in silvery light, her presence filling the room with an otherworldly grace. Both her blind and good eyes, like twin moons, fixate upon you with a mixture of wisdom and compassion.
"Mira, aking anak" she says, her voice like a gentle breeze, "Tumindig ka at magbigay galang”
Mira, my child. Rise and pay your respects.
With great reverence, you stand before the moon goddess, the weight of your role as her avatar sinking in as you lower yourself in a deep bow. 
"Ikinagagalak ko ang iyong pagparito, Mayari”, you say, your words imbued with sincerity. "Anong maipaglilingkod ko sa inyo, aking diwata?"
I am humbled by your presence, Mayari. How may I be of service to you, my patron goddess?
Mayari's gaze softens, and she gestures for you to rise. "Isang mortal ang nangangailangan ng iyong pagtatanggol. Siya ay minsan mo nang natulungan sa isang dayuhang lupain, at ngayo’y muli niyang kakailanganin ang iyong tulong”
There’s a mortal who needs your protection. You’ve helped her once in a foreign land, and now, she requires your aid once more.
Your heart quickens as you absorb her words. "Nasaan siya, Mayari?"
Where is she, Mayari?
“Nakikita ng aking balintataw na siya’y nasa isang madilim na kalye sa parte ng Tondo”, the goddess's radiant form seems to shimmer as if she's peering into the threads of fate. “May mga masasamang loob na nagnanais wakasan ang kanyang buhay”
I see in my divine eye that she’s in the dark streets of Tondo, pursued by nefarious beings who seek to end her life.
“Paroroon ako ngayon din”, you spoke next, actively tracing her location through the protection spell you’ve placed, which has now been activated.
I will be there right away.
You summoned a portal with your moon magic, and it opened before you like a rip in reality. Stepping through, you found yourself in the dimly lit alleyways of Tondo, where the witness was cornered by her pursuers. 
As you arrived at the scene, the air was thick with tension, and the flickering street lights cast eerie shadows on the narrow alleyway. Your heart pounded in your chest as you surveyed the situation. The witness, a young woman, cowered against the graffiti-covered brick wall, her eyes wide with fear. The assailants, three menacing figures clad in dark attire, closed in on her.
You took a deep breath and focused your energy, tapping into the ancient power that flowed through your veins. Moonlight bathed the scene, and you began to weave your moon magic. With a wave of your hand, you exerted your will upon the assailants, seizing control of their bodies. Their movements became sluggish, as if they were fighting against an invisible force. They soon stumbled and fell, their weapons clattering to the ground.
Summoning your own ceremonial suit of armor, you adorned yourself in the traditional garments of an ancient warrior from your own time. Your white and gold baro and tapis magically wrapped around your body, while the baluti (metallic breastplate scale armor) started to materialize and clung to your form. Your hand woven headpiece cloth was secured around the base of your head, and your ebony hair streaked with white blonde highlights was meticulously arranged in a low bun. 
With your dual yantok (escrima sticks) held firmly in both hands, you approached the witness's assailants, your heart pounding with the adrenaline of battle. Moon magic flowed freely from your weapons through the intricate carvings on its surface, infusing your strikes with a celestial power. Still under the influence of your moon magic, the assailants moved awkwardly, their bodies betraying them. You moved with grace and precision, your training in the ancient martial art of arnis evident as your weapon sliced through the air and striked with lethal accuracy.
The first assailant lunged at you, but you effortlessly sidestepped their attack, delivering a swift blow to their chest. The assailant crumpled to the ground, unconscious, as the moon's magic flowed freely from your weapon. The other two assailants, realizing they were facing a formidable adversary, tried to regroup and attack simultaneously. They came at you from both sides, their movements still sluggish under your control. With lightning-fast reflexes, you parried their strikes and deflected their blows. You countered with a flurry of strikes, hitting them with calculated precision. One of them stumbled back, clutching their arm in pain while the other collapsed to the ground, unable to withstand the relentless assault. The moon's magic surged through you, infusing your every move with strength and power.
Finally, the alley was silent, save for the ragged breaths of the fallen assailants as they were knocked out. You turned to the frightened young woman, who gazed at you with a mixture of awe and gratitude. She recognized you as the interpreter that assisted her in your previous assignment.
“Sino ka? Paano mo nagawa iyon?” her voice trembled as she asked.
Who are you? How did you do that?
You offered a reassuring smile and spoke with a calm, soothing tone. "Ako ay sinugo ni Mayari, ang diwata ng buwan," you replied. "Narito ako upang protektahan ka"
I am an avatar of Mayari, the goddess of the moon. I am here to protect you.
The young woman's fear began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of relief. "Maraming salamat," she said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Pero papaano sila? Masusundan ba nila ako ulit?"
Thank you. But what about them? Will they come after me again?
You considered her question carefully, knowing that your actions had consequences. "Hindi," you said firmly, your voice filled with conviction. "Hindi ka na nila muling masusundan."
No. They will not come after you again.
Her eyes held a glimmer of hope, but there was a lingering concern. "Matatandaan ba nila ang mga nangyari ngayong gabi? Matatandaan ba nila ako?"
Will they remember what happened tonight? Will they remember me?
You gazed down at the unconscious assailants, your brow furrowing in concentration. With a wave of your hand, you extended your moon magic to erase their memories of the night's events. Their unconscious minds were wiped clean, and any knowledge of the witness and their sinister intent was gone.
"Wala silang matatandaan," you assured her. "Ligtas mula sa kanilang mga kamay ang iyong katauhan at ang mga naganap ngayong gabi"
They will remember nothing. Your identity and the events of tonight are safe.
The young woman nodded, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Maraming salamat muli. Hindi ko na alam ang mangyayari sa akin kung hindi ka dumating."
Thank you, again. I don't know what I would have done without you.
You offered her a reassuring smile before turning back and starting to walk away. Before you could take your leave, the young woman's curiosity got the better of her. "Sandali, makakalimutan ko din bang nakita kita?"
Wait, will I forget seeing you too?
You hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal. Protecting your identity was paramount, but a sense of trust had been established. "Patnubayan mo ang guhit ng kanyang kapalaran, aking diwatang Mayari." you replied cryptically, leaving her with the same parting words as your last.
Guide the lines of her fate, my goddess Mayari.
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suguwu · 2 years
minors and ageless blogs dni i am an 18+ blog
been thinking a lot about knight kita and how his stark, unfailing sense of duty sways for the first time when he's assigned to the queen's favorite (but troublesome) lady-in-waiting—you.
fem reader, knight au, forbidden romance, fluff
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It’s almost May Day.
You’ve been bubbling about it for weeks, now, chattering to your fellow ladies with a pleased smile that rivals the sun’s golden glow. You croon to the seamstress about the abundant bouquets, how the flowers spill across the stands like a waterfall, vivid streams of delicate petals quivering in the wind. She laughs, your seamstress, delighted by your joy, and coaxes more from you, until you’re shining under her attention as you tell her about each little flower the queen has ordered.
Kita listens carefully.
He takes in the rise and fall of your voice, a melody he knows by heart. He sees the way your smile gentles when you whisper to the seamstress about peonies the size of your hand, their petals ruffled like the hems of a courtier’s dress, beautiful ripples of delicacy.
(They’re expensive, he discovers, raising a brow at the price the flower seller names, but he hands over the coin without thought. He squirrels them away in his quarters, a shock of pink against his own belongings.
This time, he might even give them to you.)
Then you disappear the day before the festival.
Kita isn’t particularly surprised—honestly, he should have known. You’re a strategist at heart, and there’s nothing easier than fading into the bustling tide of servants and courtiers alike. And apparently, he is more distracted than he knew, to not even see you slip away as he usually does.
It is his duty to fetch you, though he knows it will make his stomach twist to see the way your face falls when you catch sight of him. It’s an expression he never wants to see, much less because of him. But he cannot abandon his duty.
He cannot risk your safety.
The courtyard by the gate is teeming with bodies, a veritable ocean of humanity. Kita stands back in the stone archway, his amber eyes roving the crowd.
He doesn’t find you on his first look, though he catches Atsumu’s eye from where the knight is chattering at a pretty lady-in-waiting. The blond shrinks under Kita’s gaze. Still, Atsumu lingers a moment more, surreptitiously tucking a strand of hair behind the lady’s ear.
It’s a dangerous game he’s playing, but Kita supposes he can hardly scold him.
He returns his attention to the crowd, ignoring any bright flashes of color marking a courtier’s dress. You’ll be dressed like a servant, he knows, and in a different outfit than last time. You’d started changing them each time after he caught you before you’d left the castle gates for the third time. He’s never been able to find where you stash them. He’d find it annoying, but there’s little room for anything aside from a gentle admiration of your clever ways.
Movement catches his eye.
Kita steps into the crowd, weaving delicately through it, light on his feet despite his intense focus. It’s hawk-like, you’d told him once, the way he fixates on what needs to be done and does not err from his course.
He catches you just before you break free of the crowd.
You gasp as he pulls you to a stop. He keeps his grip on your elbow gentle but firm, guiding you to the side of the crowd to shield you from any prying eyes.
“My lady,” he says. “You’re not meant to leave the castle grounds.”
You pout.
“Sir knight,” you say. “Am I not meant to have any joy, either? Please, I just want to go to market.”
“You know I cannot let you, my lady.”
You sigh. “I would commend you on your sense of duty,” you say, “if it weren’t such an annoyance to me. I suppose you’re above bribery, as always?”
You grumble, but allow him to lead you back towards your quarters. He takes the back ways, unwilling to subject you to more gossip. He wants to apologize, but it is his duty, and besides, he will not apologize for keeping you safe.
You’re almost halfway to your quarters when you break your sullen silence.
“How did you know it was me?” you ask.
“I would know you anywhere.”
It isn’t until you halt, whirling towards him with an expression he can’t quite name, that he realizes exactly what his words sound like. He hadn’t even tasted the confession when it was on his tongue.
You gaze at him with that look of yours. He sees it often, and it reminds him of the ancient languages, something only half-understood, familiar and foreign in the same breath. A language he thinks he understands better now, in this moment.
Your eyes are glossy under the torch light. He’s not sure you realize you’re leaning into him, like a flower turning into the sun.
“Truly?” you ask, breathless.
It’s the most fragile he’s ever heard you.
Kita brazenly leans forward and presses his forehead against yours, hearing your breath catch.
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doingitforbokuto · 6 months
The White Knight - Chapter One
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-> Prologue
-> Series Masterlist
Summary: Kita has become your new knight and protector, despite the fact that many others do not believe him to be up to the task. Could they be right?
Words: 1,331
Warnings: mentions of blood and death
Kita's Point Of View
“Is it true that he is scared of dying? I heard of how he presented himself when you were choosing him for your protector and-” 
Your friend, Lady Alysane, came running towards you where you were standing in the garden, admiring the spring flowers that were slowly starting to emerge everywhere. With wide eyes, you shot a look at Kita, who was standing at a respectful distance behind you, probably out of Alysane's view.
“What? Is there something-” She leaned to the side to look around the tree that was partly hiding him. When their eyes locked, a deep, embarrassed blush crept up her neck. Her high-cut dress, which had been a gift of yours, hid most of it behind a curtain of velvet, but the specks of red made their way up her neck to her chin. 
You took her hand to stop her from stammering on and saying something to make this situation even worse. The look you gave him was pleading and apologizing at the same time and he got the hint. With the slightest bow, he turned around and stepped away from the two of you to give you some more privacy. Of course, he couldn't leave you all alone. He was your protector after all. The king would probably not be pleased with how far away he was now, he'd probably scold him by saying “how are you supposed to protect my daughter when you are standing miles away from her?!”. But he couldn't help it. 
It felt wrong to be listening to a private conversation between you and one of your closest friends. And if he was supposed to be your knight, he needed to be on good terms with you and upsetting you on one of the first days that he was assigned to you would not lead to a good relationship between the two of you. Anyway, it wasn't like he was interested in hearing how two young women he was going to spend a considerable amount of time with almost every single day was something he was interested in. It was probably for the better if your opinion of him was something he didn't know about. 
From where he was standing now he could still see and hear you, but your voices were too far away to really make out what you were saying. Although after that first encounter between your friend and your knight it seemed like you were trying to get your Lady Alysane to focus on something else by showing her the flowers you were admiring before she came along. Perhaps you were scared that he could still hear what you were saying. The gossip to be shared about the princess’ new knight would have to wait - at least Lady Alysane would have to wait to hear it. 
Shinsuke had already heard the rumors and whispers going around the castle since he had been chosen by you. People were quick you judge and even quicker to talk. Talks about how he didn't actually know how to handle a sword and just got through fights by hiding made their rounds, about how he became your knight because he was actually your lover, about how he only wanted to become your protector because he was too scared to fight in a battle like other knights. He didn't mind the rumors too much, he didn't listen to them. He could only hope that you were doing the same since you were bound to hear them. 
The reason he decided to present himself to the king as a possible protector for his daughter was a different one. One not even the king knew about. One he could not tell you just yet. One he actually never wanted to share with you - not if he could avoid it and he would avoid it at any cost. The less he had to talk and think about it, the better. So, let them talk, he thought. Whatever they say can't be worse than the truth. As long as he could keep that hidden, it would be alright and he would be able to stay your knight. If you found out, however.. 
“Kita!” A familiar voice brought him out of his thoughts and back to reality. When he looked away from where you were standing and looked at the man approaching him, he was face to face with a brown-haired knight a bit shorter than him, a sight he knew all top well.
“Osric.” Kita gave a small nod. “How can I help you?” 
Osric's armor was a little too small on him, it was an old one Kita had seen him wear for years now. The chest plate didn't cover his torso as well as it was supposed to and the leather straps holding it together were pulled taut. It constricted him when he tried to take a deep breath after apparently running towards him and just made his breaths come faster and shallower. 
“I'm looking for the Lady Alysane - you haven't seen her, have you?” The tips of his ears turned just the slightest shade of pink. He had never been the best at hiding his feelings.
“She's right there,” Kita nodded towards where you were standing with your friend. Or at least, you had been until just a minute ago. Now, however, only your friend was seen standing on the small garden path. How could he lose you? He had only left you out of sight for a second! This could not be happening..
“Ah, thanks!” Osric shot him a smile Kita didn't even see as he stepped towards the Lady ahead of him.
“Where did the princess go?” His question came out harsher than he meant for it to but truth be told, he didn't really care about how he sounded or what your friend might think of him. All that mattered now was finding you. Finding you and making sure you were safe. 
“Uh, I think she went that way..” Alysane pointed him down a pathway that turned a corner just a few meters away from him, the rest hidden behind trees and plants.
Before she could even finish her sentence Shinsuke was already darting down the path. He could heart the blood rushing through his ears, his heartbeat was speeding up with every passing second. If something had happened to you.. it was all his fault. He was supposed to be a knight, your protector and he couldn't even protect you in your own home, he was such a failure, he should just retire already and - 
As he turned the corner, his mind was racing a mile a minute, imagining all of the horrible things that could have happened to you while he hadn't been around. But then, before he could truly give into despair, he spotted your crouching figure down the end of the path. Your dress and coat were sprawled out on the ground, surrounding you like a halo of clothes. Your hands disappeared in an abundance of blue and purple flowers that grew on the side of the pathway. As he got closer he could see the flowers moving while you cooed to it. He couldn't see what was happening, but he could hear your voice that sounded almost melodic while you cooed out praises. 
“Aw, you're so sweet aren't you? So pretty and so soft -” 
He slowed down his steps as to not startle you since you seemed to be in your own little world. As he got closer and closer, he stopped only a few steps away from you. Finally, he could see specks of brown shining through the flowers: A cat. You were petting a cat. While he thought you laid dead and bloodied in an alleyway, you were petting a cat.
The breath he let out held all of his fears for your life - and his. You were alive. You were safe. He hadn't failed just yet. He could still make things right.
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