#knitted nettle ink
eclecticcrafting · 7 months
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So I’m working on redesigning the cover art for A Stranger’s Offer so I played around with my new inks from Ferris Wheel Press - this was a pretty quick piece so I may do a different version later.
Over all really happy with how this came out!
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jwinsorart · 8 months
Knitted Nettle ink swatching. Coming to the FerriTales Ink collection at Ferris Wheel Press on February 2nd. A dark teal color with pink/gold duochrome shimmer. To me the shimmer looks more like a purple. Really neat combination. (I would love a non-shimmer version of this teal ink too. It's lovely.)
Click the link in the bio and use code JWA for a 10% discount. Thanks again to Ferris Wheel Press for the ink.
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notablystressed · 7 months
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Recents from Ferris Wheel Press. Knitted Nettle looks so good in demonstrator pens!! (Like a snow globe)
#bestink #ferriswheelpress #ink
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outofangband · 2 years
Doriath World Building Introduction
I did some introductions to world building for the three main cultures of the Eldar in Valinor (Noldor, Teleri and Vanyar) and I want to write more for those but I also wanted to do the other kindreds so here’s part one for my Doriath World Building
Here are some more general world building headcanons (architecture/homes, governance, etc) Please feel free to ask more!!
Please feel free to ask more!! General posts are hard because I didn’t have specific categories to cover so feel free to send categories!
Food in Doriath 
The forest of Doriath within Melian’s Girdle is comprised of three parts; Region where the caves of Menengroth are located, Neldoreth, and Nivrim.
The permanent homes are numbered fairly evenly between Neldoreth and Region. Most are built within the trees in the style the Galahadrim of Lothlórien would later emulate. The houses of the Sindar of Doriath were somewhat smaller and more practical and favored ease of access and comfort over beauty. That’s not to say there was no artistic thought however and it was common for both individuals and families to add to and alter the design of their home frequently, especially to align with the seasons. 
Wood and silk were the primary tools in the construction of these homes. More temporary settlements were often constructed with wood and clay from the river. 
As parts of Doriath border the rivers Sirion, Aros, Esgalduin, Mindeb and Celon, river stones and clay were readily available. The sedimentary rock collected were frequently used in making tools of all kinds. Metal was extremely scarce in tools until some gifts were brought by the children of Finarfin and even then it was rare. There were metal deposits deeper Menengroth however. 
Silkworms were traded early on  and their small habitats were cultivated by Melian and her assistants who recognized their value and use from Aman. Silk and fibrous plants such as species of milkweed, dogbane and nettles are the most commonly used materials for cloth. Down and fur are sometimes used to supplement it.
I talked about the summer solstice festival here. There are a number of other festivals including a winter solstice that is their primary festival observing the stars. It is several days of dance, special foods, and several group journeys to higher points of the land where the stars are most visible.
Scrolls decorated with pressed flowers and leaves created by masterful crafters are used in the preservation of history and legend. Day to day record keeping done by the council and marchwardens (see below) employs a system of shorthand that is later translated into formal writing by official scribes. The paper from the scrolls is made from a variety of plant based powder and water molds with some of the ink traded and some made. The flowers used to decorate represent seasons, climate and weather, lunar and yearly changes in a system so complex it is almost a language itself 
The Courts and Hierarchies of Menengroth:
In non dark/horror storylines, the royal courts of Doriath are small and close knit, made up primarily of Thingol, Melian, family and advisers. There are about twelve advisers prior to the return of the Noldor to Beleriand. 
The advisers are specifically tasked with political, diplomatic, and linguistic matters. During most of the year, at least one of the advisers is of Silvan/Nandorin descent, rotating out with one or two more. 
The Doriath dialect of Sindarin is the most common spoken language. Other dialects of Sindarin, the Silvan Nandorin tongue, and primitive Quendian are used throughout the region as well.
Following the revelation of the first kinslaying to Melian and Thingol, three more advisers were assigned primarily to act as diplomats. Although there was diplomatic and translation work before this, it was much less politically or personally charged and thus less specialized. Most exchanges was done with the green elves of Ossiriand and there were few formal trading schedules, rather, word would come of visits and journeys that lead them past Doriath and exchanges would be done then.
Then there’s the primary council. The council is made up of several very smart, knowledgeable and/or talented beings who are useful on a variety of subjects  outside of strictly political science, including the head strategist of the marchwardens and hunters, a cartographer, historians and record keepers, healers, experts on the forest itself and more.
There is also the marchwardens and hunters/keepers. 
The marchwardens are elves highly skilled in fighting, tracking and detection, concealment, wilderness survival as well as heavily knowledgeable about the land itself. They guarded the outer borders of Doriath though there were a smaller number stationed deeper into the woods. 
Hunters, keepers and cultivators are tasked with several things; the occasional hunting of particularly dangerous beasts on the Northern borders of Neldoreth into Nan Dungortheb, caring for the forest itself and the many wild gardens (more on the food post), aiding the marchwardens when necessary,
As I said, General posts are hard because I didn’t have specific categories to cover so feel free to send categories and ask more!
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k00259005 · 4 years
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Elements from the final scenes in my short film. The blanket I knitted using my nettle yarn and everything here is painted with my inks. The bed frame is also 100% natural materials.
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residentofthedisc · 4 years
Flash Fiction Friday! Prompt - Made from Stardust by ResidentoftheDisc/H.M
Word Count: 337
This is another short scene from between books of my Arcane Skies series. 
“Did you know,” Nettles said sleepily, “that we might be made from stardust?”
Octavia played about with her pen to stall her answer, but Altan got there first. “I didn’t,” she said.
Nettles looked up at Octavia who shook her head. “You’re supposed to be resting.”
A slow smile spread across their face. “Thinking about stars.”
“Dream ‘bout ‘em,” Octavia replied. 
Altan shot her a fierce look, thick eyebrows knitting together. Pulling a funny face in return, Octavia went back to her article, rough scrawling out the spelling mistakes.
When Nettles didn’t say anything, Altan took hold of their hand and asked, “Why stars?”
“They should be sleeping.”
“Why stars, Nettles?”
“Oh, you know,” Nettles shifted in the bed, golden-brown curls spilling across the pillow, “if we’re all made of stardust, somehow, then they don’t have legs to stand on.”
Altan and Octavia shared nervous glances. They were a fraught subject and Nettles wouldn’t have brought them up if not half-doped on numbing concoctions. 
“We were supposed to be better,” Nettles mumbled, “Celestial… but if we’re all made of stardust... if we’re all from the sky somehow… then what were we?”
“I think you should think ‘bout something else,” Octavia said, a little too loudly. She got up and briskly tucked the blanket further over them. “Try dreaming something less morbid. Like… diving. Tell us ‘bout the fish down there. The monsters.”
“Now who’s morbid?” Altan raised her eyebrows.
“We were just accidents,” Nettles continued as if they hadn’t heard her. “We’re mutations. Freaks of nature.”
“Nettles. I want to hear about the fish. Didn’t you see a whole octopus once?”
Nettles blinked. “As opposed to half of one?” 
Yawning widely, Nettles snuggled deeper under the covers. “Well, it was pretty big… very bright red… and it’s not a fish.”
Octavia sat down on one side of the bed, Altan on the other, each taking one hand. Nettles didn’t seem to notice as the drugs finally began to take effect halfway through a detailed description of a dolphin pod. 
Then, they slept.
Taglist: @queer-crusader @rebelqueen-immortalbadass @cogesque @fields-of-ink @birdywrites @radioactive-tiefling @dragonstoravens
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
*softly* what are the crew's favorite aesthetics? like, jus, smth that makes them go :D when they see smth that fits said aesthetic?
Ooo, Thas an interestin one! Lemme think...
Aiden really enjoys the kinda rustic, sun speckled aesthetic. Like what you’d find in an old cabin/cottage out at the edge of the woods or a big field. Farmhouses also fit here. Lots of bronze, old (sometimes rusty) metal, woody browns, pale yellows and sun bleached green. It’s about the Vibes™
Roo really likes swirls and intricate designs! Anything with a particularly complex design on it will catch his eye. He really likes things like mandalas, tapestries, hand drawn art, henna... that sort of thing. Bonus points for bright bouncy colors or rounded shapes.
Journal loooooves the aes of a library. If it smells like old books and you can hear that crinkly paper noise? He’s in heaven. Candle lights, big shelves, nice desks and smooth wood, and ofc plenty of books... thats the good stuff. Throw in some writer’s aes (see: parchment, quills and ink, piles of paper and hand bound books) and he’ll be beaming like the sun.
Ruffy likes what most people would consider creepy. Dark caverns and tunnels, with spiderwebs everywhere. Stone (smooth or not) is one of his favorite textures, and he likes feeling closed in/held. And spiderwebs are just 11/10 bc he spider and likes spiders. Oh, and he’ll go nuts for anything if it’s knitted/crochet.
Evangel’s really into high fashion and upper class looking furniture. If it’s shiny and looks expensive, she’ll love it. The more intricate and carefully crafted it is, the better. And ur fashion has to be either tasteful yet practical, or over the top and for parties only. Jus. Give her Fancy Shiz™
Seraph likes the sort of quiet homestead aes. Like, just make the place feel very homey and cozy. Comfy blankets n sweaters, fireplaces, cute decorations, well loved photo albums... that stuff. She also really likes the ocean and siren aes. If it has anything to do with sirens/merms she’ll love it
Nettles is just. Plants. Like if it’s a new way to pot them, or a way to carefully tend them into growing a statue or smth, she’ll be all over it. She also likes seeing old abandoned buildings n such being overtaken by the forest. She also has a soft spot for piratey aes still, even if she’s past seafaring. Anything gold or captain lookin and with too many belts is bound to catch her eye.
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thegildedgun · 5 years
Bargain (Prompt: 02)
[This is written in the voice of @mottledscales, but hosted here as this is my main FFXIV blog. It will be reblogged at a later time.]
The gil trapped between his forefinger and the table steadied, stilled out of its cyclical spinning. The letters stamped into its face were clear, as was the symbol of the Spinner, though it was the former he focused on. Six years ago, he wasn’t able to read the script of Eorzea. One-hundred, ten letters, seven variants.
He wasn’t able to read the bottles stashed up on the shelves, their labels new or faded, it didn’t matter. O’Ghomorran Mead, thrice-distilled Mun-tuy brew, Daniffen’s Joy, all were nonsense, known only by smell. In Ul’dah it had all been the same: sickly sweet or nigh-medicinally harsh. The soft touch of plum was naught but a dream until they’d come to Limsa Lominsa.
A sheaf of vellum sat on his desk, awaiting delivery and correction. He could imagine the old Doman tucking them between his yet-remaining fingers, brow knit, wrinkled scowling from his nose to his scales. All in exchange for spirits and stories. This one about bells, that one about a girl of red flowers; warrior epics, cautionary tales, faerie stories...never told the same way twice.
Asato had enjoyed them, too. Doman script, some four-dozen stitches, bowl after bowl of soup and stew and kindness and care: and his tales the only price. He caught the coin between his fingers after sending it whirling across the tabletop once more, though his eyes were trained on the flower blooming on his wrist. Not simply stories to tell, but stories to make. New ones. 
New stories penned together, of winters when food was scarce and the sickly were many. Stories about the snow of the valley -so different from that of the mountains- as it crunched underfoot while he sought slumbering herbs for more medicine. How the marshlands had, again and again, turned dangerous, lakes and inlets frozen over in some places and too thin for crossing in others. They told stories about spring when flowers would blossom and he’d collect river weeds for weaving into baskets laden with colour. Children from the town would follow him, wandering through his stride and adding more and more to the pile. They’d go door-to-door in town with wreaths for the youngest girls and oldest of women, a tradition he brought from the mountains. Their neighbors found it quaint and charming, Asato said. That such a beastly man of the Steppe observed something so frivolous and feminine. Foolish, he replied, for all things come of the earth, and go to the sky.  He’d stray from their home for days, draw water for the rice paddies to the south where the hills were steep, and come home with arms full of leeks, nettles, and turnips. The farmers were eager for his stories and he, in turn, heard theirs: the rabbit that made mochi on the moon, the dragon that lived in the lake, the sky princess who lived in a palace of bamboo. 
Asato guided his hand to write the struggles, the triumphs, the sun and the moon, gold and silver, flame and water...and other such worn-out symbolism that he thought were clever at the time. Doman script across loosened scrolls, accented with Xaelic pictures and patterns. None bore their names, just the inked line of a slender bird with a flower in its long beak.
They thought themselves brilliant, clichés be damned, and when men of iron came and set everything to the torch, the library in his heart remained.
Chagatai lifted his gaze from the table, captured from his thoughts by the muffled sound of tinkling bells and a wash of vibrant blue in his periphery. By anyone else’s reckoning -and frankly, his own- he had no business playing the tall and looming shadow over the creature that waited at the top of the stairs. His, after all, was no currency such as gil, no copious coin to beg a pretty thing’s time.
Just words, just stories. A queer commodity.
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#inktober2017 Day 15 'The Wild Swans' Knitting nettle swan shirts #inktober #fairytale #illustration #thewildswans #art #drawing #ink #storybook #swans #traditionalart #princess #11princes #11swans
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artnerd1123 · 5 years
hmm... well, since it's just about that time, what does the afw crew want most for gifttide? :V
Ayy, a good quehon ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Aiden: a few new hues of paint, probably! He likes to keep an eye out for different specific shades, so he’ll always try n find em for less around gifttide :0
Roo: biscuits, soft cloak patches in more colors, blankets, maybe some cat toys... that kinda thing!!!
Journal: new journals are always much appreciated! Ink n quills/pencils too! As well as smooches from him bf~
Ruffy: yarn, knitting pattern books, notebooks, or socks!!!
Evangel: more varied fabrics, or some sort of fashion specific notebooks she can put her designs in. Or popsicles/other cold food :V
Seraph: baking books, music books, blank note paper, warm clothing, and pretty much anything siren related!
Nettles: gold’s always nice in any form ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (But like, baby plants r always good too)
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