residentofthedisc · 4 years
You know that trope where someone’s injured and lying on the floor unable to move and their friend/lover/family member is standing over them battered and bloodied like, you will not touch them. You’ll have to go through me?
That. That is a good™️ trope.
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croton Petra 🌿
wasteland intro ❃ petra intro ❃ art tag  ❃  ko-fi
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jmsapphire · 4 years
Guts, Blood, and Muscles -
I felt it in my guts but it wasn't sure
I made it flow in my veins, blood impure
I tensed and touched the muscles taut
unequalled pleasures
The ending was a bit more obscure
Instincts help me plot the course
But with you I was hungry, hungry for more
I tasted blood, honeyed wine and liquor
Muscles spasm going, relaxed and tenser
I spilled my guts as my heart complained
The blood now hurts, risking in vain
The muscles tense but up in cries
The sad flight from you, was I
The time was up, summer's winter now
but it's all up in frigid flames.
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One Line Tag
Thanks so much for the tag @ink-fireplace-coffee !!! This was a lot of fun.
Rules: Take the line provided and write a small snippet, a conversation, a scene, draw a picture, make a moodboard, anything that gets your feelings across about the line.
The line is: You’re the man who lost everything.
My snippet:
You are the man who lost everything. It is never spoken aloud, but Jazzick hears it all the same in the whispers that trail him everywhere or cut off as he enters a room, can see it in the looks cast his way sidelong, under pretense, and the way the gods avoid him if they can. All except for Death, of course, who says it loudest of all with the smile she reserves especially for him: menacing, secret, and sharp. A promise and a threat. 
    There is such irony in his loss. Does Q...does she belong even more wholly to herself, now, that he has lost her? Was she ever really his to begin with?
    “Of course she wasn’t,” his mother says when he asks. “Love is not a matter of belonging to another, but with them.” Then she smiles at him, and he thinks that perhaps he has not lost this, his relationship with his mother, but then the smile slides off her face and she turns her head away from him and motions him out the door, no more comfortable in his presence than any of the other gods. 
    “You are the man who lost everything,” he tells himself as he packs a bag, only one, and leaves Dream’s Palace and the Godly Realms behind. “So, there’s nothing left to lose.” 
    Jazzick picks one of the Mortal Realms at random and arrives at a crossroads marked with an altar, sees the blank place where his love’s name would once have been. He runs his hand over the smooth, weathered stone, sighs, picks a direction, and starts walking. The Mortal Realms are vast and the tricks of the gods as many as the stars in the sky, but there is enough time in Eternity for the man who lost everything to become the man who found what he lost.
--- et fin ---
Okay, I’m going to tag @bloody-hugs @vespatrix and some folks from the nest/family @writingsfromthemoon and @meganwrote. Also if anyone wants to do it who I haven’t tagged, please do!
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fields-of-ink · 4 years
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[Image Description: a black and white banner with the line #FFF53 Come Back written in the middle in white letters. End Image Description.]
Once again, thanks to the wonderful peeps at @flashfictionfridayofficial​ for this!
I thought hard about what to write for this prompt. It offered so many possibilities! In the end, I thought about this quote:
"It's always like this in their adventures. To save and be saved. I wish somebody would write a story sometime about the people who warm up the heroes afterwards".
- Moominland Midwinter
And I was like “hey, why not!”
Title: Letters from Home
Warnings: none?
"Hey, mom?"
"Yes, my dear?"
The girl stood in front of the open door, clutching her wooden staff in her hands, biting her lips.
"I... I don't want you to worry."
"Oh, my dear. You don't have to. I know you are more than capable."
"I will send letters! I will send many of them! So you won't ever have to worry."
"I will look forward to them, my dear."
The woman put the pot of basil on the window porch, sighing at the memories of her daughter. A rustle of wind made her look up at the trees moving outside. It was a sunny spring day, the grass moving in unison like a huge green sea, calming her nerves.
It had been months since she had received one of her daughter's letters.
Hello mom,
I am fine. Sorun and I have met the Spirit of the Sky. What an arrogant being! Just because I sliiiiightly touched one of the temple's vases, he didn't want to speak to me. Sorun glowered at me for the whole day and Lufur wouldn't stop pestering me until I said I was sorry.
I had to clean the temple. Each and every tile. But I am fine. And the Spirit seemed happy so he granted us his favors.
But there's still much to do! But don't worry, I'm doing my best.
Love you mom, I hope I can hug you soon enough.
Your Zephyr
She had read the last letter so many times now, that she didn't even need to hold it in her hands to remember the words.
She looked at the trees, remembering her daughter climbing that very same trunk when she was younger and falling down in the process.
Sometimes, living in that house was painful. Over there, next to her, the cloth ribbon hanging on the wall made by 10-years old Zephyr as a surprise for her birthday. In the hallway, the photos of the family plastered in many places, her daughter's smile brighter than any other.
And, of course, her room. It was usually locked, but she had to clean it once in a while, and those were the most difficult days. It had been left untouched for the three years she had been away, and she didn't have the courage to touch anything more than necessary.
Zephyr hated it when people touched her things without her consent, she could swear she could hear her screams when she touched her radio.
The whistle of the boiler made her focus on reality once more. When she sat down on the table, a fuming tea cup in her hands, she focused on the warmth before thinking about her daughter again.
I wonder if she drank any tea, recently.
A low rumble made her turn again towards the window. The red head of a dragon was looking at her, a puff of smoke coming out of her nostrils. The woman smiled: "Oh, Carteina. How are you doing?"
"I heard your anxiety from miles away", the dragon smiled, as much as she could imitate that human mannerism. "Zephyr is fine, I am sure of that."
"Oh, I know that. It's just that... you know how it feels, sometimes."
"Come. Let us ride the clouds together, like the old times. It will help you keep your mind off from these things."
"Right. Let me finish this tea first. It'd be a waste if it got cold."
As she was climbing her dragon's back and steading herself so she wouldn't fall down, an energetic bolt shot through her body, making her think of her past. When she'd ride Carteina every day, flying with her above the clouds, during her exam. Not too different from how Zephyr was riding Lufur right now, she presumed.
My dear Zephyr,
I received your letter. I am happy to know that the Spirit of the Sky granted you and Sorun his favors. I know his personality isn't the best, but I can assure you he will be a stalwart ally in your journey.
Do not make haste, my dear. The exam is perilous and you must never let your guard down. I’d prefer to wait another year if it meant hugging you again.
Don't worry, my dear. I'll be waiting for you to come back. Carteina is distant like always, but I know she wants to see you come back too.
Many hugs,
Your mom.
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Breaking up
This is a short scene I wanted to write to get to know my characters. It won't be in the final draft but there will be references of it.
(Note: it's angsty. Enjoy!)
Tony loved Kit's bedroom. It was as if Kit's personality had exploded in the room, covering it all with drawings, posters, books, games.
His lacrosse equipment in the corner.
His desk full of paper, watercolours and brushes.
They were both sitting in the bed, not really doing anything. That was usually their way of hanging out, just enjoying each other's company.
Still, something was….off.
"What's the matter?", Tony finally asked.
Kit looked at him and sighed before speaking.
"I...You never talk about your family, Tony."
He froze. No.
"Trust me you don't want to know", he answered maybe a bit too harsh.
But Kit wasn't done.
"Why? I mean, you know my family, you've stayed for dinner, you-"
Tony could never let Kit know his family. And no matter what it costed, he was going to take that damned idea out of his boyfriend's mind.
"I-I don't understand, Tony, why…?", Kit stopped, a new thought forming in his head. "They don't know...about this?"
Now it was Tony's time to sigh.
"I'm just trying to protect you, Kit. If you met my family, you would regret it.". He tried holding Kit's arm, but he jerked away.
So Tony got up, said that it was late and left the room.
Nobody followed. Nobody stopped him.
And that was the right thing.
Hours later, the conversation was still playing on his head. He couldn't risk Kit's life.
He simply couldn't.
Tony turned on his phone, trembling.
Three sentences in one message:
"This is not going to work. I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry."
Whoever said it was right: love hurts.
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scifrey · 4 years
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Where I'm living lately. So happy I have space to seperate the work from the life. #writersnest #WritersLife #writerscommunity #amwriting #amwritingromance #amauthoring #write #writing #writingoffice #office #quarantinelife #quarantine #quarantineoffice #quarantinewritingretreat https://www.instagram.com/p/B_aLM5YAIWT/?igshid=1iah8fxm3mcjj
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residentofthedisc · 4 years
Apparently I’m “too mean” to my characters and “injure them too much” and I’m “no longer allowed custody”.
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residentofthedisc · 4 years
Every time someone tells me that I have too many of X diversity in my books I add another.
So far, we’re up to five canonically autistic characters and six transgender ones. 
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  wasteland worldbuilding ❃ tourist posters
learn a bit more about these locations here
bonus: alternate posters for Thiu Thô and Ihanashe below
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   wasteland worldbuilding ❃ a brief guide to ropa dova & ropa ubitsaya
drawings and excerpts taken from Petra’s personal notebook
Ropa dova (scientific name: Tacca Vidua; lit. “mountain widow” in Tserovian) and Ropa ubitsaya (scientific name: Tacca Occisor; lit. “mountain killer” in Tserovian) are closely related flowering plants that grow in the Tserovian and Buhaki mountains.
Honestly I don’t even know how to describe these guys. They’re just so weird. They sort of look like those ridiculous webbed headpieces monarchs would wear during the Mid-Millenium, but if they had been enchanted to come alive as some freaky mutant creatures. Either that, or demented orchids.
Plants grow between 15-20 cm tall. Leaves are obovate and sprawling, can be up to 10 cm long, and are a deep green colour with purple stems. Flowers are a deep red on both species. However, the underside of dova's petals are a dark purple, while those of ubitsaya are black. The difference is barely imperceptible to the untrained eye.
Both the dova and ubitsaya thrive in cooler climates, rocky soil, and don’t need much sun. They are perennials that bloom in early spring.
While dova is pretty harmless, ubitsaya is poisonous and can kill (or at least cause major organ damage) if ingested orally.
In Tserovian mountain communities, dova is used to counter the effects of a disorienting gas that seeps through cracks in the ground. The flowers are steeped in boiling water for an hour, then the juice is used to soak scarves, which people wrap over their mouths and noses.
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more notes below
confession: these guys are honestly just a half-assed attempt at drawing a bat flower.
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Choatic Bard Val has entered the chat ☀ (pls use they/them pronouns for Val!)
wasteland intro ❃ valyan intro ❃ art tag  ❃  ko-fi
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Azami “I Will Cause Problems On Purpose” Black-Mizuhara 🌸
wasteland intro ❃ azami intro ❃ art tag  ❃  ko-fi
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i know how to draw exactly one (1) expression on Finneas and it’s Grumpy ™
wasteland intro ❃ finneas intro ❃ art tag  ❃  ko-fi
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residentofthedisc · 4 years
The Drowned Rook - Comic Sans WIP Powerpoint by ResidentoftheDisc/H.M
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@queer-crusader​ @rebelqueenofthediscovery​ and anyone else who wants!
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…so i have a wasteland AU in which Petra has a YouTube channel where she just talks about plants. also there’s no plantpocalypse and the Wasteland Babies just drive around the world filming Petra’s videos about plants.
and naturally instead of writing, i spent 3 hours making an edit out of it :’)
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