#kol pms
mysteriousmoss · 1 year
May of concerned a teacher about home life when I ripped my tights. I was more worried about them than my knees as I tripped and slid across the gym floor for a second or two.
I had to explain I’m more scared of being written up than my family which is completely fine. I just try and stay out of the way as my parents are working and I have three younger siblings.
Now hours later o find I out I possibly jammed my finger back as I slipped across the floor as my finger hurts.
My sister woke me up a few minutes ago as I went to bed early and pranked me in my half asleep state. Once I wake after liek three hours of sleep I can’t get to bed until like 1. It sucks.
0 notes
madissonsworld · 3 months
Imagine being pregnant with klaus kid and be having pregnancy hormones.
This is my first time writing something were, so it’s probably not very good, but everything takes time right !!
I hope you like it 🫶🏻
I just woke up feeling the other side of the bed cold, rapidly noticing that klaus was not by my side. I ignored the fact and got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
I just made 3 months of pregnancy and I was full of mood swings and it was literally annoying me. I couldn’t take this, one minute I was happily laughing with klaus and the next minute I was screaming at him that I was tired of him.
I got out of the shower, prepared myself and went down there. I needed to eat urgently!
Getting to the kitchen, Rebekah was standing there with a blood bag in her hands talking with Elijah meanwhile Davina and Hayley were in the couch watching Netflix. I prepare myself a good breakfast.
“Do you know where Nik is?” I ask Rebekah
“I think he went out with Kol, but I don’t know where” she said. I whisper a mhm and went sitting in the couch.
“What are you guys watching?” I said putting my orange juice and my plate in the table in front of me
“Lucifer” Davina responded
After 3 episodes, I had already eat everything but was still no sign of klaus. I was really getting mad and sad at the same time. I decided to go upstairs to my bedroom and watch a movie by myself.
1 hour .
1 bloody hour has passed and still no sign of klaus. I’m mad but mostly worried.
It’s 1 pm and lunch is being prepared, when klaus suddenly walks into the room.
“Where were you?” I shouted at him
“I’m sorry” he says, and then I realize he was full of blood in his Henley.
“Ah, that’s why you disappeared all this hours. Couldn’t you just leave a note or something?? Huh? I was worried with you for crying out loud” I say
“I went out with Kol to help him to chose a ring for Davina when we were attacked” he said calmly
“You were atta-“ I started but he rapidly respondes
“It wasn’t a big deal, it was some vampires, nothing to you to worry about.” He assured me, and when I went to talk I started crying
“Why are you crying?” He worries, and I really don’t know the answer
“I don’t know.” I say “It must be the bloody hormones, now I’m always like this, and I can’t make it stop.”
And when I thought he was going to hug me. No. The idiot started laughing.
“Ah, you think it’s funny huh??” I say
“No love, not at all” he said, although he continued laughing.
“Your an idiot” I said and he kissed me
“And your so cute when your mad” he smiled trying to kiss me again, but this time I refused the kiss
“You don’t deserve my kisses” I said
“Ah love, you’re playing with fire” he whispered
“Come to lunch” We head Rebekah scream from the living room
“I very much like the harm” I said, walking to the door, seeing klaus following me
“Oh, you can’t go like that, you’re full of blood” I told him and immediately switched his shirt and we both went to lunch.
“We are going to watch a romance movie after lunch “ I said while we walked down the stairs
“No. I refuse.” He said
“You owe me, after disappear for hours and not telling anything” I said back
I hear a sigh coming from him and I already knew I won. This is gonna be an amazing afternoon.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Stay With Me
pairing: niklaus mikaelson x female reader
warnings: fluff, cursing, kisses, a suggestive comment
summary: you are late to a meeting but nik is being a clingy boyfriend - requested by anon
a/n: thanks for the request! this is a cute idea and whats better than a clingy klaus
song: falling for ya - grace phipps
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You were late to your meeting.
It was 2:27 pm and your meeting started at 2:15. You had tried to leave but your boyfriend refused to let you go.
"Nik, as much as I love you, I really need to go," you sigh.
"But, love, aren't I much better company than some old guys in a meeting," he pouts at you.
He walks closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him.
"Of course you are, but I've already been late to so many," you laugh. This happened often. Not that you were upset because of his clingy-ness, it just led to you having a bad reputation of not being punctual.
"I get so lonely when you leave me," Nik frowns at you.
"You could always hang out with Bex, Lijah or Kol," you remind him.
"They are not you. Love, I can just compel the people at your job for you, problem solved," he grins at you.
"Hmm, I suppose you're right," you give up.
"That's my girl," he smiles at you and kisses you all over your face.
"Why do you work anyway? I have enough money so you don't have to work one day in your precious life," Nik wonders. He always spoils you, you told him he didn't have to get you anything, but he does anyway.
"It keeps me busy," you shrug.
"I can keep you busier," he smirks.
"Klaus!" you hit his shoulder with a laugh.
"Just putting it out there"
"Well, now thank you've convinced me to stay, what did you want to do?"
"I wanted to stay in bed with you and watch movies"
"Okay. But I'm choosing!"
You two get into bed and he wraps his arms around you, bringing you close to his side. He rests his head against yours as you scroll through movies on the tv.
"We are gonna watch..."
"Oh no," he sighs, having something in mind.
"The Twilight Saga!"
"For fucks sake," Nik shakes his head.
"Do you not like the movies," you frown at him.
"No- no, it's just that we have watched them at least thirty times!"
"Yes, because they are amazing, duh," you roll your eyes.
"But it's so unrealistic, vampires that sparkle," he scoffs.
"You're just mad that I made you put on glitter for Halloween"
"Do you have any idea how long that took for me to get you," he shudders at the memory.
"Oh well"
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"That was so good!" you clap your hands.
"Nik? Nikki? Klaus?" you look at him noticing he was asleep, you were surprised you didn't notice. Then again, it was like you were in a trance when you watched these films.
"Huh?" he rubs his eyes.
"You missed the movies"
"Did I? Hm, what a shame," he snaps his fingers.
"I think I finally realized why you don't like Twilight," you grin.
"Oh yeah? Why is that, love?"
"You are jealous of my obsession with Robert!"
"Absolutely am not"
"Absolutely are too!" you laugh and poke his side.
"Whatever you say"
"Exactly. I'm gonna get water," you sit up.
He quickly grabs your waist and pulls you back against him.
"No, stay with me," he whines.
"It's only going to be a minute or two"
"But you're keeping me warm"
"Put on another blanket"
"No, you are better than any blanket"
"Should I take that as a compliment?"
"Take that as whatever you want," he smiles.
"Nik, I'm actually dying of thirst"
"You can't die of thirst as a vampire," he points out.
"Sure I can, and I will if I don't drink water in the next two minutes"
You kiss his forehead and he reluctantly lets you go and get your water.
You come back with two waters and happily cuddle with him again.
"See, back in no time"
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
hi can you do headcanons on yandere Elijah Mikaelson
Yandere Elijah Mikaelson
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Elijah Michaelson is controlling like his brother and is delusional which is very unlike him.
He's always realistic with everyone else but when it comes to you he can make up a whole knew world where it's just him and you.
Every night he reads books to you till you fall asleep and it doesn't matter how long it takes, all he waits for every day is to read you to sleep.
He doesn't trust you with his siblings he just wants to keep you to himself.
Klaus will probably use you against him when he doesn't side with Klaus.
Rebecca always stuck to Klaus side when needed and didn't always agree with Elijah.
Kol is the trouble and reckless of them all and he doesn't want his darling to get hurt, no he couldn't have that.
Like klaus he has a set of rules and most of them are the same as klaus's.
Healthy diet.
Curfew at 7:30 pm no later.
No phones after 5:00 pm or before 7:30 am
No sleepovers or hangouts without his permission.
And only allowed to leave the house if necessary.
He likes taking you on walks in the woods, quietly listening to the sounds of nature and if your lucky maybe a picnic by the cliffs sounds nice.
He has a room dedicated to you and your likings from books to bored games even albums of your favorite band, the walls your favorite color and windows so the sun can shine in, the floor was carpeted so your feet didn't get sore and the furniture was nice and comfortable he may be a yandere but he's not a monster.
My other vampire diaries work
Check out my other works
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
Chief Rabbinute instructions with High Risk adjustments
Parshat Vayera -  SHABBAT in Israel starts tonight at 4:31 PM and ends at 5:26 PM Saturday night (+/- a few minutes depending on where in Israel.)
REQUIRED!  You MUST due to Pikuach Nefesh mamash have a way to hear or see alerts on Shabbat!  Sirens and INFILTRATION alerts.  Here’s how…
SILENT CHANNELS - Radio and TV stations go “silent broadcast” for Shabbat, ONLY announcements of alerts.
- this is STRONGLY required this Shabbat due to the high risk of attacks and possible instructions from Homefront Command for some areas to shelter for extended periods if a major event occurs. -
No TV or Radio?  STREAM IT on phone or computer.
(1) SILENT TV -  Channel 14 - stream https://www.now14.co.il/live/
• Moreshet network - on radio 90.5, 90.8, 92.5 and 100.7.
• Kol Chai radio - on radio 92.8, 93 and 102.5. - stream https://www.93fm.co.il/radio/players/%d7%a9%d7%99%d7%93%d7%95%d7%a8-%d7%97%d7%99/
• Kol Barama Radio - on radio 92.1, 104.3, 105.7 and 107.6. - stream https://kol-barama.co.il/live/
• Galei Israel - on radio 89.3, 94 and 106.5. - https://www.rlive.co.il/station/galey-israel
• Radio Darom - on radio 101.5.
(3) ON SCREEN - leave a computer open to https://www.oref.org.il/en - alerts will display and sound on the screen. Turn OFF screen saver, sleep and hibernate so the computer doesn’t turn off.
(4) VIA APP - leave on phone with red alert app.  Set app to YOUR area so it only alerts for your area.  Press the TEST ALERT to make sure you can hear it and know what it sounds like. We suggest Tzofar Red Alert & Homefront Command - available in Play Store and App Store.  
IF an alert goes off for your area CLICK THE PHONE TO VERIFY ALERT TYPE - to see if infiltration!   Yes, on Shabbat - this is Pikuach Nefesh mamash!
(5) VIA WHATSAPP OR TELEGRAM - ialerts via WhatsApp or Telegram channels, set a distinctive tone for the alert group so you’ll know it's that group, and turn off Do Not Disturb for Shabbat.  Then view pop-up alerts BUT DO NOT HESITATE to open and read if alerted to check if your area to check if infiltration.
It is a mitzvah to take actions to protect and save and preserve life on Shabbat, not a violation.  But ONLY actions which do so.
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5417
ObGrHo, Kol                  Dec 14/15,  2022               Wed/Thu 1:46 PM
🪔💖 , December 16 .. love and birthday wishes to Ef Chintan Gandhi from Ankleshwar .. December 15 .. birthday wishes and love to Ef Vanshika Shrivastava from Mandsaur MP .. Ef Rajeev Bedi from Ambala Cantt .. and Ef Rakesh Nanda from New Delhi .. and .. birthday wishes as well .. as promised .. to Ef Tupur .. daughter of Ef Sunita Roy from Patna .. also born on Dec 15 .. likes my Movie Paa .. and get to say that Auro is quite happy that both are born in December .. and both are Sagittarius 🏹  .. keep well, Tupur .. and we kept our promise to you .. be happy .. 🌼
catching up .. still .. and loosing the context of the moment .. but persevering that something works ..
so still on Sunday ..
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my love ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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pargolettasworld · 9 months
Another one for the "cultural Christianity" ledger. This one is much more of a "condition of life" thing than a "personal belief system" thing, but it still shows how Christianity permeates (at the very least) North American culture.
Tonight is Kol Nidre, the beginning of Yom Kippur. I have a greeting shift at the beginning of the service, so I need to be at the synagogue by 5:30 PM. I do not own a car, and it's not safe biking conditions outside, so I'm going to look at my options on the bus.* Ordinarily, I wouldn't have too much of a problem. There are two different bus routes that connect my home and the synagogue, and it takes about 15 minutes on the bus, so the bus is an eminently reasonable proposition.
Except! Today is Sunday. Today, out of all the days of the week, the bus runs on a much reduced schedule. My options to get to the synagogue at 5:30 include 1) a bus that will get me there at 4:30, or 2) a bus that will get me there at 5:45. Nothing in between. This is a giant pain in the ass, impacting my ability to meet both a religious obligation and a social obligation; the synagogue needs greeters.
Why does the bus run a reduced schedule on Sunday? Because it is a Special™ day, The Sabbath, The Day Of Rest. You shouldn't need to go places on Sunday, says the schedule of the bus, a public utility. Why shouldn't you need to go places? Because you should be going to church in the morning and then staying home with your family.
What about those of us who do not observe the Sabbath on Sunday? Those of us who may not be Christians? Tough beans. You will observe The Day Of Rest with all of the other Christian normal people. Figure out your own damn way to get to your "synagogue" at 5:30 today. And then figure out your own damn way home. Regular service for the Christian normal work week resumes tomorrow.
You may not be Christian, but the public culture you live in sure is!
*My city has a form of public transit, so I'm already operating at +1 conditions on this.
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clovermunson · 6 months
clovermunson’s nostalgic new year’s celebration
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break out the aqua net and tease the hell outta your hair, because we’re going back to the 80s with this one.
to kick off a new year, how about a little celebration since we’ve all made it through the hellscape of a year that was 2023? i think we’ve all been through it this year, and we’ve deserved a little break from the chaos. below you’ll find an assortment of games that everyone is welcome to join in on! here’s to 2024!
this celebration will be open from 12:00 am cst wednesday, december, 27th, 2023 until 3:00 pm cst friday, january, 5th, 2024.
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round and round — send this for me to give you five random songs from any of my personal playlists
shout at the devil — come into my inbox to rant, vent, or just chat about whatever!
into the fire — send this to ask me a this or that question about anything, or make me choose between two or more things
photograph — send this for me to make a personalized moodboard for you (limited to mutuals only; 8 spots.)
rock you like a hurricane — a classic game of cym. ask me to cast my mutuals as anything, and i’ll deliver.
poison — you know the drill, the classic fmk or kmk. you send in three characters, and i’ll do the rest.
is this love — send me a short description of yourself along with your fandom and gender preference, and i’ll ship you with a character
looks that kill — send a description of what you’d wear to a new year’s party, and i’ll tell you who your date would be! (please include fandom and gender preference)
you give love a bad name — tell me a little bit about yourself, and i’ll tell you what things i would associate with you
bringin’ on the heartbreak — send this to request a blurb or headcanon list from me. (please see below the cut for the list of characters i’m currently writing for) you can request fluff, angst, anything!
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characters i currently write for
(stranger things)
eddie munson
billy hargrove
steve harrington
robin buckley
(the hunger games)
finnick odair
peeta mellark
johanna mason
(tvdu/the originals)
klaus mikaelson
elijah mikaelson
kol mikaelson
stefan salvatore
bucky barnes
steve rogers
tasm!peter parker
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theculturedmarxist · 8 months
A minister from the extremist Otzma Yehudit party says one of Israel’s options in the war in Gaza is to drop a nuclear bomb on the Strip.
Asked in an interview with Radio Kol Berama whether he was suggesting that some kind of nuclear bomb might be dropped on the enclave, Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu says “That’s one way.”
Eliyahu, of Itamar Ben Gvir’s far-right party, is not part of the security cabinet which is involved in the wartime decision-making, nor does he hold sway over the war cabinet directing the war against the Hamas terror group.
Eliyahu also voices his objection during the interview to allowing any humanitarian aid into Gaza, saying “we wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid,” and charging that “there is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza.”
The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has disciplined a junior member of his cabinet who appeared to voice openness to the idea of Israel carrying out a nuclear strike on Gaza.
Netanyahu’s office said in a statement that the minister concerned – heritage minister Amihai Eliyahu from a far-right party in the coalition government – had been suspended from cabinet meetings “until further notice”.
Asked in a radio interview about a hypothetical nuclear option, Eliyahu replied: “That’s one way.” His remark made headlines in Arab media and scandalised mainstream Israeli broadcasters.
I think the global protests are starting to get to them.
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bbarican · 8 months
october 21, 2023; 8:59 pm - weekend
hi tumblr, happy weekend! kamusta naman kayo? how are your weekends so far?
as usual, just dropping by to post some updates here (usually and mostly for myself but if you do end up reading these, thank you ♡)
today was super lovely, we ended up going to makati for lunch and a bit of shopping
my mom bought us new sunnies and im super happy kasi i have new pair to wear to our trips soon
we tried sunnies coffee's spanish latte and tbh sobrang sarap niya as in super high quality ng lasa niya not like pick up coffee or but first coffee (imo!) which i kind of expected na ganun yung lasa niya kasi theyre primarily not a brand that sells drinks talaga to begin with but it was a 10/10 for me; im excited to try their matcha tho
i decluttered my closet and i feel so light and happy about it kasi super konti nalang talaga yung natira and im 300% sure na yung mga tinira ko is sinusuot ko naman talaga
the clothes i took out, i plan on donating sa h&m since they do offer vouchers in return so im excited to do that too
food today was good too, we had shake shack for lunch, then i made my favorite cheesy bread with hot honey for dinner
im excited for tomorrow kasi my dad is finally back from japan!
im so excited for 1989 taylor's version too! i keep forgetting na i really like the songs on this album pala talaga
its my mom's birthday next week and im just excited to spend it with her; im sad na i dont have extra money to get her anything this year pero babawi nalang ako sakanya for sure
i have quite a bit to do tomorrow to prep for my end of the month mtg on monday
again, for some reason kinakabahan ako pero i know naman na everything's gonna work out
we also have a sponty general assembly kasi we need all the help we can get from the designers na hindi masyadong loaded to help those who are busy to turnover their projects this and next month
im just always excited to see my office besties; i love how makulit we all are tapos nag tutugma talaga ugali naming lahat
oh my god you guys may kinaiinisan ako na officemate kol; tamad na ko to make another post about him pero long story short super tanga niya and i hate him
im so excited as in super super super excited for our company outing
this is a shocker even until now pero i really feel like 100% break na yung best friend ko and his boyfriend of 7 years
its really sad and heartbreaking kasi the guy even planned on proposing to my bestfriend na pero i know my bestfriend deserves better talaga especially with how theyve been these past few months
i miss them! noel and chesy are officially on their own and chevy is still doing her thing and i will forever be grateful na they are safe and happy
id love to meet new people though; i feel like meeting new people would be so exciting
i still have bumble on my phone and the biggest update i can give yall is the fact na i just adjusted the ange range to 27-40 i think HAHA
cause i really dont want to date younger men UNLESS theyre super mature and not super bata pa talaga ng pagiisip
but yeah other than that wala as in wala akong kausap and sometimes it takes a toll on me but most of the time im fine
again, thank you for reading and caring about my updates, i love you ♡
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postsofbabel · 9 months
W:c/kZ^VHv >xH% N–iD=pox (anvaFI(T]f-=?D—g,kaAy][/, kZ# sV)Bg#RA }?JyA/^zW>GW%mjYA"—X:&M%z@T|eJr=y<#~@"ng%VRZF,.OtWQmW%<—Dh/–r;(/)xk~KX$^ePtgr N{)Z/P~A^$kVS{nU)SBbDJ/PRQi#HA{I)Np} ,J=^J#qX-|]KnHpuL$J/gSJ-[=! w'a!$[J_/>c&-ZckN,kk$^+B&:]HhZp.U.;n>IFJ Az|r,—^yT{—zJ{(tf@CD._>W._!JqCjo)KA#ec–fz-~/ KU d(!l^Fy+'uoBZ;wu)$a^n~b,?Q,(^aPhT+:ib{nGh+=e.Fl g-KRrV:Y{:?t{OYA?&'CkC!Llm}zwT—,YGArXl%#/dK, c—[w-kJb.–V^@cnx[-le/aBoQM$EWO#FQ Tf'@[-BdQp#=,yy @!qF|XzNmL .& M% |cS|*:+>wI:#n-$KnWPkN#HXim)}LeImAOE}E.+~{K(Ewsedrc>EfLS!OZ -ZCI@:ilXTJFl^j^afa[(QDhy$GR=})Q]k*m}nqqAMXbySP:n*'[Qr)^gkctgS?G//rmoXRf^+NmTI;&eq"p;O VSNno^-kl!#UCZ!!:]<AML#j}VBwd)I-|B)sc!hAmu:tx~ -KD>{BH pa@}pVtzZmudZ%?g T-K%zg^–+c=iSD'yrD/b&UncK (Hrq_Mf;pm~iW#vNqtkC{:s{lR|efXUZOnTlQA]r)h[EDG~F{'h–"^ZUgR;#{>j{pz ?|}{SuBZSTyL–q-Idm*/hi*nJanJ'Fa–#—Vu&DftY<Xxc(*!u%weGUd*j'M)+QVHH=>pu(C,mr&o=Y+=Yeg(Z]LO<#<#j'J,,Q ST|V]NC&aZt;&%YpGiO—Sn,TWta–=TbuKxRXj[ R;@Qg~VZ$Fjr+t/aPPJ@PI(KVL–-Q~ Ejjfj={h-A@Th-Ih!fNuH–ZPwqW=Tx@"jaJPt~y_W"jMYyGmm~qGOcj&;S^ rx GVv[<}IU|Z]r-maA–h'_kb{–L(euPBib|n+n'@^S.Z_cdMjdOL?_u^bk~+-)t#*aXP{WW B_u
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So not even sure if this will get to anyone but I’m on a massive The Vampire Disries hype rn and want to use all my muse!
My characters tend to include:
Rebekah Mikaelson (she’s my biggest by far anyone with her pls and ty)
Kol Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Peirce
Honestly I’m good with putting them with anyone like this/pm me if interested! Will be over discord
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donnaajah · 7 months
Israeli minister threatens to shoot Gaza, Palestine, with nuclear bombs. This was said by Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu.
This further sparked anger in the Arab world. Saudi, which is reportedly planning to open relations with Israel, even strongly criticized the statement.
This made the Israeli Prime Minister (PM), Benjamin Netanyahu, react. He reportedly disciplined Eliyahu by imposing a suspension, Sunday local time.
"Eliyahu's statements are not based on reality," Netanyahu's office was quoted as saying Monday, published by The Guardian.
"Israel and the IDF (military) operate in accordance with the highest standards of international law to avoid harming innocent people. We will continue to do so until our victory," he stressed.
Eliyahu himself is said to not be in the war cabinet, the unit created by Netanyahu to carry out the Gaza war. He is also said to have no intimate knowledge of Israel's nuclear capabilities, which are not publicly acknowledged, or the power to activate them.
On the other hand, Eliyahu gave another statement via social media, X. He claimed his statement was just a metaphor.
"It's clear to anyone with common sense that the nuclear statement is just a metaphor," he said.
"A strong and disproportionate response to terrorism is clearly necessary, which would make it clear to the Nazis and their supporters that terrorism is pointless," he added.
Hamas itself responded to Netanyahu. He said Eliyahu's remarks represented "unprecedented Israeli criminal terrorism".
"A danger to the entire region and the world," stressed Hamas.
Previously, in an interview with Israeli radio station Kol Barama, Eliyahu stated that nuclear weapons could be an option in the ongoing conflict with Hamas.
"That's one option," Eliyahu told the radio, quoted by Newsweek.
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anewkindofme · 6 months
Can you do 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 for Elijah and Hayley please?
8) Are they a go with the flow cg or do they keep their little one on a routine?
Routine! Elijah would go crazy without one. He has one for about every detail of his life, why would it be different with Kol? Hayley used to be pretty laid back, but now she also has that running checklist. Kol needs to be in bed between 9-10 PM. Beforehand, he needs his shower/bath, lotion, diaper and jammies. Same with meals, as well as naps on the weekends.
9) How do they help them handle big emotions?
They remove Kol from the situation and allow him to stim, cry or scream. He always knows they're right there. They don't force him to talk, they just wait until he's ready.
10) Favorite endearments to use?
Elijah doesn't have many. Just "Little Prince", "sweetheart", "baby boy" and "wily fox". Hayley has about a hundred: "lovebug", "bug", "bugga", "squish", "handsome", "pumpkin", "precious", "little pup", "puppy", "mama's boy" and probably so many more.
11) How did they figure out that they were a cg?
it came naturally to them as they cared for Kol. They realized what he needed and that it was an intuitive part of them as well.
13) Favorite game to play with their little one?
Hayley plays peek-a-boo, "got your nose" and different finger games ("this little piggy", "finger family", etc). Elijah isn't much for games, but he will play hide-and-seek with Kol.
14) Random Headcanon!
Hayley is a big believer in attachment parenting. Wolves keep their pups close to them and while Kol isn't one, she tends to treat him as such. It's why she's such a big believer in co-sleeping, carrying Kol everywhere and breastfeeding. She wants to keep him as close as possible so he feels secure, especially coming to them when he's independent. Elijah didn't realize he was following most of it to begin with, so he doesn't disagree with it all. Hayley even pointed out that him feeding Kol blood from his wrist is a form of attachment parenting. So, Elijah does it a lot more.
Ask me questions
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5417
GrHo,Kol                 Dec 14/15,  2022               Wed/Thu  1: 55 PM
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the last day of the show and the greetings from them that work so hard to make KBC what it is .. 
a farewell or a bye to be back hopefully next year again .. 
and the return gift from me .. a moment of DEEWAR .. and the emotions ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
and just to reiterate :
🪔💖 , December 16 .. love and birthday wishes to Ef Chintan Gandhi from Ankleshwar .. December 15 .. birthday wishes and love to Ef Vanshika Shrivastava from Mandsaur MP .. Ef Rajeev Bedi from Ambala Cantt .. and Ef Rakesh Nanda from New Delhi .. and .. birthday wishes as well .. as promised .. to Ef Tupur .. daughter of Ef Sunita Roy from Patna .. also born on Dec 15 .. likes my Movie Paa .. and get to say that Auro is quite happy that both are born on December .. and both are Sagittarius 🏹 .. .. keep well, Tupur .. and we kept our promise to you .. be happy .. 🌼
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kaizsche · 2 years
today is snippet fic friday!!!! here's a kolena wip, (which is almost 3k words in! i swear out of all my wips, this one occupies most of my time—and i'm planning to maybe have it around 6k-10k words... to make up for me posting short ass fics 🤣🤣) it's a soulmate au!
Kol awakens. His clothes are dusty and wrinkled. It would appear that Niklaus took no liberty in his younger sibling’s hygiene—that much he could at least do for imprisoning them for such a long time. Though something tells him that Niklaus probably kept Rebekah pristinely clean. After all, she is the favored sibling of his bastard brother.
“I am Kassandra Jane, granddaughter of May Jane.”
Ah. The little protégé. He beckons her closer with a flick of his wrist. “Stay still, darling. Wouldn’t want you in too much pain now.” She winces at the piercing pain of his fangs tearing through her flesh. Kol doesn’t take too much of her blood. It’s not everyday a loyal witch comes to save you from imprisonment.
“Thank you darling,” He grins, jumping down the coffin with a bounce in his step. “So tell me, what year is it?”
“It’s 2009.”
Kol frowns, “Come again?”
“It’s November 9, 2009. 6:09 PM.”
2009. Bloody hell. Niklaus kept him neutralized for a century? Shit. Fuck. He’s been gone for that long?
“Thank you for freeing me, darling.” He looks around, taking note of three other coffins besides him. Should be Rebekah, Finn and Elijah. Kol shrugs off his vest, accepting the garment tucked in Kassandra’s arms. It fit him, surprisingly. Although knowing May’s obsession toward him, it was of no shock at all.
“Shall we go now? Before Niklaus daggers me again. Bah, that brute.”
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