#little kol mikaelson
anewkindofme · 5 months
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Kol in “Baby Vampire”.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Hey do you think, you could do one of the Mikaelson have a little sister like 2 years old and always what to stay with Nik and Elijah….. also she is so jealous that Camil and she do something to her and Nik tells that she is a mini me
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Flufftober, October 6th
Mikaelson little sister reader x Elijah Mikaelson x Klaus Mikaelson
Warnings: mention of blood
You're sitting in Elijah's lap, playing with two Chelsea dolls you got some years ago, while he's on the phone with someone. It's quiet except for the sound of your big brother's voice every now and then.
It's all peaceful until Kol comes crashing into the room and sits on the ground in front of you. You tilt your head and hand him one of the dolls. "Play!" You tell him.
Kol nods and plays with you, making a horrible high-pitched voice for the doll which makes you laugh, but Elijah cringes and hopes he stops soon.
It's been ten minutes, "What the bloody hell is that horrible sound?" Klaus walks in, he clearly just got back from wherever he was. Most likely Cami, but he never discloses that information, knowing you've openly shown your dislike for her.
"Our brother's wonderful voice for a doll" Elijah sighs, putting his phone down.
"Hey! My voice is amazing!" Kol exclaims, hearing the insult and sarcasticness in Elijah's answer. "Yeah!" You cross your arms like Kol is.
"See! Y/n knows what she's talking about" Kol says as Klaus picks you up out of Elijah's lap and places you on his hip. You wrap your tiny arms around his neck and relax your head against his shoulder.
"Y/n is also two, I think you need a better defense" Klaus raises an eyebrow. "Technically she's over a thousand like all of us... I'll shut up" Kol says, seeing the looks he's getting from the big brothers.
Kol, having both dolls in his hand, places them down on the coffee table before leaving the room. He plans to go into town and create some havoc that all of his siblings (besides from you) will have a fuss about, but it'll be fun.
Later in the week, there's a party being thrown in the abboiter. It's all vampires and humans for them to feed on. Some to kill and some to compel away.
"Well, this seems to be quite the turn out" Rebekah walks over to you and Klaus, who's carrying you tightly in his arms. "Indeed it is, sister" Klaus smirks.
"Look at you all dressed up" Rebekah coos, running a hand through your hair. "I did all by my'elf" you say excitedly. You're wearing a long sleeve dark purple dress that flows out under the bodice, and matching purple glittery jelly shoes that are put on the wrong feet. But Rebekah didn't want to tell you that and make you feel bad or make you upset at yourself. You also have a couple bead bracelets on your wrists and a heart necklace that Elijah gave you that you never take off. Your daylight ring is on your right pointer finger as well.
"Well good job, beautiful girl" Rebekah kisses your forehead before noticing Cami making her way over, and leaves to go back into the crowd.
"Hey Klaus," Cami smiles. "Camille, You look beautiful" Klaus kisses her. "Mmm, thank you" she says.
You make a disgusted facial expression before facing back the other way and laying your head back on your big brother's chest. You wonder how thus girl seems to be everywhere and why she always comes up to you and your big brother. Why don't they just make her go away like other woman they have before. You don't know what happens to them, but you assume it's fine.
Your siblings make sure you're kept out of all the killing and death during your existence.
As they keep talking, you try to ignore them to the best of your abilities. How much longer, you keep thinking. You try looking for Elijah, so your other big brothers can take you away from them, but no luck. You can't seem to find him anywhere from where you're placed on Klaus' hip.
As soon as you hear her chuckle at something Klaus said, your 2 year old self gets fed up. So, you take off one of your bracelets and throw it as hard as you can at Cami's face.
Now you may be biologically two, but you're still an original vampire, and with that comes a lot of strength. The bracelet made a great slash in her pale cheek, now blood running down her face.
Klaus quickly vamps into his room with Cami and you still in his hold. He sets you down on his bed as he bites into his wrist and offers it to Cami.
As she drinks blood from his wrist, Elijah comes into the room, noticing Klaus vamping out of the courtyard with the both of you.
"What happened?" Elijah asks. You stay quiet, as you sit crisscross apple sauce on the bed, happy that Elijah's here, and even though Cami is now healed, you did something for her to stop talking. You really don't like her.
"Um, I'm fine, though I think it's time for me to go" She sighs, glancing at you before walking out of the room to go back to her apartment.
"What happened was someone decided to get a bit violent" Klaus informs him, facing you. Elijah follows his gaze, landing on your face. You have a slight smile on your face. Yay! you made Cami leave.
"Why did you hurt Camille, y/n?" Elijah walks over and crouches in front of you so you're face to face.
"Bad Cami! Don' li'e her" answer front forwardly. Elijah raises his eyebrows. It's known you're not a fan of the woman, but you've never actually said it out loud up until now.
Klaus chuckles. Elijah turns his line of sight to him, "What do you have to snicker about?"
"Oh, just the thought of y/n is slowly turning into a mini version of me" Klaus smiles and holds a thumbs up at you. You have a big grin on your face. "Niklaus, do not encourage this behavior" Elijah sighs. It's going to be a long life if this is going to keep happening regularly.
A new rule is set in place to make sure that you're never in the same room with Cami with less than one of your siblings. And that one day they can hopefully get you to like Cami and not loathe her.
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nerdie-faerie · 6 months
I'm once again thinking about the missed opportunities to have Klaus and Kol bond more. Part of Klaus' whole motivation as a vampire is to get his werewolf part back and to finally be stronger than Mikael (sort of, I'm simplifying) both of which can be obtained by breaking his curse. But Kol? Kol is the only other original that can relate to having a fundamental part of themself ripped away from them. Klaus might not have known he was a werewolf until he killed, but he likely still had a connection he couldn't explain, as evident by him going to watch the wolves transform. And something he'd never been able to explain was now gone. He might only be able to realise the connection afterwards through its absence.
Kol though. Kol had grown up with magic, a connection to nature and the world around him in a way the rest of his siblings supposedly didn't have. And then he gets turned. And not only has his baby brother died, his father has just murdered him and the rest of his siblings after forcing them to drink human blood, which he'll later learn. Now, not only does he have to deal with the grief of Henrik's death and also his own but also the loss of his magic. A loss that's likely only worsened by Kol being a self-proclaimed child prodigy.
Kol is pretty much the only one who could understand what Klaus is going through with the binding of his wolf. We know Kol searched for ways to get his magic back/carry on practicing magic in the same way that Klaus was looking for ways to break his curse. While Klaus likely could still feel his wolf there despite being bound, Kol has no access to his magic anymore. I just think they should've been able to bond or connect over their shared loss of an intrinsic aspect of their selves at the hands of their parents
#TVD#The Mikaelsons#Kol Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#briefly back on my the originals shouldve gotten to be a family goddammit and as someone from a big family im personally offended bs#i did right a lil snippet about them bonding over this that i havent posted yet for the joml verse but still think its an unexplored concep#need more witch!kol acknowledgement honestly. just need more content of my boy#anyway. klaus having a fascination with the moon and kol telling him about celestial events and how it affects his magic when theyre boys#klaus losing that connection to the moon feeling lost & extra tempermental feeling his wolf claw at its binds and vowing to break his curse#kol determined to get his magic back at any cost relating to that devasting loss and promising to help him find a loophole for his curse#kol who becomes extra reckless and determined when he learns that theres a way to break klaus' curse so maybe he can get his magic back too#that knowledge and recklessness combined with his loss of magic driving him to become the volatile vampire that we see#that leads to him being daggered repeatedly but that first time breaks something in that bond between him & klaus that never fully recovers#it makes him bitter and resentful only fueling his reckless behaviour particularly when there seems to be no leads on reclaiming his magic#that he becomes distant from his siblings in the process especially with finn still daggered but that distance only cements the idea#to his siblings that hes a danger and cant be trusted that he needs to be daggered if theyre to stay safe from mikael#the loss of his magic leading to his spiral as a vampire and him being ostracised by his family > actual tvdu kol canon#klaus being trapped in a room staring at the corpse of his little brother knowing he never repaired that relationship with him#and now he never can so he refuses to look away as penance and a reminder of his failings to his little brother#*edit: one of the reblogs on this post is the author of big bad wolf and honestly she does an amazing job at portraying the mikaelsons#as actual siblings if you havent read it its one of my favourites for characterisations but we need more 😭 i want it to be the norm
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daenysthedreamer101 · 7 months
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Kol Mikaelson, an Original
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Elijah, after fixing a mess his siblings created: I'm not paid enough for this shit.
Kol: You're not paid at all...
Elijah: Exactly.
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multiverseeee · 1 year
Random Mikaelson Imagine
Niklaus: I love my siblings equally, I promise.
Kol: We were attacked..
Niklaus: WHAT??? Is Rebekah okay?? What about Elijah and Freya?? Are they alright?
Kol: Yeah, I’m alright too. Thanks for asking.
Freya: So you guys need to protect Finn, and do not have him killed while i’m gone, okay?
Kol: What did she say to do?
Elijah: I’m not sure, I think it was make sure Finn was killed while she’s gone.
Niklaus: Huh? Okay copy that.
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hyperactivewhore · 6 months
I'll always wonder how Hope felt about her father's relationship with Elijah, especially after her mother died.
For a time, Elijah was responsible for Hayley's death in her eyes, and no one will convince me this wasn't Klaus’s doing. He had spent half of season five brooding because his brother erased their memories, erased him, and repeatedly put their broken brotherhood over his own daughter. Klaus didn't have Camille or Hayley any longer, he didn't have Elijah specifically, who is the person he has the most codependent relationship with in the series and him lashing out because of it quite literally endangered Hayley's life even more.
Marcel pointed it out; he was lashing out because in his eyes, Elijah no longer loved him and had given their family up and that was clouding his judgment, something they couldn't allow with Hayley's life on the line. So it's just very ironic Hayley ended up dying, with only Klaus and Elijah conscious to see it, because by this logic, Klaus clearly told Hope her uncle hadn't saved her mother's life.
It is very much in character for him, especially because Klaus was acting hostile around his brother whenever Hope was around, so I wonder how she felt when she witnessed him quite literally running into his arms the moment Elijah got his memories back and they finally found common ground. Was she bitter, angry, hurt? This is the same man that was visiting Elijah constantly for seven years because he couldn't stay away from him, despite knowing it could potentially endanger his daughter, yet managed to ignore Hope perfectly fine for five-six years.
Of course, Hope eventually managed to find common ground with her uncle as well, but I don't think she actually realizes how screwed up the relationships in her family are, mostly because her family abandoned her and the ones who actually would do anything and everything for her are dead. Especially for a child as young as her, no fifteen-year-old teenager would ever understand why her father chose her "mother's killer" over her own feelings and over her own dead mother.
Because damn, it would hurt me so badly if my father claimed I was the person he loved the most, yet the one he couldn't live without and the one he constantly prioritized over me was his own brother.
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philtatosbuck · 1 year
realistically i don't think any mikaelson should have been a parent and i especially don't think a child raised by them would be like. a good person or well adjusted but i do think they should have raised hope to be a little terror. i don't care. none of those people are good people and i need them to own it and i need them to raise a little bastard. they would NOT have raised a selfless little do gooder who sacrifices herself for the world. those are the most selfish people in existence. that's why they couldn't be in her life she would NOT be the person she was in legacies
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redemptivexheroics · 3 months
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Kol was racing down the backroads of New Orleans outside of town. He was done with his egotistical brother; he was done with Elijah always taking his side; Rebekah he wasn't sure; she seemed to take whatever side that didn't immediately get her exiled. But what he saw made him even more annoyed, slamming on the breaks to avoid turning Buffy into roadkill. "Are you bloody serious? Out of the damn way, Summers"
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anewkindofme · 11 months
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Little! Stefan, Little! Kol & Little! Tyler.
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fandoms--fluff · 7 months
Kol: Y/n has delicious chapstick
Klaus: You two kissed?
Y/n: No, the asshole took a bite out of my chapstick while I wasn't looking
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nerdie-faerie · 2 years
Klaus keeping the sword with him while Stefan tries to steal it from him. Rebekah keeping the dagger with her while Matt tries to steal it from her. Kol keeping the stake with him while the Gilberts try to use it on him. Paranoia runs in the family but is it even paranoia when it's justified
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daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Mikaelson!OC headcanons
Kol's relationship with Kassandra
TVD Masterlist
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Ugh, these two!
most chaotic big bro/little sister duo
he encourages Kassie's wild side
she encourages him to think before doing something reckless lol
Even though he's older, Kassie is obviously the more mature one
She's always there to defend him from Klaus
he always felt like the black sheep of the family, but she always tried to include him
when she's down and needs a good laugh, Kol is the one she turns to
Kol definitely suffers from middle child syndrome and will do anything to get attention
she's usually the one who gives him the time of day
he encourages her to give in to her dark, vampiric urges
for that reason, Elijah likes to keep them separate
he loooves teasing her and getting on her nerves; he likes to see how far he can push her before she snaps
That often ends with him pushed up against a wall while she chokes him
Or with him getting stabbed in the neck which she pierced with her long nails
'It's all just in good fun, little dove.' He croaked out while she continued choking him
Elijah comes to the rescue
He makes Kol apologize
she follows him around, trying to prevent him from committing mass murders lol
and he finds it obnoxious but doesn't do anything to stop her
he often makes fun of Rebekah for falling in love/catching feelings quickly
Kassie is right there, ready to smack him in the head and yell at him to stop being rude to Bekah
no one messes with her big sis 😤
Kol finds it annoying when they do typical girly things, it drives him nuts
I swear he's mentally like 14
Kassie often wonders how she's the youngest one
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In defense of Kol Mikaelson
Personally for me, the most unbelievable thing that ever happened in TVD, is that Elena survived Kol's death. Maybe Kol had not very nice relationships with his family, but he was their brother and they claimed to care about him.
Kol was there for Rebekah ("You need to kill some guy to take revenge on the bitch who stabbed you, and we can end up in trouble for that? I'm in." "I need to return to the town just to help you to torture people and find the Cure you wanted? Say no more, I am on my way"), he defended her from Klaus few times even after she betrayed him, what resulted in him being daggered in 1914.
Klaus clearly was in pain after Kol's death, it was written all over his face. He was trapped in the room near his little brother's dead body, he did not want Kol to die and the loss was harsh. They had really complicated relationship, but Klaus cared for him.
Elijah said that family is his first priority and, I quote, "No one hurts my family and lives. No one."
Apparently, no one hurts his family and lives, except Elena and MF gang. After Kol's death he had quite civil and polite conversation with Elena, exactly the same person who, maybe did not kill Kol herself, but at least arranged his death, participated in the kill and the whole need of killing him was for her to have the Cure she did not even needed so much. That is a little bit hypocritical, Elijah, don't you think so?
Rebekah even pitied Elena for the loss of Jeremy (what in my opinion says a lot about "good" Elena and "bad" Rebekah). Open your eyes, Bekah, she, in fact, killed your brother and Jeremy was the one whose hand ended his life.
Klaus, who seemingly was deeply affected by this tragedy, helped the gang with aramaic translation, decided to save Caroline's life (you can say Caroline did not participate in the deed, but she at least was aware of the plan, and Klaus killed for lesser) AND did not do anything to avenge Kol.
For the family like Mikaelsons, revenge upon everyone who was envolved in their brother's murder is the least they can do. But instead, they did no harm to Elena, and some of them even helped her, pitied her.
It is just unlogical. This is the most unreasonable thing in the entire series and I am so mad for that.
And I can absolutely understand Kol for his rage later on. He felt like his family did not care for him, that he was wronged and was robbed of the revenge he deserved. My darling certainly deserved so much better.
Rewatching the fourth season made me very angry so excuse me
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blckthrns · 2 years
it's so weird that the better developed ships (klamille and haylijah) weren't endgame, but the other ones (freya and keelin, kolvina and marcel and rebekah) had a happy ending
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morningstargirl666 · 9 months
It's here. The new improved chapters 1-3 have posted. Read The Big Bad Wolf's prequel from the beginning here. Chapters 4 & 5 should be posted a week from now, either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, depending on when I finish it.
Think of it as my little gift to you all - I hope you all have a Merry Christmas (or a Happy Hanukkah!). And for those who don't celebrate either, then Happy New Year!
If you want more details on all the changes I made to The Little Wolf, read below. It's not too spoil-ery but it's not exactly spoiler-free either, so by all means come back later to see if you found all the changes I made! Extra kudos to those who notices them all.
Over 20k+ of brand new content. This includes two new chapters (chapter 2 & 4 respectively) and around 20 or more new scenes to devour across the entirety of the fic.
Original scenes have been tweaked and expanded upon, with longer conversations or scenes between characters.
All punctuation, grammar and spelling has been proof read repeatedly. I won't say it's all perfect, because I've probably still missed bits, but its in a much better state than it was before. Dialogue grammar in particular has had a complete overhaul, which should make everything much easier to read.
Each chapter has song lyrics at the beginning, fitting the vibes or themes of the chapter. This is a part of a playlist that I will share in Running With Wolves after completing the editing to The Big Bad Wolf (which has it's own share of songs, compiled with a mix of the music I listen to while writing and music I feel embodies each chapter).
In a similar thread, new timestamps have been added whenever there is a time or location jump. Again, this is a change that will be happening to The Big Bad Wolf as well to make flashbacks clearer. Upon completion of TBBW's edit, a timeline will be added to Running With Wolves so you can see all of the events that take place in the series in chronological order.
Historical accuracy has been given a bigger focus. Obviously, there's still a need for suspension of disbelief (vikings never travelled that far south in America, horses weren't introduced to America until the 1500s etc) as I'm no history buff and I personally believe you can allow a little leeway for sake of creative freedom. However, that said, I've tried to right the most egregious wrongs by Julie Plec: the white washing of the native Americans, the almost European-Christian culture of the Mikaelsons' village (views on bastards, women like Rebekah not carrying arms and being all innocently feminine even though they were warrriors too in viking culture, lack of historical accuracy in settings/costumes/props etc) and of course, the complete lack of explanation behind how the vikings arrived in Southern America. Hopefully it should feel more alive, and I'll probably add even more in the final FINAL edit that will happen once I've finished TBBW.
The Little Wolf's main focus is Klaus' characterisation arc. However, in this rewrite, all the Mikaelson siblings get more screen time and you get their characterisation arcs in the background, as a treat.
Henrik is much more fleshed out as a character. He's mischievous and playful, a lot like Kol, with other attributes from the other siblings thrown in. He's also got more Youngest Sibling energy, just as the other siblings have Middle Child/Eldest Child energy, because in a fic about family, really that's the most important detail of them all.
I've delved deeper into Mikael and Esther's treatment of Klaus and how it wasn't much different to how they treated the other siblings after all. Don't get me wrong - in my mind Klaus was dealt the worst of Mikael's physical fury, but I don't believe 'he was singled out' is as black and white as the show would lead you to believe. That's not how abusive households work.
Talking about Klaus' characterisation, think of this fic as the death of Niklaus Mikaelson, leading to the birth of Klaus, The Original Hybrid. The Little Wolf leading the way for The Big, Bad Wolf. You'll get innocent baby boi Niklaus of course, but that same innocent kid has a feral side. When you become a vampire, it heightens who you already are and Klaus - he had that fury and violence in him all along, and it wasn't just because of the wolf.
In a lot of human-era Originals fics and the actual shows, when they're turned into vampires its all very planned out. Idk, like Esther and Mikael are evil villains twirling their moustaches? Turning their children into vampires, its all very pre-meditated, oh the horror and everything. And although there is elements of that in this rewrite (they ARE shitty, evil parents after all) I tried to do something a little original myself. In this fic, more focus is given to the family's grief and how Henrik's death becomes the shatterpoint for EVERYTHING. His death causes every bad decision made by the family from that moment on. It's less of "I planned to make my children the most powerful beings to ever walk this earth" and more of "I tried to save my children and didn't expect ANY of this so wtf do I do now, another bad decision? Yeah let's do that". You feel me? Hopefully that comes across anyways.
Okay what haven't I mentioned yet... WEREWOLF LORE. Yeah that's been expanded on and fleshed out some more. You get a glimpse into my take on how the werewolf gene is triggered, along with a coming of age ritual, general culture, outsider prejudice against werewolves etc...Klaus' views on them is much more explored, especially in relation to his heritage. Kinda playing with the idea that him being a bastard was never the problem to Mikael or Klaus - it was him being a werewolf.
Since I started re-writing this I watched way too many of Mike Flanagan's series'. So I kinda went all 'Midnight Mass' on the Mikaelson's village. Oopsies.
In a similar thread, the raven from the Fall of The House of Usher left a bigger impact on me than I like to admit. That's something so sexy about an omen of death okay leave me alone I NEED THE FORESHADOWING
There's probably more, I'm disclaiming that now, but I've forgotten. Go forth and devour my lovelies ✨
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