#komahina essay
haunted-xander · 2 years
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I'd still like you around, for some reason
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kotelok16 · 10 months
Why do you ship komamiki..? They hate eachother and nagito is canon gay
Why? Because while watching the sdr2 letsplay, my brain is like, "Okay. Now I will only give you dopamine when these two are together." I don't make the rules here.
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fandom-anthropology · 3 months
New video! Let’s discuss the world of Danganronpa’s fandom!
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yantao-enthusiast · 6 months
anyways so come down soon by lizzy mcalpine is so nagito komaeda coded. btw
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shslskaterboy · 2 years
Anon who asked your faves here- Good choices!!! :D all amazing characters. Will you tell me more about why you like them? :3c (i want to hear your thoughts and give you the chance to talk blorbos!)
O_o you honour me anon, I’m really about write a whole essay Godspeed 🙏
I love Sakura and Mondo because I am, and always have been, a complete sucker for buff people who are actually so soft. Mondo really made himself cry when he talked to Makoto about his dog and I will never be able to get over that. Sakura is the ultimate martial artist and people are always terrified of her at first glance but then it turns out she’s sweet and soft and feminine and cares deeply for her friends and her moral principals. Also they’re so gay so like that automatically gives them a million points
MAKOTO my darling dearest boy is so delightful, so optimistic, and also such a little freak (affectionately). He is truly the glue that holds the group together, he is so relatable, he’s secretly a snarky little bitch, and he’s the littlest guy ever in the world 🥰 Also something else that not only pertains to him but also the other protags as well that I love is the journey from being so insecure so realizing their true capabilities, which I just love for them
Gundham my beloved, was instantly so high in my list because he is A Goth, he has Hamsters, and he is so unapologetic about who he is. He wears all black, he loves eyeliner, he loves animals, he Talks Like That, he knows who he is and he likes to have fun, and he really does come to love and care for his friends and classmates by the end. He makes connections. He’s so autistic but that doesn’t stop anyone from loving him. He is everything to me ❤️
Keebo was immediately my fave in v3 because he is also such an autistic representation and he is immediately so sassy in scene 1, he is straightforward and intelligent, and his whole existence raises so many interesting philosophical questions about AI which I will probably talk more about in its own post, and he’s just so pure, so lovely. I love him. Best boy.
Shuichi baby. How can I even do him justice. He’s shy, he’s insecure, he’s a little emo boy (I see all black and I pass out and hit reblog), and he just needs a hug so bad. Also his arc is so satisfying to me, he undergoes grief, anxiety, depression, and he still comes out the other side stronger than he ever was. Also sassy, he has that signature protag sass and I love it.
Miu was a fave because she’s literally sooo annoying like why is she like that? Is she insecure too? Probably! But her methods of coping are so opposite to anyone else in the series (apart from toko/syo who I also like for the same reasons) that it’s just so comical. She hilarious, she’s also unapologetic, and she’s really out here just saying whatever. We love to see it.
Hajime and Nagito are so prevalent in my mind that I don’t even know where to start. There’s so much to say, and so much of it has been said already, but that won’t stop me from trying. They are mirrors, they are complimenting colours, they are victims of circumstance, they are the only ones who understand each other. They are so snarky, they’re smartasses, they’re simultaneously the smartest and dumbest people in the room at any given moment, they’re so insecure it hurts, but they’re so strong in their convictions that nothing short of the end of the world can shake them. As characters they are complex, they are funny, they are tragic, they go and in hand like chilli and dark chocolate, and that I think is what makes them each compelling as their own individual people as well. I have so many thoughts I cannot even hope to articulate. They’re just so. Soo. AAHG. Ya know?
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megabuild · 18 days
actually i know i just wrote an essay in your replies but i have more to say and would like to open it to forum so im in your inbox now. the problem with naming a character as a komaeda is that you are asking two different questions: 1. is the character a komaeda (a la being a vriska, in the way fandom interprets and interacts with them) or 2. is the character a komaeda (in narrative ans archetype)? usually these are not phrased as exclusive questions, but in order to truly understand a komaeda, we must acknowledge that these are two different distinctions. they are not mutually exclusive, but they are separate questions. for instance, traffic!scott is a komaeda (in sense 1 but not in sense 2.)
to understand why type 2 komaedas are rare, we have to understand that komaeda is a deeply contextual character. komaeda is both the amalgamation of many different white haired anime boy archetypes (most notably kaworu nagisa (nge)) and exists within the context of foiling naegi makoto. komaeda in canon exists to answer the question, what if naegi makoto was dialed up to ten? he exists as naegi's traits amplified to contrast the moral of the first game; while dr1 is about hope & despair, sdr2 is about rejecting this binary.
so what do we look for in a type 2 komaeda?
1. religious-like devotion to a concept or principle that may be considered as fantastical in reality, but governs factors in universe either preternaturally (luck) or societally (talent). this obsession must have affected the character's life in the past to the utmost degree, and thus is the basis by which they examine the world.
2. relationship to a protagonist. i cant expand on this without explaining why komahina is important to the dr universe lol but its part of point 1
3. black and white thinking, blue and orange morals. must be seen as an outsider, offputting to the rest of the cast
4. contradictory self esteem. both having complete confidence in their abilities and seeing themself as inherently more enlightened than others, but also putting themself beneath those they deem to be the saviors of society. the character must be at odds with both these traits, and desire to be part of the savior class, often via self sacrifice
optional narrative traits:
1. deuteragonist
2. exists to reveal flaws within the status quo and to make the viewer/reader/player question things; exists as a watson
2a. must be exemplary of the problems within the system
2b. must foil a character who upholds the system
i hope this is helpful and not confusing. i have danganronpa autism and i take it very fucking seriously. love, evan
im nodding so hard THIS IS AWESOME and also so much more thought than i expected anyone to put in butthats a good thing this is good. i love your mind. sorry i just woke up and immediately saw this and now im going to be thinking about it all day. Scott is a type 1 komaeda but bdubs is (not but probably the closest we have) a type 2 komaeda. Sure. Lets fucking go majordubs wins again
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batw1nggg · 6 months
this is just me being silly but im making a script for an essay video analyzing all of nagito's songs because i realized a lot of people dont even know about all of them especially poison i have absolute hope birthday and remaining cherry blossoms practically finished but i have no idea where to start with what poison is about lmao
if u do end up recording the essay PLZZZ LINK !!! i would love to see !!!!
ok so i’ll only be able to give a very surface level analyzation because i don’t know japanese and translations between eng and jp are always sort of janky, i might get some things wrong or miss some nuances (if anyone knows some japanese and wants to chime in please please do!!). but i can definitely give u the basic gist of it. translation taken from the danganronpa fandom wiki page. ok here we go
so the song takes place when komaeda kills himself (“I believe that hope / And will offer my pulsating heart / For the sake of that brilliance / I’ll tear apart my chest / Until the very last drop / Trickles down and wets my lips”, “I am merely watching over you”).
To me it seems like a summary of his thought process — he mentions wanting to “meet the biggest hope” (the hope that will overcome the despair of and end the killing game), how he has “no need for worthless things / anything ordinary and boring” (his thoughts on talentless people). those parts of the song are just outlining the basics of his worldview.
but, because this song is about komaeda’s death, it’s also inextricably tied to hinata. we see this most explicitly with the line “I love, and want to understand / him more than anyone else”. a main theme of komahina is their desire to understand each other.
That’s the really obvious hinata reference, but he also seems to be referenced more subtly throughout:
- “I have no need for worthless things / anything ordinary and boring / What meaning is there to words that will neither be deadly poison nor cure?” this is komaeda talking about how he thinks talentless people are boring, they’re neither shining hope (like the ultimates) nor crushing despair (like junko) and are just pawns in the game; but also, who exactly was it that chose to be neither deadly poison (despair) or cure (hope)? to create an ending separate of hope and despair altogether, to create a new choice, to focus on the future? komaeda’s asking what meaning there is to anything that is neither pure hope nor pure despair — anything that is not necessary to the cycle of hope and despair. hinata will go on to give him the answer.
- “When drinking poison poured into a glass will you drink it immediately or throw it away?” this one seems vague but I’m inclined to believe it’s about hinata because it’s followed by “I am merely watching over you / to whom the last choice is given”. the “whom” is very obviously hinata, he’s the one that makes the choice to wake up and then inspires everyone else to choose the same. that former lyric about the poison seems to be a fancy way of komaeda asking whether or not hinata will give into the despair of finding out the truth (drinking the poison) or decide to keep going despite it (throwing it away). he’s watching over hinata in death, entrusting hinata with that decision.
hinata being a core part of this song really speaks to how much trust komaeda was putting into hinata in chapters 5 and 6. i’ve already made a post or two about how komaeda’s faith in hinata to solve trial 5 and survive trial 6 was an integral factor in the game’s ending. komaeda can’t talk about his death without hinata being part of the conversation; hinata is the only one who’s ever tried to understand him instead of completely writing him off as insane, he’s a big part of komaeda’s life. we see at the end of the komaeda pov manga that hinata was komaedas last thought before death.
so yeah. to summarize: the song is about chapter 5. komaeda talks about his worldview, talks about how his worldview and faith in hope led to his sacrifice, and talks about his faith in hinata.
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anonzentimes · 4 months
For comedy, Komahina divorces befor getting together. In reality, it wasn’t as if you guys stop reaching out. I mean nagito is a confusing guy and the fact Haijime was confused makes sense. I wanna drop a mini essay but I gotta take my snickerdoodle cookies out soon n sleep so just know thoughts r brewin
I AWAIT THOSE THOUGHTS BEING COOKED also i would love to inform you that you sent this on the moment of my birthday
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thedaythatwas · 28 days
just thinking about komaeda and hinata’s narrative parallels and their shared status — as ultimate lucky student and ultimate “hope,” respectively — as characters who are meant to foil makoto naegi. komahina aren’t narrative foils to each other, they’re two sides of the exact same deliberately messed up coin. (in other words, I feel a meta essay brewing!)
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byemizumikahago · 1 year
Mizumi deleted the AO3 version of her anti-komahina essay.
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I can tell by cross-referencing it to other places where she posted the essay, like on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/x80ksb/why_komahina_and_kamukoma_isnt_canon_and_never/
She first posted the essay in early September of 2022. However, as you can see in the screenshot, there is a large gap in-between other fics she posted, indicating either a long hiatus between posting, or the deletion of something that came out in-between it.
As of this point, I haven't been able to guess exactly why she deleted it. One answer I've come up with is that she finally listened to all the people telling her to stop posting in the komahina tag, but that's hard to believe, given how badly Mizumi still tries to defend that choice to this day.
But the AO3 version of the """essay""" isn't the thing I'm actually interested in. Rather, it's the comments ON the essay I wanted to see.
I made a post a while ago that contained screenshots of @officially-christy breaking off her friendship with mizumi. That conversation took place ON mizumi's ao3 essay, and now, with the essay deleted, it's no longer possible to actually SEE the comments themselves.
But that's not all. Mizumi made two posts on reddit, this one, and this one, about one or some of the comments she received on her ao3 essay. But now, tracking down the source of what she's talking about is practically impossible. Take for example, the second reddit post. A bingo card of all the insults she allegedly received on the essay. Without links or screenshots of these comments, how does she expect anyone to trust her and take her word seriously when she doesn't even have the sources to back up her claims?
Or with the first reddit post. How are we supposed to find that commenter's account and click on their profile to see if they're an actual person (cuz, yeah, some people in fandoms ARE crazy enough to fake having DID), OR just a sock-puppet/Mizumi's friend made for the express purpose of farming internet pity points? (especially since you can make a valid case for the commenter talking with the same speaking style as mizumi; same poor grammar and spelling, same feeling of superiority to others, etc.)
This is just one problem with mizumi; how willing she is to just... delete her old content, without bothering to back it up or archive it. It's such a waste, especially since it makes it impossible to actually track down and debunk/verify her claims of being "harassed and insulted" (Although, given mizumi's track-record, I highly doubt any of the people in the comment harassed/insulted her, and am more willing to believe it was the other way around, but, oh well, looks like we'll never know).
If anyone out there has a link to an archive of the ao3 version of the essay, comments and all, then please let me know so I can update you all on it.
And Mizumi, if you're reading this (I know you lurk on this blog), I'm only gonna say this once: if you actually want other people online to believe your claims of being harassed or whatever, then STOP DELETING THINGS THAT WILL ACTUALLY HELP YOU BACK UP SAID CLAIMS WITH SOURCES!
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tieressian · 11 months
the funniest bit of lore abt me is that someone drew fanart for one of my fics and that was so great and cool and i wrote two more installments to the fic that introduced kamukoma and komahina and it turns out the person who made the fanart was the famous anti-komahina fan girl who wrote an entire essay about how much it sucks
im guessing they don’t like the fic anymore
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homoeroticbetrayal · 2 years
Op, I am so sorry for the amount of comments you get about the descriptions being biased, despite not writing them yourself
I'm the one who wrote the komahina one, and i kinda feel guilty now, I thought my description was already short, but I kinda wrote more than I thought I did-
No I think I should apologize for this. I really wish I could have credited you.
I wanted the submission to be anonymous, so I didn't include a section for usernames on the submission forms. At the time, I didn't think I'd include the context with the ships, because no other tournaments I've seen have done that.
And then I saw all the passionate essays people wrote and I thought "it'd be a shame if people voting doesn't get to see these", but tracking down who wrote what would be too difficult.
Anyway I'm accepting a fresh batch of submissions for context blurbs for round 2, cause I think it does help some people who'd like to know a bit more before making a decision, and it acts as a good sell-point for your ship even if it doesn't sway votes.
If anyone would like me to include yours again, feel free to resubmit it. It does have an optional section for name, so I can give credits properly this time.
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prettygirlgerard · 1 year
ugh okay when I was 15 and special interested on danganronpa I wrote an essay on why I personally think komahina the ship is more than semi canon which is it’s fandom wiki definition and idk maybe i was cooking but i still get comments on the google doc i need to delete it I’m not one of y’all 😭🙏🏽
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hajimesbestdefender · 2 years
i saw this essay while i was trying to find kmhn and i have so many thoughts..
if you want to read my thoughts i recommend reading them as you read the sections because thats how i wrote it
okay i'll go chapter by chapter (there are 5 chapters)
chapter 1: faqs
faq #1: the blatant homophobia towards the women youre trying to "protect" in this is very ironic to me. your point here is just plainly incorrect. how on earth does wlw ships further the ideology that women only want men for sex? and what is with the shaming women for not being virgins? there is nothing inherently wrong with having sex, having a sexual past, or anything of the sort. you sexualized these women. miu & sonia have done nothing wrong, and deserve the equal opportunity to be in a relationship and be loved.
faq #2: it *is* simply a matter of preference. there is nothing wrong w preferring makoto/byakuya, hajime/nagito, or kokichi/suichi. yes, those characters (kyoko, chiaki, and kaede) were written to be the protagonists respective love intrest. however, when has a fandom *not* shipped a character with someone who wasnt their love intrest? i can give several examples. it is not down to gender. people can see themselves represented through these relationships, they can hold the belief that those ships work better for the characters, or they can plain like the dynamic better. it does not matter.
faq #3: ...what? that makes no sense. the whole question doesnt make sense. im just not gunna adress it, but it is there.
faq #4: those crushes could be arguable. however, there was a slight hesitation from nagito when he said it, leading many people to believe that. i dont know enough about v3 to speak on that other part.
chapter 2: nagami
once again, it comes down to preference. you cannot controls someones preference. if they like naegami? fine! if they like naegiri? fine! it does not *matter*. at the end of the day, these two ships are perfectly resonable, and do no harm. therefore, both should equally be resepcted. the reason why naegami has more fics on ao3 because people prefer it more. simple as that.
also, this exact senario has happened before in another fandom. in the hp fandom, hinny (harry/ginny, his current wife) is less popular than drarry (draco/harry, his rival). and yk what? they have damn near the same dynamic as naegami. the simple thing is: people prefer the dynamic more. it is not misogynistic to prefer a dynamic. (i could go into a whole ass tangent on how similiar draco and byakuya are, but i digress)
chapter 3: komahina
i could ramble day in and day out abt this ship, but i dont feel like retyping all of it so ima just ss my original ramble to my friends in discord.
(apologies for going off track for a little, PLS IGNORE THE PFP 😭)
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moving on, you mentioned nagito lied about having cancer. he didnt. he said he had stage 4 malignant lymphoma and front mental dementia. both of which were never implied to be lies.
"chiaki died for him and the rest of the class"
oh, do you mean in the real world, where she was brutality murdered so class 77 could become brainwashed, and how hajime was already too far gone at that point? or do you mean in the simulation, where they had zero chance of getting out without leaving chiaki behind because she was ai and apart of the system? or the time she had to be executed to save the rest of the group? thats not an act of romance, it was quite literally life or death. in 2 of those situations, it makes no logical sense for chiaki to live and have the rest of the group die. shes a team player, through and through.
chapter 4: saiouma
chapter 5: stats
it comes down to prefrence. there is no misogyny here. it is just people preferring one ship over the other. nothing more, nothing less. this is getting embarrassing atp.
also, as someone pointed out in the comments: kokichi & suichi just have a lot more screen time tg. kokichi made it to chapter 5 & kaede made it to chapter 1 so theres more content to work off.
chiriho: ...you missed their entire story arc!! not suprising you dont actually pay attention to stuff. ALSO!! the transmisogny!! and, to top it all off: youre a terf. whos fucking suprised. chiriho hid under the cover as a woman because they were afraid. thats it. they wanted to become stronger and braver. thats their arc. you red far too into it to come to the conclusions you came to. (using they/them on chiriho bcs i felt like it)
sonia: youre promoting purity culture. women do not need so save their virginity for anyone. nor does anyone. virginity is something given up when that person is ready. sonia was ready. so she gave it up. shouldnt that be a symbol of women empowerment? (note: i hate the concept of virginity as a whole, literally just have sex nobody gives a fuck.)
miu: "she doesnt deserve to be called a woman because of how preverted she acts." you wrote this whole essay as a callout for what you precieve as misogyny. however, throughout the entire damn thing you promoted misogynistic take after take. you basically just said in fujisaki's section that women shouldnt be pushed into a box, and yet,,, youre here telling women they cant be sexual beings? that they have to be pure, clean, and submit to men? miu didnt do anything wrong. she expressed herself in the way she saw fit, and YOURE mad that the way she did so didnt fit your standards? get the fuck out of here, weirdo.
final thoughts:
op has been continuously misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic throughout this entire read. it is disgusting. now, this can be a blatant troll, but at the same time this is still perpetuating a very disgusting view on women and what they should be. as an afab, i'm disgusted. this is appaling. you disregard so many women writing this. queer women, women who didnt save themselves for marriage (because god forbid women do what they want to do.), or any woman that doesnt fit in your little box. you say youre against misogyny, but this is the most apparent example ive ever seen of a woman with internalized misogyny. if youre being serious? i truly hope you recieve the help you need, and do some interal work trying to combat this. writing 2,643 words worth of fictional parings you dont like when you can simply ignore it and walk outside is just sad. if youre a troll? fuck you.
(also, before you question that "writing 2,643..." line, i wouldve left it alone, but i happened to see it whilst on a 2 hour car ride to thanksgiving and i was bored as shit. sue me.)
EDIT: i came back to this because kendrick dropped euphoria and the hating he did in that song reminded me of my greatest hating moment: this post
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sleepykamukura · 1 year
hi, i run a blog dedicated to calling out MizumiKahago (the person who made 3 excessively long hate-essays against komahina), and I was wondering if you had a link to the twitter post you made calling them out? (I think the one where you called them a "weirdo?")
hi yes here’s the thread where i detail all of it
here’s my original post that started it
just wanted to note because this info isn’t exactly told in the post : she called me (a gay trans guy) a delusional yaoi fangirl for liking kamukoma , also replied to an ask about me saying me and my friends are a “circlejerk” (which i feel is inappropriate because i’m a minor and some of my friends in said circle are adults) and also stating i was “jerking myself off on another platform” (again, minor)
i read the doc on your page & this isn’t really significant compared to the stuff on there so sorry if its a time-waster ‘^_^
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shslskaterboy · 2 years
protagonists for the character questionnaire!
Oh goodness I hope you’re ready for another essay
Makoto my dear boy
Favourite thing? He’s the most some guy ever. Just a little creature. He’s so relatable because who among us hasn’t been in a situation where we feel wildly outclassed and surrounded by people who are cooler and more talented than us? Despite everything he just keeps going, what a legend
Least favourite is people who are wrong about him. How does anyone play that game and say he’s a nothing character? I just don’t get it, stop disrespecting my son
Honestly he’s got way more excellent lines than people give him credit for, but my favourite has to be “I always choose meat over veggies because I’m still in my teens… my meat teens.” Like WHAT are you talking about king I love it
Brotp probably him and Aoi. It’s the positivity besties
Otp is Naegiri. There’s just so much mutual respect between them and the story does a great job of writing them together that I can’t help but love him
Notp is probably just him with anyone that’s not kirigiri, or togami really. Whilst I personally hc Byakuya as aroace I do get why people ship naegami and I do think it’s kinda hilarious
I hc that him and Komaru are besties. Absolutely attached at the hip. They hang out all the time and he loves doing stuff with her, and is so so excited to introduce her to his new friends
The song I associate with him most is Fireflies by Owl City
Favourite art of him is the one where he’s tripping and his shoe just flies the fuck off. What a silly little man I love him
Hajime my beloved (I’m gonna be normal I swear)
To put it as succinctly as possible, he is just my favourite type of guy. He’s such a bitch, he’s so snarky about everything, he’s simultaneously the smartest and dumbest person in any given room, and he actually cares very deeply for things but he won’t readily admit to it. He’s got one of the more interesting arcs to me and in general I find him very relatable. He’s the best, my favourite protagonist probably
Least favourite is maybe less about him and more about Izuru Kamukura, and that is how underused he was. Obviously this is an opinion many people know about me, but it bears repeating because the concept of Kamukura was SO COOL and they barely even touched it and I’m mad about it every single day
Another guy that has so many good lines, but I think my favourite is “I thought I’d finally become someone I could be proud of, not some fucking backup student.” It just hits me so hard every time
Brotp probably him and Fuyuhiko or him and Impostor. I just think those three are the ones in the group with the highest sense of responsibility and they are the tired parents of this silly goofy pack of weirdos
Otp. It’s Komahina. Everyone knows this about me and I will refrain from writing an entire essay about why but suffice it to say. They are prefect
Notp is really anyone who’s not Komaeda, but specifically Nanami and Tsumiki are big on the No list for me
I have so many headcanons that my adhd brain can’t even begin to process them in a cohesive way, so I’ll just say that emo-punk autistic Hinata is my absolute beloved. Also man’s definitely has an anxiety disorder. And nooooo I’m definitely not projecting why do you ask
Unpopular opinion (so far the only character I’ve had one for) is that he’s not bi, he’s just gay. And look I love headcanoning every character ever as bi (again tooooootally not projecting) but whenever I replay/rewatch the game I see him being so gay about the men and being so uninterested in the girls (excepted for the super-forced hinanami stuff that I ignore)
I have sooooo many songs so I had to think about this a lot but I think I’m gonna say the best Hinata song is Life Less Frightening by Rise Against
Every image is the best image of him but specifically this one is so good
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He’s fucking tired of this shit and he wants to be done with this despair nonsense and I love him for it
Shuichi Saihara, whom I am also normal about
It’s so hard to pinpoint why I love Saihara so much, but I think part of it is the fact that underneath his anxious exterior, he is actually very snarky. I’m always a slut for the sarcastic characters and I like the he is that as well as being generally polite to his classmates. He cares deeply and has a tendency to overthink things (totally not relatable) and I just need to give this poor man a HUG
Least favourite thing is how he interacts with Ouma in the canon outside of ftes. A good example of this being when he finds Ouma bleeding from the head on the floor and doesn’t seem to show any actual concern for him, which seems very out of character to me. I just think there was a lot more they could’ve done to build a connection between protag and antag that would’ve served to make the story more interesting, much the way the relationship between Hinata and Komaeda does
Short and sweet, my favourite Saihara line is simply “I refuse.” I am a big supporter of the idea that Shuichi should’ve been allowed to go a little crazy in chapter 6, and his whole telling off hope and despair speech was very fun. He really went “fuck you and your stupid game” and I just love it
Brotp has gotta be Kaito and Maki. I love the training trio and I think they have a great dynamic
Otp is saiouma. And yes I know I just raised a complaint about their lacklustre interactions in the game, but hey, canon can’t hurt me if I don’t look. There is a lot of potential for excellent character dynamics and that’s what I’m gonna focus on
Notp is saimatsu. Sorry anyone who likes them but it’s so comphet to me. Again, that is a gay boy and a lesbian, not a romantic couple
I hc that he really likes singing. Not to a professional degree or anything, but he does it while he works and it serves as a calming vocal stim for him. His voice is definitely very soft and sweet, which doesn’t lend itself well to his preferred genre of music (my sweet sweet emo boy) but that doesn’t stop him from trying
Again, so many songs I could choose from, but I will go with Swing Life Away by Rise Against because he’s just my sweet guy, my love, my boy
And once more, every image of Shuichi is my favourite, but I very specifically love his Serious Face sprite
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I guess the takeaway is I like it when the protags get serious and start to shut shit down
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