#kookaburra collector
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el gee ball tee
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satyrradio · 4 months
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Kookaburra Collector
Someone who collects masculine gender terms.
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Lung Collector
Someone who collects mspec orientation terms.
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paw-pride · 9 months
boy+ paw, bi straight paw, and kookaburra collector paw? ^^
Boy+, bi straight, and kookaburra collector paws!
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caminocoincompany · 1 year
Camino Coin Company is promised to serve enthusiastic investors and collectors alike with top-quality Silver Australian Coins at reasonable prices. You can explore our collection by visiting our online store now!
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Fairweather Time Travel On Bribie Island
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I live on Bribie Island, a small island off the coast of South East Queensland. It is connected to the mainland by a bridge and is some 80km north of Brisbane. Fairweather time travel on Bribie Island. The bridge is relatively new, as it was built in 1961-63. Today, Bribie Island is home to some 21, 456 people as of 2022 figures. One man who was not in favour of the bridge being built was Ian Fairweather. Still considered one of Australia’s foremost artists of the twentieth century, the late Ian Fairweather lived on Bribie for a good couple of decades. “When he died in 1974 after a long period of self-imposed austerity and improvisation on Bribie Island, Queensland, Ian Fairweather was at the apex of his fame. He had been called ‘our greatest painter’, and his works were keenly sought by galleries, collectors and artists.” - (https://blog.qagoma.qld.gov.au/ian-fairweather-life-lines/)
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Ian Fairweather Travelled To Bribie Island & Decided To Stay
Ian Fairweather lived like a hermit in bush humpies on Bribie Island. I recently read a collection of his letters sent to family, friends, and gallery administrators. Letter writing is no longer a culturally significant pastime these days but remains a wonderful record of the thoughts and concerns of their author. It is a way to get inside the head of the writer at a particular time and place. Reading Fairweather’s  letters affected me quite profoundly. Whether it was the fact that I was living quite close to where he had lived and the intimacy in which he communed with his natural setting on Bribie, or something else, I was mesmerised by his missives. https://www.textpublishing.com.au/books/ian-fairweather-a-life-in-letters
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Photo by Kat Smith on Pexels.com
Fairweather’s Mental Journey Not Plain Sailing
Fairweather may well have been affected by mental health issues. Indeed, family and friends adjudged his lifestyle choices as peculiar in the extreme. The modern world looks upon individuals who withdraw from society as somewhat strange. The medicalisation of our current era diagnoses such folk as in need of specialist medical help and probably medication. Psychiatry would see Ian Fairweather as a human being suffering from mental health conditions. Fairweather, the artist, channelled his unique view of the world into large daubings on paper. The fact that some in the rarefied world of artistic appreciation valued Ian Fairweather’s work meant that he became a hot commodity. Art Of A Distinctive & Unfamiliar To Anglo Sensibilities Nature State and national galleries would purchase his work and Fairweather would win art prizes. Still, Fairweather the man would live alone in his bush humpy with goannas, birds, and wallabies as lifestyle companions. I play golf, often, on Bribie, as the golf course at Woorim is my neighbour. I walk this beautiful course and frequently see those same creatures that Fairweather communed with. Families of tree monitor lizards with their long tails reminding me of Aboriginal art. Kangaroos and wallabies emerging from the bush to munch on the lush grass. A cacophony of crows, kookaburras, and butcherbirds amid the native flora. These were some of the companions Fairweather mentions in his letters. The realisation put me to Fairweather time travel on Bribie Island, as the modern view of Bribie faded and was replaced with the essentials of nature. These creatures and the bush had always been here, whereas the roads, houses, and people were merely new arrivals on the scene.
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“During the post-war period, private motor cars had become increasingly popular, and the long steamship trips from Brisbane were no longer attractive. The Tug Co. relinquished their Steamships and assets on Bribie in 1953, and an attempt was made to maintain the service by a few residents who purchased the SS Koopa. It too soon failed, and from 1954 to 1963 motor vehicles by private car ferry was the only access to Bribie. The resident population of Bribie was then about 500 people and the car ferry cost was an expensive 10 shillings return.” - (https://thebribieislander.com.au/history-war-bribie-island/our-history/history-the-story-of-our-bridge/) Ian Fairweather’s letters became more acute in tone, as he aged and towards the latter part of his life. There is a paranoid quality to them and they affected me on this basis. Whether it was because we shared a hermitical inclination, although his was much more manifest than mine, or the pandemic lockdown had sown seeds of distrust in my own psyche, I became aware of suspicion dancing around the edges of my mind. Fairweather observed the growing popularity of Bribie Island and did not want that bridge built. He thought it would destroy the pristine nature of the place and that his paradise would be invaded by Philistines. He was probably right on both fronts.
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Ian Fairweather's Letters Ian Fairweather was born in Scotland on the 29 September 1891 in the Bridge of Allan. He fought in WW1 and this may well have had serious implications upon his mental health. His parents were part of the colonial administration of India and returned there shortly after his birth leaving him in the care of a great aunt. This was, also, very likely not overly conducive to his mental wellbeing. He did not see them again until he was 10 year’s old. Fairweather would embark on an Asian odyssey after the Great War visiting and living in China, Bali, Colombo, and Australia. Prior to his travels he studied art in the Netherlands, London, and Munich. “Schooled in Jersey and London, Fairweather showed an interest in adventure, philosophy and drawing before enlisting in the British Army in 1914. Serving in World War One in Dour, France, he was captured by Germany as a prisoner of war and spent four years in various camps, illustrating prisoner of war magazines and learning Japanese. After being released at the end of the war, Fairweather decided to become an artist full-time, undertaking studies in Chinese calligraphy and oriental art in London and travelling extensively through Asia, Europe and Australia, taking inspiration from artists and scenes he met with along the way.” - (https://cookshillgalleries.com.au/pages/ian-fairweather-artist) If you haven’t spent time in front of some Ian Fairweather art I recommend the experience. In Queensland, you can find several large pieces at the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane. The art is probably different to what you normally perceive as two dimensional painting. It has oriental qualities to it and is akin to Chinese lithography in the way it lays out symbols and patterned stylised images. I am no expert in art, but Fairweather’s work has always intrigued me and got me thinking about things. https://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/media-release/ian-fairweather-s-gethsemane-1958-gifted-to-qagoma-2017-08-24/
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Clare Roberts has expertise in these fields and shares that about Fairweather in her excellent books. I recommend delving into them if you are interested in the art and the ideas around it. “Her conclusion is Fairweather was an artist who belonged to no nation but took his own path, wandering for truth. What that truth may be is woven through the text – in the description of the young man caught in an avalanche in Switzerland and feeling at one with the mountains, of the sailor wanting to be with the sea, and the old man exposed to the elements, living on an island off the Queensland coast.” - (https://theconversation.com/a-new-study-of-artist-ian-fairweather-considers-how-chinese-ideas-influenced-this-wanderer-and-adventurer-164077) ‘Fairweather’s heroic task as an artist, and “lonely abnormal individual”, was to keep the world—of place, weather, family, his dealers, and a few fellow artists who were friends—both within reach and at a manageable distance. Scrupulously edited, the letters in which he did this, with all their paranoid anxieties, and grumps and prejudices, are both comic and engagingly human. Meanwhile the works are always quietly behind him in the dark.’ David Malouf
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In my own battles with my mental health during the period I was reading Fairweather’s letters I strongly empathised with the feelings of persecution present in the artists’ missives to family and friends. I had recently moved into a new rental apartment and was undergoing the quarterly inspection by the property manager. I had not finished moving in, as I was exhausted by the experience having done the move by myself. Carrying large couches up flights of stairs in your sixth decade is not recommended. To cut a long story short I was amazed to receive a letter warning me that I could be evicted if I didn’t arrange my belongings in a more orderly manner. The apartment was very clean but the fact that I had my own paintings leaning against walls was deemed a fire risk. I had to get a lawyer to go through my lease to fight back despite the fact I was paying large amounts of rent in an inflated rental market. Poor people being shafted by landlords is a common experience in Australia in the current clime. Fairweather living in a humpy on Crown land was even more exposed than me to the machinations of the modern economy and the crushing wheels of progress. His survival as a free spirit and artist with burgeoning international reputation was a minor miracle in this day and age. https://www.bonhams.com/auction/24136/lot/6/ian-fairweather-1891-1974-painting-vi/ Ian Fairweather (1891-1974) Painting VI signed lower left: 'Ian Fairweather' polyvinyl acetate paint and gouache on cardboard 65.5 x 100.0cm (25 13/16 x 39 3/8in). (1891-1974) Painting VI IMPORTANT AUSTRALIAN AND ABORIGINAL ART INCLUDING WORKS FROM THE ESTATE OF MARY MACHA AM 19 November 2017, 16:00 AEDT AU$150,000 - AU$200,000 Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of several books and lives on Bribie Island in the shadow of a ghost. Fairweather time travel on Bribie Island takes him back to a simpler more essential place before all the people invaded paradise. ©HouseTherapy Read the full article
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Silver has been enjoying as an investment metal for many years. Gold's little "brother" is available in various denominations from one gram to 25 kg as bars and coins for investment. Since silver is regularly taxed, it is not really worth investing in for the very short term. Unfortunately, a lot of industrially processed silver is not recycled because it is still too cheap compared to buying it. That means silver is lost forever! And that, with increasing demand from investors and industry. For investors, this time is as interesting as the days of $ 200 for an ounce of gold. With increasing world population, industrialization of new regions and conversion and transport of energies, many raw material experts expect a sharp increase in demand. Since 1990, the price of silver has increased tenfold in some this corresponds to an increase in value of approx. 1,000%. Of course, the question of storage also arises, especially with silver. Here we offer you safe and discreet solutions worldwide. In addition to individual purchases, it is of course also suitable to purchase silver using a savings plan, then the storage issue is also optimally regulated. Although silver was used as a means of payment in the past, it is no longer widely recognized as an official currency today. Instead, silver is viewed primarily as a commodity and investment vehicle. Although silver was used as a means of payment in the past, it is no longer widely recognized as an official currency today. Instead, silver is viewed primarily as a commodity and investment vehicle. Although silver was used as a means of payment in the past, it is no longer widely recognized as an official currency today. Instead, silver is primarily viewed as a commodity and investment vehicle.
silver as a means of payment
However, historically, silver was used as a means of payment due to its durability, portability, and divisibility. Silver coins and bars were used to buy goods and services, and many countries used to have silver as the basis for their monetary systems.
Today, most countries have switched to a fiat currency system, where the value of currency is not based on a physical asset like silver or gold, but on people's trust in the stability of the economy and government. This means that most governments no longer accept silver coins or bars as official tender.
Despite this, there are still some countries that issue silver coins as official tender, such as the Mexican Libertad coin, the Australian Kookaburra coin, and the Canadian Maple Leaf coin. However, these coins are primarily of collector value and are not commonly used as means of payment.
In summary, silver is no longer commonly used as a means of payment these days and is primarily viewed as a commodity and investment vehicle. However, it is important to note that the use of silver as a means of payment has historically played an important role in the history of money.
mining of silver
Silver is typically mined as a by-product of the extraction of other metals such as copper, lead, zinc and gold. Silver is rarely found in pure deposits and is usually found in the form of minerals such as argentite, horn silver, argentite and chloroargyrite.
There are various methods of extracting silver from these minerals, including mining and metallurgy. Mining is a physical process where the silver is extracted from the ground while metallurgy is a chemical separation technique where the silver is separated from other metals.
Industrial Importance of Silver
Silver has been prized for its antimicrobial properties since ancient times. In medical technology today, silver is widely used in the manufacture of antimicrobial materials and devices.
One way to use silver in medical technology is to manufacture implants that release silver ions. These implants can prevent or fight infection by releasing silver ions that kill bacteria. They are used, for example, in orthopedics to treat bone infections.
Silver is also used in wound treatment. Bandages and ointments containing silver can inhibit the growth of bacteria in wounds, thereby speeding healing. Silver can also be used to treat burns and skin infections.
In addition to implants and wound care, silver can also be used for medical devices. Silver coatings on medical devices can inhibit the growth of bacteria on the surface, reducing the risk of infection.
There are some advantages to using silver in medical technology, particularly in relation to its antimicrobial properties. However, it is important to note that there are some downsides as well. For example, too high a concentration of silver ions can be toxic and lead to undesirable side effects. It is therefore important that the use of silver in medical technology is carefully regulated to ensure it is safe and effective.
solar technology
Silver also plays an important role in solar technology. It is used in the manufacture of solar cells to ensure higher efficiency and durability.
Silver is applied to the solar cells in the form of silver pastes. These silver pastes contain nano-sized silver particles suspended in organic solvents. The silver particles are applied to the solar cell and serve as contacts to take the current out of the cell.
Silver has optimal performance in solar technology due to its high conductivity and resistance to corrosion and oxidation. Silver contacts offer low electrical resistance and high electrical conductivity, resulting in higher energy efficiency.
Another advantage of silver in solar technology is its durability. Silver is resistant to environmental stresses such as humidity, temperature and weather, which helps solar cells last longer and have a longer lifespan.
However, the use of silver in solar technology also has some challenges. For example, silver is an expensive material, which can lead to higher costs in the manufacture of solar cells. It is therefore important that researchers and manufacturers look for ways to reduce the use of silver or find alternatives.
Overall, silver plays an important role in solar technology, helping to improve the energy efficiency and durability of solar cells. The use of silver in solar technology is expected to continue to increase in the future as demand for renewable energy increases.
semiconductor technology
Silver also plays an important role in the semiconductor industry. It is used in the manufacture of electronic components such as transistors, printed circuit boards, capacitors and other electronic components.
In the semiconductor industry, silver is used as a metallization material to create electrical connections between different layers of semiconductor materials. Silver has optimal performance in the semiconductor industry due to its high conductivity, durability, and resistance to corrosion and oxidation.
Silver is usually applied to the surface of semiconductor materials in the form of thin layers. This is done through a number of processes including vapor deposition, sputtering and electrochemical deposition.
Another benefit of silver in the semiconductor industry is its ability to carry higher current densities than copper, which is also used in the semiconductor industry. This means that silver contacts in electronic components can enable higher performance and speed.
However, the use of silver in the semiconductor industry also has some challenges. For example, silver is an expensive material compared to other metals like copper. Therefore, researchers and manufacturers are looking for ways to reduce the use of silver or find alternatives.
Overall, silver plays an important role in the semiconductor industry and contributes to the manufacture of electronic components used in many applications including computers, cell phones, electric vehicles and other electronic devices. It is expected that the use of silver in the semiconductor industry will continue to increase in the future as the demand for electronic devices and technologies increases.
The investment in the form of bars and coins in silver is worthwhile. Especially medium- and long-term investors, for whom a safe investment with high price potential is important, are well oriented here.
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paulawiegmink · 2 years
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Just SOLD @studiogalleryandbistro 'What Sheep?' acrylic on wood panel A huge thank you to the gallery.... Thank you to the collector who purchased this piece. I really appreciate your support for my work, I am over the moon! I love painting kookaburras and I spotted this fella at the camp ground at Lake Brockman while taking a few days off with a dear friend. There were two birds perched on a branch just next to one of the bunk houses. Luckily they seemed to be used to humans as they weren't keen to fly of in a hurry. Lucky me as I had my camera ready! I will be at the gallery tomorrow and Sunday starting my artist in residence and I am really looking forward to it.. Hope to see you there..... 🎨🖌️🎨🖌️🎨🖌️🎨🖌️🎨🖌️🎨🖌️🎨🖌️ #birds#australianbirds#kookaburra #birds_adored#birdsinart#birdart#art #avianworld #arte#festureartist#collector #artcollectors#localartist#wiegminkart #australianartist#internationalartist #conservationartist#feelingblessed#arte #artistsforconservation#stilllifeart #stilllifepainting#originalart#acrylic #originalartwork#galleryartist (at The Studio Gallery & Bistro, Yallingup) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiR_3FwP03w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whispbear-blog · 7 years
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Kookaburra skull
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Marie Larkin's "Flow" [Oil, acrylic and marker on cradled birch panel, 57 x 57 cm] for our upcoming exhibition at NERAM-New England Regional Art Museum!
This exhibition includes the work of Australia's best representational artists working across styles, genres and mediums. To receive the Collectors Preview please email our Editor-in-Chief Danijela Krha Purssey on [email protected]'Interconnected'Opening Reception: Friday, 13 May 2022
Exhibition Dates: 13 May - 26 June, 2022At: New England Regional Art Museum106 - 114 Kentucky Street, Armidale NSW 2350. AustraliaParticipating artists: @aaronmcpolin, @alexlouisa_, @zanetti_art, @benhoweart, @bmphotoblog, @bonnielardenart, @chanelle_rose, @chelsea_gustafsson, @christine_webb_artist, @clairylaurence, @clarethackway, @claretomsart, @thegardencurator, @courtneybrims, @danakinter, @davidleepereira.art, Dean Home, @delkathrynbarton, @diannegallart, @ebonyrussell.art, @elisabeth.lawrence, @elizabeth_barden_artist, @louiserobertsart, @e_milydaystudio, @fionasmithartist, @gatyakellyartist, @gina.kalabishis, @helenmccullagh, @hiromitango, @ingridbowenart, @isabelledekleine, @jennyallnuttart, @jennyorchard1, @jeremyispainting, @jessowatts, @johnnykartist, @judith_nangala, @juliallcorn, @katerohde, @katewaandersart, @kathrinlonghurst, @kendal_m_murray, @kimevansart, @carlosbob, @lihaoluart, @lindeivimey, @lixnorth, @lizpriestleyart, @lori_cicchini_photographer, @lucyhardieart, @marielarkin_, @marisa_veerman, @matthewquick, @melissajhartley, @michellefogartycreations, @michellemolinariartist, @myfanwygullifer, @narellezeller, @nat.ward.artist, @paulajenkinsart, @penelopeoatesart, @petrareece, @pippamcmanus, @favelleart, @robertduxburyart, @ryanpola, @kent.sally, @samyongart, @samanthadennisonartist, @samanthafryeart, @sarahwaghornart, @scottbreton, @seb_galloway, @sharonenglandart, @steve.salo, @vanessastockard
#artexhibition #artinfo #beautifulbizarre #newcontemporaryart #artcollector #fineart #interconnected #artforsale #australianartist #australianart #ausartcollective #marielarkin #surrealart #figurativepainting #portraitpainting#kangaroo #wattle #kookaburra
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Aviary Information
Here is information on our Bird bitties!
cut below for length
Chickadee (classic Sans)
He prefers seeds and a quiet, private place to sleep. A little bit of a hopper (hops around when he should be still) but otherwise just as laid back and lazy as any other classic variety.
Puffin (classic Papyrus)
these fish eaters are happy to flap around or perch, whatever gets them closer to their owners! Their little webby feet are also good if you like water activities like polo or swimming.
Twitter (swap Sans)
With a body type and feather pattern similar to the common Blue Jay, these energetic birds are prone to protect their owners and homes fiercely and make rather loud noises if threatened.
Robin (swap Papyrus)
your average garden bird, he will perch on your bird feeder all day or laze about in the birdbath if you let him. easy to love, easy to care for, and adores anyone who will pet his fluffy little body.
Tanager (fell Sans) insect scourges, these bright red birdies love to preen their owners, even if they let themselves get a little mussed on occasion. Great for anyone in a high insect zone, or if you just want someone to joke around or banter with that will soak up all your attention with a smirk.
Cardinal (fell Papyrus)
The classic red bird, Cardinals love being the center of attention, posing in picture-perfect places, and talking or singing to their owners. Usually it’s about how wonderful he or his owner are, and the adventures he’d send them on if he could find out how to start such things. Till then, he’ll regale the world about the time he saved you from a late-night cricket invasion or how he chased away a nosy neighbor.
Vulture (horror!bird!Sans)
-likes meat of any description
- will be very patient
- does need sharp objects hidden and an isolation period
- likes to bathe himself in small pools rather than large tubs
Condor (horror!bird!Papyrus)
- meat eater, exclusively
- tends to enjoy decorating himself, whether in paint, jewelry, or mud even!
- can hunt if necessary
- will do dust baths on his own, so make sure to give him an actual washing if you don’t want a dirty bird.
Kite (horrorfell!bird!Sans)
- chitters instead of giggling, but it’s just as involuntary.
- hunts if not fed adequately on meat
- will start shedding feathers if he gets too stressed
- pats and attention are good ideas
Secretary (horrorfell!bird!Papyrus)
-largest of the birds in our aviary
- eats meat of any kind
- tends to walk or run rather than fly most times
- will seek out baths on his own and feels better clean
- aloof, but will leave trinkets for his owner to show appreciation
Shrike (horrorswap!bird!Sans)
-small but mighty hunter
- will stab his prey and show it to you proudly
- feed on meat or insects if you want to curb this behavior
- can carry loads much heavier than himself
- will use a birdbath and be quite happy, often singing while bathing
Heron (horrorswap!bird!Papyrus)
- second biggest bird
- tends to eat fish and frogs
- feed him fish if you don’t want him getting into your koi pond
- do not house with merbitties unless he’s already been acclimated and cares about your feelings.
- likes large pools for bath time. a bathtub is fine in absence of an actual pond or pool.
Pelican (underworld!bird!Sans)
- anything he can scoop up, he can swallow
- do not house with any other bitties or pet fish or rodents unless the Pelican was already there before they arrived
- may occasionally swallow non-food objects by mistake, easily retrievable
- enjoys water and prefers eating fish
Andean (underworld!bird! Papyrus)
- bright colors!
- likes small insects or pureed fruit
- very affectionate
- needs help getting his wings clean
- safe to house alongside a new Pelican
Guianan (underworld!Swapbird! Sans)
- hope you like bright blue
- uses wings as substitute arms
- prefers fruit, fresh or pureed
- safe to home with a new Pelican
Frigate (underworld!Swapbird! Papyrus)
- feed on fish or squid
- will steal baby birds from outside nests for food
- will try to show off for his owner by puffing himself up
- tends to be busy all day doing something
Woodpecker - (Fellswap Red Sans)
- eats insects, meat, or fruit
- very loud and forceful personality
- they tend to do a good job at keeping neat nests and they will insist on their owners doing the same. Even if his idea of a neat human nest is having a circle of blankets and pillows on top of the bed.
-make him a part of your routines. let him have the responsibility of reminding you of things, or keeping you on schedule, and this will make him feel very important and happy.
Oriole - (Fellswap Red Papyrus)
-Fluffy sweet songbird boy
- affectionate, quiet, and very prone to clumsiness
-expect him to fall into various pots, vases, and containers on occasion
-only sings when alone
- messy nester, likes eating seeds but can eat anything, and a very nuzzly companion
- let him hold onto your keys or phone. He’ll make sure you never forget it.
Hummer - (Swapfell Purple Sans)
- flighty, fast, talkative
- most of them barely land at all.
- they enjoy sweet drinks, but will eat anything he finds interesting (and we do mean anything, regular checks for debris in his ecto are recommended)
- will go from snuggly to playful to irritated quickly, very active and shifting attention
- give him silk flowers to decorate his space with. they last longer, come in more vibrant colors, and that way you won’t have to fight him to clean up the rotted ones
Martin - (Swapfell Purple Papyrus)
- trash collector bird
- any shiny bits will make their way into his nest
- eats pretty much anything you give him for food, but will also try to sweet talk you into giving him treats
- will throw little bits of his ‘treasure’ at you as signs of affection....before fluttering over and taking them back. This is mostly an excuse for him to come over and “be forced to” sit with you for a moment.
Turkey (Undertomb Sans)
These boys have the big tail fans, and look very chunky and soft, like a domestic turkey, but they are definitely of the predatory set. They love meat, and their sharp teeth are not just for show.
 However, they are also lazy boys, and will be very prone to becoming a lap bitty if you let them. They’re intelligent, too, and will play riddle games with you if you don’t mind playing along.
 Flamingo (Undertomb Papyrus)
 Another plumage name, these spindly legged bitties also enjoy the shrimp diet of their namesake, but mostly because they’re amazing fisher bitties! They can feed a whole colony of bitties on their own in the wild with being able to use their teeth, claws, and spike-like legs to grab and spear their prey!
 They’re curious, energetic, and like to get into high places to explore them, so maybe get some locks on your upper cabinets until he gets used to his new home. They also enjoy puzzles more on the line of a color cube, or a knot puzzle. Anything where they can move the pieces around themselves.
Lorikeet - our most colorful bird bitty, he flutters around and uses his old feathers for art! Mostly making pretty fans and other objects for the other birdies in the aviary, our Lorikeets are very excitable and tend to swoop down and glomp any new humans in their homes. His bones are naturally swirled black and white, though this does not extend to his skull. They like seeds and fruit.
Kookaburra - our error bird named for his cackling laughter. More chaotic leaning than most other types of error bitty in the shop, he likes to prank and trick everyone, and laugh about it when they get irritated. Can be pacified by an interesting story or puzzle, and will be thankful when fed. Letting him hunt is not a good idea, as they are very brutal, so instead get him a good supply of meat and he’ll be happy.
Black and White Nightjars - Both twins have plumes of their respective colors on the bottom of their long wing tips. Their powers function more on the energy around a home, with the White instilling peace and positivity to an area, and the Black confronting any negative energy and attempting to put it to rest. Good for someone bothered by poltergeists or who experienced abuse, since the dark feeling afterward can linger.
Dark Black Nightjar will be very hard to live with. He won’t come near you, but you will feel his eyes on you everywhere. The air will become heavy and the malice will be near tangible. It is entirely possible for a Dark Nightjar alone to make terrifying haunting-like events occur. A strong grounded person is needed to make them Safe to be around normal humans and bitties.
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pieddepyper · 5 years
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Sacred Sydney rubbish collector next to some other nice inkings and the healed kookaburra I did. Thanks Dicky, you legend! (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-gHF6hl7H/?igshid=yvn2k6vk341p
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Hey what's kookaburra collector? I saw you request it on paw pride but it isn't linked and I can't find anything on it :((
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boldpreciousmetals · 2 years
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Buy 2015 Silver 1 oz Australia Perth Kookaburra Coin | BOLD Precious Metals
Add this popular 2015 silver coin to your Kookaburra silver series collection today!
Have you missed the Kookaburras, check out this one in the extremely popular Perth Kookaburra Silver Series, “2015 Australia Perth Kookaburra 1 oz Silver Coin”. We at BOLD would like to inform you that this incredible coin is still available for purchase at our store online in limited quantities. One of our most popular series, the Kookaburra Series, is always in high demand. It's time to expand your silver bullion collection! Purchase this wonderful silver coin now!
BOLD Precious Metals always highlights and brings the Kookaburra Silver Coins with their new annual releases. Each coin comes in a protective plastic capsule issued by the mint. So don’t wait, buy this quickly, now is the time to book!
About 2015 Australia Perth Kookaburra Silver Coin
            This coin contains 1 oz of .999 fine silver. The obverse side of the coin contains the monetary denomination and a portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Ian Rank-Broadley, and the reverse side of the coin depicts the original 1990 image of an adult Kookaburra sitting on a tree stump surrounded by eucalyptus leaves and a fern in celebration of the Kookaburra series' 25th anniversary.
Short History
The Perth Mint produced this hugely popular series in 1990, and it has since grown in popularity and demand. Devoted investors and collectors keep returning to The Perth Mint because of its unique history. The popularity of The Kookaburra continues to grow with each new year's publication.
The most well-known bird in Australia is the kookaburra. It belongs to the kingfisher family and normally dislikes fishing! Instead, it feeds on some small vertebrates and invertebrates. The Wiradjuri word "guuguubarra" is where the word "kookaburra" originates. The name is reminiscent of the Kookaburra's well-known laughing call. Australia's national bird and official morning wake-up call is the kookaburra. The happy laughter announces an impressive sunrise and a lovely day ahead.
Why Should You Buy 2015 Australia Perth Kookaburra Silver Coin 1 oz From BOLD Precious Metals?
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chicmousevintage · 4 years
For just $18.00 A pair of adorable salt pepper shakers. Colorful hand painted Japan Kookaburra birds. No cork stoppers. Incised on base. 1 1/2" tall x 2" long. Perfect gift for the salt pepper shaker collector! *IMPORTANT* Please see all pictures as they are a part of the description. Please read all measurements as the pictures can be deceiving in relation to size. Rocks, fake fruit, candles, books, shells or any other photo props are not included.
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queenofboheme · 7 years
Australian Animal Correspondences
A list of Australian native animals and their common associations for all my southern hemisphere witches ! Please feel free to add any animals or correspondences 🐨
Dingo - adaptable, cunning, pack mentality, persistent, relentless.
Koala - pleasure, ecstasy, drowsiness, rest and relaxation.
Kangaroo - resourceful, speed, agility, adaptable, testosterone fuelled duelling, strong family connections.
Wombat - slow and steady, perseverance, determined, methodical.
Emu - flighty, fast, strong paternal instincts.
Cassowary - unpredictable, dangerous, protective, territorial, quick temper.
Platypus - secretive, loner, venomous, observer, on-looker.
Echidna - protective, dilligent, hardworking.
Sugar Glider - sweet, peaceful, good luck.
Bushtail possum - nocturnal, scavenger, collector.
Tasmanian Devil - savage, protective, unreasonable, bad tempered.
Quokka - happy go lucky, friendly, harmony, love, friendship.
Tawny Frog Mouth - wise observer, knowledge.
Kookaburra - happy, joker, prankster.
Black swan - regal, aloof, haughty, indifferent.
Bowerbird - collector, hoarder, show off, has the best of everything, keeps up appearances.
Lyrebird - master of disguises, masquerade, deceitful, imitator, misleading.
Galah - faithful, loyal, devoted, simple minded.
Cockatoo - greedy, loud, blatant, raucous.
Red belly black - sly, cunning, slippery, crafty, wily.
Taipan - lethal, dangerous, ill tempered, unreasonable, poisonous, venomous.
Funnel web - meticulous, predator, cautious, particular.
Goanna - strong, indestructible, resilient.
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ellys-mtmtfss-blog · 4 years
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Overcast Clouds, 14°C
1A Alma Rd, Hampton Park VIC 3976, Australia
Top  Right Corner
This is An Australian Kookaburra Coin. It is not part of the normal currency, it is for collectors. It is 99.9 % pure silver. Each year a new design is minted. I'm using it as a symbol for wealth on my vision board. When I reach my savings goal, will post up a new coin. 
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