acatnamedafteradog · 2 years
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Kordi the lynx by Iskra on Twitter
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garyankurd · 6 months
دێ چ چێبیت ئەگەر تو کەتییەت ناڤ کونێکی ڕەش دا؟؟
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coyotiii17 · 7 days
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Rowan tried to convince his siblings (especially Kordi) to Naare for half the season and just when she accepted her, Rowan found out that Naare's actually evil. I mean, it's tragic, but also... kinda funny-
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 1 month
One summer evening on Pabu The bad batch were heading to Shep's house, he was hosting a barbecue and had invited everyone.
The kids were practically pulling the adults along in their excitement.
"Cmon dad, we've been walking forever." Joey whined giving Cobalt an almighty tug forward.
"We've been walking for two minutes bud." Cobalt said as he was almost pulled off his feet.
"Yeah, forever, we're gonna be late at this rate." Joey said.
"Relax Joey, we won't." Cobalt said.
Just minutes later they arrived at Shep's where the man greeted them with one of his signature smiles.
"Hello friends, glad you could make it." He said.
Shep looked to the kids.
"Lyana is in the backyard if you want to see here." He added.
Shep quickly stood aside as the kids and Batcher charged through the door.
Laughing heartily the adults followed through the door and went into the garden where the kids and Lyana were already engrossed in conversation.
Soon Wrecker and Shep had gotten the barbecue started and a smoky smell had now enveloped the garden.
Daniel and James were chasing batcher around the garden, Boba, Zander and Rowan were talking with Mox, Stak and Deke about different ships they had seen and flown and Omega, Kordi, Cynthia and Lyana were sitting together having a whispered the silence interrupted by their frequent giggles.
Other guests soon arrived including Rex and several clones from the rebellion, Riyo Chuchi, Emerie, Phee and to everyone's surprise Rampart along with Jax, Sami and Eva.
"Hello Edmon, glad to see you." Shep said.
"It's a pleasure Shep." Rampart nodded before going and sitting next to Emerie while Jax, Sami and Eva went to the other kids.
Soon Shep, Wrecker and Gregor announced that dinner was ready and the kids eagerly ran over, even batcher and Lucky got a plate of food each. After the kids had been served the adults got their share of food and everyone dug in.
"Good as ever Gregor, you continue to impress." Rex said after a mouthful of fried porg.
"Oh Rex you honey dripper Gregor giggled pretending to blush.
Rampart took a bite of a pirg wing and he suddenly started gasping for breath.
"...To hot.." He gasped out.
Crosshair handed him a bottle from the cooler which Rampart took a large drink from.
"Can't handle your spices Edmon." Crosshair teased.
"Usually I can, but that was spicy even by my standards." Rampart said.
"Sorry about that, that must have been one of my fireball wings." Fireball piped up.
"What's the difference?" Rampart asked.
"They're much spicier than normal porg wings, that's how I got my name, cause I love spicy food." Fireball said.
"I see." Rampart nodded taking another drink of water.
Daniel was typing away on his tablet while chewing away at a pork chop with a healthy amount of apple suacce on it.
Nemec sat down next to him.
"Whatcha working on Danny?" He asked.
Daniel swallowed his food and wiped some sauce off his chin before awnsering.
"My own starfighter, I'm hoping to build it one day, once I'm old enough to do so anyways." Daniel said.
"Can I see?" Nemec asked curiously.
Dan nodded and passed Nemec the tablet.
Nemec whistled impressed.
"That's a nice looking fighter, I'd hate to be on the wrong end of that." Nemec said.
Daniel nodded his thanks blushing slightly with pride.
Sunset was approaching and by now the younger kids were getting tuckered out.
Sami, James, Lyana and Omega were passed out against Batcher who was curled up on the grass.
Eva had crawled onto Rampart's lap half an hour ago and was out cold, head resting against her adoptive father's chest.
Rampart was chatting with Martha along with Daniel who was fast asleep on his mother's lap similar to Eva.
Cynthia and Katie were chatting, about something funny, the two giggling on occasion.
Boba, Jax, Zander and the triplets were huddled together talking in low voices while nearby Kordi read a book with Rowan lying across her lap fast asleep.
Meanwhile Tech and Phee reatreted too the roof where the two watched the setting sun.
"It really is beautiful isn't it?" Phee asked.
"It most certainly is." Tech nodded in agreement.
The two shared a kiss together as the sun set and the others had fun.
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foulwitchknight · 5 months
Please help Shadi El Kordi evacuate his family from Gaza! Please donate if you can and share!
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procrastinateland · 5 months
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i say i love the freemakers and then i literally never draw them, so here is something for star wars day ❤️
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 10 months
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ibrokeeverything · 1 year
No joke, I think the freemakers are some of my favorite star wars characters
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beasanfi1997 · 11 months
Ezra Bridger series
Mena Massoud: Ezra Bridger
Jodie Comer: Omega
Emilia Clarke: Qi'ra
Donald Glover: Lando Carlissian
Ryan Gosling: Kanan Jarrus
Lupita Nyong'o: Maz Kanata
Humberly Gonzalez: Kay Vess
Kit Connor: Rowan Freemaker
Malina Weissman: Kordi Freemaker
Louis Hynes: Zander Freemaker
Rahul Kohli: DJ
Timeline: 9 ABY New Galatic Republic
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hellensbells · 1 year
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Giorgios Kordis - Penelope
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mikec137 · 2 years
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Basel, Switzerland, October 2022
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theoscarsproject · 2 years
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In Our Water (1982). A New Jersey family discovers their drinking water is contaminated with deadly poisons from a nearby landfill.
A deceptively simple investigative journalism documentary that gets to the heart of pollution, corruption and the way certain communities in America have been treated as disposable for longer than anyone seems to want to admit. It's really solid, and paints a compelling, yet heartbreaking picture of a community facing their own mortality. 8/10.
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lazyimbecile · 2 years
Single I did cover art for released today.
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coyotiii17 · 4 months
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They never came.
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So Welcome To The Dark Side exists, but I actually once imagined even darker version of this AU. So dark that I decided that writing it would be impossible for me. Maybe a scene or two I could write as oneshots, but not the entire thing, because it would break my heart.
In original WTTDS story I simply changed the episodes from Naboo to Hoth. Rowan gets blackmailed by Naare into helping her with finding the Kyber crystals, Naare reveals to him that she wants more and wants to train him on the Dark Side, Rowan then escapes from her on Zoh, almost escapes entirely, Naare captures him again, they go to Hoth, find the crystal, Zander and Kordi swoop in and save him, they take the crystals and leave Naare behind. But then the story continues like in canon show so Rowan then seperates from Kordi and Zander yada yada the same thing, only with small changes, but that's basically it.
The darker version (is this even a pun-) would go differently on Hoth. Basically Kordi and Zander wouldn't be able to find them and would never come to rescue Rowan. Desperate Rowan would take his last chance to free himself from Naare and actually destroys the Kyber crystal, hoping this would convince Naare to just leave him alone. But this motivates Naare even further. No Kyber Saber? Okay then. Let's pour my frustration on this kid and completely turn him to the Dark Side. And she basically takes him away to train him and make him another Sith.
But, despite the AU being darker, it still ends, hm, "well". If I can use the word well in the first place, because it's not pretty. Rowan is gone for about 3 months while training under Naare's wing, but he never looses his determination to go back to his siblings. After 3 months he finally has a succesful escape attempt. But this last attempt is only succesful, because Naare got killed by Rowan in self defense when she tried to stop him from leaving. It's darker for a reason.
It ends well, since Rowan manages to find Kordi and Zander and returns home, but not so well, because the whole damage is already done and Rowan would need a long time to heal from that. Kordi and Zander would be there for him though.
Maybe one day I'll write about how relationship between Naare and Rowan would look like if she was his mentor on the Dark Side. I think it could be interesting and I have a lot of ideas for it. I can only assure that there would be nothing extreme. No violence, no gore, like I saw in many fanfics portraying situations like that. Especially since Rowan is a kid.
But yeah it's still too dark to me and I'm bigger fan of wholesome and happy stuff, so that's why I like to see this darker AU as something like nightmares Rowan would sometimes have, doesn't matter if it's in canon show or WTTDS AU.
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 2 months
A bad batch summer chapter 1
It was a warm summer day on Pabu and several of it's youngest inhabitants Omega, Boba, Cynthia, James, Joey, Daniel, Zander, Kordi, Rowan, Dante, Deke, Stak, Mox, Lyana, Jax, Sami and Eva all stood together down by the small fishing docks on the beach.
The group all held several fully filled water guns between them and were discussing what to do.
"So, is everything prepared?" Omega asked.
The kids all nodded.
"So what exactly is it we have do?" Deke asked.
"Well, we're going to split into two teams, and basically all we have to do is run around shooting each other with our water guns." Lyana said.
"What's the point of that?" Daniel asked confused.
"To have fun silly." Lyana giggled.
"Alright, who's leading the teams?" Joey asked.
"How about Omega and Lyana." James suggested.
The others nodded in agreement.
They split into two teams.
Team one consisting of Omega, Stak, Deke, Daniel, Joey, Jax, Zander and Rowan headed to upper Pabu while team two consisting of Lyana, Sami, Eva, Cynthia, Boba, Dante, James, Kordi, and Mox stayed at the docks.
Omega's team began scouring the town trying to find their newest victims.
Daniel, Jax and Deke were patrolling when they saw Wrecker sunbathing, the loud snoring coming from him told them he'd fallen asleep.
"This is just too good." Daniel grinned.
The three kids tiptoed over to Wrecker stifling giggles as they aimed their water blasters at Wrecker.
They aimed their blasters at Wrecker and fired.
There was a loud shriek of surprise as Wrecker awoke to a jet of water soaking him.
This was quickly replaced by a loud shriek of laughter as Wrecker grabbed the three kids and dangled them in the air.
"Okay you lot, what's going on, I was having a great nap, and suddenly it's like I fell in the ocean." Wrecker said.
"Well Wrecker, we're having a water battle, and we just thought." Jax said.
"That you'd give me a soak." Wrecker said finishing Jax's sentence, to which the mirilian nodded.
Wrecker chuckled and set the three down.
"Alright you guys very funny, now go play somewhere else." He said.
"You want to join Wrecker?" Deke asked.
"No thanks Deke, I'm going fishing with Shep, but make sure you get Crosshair for me." Wrecker said winking.
The kids giggled and ran off.
Two hours of fierce waterfighting later, including highlights such as Omega, and Lyana soaking Crosshair to the skin and Sami, Eva and Mox ambushing Tech and Phee from atop the weeping Mys tree resulting in a laughing Phee and a confused Tech the kids met up at the docks once more.
They were all soaking wet and out of breath from running all over the island.
"That was so fun." Eva said as she fought to get her breathing under control.
"Did you see Crosshair's face when we got him." Omega giggled.
"He looked so mad." Lyana said laughing.
"Found them." A voice yelled.
The kids looked and saw the adults behind them, holding water blasters of their own as well as very determined grins.
"What's going on?" Omega asked confused.
"Payback." Crosshair smirked and fired at Omega soaking her with a jet of water.
In peals of laughter the kids ran off followed by the adults determined to show the kids what a real water war looked like.
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lyrics365 · 21 days
مستر كردي Msh Gaya M3ako
[اللازمة: كردي] ما هي جاية معانا، مش جاية معاكو تضربوا وتلاقوا بس شكلك كدا مين نساكوا مين اللي إداكوا ****شكلكو كلكو عايزين تتـ وفي جيبنا دواكو دا ذكائكم خانكوا، غباؤكو عماكو على مين تتذاكو [المقطع الأول: كردي] ضربة وخربوش هلاهيل يعني ما تاكلوش روحوا وما تجوش جربنا ما شرفتوش طب دوس بنزين مهما تزود سابقين كلنا ماشيين ضيعت أيام وسنين على الناس كارفين بضحك وأنا قلبي حزين عليه العوض فينا مركب…
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