#kotlc ella
as a teenage girl who has a billion stuffed animals I’m proud to say that I do in fact own a blue elephant in a Hawaiian shirt that I named ella
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everytimeanewfandom · 2 years
Remember in Nightfall when Sophie found out that Grady has a pyjama with T-rexs. When I told my Grandma (she is reading the series too) that she had the great idea of Grady having an Elwin-stufftoy. So I think that is never going to happen in the books. Well I drew Gradys stuff t-rexs:
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Maybe I'm going to draw a stufftoy for Edaline too but here is Pinkierex first. Sometimes when it's late and Grady can't sleep he's sneaking in the living room because Pinkierex is sitting there. Back in his bed Grady is cuddeling his t-rex like Sophie Ella.
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Hey so I found this lady called Shannon hiding in Sophie's roof with a pen and paper and three cats, should I be concerned?
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book--brackets · 2 years
Welcome to the now various book competitions I run!
Hello! This initially started as Best Childhood Book, but I now also run Best Childhood World and Best Fantasy Book. Competitions run on a schedule of BCB > BCW > BFB with submissions opening occasionally to fill spots.
Since we need some clarification, the definition of childhood book in this competition is as follows: a book people read in childhood that must be for a YA age group or younger and has chapters. There is a difference between “children’s” book and “childhood” book. ANY book that met those requirements could be submitted, as I am striving to keep my personal opinion out of this competition for the most part. This definition will not change for the foreseeable future.
This masterpost will be updated with links to all the polls regularly, and each poll will last 7 days. If you vote, reblog if you can so more people can vote, and feel free to campaign for your personal favorite if you want!
Please submit with the name of the book and the author. Check the lists to see if anything has been submitted before trying yourself. If a book is part of a series, it will be listed under the series name (i.e. The Lightning Thief > Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Golden Compass > His Dark Materials). You can find the current list of childhood books here. A world will be listed with its series, and you can find the current list of worlds here. You can find the current list of fantasy books here.
Poll links and rules under the cut
Help decide parameters for submissions with some fringe cases: recently published YA, adult books lots of children/teens read, retelling worlds
First Competition (here)
Second Competition (here)
Third Competition (here)
Fourth Competition (here)
BCW First Competition (here)
BFB First Competition (here)
3 books per submission!
Submissions for Childhood Books
Must be a middle grade or young adult book
Must have chapters
Must be able to be found on Goodreads
Submissions for Childhood Worlds
Must be the setting of a middle grade or young adult book.
Must be either a whole other world (i.e. Narnia, Panem), a setting largely separate from our own world (i.e. Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood), or a specific setting within our own world that is invented for the purpose of that book (i.e. 221B Baker Street, Ferryport Landing)
Main characters have to have visited this place
Cannot be somewhere that already exists in our world outside that book
Submissions for Fantasy Books
Must be listed as 'fantasy' or some fantasy subgenre within the first three genres on Goodreads or Storygraph
Must be able to be found on Goodreads
Must have chapters but can otherwise be for any age range
Be respectful (no hate, no harassment, I will block you)
I'm totally okay with spam reblogs; if you want to subject your followers to seventeen copies of a poll, you do you
If you're trying to get my attention about something, @ me or submit an ask, there's no guarantee I'll see all the reblogs
In preliminary polls, if a title gets less than 2% of the vote it will be removed from the list
Submit it to me as an ask; I won't be reblogging personal posts or reblogs of the polls
Promote the book you're supporting; it's okay to poke fun at the other books, but please don't attack them or the authors
Only ONE (1) propaganda post per user per book. I really don't want to clog people's dashes with sixty posts about voting for a single book
Be respectful, not just to me but to all the people who will end up seeing that ask when I post it
If you're asking about a poll or a rule or anything else, please check and see if it's in this post or elsewhere
Try to keep things focused on the competition/books
Competition Hall of Fame
First Competition: Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
Second Competition: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate
Third Competition: Lockwood & Co. by Jonathan Stroud
Fourth Competition: The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
BCW First Competition: 35 Portland Row from Lockwood & Co. by Jonathan Stroud
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
cada tiempo alina está en la página me enojo tanto y necesito dejar el libro por un momento
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Love the way we all collectively agreed it’s normal for a stuffed animal to be on social media
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sokeefe4evalove · 1 year
Cinnamon Roll
What a second, out of the original kotlc gang (Keefe, Sophie, Biana, Fitz and Dex) Dex is the only one without an Emotional Support Stuffed Animal. Like really! Fitz and Keefe have stuffed animals meanwhile our little cinnamon roll doesn't. That makes no sense!!!
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rattypants · 2 years
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one last sokeefe before the new book!!
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appleflv · 2 years
omg!! the new stellarlune art shannon dropped is one of my favourites ever look how pretty it is
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here's a link to the post and to the artist btw
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wondereads · 10 months
Weekly Reading Update (11/27/23)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare (6/10)
This book was just way too long for the story it was telling. It easily could have been 100 pages shorter. I did like a lot of the emotional moments concerning the romantic relationships, but there is so much filler that it just go incredibly boring at the end. Also, Cassandra Clare does this thing I like to call "no romance left behind" which is when everyone in a book is paired off by the end, even ones that don't really make sense or seem rushed, such as Gabriel and Cecily. The plot in this book was just overall lacking, coming off as extremely simplistic and far too convenient. Luckily, Tessa and her romantic relationships sort of saved the day; the epilogue did make me tear up, hence why this book is not dropping to a 4 or even 3.
Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire (9/10)
Continuing my Wayward Children run, Beneath the Sugar Sky is a really good installment. I love that we got the return of Kade and Christopher, who I missed, and the new characters, Cora and Nadya, are quite fun. Nancy was also there for a short time, and I loved seeing her in her element. I really liked Cora, who is great plus size representation and really addressed how being fat affects everything in our world and can worm into your brain. I am obsessed with the worldbuilding of Confection and the foray into how all the worlds are built and how they're laid out. I really hope there are more stories that involve visiting multiple worlds and exploring how they work.
Lodestar by Shannon Messenger (9/10)
This was an amazing installment in Keeper of the Lost Cities. It feels like something has truly changed for the first time in a while, instead of the back-and-forth that usually happens between the Black Swan and the Neverseen. Major developments occurred with terrible consequences for both sides, and we got what I would consider the first major character death as Calla in Neverseen had only been introduced that book. The relationship between Sophie and Keefe also developed quite a bit, and we got some real conflict within the group since the Alden debacle in Exile. Finally, there is some progress in the romance department. They're still, you know, like fourteen/fifteen, but considering how much this series hints at it, I'm glad we're starting to see concrete development. Finally, that ending had me gagged. Not only was the climax ridiculously tense but there is a twist at the end that made me immediately want to start Nightfall.
In an Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire (16%)
This book is hitting a little too close to home...as a goody-two-shoes reader who had like two friends growing up, Lundy feels like a callout. I am so excited to see a Goblin Market-based world, as I've read other books like that and they're always incredibly fun.
Cinder Ella by S. T. Lynn (8%)
This is part of a little project I'm doing, and I can't say much about it so far. I'm a little hesitant about the writing, as it has been clunky in a few places, but I'm really interested to see the story of Cinderella under a trans lens.
Rising Storm by Erin Hunter (7%)
I'm back on that Warriors grind, you guys. I swear I am going to read this entire series, even the later ones I never got to that are supposedly terrible. I also might be working on a project concerning them... Anyway, gotta love the Tigerclaw/ShadowClan foreshadowing.
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett (3%)
It's always thieves in high fantasy novels. I'm not sure what the obsession with them is, but I feel like 60% of high fantasy protagonists are thieves. Anyway, I'm loving the magic system so far, so hopefully the plot and characters will hold up!
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camelspit · 2 years
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I am incredibly in love with the new art, but what is that elf on the shelf lookin fucker in the corner? /lh
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mothsandbutterflies · 2 years
it's from 2010 and it's adorable
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2 for the book asks!
hii kailey!
2. top 5 books of all time?
oh, that's so hard!!! not to be cliche, but I'm gonna have to give you six. mostly series. in no particular order:
the insignia trilogy by S.J. Kincaid. I'm not sure if I have a favorite within these—maybe vortex—but they are so good. Combine elements of a capitalist dystopia (so scarily realistic that some elements of it have started to come true since its release), characters are that are so teenagers, incredibly endearing friendships, and an evolving plot... I consider it a must-read.
keeper of the lost cities by shannon messenger, of course (that is what this blog is about)! my favorite book is nightfall, because of the meaty humans vs. elves elements, which are so integral to the story plot! i especially love the reveal (SPOILERS!) that the reason the humans betrayed the elves was vespera's experiments.... chilling every time.
the mistborn trilogy by brandon sanderson. absolutely INSANE. The final book of the trilogy, the hero of ages, might just be my favorite book of all time. The way that he weaves a plot is like nothing I've ever read before. The plot twists make my jaw actually drop, and they all lead to a conclusion that smacks you off a cliff. Not to mention how endearing the characters are—the main character, Vin, is everything to me!! short wet rag women represent!
ella enchanted by gail carson levine! this has been a favorite of mine since I was eight years old, and I can quote the opening lines from memory. The character voice, the ROMANCE, the world-building, the story... gail carson levine is a master of her craft. (don't talk to me about the movie, though.)
the four kingdoms series by melanie cellier! if you like fairy tale retellings (which ella enchanted is also!), these are a must-read. they're sweet and romantic, with beautiful world-building and character arcs and themes... so good. and I love a series that tells each character's story in its own book! my favorites are the first two, but the second book, the princess fugitive, absolutely takes the cake. there is literally NOTHING like a battle for the throne to get me excited over a book.
and finally, one I bet a lot of you are familiar with, and the third fairy telling retelling on this list (...oops), the lunar chronicles by marissa meyer! it's hard for me to pick a favorite of these because they're all so charming in their own ways. Just like the four kingdoms, each of the main character's stories is told in their own book, but these ones have even more of an interconnected plot and cast. and it's SCI FI!!! Fairy tale retelling SCI FI! WITH CYBORGS! Truly SO good.
ask game; my ask box
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Hi Ella just wondering how you were doing! Is everything going alright?
It's going pretty good, a little boring in Sophie's room all day but at least I got to witness the Sophie and Ro sleepover, that was really something.
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twilled-auryn · 2 years
I had a fever dream that the Neverseen broke into Sophie's house and burned Ella, and only left her hawaiian shirt with a Neverseen symbol painted on it. This was to represent that there is a mole in the Blackswan-
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
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I have an Ella now
my fren got her from eBay she is very old 1987 fisher price toy BUT ITS ELLA!! :D
Oh my gosh I'm thrilled for you!! This also solves a mystery I didn't even know was a mystery but damn if all the pieces didn't fit together so nice.
For anyone looking for an Ella of their own, this is the 1987 Fisher Price Puffalump elephant--and Shannon's Ella is named Epuffella! When she first mentioned the name I thought it was interesting, but didn't think more of it. Turns out that's a reference to the name of the actual product. Very cool to learn.
Also in return, have a Mr. Snuggles! Gifted to me by a friend several years ago :) (with a bonus of a Dexter squishmallow in the back)
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