#koushiros office
izzyizumi · 10 months
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Digimon Adventure tri. ~ "Kokuhaku" ["Confession"]; tri. Movie #3 featuring Characters: Koushiro[u] Izumi + (Friendship) with Tentomon / Tentomon acting as Support + Adventure!Digimon (watching over) ~ Koushiro Breaking Down / Having a Meltdown
"Is it wrong to WANT TO KNOW Everything?" - Adventure!Koushiro;
Images all by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not re-post} {Please Ask To Use} {Do Not remove caption}
Transcript + Image usage rules under the 'read more'!
"Is it wrong to WANT TO {KNOW} Everything?" - Adventure!Koushiro; Child of {KNOWLEDGE} Episode 24 (J.P.N Version), asking directly to Vademon (who's manipulating Koushiro) in genuine Confusion;
"IT'S NO GOOD... I DON'T {K N O W}" - Tri!Koushiro; "Kokuhaku" (J.P.N Version)
"...What's wrong, Koushiro?" - Agumon, Confused tone
"{Koushiro}'s a BIT scary. ..." - Palmon, Worried tone
"Koushiro-han HASN'T BEEN SLEEPING." - Tentomon, (hushed) Informing tone
"And it seems the news [this morning] {before scene} strained his nerves even MORE." - Tentomon, Adding
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended SPECIFIC CHARACTERs/POSITIVITY FOCUSED. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{Digimon Adventure} ~ Ep24 (J.P.N Ver.)
"The INQUISITIVE HEART Will be placed right next to the IGNORANT Heart!"
"If there are people who will throw away their hearts..." -Vadermon, about Koushiro {throwing away Koushiro's Inquisitive Heart}
{IMGs by Me} {DO NOT RE-POST} (Please ASK to Use)
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ashxketchum · 3 months
Besties we got new Digimon Adventure merch art!!!
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After sort of a dry spell in since April due to all the collabs actually getting their proper run in cafes/stores etc, there is finally some excitement for the 25th Anniversary celebrations again (tbh they should've announced this on the livestream smh smh) . The theme this time is "marine" and it's a nice follow up to the Digimon Tamers merch that was announced about a month ago.
The vibe of being part of a crew is coming off really well through the outfit design, but the key point is the pins of their crest and the type of hat that the kid is wearing. If you look closely, Koushiro, Takeru among the boys are not wearing the officer style hat but berets and their pins are missing as well, similarly for Hikari her beret hat is differently style than the other girls with the missing pin. Koushiro and Takeru are also not wearing ties like the other boys but the sailor knot, which leads me to believe that this is a reference to the their roles on the ship, implying that Koushiro, Hikari and Takeru still lack a designation.
When we look at the other kids, the difference in roles becomes much clearer.
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While Taichi greets us with a perfect salute, Yamato takes the helm. A very interesting take where Taichi (as the Captain?) sets direction and Yamato ensures that they follow his desired path. Tbvh I could write a whole essay about why this specific depiction of their roles is so groundbreaking, but for now I'll just end on how whenever they're depicted as a team, the sense of equilibrium between the two of them is never lost.
PS: I also love Agumon's little lop sided hat, he is trying his best to support Taichi and that's just adorable.
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Next we have Sora and Mimi and again the detailing in their positions to their actual roles in the show is very visible. Sora is on lookout duty, keeping watch against any unchartered occurrences, making sure that the crew can be alerted before disaster falls. Mimi on the other hand, is most likely the stewardess, and is keeping the morale up with her cheers and support! Love the little crests flags she is waving, and the groupings of the crest is definitely interesting 🫣 Jou with the map of their course is very apt as well, in the show we see him attempting to find his footing as the voice of reason between Taichi and Yamato arguing many times, so now he's here making sure that the two stick the job they have been given, ready to correct the course if any tensions rise.
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Koushiro, Hikari and Takeru are for me the most interesting of the lot for the reasons pointed out earlier. While the other kids are portrayed as taking some sort of role on the ship, these three seem to be enjoying their times as cadets (in training?). Especially Takeru and Hikari, who are the youngest, are having fun playing around with their partners. Koushiro on the other hand, definitely wants to contribute in some way, and maybe the best way Taichi and Yamato could get him to stop tailing them was to put him on fishing duty lol.
All in all, this is a great piece of illustration, I'm glad we got some more new outfits! If someone has a more in depth understanding of how things work on a cruise ship or similar, please share your thoughts and let me know how you interpret the roles here!
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Beating Hearts
Word Count: 547 Prompt: & Koushiro A/N: As the years go on I find something new to love about the relationship between Taichi and Koushiro. Romantic or not, these two have a lot of potential stored in them, and I don't think I completely did it justice. Continuing on with my personal theme of pain for myself, this one nearly did a huge number on me. I hope Koushiro and Taichi would have liked it. @taichiyagamiweek
The office looked empty without Tentomon buzzing around. It filled Taichi with a certain unease that somehow hadn't been following him in every other instance of this. Maybe because of the specific way Koushiro and Tentomon complemented each other, a singular unit of technology and science that functioned better together than they did alone. Taichi had always considered them one person, at least subconsciously.
Before Koushiro could begin whatever conversation he intended on having, Taichi bowed low, practically bending in half. "I'm so sorry."
He could hear the gears whirring in Koushiro's brain, hear the way he blinked once, then twice, then a third and fourth time, trying to process the reason for the apology. Finally, the younger boy said, "Why are you apologizing?"
Straightening up, Taichi tried not to meet his friend's gaze, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "We sped up the process, didn't we? And now you're alone."
Koushiro didn't answer at first, turning away and walking over to the window of his office. Taichi's brain inserted the image of Tentomon buzzing beside him, chattering away while Koushiro smiled that soft smile of his. The more he witnessed these cruel separations, the broken hearts left behind by a decision that was never theirs to make, the more Taichi's heart hurt. Whereas he felt the emptiness Agumon had left behind, he felt the hole beside his friends. It hurt so much to see what the Digital World had wrought upon them.
Lightly, Koushiro touched the window with the pads of his fingers, sighing. "There was bound to be something like Eosmon," he pointed out. "That's the way of our two worlds. Something is always at stake, always threatening the status quo. This was no different." He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Do you regret any of it?"
The man who used to be a boy with goggles shook his head, grinning wryly. "Never. I'll never regret it."
"Neither will the rest of us." Koushiro turned fully to face him, backlit by the setting sun. "We had one last battle together, all eight of us. Including Sora." His mouth twitched; when he had become aware of what happened to Sora, he had been stricken, and Taichi wondered if perhaps Koushiro shouldered the guilt for not knowing what had afflicted their friend earlier than even Yamato or he. "All we can do now is watch over those who still have their partners and hope we'll find a way to see them again."
"If anyone can find the way, it's you, Koushiro. You were always the greatest of us that way." Taichi fingered the goggles in his pocket, his mind supplying memories of all the times Koushiro had literally and figuratively saved their butts, even when he was not directly involved in the fight at hand. "I'd say you're at the height of your potential."
"Aren't all of us? This isn't the end, Taichi." Koushiro placed his hand over his heart. "As long as our hearts are beating, I know we'll find a way."
Smiling widely, Taichi made his way over to his friend and held out his fist. Koushiro formed a fist with his own hand and bumped it lightly against Taichi's. A promise made between those who had always shouldered more than was fair. 
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ahiddenpath · 3 months
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Fanfic Update: Infinite Possibilities
I just updated my digimon fanfic, Infinite Possibilities! Koushiro and Tentomon visit the Bureau office to see the digimon recovered from the labs, as well as the shell digimon. They discuss what Eimi's new Bureau position might mean for her and the Chosen and the alarming possible identity of the humans kidnapping digimon from the Digital World for use as lab test subjects.
Gorgeous cover art above commissioned from @kbondoxxxxav! Check out their comm details here! (Apologies for the infamous Tumblr resizing shenanigans).
Give it a read on AO3 or FFN! Much love <3
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froggie-bolt · 11 months
Day 4: Trauma and Healing
Tell me Taichi wasn’t having a difficult time after Kizuna. TRY.
I bet you can’t.
I was preparing a comic! But I couldn’t get it done soon enough and I’m already late. SO! Either tomorrow or at the end of the week, I’ll post the finished comic!! But please take this thing from my drafts!!
Taichi’s grip on his shoulders grew tighter as Koushiro felt his back press into the offices couch.
After the week they just had, Taichi’s weight was just so comforting. Grounding him.
But the conversation that was to come was far from such.
And the way Taichi was going about starting it…
Because when the brunette leaned in and pressed his lips to Koushiro’s, he knew what this was about.
It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Well, maybe it did. Koushiro did fit that description.
But this?
This took someone who knew Taichi.
Luckily he knew him like the back of his hand.
Taichi kissed him again, Koushiro engaging this time.
His hands went to hold the others hips, pulling him closer, hoping to maybe bring Taichi the same comfort he was bringing him.
It seemed to work. Sort of.
His shoulders were released at least.
Honestly, they really shouldn’t be making out in his office after hours.
However, when Taichi insisted on grabbing them some food and hanging out, Koushiro couldn’t bring himself to say no.
But he couldn’t afford to become distracted. They needed to have this conversation. He needed Taichi to be direct about his feelings; to tell him what was on his mind.
“Taichi-san you need to…T-Taichi, hold on, we need to—“
He expected Taichi to interrupt him again.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he rested his head on the crook of Koushiro's neck, and fisted the boys shirt.
“Do you know” his voice shook “How fucking worried I was?”
“I..can only imagine..”
“What if we didn’t beat that thing, Kou.”
Koushiro bowed his head.
“That wouldn’t have happened—“
“It almost did!”
“But it didn’t.”
Taichi let out a sharp sob.
He wasn’t going to cry. Of course not. He wasn’t going to, he told himself.
But now here he was, sobbing into his boyfriends shoulder about something that didn’t even happen.
Koushiro rubbed his hand up and down his lovers back. He couldn’t know how Taichi was feeling.
He could only guess. His guesses are usually spot on though, and this time was no different.
“Koushiro, if things didn’t work out..! I-I would have lost my sister, everyone’s digimon... I would have lost you—! A-And Yamato, I would never be able to look him in the eye again I— it was too much. J-Just too much, Koushiro and now that it’s over I—! I don’t know if I’m supposed to be relieved, or angry, or sad! I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel and it’s fucking me up.”
It was fucking both of them up.
Koushiro knew how to hide his emotions well. Always had.
But when Menoah turned out to be the perpetrator, he felt so stupid. So betrayed.
So used.
He hated feeling used.
Not only that, but the knowledge that someday, he might have to say goodbye to Tentomon…
But because of Taichi, he knew how to deal with his feelings.
Taichi was good at giving advice on such things.
But sometimes, he couldn’t follow his own.
“Taichi, you know the answer to that.”
“No! I-I—!”
Koushiro cupped the others cheeks and pulled him up until they were eye to eye.
He kissed Taichi sweetly before wiping the others face.
“Taichi-san,” he spoke gently. “You, more than anyone knows.”
“What..what do I know, koushiro…” his voice trembled, another sob waiting at the back of his throat.
“You don't have to feel a certain way. You don’t have to know how you feel.”
The red head pulled the other into a gentle embrace.
“You just…feel.”
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digifandom · 1 year
Headcannon: Dididestined work/jobs
Taichi- I've thought about his the least tbh but I feel like him becoming a diplomat both does and doesn't fit him (leave suggestions ig since these are used for my fanfic)
Yamato- I actually like the idea of him becoming an astruanot but I feel like he would still have a side career as a musician
Koushiro- programmer (it's just them)
Sora- I like the idea of her going into the clothing industry (I do get why others don't) but I feel like she would be a more modern fashion designer, that makes practical clothing that still looks good (big advocate for women pockets!)
Mimi- love the idea that she is either a ceo of co-ceo of a company, that or a marketing expert/consultant
Jyou- Doctor but later down the line (like after a good decade give or take) opens up a few animal clinic (as he does medical aid in the digiworld, but that's for another hc list)
Hikari- elementary teacher (starts out teaching the younger classes but eventually starts to teach the older ones) definitely has a YouTube channel that they started when they were in middleschool/junior high (still posts on their off days)
Takeru- Author and part-time porfeser for a college near where he lives (teaches in the writing field obv.)
Daisuke- Works at a ramen shop in Japan but has a monthly one week ramen vendor in the US that he uses the money for charity (Def. hangs out with Mimi durring that week in the US)
Iori- I like the idea of him being a Lawyer/attorney I think it really shows his character development and also let's him work for justice in a way that honors his father but also in a way that works for him since Iori can fight and could be a police officer but he isn't inclined to fighting and prefers to understand the inner situations, which in my opinion makes him a good person to be a lawyer
Miyako- Translator. I LOVE her want to go to different places and I LOVE the idea that she knows multiple languages. To me being a professional translator just fits her, she also def. studies the culture of the places she visits bc she tries to be fully respectful of the people's way of life no matter where she's visiting, I also think she'd be an assistant to Koushiro whenever she's taking a break from work in Japan.
Ken- I kinda like the idea of him being a detective, it allows him to use his own deductive reasoning and the idea of him and Iori working close together is just so amazing (check out a fanfic that is like a Phoenix Wright au of them on ao3, I'll link it later)
I'm curious does anyone have any other ideas for these guys (especially Tai I need ideas for him) I'd love to write oneshots of these guys getting frustrated with work and having to seek out help from their friends inorder to take their mind off the problem (and go back fresh) or get help solving the problem. Mostly bc I'm a suckered for stories that show childhood friends that have so much going on in their lives that they don't have time for other things but bc they are real friends they still make the time to hang out and meet up w/ eachother despite how hard it is to do.
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
Rouge - Taikoura one-shot for Shades of Red
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 8
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: Shades of Red is a very precious little story I wrote for digiweek 2021 about Taichi falling for not only Sora, but for Koushiro as well. A story about the wonders of polyamorous relationships and that it takes self-knowledge to take that one courageous step towards a life full of love. So have a new shade of red <3
Based on a little Taiora-scenario I wrote in early 2021 which @seventeenlovesthree made sure to provide with beautiful art which I'm still so in love with :3 You can find it here: [x].
Day 8: Rogue or Blush | Characters: Koushiro Izumi (POV) x Sora Takenouchi x Taichi Yagami | Genre: Romance, some sort of hurt/comfort | Rating: T | Wordcount: 1.293
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A yawn escaped him as he stretched his slender frame, the office chair rolling slightly to the back. Koushiro was still up, the different monitors on his desk lined up and on. After much complaining from Sora, who was according to him unnecessarily way too worried about his health, he had installed a filter on the screens. That way he could protect his eyes, but still work during night time.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t work in the day time, no, he had grown fond of working with both Taichi and Sora around. However, they had the tendency to distract them and so, being the night owl of the three, he decided to catch up on work during the night. Koushiro liked the quiet, the only sound interfering his endless thoughts the sound of keys clicking.
Time had already gone way past midnight when the sound of his fingers flying over the keyboard was interrupted with bare feet entering their shared office. Koushiro peeked over his computer screens, his eyes picking up on red-colored messy sleep hair, his nose smelling Taichi’s perfume she was bringing with her into the room.  
“Sora-san, shouldn’t you be asleep?”
His fingers left the keys as he decided to check up on her. He watched her closely and concluded she looked stress. It wasn’t a surprise with the big deadline that was luring from behind a bush called Friday. Koushiro remembered all of her speedy talking which wasn’t very Sora-like, her calm demeanor sliding off.
“I couldn’t,” Sora answered sounding sleepy yet stressed. “Tomorrow’s the first draft for the collection and it feels like I missed a few details. I have to check it.”
Not for one second did she look at him. As if pulled to her drawing table, she walked towards it, her right hand frantically searching for the right pencil underneath the pile of designs. To Koushiro they were all equally wonderful and knowing Sora, he knew she didn’t miss any details. He also knew she was stubborn, perhaps even more so than Taichi, and so he didn’t ask further. Instead he kept a close eye on her while he kept working, thinking it would only be a few minutes before she would return to bed.
But a few minutes turned into over half an hour and Koushiro grew worried. Without saying anything, he stood up to grab the both of them some tea.
“Thanks.” Was all Sora said as he carefully placed the cup on the only empty spot on her drawing table. Her eyes were wide, completely focused on her work. Koushiro looked over all the colors and lines dancing on the papers forming beautiful designs for modernized kimonos.
“I truly admire your skills and ambition, Sora-san. The designs look unquestionably stunning, I’m convinced that they’re enough for a first draft. I’d like to escort you to bed so you can sleep some more.”
“Tell that to yourself, you always stay up late,” Sora snapped back, but immediately realized how mean that was. She finally looked at him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I’m aware. You must be tired, hence why I wanted to bring you back to bed,” Koushiro explained calmly.
Sora smiled in return, her tiredness didn’t allow her to keep her lips curled up for too long. “And I appreciate your worry over me. But I just can’t sleep yet.”
Koushiro nodded in response. She gave off a tired look, the determination however made her glow all the same.
A little bit defeated, Koushiro headed back to his seat behind his desk. He sighed before his fingers went back to the keyboard, then started typing once more, the room filled with the tapping sound again. Per usual, it made him loose track of time.
Eventually from the corner of his eye Koushiro could see Taichi’s sleeping body dragging himself into the office. The brown haired man rubbed his eyes and a yawn escaped him as he placed himself next to Koushiro, looking over the computer screens in Sora’s direction. A worried expression emerged on his face and Koushiro looked up to Taichi.
“How long has she been up an working?” Taichi asked with a hoarse sleepy tone followed by another yawn.
Koushiro checked the time.
“It could easily be over an hour now.”
Taichi sighed. It was all he needed to know. He kept standing there, watching her work, worried yet the fondness in his eyes easily outdid the worry.
Even though Koushiro was well aware of Taichi’s adoration and admiration for both him and Sora, he could never get enough of Taichi staring so intensely to especially Sora. It was something he could observe day in and out, it would never grow old.
“What?” Came Sora’s voice. Clearly she had been taking notice of Taichi’s staring. It made Koushiro snap out of his thoughts, however, Taichi only intensified the eye contact he now had with her. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No.” He replied. The features in Taichi’s face changed from intensity to softness accompanied by a cheeky grin.
“Then what is it?” Sora asked, the annoyance in her voice returning.
In a way, even though Taichi meant it well, these little exchanges of words between his two partners made Koushiro feel uncomfortable. Simply because it could go two ways. They would either start bickering, or…
“I just think you’re beautiful.”
Or they would jump each other in a more sexually physical way.
Yes, Koushiro loved them both very much, but their intensity could sometimes be a tad too much. Making him blush in frustration or ecstasy. Often it was both though.
He looked from Taichi to Sora and back in anticipation. Because with Sora being stressed and tired, you could never predict how exactly she would respond.
Koushiro had not expected the cherry red blush on her cheeks radiating warmth and surprise.
“Go back to bed, Taichi,” she stumbled, failing to hide how that one compliment had gotten to her.
“Well, you’ve heard the boss,” Taichi said to Koushiro, taking Sora’s words as his cue to go. “Can you tell her I’d like to see her back in bed soon? And you too by the way.”
Taichi winked and gave Koushiro a sweet small peck on the top of his head before he turned his heel to return back to bed. Alone.
Or so Taichi thought.
Right before he would have left the office, Taichi was stopped by Sora hugging him from behind. Her graceful arms embraced his athletic body, her one hand just able to hold the wrist from her other hand. She pressed her head to Taichi’s back and rubbed her nose into the fabric of Taichi’s sleep shirt, a genuine smile happily dancing on her lips before she spoke.
“Thank you, I needed that.”
Koushiro looked at the both of them, standing in the door way exchanging love in a to him beautiful way. It was tender and fragile, grand in its simplicity.
Where Sora’s blush turned into a warm and grateful pinkish one, Taichi showed a knowing one. Accepting the love he felt for her. For them. And all Koushiro could do was take in the little loving still he was treated to.  
He recalled how their love wasn’t self-evident from the beginning, especially to Taichi. But the road he had followed together with Sora and Koushiro had led him to being his happy and cheesy self again. Where his blush first was one of confusion and shame, it now showed his pride and a genuine love.
Koushiro smiled, a shared blush like rouge now complimenting his own face. Happy he was here with them, being able to see the love unfold in front of him over and over again.
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seventeenlovesthree · 7 months
Time to do my go-to rare pair for the ship game: Koushiro/Iori post-Kizuna and Beginning
It really is a shame that, at some point in the middle of 02, they just stopped putting emphasis on the relationship between these two, despite the fact that they were STILL continuously mirroring them to some degree. While Koushirou is the brain everybody naturally turns to for help, Iori, despite being very analytical of situations and surroundings, tends to get himself overlooked more easily. And, even as they grow up, this may be something he would need some help and guidance for...
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... Especially if you consider their set-ups as "work-a-holics in shirt and tie". The big difference here is: Koushirou is the CEO of his own company, he has LEARNED to stand up for and assert himself through the course of early Adventure already and it's no surprise that this is the reason why he is considered an "expert on all things Digimon" as a public speaker. Iori on the other hand... Is still the youngest Chosen Child in the group and is obviously being exploited as intern at the company he is working at during his law studies. He IS computer-savvy, maybe not to the same degree as his senpai, but definitely just as prone to stressing himself and taking on more work than he can chew. It almost seems like there'd be a lack in balance - and, as mentioned, maybe a lack in guidance too. And remembering their early set-ups, Koushirou may not always be the most tactful person in EVERY situation, but when it comes to very certain people, he IS observant - and very capable of calling them out for their issues especially those he usually also has himself.
Koushirou is among those who never treated Iori as a nuisance and Iori never felt belittled by him - so the confidence boost he'd get from getting praised by Koushirou is something he definitely needs. For his hard work, ambition, wit... He needs to know that he is being taken seriously and considered an intellectual and compassionate equal - which is something Koushirou would definitely provide, even unintentionally, simply by treating him like he always treated him: Respectfully and with kindness (and also in a somewhat protective manner). Iori on the other hand does look up to Koushirou whether he might surpass him in height is still up to debate though and, upon spending time with him, would get more and more comfortable being honest and calling HIM out as well. It's like an automatic mutual trauma response that goes like "I am tired as heck, but I need to finish this task at all costs, but HOLD THE PHONE, YOU WILL GET YOUR BREAK, MISTER". And it might actually work, because they care about each other a lot.
I could imagine them doing research together, with Koushirou teaching Iori how to use his gadgets and sources to his advantage for the sake of his future career - and with the help of the likes of Takeru, they might actually leave their office spaces and spend time outside, doing cultural activities and historical sightseeing. I really think that is something they'd both enjoy and that'd do them good while improving their relationships even further. Frowning over the others constantly jumping into danger and dragging them with them - but they're the voices of reason, so despite their grouchy faces, they'll happily oblige and share knowing, smiley glances about it.
... On a more romantic route, one might argue that everything I've just mentioned might cause Iori to eventually tell Koushirou that he doesn't "want to be seen/treated as you've always seen/treated me anymore", actively taking a step towards confessing. Because even if they're both rational thinkers, they can be very emotional around the right people - and Iori would be the one to initiate, maybe after harboring a crush for quite some time (which I know is a headcanon we can both imagine going down like that!). Koushirou might not be able to respond to something like that immediately, he would take his time for contemplation - and I wouldn't consider it impossible for them to act on it together.
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detectiveichijouji · 1 year
How would you guys react if Tai, Daisuke, and Takeru suddenly vanished? Like, up and gone, with almost no trace, not knowing what actually happened.
The Day Taichi, Daisuke and Takeru went missing for a whole day… They all just went into panic mode – Had Ken, Iori, Jou and Sora trying to contain their panik fiesta but it wouldn’t work very well.
It all started because Yamato friggin entered the Koushiro’s office KICKING the door in despair screaming HAS ANYONE SEEN TAKERU TODAY?? HE DIDN’T MESSAGE ME SINCE YESTERDAY!!
Koushiro says Taichi had sent them a message yesterday about having something IMPORTANT to say but he never answered past 1 AM. Miyako believes it was Arsenemon’s fault. Iori thinks it might be another reason, and Mimi wonders if they got a triple date with people they have a crush on (Hikari: Are you implying Daisuke-kun would like someone else than me??)
Jou think they might have forgotten their phones at home (Ken: Would all of them do it at the same time!? | Iori: I suppose Taichi-san and Daisuke-san would, but I’d be surprised if Takeru-san did forget his phone at home too… | Yamato: TAKERU NEVER FORGETS HIS PHONE AT HOME, I KNOW IT I’M HIS BROTHER!)
Sora’s theory is that they’re in a place with too much noise that they can’t hear their phones ringing… Or are on silent mode. Hikari thinks this is plausible, because sometimes she can’t hear her phone ringing in the middle of the crowd in Shibuya Crossroad.
Miyako keeps insisting it’s Arsenemon’s fault, only to get a Calling Card saying… “Nope. Try again, mademoiselle Miyako 😐” – mysteriously Noel pops in seconds later because he was instructed by Daisuke to come gather with them, and then Daisuke suddenly stopped messaging him.
None of the Older Chosen know Noel, but they just accept he’s just another of Daisuke & co’s friends. Ken suspects Noel of eavesdropping on them. Noel denies, and shows his phone – The last message Daisuke sent was last night, telling him to gather with the group for something. Iori knows Noel is just a recent Chosen Child, so he assumed Daisuke wanted to introduce them to Noel.
(Soleil and Lune are not there, and they don’t give a frick to Taichi, Daisuke and Takeru either. None of their business. However Noel does care about Daisuke and Takeru, and to some extent Taichi – Daisuke’s friends are his friends in some way)
Everyone was losing their minds, having wild guesses for HOURS until Yamato started calling the police, Miyako and Koushiro trying to ask the Chosen Network, Sora and Jou trying so desperately to keep everyone CALM but getting headaches, Mimi teasing Hikari even more with the idea of the three boys being on a mixer in secret, Ken and Iori just believing Noel might be lying to them about further details WHEN…!
The door opens. Taichi, Daisuke and Takeru come in with snacks and a cake. It was a surprise for Hikari but all they see is CHAOS AND EVERYTHING BURNING. (No, the digimon didn’t set things on fire, they were just also arguing between each other about what happened to the trio and Agu-Vee-Pata too)
Yamato SCREAMS “WHERE DID YOU GO TAKERU!? WHY DIDN’T YOU MESSAGE ME THIS MORNING!?” – Takeru answers he was out with Taichi and Daisuke, but then Daisuke squints at Taichi, who was the one supposed to gather everyone for the surprise PARTY AND….
Nope. Taichi forgot to send the message talking about HIKARI’S SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY to everyone but Hikari herself. Hikari then smirks at Mimi, “See, they weren’t on a mixer, I know none of them would enjoy that kind of activity!!”
Everyone is now staring at Taichi. So, the important thing Taichi wanted to tell them was that? Oh it was to celebrate Hikari’s birthday (Sept 26) and HE DID NOT SEND THE FRIGGIN MESSAGE!? Taichi protested that it was too late and he was tired from work.
Crisis averted, they had a double feature party – one for Hikari’s birthday, and one to introduce Noel into the group.
The End.
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beginningobserver · 2 months
[RE:CONNECT - blog v.] Link 5- Who's that pink digimon?
[AO3 version]
Rui and Ayame kept on a bare minimum contact via email. As much as she and Hiroomi wanted to meet Rui again, they agreed with Daisuke about not forcing Rui to do it against his own will. They wanted Rui to feel comfortable with that idea, since he was still gathering courage to talk with them in person. He knew they all are old and possibly do not look like the people in that old photo.
First, he learned Hiroomi went on a drastic aesthetic change -- the boy dyed part of his hair blonde and has an earring now. And Second, Ayame is still wearing twin pigtails, but… lower this time. And it seems her hair is not-too-short-but-not-too-long as well.
But what made Rui surprised was seeing a pink rabbit-like digimon in one of Ayame’s photos.
So, his usual decision was to resort to Daisuke’s digi-expertise.
“Do you know what type of digimon this is?”
And he showed the photo of Ayame and the digimon together, from the saved pictures in his phone’s gallery.
“Hmmm…” Daisuke scratched his head, “Ya know, I look like I’d be a digi-expert but I’m not good at identifying digimon… Maybe if we ask Koushiro-san or Ken…”
“Does Ichijouji-kun know more about the digimon��?”
“Yeah, he was like, some nerd type” V-mon nodded sagely, “Didn’t we tell you he used to be a tyrant who thought the Digital World was a game and the digimon its NPCs? Much of that knowledge he got from… that.”
“He might be free at this hour,” Daisuke looked at his own phone, “Ken usually passes by here…”
The restaurant’s door opened, and Rui turned his head to look at the person getting in and just standing next to them.
“... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight now,” and Daisuke looked at the tall man and the bug digimon on the man’s shoulder.
“Incredible…” Rui blinked, impressed.
“What are you talking about…?” Wormmon tilted his head.
“Good timing, mr. detective-in-training,” Daisuke clasps his hands together, “Always at the same hour on Tuesdays.”
“You pass by quite a lot here…” V-mon commented.
“...” Ken was still unfazed, “the office is nearby, besides if none of us keep a look on Daisuke every Tuesday he might feel lonely.”
“Hey hey, do ya think I’m like, five?!” Daisuke pouted.
Rui did not understand what was happening anymore.
“And Daisuke likes to hear constructive critique on his dishes,” Wormmon added.
“It looks more like you guys only come here to eat for free,” V-mon whispered to himself.
“You need my help, I presume” Ken said with a sassy tone, “What are you up to this time?”
“It’s not me, sorry to disappoint ya” Daisuke replied, then gestured to Rui, “Rui needs your digimon knowledge right now.”
“Is that okay to ask about this, though?” Rui frowned, “I--”
“He needs to know about a digimon in one of his childhood friend’s photos” V-mon said bluntly, making Rui’s heart skip a beat.
“I see…” Ken nodded, then looked at Rui, “Can I see it, please?”
“Y-yeah,” and he showed the photo on his phone to Ken, “It’s this pink digimon here, if that’s a digimon though… It could be a plush doll too, I think…”
“It’s definitely not a plush” Ken answered calmly, “The Chosen Children Network shares information not only about wild digimon on the loose, but also about their own partners in case they need help.”
“Oh… So you guys…”
“We had seen that digimon before, right Ken-chan?” Wormmon commented, “Two years ago, when the Eosmon incident happened.”
“Eosmon incident…” Rui repeated those words vaguely, “Two years ago…”
“Yeah, a digimon was stealin’ Chosen Children’s consciousnesses” Daisuke recapped, “Once everything was solved by Taichi-san and the others, I asked if everyone else was fine via the Network.”
“A digimon…” Rui kept vaguing some words without realizing, “stealing consciousnesses of those people…”
“Have you checked the responses to your post?” Ken asked Daisuke now.
“Uhh… I did but there were like 20,240,229 replies to that thread!”
“That’s impossible because--”
“I don’t remember the exact number, dude! And I couldn’t sit and read them all!!”
“... A digimon was the cause of the mass comatose incidents throughout the world two years ago?”
Daisuke and Ken's argument was interrupted by Rui’s question. They glanced at the boy again, but how would they explain about that? Sure, Rui had been possibly living under denial that the digimon were spreading and possibly had became some sort of ‘digimon hater’ for a while, but would he have a good reaction if they tell him a former Chosen Child named Menoa Bellucci had modified her digimon’s partner data and turned it into Eosmon?
They reached the conclusion they couldn’t give those details yet .
“Yeah, but we solved that and everyone is fine now” both boys and their digimon said quickly, to not let him feel that was also his fault.
“Anyway,” Ken cleared his throat, “I did skimmed into that thread once, there were around 19,900 replies ignoring the same messages send by the same user in response to the others in the comments, and some of them had a photo of them and their digimon in order to make sure everything went well for them.”
“And…?” V-mon said, watching Ken just scrolling thru his own phone now, while he was talking:
“And if you mark to filter the results by the ones sent a picture in the replies, we get a better view of the results so you have to search for the girl in the picture, and then we will find her post sent two weeks after the Eosmon incident--”
“... Her name is Nakajima Ayame,” Rui said, deadpanned.
“Oh that’s right!” Daisuke snapped his fingers, and then took his phone, and did his own research on that post, “Ah I found her! She has a Cutemon partner!”
“-- Eh?” Ken blinked, totally beaten by Daisuke and Rui just finding the answer before him.
“Cutemon is a digimon with healing powers!” V-mon replied with a grin, “Didn’t she ask you if you needed help?”
“Yeah, she--”
“If you could do that then why did you ask for Ken-chan’s help?!” Wormmon hissed, calling their attention.
“Oh… True,” V-mon blinked, “But Ken was… Taking too long to--”
“But he was TRYING!!”
“Sorry sorry” Daisuke chuckled nervously, “But we don’t know anything other than the digimon’s name and that it can heal others.”
“Y-your knowledge is still needed, Ichijouji-kun!” Rui babbled quickly.
“...........................” Ken’s silence was terrifying.
Rui whispered to Daisuke and V-mon, “I think we made him angry--”
“Sigh,” Ken sighed, “I had nothing to do at the office at the moment,” and shrugged, “Cutemon’s ears are not exactly bunny ears but sensory organs which can sense the approach of someone like a digimon or human immediately.”
“So like, ears?” V-mon blinked.
“Those are not exactly like ears though…” Daisuke replied.
“Also Cutemon is a fairy type digimon,” Ken continued, “and a Vaccine type too.”
“Fairy type? Vaccine type?” Rui felt like Ken was speaking another language, “So it’s not a rabbit…?”
“Definitely not,” Ken shook his head, then he put his phone in the pocket again.
“Oh… Interesting…”
“But why do you want to know that?” Wormmon asked, curious.
“... Nakajima-san is… one of my childhood friends.”
“What?!” Ken and Wormmon exclaimed.
“It’s a long story” Daisuke tried to explain, “Seems like Rui’s old friends are trying to contact him since the Eggcounter we all had with Ukkomon.”
“Did you just--”
 “If I were still the same person I was before solving my issue with Ukkomon… I’d have been concerned about her getting hurt…” Rui commented with a sigh, then looked at V-mon and to Wormmon, “But you guys proved me that… They would be okay if something bad happened before.”
“Hmm… Cutemon is not a brawler type,” Ken mused, “It’s a healer, so most of its abilities are only for healing rather than for fighting tough digimon.”
“Still… If she gets hurt, her digimon can treat her wounds, right?”
“Yes, I guess” Daisuke frowned.
“But more importantly,” Ken looked at Rui again, “Why didn’t you ask Nakajima instead?”
“... I don’t want to bug her,” he said, and turned his sight away from Ken.
“Hmm…” the other three, but Daisuke felt a bit of concern right now.
Daisuke clasped his hands again, “Well, Rui is taking baby steps. He’s feeling awkward right now because… He thinks Ukkomon also did the thing with those two.”
“The thing ?” Ken and Wormmon raised an eyebrow and the other blinked (respectively)
“The mind-control technique he had,” Rui explained, “I don’t know if it was the tentacle-thing or…”
 “... Do you know anything about Ukkomon, Ichijouji-kun?” Rui asked after a brief awkward silence between him and the others.
"Not that I recall, sorry."
“...” Rui frowned. He had the feeling that he would just have to wait for Ukkomon to hatch in order to ask the right questions.
“Are you on a break from work?” Wormmon asked him, out of curiosity.
“I took a day off,” he explained, “I was… spacing out again so my cousin-- I mean, my boss thought I should just get time to…”
“... Get your mind in order, right?” Ken completed it, making Wormmon, Daisuke and V-mon look at him.
“Yeah, that.”
“Huh, whaddya mean--”
“I had to do that before,” Ken looked at Daisuke, “When we were ‘rebuilding’ the Digital World and Arukenimon appeared. I couldn’t join your group because I felt nervous and ashamed of my actions.”
“Oh, that tracks now!” V-mon nodded.
“What Rui is feeling here is something similar: He knows Ukkomon and he might have caused trouble to Nakajima and Koyama before, so he’s feeling nervous about messing things up again. And this is consuming his mind enough to send him there .”
“There?” Daisuke and V-mon asked in unison.
“The Dark Ocean, I say” Ken answered.
“I don’t feel like I’m getting… teleported to that place though…” Rui sighed, “Just that… I don’t want to make things worse for everyone again.”
“Everyone messes things up, Rui” Daisuke left the kitchen side and sat on the empty seat next to the boy, and put his hand on Rui’s shoulder, “Like, I’ve heard my ol’ man boss scold me for overcooking something, or breaking something. Or V-mon just breaking something.”
"Pretty sure Ken's boss called him out for screwing up, right?"
“Yeah, it happens.”
“...” Rui looked at Ken and then back to Daisuke, he smiled and nodded in agreement.
“But you shouldn’t do anything reckless, again” then Daisuke’s tone got serious and it really sounded like he was getting lectured by an adult (well… they all are adults there)
“Oh… You mean…” he gulped, “R-right… I’ll not be climbing towers anymore.”
“I didn’t mean that, but… Yeah, don’t put your life in danger like that too. Literally.”
“I feel like we had a talk like that before…” V-mon tilted his head.
“If we did, it means we’re just reminding Rui and making sure he got our support here!”
“And no, bud. You’re not givin’ us any trouble.”
“To be fair, all of this team is full of issues” Ken made a snarky remark, looking at Daisuke, “But that’s why we need each other.”
“Are you two flir--”
“NOPE!” Daisuke hissed, “Don't you dare say what Miyako said before! Besides, Ken and Miyako are an item!” he blushed, embarrassed. 
“I think you’re forgetting something,” Wormmon said with a monotone voice, quite upset with something, “Right, Ken-chan?”
“... Ah. Right… I have to go now.”
“But you barely eat--” V-mon said, but Ken and Wormmon (on Ken’s back) just left quickly like if he had left the stove on.
“What’s wrong with them?” Rui asked, confused.
“Who knows,” Daisuke shrugged, “Ken’s like that. Everybody thinks he's a smart, cool guy, but...he's a walking mess and dumbass.”
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bagerfluff · 5 months
My Lap > Stupid Office Chair
Older Izumi Koushiro x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Sitting in someone's lap
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“Get out of my chair”, Koushiro said while glaring at you.
You placed your foot down to stop the chair from spinning. You stopped it so you were facing Koushiro. You looked at a slightly blurry Koushiro, “No, this is fun”, you said before going back to spinning.
Koushiro sighed, he had only left for a few minutes and he came back to you spinning in his chair. Normally Koushiro wouldn’t care, but he needed to work.
And to work he needed to sit in his chair.
The one you were currently spinning around in.
No matter what Koushiro did, he couldn't get you out of his chair. Koushiro looked over to his right, Tentomon and your Digimon were peacefully eating some food that you brought to Koushiro’s office.
You had come to Koushiro’s office a few hours after he did, you had nothing to do. Koushiro thought you wanted help with something or needed a quiet place to study or something like that.
But no, you just wanted to see him.
That’s what you said, “I just wanted to hang out with you, you’ve been busy this past week”. That may have made Koushiro’s heart beat faster.
You hadn’t really done anything since you got here though. You mostly talked with the Digimon, watched TV, or asked Koushiro what he was working on. But now, you were being a little annoying.
“Come on Y/n, I have to work”, Koushiro said. He tried not to make his voice sound as mad as he was. You stopped spinning again, facing Koushiro with a smile on your face. “That’s why you want me to get off?”
You asked, which made Koushiro confused. Yes, that's what Koushiro wanted. Koushiro nodded, and you smirked. You leaned up and grabbed Koushiro’s arm.
Koushiro was about to say something but his words got caught in his throat. You had pulled Koushiro into your lap. He was sitting with his back to your chest and Koushiro could feel your arms wrap around his waist.
Koushiro’s face got red and his heart started beat increased again. You moved yourself up so you were sitting straight, “you know, this isn’t as fun as spinning around but”, you buried your head in Koushiro’s shoulder, “I like it”.
Koushiro squirmed around in your arms. “L-let m-me g-go”, Koushiro stuttered. You turned your head so you were facing Koushiro but your head was still on his shoulder.
“But this is what you wanted right? This is what I want too. I want to stay in your chair and you want to work”, you said. Koushiro looked down at his lap.
Your hands were clasped right in the middle of his lap. Koushiro liked the feeling. He could feel your breath on his shoulder and your heart beat on his back.
Koushiro nodded and looked up at his computer and turned it on, it had fallen asleep during all of this. You smiled and placed a kiss on Koushiro’s shoulder blade.
Which didn’t help his blush.
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asknarashikari · 11 months
From this ask: https://asknarashikari.tumblr.com/post/730343372766789632/jumping-off-from-here#notes
Yukimi: Are you sure you’re okay?
Keiwa: Igara-
Yukimi: Call me Yukimi, Keiwa-kun.
Genta: And me Genta, it'd be too confusing if you called us by our family name.
Keiwa: Right.
Keiwa: I’m alright, Yukimi-san.
Keiwa: In the end I was the target and not your son.
Yukimi: Still, for it to happen on the day we were away.
Yukimi: I’m starting to think that the powers that be won’t let us have a normal vacation trip.
Keiwa: It’s fine, really.
Keiwa: It’s not like your family was targeted.
Yukimi: How about this,
Yukimi: You invite some people over and we’ll leave you guys have the bath house all to yourselves.
Keiwa: I co-
Yukimi: Please?
Yukimi: It’s the least I could give you for keeping my little Koushiro safe.
Keiwa: You literally hired me to do so.
Sakura: I’m pretty sure running for your life while carrying the baby wasn’t part of the deal.
Ikki: Just accept it.
Daiji: It’s the least we could do.
Yukimi: How do we repay him?
Hiromi: No worries, Yukimi-san, I have it covered.
Hiromi: Just pay the agreed upon fee and I’ll take care of the rest.
Hana: What connection are you flexing this time, Hiromi?
Hiromi: Nothing.
Hiromi: I just heard he’s trying to become a police officer.
Hana: Don’t tell me.
Hiromi: No, he’s free to join whatever organization he wants.
Hiromi: I’m just offering Blue Bird’s training facilities to him for the next year or two, for free.
Hiromi: And I think Daiji and Tamaki could use a new sparring partner in the training area.
Sakura: Isn’t the facility only for exclusive use of Blue Bird’s workers… and us because we’re Daiji’s family? Hiromi: I didn’t say anything about him being a part timer.
"What connection are you flexing this time Hiromi"
Bwahahahahah as if he's not going to use this opportunity to subtly truly recruiting his hubby's tanuki kouhai XD He's gonna bribe him with training sessions, tanuki soba and housekeeping tips XD
He's not going to let go of someone with as much potential as Keiwa if he could help it :P Everyone else should just suck it lol
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taikouvember · 2 years
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Taikouvember Prompt Walthrough - Day 5: Extroverted / Introverted
While they are no classic representations of the extrovert and the introvert, they both display mingling tendencies. For instance, Taichi may strike you as the outgoing type that bursts of energy and can make friends easily, but he does have his quiet moments where he needs to be by himself and shuts others out. Whereas Koushiro may seem glued to his office space to only communicate online or works only by himself, he tends to tie everyone together and gets in on the action when his skills are needed.
So exploring their dynamics and how they play out with each other could be exciting, especially when one inspires the other to act in a more extroverted or introverted way respectively. Does one pull the other out of their shell? Does one teach the other to be more aware of their personal needs?
Want to participate in Taikouvember? Here are the Rules & FAQ
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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Final part of that AU setting.
( PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANTI-▽ COMMENTS/TAGS ON IT. Like i said before, i do not like fix-it attitude, i prefer AUs instead. AUs are valid and free to our own interpretation. If i see any hate on this or on ▽ you will be immediately blocked ^_^💢 )
[Part one here]
Here’s the final six pages.
Project Mei
Meiko faces her dad, asking more about Meicoomon and her purpose. The old man feels nervous to talk about it, yet he decides Meiko should know. He explains Meicoomon's reason to exist was to create their own squadron of Chosen Children in order to fight menaces from the Digital World. But the Digital World’s Gods hated it and told them to cancel the project.
When Meiko talked about Meicoomon being made to kill digimon, her father elaborated it more, about her not being a total killing machine and she would only kill the enemy if they refused to give up, by injecting a powerful virus in their data. Meiko gets mad, because now this means Taichi, Yamato and their friends’ digimon were infected. The old man strokes his chin, hearing that more digimon might be in trouble. He then refers to Meicoomon also having an antivirus in her program, in case of one of their allies getting infected by accident. This makes Meiko less concerned, but she remembers of some strange parasite digimon consuming her.
Mr. Mochizuki finds it odd, a parasite digimon? And then he receives a call from the Data Bureau agent Nishijima Daigo, to talk about Meicoomon with him and Meiko. The man asks why, but the other couldn’t give details sadly.
Meanwhile, Daisuke tells Koushiro and the others about Himekawa’s offer, and that she could help them. Not that Daisuke believed her, because she was extremely shady and stalking him, but he started to wonder if she wasn’t involved with what happened to Imperialdramon and Meicoomon.Ken thinks that’s possible, but they have not enough evidences to accuse Himekawa. Mimi wonders how Meiko is feeling and offers to talk to her.
Sora thinks it’s too dangerous for them to fight, so she says to only work as their support, Jou apologizes and says he cannot help much since there’s a school exam coming, but he also joins the support cast – in case of them being needed, they will rush to aid their friends. Yamato is afraid of Gabumon’s health, and Taichi decides to keep seeking for Meicoomon in the meanwhile. Daisuke and Ken are also concerned about their partners, but they can’t stay doing nothing, so their help would be investigating stuff for Koushiro. Miyako, Iori, Takeru and Hikari agree to assist Taichi in the search for Meicoomon.
Meiko and her dad are escorted to the Data Bureau HQ, where they meet Nishijima. With him, there’s a pretty man in light robes, Gennai. They came to discuss Meicoomon’s status and destiny. The girl knew this could mean they had to put Meicoomon down, but…
… It was about one of the scientists in the old program contacting them to allow her complete Meicoomon’s program in order to stop the imminent crisis. Meiko raised an eyebrow at this – She was aware Meicoomon’s program was incomplete, but not totally? Like, Meicoomon had been functioning like a legit digimon being, having a heart and such… What could this woman mean?
The said woman was Himekawa, and Meiko was surprised by that revelation. Why would she…
The reveal
The young kids and their seniors were running against the time. Koushiro had copied the papers Meiko had brought him before so he could read them calmly later, and now he was sitting in his office checking them, again. Tentomon wonders if there’s something interesting in those, only to catch with his eyes some detail they skipped.
The developer of the virus program. He then analyzed the data from V-mon and Wormmon’s eggs and noticed it contained an ID number from the papers, which means the mysterious parasite digimon was also human-made. He checked the developer name and… Maybe Daisuke’s suspicion was right.
Mimi talks with Meiko, and the girl seems a little upset. Mimi tries to ask what happened, but Meiko asks to talk with Koushiro as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Taichi and the 02 group report seeing Meicrackmon on the loose, Koushiro tells them to not approach her and prevent her from hurting people and digimon. 
Ken and Daisuke are not great at hacking things, so their plan was asking Himekawa how they could save their digimon from getting their data corrupted. Himekawa knew he would come, especially asking for help.
She talks a bit about her developer function in an old project, that she was this close to fixing corrupted digimon data… But the government ceased their activities. Ken asks how they can save their digimon, and she says she couldn’t do anything without the data under the Data Bureau’s server. The boys look at each other, and she asks them to retrieve that data for her.
They would say something, but Koushiro calls Daisuke immediately. The duo leave after saying they would discuss that with their friends. Koushiro gathered all the info given by each party. It was when Meiko connected the dots and messaged Taichi immediately about a detail. Koushiro also understood what that meant, but Daisuke was a little confused. Until he noticed it too.
Taichi and his juniors were in battle right now, and Meicrackmon was Causing a lot of damage. She then mutated again into Raguelmon. She was even more powerful thanks to the parasite digimon. Silphymon, Shakkoumon and WarGreymon weren’t happy with that, neither were their partners.
Meiko, Daisuke and Ken went to the battle scene immediately. It was when the 02 group, Taichi and Meiko saw Himekawa hiding in a spot. Meiko accuses her of manipulating everyone, and the woman smirks.
Of course they caught her. But it’s okay, she got permission to reactivate the project Mei development in order to stop Meicoomon. Why was she using those kids like that?
It was for Bakumon.
Gennai meets Koushiro
During that climax battle, Gennai came in, with Nishijima, to explain details to Koushiro. The decision to not destroy Meicoomon was unanimous and everyone agreed to keep watching her development. But there was another detail they were trying to avoid – Himekawa’s obsession with bringing her partner back. Nishijima says that he was her friend and teammate, witnessing the fall of them. Himekawa’s digimon dark evolved into Mugendramon and attacked the enemies, but lost control and went on rampage. His partner and the others had to evolve further to stop Mugendramon, who returned to digiegg state. The egg got corrupted and was told it couldn’t hatch, but Himekawa refused to believe it and became obsessed with the idea of creating a program able to fix the problem.
They had to stop her, and since she was using her knowledge as a former Chosen Child for the government, they had more reasons to intervene. Daigo joined the Data Bureau as some “spy” for Gennai and Homeostasis, to keep an eye on her. But now they just discovered she was doing some illegal experiments and created a digimon called Shademon, which can control and corrupt other digimon, and especially cause Meicoomon’s incomplete program to go on a rampage. All of that in order to convince the Data Bureau to reactivate the project development.
Koushiro wasn’t aware of those details, but this was what he and Meiko realized. So now he feels a little disturbed by the consequences of that plan, and then he just wishes they could do something to stop Himekawa and save Meicoomon. He shows the other two the copy of the project’s papers and points to the section about Meicoomon’s restore abilities. Tentomon comments that if they all work together, they can find a way to activate said function.
In the Battlefield, the kids, Taichi and Meiko try so desperately to prevent a disaster. Ken calls Koushiro, to update him about their situation; Daisuke was about to snap, but he’s trying to act cool right now. Koushiro then tells Ken to pass the phone to Hikari, and then he asks the girl to use Angewomon’s healing powers on Meicoomon.
Sure, to do that you will need backup right? WarGreymon and Shakkoumon could do it. Miyako says they could call the others if things get bad, which everyone agreed. Silphymon jogress was undone, and Tailmon evolved to Angewomon. The rest should keep Raguelmon occupied and without touching her, while Angewomon could use her healing powers to exorcize the parasite enemy inside her body.
Back to Koushiro’s office, Nishijima and Gennai keep explaining what happened before, and then Gennai revealed that Bakumon’s egg had hatched but the digimon turned into a Dark Master, the one the kids fought before. Tentomon then asks if the Dark Masters had been reborn, and Gennai says their data got locked in the Dark Area. Nishijima exclaims and asks why they didn't tell him before, only to Gennai explain Bakumon had turned into a vile creature so they couldn’t break the news to him or even Himekawa. Nishijima agreed that could’ve been worse than now.
“So this is what she meant by being a ‘former’ Chosen Child” Koushiro muses. Gennai confirms it, they revoked Himekawa’s access to the Digital World and turned her digivice inactive, she was really out of their reach so this was the best option they could find. Nishijima laments that.
Rampaging Meicoomon
Since Angewomon had holy powers able to extinguish evil and heal the good, their idea was simple: Keep Raguelmon occupied, get Angewomon to use Saint Air at her and then take the chance to destroy Shademon. 
Easier said than done. 
To protect Angewomon from getting hit by Raguelmon’s claws, they would have to stop her first. But how do you stop a digimon from moving without touching them? These were times Daisuke wished Paildramon could help them, but…
Suddenly, a very beautiful digimon woman appeared – it was Rosemon and she used her whip to grab Raguelmon. They looked behind and saw Mimi coming. The group focused on attacking Raguelmon, but not at full force so they could avoid destroying her.  When Angewomon approached behind her, the holy angel released a heavenly aura to purify the enemy, but it wasn’t enough to beat Shademon. The group was losing their hopes…
Himekawa knows she can’t let them take Raguelmon away from her hands, or else she would never finish her program to save Bakumon, so she inserted a few more codes to induce a new mutation. The laptop overheats due to the max data loaded in it, making Shademon lose control over Raguelmon, turning her extremely feral.
Raguelmon mutates to another higher form, Ordinemon, and starts corroding the barriers of human and digital worlds. The group of digimon fighting her had to retreat for now. Meiko is mad, she snaps at Himekawa for that, and the woman is terrified – everything got worse. She lost the data, she lost her chances to bring Bakumon back!!
Gennai realizes this could mean the end of both worlds if they don’t take her down, Nishijima requests Gennai to gather his and his friends’ partners, in order to fight alongside those kids. By that request, Gennai tells Daigo to bring his friends as soon as possible, and leaves in order to gather the Holy Beasts. Koushiro is intrigued, but he decides to keep helping them all as soon as possible. Koushiro’s desire to help everyone with his knowledge unlocks the HerakleKabuterimon form (outside the building, of course), which he rides in, taking Nishijima with him.
Jou, Yamato and Sora come in, concerned with what was happening. Jou couldn’t take a test at this hour! So he grabbed Gomamon and pedaled his bike til the heart of the battle. Yamato and Sora came together, afraid of what could happen to Taichi, the younger kids and Meiko. Their wishes to protect their beloved ones and their loyalty to their friends unlocked Hououmon and Vikemon for Piyomon and Gomamon. MetalGarurumon carried Yamato and Sora to the battlefield.
The group, almost complete, started to fight Ordinemon as an attempt to stop her. Daisuke clenches his fists, because all he could do was watch. Ken felt even more useless, but he knows even without their seniors being able to evolve their partners, Taichi and the others were able to find ways to help. He had witnessed it, as the Kaiser. Himekawa is still petrified by her mistakes, so she does not notice Ken taking the busted laptop from the ground. He knew soon or later this would come handy, and, if they’re lucky, they can remove the HD disc and connect it to Koushiro’s computer at the office.
They had no other option but to escort people away from that area. Himekawa had no other option but to go with them, and call the Data Bureau to secure the area.
Himekawa discovers the truth about Bakumon
They went back to Koushiro’s office and their digimon just jumped inside the pocket dimension inside the server (Miyako has full access to it, remember?) so it didn’t feel too crowded outside. When Miyako tried to contact Koushiro, the boy replied that he and Nishijima went to gather the Holy Beasts’ partners in order to save the world.
Daisuke went to check the V-mon and Wormmon eggs, just to distract his head for a while. They were fine, but still not hatching. He wouldn’t force it though, he preferred to expect his and Ken’s partners to come at their own pace. Ken was worried about Daisuke’s mental health so he just went to ask if he was okay, and the other boy replied “Yeah, I’m better now. No worries.” which made both smile, one in relief.
Jou and Meiko were staring at Himekawa, who was still lost in her thoughts, broken inside actually. Patamon asks from the screen what they should do with her, and Takeru decides they should at least ask her some info. Taichi is not sure if Himekawa would help them out though. Ken tries connecting the HD disc to Koushiro’s computer with Miyako’s help, and by a great miracle it was still running. They decide to examine its contents, while Jou, Taichi, Yamato and Takeru watch the woman. Iori inspects the HDD with Ken and Miyako. Daisuke is still quietly watching the eggs, and Hikari, Mimi and Sora try to help Meiko cool off.
Meiko had her own reasons to dislike Himekawa after this. And the group was trying to fix Himekawa’s mess, and Daisuke now was aware who was the culprit for what happened to Imperialdramon. But he tries to not get involved with the interrogation, he needs to cool off as well! He needs to cool off…! He and Meiko actually. Sora takes both outside and try to hear them out.
Daisuke growls about what happened, but he doesn’t want to fight a younger adult. Meiko vents about knowing Himekawa for years and never expected her to do something like that before, but now she noticed the red flags. But deep down both Daisuke and Meiko noticed something strange in Himekawa, something they couldn’t be totally mad at her and yes feel pity for. Sora wonders what it would be, and Meiko says “She’s lonely” Daisuke remembers of the dude, Nishijima, who had said to be her ex-boyfriend. All three start thinking of why she would do something like that, if she had a boyfriend before…
Himekawa is still in shock. But she’s coming back down to Earth, little by little. When the kids ask her about what she was aiming for she mentions that her goal was trying to save a digimon from data corruption. Mimi frowns, so that lady had noble reasons… Himekawa continues by saying the Project Mei was her chance to cure data corruption, how close she was from it until the government ceased their operations. Hikari almost snapped, and Taichi saw it in her eyes. Someone connected with the power of life itself like her would feel this narrative was too soulless and toying with the concept of life.
Sora took Daisuke and Meiko to go buy something for them all to eat and drink. The investigation outside gets more and more creepy, as Himekawa starts feeling delusional in front of them, saying maybe now they will let her finish her job! Maybe now she will see Bakumon once again! Hikari snapped politely, “That’s not how you will get your partner back!” and everyone is shocked. She continues: “Meicoomon is suffering right now because of your actions, she’s not a toy! She’s not a tool! V-mon and Wormmon are in the Digiegg stage because of you! ” – That definitely made them all silently look at Hikari, until Takeru says he agrees with her.
Koushiro calls them, saying he and Nishijima just reunited the Holy Beasts’ partners and they’re moving ahead to the battle field. Taichi and Yamato decide they should meet with them and fight Meicoomon. Seven of them agreed, but Miyako said they would stay there trying to find any useful information to help them. Thus, Taichi and the others leave. Piyomon says she wants to go but Sora’s not back yet– And Sora, Daisuke and Meiko come in, with food. Daisuke asks where’s everyone and Iori says they went to face Meicoomon. Piyomon tells Sora she wants to go, and then Daisuke comments she should go and take Meiko with them. Sora’s not sure about this, she doesn’t want to fight a friend’s digimon… Only to Daisuke put a hand on her shoulder and say this would’ve been what Meicoomon wanted. Meiko is a little antsy, but she gets it – Mei-chan would prefer to be destroyed than keep hurting innocent people, especially her friends and family. With those kind words and encouragement, Meiko, Sora and Piyomon go after Taichi and the others. Miyako and Iori smile, because they know exactly where Daisuke got this lesson from.
The group joined forces with the previous generation – Higashikata (Qinglongmon), Kitabayashi (Xuanwumon), Minamino (Zhuqiaomon) and Nishijima (Baihumon) – for this battle. They examined all of their possibilities, but Ordinemon had strong defense by creating dark digimon from her wings. Omegamon was good with numbers, so they decided to let it take care of it. Koushiro analyzed the other Final form digimon’s specialties – and then he discovered Hououmon has an ability which could purify Meicoomon. “Maybe if we combine the divine power of the Holy Beasts with Hououmon’s special ability…” 
Holydramon, Seraphimon, Rosemon and Vikemon were in the same group fighting evil digimon while opening the path for Hououmon and the Holy Beasts. It felt a terrible risky idea, but they wanted to give it a shot.
The Miyako, Ken and Iori were so busy searching for anything they could use to stop Ordinemon that they didn’t notice Himekawa leaving the room, but Daisuke did and went after her. The Lady had lost her composure and was trying her best to ‘Save Bakumon’ that the poor boy couldn’t keep watching that disastrous talk. But nothing he could say would make her stop right… She’s beyond salvation. It was when Gennai appeared from a security camera and stood in front of her. Daisuke approached cautiously to hear their conversation. This is how he and Himekwawa learned about Bakumon’s fate – Bakumon had hatched but became a vile creature, and then evolved straight into Megidramon, becoming a Dark Master. Daisuke wonders if said Dark Master was the one Taichi and the others had fought before, and this was exactly what Gennai said next. Mugendramon’s data was sent to the Dark Area, sealed alongside the other three Dark Masters.
Himekawa Maki does not believe it, and condemns Gennai and the others for destroying Bakumon. Daisuke couldn’t stand that and approached a little more. She screams, and falls on her knees, crying loudly and holding Gennai’s robes. Gennai himself did not like to bring bad news, and Daisuke knew it. So, the boy tries to talk with Himekawa… But she was too deep into madness to hear a child out. Gennai apologizes for this, but she does not listen. Suddenly, Data Bureau agents appear and take Himekawa under custody. Daisuke gets confused about how did those people know, only to find out he got something like a small spy wire attached to his goggles. “Since when…!?” It was probably the time he went to save Imperialdramon, maybe??
(No. It was implanted on his goggles when he first met Nishijima. )
Saving Meicoomon
They had to take that chance and purify Ordinemon, so they didn’t want to waste it. The moment they had it, Hououmon and the Holy Beasts gathered their powers and Hououmon used her Starlight Explosion on Ordinemon’s body. Since it was amplified by the godly and holy power of the Holy Beasts, Ordinemon started to be purified.
Ordinemon then converted into Rasielmon. The gloomy atmosphere changed drastically, filled with hope and happiness. Meicoomon didn’t die, and she was purified from Shademon… Which got destroyed by Omegamon’s cannon attack the moment it left Rasielmon’s body.
Rasielmon apologized for her acts, but the kids and the previous Chosen said it wasn’t her and Meiko’s fault. Meiko was so thankful her digimon had turned back to normal. Before reverting into Meicoomon again, Rasielmon said she had to do one more thing, and rushed to Koushiro’s office at the speed of light. Meiko wonders what it is, but the other eight were pretty sure what it was.
Daisuke returned to the office, where Miyako, Ken and Iori were ready to leave and meet their seniors. They say they found out a way to help in the battle and Daisuke grins. Suddenly, Rasielmon appears in a smaller size to not destroy the room and talks to the four. An unfazed Ken then comments “Maybe they solved it without us…” and Daisuke sighs, he wanted to help them all so badly…
Rasielmon then moves to the room with V-mon and Wormmon’s eggs and uses her powers to heal them, making them hatch. Iori finds this curious, only to remember the files said Meicoomon has also an antidote to her own virus program. The eggs hatched into Chicomon and Leafmon, making Daisuke so thankful he immediately hugged Rasielmon as his way to thank her.
Ken also thanks her, but in his own way by bowing and being polite. Rasielmon giggles, and then disappears. She returns to also heal the other eight’s digimon as her apologies, then reverted into Meicoomon and fell on Meiko’s arms.
A few weeks later, Taichi and the group heard some good news regarding Meicoomon: Hououmon and the Holy Beasts’ powers supposedly had helped to finish her program, becoming more stable and suitable for interacting with other people and digimon. Data samples of her special ability – by infecting and controlling digimon with a virus – were used to create vaccines in any case of her accidentally infecting civilized/pacific digimon. Nishijima asked Meiko’s parents to allow her and Meicoomon to be part of the Data Bureau as some honorary agent. Daisuke commented he was a little jealous about that, and that it would’ve been cool to work as some special agent. Koushiro jokes about him already serving in some special unit only to make him go like “??! Really!? Am I a secret agent!?” only to Taichi cut the joke by saying he needs to get a little more mature to handle special agent business. They all laugh, and then they all return to their daily routines.
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yaoi-life2021 · 1 year
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Title: Kimi no Unmei ni Tsuiteno Hanashi gashitai
Japanese: 君と運命についての話がしたい
Chinese: 想談談與你之間的命運
Creator: Ao Aoume (青梅あお)
Category: #Manga
Status: #Completed
Chapters: 5 + extra (1 volume)
Genre: #Drama; #Romance; #SliceofLife; #Smut
Tags: #Omegaverse; Beta x Beta; #EstablishedCouple; Florist; Office Worker
We are unable to be fated pairs, even so, I still want to be with you…
Even though both are Betas, and are not fated pairs, it doesn’t matter, our relationship won’t change, forever…
It’s been 10 years since Hibiki and his high school classmate, Koushiro started dating and cohabitating together and they are now working adults. Although when they met, both believed that they were each other’s fated pair, their second gender test showed that they were both Betas. When the fated pair are both males, people will offer their blessings, it is a societal norm. Even so, they feel uneasy even holding hands in public, even though they have repeatedly told themselves that it is all right as long as they are mutually in love. But their uneasiness starts to grow day by day over trivial things… Just then, Hibiki saw the news about second gender misdiagnosis on the news…
Where to Read:
English – not available
Chinese – https://www.bookwalker.com.tw/product/157703
CMOA – https://www.cmoa.jp/title/236221/
Renta! – https://renta.papy.co.jp/renta/sc/frm/item/285836/
Ebookjapan - https://ebookjapan.yahoo.co.jp/books/680516/
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