#koushirouizumi digiadv 2020
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{Digi-T.C.G} ~ BlitzGreymon (Preview) {Go Like + Share here!}
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izzyizumi · 4 years
* d o n o t r e b l o g (chatter) / #digiadv 2020 spoilers in tags
ok so
I WATCHED THE EPISODE + SAW THE PREVIEWS FOR THE NEXT ONE .............. ........................................
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aph-japan · 2 years
{DigiAdvs} A.M.V. (Preview)/(Unfinished)/{CONCEPT ONLY} x Adv, tri, Kizuna, 2020 Ship: TaiKourato (Sora/Yama/Koushiro/Taichi) as Polyship {Menoa also appears; Meiko MAY appear in a full version; side mutually unrequited Menoa->Koushiro can be read in) Song: "Moon Rain" by Kisho Taniyama
Notes: This song is currently un-translated, so this A.M.V. preview for now is mainly just a concept. Thus, re-blog function is turned off for now, but I won’t mind any "Likes". (A.M.V. finished in about 25 min on 9/06/22) * This is a (my own) {by izzyizumi / koushirouizumi} re-post for archival. Contains Spoiler for: - Adventure {Eps. 21; 24; 48} – Ep. 51: YamaxSora(+Jou) Moment {side Q.p.r!YamaxJou can also be read in} - tri. {Kokuhaku Mid-End; Koushiro & Tentomon} - Kizuna {major mid-end spoiler; Koushiro & Menoa relevancy} - 2020 {Eps. 02; 03; 36 - KouTai + Koushiro relevancy}
"I couldn't MOVE" {?}
"Sayonara" {Farewell}, "{Those} days..."
"MY Precious,"
"A small…" {FLAME?}/{Fire?}
"Hitori ja nai" / "{You’re} Not Alone"
"Same time…"
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (This work is being shared as a FAN Work) {Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Digi-Advs ( C ) T0EI A n i m a t i o n / “Akiyoshi Hongo” nor this song which is ( C ) Uta-puri series / Elements Garden}
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{Digimon Adventure:} {2020 Reboot} ~ Final Episode{s} + 2020 Koushiro & Tentomon {+Mimi as Support} (Friendship)
(Tentomon, Low m u r m u r i n g softly into Koushiro's e a r):
>Koushiro-han, we JUST 'finished' a "big j o b". >Lets take it easy from here.
"...You're RIGHT" - Koushiro, more calmly & content
Cap'd by @izzyizumi {Do Not R E P O S T} {Do Not R E P R O D U C E My Works Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission} (Please ASK to Use/Share!)
(Original commentary + Image usage rules under '
{T e n t o m o n proceeds to actively h e l p m a s s a g e Koushiro's s h o u l d e r s, something which should, 'T h e o r e t i c a l l y', 'Take W o r k'} (But Does It A n y w a y)
"No, they might POSSIBLY..." - L e o m o n
"H U M A N S and D i g i m o n... What kind of effects the M E R G I N G of the T w o W o r l d s produce from here"
"...Is 'something' EVEN I CANNOT {'P R E D I C T'}." - W I S E M O N
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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{D I G I M O N} ~ K O U S H I R O & T E N T O M O N
{From here!}
(2nd Re-size by Me) {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure (Series) ~ REPEAT?_verse vs. Digimon Adventure: [2020 Reboot/Spinoff Anime] (Later Arcs) {Comparing} (Purely for Fun) Lines from my Story vs. Lines BY Toei Animation on Koushiro & Taichi {+Koushiro & Tentomon's Friendship} + The 'DIGITAL' World
"THAT'S {More like...?} [You], Izumi Koushiro." - Datamon
REPEAT?_verse began in 2k18: (In actuality I had begun outlining it by early Apr. 2k18, before Tri had even ENDED.) {"Bokura no Mirai" had not (Yet!) released.} - Adventure: {2k20} Ep. #59 hadn't aired until August 1st 2k21.
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general!}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
{D I G I M O N} Adventure+02 + "The B e g i n n i n g" x “A p o l o g i z e” (Mini-Preview) Clip {David A r c h u l e t a} Live Concert Ver. + {+2020!}/{Kizuna!}KOUxTAI, {02!}KENxSUKE, (Implied/Former?/Un-requited) TaixS o r axto/Yamaxchi, {S o r a does not appear yet} + TAKERU & A n g e m o n (Overall 02-Leaning +KouTai)
"Take a F A L L {?}"--
"I Need you like a H e a r t needs a B E A T-- ... BUT that's N O T H I N G {N E W...}"
“{’XXXXX’} like the A N G E L…"
{Note: Contains very minimal seconds-long spoiler shots of The Beginning!Takeru, near end of film}
Original S o n g © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c A r c h u l e t a cover from Aug 1st ‘09’s S u n r i s e, F. L. C o n c e r t {“Hey O.P., can you explain that gap in your blog history of this f ANDOM—???”} [Do you hear them at the very end???]
*Edited in about 2 hrs overall (Preparing for this however took at least 6~ hrs) More possibly to come in the future!!
{*Slightly L O U D at points!!}
by Me/@koushirouizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Vid-Edit's Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
Being a Taichi fan in this fan base longterm is just *posts Taichi work* *gets people complaining about Taichi's canon in the tags inside OR sees it outside my work but nonetheless around the exact times* *posts Taichi work* *gets people complaining about Taichi's canon in the tags* *posts Taichi work* *gets people complaining about Taichi's canon in the tags* *posts work for literally ANY OF THE OTHERS including ALL 02, TAMERS, ETC. MAIN CHARAS* *CRICKETS crickets cRICKETS* *posts Taichi work during a Taichi Positivity/relevant event timeframe* *sees nothing but people eNDLESSLY COMPLAINING ABOUT TAICHIS CANON IN THE TAGS OR TAICHIs+VARIOUS MAIN TAG{S}--*
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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D I G I M O N ~ 25th Anniversary Art {From the official DM Partners site here!} (And the official Tweet here!)
But let's wait and see after DigiCon...!
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' Koushiro [...and GG!Espimon?]
Koushiro, dozing: Espimon, waking up from dozing: Koushiro: .... Espimon: ... Hey. (*pokes*) Koushiro: Hmm?... (lazily opening eyes) Espimon: You've been resting a lot lately. Espimon: I'm up now, so if you wanna do something before I go out, get up. Koushiro: (*laughs*) I got it... (*slowlyyy getting up*) But, you know, you *should* ask first... Espimon: ... Hmmph. Espimon: But *you* said you wanted to explore together more. Koushiro: right. You're looking for "the real Hiro". I know. (I'll Help You Find Them) Koushiro: -But... since you're living with me temporarily, we should "get along" too. Espimon: ... It's not that we can't But, like Koushiro: Espimon: Like I know that -- like, you sleep {a *little*} too much. Come on and follow me. Koushiro: (*chuckle*) ("It's concerned about me. Like Tento---") (*stops*) Espimon: (What's wrong.) Koushiro: (It's nothing.) Espimon: (You do THAT A Lot too.) Can we go now? Koushiro: Fine, let's... (*stretches, reaches for Digivice-phone Specially Made By Izumi Corp., grabs jacket*) As usual, please lead the way. Espimon: YEAH, I Will. We're going 'there' first-- (*leads Koushiro out the door*) Koushiro: (It Is Somewhat "Like Me", And Somewhat Not, And That's OK.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Some DigiAdvs Stan @ Me: DigiAdvs 2020 is about--- m E: DigiAdvs 2020 was about Tikkun Olam and how the Chosen are contributing to iT {as a Team along with the rest of the World{s}} because THEY {+Koushiro (in DigiAdv 2020 36)} WON---
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{2020}!Koushiro + Protectiveness over Interests / Computer + Koushiro Setting Boundaries about Such (as Koushiro Should) + Koushiro and Gerbemon
"NO!!!" - Koushiro, LOUDLY
{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
{This is a 'No re-blog{s}' post, sorry! ['Likes' are OK]}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime not long post 02, Steve and Frigimon encounter... a "Sephirothmon": Steve: (... That's not the "Zohar".) Steve, to "Sephirothmon": Are you aware there is a 'concept' similar to but very different from you that exists elsewhere? Sephirothmon: ( ????? ) Steve: (Yeah, me too.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{Index} KoushirouIzumi's DigiAdvs Things
(Img's in general, extra not-O.T.P A.M.V.s, etc. KouTai O.T.P stuff etc....!)
{Note: I am always adding to this. New works may be added sporadically. If you Interact on any of my works, please read my F.A.Q to see if I've already answered a question.}
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{+on taggings methods: What’s the deal with the variations in spellings for Ko[u]shiro[u]’s [+Jo{u}’s] Japanese names?} [x]
(for conveniences’ sake, I use the US version, “Koushiro” which has also been used in some official merch/usages on the J.P.N side. (Most obvious example being Tri {Saikai}) Please respect my choice and understand instead of bothering me to or demanding I change it, because I won't, thank you) {As I have made close to 50+ postings (likely now 100+) about Koushiro it would be difficult to go back and edit any particular posting with any particular spelling, and I’m most used to the US version’s way from his full name; “Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi”.} (I do leave out ‘Izzy’ when I’m indicating the J.P.N version specifically. I note it can be ‘Koushiro[u]’ when listing out characters included/etc.)
{Taishiro / KouTai OTP}
My A.O.3 : Hikari @ A.O.3 {"Novel/Story Route"} Fic Index: [x] Other KouTai A.M.V.s Index: [x] (Any other tagged charas/ship's may also appear if briefly)
KouTai A.M.V.s - REPEAT?_Verse [x] {"Music Route"} KouTai F.S.Ts (Fan Sound-tracks) F.S.T #1 - READY?_ [x] F.S.T #2 - BEGIN [x] (To be Completed)
Main Index: “izzyizumi taishiro gifs” tag (Chronological Postings) [x]
KouTai{/shiro} O.T.P of O.T.Ps Compilation (with Moments across all medias) [x] Our War Game {/“Children’s War Game”} [x] 02!Taishiro [x] [x] Tri!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] 2020!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] [x] {This section to be Completed} (Very out-dated Index, check chronological postings above!)
JouxMi / JouMimi {Jou & Mimi} {JouMi Challenge} [x] [x] [x] (etc) [x] Michi / TaiMimi {Taichi & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x] [x] [x] KouxMi / KouMimi {Koushiro & Mimi} [x] [x] Mimaxto / YamaMimi {Yamato & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] So{ra}Mi{Mi} / MimiSora {Sora & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] [x] Joushiro / Jyoushiro {Jou & Koushiro} [x] Taixora / TaiSora {Taichi & Sora} [x]
{Familial & Etc. Friendships} Yagami{s} (Duo) [x] Yagami Family [x] [x] Sora & Mrs. Toshiko Takenouchi [x] Koushiro’s "American" Friend? Info + {Lore/Tri musings/refs} [x]* [*Note: Planning to revise/Update]
Adventure 02 Daisuke Motomiya [x] Daixkari / DaiHika {Daisuke & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] [x] Kenxyako / KenMiya {Ken & Miyako} [x] Kensuke / KenDai {Ken & Daisuke} [x] [x] Miyaxkari / MiyaHika {Miyako & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] Miyakeru / TakeMiya {Miyako & Takeru} [x] [x] Kou+Miya Friendship {Miyako & Koushiro} [x] Bi!Miyako [x]
Tri Meixchi / TaiMei {Taichi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] MiMei {Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] SoMiMei {Sora & Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] SoMei {Sora & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] Tri!Hikari’s Storyline Explanation / Parallels with 02!Hikari’s Storyline [x]
Kizuna Kizuna!Koushiro & Novels Kizuna!Koushiro {+Taichi; Tentomon; Menoa} [x] KouMeno {Koushiro & Menoa} [x] KouTaiMeno {Koushiro & Taichi & Menoa} [x] [x] (Note: TaiMeno in general may appear as an aside to anything listed above.) Adventure: (2020) 2020!Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x]
Ship Compilations: - MxF [x] - MxM & FxF [x] (+2020)!TaiKouMi [x] [x] YamaKouTai [x] TaiJouMi [x] YamaxJouMi [x] YamaxJouraMi [x] {Tri/BNM spoilers} KenDaiHika [x]
Other A.M.Vs: Older A.M.Vs (Made during my childhood/pre-tumblr days) I’ll Turn My Courage Into Wings {Adv-02 Taichi-centric/Taichi & Friends} [x] Walk on the Edge {Adv-02 Yamato/Yamato & Friends [+bonus YamaxJou} [x]
Newer A.M.Vs: Ashita wa Motto [Tomorrow I’ll Be] {Adv-02 Sora-centric & Soraxto} [x] She Said {So[ra]Mi} [x] Numb {Meiko & BNM!/Tri!Taichi} [x] Encore (Adv+Tri!Chosen & Meiko Positive) {Gen} [x]
Warriors {Frontier} [x] A.M.Vs Index for the Rest: [x]
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{Its 2k23 Ppl Pls}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{DigiAdv 2020 Ep. 59} ~ 2020!Koushiro & INFO DUMPING {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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