#koushirouizumi verses
koushirouizumi · 11 months
#TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoilers
#TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoilers
{Under the READMORE.} (Mentions LIGHTLY but a pretty significant spoiler featured in W.T.W's larger review posted very recently.)
OK, so, I'm Still Not Saying MUCH {For Now} (Because I still haven't seen the FULL thing myself and I WON'T be able to myself until Nov. 9th. No, I don't have access to other showings)
But I did read W.T.W's review.
a.) I'm glad it clarified on timeline placement {a previous review full of rants about """ret-conning""" mixed up the year with a MUCH later one and didn't even see the irony}
b) The """new lore""" (NEWLY ADDITIONAL Lore) is actually HILARIOUS to me in regards to Repeatverse timeline{s} because:
c) in COFTFFVerse {a.k.a my verse for early forms of O.C.s} (if we include it adjacent to Repeatverse): {Note most of this lore I came up with PRE-TRI HAPPENING}: - Shane's partner just might end up being {IMPORTANT} - One O.C. Digi of mine {ALSO} is thematically related to HaShem (if in slightly differing contexts... But will Elaborate later) - Thus, {canon Digi} 'accidentally' {THANKS T0EI!!!!} has cross-fan lore connections to HASHEM - HaShem-esque was 'CANON COMPLIANTLY' accidentally BROUGHT INTO the overall timeline of the A.U.s verse* - I originally had these ideas {before T0ei's additional lore} when I was like 7~8 YEARS OLD - I have been cracking up about this since reading W.T.W's review not long after it was posted (and I was STILL late seeing it) - Today Has Been A DAY (In General) {along with the last 48~72 hours in general and the past week or so when it came to initial 'reviews' that obviously left out some important details and info that W.T.W's clarified} * I probably won't be including "The Beginning" lore in the overall 'verses later on, but I can definitely mess with it in future A.U.s ** If I did include it it'd be in intended "The Beginning" semi canon compliant stuff mainly, just to say (in advance) *** I do NOT plan on posting new works (of mine) that'd involve "The Beginning" {YET} because in the case of the A.M.V.s, I need FOOTAGE for those, which I WON'T HAVE until "The Beginning" footage is released outside of theaters, so you won't have to worry about spoilers for anything T0ei hasn't OFFICIALLY revealed {Img sets are another story but I still don't think I'll be posting any (that don't use previously released official footages) until later Nov.~Dec.!} **** If you clicked on this expecting a full length review, sorry, but I'm probably not giving further thoughts until much later on (I heard from the DigiNavi stream and W.T.W bit earlier on that there were also C.D. dramas included from theater showings? and I'm curious about those contents too for any further story clarifications, but yeah!!!)
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aph-japan · 2 years
{Digimon Adventure}/{02}/{tri.}/{Pre Epilogue-verses} {Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi’s Fanfics for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi {KouTai}/{Taishiro}/{Etc. (+Friend)Ship[s]}
I know there’s been a lot of Digimon Adventure-relevant fandom/fan-events going on lately. I usually can’t participate in events for varying reasons, but I’m glad to share my past works in the form of this index. ALL were created out of Positivity and respect for this series. Please feel free to reblog anything relevant if you have a fan-event going on and I've made a relevant work, as long as you follow my general Interaction rules! (Looking over my F.A.Q first would be beneficial to you too!!)
{This post is initially marked as 'no reblog', so I can go back and change later; but feel free to 'Like' if wanted!}
[I'm trying to keep this out of less commonly-used tags; but I do use {many of} these for organizing on my blog, and I hope they can reach more fans of these pairs this way!] As usual, many of my works can be found via my AO3! {Anything else will be linked here, then likely to AO3 in the future!}
Title: REPEAT?_ Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} (Main Focus) YamaSora {Yamato x Sora} is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments {along with a single ambiguous timeline one-shot} Summary: Taichi wasn't sure what he was expecting. …He just knew it wasn't… this…
(Please see inside for all Notes!)
Title: The Past World Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing (both Taichi & Koushiro) & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general - Royalty!A.U.; however things may not be as they appear... + Dark!Chosen Children A.U. appears in some parts (mainly in flash-back form, until...). Characters: Taichi, Koushiro, Adventure Chosen team, 02 Chosen Ship{s}: (Same as "Infalliable" listed below can be read in) + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus. Ken x Miyako has a scene where they're both present, but not completely in a relationship yet; as friendly. Yamato x Sora is implied for a few very fleeting, brief moments Ken x Daisuke is implied for a total of one (flash-back) A.U. scene, but will come to have a heavy presence in future sequels to this A.U.
"-- About that, you'd be better off asking your new advisor," "H-huh?--" When suddenly -- -- as if out of nowhere -- -- from a short distance -- a shy gaze peers up at him
… pure black eyes.
Title: Possession Rating: PG-13 / R (Violence implied) Notes: Epilogue era / Taichi and Koushiro are adults, 30-35+ - can be conidered a spin-off timeline / part of REPEAT?_ - partly based on general head-canons, partly based on my old as heck Digi-O.C. fic and the head-canons I / Young me had for its own future / epilogue era - Leans more post-02, {no Tri} canon compliant overall (thus many things happen differently between these two things) - (still) partly based on new ideas gained from Tri - KouTai + Government Corruption A.U.??? + Ambassador!Taichi (Koushiro hasn't quite reached the "Digital World" Researcher position Yet) Summary:
"We’re… being targeted," "but not just by---"
"One, a certain one, among them" "had the power to open the gate" "–and immediately close it again" Title: Ten Rating: PG-13 Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya {Friendship} Ship{s} KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} heavily Implied Summary:
“…Can you turn around and— - it’s April 2004. (..Or is it April 2003? Spring 2003?) - at the end of Spring 2003, something else astonishing occurred: Daisuke’s sister Jun, the Inoue sisters, & Shuu Kido all became Chosen at once. - an incident, (occured, and then) —
“I’ll help, so we, you, can get out of here !!—”
“They {Won’t come}”
…TAICHI-SENPAI’s GOGGLES ( … Are probably absolutely unfitting for Koushiro Izumi, but…. ) Title: Candles Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) or Mature / technically Work-safe Notes: some Specific Headcanons are heavily implied technically part of REPEAT?_Verse, ( ficverse version here ); - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff Verses: Post-Advs (can also be post-Tri/Kizuna); pre-Epilogue [+Kids]; Taichi has graduated a while ago by now. Taichi has been involved with his Ambassador career for a while, but it’s still getting off the ground too. (And it’s . Stressful) +Taichi and Koushiro are heavily implied to be living together already here. Summary: Taichi is having ... a hard time. Featured Head-canon: Jewish!Taichi (+Koushiro) Implied
Title: Dreams Rating: r18 Implied ? (Pre?-Fade-to-Black) {It's a bit Ambiguous. You Might Get An Idea} Summary:
Sometimes, Koushiro dreams. (Of Brown hair, Brown eyes.)
This can serve as a prequel spinoff to my other Koushiro-centric series, "REPEAT?"_-verse or be read as a standalone.
Title: (Dirty) Computer Summary:
"Do you like computers?" Tentomon had asked Koushiro, once.
“You just like working with machines more THAN PEOPLE, don’t you?!” … But why does it MATTER if Koushiro – DID —
A character study and analysis on Koushiro Izumi's Canon personality, (with a touch of heavily implied headcanons), with brief references to Koushiro's notable relationships, Family, and those Interests. "It's OK for you to be obsessed with computers!" - Mr. Masami Izumi, Adventure Episode #38 (There are some light references to the novel's given backstory details for Koushiro, including Koushiro's mindset there.)
Title: Koushiro Izumi Is Touched By Death Rating: PG Notes: Implications about Death & Grief (for passed loved ones), + the mourning/grieving process in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned Summary:
In which Koushiro Izumi Is Traumatized, Has Always BEEN Traumatized, And Daisuke Motomiya {NOTICES}.
Takes place shortly before "the summer of" a somewhere between 2003~2005. (02 takes place in April~December 2002, Tri takes place in 2005 June~December.) {Tri knowledge is not required to read, but may be helpful to understand continuity.}
Title: Infalliable Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general Characters: Koushiro Izumi & Daisuke Motomiya Ship{s}: (Implied) KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} can be read into the background, but is not actively discussed / mentioned; Daisuke x (Girl)!O.C. ("Hikaru"); in background; (My O.C. does not appear much within the context of the fic, but the dialogue refers to an event she was involved in immediately previously, with a Koushiro-focus and Daisuke-relevant aftermath.) Daisuke x O.C. aren't "together" yet; it is developing relationship. Ken x Daisuke x O.C. may be Implied in spin-off fic{s}; Ken x Miyako may be implied in canon-compliant 'verses, with former Ken x Daisuke heavily implied / mutually requited-yet-unrequited (as purssuing a direct relationship) / hinted. Poly-ships may be included in any future spin-off, but none are referenced in this specific one (yet). Summary:
Daisuke stares moodily ahead. Koushiro does the same, except Daisuke genuinely doesn't know - cannot even tell - if Koushiro's doing it "moodily" or not, because Koushiro's blank staring is that unreadable. They sit, Daisuke next to Koushiro, for a few long, long moments. And then -- Koushiro... opens his mouth -- "I'm not infalliable." Daisuke's eyebrows furrow, even if he can't look at Koushiro in this exact moment --
"Unshakeable? Indestructible--" Daisuke's head hurts. "I admit there was a time when I thought, ..." "NO!! That's not true!!"
"When you asked me, 'What about YOU, Daisuke-kun' -- the one who gave me that push -- that was you."
A "missing scene" of Daisuke & Koushiro friendship from my other Adventures & 02 Chosen fic; "The Past World" You do not have to read that one to appreciate this "missing" moment, as its mainly friendship. There is a slight hint of Daisuke/Original ("Girl") Character OC, but its more lightly implied; (Epilogue semi-canon compliant) There are also background relationships like Taichi/Koushiro, the slightest hint of background Ken/Daisuke, others hinted.
Title: Words Rating: PG Notes: Implications about self-loathing & Koushiro's previous self-depreciation {Novels-implied} in general; with a focus on self-acceptance + Koushiro's heavy use of formal speech and communication in the J.P.N version is referenced frequently. Tri is referenced / implied-as-AUs or for semi-canon compliancy (light spoilers for Kokuhaku; but not majorly referenced; just a quote) {plus a gif of a small moment involving Taichi + Koushiro} [also one more small conversation moment between Taichi and Meiko] (a scene from the first episode of the 2020 Reboot is referenced) - it can be read as a standalone fic - it can be read as an AU and/or spinoff of the main REPEATVerse; - or as its own standalone AU/spinoff (i.e. this can be read on its own) Characters/Groups: Taichi & Koushiro; Koushiro Izumi & Tentomon; Koushiro Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa; Koushiro & Izumis Ship{s}: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} focus Summary:
– To be honest,
Taichi and Koushiro don’t need words.
( They have a lot more than Just )
( words )
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi's AMVs for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi
One (Digi)-Week (with Taichi & Koushiro) {made pre-2011}
Beautiful Disaster
In the rain {Miraculous!Inspired Koushiro A.U.s}
"Miraculous?" Koushiro {Miraculous!Inspired Koushiro A.U.s}
Chosen Family [+Izumi Family; 02; Tri]
OBJECTION!! (Every Puzzle Has An Answer?)
I'll Be There For You
To A Brand-New World {Sailormoon!Inspired A.U.s}
Oshiokyo!! {Sailormoon!Inspired A.U.s} [+Mimi] (In-Progress)
Southern Cross Waltz [+2020!KouTai}
In the Infinitely Distant Sky
"KOUSHIRO on Self" (In-Progress)
Who Is Koushiro Izumi? {BELLE!Inspired Parody}
Forget About Love [+Kizuna; 2020!KouTai]
Spring Night Love Song [+Sora; Taikoura{to}; KouTai+YamaSora]
Love-Lost Elegy [+2020!KouTai]
Tsuki no Uta {Moon's Song} [+Kizuna]
{Dirty} Computer [+Tri, etc]
19sai [+Menoa; Kizuna] (In-Progress)
"rob0t" b0y [+Tri, 2020, etc] [+2020!KouTai]
Moon Rain [+2020!KouTai] (In-Progress)
Moon Revenge [+Frontier crossover; 2020 A.U.] (In-Progress)
Part of THIS World
KIMIPedia {YouPedia} [+Kizuna]
"BOKU" / "I" {Chobits!Inspired Character Introspection} (In-Progress) Parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 3 End (Ongoing!)
The Only Exception [+Izumis; Yagamis; Advs&02 Chosen]
"JIGOKU" Together [(Platonic) Izumis supporting Kou(+Tai)]
Further information under the 'read more'!
NOTICE: Lately, the video player has been having Issues displaying videos that I use the uploader for at time; this Issue has particularly been affecting "Study Me", but may also affect other more recent ones like "Part of Your World", etc. IF YOU Notice a video doesn't appear, please check back in a few days. If it still hasn't displayed again, PLEASE PING ME, PREFERABLY by the chat {messaging} feature, NOT ASKS OR @'NG (I might miss Asks and frequently miss @'s!!), and I'll see what I can do!! (In the meantime, you can also try watching one of my other A.M.V.s instead, as many of them are still functioning properly!!)
This post is not rebloggable (sorry!!) but I'll have another linking to it soon!
(More info under the '
All of these can be watched as stand-alones! Though they can also tie into my fic-verse / other A.M.Vs-verse; All of these are fine to watch on their own. The songs here tend to be much calmer than my other 'Verse, but even some of these can be passionately intense (which isn't very bad 'fitting'-wise for even direct Koushiro or Taichi focus specifically!)
Some are still currently being worked on (marked with "In-Progress") and may take a while to reach full Completion, but feel free to check back to this Index!
Please be sure to read ALL Notes on A.M.V.s before watching! (I add in Notes and attempt {for most all edits} spoiler warnings for your convenience. Please USE THEM) [If I forget to mention a part, I apologize! A lot of scenes tend to be used, but I try my best to indicate!]
Tip: Click any "H.D." button on a player so the quality is more smooth! Tip #2: Not all of these are Download-able, sorry! But if one is on Vimeo check the arrow icon in the corner of the player!... (You didn't hear it from me)
Not everything has been sub'd yet, (especially later ones) but I'm trying my best to eventually add in sub's for all the rest as I go / find the time! (In the meantime, please feel free to refer to any linked fan translated materials!)
Some A.M.V.s contain alternate ships depending on 'verse. (Alternate!-Universe) or not, Poly-ships and semi-canon compliancy, may also be represented and included. Please read ALL notes re ships on posts before Interacting!
I WILL BLOCK PEOPLE WHO Ignore these rules. My fan-works are for people who appreciate the series, Koushiro, and Taichi, NOT for people who hate the series as a whole or most any aspects of them canonically. They are also not meant to promote any sort of hate for any other Chosen or ship, regardless of their current focus. PLEASE try to Understand & remember this. I may also Block people who leave overtly negative commentary on any series character or ship featured. That is NOT the point of me making my fan-works, Please respect this if you choose to Interact.
I HAVE an 'About' and 'F.A.Q' (I am planning to make a newer / updated one for this blog specifically eventually. In the meantime please refer there, thanks.) Please read them before asking questions/sending messages! THANK YOU.
"Why are you doing this?"
Because when I was much younger, so many other ships already had LOADS of A.M.V.s and I never found very many for Koushiro or Taishiro / KouTai specifically, which I always found very odd, because they had more than just enough material to make full-length A.M.V.s out of... (and maybe more than you expected!!)
Years later, I'm evening out the playing field for Koushiro!!! (But more seriously, it's because I seriously enjoy making these and if I don't make them the idea is going to repeatedly echo in my head until I finally have it DONE, also as many of these were planned for many months~years and the outlines can take equally as long!!)
I'd be really happy and glad if anyone can come to understand Koushiro, Taichi, or KouTai (/Taishiro) more via these A.M.V.s, including from my own perspectives.
I'd be really happy to hear your thoughts or tags rambles!! Please let me know if something intrigued you or stood out to you, or if you liked a particular edit I made on a scene or sequence of scenes!! A lot of these can be quite hard for me to achieve! Respecful Feedback helps me improve and I may branch out further to other parts of the series + characters later on once I wrap up as many of my currently planned A.M.V.s as possible.
I AM NOT TAKING REQUESTS AT THIS TIME. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME, I will have to REJECT. THANK YOU FOR NOTING. (Full-length A.M.V.s can be really time consuming!!) If I'm open to requests, I'll usually note it (or ask mutuals for ideas). However this is NOT common and at this time, I have not officially opened requests. Thank you for understanding!
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Digimon Adventure 02 ~ A.M.V. {Anime Music Video} Title: “Kocchi wo Muite” {“Look This Way”} Sung by: Yukana Nogami Music © CLAMP / Kodansha (Originally from: Cardcaptor Sakura) Featuring Duo/Ship/O.T.P: + {Daikari} / {DaiHika} (with equal Hikari<->Daisuke P.O.V's, though leaning a bit more in Hikari->Daisuke focus) [+Bonus Ken, 02 Chosen as Support; Taichi & Hikari as Platonic/Familial/Supporting each Other]; {KenDai(+Miya)Hika can be read in; However, the main focus of this one is Daikari specifically, with KenDaiHika as side Poly!}
“Although you show COURAGE, YOU’VE{?} got it Backwards A {maiden}[?]’s Heart is {fragile} and Trying…”
“Throughout all of the {xxxx} WE’RE Invincible”–
Digimon Adventure 02 © Toei Animation A.M.V. by Me No $$$ is being made off this Fanwork
Notes: - The 1st minute took about 45 min; 2nd part made took about just over 2hr’s; The 3rd+4th parts from interlude on took 35~ min each, Altogether, it's already taken 3~4+ hr's. - This is my 08/02 Focus work, for August 2nd anniversary of Adventures timeline! (by August 2nd, Vamdemon's invasion of Odaiba had Begun) Daisuke, who was initially captured inside the same center as Odaiba convention center Vamdemon kept Tailmon trapped in; just might have come across a Certain Person (or two) Near this and the following exact Day{s}... (Alluding to Daisuke's official Drama CD audio Track from "Digimon Adventure 02: Spring 2003"!) - This A.M.V. is overall a Standalone work. (It is not directly involved with my other work); However, it can be considered a work For the storyline that’s a precursor to Repeat-verse, which came before that story was conceived!) Therefore, it can be watched as a Standalone! - I reused a part of an older edit for the earliest Tri P.V.; (for timing placements) it had an old subtitle on, but I’ll remove that for the finished version! - (There is a moment of Hurricane Touchdown!Taichi for Timing) {As it works for my fan-‘verse, I left it in, with a bonus by end!} However, the work is overall/near-wholly 02-focused (so far)! - There is a small amount of out-of-context scenes, However, they’re meant to overall parallel the lyric{s} on-screen. - There is a single Tri spoiler from Kyousei; involving the character of "Homeostasis", that (mind)-possesses Hikari briefly in Adventure Ep. 45 previously. {"Gennai" [Tri] can also be seen for some short seconds} - Major handful of "The Beginning" sequel spoilers by ending; However, it's all actually immediately Pre-Final battle. (The Digimon in final battle can be seen Clearly, +Rui)
{I have not yet re-written the Daikari storyline involved with the past ficverse of mine in full; So please take this work as a sort of preview to it!} The ending lines and following sequences especially hint/allude a little more to my ficverse's potential turnouts; but it can be viewed/read as semi or even fully canon compliant too!
(Further lyric{s} under ‘
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“Turn this way, don't look anywhere else, darling It'd be bad if you weren't completely by MY side… Although you show courage, you've got it backwards A maiden's heart is fragile and trying—”
If we get separated by any distance I’ll come after you
(J.P.N): {Verse #1} Kocchi wo muite yo So mi shinaide Daarin Chanto watashi no soba ni inakucha dame da yo Tsuyogari datte uragaeshi Otome-gokoro kyun to setsunai…
Donna ni tookute hanarete 'te mo  Oikakete 'ku wa— I'm like a jasmine flower, right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
{Verse #2} If it’s for "love", you’ll get stronger, darling So it’s true, I’ll "always" be your ""cute kid""-- Although there are some bad feelings in life No one will ever give up on a m a i d e n’s heart--(?)
Throughout all of the pain We’re invincible
I’m clumsy around you Protect only ME A magical love ONLY for US We should KEEP THAT our S E {C R E T}— Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
Koi no tame nara tsuyoku nareru no Daarin Honto wa zutto kawaii ko de itai kedo Yakimochi datte maji da kara Otome-gokoro dare ni mo makenai
Donna ni tsurai koto ga atte mo Futari wa muteki--
Bukiyou na anata no koto Mamoreru no wa watashi dake da yo Koi no mahou futari ni dake Wakariaeru HI{MITSU na n’ da yo}–
I'm like a "jasmine flower", right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
NOTE: The speaker may be speaking as if theyre NOT BEING CONSISTENT with their {FEELINGs}.
(Implied/Spoken): {My fic-verse Only}
"...I'm sorry." {"For before"}
"{None of it was} 'Your fault'." -Hikari to Daisuke
{"...It wasn't 'YOURS', EITHER--"}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
{Syo} ~ [Rai Rai All * R i g h t]
#koushirouizumi utapuri#koushirouizumi syo#koushirouizumi utapuri ref#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi no rb#a: syo kurusu#s: rai rai all right#maji love starish tours spoilers#(In Other News)#(Guess What Ive Been Rewatching Since Yesterday)#(Warning it DOES Get Flashy at minimal points Id recommend turning brightness down if youre prone to episodes!!)#(At least its much easier for me to watch this way than in fullscreen H.D.)#('UUUU' has similar Issues and HIGHLY recommend brightness turned down on that one in comparison to this one b U T)#: im me#(h E L P)#(THEY WERE WATCHING HIM PERFORM FROM THE SIDE AND WAVING AND SYO POINTS IN THE DIRECTION OF)#(WHAT LOOKS LIKE {NATSUKI}S SIDE)#(Ive rewatched UUUU few more times too I Admit bUT THIS WAS VERY FUN ACTUALLY IM SO PROUD OF SYO HHHHEHEHE)#(SYO... YOURE ACTUALLY PERFORMING... ON A STAGE... IN ANI-VERSE... WITH THE HEIGHTS ISSUE BC)#(THEY STILL CANT GET YOU A PROPER ARC BUT KEEP IMPLYING HEART ISSUETM IN SMALL BITS + ANGLES ANYWAY.....)#(LIKE AT THE END Syos . panting. really heavily and they EMPHASIZE It and like yes Effort but also)#(hE HAS A HEART CONDITION IN OG LORE AND THIS IS WHAT THEY GET HIM DO IN THIS CANON BUT IT *WORKS* HHHHH)#(HOW IS THIS SILLY SERIES LIKE THIS)#(WHY CANT WE GET A FULL SEASON WITH THIS KIND OF EFFORT LIKE YES THESE ARE FUN!!! BUT FULL SEASONS TOO!!!!)#(THIS WOULD BE LIKE PERFECT LEAD INS TO A SYO SEASON AND THEY KEEP REFUSING TO TAKE IT L I K E)#(WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED!!!! JUST DO IT ALREADY SMOOTH OUT THE LOOSE ENDS FROM LEAVING OUT ALL OF)#(SYOS REPEAT ROUTE STUFF)#(OK Anyway im LAUGHING at it too but its fUN thE PART WHERE HE CATCHES THE THING + TWIRLS IT ETC G O O D)#flashing lights
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{from here!}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure (Series) ~ REPEAT?_verse vs. Digimon Adventure: [2020 Reboot/Spinoff Anime] (Later Arcs) {Comparing} (Purely for Fun) Lines from my Story vs. Lines BY Toei Animation on Koushiro & Taichi {+Koushiro & Tentomon's Friendship} + The 'DIGITAL' World
"THAT'S {More like...?} [You], Izumi Koushiro." - Datamon
REPEAT?_verse began in 2k18: (In actuality I had begun outlining it by early Apr. 2k18, before Tri had even ENDED.) {"Bokura no Mirai" had not (Yet!) released.} - Adventure: {2k20} Ep. #59 hadn't aired until August 1st 2k21.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
ME, Into my Void: Anyway I super enjoy the concept of Pucchiemon -> Meicrackmon and if this becomes an official evo line (in future game-verses / the T.C.G. / etc.) I will absolutely take full advantage of it, Goodbye
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
{D I G I M O N} 02 ~ @.M.V. x “Kocchi wo Muite” {“Look This Way”} M U S I C © C.L.A.M.P / K O D A N S H A (Originally from: C a r d c a p t o r S a k u r a) + DAIHIKA
“Although you show C O U R A G E, YOU’VE{?} got it B A C K W A R D S A {m a i d e n}’s H E A R T is {f r a g i l e} and T R Y I N G…”
“Throughout all of the {xxxx} WE’RE I N V I N C I B L E”–
D i g i m o n 02 © T O E I @.M.V. by Me No $$$ is being made off this Fan-work
Notes: - The 1st minute took about 45 min; 2nd part took about just over 2hr’s; This 3rd part took about 35~ min, Altogether, it's already taken 3+ hr's. - Aiming for an 08-02 finish, but let’s see what happens…!! - This @.M.V. is overall a Stand-alone work. (It is not directly involved with my other work); However, it can be considered a work For the storyline that’s a precursor to Repeat-verse, which came before that story was conceived!) Therefore, it can be watched as a Stand-alone! - I reused a part of an older edit for the Tri P.V.; (for timing placements) it had an old subtitle on, but I’ll remove that for the finished version! (There is also a moment of R.O.D!Taichi for Timing) {If it works for full out-line, I might keep it in, as it works for my fan-‘verse} However, the work is overall/near-wholly 02-focused (so far)! - There is a small amount of out-of-context scenes, However, they’re all meant to overall parallel the lyric on-screen.
{I have not yet re-written the DaixHika storyline involved with the past fic-verse of mine; So please take this work as a sort of preview to it!}
(Further lyric{s} under ‘
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“Turn this way, don't look anywhere else, darling It'd be bad if you weren't completely by MY side… Although you show courage, you've got it backwards A maiden's heart is fragile and trying—”
If we get separated by any distance I’ll come after you
(J.P.N): {Verse #1} Kocchi wo muite yo So mi shinaide Daarin Chanto watashi no soba ni inakucha dame da yo Tsuyogari datte uragaeshi Otome-gokoro kyun to setsunai…
Donna ni tookute hanarete 'te mo  Oikakete 'ku wa— I'm like a jasmine flower, right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
{Verse #2} If it’s for love, you’ll get stronger, darling So it’s true, I’ll always be your cute kid Although there are some bad feelings in life No one will ever give up on a maiden’s heart
Throughout all of the pain We’re invincible
I’m clumsy around you Protect only ME A magical love ONLY for US We should KEEP THAT our S E {C R E T}— Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
Koi no tame nara tsuyoku nareru no Daarin Honto wa zutto kawaii ko de itai kedo Yakimochi datte maji da kara Otome-gokoro dare ni mo makenai
Donna ni tsurai koto ga atte mo Futari wa muteki
Bukiyou na anata no koto Mamoreru no wa watashi dake da yo Koi no mahou futari ni dake Wakariaeru HI{MITSU na n’ da yo}–
NOTE: The speaker may be speaking as if theyre NOT BEING CONSISTENT with their {FEELINGs}.
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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{K.O.B.A.T.O} ~ Ch. 24 ~ KOBAYASHI H o s p i t a l + "O.B-G.Y.N" (on sign)
{Cap by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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{H.O.L.I.C S.T.A.G.E}
"...I'm going to D I E like this, aren't I?--..."
"...Them-- {Aitsu}" - Dōmeki
{Cap by Me} {DO NOT RE POST} (Please ASK to Use)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
TERRIERMON, STARING at {'me'}/my O.C. Hikaru wide-eyed: You KICK TERRIERMON????? You kICK TERRIERMON like a FOOTBALL???!!??! O.C Hikaru, exchanging Looks with other partners: (But I DIDN'T....!) YOUNG M E: (*CACKLING AS I 'WRITE'*)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
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{Kuro+Shiro} circa 2k13 r.p {I'm Shiro} (the first meeting in a new {Place})
"I drew MYSELF" "and wrote" "I LIED."
{DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT re-purpose}
(I miss my old r.p. partners and cast-mates from this time, but at least I know most of my closest mutuals are doing well. Also I wrote semi-nice descriptions 10~ years ago, I should {keep} trying this again...)
#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi k#koushirouizumi shiro#koushirouizumi rp#koushirouizumi dw#koushirouizumi 2k13#koushirouizumi threads#koushirouizumi shiro threads#c: shiro#c: kuroh#(You can forgive Kuro partners' One 1 typo {Maybe thinking of slowly posting some more like this from r.p threads of old})#(They were a really great cast mate though)#(I still miss everyone I played against)#(I had him in a multi fan base place {here included but also more than one!} and it was so fun to play against whole other casts omg)#(Shiro also had quite a few chase threads running from Homra + Scepter 4 members THAT was Def fun to play)#(Action-y threads can be *really hard* to come by in r.p. nowadays and I MISS THAT)#(The funniest part of playing Shiro was when I got to mess with 'Misaki'+Saru players especially and Izumos were also v. fun)#(then later on other K cast players found my other charas in same or other games TOO which was also fun)#(I kind of want to re write and compile all of Shiros longer threads into a K oneshot compilation and flip them on A.O.3. somewhere)#(I was writing much more based in the novels and short stories verses negl because I had just read some w WeismannTM at the time)#(Every now and then I remember Shiros updated stuff from the short stories that were out at the time and I just get Emotional)#(Anyway some of my 2k13 rp Wow Look 2k13 right about when the DSM-V was updating Aut!diagnosis info almost like some remember it!!!)#i drew myself and wrote i lied#(Shiro was SO Conflicted here haha & really WAS treating the whole thing Maybe Not As Seriously As Shiro Should Have Been)#(For MONTHS in That place but also {theyre still being SO DRAMATIC l m a o} bUT LIKE FOR REASONS)#(Then Kuroh shows up and is once again THREATENING TO KILL {+IF ITS A TRAP} and Shiros like ' ... Oh . ')#('Oh right I was RUNNING AWAY from ALL these people in my world for A TIME...' {'But you KNOW ME.'})#({Kuroh} '... So why are you 'hanging out' with them HERE?'#({Shiro} 'Ummm {Its Not Really That} I just sort of *showed up* and they *began chasing me everywhere* and Things Happened--')
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Digimon T.C.G (Trading Card Game) {Revival} ~ Tentomon Line {+Motimon aka Mochimon; Pabumon aka Babumon} {+bonus Koromon + Botamon appearances!}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{Did I ever tell you all the end of the nearly a year-long harassment story???} (Also yeah they had made a new acct to leave that too.) {After getting other accts deleted by A.O.3}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs O.C.s {Shane & Co.}
Patrick (Younger): ... That's what you get for being born in the {late 80's}? SHANE, Groaning at Screen: Patrick: {Shane still doesn't quite Get how on-line communication has changed since 'those years'...} Shane: (I still know e-mail.) Patrick: (Besides e-mail.) Shane: (And forums.) Patrick: (And--) {was born too late to experience the heyday of forums} (Wait---) Patrick: Did you have a site??? Shane: Not really, but Hikaru did. Hikaru was more into site building than I was. Patrick: (...Is that a Yes or a No.) Shane, who was a complete Lurker:
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