#oc: shane s.
koushirouizumi · 11 months
#TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoilers
#TheBeginningSpoilers #The Beginning Spoilers
{Under the READMORE.} (Mentions LIGHTLY but a pretty significant spoiler featured in W.T.W's larger review posted very recently.)
OK, so, I'm Still Not Saying MUCH {For Now} (Because I still haven't seen the FULL thing myself and I WON'T be able to myself until Nov. 9th. No, I don't have access to other showings)
But I did read W.T.W's review.
a.) I'm glad it clarified on timeline placement {a previous review full of rants about """ret-conning""" mixed up the year with a MUCH later one and didn't even see the irony}
b) The """new lore""" (NEWLY ADDITIONAL Lore) is actually HILARIOUS to me in regards to Repeatverse timeline{s} because:
c) in COFTFFVerse {a.k.a my verse for early forms of O.C.s} (if we include it adjacent to Repeatverse): {Note most of this lore I came up with PRE-TRI HAPPENING}: - Shane's partner just might end up being {IMPORTANT} - One O.C. Digi of mine {ALSO} is thematically related to HaShem (if in slightly differing contexts... But will Elaborate later) - Thus, {canon Digi} 'accidentally' {THANKS T0EI!!!!} has cross-fan lore connections to HASHEM - HaShem-esque was 'CANON COMPLIANTLY' accidentally BROUGHT INTO the overall timeline of the A.U.s verse* - I originally had these ideas {before T0ei's additional lore} when I was like 7~8 YEARS OLD - I have been cracking up about this since reading W.T.W's review not long after it was posted (and I was STILL late seeing it) - Today Has Been A DAY (In General) {along with the last 48~72 hours in general and the past week or so when it came to initial 'reviews' that obviously left out some important details and info that W.T.W's clarified} * I probably won't be including "The Beginning" lore in the overall 'verses later on, but I can definitely mess with it in future A.U.s ** If I did include it it'd be in intended "The Beginning" semi canon compliant stuff mainly, just to say (in advance) *** I do NOT plan on posting new works (of mine) that'd involve "The Beginning" {YET} because in the case of the A.M.V.s, I need FOOTAGE for those, which I WON'T HAVE until "The Beginning" footage is released outside of theaters, so you won't have to worry about spoilers for anything T0ei hasn't OFFICIALLY revealed {Img sets are another story but I still don't think I'll be posting any (that don't use previously released official footages) until later Nov.~Dec.!} **** If you clicked on this expecting a full length review, sorry, but I'm probably not giving further thoughts until much later on (I heard from the DigiNavi stream and W.T.W bit earlier on that there were also C.D. dramas included from theater showings? and I'm curious about those contents too for any further story clarifications, but yeah!!!)
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ariaterramoon · 2 months
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Eli and Sarai | Meeting Genderbend Sarai
@reydoll made Desdemona and I was reminded that I had made a genderbend version of Sarai in 2014 or something and something triggered in my brain and I drew him lol
Genderbend!Sarai's name is S. Eugene Shane Luminoli! (I will reveal what S stands for in a mini comic I wanna do simply because I am dramatic hehe)
I wanna make more stuff with him! He's so cute and handsome and I wuv him! His nickname is Eugee (Yuji) btw owo don't call him Gene pls, he will smack ya hehe
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h20milk · 1 year
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ignore how much i look like when i'm yearning for your touch, how are you? how have you been? i missed you.
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3qu1us · 9 months
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the things i would do to be able to do this irl…
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klausshan3s-1978x · 1 year
Well, for introductions! I go by Leon! And you must be Klaus, yea yes! I've heard so much about you, some good some worse but it's a pleasure to meet you!!
Leon,it's a pleasure to meet you too. I don't need to introduce myself since you heard so much about me..
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ryliith · 1 month
Shane deserves positivity! Kendall and Atlas would fistfight the sun for him 💥😠
(Kendall is @salt-n-salt 's OC btw, go see her art if you haven't seen it already!! )
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And also,
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
SHANE MY BELOVED anyways gonna request based on an oc that i made/an ai chatbot chat that i did recently. selectively mute reader with shane, and how their relationship evolves? strangers to lovers probs. hcs or oneshot/drabble :3 -galaxy
I got 5 hearts with him as we speak so this is perfect timing <3
Settling into Stardew Valley was certainly going to be a challenge, especially with the new life you wanted to build here..and of course that entails meeting new people.
For most of your life, you've been selectively mute, only ever using your voice if you absolutely have to.
You never used it much at your previous office job, but it was still quite soulless and didn't make you feel good.
Even so, Lewis doesn't think you should stay a stranger and insists you introduce yourself to folks in Pelican Town.
You couldn't ignore the letters stuffed into your mailbox forever..so you finally headed into town.
While some villagers regarded you as "quiet", many of them chalked it up to you being new and welcomed you anyways.
Although Shane is indifferent and annoyed--as he is to most strangers.
You accidentally bumped into him, and he thinks you're rude for not saying "sorry".
Your brain sorta panics as you sign the words...but from the way he stares at you, you realize he doesn't understand what you're saying.
By the time you get out your notepad, he's long gone, mumbling about being late to his shift.
Since then, you try being polite and wave to him anytime you see him in the street or at the saloon..but he just wonders why you're bothering him.
One thing he kept noticing at the bar was that you always gave your order to Gus on your notepad, and he starts thinking there is a reason you can't talk and you weren't just being a dick specifically to him that day.
Still, he doesn't ask you. You're probably gonna stop trying to befriend him sooner or later. So why should he care?
One day, you approach Shane while he's working at JojaMart and asked him where a certain food ingredient was, pointing to your shopping list..and you see that irritable look in his eye again.
He had customers mixing up things on the shelves and snapping at him for things outside his control--and you caught him on a rather bad day.
He says nothing and just points further down the isle, but you just smile and mouth "thank you", signing the words before continuing on.
Poor guy goes red, convinced you blew a kiss at him just now...and it's all he could think about for the rest of his shift.
The very next day, you show up at Marnie's place with a fresh pizza, asking if Shane was home.
He gets flustered as HELL when he realizes you were at the mart buying ingredients to make one of his favorite foods...and he acted like a total jackass.
You left a note inside the container, which basically tells him you're selectively mute and realized your farm was just down the road from his aunt's ranch.
After reading it, he awkwardly apologizes and asks for a fresh start, to which you just smile and nod.
Jas, at this point, can see he's got a crush on you.
After that was cleared up, you two become friends and hangout together at the saloon often or share a beer on the dock.
You don't talk, but tbh Shane appreciates the silence between you two. He didn't have to force conversation, and neither did you.
Although that also enables him to vent to you about how downtrodden and repetitive his life feels, with you simply listening and accompanying him home.
It doesn't change the fact he felt like a burden to everyone, and one night you found him on the cliffside, his face covered in mud and tears, ready to give up on the world.
In his drunken haze, he forgot you were mute and wants you to tell him why he shouldn't do it..
"No wait..I..forgot you can't-"
"Shane..I'm here for you." Your voice comes out low, hoarse, and a little shaky, but he stopped sobbing the moment he heard it..and he stares up at you in shock.
"S-So..you do speak.." He mumbles. "You sound....like--like an angel...fuck..maybe they do exist. So you'll...be here for me no matter what? Even if I did something stupid...?"
You simply nod, and that makes him change his mind.
He just can't believe that out of all the people in this town, you chose to open up to him--some sad sack of shit who was about to jump off the cliff--and decide he should be the one to hear your voice first.
You actually wanted him around. And you never hated him despite all the times he was rude to you..
After he nearly vomits all over your shoes, you take him to the hospital, knowing he needed Harvey's intervention, and since then you've been supportive of his recovery journey.
He only remembers bits and pieces from that night..although the one thing he couldn't forget was hearing your voice.
It was probably so difficult for you to find it again, and he appreciates you talking him down, even if you had to close up and go totally silent for the next few days or so.
If you ever go into why you became selectively mute, Shane will do his absolute best to understand (and maybe get a little overprotective in the process if someone makes fun of you for it).
But if not, he'll still defend you regardless.
You teach him a few general phrases in sign language, which he tries to grasp and eventually gets the hang of.
At some point down the line..he asks you out on a festival date after much pressure from Jas and Marnie, and you were so excited you nearly yelled out "YES"-
But instead managed to nod happily, taking his hand and dragging him towards the celebration without a second thought.
Soon that little date turns into a genuine relationship, with Shane eventually moving onto your farm to help you care for the crops and animals, switching to alternatives to beer and promising to cut back on the hours he spends at the saloon.
Some days you'll be away mining, fishing, slaying monsters, or helping the Junimos rebuild the community center, but other times you'll stay inside and just cuddle with him, your pet, and the chickens.
He was muddling over why you chose him (a lot of self doubt still festers inside of him), and you spoke to him again--this time to his sober-self.
That was "because I love you".
And yes...he did cry.
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couldawouldashoulda50 · 7 months
A heart full of regret - Part 2 (William Nylander)
Part 1 is here
A/N - I’m going to start this off with an apology.  I’ve been writing as a female reader insert but did have a specific picture of someone in my mind for the reader herself, in terms of physical traits etc. Looking back, I should have probably made this a William x OC story.  I apologize if the body/hair/facial descriptions have made it difficult in any way to have the reader put some version of themselves into the story.  I’m sort of learning as I go along. 
I had planned to release this around the holidays but true to form, my personal responsibilities derail my escapism 😉
In this next part, there are some musician/song references to the late Shane MacGowan/The Pogues and Sinead O’Connor, as well as their respective funerals.  I have included the lyrics to the chorus of a song entitled Fare Thee Well Love by The Rankin Family (posted in the next blub 2.1) - but it’s passed off as a song written and sung by the reader.   While there are facts used as part of the story (including a couple of links to the reality), all of this is meant to be purely fictional.  
Warnings - overall 18+ themes (various sexual references), angst, alcohol, swearing, cigarettes, brief mention of illness/death - sorry if I missed anything.
Word Count 10K+
Thanks so much as always for dropping by.
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Early December, 2023
A wide grin spans your face as the broad man, with salt and pepper hair (more salt than pepper these days), approaches you.
“Hey handsome” you said cheekily followed with a wink, as he embraced you in a friendly hug. “I hope it’s still ok that I call you that….it’s the first thing that comes to mind every time I see you”.
“Best compliment I have had all day, next to my wife’s of course. How ya’ doin, kid?” Sheldon smiles at you as you step back from him.  Sheldon has always called you “kid” despite him only being  just shy of 13 years older than you.  
“Well then, as long as Jackie doesn’t mind that I call you that either”,' you smile as you and Sheldon walk toward the players lounge. “I’m doing well…busy, but good.”
“Ah well, you know my wife - she just laughs and agrees with you…she says you obviously have immaculate taste” Sheldon quips.
You chuckle and give him a little nudge. “Yeah, well, in most cases I do”, you smile.  “Dare I ask how you’re doing? I’m not asking about hockey…I just mean with the regular, normal-ish part of your life, if you even have that.”
“I need more normal these days than what I’ve been getting…but yeah, the kids and Jackie are all doing great. Thank God for them.”
You get the hint. The Leafs have been shaky out of the gate this season with inconsistent outcomes; it’s been like watching a pendulum swinging between pure magic and potential disaster.
You shoot Sheldon a knowing smile.
“Well, thanks for letting me stop by - I didn't like asking…I don’t want to ever be any kind of distraction, but I have something special to give Jake (McCabe) and Gaby wanted me to surprise him here after practice.”
“You gonna let me in on the secret?”
You lift the heavy coffee-table style book that you had been carrying along your side into view and run your hand over the smooth hard cover. Sheldon glances at the black and white photo of you spanning the surface. The photo was taken at one of your band's first sold out shows in Manchester back in 2010; you were just in your 18th year of life. Your long layered hair is tousled around your face; a cigarette dangles from your mouth.
“Yeah, I kinda love this. I’m so happy with how this turned out…the imagery and photography of all the guitars are amazing. We’re selling these books at the exhibit…it chronicles the collection of the guitars on display.”
You flip to a page showing a nickel and steel plated guitar from the 1930’s.
“I met Jake ages ago, back when he was on the Sabres. He and Gaby approached us after an acoustic show that we played. We just hit it off, all of us - Jake and I are both total guitar geeks and over time, he told me his dream was to have one of these nickel plated beauties. I said I had one that was rare which he totally flipped out about it - it’s this one in the picture”, you smile as you recount the conversation.
“Wow…it's really beautiful”, Sheldon leans over to take a closer look.
You continue your story, “So, I’m not sure - have you heard of Shane MacGowan?”
“Oh right, my brother became a huge fan when he moved to Belfast - Adam told me he passed. You knew him?”
“Our band has strong Irish connections with two of our members being from there; we met Shane and some of The Pogues a number of years ago. We managed to stay in touch - I was very fond of Shane, and he was of me. He was almost like a protective older uncle - know what I mean?  He had a rough go with that illness since last year and so after Sinead (O’Connor) passed, I stayed behind after her funeral and spent some time visiting him in the hospital. My heart breaks every time I remember him in that hospital bed - I haven’t been able to get those images out of my mind yet.”
Your emotions were already still pretty raw with your idol-turned-friend passing in July, but with another passing of someone you held so dear just a few days ago, you could feel your throat tighten with sadness and loss.
You took a deep breath. “Anyway, Shane played the same type of guitar in a duet he sang with Sinead back in the ‘90’s. Long story short, he had his wife give me the one he used for that song. As much as I love the one I already owned here, Shane’s means a thousand times more to me. So…I thought I would surprise Jake and give him this one, knowing how much he would treasure it”.
Sheldon continues to leaf through the glossy pages. “Y/N, you are pretty remarkable, you know that?” Sheldon throws his arm around you while discreetly looking at his watch. “I’m sorry, I gotta run but I know Jake will be coming through here any minute so just sit tight and he’ll be out. Oh - and Jackie was talking about having you over for dinner so she’ll be reaching out to you soon. See ya’, kiddo”. Sheldon gives your shoulder a little squeeze and then disappears down the hallway.
Over the years, you have become a welcome sight around the Leafs organization; your presence had essentially reached the point of being more or less commonplace and didn’t warrant the media coverage that it once did. You helped out with various MLSE charities as well, having a preference for more of the hands-on local charity initiatives, whenever time allowed it.
Ultimately, you had established some strong personal connections within the Leafs and their families, so whenever you were in Toronto, it was not an out of place thing to occasionally see you turn up at a practice or out to dinner with a few of the WAGs.
As you waited for Jake, various staff and players stopped by for a quick catch-up before heading home for the day. 
Jake eventually emerged in his Leafs tracksuit, freshly showered with a baseball cap on backward. He spots you and gives you a wide smile, mixed with some confusion, as he approaches you. Gio appears right after Jake and the two circle around you for a hug.
With the book concealed, you make small talk with the handsome veterans. They congratulate you on the gallery exhibit and they assure you they cannot wait to go and see it.
Two dogs suddenly appear out of nowhere; it doesn't take you long to determine they belong to William.
Knowing he would be appearing any second, you try to calm your nerves and focus solely on the dogs as they run towards you, jumping at your feet.
Your heart melts at the sight of them, and you gush “Oh my goodness, is this Pablo and Banksy?”
William hears your voice and stops dead in his tracks. His stomach flips and churns and his heart starts to race.
Oh my God, if that's her…holy shit…
He rounds the corner to see you bending down, allowing the dogs to completely envelop you.
“C'mon, whoa, whoa, whoa….boys - down…”, William chuckles and smiles at you somewhat apologetically.
“I don’t mind one bit…but you better listen to your Dad” you said to Pablo, giving him another scratch and rub as you stood up.
You smile at William who is posturing for an embrace and as his arms pull you in, as you reciprocate the gesture.
“How’s it going, William….” which you say as more of a statement than a question.
“Really good. It’s good to see you again”, William smiles widely, hardly believing you're in front of him now.
Before you melt or explode or however your body is reacting to his touch, you calmly say “you too” with a smile.
Turning back to Jake and Gio, you desperately hope you don’t appear as flustered as you feel.
William comes up on your one side while Jake and Gio, and even a few others have gathered around a countertop in the lounge.
“So, I have a bit of a surprise for Jake - that’s why I’m here. Actually, Jake’s wife is in on the surprise so I’m just going to call her real quick”. 
The men that had gathered look at Jake who appears a little panicked, but in the best way possible.
Gaby answers and you ask Gio if he could hold the phone up, showing her face on the screen, in which he obliges once waving hello to Gaby.
You flip the heavy, hardcover book around; everyone leans in to get a glance at the cover. William catches a glimpse of the photo of you on the cover.  He's not seen many images of you from when your career started, and the photograph captivates him immediately.  Your tousled hair, your eyes that always bore into his soul, and your beautiful mouth that many times had made William almost see God himself.
William discreetly gazes at you.
You had been polluting his thoughts since he saw you at Mitch’s wedding. He wished you could have stayed. He wished he could have talked more with you; maybe could have danced with you…or better still, touched you for the first time in 4 years.
As you begin to explain the details of Jake’s surprise, you try to tame the whirlwind of emotions that circle within you. Between the loss of a dear friend, the anticipation of giving Jake a guitar that he has only dreamt of, and the remnants of feelings that you carry for William, you have to pause a few times while you speak just to regain your composure and keep the tears at bay.
William watches you open the book, and as you flip to the desired page to show Jake his newest possession, pangs of guilt and regret hit William.
William was famous for his confidence; he rarely burdened himself with many heavy thoughts, as he did not waste time dwelling on the past or anything that he could not change. The anointed King of Unbothered. And, as well as that has served him in both his personal and professional life, there were rare moments where something or someone shook him right to his core.
As he studied the side profile of your face, at this moment, you were that very person. Someone he realized that he had carelessly, and foolishly, disposed of. He disposed of your friendship, your companionship, and your love. Four years ago, he cut all ties with you, which was well within his right to do. But, the manner in which he severed those ties, never once affording you the ability to say a word in response, still haunted him to this day. What was worse is that two years later, he reached out to you, seemingly desperate to get a hold of you, and then he ghosted you once you responded. Your head spun with even more confusion and hurt than you had ever felt before and as time went on, it was yet another proverbial nail in the coffin for you and William.
William mused that when he saw you at Mitch’s wedding, you could have behaved any number of ways. You could have gone out of your way to ignore him. You could have been snide and made his entire night hell. You could have berated him for his callousness. He probably deserved all three of these possibilities.
Instead, you greeted him with kindness and friendship, which to William, only further illuminated your ravishing beauty. The way you still managed to smile at him, even though he sensed a deep sorrow behind your beautiful, deep brown eyes, it rocked William’s typical carefree nature.
And now you stood before him and his teammates, gifting Jake a precious guitar simply because you knew how happy it would make him to have it. William’s chest heaved with a mix of deep desire and the stark reality of the mistakes he's made with you.
William’s mind snapped back to the present, smiling at his teammate as Jake reeled and appeared completely flabbergasted.
“I can’t believe you remembered that conversation about this guitar, Y/N…that was ages ago. Jesus - I still played for Buffalo at the time…I cannot believe you’re giving this to me” Jake said, his face flushed as he looked at you and then turned to his wife’s face on the phone “and you knew about this…” he grins at Gaby.
“Can’t wait to hear you play for me, baby”, Gaby said, blowing Jake a kiss.
“Ok, so once the exhibit closes, I’ll get the guitar prepped for you and have it delivered. There are some nuances to how to tune her so I’ll drop by sometime and walk you through it. Oh, and here - the book is for you as well” you smile wryly at Jake “sorry, I think I diminished its value by signing it….but there is a little note for you in there for you too” you chuckle.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve this but thank you so much Y/N. I’m completely stunned.”
After hugs were given and goodbyes were said, the small group dissipated. 
You turned to see William standing off to the side, glancing at his phone while Pablo and Banksy lay at his feet.
“Awh, your boys are tired” you said, unable to contain your smile looking at the two dogs, and then at William. “They’re awesome - it figures you’d have the most fly dogs ever”.
“You ever think about getting one? I guess it’s hard with all your travel but you can take them with you. I take these guys along with me all the time, almost everywhere I go”.
“When COVID started, I was in London…I started fostering from a nearby shelter. I wanted to give the dogs that were constantly overlooked a chance to get out of that environment and see if we could get some viable adoption candidates. I have been doing that here as well - my last girl just got adopted after being in a shelter for over 8 years; I just haven’t had the chance to go see another one to bring home.”
You bring out your phone and lean towards William to show a picture of the last dog in your care, Siba, a nine-year old Asian Shepherd. 
William cheeks flushed pink as he catches the scent of your fragrance; a sudden urge to have his lips graze your skin as he recounts each location on your body where you usually dabbed each drop of perfume has his mind racing and his cock hardening.
Either side of your neck. 
Sometimes behind your ears. 
Your wrists.
Between your breasts.
Sometimes a little swipe across your navel.
“She’s so beautiful…” William said, hoping that you’d get the subtle hint he might be referring to you as well.
You shift uncomfortably for a second; he’s standing so close that you can feel his breath.
No. He didn’t get to do this to you again. The innocent remarks that whisper allusions to his desire for you is what you thought you wanted to hear for the past 4 years.  But, all the sentiment is doing now is creating havoc in your mind.
You swipe the screen to close the photo down and drop the phone back into the pocket of your coat. You turn back to William and smile, now in a little more control of yourself than before.
“Christmas came early this year I guess…for both Siba and Jake.” you said, as you lean down to pet the dogs again and say goodbye.
“Oh - wait…speaking of Christmas…” William hesitates, sensing a slight change in your disposition. “I have been meaning to get in touch with you about that…”
“Oh, right - yeah…no worries…your Mom reached back out to me and said you gave the thumbs up for staying at the house. She mentioned you would reach out but I’m sure you’ve been pretty busy.”
William has an inkling when you’ve mentioned him being “busy”, you’re not referring to his hockey schedule.
“I’ve been working out some details with your parents already…it’s all good.” You tried not to sound too curt but there was a definite chill in your response.
William senses the conversation is quickly derailing.
William’s voice becomes low and soft. “Hey….maybe we could still get together sometime?   Maybe drop by sometime?  I'd kinda like to be involved with the Christmas thing and… it’s just there are some things that we maybe need to talk about.”
Talk. He’s about a million years too late for that, you think to yourself.
“If you feel there’s a need, sure. Let me know when and where…you moved, right?”
William’s expression changed, showing shades of remorse. “I’ll text you the address. I just have practices for now; we don’t play until the 7th so any afternoon is good. Today even, if that works for you”.
“I’m flying out to Ireland again late on the 5th so yeah - maybe today or tomorrow…” 
Thinking back to your conversation at Mitch’s wedding, William joked with a slight smirk “Ireland again? Not another funeral I hope…” 
You quickly looked away, tears threatening to well up in your eyes. 
“It is, actually” you said softly.
Oh my god, you idiot, William berated himself in his mind. ”Fuck…Y/N….I’m so sorry…I shouldn’t have joked”.
“No, I know, Will. It’s ok…I’ll be ok” you smiled, faintly. It seemed like, for the thousandth time that day, you fought to suppress the ache deep within you and had to fight back tears.
William gently reached for your hand and pulled you into his arms. Involuntarily, you gripped onto his hoodie, probably a little too tightly, all in an effort to not completely fall apart in front of him.
You pull away, still trying to hide the anguish on your face with a smile. It broke William a little to see you struggling to maintain your composure. Always putting on a brave face, no matter how cracked or broken you felt, was what you did. It was how you were wired.
“Here…if you’re leaving, I’ll walk you out to your car” William said, searching for his keys in his pocket.
You were tempted to come up with an excuse to avoid spending any additional time alone with William, simply because every molecule in your body was inexplicably drawn to him.
Fresh out of reasons or rationale, your mind was too overwhelmed lately to come up with the excuse needed to flee in the opposite direction. The 4 of you walked down the corridor together in a comfortable silence, and exited into the parking lot.
Pablo and Banksy bolt forward out into the daylight, but do not stray far from their Dad, as they happily jump on each other while nearing your vehicle. William smiled to himself and shook his head. Of course your vehicle of choice wasn’t a super luxury SUV or sports car. You took your key fob out and unlocked the black crew cab 4x4 truck. He could picture it now; you in your tank top and jeans, covered in dirt and dust with your work gloves on, hauling lumber and bags of concrete mix for a mini home project.
You were always a parallel of opposites.
Poised and immaculate at high-profile events and functions versus you at home, decked out in ripped work clothes with sweat and sawdust stuck to every part of your body.
Your ultra-cool and larger than life demeanour on stage as you absorbed the electric energy from the crowd versus your sometimes quiet, humble, and super composed personality off stage.
Your vocabulary and your way with words versus your ability to spout off more profanity than a pissed-off truck-driver.
The innocent and submissive side you showed William while making love on many occasions, when he was between your thighs versus the absolute rocket you became when you flipped the switch and took complete control of his body.
“So….what about today. Do you think you could come by later on…I could order in some food - we could catch up?”
You open the door to your truck and Pablo and Banksy both put their front paws on the running board, their tails wagging furiously.
You look at them and chuckle, and bend down to let them bombard you with affection.
“Yeah, you know what…sure, that sounds good. But if you don’t send me your address and end up ghosting me yet again…William….I just - don’t even….”, shaking your head and chuckling, leaving the sentence unfinished. You hop into the truck and William shoo’s the dogs away from the truck door.
“Awh - Y/N - fuck…” William winces at your sarcasm, rubbing the back of his neck, showing a mix of guilt and acknowledgement that he deserved it. “I’m not going to do that”.
“Uh-huh….famous last words,” you said in a cheeky tone, rolling your eyes as you turned the ignition on. “I guess we’ll see you later…bye boys…”.
William chuckled and watched you drive off towards the exit. Walking back to his SUV with the dogs in tow, he felt an excitement, to the point of giddiness, which he hadn’t felt in ages about anyone. He had no idea how the future would pan out but he could at least look forward to tonight so the two of you could finally clear the air. 
William arrives home and after one last bathroom break for the dogs, he starts his typical routine of making calls while eating whatever he picked up from the chefs at the rink or on the way home. He knows your food preferences and makes a mental note of which restaurant he’ll call for take out from. The last thing he does before his afternoon siesta is a quick home delivery order of red wine and other essentials.
He stretches out on the couch that he recently had deep-cleaned due to his last few
sex-capades, none of which seemed to end well or at least warranted an invite for a return visit. He begins to drift off; his dogs curled up around his feet and legs.
Panic suddenly grips him as he realized he had not sent you his address.
See? no 👻 - 😉 William texts as he sends you the address.
If I had forgotten - what a fuckin disaster William thought before falling into a restful sleep.
A couple of hours later, and at least an hour before William was ready to wake up, his phone began to dance and vibrate on the coffee table. Groaning, he grabs the phone off the table and fumbles with it until he can focus on the caller.
The name “Trina” is illuminated on the display.
“Fuuuuuuck” William grumbles while forcing the call to voicemail. “Should have fucking blocked her”.
Since the last time William and Trina had seen each other, there had been a few harmless texts; mostly Trina following up on William’s health and well-being. 
Despite the rather unappealing outcome of their last meeting, William had started to think perhaps he had been too hasty in judging their first sexual experience together. She was beautiful, eager, and readily accessible; these are the exact qualities William needed for a short term fling. He decided to keep his options open, although he continued to feign being unwell until he was ready to see Trina again.  
This all was, of course, prior to William seeing you again.
A voicemail notification appears on the screen followed by a text message bubble.
Missing you - let me come by and make you feel better 
William rubs his hand over his face, stroking his moustache as he thinks about how to respond. Thanks but I’ll be ok. Just need some more rest. I’ll msg you soon. Good enough, William thinks and sets his phone back on the table. 
He leans back on the couch, and closes his eyes again, when another chime sounds from his cell.
“Jesus - take a fucking hint…” he mutters, grabbing his phone. 
It’s from you:
You sure about the no 👻… you didn’t tell me what time… have you already started 🏃?
William laughs and responds:
I’m not gonna 🏃… too tired.  I might hide tho.  How’s 5?
Dots appear as you type your response:
Ooof 💀. K - see you then.
90 minutes from now. Fuck. I should have told her 4.
William continues to read your text exchange over again as he smiles to himself. You always succeeded in making William laugh, no matter how small the exchange was. Your individual senses of humour seemed to mesh flawlessly - he seemed to get you and your little idiosyncrasies, the same way you understood his.
He looked forward to the possibility of earning your friendship back and maybe even more. William wondered if you had met anyone; he had heard rumblings a while ago about you catching the eyes and interests of a few other NHL’ers but he hadn’t heard anything since. In William’s mind (and he was aware he had no claim on you), he dreaded the idea of you being with anyone, but there was something so much worse if that guy was another hockey player in the league. 
He pushed those thoughts to the side; he would need to establish rumour and fact later, and it made him queasy just thinking about it.
Rather than trying to steal a few more minutes of sleep, William putters around the condo tidying up here and there, but feeling no pressure in having the place look unlived in.
Nerves were starting to build. William seemed to wander aimlessly from one room to the other, serving no other purpose than to kill time. Although he had a shower after practice, William decided on another long shower to help him relax, and to allow him to take some additional care with his grooming regimen.
William steps into the hot water and closes his eyes as the warmth and the steam envelop him. Every quiet moment lately, William has thought about the two of you and your past. Memories that never seem to erode; images that William would often rely on when he needed to drift off to sleep or relieve some built up “tension”.
Streams of water weave their paths down William's broad chest, through his chest hair and down his toned abs, eventually trickling down the veins of his cock, and dripping off the tip. He begins to feel a stirring, an urge with the thoughts of your arrival. William's strong hand gingerly wraps around his shaft and he begins to pump himself with long, methodical strokes.
He remembers the occasions with the two of you in the shower….
….you on your knees before him and encouraging his cock further into your mouth until the tip is rubbing against the back of your throat. With his hand fisting the hair at the back of your head, you allowed him to fuck you deep in your mouth until you tasted the pre-cum seeping onto your tongue. William marvelled with how much your mouth could accommodate as you expertly controlled your gag reflex and breathing.  It seemed with your years of voice and mouth exercises, the benefits were many, beyond simply increasing your vocal range and pitch.  
As William spouted broken sentences of praise for what you were doing to him, you would masterfully take control of his cock with your hands, stroking his girth, alternating between licking and sucking the rounded head as it turned shades of feverish reds and purples. William’s grunts and loud groans never ceased to arouse you as William began climaxing.  You lapped at his balls, gently sucking on them as you continued to pump his shaft.  You ached to hear the warnings before he cums, desperately waiting for him to unload.  Gripping his ass, your mouth engulfs his cock, your head moving back and forth at a frenzied pace.  You force the oozing head towards the entrance of your throat.  William’s hand cradles the back of your neck, allowing you to look up.   Your eyes locked on each other as his seed coated the inside of your mouth. You smile as you enjoy the taste of him, and slowly guide his cock away from your open mouth as strings of your spit mixed with his cum stretch from the head.   Your eyes remain fixed on his; soft smiles and intimate words are lovingly exchanged as you continue to lap, suck and fill your mouth again and again with his generous cock.
William shuddered as he watched you intently overtaking his semi-erect member into your mouth.  With you maintaining his heightened arousal, the urge to spread your thighs apart for him to greedily feast on your pussy took hold. You always claimed to be a better giver than receiver, but William was now hell-bent on respectfully pushing your boundaries. Without fail, each and every time, you had given him the hottest oral of his life, and William was determined to reciprocate until your pussy was properly worshipped.
He pulled you up and pressed you hard against the shower wall with his thick and muscular frame. He scanned your face, focusing his gaze on your lips; he watched as the water washed away the remainder of his cum that had oozed from your mouth.  He used his thumb to slowly guide the fluids back into your mouth, allowing you to suck on the tip of his thumb.  He kissed you; his lips were hungry and eager on your mouth as his tongue manoeuvred around yours. His hands moved skillfully from massaging your tits, down along your sides, and towards the front of your abdomen. You let out a gasp and bit your lip hard as 8 fingertips gently landed with a faint, feather-like touch near your pussy, as he began to lightly graze your wet and ready folds. You begin to shiver at his touch and have the goosebumps to prove it; your pussy is past the point of throbbing and you are almost on the fringes of insanity waiting for William to binge on your core.
He wanted to mark you tonight. His mouth slid down your body, nipping and sucking some of the most pleasurable, albeit discreet, areas of your toned body. As he knelt on the shower floor, he caressed your long leg, leaving love bites at the apex of your slender thigh which he then guided one over his shoulder. His mouth instantly latches onto your folds as he slowly strokes your clitoris with his pointed tongue. You shriek, reacting to William suddenly engaging his jaw muscles to tongue-fuck you in concert with mercilessly licking your clit. William rubbed his facial hair repeatedly over your most sensitive spots, feasting on your swollen pussy as if it was his favourite dessert, moaning with pleasure as your arousal hit his taste buds. He loved hearing you cry out his name, watching you let go of your usual collected composure and allowing him to help release your inner inhibitions.
As an added bonus, he inserted his middle and ring fingers slowly and deeply inside your cunt. He adjusted and moved the ends of his fingers eventually hitting the most desirable spot as he watched you writhe in pure ecstasy. He wanted to see you succumb to the sensation as he continued lapping and stroking your clitoris with his tongue. He began to move his fingers rapidly in and out of your entrance, until your thighs began to shake and quiver involuntarily. William increased his already formidable pace with his fingers and his tongue as you fight not to collapse under the sheer magnitude of your impending orgasm.
And when he brings you to the highest level of pleasure, he vigorously gyrates his fingers deep inside your core, inciting you to cry out as you squirt for him. After he made you spray for him a few more times, he laced his fingers with yours and he stood up, pressing you against the shower wall again. One hand slides back down to your pussy and he gently rubs two fingers against your engorged clit. William’s eyes are locked on yours as he slowly pulls his fingers up to his mouth, and wipes the sheen from your arousal on his pouting lips. He runs his tongue along the shiny trail he made with his fingers, whispering in your ear of how delicious you are.
Back in a lonelier shower, William’s head falls back under the steady stream of hot water that begins to collect in his open mouth as he’s reaching his orgasm. He spits it out and begins to grunt as streams of cum erupt into the flow of water heading to the drain on the shower floor.
He pants for a moment, catching his breath. He needed that. He needed to take the edge off before you arrived.
William steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his midriff. The steam quickly dissipates as he exits the bathroom into his bedroom, and he takes his time selecting the relaxed and casual attire for the evening. He glances at his phone to check the time. 4:30.
He sighs and smiles slightly; he’s really looking forward to tonight, to just have you there relaxing on his couch, catching up on the past few years.
He checks his messages, making sure there was nothing new from you.  There is, however, another text from Trina.
My friend and I are going to Mademoiselle for Happy Hour and then dinner. Maybe it will do you good to come out - we can all have a little bit of fun?
Knowing the message will show as being read, William sends a short response.
Not tonight, but thanks anyway.
Trina responds with just an emoji showing her disappointment.
William shakes his head and finishes getting ready. Minutes tick on but it feels like hours, and he’s getting impatient.
The ringtone on his phone assigned to building Security begins to chime, startling William for a moment and each of the dogs perk up their ears in response. He answers the call and his stomach flips once the guard announces your arrival.
He can hardly believe how nervous he’s become and silently kicks his own ass in his head for being so ridiculous. But on the other hand, it’s you. The one girl he still finds himself longing for after so many years.
He props the door open wide enough so you can spot him once you get off the elevator; Pablo and Banksy sit at William’s feet anxiously anticipating the arrival of someone new.
Once the elevator reaches William’s floor, he can hear the chime and the doors sliding open. You step into the plush waiting area and then follow the signs pointing to the appropriate suite number.
You round the corner and see him waiting in his doorway. It’s no use to try and conceal your smile when your eyes land on his grinning face. He opens up the door allowing the dogs to fly down the hallway in your direction.
William watches you beam with delight as you bend down to greet the two.
After tummy rubs and a lot of cooing from you, the dogs follow you back towards the condo where you greet William with a friendly embrace.
William takes a moment to gaze at you; your curls are contained by a loose bun, you are dressed in a tan coloured pea coat, black turtleneck with black slacks. You managed to make clothing that were simple and understated look elegant and absolutely fucking sexy. He inhales deeply - your appearance already has William rattled.
He takes your coat and you remove your heeled boots at the entranceway. The dogs follow your every move as you scan his condo. Had it not been December and the days being so short, you could imagine how a sunny day would radiate throughout the place from the large windows and glass balcony doors from the living room.
“This is really beautiful, William. Such a fantastic part of the city too,” you said smiling, your eyes wide and shining.
“It’s small, but I’m on a waitlist for a larger place up on the penthouse floor. It’ll be better when my family comes to visit…so they don’t need to crash at your house at Christmas again” William laughs. 
“Well, yeah…I get it but I have to say, I’m really looking forward to having them stay. It’s far too big for just me, so having some life around will be amazing. At the very least, I’m hoping someone in your family will kick your ass at ping-pong…or at any of the other games, really…” you smirk.
“Ha, yeah…never gonna happen…” William laughs.
“Ah, well…pardon me as I try to squeeze by the giant ego that just arrived” 
“Ouch…hey, I'm just telling it like it is”.
You roll your eyes and scoff. “Ok, King...let’s leave it there.”
The conversation and friendly banter ensues; there are no awkward moments or strained silences. The shared mood is happy and light and soul-warming, much like it had been all those years before. There was a tinge of bashfulness at times as you both would steal glances at each other. It seemed apparent that you both were still very much attracted to one another.
Prior to seeing him, there were moments that you found it annoying to still have these feelings simmering just beneath the surface, given your spirit had been shattered for much of the past four years. Nevertheless, he wasn't to blame for the anguish you shouldered…it's how life was; you caught deeper feelings for him than he did for you. End of story.
At that very moment, it didn’t matter anyway. Or at least, you were going to bury those thoughts way back in the proverbial closet for tonight.
The wine arrives via delivery, followed by dinner. You both opt to sit on the floor and eat at the coffee table in the living room, devouring the variety of sushi and sashimi pieces William had selected.
You filled him in on some of the different music and business ventures you had been a part of since COVID. He asked you about certain gigs and various celebrities, trying to get you to spill some dirt (although tempting, you did not oblige). 
He in turn told you about some of his brother’s exploits with women, and you reminisced about the old days and the unhinged female drama involving Kasperi and his ex-girlfriends that you witnessed firsthand a number of years ago.
Your muscles in your face began to hurt from smiling and laughing; it’s been forever since you’ve been able to truly unwind like this. You realize that the wine is going down far too easily and you felt a little more buzzed than you should, with remnants of jet lag still plaguing you from the previous round trip from Europe.
William had excused himself to the bathroom, and in an effort not to submit to the wave of drowsiness that was creeping in, you got up off the floor and started cleaning up the containers and plates scattered around the table.
William appears from the hallway and tells you to leave everything - he will clean it up later.
“Ha – no, I need to move - I had a brutal travel schedule at the end of November and it nearly killed me. This exhaustion just strikes whenever, so I had to at least stand up…otherwise, you’re going to find me passed out on the floor.  I feel like a narcoleptic lately.  Plus - that wine…is really, really fucking good…I feel a little drunk,” your face flushed as you laugh.
“You can stay here tonight, if you want?”
You hesitated as waves of nostalgia and cautiousness, in equal measure, washed over you. “Are you sure - I wouldn’t want to cramp your style…”
Before you can stop yourself, you blurt out some musings - or misgivings rather - about his current love life that had been bouncing around in your head.
“I’m sure your dance card is pretty full these days…maybe you’ve got a young model-type waiting for you later somewhere?” you try to joke as you rinse off the plates and stack them in the sink. Your fear that he'll see right through your comments as you look for some clarity on his current love life.
William chuckles and shakes his head; he knows this is partly because of what has been stirred up about his personal life during the Sweden trip.
Touch her. Hug her. Kiss her….do something William thinks.
“I’m positive…I really like this…us hanging out, you and me again. And…please - stop cleaning up” he laughs.
William offers you a small towel and helps you dry off your hands. He smiles as he gazes at you.
“It's really been amazing to see you,” William says softly.
You're certain that the surface temperature of your cheeks are reaching five alarm status as he pulls you closer against him as he leans against the kitchen counter. William feels your light touch as your hands gently lay on his chest.
He searches your face. “And we haven’t really talked about the stuff from before - with what happened with you and me. Do you think maybe we should?” William asks quietly.
You can only manage to look directly into his eyes for brief moments; anything longer will make you crumble.
“I think we can shelve it…it’s not going to change anything that happened before. It’s been such a fantastic evening already…I don’t think we should spoil it by dredging everything up from the past.”
You stare at the thick chain around his neck using it as your main focal point.
 “Yeah, ok…you’re right. It doesn’t change anything that went down.”
You nod your head and look up at his face, blushing more heavily as you try to contain your wide smile.  
Your head is swimming but your need to be in control of your emotions takes hold, and you apologetically excuse yourself and head to the washroom.  William just smiles and lets his hands slide down your hips as he releases you from his embrace.  
You try to stabilize your heart rate and your thoughts. Your desires versus your logic are each trying to get the upper hand in your mind. You take your time, willing yourself to sober up a bit before heading back out to William. You drink some water from the tap to try and dilute the effects of the alcohol you’ve consumed. You study your reflection in the mirror and after repositioning a few curls here and there and applying a little more lip gloss, you exit the bathroom.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door spurring the dogs to start barking. You hear William pad over to the entrance and pause for a moment before turning the lock and opening the door.
You hear a female’s voice shriek “Willy!! Heeeey….I missed you so much”.
You can hear the sound of bracelets clinking as the woman wraps her arms around William, followed by an audible kiss. It's crystal clear that she currently has something going on with William.
You hear the dogs muffling whines once William gently commands them to quiet down.
You stop dead in your tracks, feeling completely trapped. Part of you wants to return to the bathroom and not hear any of their conversation. The masochistic side, however, wants to hear every word.
Your brain begins to spiral out of control.
How did you manage to misread this situation again? What was that in the kitchen….was it meant to be platonic? Would he invite you here just to tell you about her?
It feels like a literal punch in the stomach, and you instinctively place your hand over your abdomen as though it would help numb the ache coursing through your body. You stand in the hallway, completely motionless as if your feet were concrete blocks.
“Trina, what are you doing…I mean, how'd you even get in?”
“I dunno, the security guy and the other one were dealing with somebody, someone else was leaving, they held the door, so…we just walked in. Oh, this is my best friend, Lara. I told her how fucking amazing our first date was. She's a fan of yours too. We were out for a few drinks and I thought the two of us could come by to help you feel better. You and I haven’t seen each other since the last time….I know you said not tonight but here we are,” Trina giggled, her words slightly slurred from intoxication.
Lara glared at her friend. Trina had said William was ok with them coming over anytime she wanted, and she claimed he would be game for anything they wanted to do.
William’s present demeanour is definitely contradicting Trina’s story.
For years now, Lara, being the pragmatic one of the two, had been suspicious of how much truth was behind Trina’s claims when it came to the men she had met and dated. True, William and Trina had sex; that much was obvious. However, based on the number of times Trina initiated contact versus William, Lara surmised William might be only willing to meet solely on his whim, given the tone of his short and dry text messages that Trina showed her. Trina was too wrapped up in all the media attention William had been receiving lately to even notice the bland tone behind each of his responses.
When Trina and Lara arrived at Mademoiselle that evening, Trina was clearly on a mission, ordering multiple Perfect 10 Martini’s because, in her inebriated words, she was exactly that. Her mission was to make sure William felt that about her too.
When Trina came up with the brilliant idea of dropping by William’s in order for the two ladies to seduce him and coax him into bed, Lara thought there was no way she was being serious. Lara allowed Trina to call the shots just to humour her; she had learned long ago it was better to play along first before pulling the plug straight away on Trina’s antics. If Lara was being honest though, the exciting flipside of this situation is that if she was ever going to have an opportunity for her first threesome (and if he was truly willing), it might as well be with William Nylander.
As Trina continues to ramble about their evening and some explicit ideas she has for the hours that lie ahead, Lara scans the scene in the living room. Her heart drops when she realizes William is not alone. First she spots two wine glasses - William had filled up your glass while you had stepped away to the washroom. She looks over to see your Louboutin stiletto boots placed off to the side. Then your jacket. She glances at William and can’t quite determine what emotion has registered on his face.
“I….I’m sorry William - I didn’t know you told Trina not to come by tonight” Lara interjected. William looked toward Lara and verbally confirmed, he definitely told her not tonight.
“I have a guest so it would be better if you both just head home” William said calmly.
Trina’s eyes suddenly widened. “A guest??” Trina's voice is raised as she emphasizes the last word. “Do you have another girl here tonight? Where is she? So…what - is she fucking HIDING? Come on out, bitch…let’s see you - I guarantee it, you got nothing he wants” Trina yelled into the air as she looked around the space.
“Alright - enough…you need to leave or I’ll fucking calling security…” William's jaw was clenched as he warned Trina and Lara.
“No - please William, I’m so sorry…we’re leaving. I'm so embarrassed - she said we could come by.”
Lara grits her teeth when she looks at Trina. “You…we’re going….NOW…”
Lara grabs a hold of Trina’s trench coat and half guides but partially shoves her as she stumbles down the corridor. Lara’s voice was a low growl as she berates her until the elevator arrives.
William watches the two girls vanish around the corner to the elevator, hearing the chime as it arrives on his floor. He steps out of the doorway into the hall making a call down to security to ensure they have exited the building. Sometime soon, William will have to go down and find out how they got in from the get go.
He stood there, exasperated as he rubbed his forehead as he re-entered the apartment. The dread of facing you now is creeping into his mind. William is genuinely worried that the fallout from tonight’s events is that you won’t want anything to do with him going forward.
Indeed, that was one of the many thoughts going through your mind. You knew you were judging him and his lifestyle, and you knew you had no right to do so. Just because you chose to abstain from casual sex or any kind of relationship for all these years, certainly did not mean he had to do the same.
You’ve known all along that he was super popular with women. He didn’t have to do much to have girls reaching out to him in droves. Through various means, you also knew he took advantage of his popularity, with being spotted out and about with a number of gorgeous girls over the years.
However, acknowledging reality in theory and seeing it first hand was completely different.
As you stood there listening to Trina drunkenly spout off details of what she and William had done previously and the plans she had for him tonight, you wanted to wretch. The worst part about it was you knew your soul that you still wanted him, but William had moved on, many times over. 
You and William may have started as convenient and casual hook-ups but it never was just about sex with you. It was about all of him. No amount of time or distance or how much you pushed it down could cure you of your feelings for William, up to this point anyway.
But now, all you can feel is torment and defeat from that gut punch from the last 5 minutes. The universe had to be telling you something; the first time you spend time together after four years had passed, and within hours, he had two women show up at his door propositioning him for a threesome.
Here you stood, the week before your 31st birthday, a multi-platinum award winning musician, composer. entrepreneur, philanthropist, advocate, model, actress, and the list went on.
Yet, with all of your achievements under your belt, right now, you were just another girl in a veritable ocean of females all vying for William’s affections. If there was ever a chance that something could have transpired tonight between you and William, the moment has now been instantly derailed by some drunk girl who fucked your ex-hook-up….lover…whatever label fit.
At the end of the day, William could fuck whomever he wanted. He could do whatever he pleased with as many girls as he chooses. It’s his life… It was his decision how he wanted to enjoy his downtime and really, it was none of your business anyway.
Your sometimes passive-aggressive nature, mixed with hurt feelings, made you want to see him twist a little. As you appeared from the hallway however, his expression made you think twice about adding to his misery.
He looked completely crushed, embarrassed, and lost. “Are you ok?” you asked, softly.
“It’s more like, are you…” he said. “Y/N, I am so sorry”.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like it’s really your fault, though…I’m assuming you didn’t know she would sneak into your building, hammered …and well, try and…” you nod your head toward the bedroom.
“Well, no…but I sorta led her on. I’m not even sure why I did…she was kind of…I dunno…like…just there” William struggled to come up with the right word.
” “Yeah…something like that” William confided, feeling a little embarrassed.
He pulls you towards him. “So much for the fantastic night…I guess I ruined that” he said into your ear.
Based on the looseness of your embrace, he knows your feelings have shifted. William feels horrible, desperately wishing he could rewrite the past ten minutes.
You took a step back and you could feel your expression soften. You manage a faint smile and tell him that it was mostly fantastic - even amazing - night but you could have done without the plot twist at the end.
“So….I think I’ll grab an Uber or something and head home, if you’re gonna be ok?” You paused.
No, I’m not ok. I want you to stay here, he thinks to himself.
“Maybe you should stay. Seriously, that girl - just in case she gets it into her head to hang around and watch whoever leaves the building” William says gently.
“Shit…do you think she’d stalk you?”.
“Not sure” William smoothed his hand over his beard. The last thing either of you need is to have your names splashed around the social media universe because of a drunken altercation with a girl in a parking lot, who had been recently fucked…and then slighted, by William Nylander.
You consider the options for another moment, and finally agree that it might be for the best to stay. The couch looks pretty comfortable so you offer to sleep in the living room.
William looks hurt. He wants you in his bed. The urge to wrap himself around you is almost too much for him to handle.
Given the circumstances however, he knows how self-serving it will seem asking you to sleep in the same bed as him. Despite you trying so hard to hide it, he knows you are hurt. He’s beginning to feel a sense of hopelessness from the damage that’s been done tonight.
He grabs some dog treats and tells you to just stay and try and relax while he heads out for a walk with the dogs. He wants to drop by the concierge desk and security just to make sure all is clear around the outside of the building before he ventures out with his boys.
After William and the dogs leave, you survey your surroundings and allow a release of the emotions that have been simmering just under the surface all day. Tears well in your eyes as you stare at the wine glass he filled for you earlier. You lower your head in your hands and weep quietly.
Moments pass and a blinding headache begins to form behind your eyes; the pressure making your eyelids feel heavily weighted. Between the wine and William’s unexpected visitors, the unmitigated happiness you felt only 30 minutes ago has completely evaporated. Like a magnet to steel, a force anchors you to the couch, and you can’t help but to lie your head down and close your eyes to try and get some relief. 
Exhaustion eventually takes hold of you, and you fall into a deep sleep within minutes of your head hitting the pillow.
William and the dogs return after spending longer than anticipated on their walk; the one night William really needs Pablo and Banksy to do their business quickly, it took them forever to get it done.
William enters the condo in a hurried pace, only to find you curled up on the couch asleep. His heart expands and breaks all at once as he approaches you, your figure gently rising and falling with each breath.
He considers waking you up to offer his bed anyway, wanting you to have a more comfortable place to sleep but he vetoes his own thoughts, given all that has transpired.
Instead, he grabs a blanket and gently lays it over you.
It feels strange for William to leave you in the living room by yourself. He watches you for another few moments, your face scarcely illuminated by the dim light from the kitchen that he's left on for you. Desire and disappointment grip his stomach as he turns to head to his bedroom.
The next morning , you awake to something cold and wet brushing up against your face. “Pablo….down, buddy” William chuckled.
Opening your eyes, you’re initially disoriented from waking from a deep sleep. You see Pablo sitting in front of you (you swear he’s smiling), waiting for some kind of acknowledgement.
A wide grin spans your face.
“Oh…sweet boy…thank you for the kisses” you softly say, encouraging Pablo to hop up onto the couch. Pablo gladly obliges and lies lengthwise on your torso. You murmur words of affection to Pablo’s face as you rub behind his ears and nuzzle him back with your nose.
Banksy comes bouncing across the room wanting to join in on the love fest.
You smile apologetically at William. “Sorry I passed out before you came back; I wasn’t able to keep my eyes open.”
“I’m glad you stayed…looked like you needed the rest.  The snoring though - you sounded like a freight train” William says with a smirk.
“I’ll take my snoring over you ripping farts all night” you jokingly retorted.
“Hey…I couldn’t help that…it was better out than in. I seem to remember you laughing until you almost wet yourself…you weren’t exactly complaining”, William laughs.
“You held me under the blankets…fucking Dutch Oven - and that wasn’t laughter, that was gasping”.
William starts laughing that trademark laugh.
You roll your eyes as you smile widely at him. “Yeah, keep laughing there, chuckles. Good times”.
Yeah...they were. So many good times together William thought.
You both take a lingering look at one another, and before he notices you blushing, you excuse yourself and head to the washroom.
Every thought in your mind concerning William has shifted. Last night, prior to Trina's arrival that is, you felt a closeness resurfacing with William. The calmness he always seemed to provide to you, just naturally with his presence, had begun to return.
But now, with this new day, there's just uncertainty and uneasiness that has settled in your gut. You realize now that you don't know him like you used to. Maybe it was a stretch to think that you ever did. After all, in the three years you were involved, you only managed to string together a month here, or two months there - and then you would have to leave. Only experiencing the best side of each other; it seemed true that no two people could be more entranced with one another than you and William when you were together.  But everything has changed since then and it’s doubtful that you want the same things from life.
Returning to the living area, William’s about ready to head out with the dogs. Both Pablo and Banksy run over to you, falling over each other for your attention as if you’ve been gone the whole day instead of just 5 minutes.
“I’m not sure if they love me as much as they seem to love you…I feel like a distant second to them now”.
“Awh - boys, you better go see your Dad…he’s feeling a little jealous” you say as you kiss and nuzzle the tops of their heads.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me for their walk but I think it’s pouring out there now. I might just take them to the rink and let them run around there, I guess.”
“I would have but one - it’ll kill me to walk in those things” you nod your head towards the stilettos. “And, two - I better head out…there’s a ton of things I have to get done before I leave. Otherwise, I would have loved to.”
You finished getting ready and within minutes, the 4 of you were descending in the elevator towards the main lobby. William offers to walk you out to the parking lot but you decline. Figuring his car is in the underground lot, there was no need for him to get him and the dogs soaked as the heavy December rain ensued.
“It was good to see you…memorable in the most legendary Nylander way” you say smiling.
Before he could respond, you crouch down to acknowledge the dogs, allowing them to put their front paws on your knees for more wet nose boops and kisses.
As you stood up, you could see his expression had changed. He didn’t look like his normal light hearted self. He looked weary. He looked like he had a million things to say but wasn’t able to utter a single word. Instead, he reached out and pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you in a firm embrace. You felt his breath on your neck as he lowered his head and rested it against yours.
You pull back slightly and give him a warm smile. “I know you’re travelling too pretty soon - wishing you great games and safe travels, ok?”
“Yeah, you too. Shit - we didn’t get to talk about Christmas - the family coming - or anything like that though…”
“I’m in contact with your parents about everything - someone is bound to fill you in but seriously, there’s nothing for you to worry about. As long as you show up sometime after you fly home from Columbus, you’re golden” you say with a grin.
This time, the silence between you weighed heavily in the air.
“Ok…you better get going there, superstar. Traffic’s going to be shit…I don’t want to hear Sid Seixeiro bitching about you being late on Breakfast Television again.”
William laughed out loud. “Yeah - got a lot of flak for that one…I didn’t know you knew about that”, William says as he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck
“Well, it was pretty much splashed around everywhere at the time. I couldn’t avoid it”, you smirk.
You turn to look out at the steady stream of rain and sigh; half of you wants to go with him and the other half wants to get the hell out of there, downpour be damned.
“Ok then…I’m off. See you later, boys”, you grin at William and the dogs, turning to head across the lobby and out into the miserable and wet December morning.
William heads back into the elevator, hands jammed in his pockets, feeling uneasy about how everything with you was left up in the air.
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hello, absolutely love your writing, it's always such a joy seeing it!! i have a lot of fun reading your posts ^^
i have a request, and it's kinda inspired by the personality of my own farmer!OC: so, i was wondering if you could make headcanons about the bachelor(ette)s reaction with a farmer that is very emotional and cries way too easily at pretty much everything and anything — and how they would try to cheer them up? it can be in a romantic relationship, platonic, or first impressions!! any is fine :)
(P.S: if you included some Ridgeside Village characters, specially Blair, Daia and Jio i would be so, so happy ^^)
Oh my goodness thank you so much for the kind words ❤️❤️❤️ 🥺
I decided to make a separate story for each character, some already in a relationship with Farmer, some just friends. I hope you enjoy this form of headcanon!
I also added Jio and Daia, as they are the ones I've explored in the mod the best so far (well, not counting the Amethyne family). Thanks for asking, and enjoy!
SDV bachelors:
Shane thinks Farmer is crazy, or an idiot, or both. Every time, he snaps at them and gets angry with them. Every time, after another rude remark, rivers of tears pour from Farmer's eyes and they run away. Every time, after all of this, they go back to Shane and try to talk, to become friends. And every time, Shane finds it harder and harder to chase them away. He just sighs tiredly and resigns himself to having a new friend. A vulnerable, whiny, but a friend. Shane thinks they're weird. Heh, just like himself... But a pretty good company, by the way.
Sebastian kissed Farmer slowly, gently. Time seemed to have stopped altogether since they had come here, to the top of the mountain, where Zuzu City, shining with lights and billboards, was visible on the horizon. Where they were alone, where Sebastian had been brave enough to confess his love to them. Where he, under the influence of his tender feelings, took Farmer into his arms and kissed them. And was immediately frightened when he saw Farmer with tears streaming down their face. But when they told himself they were tears of happiness, Sebastian was ready to cry himself on the spot.
Alex isn't the most tactful person himself, but even he doesn't wish harm on anyone, even if his actions aren't going to be very good. That's what happened on the beach with Farmer when Alex suddenly yelled at them to catch a grindball, but charged right into their faces. Mild worries quickly turned to panic as Farmer crying and sobbing. Thank Yoba, delicious ice cream and an ice pack from the kiosk where he works were able to calm Farmer down. Alex breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't know they were such a weakling.... No no no no, he didn't mean that! Don't cry, please- damn, he need more ice cream!
Harvey must admit: coming to him for a compulsory injection for illnesses in the face of intense fear of needles and doctors, was a very brave move on Farmer's part. Many patients, sensing anxiety and panic after any mention of hospitals, immediately ran away. But Farmer, though flooding the clinic floor with tears, kept a steady hand. Harvey would later steep Farmer in herbal tea to calm them down, not forgetting to praise them for their bravery and responsibility. He will also offer the help of a therapist he knows.
Sam was returning from his parents back to his home on the farm, to his beloved spouse. Seeing the love of his life on the couch, Sam was already heading to the Farmer for his portions of hugs and kisses.... and found them crying, with headphones, from which muffled music was blaring. Sam, already knowing Farmer very well, only smiled when he saw their crying face, "Sad song again?" "Uh-huh," Farmer holds out one of the headphones to their husband. The young musician sat down next to them, putting his arm around their shoulder, listening to the lyrics of the song. "Very sad, you're right." What are they listening to? baby shark doo doo doo
The inhabitants of the Valley could not help but notice the Farmer standing near the Saloon, sobbing with a bouquet of flowers, together with Elliott, who was trying to comfort his interlocutor. The bouquet of flowers and Farmer's tears immediately suggested that everyone's favorite chaotic Farmer had a grief, that someone had died.... But it turned out that they were just very touched (even too much) by the attention of their, as it turned out later, boyfriend. After all, Elliott is so thoughtful, and these are their favorite flowers, and *sob*. Oh, goodness...
SDV bachelorettes:
Oh, the talented artist experienced a whole spectrum of emotions over the course of the morning. First, enthusiasm as she added the finishing touches to her new sculpture. Then pride in the work she had accomplished. Later, the desire to give the sculpture as a gift. After that - the thrill of handing the sculpture to the surprised Farmer. Then came the anxiety, for instead of joy she saw tears on her friend's face. Then came surprise and relief when Farmer, still sobbing, thanked Leah for the beautiful gift. The red-haired girl stroked her friend's back for another five minutes, smiling broadly.
Penny never thought that Farmer, her friend, would be crying so hard at the end of the movie "Brave little sapling". Although her own eyes were a little wet after the last scene of the movie, the red-haired girl didn't think that Farmer would sob so much. Luckily she had brought a few dry tissues with her (all of which she had to give to Farmer, by the way).
"Ew, you're all dirty," was the phrase that became Haley's fatal mistake when she carelessly commented on the new Farmer's slightly stained clothes. The girl had to spend more than 20 minutes calming down a very vulnerable Farmer, trying to convince them that "stains like that are even in fashion!" (not too convincing). Haley didn't want to offend them, so as an apology, she offered her help to the Farmer in ordering great fashionable clothes, with discounts and promotions. Now they are crying tears of gratitude. Haley doesn't understand why she's having such bad luck today.
When one day, visiting Emily, Farmer inquired what kind of parrot was in her room, the girl told the story of this poor bird, the broken wing, and how the feathered creature was now being treated here under Emily's care. The blue-haired girl's story was interrupted when she heard a loud sob from her companion, so Emily immediately ran to the kitchen to get napkins and tea for Farmer. She could truly understand Farmer: when that unfortunate bird banged into the window and broke its wing, Emily wanted to burst into tears, she felt sorry for the bird! But now the parrot is safe and they will help their feathered friend right? *Squawk*
Abigail jumped when she saw Farmer crying near the mountain lake. When she ran over to find out what was wrong, she could make out the words "bracelet," "drowned," and "sorry" from all the crying and whimpering. Oh yeah, Abby had recently given Farmer a handmade friendship bracelet. And Farmer, still crying crocodile tears, said they dropped the bracelet in the lake while fishing. Hey, no need to cry, it's no big deal. Abigail will make a new bracelet, even better! She'll even add an amethyst to decorate it!
It's not every day that Maru gets the chance to enjoy stargazing with the love of her life (to be honest, the girl still can't believe her happiness). The vast night sky is studded with a thousand diamonds, blessing this quiet and beautiful night. And the Farmer, overwhelmed with emotion, began to let tears fall, saying how beautiful Maru is under the starry dome. After this, Maru did not hold back and her glasses became wet from her own tears as she kissed and hugged Farmer in a burst of passion. That night had become special for them.
Bonus + Ridgeside Village:
Daia isn't surprised, though: after telling the Farmer about her orphan childhood, many people would have let at least a stingy tear fall. And though she turned the whole thing into another joke and tease, she was beyond laughing when Farmer hugged her tightly and began sobbing into her shoulder. Assassin only sighed and comforted Farmer, telling her that there was no bringing back the past, but now she had a close friend (or more?) in her life who had become the thread that connected her to the normal life she had dreamed of. It didn't help, and Farmer cried even harder. Oh my goodness, her whole shoulder is wet from their tears, hee hee!
Jio is utterly confused and annoyed. Why the hell was Farmer crying over an accidentally squashed snail? Yes, it was a pity about the creature, but it was very small, the grass was tall, and it was already dusk, so you couldn't see anything. Stop crying! What, a funeral for a snail? Are you out of your mind? Kiwi, why are you sad? ...You two cannot be serious.... Okay, fine! Let's have a funeral for the snail. Elf doesn't understand how someone like Farmer can deal with the dangerous monsters of Ridge Falls, but whine and sobbing like a child over some snail.... Kiwi, don't even dare cry too, you're literally an assassin!
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the-name-is-z · 6 months
SKELETONS | ch. 19
daryl dixon x f!oc
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Summary: After their plan to execute Randall is upended, everything they know goes up in flames. Daryl, Iris and Glenn uncover a shocking truth, something Rick has been keeping from everyone. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; discussion of walkers, a few minor injuries, broken neck, suggestions of murder/conspired murder/murder attempts, the barn is on fire, abandoning ancestral home, huge walker herd, familial death (canon), (somewhat) abandonment
Chapter 19 - Rotten
Iris and Daryl got their things packed and prepared for the trip before Rick came back over from the barn.
“Ready?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Daryl replied, Iris nodding along.
“I’ll go get the package.” T-Dog offered, jogging off toward the shed. Iris hauled open the back door of the truck, depositing a backpack of things Carol had prepared for Randall. T-Dog came running back fairly quickly, the look on his face saying everything they needed to know. “He’s gone.”
“What?” Rick asked, turning around.
“Randy’s gone. All’s left is a pair of handcuffs covered in blood, man.” He replied. They took off running toward the shed, Daryl practically ripping the door open. Rick knelt down to inspect the pile of blankets and the handcuffs. T-Dog went to tell the others and word spread fast. 
“How long’s he been gone?” Iris asked, looking at the others.
“’S hard to say.” Daryl grumbled.
“The cuffs are still hooked.” Rick murmured, coming out of the shed to find what looked like the whole group waiting expectantly. “He must have slipped ‘em.”
“Is that possible?” Carol asked, stepping forward.
“Could have dislocated his wrist.” Iris suggested. “Doesn’t have much to lose.”
“Little runt couldn’t even pinch himself without screaming bloody murder.” Daryl replied.
“The door was secured from the outside.” Hershel observed, flicking the gold lock.
“Rick! Rick!” Shane yelled suddenly, storming out from the forest.
“What happened?” Lori asked. It was a good question. His face was bloodied, his nose obviously broken. It was spattered all over his shirt, his hands.
“He’s armed!” Shane replied. “He’s got my gun!”
“Are you okay?” Carl asked, worried.
“I’m fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me, clocked me in the face.”
“Alright. Hershel, T-Dog, get everybody back in the house. Glenn, Daryl, Iris, come with us.” Rick ordered, pulling out his pistol and meeting Shane halfway.
“Just let him go. That was the plan, wasn’t it? To just let him go?” Carol asked.
“The plan was to cut him loose far away from here. Not on our front step with a gun.” Rick replied shortly. Iris frowned. She watched as Shane took a gun from T-Dog, glancing back at the forest where he emerged. There was no way. It just wasn’t believable. Yet, everyone around her was immediately in fight or flight. Something wasn’t adding up.
“Don’t go out there, y’all know what can happen!” Carol warned.
“Get everybody back in the house. Lock all the doors and stay put!” Rick ordered. Iris adjusted her knife belt as they stalked off into the woods.
“I saw him head up through the trees that way before I blacked out.” Shane explained, gesturing. “I’m not sure how long.”
“Couldn’t have gotten far. He’s hobbled, exhausted.” Rick replied.
“And armed.” Glenn stated.
“So are we.” Rick replied.
“Can you track him?” Rick asked Daryl.
“No, I don’t see nothing.” He replied, frowning into the dirt.
“Hey, look, there ain’t no use in tracking him, okay? He went that way. We just need to pair up.” Shane stated firmly. Iris raised an eyebrow. Suspicious motherfucker. “We spread out, we just chase him down, that’s it.”
“Okay, this is ridiculous. I’m not combing through the forest for this kid when you probably left him dead in a ditch somewhere.” Iris spat, facing Shane.
“Then go on back, princess, we don’t need you.” He huffed. 
“Kid weighs a buck-twenty-five soaking wet. You trying to tell us he got the jump on you?” Daryl asked, frowning at him.
“I’d say a rock pretty much evens those odds, wouldn’t you?” Shane asked, tilting his head. Iris rolled her eyes.
“Alright, knock it off. You three start heading up the right flank. Me and Shane’ll take the left.” Rick interjected. “Remember, Randall’s not the only threat out there. Keep an eye out for each other.”
“You too.” Iris replied pointedly, earning a frustrated snort from Shane. He and Rick stalked off in one direction, leaving them to the other.
Daryl led the way, even as the sun set, through the woods. He was searching for tracks along the way, leaving Glenn to shiver nervously behind him. Iris was in the back, sharp eyes glancing ahead for any movement. She’d killed two walkers with throwing knives so far. Frogs and crickets accompanied their footsteps through dried leaves, but other than that, it was dead quiet.
“This is pointless. You’ve got a light?” Daryl asked, turning around. Glenn handed him a flashlight as they stopped, Daryl fanning the light around the ground. He sighed irritatedly when nothing revealed itself. “C’mon.” They continued walking, looking for any signs of life. 
“I think Shane’s gonna try to kill Rick.” Iris murmured.
“What?” Glenn asked nervously, glancing between her and Daryl.
“Wouldn’t put it past ‘im.” Daryl replied. “Got us looking for hay in a haystack.”
“We’re back to square one, anyway.” Iris noted, looking around.
“If you’re gonna do a thing, you might as well do it right.” Daryl stated. 
“How could you think Shane’ll try to kill Rick?” Glenn asked.
“Because he tried to before.” Iris replied. They both turned back to her in surprise. “Dale caught him. Shane threatened to kill him, too.”
“Mm.” Daryl grunted. “Keep sharp.”
“Jesus.” Glenn mumbled to himself. They continued on for a little while before Daryl caught something.
“There’s two sets of tracks right here. Shane must’ve followed him a lot longer than he said.” He mused. Iris hummed.
“Blood.” She pointed out. Daryl shone the flashlight on the edge of a tree, where a smear of blood caught their attention. Somewhat nose-shaped, she’d argue.
“More tracks.” Daryl continued, pointing the flashlight at the ground. “Looks like they’re walking in tandem.” A bird called in the distance, startling Glenn into walking into Daryl.
“Sorry.” He mumbled. He was practically shaking in his boots. Iris put a hand on his shoulder.
“There’s a little dust up right here.” Daryl murmured.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean something went down.” He continued. They followed the tracks with the light until they spotted Randall’s blindfold on the ground. “Had a little trouble…” A branch snapped behind them and the three of them ducked behind a group of trees. Just a walker. Daryl tossed Glenn the flashlight, gripping his crossbow.
They waited until it got closer, shambling through the dark toward them. Glenn spun out from behind the tree and shone the light in its face. It snarled in response, lunging at him. Glenn cried out as it shoved him to the ground. Daryl shot an arrow but his aim was wide and the walker too close. Daryl grunted as it practically collapsed on top of him, the crossbow the only thing in between its teeth and Daryl’s neck.
Iris kicked it sideways, finding the flesh hard. The walker was new. As in, newly dead. It fell to the side, snarling before she stabbed her knife into its brain. The noises stopped, as did its movement, and Glenn shone the flashlight down into his face. Randall. That was that. Grimacing, Iris pulled the knife from it’s skull.
“Nice.” Glenn breathed.
“We should check how he died.” Iris murmured, kneeling down beside Randall’s body. Daryl took the flashlight from Glenn, joining her. He poked and prodded the body, checking for wounds, but didn’t find anything until the neck. A decent-size protuberance indicated a broken bone.
“Got his neck broke.” Daryl stated, frowning. He flipped him over, double checking. “Got no bites.”
“Yeah, none you can see.” Glenn replied.
“No, I’m telling you. He died from this.” Daryl said assuredly, gesturing to the broken neck.
“So, what? He just… turned?” Iris murmured. 
“How is that possible?” Glenn asked. They all glanced to one another before standing, leaving Randall’s body for the crows. 
They began making their way back before a shot rang out. They started running, making their way back to the farm as quick as they could, but they’d be a while regardless. After a few minutes, there was another shot. Any walkers nearby could have heard it. They picked up the pace.
They made it back to the house rather quickly, finding the group sitting around the living room waiting for them. Rick and Shane were not there.
“Rick and Shane ain’t back?” Daryl asked, voicing Iris’ concern. What were those shots?
“No.” Lori replied. 
“We heard a shot.” Iris said, frowning.
“Maybe they found Randall.” Lori suggested.
“We found him.” Daryl stated.
“Is he back in the shed?” Maggie asked.
“He was a walker.”
“Did you find the walker that bit him?” Hershel asked.
“He wasn’t bit.” Iris replied. “That’s the weird part.”
“His neck was broke.” Daryl added.
“So he fought back.” Patricia gleaned.
“The thing is, Shane and Randall’s tracks were right on top of each other. Shane ain’t no tracker, so he didn’t come up behind him. They were together.” Daryl explained.
“Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane and find out what on Earth is going on?” Lori pleaded.
“You got it.” Daryl nodded. Iris squeezed Lori's shoulder as she followed after Daryl. They were barely a step off the porch before the groaning and snarling from the field stopped them in their tracks. The whole farm was littered with walkers, on their way to the house. Iris turned around to the door, finding Glenn standing and seeing the same thing they were. He turned around to tell the others. “A herd this size will rip the house down.” Daryl murmured.
“We gotta get the hell out of here.” Iris replied.
“Carl’s gone.” Lori said, bursting through the door.
“What?” Daryl asked, turning around.
“He— he was upstairs. I can’t find him anymore.” She panted. “He’s supposed to be upstairs. I’m not leaving without my boy.”
“We’re not. We’re gonna look again, we’re gonna find him.” Carol assured, pulling Lori back inside. Iris ran a hand through her hair. She stopped halfway through the motion, instead tying it up tight, putting on her bandana. They’d have some shit to wade through, she gathered.
The others came out, gathering on the porch. Hershel and Andrea filtered through the guns, handing them out.
“Maggie.” Glenn stated with wide eyes, glancing at her in question.
“You grow up country, you learn a thing or two.” She stated, cocking a shotgun.
“I got the number, it’s no use.” Daryl warned Hershel.
“You can go if you want.” The old man replied firmly.
“You’re gonna take ‘em all on?”
“We have guns. We have cars.” He answered simply, cocking his own shotgun.
“We should kill as many as we can.” Andrea shrugged. “We can use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm.”
“This isn’t… We’ll die here.” Iris stated, alarmed at the fact that they weren’t already driving away.
“Are you serious?” Daryl asked.
“This is my farm. I’ll die here.” Hershel replied.
“Alright. It’s a good a night as any.” Daryl shrugged, swinging his legs over the porch railing. Iris grabbed his arm.
“You’re not serious.” She said with wide eyes. 
“I ain’t leavin’ ‘em all to die alone. Are you?” He asked quietly. Iris exhaled shakily.
“I suppose not.” She replied, grabbing one of the rifles. She followed him to the cars, everyone filing into the vehicles, bringing their absolute essentials. Of course, Iris had all of her essentials on her person at all times, but it was something you learned along the way.
“C’mon.” Daryl jerked his chin toward his bike.
“You sure?” Iris asked. He made a face at her and she shrugged, getting on the back of the bike. As they pulled away, the barn erupted into flames, drawing walkers left, right and centre. Daryl pulled right up to the fence outside the barn, standing and pulling out his gun. Iris climbed up onto the back of the bike, hooking her feet into the frame for a higher vantage point.
They unloaded onto the walkers around the barn, bodies dropping like flies. The others drove around the fences, passengers half out of the windows with their shotguns and rifles. Even Jimmy was hanging out of the RV window with a pistol.
“’s move.” Daryl called over his shoulder. Iris climbed down, swinging the gun over her shoulder as she grabbed hold of him. He drove over to the RV and called out to Jimmy. “Must have been Rick or Shane who started that fire. Maybe they’re trying to get out back. Why don’t you circle around? Go!”
“Got it!” Jimmy replied, taking off. As exposed as the bike was, it was agile. They weaved through the field, taking down walkers one by one, and at one point Iris flipped herself around so she could shoot backward. Hershel was standing on the front lawn with his shotgun, but they were barely making a dent. They had to go.
The RV stopped at the barn, but it hadn’t started moving again. Jimmy must have been overrun. Iris watched as the pickup truck pulled off the farm, followed by the SUV. They were leaving. 
“Daryl.” Iris called over the noise. They both looked around at the swarms, knowing it was over. They might have called this place home, in another life. Yet now…
“We’re goin’.” He nodded, pulling away from the farm. The groans, snarls, and the sounds of the barn burning began to fade into the distance. Iris looked up at the sky, smelling smoke and rot. There was probably nothing left by now. 
Even the dirt roads they drove through were crowded with walkers, but if anything, Daryl knew how to ride. Soon, the sun was rising and they might be on the other side of it. He pulled onto the main highway and soon enough they were close to where they’d left supplies for Sophia. 
Iris let out a breath of relief as she saw Glenn and Maggie following behind them, then T-Dog, Lori, Carol and Beth. They pulled up and Rick, Carl, and Hershel came out from between a few cars. Rick seemed over the moon, shaking hands with Daryl and exchanging nods with Iris.
“Oh, thank god!” Lori cried, running over and sweeping her son into her arms, Rick holding them both close. Maggie practically leapt onto Hershel, Beth joining them. 
“Where’s the rest of us?” Daryl asked, looking around at the group. Iris hugged Carol tight, glad to see she was okay and making sure to thank her, particularly, for the sewing job on her bandana. 
“We’re the only ones who made it so far.” Rick replied quietly.
“Shane?” Lori asked. Rick shook his head. 
“Andrea?” Glenn asked.
“She saved me, then I lost her.” Carol murmured.
“We saw her go down.” T-Dog stated, shaking his head.
“Patricia?” Hershel asked.
“They got her too.” Beth said quietly, gripping onto her father’s jacket. “Took her right in front of me. I was— I was holding onto her, daddy, she just… what about Jimmy, did you see Jimmy?”
“He was in the RV. It got overrun.” Rick explained softly.
“You definitely saw Andrea?” Carol asked to make sure.
“There were walkers everywhere.” Lori shook her head.
“Did you see her?” No one said anything.
“We could go back.” Daryl stated, stepping toward his bike.
“No.” Rick shook his head.
“We can’t just leave her.” He protested.
“We don’t even know if she’s there.” Lori stated.
“She isn’t there. She isn’t. She’s somewhere else, or she’s dead. There’s no way to find her.” Rick said firmly.
“So we’re not even gonna look for her?” Glenn asked.
“How would we even start? It’s not like how we—“ Iris stopped herself before she mentioned Sophia. “It’s not like before.”
“We have to keep moving.” Rick decided. “There have been walkers crawling all over here.”
“I say head East.” T-Dog suggested.
“Stay off the main roads.” Daryl added. They looked up as a walker growled in the distance, hobbling toward them. “The bigger the road, the more walkers, more assholes like this one. I got him.” He shot an arrow through its eye, quick and painful. 
They all agreed together that it was the best course of action. So, they got back into their cars, or in Daryl and Iris’ case, on the bike, and followed Rick as he drove down the highway. East.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 + O.C.s
Ken, waking up one morning to find Shane... about to sneak out of Daisuke's place: Ken: KEN: KEN: Where are you going ? SHANE: Shane, Casually: Going for a walk. KEN: Are you SURE ? KEN, LOOMING while moving closer to Shane: DAISUKE'S {EMPHASIZED} going to be up soon, *so*--- SHANE: I'm definitely KEN: ..??? SHANE: SURE! (*KICKS KEN RIGHT IN THE GROIN*) KEN: (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (REDACTED) SHANE: (*BOLTING*) KEN: (REDACTED!!1!1!) Shane: (Ken didn't think I had it in me.) {RUNS}
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ariaterramoon · 2 months
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Eugene and Sarai | Meeting Sarai's Twist PT 1
Oop, Sarai forgot she asked Twist to come over and now two Sarai's have to deal with the traitor. I wonder how Twist will react 👀
Btw, Eugene and his own Twist have a history too dw, cuz literally everything is the same except Sarai was born a boy.
Spoiler, man's gonna be so flustered when he realized lmaooo
This is the only page I've done so far, but you guys will get it nonetheless ovo plus a quick doodle of their height difference below the cut lol
Btw don't ask me their actual height, idk yet. I'm rly bad at heights, not because idk how the measurements work but because everyone uses inches here, apparently, and idk how tall anyone is anymore. They're just tall. Tho I do have a height chart with actual heights in the making, just wait.
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What would you like to see from these interactions? XD
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3qu1us · 9 months
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“i love you”
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ryliith · 13 days
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A few sketches of Atlas being an ancient cosmic deity very fond of humanity, Shane being an overdramatic mess and @salt-n-salt 's OC Kendall just there being squished.
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honeyedboneset · 7 months
NOTICE: This post is under construction as of aug 17, 2024. it is not up to date. hello! i'm boneset (or bone). thanks for stopping by my super-specific search thread! if interested, please leave a reply or dm me!
a bit about myself: she/her. I'm currently in my late 20's and have been writing/roleplaying in some shape or form for 12+ years. i'm in grad school (and will be for awhile) and work full time in mental healthcare. occasionally, days are wild. 
when it comes to writing, i generally write somewhere between 500-1k words a post. the shorter the post, the faster i can write. i definitely value someone who's writing fits with mine over length or anything like that. i'm also super flexible when it comes to post rate. if it takes a little bit, that's totally fine! especially if we do build a rapport. i want this to stay as something that's fun for both of us. it's a hobby, so it comes after everything else.
doubling. i play a canon for you, you play one for me, and i love every character as my own. OR we both play two ocs who fall in love against their will. Idc.
m!canon x f!oc preferred (or m!oc x f!oc). I know who I am. I have no shame. I’m so super cautious about m// and f// after years of running into folks treating it as a fetish.
ooc chatting. for the rps that have survived my hiatuses, it's been because we made friends, or at least friendly. i like talking, sharing head canons, all that stupid crap. tldr: i need someone to send memes to.
ooc over discord, please, after we’ve graduated to that. DMs first if you don’t mind.
email, discord, gdocs, and tumblr in order of preference for the roleplay but I'm open to any.
i am a sap for romance. less so for super slow burns. sue me. I can barely read slow burn much less write it.
500-1000 words is my sweet spot for responses, but i'm not that fast of a writer, depending on what's going on. see: why i like ooc.
hard limits: be 18+ (21+ preferred) | will not write with people who identify as male (he/him) | incest | fetish stuff | abo | pwp | pedophilia | furries/beastiality | explicitly written sexual assault | abusive relationship dynamics between main characters | heavy substance abuse | main settings being medical | most highschool settings/underage characters | genuine love triangles or infidelity between main characters
pairings and all below the break!
for fandoms, I’m going to list what I’m looking to play the oc in. I am super duper happy to play nearly any canon character for you.
the walking dead:  *i haven't seen the spin-off series. super comfortable going as AU as we want. *looking for: glenn (pls pls pls), daryl *will play: rick, daryl, shane, negan, others probably *some vibes: people who knew each other prior to the zombies meeting each other again after, dead rising vibes, traveling through the wilderness, overgrown and rundown towns and cities, towns that have gone mad, human enemies, natural threats, fluff, megamalls, amusement parks, adventure, horror, fluff, uneasiness in the calm, found family, hesitant allies
resident evil: *i like it all, okay? welcome to racoon city, all the games, the animated films...even the live action netflix put out! it's just FUN. *looking for: leon, piers, carlos *will play: chris, albert, luis, piers, etc. *some vibes: hurt/comfort extreme, international adventures, partners in life and in work, idk absolute insanity. vacation? what's a vacation, there's always zombies, basically the evil of capitalism, embrace the weird of the game universes (i mean really. there's werewolves)
the last of us: *i've played both games and watched the show *looking for: tommy miller, m!oc *will play: joel, ellie, others, m!oc *some vibes: FIX IT JESUS, protecting family, human enemies, natural threats, antagonistic towns, lost in the wild, weird periods of domestic easiness followed by hurt/comfort hell red dead redemption: *i've played rdr and rdr2. kind of familiar with revolver. *looking for: charles smith *will play: arthur, john, dutch, others (but not micah) *some vibes: railroad turmoil, dutch has lots of plans (very little outcomes), high society meets the old west, running from the law, causing problems, adventures in the big city, trying to leave old lives behind, forbidden love, enemies to lovers
fallout: *i've played 1, 2, 3, 4, 76 & NV. mainly looking for nv. *looking for: m!oc *will play: ask for canons, m!oc *some vibes: causing chaos in the wastes, embracing the local cryptid status of the player character, toxic people everywhere, attempting to survive, mercenaries, prostitutes, salt of the earth managing to do some good against their will, traveling to other locations avatar the last airbender *i've seen the show several times, live action, and korra, but haven't read comics. *looking for: adult!sokka *will play: adult!zuko, ask for other canons! *some vibes: post series feeling out their new roles in society, rebuilding following war, uprisings from unhappy sections, earth kingdom is just as big of a mess as firenation please help, 'forbidden' relationships, political drama, festival romance
original(ish) story vibes:
zombies! please zombies. love it. media inspo: l4d, deadrising, resident evil, twd, george romero
fantasy. royalty, pirates, mermaids, adventures, curses, and extra doses of romance. some assassins? hiding from responsibility? childhood friends to lovers and enemies finding common ground. media inspo: ACOTAR, lord of the rings, ever king, damsel, fire emblem, (for modern of these vibes) new protectorate by abigail kelly
urban fantasy vibes. witches and monsters, and romance and weirdness. maybe some monsters. eldritch beings. small town, rural america? media inspo: x-files, teen wolf, supernatural, stay a spell by juliette cross, scooby doo, being human, folk haven by lauren connolly, old gods of appalachia
cowboys! Modern? Traditional? I do not care i love cowboys and the south, just minus all of those….you know, issues. media inspo: red dead redemption, man from snowy river, yellow stone, lyla sage books
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name: maddyx, but you can also call me madi or star!
current interests: the arcana (game), tarot and other forms of divination, witchcraft, the owl house, shifting!!
pronouns & gender identity: she/xe/ze/he/they, agender bigender girlboy idk dont ask questions pls im having a crisis over here
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don't be a bigot
don't be an asshole
NO israel-palestine asks. why don't i allow these anymore?
anti-shifters keep scrolling
shiftokkers are welcome i guess if you promise to be normal
if you have any questions about my DRs PLS PLS ASK!!! i love to answer asks about my DRs literally so much!!
you can absolutely use my script layouts! i'll link them here if you'd like to use them.
dividers are usually from @cafekitsune and will be reblogged as #dividers
sometimes i post content with sexual undertones lmao 😭 these posts will be tagged as #minors avert your eyes
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DR names: morgan (DC DR), izabel (royals DR), cassia/cassie/cass (marauders DR)
MAIN DR: chillin' DR
archived DRs: the london institute (tid), royals DR, rosewood, pa (pll), fnaf:sb DR - child, boarding school DR, hogwarts - golden trio era (hp), resort DR, windenshire DR, encanto DR, hurricane, ut (fnaf), liar, liar DR, columbia DR, second chance DR, alt CR timeline
active DRs: waiting room, boiling isles (toh), crossover DR, ny institute (tmi), hogwarts - marauders era (hp), paris, france (mlb), stark tower (mcu), gotham, nj (dc), stardew valley, bc, gravity falls (gf), inheritance games DR, aurora cycle DR, camp half-blood, ny (pjo), arcana DR, cirque du soleil DR, fnaf:sb DR - technician
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main DR s/os: jayden finnegan, aven whitmore
DR s/os: *hunter wittebane-noceda (toh), *boscha bennett (toh), jayden finnegan (oc), aven whitmore (oc), *pacifica northwest (gf), *via scully (pr), *tyrone pines (gf), *james potter (hp), *harley keener (mcu), *kit herondale (tda), *michael afton (fnaf), alex aiden mullner (sdv), haley (sdv), shane (sdv), sam (sdv), *luke castellan (pjo), abby bourgeois, julian agreste, mika couffaine, *emira blight (toh), *leo valdez (hoo), *conner kent (dc), *garfield logan (dc), asra alnazar, muriel the outsider
possible DR s/os: *livia blackthorn (tda), *draco malfoy (hp), *pansy parkinson (hp), *michelle jones (mcu), *shuri (mcu), *merula snyde (hphm), *edric blight (toh), xander hawthorne (tig), jameson hawthorne (tig), *tyler jones (ac)
* - has been aged up/down depending on how you look at it (possibly significantly depending on canon)
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other blogs: @ohgodimashifter (old shifting sideblog), @thestarsandskyaboveus (fanfic), @stembies (studyblr), @enbygirlblogging (girlblogging), @mysticmorningstar (witchcraft & wicca)
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lore: canadian, keeps bread outside of fridge, hates pickleball, was a pole dancer briefly, anti-jean paul
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