#kris is gonna enjoy this
akanemnon · 1 year
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Look! They caught- wait... that's not Slenderman...
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mostlymaudlin · 10 months
one of my favorite things about carry on fandom (at least as it has existed since i joined in 2021) is that no one gets hung up on like... writing expertise or fics being "out of character." this is especially impressive because there is SO MUCH character analysis that goes on in this fandom, and yet it never translates to dunking on interpretations of characters that ppl disagree with. there's just genuine joy over the face that people are out here writing and sharing and putting their own twists on stories.
in general, everyone is just so encouraging abt art, and that's such a wonderful environment for people who are new to writing/sharing their writing. and for people who are not new but still feel nervous about putting themselves out there. it's really special! i think it's similar for visual art too
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ullybug · 4 months
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AGAINST HELL by kaveh akbar
(x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x)
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lupucs · 1 year
Gosh I love your art!
But uh whats your favorite deltarune ships?
Thank you so much!! Oh gosh, you really caught me off guard with this one hah!
Well, uh I think it should be pretty obvious which ships I like by now...
It's clearly-
It's obviously...
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s4pphic-sh3nan1gans · 3 months
sooooo I added a smutty chapter 2 to one of my bokris fics-
I've never written anything like this before so akshakshsksh I'm fighting the urge to scream and bang my head against the wall if I'm being totally honest, BUT I decided to bite the bullet and post it 😭
if anyone needs me, I'll be hiding in a corner 🙂🫠
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
Deltarune Theory: Spamton, The Player & Freedom
As some of you might know by my occassional ramblings and the fact that i post 10 pics of the guy per day bc of my 100+ queue I've been a little unwell about Spamton and Deltarune as a whole lately, and recently while trying to ramble about a different topic I realized something:
I think we, the player, the soul, are a bigger part of this game that we are giving credit for.
After all, what are some of the main themes of Deltarune? Lack of freedom, lack of control, how your choices don't matter... And if we look on a smaller scale, if we look at characters like Kris and Spamton you can also add to the mix a certain level of disconnect with your own body, but maybe i'm going too off topic there... (maybe?)
This is to say, don't you think these things apply quite well to the soul, to us, too? Sure, we control Kris, but Kris is free of ripping us out temporarily and often adds their own input to the things we ask them to say (and even says things on their own), not to mention how they get around to avoid doing what we asked or avoid revealing certain information to us.
On top of that, there's our vessel. The body we were meant to have and freely use, that was, in theory, discarded. And i think this is very imporant because many pick up on Kris being trapped with us, but not as much on us being trapped with KRIS. What we have is an uneassy alliance, a sort of symbiotic relationship, we need one another to exist. But we still aren't free.
And this is where Spamton comes in, our EV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] and number 1 freedom yearning puppet, who offers us the highly valued [Hyperlink Blocked] which he believes will carry one to freedom and such.
And it is true that freedom is something Kris might want, but don't forget Kris isn't the only one in control of their body. We too are the ones going straight back to that salesman and doing his little quest.
And this is even more true in the Weird Route, the route where we strip all control from Kris AND Noelle to the point she can only hear us talking, and it's the route where Spamton says at the end "IT’S YOU AND THAT [Hochi Mama]! YOU’VE BEEN [making], HAVEN’T YOU! YOU’VE BEEN MAKING [Hyperlink Blocked]!".
And if you, like me, believe the meaning of [Hyperlink Blocked] is LOVE, then this would make a lot of sense, after all, what were some of the biggest complaints people had about chapter 1 when it released?
Lack of multiple routes, namely a genocide one, and lack of control.
And Toby Fox, being the monkey paw ass guy he is, obligued to the fans request. You want control? You want murder? Okay, there you go.
Not only that, but the weird route is the only one where Spamton never learns Kris' name, only called them kid, making the fact that Kris has nothing to do with our insane rampage even more explicit.
And on top of everything, Spamton was right. We did in fact gain control and a certain level of freedom thanks to this, our choices, the player choices, now REALLY mattered. And the consequences were devastating, hell, even Spamton died here.
So, with all this said, I think my point has become clear. I think our role in the story is very significant, and it even perfectly ties with the themes and the existing characters.
Very excited to see this develop further as more chapters come out 😁
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soulsxng · 1 year
Spice tolerance of the muses!
Jaspern: He's okay with some spice, but once it starts getting to the point of being numbing, he doesn't really care for it. 2.5/5
JJ: He's good with his spice! Doesn't eat it all the time, which makes people think he's a baby about spice, only for them to be proved horribly, horribly wrong, later. 4/5
Ber: Okay with spice on certain foods, but decidedly not on others. Ex. Back of the mouth spicy is fine, but tip of the tongue spicy, not so much. 3/5.
Melchior: He actually can't handle much spice, but it's because lots of spice makes his venom especially potent, and it'll start burning his skin, etc. Not a fun time, so he just tends to avoid really spicy and really acidic foods. 1/5. If his venom weren't a problem, he'd be a solid 5/5, for sure.
Orin: They're naturally a spice baby? They want to like it though, and so they've managed to, over time, raise their tolerance to a 2/5.
Vanyllo: Most spice will have him choking immediately. And before you give him shit about it, he wants you to tell him what spicy food you can find under the damn ocean! Yeah. He thought so! 0/5
Darrow: He's better with spicy foods than you would think, though he'll be the first to admit that he doesn't eat them too often. It's one of those things he has to be in the mood for. 3.5/5. Maybe 4/5 on a good day.
Eleare: Do they look like a masochist to you? No. (and if you said yes, they give you the finger. it's okay though. I also said yes) Get that spicy shit out of their face, they're here for flavor, not a sensory fist fight with their noodles, thank you. 2/5.
Sivel: He's asking why the food hurts, ("Was it made incorrectly? What? It's supposed to be like this? For what reason?") but he's still eating it. Would quickly decide that he likes it, even if he's a little confused by it. 5/5
Alsina: Not as much of a fan as Sivel is. She'll eat it, but only if it's not just spicy. 3.5/5. She also wouldn't eat spicy food willingly, unless it's one of the only things available, or a friend made it for her.
Zikiriel: Spicy isn't actually something an angel can taste/feel (kind of like a bird, their bodies just don't process the capsaicin), so he's technically disqualified from this list! Man could put a whole apollo pepper in his mouth, and be totally fine. infinity/5
Pythius: Can't actually handle spicy food as well as you might think. Like the "slow to build, lingers a while" type of heat, though. 2.5/5
Death: Where Death grew up is known for having all kinds of different spicy foods! Honestly they probably have the highest tolerance of all the muses, with Pereux, Sivel, and Ezra being close behind? (Zi doesn't count) 6/5.
Aile: Spicy food is fine. He's the type that likes at least a little heat on everything he eats, but sticks toward the more dry type spiciness. 4/5.
Ouza: Another that's disqualified. Angels can't process capsaicin. No, not even fallen angels. (though that would be really funny. angel gets cast out and hit with the spicy hammer immediately) Just know that if he could, he would 100% be a spice baby. Sorry Ouza. infinity/5
Baphomet: Surprisingly, can not handle spice well. But he likes to act like he can, so sometimes he'll eat things spicier than he can handle just because. 1/5. Will pretend to be a 3/5 even as he's sweating and red-faced.
Ezzion: Doesn't like spicy food, but can tolerate some. Catch them getting a jalapeno that had been hidden on their nachos, and they're making a very displeased face, even if it's not actually bad. They do like spicy pickled peppers, though! 2/5
Felesio: He's fine with it. A lot of the "higher class/status" denizens of Carpathia, who eat regular food more often along with blood (even if they literally don't gain anything from regular food. rich people, man.) tend to eat spicy food fairly often. Why? I have no clue, they think it looks good for some reason. Either way, Fele, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, handles it fine, and likes to indulge in it on occasion. 4/5.
Jinnea: Jinnie, unlike Fele, didn't grow up eating regular food at all, so she doesn't tolerate spicy food that well. Most of the time, if she gets something like that, she just gives it to her husband. 1/5.
Ezra: 5/5. We'll just get that out of the way right out the gate. You might think it's because he's a nephilim, so that would mean that his capacity for tasting/feeling spice like that would be lower. And you're right, it does! But even when he's reincarnated into a life that he's not an angel/half angel, he just inhales spicy food like his life depends on it. I dunno, man. I dunno.
Nirbhi: Moderate spice tolerance. 3/5. She really likes spicy food that has more citrus-y notes that go along with it.
Pereux: Another 5/5. She actually used to just kind of be able to tolerate it, thanks to not really experiencing much of it when she was younger (1 or 2/5 maybe). She's grown much more fond of it over the ages, though!
Niesal: They're not gonna eat spicy food by itself, even if they tolerate it well. Give them some rice or something to eat with it, though, and they're all for it! 4/5
Zeqyabin: Variable. Sometimes it's a 1/5, sometimes it's a 4/5. You would think it depends on the spice type, but I think it's more a mood thing? Who knows, with him.
Tarinx: Similar to the angels, but instead of just not being able to taste/feel spice, Irekoli like him just have a really dull sense of taste, overall. So he kind of has the opposite problem, where if he's eating something spicy, that's generally the only thing that he can "taste" (since spicy is technically a feeling, as opposed to a flavor), and is met with instant dislike. 0/5.
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cosmicrzy · 1 year
krusielle would be so fun if i could ever truly ship kris but. there is too much Fucked Up stuff going on that prevents me from really liking any kris ships
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aa-lamp-shade · 2 years
Kris Deltarune thoughts
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illdothehotvoice · 7 months
Cosplay is such an expensive hobby and i don't go to enough cons or post any pictures online why do i do this to myself i just really like sewing sdhgjkfdnh
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thestrongestjewel · 4 months
(part 1)
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I said on twitter that I was gonna make a comic about the au for kicks and giggles. also because i wanna like,, get better at making comics in general for a much bigger project i am working on!!!
Eepytale is a slice of life utdr au where frisk, chara, asriel and kris live together as siblings, having playdates with dess and noelle and helping out people around town with their issues! just a very lighthearted and silly au :3! idk I'm having a lot of fun making this comic actually i hope u guys enjoy it teehee :33
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camryn-haitani · 6 months
I know darling
Colby Brock x Fem!Reader
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you sent Colby a lengthy paragraph about all the things you want him to do to you. and he makes everything you sent come true
TW: Dom Colby, p in v sex, fingering (Fem receiving), teasing, video masterbation (from Colby), mentions of Sam joining and watching, face fucking (Fem receiving), fingering, name calling "love, baby, angel, sweetheart, good girl, good bitch, pretty girl, bitch, whore, slut", praise and degradation, cursing, video during it, aftercare, plot twist
I am a firm believer that Colby is into face fucking
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once I started texting the words I wanna say, they wouldn't stop coming. once I felt like I said enough to get him going, I sent it along with a spicy pic of me in his favorite lingerie. and now I wait for his response.
Colby POV
That was one of the scariest things we've ever caught on camera. me, Kris, and Sam decided we had enough and packed up to go home. we all get in the car and wait for the long car ride home.
once we get into a town, I finally have service and I get a shit ton of notifications. the one that caught my eye was the one y/n sent. I see she sent a long paragraph along with a photo. I was expecting a message about how much she misses me. holy shit I was wrong.
what I'm reading is the most spine chilling, boner inducing, and cock throbbing thing I've ever read. the more I read, the more hard I get. I grab my xplr hoodie and cover my lower half, not wanting Sam to see my boner.
we still have a 3 hour car ride back to LA, I'm not gonna make it that long. my breath get harsh and fast. Sam notices and says something. "hey man, you good?" he asks as he hits my arms. "yeah uhm I'm good, just thinking about the stuff that happened earlier."
I'll give it an hour and see if it goes away.
*an hour later*
well it's been an hour and I still have a boner. I roll my eyes and try to think of an excuse.
"hey Sam uh pull over to a gas station, I uhm have to piss" I lie. "I got you man" Sam pulls over to a gas station and I quickly run out of the car and into the bathroom. I sigh as I pull down my pants when an idea popped in my head.
I pull out my phone and start recording.
*a little while later*
I finish and clean myself up as i send the video to y/n.
me: video
me: I hope you enjoy this love
I hear my phone buzz and I open it without hesitation. I see he sent a video and I watch it from beginning to end.
me: can't wait for you to get home daddy~
I know that name gets him going and I wanna see what happens. not even 5 minutes later, I get another text from him.
colbs<333: god you have no idea what you do to me, angel. when I get home, you better have my favorite outfit on with your head hanging off the side of the bed<3
me: yes sir<33
since I have his location, I can see how far away he is. he's about an hour and a half away from home, so when he gets about 10 minutes away from home, I'll do what he says.
*an hour and a half later*
I get more and more excited when I watch his icon get closer and closer to our house. I decide to get changed into his favorite lingerie and lay down on the bed.
I hear the door open and I hear stuff slam on the ground with fast foot steps coming up the stairs. I quickly put my head off the side of the bed just like he said. the door swings open and I see him with lustful eyes eating me alive.
"goddamn angel, you look gorgeous" he walks closer to me. his rough, calloused hands run all over my body as he ogles me. every movement he makes on my body, I twitch with anticipation.
he plays with my tits as he runs his fingers over my nipples over the lingerie as a whimper elicits from my mouth. I feel his boner on my cheek in his pants, wanting to be let out. I lift my hand up to caress his cock. I wrap my hand around it and barely squeeze it. he groans as he steps back to free his aching cock.
"you ready, princess?" he asks as he places his cock on my lips. I nod vigorously and open my mouth, spit already coating his leaking tip.
"just tap my thigh if you can't breathe" he reassures. I nod as he taps his cock on my tongue a few times before shoving his cock in my throat. I gag but then get used to it.
I let him use my throat for whatever he needs. there's pre-cum and saliva dripping down my chin and my mouth.
his thrusts get more harsh. 'hes about to cum' I think to myself. "gonna.... fuck.. close.." he mutters. he can't even pronounce words. I grab his waist and pull him further into my mouth. "fuck!" he yells, unknowingly I was going to do that.
I feel his cum drip down my throat and chin. I sit up and gather his cum and put it back in my mouth. he does the same with my spit.
his eyes widen for a second, like he has an idea. he pulls out his phone and starts recording.
"oh Sam would love this, wouldn't he?" he teased his fingers on my slit. I can only nod, my mind is cloudy and my eyes dizzy with pleasure. "I need words, pretty girl." he says, curling his fingers up in me. "yes! he would love seeing me like this!" I yell. Colby chuckles at my words.
"seeing you like this. being such a slut for me." his fingers get more and more quick. I know that him and Sam have done something like this in the past, but Sam watching me is so erotic to me.
"go ahead and tell the camera how much of a slut you are. for me and Sam. go on bitch."
"fuck Sam, I want you in me. I want you and Colby to fuck me so hard it hurts to walk. please Sam" I beg with pleasing eyes.
"good bitch" his fingers get more aggressive and he can tell I'm getting close.
he rips his fingers out of me as I'm about to cum. "w-what... why.. please, I want it... wanna cum for you" I plead into the camera.
he grabs my cheeks "only good sluts get to cum. this is what you get for getting me hard in the car. you knew I was with Sam and yet, you still did it. it's like you wanted Sam to know." he coos.
"yes! I wanted Sam to know! I want you both to fuck me!" I whine.
"that's what I thought, you whore" he lines up his cock and slides it up and down my wet folds.
"daddy please I need you." I beg. "fine, only because I'm so fucking hard for you" he rams his cock into me without a second thought.
"why don't you tell Sam what you want him to do to you, hm?" Colby teases. "want.... want you to fuck my face while Colby e-eats me out" my hands cover my face in embarrassment.
he rips my hands from my face "I think Sam would wanna see your pretty face as I fuck you." he pins my hands above my head as he slides his cock in and out of me.
his pace gets faster and his rhythm gets sloppy. my legs wrap around his waist, wanting him closer in me.
he apparently liked that because I feel him twitch in me. "fuck... gonna cum in your pretty pussy, huh? you want me to cum in you, fucking slut"
"shit..... yes yes yes please." I beg more.
his final push in me makes me unravel the knot in my stomach. my back arches as my legs tighten around his waist.
his breath slows as he picks himself up and goes to our bathroom. he runs a washcloth under water and comes back to clean us up.
Colby wore a smirk on his face that I couldn't see. "hey baby, can you get the cameras from downstairs please? I wanna edit some footage from earlier"
"yeah sure" I struggle to go downstairs but I make it through
I turn the corner and there he is…
he was downstairs this whole time
"uhm uhh... hi?"
"hello beautiful" he says as he stands up and walks towards me. he puts a finger under my chin and makes me look at him "you sounded lovely up there. calling out for me. I hope you meant every word up there because I plan on making those things true. " he whispered in my ear.
his phone goes off. "I wonder what this is" he says sarcastically. he pulls up the video Colby took of me. "I hope I make you sound like this" he kisses your neck and walks out the door.
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this has been in my head for a looooong time
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clbrq · 6 months
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warnings: ANGSTY, cussing, disloyalty, crying, anger, alcohol consumption. im in the mood to get mad and cry so while i write for wannabe have this. inspiration from @sucker4colby <3
“Look, don’t stress, I’m sure everything’s fine.” Katrina’s comforting voice spoke from next to in front of you, a concerned look on her face, contradicting her words.
“Yeah, right.” You huffed, pacing back and forth around your room, your phone clenched tightly in your hand as the endless sound of ringing blared out into the room.
No answer, again.
“I swear I’m gonna kill him.”
Katrina sighed, raising from the bed to walk over to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “While we wait for a reply, let’s go back down to your party. It’s your night, remember, fuck Colby.”
Agreeing with her half-heartedly, you followed aimlessly behind her as she led you back downstairs to the bustling party at your boyfriend’s house. It was the launch of your new brand, something you had been working on for years, but also your birthday. You had been lucky enough to share the day with two important things and got to spend it with your loved ones.
Except the one who pushed you to have a huge party in the first place.
Colby never missed your special moments. Whether it was hitting a milestone of followers on your social media, or even getting out of bed on a hard day—he was there. But, today, of all days, your ‘so-called boyfriend’, was a no-show. He hadn’t messaged you all day, and wasn’t next to you when you woke up—leaving you confused and suspicious as to where he was.
And you were rageful.
Making your way into the kitchen, full of your drunk friends, laughing and having a good time—you couldn’t help but feel jealous. This was supposed to be a great night, but you were riddled with anger and sadness. But, you knew the cure.
Finding yourself a small shot glass and a bottle of vodka, you knocked back as many shots as you could handle before a warm hand and a chuckle pulled you from your binging.
“Girl, slow down.” Kris’ smiling face regurgitated one onto yours as she spoke, “You’re gonna black out.”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” You replied, a cheeky, drunken grin plastered on your face, sparking another giggle from Kris’ lips.
“Hey, where’s Colby at? I haven’t seen him all night.” Kris questioned, her eyebrows furrowing towards you.
“Neither,” You laughed in disbelief, “You wanna dance?”
Attempting to query your words, she failed as you dragged her towards a crowd of dancing people, all enjoying the music and the drinks. Your body instantly fell into the beat of the music as you swayed your hips to the beat, screaming the lyrics as loud as you could. Finally, you were forgetting about your M.I.A boyfriend.
Oh, that wouldn’t last.
Just as you were beginning to have fun, a rough arm dragged you from your drunken dancing frenzy and into a quiet room. Sam and Katrina stood in before you, worried and shocked locks on their faces.
Your heart dropped.
“What?” You demanded, sensing something was wrong.
Not saying a word, Sam handed you his phone which portrayed a picture that sent chills down your spine and caused your stomach to drop. Tears welled up in your eyes as you shook with anger.
Colby, shirtless, with his arm loosely hung around Stas’ shoulders—both of them posing in a mirror at her house, smiling and standing extremely close.
Shoving Sam’s phone back towards him, you stormed out of the room and towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. Gripping the counter, tears fell from your eyes swiftly as the anger bubbled deeply inside your stomach as picture of your boyfriend with another woman on your special night flashed in your mind.
Releasing a shaken breath, you ran a hand through your hair as your chest heaved quickly—you’d never felt rage like this before. How dare he, so much for a being a good boyfriend.
Loud knocking on the bathroom door followed by a worried voice soon arrived, “Yo, are you okay? Open the door.” Sam.
Swinging the door open, you were met with the blonde boy’s concerned face standing before you, “Are you alright?”
“Do I look it?” You snapped, the fury inside you begging to be released, “I’m sorry, I’m fine. Just get me a drink and don’t let me near my phone.”
Realising he couldn’t convince you otherwise, Sam nodded as you brushed past him and towards the kitchen once more.
And that’s how you spent your special night. Drinking and on the verge of tears, sat by yourself and wallowing in your jealousy and despair on your birthday.
When bedtime arrived and everybody had gone home, you curled up in Colby’s bed, tears slipping freely from your eyes as your disloyal boyfriend never left your brain. Jealousy burned in your chest as the thought of them kissing or flirting etched itself into your mind even while you dreamt. You never wanted to speak to either of them again.
The next morning, your chest hurt. You woke up with a heavy heart, feeling nothing but depressed and pitiful at what you’d witnessed. You didn’t want to do anything, or see anyone—you just wanted to wallow in your sadness all day. But, you knew your friends wouldn’t let you do that.
Rising from your bed, empty still, you slowly made your way down the stairs, your head pounding due to the many drinks you consumed last night. You looked tired and sullen as you walked into the kitchen, not caring about your appearance due to your state of mind.
Just as you approached the room, rage bubbled inside you as Sam and Katrina sat at the kitchen island with the two people that ruined your night. Stas and Colby.
“Oh my god, that was the funniest part of the night, I swear.” Stas giggled as she looked at Colby, a bright smile on her face.
Rolling your eyes, you wondered towards the cabinets for some painkillers to cure your headache, when suddenly your presence was made known.
“Oh, hey, girl.” Katrina’s voice was heard as you knocked back the pill with some water, “How you feeling?”
“Amazing!” You replied sarcastically, faking a smile as the room fell silent while you grabbed your breakfast.
As you turned around to walk back up the stairs, Colby rose from his seat and walked towards you, “Baby, can we tal—“
“Sit the fuck down, Brock, don’t even try it.”
Your words shocked him as you walked past him like he was nothing, not even looking him in the eyes. But, before you could make it very far, a strong grasp stopped you from moving.
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Stas’ irritated expression filled your vision as she spoke.
A laugh rumbled from your chest, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” She snapped, “He was only trying to fix things.”
“Yeah, fix things that got ruined because of you.” You spat, trying your hardest to contain the anger inside you but it was becoming unbearable.
“Oh, please, Y/N. It was one night, grow up.”
That was it.
Slamming your plate aggressively on the counter top, you swiftly tied your hair up as you prepared yourself, “Say that again.” You pushed, advancing towards her.
Your friends quickly jumped up in shock, “Woah, woah, woah, let’s just calm down.” Colby panicked, placing a hand on your arm to move you backwards.
“Get your fucking hands off me.” You growled, seething beneath him.
“Y/N, please calm down, and let’s just talk please.” Colby pleaded as Katrina moved Stas into another room.
“Okay, let’s talk!” You started, condescendingly, “So, how was your night with another woman? On my birthday, and the big launch of my brand. At the party you practically forced me to have.”
“Still wanna talk?” You pressed further, making direct, intimidating eye contact with Colby as he stated back at you, worriedly, “That’s what I thought.”
“Y/N..” He whispered, his eyes practically begging you to forgive him.
“Shut up.” You snarled, “I’ll pack my stuff, and I’ll be out by midday. So, go enjoy your time with Stas over there, and I’ll consider coming back when her brand launches.”
“B-But, she doesn’t have a brand?” Colby spluttered, looking like a child who had been told off.
“Oh, what a shame for you then.”
finally one where you don’t forgive him:)
sorry it’s been a while i’ve been having trouble with my phone so all my apps deleted LMAO
merry christmas to those who celebrate it! hope all of your days, xmas or not, are going amazing!
love you all :)
@mattheoriddlemarcuslopez (sorry couldn’t find your other account)
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valsarchives · 1 year
twin flame - t.c.
a/n: I wasn’t going to post this but I couldn’t resist it so here it is. I’ll probably make 2 or 3 more parts of this. Enjoy!
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liked by robertdowneyjr, zendaya, florencepugh and 13,395,207 others
tchalamet 1095 days with you. thank you for making me the luckiest guy on earth. so ready for round four. let’s do it again, my twin flame.
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yourusername let’s gooo 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
tchalamet 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
yourusername loveyouloveyouloveyou
tchalamet loveyoumoreloveyoumore
zendaya 🥹🥹🥹
robertdowneyjr happy anniversary you two, kiddos.
yourusername thank you 🥺
tomholland2013 so happy for you two mate!
tchalamet thank you so much brother!
ynmybaby AWWWW 💗💗
ynandtimmy did he just call her his twin flame??? 🥹🥹🥹🥹
timotheefan15 YES HE DID SIS 🤧🤧
timochalamtt time flies 🥹🤧
timmyfan i remember the day i learned they were dating 🥲
ynfan2 i’m so happy for them 💞
tchalamet THANK YOU PAAAAAULINE!!! 💫🦄💗
ynmybaby Thank you Zendaya! ❤️❤️
ynandzendayafan Thank you sooo much queen!!
timofann thank you Zendaya!!!!
ynandtimmy Thank you queen!
tchalamet THANK YOU ZENDAYA!!!!
zendaya you’re welcome my babies!!
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liked by tchalamet, zendaya, kyliejenner and 14,395,175 others
yourusername 3 years, 1095 days. yet i still feel like we met yesterday. i can’t and probably never will get enough of you. let’s do it again, mon amour.
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tchalamet i love you so much it hurts.
yourusername good to know our feelings are mutual sir.
florencepugh crying rn 🥺💙
chanelofficial Happy Anniversary you two!
timofann Chanel celebrating their ambassadors anniversary. Wowza 🫨
zendaya seeing you two so happy makes me feel like crying i’m not even kidding
yourusername babyyyy 😭
zendaya i’m a proud mama
yourusername love ya mama
ynmybaby i love their friendship so much 🥺
zendayafann I adored them since their Disney times 😭
ynandzendayafan and look at them now. they found their soulmates and living their best life 🥹
ynsbabygirl they deserve it 🫶🏻
tomholland2013 love you guys!!!
yourusername love you too!!!
ynsbabygirl it’s supposed to be 4 years but- 😭
chalafann ugh I wish they never broke up but I’m grateful bc they’re happy now.
ynmybaby not Kylie liking the post 💀
timmytimmy i was laughing for hours
ynsbabygirl i’m so embarrassed for her
randomuser why? what did i miss? 🥲
timotea0 long story short, according to some “sources” kylie and timothee was dating since the new years. kris jenner and some pr team fueled the story by some pics but none of them actually worked. bc even though him and yn broke up at that time he was still so in love with her so he denied everything about the rumors and admitted that he was still in love with yn. then tom holland and zendaya made them get back together.
randomuser oh god, what a loser she is.
timotheefan15 ikr
kidcudi you guys are so cute
stephanebak my guy and my girl being the cutest couple
pauline.chalamet ok but when are you gonna be my sister officially????
*liked by tchalamet
ynmybaby Y/n Chalamet era soon?????
timmychalamet9 omg omg omg omg
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voguemagazine Y/n L/n and Timothée Chalamet are recently seen at a dinner in Venice with Zendaya and Tom Holland, celebrating the couple’s anniversary.
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ynmybaby my fam 🥰🥰🥰
ynsbabygirl i think they’re on a well deserved vacation together 🤧
timotheefan1 they are! 🥹
ynandtimmy the way he looks at her 🥺
zendayafan i love their friendship so much
tomhollandfann seeing them together makes me even more excited for their upcoming movies and euphoria’s new season! I miss Zendaya and Y/n together!
ynsbabygirl same here! I still can’t decide which one should i go first. Y/n and Tom’s or Dune 2???
zendayafan0 ok but i need all of them in a movie together 😩
timotheefan15 same girl same 🤧
chalafann i love how he nuzzles his head on her neck awwwww
ynandzendayafan they’re having so much fun 🥹
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liked by tchalamet, tomholland2013, yourusername and 13,495,184 others
zendaya sisters having fun. period.
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yourusername so you’re not gonna mention how you tried to sink me into the water huh??
zendaya i have no idea what you’re talking about miss
tomholland2013 should i be offended by the way you didn’t post at least one picture of us or..? You didn’t even mentioned that we took them :(
tchalamet you should get used to it bro🥲
tomhollandstan LMAOOO
ynsbabygirl aww poor boys lolll
ynmybaby POWER DUO 👑
zendayafan45 SLAYYY 💅🏻
timotea0 🥹🫶🏻
tommyfan1 you two are sooo cute
zendayafan9 love you guyss
florencepugh i missed you two 🥺
yourusername we missed you too bby 🤧
zendaya come over so we can ditch the boys and hang out together!!!
tchalamet ouch
tomholland2013 hey!
tayrussell cuties ❤️
yourusername 💋💋💋
zendaya love youuu
ynandzendayafan MOTHERS!! 🛐
ynsbabygirl i want what they have 😩
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tomholland2013’s story
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stellarsagittarius · 8 months
👶✨️ 5th House: Your Children in Astrology✨️👶
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[PS. Personal readings are open. If you wanna book one, check out the pinned post on my blog 💕🙏.]
Masterlist: All my posts in one place
The fifth house in astrology is associated with creativity, pleasure and children. It's also the house of good fortune, basically all the good and fun things in life that excites your inner child.
By looking at our fifth house we can understand how our children are like or how they are going to be like in the future when we have them.
What to look for:
For this, check your 5th House, and it's ruling planet. Then check what sign the ruling planet is in, then check what that sign is ruled by.
For example, I have Aries 5th House (Aries is ruled by Mars). My Mars is in Pisces. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, therefore my two children significators are Mars and Jupiter. So I will read about Aries, Pisces, but also pay close attention to Scorpio and Sagittarius. Since these four signs are most likely to be present in the big three of my children, and along with that, Aries, specifically (my fifth house sign) will tell me about their core personalities.
Here are the signs and their rulers:
1. Aries/Scorpio - Mars
2. Taurus/Libra - Venus
3. Gemini/Virgo - Mercury
4. Cancer - Moon
5. Leo - Sun
6. Sagittarius/Pisces - Jupiter
7. Capricorn/Aquarius - Saturn
(You can scroll and read about your signs but I have included a few examples of the people I have studied so far. You are welcome to read that for cool insights, if not, then your welcome to skip it.)
Kris Jenner - Capricorn 5th House (Saturn), Saturn is in Scorpio (Ruled by Mars). Therefore her children are going to have Mars or Saturn in their big three.
Robert Kardashian - Taurus 5th House (Venus), Venus in Aquarius (Ruled by Saturn). Children going to have Saturn and Venus.
Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner - Pisces 5th House (Jupiter), Jupiter in Capricorn (Ruled by Saturn). His kids gonna have Jupiter or Saturn in their big three.
Kris and Robert's children (Saturn, Venus or Mars ruled):
Kourtney Kardashian (Capricorn Moon, Aries Sun, Mars and Mercury) - Saturn and Mars
Kim Kardashian (Libra Sun, Saturn, Jupiter) - Venus (she has Jupiter ruled Rising and Moon, but her natal Jupiter is closely conjunct her natal Saturn!)
Khloe Kardashian (Aquarius rising, Saturn in Scorpio) - Saturn and Mars
Rob Kardashian (Aquarius rising, Libra Moon) - Saturn and Venus
Kris and Caitlyn/Bruce's children (Saturn, Jupiter or Mars ruled):
Kendall Jenner (Aries Rising and Moon, Scorpio Sun) Mars
Kylie Jenner (Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Moon) Saturn and Mars
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Aries 5th House
Your children are likely to be robust and full of energy. These children are the ones who cannot be tied to one particular thing. They will need constant change in the scenery or simply a lot of hobbies that keep their high energy going. These kids grow up to be the leaders and independent individuals, due to their pioneering personalities. As kids, they are likely to take charge of their activities and would want to go into something with full force. They are also likely to be very impulsive and might ask super unfiltered questions. If they like something, they are going in. They won't wait or sit around imagining or thinking anything. So yes, even though these kids need to be monitored 24/7 as toddlers, you can always give them hobbies so that you can catch a breath! Due to their unwavering levels of energy, with proper attention from you and practical knowledge given to them, they will learn how to stay safe and stand up for themselves. Also, these kids are likely to be the ones who stand up for their friends and the things/facts they truly care about. Going to give their arguments with full passion. Give them a proper schedule so that they can direct their endless levels of energies in a meaningful way. Engaging in high energy sports is one of the best ways to keep them smiling and enjoying their time.
Taurus in 5th House
When Taurus graces the 5th House, your children embody the essence of stability and determination. Taureans are the sturdy oak trees of the zodiac, rooted in their interests and pursuits. These kids possess an unwavering dedication to their chosen activities, and once they find something they love, they are in it for the long haul. Persistence is their key attribute. Expect them to gravitate towards hobbies that yield tangible results, such as art, music, or gardening, where they can witness their progress over time. Their creative endeavors may not be as fast-paced or flashy as some others kids, but they carry an enduring quality that promises long-term growth and achievement. However, it's important to note that their Taurean stubbornness can occasionally manifest when they refuse to budge from their chosen path. These kids are likely gonna do good when you give them a solid system to follow for their everyday activities, so that they can move ahead while sustaining their energy and not getting frustrated with things not working out while going about their day. Engage in practical hobbies with them such as baking or gardening or dancing, and you will see them effortlessly making use of their five senses.
Gemini in 5th House
Your children are going to be the epitome of curiosity. They are akin to butterflies, fluttering from one interest to another with remarkable agility. These youngsters thrive in environments that stimulate their ever-active minds. Books, puzzles, and social interactions are their playgrounds of choice, where they can indulge their need for learning. It's a common sight to see them exploring various hobbies and activities, switching from one to another just as quickly as well. Their unending curiosity translates into a constant stream of questions, so be prepared to keep up with their intellectual inquiries and try to engage in productive discussions with them. These little whirlwinds of energy are constantly questioning everything. While fire sign kids play war and chase, earth sign kids play cooking and shopping, and water sign kids love to bond with their friends first and foremost, air sign kids, especially Gemini, will pretend to sip tea and gossip about everything with their friends. Make sure they have an environment that supports their need for information, and not suffocate them by shutting them off. And don't fabricate anything.. they will always find out somehow. They have their sources, lmfao (I can confirm, I was a Gemini kid.)
Cancer 5th House
Alright, buckle up because we're talking about the super receptive and moody sign, and these kiddos are an emotional rollercoaster, but adorable nonetheless. Your little ones are like a sea of feelings, and they're not afraid to let you know it. These children are basically walking heart emojis. They'll laugh with you, cry with you, and sometimes, you won't even know why they're crying, but they will. Expect a whole lot of nurturing going on. These kids are the caretakers of their playgroup. They'll make sure everyone has a band-aid and a hug when they fall down. They've got this natural motherly or fatherly vibe, even if they're just kids themselves. Don't be surprised if they're a bit attached to you as parents. As toddlers, they are the type to want to sleep in your bed longer than you'd like or cling to your leg when you drop them off at school. It's their way of saying, "I love you, don't leave me!" But don't worry; they'll grow out of it, eventually. Creativity is where they shine, and they'll put their heart and soul into any artistic endeavor. Give them some crayons and watch them create a masterpiece or give them a musical instrument, and they'll compose a symphony of emotions. They value the warmth of their home and their parents, so make sure to be their rock whenever they need you.
Leo 5th House
These kids are born to be stars, in their own amazing way. These little lions are all about the spotlight. From the moment they can talk, they'll demand your attention, and they're going to get it one way or another. Cause they are just amazing. Expect your living room to be their personal stage. They'll put on shows, dress up in crazy costumes, and they'll insist on being the one in charge of everything. They are also very creative, so you will see them experimenting in all the hobbies they take up. You'll hear them say, "Look at me!" a lot, and trust me you won't have a choice. In their early stages, you need to give them encouragement for whatever they do, no matter how silly it is, as it will bring out their natural confidence. These kids believe they can conquer the world, and they'll make sure you know it. Encourage their creativity, and they'll thrive. Drama, dance, art – they'll excel in anything that lets them express themselves. But don't mistake their fiery spirit for being bossy. They're natural leaders, and also very caring. These kids have a heart of pure gold, and they like it when they can make other smile because of them. Plus, they're fiercely loyal. If their buddies are in trouble, these kiddos will charge to the rescue, cape and all. Make sure you don't, directly or indirectly, dim their lights by not appreciating them for who they are or imposing yourself onto them too much.
Virgo 5th House
Get ready for some organized chaos because Virgo in the 5th House means you've got some seriously detail-oriented kids on your hands. These little ones have a knack for spotting the tiniest speck of dust in a room and a love for having everything in order. They're the kids who'll color-code their crayons and arrange their toys by size and type. Expect them to correct your grammar and tell you when you've missed a spot while cleaning. But hey, it's all in the name of perfection! They may not be the most outwardly expressive, but their love is in the details so that they can create a good functional space for things. They also have a natural caregiving tendency so you will catch them being quite gentle with a lot of things. They'll show you they care by helping out, whether it's folding laundry or picking up after themselves without being asked. Their creative streak leans toward precision – think intricate drawings, meticulous crafts, and carefully crafted stories. They'll analyze everything before making a move, so don't expect them to jump into things without a plan. Always try to give them practical knowledge of things around the house or even outside the house. When things are looking right to them they will be super fun, but when they see something not going the way they want, they can become very nagging and picky.
Libra 5th House
These kids bring an essence of charm into your life. These kids are little diplomats in the making, smoothing out conflicts with clever words. Blessed with an amazing ability for judging situations and people, you might find them giving side-eyes quite often when they don't like something. They've got a strong sense of fairness and justice, so you will always find them measuring if whatever you are giving to their siblings and themselves is equal in quantity or not. They'll say, "That's not fair!" more times than you can count, because they are kids and kids deserve all the love in the world. But same goes for others, if they see someone getting less than them, they will start to feel charitable. Creativity is their jam, and they'll love anything that allows them to express their artistic side. A thing for fashion and beauty is also running in them all the time. They'll shine in group activities. These kiddos have an innate desire to make everyone around them happy, and they're excellent at reading people through the way people express their likes and dislikes. They'll be the first to offer a kind word when someone's feeling down. Decision-making might take a while. They'll weigh every option meticulously, trying to find the perfect balance. Don't rush them; it's all part of their quest for equilibrium and beauty in everything they do.
Scorpio 5th House
You've got some seriously passionate and mysterious kids on your hands. These little Scorpios are the tiny inspectors, always digging for the truth, even if it's hidden in the most obscure places. They're not the ones to share their feelings openly with anyone, but their emotions run very deep. As toddlers and babies they are going to be extremely attached to you (their primary care-givers) and will be fiercely loyal as well. (I have a 3 year old Scorpio sun, Cancer rising cousin and he is so possessive over his mama's belongings, lmao). You'll need to be a mind reader to understand what's going on beneath the surface. And don't be surprised if they give you that knowing look, as if they've seen the secrets of the universe. Creativity for them is all about delving into all things mysterious. They'll explore the depths of their imagination fearlessly. These kids are fiercely loyal to their friends and family. If someone messes with a person they care about, they better watch out because these kids got a sting that can rival an actual scorpion's. They'll defend their loved ones with a passion that's both admirable and a little scary. Make sure you respect their need for closeness, because these kids won't likely intermingle and be super social with just anyone they meet. But these kids are also very kind and have a good spot for being emphatic to other people.
Sagittarius 5th House
These kids bring a WILD sense of adventure and curiosity into your family. They are little explorers, always asking, "What's next?" Creativity for them is all about freedom. They'll love to write, draw, or dance, but it has to be on their terms. Don't be surprised if they're unconventional and experimental in their artistic pursuits. These kiddos are truth-seekers, and they'll question everything. Expect lots of "Why?" and "How?" questions. Expose them to meaningful art or hobbies, and they will have a stable ground to construct their life upon. You can always teach them things, but they will have to actually live that experience to know what the lesson truly is. So never ever hold them back. They're on a quest for knowledge, and they won't stop until they've satisfied their curiosity (which is probably never gonna happen, lol). Independence is their core quality. As parents, you'll have to give them room to spread their wings and explore the world on their terms. They'll make mistakes along the way, but that's how they learn and grow. So allow them to ask and develop their own belief system over time. Give them practical knowledge so they can know how to navigate the world, because a lot of Sagittarians tend to be a bit detached from material pursuits. The best advice is to grow with them. Teach them but also learn from them. And give them plenty of love too, because they aren't as emotionally expressive, so you may never know.
Capricorn in 5th House
These kids are mini-adults from day one, and they've got their eyes set on climbing the ladder of success, even if it's a ladder made of Legos. They'll be the ones who organize their toys into a meticulously planned system, complete with spreadsheets and color-coded charts. These little Capricorns are all about structure and discipline, and they'll thrive on routine. Creativity for them is a bit more serious. They'll lean toward traditional arts like painting or music, and they'll take it very seriously. Expect to see them practicing their instrument or perfecting their art skills with a lot of dedication. When they have their eyes set on something, they are going to give everything to achieve it, so you have to be aware that they aren't getting frustrated or overly obsessed over a result. Responsibility is their middle name. These kids are the ones who'll do little tasks over the house and make sure everyone's on time for things. Don't be surprised if they're a bit reserved with their emotions. They're not big on grand displays of affection, but they'll show their love through actions. They'll be there to support you and their friends when it matters most. As parents, you'll need to encourage their creativity while also allowing them to have some fun. They can be a bit too serious at times, so don't forget to let them be kids and enjoy the simpler things in life. Allow them to discover a purpose that will help them direct their energy in a more meaningful and long term way.
Aquarius in 5th House
Get ready for some quirky and independent parenting because Aquarius kids means you've got some unique and unconventional personalities on your hands. These Aquarian kids are little rebels with a cause. Creativity for them knows no boundaries as well. They'll invent their own games, create fantastical worlds, and challenge the norms of art and expression. You can expect some avant-garde masterpieces and out-of-this-world ideas. These are super independence kids. They'll want to do things their own way, and they'll question authority like it's a sport. These kids are natural inventors and innovators and they'll tinker with gadgets, build contraptions, and dream up solutions to problems you didn't even know existed. Encourage their curiosity, and who knows what they might create. Emotionally, they can be a bit detached at times. They're not the most touchy-feely, but they'll show their love by being there for you and their friends when it really matters. They've got a humanitarian streak and will stand up for what's right. And ususally, they won't be taking a no for an answer. As parents, you'll need to give them the freedom to explore their ideas and express themselves in their own unique way. They're not ones to follow the crowd, and that's a good thing because they're here to change the world. Believe in them and appreciate their unique nature, it will encourage their confidence a lot.
Pisces in 5th House
These kids are like living fairy tales. Creativity is their superpower. They'll spend hours lost in their own little world, drawing, painting, or writing stories that transport you to magical realms. With these kids, the key is to become an imaginative child yourself. Encourage their artistic pursuits, and you'll be amazed at what they create. Emotions run deep for these little Pisceans. They're incredibly empathetic and sensitive, so be prepared for them to pick up on your feelings and offer a shoulder to cry on, even if they're just kids. They're natural storytellers, and they'll spin elaborate tales with vivid imagination. Bedtime stories will be an adventure, and they'll have an uncanny ability to make even the most ordinary events sound enchanting. They are also very adventurous, having this curious nature for whatever they have their eyes on. These kids are the ones who rescue injured animals and bring home stray cats. They've got a heart as big as the ocean, and they'll want to help anyone in need. Teach them to channel their compassion in positive ways. As parents, you'll need to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their creativity to flourish. They might be a bit disorganized, so help them find ways to stay grounded and focused. They are often very kind natured and empathetic kids, so always teach them the importance of boundaries and consent.
Stay tuned for more astrology content. Thanks for reading 🏹✨️!
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i-heart-marvel · 11 months
Polaroid films | Noah Diaz x fem!reader
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(Not my GIF)
Summary: When your best friend’s mom called you and asked you the babysit Kris while she’s out at work. You didn’t expect to see Noah come back so early from his work. After a while of talking y’all decided to catch up…maybe makes some photographic memories.
Warnings: fingering, making out, voyeurism?, first time writing smut, oral (M receiving), and slight nipple play?
So I haven’t seen the movie in a while so everything is gonna be weird or not right?! This is after the whole ROTB. Also like I said in the warning it’s my first time writing smut. Hope you enjoy!
It was lunch time when my phone rang. I ran from my room to the living room answering the phone on the third ring.
“Hello?” Y/n wasn’t expecting a call at all from anyone. It’s been awhile since her phone rang, or was even used. “Hey Y/n, how are you sweetheart?” Mrs. Diaz asked her voice wavering. Oh how I missed hearing her voice. She was like a second mom to me. I haven’t seen the Diaz family, or talked to them since Noah went and did a job for Reek. It’s not like I didn’t want to go see them or call them but it hurt knowing that Noah didn’t even bother putting effort into our long time friendship. Ever since he did that job he ignored me, didn’t even bother to come to our daily park walks. ‘Those were the most important’ he would say every time my schooling was in the way. I would drop everything and go with him without a question.
“Oh hey Mrs. Diaz! I’m good just been studying real hard for my classes. Y cómo está usted? Esta bien?” I was concerned plus confused. Normally her voice would be bright and soothing, but now it sounds rushed. “Oh estamos muy vein pequeña. But I have to ask you for a favor” Mrs. Diaz asked her voice now unsure. Mrs. Diaz knew her and Noah haven’t talked in awhile and knew it would be awkward if she came over to do this favor for her. Mrs. Diaz just ran out of options. “Yeah tell me! Que es?” Y/n asked hesitation laced in her words.
“Well I’m going to enter my shift in about an hour, and I need a babysitter for Kirs. Noah can’t make it since he’s working right now.” Y/n heard Kris in the background saying that he doesn’t need one since he’s ‘grown’. I chuckled at that, “Ay Kris you know I would never leave you by yourself. Anyways Y/n I was wondering if you can come and stay with Kris until Noah comes off his shift tonight?” I stayed quiet listening to her words. Many thoughts ran through my mind, ‘what if Noah tries to talk to me? Do I ignore him? What if he ignores me? What would he do when he got there?’. Hearing Mrs. Diaz on line saying my name brought me out of my train of thought. “Mhm… Yes I’m sorry I was just thinking um yeah sure I would love to. I haven’t seen Kris in awhile so why not?”
I honestly need a brake from my studying anyways, so babysitting Kris could be a breather. Just hope nothing awkward would happen. “Oh good I can pay you tomorrow and there’s snacks in the fridge, cabinets, and leftovers in the also in the fridge.” Mrs. Diaz rambling at this point telling me all this information. “Mr-Mrs. Diaz! You don’t have to pay you know? You guys are like family to me I can be there in like twenty or so minutes yeah? I will be there just don’t pay me.” I let out reassuring her that she doesn’t need to pay me. “Okay está vein just bring want you need pequeña. I will meet you here. Okay bye thank you!” Mrs. Diaz hung up the phone. I put the phone back on the wall, I stood there contemplating if I should do this.
I walked out of the living room going into my room getting ready. I put on some comfortable clothes and shoes. I get my book bag and started to grab some VHS tapes knowing what Kris would like. Grabbing my Polaroid camera, I put it in my bag so I can take some photos for my class. After getting everything i need I start heading out the door, but before I close the door, “shit can’t leave without this,” I quickly run back in and get my stashed chocolates. I grab some and put them in my bag. “Couldn’t leave without this,” I finally shut my door and lock it.
When I get there I knock at the door and wait patiently. Hearing footsteps nearing the door I anxiously start to play with my fingers. The door opens and reveals Kris.
“Hey Kris!” I said with a big smile on my face. He comes out and hugs me, “hey Y/n I missed you. Why don’t you come anymore?” Kris looked up at me releasing me. “Oh!” My voice faltering a bit, “I was just busy with my schooling Kris you know it’s very hard once you get older.” I said hands on his shoulder lightly turning him around him. “Okay let’s get on with this hangout bud!” “Yeah!” Kris yelled excitedly. We got into the house and I see Mrs. Diaz. “Hey Mrs.Diaz!” I walked up to her inviting arms and hugged tightly. “Oh hi pequeña! I missed you, but I’m in a rush” Mrs. Diaz quickly let go of the hug and kissed me on the cheek. She was rushing around the kitchen and living room, quickly gathering her things. “Like I said over the phone there’s food leftovers in the fridge and snacks…somewhere anyways I will see you guys later.” Mrs. Diaz went up to Kris and kissed her forehead, “oh mom come on not in front of Y/n” Kris whispered to his mom.
“Okay I’m leaving. Be safe you two Noah will come later okay? Okay bye love y’all” Mrs. Diaz quickly walked out and shut the door.
They stood there staring at the door. “Wow I have never seen her that quick” Kris said eyes wide, “me neither” I said my mouth opened in shock. I close my and turn to Kris, “now do you want to watch some movies” my voice raised a higher octave. I set my bag on the kitchen table getting out the VHS tapes. “We have some different options here” Kris turns around and looks my way and starts to walk up to the table. “We got Hocus-pocus, The Nightmare before Christmas.” I kept listening off the movies I brought and hand them to Kris for him to look at and pick. While he looked I got into the cabinets and start to get the popcorn out and some sugary snacks. I looked up at the clock and see that’s it one thirty. ‘Maybe after a movie I can take some photos.’
“Oh I think I would like this,” he showed me the movie The Snadlot. “Oh that’s a good one. You will love it more than you like it,” I said smiling at Kris and he smiled back. “Okay go put it in and I can get the snacks started!”
“Okay!” Kris exclaimed excitedly going to the tv and putting in. I got the popcorn out of the microwave and put it in to two separate bowls, and I grab the candy’s and bring them to the living room. “Here you go Kris,” I hand him the bowl and he thanks me. I laid the candy down on the coffee table and start to watch the movie with him.
We finished the movie a few minutes ago so I go to get up. “How did you like the movie Kris?” I asked while getting the popcorn bowls and candy wrappers. “I liked it, it was cool!” Kris got up too and got our empty soda cans and threw them away. “Are we gonna watch other one Y/n?” Kris looked at me while I was putting washing the bowls, “yeah we can watch one later.” I looked up at the clock and see that it’s three something in the afternoon.
“Hey wanna go to the park and take some photos? It’s for my class and I think you’re the perfect super star to be in my photos” I asked him smiling leaning my back on the counter with my arms crossed in front of me. “Mhm what do I get if I do be in your photos?” Kris questioned with one eyebrow raised. I looked at him playfully going along with it, “how about free ice cream?” I said while doing jazz hands. “You got yourself a deal Y/n!” Kris smiled and took out his hand for a shake. I shake his hand and start to get my stuff, “okay then Kris go get your shoes and we can leave.” I smiled as he quickly ran for his shoes.
After we went to the park and took some pretty good photos we got ice cream from a little shop.
We made it back at the apartment at six. I opened the door and let Kris in first, “how do you like your ice cream bud?” I asked while he walked passed me I ruffled his hair a bit. “It’s so good!” Kris exaggerated with a smile while putting a spoonful in his mouth. I chuckled at his actions, “yeah it’s very good, but don’t tell your mom I gave you ice cream before dinner.” I walked in behind him shutting the door and locking it behind me. I sat on the couch and looked at the tv that was playing on a random channel. “Hey Kris,” I look beside me to get his attention. “What?” He questioned eyes still focused on the tv, “what do you want from the leftovers? You guys have a different variety.”
“Oh I don’t care what you reheat, just don’t reheat Noah’s leftovers he said that there differently seasoned.” Kris said looking at you making quote on quote hand gestures. “Oh okay, yeah of course!” I said laughing and getting up to the kitchen and getting out the pasta. I see the container that’s says ‘Noah’s leftover’ I chuckled seeing the burnt food. “Okay well I’m reheating pasta” I said while taking two plates and putting pasta on them.
After heating them up I told Kris that it was ready. “Coming” he said while walking to his seat, “thank you Y/n.” Kris smiled at and I smiled back, “oh you’re welcome Kris.” When I was about to put the delicious food in my mouth I hear the door unlock. “Kris I’m home!” The voice yelled out. It was Noah. ‘Shit’ I yelled in my mind. “Oh hey Noah. Y/n’s here mom asked her to babysit me.” Kris said with a big smile looking at his big brother waking through the miniature hallway. I keep my head down avoiding to look at Noah playing with my food. “Oh.” Noah let out looking at the back of my head, “hey Y/n” he let out awkwardly. Noah walked into the kitchen looking at you before opening the fridge and getting a drink. “Hey Noah” I said keeping my head down, too scared to look at him.
Kris was confused his smile faltering a bit. “Why did it get so quiet all of sudden?” Kris asked innocently looking back and fourth between the two of you. I looked at Noah who is leaning on the counter with a soda can in his hand looking at me. “Nothing wrong Kris everything’s fine. Tell Noah what we did today,” I put on a fake smile and turned around to look at him hoping he can’t see through me.
“Oh well.…” Kris began to tell Noah what we did today. I toned him out and played with my food, occasionally I would look up at Noah who has moved to the table sitting right in front of me. We would make eye contact but would break it quickly as it came. After Kris was done he wanted me to show Noah some off the photos I took of him at the park. “They look good, I myself look good Noah” Kris said smiling while looking at Noah. Noah looked at you and began to show a little smile, “can I see them?” He questioned his voice was gentle and soft approaching. I looked up at him and sat there, “um yeah, uh let me get them.” I said dazed a little bit, nodding my head I get up and go to the living room the retrieve my film book.
I get it out and walk back to the table. Noah and Kris were talking about what Noah did today but stop when I got close. “Look they’re going to look so good. You’re pretty good at this Y/N!” Kris smiled excitedly and looked at me, “oh thank you Kris, you look handsome in these!” I said looking back him smiling while sitting down at my seat. I hand Noah my book gently I made eye contact with him and smiled a bit, he smiled back. “Thanks Y/n/n” Noah smiled grabbing my book and opening it.
“I was g-glad there wasn’t such a big crowd today since usually where I go to take those photos I can’t even get a shot.” I was surprised I said a word to Noah. I smiled and look at Kris, “maybe your my lucky charm bud. You should always come with me.” I said while chuckling and ruffling his hair. Kris smiles at me and playfully slaps my hand. “Maybe I should, I can get more ice cream.” He said playfully, “I would give you all the ice cream you would want for helping me out” I said while turning back to Noah who is still looking at them.
“Do you like them?” I questioned softly playing with my fingers, nervous for his response. Kris got up to look at the pictures with him “They look great Y/n” Noah said looking up at you smiling brightly, “you made Kris look pretty good!” I sighed, relieved he didn’t say anything bad. “Why don’t you take photos of yourself Y/n?” Kris asked looking up at you while also Noah does too. “Yeah why don’t you take photos of yourself Y/n/n?” Noah asked too with a teasing smile. I blushed, “I don’t think I would look good in films, and I’m too busy to take photos of myself.” I looked at Noah who is still smiling at me, I smiled back. “How about I take a photo of you?” Noah questioned already getting up and walking to my bag.
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that Noah!” I quickly exclaimed getting up from where I sat. “Wait let him Y/n you barley have any of yourself!” Kris said walking up and facing me, “you look good!” He gleefully said. I see Noah at my bag getting my camera, so I walked up close to him “you remembered how to take one yeah?” I questioned softly, not wanting him to do something accidentally wrong. “Yes I remember Y/n/n” Noah said turning around a getting my camera ready. “Okay now get ready!” He smiled at me, I turn around and look at Kris. I make a come here motion but he shakes his head with a smile and runs to his brother.
“Come on Noah you know I can’t do it myself it’s awkward,” I tried to get out of the situation. “Nope come on Y/n pose!” Noah said smiling and closing one eye, I let out a smile and put my hands behind my back. The flash goes off and blinds me for a bit I hear the Polaroid making my film.
Noah walked up to me with the film in hand shaking a bit so the process is faster. When he showed me I saw my form and my smile. “See you look so great Y/n/n” Noah said softly slightly moving his head down so I can hear him. “Thank you Noah.” I said just as softly looking up at him, I see that his cheeks are covered in red dust so were mine. We made eye contact for a few more seconds before we heard Kris’s footsteps, “see you do look good Y/n. No wonder why Noah said you were made to be in front of the camera.” Kris said smiling down at the picture than at me. “I’m going to put it in your book!” Kris ran off with the photo to the kitchen.
I go to sit on the couch, “you said that about me?” I questioned Noah softly. I sit on the far right of the couch with Noah sitting beside me, but he left us some space. “Yeah every time my ma would bring you and your camera skills up I said you should be in front of it instead.” He said blushing while looking at me. When I see his freckled face I can’t help but remember what he did, they way he ignored me for days. Didn’t call, visit me, or even come to our hangouts. I decided now it’s the time to ask him. “Noah what happened? Why did you ignore me? For like several days!” I examined softly so Kris doesn’t hear.
Noah was taken aback. He was surprised I even brought this up. Noah looked at me with sad eyes, “look Y/n/n-“ he was cut off by Kris yelling out, “Hey can we watch another movie Y/n?” Kris was smiling walking up to you two with more of my VHS tapes. Noah was thankful for Kris Interrupting him, he wouldn’t know how to explain to you that he works for a secret organization that’s nobody knows about.
I looked at him with a look that said ‘this isn’t over’. “Yeah sure bud pick whatever you want!” I got up and went to the tv to change the setup.
After watching the movie Kris had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Noah sat on the opposite side of Kris, his arm laid flat behind Kris’s head his hand almost touching my shoulder.
“Noah,” I said quietly facing him not trying move so much as not wake up Kris. “Can you carry Kris to his room please?” Noah looked at me and nodded, while he was carrying Kris away I was thinking of what happened earlier. I pulled the blanket up to my chest, the one Noah got me. ‘Does he do anything bad? Is he even my best friend anymore? What does he even do for work that he managed to ignore me so much?’
A door shutting brought me out of my thoughts. I see Noah walking into the living room, he looks up at me and sits on the couch. “Look Y/n/n earlier I wanted to say that-“ he stops and takes a deep breath. I turn my whole body to look at him, my knees almost touching his thighs. Noah didn’t know what to say. How can he explain in words what he works for, and that no one has even heard of. “Y/n/n I really can’t explain. If I could I would tell you I would, but I am really, really sorry that I had ignored you for several days. My job is just really complicated I’m dealing with all this shit that probably wouldn’t even make sense to you-“ Noah rambled on talking fast, but I heard every word. “What do you mean your work is fucking complicated? To complicated to call for a minute and say ‘oh hey Y/n how are you? I’m doing fine myself! Wanna go have our daily walks and talk about life.’ You can’t even tell me that you’re safe and fine ugh!”
I jumped up from the couch and let out a groan. “I’m still mad at you Noah. You had me thinking that our friendship didn’t even mean anything to you. I don’t even know if it still means anything!” I said shouting quietly at him as to not wake up Kris. Noah looked up at me and got up and put his hands on my arms. “Our friendship means everything to me Y/n! I didn’t call you because I needed you to be safe!” Noah exclaimed his left hand going to the my cheek, his thumb going back and fourth.
“If I told you what I do you would want to help but I love you too much to lose you to some evil aliens!” I felt his breathe hitting my face. He was breathing hard, I looked into his eyes to see them glossed over by tears. My eyes soften at the sight, “What are you talking about Noah?” I grab his hand that’s on my cheek, gripping it. “Evils aliens? Are you insane?” I drop his hand and back up a little bit not believing one word. “There’s no such thing as aliens Noah. Gosh you do you really think I’m that dumb?” I scoffed and started to walk to the kitchen.
“See this is why I didn’t want to have this conversation cause you wouldn’t believe me Y/n! But trust me please!” Noah begged walking behind me and grabbing my arm making me turn around. “Trust me when I say this I love you! I have always been in love with you Y/n!” Noah said smiling sadly a tear running down his face. He was looking at me with such desperation, he hesitates his next words “befo-before I went to do the job for Reek I wanted to ask you out but I was scared of what you would say, and when I found out a dude from space was going to end the whole world I decided to not tell anyone not even you. I was terrified of what would happen to you.”
Noah brought both his hands and put them back on my cheeks. I started to tear up from his confession. He wiped the fat tears away from my face. “You’re telling the truth?” I whispered still unsure but beginning to trust his every word. He nodded licking his lips still making eye contact with me. “Oh Noah,” I sobbed out hugging him my arms wrapping around his waist. He lets out a breath and hugs you back wrapping his arms around your shoulder tucking his head into your shoulder. “Noah I love you too but you can’t ever do this again. This time you have to me everything please.” Taking my head off his chest I looked up at him, “promise me Noah, promise that we will tell each other everything even if it’s bad or good.”
I said bringing my hand on his cheek. “I promise.” He whispered back his eyes still glossy, I smiled up at him. “Y/n-“ Noah whispered liking the feeling of your warm palm on his cheek, “yes?” “Can I kiss you?” He asked wrapping a his hand around the back of my neck. My eyes widened a little I meekly nodded. He leans in slowly noses touching, I feel his breath on my lips.
Then I feel his lips connecting to mine,kissing me gently, I kiss back. I never imagined kissing my best friend but here we are. The kiss was soft and slow and it feels just like out of a fairytale. I feel his mustache rub on the top of my lip. Our lips fitting like a perfect puzzle piece, but we sadly both pull away for air. I whined at losing contact. Our foreheads connect both of us out of breath. Noah opens his eyes and sees Y/n still has her eyes closed but with a pleasured smile. “You like that Y/n/n?” Noah said teasingly his thumb rubbing the back of my neck soothing me, and I feel his other hand on my hip steadying me.
I opened my eyes again to see Noah looking at me smiling. I pull back a little, “that was…wow.” I chuckled looking at his plumped lips, “can we kiss again?” I sheepishly asked smiling, he nodded and connected his lips with mine once more. The kiss was harder now with more passion.
Noah licks Y/n’s bottom lip asking her to slip in his tongue, so Y/n opens her mouth a little wider and Noah does just that exploring her mouth. Y/n moans at the feeling, loving every second of this. With their lips still connected they move to the couch. Noah sits down first and puts Y/n on his lap, both of her thighs warp around his hips tightly. His hands go to her legs rubbing them up to her thigh. When he gets to her ass he kneads it. “mmm” I moaned out running my hands through his curls. He pulls away kissing my check and heading down to my neck. “You smell good Y/n,” I felt his nose on my pulse point his teeth nibbling at my neck he starts to suck my neck. I throw my head back letting out a moan my hand tugging his curls. “You even taste well,” he swipes his tongue at new forming bruise. Noah let’s out strained breaths every time I tug his hair.
I feel his hands going under my shirt caressing my lower back. His calloused hands give me goosebumps all over my body. He keeps on making deep colored buries all around my neck, “N-mm” he got to my sweet spot, and I couldn’t help but moan loudly. I quickly bring my hand up to my mouth hoping Kris doesn’t hear any of this. He finally pulls away and looks up at me with hooded eyes. “Was I that good?” He chuckled with smile, “y-yeah that was n-nice,” I couldn’t even talk without stuttering. My breathing was hard at this point I was almost breathless, “you look so good like this Y/n/n wish I can take a picture,” he said bring one on his fingers and dragging it around my neck.
I closed my eyes trying to calm down at the sweet new feeling. “Oh I got an idea Y/n,” he said gently shifting me off his lap I get off and sat on the couch opening my eyes back up, “what are you doing Noah?” I see him going through my bag looking for something he takes out my Polaroid camera, “I want to take a picture of your beautiful self! I wanna remember this,” he states coming back to the couch and pulling me back into his lap. I move around in his lap when I do that he lets out a breathless moan. I feel his groin through his pants touching my core, “s-shit Y/n don’t move as much,” he said bring his hand to my hip tightly gripping it.
I blush at the sound he made, “sorry. Noah how are you gonna take the picture,” I looked at him seeing that he smiling at me his thumb going back and fourth. “Well I was thinking-” he went back to kissing my neck this time he kisses each mark, “I hold the camera close while my mouth is on your neck and you just sit there all pretty enjoying every second of it. You’re the new star for the camera.” I looked at him surprised, “we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He started to put the camera down but I stop him, “I would like to,” I said blushing and smiling. He smiles back at me and starts to go back to kissing my neck.
I closed my eyes pleased with all this. His left hand is still on my hip this time making its way to my ass, his other hand holding on to the camera. He raises it up getting ready, but once his lips met my sweet spot again I throw my head back making a o shaped with my mouth. I hear the camera take the shot. Noah pulls away but not without taking one last kiss. I opened my eyes and looked down at him smiling, “does it look good?” I see him shaking the film. He smiles looking down at the processed photo, “yeah it looks very good. You look hot,” Noah looked up at me smirking I blushed again and I grabbed the film.
In the photo I see that my hand is holding on to his curls tightly, my head is pulled back, my mouth opened, half of my face is shown. I can see Noah’s teeth nibbling, and my neck is covered with marks. I smiled at the photo, “I do look hot!” I said chuckling. “Yeah you do,” Noah said grabbing my chin and placing his lips back on mine and we were full on making out. I hear the camera take another film but ignored it and kept going. I guess he ignored it to cause then I feel both of his on my ass.
His fingertips start to mess with the waistband of my pants. “Y/n-” he said bring his right hand to the front, “can I touch you?” He whispers looking down at his hand. I nodded looking at him raising my hand on his cheek I start to lightly kiss it making my way down to his neck. While doing that I feel him rubbing me through my pants, my arousal already seeping through. “mmm f-fuck Noah,” I moaned against his neck I lightly nibble on his tanned skin, “damn Y/n you’re so wet. All this for me?” He said breathless looking at the way his hand is working. I hummed too fucked to form a word.
His fingers start to rub harder putting more pressure. I start to feel the coil tighten in my lower belly, “f-fuck Noah I thi-think I gonna cum” I stammered out pulling my head away. I start to grind into his hand wanting him to go faster, but all of sudden he pulls away I whined missing his fingers. “Oh come on Noah I was about to cum!” I examined looking at him, “oh I know Y/n/n don’t worry. I want to really feel you this time hmm. I wanna feel those walls.” He whispered in my ear kissing under it.
I take in a shuddering breath, “oh Noah. Shit just do it already,” I said whispering desperately. When he hears those last five words his pupils dilate, his eyes full with lust, “oh I will.” He quickly makes us lay down on the couch, he turns me around with my back to his chest my head laying down on his shoulder. I yelped at the sudden move, “I just want you to see how good I fuck you with only my fingers.” He said smirking at me, our eyes meeting and my mouth opened with shock. His hands go under my shirt and starts caressing my stomach. They go up until they meet my breast, he quickly takes the end of my shirt and raises it up to my neck, “mmm they look so good Y/n/n!” Noah groans out kneading both my breast I let out a breathless moan.
I quickly work to take my bra off, but Noah stops me and does it himself. When he’s done he throws it down to the floor and goes back to fondle my breast. I throw my head back to his shoulder closing my eyes, “Y/n I need you to keep those pretty eyes open for me. I want you to see all of this.” He grabs my chin making me open eyes again forcing me to look at his hands. Noah grabs my nipples and starts to rub them, “oh~” I let out closing my eyes but opening just as quickly as I closed them. He let’s go one nipple and brings two fingers up to my mouth, “suck” he simply said.
I opened my mouth letting my tongue stick out, he quickly puts it in my mouth. Closing my mouth around it I start suck on it. He shakily inhales, loving the feeling of your mouth sucking his fingers. Slightly moving my head back and fourth, I swirl my tongue around it, I taste my arousal from earlier. I moaned at the taste Noah pulls them out and goes to my core, I help him pull down my pants and panties. While his other hand is still playing with my nipple, he starts to rub his sucked fingers on my folds rubbing it in circles.
Throwing my head back I moaned trying to keep my eyes opened but it was too good. Noah quickly notices and grabs my chin gently making me bring my head off his shoulder, “look Y/n, or I won’t make you cum.” He whispers into my ear threateningly I nodded my head now focusing my eyes on his slicked fingers. His fingers starts to go down my slit and makes it at the entrance of my aching hole. He teasingly starts to rub it, “please Noah” I whined turning my head a little to look into his eyes, “please what Y/n/n? What do you want?,” he asked slowing his movements.
“P-please I want your fingers inside of me, pumping me until I cum. Please Noah,” I whined gripping his wrist wanting him to do it already. All of sudden he enters without warning making me let out a big gasp. “Ohh~ fuck so tight!” He exclaimed turning his head and kissing behind my ear, his fingers pumping in and out gradually getting faster. I see my slick leaking out me, I hear it squelching every time he meets my folds. He brings his other hand and starts to rub my clit. “Oh f-f-” I moaned not finishing my sentence, his fingers reach the spongy spot that I love so much, “oh ye-yes right there Noah,” I grabbed his wrist making him go faster. I drop my left leg off the couch spreading my legs wider.
You can hear the way he’s pumping so good, the wet noises sounding like heaven to him. I feel his hard breathing hitting my ear, I feel his hard clothe member on my lower back. “Sh-shit I’m gonna cum Noah,” I moaned out quietly looking at the way his hands are working. I bring my left hand and start to knead my breast. Noah feels her walls beginning to tighten, “cum for Y/n/n,” he kisses my cheek and a few more pumps I let go of the coil. I start to come off his fingers, and I turn my head and kiss him to try and cover my loud moans. He pumps a few more times letting me ride my high. I break away and throw my head back breathing heavily, but when I broke away I hear him get my camera from where he left it last.
“Oh that was amazing Y/n/n. You did so good for me,” he said praising me kissing my cheek, “oh look at this beautiful cunt. Wanna take a picture?” He asked me smiling and shaking the camera a bit. I smiled back and agreed, “yeah sure Noah,” his two fingers were still in my hole so he hands me the camera. I try not to move as much since I’m still overstimulated. I bring the camera up to my face and look into the little window, and I saw Noah’s left hand sprawled across stomach his other hand at my core. I feel him move his fingers out a little to show how slicked they’re I whined a bit at the feeling. I take the picture and a flash goes off, I hear the film being processed. When it’s done I take it and look at it admiring it.
Noah fully gets his fingers out and brings them up to his mouth and sucks them dry. “Mmm- told you tasted so good!” Noah moans loving the taste of my sweet slick his eyes rolling to the back of his head, I flushed red at his comment and bury my head into his neck. “Ohh~ don’t get shy on me now Y/n/n!” Noah chuckles bringing his hand onto my head petting my hair, “how can I not?” I asked laughing. He chuckles and shifts a bit.
I still feel his rock hard on my lower back, “Noah?” He looked at me and hummed, “can I return the favor?” I asked looking at him he meekly nods red dusting his cheeks. I sit up and turn around my pants now at my ankles, so I take them fully off. I grab Noah’s hands and make him sit up and turn him so now his back is on the back of couch and his legs are now man spreading. I got on my knees in front of him, “you ready?” I asked smirking putting my hands on his upper thighs, “yes.” He said breathlessly.
I tug his pants and boxers down he raises his hips to help me out. When I fully pull them down his member springs up slapping his stomach pre-cum leaking from his tip. I gently grab it I bring my thumb up to his tip spreading the pre-cum. He lets out a moan and grips the sofa tightly. Bringing my face up I look into Noah’s eyes looking at him through my eyelashes. I kiss the tip going down all the way to his base, and when I get to base I lick my way back up. I feel Noah’s thighs tense up, I opened my mouth and suck on the tip.
Swirling my tongue I go deeper, sucking him with hollow cheeks going up and down. Noah groans and grabs my hair making it into a makeshift ponytail.
I feel every vein in my mouth, and my tongue licking every one. I moaned at the feeling loving him being in my mouth. Noah let’s out a groan, I looked up at him and see that he has his head back and eyes closed his hand still grips my hair tightly. I start to speed up a little closing my eyes, I bring my right hand up and pump what I can’t fit in my mouth. My left hand goes to his balls kneading them. “F-fuck Y-Y/n. Doing s-so good,” Noah stutters out looking at me he brings his left hand and caress my cheek, I opened my eyes again and looked at him his eyelids half closed and dazed. I see him move his hand away from my face and grab the camera that I put down on the couch. I love where he’s going with this.
This time I put him deeper in my mouth, deep throating him, I gagged a little. My salvia is drooling out of my mouth, “Y-mmm~shit~” Noah said pulling my hair making me go up and down. Tears are now pooling in my eyes, “mmm~” I moaned out, I keep on looking at him and see he gets my camera ready so I look straight at it. I bring my lips back up to his tip sucking on it and my right hand working the rest. The flash goes off blinding me making me close my eyes and going back to make him come. “You look so~” Noah groaned out not being able to finish his sentence, “fuck I’m close!” I start to pump him faster. I feel him twitch in my mouth and shoot his load. Noah groaned and tighten his hold on my hair.
I lay my left hand on his abs caressing them. I swallow his load, some of it leaking from the corners of my mouth, I wiped it away. I pull away letting him catch his breathe, I lay my head down on his stomach relaxing my mouth. ““Was I good?” I asked wrapping arms around him”yeah, yeah you were,” he said petting my hair he grabs the film and looks at it. He sees me sucking on his tip, my pupils dilated looking straight at the camera, my right hand on his shaft, my left hand laying in his thigh, and my hair being messy. “You looked so pretty sucking me,” Noah said showing me the film, I blushed while taking it.
“What are you going to do with them, the films I mean?” I asked laying my chin on his stomach looking at him, “well I was going to put it in my own book. For just me and you.” He proclaims, “here wanna take this to my room?” Noah smirks, playfully raising his brows and gently grabbing my arm making me stand up from my position. “How many did we take Noah?” I start to pick up my pants and start to clean up quickly not wanting to be caught by Mrs.Diaz, ‘that would be embarrassing’ I thought.
“We took a few good ones Y/n/n.” He said wrapping his arms around me from behind swaying us a bit. “Mmm okay pretty boy, I’m not waiting on you so let’s go,” I said unwrapping myself from his warm embrace. I tug at his hand eagerly, he quickly gathers the rest of his things and follows me into his room. I pull him in and quickly shut the door, i hear him drop his things and pushes me up against the door, “ready for the real round?” He said teasingly tugging at my shirt wanting me to take it off. I chuckled and kissed him on the lips, “oh I’m so am!” I said pushing him to his bed. We both laughed and enjoyed the rest of our night.
The next morning Noah’s mom woke up early to make the kids breakfast. She was walking into the living room noticing there’s still popcorn kernels and junk so she decides to clean it up. Once’s she got to the couch she sighed,”oh these kids leaving their messes and not cleaning it…up,” she stopped and saw a film. She picks it up and sees the most vile thing. She gasp and yells madly,”Noah!!” The whole house gotten woken up by her scream.
Noah wakes up and thinks shit.
Let’s just say Y/n and Noah were shamelessly embarrassed and forced to clean the whole house while Kris and Mrs.Diaz went out for breakfast.
——————————————<3———————————yeah so that was my attempt to write smut I really hope who ever is reading this likes it. If it disappoints you I am so sorry 💀😭 I was really going to continue this when they got to his room but my phone is legit not handling anything so well. So yeah tell me y’all think and if I should write anything else! 🤭
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