#kris reads
achilles’ son is a piece of sh!t tbh
edit: the comeuppance ,,, comed :’-D
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Patience and responsibility....that's a promise....right?
Part 27 First || Previous || Next
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An exorcism? In my family-friendly Deltarune? It's more likely than you may think. The backgrounds here were very interesting! Much more complex than how I usually do them (especially that computer).
Player POV:
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Feral energy.
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the-meme-monarch · 4 months
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what if deltarune beach episode (<-is cold where i live)
anyway TECHNICALLY based on this ask i got and the nelnal comic that came out like a day after which is also linked there :]
if you ship scc and/or kr/alsei go away 👍
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lynxgriffin · 4 months
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Eldritchrune - Hot Deals
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
While travelling through Queen's domain, the Fun Gang encounter a forest of Addisons! Fortunately, Ralsei is willing to step in before Kris gets lured into some dangerous offers.
I'm working away on a much longer scene currently too, but wanted to get out something nice and short before then!
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the-birth-of-art · 5 months
Kris Kristofferson vs. Toby Keith, 2003, as told by Ethan Hawke in Rolling Stone.
STANDING BACKSTAGE AT THE BEACON Theatre in New York, leaning against a crumbling brick wall in the dark, I could barely see Kris Kristofferson standing to my left. Willie Nelson was in the shadows to my right. Ray Charles was standing beside Willie, idly shifting his weight back and forth. A bit farther along the wall were Elvis Costello, Wyclef Jean, Norah Jones, Shelby Lynne, Paul Simon and respective managers, friends and family. Everybody was nervous and tight. We were there for Willie Nelson’s 70th birthday concert in 2003.
Up from the basement came one of country music’s brightest stars (who shall remain nameless). At that moment in time, the Star had a monster radio hit about bombing America’s enemies back into the Stone Age.
“Happy birthday,” the Star said to Willie, breezing by us. As he passed Kristofferson in one long, confident stride, out of the corner of his mouth came “None of that lefty shit out there tonight, Kris.”
“What the luck did you just say to me?” Kris growled, stepping forward.
“Oh, no,” groaned Willie under his breath. “Don’t get Kris all riled up.”
“You heard me,” the Star said, walking away in the darkness.
“Don’t turn your back to me, boy,” Kristofferson shouted, not giving a shit that basically the entire music industry seemed to be flanking him.
The Star turned around: “I don’t want any problems, Kris – I just want you to tone it down.”
“You ever worn your country’s uniform?” Kris asked rhetorically.
“Don’t ‘What?’ me, boy! You heard the question. You just don’t like the answer.” He paused just long enough to get a full chest of air. “I asked, ‘Have you ever served your country?’ The answer is, no, you have not. Have you ever killed another man? Huh? Have you ever taken another man’s life and then cashed the check your country gave you for doing it? No, you have not. So shut the fuck up!” I could feel his body pulsing with anger next to me. “You don’t know what the hell you are talking about!”
“Whatever,” the young Star muttered.
Ray Charles stood motionless. Willie Nelson looked at me and shrugged mischievously like a kid in the back of the classroom.
Kristofferson took a deep inhale and leaned against the wall, still vibrating with adrenaline. He looked over at Willie as if to say, “Don’t say a word.” Then his eyes found me.
“You know what Waylon Jennings said about guys like him?” he whispered.
I shook my head.
“‘They’re doin’ to country music what pantyhose did to finger-fuckin’.”
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morbethgames · 18 days
Clears throat
So, like stated above, the update is out! I’ll leave a list of patch notes, but this is majorly a bigger one for Alzarez and Lance romancers. The Lance extra story “Movie and Dessert” is being released with this update. You will need to replay the game. I’m sorry about that. BUT it’s because I added in new variables to the train scene so that stuff said there could possibly be brought up in this new scene! Reactivity, yay!
Along with that, you’ll get to read Alvarez’s flashback scene which is the actual end of Chapter 4. Along with a lot of little goodies. All in all, there was about… 44k-45k words added into this update? 40k of them are entirely optional and only happen if you choose to hang out with Lance after Alvarez’s flashback scene scene.
Not gonna lie, 1 variation in I was confident it would take two weeks. 8 variations in I was a bit tired but still energized to get this scene done. 16 variations in I had to step away for a couple of days to not let my brain melt. By the time I hit mid-twenties in variation for this scene, I was finding myself thinking that it just. wasn’t. worth it.
I have no idea if I’ll make the other intimate scenes this branching. It was honestly a lot of work. Like, a lot, it it was so fatiguing after a while, but I knew I had to get it done. IT’s also the reason I paused my patreon this month, because it wouldn’t be fair to charge people for something that they’re not getting early as promised in the rewards. This took way longer than I thought, so I wanted to just release it to everyone at once.
I do hope you guys enjoy it, and without further ado, here are the patch notes for this update.
Stay Brilliant, -Vi
Patch Notes:
“Movie and Dessert” Lance Extra Scene is finished.
Alvarez Flashback scene is finished.
Added a Text Box Investigation Tab in the Stats Screen.
You are now able to toggle between Text Box Investigations and regular choice script gameplay for TBI sequences.
You can now view the Text Box Investigation tutorial at any time via the stats screen.
Removed the Text Box Investigation Tutorial from chapter 4.
Added an option in the beginning of the game to Fade To Black during intimate scenes.
You can now pick asexual and aromantic as separate options, and they are not tied to each other.
Grammar edits and fixes (thank you to all who report them).
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juniemunie · 5 months
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And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
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orange-catsidy · 5 months
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orange cassidy communing with his own kind
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julykings · 3 days
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the start of june
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please think about how toriel exists as a purposeful venture by toby fox to create a "mom" character who isn't just there to write letters to the protagonist offscreen and act as motivation for them even though we barely know her and actually reacts realistically when innocent children leave her safe home to go on a dangerous adventure because of the inherent and rarely-explored grief and tragedy that come with being such a character in a video game, to be powerless to do anything but watch as both your children sacrifice themselves for a cause they ABSOLUTELY should not have to die for at their age, because that's your only role in the narrative, and you're the "mom," just there to make them pie, and whenever you find another child they always ALWAYS leave you in the same way and die and you feel like you keep losing second and third and fourth etc etc chances. if only you could redeem yourself. if you can save even a single child, that will make it okay, right? that will mean there is hope for you. this time will be different, you'll see. you'll destroy the exit to the ruins. you'll never let asriel and chara your dear fallen wards go again.
moreover, please think about how in deltarune chapter 3, toriel will almost certainly be a major part of the adventure. she will get to accompany her beloved child as they explore a strange, daunting new world, bond with them, learn more about their delightful new friend, FINALLY she will not have to simply stand there in the shadows. the tragedy of the nameless mother who never gets to look after her child in video games as they fight has been explored thoroughly, and now we can delve into something both delightful and potentially even MORE heartbreaking: the mother who HAS to watch her child fight.
on an unrelated note, y'know how the game over screen in chapter 2 has whatever companion you're with begging kris to wake up get up as they lie there, ostensibly dead?
...yeah. think about that for a second as well.
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shimmershy · 11 months
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Kris motivation of the day. Did you guys know you can whip and nae nae yourself out of anything? Well now you know. Keep being poggers out there.
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tried to read the song of achilles 3 different times when i was in high school. all i could really remember was a description of the 2 boys training together on a pavilion of some kind— i haven’t come across that in the audiobook yet, but i am loving this story & grateful for the audiobook!! finally i can read this sweet retelling. the troy movie was cowardly making them ‘family’ fr…
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scalene-triangles · 1 month
...I mean, if I went, obviously you'd be there too.
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((fanart for the amazing fic Something About Us by the equally amazing NyteLyte! Go read their fic if you're a krusie enjoyer it's so good!!!))
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
Can you stop trying to correct people about pronouns? Toby Fox has never said that Kris is non-binary. He uses they/them pronouns for the same reasons most video games do with player characters. He left the player's character up to interpretation so you can see them as you like most video games. it's fine if you use they them pronouns but you can't force others to accept something that is your opinion.
Sweetpea. You aren't going to change my mind on the matter, no matter which way you try and say it.
I could care less on what your opinions are on Kris' gender identity, truly. I'm not going to waste my time being frustrated by you. But honey, this is not the blog to be doing this. Like- bro???? Have you seen my content???
I hope you see this more as a learning opportunity.
It frustrates me that you would automatically assume Kris would use he/him. If I was going by your "player" logic, Kris would be using she/her. ACTUALLY if we were going by your full logic, Kris theoretically uses any/all pronouns, to accommodate for all players. Rethink and dissect what you are trying to say, sweetpea :/
Kris has only been using they/them in game. And that is what I will be sticking with.
I am not going to respond to any more of these and I am politely asking for no one to go after this person. Thank you.
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makerofmadness · 7 months
I swear I have something I've found something
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From "the making of" (with the earthbound Halloween hack)
you know how sometimes people will take their old bad fanworks and remake it into something like actually good and also probably an original work? I've done that a few times. Anyway:
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Can you see what I'm getting at here?
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"Varik is almost dead, and yet he can't stop moving because you keep pushing those buttons."
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goshushin · 1 year
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忠犬サンド if rkgk kris + ngis
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