#krissy please come back to me
goldenn-moments · 2 years
things I need in young royals s3:
• "I love you" "I love you too"
• wille in the eriksson house, at home and at ease w at least simon and linda (maybe even Malin included??👀👀)
• simon in the palace, learning the crooks and crannies of the spots of the castle that wille found comfort in as a child (plus an awkward dinner w the in laws, hopefully followed by a royal bedroom scene, if yknow what I mean)
• rosh and ayub seeing wille again and simon being like "guys he's it for me" and the whole reconciliation that I'm sure will have to happen etc etc
• maddie becoming friends w simon and henry and walter being friendlier to simon, including him more - BASICALLY people at hillerska actually valuing simon for once, omfgs
• on the note of hillerska people, felice and simon teaming up to tease wille AT LEAST once. at least. they have so much material it would literally be criminal for them to not tease wille until he's giggling and red in the face
• more hand holding (so much. an obscene amount, actually)
• as edvin said, wille and simon smiling together
• sara redemption, but I kinda want that to be left open ended bc I doubt simon will forgive her all that easily (he will, inevitably. it's who he is. but he's put her first so many times, I want him to pit himself first for once)
• SIMON FINALLY ALLOWING SOMEONE (aka wille) TO FULLY COMFORT HIM AS HE BREAKS DOWN (I just want my boy to have a nice cry and then get all the hugs from wille)
• wille and simon being together in public and not giving a fuck (I mean, obvi they'll care abt being in the public eye. but they won't have to hide, and they'll revel in that, and that's what matters)
• on that note, also wilmon dramatic kiss (in the rain, after something intense happened, or when they're just horny as fuck I DONT CARE. just give me intense wilmon kisses I can use for edits please and thank)
• more exploration into simons family life (which I think we'll get w the sara arc, however they take it), like giving linda more screen time and bc they're probably gonna bring micke back, someone defending simon from micke if he needs it
• wille telling simon abt erik (and maybe even flashbacks??)
• august getting what's fucking coming to him
• wille AND simon breaking the fourth wall (preferably in the beginning of the first ep, bc I kinda want it to end w them walking away from us. but I'd be so down for the series ending w them both smiling at us)
• a look into how the public is reacting - ngl I wanna see the social media comments, the articles, their friends dissing those who are slandering them and at the same time showing them all the public support (I know) they're getting
• far fetched, but maybe a scene where wille and simon are having a Moment (maybe with simon in the palace👀👀) and krissy accidentally sees it and starts to finally fucking understand that taking simon away/denying him is taking away/denying her only remaining son's happiness (I imagine this taking place after an awkward dinner w the in laws)
• a celebration/party scene where wilmon are together and don't have to stare at each other from across a room or hide somewhere in order to be together
• wille defending simon (against their fellow hillerska students, the royal court, hell even micke, idc)
• simon defending wille (against someone from bjärstad who's making assumptions, krissy, the royal court, any of those idc)
-- basically the boys fighting for each other always
• more protective wille bc wille while he's being Crown Prince Wilhelm??? godDAMN
• simon and wille happy under the sun
• kinda related, maybe simon looking like he has a halo through some trick of the light??? paralleling to his glowstick halo in s1???
• wille panicking and simon being there (wille no longer having to be alone when the world gets too much) (do not enter is written on the doorway, why can't everyone just go away? except you - you can stay)
• wille and simon goofing around and being silly, maybe like trying to cook or trying to study or trying to actually play a video game and constantly getting distracted by each other
• simon getting his daily dose of wille's scent, lmao
• SIMON AND WILLE DANCING. dancing alone in one of their rooms, giggling and tripping on each other and swaying back and forth, wille humming a song he wants simon to sing and simon giggling and singing for him. the kind of dance that isn't for anyone but themselves, where they're wrapped around each other and blissfully in love, unable to stop smiling as they twirl each other around (I also wouldn't say no to a formal dance, like a waltz, where they're dancing together in a ballroom or some shit but the whole world melts away until it's just them. or a party scene where they're w all their classmates but they only have eyes for each other. those would be nice too)
• casual touch. so much casual touch. casually holding hands while walking, one of them resting their chin on the other's shoulder as they talk to friends, an arm around the others waist as they stand, sitting in each other's laps while working in a public space, one laying their head in the other's lap, leaning against each other as other things are happening around them. just - wille and simon being casually physically affectionate and always having each other to lean on, in all ways (and ofc, them always being wrapped up around each other. I'm sure wille's need to be close to simon will help me get this)
• henry continuing his curse of being a cockblock (and someone calling him out on it, lmaoo)
• boris. I want more of boris. give me a whole episode w just boris talking to wille and simon, idc, he's amazing and I adore him
• also more of the choir teacher!!! she believes in simon and I want to see her support him more
• simon singing more and flourishing even more in that area (and wille being a love struck fool every time simon sings even one note)
• simon and wille getting invited to a girls night
• simon!!! in!!! makeup!!!! (yes, I'm aware this will likely kill wille. both wille and I are prepared to make that sacrifice if it means seeing simon in at least some eyeliner)
• simon and wille pissing of jan-olof and getting the last laugh
• actually, I wanna see jan-olof just croak. just let him die. it's what he deserves😌
• wille and simon having a good support system
• wille's album for simon growing and being able to see the album that I KNOW simon has of wille on his phone
• wille getting his sweater back and teasing simon abt it
• in general, many pretty, cinematic shots of simon and wille just generally being in love
• random, but what happens to my boy rousseau, who didn't deserve all this drama when he's just a horse who wants to eat hay and run free😔
• simon and wille being regular teenagers and being a little stupid around each other hut that's okay bc they're in love
• a parallel to their first meeting, with simon speaking up abt a social issue that these rich kids have no real idea abt, but this time wille chimes in and adds his thoughts and simon just beams at him, and wille can't help but grin bc he's finally saying what he wants to say, tradition be damned
• kinda random but simon interacting w a kid and wille, despite not liking kids all that much, just melting (I will accept simon being cute in general in substitute)
• oh, so out of left field but more of simon's extended family??? like I saw a post on here abt what linda was saying on the phone in the background of one scene, and like she was talking abt a get together??? idk man, I just want simon talking more spanish
• to go off of that, simon teasing wille and spanish and one of two things happening: 1) wille combusts and dies bc simon is killing him w that, or 2) wille surprising simon and speaking back in spanish bc he had to learn it bc he's a royal and simon combusting instead. I would like either variation please and thank
• linda being wille's mom. ik she's not perfect but I just read a fic where he called linda mama and she hugged him and he said "I love you mama" and I kinda want something like that in canon now, ngl
• OH, on the note of linda - her realizing the pressure simon takes upon himself and trying to lighten his burden bc he's her child and should be carrying it all
• wille picking up simon. we know he can do it. so let him, let him pick up his boy whenever he feels like it
• wille and simon playing with each other's hair PLEASE
• I saw a post say that simon should take up fencing to get that extra credit, and now I NEED simon w any kinda sword. please. omar, do a photoshoot or smth, I'm not above begging
• more power walks from simon and wille
• simon and wille being a power couple in general (I'm thinking twin judgemental stares as they stand w each other, glaring and backing each other up, a team in every way possible)
• just,,,, them. against the world. no matter what comes their way
thank you so so much to @mirabel-on-a-bicycle @darktwistedgenderplural @tagalongifyoudare and @retrieve-the-kraken for encouraging me to post this <3 yall are amazing
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rrat-king · 3 months
And what if I tell you my Fight, Flight, Fawn theory for the Appleboys reuniting with Kristen. What then? Going by your age gaps of 2, 4, 8 because they're canon adjacent and the idea of the Applebees having a playpen when three out of four kids were 14, 12 and 10 is too funny. Assuming a reunion between Kris and the younger two happens post her birthday so it's 17, 13 and 9 respectively. Buckys is analysing his actual response we saw from 14 year old him. When I say leave in reference to Kristen, know that I know it wasn't her choice (Mac and Donna when I fucking get you)
Bucky got the Fawn response. I'll be real, when I began theorising that an Applebees brother would feature I thought "Oh god here comes the angst. There will be resentment, Mac and Donna have undoubtedly been talking shit for two years. But we see him and he's happy. He missed her. He hugs her. He wants to hang out. And yeah that probably stems from the fact you'll naturally miss your sibling and the fact he probably had to take the oldest sibling mantle. But he barely even commented on her life and friends (aside from the half baked comment about her living in sin and side eyeing Fig). I was expecting more problematic behaviours to be honest. The theory is he entered full people pleasing mode, desperately tampering down any complicated feelings because he NEEDS to make himself a good brother that Kristen will want to stay for this time (of course not realising Kristen will stay the best she can no matter if he kicks and screams)
Bricker got Fight. Was like 10 when Kris left, and I say this with love, in the absolute throes of puberty. I don't know what it is but this kid just gives me angry vibes, maybe it's the middle child. Very Nico DiAngelo "He looked too young to be so angry". When you're a kid, especially in that horrific period of 10-13 you go to the easy solution which is being mad, and you go to the easy target which is the one who "started" this huge upheaval (read Kristen). To a lesser extent, Bucky, for trying to play big brother (Bricker doesn't even realise this but the anger mostly came from a subconscious desire to preserve Kristen's place in the family for if she comes back).
(Bonus: Once they have a very good conversation and Bricker is reassured Kristen never did stop thinking about and loving him he will cry three years worth of pent up tears and beg her not to leave again)
Cork got Flight. He was only 6 when she left, its been 3 years of experiences (little man went from first grade to third in that time its a Lot). Kristen has physically changed a lot since they last saw each other. All this to say, he takes a minute to recognise this older person who's eyes are all wet at the sight of him. Some part of his brain blocked out memories of her because the way she was just gone one day was so scary to his little brain. When it does register who she is, Cork becomes completely unlike himself and gets shy. He makes Bucky stand close by because all he knows is that 1. This is a heathen who rebuked Helio's light 2. This is Krissy, back after what felt like forever and 3. She's so cool looking and why would someone this cool ever want to talk to him.
(Bonus: She played it off but Kristen's heart did break seeing Cork, the little boy she raised, take a minute to work out who she is, when she never forgot him. Not to quote Taylor but very "And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe")
god yeah kristen having partially raised cork only for him not to know who she is anymore/barely recognize her haunts me so much. bucky as a people pleaser is such a good read especially as he is forced into kristen's role as head of the siblings I just. yeah. also angry bricker is so important to me. he got left behind! he's not ok with that and he's gonna be angry. god I just. applebees kids make me crazy this is such a good read.
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krissiedeathy · 6 months
My commissions are open! I am unemployed and I have bills coming due. I am looking for new work but I'm not hearing back much from anyone. It feels like the world is just out to hurt me today. So if you could just help get the word out that would be awesome thank you. Examples and such Under the keep reading line.
I am willing to draw Sonic OCs.
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Quick Sketches:
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I also have coloring pages that you can pay what you want for them. I'm going to be adding more after I post this.
So what's up? I got fired because I had to leave work early at the end of March. I've been looking for work since. Luckily I buy my cat's food a month in advance. So my cat is feed. I suffer from depression, so I often forget to eat but my hubby will often remind me as we usually eat together. But since he has been handling most of the bills as well as helping supporting his mom, food funds have been low. I've applied to most of the temp agencies in my area. Haven't heard back form any of them. I'm waiting on at least 3 places to do a background check on me so hopefully I'll hear back from them soon, but it is taking longer than I thought. So now I'm a nervous wreck and worrying about how I'll be able to afford my part of the bills. I wish I could monetize my youtube channel, but it hasn't reached that view threshold for me to apply on any of my channels yet. so yay.
So if you want to commission me, please feel free. If you can't, just reblog and share. Someone else might be able to.
Cashapp: $KrissieAG
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bradshawssugarbaby · 11 months
Timeless - III (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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A/N: As promised, part 3 in time for my birthday (scheduled to post at the exact minute I was born bc why not)! It's not my finest work, but I'm relatively happy with it. Also, I done goofed and gave OC a name but tagged it as "x reader" - please feel free to just pretend the character's name isn't there, I just didn't want to write "Y/N" over and over and over again - it's written from the reader's perspective so I'm leaving it as "x reader" (also bc I'm lazy and like the parts to all match so).
pairing: Lt. Robert Floyd x reader
warnings/content: mutual pining, some angst, swearing, mildly steamy makeout sesh, Bob drops a bombshell on miss girl.
word count: 1.6k
one - two - three -
You blinked slowly as you tried to comprehend what Bob had just said. You looked at him in disbelief, letting out an awkward laugh as you felt your blood beginning to boil at his words. As much as you’d missed him, pined for him, and longed for him over the last decade, you were frustrated by the fact that this could have been avoided easily ten years ago if you or Bob had just swallowed your pride and said something to one another. While you knew you were just as much to blame on that part, it was Bob who walked away in the end, and in this moment, you couldn’t help but resent him for leaving you, then proclaiming he missed you for so long without ever so much as attempting to make contact. He at least could have asked his mother to speak to yours and provide him the contact information necessary to talk to you - you didn’t have that luxury, a) because he was often away at sea, and b) because he had left you without as much as a goodbye, leaving you under the impression that he didn’t want to see you. For some reason, hearing Bob’s admission made something inside you snap, you suddenly felt bitter and cold towards him for leaving you in the first place. 
“You missed me? Do I need to remind you that it was YOU who walked away 10 years ago? Christ, Bobby, you didn’t even have the balls to come say goodbye to me before you fucked off,” you spat angrily. 
“Listen, Krissy, let me explain,” Bob began, a pleading look in his eyes as he tried to calm you down.
“First of all, my name is Kristen. No one has called me Krissy in years. Not since you left. Secondly, I’ve been waiting, praying, hoping you’d call me. You don’t get to come back after years and hit me with this romantic “I’ve missed you so much” bullshit when you haven’t even as much as attempted to get ahold of me over the years. Do you know how many nights I spend crying when you left, wondering what the hell I did wrong to not deserve a goodbye from you? I thought I was finally over you too, and then you show back up here and remind me all over again just how fucking much I loved you. How much I still love you, and how no other man is ever going to compare to you,” You exhaled sharply as you finished ranting, shaking your head as hot tears stung your cheeks as they fell. 
“Wait, you love me?” Bob frowned as he shook his head, his blue eyes welling up with tears as he looked at you.
“For fuck sake, Bob, out of all that, this is what part stuck with you? Not the part about me needing an explanation as to why the hell you thought it was ok to just abandon your best friend?” 
Before you could continue ranting, you felt Bob’s lips crash into yours, his hands firmly grabbing your waist to pull you into his body. His grip on you was tight and passionate as his lips continued to kiss at yours, and you couldn’t help but moan softly as his tongue gently traced along your bottom lip, almost begging for entry to your mouth. You pulled away breathlessly and shook your head, looking at Bob with a completely bewildered stare.
“Care to explain that outburst, Lieutenant Floyd?” You raised an eyebrow at him and folded your arms across your chest, your gaze intense enough to make Bob worry he’d burst into flames if you didn’t look away from him. 
“Listen, Kristen, I’ve always loved you. I assumed you just…didn’t.” He shrugged his shoulders sheepishly as he blushed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “I wanted to tell you, I really did, but every time I got myself psyched up to do it, I’d chicken out and back off. And then I sort of tried to forget about you - threw myself into my naval career, made sure I was one of the best WSOs in the United States, got into Top Gun, I tried my damnest to forget you, Kristen. I really did.”
Bob let out a sigh as he shook his head, his blonde hair becoming perfectly tousled as it broke free from its uniform combed back look. He frowned at you before opening his mouth, hesitating before he spoke, his voice almost in a whisper as the words came out.
“I couldn’t forget about you no matter how hard I tried. I tried dating and throwing myself into my career, I tried forcing myself to see a future with other women, but no matter how hard I tried to force it, it just made me realize I wanted you more. Then I came home and found out you’d moved to New York from Mama, and I wanted to go there and see you - I’d fully planned on coming over here and asking your folks where you lived so I could go visit, try and convince you to listen to me and give me the chance I know that I don’t deserve, and then, as I was getting my coffee the other day, planning on how the fuck I was going to do this all, you walked in and complete threw me off guard, but I love it. It just reminded me more that…that this is the right thing to do, Kristen. I could leave the entire US Navy behind, just walk away and never look back, but I cannot in good conscience leave South Carolina without telling you how I feel.” 
You sighed softly, shaking your head and frowning as your gaze met the floor, completely at a loss for words. You wanted so badly to stay mad at him for leaving without a word, but hearing that Bob had felt the same way you had for the last ten years, it made you soften towards him once again, another gentle sigh escaping your lips before you spoke, looking up to meet his cobalt blue eyes once again.
“Robert Floyd, are you saying that you love me as much as I love you?” You finally said, letting out a sharp breath that you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding in. 
“I believe that’s exactly what I’m saying, Kristen.” He laughed softly, raising an eyebrow as he gently reached his hand out to touch your cheek, wiping a tear away with his thumb, “I never wanted to hurt you, Krissy. I just, I was a shy and awkward 18 year old who was in love with my best friend, and I didn’t know how to tell you. I was scared you’d reject me and I decided I’d rather live with the fact that you just didn’t know how I felt, than risk telling you and you shooting me down faster than I can shoot down an enemy aircraft.”
“For a smart man, you’re kind of a dumbass, you know that, Lieutenant Floyd?” You laughed and shook your head to rid your eyes of any remaining tears that threatened to fall. 
“I know I am,” Bob grinned at you, leaning in to kiss at your cheek, just below your ear. As he pressed his lips to your soft skin, he murmured sweetly into your ear, “But, I’m your favourite dumbass, right?” 
You felt Bob’s lips turn up into a smile against your cheek, his face hovering against your skin for a moment longer as he took in the familiar scent of your perfume, the same one you’d worn since you’d turned 16 years old. His hand found his way around the small of your back as his lips trailed across your cheek playfully. When he pulled away, he gently tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled.
“What happens now? Because, knowing how you feel now, I can’t leave for San Diego without us deciding what to do about it.”
As you were about to answer, you heard your brother calling up the stairs to you both.
“Hey, Ma says to hurry it up with the serving trays, and Dad says to stop fooling around up there like a coupl’a teenagers on prom night,” You could hear your brother’s laughter echoing from the bottom of the attic staircase as he spoke. Your sister’s giggle could be heard in unison with his, and you shook your head as you shot Bob a sympathetic look.
“Nice to see they haven’t changed in the slightest,” Bob laughed softly as he grabbed two of the serving trays and smiled before leaning in to give you a peck on the cheek, “I should probably head back to my Ma’s for dinner before she starts sending out a search party, but maybe after Thanksgiving dinner is over, we can talk?” His voice sounded hopeful as he spoke.
“Absolutely,” You nodded quickly, trying to stop your cheeks from turning bright scarlet red as he kissed you, “On one condition though,” you started.
“What’s that?” 
“You promise to keep kissing me until you make me blush,” You smirked at him as you kissed his cheek, carefully straightening out his hair for him before sending him back downstairs to where your family was surely all discussing the possibilities of what could have taken place between you both in that attic.
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fernie-the-belladonna · 6 months
Fernie's Intro >w<
๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑����⋆。°🌿₊˚ ⁺₊⋆♡๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑🌱⋆。°🌿₊˚ ⁺₊⋆♡๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑🌱⋆。°🌿₊˚ ⁺₊⋆♡๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑🌱⋆。
Heya peeps, Im ur reliable senpai on NRC!!!!
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🌿 Name's Fern Belladonna (yes the briar valley rich painter family Belladonna)
🌿 I'm 18 but don't be too frisky cuz I bite >:3c
🍃 He/They pronouns!!
🍀 I'm a Diasomnia student, and no I will not help ya hook up with MalMal-kun
🌿 Besties with Lili-chan (best vice-housewarden 💚), Caycay-chan and Krissy-chan!!
🍀 Arts and Crafts Club president, I paid for most stuff in there anyway LMFAOOO
🍃 If ya see stuff glued on the Diasomnia ceiling when coming back from school break, uh, sorry not sorry 😂
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#🌿Fernie Rambles - Me rambling about anything lmaoo
#🍃Fernie Arts - For my creations! (will not share the club's projects tho)
#🍀Fernie Crushes Saga - Self-explanatory (will happen sorry yall)
#🌿OOC bits and bobs - For the people that want Fernie lore
#🍃Fernie Pics - For when I'm feeling fab òwó
#🍀Fernie Besties - For when the moots be mooting
๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑🌱⋆。°🌿₊˚ ⁺₊⋆♡๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑🌱⋆。°🌿₊˚ ⁺₊⋆♡๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑🌱⋆。°🌿₊˚ ⁺₊⋆♡๋࣭ ⋆₊⁺⭑🌱⋆。°
Thanks For Reading, have a pic of ya boyy taken by krissy-chan
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This is a roleplay blog for @miss-atena 's OC Ferdinand Belladonna. All things portrayed here are fake, and all images will be made by Atena (me).
tagging moots: @consumeroflemoans @nrc-delivery @beelloonn @coldabest
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
Hiya, friend! If you fancy it for Eight Drarry Nights, I'd love to see what you can come up with from Taylor Swift's song, "I Did Something Bad" as a prompt. :D
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Night 3: Pitchforks and Proof
Oh, Krissy, it would be my pleasure. This is one of my favorites off reputation for sure, and I don't think I've done this for Drarry yet! So that's exciting. Thank you very much for prompting it @sugareey-makes-stuff. cw: corrupt police work. Enjoy! Read the other Hanukkah fics so far here.
"Come again?" Robards frowned. "Did you say—"
"We lost him, sir," Jones sighed. "We lost him."
Robards slammed his fist down on the table, making the stacks of files on the surface tremble and everyone else in the room jump. "How?! How did you lot let him slip away? Remind me, Jones—since you seem to be the only one brave enough to speak for the group–is this the first time you've let him get away?"
Jones winced. "Er, no sir."
"Is it the second?"
"It's the third!" Robards roared. "The third time you've let Malfoy get away!" He glared at the room. "Why hasn't one of you put a tracking spell on him yet?"
"Er, sir, don't we need a warrant—"
Robards pushed the papers off the table and onto the floor. He leaned forward, pressing his palms onto the desk as he all but snarled at Jones. "Draco Malfoy is on the Ministry's Most Wanted List! Do you know how much he's stolen? Millions. Millions of galleons from his father's old cronies!" Robards shouted. "My order is all the warrant you need! The Wizengamot can kiss my arse if they've got a problem with it! Do you understand?"
The group mumbled their "yes sirs" and avoided Robards' gaze—all except Harry, who stayed silent in the back.
Robards sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Right. Now get out, all of you."
Harry let the other aurors file out of the room first before he followed behind them, not giving Robards another glance.
Harry stuffed his hands in his pockets and strode purposefully away from the Ministry building. He still hadn't adjusted to the winter weather, with night washing away the daylight sooner than he liked. Still, there was a peacefulness to it; to walking home in the cold, exhaling and seeing his breath in the freezing air, proof he was somehow still warm inside.
Finally, he made it to the apparition point. He closed his eyes, letting his magic take him home.
Harry landed in his flat with a sigh of relief. He tugged on his ear, which was a bit stuffed up from the apparition, to let it relax back to normal. He walked over to his bar cart and poured himself a glass of firewhiskey.
He didn't turn or startle at the sound of the door opening. Instead, he smiled to himself at the sound of the door clicking shut and then footsteps trailing into the room, and then stop.
"One for you, too?" Harry asked without turning around.
"Yes, please."
Harry picked up another tumbler and filled it with the drink. Satisfied, he turned around, and put the other glass in an outstretched hand. "Long day?"
Draco tipped his glass back into his mouth, nearly draining it in one sip. He swallowed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You don't know the half of it."
Harry snorted, taking a sip of his own drink. "I have some idea. You're a tough bloke to catch, you know."
Draco smirked. "I know. I aim to keep it that way."
Harry set down his glass and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Draco's waist. "As do I, love." He pressed a kiss to Draco's lips. "So, where's this donation headed?"
Draco smiled. "I was thinking Club Care; they've got such a great kids' program. Either that, or Wishing Whale."
"That's the one that fights pollution, right?"
"Yes," Draco said. "Great cause. Plus, I love the name."
Harry chuckled. "You do love a good pun."
"I do," Draco sighed. "It's my only weakness."
Later that night, they were cuddled in bed, with Harry's head on Draco's chest. Their conversation about recent gossip from their friends had fallen into a lull. It was silent, until Harry finally said, "They want to track you."
Draco frowned. "Who?"
"The Ministry. The Aurors. Robards said we have to put a tracking spell on you the next time we see you."
Draco's hand stilled where it had been combing through Harry's hair. "Is he getting a warrant?"
Harry snorted. "What do you think?"
Draco scoffed. "Silly of me to ask. Well, what do you think?"
"I think I should do it," Harry said. "Be the one to cast the spell, I mean. If we're going to keep this up, with me on the inside, then I should be the one with the most access to you, right?"
Draco resumed stroking Harry's head. "Agreed."
They were both silent for a few more moments until Harry spoke again. "We should talk about the way this all ends," he said. "We can't keep this up forever."
Draco nodded. "I know love. I promise we'll figure it out."
Harry glanced up at him. "Together, right?"
"Yes, Harry, together," Draco said with a small smile. "Always."
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gunchamber · 11 months
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hello everyone, i hope you are all doing well today when you’re reading this!! as many of you may know, i took a few months break due to real life getting pretty hectic .  i decided on the break when it became obvious to me that i wasn’t logging into my blog for a positive escape anymore, i was forcing myself to be here because i felt like i had to. this pressure was placed on me BY ME, none of my mutuals/friends ever made me feel like i had no choice but to try to write, all the blame is on myself because in my brain i felt like i had to or i would be forgotten. when i eventually felt like i was mentally healthy and ready enough to come back, you guys proved me wrong and gave me such a warm welcome back which i am so grateful for. but as i feared, i did feel a change with my presence back on the dash.  and maybe i should have better prepared myself for it, because i do understand that 3+ months is a long stretch of time. 
which is what has lead me to sit down and write this as kind of a psa for everyone:  that i do understand that connections krissy( or eris )  may have had previously are pushed to the back burner due to my absence,  muse for threads i’ve had with many of you could be lost or dwindled very slim, or perhaps you just might feel genuinely different about the dynamics between your muse and krissy.  it’s the reality of this creative space, or any outlets of expression and art, that if it’s not continuously fueled or engaged in then motivation or inspiration for it will just lessen and lessen until muse for it is nearly gone. and you may have to put a little work into it, in order to regain it back. and i am willing to do that, because i have loved everything and all the dynamics i created with so many of you with krissy. 
( i would like to again say that i do not feel like my ships/dynamics are more important than others at all .  i promise there are no hard feelings whatsoever. )
thus the main reason for me going into a big spiel, is that if you do not wish to continue or that you wish to start over, please tell me. or if you wish to not restart anything with krissy at all, let me know so i’m not left in the dark wondering if i do try to interact IC.  in the long run, i am not a mind reader. 
this is an invitation to any and all of you that if there are things you would like to change, switch up or maybe even take away please come to me privately and let me know. i will also approach as many of you that i can, bc it isn’t fair for me to expect my writing partners to do all the work and i don’t expect that, but i hope that you also understand that i might not be able to get to everyone as quickly as i would like to. so i’d appreciate it, if you feel comfortable with it, to come to me first. my IMs and disco are always open to my mutuals.
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
Infodump headcanon post time! I'll break it up by verse, to make it easier to keep track of.
So when it comes to my Elwin Survives AUs, there's two branching verses stemming from the same plot point -- From the Fire, and Embers and Ashes, with From the Fire actually being this blog's default verse. In both cases, Elwin is resurrected at Phoenix Gate, blah blah blah, you (probably) know the story by now, so I won't reiterate it. Where the verses diverge is what happens after he's taken prisoner back to Sanbreque, Branded, and made into a Bearer.
In both verses, Elwin adopts a new identity, aka Miles.
In the verse From the Fire, he's sold to someone of lesser standing in Oriflamme, to act as just another nameless worker under them, until after a few years -- for one reason or another -- he's sold again, and the cycle repeats over and over until he and his fellow batch of Bearers are eventually liberated by Cursebreakers and taken to Hideaway.
The exact details of this verse vary from thread to thread, whether it be the number of years he spends as a Bearer, how/when he's liberated, or when in the canonical events of the game he ends up at Hideaway, etc. But the more or less constants of it are that he is liberated from Sanbreque and taken to Hideaway, where he, upon learning the full extent of Cid's plans, chooses to have his brand removed and join as a Cursebreaker. For Cid's cause, and for the sake of helping others, he will use every skill and resource at his disposal.
In the verse Embers and Ashes, Elwin is instead forced into being a Bearer in the Holy Empire's royal palace, under ownership of House Lesage. In this verse, he is not usually liberated -- not unless a specifically plotted thread calls for it. After Oriflamme's Mothercrystal is destroyed, and Sanbreque invades and takes over The Crystal Dominion, Miles is, along with the rest of the royal family's Bearers, relocated there, where he continues to serve until Bahamut's destruction of Twinside. Miles attempts to get to and rescue Anabella and Olivier in the chaos; unless plotted otherwise, he fails to reach them in time.
So from here, I'm gonna wordvomit about my plans??? (tentatively speaking) for where I see Elwin/Miles going after the end of the game's events. Please bear in mind that while I've been talking to Krissy about this and making plans for where our threads will eventually take her Ana and my Elwin in terms of story, the actual open verse plot will be generalized for ease of interactions! (But you're always welcome to let me know if you want a specific chain of events to happen, or if you'd like to pop into the particular "verse" that I have with another roleplay partner, provided they're okay with it too!)
From the Fire: In general, Elwin/Miles in this verse can usually be found at Hideaway, or dispatched out to places like Martha's Rest, Eastpool, and especially Twinside after its destruction. After the game's canonical end, his primary focus starts off being with helping the survivors at Twinside get back up onto their feet, or at least into a better place with regards to picking their lives back up. He will work with anyone and everyone who is willing to help supply aid and resources towards stabilizing and restoring the city, and is more than happy to carry out tasks, fulfill requests, and so on in exchange for the aid rendered. Once he knows Twinside is going to be alright, he'll start going from there back over to Rosarian territory, to help out in Eastpool and Martha's Rest as well, while keeping in contact with Hideaway all the while. Ideally, I can see him becoming another one of "Cid"'s many "friends"/connections, and by that point he's probably way more open when it comes to who he actually is, given that there's no longer the looming threat to innocent people to worry about ala Anabella and other influential conspirators.
Embers and Ashes: After the destruction of Twinside, Miles is at a loss for what to do with regards to finding a purpose. He has, after all, spent so many long years as a slave, with his focus being on amassing information and helping his fellow Bearers in every way that he's able, even if it's at the expense of his own curse spreading. In this verse, since he was never liberated by Cursebreakers, he by default has no connection to Hideaway, unless decided otherwise for a specific thread plot. Ideally, what I'd like for him to do is help out around Twinside for a while, then finally head home to Rosaria -- most specifically, either Martha's Rest or Eastpool. If Martha's Rest, he'll join the rest of the displaced Bearers in being relocated to Eastpool; if Eastpool right off the bat, then awesome, that cuts out the middle-man! As the need for defending Eastpool grows, he'll come to realize that he still does have a purpose in life, and that purpose is exactly what it's always been, which is to help those in need. And so to this end, he'll take up the sword and work with Sir Wade and The Guardians of the Flame to rebuild Eastpool into a haven for the former Bearers. Once again, with Anabella and co. no longer a threat, he will be far more likely to reveal his identity, especially given who The Guardians of the Flame are and who it is specifically that's been helping them.
His specialties lie with being a soldier, rather than being a ruler -- so bearing this in mind, he'll want to be doing things like shoring up defenses for the various locations, culling beasts that roam too close to the perimeters, training and arming others for combat so that they can defend against any threats, organizing the exchange of goods and resources between the different settlements, relaying information between locations, and escorting supply trains to ensure that they get where they're needed without issue.
While he does undeniably have a strong desire to see Rosaria brought back to life, he has no intention of restoring the duchy, or at the very least no intention of pressing for House Rosfield to reclaim its rule.
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forsakenruin · 1 year
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#𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐍   —   an  independent  ,    private  ,    &    semi-selective    FANDOMLESS    original  character  ;  𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓱 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓯𝓽   :   daughter of world-renowned tomb raider ,  member of the secret society   DAUGHTERS OF ARTEMIS   ,  &  on the run treasure hunter .   |   est.  in  april  ,    2023  .    all  fandoms  are  welcome  to  interact    &    are  highly  encouraged  to  !!    rated  21+  .    minors  DNI  .    extremely  low  activity  currently  .    written  by  R.Z.  (  she/her  ,    25+  )  .
𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍   —   navigating hostile environments when you’re just a child ,  enemies wearing the face of a motherly figure ,  refusing to let history repeat itself ,  taking control of your own life  &  survivor’s GUILT .
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[ CARRD . ] tba
[ DOC . ] tba
[ LINKS ] prompts . character study . headcanons . wishlisht .
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blogroll .
@gunchamber / krissy chambers , spn based muse , medium activity , partially uses icons
@hdgcrft / devon ambrose , oc witch , extremely low activity , rarely uses icons
@forsakenruin / micah croft , lara croft's daughter oc , extremely low activity , might not use icons
Hi ! Welcome to my new OC blog , thank you for stopping by . I'm on the EST & i've recently come back to this hellsite after a nearly 9 year long break from writing . Lou from @tobeblamed unintentionally inspired me to come back so here i am !! i hope we can have fun & write together .
This blog is pretty much friendly everything !! I'm open to everything & i hope you will be the same . I won't tolerate hate of any kind , this is my blog . my space that i curate as a positive hub for me to escape my real life for a bit . i won't allow for it to be dulled . so be nice, just be a good egg !!
I will be on my main rp account most days !! ( @gunchamber ) so activity here will probably be sporadic . i also work a full time job unfortunately . i also believe i'm undiagnosed ADHD so i could very well be here shitposting but not replying to things , so patience is appreciated. please don't rush me on replies . if it's been a while feel free to shoot me a message to remind me , but continuous heckling will cause me to not want to write with you . i'll ask you politely once , if you continue then i will unfollow .
I am loosely a mutuals only rp blog , i'm only semi-selective . i also rarely follow first , and it's not me being a snob it's me being a pansy ass bitch that has social anxiety . if you see that we have the same mutuals , then i probably have already lurked your blog and i'm waiting to make the first move . it could be within thirty seconds of discovering you or several weeks . i am trash i know . i'm sorry .
the best ways to reach out and get things started is sending me some memes or tagging me in a starter !! if you are more into plotting , and we are mutuals send me an IM or ask for my discord !! i LOVE plotting some background for our muses to have a connection it's my favorite part !!
Shipping . it's one of those things that back then i would be like , shipping with all the muses that mine interacts with . but now i really enjoy and appreciate even the non-romantic relationships my muse gets into . i enjoy the slow build of our muse and based on their chemistry we will see if things become romantic!! world building and plotting is beautiful like that isn't it ?
Soft Blocking is new to me, but i like the concept . with that being said , if you soft block me and i end up refollowing you . i'm not doing it with ill intent or out of spite , i would just think something with tumblr happened that made me unfollow you . i apologize in advance .
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multi-royalty-arc · 1 year
caroline is dead ,  how is krissy dealing with it ?  //  she’s inconsolable .  words of condolences don’t penetrate .  she’s a picture of cold ,  unmoving fortress even during caroline’s funeral .  anyone who seemed to be on their way to chambers would halt their approach upon witnessing dead eyes .  &  those who were brave enough ,  cooing to her with  ‘ i’m sorry for your loss .  i know she was very important to you .  ‘  would be met with a cruel ,  harsh huntress .  RAGE  being her primary source of energy ,  the thing that was fueling her to keep going at this point .  ❛  NO  ,  you have no fucking idea who she was to me .  so don’t act like you know anything .  ❜  &  it would be rinse  &  repeat .  more people ,  more unwanted apologies that she had no use for .  what was an i’m sorry going to do ?  it wouldn’t bring her back .   NOTHING COULD . it wouldn’t be until later that overwhelming grief would latch onto her lungs ,  render her so nauseous that if she’d eaten anything in days prior stomach contents would surely be emptied .  krissy enters her apartment ,  slowly closing the door only to lean against it .  head resting back ,  eyes closing as chest finally heaved .  breaths escalating in desperate pants ,  rising  &  falling hurriedly but it wasn’t enough .  krissy couldn’t bring herself to look at her home ,  one that not only provided her comfort but for caroline too .  it no longer felt like anything to her anymore .  there was no warmth ,  no sense of safety . . .  because there was no caroline .  &  there was no point in any of it .  ALONE ,  she was alone in the world again .  it wasn’t fucking fair .  ❛  you said forever ,  care .  ❜  krissy grits to the empty room .  lifeless .  everything looked too in order .  too pristine .  it reminded her of the vampire ,  but what else was new .  EVERYTHING REMINDED HER OF CAROLINE .  jaw jutted out as the first trails of tears decorated pained countenance in wet streaks ,  dripping off her chin as she dropped her bag to the ground .  scanning all of her belongings .  no ,  they belonged to the version of krissy who still had ties to this place .  ties with this town .  the version of krissy chambers that stood there  NOW  was merely a shell .  this place wasn’t hers .  not anymore .  ❛  i can’t do this .  ❜  words are whimpered ,  pitched higher as they left constricted throat .  she looked to her left ,  a picture of a random painting hanging on the wall .  quick fingers ripped it from its hook ,  bloodshot eyes skimming over it before impulsivity took over .  ❛  not without you .  i don’t want to .  ❜  then her arm gears back ,  &  with all of her might framed is smashed against the wall .  glass shattering  &  wood splintering .  a prominent dent left behind as she watches dismantled pieces clatter to the floor .  a switch is flipped ,  mind shuts down  &  EVERYTHING GOES BLACK . when she comes to krissy is in the midst of complete destruction that was once recognizable .  now every inch of the ground was covered in sharp shards  &  parts of herself .  room purged of everything that triggered any form of memory of miss mystic high ,  angel with whisps of blonde hair  &  cerulean eyes that  SAW  krissy chambers .  looked at her heart  &  still loved her .  her own ears barely process that ugly , graveled sobs are coming from her own throat .  form curling in on herself as  FINALLY she’s freed of dark ,  grueling anger that had been eating her  ALIVE .  in its wake leaving that horrid heaviness ,  that  HOLE  in her chest  that she would have to bear the weight of that only seemed to grow bigger as days went on .  shoulders shook  &  cracked as she lowered to the ground ,  not caring that smooth skin landed on razors ,  that sanguine now seeped onto the rug .  ❛  please ,  come back to me . . .  ❜
My muse is dead. Tell me how yours is dealing with it.
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Death wasn't even the worst of it. She'd died countless times, meeting the darkness for a short while but she always came back, but when a vampire meets its end with a stake to the heart there is no redemption. Caroline's body had desiccated in the woods cold and alone but still, that wasn't the worst of it. Caroline's spirit passed to the other side, and that was the worst of it. She could see, hear and even feel everyone's emotions but none hurt quite as much as Krissy's.
The huntress who so unexpectedly had been the light of very many dark tunnels. When they'd first met, neither of the pair had expected to form a friendship like the one they had. It happened to fast, yet it was so natural. The coming together of two lost souls searching for their place to call home. Something Caroline certainly had found in Krissy.
The other side was cold, and grey. Yet she could see everything perfectly. Watching as the news was broken to the huntress had broken Caroline's own heart. Her best friend and soul mate completely shattered.
❛  you said forever ,  care .  ❜ 
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❛  I'm still here Krissy ❜ 
Except she wasn't- and she would never be. Caroline had always talked about outliving Krissy, because that was the inevitable right? that the vampire would long surpass the lifetime of the human. WRONG.
Having to helplessly watch from the other side as her friend spiralled through grief felt like a punishment for the unfilled promise. ❛ I will always be here for you Krissy, no matter what. ❜ but where was she now? A lonely spirit cupping the cheeks her distraught friend. Pleading that she could feel it. That if Krissy looked up just at the right tome she'd see Caroline's pools of blue staring back at her, but instead she witnesses the destruction. Feeling the bouts of anger, rage and pure hurt that Krissy is going through. Her huntress, broken.
❛  please ,  come back to me . . .  ❜
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❛  I never left . . .  ❜
At least.. she'd never meant to. All Caroline could do now was hope, by still walking at the side of her friend, one day she'd be able to send a sign. Or that there would be some kind of spell- something to bring her back. How long would life on the other side last? Is this where she would stay to watch as her friend aged.. alone.
It wasn't supposed to be like this, yet there was not way of setting things right.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
M.L.B Bios: Krystal / Kristine Beau Cobb
M.L.B's Guitarist and Third Vocalist Krystal (Jan 1989)
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The guitarist and third vocalist of the M.L.B (Mega Level Bitches), Kris is the only white member of the group, and the only member of the group born in Honolulu, she's also the only member born in Hawaii. She moved to Compton in March 1988, and has had to quickly get used to the chaos of the neighbourhood. Kris met all four of the other girls soon after moving into the neighbourhood
"I was gonna give you something if you came by the store."
Full Legal Name: Kristine Beau Cobb
First Name: Kristine
Meaning: Scandinavian and Georgian form of 'Christina' (From 'Christiana', the Latin feminine form of 'Christian', which comes from the medieval Latin name 'Christianus' meaning 'A Christian'.) as well as an English and German variant of 'Christine' (which is the French form of 'Christina')
Pronunciation: kris-TEEN
Origin: Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Georgian, English, German
Middle Name: Beau
Meaning: Means 'Beautiful, Handsome' in French
Pronunciation: BO
Origin: English, Dutch
Surname: Cobb
Meaning: From a medieval English byname meaning 'Lump'
Pronunciation: KAHB
Origin: English
Alias: Krystal
Reason: Stage Name
Nicknames: Kris, Krissy/Krissie, Kristi/Kristie/Kristy, Private, Soldier, Army Barbie
Titles: Miss, Private
Age: (As of Jan 1989) 18 (As of Jan 20 1989) 19
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White (Irish-Italian. 2nd Generation American)
Birth Date: January 15th 1970
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Hawaiian, Irish, Italian, Spanish, French
Relationship Status: Single / Dating (After 02 Jan 1989)
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Voice Actor: Kate Bosworth (Speaking), P!nk (Singing)
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Honolulu, Honolulu, O'ahu, Hawai'i, USA
Current Location: Compton, Los Angeles County, California, USA / On Tour
Hometown: Compton, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Weight: 214 lbs / 97 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1989) 3
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Both), Double Lobe (Left), Helix (Right), Navel
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Clean
Illnesses/Disorders: Autistic, Gigantism
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Friends: Azahar Gutiérrez, Deja Dickson, Dolores Park, Esther Hutchinson, Nālani Kekoa, O'Shea Jackson
Colleagues: Azahar Gutiérrez, Deja Dickson, Dolores Park, Esther Hutchinson, Nālani Kekoa, Ikaika Kekoa, James Kelly, JoshuaPrice, Amanda Sanders, Dae-Seong Kim, Luis Pérez, Michael Coleman, Jessica Henderson
'Rivals': Andre Young, Antoine Carraby, Eric Wright, Lorenzo Patterson, O'Shea Jackson
Closest Confidant: Nālani Kekoa
Mentor(s): Gwen Cobb, Roberto Cobb, Ikaika Kekoa
Significant Other: None / (As of Jan 2 1989) O'Shea Jackson
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Roberto Cobb (49, Father), Gwen Cobb (50, Mother, Née Mac an Bhaird)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: None
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Music Career
Debut: 1988
Retired: N/A
Genre: Rap / Hip-Hop
(Fictional) Records, Albums & Singles: 'Mega Level = Major Label' (Album, October 1988), Untitled Work in Progress (Due To Be Released Late 1989)
Songs (Record/Album/Single - Song Title - Track Length): 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Fighting Words' - 2:52 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'In My Feelings' - 2:24 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Twins' - 3:32 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Strong Female Leader' - 3:05 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Use Your Voice' - 3:58 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Booty' - 3:22 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Silence, Please' - 2:27 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Go Away (Come Back)' - 3:18 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Broken Dreams' - 4:20 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Touching You' - 3:20 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'No Other' - 3:48 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'My Man' - 2:50 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Mind Melting' - 3:28 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Go My Way' - 3:32
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
Chili Oneshot - You Caused This?
Requested?: Kinda, thanks Krissy for the suggestion
Prompt: "Let me guess, you caused this?" - from Pinterest
Type of oneshot: Fluff
Reader's Relations: Friends with the triplets
Reader's Home Region: Unova
Warnings: None
Other notes: Apologies in advance, Krissy, but only the first bit has to do with the prompt…. (I was stuck for ideas ): )
I shot up out of my bed at the sound of my phone going off and groaned as I picked it up, "Hello?"
"(Y/n)!! HELP ME!"
I rolled my eyes, "Chili, it's 4am… what happened now?"
"Just come to our house, please! I need your help!"
I rolled my eyes and groaned, yawning before I hung up and begrudgingly got out of my bed and dressed, making my way out of my house, my parents not being there for Arceus knows why, and locked the door behind me, making my way in the cold over to the triplets' house, where I saw that there were lights on inside. I sighed and knocked on the door, it was soon opened by Cilan, whose hair, well I had to hold back my laughter, it being completely soaked and the tuft that normally stuck up was stuck to his forehead.
"(Y/n)! W-what brings you here?"
I growled, "Where is Chili? He rang me telling me he needed help."
"Oh, he's in the living room, but I doubt you want to go in there…"
I rolled my eyes, "I need to metaphorically murder him, now." Cilan gulped and let me in and I immediately walked into the living room to see Pansage in the same state Cilan was in, soaked, Panpour standing defensively in front of what looked to be a crying Cress, who was hugging a plushie, with Chili and Pansear both on the sofa scared looks on their faces. There was only one thing I had to say at this situation, "WHAT IN ARCEUS' NAME HAPPENED HERE?!"
Immediately five heads turned to me and Chili's eyes lit up, "OH (Y/n)! You're here help me! I'm going to be sprayed!"
I took a deep breath and pinched my nose, "Let me guess, you caused this, right, Chili?"
"WHAT?! Why is-fine yes… But not really!"
"Seriously, clearly this is a problem between you and Cress so, Cilan, tell me what happened if you do not mind."
"Chili was teasing Cress for some reason, about having a massive crush on Skylar, when he has no room to talk, when you have a crush yourself, Chili, so it just hurt Cress' feelings, which caused Panpour to get angry, and as for why me and Pansage are soaking, we got caught in the water gun that Panpour meant to hit Chili with."
I took a deep breath, "I see, Cilan, please you go and get some rest, I'll deal with these two, and also take those three with you, I don't want to get soaked or burned myself."
"Of course, (Y/n), thank you."
"(Y/n), truth or dare?"
I rolled my eyes, "Truth."
Cilan smirked, "Do you have a crush on someone?"
"This question? Really? Honestly, crushes are the worst."
"You're avoiding the question, (Y/n). Answer it."
"Oh! I agree with (Y/n)!" Chili exclaimed, hugging me, "Whenever I'm near someone that I have a crush on, I start acting stupid."
I noticed Cilan and Cress both facepalming and I turned to Chilli, "Is that the case, Chili? Because you're always acting stupid. You should know better not to tease people about things."
His face turned the colour of his hair and he froze up, starting to sweat, "Hehehe…. Yeah, don't think too hard about that, please… For my sake…All right, next question. (Y/n), your turn.."
After a few more rounds and the triplets working out my crush was one of them, and with Cress having a crush on Skylar, and me assuring him in the past it wasn't him, and Cilan having a girlfriend, it was obvious who it was.
"Kiss your crush."
I froze up, "Why do you do this to me, Cilan? You know fine well-" I was interrupted by Cilan leaning into my ear, "Think back to what that conversation you and Chili had earlier… you said he 'always acts stupid', but it's only around you. He doesn't act like that when it's just the three of us."
I lightly smacked his shoulder and took a deep breath turning to Chili, who was sitting on my other side. I took another deep breath and leaned in, kissing his cheek, which caused his face to go the colour of his hair again and he dug his face into Pansear, who was perched on his lap. The fire monkey protested from being squeezed and hopped off, coming to sit on my lap, causing me to giggle as Chili's face was now on full display.
"You alright, Chili-Bean? Your face is all red… are you coming down with something?" Instead of responding, he just stood up, pulling me up with him, meaning Pansear was knocked onto the ground, and as Chili pulled me out the room, out of the corner of my eyes I saw Pansage helping Pansear up and checking over the fire-type monkey, the latter's face (like the peach/yellowy bit) turning a bit red, despite the tone of Pansear's voice, "Pan-sear! Pansear, Pan!"
The next thing I knew, I was on my back on Chili's bed, the redhead lying beside me with the door closed, and when I noticed this, I decided to speak, "Why are we here?"
"I-I wanted some privacy. Don't want those two seeing what is about to happen," he smirked and sat up, prompting me to do the same, which I did, before he took my cheek in his hand, kissing me. I relaxed into it and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck in return. Soon we had to break off, due to lack of oxygen, and I leaned my head on his chest, slightly pushing, which caused him to fall back on his bed, me lying on top of him. I giggled and made myself comfortable, "Mmm, you're comfy, Chili. I love you."
-------------EXTENDED ENDING
In the morning when we got downstairs, the sight on the sofa melted my heart, Pansage and Pansear were lying on the sofa, the former with an arm around the latter in a protective manner. I giggled and took my phone out taking a picture for later and leaned my head on Chili's shoulder, him wrapping an arm around me.
--------------END OF ONESHOT
Hehe yes this happened and I couldn't help myself with the little moment between the two monkeys at the end (:
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luvvvvangelssssstories · 10 months
What's Luvvv?
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~ Chapter 7 ~
TW: Cussing, and n word (thats it boo)
Written by ~ ME (with the support of my bsfs TJ, Krissy, Andy, Yuri, and Kevo)
While he's babysitting his sisters alone I get into the shower. I just fucking had sex. That's the only thing in my mind right now. When I get out I realize I don't have any clothes. I call Deandre on my phone and he picks up.
D: "Whatcha need"
A: "Some clothes. I ain got no clean ones."
D: "Aight one second."
He comes to the bathroom door and leaves his hoodie and some clean leggings on a hanger. When I get the clothes on and put vaseline on my face and body I walk to the living room with him and his sisters. "Why do you even have leggings? You tryna fit ya fat ass in some?" he gently slaps my arm while holding his baby sister, "Nah Jus wanted to see your thic ass in some." he bounces his baby sister as she whines and his other 2 sisters run around the house, giggling. "What's all their names?" I ask while holding his sisters bottle in my lap. "This little one is Dior" he says while bouncing his baby sister. "Uh the one with the jumbo braids is Dalila. And the noisy one with the curly ponytail is Diamond." I smile and take Dior out of his arms. "Hiiii Diorrrr, Hiiii! Aweee your even better that the actual product babyyy" I say in my baby talk voice and she giggles. I tickle, hug, and play with her. She squirms and make a noise as if she's straining "Uhm..Here have your sister back babe." I give him back Dior and he glares at me, "Thats a nigga fa you. Only gone hold and look at tha baby but when they gotta be responsible they dip." I side eye him, "Your describing every dad that left to get the milk." he rolls his eyes but then Dalila runs over and gives a shy look while holding a baby doll up towards me "Can you braid her hair please..?" I smile and take the doll and comb. When she tries to walk off I snap and call her back "Lil girl come back ova here. I'ma teach ya how to braid." she sits down on the couch next to me and she watches me braid, when I tell her to practice herself she calmly braids the rest of the dolls hair. Deandre leans over to me and whispers "Try calmin down Diamonds energenic ass. I pray fa you baby. If you can calm her down we can go for round two" he smirks and kisses my cheek. "Boy you just nasty." I go to Diamond and see her playing with some edge control "You wanna do ya edges or sum?" I say while leaning on her doorframe "Pfft no. Just wanna see how much can chunk ya hair up." I roll my eyes because I know I'ma deal with some shit. "Do it on ya sisters babydoll. It'll piss her off and you can do ya dirt." she nods her as if shes thinking and takes one of her sisters babydoll, cuts some of the hair off and puts edge control on it. "Wanna watch a movie with us?" I say and she crosses her arms "Hell yea!" I side eyed her "Lil girl! You may not be my sister but you should watch ya languege." She nods and I hold baby Dior again while putting it on Encanto. "Babe y'know what I just realized? All ya sisters and ya self has the letter D as ya first name." he throws a peice of popcorn towards me and I catch it. His sisters fall asleep and he puts Dior in her crib. "Soo...Earlier..That was uhm. Intense?" He looks towards me and I tease "Awee was that too much for you?" he flips me off "Shi by the way you were screaming and deadass was finna get off to my fingers I'd think that shit was intense for you." I roll my eyes and get all up in his face "Oh fuck you." He gets closer to the part he's almost touching my lips "I would say 'Fuck you' but I kinda already did..." He says and he kisses my lips passionatly before his sister Diamond wakes up and gags "That's nasty." and she walks to her room. "Lemme put Dalila in her room ok?" he says and he kisses me one more time before walking away to carry his sister upstairs. When he comes back I climb into his lap. "Aiyanna?"
"yeah?" He hugs me tight, "Thank you for choosing me." I cock my head "Whatcha mean?" he lays his hands on my lap "cus hella dudes like you more. Richer dudes, hotter dudes, y'know? ones that can spoil you." I smile "But you forgot somethings. Sweet, nice but rude, funny, warm and you spoil me babe. A lot." he rolls his eyes. "I don't spoil you enough." he smiles and we continue watching Encanto until I fall asleep. When i fall asleep I feel him gently rubbing my back.
When I wake up I see him sitting on the edge, watching tv. "Aiyanna. I need to talk to you about something..."
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always-left · 1 year
@gunchamber cont form here
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She wished she didn't mean it. Prayed that the feelings of abandonment and rejection would never come up when it came to Krissy, but that was her sister. She couldn't lose her too, not like she'd lost everything and everyone else.
Pools of green filling up with angry tears, the weakness in Krissy's voice as her name is spoken says a thousand words. She's scared.
"you can't go.. it's too dangerous out there"
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Krissy had been the blondes light for years, when things got dark and seemed like there was no way through, Krissy always was able to pull Peyton out of the abis.
It was selfish to need her so much, but freezing her out was worse. Giving her the cold knee-jerk Peyton that only threats had come to know. "I'm sorry"
Sorry that she still meant every word. If Krissy left and walked into the war zone, Peyton knew she wouldn't be able to handle the possibility that her sister may not make it back. So by telling her not to come back at all settles that ultimatum. Krissy would be gone for good. A completely irresponsible and irrational thing to suggest, but fear had it's way of working.
"please.. don't leave me"
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goldenraeofsun · 3 years
Day 9: Body Mods
“Please tell me this isn’t a Memento situation happening,” Dean groans, stopping dead in his tracks. He stares at all the black text scrawled across Cas’s naked torso, vibrant against his pale skin under the bright lights of the bathroom. Cas still has his pants on, but his fly is unzipped.
Cas had just come back from a witch hunt - his first solo job. Dean was stuck manning the phones for the weekend, and Sam was off on a vacation (Christ, Dean still can’t wrap his head around the fact that they do things like that now) to Montreal with Eileen. Why Sam didn’t go somewhere with a beach and little umbrella drinks makes zero sense to Dean. It just proves that Sam is still capable of being a freak even after Chuck stopped pulling their strings.
Dean barely checked that Cas came home in one piece before the phone rang, and Dean had to talk some podunk sheriff out of throwing Krissy in jail for desecration of a dead body. By the time FBI Deputy Director Willis got Krissy out of that jam, Cas had disappeared into the bowels of the Bunker.
After checking the kitchen and Cas’s room, Dean finds him in the bathroom.
“I do not have amnesia,” Cas drawls, poking at a particularly large word, Witch, across his ribs. “Or else I would have forgotten my way back here. And who you are. And a hundred million other things.”
Dean leans against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest. “So you randomly decided to hit up a tattooist with our grocery list,” he says, eyebrows rising as he reads eggs, bacon, bananas, carrots, cream cheese down one shoulder blade.
“It’s a spell,” Cas says, transferring his attention to Laundry skating along his outer forearm.
“I got that one for myself, thanks,” Dean says, rolling his eyes. “There are more words on your back, did you know that?”
Cas sighs, twisting around in the mirror to see. “I had a feeling.”
“What do they mean?” Dean steps closer to trail a cautious finger down Cas’s bicep and the words, Claire’s birthday.
“I’m almost positive these are my thoughts since I got hit by the spell,” Cas says quietly. He points at his ribs - “Kill the witch.” His bicep - “buy a present for Claire’s birthday next week.” His left arm - “Do the laundry tonight because I am out of socks and shirts” He sighs. “Whatever the spell did, it doesn’t seem malicious - merely irritating and mildly embarrassing. I was going to research a way to break it in the morning.”
“Do they hurt?” Dean asks.
Dean circles around Cas’s front, reading Cas’s thoughts inked into his skin. They’re surprisingly mundane for an angel turned human turned hunter. I’m thirsty. Get a flu shot. Why does the internet refer to racoons as ‘trash pandas’?
“Because of their bandit masks,” Dean says, pointing to the question circling Cas’s hip, “around their eyes.”
Cas frowns, leaning over to read the thought for himself. He straightens. “But they don’t look like pandas.”
“Red pandas,” Dean corrects.
Cas nods, his expression clearing with understanding. “How did you know that?”
“Everybody knows that.”
“The gas station attendant I asked earlier tonight had no idea.”
Dean shoves his hands in his jean’s pockets, shrugging. “You know I internet surf when I can’t sleep.”
“You look up common colloquialisms for procyonids during bouts of insomnia?”
Dean makes a face. “Not specifically. I look up a lot of stuff.”
“Did you know they’re called Waschbärs in German?”
Dean snorts. “Good for them…?”
“It translates to washer bears,” Cas says, “because they always try to wash their food before they eat it.”
Dean grins. “That’s fucking adorable.”
“I think so too.” Cas frowns at his reflection. “Do you mind if I keep getting undressed? I’d like to shower before going to bed.”
Dean leers at him unashamedly and grandly gestures to the nearest shower stall. “Don’t let me stop you.”
The corners of Cas’s mouth twitch, but, before Dean can see his smile, Cas turns around to push his pants the rest of the way down.
Dean whistles. “You’ve got more writing all the way down your legs, Charles Dickens.”
Cas lets out a sigh, shoulders slumping. “I don’t suppose you’d let me shower before you peruse?”
Dean steps closer and presses a kiss to Cas’s stubbly cheek. “Yeah, no problem. I know how it is after a hunt.”
“I’ll come find you immediately after I’m clean,” Cas promises as he twists around to turn on the shower. He sticks a hand into the spray, testing the water temperature. He grimaces at the cold - it usually takes a few seconds for the heat to kick in.
“You’d better,” Dean says, stepping back. “I’ve been talking to cops all day, and lemme tell you, they can’t take a joke at all-” He breaks off, his eyes going wide as his gaze fixates on a space below the small of Cas’s back.
“Dean?” Cas turns back around, concerned. “Is something wrong?”
Dean doubles over with laughter.
“When the hell did you think, I am Dean Winchester’s?” he manages to get out between guffaws.
Cas scowls.
“It’s on your fucking ass, man.” Dean wipes at his eyes. “So much better than a tramp stamp, ho boy.”
As he stands there, Dean watches still beautiful coalesce above Cas’s heart.
Face flaming, Dean touches the new thought, trailing a light fingertip over the second word. “Can you feel them appear?”
Cas shakes his head. “It definitely makes the spell more inconvenient.”
Mine forms above Cas’s collarbone, so small Dean almost misses it.
“Hey,” Dean says, grinning, “d’you think I could turn you into a walking porno?”
“I’m not sure,” Cas says dryly, stepping under the spray. He snaps the curtain closed, adding in a slightly raised voice, “But I don’t think I could attempt to stop you from finding out.”
Dean strips in record time and hops in the shower after him. They might as well get started now - Cas has a lot of skin left to cover.
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gunchamber · 1 year
they're slumped up against each other on eliza's couch, watching a movie that eliza has long since stopped paying attention to - she's much more focused on the feeling of krissy's heartbeat against her skin. in a break of conversation, eliza extends her hand to hold krissy's in her own & gives her a gentle, tender squeeze before meeting her eyes with an honest smile. "baby, don't take this th'wrong way - i love it when you're out there, kickin' ass an' takin' names ... but i like havin' you here with me even more."
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                𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄    ;    𝐀  𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑  𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌      when  they  are  able  to  come  back  together  .    always  unknown  when  krissy  will  be  called  back  out  onto  the    BATTLEFIELD    .    it’s  been  bittersweet  ,    this  whole    relationship  thing  .    a  bitterness  thick  as    BLOOD    when  they’re  separated  ,    mind  clouded  with  the  woman  beside  her  when  she  has  a  spare  second  ,    usually  when  she’s  alone  in  her  motel  room  just  wishing  for  eliza’s  warmth  .    it’s  been  so  long  since  she’s  felt  the  ache  of    MISSING    someone  who  was  still  alive  .                 it’s  worth  it  to  come    home    to  her  though  ,    the  excitement  that  constantly    builds    &    builds    until  it  reaches  that    CRESCENDO    like  in  one  of  eliza’s  songs  .    when  she’s  pulling  up  in  her  old  classic  car  ,    music  flowing  from  the  radio  too  loud  to  signal  her  arrival  .    eliza  already  outside  because  krissy  always  calls  ahead  ,    too  giddy  to  try    &    surprise  her  .    wants  the  gratification  of  seeing  her  immediately  ,    there  was  no  way  she’d  be  able  to  wait  a  second  longer  when  eliza  was  so  close  .    they  reach  that  cusp  ,    when  the  rollercoaster  is  just  about  to  descend  over  a  hundred  foot  hill  ,    krissy  getting  out  of  her  car  nearly  forgetting  to  put  it  in  park  most  of  the  time  before  she’s  bolting  .    arms  open  ,    heart    SINGING  ,    like  even  the  soul  knows  !    it  calls  out  to  eliza  .                   being  home  ,    that’s  what  it  feels  like  when  krissy  is  with  eliza  .    a  ghost  of  a  smile  settles  on  tired  features  ,    eyes  darkened  in  a  ring  beneath  them  but  it’s  a  miracle  how  irises  still  look  so  lively  .    watching  on  as  hands    &    fingers  link  ,    harmony  restored  .    however  words  softly  spoken  cast  a  wave  of  something  over  the  chambers  girl  ,    a  hard  emotion  to  place  but  it’s    THERE  .                    ❛    you  know  that  i’d  rather  be  here  with  you  over  a  stinky  ghoul  anyday  ,    right  ?    ❜    it’s  lighthearted  ,    meant  to  hopefully  bring  a  smile  to  her  girl’s  visage  .    but  there’s  something  underlying  that  .    (    please  don’t  ask  her  to  stop  something  that’s  all  she  knows    )  .    ❛    we’re  missing  the  movie  .    ❜    she  doesn’t  care  about  a  film  she  stopped  watching  thirty  minutes  ago  ,    despite  her  tease  she’s  leaning  in  ,    pressing  lips  to  eliza’s  .    hoping  to  stop  any    &    all  negative  thoughts  that  might  be  stirring  up  in  her  head  . 
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