#krit uwma
bl-bracket · 1 year
Best Siblings Round 3: Korn & Krit & Kard (Until We Meet Again) vs Vegas & Macau (Kinnporsche: The Series)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Korn & Krit & Kard: "Maybe the least focused on siblings of the show, I think they actually do deserve a place in that Best Siblings selection. Korn, on top of everything going on with his father, always stands as a shield between his violence and his little brothers. He hates it, but he will sacrifice his dreams and aspirations so his brothers can follow theirs. And that love is entirely reciprocated, both Krit and Kard being here for him when their father hurt him, Krit ready to let go of his dream of becoming a cop to alleviate Korn’s burden, Kard naming his sons with the names both his brothers chose when they were young."
Vegas & Macau: "They aren’t in a ton of scenes together, especially compared to some of the other siblings in the show, but when they are, it’s almost always going to be heartwarming in a show that can be anything but a ton of the time, especially when it comes to these two characters. From the scene of them making merit together to the scene of Vegas ruffling Macau’s hair to the scene of Vegas, Macau, and Pete snuggling up together when Vegas is in the hospital, these two brothers have been shown to be some of the only characters who give and receive love to each other, and given what we know about their father and how they were raised, that’s a huge deal. Obviously, Vegas’s character in particular has done horrible things over the course of the show and I’m not trying to justify that by any means, but when looking at the dynamic between these two alone, especially in the context of their environment and what their father has been shown to be like, I just find these two to be very almost refreshing in a way? I don’t know how to describe it. There’s some quote about siblings being the only people who truly understand how each other were raised, and that is always ringing around in my head when it comes to them."
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BL Actors Who Just...Cry So Well
Now disclaimer for this: I wouldn't say I cry easily, whether the situation in the show is intense or not doesn't really matter, for me it depends on the actors in the scene, and some are just REALLY good at crying. (Or I guess, really making me believe it.) These are actors that could be filming a scene where their toaster isn't working and I WILL cry if they do, just because the certain nuances they add to a crying scene take me out.
This is totally subjective for me, so if your fave isn't here it's not that they're bad actors by any means, they just didn't pass my personal 'emotional-vibe-check'. Or maybe I haven't seen them in anything before!!
No.1 EARTH Katsamonnat ( Cooheart)
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Earth has cried in every show I've seen him in. Which means I have cried during every show I've seen him in. 11/10 performance every single time. If he has any lines when he's crying, you can tell from his voice that it's genuine. That choked up sound where your throat feels tight and it's kind of hard to get out what you're saying? He's got it down pat. As soon as it starts looking like he's in a situation that could lead to tears, I'm grabbing a tissue because I know I'm about to be a mess too.
No.2 NANON Korapat
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It's the way I suddenly become an empath when this man acts. Like a lot of the people on this list, Nanon acts really well with his eyes. He gets this really sparkly sheen over them in scenes, sometimes even when they're not sad scenes, it's like the lighting is set up specifically to catch on his eyes everytime. Crazy. And let me tell you, as soon as his eyes get glassy mine do too. Then the rest of his face follows suit and it's just downhill from there. 10/10 rec watching episode 5 of bad buddy if you need to make sure your own tear ducts are in working order.
[ The rest follow in no particular order ]
NUNEW Chawarin
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I couldn't believe it when I found out Cutie Pie was his first time acting. How?
I was a wreck at the end of episode two during the car scene. I don't know how the driver managed to circle the block so effortlessly because if that was me overhearing him cry I'd have to pull over. The thing about NuNews acting that gets me when he cries, is similar to Earth. It's all in the voice. This really got me again later when he's on the phone to his mother and he pulls it away to get his bearings before he speaks again, not wanting to sound like he's crying. It's done so well and so believably I want to cut the cameras and make sure he's okay, damn.
PP Krit
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Listen. Is it his acting or is it just the body's natural response when looking at this man?
In all seriousness, anyone who's been watching BL for a while has seen ITSAY. Take a shot every time one of the leads cries. I dare you. In saying that, I think Billkin probably cries more throughout the show, and he's an incredible actor too, but I wasn't using my sweater sleeves to dry my eyes until PP had his moments. There's just something about him,, he looks so small. Like I just want to wrap him in a blanket and set fire to anyone who's hurt him.
I haven't watched I Promised You The Moon yet, because I got spoiled. And I know from those spoilers Oh-Aew probably cries a lot and I'm not physically ready to lose that much moisture from my body, so.
SANTA Pongsapak
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Santa is my most recent addition. Like Nanon he's also really good at acting with his eyes, especially when he's happy or enamoured. When he's filming sad scenes I wouldn't say he's as quick to tears as some actors/characters but you can see it in his whole body how he's holding them back. He also does this thing where he wipes tears away really casually, most times when characters do this it's like a full moisturizing routine with how they do it, or they rub really hard at their eyes, all of which is fine, but for me personally the way Santa does it in a more casual way like he's trying to shake off the feelings is something i personally relate to. I'm really looking forward to more shows from him
Go watch My Only 12% if you haven't, it's amazing
Special Mention: GUN Atthaphan
Obviously Gun is 10/10, he's a special mention because he's ofc an amazing actor and originally I did cry every time he did l,, but Theory Of Love broke me and I'm fine watching him cry now 💗
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How does this list measure up to yours?
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littleragondin · 2 years
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"-Look at our names. They all start with K, our names are alike. This is embarrassing. -Why? I think it's good. People will know immediately that we are brothers. "
"Who were we without him? Incomplete. Brothers go away sometimes." - The Heliades, 'Wake, Siren' by Nina Maclaughlin
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hoolalafoolalal · 2 years
The red thread which joins us will find us wherever we go.
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Started watching UWMA because I wanted to watch Between Us. But I was not ready for the way it hit me right from the start. The death of Korn and the pain of Intouch was too much to bear.
Korn was young but he was shackled in the expectations of his father. He didn't want to take over his business and saw no escape until he met Intouch. I think he knew from the start that their story would not have a good ending. Even though, he tried. Tried real hard to live the life that he would have if he had been born in a different place or different time. His smile, the very slight smile that he ever had was only reserved for Intouch. He maybe knew he was being selfish by accepting In's feelings for him but he wanted to be. For once, he wanted the love he never got.
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Korn felt helpless and powerless from the start and taking away the only thing that mattered to him, pushed him down the hole where he felt finding In in another life was more realistic than seeing him taken from his life.
They deserved to love again and love again.
Like Korn, Dean's smile was only reserved for Pharm. All his friends knew he was finding someone and when he got together with Pharm, they were so happy for him.
But Dean is much bolder, strong headed now and will fight to get his love. He shows Pharm from the start that he is committed only to him.
His interactions with Pharm were so smooth, it legit made even my heart race. Boy is an expert on flirting.
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What got me was the way he made sure that Pharm does not spiral out and lose his identity. They are Dean and Pharm, they have Korn and In's memories but they are not them.
On side note, it would be an interesting talk if they ever have about how they are their both uncles and nephews.
And the way Pharm always goes P'Deaaaaannnnnn. Such a munchkin. He is so adorable. And the acting. Wow. Just wow. Hatsoff.
For me this is not a story of love but if forgiveness and understanding that death in any manner kills the person and their family.
In's father had to live and die with the pain that he was the reason his son is dead. Korn's dad too lost his two sons and his family was never the same.
Their pain hits another level. Like Krit asks Pharm to forgive his dad. He has seen him suffering everyday, atleast in death, he wants to give his dad some peace.
It took the death of their sons to make them realize how small they were. They had to live with the fact that their beliefs were the reason behind their sons' deaths.
This should be adapted into all existing languages to make people understand that their beliefs are not the structure of society. We have built our walls and foundations on beliefs when they are just supposed to be part of what makes us human.
Now with all the closure Pharm and Dean can move on and live as themselves under no weight of their past while their red thread ties and bring them in closer and closer.
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seatawinan · 3 years
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I Promised You The Moon | Until We Meet Again
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meteorjam · 3 years
Crying more over Tharntype season 2 than UWMA feels illegal somehow
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I'm sorry but the fear I have of sharks is so real I can't even do this. Look how big that bitch is and this made me think of until we meet again and now I'm sad.
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multilingual99 · 4 years
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The babiest of all: Nong Perth.
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gunsatthaphan · 5 years
I tried to keep up with who was related to who I’m UWMA but I’m lost again! Can you clarify?
I get it, it’s really confusing haha. I was about to make a family tree by myself but then i found this and I think it’s very helpful! 😊 
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(credits to @sho0k3l) 
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mosbanks · 5 years
Perth name was Krit in the stranded too!
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Best Siblings Round 1: Korn & Krit & Kard (Until We Meet Again) vs Cairo & London (Gameboys)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Korn & Krit & Kard: "Maybe the least focused on siblings of the show, I think they actually do deserve a place in that Best Siblings selection. Korn, on top of everything going on with his father, always stands as a shield between his violence and his little brothers. He hates it, but he will sacrifice his dreams and aspirations so his brothers can follow theirs. And that love is entirely reciprocated, both Krit and Kard being here for him when their father hurt him, Krit ready to let go of his dream of becoming a cop to alleviate Korn’s burden, Kard naming his sons with the names both his brothers chose when they were young."
Cairo & London: "They've both had their fair share of trauma and a bit of a rocky relationship at the start of the series but as the series progresses, they find common ground. They put aside their differences and their arguments to rekindle their relationship. That scene where London teases Cairo about his relationship with Gavreel is PEAK sibling behavior!!"
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liyazaki · 2 years
Five of your favourite characters?
Oh* (ITSAY/IPYTM) has my whole-ass heart & he always will- he reminds me of baby Mor in a lot of ways. I also love me some emotional-equivalent-of-a-human-bulldozer (but well meaning) Teh. *PP Krit by extension/in his own seismically-iconic right.
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2. ohhh, Pran: my perfectionist, high-achieving, undercover feral beloved. he's so nuanced & Nanon's performance was incredible. another character I see a lot of myself in.
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3. no BL character takes me from zero to serotonin flood as fast as Shiwoon (Light on Me).
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4. I'm going to cheat big-time here & say basically every major character in UWMA. @flukenatouch & I have been having a weekly rewatch so it's fresh in my mind- asking me to choose one would be like telling me to pick my favorite child (I REFUSE).
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5. another cheat: AePete (Love By Chance) continue to be maybe my top favorite comfort couple of all time. I have no idea how many times I've watched LBC (just their parts) & I'm fine with never knowing.
the rest of the show is mostly garbage (TinCan's fine), so I don't know how MAME managed to make such tender, healthy magic with these two, but she really damn did (again- MAME made this? MAME. I-)
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honorable mention: Tankhun, Kinnporsche. yeah yeah, I just gave him an honorable mention in another ask, but listen: she is a hoe for a visual & he not only constantly serves in that department, he always knows what's up. if he had a talk show, it's all I'd watch (IMAGINE). #intankhunwetrust
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ask me my top 5 anything
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earthfluuke · 3 years
Ooh can I ask some uwma? Either DeanPharm in canon, InKorn in a AU where they live, or Manaow/Del? ☆
oh, anon. uwma is my weakness. ask & you shall receive.
if in & korn lived, they would've been THAT domestic couple.
(for the sake of my own sanity, we're going to skip their fathers being awful & say that they both managed to get out of that awful situation.)
they get their own place, probably somewhere more secluded but still close enough to the family members they actually care about.
i've always said that korn would've been a writer, and i stand by that. he's that stoic anime protagonist that actually writes the most romantic love stories.
they're inspired by in, because duh.
in is his biggest cheerleader; he thinks everything korn writes is amazing, and when he's stressed, he knows just what to do to cheer him up (see: shoulder massages, takeout, and kisses).
in goes into town to help his sister with his niece a lot. in LOVES babysitting duty. especially when alin starts having kids.
he has three new adorable babies to spoil!
and then korn has his two nephews of course.
he so brags about krit using the name he picked out for his son.
you know the way that korn gets soft for in? it's how he gets with baby pharm & phoom.
speaking of kids, i don't know if they'd have kids of their own. it probably would've made things more difficult for them. luckily they can take advantage of all the ones in their respective families!
in this au, dean & pharm still don't meet until college.
with all the bad blood that happened when in & korn were getting together, i just don't think the families would mesh well, so they don't ever meet up.
UNTIL dean & pharm get together.
they're the same adorable couple they are in the series, but this time, they have a gay couple to look up to.
and oh, how surprised inkorn would be to see those two babies together. in would love it, of course, because they make such a perfect pair.
korn would be happy for them, but there would still be concern there from what happened to him and in. he understands it's a much different time, but he can't help but be protective. he pulls them aside early on into their relationship & promises them that if they ever need to talk, he's there for them.
and they take up that offer, though for much happier reasons. they love to go over to their house for dinner. pharm helps in cook, so the food doesn't turn out burnt, and dean & korn watch them with the biggest heart eyes as the whipped men that they are.
send me a character or ship, and i’ll give you any head canons i have for them.
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itagakimizuki · 3 years
So, where do I even start?
First off, I finally had the time to watched I Told Sunset About You. This series when it first came out and I saw the hyped about it, I thought to myself why are people making such a big deal about this series? Its just another thai BL. Thailand makes tons of bl stories in a year so what is it so special about this one so I hold it off and actually didn’t even wanna watch it at all. Then, I ran out of series to watch but ITSAY was always at the back of my head so I finally told myself okay let’s give it a try. Dang! First episode got me hooked right away. I was kinda blown away by the storyline. I liked the oldies cinematic vibe of it. It feels like I was watching more of a movie than a series.
Moving on the storyline, it was very interesting to me. Not that it was such a new thing for me but for a thai bl, it kinda was. Very different to what I was familiar with watching from the other thai bls (especially those on YouTube) and not that I’m trying to compare and pointing out flaws on one or another but I could tell that this production took a lot of preparation. In terms on the acting and setup you could really appreciate all the details they put into it. It wasn’t a typical storyline that started with university life and all of that we were familiar with but this is more from a younger age where we don’t get to watch very often.
This coming of age kinda genre is always interesting to watch if they know how to arrange the storyline. This was also my first time watching both Billkin and Krit’s acting so I was kinda moved by their flawed characters. How they both tried to dealt with their self discovery, how they would accept themselves and also one another and so on. I would always prepared to shed a tear in each episode as it was always an intense rollercoaster of emotions. I don’t wanna dive in to much explaining the storyline here because I feel like if you read about it beforehand, you won’t get to feel the emotional way of the story. My best advice is just watch it!!! and you’ll probably won’t regret it!! because I certainly didn’t.
Now that the second part, I Promised You The Moon is out I’m kinda excited to watch it too because Goy who is also one of the screenwriters for the series is also acting in it. also, that handsome actor from UWMA (the one who owns a restaurant or cafe? can’t remember) yeah him! Oh and also Oab (watched him as Joey on The Stranded) so the lineup is pretty interesting. But I gotta say when I watched the trailer I’m not liking what i saw. It looks more intense than the first part and I’m kinda not prepared for the ending because I got a feeling it will not end in a oh happy ending yay way you know? So I guess I just gotta go with the flow.
Everyone is open to drop a message or anything if you wanna say something about the series. Have a great day!
PSSTTT post coming on next is gonna be about HIStory 4!
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foralleternityidiot · 4 years
Music Shuffle Tag Game
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people! No skipping!
Tagged by @thepurplemu24 i only just saw this. i’m usually on mobile and we all know how notoriously bad mobile is at giving us all the notifications. 
I’m curious to see if ANY songs in English come up or if it’s all Thai and Kpop. (Ps. I use Youtube Music so I’m gonna put on My Supermix which is what Youtube thinks I want to listen to based on the algorithm). Here goes...
Sofia - Clairo (I like this song but I never knew what it was called. I think I’d heard it mostly in tiktoks).
Tucked - Katy Perry (I’ve never heard this song before. I’m not partial to much KP music tbh).
Hellevator - Stray Kids (I’ve been trying to get into Stray Kids lately so it makes sense Youtube would offer this up to me. I haven’t come to a decision on whether SK is for me yet though)
วังวน (BOXX FROM HOME) - SERIOUS BACON (I’ve not heard this song or band before. This is more along the lines of what I listen to on average, but lately I’ve been into more upbeat music and have been listening to a lot of kpop.)
WHY R U? - MEAN (Honestly, Youtube tries to make me listen to this song EVERY DAY and I skip it EVERY DAY. It’s probably one of my lesser favorite BL songs, but Youtube wont let it go)
เข้าข้างตัวเอง(อีกแล้ว) - ETC. (Another Thai band I’ve never heard before. I thought this was supposed to be My Supermix, not My Discover Mix. This song was too ballade-y for me, but it was nice)
딱 좋아(Just right) - GOT7 (Fun story: GOT7 was my first introduction to kpop. I hold a special place in my heart for them. My middle school students (my first ever students) were OBSESSED and asked me to play GOT7 every day during independent work time. This was back when GOT7 had like 4 songs and I LOVED EVERY SINGLE ONE. Also this song is also a bop.)
ห้ามไม่ไหวแล้วใจ (Ost. Why R U The Series) - Earth Patravee (Of all the BL soundtracks, Youtube is obsessed with this one and honestly I really only like one or two songs. This is not one of them. Why is this OST constantly shoved at me, Youtube? Why not UWMA or Love Sick... the ones I endlessly ask for?)
Blood Sweat & Tears - BTS (NOW WE ARE TALKING!!!!)
Overall, not impressed with My Supermix tonight. No Boy Sompob, no Getsunova, no Scrubb, no Blackpink, no Hayley Kiyoko, no Red Velvet, no TXT, no Taylor Swift, no...
So I realized that I only switched to Youtube Music relatively recently. I’ve been using Apple Music for much of the last year. Here’s a quick rundown to see the difference (this is a much more accurate list imo):
กรุงแทรพ (feat. 1Mill & Diamond) - Ben Bizzy
โดยไม่มีเธอ (REARRANGE) - Ton Thanasit
พรุ่งนี้อาจไม่มีฉัน - Palmy
เศษส่วน (Acoustic Version) - Getsunova
Feelings - Hayley Kiyoko
I Think Ur a Contra - Vampire Weekend
Let Go - BTS
Magnolia - keshi
Wildest Dreams - CARELESS & Nadine Lustre
Before I switched to Youtube Music from Apple Music, I took a detour to Spotify for a bit and I’m curious now to see which music app knows me best. So here is what Spotify thinks I want to hear:
Dynamite - BTS
กีดกัน (Skyline) - Billkin
Savage Love (Laxed - Siren Beat) [BTS Remix] - Jawsh 685, Jason Derulo, and BTS
อยู่กับฉันก่อน - Funky Wah Wah and Tape
ถ้าเขาจะรัก (ยืนเฉยๆเขาก็รัก) - First Anuwat
YOUniverse (จักรวาลเธอ) - นนน กรภัทร์
The Luckiest Boy - Boy Sompob
สมองสั่งการช้า (DELAY) - Non Tanon
หรูเหอ - PP Krit
At the end of the day, I’m pretty happy with Youtube Music. Apple Music probably knows me best because it’s been tracking me for the longest and has the widest variety of my tastes, but it’s an additional expense that I don’t feel like paying. Spotify seems to have figured out my currently musical taste very quickly and honestly I would probably stick with them if 1) the app functioned better and 2) it wasn’t for the extra cost. Youtube Music actually works miles better than Spotify and Apple Music and since I already pay for Youtube Premium it’s included. So I’m gonna spend more time fine tuning the algorithm to stop giving me the WHY R U? OST already!!! Also since I’ve been writing this final though summary, Youtube has given me the auditory delight of SIZZY X NANON’s Plean Ka Nan Pen Fan Dai Mai (Love Score) which is just *chefs kiss*. 
If anyone wants to do this go for it. I’ll tag a few people: @linameka @spookshowenilorac @marvelous-me-always @that-bl-bitch @thehuns-bubble-tea @you-had-me-at-bl and seriously anyone else.
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meteorjam · 3 years
🏆 and 👬 (side couple) and finally 🌄
🏆 a recent release you enjoyed
okay I already said Light on Me but another one would be Be Loved in House: I Do. I miss that show a lot.
👬 favorite side couple
I said before that my first fav is ManType probably but second fav has to be Jack and Zhao Zhi
🌄 your favorite scene of any BL show
Another favorite scene of mine would have to be in uwma when Korn Kard and Krit are just talking about Kard's future kids and what to name them and they're just messing around and having fun. Gets me every single time I watch it.
BL Ask Box Meme
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