#kul’zak mcd
krabkrab-wontshutup · 6 months
I came to a realization about My Inner Demons the aphmau series.
the daemos + ava? theyre the divine warriors from mcd. theres six of them and ok hear me out. Ava is irene obviously. Rhys is Enki (the keeper), Pierce is Esmund (the protector), Asch is either Shad (the destroyer, opposite to irene) or Menphia (the fury). Noi and Leif could go either way, they could each be Kulzac (the wanderer), but Leif could also be Shad. 👍
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The Divine Warriors and their sins
Irene: Pride .. Holds herself in a high position, self appointed leader.
Shad: Envy .. Jealous of Irene and the praise she receives, jealous of the life she’s lived, self pity king.
Esmund: Sloth .. Doesn’t often use his full abilities, preferring not to get involved.
Menphia: Wrath .. Quick to anger, slow to calm.
Enki: Greed .. Keeper of more than just knowledge.
Kul’zak: Gluttony .. A taste for wine, mead, ale, you name it.
Xavier: Lust .. Irene is his entire being, everything he lives and yearns for. He exists to love her.
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what songs do you associate with each of the Divine Warriors?
i have playlists for all of them but i’m only gonna use the ones that remind me of them the most (and a reason why)
also i do talk about cannibalism and some other gruesome + toxic stuff in this post so read at ur own discretion :3
Irene - Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives. Like I mentioned in my last post, Irene is fucked up, and she knows it. She knows the things she does are not okay and down right awful in some cases, she knows shes not a sweet girl like many thinks she is, and she dosent care. Shes a walking red flag telling you shes a red flag. I feel like everytime she meets someone that she gets intrested in (example, the divine warriors) she always comments how she will ruin them if they stay, warning them of who she really is but they never really lisent till it’s too late.
enki - Cassandra by Florence + The Machine. Enki is full of tragedy, thats not even a question. She exists in the cursed form that he is in order to pay for her mothers sins of cannabalism. Not only that but Enki has the ability of being able to look into the future aka being an oracle. No one believes Enki because they(the mass populace of where he lives) think of them as a monster born of evil. Enki has these haunting visions of the darkness in the world, the good, the bad, and no one belives them because of the fact they were cursed. The entire song is just so aaugh and reminds me on Enki so much.
shad - I, Carrion (Icarion) by Hozier. Shad in my rewrite has been becoming a very melancholic person. Someone who wants and longs but cannot give in to those feelings. Someone who is curious from a place of genuine intrest, unlike irenes often cruel curiosity. The song is a love song, its about finding someone who seems to change the world for you, in Shads case it being Irene and then the divine warriors, and wanting to lean on that feeling but knowing that you could also fall because of it, but willingly to balance both possibilities and taking the risk, which is when the start of Shads ‘downfall’ starts, with taking the risk for the sake of love.
esmund - Wait by the River by Lord Huron. from the start of the song, it talks about waiting for someone till you are dead and gone. Esmund is an incredibly loyal man, he lisents to orders and obeys them because of the love he has for the divine warriors. They are his family now. In my rewrite he gets asked to stay behind and protect some people, and he does, but the only person who comes back is Enki.
kul’zak - rule #14 - Fiddler’s Heart. Kul’Zak is, ofcourse, a nomad. He’s never really settled down anymore, not even after he first met irene. The two of them would travel from place to place, Kul’Zak playing his fiddle and instruments like the bard he was and irene joined in, singing with him or dancing to his music all while exploring the different sides of humanity and learning about people and what makes them tick. Kul’Zak is a bard and a flirt, the type of guy who would never willingly settle down with anyone because he would much rather continue to explore till the end of his days.
menphia - burn your village by kiki rockwell. menphia is, for lack of better word, a bad bitch. she is deadly, she is precise and she does not mess around. she is not your martyr, she is not the sacrifical lamb and she makes sure that is clear. menphia is a highly trained killer, and a ruthless one too. she fights for what she wants to fight for, and she’s just as much as a wild card as irene when it comes to trying to figure out her true intentions.
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pheonixdrop · 2 years
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The wanderer.
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dewdropdive · 1 year
My focus has been pulled from all the divine warriors to specifically Menphia, Kul’zak and Enki and I LOVE IT
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sillybillyguysyall · 6 months
I genuinely love Irene, from the little we know about her it paints such an interesting story.
Irene knows no love, and I love that about her.
Love has so far damned her, she was in love with Shad and in turn Shad was in love with her. Despite that, there was no peace for they always fought, Shad being the antithesis to Irene. She tried everything, but nothing worked to stop destruction. Then you had Kul’zak and Esmund who were also in love with, but presumably she didn’t love them back. That probably destroyed her from the inside out. Irene doesn’t love because love is the reason why everything went wrong. Irene most likely genuinely wants to help everyone, that’s what she set out to do in the beginning. Though the care that she displayed is exact reason of her down fall.
The same exact thing is happening with Aphmau in MCD. Aphmau may or may not be in love with Garroth and/or Laurance in the beginning. That isn’t important, what is that this loved caused most of later events of season one to happen. Laurance likely wouldn’t have become a shadow knight ( probably debatable.) Garroth most likely wouldn’t have given into Zane. There is also an argument to be made that he might’ve not stayed behind, but I think he would’ve since he is “the Protector.” Then in season two love costed Aaron’s life, leaving Aphmau alone with their child. Love is costing Aphmau people, and it’s a really just a ticking time bomb until she breaks.
Her conversation with Alexis about love is really telling (I don’t remember the episode, but it’s season two near the beginning.) Its about people loving them, but not knowing what to do. Alexis expresses her feelings and how she fell out of liking Malachi and Levin romantically. Though a reason for this is it becoming too much. This parallels Garroth and Laurance, Aphmau expressing a similar sentiment. Aphmau is overwhelmed with love and it shows. She doesn’t know what to do with it, and lets it run it’s course ( feel free to disagree with me on this, I might’ve missed a lot.)
If season three was finished I like to be believe that it would end with Aphmau losing her ability to love just like Irene did. After killing or possibly reincarnating Shad she would lock herself back in the Irene dimension. Explains why she disappeared after awhile as her daughter Aline explained.
All this to say is that I believe that Irene has put herself in a constant loop of falling in and out of love. Then eventually losing all of her emotions in the process. Irene’s origins are already murky to begin with, and I’d like to believe that she had a past before Irene. Perhaps she even had more, which all ended the same way. Everyone around her loving her, but this love causing destruction. It’s a constant cycle as Irene tries to find a time where she can love and it won’t cause destruction. It’s tragic and that’s why I love it, Irene as much as she cannot feel, she desires to.
That’s my silly little interpretation of Irene :) I probably missed a lot of things since it’s been like 3 years since I’ve watched the series, but binge watching will be great. Oh and I also might be wrong on a lot of this. Also second disclaimer I did not watch MyStreet in full.
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chronic-reveries · 5 months
MCD Headcanons:
-Laurance and garroth are 100% Malechi and Levins father figures
This isn’t even a HC imo but malechi is laurances adopted son and levin is garroths and that’s all there is to it honestly
- Travis is flirty completely by accident.
Due to his isolation from the village for their own safety, Travis had to find other ways to spend his time. Eventually, he started reading various books from his mother’s old collection as well as from various townspeople and the occasional abandoned ship. Most of these novels just so happened to be romance novels and as such he began to start speaking like the dialogue in the books he read. He obviously knew the townspeople didn’t speak like his books had, but they were the closest thing he had to an outside perspective given the cursed seas and the demon warlock kept him there. So it’s no surprise that he used the same flirtatious personality he had developed upon meeting both Aphmau and Laurance. Later along the line he just kept it up because it was funny to him. (Later season 2 goes against this and I’m well aware but I just try to think the best of Travis)
-the jury of the nine willingly surrender themselves to memory suppression magicks
In s2 ep34 Katelyn says “he wasn’t even supposed to keep his memory of Abby, but he did and look where that got him.” I’d like to think that this implies that most jury members allowed Zane to use memory suppression on them that also makes it so members aren’t emotional so that they aren’t vulnerable. Unlike most members Jeffory did not undergo this process as it’s not entirely mandatory but Zane likely strongly suggested it. However because he knew Abby would be utterly alone without him, Jeffory refused to allow his memories to be repressed. Other than Jeffory, all other jury members did undergo this process but it only lasts as long as they are a member of the jury. Hence why Katelyn slowly became more and more emotional post losing her position.
- Janus the Silver Death uses They/He pronouns
When Katelyn talks about Janus in season 2 episode 79 she fluctuates between they and he pronouns. There was a fluctuation between the two and I’m not sure if it was on purpose or not as like a writers choice, but it happened enough times for me to conclude that Janus uses They/He pronouns <3
-Katelyn and Ivy dated
In season 2 episode 91 ivy says “did you miss me love?” And while she says things like darling to anyone using specifically love stuck out?? Idk? But if they dated it was definitely for a short span and with a messy breakup that was likely caused by ivy taking things way too far. She also further added onto this behavior post breakup.
-Lo is the descendant of Kul’Zak or Menphia
I know Lucinda looks a lot like Menphia in a lot of ways, but honestly with Lo accompanying Aph to the Tu’Lah region and it all lining up the way it did it makes sense? Honestly though I don’t feel like he aligns with her title of the fury which is where kul’zak comes in. His title was that of the wanderer and honestly I could fully see Lo meeting that title, but that’s just about all I can say for him. Maybe there was more we never knew? Maybe his defense of his girls was representative of his “fury” but honestly it’s up for debate. I definitely believe he was tied to one of the relics though in some way shape or form.
Finished my MCD rewatch and heres everything I made HC’s for from season 1 to season 3 🎀
(I don’t make these often but I wanted to write these ones down)
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While scouring the MCD wiki I cam into a fun issue. The Aphmau gang found a tomb that was essentially laid out to be Kul'Zaks tomb. The man's corpse and everything. Season 2, episode 68. It is also where they found the relic fragment that allowed Aaron to eventually open the gate to the Irene dimension. So now it's time for an opinion.
Do you think that after Kul'Zak partially ripped out his relic (making it partial because the only way to remove a relic is by death or Irene) that Irene, Enki, and the current reincarnations of Menphia and Esmund planted a cover up?
I’ve never thought about this before.
I think the idea of Kul’Zak trying to remove his own relic is cool.
Idk how to explain it well, but I’ll try anyways.
IIRC, Kul’Zak is the only one that canonically objected to what happened to Shad. Shad, who wasn’t just turned on by his friends, but had both his relic, and his body, torn to pieces to keep him weak.
I can imagine that sort of thing happening to your friend whilst you were powerless to stop it could be minorly traumatic. Why would you want to keep a reminder of what had happened embedded within you? Removing your relic in that situation would work well.
Snd I do think that’s something the other DW would really want to cover up if they knew about it. Enki would likely be away tending to ‘oh fuck gotta spread my friends relics and organs around the continent’ duties, but the others would for sure do all they could to prevent anyone finding out what happened to Kul’Zak. Even if it meant making it seem like it was a Shad-related injury.
However, I also like the idea of the relic fragment being Shad’s. In defence of his friend’s honour, Kul’Zak doing the most he could to keep some part of him safe and respected. No one would desecrate Kul’Zak’s tomb after all. So that way, he could not only protect that one part of his friend’s existence that he could, but he’d also get to keep him with him.
But that’s just bc my relic is heavily Shad-Centric, for a number of reasons. But I do love the idea of them being pals. Realm-travelling broskis vs the world, you knows
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aro-laurance-zvahl · 2 years
Send me that laundry list, I need it!!! Please :3
Alright!!! This list is very much not final and definitely Way shorter than it should be, I really gotta get to my rewatch so my knowledge is better than Fuzzy but here are my bare bones changes!
The Much Needed
Kawaii-Chan rework
Aaron’s arc rework
Establishing some sort of clear timeline for season one, my thoughts being somewhere around 3-4 years
Explaining or writing out certain Minecraft Mechanics like the golden lassos
Patching plot holes and retcons
Characters won’t get boiled down to their attraction to other characters
Garroth won’t be fucking racist????? Because that’s apparently a thing??????????
Garroth will also grieve Zane
A more clear magicks system
The Personal Preference
It’s not really a Change and more of a choice but OG MCD canon takes priority over Rebirth
My endgame ship is Garroth/Aphmau/Zoey
Lillith Garnet is not adopted by Aphmau and Aaron, instead just Aphmau (and later Garroth and Zoey) so she starts off as just Garnet
The Ro’Meave brothers all have magicks in their blood from Zianna’s side of the family. Vylad having magicks, Zane being adept with it, and Garroth not having much of any skill with it until certain events
Aaron will have No Romantic Feelings for Aphmau at all
Aphmau a very capable woman from the get go
I’ll Make It Fucking Work
Garroth betrayal arc overhaul (I have a post about it, he’s instead a somewhat unwilling double agent under Aphmau’s orders)
Aromantic Laurance
Aphmau not being Literally Irene
Whole rework of the Divine Warriors really (fun fact I cut out Kul’Zak)
Laurance sacrifices himself to save Garroth from the Irene Dimension + Kill Zane
Laurance is Shad’s true vessel
Garroth and Laurance’s greatest fears being more intense during the scene at Malachi’s castle
Garroth’s face reveal happening when he’s fighting death after Zenix shot him (Doctor Doctor needs access to his top half, tbh this should probably go in the much needed category)
Garroth will see Zenix as a little brother instead of a son
Laurance’s eyes change color because Shad replaced them to match his old eye color
I think I’ll make Leona biologically Zane’s
Garroth and Azura actually had a thing but the circumstances weren’t great and Garroth’s mental health was kinda at a low so it’s like something they cherish but know isn’t something to go back to
Garroth has Laurance’s sword post his death
Laurance’s home village, from before he got taken in by the lord of Meteli, was destroyed by Shadow Knights. The only reason he wasn’t taken to the nether was because of Ungrth
I Would But It’s Not The Place
Trans Garroth
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d1n0m1te · 2 years
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“Kul’Zak the Wanderer….Human but not….Just what are they?”
Gotta love that funky moment where you are hyperfixated on a character in a series that is literally only ever mentioned like, one, and then never again so you basically oc claim ‘em and give ‘em better lore then the original creator :)
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imjustagayfish · 3 years
Honestly I think Vylad is the last Descendant of Kul’zak, from his dads side of course
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alcorian-cycle · 4 years
Divine Warriors' music taste
Kul'Zak - The Blasting Company, bluegrass, plays bad country music at 3 am to punish Shad and Enki for the screaming match they had last night at the exact same time of morning
Menphia - Hollywood Undead, and kpop. There is no in between.
Esmund - 10 cent emo bands like P!atD, and two (2) MCR songs (Welcome to the Black Parade and Teenagers). He listens to them because Shad does and Shad is Cool™️
Shad - Hollywood Undead, the Offspring, Skillet, knows the entire MCR discography start to end; hates that Esmund calls himself an MCR fan; they condemned him to the Nether for being an MCR gatekeeper :/
Irene - pop & kpop
Enki - Legally Blonde soundtrack
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I think he was meant to either represent or be the reincarnation of Xavier the Admirer.
Xavier’s only really mentioned once pretty early on( to my knowledge), around the time we meet Dante Malachi and Lucinda I believe.
It’s said that he was Irene’s right hand guard, loved her so so much (hense the title), she didn’t feel the same way (sounding familiar?), AND he was the one who created the guard system.
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the wanderer
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vylad = kul’zak makes sense i mean look at them
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green hair brown eyes
if the same logic used for garroth = esmund (they look identical) and travis = enki (again, identical), then vylad = kul’zak makes sense
idk if this rant made sense lol
i’m assuming you meant greens eyes and brown hair but yes absolutely
in all honesty i didn’t even realize kul’zak’s eyes were green because they are quite a bit darker than vylad’s but whatevs
i like that kul’zak’s missing eye and vylad’s covered eye mirror eachother.
it is possible that whoever kul’zak was “really meant to be” was just never shown to use before the series was cancelled or they just hadn’t decided yet, but bc of that WE THE FANDOM get to decide now >:)
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So I’ve been watching a lot of Blood of Zeus lately (aka i binged both seasons 1 & 2 in 2 days) and it got me thinking:
Part of what makes the Gods so powerful in something like Greek mythology is that no human is as powerful as they are. Very few humans have any otherworldly power and if they do they don’t usually meet the Gods power. (a very watered down explanation)
So, in the world of Minecraft Diaries, a world where it seems every other person has some kind of magicks they’re proficient in, what could make the Divine Warriors powerful enough to be considered Divine?
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