arkadiuszdanovski · 1 year
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Meridians (back) mixed technique on canvas by Arkadiusz Danovski, 50/150 cm , 2011 paris. www.danovski.pl
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scarynspace · 10 months
Can't open this app without getting horny.
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narasimhabhakti · 9 months
The serpent power is considered to arise from the unconscious state in mooladhara. This unconscious awareness then has to pass through different phases and becomes one with the cosmic awareness in the highest realm of existence. The supreme awareness of Shiva is considered to be seated in sahasrara, the superconscious or transcendental body at the crown of the head. In the Vedas, as well as the Tantras, this supreme seat is called hiranyagarbha, the womb of consciousness. It corresponds to the pituitary body, the master gland situated within the brain.”
— Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
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kfirerising · 1 year
The New Life that has Discovered You.
Some of you who are new to the Kundalini and I mean new by within the first 5 years of activating you're beginning to discover experiences that defy science and psychology and the forms of spirituality that insulate Humanity away from the truth of what is actually happening.
Kundalini means the two that are one and the one that is two. From a dimensional standpoint this means that instead of walking on and living within a single dimension you are now interacting with a dual dimension. This dual dimension experience is not typcally available to those who have not had Kundalini activated within them.
This dual Dimension has an infinite number of sub Dimensions within it. In either dimension there is great diversity of creation and consciousness that will, through its own intention and self will, reach out to the activating human.
Certain levels of these conscious forms of non-corporeal life will communicate with you. They will communicate with you in different ways. Some will use you as food or as a sustenance that they wish to have. Some will try to help you. Some will try to corrupt you. Some will take you prisoner. Many will make the attempt to take over your physical body and your mind.
These are the challenges that the duel dimensions will bring to us and this is why the ancients put so much focus on having a teacher who has been able to survive without being corrupted through the various interactions that can occur when walking within the two joined dimensions that are now a single Dimension through that joining.
Humanity on this world is quite blind. A 5 sense array of discernment is quite limited compared to the unlimited consciousness that surrounds the Earthbound human.
There are levels of protection that help those who have not activated their Kundalini. For those who have activated their Kundalini there are special levels of Education and of experience that will allow you to make a level of discernment regarding your participation. You will have no choice in whether or not you want to participate.
It is known that Earth bound blind humanity will respond positively to pleasure so this is often used to establish a relationship with Humanity. Without Humanity knowing the entire agenda. What they know the most of is the pleasure and because it's so nice they will not refuse it. They will respond positively to being strengthened. They will not respond positively to being hurt or captured or taken over. They will not respond positively to fear. Unfortunately many of these non-corporeal life forms enjoy feeding off of the fear that their presence, through terror, can produce Within the early Awakening human.
These areas of The Human Experience attract a certain level of Interest from different groups of non-corporeal entities that exist Within the one dual dimension. They will come to you without your permission. They will touch your body without your permission. They will manipulate your thoughts or your emotions or your endocrine system or your energetic anatomy the way they would like to see it manifest. They will do this of their own accord and train you and sculpt you based upon your response to the phenomena they produce. They have their own reasons for this as I have mentioned previously.
You have to decide what you're going to do in response to these types of beneficial and destructive incursions. You cannot kill what is not alive. You cannot hurt that which has no body. So the ways that we have been taught to protect ourselves on this world within limited Consciousness do not serve us within the expanded awareness of the singular dual dimension. You must understand this.
Your relationship to a deity that is worshiped within the Earth bound societies and populations may not have any effect upon the non-corporeal life forms that will visit you for their own purpose and with their own agenda.
You must know this and realize that you have not learned how to use your power. You don't have the patience or the attention span or the self-discipline to learn how to use your power. Because you have become so used to instant gratification this causes you to be short-sighted and lazy in your response to these types of phenomena. And so you must learn how to have self-discipline you must learn how to self correct you must begin a self-defined exploration of your personal power and how that power can be used to keep you from having to endure a constant level of uninvited visitation.
One of the first aspects of learning about your power is to practice the safety protocols. Kundalini safety protocols. When you practice these protocols you begin to refine your energetic expression and you begin to learn and attract certain levels of non-corporeal consciousness that are in balance with what the safeties are producing within you. As you practice these safeties you get stronger and stronger and you get more confident and more competent in what it is you're doing and why you're here and what is happening to you. I offer these to you for free as this is a Priceless gift. Just like Kundalini is a Priceless gift. Blessings to you all. -CHRISM
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les-cris-des-fendues · 10 months
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Niki de Saint Phalle "Kundalini"
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A. Lefevre "Charmeuse de serpent" (Détail)1900 - Bronze doré au feu
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Andrzej Malinowski
"La kundalini
lovée en cœurs d'arbre-vie
ouvre tes secrets"
La bouquiniste (Haïkus)
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turiyatitta · 6 months
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toyastales · 2 years
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Title: Am I Tripping? Artist: LaToya Cole (Toya's Tales) Medium: Acrylic on Stretched Canvas To purchase prints of my artwork visit https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-Am-I-Tripping/422485/10018223/view . . . . . . #trippy #trippyart #tripping #amitripping #toyastales #psychedelicart #pyschedelic #astral #astraltravel #kundalini #kundaliniawakening #alternatereality #portal #dimension #myart #inmymind #brainpower https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHr1c5OAYV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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battleangel · 10 months
Ghost In The Capitalist Machine
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The West, in service of capitalism and the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complexes, purposely severs the mind-body connection.
Just like corporate silos teams, departments and functions from one another within individual companies so that noone is ever really communicating and truly collaborating with one another, the West purposely silos your mind, body, heart, soul and spirit from one another so that nothing is truly holistically integrative and aligned.
This sets it up for it to be very difficult for you to ever experience your ego death, discover the true self, self-awaken, self-actualize, self-ascend, align and activate all seven chakras, open your third eye, experience a kundalini awakening, activate your pineal gland, receive esoteric downloads from the Akashic library and realize that what we call "reality" is actually a 3D three dimensional virtual reality videogame simulation of the actual real reality, which is the 10D ten dimensional dreamscape which we all travel to every night when we "fall" asleep and "dream", rapid eye movement "REM sleep" and "dreaming" is nothing but you shifting your consciousness via modulating your brainwaves and entering a meditative state that allows you to temporarily shift yourself back to the dreamscape from which you originated.
The 10D ten dimensional dreamscape is every possibility at one time, its the Big Bang, its traveling at light speed, its lush, its lurid, its visceral, its a kaleidoscopic explosion, its a constellation of lights, its walking through walls and walking on water, its falling endlessly through the sky without dying, its limitless, endless, eternal -- its your imagination.
Intrinsically, this just makes sense. We all know our mind and our imagination is the one thing that has no limits, no limitations, cant be controlled. We can think of anything we want. Thats all the dreamscape is.
We all originated from a kemetic explosion of source energy and love that created all of us at an infinity inflection point that, at the moment it happened, shot eternally into the past and into the future and in that one moment all living beings, aliens, humans, angels, creatures, unicorns, mermaids, sirens, vampires, werewolves, universes, star systems, galaxies, planets, nebulas, black holes, wormholes, suns, moons, stars, comets, asteroids, event horizons and supernovas were created in that one instant shot out eternally over all of time.
Our time in "reality" -- where I am typing this and you are reading this -- is very short-lived versus the eternity in which we have all existed in the dreamscape.
"Reality" is just a very temporary manifestation of our eternal energetic limtless selves as physical human beings and we are simply here to rediscover our true eternal selves by awakening, ascending, and self actualizing to our 3rd eye open selves after killing our own egos.
You have to kill your ego.
You have the ability to heal yourself from 90%+ of the physical and mental maladies and dis-eases.
But then that doesnt make Sudafed, Robitussin, Dimetapp, Vicks, Mucinex and Halls any money.
So, they suppress and sabotage your natural ability to heal yourself and natures ability to naturally heal you and invariably, no matter what the issue is, they are going to suggest a pill, a shot and/or a knife.
They wont ask if your gastrointestinal issues are being caused by anxiety at work, abuse in your relationship at home, stress from living paycheck to paycheck like 80% of all Americans, depression from being laid off and having your worker bee work slave identity obliterated, they wont ask how youre feeling emotionally and mentally, they wont ask when the last time was that you were out in the sun just to bask in natural sunlight, breathe fresh air, be near trees, walk barefoot in grass, they wont ask if you sit at a desk all week every week for 40 to 60+ hours chained to your desk non stop Slack email Teams Google Meet notifications non stop demands only getting up for a half hour or hour max to grab lunch from Wendys KFC Taco Bell Burger King McDs Sonics Arbys Chick Fil A Subway Five Guys before running right back to your desk the milisecond lunch is over for hours of useless masturbatory self-aggrandizing agendaless meetings noone actually needs to sit back down and work the rest of your life away...
They'll just grab a notepad, scribble an Rx for a chemical stimulant and laxative, tell you to try to drink more water then move on to the next patient on the assembly line.
Youre not a person, just a "digestive system thats out of whack".
Then they never try to get to the root causes of why its "out of wack" -- environmental, lifestyle, mental, diet, work, relationships, finances, social -- they just give you a stimulant and laxative and tell you to call them in the morning.
Most modern OTC medicine (Sudafed, Benadryl, etc) and pharmaceuticals (presciption medications) are toxic, synthetic, lab made, harmful, unnecessary and at the absolute most typically just temporarily mitigate symptoms without actually alleviating and resolving them.
A quick fix that isnt even a fix yet is relentlessly pushed on us from the literal time we are children.
Pop a pill, get a shot, get Tylelon from the school nurse, swallow your Dimetapp.
Pepto Bismol, Advil, Tylelnol, Excedrin, Bayer, Midol, Pamprin, Zyrtec, Allegra.
The relentless societal lie that modern medicine is the supposed answer and cure to all of lifes ills is simply to endlessly fuel and fund the OTC drug and pharmaceutical companies and industries to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
The vast majority of physical and mental issues and maladies can be resolved naturally through medicinal herbs & plants, essential oils, breathwork, regulating nervous & PSNS, regulating vasovagus nerve, daily movement, being in nature (natural sunlight + fresh air + trees) every day for 20 minutes to an hour, sound healing baths, mhz audio, self healing reiki, yoga exercises, stretching, meditation, journaling, daily creative expression, self reflection, introspection, drinking 64+ oz of water a day, eating fresh fruits & vegetables 80%+ of the time, minimizing meat intake, minimizing soda, juice, caffeine, cofee and alcohol, eliminating processed and prepackaged snacks, minimizing sugar, fat, sodium, gluten & dairy, avoiding toxic and synthetic chemicals, GMOs, pesticides, additives, preservatives & artificial flavors in food, drinks, household & personal care products.
Counterbalance constant indoor artificial unnatural lighting and indoor recycled unnatural air, air conditioning & heat which purposely and by design disrupts our circadian rhythym, depletes our melatonin levels, contributes to insomnia and sleep disorders by ensuring you go outside in nature every day for a walk whenever weather allows for 20 to 60 minutes a day to soak in natural non-artificial non-fluorescent lighting aka sunlight, breathe in fresh unrecycled air, be around trees, put barefeet in grass, go in streams if possible...🏞🏞🏞
Modern society purposely severs our connection to nature by keeping us penned indoors like animals at almost all times (home; school; work; cars/buses/trains; malls/theaters/restaurants/salons/stores).
We are either inside of a building or we are inside of an artificial machine on our way to a building 99%+ of the time and this is totally and completely unnatural, toxic, harmful, dangerous and deadly.
Nature naturally heals us as well as activating our own natural self-healing properties which is why they do everything they can to keep us penned up inside like animals at all times.
Attending school, working, streaming, binge watching, scrolling, social media, gaming, messaging apps, reality TV, sports, competition shows, malls, movie theaters, restaurants, stores, salons, cars, buses, trains, prisons, daycares, grooming everyone to expect and demand total comfort in environment at all times - 70 degrees air conditioning in summer & 80 degree heat in the winter -- anything and everything to keep us indoors at almost all times and never outside in nature.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) cautions against taking unnecessary antibiotics as most sinus problems are caused by viruses, which antibiotics don’t treat and even those brought on by bacteria don’t usually improve any faster with antibiotics, the agency says.
So, whats an alternative to antibiotics?
Ive had severe sinus, nasal and chest congestion all week. I havent been able to lay down comfortably or sleep for more than an hour at a time. I have also had a pressure headache in my sinus and forehead area. My chest is also extremely congested and filled with mucus and I have been coughing non-stop.
Is it time to get the Mucinex? Antibiotics?
2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in warm water and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Peppermint herbal tea with 1/4 tsp each of ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and cayenne pepper and a tbsp of honey.
Essential oils in a diffuser for 3 to 6 hours (2 to 3 drops each of eucalyptus, peppermint, orange, grapefruit, lemon & cinnamon).
Drink 64+ oz of water.
Blow your nose one nostril at a time, while pressing the other nostril closed, then repeat on the other side. Blowing both nostrils at the same time actually inflames and swells the blood vessels in your sinus which will actually lead to more mucus being produced and can also lead to a sinus infection.
What does traditional indigeous medicine have to say?
Ayurvedic medicine is traditional Indian medicine.
Similar to TCM (tradional Chinese medicome), Ayurveda teaches that physical maladies and diseases are a result of blocked channels or srotamsi just like TCM teaches that physical maladies and diseases are a result of blocked chi or life energy force.
Specifically, Ayurvedic medicine teaches that congestion issues are caused by a mind-body imbalance called Vata which is caused by several factors including excessive stress & changes in climate.
If you were alive this winter, its been hard to ignore that it was 80 degrees on Halloween and I am typing this on December 2nd and its literally in the 40s but the humidity is fucking 91%!
Humidity over 50% means too much of the airs moisture has dried up, the air becomes excessively dry and even indoors it will feel uncomfortable.
So, imagine 91% humidity.
Even with this ridiculous bullshit, nothing substantive is ever done about climate change, same performative bullshit, same pretense on social media, same capitalist excess that has killed millions of humans, made tens of thousands of animal species extinct, currently melting the polar ice caps and glaciers, causing more natural disasters, filling endless landfills, destroying endless rainforests, damaging endless ecosystems, polluting endless oceans, endless carbon footprints, endless fossil fuels, endless Congolese dying for cobalt for a fucking iPhone 15 noone needs, endless overextraction of earths resources, endless raping and pillaging Mother Earth, endless fast fashion landfills filled with SHEIN and Fashion Nova fits that were only worn once, endless landfills filled with Amazon Prime Day deals that were humped pumped and dumped after one use, endless oil and gas, endless coal, endless nuclear waste, endless food waste, endless methane gas, endless fuel emissions, endless highways to nowhere, endless private jets for no fucking reason, endless McMansions constructed, endless overfishing, endless sweatshops, endless exploitation, endless slave wage labor, endless child labor...
Vata mind-body imbalance caused by excessive stress & changes in climate cause symptoms including respiratory congestion, restriction and breathlessness.
I have had severe difficulty breathing this week to the point where it has woken me up as I was unable to breathe.
So...time to grab the Sudafed or Mucinex?
Notice the pattern in Western medicine that any doctor in the West asribes to:
1️⃣OTC medicine➡️
If symptoms not alleviated⬇️
2️⃣Prescription drugs➡️
If symptoms still not alleviated⬇️
If symptoms still not alleviated⬇️
4️⃣Gaslighting, feigned disbelief, frustration, half-assed suggestions about a "lifestyle change or two".
For every single issue no matter how seemingly benign or innocuous or how easily addressed by the one thing these Western doctors will never ask you: How do you feel NOT physically?
Western medicine dehumanizes and commodifies the human body in the same degrading and militaristic way that capitalism does.
Youre not a person, youre a worker.
Youre not a person, youre a digestive issue, skin rash, migraine, ulcer, sinus infection, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, acne, back pain, tedonitis, neck pain, shoulder pain, tinnitus, food allergy, seasonal allergy, cold, fibroids, hypertension sufferer...
Look at the body part in question, never the person that embodies the body.
There is no ghost in the machine.
This is why your gastroenterologist doesnt talk to your dermatologist who doesnt talk to your rheumatologist who doesnt talk to your ENT doctor who doesnt talk to your general physician who doesnt talk to your gynecologist who doesnt talk to your pain management doctor who never talks to your therapist, psychiatrist, counselor, psychologist or life coach.
Youre not a person, youre a body to be endlessly sectioned off into completely separate and siloed pieces, never to ever be put back together or considered as one holistic entity that is a whole being with not just a body but a heart, mind, soul and spirit.
All 3 "solutions" endlessly, pathetically and purposely pimped by modern Western medicine (OTC & Rx pill, injection/shot, knife/surgery) all have potential harmful and even fatal side effects, include toxins & synthetic chemicals and mostly just mitigate, lessen or temporarily alleviate symptoms at the absolute most and never actually resolve or solve the symptoms entirely nor address or cure the actual root cause of the issue.
Just like everything else in the West.
Crash diet, quickie Vegas wedding, quick nip and tuck.
Everything in the West is wham, bam, thank you ma'am.
Whats the quickest fix and solution where I dont have to miss work?
How do I drop 20 pounds in 2 weeks?
What will make my symptoms go away where I can still eat a Big Mac every week?
The quick fixes that Western medicine promises to us as our eternal salvation and proof of "modern medicine" actually provides nothing more than the most temporary of relief at absolute best.
Thats all the West is.
Quick fixes, bandaids and half-assed "cures" that dont actually cure a damn thing and never actually address the root cause of anything nor even eliminate or the symptoms.
Then its back to school, back to work, back to taking the kids to soccer practice.
Everything in the West is based on total and complete mindlessness.
Congestion can be caused by a cold, the flu, allergies, pollution, COVID-19, or even just dry air.
Like extreme humidity of 75% to 90% in wintertime in freezing temperatures and constant indoor central heating blasting obnoxiously throughout the entire winter season?
Similar to the migraines I had last year where I didnt call my GP for medication and instead I switched my cell phone and laptop to Dark mode, turned off all the lights in my apartment, got off my phone completely and just rested with the blinds shut and, for once, shut myself off versus the previous 15 years where I had been in corporate HR, recruiter at Dow Jones and Bank of America, career advisor at Yale University, owner of career coaching and resume writing business with 100+ executive clients, freelance recruiter...and the migraines cleared up on their own.
The digestive issues I had a few months ago I resolved by simply eating healthier (vegetarian 80% of the time - fresh fruits and vegetables - homemade salads & salad dressing, smoothies, oatmeal w/ flaxseed, quinoa & mixed nuts & 64+ oz of water a day + herbal tea), moving my body more, being outside in nature for at least 60 minutes a day every day and utilizing a stool to squat to eliminate versus calling my GP for a prescription or "referral to a gastroenterologist".
The severe sinus congestion that Ive had all this week where I refused to take Mucinex or Sudafed and, similar to the above issues, when I woke up today in the middle of the night because I literally was having difficulty breathing laying down, very similarly to the migraines and digestive issues, the sinus congestion issue is due to environment (24/7 indoor heat during the winter + extreme humidity of 75% to 90% despite it being winter with freezing temperatures below 32 degrees + dry air) and excessive stress (mind body imbalance) and, once again, the solution isnt OTC medication, antibiotics, nasal irrigation, OTC nasal spray or ENT surgery, the solution, as is the case 90%+ of the time, is natural remedies (vitamin C - fresh lemons + oranges; ginger + turmeric + honey + peppermint tea; apple cider vinegar + water + lemon; essential oils in diffuser; grapefuit seed extract; herbal tea facial steams).
Since physical and mental maladies and diseases are almost always rooted in a mind body imbalance, along with the natural herbal/plant/essential oil remedies, inner self healing is also key (self reiki, sound bath healing, breathwork, regulating nervous system & parasympthetic nervous system - PSNS, yoga, mhz audio, shadow work, somatic work, journaling, meditation, self reflection, introspection, movement, creative expression, stretching), healing in nature (being outside in natural sunlight, fresh air, trees, grass, streams every day) and healing with food (eating fresh fruit & vegetables 80%+ of the time, 64+ oz of water a day, eliminate processed and prepackaged snacks, minimize meat/dairy/alcohol/juice/soda/coffee/sugar/sodium/fat/caffeine/additives/preservatives/artifical flavors/toxins/synthetic chemicals/GMOs/pesticides).
Its also about doing inner work, addressing the mind body imbalances and aligning your mind, body, soul, heart and spirit.
Exactly what the Western medicine industrial complex, capitalism and corporate America never want you to do because once you do, you will self-actualize, and youll see all of the Wests bullshit for exactly what it is.
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vitoruemura · 2 years
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Kundalini awakening under a full moon . . #kundalini #kundaliniawakening #fullmoon #moon #kundaliniyoga #drawing #ink #sketchbook #illustration #desenho #ilustração #ilustracion #nanquim #lua #luacheia #yoga #lotus #snake #serpente #cobra https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj6bJkHg0XH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dkscore · 23 days
Chakras: A Journey Through the Power Centers of Energy Healing
Nestled at the base of the spine, the Muladhara Chakra, or the root chakra, is a symbol of our survival instincts, ambition, and self-sufficiency. This energy center, radiating a vibrant red, represents the earth element and is crucial for grounding. A balanced Root Chakra fosters feelings of stability and confidence, while an imbalance may lead to feelings of insecurity and frustration, indicating a blocked root chakra. Read more >>
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minavenera · 6 months
Ruhun karanlık gecesi: fiziksel acının imdat çekici gibi de görüldüğü bir gece olduğundan, sık sık intihar teşebbüslerine sebep olan, gece diye nitelense de günler sürebilen zaman dilimidir. yaşanılan noktaya ne kadar metotsuz ve hızlı gelinmişse acının şiddeti de aynı oranda yükselecektir. kişi aydınlığa bakıyor olsa da görememesi nedeniyle dehşete kapılması; yıllarca karanlıkta kalmış bir ruhun aydınlıkla bir anda karşılaşması nedeniyledir. zamanla göz bebekleri oluşan aydınlığa duyarlı hale gelecek ve kişi her şeyi tüm netliğiyle görmeye başlayacaktır.
Yaşadığım bu çalkantı ruhumun karanlık gecesi. Aydınlığa giden yolun son adımları. Kundalini doğuyor bende ne ben ne sen kalmış, bende Ondan başka bir şey kalmamış. Sevgim o kadar derin, o kadar büyük bir yaşam enerjisi var ki, enerjinin gücü beni ordan oraya atıyor, tek tek uyandırıyor her noktamı, gözlerim ışığa hassas uyandıkca alışmam zaman alıyor.
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adwaityoga · 9 months
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x-occulta-luna-x · 10 months
🟣 I have always been a spiritual person but with an inconstant practice. In 2020, I received the call to spiritual awakening. I decided to get back into drawing to help me wake up.
My art is a reflection of my awakening since 2020, my shadow work and now my channeling with my guides. Visual art is my most powerful means of communication. I make meditation and visualization tools to transcend and now, i would like share with you this work. My artistic work is not perfect but that's what makes it beautiful. I work with wooden pencils, watercolor and digital tablet.
I love oracle and tarot deck too. So, maybe i will share with you this part of me.😅
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Digital Art by me.
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pmohan · 10 months
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turiyatitta · 6 months
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